HomeMy WebLinkAboutA2020-0055 3 Pine Street Commentsc1twingwn Planning Services Committee of Adjustment Date of Meeting: November 12, 2020 File Number: A2020-0055 Report Subject: A minor variance application to increase to the maximum lot coverage from 30% to 36%, reduce the lot area from the minimum 550 square metres to 540 square metres, to reduce the side yard setback from the required 1.8 metres to 1.5 metres and to reduce the minimum landscaped open space in the front yard (soft landscaping) from the required 50% to 47% to facilitate the development of a semi-detached dwelling at 3 Pine Street, Bowmanville. Recommendations: 1. That the Report for Minor Variance Application A2020-0055 be received; 2. That all written comments and verbal submissions were considered in the deliberation of this application; 3. That application A2020-0055 for a minor variance to Sections 12.2 a. ii)., 12.2.1. b. ii) c)., c. ii). b., d. ii) of Zoning By-law 84-63 to permit an increase to the maximum lot coverage from 30% to 36%, to reduce the lot area from the minimum 550 square metres to 540 square metres, to reduce the side yard setback from the required 1.8 metres to 1.5 metres and to reduce the minimum landscaped open space in the front yard (soft landscaping) from the required 50% to 47% to facilitate the development of a semi-detached dwelling at 3 Pine Street Bowmanville be tabled for a period of up to 60 days, to allow the applicant time to adjust the building design to meet Public Works and Planning staff comments; and 4. That all interested parties listed in this report be forwarded a copy of Committee's decision. Municipality of Clarington Committee of Adjustment A2020-0055 Page 2 1 Application Details 1.1 Owner/Applicant: Perry Jackman, Hollee Homes Inc. (Agent, Bobbi Ann Brooks, Top Floor Design) 1.2 Proposal: Minor variance to Section 12.2. a. ii).,12.2.1. b. ii) c)., c. ii). b., d. ii) of Zoning By-law 84-63 to permit an increase to the maximum lot coverage from 30% to 36%, to reduce the lot area from the minimum 550 square metres to 540 square metres, to reduce the side yard setback from the required 1.8 metres to 1.5 metres and to reduce the minimum landscaped open space in the front yard (soft landscaping) from the required 50% to 47% to facilitate the development of a semi- detached dwelling. 1.3 Area of Lot: 541 square metres 1.4 Location: 3 Pine Street, Bowmanville 1.5 Legal Description: Part Lot 33, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington 1.6 Zoning: Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone and Neighbourhood Character Overlay in Zoning By-law 84-63 1.7 Clarington Official Plan Designation: Urban Residential 1.8 Durham Region Official Plan Designation: Living Areas 1.9 Heritage Status: None Municipality of Clarington Committee of Adjustment A2020-0055 Page 3 48 49 121 7J 50 51 96 1.28 51 2 98 30amv JYMM ANN STREET 58 127 60 W Lu :-1 CON:1 62 Ln 137 z ui � w fi = 139 88 Lin '141 PINE STREET CG 74 `" 112 W is 1 I� 114 11l J 14` - 115 14fi 116 1117 80 81 129 151 82 83 122 w BASELINE ROAD 150 MOTEL � 100 FJ� 102 �1 104 LOP 11 � � � 1418 Property Location Map (Bowman ville) ., _ Area Subject To Minor Variance u� 3 Pine Street, 6owmanville f 3 A 0 0-0055 Figure 1 —Location Map Municipality of Clarington Committee of Adjustment A2020-0055 Page 4 2 Background 2.1 In 2019, Land Division application (LD2019-0045) to sever the property at 112 Duke Street was submitted and approved by the Region of Durham Land Division Committee. Clarington's comments on the application indicated that the lands were deficient in lot area for a semi-detached dwelling and that the lands were within the neighbourhood character study area which may alter the existing provisions for dwellings once completed. 2.2 The owner of 112 Duke Street cleared Clarington's conditions; however, it is staffs understanding that the deed has not been registered to create 3 Pine Street to date. 2.3 In 2018 Council approved a Neighbourhood Character Study within the residential neighbourhoods of Elgin, Central and Memorial in Bowmanville. The study was conducted to address concerns from residents and Council with the compatibility of redevelopment or building additions in established residential neighbourhoods. Specifically concerns with overall massing (lot coverage), height, setbacks, and attached garages were reviewed through the study. 2.4 On July 6, 2020 Council approved Official Plan Amendment No. 123 and By-law 2020-050 to implement the recommendations of a Neighbourhood Character Study in the three neighbourhoods in Bowmanville. The result was a neighbourhood character overlay that provides alternative development provisions for the lands within the neighbourhoods of Elgin, Central and Memorial in Bowmanville to ensure new development is compatible with the existing development in these neighbourhoods. 2.5 The applicant has submitted a minor variance application to address the deficiency in lot area and to seek variances to the Neighbourhood Character Overlay for lot coverage, side yard setbacks, and soft landscaping in the front yard. 3 Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The property as it exists today an exterior lot, having an area of approximately 10,838 square metres and an approximate frontage of 17 metres on Duke Street. The lands subject to the minor variances can be referred to as 3 Pine Street (See Figure 1). 3 Pine Street will have a frontage of 26.9 metres on Pine Street and a depth of approximately 20 metres and an area of approximately 540 square metres. 3.2 The surrounding uses to the north, south, west, and east are residential in the form of single- and semi-detached dwellings. Municipality of Clarington Committee of Adjustment A2020-0055 4 Public Notice and Submissions Page 5 4.1 Pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 4.2 Staff has received one letter of objection at the time of writing this report. The letter of objection indicated that both the new dwelling constructed at 112 Duke Street, and the proposed semi-detached dwelling, are not in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood. The letter indicates that the neighbourhood study was completed to address new development and those provisions should be adhered to. The letter also notes that the proposed dwelling will limit the green space on the subject lands. 5 Departmental Comments 5.1 Clarington Public Works The Clarington Engineering Services Department has concerns with the proposed driveways being located adjacent to each other. The result is a 9.2-metre-wide combined driveway which does not meet Public Works standards. A 1.2 metre separation from proposed driveways is ideal. The driveways should be redesigned, or the dwelling design modified so the driveways are located on the outside of the dwelling units. 5.2 Clarington Building Division The Clarington Building Division has no concerns with this application. A building permit is required. 5.3 Clarington Emergency and Fire Services Department The Clarington Emergency Services has no fire safety concerns with this application. 6 Discussion 6.1 The subject lands are within an area that recently went through a Neighbourhood Character Study. The study resulted in a Council approved neighbourhood character overlay that provides alternative development provisions to limit the impact of new development on the existing neighbourhood. 6.2 Staff undertook a character analysis of the lands surrounding the subject site. The character analysis was conducted to gather additional information on the surrounding neighbourhood context and build forms and to inform how the proposed variances meet the intent of the Council approved character overlay provisions. Municipality of Clarington Committee of Adjustment A2020-0055 Page 6 6.3 Staff have been in discussions with the applicant and have arranged a meeting to discuss the proposal further to address the issues identified in the character analysis and the driveway concerns raised by Public Works. 6.4 Staff recommend tabling the application to allow for additional time to discuss with the applicant to find solutions to the issues identified above. 7 Conclusion 7.1 Given the above comments, Staff recommends tabling this application for a period of up to 60 days. Submitted by. Anne Taylor Scott, Principal Planner, Development Review Branch The following is a list of interested parties to be notified of the Committee's decision: Chris and Tara Vesters