HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10-20 Minutes SANTA CLAUS PARADE - MINUTES OF MEETING October 20, 2008 Start Time: 7:20 p.m. End Time: 8:25 p.m. Attendance: Roger Letooze, Kathy McLaughlin, Val McCormick, Debbie Fernandes, Dawn Longmire, Lisa Kowal, Marie Hammond Previous Minutes from September 22, 2008 were reviewed Passed by: Roger Seconded by: Debbie All in favour - PASSED Previous Minutes from October 6, 2008 were reviewed Passed by: Roger Seconded by: Debbie All in favour - PASSED VALERIE MCCORMICK - Chairperson . Val has 6 vehicles lined up for Parade Day from Roy Nicholls . Graydon Brown will once again pull the Santa Float . Roger to pick up battery for Santa sound system . Walkie Talkies have been booked from the Fire Hall, Val to confirm the Wednesday before Parade Day to have charged up . Old Fire Hall building is confirmed by Fred Horvatt to be opened up for Makeup and driver for our Float - Val waiting to hear back . Doug (commentator) cannot do Parade this year. Val has asked Val Gardiner to step in and is waiting to hear back from her. Mike will be there . Waiting to hear back from Gord Weir . Waiting to hear back from Ken Hockin . Santa called he can make it this year, will drop off Police Check, will reimburse him his money for this . Kraco Carpentry called will forward a donation this year Sue S1. John is confirmed to help Debbie this year at Parade and count money at the Legion . KATHY MCLAUGHLIN - Publicity . Ad in Clarington this Week regarding Costumes on October 24, cost to be determined TRACEY BAYLEY-BUCKLE - Make Up . Absent from meeting LISA KOWAL - Volunteer Co-Ordinator . Work is in progress. MARIE HAMMOND - Treasurer . Two drivers are booked . Has received eleven donations in so far at a total of $975.00 SHERI CRAGO - Bands . Still working on bands DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes . Letters are out for Donations · Royal Bank - Courtice has been advised that we will be arriving around 1 :30 p.m. on Parade Day to deposit monies · Pat Lange is not offended regarding doing costumes, also does not have time · Val to email Sue S1. John on things required to help with on Parade Day · Seven Pirate Costumes are in the works to be made · Button Design was decided at meeting. Dawn to email to Kathy copy of design to put ad in paper ROGER LETOOZE - Judging/Posters/Rogers Cable/Buttons and Button boxes · Clarington Project will hand out programs at beginning of parade · Motorcycle Group - CA V would like to wear their red shirts stating "Support Out Troops" Motion made to allow this group to wear these shirts Passed by: Roger 2nd by: Marie All in favour - passed · Mel Knocker (Oshawa Legion Pipe Band) - contacted Roger, he has passed phone number onto Sheri · On day of Parade please ensure all Golf Carts are returned to Old Fire Hall by 12:30 p.m TERRYL TZIKAS - Secretary · Absent from meeting DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers · Heard from Whitby Brass Band has forwarded onto Sheri · Has ten forms in so far · Post Office donation is from a draw and we did not win this year · Has not heard back from Harleys Next Meeting: Monday November 3,2008,7:15 p.m. (I have to pick up Eric from guitar) Motion to adjourn: Marie Seconded by: Roger ***VILLAGE INN has been booked for our Wrap Up Meeting *** under Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee 99 King Street West Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1 R2 (905) 623-4799 DATE: November 27,2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. We have booked the private room upstairs