HomeMy WebLinkAboutSched A'sZ r scPPEnuLE "A^ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Darlington, County of Durham, and Province of Ontario, and being composed of parts of Lots 4, 5 and 6 lying westerly and Northerly of Alma Street according to a plan of the Village of Hampton made by L. H. Shortt, Provincial Surveyor, for L. Ormiston, being part of original Township Lot 17 in the 5th Concession of the said Township of Darlington and filed in the Registry Office for the County of Durham on the ltFth day of April, 1857, the said parcel herein conveyed containing 4.03 acres more or less and. being more particularly described as f ollrn~s: C03A[sLFNCING at the intersection of the west limit of Alma Street with the northerly limit of Taunton Road as widened, said intersection may be located as follows: REGIPdNING at the southeasterly angle of Lot 17, Concession 5, Township of Darlington; TY~NCE westerly along the southerly limit of said Lot 17, 818 feet 2 7/8 inches to the intersection vrith the westerly limit of said Alma Street; THEP?CE North 18 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds west along said westerly limit 16 Feet 1~ 5/8 inches to the point of commencement; THENCE South 71 degrees 55 minutes west along the northerly limit of Taunton Road as widened 279 feet; THENCE North 18 degrees 2!+ minutes 30 seconds {Vest 500 feet; THENCE Pdorth 55 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East 363 feet 9y inches to the existing northeasterly limit of Lot 6; Tf3ENCE South 53 degrees 15 minutes East along the existing northeasterly limit of said Lot 6, 165 feet 11 inches, to the northwesterly limit of Alma Street; Ti~PiCE South 35 degrees, 3b minutes west along said northwesterly limit of Alma Street 201 feet 9'-n inches to a bend therein; THENCE South 18 degrees 2t+ minutes 30 seconds East along the westerly limit of Alma Street 351 feet 5'-h inches more or less to the point bf conmencement. 1~ Y _ ,. SCEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW IQO............ t1LL r1T~'D SINGULt~R that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Darlington, County of Durham, Province of Ontario and being composed of the northwest part of Lot ~~o. 13 in the nth. Concession of the said Township of Darlington described as follows: COTw:I~iEiVCIIvG at the north THENCE north T+ degrees limit of said lot 165 feet; 1'HETdCE south 1o degrees '1'TiENCE south 74 degrees the west limit of said lot; TriENCE north In degrees west of lot 198 feet to the POINT west angle of said Lot No. 13; east in and along the iJorthern east 198 feet; west 165 feet to a point in in and along said west limit OF COIN°;~NCEI~iEidT.