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Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee
Thursday, March 25, 2021, 7:00 PM — 8:30 PM
1-289-274-8255 Canada, Oshawa
Phone Conference ID: 855 880 93#
1. Land Acknowledgement Statement
Meera McDonald
2 minutes
2. Review and approval of Agenda
Meera McDonald
2 minutes
3. Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
Meera McDonald
5 minutes
4. Communications — receive for information
Erica Mittag
5 minutes
• Durham Region Transit Commission — Social
Equity Policy
• Their Opportunity — Hear My Voice
5. Council & Community updates
Councillor Hooper /
10 minutes
Erica Mittag
6. Faith Days and Scheduling of Meetings
Erica Mittag
10 minutes
• Continued Discussion
7. Update on Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee
Meera McDonald
10 minutes
• Discussion re: new Chair
• Request to include section on Engage
Clarington Diversity Page re: Anti -Black
Racism Subcommittee work
• Questions for Virtual Event panelists
8. Symbols of Hate
• Working Group Update - proposal
Meera McDonald
15 minutes
9. Ideas for 2021 workplan
Meera McDonald
15 minutes
10. Other Business
Next meeting: Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. - Via Microsoft Teams
Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee
Thursday, February 25, 2021 7:00 PM — 9:00 PM
Microsoft Teams
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext 2131
Present: Councillor Ron Hooper
Sajida Kadri
Meera McDonald
Lyndsay Riddoch
Rajeshwari Saharan
Laila Shafi
Yasmin Shafi
Dione Valentine
Also Present: Erica Mittag — Community Development Coordinator
Regrets: Rachel Traore
The meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
1. Land Acknowledgement Statement
Meera McDonald read the Land Acknowledgement Statement
2. Review and Approval of Agenda
Moved by Laila Shafi, seconded by Sajida Kadri
That the agenda of the meeting of February 25, 2021 be approved
3. Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Moved by Dione Valentine, seconded by Lyndsay Riddoch
That the minutes of the meeting of January 28, 2021 be approved
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4. Communications — received for information
Community Development Council of Durham — Durham Black Community Lens
Erica Mittag shared the Durham Black Community Lens as coordinated by the
Community Development Council of Durham. This is the fifth lens put out that includes
statistics for Durham Region's Black communities. Committee to review and any
questions can be provided to Erica who can reach out to council for more info.
Black History Month Proclamation
The Municipality of Clarington proclaimed February as Black History Month. Social
media activities have been launched for the community. For internal staff, there was an
internal website complete with information, resources and details on virtual community
activities. High engagement has been reported.
5. Council and Community Updates
Council Ron Hooper shared:
• Budget approved 2021. 2.04% tax levy. Focus is minimum spending and make
every dollar count which is tied to the rate of inflation.
• As of January 18, 2021, a reminder that the Municipal Administrative Centre
(Town Hall) remains open by appointment only, as we continue to follow the
provincial stay at home orders.
• COVID-19 vaccine clinic will be held at Garnet B. Rickard Complex. There will be
8 sites across Durham Region, but they will take several weeks to months to get
started. There is a 3-phase distribution plan for the vaccine that is mandated by
the provincial government and we are still in phase 1 of the plan. Reminder to
keep eyes open and for further information go to COVID-19 Community
Resources - Region of Durham.
• Volunteer Appreciation week to be held April 18 — 24 and virtual event to be held
Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Community organizations are asked to submit up to 5
volunteer names to be considered. For more information, go to Volunteer -
• Clarington Action Climate Change targets to reduce regional emissions. 70
Clarington staff identified climate change risk and mitigation plans that had
impact to these services.
• Regional meeting was held February 26 and property taxes were assessed at
approximately $55 net increase based on an average property value of
• Region of Durham announced the appointment of Allison Hector -Alexander as
the new Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Regional Municipality
of Durham; she will begin March 15, 2021. Her background is senior director,
advocate, and policy professional who has worked in human rights, equity, anti -
racism training, anti-discrimination/oppression, and accessibility organizations —
within the not -for -profit and education sector —for more than 20 years. Erica
Mittag mentioned that Alison will be leading a virtual event as a Diversity
Advocate at the Clarington Library March 31, 2021.
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Erica Mittag shared:
• Recreation activities are slowly reopening with a press release scheduled for
Friday, February 28, 2021. Public and lane swimming, and spring programming
re -opening will be communicated.
6. Faith Days and Scheduling of Meetings
The Committee received a request from Clarington's Legislative Services Clerk's
Division to review a calendar of Faith Days and Observances to ensure Clarington's
Council and Committee meeting calendar does not conflict with any days of special
recognition. In some cases, it may be possible for a resident to attend to their matter on
an alternate day, but not necessarily in every case.
Members were asked to review a calendar and identify any additional days that should
be included, recommend any other changes to the list and share suggestions on how
conflicts could be handled.
A list of Faith Days will be shared with the minutes and the Members will continue the
discussion at the next meeting.
7. Update on Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee
Meera has been acting as Chair of the Anti -Black Racism Subcommittee. Per the terms
of reference, the Chair should be a member of the Diversity Advisory Committee. As
Meera is now the Chair of the Diversity Advisory Committee, she is wondering if another
Member would be interested in taking on the role of Subcommittee Chair.
Erica will share background information of the Subcommittee with Members to provide
some background and context to determine if it is something they would like to be
involved as. Members who are interested can connect with Erica and Meera
8. Statement on symbols of hate
Erica Mittag provided an overview of the history of this issue to date.
Members reviewed a draft motion from Council that would direct the Diversity Advisory
Committee to develop some recommended action items that could be considered to
provide weight to any proposed joint statement. This motion will be ratified at Council
on Monday, March 1, 2021.
It was suggested by Meera that a working group be formed to form a list of
recommendations and bring back to the Diversity Advisory Committee's next meeting
for review and approval. These could then be shared with Council for consideration.
That a working group be formed to develop some recommended action items and report
back to the Diversity Advisory Committee at the March 25, 2021 meeting. These action
items would then be shared with Council through a Staff Report at the April 19, 2021
General Government Committee Meeting.
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Moved by Laila Shafi, seconded by Lyndsay Riddoch
9. Ideas for 2021 Workplan
• Members reviewed a draft workplan for 2021 to 2022.
• Draft Work Plan has been updated with discussion comments and is attached to
the minutes.
• Erica to share information and City of Ottawa example of Diversity Lens with new
Members to provide background. Erica to share a draft Diversity Lens document
with all in advance of next meeting.
• Members can review draft workplan and bring ideas to next meeting.
10.Other Business — No other business updates
That the meeting be adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Moved by Yasmin Shafi, seconded by Rajeshwari Saharan
Next meeting: Thursday, March 25, 7:00 PM
Virtually — via Microsoft Teams
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