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Energizing OntaHO
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held March 7, 2011
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held March 10, 2011
a) Certificate of Recognition — Sandra McBride and Dr. Wendy Korver,
Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic — Canada's "Clinic of the Year"
b) Foster Loucks, Chair, Deb Hammons, CEO and Karen O'Brien, Public Affairs
Officer, Central East Local Health Integration Network — Central East LHIN
DELEGATIONS (List as of Time of Publication)
There are no Delegations scheduled as of the time of publication.
Receive for Information
1- 1 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated
January 14, 2011
1 - 2 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
February 8, 2011
1 - 3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee
dated March 8, 2011
Council Agenda - 2 - March 28, 2011
1 - 4 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated March 15,
1 - 5 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Durham York
Residual Waste Project Energy- From -Waste Advisory Committee
1 - 6 Barbara North, Director, Spay Neuter Durham — Introduction of Spay Neuter
1 - 7 Clifford Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Regional Municipality of Durham and
Erin M. Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services, Regional
Municipality of York — Durham -York Energy from Waste Project Certificate of
Approval Application Submission
1 - 8 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham — Highway 407 East Extension
1 - 9 Mary Medeiros, Acting City Clerk, City of Oshawa - Highway 407 East
1 - 10 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham — Expansion of the Capital Gains Tax
1- 11 George F. Vella, Vella & Pratt, Barristers and Solicitors — Dredging of the
Bowmanville Creek
1 - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - 2011 Annual
Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study
1 - 13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Long Term
Strategic Property Tax Plan for the Region of Durham - 2011 Update
1 - 14 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Durham
Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) 2010 Annual Report and 2011
1 - 15 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Durham
Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) 2010 Annual Report and 2011
Receive for Direction
D - 1 Paul Slemon, Hands in Motion, Massage Therapy & Sports Injury Clinic - 2011
Terry Fox Run
D - 2 Leah Tanner, Fundraising Coordinator, Durham Region Unit — Canadian Cancer
Society - "Daffodil Month"
Council Agenda - 3 - March 28, 2011
D - 3 Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration - Newcomer Champion
D-4 Karen Bastas, Newcastle Business Improvement Area — Request to Hold a
Fireworks Display on July 1, 2011 at Newcastle & District Recreation Complex
D - 5 Mark Canning, Chair, Tyrone Community Centre Board — Request to Amend
By -law for Tyrone Community Centre Board Members
D - 6 Magda Kapp, Director of Communications, Braintrust Canada and Sharon
Sheperd, Mayor, City of Kelowna — 2011 "A Run to Remember" Event
D - 7 Thomas H. B. Symons, Chairman, Ontario Heritage Trust - 2011 Volunteer
Recognition Programs
D-8 Jon Hamilton, GM, Communications Delivery, the LoweMartin Group - 2011
Canada Post Community Literacy Awards
D - 9 Sophia Aggelonitis, Minister Responsible for Seniors - 2011 Senior of the Year
D - 10 Karen Bastas, Newcastle Business Improvement Area — Request for
Assistance - Canada Past & Present Event
D - 11 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Time of Day
Electricity Pricing
D - 12 Mayor John Henry, City of Oshawa - Proposed Oshawa Cogeneration Facility
D - 13 John Ennis, Government Relations Specialist, CAA South Central Ontario and
Scott R. Butler, Manager, Policy and Research, Ontario Good Roads
Association — Proposal to Have HST Gas Tax Revenue Dedicated to
Transportation Infrastructure and Maintenance
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 21, 2011
1. Confidential Report LGL- 005 -11 — OMB Appeals of Site Plan Application
2010 -007 and Minor Variance Application A2010 -0043 — Proposed.
Relocation of RBC Branch to 185 -195 King Street East, Bowmanville,
Applicant/Appellant: FCHT Holdings (Ontario) Corporation (To be
Distributed Under Separate Cover)
Council Agenda - 4 - March 28, 2011
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001 and other statutes identify general and specific
roles, responsibilities, actions and behaviours as a Member of Council for the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington;
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
approved an Employee Code of Ethics policy governing the conduct of Municipality of
Clarington employees;
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
determined the need to identify guidelines on the conduct of individual Members of
Council in carrying out their official duties that augment the roles, responsibilities,
action and behaviors determined by various statutes;
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
approved under By -law 2009 -163 a rudimentary Code of Conduct for members of
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington finds it
appropriate to develop a more comprehensive, simply- worded instrument to
communicate general standards of conduct to Members of Council and the general
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
enacts as follows:
That By -law 2009 -163 be rescinded; and
2. That the CAO by directed to draft a replacement Code of Conduct for Clarington
Council Members modeled closely on the Corporation of the Town of Ajax's By -law
Number 89 -2004 establishing a Council Member Code of Conduct.
Resolution #C- 128 -11 Regarding a By -law to Regulate Fine Particulate Matter
(Tabled at the Council Meeting of March 7, 2011)
2. Delegation of Kim Gavine, Executive Director, Oak Ridges Moraine
Foundation, Regarding Eight Different Reports which the Foundation is working
on Regarding the Effectiveness of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
and the Foundation (Referred from the General Purpose and Administration
Committee Meeting of March 21, 2011).
Council Agenda - 5 - March 28, 2011
3. Confidential Memorandum from the Municipal Solicitor — Host Community
Agreement (Referred from the General Purpose and Administration Committee
Meeting of March 21, 2011) (To be Distributed Under Separate Cover)
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Leading the Way
Council Meeting Minutes
MARCH 7, 2011
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 7, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the
Council Chambers.
Councillor Traill led the meeting in prayer.
Present Were: Mayor A. Foster
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor J. Neal
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor W. Partner
Councillor C. Traill
Councillor W. Woo
Also Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Present: Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison
Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella, attended
until 9:18 p.m.
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana, attended
until 9:18 p.m.
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome, attended until 9:55 p.m.
Director of Operations, F. Horvath, attended until 9:18 p.m.
Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid, attended until
8:06 p.m.
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor, attended until 9:55 p.m.
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources,
M. Marano
Director of Emergency Services /Fire Chief, G. Weir
Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming,
attended until 9:18 p.m.
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor Neal indicated that he would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect
to Item #9 of Report #2.
Councillor Novak announced the following:
• She attended the Official Grand Opening Public Auction of vehicles and
equipment at Manheims on March 5, 2011.
Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - March 7, 2011
• She attended the Durham Region's Waste Fair on Saturday morning held at
the Courtice Community Complex.
Councillor Neal announced the following:
• He addressed the Courtice Rotary Club at their meeting on Friday, March 4,
• He also attended the Durham Waste Fair on Saturday. He noted members of
DurhamClear, a citizen's environmental lobby group were also outside the
• On Saturday, March 5, 2011, he attended the Mardi Gras Celebration at
Newcastle Town Hall.
• On Sunday, March 6, 2011, he attended a Ladies Tea hosted by Bev Oda at
Trinity United Church in recognition of the 100th Anniversary of International
Women's Day.
Councillor Hooper announced the following:
• This past week he represented the Municipality along with Councillor Partner at
the ground breaking ceremony for the new Canadian Tire store, east of the
Wal -Mart. Councillor Hooper noted the new store will be one of the largest in
Durham Region and that it is anticipated the store will open in the fall of 2011.
• On a personal note, Councillor Hooper congratulated his mother on celebrating
her 85th birthday on the weekend.
Councillor Partner announced the following:
• Last Monday, she, along with Mayor Foster and Councillors Woo and Hooper
attended the Newcastle /Bondhead Ratepayers' Association meeting.
• Last Saturday she attended the ribbon - cutting ceremony for the new Shoppers
Drug Mart in Newcastle.
• She advised International Women's Day is celebrated annually on March Stn
with thousands of events held throughout the world to inspire women and
celebrate their many achievements.
• She extended birthday greetings to Wally Boughen, the Unofficial Mayor of
Newtonville, as he celebrates his 80th birthday this Sunday with a celebration at
the Newtonville Church.
Councillor Woo advised of the success of the Lions Club Bavarian Night on March 4,
2011, a great fundraiser for the Bowmanville Lions Club.
Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 102 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held February 14, 2011, be
Steven Rowe, Environmental Planner conducted a PowerPoint presentation on "The
Role of the Host Community Agreement in the EA for the Proposed Clarington EFW
Plant ". Mr. Rowe indicated that he was retained by the Municipality to assist in
relation to a resolution passed on February 14, 2011 to review relevant documentation
and to provide responses to questions regarding the role of the Host Community
Agreement (HCA), "willing host" status, reconsideration of the decision and possible
expansion of the facility.
Mr. Rowe indicated that in conducting the assignment, he undertook a review of the
Environmental Assessment Act (the Act) and guidance and reviewed steps in the
Environmental Assessment (EA) process and how the Host Community Agreement
(HCA) might have played into it. Mr. Rowe confirmed that he undertook a Planner's
review of the subject, not a legal review and that he is not an air quality specialist.
Mr. Rowe stated the Act lists matters to be considered in making a decision, as well
as provides for "such other matters as the Minister considers relevant" and therefore,
the HCA is not excluded from consideration. The Act also allows the Minister to revisit
a decision if there is a change in circumstances or new information and if he considers
it appropriate to do so, noting it is a two -step process and either step can be
delegated to the Tribunal. In reviewing the EA Codes of Practice, Mr. Rowe looked at
clauses that might refer to agreements such as Host Community Agreements but only
found references stating that mitigation measures including any agreements should be
included in the Environmental Assessment. Mr. Rowe discussed the evolution of the
Host Community Agreement. He noted the EA process started with a Terms of
Reference and that the proponent must comply with the Terms of Reference as
approved by the Minister. Mr. Rowe indicated that in March 2006, there was no
reference to the HCA in the Terms of Reference nor was it a factor in the site selection
of the Clarington 01 site. He stated the HCA was endorsed by Clarington on May 11,
2009 and executed on February 10, 2010. There were references to the HCA
mitigation measures in terms of land, infrastructure, architectural and air quality in the
initial and final EA documents and that while the Code of Practice has an expectation
that they be included, that did not happen. Mr. Rowe stated the final EA document
reduces the plant capacity to 140,000 tonnes per year but the HCA was not revised to
reflect this. He noted that there is a disconnect as the HCA still refers to the 400,000
tonnes per year as the size being applied to under the Act but the approval is for
140,000 tonnes. Mr. Rowe stated that he was one of the peer reviewers of the EA
and that the comments made and agreed to by staff were forwarded to the proponent
Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - March 7, 2011
and to the Ministry of the Environment without being adopted by Council and that the
comment tables in the EA show no comments from Clarington and that responses to
public comments indicate Clarington concerns have been addressed. Mr. Rowe
stated following the preparation of the .EA, there is a formal process where a
Ministerial review is coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment and a report is
produced. The report confirms that the proposed facility will process up to 140,000
tonnes of waste annually. There is no reference to the HCA in the body of the review
and it was not brought firmly to the Minister's attention. Mr. Rowe stated the
Municipality had an opportunity to comment on the Ministry review but it was his
understanding that they did not. He reviewed the Notice of Approval and reasons of
the Decision. He stated the reasons do not make any reference to the HCA as having
been a factor in reaching the decision even though there is a lot of overlap. Mr. Rowe
stated generally EA protection requirements are more stringent in the decision than in
the HCA and there is no reference in the Notice of Approval of Clarington's position as
a willing host nor its commitment not to object to the facility. Mr. Rowe provided a
comparison of the decision - making on Environmental Assessments prior and post -
1998. He noted that during the late 1980s and 1990s it was common for EAs for
large -scale and contentious projects to be referred to the EA Board or a Joint Board
for hearings but that the Government has moved away from hearings on EAs and
decisions are now made by the Minister. He stated there have been no hearings on
individual EAs since 1998 and he is not aware of any situations where a
reconsideration was made. Mr. Rowe indicated that there has been a shift in favour of
Energy- From -Waste from the 1980s when they were not even considered partly due
to the streamlining of the EA process aspects of EFW approvals.
Mr. Rowe summarized by stating in terms of the technical aspects of the EA, the role
of the HCA appears to have been very limited. The site was selected prior to the HCA
so land transfers were not a factor. Mr. Rowe stated the reviewer and possibly the
Minister may have been aware that Clarington was a "willing host" but there is no
reference to it in the EA, the Ministry Review or the Reasons for Decision. Generally
the "willing host" status would be considered a positive in an EA process, especially
when compared with strong opposition. Mr. Rowe suggested that while it is not
mentioned, the issue of delay in terms of pressure of what to do with the waste if new
capacity does not come on stream could have been a consideration in the decision.
He stated that only the Minister can confirm how much weight was given to different
aspects of the Ministry Review and other considerations in reaching a Decision;
however, the matters discussed suggest that the Minister may well have approved the
EA in the absence of a HCA. Mr. Rowe advised that the Act provides for a request for
the Minister to reconsider the Decision; however there is no formal procedure to follow
and he is not aware of any instances where this provision has been invoked. He also
stated that there is no provision in the Act that requires work on a project to be
suspended while reconsideration is being reviewed. Mr. Rowe also confirmed that for
an expansion to the facility beyond 140,000 tonnes, the proponent would likely choose
the option of proceeding through the Environmental Screening process rather than an
individual EA and that this process would not come before the Minister for a decision
unless there is a request that the process be "bumped up" to require an individual EA.
Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - March 7, 2011
He stated Section 1.2 of the HCA makes provision for a New Host Community
Agreement only if the capacity is expanded beyond 400,000 tonnes. At the time of the
signing of the Agreement, it was understood that the Agreement related to a facility
that would ultimately have a maximum capacity of 400,000 tonnes; however, the
approved capacity of the facility approved under the EA is 140,000 tonnes and the
agreement has not been amended to reflect this. Mr. Rowe stated Clarington would
be constrained from opposing an expansion within the 400,000 tonne range because
of the "no opposition" clause and a request by the Municipality would likely be
interpreted to be opposition to the project.
Kaylin Morissette and Julie Cryderman addressed Council concerning
Correspondence Item D — 10 - Request for Financial Assistance - U19 World
Championship - Women's Field Lacrosse. Julie and Kaylin advised that they would be
representing Canada and Clarington in Germany this August during the U19 World
Championship - Women's Field Lacrosse competition. They indicated that this
competition happens only once every four years and both of them have been selected
from well over 100 girls vying for a spot on Team Canada. Both girls are members of
the Lady Blue Knights and also play and coach lacrosse for their schools. They
indicated that although this is a national program, there is no funding available to them
and the financial responsibility rests with each participant to raise $6,000 to cover
individual costs. Kaylin Morissette and Julie Cryderman requested Council to consider
sponsoring them in the amount of $1,000 each and in return, they would promote the
Municipality of Clarington by wearing a patch on their uniforms.
Resolution #C- 103 -11
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Kaylin Morissette and Julie Cryderman be provided with $1,000 each to assist
with funding required for their participation at the U19 World Championship - Women's
Field Lacrosse Event in Hanover, Germany in August, 2011.
(See Following Motion)
Resolution #C- 104 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 103 -11 be tabled to the General Purpose and
Administration Committee meeting of March 21, 2011.
Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - March 7, 2011
Mark Foley addressed Council concerning Item 3 of Report #2 — Report PSD- 016 -11 -
Two (2) Proposed Draft Plans of Subdivision and Two (2) Zoning By -Law Amendment
Applications to Permit a Mixed Residential Development (Kingsberry Properties
(1317870 Ontario Limited) & William Tonno Construction Limited) indicating that he
has reviewed the amendment and is in support of Report PSD - 016 -11 and the
recommendation approved by the General Purpose and Administration Committee.
Resolution #C- 105 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the
exception of Correspondence Items I - 6, 1 - 7, 1 - 9, 1 - 10, 1 - 11, 1 - 12 and I - 14.
1- 1 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated January 18, 2011
1-2 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
January 11, 2011
1 - 3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
February 15, 2011
1 - 4 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated February 15, 2011
1 - 5 Kaitlyn Black, Communications & Community Development Coordinator,
Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington, advising that the Big Brothers &
Sisters of Clarington's Annual Food & Wine Festival will be held at the
Newcastle Community Hall on Saturday, June 11, 2011, from 12:00 noon
until 5:00 p.m. and indicating that the event has been organized to raise
funds for children's programs and to promote food and wine matching, that
the event will be held partly indoors in the Community Hall and partly
outdoors in the adjacent gardens and that pop -up tents will be used to
provide shelter.
1 - 8 V. Lovekin, BIA Interim President, Newcastle Downtown Business
Improvement Association, advising that on February 10, 2011, Board
members were informed of the Municipality's plan to have a designated
parking space at the southeast corner of King Avenue and Mill Street for
drivers with accessibility requirements in response to parking and safety in
the business area; and, indicating that Board members in attendance at
the meeting unanimously supported the initiative.
Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - March 7, 2011
1 - 13 Gail Empey, Clerk, Township of Cavan Monaghan, writing to
Mary Medeiros, Acting City Clerk, City of Oshawa, advising that on
February 22, 2011, the Township of Cavan Monaghan adopted the
following resolution pertaining to the 407 East Extension:
"Be it Resolved that the Council for the Township of Cavan Monaghan is
opposed to any decision to terminate Highway 407 East anywhere in
Oshawa or Clarington and does hereby request that the Province of
Ontario commit to constructing the 407 East extension to Highway 35/115
in one phase; and
Further that a copy of this resolution be sent to the City of Oshawa,
Municipality of Clarington, Premier Dalton McGuinty, Minister of Energy
and Infrastructure, Minister of Environment, Minister of Transportation,
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Tim Hudak, Leader of the
Opposition, Andrea Horwath, Leader of the NDP, Barry Devolin MP and
Rick Johnson MPP."
1 - 6 Mayor John Henry, City of Oshawa, writing to the Honourable Kathleen
Wynne, Minister of Transportation, in response to the Minister's letter of
February 2, 2011 in which she states that the Ministry is developing
options for further discussion regarding the Highway 407 East Extension;
indicating that neither he nor his political colleagues have been consulted
regarding options and questioning when the community will have input into
the options; suggesting that expediting construction of the Highway 407
East Extension from Pickering to Highway 35/115 is crucial to fulfilling the
Open Ontario Plan as it will address congestion, quality of life, safety and
environmental concerns, further economic development, tourism and job
creation for all of southern Ontario and facilitate transportation of goods
through the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Quebec/Windsor corridor
and referencing the Highway 407 East Extension Environmental
Assessment which outlined similar conclusions; advising that the City of
Oshawa is extremely disappointed that the parameters for completion of
the highway were changed in June 2010 with no communication or input
from Durham Region, its municipalities or the Cities of Peterborough and
Kawartha Lakes; and, assuming that the process of "developing options"
will be one of transparency and accountability; and, advising that he looks
forward to meeting with the Minister to provide input into options for
developing Highway 407 East through to Highway 35/115.
Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 106 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Correspondence Item I — 6 from Mayor John Henry, City of Oshawa, with
respect to Phasing of the Highway 407 East Expansion, be endorsed.
-7 Barb Houghton forwarding a copy of the City of Oshawa's RAMP it up! on-
line petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario opposing the decision to
terminate Highway 407 East in Oshawa or Clarington and petitioning the
Province to proceed with the Highway 407 East Extension project as
planned and promised, in one continuous phase, from Brock Road in
Pickering through to Highway 35/115, with a completion date of 2013;
indicating that the City of Oshawa and government partners will be
presenting the Highway 407 East Extension petition at Queen's Park in
March 2011; and, encouraging the support of the "Let's RAMP it up!"
campaign by signing the online petition and forwarding a hard -copy of the
petition postcard to the City of Oshawa by March 1, 2011.
Resolution #C- 107 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Correspondence Item I - 7 from Barb Houghton, with respect to the City of
Oshawa's RAMP it up! Campaign, be referred to staff for investigation of working in
conjunction with the City of Oshawa or implement action of a similar program to
communicate Clarington's message.
1 - 9 Rob Messervey, Chief Administrative Officer, Kawartha Conservation,
advising that on January 19, 2011, Kawartha Region Conservation
Authority supported a resolution adopted by the Greater Toronto
Countryside Mayors Alliance in recognition of the potential impacts of
major commercial filling activity within the watershed, reading as follows:
"In recognition of the emerging commercial fill activity in the GTA, the
• Supports the Township of Scugog's position that both the provincial
and federal governments be strongly encouraged to play an active
role in commercial fill activity through their regulation and
enforcement; and
Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - March 7, 2011
Requests that the federal and provincial levels of government
provide legislative and regulatory clarity on the issue.of how
municipal by -laws apply to activities that are federally and
provincially regulated."
Resolution #C- 108 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Correspondence Item I — 9 from Rob Messervey, Chief Administrative Officer,
Kawartha Conservation, with respect to Commercial Fill Activity, be endorsed.
1 - 10 Gail Rickard, Chairperson, Clarington Public Library Board, forwarding a
copy of a news release from the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
(FOPL) proposing that the provincial government significantly increase its
annual operating grants to Ontario public libraries from $18.7 million to
$43.9 million over two years to enhance services and programs that
support provincial priorities such as economic development, employment,
early literacy and integration of new Canadians; forwarding a copy of
Clarington Public Library Administration Report A3 -2011 regarding the
Provincial Funding Model; indicating that at the January 2011 Library
Board meeting, direction was provided to the CEO to write a letter to the
Ministry of Tourism in support of the proposed new funding model which
attempts to reinstate the approximate 40% cut in funding which occurred in
the late 1990s and to adjust the grant to reflect increases in population and
inflation rates; and, advising that the adjustment for Clarington Public
Library would increase from $77,681 to $217,896.
Resolution #C- 109 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Correspondence Item I - 10 from Gail Rickard, Chairperson, Clarington Public
Library Board, with respect to the Provincial Funding Model, be endorsed; and
THAT a copy of the correspondence be forwarded to John O'Toole, MPP, Durham.
I - 11 Mary Medeiros, Acting City Clerk, City of Oshawa, writing to the
Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, advising that on January
31, 2011, the City of Oshawa adopted the following resolution pertaining to
the City of Oshawa Comments — Transit Project Assessment Process
Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study: Oshawa to
Bowmanville GO Train Service Expansion:
Council Meeting Minutes _10- March 7, 2011
1. That Oshawa City Council urge the Province of Ontario and Metrolinx
to expedite the Oshawa to Bowmanville GO Train Service Expansion
and Maintenance Facility in the Regional Municipality of Durham,
including the completion of the ongoing Transit Project Assessment
Process, detailed design, and construction, with all necessary funding
earmarked at an early stage in GO Transit's Ten Year Capital Plan;
2. That the comments contained in Report DS -11-40 dated January 12,
2011, including Attachment 7, be endorsed as the City's comments
with respect to GO Transit's Transit Project Assessment Process
Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study for the
Oshawa to Bowmanville GO Train service expansion; and
3. That staff be authorized to forward Report DS -11 -40 dated January
12, 2011 and any related resolution by the Development Services
Committee to GO Transit for its consideration and to provide a
subsequent follow -up once Council has considered this matter; and
4. That staff be authorized to provide comments on the forthcoming
Environmental Project Report and any associated technical studies
directly to GO Transit and the Ministry of the Environment for the
remainder of the Transit Project Assessment Process and
subsequently include any comments in the correspondence section of
the Development Services Committee agenda; and
5. That CP Rail be requested to assess the impacts of operations along
the CP Belleville Subdivision corridor in proximity to established
residential areas, to ensure that impacts arising from CP Rail
operations are appropriately mitigated in conjunction with impacts
resulting from the proposed GO Train service expansion through
Oshawa; and
6. That the Region of Durham be requested to amend the approved
Regional Cycling Plan to incorporate additional Regional cycling
routes on Regional roads, namely, an extension of the approved
Thornton Road route southerly from Gibb Street to the proposed new
Thornton's Corners GO Station, a new route along Consumers Drive
between Thickson Road and Thornton Road South and an extension
of the approved Gibb Street route easterly from Simcoe Street South
to Central Park Boulevard along the proposed Gibb Street/Olive
Avenue connection, to serve the proposed new central Oshawa GO
Station; and
Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - March 7, 2011
7. That City of Oshawa staff liaise with Metrolinx and the Region of
Durham regarding the preparation of a Mobility Hub Master Plan
focused on the central Oshawa station, in accordance with the
provisions of the Regional Transportation Plan — "The Big Move" - and
bring forward a proposal for this work at the appropriate time; and
8. That staff be directed to consult with the Development Services
Committee on a public process intended to keep residents aware of
any future plan changes by GO Transit; and
9. That copies of this resolution and report be forwarded to the
Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of the Province of Ontario, the
Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation, Durham
MPPs, and area municipalities in Durham."
Resolution #C- 110 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT Correspondence Item I — 11 from Mary Medeiros, Acting City Clerk, City of
Oshawa, with respect to the City of Oshawa Comments — Transit Project
Assessment Process Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study:
Oshawa to Bowmanville GO Train Service Expansion, be received for information.
1 - 12 Joint Review Panel, Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant Project, a
proposal by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) for the site preparation,
construction, operation, decommissioning and abandonment of up to four
new nuclear reactors at the Darlington Nuclear site, announcing the
schedule for the public hearing commencing March 21, 2011 and
concluding April 8, 2011, to be held at the Hope Fellowship Church in
Courtice; indicating the hearing will provide an opportunity for the
proponent to explain the project and respond to questions, and for
individuals, organizations, Aboriginal groups and government departments
to provide their views on the implications of the proposed project; advising
OPG will make an overview presentation on the first day of the hearing and
make several short presentations on specific topics as outlined in the
schedule, Government participants and interveners will make oral
presentations to the Panel on the second or subsequent days of the
hearing, registered participants will have ten minutes to make oral
statements at various sessions throughout the hearing, time permitting,
members of the public who have not already done so may have the
opportunity to register at the hearing to make an oral statement, and
written submissions from interveners that are not making oral
presentations will be addressed as the schedule allows; and, indicating
that the hearing schedule will be available on line and telephone lines will
Council Meeting Minutes -12- March 7, 2011
be available to listen live to the hearing proceedings. For further
information regarding the review process or participation at the hearing,
please contact Debra Myles, Panel Co- Manager at 1- 866 - 582 -1884 or
darlington .review(a)-ceaa- acee.gc.ca or Kelly McGee, Panel Co- Manager at
613 - 947 -3710 or JRP- OPG- Darlington(a7cnsc- ccsn.gc.ca.
Resolution #C- 111 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Correspondence Item I —12 from the Joint Review Panel, Darlington New
Nuclear Power Plant Project, with respect to the Joint Review Panel Public Hearing
Schedule, be received for information.
1 - 14 Tom Kontra, A/Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief, Emergency
Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional
Services, congratulating Council and staff on the Municipality's completion
of all of the mandatory emergency management activities required under
the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) for 2010.
Resolution #C- 112 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Correspondence Item 1 -14 from Tom Kontra, A/Assistant Deputy Minister and
Chief, Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and
Correctional Services regarding the Municipality's completion of all of the mandatory
emergency management activities required under the Emergency Management and
Civil Protection Act for 2010 be received for information; and
THAT staff of the Emergency Services Department be thanked for their work in this
Correspondence Item D - 16 was received as a Hand -Out.
Council Meeting Minutes -13- March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 113 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 9, and Hand -out Correspondence Item
D - 16, be approved as per the agenda.
D - 1 Brent Van Luven, President, Bowmanville and District Navy League,
requesting permission to change tag days for April 22, 23 and 24, 2011
previously approved by Council on December 20, 2010, to
April 15, 16 and 17, 2011, due to the Easter long weekend.
(Tag days for April 15, 16, and 17, 2011
approved and previous approval rescinded)
D - 2 Ev and Lorne Heard expressing concern with the lack of available and
affordable smaller residential homes for seniors who are downsizing in
Clarington and providing suggestions for smaller homes to be built or
second storeys to be added to commercial properties to allow seniors to
remain in the community.
(Correspondence referred to the Director of
Planning Services)
D - 3 Tracylynn Hu, Area Administrator, Heart & Stroke Foundation — Durham
Region, requesting approval to hold their annual Heart and Stroke Big Bike
Event on June 13, 2011; attaching a map of the route which will begin and
end at Kelsey's Restaurant; and, indicating that they have requested a
Road Occupancy Permit from the Region of Durham, they will also have
police escorts for the ride and will forward proof of insurance and a road
occupancy permit application following Council's approval.
(Approved provided the organizer's apply
for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit
from the Engineering Services Department)
D - 4 David Staples, requesting permission to hold the School Parade on
September 9, 2011 and the Fair Parade on September 10, 2011 in
association with the Orono Agricultural Fair; forwarding the map routes and
times; and, indicating that proof of $5 million insurance coverage will be
(Approved provided the organizers apply
for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit
from the Engineering Services Department)
Council Meeting Minutes -14- March 7, 2011
D - 5 Garth Gilpin, Secretary Treasurer and General Manager, Historic
Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre requesting the closure of King
Street from Scugog Road to George Street, Temperance Street from
Church Street to the hole in the wall, Division Street from the Municipal
Parking lot entrance to the Royal Bank parking lot and the 20 King Street
East parking lot for the following 2011 events:
Maple Festival and Friday, May 6, at 8:00 p.m.
All That Jazz (Temperance Street from King
Street to Church Street) and as
above from 9:00 p.m. until Saturday,
May 7, at 7:30 p.m.
Summerfest As above on Saturday, June 25 from
5:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. The parking
lot to be closed from Thursday,
June 23 until Saturday, June 25.
August Moonlight Madness
Apple Festival and Craft Sale
Friday, August 12, from 5:00 p.m.
until August 13 at 12:30 a.m.,
as above.
Friday, October 14 (Temperance
Street from King Street to the hole
in the wall at 7:00 p.m.,
Temperance Street from King
Street to Church Street at
8:00 p.m.) and as above from
9:00 p.m. until Saturday, October 15
at 8:00 p.m.
Christmas Moonlight Magic Friday, December 2 (Temperance
Street from King Street to Church
Street at 4:30 p.m.) and as above
from 5:30 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.; and,
requesting permission to close the 20 King Street East parking
lot from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on April 23rd to facilitate the Easter
Egg Hunt and Lion's Club Easter Brunch.
(Approved provided organizers apply for
and obtain a road occupancy permit from
the Engineering Services Department)
Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - March 7, 2011
D - 6 Sheila Hall, President, Rotary Club of Courtice, requesting financial
assistance as provided in 2010 for the 7th Annual Canada Day Fireworks
Celebration to be held on July 1, 2011, at the Garnet B. Rickard
Recreation Complex Park beginning at 5:00 p.m. and ending at
approximately 10:30 p.m., and requesting the closure of Stevens Road
between Highway 57 and Clarington Boulevard from 5:00 p.m. to 10:30
p.m. to ensure the safety of attendees, volunteers and participants. The
event will feature live entertainment, children's activities, outstanding
fireworks, as well as a military display providing an opportunity for
attendees to show their respect to those representing Canada abroad and
to those lost. Auxiliary police will be present to ensure the safety for all
involved and insurance in the amount of $2 million will be secured.
(Request referred to the Corporate
Services Department and approval granted
for the road closure provided the organizers
apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy
Permit from the Engineering Services
D - 7 Wayne Routly, Rotary Club of Bowmanville, advising of the 4th Annual
Rotary Ribfest to be held on the playing fields of the Garnet B. Rickard
Recreation Complex from June 10 to 12, 2011, and requesting permission
to have a banner placed on the hydro poles, west of the railway during the
week of May 16, 2011 and removed during the week of June 13, 2011, in
support of Rotary Ribfest.
(Installation of banner approved and
Veridian to be advised)
D - 8 Robert Kreasul, writing to Council regarding the Bowmanville Creek
dredging project, questioning whether the $27,000 included in the 2010
budget for repairing the docks at the boat launch will be included in the
2011 budget as the work has not been done; suggesting that if the pay per
day kiosk had been operational, revenues generated could have been
applied to dredging, indicating that the neighbour's dispute with the marina
has to do with the east wall of the south basin, nowhere near the public
access channel and that the project is for dredging only the public access
channel, not private property; advising that he will confirm the $40,000
quote for dredging he received last year, noting dredging windows are
March, August and November; and, indicating that he hopes to get
Council's agreement prior to the March dredging window.
(Advised of decision with respect to Report
FND- 003 -11)
Council Meeting Minutes -16- March 7, 2011
D - 9 John Bennett, Executive Director, Sierra Club of Canada, advising of the
inaugural "Canada Water Week ", a week -long celebration to raise the
profile of water and its importance to Canadian prosperity commencing on
March 14 and culminating on March 22, 2011 with the celebration of World
Water Day; and, requesting the Municipality to support this inaugural
initiative by participating in events to raise the profile of water to
D - 16 Donald G. Duthie, CD, Major (Ret), Sponsoring Committee Chairman, 172
Clarington Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets, requesting permission to
hold tag days on Thursday, May 5 to Sunday, May 8, 2011, in and around
Clarington to raise funds to finance cadet activities.
(Tag days approved on Thursday, May 5 to
Sunday, May 8, 2011)
D - 10 Kaylin Morissette and Julie Cryderman, local athletes advising they will be
representing Canada at the upcoming U19 World Championship —
Women's Field Lacrosse in Hanover, Germany in August 2011; advising
that there is no National funding available for the team and that each
member is required to fundraise and secure sponsorship on their own;
and, requesting if Council would be willing to provide financial support.
Resolution #C- 114 -11
Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT the request from Kaylin Morissette and Julie Cryderman with respect to
financial assistance for the U19 World Championship — Women's Field Lacrosse, be
tabled until the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of March 21,
D - 11 Linda Rumble, Volunteer, Trillium Gift of Life Network, Volunteer, Durham
Region Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Group and member of a
multiple organ and tissue donor family, requesting that the Municipal
Administrative Centre be lit green (the international colour for organ and
tissue donation awareness) in support of National Organ and Tissue Donor
Awareness Week, April 17 to 24, 2011, and providing background
information on her involvement with organ and tissue donation awareness
since 1994, including the passage of Federal Law proclaiming the last
week in April each year as "National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness
Council Meeting Minutes -17- March 7, 2011
Week ", having the CN Tower and Niagara Falls lit green, her intention to
write to each provincial government to request that they light their
legislatures in green and advising of her hope to have a symbolic green
ribbon stretch from coast to coast in support of organ and tissue donation
awareness and recognition for all deceased and living organ and tissue
donors in Canada.
Resolution #C- 115 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the request from Linda Rumble to have the Municipal Administrative Building
be lit green in support of National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week,
April 17 to 24, 2011, be referred to staff.
D - 12 Ron Beer, President, Young Songwriters', an organization promoting
cultural unity in songwriting and performing for residents aged 14 years old
and up, forwarding a proposal to register a Regional Songwriters Circle
with Young Songwriters' for Clarington; and requesting the use of a
municipal facility free of charge for participants to meet monthly. The
proposal also includes hosting Regional House Concerts for the
participants to perform in their communities, marketing of song circle and
events and participation in surveys to provide information and identify
strengths and weaknesses in songwriting to allow Young Songwriters' to
assist in the advancement of the craft of songwriting, and requesting the
opportunity to meet to discuss their Youth Initiative.
Resolution #C- 116 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT the request from Ron Beer, President, Young Songwriters', with respect to a
youth initiative, be referred to the Firehouse Youth Services and to the Director of
Community Services for consideration.
Council Meeting Minutes _18- March 7, 2011
D - 13 Mayor Steve Pellegrini, Township of King, requesting Council to consider
contributing to the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust's 10th Anniversary $1
Million Stewardship Campaign; indicating that the Oak Ridges Moraine
Land Trust, a citizen - based, charitable non - profit organization working on
behalf of the citizens in each of the moraine's municipalities, negotiates
and encourages securement and stewardship efforts at a fraction of what
simple purchase fee would be, advising the Trust often incurs expenses of
$20,000 to $50,000 per property for survey, appraisal, legal and other fees,
even in pursuit of 'donated' properties; indicating that the campaign will
help the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust to support direct stewardship
activity on lands that the Trust owns, to encourage further investment from
other sources, and to allow the Trust to undertake a focused
communication and outreach program to aid in conservation and
protection; and, indicating that the Township of King has contributed
$3,000 to the early stages of the campaign to allow the work to continue.
Resolution #C- 117 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT the request from Mayor Steve Pellegrini, Township of King, with respect to a
contribution to the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust's 10t Anniversary $1 Million
Stewardship Campaign, be received for information.
D - 14 Gord Lee forwarding a petition containing 104 names requesting Council to
reconsider the location of the new Newcastle Fire Hall on Rudell Road and
to have the Fire Hall built on the original property planned for this structure
— 3355 Highway #2, to address traffic safety of residents and decrease in
property values. The author has indicated that more petitions will be
collected and delivered to the municipality.
D - 15 Marion Saunders, President, Newcastle /Bond Head Ratepayers'
Association, indicating that the members of the Newcastle /Bond Head
Ratepayers' Association are in support of the petitions Mr. Gord Lee has
collected focusing on the many safety issues associated with locating Fire
Station 2 on Rudell Road; and, advising that although they acknowledge
that a review of the issue could cause considerable delay and increase
costs, the membership has adopted the following resolution:
"THAT the Newcastle /Bond Head Ratepayers' Association request Council
to review their decision to locate Fire Station 2 on Rudell Road ".
Council Meeting Minutes -19- March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 118 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT Correspondence Item D - 14 from Gord Lee and Correspondence Item D - 15
from Marion Saunders, President, Newcastle /Bond Head Ratepayers' Association,
requesting Council to reconsider the location of the new Newcastle Fire Hall on
Rudell Road, be referred to Item # 1 of Unfinished Business.
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report February 25,
Resolution #C- 119 -11
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 25,
2011 be approved.
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Partner
Councillor Traill
Councillor Woo
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Neal
Councillor Novak
Mayor Foster
Resolution #C- 120 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 28,
2011 be approved, with the exception of Items #9 and #10.
Council Meeting Minutes -20- March 7, 2011
Councillor Neal declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Item #9 as he had
previously legally represented a delegate from the General Purpose and
Administration Committee meeting on this matter. Councillor Neal left the Council
Chambers during discussions and voting on this matter.
Item #9
Resolution #C- 121 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo
Part 1
Part 2
THAT Report PSD- 023 -11 be received;
THAT FIT Fund Solar Corporation be advised that Clarington does not support
their current proposal for a Class 3 Solar Project in the Soper Creek valleylands
and that they be encouraged to meet with staff to consider alternate locations in
Clarington for a solar energy project or projects;
THAT the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, FIT Fund Solar
Corporation and all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 023 -11 and any
delegations be advised of Council's decision; and
WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports the responsible expansion
of renewable energy as a means of placing Ontario on a more sustainable path
for the future;
WHEREAS municipalities in the Greater Golden Horseshoe are subject to the
Growth Plan which encourages the efficient use of land and infrastructure and
greater densities;
WHEREAS unlike Class 1 and Class 2 solar installations, Class 3 ground -
mounted solar installations greater than 12 kW may require a significant land
area and would be contrary to the policies of The Provincial Growth Plan for the
efficient use of serviced land and the mandated density of development;
WHEREAS urban valleylands are key ecological features that need protection
from development and should be the focus of restoration efforts to enhance the
ecological attributes and value to the community as outdoor amenity areas,
particularly as communities are intensified;
Council Meeting Minutes -21 - March 7, 2011
WHEREAS Regulation 359/09, as amended, provides for consideration of a
renewable energy project within natural heritage features, including within a
significant valleyland or within 120 m of a significant valleyland if supported by
mitigation measures in an environmental impact study prepared by the
WHEREAS consideration of Class 3 solar facilities in urban valleylands will
provide an incentive for developers to retain valleyland areas and could limit
their dedication to municipalities as Open Space lands in the future;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minister of Energy, the
Minister of Natural Resources, the Renewable Energy Facilitation Office, FIT
Fund Solar Corporation, and CLOCA be advised that the Municipality of
Clarington does not support the consideration of Class 3 solar facilities in urban
valleyland areas; and
THAT this resolution be forwarded to all other municipalities in the Greater Golden
Horseshoe and M.P.P. John O'Toole.
Councillor Neal returned to the meeting.
Item #10
Resolution #C- 122 -11
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada have gathered
research and prepared reports on fine particulate matter and its serious harm to
human health, but have not as of yet passed air regulations that focus on fine
particulate matter, evaluate ambient conditions together with new emissions, assess
the human and public health impacts of such emissions or limit cumulative
AND WHEREAS fine particulate matter PM2.5 is typically regulated by Provincial and
Federal governments, and within their mandated responsibilities;
AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario in November of 2010 acknowledged that
there is a policy gap that needs to be examined with respect to domestic sources of
primary PM2.5;
AND WHEREAS the review the Ontario Ministry of Environment is proceeding with will
examine the effectiveness of the current provincial policy framework in addressing
PM2.5; other aspects such as cumulative effects are also under review. The results of
these reviews will take a minimum of fifteen (15 months);
Council Meeting Minutes -22- March 7, 2011
AND WHEREAS s.11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended ( "the Act "), permits
municipalities to pass by -laws respecting the health, safety and well -being of persons;
AND WHEREAS s.128 of the Act permits municipalities to prohibit and regulate with
respect to public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of council, are, or
could become, or cause public nuisances;
AND WHEREAS for Clarington to proceed with the drafting and implementation of an
Air Quality By -law under the Municipal Act, Council should be aware of:
• The costs to retain a consultant to help develop guidance documents for
general assessment and air modeling prior to drafting a by -law,
• The costs to determine a baseline, sources of emissions of health risk air
pollutants and an atmospheric dispersion model of the airshed,
• Future budget implications including additional enforcement staffing, peer
reviewers, air quality modellers, potential education and outreach programs to
support by -law implementation and data management,
• The potential implications on existing industries in Clarington and the potential
impact on economic development and the attraction of prospective
industries /employers; and
• The potential duplication between a specific By -law and the Provincial Review
that is underway
NOW THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Staff be authorized to prepare a report
outlining the above noted items for presentation to the March 21, 2011 General
Purpose and Administration Committee meeting.
(See Following Motion)
Resolution #C- 123 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 122 -11 be amended to add the following bullet to
Paragraph 7:
• "An estimate of generated revenue if the Municipality were to engage in the
trading of carbon credits"
Resolution #C- 122 -11 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Council Meeting Minutes -23- March 7, 2011
Report PSD- 024 -11 — DurhamNork Residual Waste Project Analysis of Host
Community Agreement Role in the EA Approval for the EFW Project
Resolution #C- 124 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT Report PSD- 024 -11 be received; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 024 -11 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
(See Following Motion)
Resolution #C- 125 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 124 -11 be tabled to the General Purpose and
Administration Committee meeting of March 21, 2011.
Resolution #C- 124 -11 was then put to a vote and CARRIED.
Staff Report #4 - Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer
regarding a Personnel Matter was withdrawn from the Agenda.
Confidential Verbal Report of the Municipal Solicitor regarding Host Community
Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Fire Fighters
Association, Local 3139 Negotiations
Resolution #C- 126 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT Staff Report #2 - Confidential Verbal Report of the Municipal Solicitor regarding
Host Community Agreement and Staff Report #3 - Confidential Verbal Report of the
Chief Administrative Officer regarding Fire Fighters' Association, Local 3139
Negotiations, be referred to a closed session of Council to be considered at the end of
the Agenda.
Council Meeting Minutes -24- March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 127 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Staff Report #4 - Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer
regarding a Personnel Matter be reintroduced to the Agenda and considered during
the closed session.
Resolution #C- 128 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
"WHEREAS s. 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended ( "the Act "), permits
municipalities to pass by -laws respecting the health, safety and well -being of persons;
WHEREAS s. 128 of the Act permits municipalities to prohibit and regulate with
respect to public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of council, are or
could become or cause public nuisances;
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada have gathered
research and prepared reports on fine particulate matter and its serious harm to
human health, but have not passed air regulations that focus on fine particulate
matter, evaluate together ambient conditions and new emissions, assess the human
and public health impacts of such conditions, or limit cumulative concentrations; and
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington considers it appropriate
and in the public interest to prevent or reduce adverse effects to its residents and
public health due to fine particulate matter in the Municipality of Clarington;
Staff be authorized to retain consultants and experts to help develop guidance
documents for general assessment and air modeling; and
2. Staff be directed to, in consultation with the general public, draft a by -law with
respect to the regulation of fine particulate matter."
(See Following Motion)
Council Meeting Minutes -25- March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 129 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 128 -11 be tabled to the Council meeting of
March 28, 2011.
Resolution #C- 130 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT Report ESD- 003 -11 be lifted from the table.
Resolution #C- 131 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT Report ESD- 003 -11 be referred back to staff to prepare a report on the
cost/benefit analysis of constructing the fire station at 3355 Highway No. 2 versus
1780 Rudell Road.
Resolution #C- 132 -11
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner
WHEREAS residents of the Village of Newcastle have gathered petitions to reconsider
the location of the new Newcastle Fire Hall on Rudell Rd. citing traffic safety of the
residents and decrease in property values;
WHEREAS the Newcastle /Bond Head Ratepayers' Association support the petition
and the membership has requested Council to review their decision to locate Fire
Station 2 on Rudell Road;
THEREFORE Report ESD- 003 -11 be referred back to staff for preparation of a report
addressing the following matters:
1. The cost implications of constructing the fire station at 3355 Highway No. 2
versus 1780 Rudell Road;
Council Meeting Minutes -26- March 7, 2011
2. A traffic study on Rudell Road to determine the viability of locating a fire station
at the 1780 Rudell Road site; and
3. Possible construction timelines for both locations.
THAT this Report be prepared for the G. P. & A. Meeting of September 12, 2011.
By -laws 2011 -026 and 2011 -027 were received as Hand -Outs.
Resolution #C- 133 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal
THAT leave be granted to introduce By -laws 2011 -018 to 2011 -027
2011 -018 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle
(Kingsberry Properties)
2011 -019 Being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owner(s) of the Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T- 90003, any
Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands, and the
Municipality of Clarington, in respect of 18T -90003
2011 -020 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (William
Tonno Construction Ltd.)
2011 -021 Being a by -law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owner(s) of the Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T- 89055, any
Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands, and the
Municipality of Clarington, in respect of 18T -89055
2011 -022 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle .
(Halminen Homes)
2011 -023 Being a by -law to exempt 'a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-
2364 from Part Lot Control
2011 -024 Being a by -law to amend Zoning By -law 84 -63 of the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington (1557366 Ontario Inc.)
Council Meeting Minutes -27- March 7, 2011
2011 -025 Being a by -law to amend By -law 2007 -070 being a by -law for
prescribing standards for the maintenance of all property within the
Municipality of Clarington
2011 -026 Being a by -law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement
Officer for Private Property (Sandra Hunt- Mimra) (120, 124, 128,
132 and 136 Aspen Springs Drive)
2011 -027 Being a by -law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement
Officer for Private Property (Eric Chase) (47 Liberty Street South);
THAT the said by -laws be approved.
Councillor Traill and Councillor Neal gave notice that they will be introducing the
following motion at the next Council meeting:
WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001 and other statutes identify general and specific
roles, responsibilities, actions and behaviours as a Member of Council for the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington;
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
approved an Employee Code of Ethics policy governing the conduct of Municipality of
Clarington employees;
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
determined the need to identify guidelines on the conduct of individual Members of
Council in carrying out their official duties that augment the roles, responsibilities,
action and behaviors determined by various statutes;
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
approved under By -law 2009 -163 a rudimentary Code of Conduct for members of
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington finds
it appropriate to develop a more comprehensive, simply- worded instrument to
communicate general standards of conduct to Members of Council and the general
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
enacts as follows:
1. That By -law 2009 -163 be rescinded; and
Council Meeting Minutes -28- March 7, 2011
2. That the CAO by directed to draft a replacement Code of Conduct for Clarington
Council Members modeled closely on the Corporation of the Town of Ajax's By -law
Number 89 -2004 establishing a Council Member Code of Conduct.
Councillor Traill advised that she has received a letter from the Durham Region
Labour Council regarding a Day of Mourning and that she will be approaching
leaders for organizing a Day of Mourning in Clarington.
Councillor Hooper requested that Clarington's Regional Council representatives
extend appreciation to everyone involved in hosting the Durham Waste Fair on
Saturday and to stress the importance of communicating the strength of the
Region's waste management initiatives.
Resolution #C- 134 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Council recess for ten minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 9:17 p.m.
Resolution #C- 135 -11
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the
meeting be closed for the purpose of receiving advice that is subject to solicitor - client
privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, to consider a matter
regarding labour relations or employee negotiations and to consider a personal matter
about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.
The meeting resumed in open session at 10:35 p.m.
The Mayor advised that three items were discussed in "closed" session in accordance
with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed.
Council Meeting Minutes -29- March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 136 -11
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the presentation of Zas Architects Inc. of February 7, 2011 be received, and
THAT the architectural design for the Newcastle Fire Hall Station #2, as presented by
Zas Architects Inc. on February 7th to the General Purpose and Administration
Committee, be approved.
Staff Report #4
Councillor Novak questioned the Chief Administrative Officer as to the amount
spent dealing with the confidential personnel matter and where the funds would
be found. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that the cost of
approximately $7,000 will be taken from the Human Resources Division and an
attempt will be made to save this amount in other areas.
Councillor Neal stated a pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting, refrained from voting
on the Confirming By -law and left the meeting.
Resolution #C- 137 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT leave be granted to introduce By -law 2011 -028, being a by -law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 7th day of March, 2011; and
THAT the said by -law be approved.
Council Meeting Minutes -30- March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 138 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:45 p.m.
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Special Council Meeting Minutes
MARCH 10, 2011
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on March 10, 2011, at 8:30 a.m. at the
Courtice Community Complex.
Present Were: Mayor A. Foster left the meeting from 1:15 p.m. until 2:50 p.m.
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor J. Neal left the meeting at 4:39 p.m.
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor W. Partner
Councillor C. Traill
Councillor W. Woo
Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison
Deputy Fire Chief, M. Berney
Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Manager of Communication and Marketing, J. Cooke
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade, Sheila Hall
Library Director, E. Hopkins attended until 10:30 a.m.
Director of Operations, F. Horvath
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources,
M. Marano
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency Services /Fire Chief, G. Weir
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
The Special meeting of Council was convened for the purpose of commencing work
on the Strategic Business Plan for this term of Council and to review
Report ESD- 004 -11 — Implications of a Minimum of Four Firefighters on a Fire Truck.
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order.
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated for this meeting.
Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - March 10, 2011
Mayor Foster introduced Peter Spratt, ROCG Consulting, facilitator for the day. Mr.
Spratt welcomed everyone, advising that the municipality's leadership team was
coming together to set a blueprint for the community for the next number of years. He
stressed that our thoughts were not to be confined to the term of Council, but beyond
the next four years also.
Mr. Spratt introduced Ron Collis and Jesse Parsons of Collis & Reed Research Inc.,
who undertook a survey of the community to determine the public's perception of the
strengths and weaknesses of the municipality. Mr. Collis outlined the strategy behind
the survey and indicated that the 218 responses received were proportionally
consistent with the population demographics. Common themes which emerged from
the survey were: people want to be able to live, work and play in the municipality;
communication; and quality of life balance (urban /rural, large /small, receiving
services /keeping things affordable).
Mr. Spratt led the group through a lengthy discussion on the municipality's mission
statement and vision, being the foundation of our strategic plan. Each participant then
commenced working on their own list of what they believe Clarington's priorities are or
should be.
Resolution #C- 140 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Council recess for lunch until 12:30 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 12:30 with the participants working in small groups to
share their ideas of priorities. The most significant priorities were shared with the
entire group, creating goals for each cluster of priorities. Eight major areas were
identified as priorities to be focused on.
Councillor Novak chaired the meeting during Mayor Foster's absence.
Mayor Foster reassumed the Chair.
Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - March 10, 2011
Resolution #C- 141 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT the work achieved on the priorities of the Municipality be referred to staff for
review and preparation of a report back to Council, identifying a plan and timeframe
for addressing all items.
Resolution #C- 142 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT Council recess for 10 minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 3:46 p.m.
Resolution #C- 143 -11
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill
THAT Report ESD- 004 -11 be received for information.
The Director of Emergency Services /Fire Chief was requested to report back to the
General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting scheduled to be held on
May 9, 2011, addressing the questions posed by the Fire Fighters' Association 3139,
as well as a complete breakdown of 2010 calls and explanation of the information
provided by the Ontario Fire Marshal with respect to appropriate response resources.
Resolution #C- 144 -11
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Traill
THAT leave be granted to introduce By -law 2011 -029, being a by -law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a special meeting held
on the 10th day of March, 2011; and
THAT the said by -law be approved.
Council Meeting Minutes - 4 -
Resolution #C -145 -11
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Hooper
THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:44 p.m.
March 10, 2011
March 28, 2011
1 - 1 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated
January 14, 2011 (Copy attached)
1 - 2 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated
February 8, 2011 (Copy attached)
1-3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory
Committee dated March 8, 2011 (Copy attached)
1 - 4 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
March 15, 2011 (Copy attached)
1 - 5 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on February 16, 2011, the Region of Durham
received for information Council's correspondence dated February 2,
2011, regarding the Durham York Residual Waste Project Energy -
From -Waste Advisory Committee.
1 - 6 Barbara North, Director, Spay Neuter Durham, advising Spay Neuter
Durham, is a registered not - for - profit corporation whose goal is to
establish a permanent high volume spay neuter clinic providing
services to unaltered dogs and cats; providing statistics on the
reproductive cycles of dogs and cats and the problems of
overpopulation caused by irresponsible owners, or those who do not
have the financial ability to pay rising veterinary costs; indicating the
organization would like to work closely with all municipalities, animal
oriented organizations and the public to address this problem; and,
welcoming input from anyone who has an interest in helping Spay
Neuter Durham in any capacity. Further information is available by
telephone at 905 - 728 -6943 or e-mail at barbnorth(a-).sympatico.ca.
1 - 7 Clifford Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Regional Municipality of
Durham and Erin M..Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental
Services, Regional Municipality of York, writing to all Members of
Regional Council and Municipal Clerks in the Regional Municipalities
of Durham and York, advising that the Regions of Durham and York
and the contractor, Covanta Energy Corporation have now finalized
the Certificate of Approval (C of A) application process for the
Durham/York Energy- From -Waste Project; indicating that the C of A
applications must reflect the Environmental Assessment (EA)
Conditions of Approval requirements, the project Agreement details
Summary of Correspondence - 2 - March 28, 2011
and the various components of York and Durham's integrated waste
management system and that the application for the Air and Noise C
of A specifically reflects the direction to establish emission
requirements that use the most restrictive limits published in the
Ontario A7 guidelines or the EU air emission standards; advising that
the Regions and their technical consultants undertook a review of the
C of A applications and are satisfied that they are consistent with the
Project Agreement, EA Conditions of Approval and the respective
integrated waste management systems; indicating that the submitted
C of A applications have been posted to the project website at
www.durhamyorkwaste.ca; and that a presentation on the C of A
applications to the Energy- From -Waste Advisory Committee will be
scheduled for early April, 2011; that the Regions and Covanta will
communicate the details of the C of A applications at various public
events and will also communicate the details to local Municipal
Councils and environmental groups on an as- requested basis. It is
anticipated that C of A approval may be received as early as May
2011 and upon approval and issuance, the design and construction
phase of the project will commence.
1 - 8 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of the Official
Report of Debates (Hansard) for the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
on February 24, 2011 recording his comments with respect to
completing the Highway 407 extension as promised; indicating that he
shares Council's concerns regarding the economic and social
consequences of building the highway extension in phases; and,
advising of the importance of working together on this issue, of
holding the government accountable for its decision and to working
towards having the 407 extended the entire way to Highway 35/115.
I - 9 Mary Medeiros, Acting City Clerk, City of Oshawa, writing to the
Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, advising that on
March 3, 2011, the City of Oshawa adopted the following resolution
pertaining to the Highway 407 East Extension:
"Whereas Infrastructure Ontario has indicated its interest to qualify
project teams who will design, build, finance and maintain the east
extension of Hwy 407; and
Whereas the extension of Hwy 407 eastward from Brock Road in
Pickering to Hwy 35/115, as originally agreed with the federal
government in the FLOW Agreement dated March 2, 2007 is to be
completed in one continuous phase; and
Summary of Correspondence - 3 - March 28, 2011
Whereas the Province has recognized the importance of completing
the 407 Hwy east extension all the way to Hwy 35/115 as being
critical to advance economic development and create jobs for all of
southern Ontario thereby ensuring that Ontario businesses can
compete on the world stage; and
Whereas the Province has stated that due to financial constraints it
must phase the construction of the 407 extension;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Province be requested to
immediately proceed with the continuous construction of the 407
extension from Brock Road in Pickering to Hwy 35/115 through the
issue of a RFP based on a Public Private Partnership (P3) where the
Province would retain control and ownership under a funding model
inclusive of the capital construction, ongoing maintenance and
operation costs and a schedule of user fees which would respond to
the market, encourage and support the use of truck traffic, and that
this motion be forwarded to the Region of Durham, Durham
Municipalities, Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Cavan- Monahan,
Ontario MPs and MPPs and AMO.
1 - 10 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable
Jim Flaherty, MP, Minister of Finance, forwarding a copy of Council's
correspondence in support for the expansion of the capital gains tax
exemption to include gifts of private company shares and real estate
to charitable organizations and requesting the Minister to consider
this request in connection with the Federal budget and with future
measures that will give additional incentives to Canadians making
donations to the charity of their choice.
I - 11 George F. Vella, Vella & Pratt, Barristers and Solicitors, writing on
behalf of their clients New Castle Condominium Corporations 3, 6 and
7, at 120 Port Darlington Road, located immediately east of Port
Darlington Marina, indicating that they have been instructed by their
clients to advise the Municipality that the eroding of the condominium
properties from the action of the water from Bowmanville Creek and
the Marina continues to be a concern and the erosion is apparent;
and, requesting that the Municipality not assist in any dredging of the
Bowmanville Creek anywhere in the vicinity of the condominium lands
until the owner of the Marina has put in place appropriate shoreline
erosion methods.
Summary of Correspondence - 4 - March 28, 2011
1 - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on March 9, 2011, Regional Council adopted a
resolution pertaining to the 2011 Annual Solid Waste Management
Servicing and Financing Study. (Copy attached)
1 - 13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on March 9, 2011, Regional Council adopted the
following resolution pertaining to Long Term Strategic Property Tax
Plan for the Region of Durham: 2011 Update:
"a) THAT for the 2011 property taxation year, the municipal property
tax ratios for the occupied property tax classes for the Regional
Municipality of Durham remain unchanged from the 2010 levels,
as follows:
Multi- Residential 1.8665
Commercial Residual, Shopping Centre and Office 1.4500
Industrial Residual and Large Industrial 2.2598
Pipelines 1.2294
Farmland 0.2000
Managed Forests 0.2500
b) THAT the Minister of Finance be requested to make the following
changes to Provincial legislation and associated regulations
relating to Current Value Assessment (CVA) Taxation Policy in
order to achieve greater fairness and equity:
i) Provincial Statutory Rates that Determine Municipal
In light of a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision
that found municipal payments from federal government
properties 'must be based on the system that actually
exists at the place where the property in question is
located,' and in keeping with the May 25, 2010
resolution from the Kingston City Council (SC #53), the
Province, in consultation with the municipal sector,
review and update the current statutory rates on the
following property types and institute a process by which
these rates are automatically updated in the future:
(a) Hospitals, Prisons, Post Secondary Education
Institutions (Heads & Beds — last updated in 1987);
(b) Railway /Hydro Right of Ways (Linear Properties — last
updated in 1998);
Summary of Correspondence - 5 - March 28, 2011
(c) Nuclear Generating Facilities (last updated in 1968);
ii) Farmland
• The Province match the municipal tax ratio reductions
(20 %) on the Farmland property tax class by reducing
the Provincial Education Taxation Rate for this property
tax class as a means to assist the farming community.
• Regional Council endorse SC #91 from the United
Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengary requesting
that the Province reimburse municipalities for lost
property taxes resulting from the 1998 downloading of
the Farmland Rebate program and the resultant
lowering of the farmland ratio;
iii) Assessment Appeals
In light of numerous and continuous large property
assessment appeals that have and continue to have the
potential to negatively impact the Regional assessment
base which in turn affects all Regional taxpayers, and in
keeping with the Region's responsibilities for setting
Region -wide property tax policy, the Province revise the
Assessment Act to include upper tier municipalities in
the assessment appeal process;
iv) Municipal Capital Facilities
• The Province amend Section 110 of the Municipal Act,
2001 in order to permit a municipality in a two - tiered
municipal structure the option to exempt a municipal
capital facility from full or partial portion of only its share
of the property taxes, as it pertains to such a facility;
v) Municipal Consultations
Prior to legislating any further changes to current value
assessment and /or property taxation policy, the
Province complete a Province -wide property -by- property
impact analysis and municipalities be both consulted
and advised of the potential impacts;
Summary of Correspondence - 6 - March 28, 2011
• Any future changes to the current value assessment
and /or property taxation policy by the province be
conducted over a reasonable time -frame to ensure
municipalities and taxpayers are consulted and
prepared for the implementation in a well- informed and
proactive manner;
vi) Assessment and Taxation of 'Green Initiatives'
Since the trends toward 'Green Initiatives' are
anticipated to accelerate significantly, the Province
review its current assessment policy on potential 'Green'
improvements to property in consultation with the
municipal sector;
c) THAT all correspondence regarding property taxation and
assessment issues be received for information including:
• SC #37 from the City of Ottawa concerning a 'fair' municipal
ratio for the Multi- Residential property class;
• SC #42 from the Town of Markham concerning a new
property class for condominiums;
• SC #7 from the Town of Whitby requesting the Region match
their enhanced Heritage Property Tax Reduction program;
• SC #53 from the City of Kingston concerning Provincial
payment -in -lieu of taxes (PILs), including Heads & Beds;
d) THAT the requisite by -laws for the Long Term Strategic Property
Tax Plan: 2011 Update be prepared by the Regional Solicitor;
e) THAT a copy of Report #2011 -F -11 be forwarded to the Province,
the Region's eight local area municipalities and the various
municipal associations."
1 - 14 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to Hubert Schillings, Chair, Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee,
advising that on March 9, 2011, Regional Council adopted the
following resolution pertaining to Durham Agricultural Advisory
Committee (DAAC) 2010 Annual Report and 2011 Workplan:
Summary of Correspondence - 7 - March 28, 2011
"a) THAT Report #2011 -P -16 of the Commissioner of Planning be
received as the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee's
annual report on its activities in 2010;
b) THAT the 2011 Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee
Workplan, outlined in Attachment 1 to Report #2011 -P -16, be
approved; and
c) THAT a copy of Report #2011 -P -16 be forwarded to the Durham
Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Durham Federation of
Agriculture, the GTA Agricultural Action Committee, and the area
1 - 15 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to David Middleton, Chair, Durham Environmental Advisory
Committee, advising that on March 9, 2011, Regional Council
adopted the following resolution pertaining to Durham Environmental
Advisory Committee (DEAC) 2010 Annual Report and 2011
"a) THAT Report #2011 -P -17 of the Commissioner of Planning be
received as the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee's
annual report on its activities in 2010;
b) THAT the 2011 Durham Environmental Advisory Committee
Workplan, outlined in Attachment 1 to Report #2011 -P -17, be
approved; and
c) THAT a copy of Report #2011 -P -17 be forwarded to the Durham
Environmental Advisory Committee and the area municipalities."
Summary of Correspondence - 8 - March 28, 2011
D - 1 Paul Slemon, Hands in Motion, Massage Therapy & Sports Injury
Clinic, requesting permission to stage the 2011 Terry Fox Run on
Sunday, September 18, 2011, and requesting to hang the Terry Fox.
Run/Walk banner at the west end of Bowmanville at the railway
bridge; indicating the routes, insurance and police coverage will be
the same as last year; and, that the only road closure will be Liberty
Street South of Memorial Park to Baseline Road and Baseline Road
at Liberty Street East to Lambs Road to Highway #2.
(Motion to approve provided the
organizers apply for and obtain a
road occupancy permit from the
Engineering Services Department
and approval to install banner and to
advise Veridian)
D - 2 Leah Tanner, Fundraising Coordinator, Durham Region Unit —
Canadian Cancer Society, advising that every April is "Daffodil
Month" when volunteers in Durham Region and across Ontario work
together to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society by selling
yellow daffodils and by knocking on doors in their communities to
collect donations, and indicating that this year, as part of their annual
campaign, they are introducing a new daffodil pin and are requesting
all Ontarians to unite behind those living with cancer by making a
donation and proudly wearing the iconic yellow daffodil during the
month of April to help spread the word about "Daffodil Month" in
Durham Region.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 3 Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, advising
that nominations for the Newcomer Champion Awards, a program
recognizing individuals and groups who have made a difference in
their community and province through active citizenship and
engagement, and are champions of voluntarism, proud supporters of
newcomers and advocates of greater social and civic inclusion, are
being accepted until April 29, 2011. Nomination forms and
information on the awards is available on the Ontario Honours and
Awards Secretariat website at www .ontario.ca /honoursandawards.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Municipal Clerk to place information on
the municipal website)
Summary of Correspondence - 9 - March 28, 2011
D - 4 Karen Bastas, writing on behalf of the Newcastle Business
Improvement Area, requesting permission to hold a fireworks display
by Bruce Gilbert Port Pyrotechnics for the Canada Past and Present
event to be held on July 1, 2011, at the Newcastle & District
Recreation Complex.
(Motion to approve fireworks display
provided the organizers apply for and
obtain a fireworks permit from the
Municipal Law Enforcement Division)
D - 5 Mark Canning, Chair, Tyrone Community Centre Board, requesting to
amend the Board's composition from 13 to nine members for the
present term of Council. Mr. Canning indicates that the Board has
filled all the necessary positions to ensure operational efficiency and
continues to work to attract new volunteers to the Board.
(Motion to refer request to the
Municipal Clerk)
D - 6 Magda Kapp, Director of Communications, Braintrust Canada and
Sharon Sheperd, Mayor, City of Kelowna, requesting support of the
2011 "A Run to Remember" to promote brain injury prevention and
support strategies for people living with brain injury in Canada;
advising that David McGuire, a person who sustained a brain injury,
will run a marathon a day across Canada, commencing early April
2011 in St. John's Newfoundland and completing 8 months later in
Victoria, British Columbia; and, requesting that a day be proclaimed
"A Run to Remember" Day in Clarington as David runs through the
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 7 Thomas H. B. Symons, Chairman, Ontario Heritage Trust, inviting
Council to participate in the 2011 Volunteer Recognition programs,
including the Heritage Community Recognition Program, Young
Heritage Leaders Program and Community Leadership Program to
recognize community efforts to preserve Ontario's heritage;
forwarding brochures outlining the eligibility criteria and nomination
process; and, advising the nomination deadline is June 30, 2011.
Additional information is available on the Trust's website at
www. heritagetrust. on. ca.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Municipal Clerk to place .
information on the municipal website)
Summary of Correspondence - 10 - March 28, 2011
D - 8 Jon Hamilton, GM, Communications Delivery, the LoweMartin
Group, Official Sponsor of the 2011 Canada Post Community
Literacy Awards, Canada's only national awards dedicated to
celebrating the achievements of adult learners, along with those who
have helped them learn to read and write; forwarding information on
the nomination process, category descriptions, submission criteria
and nominating form; and, requesting Council to help acknowledge
deserving efforts by nominating an individual and /or educator from
the community for a 2011 Canada Post Community Literacy Award.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Municipal Clerk to place
information on the municipal website)
D - 9 Sophia Aggelonitis, Minister Responsible for Seniors, extending an
invitation to Council to participate in the 2011 Senior of the Year
Awards by nominating one outstanding local senior who, after age
65, has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community
without thought of personal or financial gain. This year will mark the
27th anniversary of Seniors' Month which recognizes the
contributions seniors make to family, community, province and
country. Nomination forms for The Senior of the Year Award are
available on the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration's website at
www.ontario.ca /honoursandawards and are due by April 30, 2011.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 10 Karen Bastas, writing on behalf of the Newcastle Business
Improvement Area, advising of the success of their first Annual
Event — Canada Past & Present held last year at the Newcastle and
District Recreation Complex to celebrate Canada Day; requesting
financial assistance from the municipality to assist in covering facility
rental costs and entertainment associated with this year's event; and,
indicating that next year, they will submit a request for support to be
considered in the Municipal budget.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 11 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to the Honourable Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy, advising that on
March 9, 2011, Regional Council adopted the following resolution
pertaining to time of day electricity pricing:
"WHEREAS the Ontario Government has introduced time of day
electricity pricing;
Summary of Correspondence - 11 - March 28, 2011
AND WHEREAS people with disabilities have a special need for
utilities and other electrical devices such as in -home dialysis, air
conditioning, in -house lifts, power wheel chair battery charging, etc. to
help manage their over all health and well- being, and may not be able
to pick and choose when they use their electricity;
AND WHEREAS recipients of Home Care have no choice as to when
their washing machines, dryers, dishwashers and other household
appliances are being used;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minister of Energy be
requested to implement further strategies to ease the financial burden
facing people with disabilities who are eligible for the Disability Tax
Credit as offered by the Federal Government;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Finance, the
Minister of Health and Long Term Care, the local MPPs, and local
area municipalities."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 12 Mayor John Henry, City of Oshawa, advising that he has written to the
Ontario Power Authority requesting that they move expeditiously with
the combined Heat and Power Procurement Process and the
approval of the Oshawa Cogen Project, which will have significant
benefits for all of Durham Region, advising that on January 31, 2011,
Oshawa City Council adopted the following resolution with respect to
the proposed Oshawa Cogeneration Facility and requesting that
Clarington Council adopt a resolution to support the project and
forward it to the Ontario Power Authority:
"WHEREAS on December 15, 2008 City Council passed a resolution
authorizing the Mayor and Commissioner, Development Services to
send letters of support for a cogeneration facility proposed by
Northland Power Inc. at the southwest corner of Stevenson Road
South and Wentworth Street West in a GI (General Industrial) Zone;
WHEREAS the project was delayed due to changes to a previous
Ontario Power Authority Procurement Program for Combined Heat
and Power projects; and,
Summary of Correspondence - 12 - March 28, 2011
WHEREAS by letter dated January 12, 2011, Northland Power Inc.
has advised that it will be making a new submission under a new
Combined Heat and Power procurement initiative in order to advance
the construction of the proposed facility; and,
WHEREAS the proposed facility has various environmental and
economic benefits; and,
WHEREAS by letter dated January 12, 2011, both General Motors
and Northland Power Inc. have requested the City's continued
support for the project; and
WHEREAS it is an opportunity for the newly elected council to show
its support for the proposed facility;
THAT the Mayor be authorized to send a letter to the Ontario
Power Authority setting out the City's support for the proposed
facility and requesting the Authority to move forward
expeditiously with the new Combined Heat and Power
procurement process;
2. THAT the Region of Durham and all local Region of Durham
municipalities be requested to support the proposed facility; and
3. THAT a copy of the Council resolution and letter from the Mayor
be forwarded to all Oshawa MPs and MPPs.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 13 John Ennis, Government Relations Specialist, CAA South Central
Ontario and Scott R. Butler, Manager, Policy and Research, Ontario
Good Roads Association, advising of the need for greater investment
and funding support from the Province for Ontario's municipalities to
build the transportation infrastructure (roads, bridges and transit)
needed to support local economies and to sustain the quality of life
that Ontarians have come to expect and requesting that municipalities
throughout Ontario support their call for the Government of Ontario to
consider dedicating a portion of the new revenue collected from the
provincial portion of HST charged on gasoline and diesel sales to a
new predicable funding mechanism directed to Ontario's
Summary of Correspondence - 13 - March 28, 2011
municipalities for transportation infrastructure investment; indicating
that since the implementation of the HST, over 6000 CAA members
and non - members have shown their support for this initiative by
signing CAA's petition and e- petition and forwarding the following
resolution for consideration:
WHEREAS the introduction of the Harmonized Sales Tax (H.S.T.) on
July 1, 2010, and its application to gasoline and diesel sales will result
in new revenue for the Government of Ontario; and
WHEREAS based on 2010 average price levels of gasoline and
diesel, and 2009 average consumption levels in Ontario, the
Government of Ontario's projected new revenue will be approximately
$1.53 billion annually; and
WHEREAS the Provincial - Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery
Review identified a transportation infrastructure investment gap
between the Government of Ontario and Ontario's municipalities of
approximately $3.8 billion; and
WHEREAS a lack of sufficient funding for essential transportation
infrastructure construction, maintenance and rehabilitation has
created a situation where many of Ontario's municipalities do not
have the financial capacity to construct new transportation
infrastructure and conduct the maintenance and rehabilitation needed
to sustain existing transportation infrastructure; and
Municipality of Clarington requests that the Government of Ontario
consider directing a portion of the revenue derived from HST charged
on gasoline and diesel sales to a new predictable funding mechanism
that will allow Ontario's municipalities to.make the critical investments
needed to be effective stewards of transportation infrastructure; and
FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Premier
Dalton McGuinty, Hon. Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance,
Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation, Hon. Bob Chiarelli,
Minister of Infrastructure, the Ontario Good Roads Association and to
CAA South Central Ontario; and
FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in
Ontario requesting their support.
(Motion for Direction)
1 -1
111 MAR04 Pti 3 :46 :39
Mr. Philip Webster, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission ,
Mr. Gary Vandergaast, Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI), (Presenter)
Dr. George Bereznai, UOIT, (Presenter)
Ms. Janice Szwarz, Municipality of Clarington
Dr. David Gorman, Observer
REGRETS Mr. Carl Ferencz, Public Member
Mr. Hardev Bains, Public Member
Ms. Judy Herod, PHAI
Pickering East Shore Community Centre
Conference Room
910 Liverpool Road
City of Pickering,1
January 14, 2011
1:00 PM
Pickering Nuclear
Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) (Chair)
Ms. Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, DRHD
Mr. Ken Gorman, DRHD
Dr. Dave Whillans, Ontario Power Generation (OP ) E! -S37� ��
Mr. Raphael McCalla, OPG (Presenter)
Dr. Tony Waker, University of Ontario Institute ofr ' . "'d16'
f oRlcin ro: I
Ms. Norma Drummond, Public Member
COljt,J',-"- DL;NCIL ❑ FILE
Dr. Barry Neil, Public Member
Mr. Jansen Wu, Public Member
Copy To:
Mr. Alex Heydon, Public Member
❑ MAYOR `c
❑ t�,BE: � ❑ CAO
OF X'l!?- CIL
Mr. Frank Bajumy, Public Member
❑ Gomk1UNITY ❑ CC; =;,.DA;E ❑ EMEr'GEIICY
Mr. Marc Landry, Public Member
Mr. Brian Devitt, DRHD, (Secretary)
Mr. Don Terry, OPG, (Presenter)
Mr. Scott Guthrie, OPG, (Presenter)
Mr. Jonathan Liberia, OPG
Mr. Philip Webster, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission ,
Mr. Gary Vandergaast, Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI), (Presenter)
Dr. George Bereznai, UOIT, (Presenter)
Ms. Janice Szwarz, Municipality of Clarington
Dr. David Gorman, Observer
REGRETS Mr. Carl Ferencz, Public Member
Mr. Hardev Bains, Public Member
Ms. Judy Herod, PHAI
Robert Kyle opened the meeting, welcomed everyone on behalf of Pickering Nuclear
who was hosting the meeting today.
1.0 Adoption of the DNHC Agenda
The Revised Agenda was adopted.
2.0 Adoption of the DNHC Minutes of the November 19, 2010 meeting
The Minutes were adopted as written with several minor editorial changes suggested by
Mary -Anne Pietrusiak to 5.1 a Report on Health Neighbourhoods Project.
10 Correspondence
3.1 Robert Kyle's. office received the minutes of the Pickering Nuclear Generating
Station Community Advisory Council for October and November 2010.
3.2 Robert Kyle's office received a letter of resignation from Norma Drummond,
DNHC Public Member for Ajax, dated November 28, 2010.
3.3 Robert Kyle sent a letter, on behalf of the DNHC, to Judy Herod, Stakeholder
Relation Officer for the Port Hope Area Initiative, endorsing the comments made
by Michael Binder, President of the CNSC, Mayor Linda Thompson and Rick
Norlock, MP, Northumberland - Quinte West in reaction to Dr. Caldercott's remarks
and the letter was dated December 1, 2010.
3.4 Robert Kyle's office received a copy of the speech given by Tom Mitchell,
President and CEO of OPG, to the Ontario Energy Network meeting in Toronto on
December 9, 2010.
3.5 Robert Kyle's office received a news release from the Darlington New Nuclear
Power Plant Project Joint Review Panel announcing the Public Hearing scheduled
for March 21, 2011 and the news release was dated December 14, 2010.
3.6 Robert Kyle's office received the OPG Performance Report for 2009 -2010 dated
December 14, 2010.
3.7 Robert Kyle's office received a letter from Laurie Swami, Director, Licensing and
Environment for OPG, concerning the update on the Darlington New Nuclear
Project - Environmental Assessment dated December 17, 2010.
Referring to Correspondence item 3.2, Robert Kyle mentioned Norma Drummond,
Public Member for Ajax, had resigned after serving the DNHC. for several years.
Robert honored Norma, who was at the meeting today, by mentioning how her wit
and insightful comments and questions will be greatly missed. We all wished her
the very best with her plans for travel and to spend more time with her family.
4.0 Nuclear Power / Environmental Issues
4.1 Report on OPG's Continuing Partnership with Durham College and the University
of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
Dr. George Bereznai, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Energy Systems and
Nuclear Science at UOIT, provided a report on the OPG's recent financial
commitment of $5 million for the continued partnership with Durham College and
UOIT. The highlights of George's presentation were:
• OPG's Phase One Investment of $10 million from 2005 to 2010 enabled
Durham College to establish a nuclear option for its Power Engineering
• OPG's Phase One Investment also enabled UOIT to establish a Graduate
Diploma Program in six nuclear science and engineering specialties, establish
the MEng, MASc and PhD Programs in several nuclear related programs and
build an Energy Research Centre worth $45 million to be completed in 2011.
• OPG's Phase Two Investment from 2011 to 2015 will:
o Continue to strengthen Phase One Investment objectives
o Assist Durham College and UOIT to provide OPG employees with
credit for OPG training to pursue university degree programs and
advanced college diplomas
o Enable UOIT to give priority to research areas identified by OPG in
the operation of the Energy Research Centre for the refurbishment of
nuclear units and next generation technologies
o Enable UOIT in adding the power option to its electrical engineering
o Provide co -op work terms and internships placements for Durham
College and UOIT students with OPG to enhance their learning
experience in the workplace
In summary, George indicated he is very pleased with the on -going relationship
Durham College and UOIT have with OPG. George's Take Home Message was "A
well managed partnership between a utility and local educational institutions results
in better educated employees, lower training costs, and stronger community support
for continued nuclear power plant operations, as well as for new build projects ".
Dr. George Bereznai mentioned that UOIT will host a DNHC meeting at their new
facility on September 16, 2011 and his staff will provide more information on their
nuclear programs.
4.2 Report by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) concerning
Compliance Issues at Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Power Plants
Philip Webster, Director, Darlington Regulatory Program for the CNSC, provided a
report on the CNSC's Staff Integration Safety Assessment of Pickering and
Darlington for 2009. The safety assessment was released on August 19, 2010. The
highlights of Philip's presentation were:
• The CNSC safety performance ratings for 2009 were:
o Fully Satisfactory (FS)
o Satisfactory (SA)
o Below Expectations (BE)
o Unacceptable (UA)
• The CNSC Safety Performance Ratings for Pickering A &B and Darlington
Nuclear Power Plants'in 2009 were:
Pick A Pick B, Darl
o Operational Performance
o Performance Assurance
o Design and Analysis
o Equipment Fitness for Service
o Emergency Preparedness
SA .
o Environmental Protection
o Radiation Protection
o Integrated Plant Rating
o Safeguards
The conclusions of the Safety Assessment of Pickering and Darlington Nuclear
Power Plants were:
• Pickering A Units 2 and 3 were transitioning to safe storage and Units 1 and 4
operating performance was Satisfactory.
• Pickering A Operating Licence expires June 30, 2013.
• Pickering B Units 5, 6, 7 and 8 operating performance was Satisfactory.
Pickering B Operating Licence expires June 30, 2013.
• OPG confirmed Pickering A and B will not proceed with refurbishment plans
to extend the life of the power plants but will make investments as needed to
ensure continued safe and reliable operation for approximately 10 years.
• Darlington Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 operating performance was Fully Satisfactory.
• Darlington Operating Licence expires February 28, 2013.
• Darlington confirmed major refurbishment plans to extend the life of the
power plant.
In summary, Philip indicated Pickering and Darlington Power Plants were operating
safely and in 2009 there were:
• No serious process failures.
• No radiation releases made above the CNSC regulatory limit.
• There was excellent communication and co- operation between the CNSC and
OPG concerning on -going compliance issues.
• Canada was able to meet its international obligations regarding the peaceful
use of nuclear energy.
Philip Webster indicated more information on the Safety Assessment of Pickering
and Darlington Nuclear Power Plants can be found at www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca.
Philip can be reached at (613) 947 -2771 or by e -mail at Philip.webster@cnsc-
ccsn.gc.ca. The overheads used are attached as Appendix 1.
4.3 Report by CNSC concerning the Shipment of Steam Generators from Bruce Power
to Sweden through the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River Seaway
Philip Webster, Director, Darlington Regulatory Program for the CNSC, provided a
detailed report on the shipment of steam generators from Bruce Power to Sweden
using the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River Seaway. The highlights of Phil's
presentation were:
• The CNSC and Transport Canada have shared responsibility to authorize the
transport of 8 steam generators weighing 100 tons each from Bruce Power to
Sweden using the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Seaway.
• The steam generators became contaminated with radiation during use in the
power plant but the contamination is low and restricted to the internal
components of the steam generator and there is no surface contamination.
• Before shipping, all openings on the generator will be welded shut and sealed
to contain the contamination.
• There will be no environmental impact when the steam generators are
• The environmental impact of a major accident would be minimal due to the
form of the contamination inside the steam generators.
• The estimated radiation contamination is 6.5 .Curie per steam generator.
• Radioactive material is regularly and safely transported on the Great Lakes
and the St. Lawrence River Seaway.
• The transport of the steam generators will be compliant with Canadian and
International regulations.
• CNSC will be announcing a decision on the transport of the steam generators
through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Seaway to Sweden in the
next few weeks.
Philip Webster indicated more information on the transport of the steam generators
can be accessed at www.nuclearsafely.u.ca and the overheads Phil used are
attached as Appendix 2.
4.4 Report by OPG concerning the Safe Storage of Units 2 and 3 at Pickering A
Scott Guthrie, Director, Project Controls for OPG, provided a report concerning the
Safe Storage Project of Units 2 and 3 at Pickering A. The highlights of Scott's
presentation were:
• The history of Pickering A included:
• Operation of units started in the. early 1970s
• Units 1 -4 were laid up in 1997 by OPG's Nuclear Improvement Plan
• Pickering A units share significant systems with Pickering B units
• CANDU design used for Pickering A units was very complex
• Units 4 and 1 were returned to in 2003 and 2005 after major upgrades
• Units 2 and 3 were not returned to service by OPG's decision in 2005
• Units 2 and 3 needed to enter Safe Storage Project
• The major Safe Storage Project Tasks for Units 2 and 3 were:
o Remove Fuel
o Drain Heavy Water
o Drain Light Water
o Containment Boundary Move
• The tasks for Units 2 and 3 began in May 2007 and were completed on
September 15, 2010 ahead of schedule, under budget and involved
approximately 800,000 man- hours.
• The Safe Storage of Units 2 and 3 were completed without impacting the
safe operation of the other 6 units at Pickering A and B.
• OPG gained valuable experience and expertise in the Safe Storage of Units 2.
and 3 that will be used when the remaining 6 units at Pickering A and B are
shut down for safe storage in the next decade.
Scott Guthrie can be reached at (905) 839 -1151 or by e -mail at
scott. ueAopg com for more information. The overheads Scott used are
attached as Appendix 3.
4.5 Report on the Fish Diversion System at Pickering Nuclear
Raphael McCalla, Manager, Environmental Programs for OPG, provided a
presentation on the Fish Diversion System (FDS) that was installed at Pickering
Nuclear as result of a directive from the CNSC on October 7, 2008. The highlights
of Raphael's presentation were:
• The FDS is an engineered system of nets and navigational system at the
cooling water intake at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to reduce fish
entering the cooling water system by approximately 80 %.
• The FDS was first installed on October 15, 2009 and removed for the winter
on December 6, 2009.
• The FDS was reinstalled on April 16th and removed for the winter on
November 22, 2010.
• OPG initiated a Screen House monitoring of fish impingement in January
2010 to measure the physical count of fish from the debris collection systems
from cooling water.
• The Screen House preliminary. monitoring results show a very significant
reduction in fish being drawn into the cooling water as result of the FDS of
approximately 70 -80 %.
• OPG is preparing an effectiveness study report of the FDS that will be
completed in 2011.
• The CNSC conducted a site visit on October 14 and 15, 2010 and
acknowledged the effectiveness of OPG's ongoing efforts to meet CNSC's
objectives and recommendations.
• The Lake Ontario Waterkeeper also conducted a site visit on October 29,
2010 and congratulated OPG and CNSC for protecting fish effectively with
the FDS.
Raphael McCalla can be reached at (905) 839 -6746 or by e -mail at
Raphael.mccallagopg com for more information on the FDS.
4.6 Report on the Environmental Monitoring Planned for the Port Granby Project
Gary Vandergaast, Senior Project Specialist with the Port Hope Area Initiative
(PHAI), provided a technical report concerning the environmental monitoring
planned for the Port Granby Project. The highlights of Gary's presentation were:
• During the environmental assessment study process, there was a recognized
need to design a water treatment development system for the Port Granby
Project that would effectively contain and remove contaminants that could
adversely affect the environment and human health.
• The PHAI's approach to the water treatment development system included:
• In 2008, assessment of water treatment requirements
• In 2008, assessment of applicable treatment technologies
• In 2009, conducted bench scale studies
• In 2010, conducted pilot scale studies
• In 2010 and 2011, to develop a detailed design
• The conclusions of the Bench Scale Studies were:
• Reverse osmosis was very effective in removing contaminants
• Pretreatment for ammonia and nitrate removal may be required
• Evaporation may be feasible for concentrate after reverse osmosis
• The conclusions of the Pilot Study showed very significant results of
contaminants using reverse osmosis and the reductions were:
• Nitrate by approximately 98 %.
• Arsenic by 98%
• Radium -226 by 99%
• Uranium by 99%
Gary indicated the Next Steps for the Port Granby Project Water Treatment
Requirements include:
• Completing the Pilot Scale Study Reports.
• Submitting the Water Treatment Definition Reports to the CNSC including
Preliminary Action Levels.
• Completing the detailed design plan for the Project.
• Receiving a licence from the CNSC for the Project.
• Beginning the construction and commissioning of the Project in 2012.
Gary Vandergaast and his associates at the PHAI Management Office will keep the
DNHC updated concerning the Port Granby Project. Gary can be contacted at (905).
885 -8830 or vandergaastg(d,aecl.ca for more information on the Project.
5.0 Health Effects
5.1 No Report Presented Today
6.0 Communications
6.1 Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear
Don Terry, Manager of Public Affairs at Pickering Nuclear, provided an update on
Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear. The highlights of Don's presentation were:
• Pickering A employees have worked approximately 2.2 million hours without
a lost -time injury and Pickering B employees have worked more than 3.8
million hours without a lost -time injury.
• All units at Pickering are operating at full power except unit 4 that is at 85%
of full power after a brief maintenance outage.
• Unit 5 will begin an outage in early February for planned maintenance.
• Pickering Nuclear will partner with several community organizations
including the Big Brothers and Sisters, sponsor an international film night and
the bi- annual employee art show.
• Pickering Nuclear staff will meet with newly elected council members and
senior staff from host municipalities.
• The next Pickering Neighbours newsletter will be distributed in March 2011.
Don Terry, Manager of Public Affairs at Pickering Nuclear, can be reached at (905)
839 -1151 extension 5966 or by e-mail at don.teLU@opp,.com for more information.
6.2 Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear .
Don Terry provided an update on the community issues at Darlington Nuclear. The
highlights of Don's presentation were:
• Employees at Darlington Nuclear have worked approximately 8.8 million
hours without a lost -time injury dating back to May 2008.
• A planned maintenance outage of Unit 1 will begin in mid -March 2011.
• All four units at Darlington Nuclear are operating at high power.
• Darlington Nuclear will partner with several community organizations
including the Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington and Clarington's Winter
• Darlington Nuclear will meet with newly elected council members and senior
staff of host municipalities.
• The Public Hearing of the Joint Review Panel for Darlington New Nuclear
Power Plant Project will begin on March 21, 2011 but the location in Durham
Region has not been announced.
• The next Darlington Neighbours newsletter will be distributed in March
Jennifer Knox, Manager of Public Affairs at Darlington Nuclear, can be reached at
(905) 697 -7443 by e -mail at JennifenknoxgopLg_com for more information.
7.0 Other Business
7.1 Topics Inventory Update
Robert Kyle indicated the Topics Inventory will be revised to include the
presentations made today and it is attached as Appendix 4.
7.2 Future Topics for the DNHC to Consider
Robert Kyle indicated the topics for discussion at the next meeting on April 15,
2011 or future DNHC meetings may include:
• Report on Ontario's Future Energy Program
• Progress Report from OPG concerning the New Nuclear at Darlington Project
• Progress Report .from OPG concerning the Refurbishment and Continued
Operation of Darlington
• Progress.Report from NWMO concerning the Site Selection Process
8.0 Next Meeting
Date April 15, 2011
Time 12:00 PM Lunch served .
1:00 PM Meeting begins
Host Darlington Nuclear
Location Courtice Community Complex
2950 Courtice Road
Meeting Room A
Clarington, Ontario
9.0 Adjournment at 4:15 PM
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board 1-2
Municipalit�of Clarin ton
Minutes ofMeeting Tuesday February 8, 2011
(Not yet Approved by Committee)
In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice-Cha r DISTRin-
Gord 1®
Councillor, Willie Woo, Carol Little, Bob Holmes, Gary Oliver, REVIEWED BY Blaker, Jo -Acme Raymond, Arena Manager, Bryan Wiltshire. ORIGINAL TO:
1. Call to Order — 7:10 P.M. ° DIRECTION NOFORMATIOO FILE
The meeting was turned over to Councillor Woo for the Election of Off, erst(PCMair &MEMBERS
vice. Chair). Gary Oliver nominated both Gord Lee and Larry Burke to b r ��j t OF COUNCIL
Chair & Vice - Chair, respectively. There were no other nominations for t esaEOr , SERVICES
positions. The following motion was proposed: ❑ ENGINEERING ❑ MUNICIPAL
Motion # 11 -104 ❑ PLANNING ❑ SOLICITOR
THAT. Gord Lee be re- elected to the position of Chair for the four year t gno%kAhis
Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Bob Holmes
Motion # 11 -105
THAT. Larry Burke be re- elected to the position of Vice -Chair for the four year term of
this committee.
Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Bob Holmes
2. Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 11 -105 was proposed:
THAT. The minutes of January 11, 2011 is approved with no changes, additions or,
Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Larry Burke
3. Arena Manager's Report— Bryan Wiltshire
Bryan provided the board with five (5) quotations for arena work that needed attention.
From Rivett Architectural- Quote # 314097 — New Dressing Room Doors —
Supplied and installed @ $3,375.00 — Quote # 314098 — Panic Door installation on west
exit door, Supplied and installed - $675.00. Quote # 314101 —New weather stripping on
Olympia Door — Supply and install - $200.00. Quote from George Moore Electric to
supply and install baseboard heater and timer in Referee's Room @ $770.66. Quote on
Glycol Water Treatment required monthly for refrigeration plant. Costs for the balance of
this season and all of next; a total of - $900.00.
Motion 911-106 was proposed:
THAT: We go ahead with Quote # 314098 — Panic Door installation, providing: There
are no available doors in inventory with the Municipality Operations Department for
replacement. In addition, we also go ahead with the weather stripping on the Olympia
Door and also look after the Glycol Water Treatment. Then, attempt to get second quotes
on the other two projects — Referee's Room and Dressing Room Doors.
Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Gary Oliver
Discussion continued with Bryan on the Parking Lot ice conditions. As our snow removal
contract included additional cost of $150.00 for salting, it was decided; staff could do
their own salting with a medium size spreader and salt supplies from Rona Hardware, in
Motion # 11 -107 was proposed:
THAT: Bryan purchase a medium size spreader and sufficient bags of salt to keep the
parking lot reasonably clear of ice, particularly the walking areas; bringing people to and
from the entrances and exits. Staff will be required to do the salting, as required.
Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Larry Burke
Insufficient hot water in the change rooms for showers continues to be an issue with our
user groups, particularly the men's teams. Bryan was asked to secure information and
quotations on the installation of Tank -less Water Heaters. Further discussions on energy
efficient lighting for the arena floor area ensued. The chair advised he was meeting with
Fred Horvath in the near ftiture and would discuss the Municipality's recent energy
saving project and study, they had recently completed. Lighting and hot water
requirements would be discussed.
Safety Helmets for on — ice employees and patrons has become a major concern. The
chair advised: It was just a matter of time before stringent policies would come into place
regarding head safety. The members felt we should become pro- active with a firm policy;
particularly, with our own staff. Currently, our staff is wearing a variation of Hard Hats;
not conducive to overall safety. The following motion was proposed:
Motion # 11 -108
THAT: Effective with the fall ice program commencing — (September, 2011) CSA
Approved Safety Helmets for on -ice activities be a condition of employment, similar to
our policy on Safety Boots. All employees, including the Olympia Operators will be
required to wear such head gear when entering the ice surface. Further, notices will be
posted with patron requirements for safety helmet policies in Newcastle Memorial Arena.
At this point, no policy is in place for figure skating patrons. But, will be further looked
at, in discussions with the municipality.
Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Jo -Anne Raymond
4. Finances -
Received for Direction — Proposed Budget was provided and discussed.
Letter from employee Dan Cowx was discussed.
Motion # 11 -109 was proposed:
THAT: Arena Manager Bryan Wiltshire's hourly rate is increased by $1.00/ hr. From a
rate of $25.00 /Hr. to $26.00 — effective February 7th, 2011
Lead Hand employee, Dan Cowx's hourly rate be increased by $1.50 /hr.From a
rate of $15.00 /Hr. to $16.50 — effective February 7th, 2011.
Arena Manager's request for an additional one week of vacation and his further
request for payment of Safety Boots be deferred to our March, 2011 meeting.
With these changes in the payroll, the proposed.budget be accepted and prepared for year
2011. Copies of the accepted budget will be forthcoming to all board members and the
Moved by: Jo -Anne Raymond Seconded by: Bob Holmes
Accounts Receivables were provided and a concern for the $13,105.06 by C.G.H.L.' was
discussed. With approximately $6,000.00 in the 60 to 90 day column, the chair was asked
to make contact with their treasurer for payment.
5. Next Meeting — Tuesday March 8, 2011— 7:00 P.M.
6. Adjournment— Motion # 11 -110 —THAT: The Meeting is adjourned.
Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Jo -Anne Raymond
Draft minutes — Not vet approved by Committee
AT 7:00 P.M.
Present: (Voting)
Staff Present:
Shirley Minifie
Pat Mulcahy
Michael Goleski
Geoff James
Peter Windolf
Brian Reid
Greg Wells — GRCA
Absent: Warren May — MNR
1. Welcome and Introductions
1 -3
'T' 7, e S I E'-!" ila'% 3 G d,, Ik.l
Jim Cleland
David Best
Clayton Morgan
Councillor Corrina Traill
As this was the first meeting of the new term, SWNA committee members were asked to
introduced themselves and describe their background and interest in the SWNA.
2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Since all members were not present at the meeting it was agreed that elections would be
delayed until the April 12 meeting.
3. Agenda
-Site accessibility
- Regulatory signage
Acceptance of Agenda
MOVED by Clayton Morgan, seconded by Shirley Minifie
THAT the agenda for March 8, 2011 be accepted.
4. Minutes of October 12, 2010
There were no corrections to the minutes
Approval of Minutes
MOVED by David Best, seconded by Shirley Minifie
THAT the minutes of October 12, 2010 be approved.
5. Issues arising from the Minutes
There were no issues arising from the minutes.
6. Sub - Committees
There was a discussion about the types of SWNA sub - committees that have previously
existed. The committee decided to establish two sub - committees;
a) Site Maintenance, to be chaired by Jim Cleland. This sub - committee would
provide leadership for on -site projects and provide advice on the development and
maintenance of the SWNA. David Best volunteered to assist.
b) Communications and Special Events, to be chaired by Shirley Minifie. This sub-
committee would focus on promoting public awareness of the SWNA through
updates on the SWNA blog, delivery of the SWNA PowerPoint presentation to
interested groups and through special events held at the SWNA. Patricia Mulcahy,
Geoff James and Councillor Traill volunteered to assist.
All committee members were invited to provide assistance on either committee when
they can.
7. Updates
2011 Capital Budget
Council approved $28,000 for the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area in the 2011 Budget. The
list of proposed projects was established by the previous SWNA committee including;
- An information kiosk on the Toronto Street side similar to the existing kiosk at the
Cobbledick parking lot
- A viewing platform on along the east edge of the marsh
- Additional benches along the trails
- Regulatory signage intended to reduce littering around the marsh
Preliminary estimates indicate that all of these projects can be built within the budget
allocation. The number of benches and signs will be determined once the costs of the
other projects are known.
There was discussion about what should appear on the kiosk sign. It was agreed that one
side of the kiosk should display a map showing the site features such as trails, benches,
viewing platforms, interpretive signs, parking areas, etc. The map would also include the
updated road network and parking lot access on the east side of the site and the section of
waterfront trail located on -road trail along Toronto Street.
The other side of the sign would include information on the site history, ecology, wildlife
and vegetation. User information and the municipal web site address could also appear on
the sign. A draft of the sign graphics will be distributed to the committee when available.
There was discussion about the establishing a trail for the visually impaired, similar to the
Dogwood Trail at the Oshawa's Second Marsh Wildlife Area. While the committee
agreed that this type of trail would be a valuable asset to the SWNA it would have to be
discussed and considered as a future capital budget item.
Pitch -In Week
Pitch -In week is an annual community clean -up event co- ordinated through the
Operations Department. This year's Pitch -In events are scheduled from April 18- 24.The
SWNA has traditionally been one of the advertised sites. The committee agreed
participate again this year and will have volunteers available to assist on Saturday April
23 at both the Cobbledick and Toronto Street parking lots. Operations will be asked to
advertise the locations and provide bags and gloves.
S. Other Business
Site Accessibility and Accessibility Training
Accessibility Training is a mandatory requirement for all volunteer members of Boards
and Committees. Several members attended the training during the last term of the
committee. The training is intended to raise awareness of accessibility issues but the
SWNA site is not fully accessible and could not be made fully accessible without major
improvements to the trail grades and surfaces.
Regulatory Sig
The committee also discussed the need for signs encouraging fisherman to take their litter
with them. The signs would be posted at the main access points to the central portion of
the marsh where most of the littering is occurring. The previous SWNA committee
decided that the signs with the funds remaining after the kiosk, viewing platform and
benches were installed.
Nest Boxes
Jim Cleland removed all of the nest boxes for cleaning and will re- install them in late
March or early April. He suggested that more nest boxes and T -bars are needed at the
site. Operations will be asked to provide additional T -bars.
Future Meeting Schedule
The committee decided to continue with the normal schedule for SWNA meetings, being
the second Tuesday of each month.
Motion to Adjourn
MOVED by Pat Mulcahy, seconded by David Best
THAT the meeting be adjourned.
Adjournment: 8:45 P.M.
Next Meeting: Tuesday April 12, 7 :OOPM
Notes prepared by P. Windolf
1 -4
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 5:00 P.M.
Present: P. Perkins, Chair
L. Coe
S. Collier
J. Drumm
A. England
R. Hooper
D. Mitchell
J. Neal
M. Novak
P. Rodrigues
C. Traill
J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer
D. White, Director, Corporate Services
H. Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning & Natural Heritage
C. Darling, Director, Development Review & Regulation
G. Geissberger, Marketing & Communications Coordinator
D. Hope, Coordinator, Land Management & Operations
P. Lowe, Director, Watershed Stewardship & Community Outreach
P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations
G. SooChan, Director, Groundwater
K.L. Tate, Administrative Assistant /Recording Secretary
Excused: B. Chapman, Vice Chair
L. Corrigan
Absent: T.D. Marimpietri
The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any matters herein contained — NONE
Res. #32 Moved by R Hooper
Seconded by M. Novak
THAT the Authority minutes of February 15, 2011 be adopted as circulated.
(1) Correspondence from Conservation Ontario/Don Pearson
Re: Letter to Toronto Wind Action on behalf of all 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontario
Res. #33 Moved by L. Coe
Seconded by L. Collier
THAT the above correspondence (attached as Schedule 3 -1 to 3 -5) be received for information.
DELEGATION — Mr. Alex Alexander, 3455 Ritson Road North, Oshawa
The Chair gave Mr. Alex Alexander an opportunity to speak on behalf of all residents present this evening in conjunction with Staff
Report #4947 -11 as it relates to a permit 011- 007 -GH issued to Hard -Co Construction contained within Staff Report 4944 -11 ;
discussion ensued. The Chair thanked W. Alexander for his presentation.
(1) Staff Report #4947 -11
Application To Place Fill — 618 Columbus Road East, Oshawa
Res. #34 Moved by J. Drumm
Seconded by L. Coe
THAT Staff Report #4947-11 (attached as Schedule 4.1 to 4 -6) be received for information.
AMENDMENT Moved by J. Neal
Seconded by A. England
THAT the following points be added as conditions to permit 011- 007 -GH issued to Hard -Co Construction:
The applicant will notify truck drivers that tail gates are not to be slammed on the site. Additionally, signs will be
posted at the site entrance and at the dumping area to remind truckers not to slam tailgates. A dozer operator
will be on site to monitor the site for compliance. Work hours will respect Noise By -Law requirements
The applicant will make available water trucks and sweepers and will monitor and wet down the site as needed to,
control dust on -site. As the fill is placed on site, final grades will be established, and seed placed to limit the
amount of disturbed site.
Considerable discussion ensued.
Also present was Jason Hotchkiss of the City of Oshawa. In answer to an inquiry made by M. Novak, Mr. Hotchkiss stated the City of
Oshawa administers a Noise By -Law in effect between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and that further information and specifics of
this by -law can be obtained from the City of Oshawa.
The Chair noted to members the City of Oshawa is responsible for enforcing its Noise By -Law.
Res. #35 Moved by D. Mitchell
Seconded by L. Coe
THAT voting on the above AMENDMENT be severed on the two bullet points.
J. Neal spoke with respect to the first bullet point (as noted above). Discussion ensued. The Chair gave Mr. Bang Harding, President
of Hard -Co an opportunity to speak; members asked questions of Mr. Harding.
Res. #36 Moved by A. England
Seconded by J. Neal
THAT all future permit applications must be reviewed by the CLOCA Board of Directors prior to issuance.
R. Powell outlined the ramifications involved should all permit applications be required to come before the CLOCA Board of
Directors for approval prior to issuance.
AMENDMENT Moved by C. Traill
THAT all future permit applications submitted for 618 Columbus Road East, Oshawa be required to come before
the CLOCA Board of Directors for review prior to issuance.
The Chair gave direction to staff to send a letter to Hard -Co Construction Ltd. noting they have an obligation to fulfill regarding the
City of Oshawa Noise By -Law at the 618 Columbus Road East, Oshawa location.
The Chair gave direction to staff to forward a letter to the City of Oshawa noting concerns from residents in the vicinity of 618
Columbus Road East, Oshawa and the need for enforcement of the City of Oshawa Noise-By-law.
(1) Staff Report #4944 -11 (attached as Schedule 5-1 & 5-2)
Applications for Development, Interference with Wetlands and
Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses — February 2011
Res. #37 Moved by J. Neal
Seconded by A. England
THAT permit 011 - 007 -GH issued to Hard -Co Construction Ltd. be severed out from Staff Report #4944 -I1.
Res. #38 Moved by J. Drumm
Seconded by L: Coe
THAT the attached applications, other than permit 011 - 007 -GH, as issued by staff, be endorsed.
Res. #39 Moved by J. Drumm
, Seconded by L. Coe
THAT permit 011 - 007 -GH, as issued by staff, be endorsed.
J. Neal requested his opposition be noted.
(1) Staff Report #4948 -11
Winter in the CLOCA Conservation Areas
Res. #40 Moved by M. Novak
Seconded by L. Coe
THAT Staff Report #4948-11 (attached as Schedule 6 -1 to 6 -3) be received for information.
(2) Staff Report #4946 -11
Purple Woods Conservation Area Maple Syrup Festival Facility
R. Powell introduced Staff Report #4946 -11 emphasizing the need to proceed with development of the Purple Woods facility to enable
completion of the work for the 2012 Maple Syrup Festival.
Res. #41 Moved by J. Drumm
Seconded by M. Novak
THAT Staff Report #4946-11 (attached as Schedule 6 -4 to 6 -7) be received for information;
THAT Staff be directed to proceed with project in 2011 based on the proposed funding scenario conditional on
the Region of Durham contributing $500, 000 toward the capital cost of the project.
(1) Staff Report #4945 -11
CTC Source Water Protection
— CLOSPA Assessment Report Amendments and Updates
G. SooChan made a presentation on the Source Water Protection initiative and status. The Chair thanked G. SooChan for her
presentation and welcomed questions from members.
Res. #42 Moved by M. Novak
Seconded by S. Collier
THAT Staff Report #4945-11 (attached as Schedule 7 -1 to 7 -23) be received for information.
(1) Staff Report #4949 -11
Family Day Snowshoe
Res. #43 Moved by A. England
Seconded by M. Novak
THAT Staff Report #4949-11 (attached as Schedule 8 -1 to 8 -4) be received for information.
The Chair reminded members the orientation session is scheduled to be held prior to the next CLOCA Board of Directors meeting on
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 3:30 p.m.
Res. #44 Moved by J. Drumm
Seconded by A. England
THAT the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
The Regional
March 10, 2011
Ms. P.L. Barrie
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6
'I I MAR15 n 1 - 12
of Durham
Clerk's Department
(Our File No: F07)
to Report No. 2011 -J -22, be approved and form part of the
PO BOX 623
Ms. Barrie, the Joint Finance & Administration and Works
Committee of Regional Council considered the above matter and
905 -668 -7711
at a meeting held on March 9, 2011 .Council adopted the following
1- 800 - 372 -1102
recommendations of the Committee:
Fax: 905-668-9963
these materials:
E -mail: clerks @durham.ca
"2011 Regional User Fees and Charges
Pat M. Madill, A.M.C.T., CMM III
Regional Clerk a)
THAT the Regional Fees and Charges schedule for 2011
Solid Waste Management Operations, per Attachment #1
to Report No. 2011 -J -22, be approved and form part of the
annual Regional listing of Fees and Charges made
available to the public, including the following change as
directed in late 2010, to encourage electrical and
electronics waste diversion, and ensure proper disposal of
these materials:
i) Based upon 100 per cent Waste Diversion Ontario
(WDO) subsidy program requirements, separate
loads of 100 per cent Waste Electronics and
Electrical Equipment (WEEE) diversion materials be
accepted free -of- charge at the Region's Waste
Management Facilities (WMFs) located In the
Townships of Scugog and Brock and the City of
lid Waste Diversion: Increasing Reuse Opportunities
THAT staff be authorized to enhance reuse materials'
drop -off areas at the Region's existing Waste Management
Facilities (WMFs) located in the Townships of Brock and
Scugog and. the City of Oshawa, through the following
"Service Excellence
for our Communities"
100% Post Consumer
Page 2
Report No. 2011 -J -22
i) Reorganization of the Region's existing WMFs be
approved to increase the areas available for the
drop -off of new reuse materials, at a total cost of up
to $90,000 to be financed from the 2011 Solid
Waste Management capital budget, primarily to
purchase additional equipment (e.g. bins) and
associated site mod - ifications;
ii) Staff be authorized to procure and execute
partnership contracts through a Request for
Proposals (RFP) process in order to partner with
local community charitable and /or non - profit
organizations which are in the business of collecting
reusable waste items (e.g. demolition /construction
materials, textiles), including entering contractual
arrangements to safely and effectively provide for
Regional drop -off locations for their re- useable items
at the WMFs;
iii) The Commissioner of Finance be authorized to
negotiate a five -year sole source contract with
Grace Canada Inc. of the Town of Ajax, to continue
under the same terms and conditions as the existing
pilot contract to collect separated expanded
polystyrene from the Region's WMFs;
Solid Waste Diversion: Increasing Recycling Opportunities
c) THAT, including review of options, implementation plans,
timing, costs, potential locations, synergies and diversion
potential, Regional staff be authorized, at. a cost not to
exceed $500,000 financed from the 2011 Solid Waste
Management Budget, to issue and award a 2011 Request
for Proposals to secure a consultant to investigate future
implementation of a standardized Regional eco- station
facility to provide for a depot -style collection point(s)
accepting diversion -only materials (no garbage waste) and
with a report back to the Joint Committee to include the
provision of feasibility and business case analysis;
d) THAT Works and Finance staff finalize a due diligence
review of available end -use markets and operational and
equipment design and lay -out options for plastic food and
beverage containers with resin codes numbered three to
seven (food clamshells and trays), at a cost not to exceed
$100,000 and authorization to undertake the following
Page 3
Report No. 2011 -J -22
i) In 2011, the Commissioner of Finance, in
consultation with the Commissioner of Works, issue
an RFP and award a contract to a suitable
consultant, in consultation with the Commissioner of
Works, in order to conduct a preliminary
assessment/feasibility study of various operational
and equipment design and layout options to process
number three to seven plastics at the Region's
existing Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Whitby;
ii) Subject to the findings in i) above, make a formal
application to the Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO)
Continuous Improvement Fund (CIF) to secure CIF
funding for the cost of equipment modifications at
the Region's MRF to enable processing of number
three to seven plastics;
iii) The Commissioner of Finance commence
negotiations with the Region's current MRF
operations contractor, Metro Municipal Recycling
Services Inc. (MMRSI), with the Commissioner of
Works, to resolve any operational or financial
impacts associated with the potential introduction of
number three to seven plastics to the Region's Blue
Box program in 2011;
iv) Depending upon the results and subject to an
unfavorable outcome of negotiations with MMRSI,
the Commissioner of Finance, in consultation with
the Commissioner of Works, be authorized not to
exercise any of the three available one -year contract
extension options with MMRSI, beyond the original
5 year contract term ending in 2012, and further,
that the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to
initiate a suitable procurement process to obtain a
new MRF processing contractor commencing at the
end of the existing five -year term, and including
processing requirements for additional new Blue
Box materials;
V) Prior to implementation of the expanded Blue Box
program including number three to seven plastics,
staff provide a full report to Council on the
operational, financial and promotional implications
and communications strategies required to complete
this potential Blue Box expansion;
Page 4
Report No. 2011 -J -22
e) THAT Regional Finance and Works staff be authorized to
enter into a partnership agreement with the Provincial
Government's Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES)
provided there is no cost to the Region, to develop and
execute 2011 pilot projects, and evaluate the operational
logistics, acceptance and financial and diversion
implications from a new multi - residential unit waste
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling
collection program (see the OES letter included as
Attachment #2 to Report No. 2011- J -22), and residential
curbside collection of WEEE, with full reporting of the pilot
results to Joint Committee and Regional Council;
f) THAT Works and Finance staff be authorized to apply for,
and if successful, execute applicable agreements to
receive 100 per cent funding from the Continuous
Improvement Fund (CIF) of Waste Diversion Ontario to
develop and test reverse vending machine event greening
initiatives, which could include the acquisition of three
reverse vending machines at no net cost to the Region, to
be utilized under staff supervision at special waste events
and report back to Joint Committee and Regional Council
on the project;
Service Standardization, Uniform Waste Tax Rates and the
New Regional Waste By -law
g) THAT consistent with previous directions to standardize
solid waste management services and implement the
phase -in of uniform property tax rates based on weighted
assessment, and based on 2009 and 2010 consultations
with stakeholders, the Regional Solicitor be requested to
prepare a by -law to establish and maintain a system for the
collection and disposal of waste in the Regional
Municipality of Durham, subject to the final review and
approval of the by -law by the Commissioners of Works and
Finance and based upon the highlights included as
Attachment #3 to Report No. 2011 -J -22 as well as the
i) Standardized service levels for Regional waste
collection services based on existing services, and
focusing on the core mandate of providing curbside
residential waste collection service, including:
■ Definitions of programs, acceptable waste
materials, collection frequencies and
mechanisms to encourage diversion;
Page 5
Report No. 2011 -J -22
■ Garbage bag limits for curbside collection of
waste (4 bag bi- weekly limit Region- wide);
■ Roles and responsibilities of contractors, the
Region and clients;
■ Special provisions for families with small
children and special needs;
■ Penalties for non- compliance;
ii) Technical and financial parameters for the provision
of Regional waste collection services to residents
and a formal process for requests for service that
promote transparency, clarity and efficiency,
■ Eligibility requirements, formal applications
and process to receive waste services on
private properties (refer to Appendix 1 of
Detailed Report for Technical and Risk
Management Guidelines for Waste Collection
Services on Private Property in Detailed
Report on CD);
■. Diaper and Medical provision guidelines,
application and process;
iii) Documented service level standards for waste
collection and the safe operation of standardized
services at the Region's Waste management
Other .
h) THAT Regional staff be authorized to issue and award a
RFP to retain a consultant at a cost not to exceed
$150,000 funded from the 2011 Solid Waste Management
Budget, to assist in the preparation of options and business
case analyses, regarding optimization of the Region's 4600
Garrard Road solid waste management facility in the Town
of Whitby, including goals to maximizing diversion
opportunities and efficiencies and control over processing,
transfer and /or Regional haulage operations, with a report
back to Regional Council with results and
recommendations in 2011;
i) THAT Works and Finance staff be authorized, as part of a.
larger study of corporate green energy opportunities to be
reported in March 2011, to procure a consultant in 2011, at
a cost not to exceed $50,000, in order to conduct a
strategic assessment/pre- feasibility study of options to
Page 6
Report No. 2011 -J -22
utilize anaerobic digestion technology to produce useful
energy, while allowing for the diversion of compostable
materials with known health and safety issues (e.g. pet
j) THAT the Regional Solicitor be authorized to prepare the
requisite by -laws and Agreements and the Regional Clerk
and Regional Chair be authorized to execute subject by-
laws and agreements;
k) THAT the proposed Solid Waste Management 2011
Holiday Collection Schedules included in Attachment #4 to
Report No. 2011 -J -22 be received for information; and
1) THAT a copy of Report No. 2011 -J -22 of the
Commissioners of Finance and Works be forwarded to the
Region's eight Local Area Municipalities."
As directed, please find enclosed a copy of Report #2011 -J -22 of
C. Curtis, Commissioner of Works, and R.J. Clapp, Commissioner
of Finance.
P.M. Madill, AMCT, CMM III
Regional Clerk.
PMM /cb
c: R.J. Clapp, Commissioner of Finance
C. Curtis, Commissioner of Works
arm n
Energizing Ontario
(a) EGD- 012 -11 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for
January, 2011
(b) EGD- 013 -11 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for
February, 2011
(c) OPD- 004 -11 2010 Winter Report
(d) FND- 005 -11 Mayor and Councillors' Remuneration and Expenses
for 2010
(e) FND- 006 -11 Building Permit Fees Annual Report for 2010
(f) LGL- 004 -11 Clarington ats. St. Mary's Cement
Court File No: 09 -CV- 375276
THAT the delegation of Gary Jeffrey, Chair of the Agricultural Advisory Committee
of Clarington (AACC), regarding the AACC 2010 Accomplishments, be received
with thanks; and
THAT Members of Council are very interested in the AACC's activities and request,
from the AACC, dates of upcoming events.
Report #1 - 2 - March 28, 2011
THAT Report PSD- 025 -11 be received;
THAT the rezoning application submitted by Dunbury Developments (Courtice)
Limited continue to be processed by staff and that a further report be prepared
following the receipt of all outstanding agency comments; and
THAT the interested parties listed in Report PSD- 025 -11 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD- 026 -11 be received; and
THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on
March 3, 2011 for applications A2011 -0001 to A2011 -0003, and that Staff be
authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of
the Committee of Adjustment.
THAT Report PSD- 027 -11 be received;
THAT Council endorse the staff comments noted in Section 4.0 of Report
PSD- 027 -11 as the Municipality's comments on the Oshawa to Bowmanville Rail
Service Expansion and Rail Maintenance Facility Environmental Assessment Study
Report dated January 2011;
THAT the Municipality of Clarington support the recommendation of the
Environmental Assessment Report to extend the GO Train Service to Bowmanville,
with the understanding that the comments contained in Report PSD- 027 -11 will be
satisfactorily addressed prior to the conclusion of the EA approval process;
THAT the Province and Metrolinx be requested to confirm that the Oshawa to
Bowmanville fail service expansion will be undertaken as one phase;
THAT the Municipality of Clarington request the Province and Metrolinx Board to
move forward with the implementation of expansion of the GO train service to
Bowmanville as soon as possible by completing the Transit Project Assessment
Process, detailed design and constructions with all necessary funding earmarked at
an early stage in GO Transit's Ten Year Capital Plan;
Report #1 - 3 - March 28, 2011
THAT staff be authorized to approach GO /Metrolinx to negotiate a cost sharing
agreement for the Green Road grade separation; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 027 -11 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD- 028 -11 be received;
THAT The Municipality, through the GTA Clean Air Council, monitor the progress
being made by the Ministry of Environment on the cumulative impact assessment,
PM2.5 policy framework, and development of components of the Comprehensive Air
Management System (CAMS);
THAT the Region of Durham Health Department be requested to become more
involved in air quality issues, especially as they relate to health issues, on a Region
wide basis;
THAT-if Council determines that air quality improvement should be identified as a
priority, the issue be referred to the 2012 budget for municipal initiatives; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 028 -11 be advised of Council's
THAT Report PSD- 029 -11 be received;
THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Block 26, in Plan
40M -2265; and Block 137, in Plan 40M -2337 be approved and that the attached
Part Lot Control By -law be passed pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act;
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 029 -11, any delegations and the
Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's
Report #1 - 4 - March 28, 2011
THAT the Director of Planning Services be authorized to re- engage SENES
Consultants Ltd. to prepare comments on the application to the Minister of
Environment for Certificates of Approval for the Energy- From -Waste facility at a
cost of approximately $15,000 with a report and presentation to the General
Purpose and Administration Committee; and
THAT the funds be allocated from account # 100 -00- 000 - 00000 -2926, Consulting
and Professional Fees Reserve.
THAT Addendum to Report PSD- 017 -11 and Report PSD- 017 -11 be received;
THAT the rezoning application submitted by 1804603 Ontario Inc., be approved
and that the proposed Zoning By -law contained in Attachment 2 to Addendum to
Report PSD- 017 -11 be passed;
THAT the Holding (H) provision on the zone be removed once the owner has
entered into a site plan agreement with the Municipality; and
THAT the interested parties listed in Report PSD- 017 -11 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT a hard copy of the Certificate of Approval documents be made available, for
review, in the Municipal Clerk's Department;
THAT copies of the Certificate of Approval documents, or excerpts, be provided
upon request in accordance with the photocopy fees as prescribed in By -law
2010 -142; and
THAT electronic copies (CD's) be made available, for free upon request, through
the Municipal Clerk's Department.
Report #1 - 5 - March 28, 2011
THAT Report EGD- 009 -11 be received;
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the
Collaborative Agreement; and
THAT all partners in the Collaborative Agreement be advised of Council's action.
THAT Report EGD- 010 -11 be received;
THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of
Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related
Works, constructed within Plan 40M -2242; and
THAT Council approve the by -law attached to Report EGD- 010 -11, assuming
certain streets within Plan 40M -2242 as public highways.
THAT Report EGD- 011 -11 be received;
THAT the Building By -Law be revised to reflect the changes necessitated by the
new provisions of the Building Code;
THAT the building permit fee and inspection fee structure as detailed in the new
Building By -Law be approved;
THAT the Building By -Law be revised to include the annual indexing percentage of
3 %, effective January 1st each year;
THAT the new Building By -Law be effective April 4, 2011;
THAT the Building By -Law attached to Report EGD- 011 -11 as Attachment 1, be
recommended to Council for approval to rescind and replace By -Law 2005 -145, as
amended; and
THAT all recorded interested parties be notified of Council's decision.
Report #1
- 6 - March 28, 2011
THAT Report EGD- 014 -11 be received;
THAT Council approve in principle the closure and conveyance of Given Road from
Rudell Road to the east limit of future Pedwell Street, situated in Lot 30,
Concession 2, former Township of Clarke (Attachment 1 to Report EGD- 014 -11);
THAT Council authorize the publication of a notice that Council intends to declare
part of the road allowance (Attachment 1 to Report EGD- 014 -11) to be surplus and
to pass a by -law to close that part of the road allowance;
THAT the applicant pay all legal, advertising, appraisal and land costs associated
with this transaction; and
THAT Lidvest Properties (Clarington South) Ltd. be advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report EGD- 015 -11 be received;
THAT Council approve the proposal for the construction of traffic signals at the
intersection of Clarington Boulevard and Stevens Road;
THAT construction of the recommended traffic signals be completed in 2011;
THAT funding for the works be reallocated from the following completed projects
from previous Capital Budget years: Baseline Road /Spry Avenue Signalization
Project — account #110 -32- 330 - 83312 -7401 ($56,000), Bloor Street Sidewalks —
account # 110 -32- 331 - 83343 - 7401.($41,200), Prestonvale Road Sidewalks —
account #110 -32- 331 - 83346 -7401 ($47,800), and Courtice Road Sidewalks —
account #110 -32- 331 - 83345 -7401 ($55,000); and
THAT Council approve the proposal to remove the unwarranted all -way stop at the'
intersection of Clarington Boulevard and Uptown Avenue at the same time that
traffic signals are installed at the intersection of Clarington Boulevard and Stevens
Report #1 - 7 - March 28, 2011
THAT Report COD - 009 -11 be received;
THAT Hard -Co Construction Ltd., Whitby, ON with a total bid in the amount of
$2,512,297.64 (net HST rebate), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all
terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2011 -08, be awarded the
contract for Osborne Street Reconstruction and Energy Drive Construction as
required by the Engineering Department;
THAT the funds required in the amount of $3,624,000.00 (which includes
$2,512,297.64 for tendering, design contract administration and contingencies) be
drawn from the Account # 110 -32- 330 - 83334 -7401 and Letter of Credit #G198126;
THAT the tender award be subject to the approval of the Regional Municipality of
Durham for Regional infrastructure; and
THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement.
THAT the benefit consulting firm who recently undertook the comprehensive market
review and analysis of the Municipality of Clarington's benefit program, be
requested to provide a report to advise if the benefits provided by the Municipality
of Clarington's benefit program are reflective of standard and comparable benefits
in the municipal sector and, if it is possible, this statement also include some
comparable private companies.
THAT the Director of Finance prepare a report on whether or not a weekly payment
program for payment of residential property taxes may be instituted.
AUGUST, 2011
THAT the request from Kaylin Morissette and Julie Cryderman for funding for their
participation at the U19 World Championship of Women's Field Lacrosse be
denied; and
THAT the Municipality of Clarington wish Ms. Morissette and Ms. Cryderman well in
their endeavours.
Report #1 - 8 - March 28, 2011
THAT the Council meeting of June 6, 2011 be rescheduled to June 7, 2011 to
accommodate the Members of Council attending the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities conference.
WHEREAS climate change and energy consumption are two of the biggest
environmental threats to our planet;
WHEREAS participating in Earth Hour is about creating and demonstrating
leadership for making a difference towards climate change and energy
conservation by switching out lights for one hour on the 26th of March 2011;
WHEREAS participation in Earth Hour is a symbolic gesture that recognizes the
threat of climate change, recognizes that it is a global problem, recognizes that
individuals can help to mitigate the problem, and that collectively we can make a
WHEREAS participating in Earth Hour would demonstrate the Municipality's
commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and
highlight how small conservation efforts can add up to substantial energy savings
and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions;
WHEREAS Earth Hour provides Clarington with the occasion to build a positive
image and demonstrate environmental leadership;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, at 8:30 pm on March 26, 2011, the
Municipality of Clarington will join other cities around the world in literally "turning
out the lights" by shutting off all non - essential lighting in all of its buildings, where
feasible, and without jeopardizing safety, for one full hour; and
THAT the Municipality of Clarington's participation in Earth Hour be widely
promoted in order to raise awareness about this important issue and in order to
encourage every individual, household and business in Clarington, and beyond, to
join in by turning off their lights for one hour at 8:30 pm on March 26, 2011.
Report #1 - 9 - March 28, 2011
WHEREAS a 'Notice of Motion' delivered before Council forces the introduction of
an item on the following Council agenda, without discussion, debate or staff input;
AND WHEREAS good and meaningful governance requires fulsome debate, due
consideration, and open public consultation;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Procedural By -law, By -law 2011 -016,
be amended by deleting Sections 7.12.1, 7.12.2 and 7.12.3 'Notices of Motion', and
related sections, to remove the opportunity to introduce new motions at Council
without suspending the rules.
THAT the correspondence from Roy Nichols, Phyllis Milburn, Shannon Newman,
Missy Miller, Gary Lambert, and Tiffany Wilbur, as well as the petition, regarding
the Dunbury Development application (ZBA 2011 -0001) be referred to the Planning
Services Department for processing with the application.
Unfinished Business 1
Excerpt of Council Minutes
March 7, 2011
Resolution #C- 128 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
"WHEREAS s. 11 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended ( "the Act "), permits
municipalities to pass by -laws respecting the health, safety and well -being of persons;
WHEREAS s. 128 of the Act permits municipalities to prohibit and regulate with respect
to public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of council, are or could
become or cause public nuisances;
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada have gathered
research and prepared reports on fine particulate matter and its serious harm to human
health, but have not passed air regulations that focus on fine particulate matter,
evaluate together ambient conditions and new emissions, assess the human and public
health impacts of such conditions, or limit cumulative concentrations; and
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington considers it appropriate
and in the public interest to prevent or reduce adverse effects to its residents and public
health due to fine particulate matter in the Municipality of Clarington;
Staff be authorized to retain consultants and experts to help develop guidance
documents for general assessment and air modeling; and
2. Staff be directed to, in consultation with the general public, draft a by -law with
respect to the regulation of fine particulate matter."
(See Following Motion)
Resolution #C- 129 -11
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 128 -11 be tabled to the Council meeting of
March 28, 2011.
Unfinished Business 2
Excerpt of General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes
March 21, 2011
Resolution #GPA- 239 -11
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner
THAT the request of the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation for a letter of support be
referred to the Council meeting of March 28, 2011.
March 28, 2011
2011 -030 Being a by -law authorizing entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T- 94027, any Mortgagee
who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington (Approved by Council on September 28,
2011 -031 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (1494339
Ontario Limited) (Approved by Council on May 1, 2006)
2011 -032 Being a by -law to amend By -law 2004 -253 to provide for Civil
Marriage Services to be Offered by the Municipality of Clarington
(Approved by Council on March 7, 2011)
2011 -033 Being a by -law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-
2265 and a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M -2337 from Part
Lot Control (Item 7 of Report #1)
2011 -034 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle
(1804603 Ontario Inc.) (Item 9 of Report #1)
2011 -035 Being a by -law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of
Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington
(Item 12 of Report #1)
2011 -036 Being a by -law to provide for the administration and enforcement of
the Building Code Act within the Municipality of Clarington (Item 13
of Report #1)
2011 -037 Being a by -law to amend By -law 2011 -016, a by -law to govern the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, its
General Purpose and Administration Committee and Special
Committees (Item 22 of Report #1)
To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council
From: Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Cleric
Date: March 25, 2011
Subject: COUNCIL AGENDA — MARCH 28, 2011
Please be advised of the following regarding Monday's meeting:
See final list of Delegations attached.
D - 12 Attached please find a Memorandum from the Director of Planning Services
providing information on the Oshawa Cogen Project.
2. Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor regarding Morgan's Road.
2. Attach d is a proposed Resolution for Council's consideration with respect to the
Del tion of Kim Gavine, Executive Director, Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation.
P. L. Barrie, CMO
Municipal Clerk
PLB /cf
cc: Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L9C 3A6 T 905 -623 -3379 F 905 - 623 -6506
March 28, 2011
a) Pam Callus — Hard Copies of Certificate of Approval Documents for the
Energy - From -Waste Facility (Item 10 of Report #1)
b) Sherry lbbotson — Morgan's Road (Staff Report #2)
C) Wendy Bracken - Review of Region of Durham's Application for Certificate of
Approval for Energy - From -Waste Facility (Item 8 of Report #1)
d) Wendy Bracken - Hard Copies of Certificate of Approval Documents for the
Energy- From -Waste Facility (Item 10 of Report #1)
e) Henk Mulders - Building Permit and Inspection Fee Amendments and New
Building By -Law (Item 13 of Report #1)
Leading the May
TO: Mayor and Members of Council
FROM: David J. Crome, Director of Planning Services
DATE: March 25, 2011
Mayor Foster asked Planning staff to provide further information on Item D -12 on the March
28, 2011 agenda.
The proposed Oshawa Cogeneration Facility is a partnership of Northland Power Inc. and
General Motors Canada. The project will be a natural gas fired cogeneration that will provide
heat and power to General Motors and the surrounding industrial area. It is supported by the
City of Oshawa because, among other things, it replaces the coal burning GM steam plant.
We are attempting to get information on anticipated emission levels for the project.
Attached is the following:
1. Northland Power web page on the project.
2. Oshawa Resolution.
3. Letter dated Jan. 12, 2011 from General Motors and Northland Power to Paul Ralph,
Director of Planning Services.
4. Letter of support dated April 21, 2010 from the Greater Oshawa Chamber of
5. Letter of support dated March 14, 2011 from John O'Toole, MPP Durham.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905- 623 -3379 TF 1- 800- 563 -1195 F 905- 623 -0830
Northland Power
ntnf�=Trfr_n N U
l 0Wt9Ft
GM Oshawa
Oshawa, ON
The Ontario government has directed the Ontario
Power Authority (OPA) to procure 1,000 MW of power
from cogeneration projects. Northland Is working with
General Motors to develop and build a cogeneration
plant at GM's Oshawa manufacturing facility and supply
steam to GM and potentially to other nearby facilities.
Natural-gas -fired cogeneration
Main Equipment
Natural gas
50 --200 MW
Awaiting future OPA procuremenVnegoUation
Northland roles
Development, conceptual design, detailed design,
construction management, commissioning/start -up,
owner, operations management
Page 1 of 1
http:// www. northlandpower. ca/ WhatWeDo /Projects,aspx?projectID =25 3/24/2011
DS -11 -a0
Development Services Committee Meeting — January 17, 2011
Proposed Oshawa Cogeneration Facility
Northland Power Inc.
Southwest Corner of.Wentworth Street West and Stevenson Road South .
Whereas on December 15, -2008 City Council passed a resolution authorizing the Mayor
and Commissioner of.Development Services to send letters of support fora cogeneration
facility proposed by Northland Power Inc. at the southwest corner of Stevenson Road
South and Wentworth Street West in a GI (General Industrial) Zone; and, '
Whereas the project was delayed due to changes to a previous Ontario Power Authority
Procurement Program for Combined Heat and Power projects; and,
Whereas by letter dated January 12, 2011, Northland Power Inc. has*advised that it will be
making a new submission under a "new Combined Heat and Power procurement initiative
in order to advance the construction-of the'proposed facility; and,
Whereas the proposed facility has various environmental and economic benefits; and,
Whereas by letter dated January 12, 2011, both General Motors -and Northland Power Inc.
have requested the City's continued support for the project; and
Whereas it is an opportunity for the newly'elected Council to show its support for the
proposed facility;
Therefore be it resolved:
1. That the Mayor be authorized to send a letter to the Ontario Power Authority setting
out the City's support for the proposed facility and requesting the Authority to move
forward expeditiously with .the new Combined Heat ' and Power procurement
2. That the Region of Durham and all focal Region of Durham municipalities be
requested to support the proposed facility; and
3. That a copy of the Council resolution and letter from the Mayor be forwarded to all
Oshawa MP's and MPP's.
General Motors of Canada and Northland Power
Proposed Cogen Facility Stevenson Road South, Oshawa_
® Oshawa Cogen Site
oa Quo
The benefits of the Oshawa Cogen project still prevail today. The approximately 95 --190 MW project
(depending on OPA requirements) to be located in the'parking area at southwest corner of Wentworth
and Stevenson offers the following benefits:
1. The project will provide GMCL with cost savings at the OAP, supporting GMCL's ability to
compete and attract new future product mandates for Oshawa.
2. The project would enable the City, Region and Province to market the adjacent vacant industrial
lands to attract Industries that could also make use of the heat available from the Oshawa
Cogen facility, creating 'a one -of -a -kind . "Industrial District Energy Centre ".
3. The arrival of Oshawa Cogen would enable.GMCL to reduce its current steam production
emissions footprint by eliminating their aged and less efficient steam plant.
4. Oshawa Cogen Is complementary to the area's leading role in electricity production for Ontario.
Oshawa Cogen will be "dispatchable" meaning that It can provide power as needed to help
bridge the gap between area's base - loaded nuclear capacity and the Intermittent renewable
energy being built in the area and to the east.
5. The CHP project also represents 'a significant private sector investment In an Important part of
the City and Region's infrastructure while also creating several hundred construction related
Jobs from 2011 to 2013/14;
Over the course of 2010, we met with the City's Environment Advisory Committee to explain and
provide. an update about the project. The Committee was supportive as was the Greater Oshawa
Chamber of Commerce when we met a committee of its Board Members (see attached letter).
We are seeking the City of Oshawa's continued support for the project and encouragement for the OPA
to move forward expeditiously with the new CHP procurement process In order for the above noted
Benefits to be delivered at the earliest possible date.
Thank you
Yours truly,
Bryan W. Swift.
Director, Environment Activities
Executive Director, a ness Development
Northland Power Inc.
CHP project serving General Motors and potentially the surrounding Industrial lands tha
Gmater Oshawa ChamberofCommeme supports the CNP p4ect Wtng developed by
Northland Power Inc, at CAM's Oshawa CarAsssmbly Plant..
Greater Oshawa Chamborof Commerce
KR- (Bob) Malcolmson, CEO & General Manager
Gdpi ri:td' Non. Sandra Pupatello Ministerof Economic Development and Trade, i
Mr. Co1f n Anderson, CEO'Ontario Pourer Authorfty f
Regional ChalrAnderson & Council, Region of Durham.
Mayor John Gray & Council, CiVof Oshawa,
John Bmc% President Northland Power Inc.
Kavin Williams, President & Managing Director
Genemi Motors of Canada Limited
March 14, 2011
The Hon. Brad Duguid
Minister of Energy
900 Say St, 6th Fir, Mowat Block
Toronto ON M7A 11.2
Dear Minister:
Enclosed please find a letter I received from Oshawa Mayor John Henry regarding the
Oshawa Cogen Project. This is an initiative of General Motors of Canada and Northland
Power Inc. Mayor Henry, in his letter to the Ontario Power Authority, is asking that the
r OPA move forward expeditiously with the new Combined Heat and Power procurement
" process, A copy of a resolution passed by Oshawa City Council January 31, 2011, is
also attached.
Although the site of the project is outside the borders of my Riding, 1 support this
i undertaking because I agree that It would bring economic benefits to the Province of
' Ontario, the City of Oshawa/Durham. Region and the GM Oshawa car assembly plant.
As you will note from Mayor Henry's letter, this facility would provide a 100 -200 MW
Iispatchable power supply on circuits that are already available. It would complement
the area's baseload nuclear power and also complement renewable energy projects
being built in eastern Ontario.
Minister, could you please advise what steps can be taken to ensure this project is a
priority and will proceed promptly?
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.
John O'Toole, MPP
c. Mayor John Henry — City of Oshawa
John Yakabuski, MPP — Opposition Energy Critic
a U��
0 {}u &s Park office:
CT constituency Office;
ft 445
75 King St E.
Main Bfdg.
BowmanvWe, Ontario
Toronto, Warto
t1C 1N4
...... A '
M7A 1A8
Tel. 1-000-661-2433
Tel. (416) 325 -6745
(905) 6971501
Fax (905) 697 -1506
E-mail: lofN1.otoo 1%0@pc.o1a.org
Enclosed please find a letter I received from Oshawa Mayor John Henry regarding the
Oshawa Cogen Project. This is an initiative of General Motors of Canada and Northland
Power Inc. Mayor Henry, in his letter to the Ontario Power Authority, is asking that the
r OPA move forward expeditiously with the new Combined Heat and Power procurement
" process, A copy of a resolution passed by Oshawa City Council January 31, 2011, is
also attached.
Although the site of the project is outside the borders of my Riding, 1 support this
i undertaking because I agree that It would bring economic benefits to the Province of
' Ontario, the City of Oshawa/Durham. Region and the GM Oshawa car assembly plant.
As you will note from Mayor Henry's letter, this facility would provide a 100 -200 MW
Iispatchable power supply on circuits that are already available. It would complement
the area's baseload nuclear power and also complement renewable energy projects
being built in eastern Ontario.
Minister, could you please advise what steps can be taken to ensure this project is a
priority and will proceed promptly?
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.
John O'Toole, MPP
c. Mayor John Henry — City of Oshawa
John Yakabuski, MPP — Opposition Energy Critic
WHEREAS the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation (ORMF) is a non - regulatory governing
body meant to complement the goals of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and
has undertaken stewardship, education, research, land securement and trail projects on
behalf of the province and the municipalities of the Greater Toronto Area;
WHEREAS the ORMF has provided in excess of $14 million in grants and leveraged, in
collaboration with Moraine partners, an additional $35.8 in funding for 177 projects;
WHEREAS the ORMF has provided grants of $ 1.3 million towards the acquisition of 12
properties in Clarington around Enniskillen, the Long Sault Conservation Area and the
Ganaraska Forest;
WHEREAS the ORMF provided grants for 34 stewardship projects in Clarington;
WHEREAS the ORMF has made an application to the Province of Ontario for $11
million in funding for policy and monitoring ($4 million), land restoration ($3 million), land
securement ($2 million), and outreach and education($2 million) until the review of the
Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan in 2015.
WHEREAS the ORMF has been a valuable component of implementing the Oak Ridges
Moraine Conservation Plan and it provides an independent look at the actions of the
Province and the municipalities across the Moraine and undertakes strategic actions to
implement the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington fully
supports the application of the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation to the Province of
Ontario -for $11 million of funding for policy and monitoring, land restoration, land
securement, and education and outreach;
And that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham,
Municipalities in Durham Region and MPP John O'Toole.
IncineRESP EmTORY IRRHi N TConcern
(NO2, PM2.5, ammonia, carbon monoxide, S021 ...)
have acute and chronic effects
(mercury, cadmium, lead, nickel, arsenic, ...)
CARCINOGENS accumulate and persist in our bodies &
Our Air is Already Burdened With
Respiratory Irritants
.Particulate Matter PM2.5
.Nitrogen Oxides (Nox)
Health Effects of PM2.5
. Heart attacks
.Rhythm disturbances
.Congestive Heart Failure
.Chronic Lung Disease
98th percentile, daily average values
Current Levels at Courtice :28.6 pg/M3
Canada Wide Standard Criteria: 30 pg/m3
From Table A2 -5, Appendix A, Air Quality Assessment Technical Study Report
0 00 27
0 0??
0 G2'
Carton Moromae (CO `
H- jdra n :-.-hI ode r HCl �
0 0 7v
0 023
NIts en Ciamde'NO2'
0 049
Pa 'tic ulate Mater - PN11, J4
0 011
0 011
0 11
0 11
0 011
0 011
PaIMCUI& M rer - PMT s"
0 70
0,0 1
PaIickjI '� Mir - ot.3
0 00�
0 3a
0 w
Su1�ur DiaK de S
0 070
0 0084
0 077
0 10
0 17
0 014
0 2, 038
Comments from Health Canada EA
Reviewer On PM2.5
"Given that airborne levels of PM2.5 are already
elevated in the vicinity of the project and that this
contaminant is considered to be anon- threshold
contaminant (i.e. adverse health effects may be
observed at any level of exposure),(CCME, 2000) HC
suggests that the AQTSR discuss best available
technologies and procedures that may be applied to
mitigate PM2.5 emissions from the proposed facility."
Technical Reviewers Comment Summary Tracking Table, December 4, 2009
Project Team Response
"...no additional mitigation measures are
recommended or required."
Technical Reviewers Comment Summary Tracking Table, December 4, 2009
Health Effects of NO2
Who is Vulnerable?
Children, Older Adults, Asthmatics, Diabetics
Premature Mortality
Heart disease
Lung Disease
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
M 20
Coi ti <v Statiogt - 200S -mwit olvm"n roii(xntrafim ivkNj,mr&d ht�:oUrt.c RO d ititin11it4rir►g ;tati�i1
ern i u al �r An iar oti icr 4i�taria cities 2407 awmal iow-w is talk - n fr otu Air Qualit•r in QemI m is 240 ' R -port. O ij ta+ io
IM In istri of the Enylronawn r
Figure 1 -1 Comparison of NO2 level s in Southwestern Ontario (Figure A -2 -4 of Append ix A,
Air Quality Assessment Technical Study Report July 31st, 2009)
Health Canada Reviewer - Continued
"Given that NO2 plays a role in the atmospheric
reactions that produce ground -level ozone,
which is known to be associated with
respiratory and cardiovascular health effects,
and that NO2 by itself is linked with respiratory
health effects (EPA, 1995), HC advises that the
AQTSR discuss mitigation measures that may
be applied to minimize project - related
Technical Reviewers Comment Summary Table, December 4, 2009
Health Canada Reviewer Comments on NO2
"Tables ... of the Site Specific Human Health and
Ecological Risk Assessment — Technical Study
Report (HHERATSR) identify considerable
increases in NO2 levels as a result of the
project.... Further, the predicted project - related
NO2 levels at receptors for both project scenarios
(140,000 tpy and 400,000 tpy) are predicted to
increase approximately two times over
Project Team Response
"... additional mitigation measures are not
recommended or required."
.Ozone in Courtice is already in
exceedance of ambient air quality
• (Section, Air Quality Assessment, Dec.4,2009)
.Ozone was not assessed as a chemical of potential
concern in the risk assessment (Section4.3, Human
Health and Ecological Risk Assessment, Dec. 10, 2009)
Criteria Air Contaminants Facility
Sulphur Dioxide(S02)
Nitrogen Oxides
Carbon Monoxide
Total Particulate
Volatile Organic Compounds
(140,000 tpy facility)
44 tonnes per year
151 tonnes per year
56 tonnes per year
11 tonnes per year
61.2 tonnes per year
Values from TABLE 4 -5, Air Quality Assessment Technical Study Report,
December 4, 2009, Durham/York Waste EA
Air Quality Issues (High Ozone,NO2 and
PM2.5) Were NOT Emphasized or
Highlighted by the Regions' Consultants to
the Public nor to the Council at Meetings
Remarkably, Dr. Kyle's Report, 2009 -COW-
01, June 16, 2009, did not discuss present air
quality measured at the site or discuss air
quality concerns
Inadequate Monitoring
The Truth about Continuous Monitoring
.Continuous monitoring will be done for only a
handful of the hundreds of pollutants emitted
(NOx, S
.Many of the most toxic pollutants
(PM2.5 ?,heavy metals, organic toxins, etc.)
will only be monitored once a year( ?) during
a pre - arranged stack test
.Variable wastestream = variable emissions
But Risk Assessment cannot assess
for some of the MAJOR concerns
1. chemical mixtures
2. synergistic effects (chemicals reacting)
3. toxic ultrafine particulates (nanoparticles)
4. hundreds of unnamed pollutants of
unknown toxicity
5. pollutants known to be emitted by
incinerators, but companies do not track
Clarington Reviewer Comments
Clarington Report PSD- 071 -09, July 6, 2009, Attachment 14
"Air guidelines may not be based on health effects
and thus concentration ratios obtained using these
values would not be considered valid." (Comment
"The values for particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5
do not reflect the current science on particulate
matter. The National Ambient Air Quality Objective for
Particulate Matter has reference values for health based
values of 15µg /m3 for 24 -h PM2.5 and 25 µg /m3 for
PM10." (Comment 53)
Concerns With How Consultants
Assessed Risk for Key Pollutants
. Exposure estimates are compared against
. It is critical
the TRVs
selected are
to date
current science
. For NO2 and PM2.5 the consultants used air
standards instead of appropriate TRVs
Using the Consultants Choice of
Reference Values:
NO Inhalation Risks Identified
For 140,000 tpy Incinerator
Consultants' Choices for TRVs
For PM2.5
Consultants used the CWS = 30 µg /m3
The Regions' consultant Dr. 011son
stated at the Special Council Meeting
that this is NOT a health based
Risk Methodology
• Since PM2.5 is anon- threshold pollutant, it
should not have been evaluated as it was;
• It is not a pollutant which can be evaluated such
that it can accumulate to some level before it
becomes toxic;
• As exposure increases, risk increases
Using World Health Organization
Benchmark Values:
Potential Risk to Human Health
Identified for PM2.5 and NO2 in
Baseline Traffic and 140,000 tpy Cases
Table 7 -11 pg 173,Table 7 -21 pg 205, Table 7 -22 pg 207- 208,Table 7 -53 pg 267
Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Technical Study Report,
Dec 10, 2009
Annual Emissions Comparison from the Generic Hunan Health and Ecological Risk Assessment ("HERA) facility model
Algonquin Incinerator (Brampton) vs Proposed Durham Incinerator
Contaminants of Potential
1 Algonquin Incinerator
(Brampton) 133,000 TPY
2 Durham Incinerator (Courtice)
140000 T"
Particulate Matter PM 2.5
Carbon Monoxide
tonnes /year
Nitrogen Oxides
Sulphur Oxides
Dioxins & Furans * **
grams /year
I Algonquin Incinerator (Brampton): Memo from Chris 011son /David Payne (Jacques Whitford) to Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Medical
Officer of Health, dated Nov. 4, 2008
2 Durham Incinerator (Courtice): Table 4 -5, Air Quality Assessment Technical Study Report July 31, 2009
1. Data for all the contaminants except the VOCs were obtained from annual stack testing of the Algonquin Power EFW plant in Ontario. Data presented here is
the maximum annual rates of 2003 -2005. VOC emission rates were obtained from specialized stack testing of the same facRity cn Decemberd992 and March
' MOE Guideline A -7 emission concentration limit
" Assumes that particulate matter above PM2.5 will be captured by the air pollution control equipment and the
Guideline A -7 emission concentration limit is comprised of PM2.S only
"' Maximum concentration measured at similar EFWlfacHity also considered in risk assessment
Shouldn't state -of -the -art mean
reduced emissions ? ??
Brampton Emission Rate of Nitrogen Oxides = 3.5 grams /second
(operating year -round at A -7 Limit)
(Table 1, Memo to Dr. Kyle from Dr.
Covanta Emission Rate of Nitrogen Oxides = 5 grams /second
(Table 4 -1, Air Quality Assessment Technical Study Report, December 2009,
Durham/York Residual Waste EA); Note: Emission rate of 18.0 kg /h is
reported for Nitrogen Oxides in that table and that converts to 5
grams /second)
Table I: Emission Sunmary Table - Maximum Emissions under Scenario A (Two Units Operating at 110% MCR)I
Emission Rate
Air Dispersion
Model Used
Period [hours)
Limiting Effect
Schedule No.
Maximum POI
Carton Monoxide
630-08 -0
Schedule 3
Sulphur Dioxide
7446 -09 -5
1.93E +01
Health & Vegetation
Sulphur Dioxide
7446 -09 -S
Health & Vegetation
Sd-nedule 3
Total Particulate Matter
9.55E -01
Sdhedule 3
9.SSE -01
8.95E -01
Ontaric -AAQC
9.87E -01
7439 -92 -1
2.13E -03
4.98E -03
Schedule 3
2.09E -03
7439 -92 -1
2.13E -03
1.92E -03
Sdwdule 3
2.52E -04
744043 -9
2.89E -04
6.04E -04
Upper Risk Threshold
2.89E -04
1.76E -03
Upper Risk
mule 6
2.01E -03
7439 -97-6
6.39E -04
Schedule 3
6.26E -04
766439 -3
3.84E -02
Schedule 3
3.76E -02
766439 -3
3.84E -02
4.53E -03
2.49E -09
2.37E -08
5.00E 06
Hydrogen Chloride
7647 -01-0
3.84E -01
Schedule 3
3.76E -01
766441 -7
4.22E -01
Schedule 3
4.13E -01
Nitrogen Oxides
10102 44-0
Schedule 3
Nitrogen Oxides
1010244 0
Schedule 3
Polychlorinated Bdphenyls
3.08E -06
4.20E -06
Pnrrrt -of-
3.02E -06
7429 -90-5
1.69E -03
2.LOE -01
1.66E -03
7440 -36-0
1.17E -04
3.02E -03
Schedule 3
1.14E -04
7440 -38 -2
1.79E -05
1.81E -03
1.75E -05
7440 -38-2
1.79E -05
5.29E -03
Exhibit 2: Durham York Energy Centre Emission Scenarios
Unit 1
Unit 2
Standby Diesel
Maximum Emissions at
110% MCR
110% MCR
Off -line
Reference Point 2' on Firing
Diagram - Exhibit 3
Off -line
110% MCR
Off -line
Single Unit at Reference Point
2' on Firing Diagram -Exhibit 3
Phase 2 — Start-up
Phase 2 — Start-
Off -line
60% MSW /40% NG
Extreme Case
Phase 2 — Start-up
Off -line
Off -line
60% MSW /40% NG
Most Likely Start-up condition
Phase 1 — Start-up
Phase 1 — Start-
Off -line
Natural Gas Firing only
Extreme Case
Phase 1 —Start-up
Off -line
Off -line
Natural Gas Firing only
Most likely Case
ID Fans on
ID Fans on
Off -line
Used for Odour modeling only
Maximum Emissions at
110% MCR
110% MCR
Reference Point 2' on Firing
Diagram -Exhibit 3
Extreme Case
Emissions Rate for pM2.5 in the EA (Normal Operation, 10 MCR) = 0.361 g/s
(Table 4 -1, Maximum Facility CAC Emissions during Normal Operation (Scenarios 1 and 2), A TS
Emissions Rate for PM2.5 in the CofA Application (Normal Operation, 11 MCR) = 0.895 g/s
(Table 1: Emissions Summary Table — Maximum Emissions under Scenario 4Two Units Operating at 110° MCR,
ESUM, C of A application, March 2011)
The above PM2.S emissions reported in the C of A application are about 2.S times greater than
what was used in the EA risk assessment for PM2.S emissions.
Annual Emissions OfPM2.5
Using those rates on previous slide and converting
to annual emissions in tonnes,
P in EA total I I tonnes /yr
P in CofA appn total 28 tonnes /yr
Verbal Explanation From Golder
rate used in
the EA was
and was for
The emission rate used in the C of A application
was for all PM2.5 emissions which include
Filterable PM
2.5 , Condensable PM
2.5 ,
and Non - condensable PM
Why didn't the EA Risk
Assessment evaluate risk for
all of the PM2.5 emissions',?
This emission rate was calculated using a stack concentration for PM2.5 provided by Covanta of
21 nWRm-3 (Source Emissions Table, page 4, Appendix C, ES M .
The operational requirement in Schedule 1 of the EA Conditions of Approval, for PM, is
9 nWRm3.
Ernissimm Limits
Bated are discussions Wth the MOE to date, dke EA conditions sari lire will be utillized
as operabng requirements, not regulate enforcement limits. It is anticipated dkaEt d"ke
enforcement fines will align mO the guarantees prided by Covanta in the project
agreernent. Thy are three emission limits which are currently not in lire with the EA
conditions and will be con red operating tare during tip CofA discussions.
Peer Review Needed
The review of the C of A application must include
evaluation o£
• Consistency of Approved EA with C of A appn
particularly with respect to emissions, definition
of operating scenarios
• the evaluation of risk for PM2.5 (as a non-
threshold pollutant) and for NO2 and other
respiratory irritants ;
• The Health Canada review comments
Former Claringurton Peer Review
• These comments need to be adopted by this
Council — taxpayers paid for them and there was
no challenge to them;
Central East LHIN Overview
Municipality of Clarington Council
March 28, 2011
Foster Loucks, Chair
"The purpose of this Act is to provide for an integrated
health system to improve the health of Ontarians
through better access to high quality health services,
coordinated health care in local health systems and
across the province and effective and efficient
management of the health system at the local level by
local health integration networks." 2006, c. 4, s. 1.
t) "*Ontario
Local Health Integration
2 Network
Local Health Integration Networks
Engaged Communities.
Ontario LH I Ns
1. Erie St. Clair
2. South West
3. Waterloo Wellington
4. Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant
5. Central West
6. Mississauga Halton
7. Toronto Central
8. Central
a ['.pntral Fact --.MM
10. South East
North Simcoe Muskoka
North East
North West
tows Health integration
Overview of the Current Central East Local Health Care System
One of the fastest growing geographic regions and home to over 11% of Ontario's population
A mix of urban and rural geography boasting
a rich diversity of community values, ethnicity,
language and socio- demographic
• 10 hospitals operating on 16 sites
• 70 Long -Term Care Homes
• 1 Community Care Access Centre
• 41 Community Support Services
• 3 Acquired Brain Injury Services
• 17 Assisted Living Services in Supportive
• 7 Community Health Centres
• 17 Community Mental Health Programs
• 4 Addictions Programs
--------------- -
North East Cluster
Durham Cluster
■ Scarborough Cluster
HaWirton Minden
Rene 1)
Sarbmough Agincourt-Rouge (Zone 8)
Scarborough Cliffs - Scarborough Centre (Zone 9)
Engaged Communities.
Funding Allocations by Sector 2010 -11 (as of June 30, 2010)
■ Hospitals
■ Community Care Access Centre
Supportive Housing
■ Long Term Care Homes
■ Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
Community Support Services
Community Mental Health
Addictions Programs
Community Health Centres
Initiatives (various sectors)
Total Allocation: $ 1,927,151,836
For a breakdown of funding by provider and a link to the accountability agreements, please visit the
Central East LHIN website:
http: / /centraleastlhin on.ca/ Page .aspx ?id =92 &ekmensel= e2f22c9a 72 206 92 4
Engaged Communities.
The LHIN Mandate and Functions
& Performan(
�co �i9,R
Engaged Communities
Patient Centred
Integration &
& Allocation
NO 00
Central East LHIN Mandate:
Community Engagement
• Foundation of all activity at the Central East LHIN
• Being more responsive to local needs and
opportunities requires on -going dialogue
• Improving access to quality care by working
together with all health service providers
• Since Spring 2006 the Central East LHIN has
engaged over 25,000 health service providers,
patients, families, caregivers and other important
stakeholders at nearly 2,000 events
Engaged Communities.
Central East LHIN Mandate:
• Accountability Agreements with all 170 Health
Service Providers (HSPs) linked to our own
Ministry LHIN Performance Agreement (MLPA)
• Performance Indicators embedded in each
• For the first time in the Province of Ontario all
health service providers are being held
accountable for the taxpayer dollars they are
Engaged Communities.
Central East LHIN Mandate:
Funding (Durham Region)
• Balanced Budgets
Central East LHIN negotiated the first Hospital Service Accountability
Agreements (Lakeridge Health) in 2007/08.
Financial position since:
08/09 $11.1.OM DEFICIT
09/10 $2.OM DEFICIT
10/11 Balanced
• New MRI for Lakeridge Health Oshawa and Rouge Valley Ajax/Pickering
• Regional Diabetes Coordination Centre open in Ajax
• Rouge Valley Ajax/Pickering renovations complete Feb 2011
• Lakeridge Health Whitby to reopen March 2011
• Implementation of Home First at Lakeridge Health Fall 2010
Engaged Communities.
Central East LHIN Mandate:
2 "d Integrated Health Service Plan (2010 — 2013)
• Clinical Services Plan
• Cardiac Services
• Maternal -Child -Youth Services
• Mental Health and Addiction Services
• Thoracic Surgery
• Vascular Surgery
*Sustainable Access to Community Health Care Project
• Sustainable Access (Planning for post -acute care)
• Regional Specialized Geriatric Program Development
• Psychogeriatric Services Coordination
Engaged Communities.
Central East LHIN Mandate:
The Central East LHIN has a responsibility to lead integration to:
• Ensure sustainability of the system
• Improve delivery of health care services
• Remove silos between health care organizations
• Improve patient care and flow through the system
• Ensure all health care providers are cost - effective
Integration successes in your community:
-Collaboration between Ontario Shores, Durham Mental Health, Ministry of
Health and Central East LHIN to improve service delivery to clients of Beacon
-Central East Regional Thoracic Program launched at Lakeridge Health
-Durham Mental Health Services, Durham Regional Police and Ontario Shores
Community Crisis Team
-Horne First collaboration between Lakeridge Health, CCAC and Community
The 2010-2013 Strategy Map
Strategic Directions
Quality and Safety
Service and System
Fiscal Responsibility
Strategic Aim
1. Save 1 Million Hours
of Time spent in the
Emergency Departments
I. Reduce Impact of
Vascular Disease
. 1
Primary Health Care
Population Health
- Focus on
Population Health
- Equitable
Patient Experience
Person Centred
Cost Control
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Community Engagement
System Planning
Funding & Accountability
Triple Aim & Quality
Performance Management
Project Management
Engaged Communities.
Strategic Aim:
Save 1M Hours of Time P
To improve
Emergency Department
Wait times and
Alternate Level of Care
days, the
Central East LHIN
Engaged Communities.
Strategic Aim: Reduce Impact of Vascular Disease by 10%
To improve access to
integrated diabetes care
leverage significant
investment in
chronic disease prevention,
early detection,
self- management and access
to effective treatments
such as stroke care
Engaged Communities.
What's the Difference - LHIN Benefit
• MOHLTC strategically implemented locally (not one size fits all)
• Knowledgeable about local community needs
• Accountability
— Fiscal Responsibility (value for money)
— Performance System Tracked, monitored and reported
— Quality (Excellent Care for All Act (ECFA)
• Integration and Coordination of Services
• Consistant Approach, where applicable
• Sharing of Best Practices
• Community Engagement, Both Pan -LHIN and Locally
• Coordinated Planning, Both Pan -LHIN and Locally
Engaged Communities.
Thank You
For more information: