HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/1987TO1~iN OF FIEWCASTLE Council Agenda DATE: June 22, 1987 TIl+1E: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Council Chambers Prayers Roll Call l~1inutes of Previous I~1inutes of a regular meeting of Council, held on 1~leetings Monday, June 8, 1987, at 9:30 a.m., in Court Room ,''~2 Delegations 1, 2ichard Piper Re: ~ ~~ay Stop at 3aseline Road and -~. Liberty Street, Bo~,~rman~rille; 2. ;lilt Oakin and Bill Tomlinson, iJevrcastle Community ServicE~s Ad~,risory Roard Re: Report t,CS>1C~ Report 001-87. Co!~~~unications ~:eceive fur Ir~forrnation I - 1 Corresoondenr,e from ~,J. G. I'~1cLean, i~iayor, Town of Ajax, ke: Participaction Challenge; I - 2 Correspondence from D. !•Jright, Planning Technician, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Re: Placement of Fill, Leslie Colvin, Pt. Lot 35, Concession 2, Darlington; I - 3 f~iinutes of a meeting of the Nevrcastle 3.I.A., held on (larch 11, 1987; I - 4 Correspondence from 0. Jerome Taylor, ~rayor, Tovinship of Scugog, 2c: Participaction Challenge; I - 5 Correspondence from the Solicitor General of Canada Re: Crime Prevention Avrards, 1987; I - 6 Correspondence from Ed Fulton, Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Re: Subsidy Allocation; I - 7 Correspondence from I:.J.ll. Reeves Co-ordinator, Emergency Planning Ontario, ministry of the Solicitor General, Re: Provincial Policy on Public Education Program; I - 8 Correspondence from John Eakins, '`Minister, M.P.P. Victoria-Haliburton, I`liriistry of Tourism and Recreation, Re: Tourism Avrareness and Hospitality Training Program; ~:;un;:i. i Ag?nda - 2 - June %2, 1947 Cc~rs~nunications I - 9 Corresc~~nder~ce from Bruce Cook, Vice-President, I_ai:~lav: blaste Systems, Re: Purchase of outstanding shares iri the ccr:,-r~~~ stock of Re4ional Reclaimers Ltd.; I - 10 Corre~~~or~:;ence from Vincent ~~. Kerrie, i~iinister, i•linistry of !;atural Resources, Re: Lena Ter~r~ Shoreline "-tanagement Prpgram for Property O~~iners Along Great Lakes; I - 11 i~~inutes of a rneetino of the 3o~;rmanville Central business lmnrovement Area., held on Juno 9, 1987; I - 12 Announce^~ent of a special r~~eeting of the oow~-ranville Char,ber of Commerce, Juno 3r), 1987; I - 13 1937 International Year of Shelter For The Flomel~ss, Re: IYSH Ontario Awards Program; I - 1v+ Reouest for Plominations - 1987- 1983 A.r~1.O. Beard of Directors. I - 15 Corresoondence from Susan Fletcher, Executive Director, Social Planning Council of Oshawa-LJhitby, Re: Government r;rants '.dr,rkshop hold on f4ay 14; I - 15 Correspondence from Ed Fulton, minister, Ministry cf Transportation and Communications, Re: Specialized Public: Transoort::tion for Physically Disabled Persons. Receive for Direction D - 1 Correspondence addressed to Mayor J. lJinters from F. Kenneth f-taro, Commissioner, Ontario iVucl2ar Safety Review Re: Ontario Hydro's fJuclear Generating Statiors; D - 2 Corresr~ondence and Petition from Hazel and Jack Craao, rewcastle Village, rte: ldoise Control 3y-law; D - 3 Correspondence from. Susan Fletcher, Executive Director, Social Planning Council of Oshawa-~lhithy, Re: Proposal for Community Noerls Study in Newcastle, Oshawa and tlhitby; D - 4 Correspondence frorni~iichel Bechard, Regional Co-ordinator, Re: Sri Chinmov fineness-Home Peace Run; U - 5 Corresoondence and Petition from D. Hutchinson, Foxhunt Trail, Re: Sidewalks; D - b Correspondence and Petition from David A. Piper, R. R, aT2, Sox 7, Uilla 10, Port Darlington Marina, bovamanville, P~=: 4 liav Stop at Baseline Road-Liberty Street Intersection, Bowmonville. D - 7 Correspondence from J.U. ivlcTaggart Cowan, Co-ordinator, Siting Process Task Force Re: Draft Consultative Siting Process. ~- C:>unci 1 Agenda Nations ldotice of Motions t2eports -3- June 22, 1987 1. General Purpose and Administration Cornr-~ittee Report of the meeting held on r~~ionday, June 15, 1967; 2. Reoort PD-168-87 - Rezoning P.pplication - Greon, Part Lot 9, Concession 2, Bowmanville (DEb' i37-8); 3. Report PD-171-87 - Title Validation - 14 Frank Street, Bo~+manvil le; 4. Report I~CSF,R-001-~37 - IJe!v Bowmanville Arena Project Tearer; 5. deport PD-175-37 - Site Plan Agreement, Preston Transport Limited (DEV 77-17); 5. Confidential Report :JD-45-87 - Suoplemcntary Subsidy Allocation from the i•~1.T.C.; 7. ?eport Adrnin 18-87 - Development Scheme for Port Darlington P,rea (Proposal) (Distributed Under Separate Cover). Unfinished Business By-laws 87-116 being a by-law to amend Ry-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of PJewcastle (E:ingsberry Proaerties); 37-117 being a by-Iaw to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of 'Jewcastle (Halminen Homes); 87-118 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-53, the Comprehensive Zoning 13y-law of the Corporation of the Town of r~e-•~castle (lialr~~inen Horned}; 87-119 being a by-la:v to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Torn of IJewcastle (Foster Creekl; 87-120 being a by-law to ar,rend By-la:~ 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-la:~ of the Corporation of the Town of Idewcastle (Foster Creek); 87-121 being a by-laa! to amend ay-la!•~ 84-63, the ('ornprehensive Zoning k3y-lau of the Corporation of the Town of i~e:vcastle (Shepherd); 37-122 being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (077922 Ontario Limited); 87-123 being a by-law to repeal by-law 87-113, entitled "a by-law to repeal the Hawkers and Pedlars by-la~r~s of the To-vn of ~Jewcastle's predecessor municipalities: former Town of Bowmanville, former Village of P~ewcastle, former To-vnshi~ of Clarke, former Township of Darlington"; . . Council Agenda - 4 - June 22, 1987 By-laws 87-124 being a by-law to repeal the Hawkers and Pedlars by-laws of the Town of ~lewcastle's predecessor municipalities: former Town of Qowmanville, former Village of PJewcastle, former Township of Darlington, former Township of Clarke; 87-125 being a b.y-law to amend 13y-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of PJewcastle (Halcorp Holdings); 87-126 being a b,y-law to amend ay-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning Ry-law of the Corporation of the Town of PJe>,vcastle (Simard) Other Business ~"~,~,~~_ By-law to Approve the Actions of Council