HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-10 Minutes 1-1 SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING September 10, 2007 Start Time: 7:15 p.m. Finish Time: 8:34 p.m. Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Dawn Longmire, Kathy McLaughlin, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Roger Letooze, Debbie Fernandes, " .:. Previous Minutes were accepted by Tracy, Seconded by Roger. All in favour - passed. VALERIE MCCORMICK - Cbairperson . Val received a letter from Ron Thompson, stating that he will be retiring as Santa. ~ Motion made my Roger to let Ron keep his Santa outfit. Seconded by Dawn. All in favour - passed . Committee would like to thank Ron for all his work as Santa by purchasing him a small token of our appreciation. ~ Motion made by Tracy to purchase a giftfor ROil in the amount of $75.00. Seconded by Debbie. All in favour -passed . We are now in need of a new Santa. There were three names brought forward. (Wayne Hodge, Rick Patterson, and also Jim Hutchison). Roger will call Wayne to see if he is still interested. Val will be contacting Ron to see if he has any names. . Pat Lang our Costume maker has also retired. Val called Pat and thanked her for all her hard work. ~ Motion by Dawn that we purchase a gift for Pat in the amount of $75.00. Seconded by Debbie. All in favour - passed . The Theme for this years Parade will be "Christmas Around the World". Dawn would like us to vote on the theme for next year's parade at the Wrap Up Meeting. . This year's Wrap Up Meeting may be taking place at someone's house or at Town Hall and have dinner catered, as it was difficult to have meeting and then dinner at restaurant. Difficulty in hearing people speaking. . Val's letter that was sent to Charlie Trim never went past Corey Welsh. Val to contact Sheri and talk to her. . New Volunteer - Dawn has a friend who is interested in joining the Committee. This volunteer will be working as the Volunteer Co-ordinator. Dawn will contact her friend to see if she is interested in this position. Val will train this position on the job. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer - (Val reported for Marie) . Books were audited again this year, last February 2007. . Books looked good, as there were no comments. . Balance in bank account - $17,376.07, and $5,000.00 in GIC. . Budget will be set at our next meeting. TRACY BA YLEY- BUCKLE -Makeup . Nothing to report. . It was also mentioned if Committee would be interested in purchasing Hoodies for the Committee members. Dawn and Val to look into this. DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers · Is still waiting to send out letters · Debbie also has some receipts for Marie, which will give to Marie at our next meeting. DA WN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes · Pat Lang has retired, as stated by Val. · Dawn is trying to find someone that will take Pat's place and make costumes at no cost, but this will not be happening this year. Dawn will try and find a replacement over the winter. . She suggested that this maybe the year to R-evitalize the flag carrier outfits. . Button Design - Val and Dawn to get together to discuss and get ideas together. . She also has some receipts for Marie, which will be given to Marie at our next meeting. ROGER LEETOOZE - Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes . Fax to Rogers has already been sent . There are some changes at the Legion and Jim Connelly is no longer President, but will still be organizing/selling buttons on Parade day. . Hats will need to be purchased. Val will purchase twelve for this year. . We will be using the same Poster as last year, but change the dates. TERRYL TZIKAS '- Secretary . No report - absent from meeting. KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . Kathy will be forwarding request to School Superintendents to ask that an ad be placed in School papers regarding Costumes. SHERI CRAGO - Bands - (Val reported for Sheri) . No band booked yet, but has received two calls from bands that were in parade last year. NEW BUSINESS . We will be discussing at our next meeting, Roger's wife writing a book on the History of the Parade. . Also, Val to speak with town regarding the traffic issue with the Bridge. When completion of this etc. Motion to end meeting by Roger, seconded by Dawn. All in favour - Motion Accepted Next meetine: Monday September 24, 2007 7:00 p.m. Library, room 1 C