HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-06 Minutes 1-6 SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING October 10, 2006 Start Time: 7:12 PM Finish Time: 8:15 PM Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Dawn Longmire, Kathy McLaughlin, Marie Hammond, and Sheri Crago Absent: Terryl Tzikas, Roger Leetooze, Debbie Fernandes, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, VALERIE McCORMICK - Chairperson · Valerie has been speaking with Rob and he will not be attending the meetings this year, but he will attend the program meeting and be at the parade to help out. . Rob is unable this year to get a flatbed for the golf carts. · Valerie is asking Roger to make contact with the two Golf Courses that we borrow golf carts from. · Roger please contact Preston Transport about using a flatbed . Valerie has contacted 4BZ signs for prices on signs for Button Boxes o Just lettering on boxes $5.00 a box o Santa and lettering on boxes $6.50 a box o This price includes them putting the signs on the boxes o Marie made the motion to go with the $6.50 a boxfor the signs seconded by Dawn. All in favour - Motion accepted . Valerie has spoken with 4BZ signs regarding a 45th Anniversary sign for our float. The cost for two signs 8 feet X 2 feet on coroplast would be $275.00 for both signs. Valerie to check to see if it would be possible to be able to change the year on these signs. . Date to work on float will be October 21, @ 11:00. Valerie to inform committee via e-mail. . Valerie has been speaking with Nancy Taylor from the Municipality regarding a dirmer out for our Wrap Up Meeting. Nancy confirmed that this is fine as a Volunteer Dinner after the event, it was a past practice of ours as a Committee, and we are a self-funding committee. . A date for our wrap up dinner will be decided at our next meeting and restaurant . Permit has been completed and given to Terryl.. . Program meeting will be at Val's house on November 15th. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . Dawn made a motion to accept the Budget seconded by Sherri. All infavour, motion accepted TRACY BAYLEY-BUCKLE -Makeup . Terryl has completed the letter to forward to Reid's Dairy for drinks for parade day. . Tracy busy rounding up make up crew, she has one volunteer so far. DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Finers . ROTC sent paper work and was given to Sherri. . Debbie has all floats and fillers letters out in mail. . Postage bills given to Marie. DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Santa has declined photo on buttons. . David is working on a full face drawing of Santa for buttons. . Dawn is working with Pat Lange on Walking skirts, a Celtic theme for skirts. . No new costumes this year maybe next year. . Book of businesses has been given to Terryl, donation letters on disc. . New Flags - Val will speak with 4BZ signs regarding pricing for flags. We may require a Canadian, Provincial and 3 Santa Flags. ROGER LEETOOZE - JudgingIPosterslRogers CablelButtons and Button boxes . Nothing to report - absent TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary . Was absent from meeting. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . There will be an ad in this Friday's (October 13th)paper for Floats and Fillers at a cost of $340.70, ($290.70 for ad and $50.00 for colour). . Hoping to get ad in Community Corner of Statesman for Oct. II - Floats and Fillers and November 1 - Costumes. . Contacted both schools - Public and Catholic. . Will be contacting McDonalds shortly for ad on placements. . Article will be in paper October 27th for Costumes. SHERI CRAGO - Bands . Sheri has spent $4,000 so far for bands. . There are 6 bands confirmed. . Clarington Concert Band will confirm this Friday. . The bands to date are: o Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band o Durham Regional Pipe Band o Toronto Signals o Thrup'Nee Bit o Bowmanville High School o Central Public School NEW BUSINESS: . Nothing to report Next meeting Monday October 23, 2006 Room lC -7:00 p.m.