HomeMy WebLinkAbout1115 A by-law authorizing construction of permanent pavement with curb and gutter on certain streets of the Town of Bowmanville. 7e � r , o ;,v 3 1 ' OO STRWT ION BY#mLAW 110 * 1113 ' • - - W WW"O w wnvr wrr weft"*"aNMve WON"abeft w r"0 80 we" �w "M D'"IAW to anthorLse the oon struotion of a permanent ' par►ea,+ t d wit ourb and gutter on QUeents Avenue from 'the south aide of Quoe� Street to the North side of Haynes Street and on Ragnes S tree t from the nest side of Qnsents Avenue to 272 .$' feet easterly as a Looal Improvement under the provisions of the WOAL VENUT ACT WHEREAS" the Goodyear .Tire and Robber oompazW of oaDada* kited, f and others have petitioned the Council to .00n strao t, as a i.00al Improvemest , the work hereinafter desoribed , and the 01erk has aortae Vied that the petition is sutffio l ent and It is expedient to grant the prayer of the petition in manner hereinafter provided o. THE RE�RE the Muni o ipa l C ouno i l of the , Corporation of the To of So anvi Ile, enao to as follows := . That a . pernw ent pev' swomt with o orb a gutter ; twenty- two • feet wide, be o on strao t ed on Qns en t s Avenue , from the south aid e of Qtte en Street to the North side of Haynes Street and on Haynes Street fr as the West Bids 'cif Queen'a Aveaute to 272 easter 7 ,� feet iy - a® a 200al Upr or em' dot under the provisione of the 100AL DeR0V9WM ACT .► 2.. The Rngineer ` of the Corporation F .0 . Palms,r do forthwith make snoh. Mane, profiles and speoifi,oations and i'arvish su+o h Info rid ae ma r be neoossary for the making, of a oo n traot fo r the execution' of the work. IV l . Ths work shall � b e •oarri od� ©z� and Oxe*ated under. the ' eaperittanims �A *no* it a000r d irg to the direoti on and orders . of such Eogin eer• 4* The Mayor and Clerk are authorised t o oause a oontraot for the. 4v oonst ruo ti on of the wo rk to be made an d 'en,tered into ' wi t h some person { 4 -or persons , firm. or vorporation , sub j eat to the approvai of the 0 Ouncil to be deolared by resolution , ; S . The Treasurer may .(ombJeot to. the approval of the Counoi . ) are+� g ,with any bank or person for temporary advanoes of money to meet the il oost of the work pending the o►omplet ion of it • x b . . speoial aseesement shall be paid by twenty annual. insta2mertte. u . The debentures to be i ssue' d for the loan to be effeoted to a � { .. y for the t of the work vihen oompl of ed ' shall tear interest at f ve t per cent per annm and 'be made payable within twenty yeare "on the , ,s : k, `. .:i£L= :'ia:., .. p a- .-- K ,. '4 _ Y'.<e:`a .a�i. `.:. _:•"r y.s51 f .,= # ,.: .h;y 1. -.•^4 ,a :. 13 r ' • PP ( r t r insta]ment p lam aid In settling the sum to be rats ed annula�.1�► to s the debt the rate• of interest on investmette shall, not be est it lted at more than four per o lent per annum o , Any person whose lot is speoiaily assessed may oommate for a ent inn oash the g eoial rates imp osod therew by paying the , a o rtlon of the oos t of oonstroo tion asoeseed upom saoh to t0 witb s p a out the interest forthwith after the speoial. Assessment �ol.l , has been o ertifl ed by the olerk, and at alai time thereafter by the 'payment of 'swo h earn as, when invested at four , per o ent a per z n= wi 11 provide an annuity saffio lent to pay the epee lal �aa ee for th'a =expired port ion of the term as they fall, due. , s the t h day of Jan ua� 192 6. • , PASSED � 9 � �. • �ii. '� i ' $GD Hot ate . t s,. {> or { GD) John,-Z le- j • a ` ;I H:RI�BY ' CERT IFYI THA ' the above 'I s a true , copy of By-?air 1d4 ZtiS p • ssnd by the bIvnici�)Al CrntnclI l of t hip, IT oven r i3owmanvi 1lp oil. 4 n , IW9 J 2 ' r!.`+ .,. ``/,' ,. i. - r anti•. ,, . _ , ri 1 ,. 'S'i 111 rl tlt If., fig., , , , T r - . r VU*LUME 3 -