HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-4-94~ 8 Y CLC T16 HRN1[O PIPECNiEO W-1 - 5 REPORT NO.: WD-4-94 PAGE 2 2.0 HACRGROIIND 2.1 At a regular meeting held on September 27, 1993, Council passed Resolution #GPA-548-93: "THAT the Director of Public Works be requested to examine the dangerous situation pertaining to trucks travelling over the hill located on Concession Road 7 and Regional Road 57; and THAT the Director of Public Works follow up .and report on the activities taken to remedy the situation." 2.2 Upon further investigation by staff, it was determined that the actual area of concern was in fact Concession Road 7 from .Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) westerly to Townline Road. North (Attachment No. 1). The concern is primarily poor visibility from driveways. There is also concern that the apparent increase in truck traffic was damaging the roadway and was increasing noise levels for the residents. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMl~NT 3.1 Sight Distance and Safe Ocerating Speeds Measurements on this rolling section of roadway were taken from the "at risk" driveways (Attachment No. 2) to determine the actual sight distance and the safe operating speeds required to avoid a collision based on minimum stopping sight distance. Sight Safe Speed Driveway Distance Direction Required House No. In Metres Looking Rm/Hr 1610 84 West 60 1597 89 East 60 1583 2nd 119 West 75 1583 1st 89 West 60 1468 100 West 65 2045 100 West 65 IOnZ REPORT NO.: FTD-4-94 PAGE 3 The sight distance is based. on visibility of drivers in low vehicles measured 1.05 m (41 inches) above the road surface. Visibility of trucks is greater than cars because of their height. The empty .trucks are able to stop in a shorter distance than loaded vehicles. 3.2 Regulatory Speed The regulatory speed of Concession Road 7 is 80 km/hr based on the Highway Traffic Act. The Municipality has the authority under the Highway Traffic Act to pass by-laws to alter this speed. To improve safety for several residents the regulatory speed of Concession Road 7 could be reduced to 60 km/hr from Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) to Townline Road North. This lower speed would-allow more time for motorists to exit and enter their driveways. If the speed limits are obeyed, safety near "at risk" driveways, plus the intersections with Langmaid Road and Townline Road North, will be improved. The reduced speed will also reduce truck noise and required stopping distance. 3.3 Responsibility of Motorist Entering Roadway The Highway Traffic Act states under chapter 198, section 119 (1)~ "Every driver or street car operator entering a highway from a private road or driveway shall yield the right of way to all traffic approaching on the highway so closely that to enter would constitute an immediate hazard." The onus is on the motorist to ensure the way is clear before entering the roadway. If drivers cannot see for a safe distance, they should use caution and either listen. for approaching vehicles or have someone move to a proper vantage point and flag them through when the way is clear. If the 1003 REPORT NO.: WD-4-94 PAGE 4 regulatory speed limit is reduced by the Municipality. the residents should still use caution and attempt to listen for traffic before entering the roadway. 3.4 Five Tonnes Per Axle "Half Load" Restrictions Concession Roads 6, 7 and 10 are posted with "HALF LOAD" restriction signs from Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) to Regional Road 57 (Attachment No. 1). After the Region of Durham posted Regional Road 3 as "HALF LOAD" during 1991, the Municipality took this action to prevent heavy traffic .from shifting to the Concession Roads and causing damage. No "HALF LOAD" restrictions were placed on the Concession Roads west of Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) because the connection to Regional Road 57 has been effectively cut off. The trucks on Concession Road 7 between Townline Road North and Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) are empty travelling eastbound back to Regional Road 57 which indicates that the truckers are complying with the "HALF LOAD" restrictions. 3.5 Prohibiting Trucks Prohibiting trucks on Concession Road 7 from Enfield Road to Townline Road North would not eliminate the potential for motor vehicle collisions because cars pose a similar danger. The weight of empty transport trucks is distributed over a large area and on this road section is not considered a problem from the viewpoint of damage to the road. A total ban on truck traffic should only be implemented in extreme situations where structures or road designs are dangerous and safety cannot be improved with other measures. If trucks are banned from one road the traffic is transferred to another location which may cause problems or concerns to other residents. No resident welcomes trucks on "their street". If trucks are banned from one concession road, residents on other roadways would ask for similar action. The Municipality has 1U04 REPORT NO.: WD-4-94 pAGE 5 the authority under the Municipal Act to prohibit classes of vehicles according to their size or weight. Municipal Act R.S.O., c.M.45, s.210, p.123(a), states: "A by-law passed under this paragraph maw prohibit or regulate the parking, standing or stopping of vehicles, or any class thereof, on hghwavs or any part of a highway, and such -law may classify vehicles according to size or weight. 3.6' Concession Road 7 Reconstruction The costs associated with reconstruction to eliminate the sight distance concerns and retain the 80 ]un/hr speed zone is prohibitive and cannot be justified. 3.7 Relocation of Drivewavs The "at risk" driveway locations were reviewed to determine if any could be relocated to improve visibility. It was noted that none of the driveways could feasibly be moved to a location to provide greater visibility. 3.8 Regional Road 3 Reconstruction Due to its extremely deteriorated road surface and "HALF LOAD" designation, Regional Road 3 is avoided by the trucking industry even when returning empty. This roadway is forecasted for reconstruction by the Region of Durham beginning in 1994. The three (3) year reconstruction project will begin in Oshawa at Townline Road North and move easterly to Enniskillen. Once completed, Regional Road 3 will be the preferred route and the trucking industry will avoid the concession roads. 1005 REPORT NO.: WD-4-94 PAGE 6 3.9 On December 20, 1993, a letter was sent to Wayne James Haulage,. who is a major user of Concession Road 7, advising of the Municipality's study results and requesting his co- operation (see Attachment No. 3). 4.0 CONCLIISIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that safety at several of the driveways can be improved by reducing the speed of approaching vehicles. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P.Eng., Director of Public Works RDB*WAE*ph January 5, 1994 Attachment rie Marano, H.B.Sc., AMCT Acting Chief Administrative Officer ioab I~ _ _ _ ~I ~ ------ , .-~ I v I Q -------------- ry I n -------- r --- -- ---- -- ---------- - ~, _ n - N n '----------------- _ r ------------ ~ ---------- - -- - ------- -- ~ ~ z ~ w ~ o r________________ _______ ___ _______________ _______________ ___ d a ~ w I w L________________ e ______ -n I //l ~ . I ~ ________________ ______________ i _______ _ ______________- __- Q Q ~' I m m m / ~ ~~ Q I o I m ~ m m r________________ I ______________ _______________ _______________ ___ I I I F I~--------------- F ___ O _ J Z i ~ O ______________{a w ______________ ________________ _______________ __ ~ cs ~ooa i~~o!baa --- o -- m Pooa b s Pio -- ~ n _ - -------" -----~~---- °------ N -- ------------ --- II I A ^ N -------- I -----~-------- - I -------------- a -------------e - - -~ O I n ~ No T a o I ~ N ~ ~ ~ a ,_ __ __rt_____ __ ______ ________ ______ ______________ __ U a~ - ii ~ n ~ I o rv ~ ______________ ____ ___ • ~ ,O ~ ~ I n n ~ ._ ~ C N ___ __ ___ __~_ _____________ I ________ _______ ______________ .- N N ~ N I m ~ ~ U - - c N ~ ~ O L O J N U N y ________ o ______ 07 ________o _____ n ___ S~ w _ r ------ a C a M Poo?J o Pla!!~3 A 4£ Pooa ~ouo!6aa ? ~ `o -------------- ., , ~' ~ - n m •° 1 II I ., d A ., ° ., ~ ~ 0 1 ~ U ' ----~ ---------p " ---- z ~ ~ ~ ________________ ______________ ________________ - a- c w 1 ~ ~ ~ J 1 I ~~ _________ - ~ ~~ ~ III I pooa aui~uMOl }saM 1007 I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 i o 32 31 3 I I i I I I I j I z I I J I I I o Q I I I I I ~ w CONCESSION - II m ROA 7 z J I~ - ~ ~I - ~ says o I I ~ z I I I ~ o " R GI N L I '° ° i " "' •, i „' „ ° ~• O D ,• 3 ~• LEGEND ~ - °At Risk" driveways with poor visibility z J I I¢ I „° v ICN I ° ESI ( I I I I ,o I ,. I ,. I „ I ,. I ° N I I O I ° I ., Di ! a I „ I ,o ,. I v I „ JI6 I I ,. ~, ~. I I I I I I I ~ I I I C:AATTACHS DARL\CONRD7 J I I DRAWN BY JM DATE NOV 1993 Z : : . Iz I° of I I I I ATTACHMENT N0.2 K EY MAP ~-4-94 IUU~ cFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1993 ~,;,,, ;~ - ~ 711E NAi14E 1~w~as~~e,.TNE CORPORATIO;d OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASIIE HAS BEEN CHANGED TO oNraaio THE CORPORATION Of THE A4UNICIPALITY OF CLARINCTON December 20, 1993 Wayne James Haulage R.R. #4 115 Ward Road UXBRIDGE, Ontario L9P 1R4 Dear Mr. James: RE: DANGEROUS SITUATION ON CONCESSION ROAD 7 FROM OSHAWA TOWNLINE TO REGIONAL ROAD 34 (ENFIELD ROAD) As per our telephone discussion of December 17, 1993, residents in this area are concerned about truck traffic. Their concerns include noise and possible road damage. The main concern however was the speed of truck traffic and dangers to residents attempting to leave their driveways. The roadway is only used by empty trucks due to the "5 tonnes per axle" restrictions to the east. The residents originally suggested construction to widen the road and eliminate the grades or a ban on all truck traffic. Reconstruction of Concession Road 7 to improve the grades and sight lines is cost prohibitive. The Region of Durham is undertaking a 3 year reconstruction program on Regional Road 3 from Oshawa Townline to Enniskillen beginning in 1994. Truck traffic is excepted to move to the safer regional road when it is completed. A number of the residents have hidden driveways with limited visibility of between 84 and 100 metres. These short sight distances translate into a safe operating speed of only 60 km/hr. Any vehicles travelling above 60 km/hr would not be able to stop in time if a resident were exiting or entering their driveway. A study was undertaken on November 25, 1993, to determine the speeds and volumes of both cars and heavy trucks with the following results. NOVEMBER 25, 1993 TOTAL VEHICLES 770 AVERAGE SPEED 78.05 50 PERCENTILE 81.24 85 PERCENTILE 94.28 SAFE SPEED 60.00 km/hr based on driveway sight distances ATTACH:IENT N0. 3 ~{ ~:~ ~.t .. /2 WD-4-94 ' O'r Ipt. OF r~ n'r,rf. nF ~~,,°i ~, ~. SPEED GROIIPINGS OF HEAVY TRIICRS 45-55 km/hr 1 55-65 2 safe speed 65-75 4 exceeding safe speed 75-85 4 existing posted speed 85-95 6 exceeding posted speed 95-105 1 TOTAL TRIICRS 18 Based on the study results it was determined that safety could only be improved by posting the regulatory speed of this road section at 60 km/hr and requesting police enforcement. A prohibition on trucks may have initially satisfied the residents but it would not have eliminated the problem that "all" vehicles were travelling too fast for the conditions. For these reasons a report is being forwarded for Council's consideration to lower the regulatory posted speed from 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr. Although staff are not recommending further restrictions on truck traffic it may be proposed if other measures such as a speed reduction have been tried and proven ineffective. On November 25, 7 out of 18 vehicles {39$) were exceeding the legal speed limit of 80 km/hr. After the speed is lowered to 60 km/hr further studies will be conducted to determine the compliance of both the heavy trucks and the passenger vehicles. I have forwarded this detailed information to you so that you will understand our position and reasoning behind the speed reduction. I request that you pass this information on to your drivers now, and again in the spring with instructions to reduce their speeds and drive more cautiously in this area and other areas which have grades and driveways. Your co-operation in this matter would be greatly appreciated and please call if you have any questions. Sincerely yours, z~ a ~ Ronald D. Baker, Traffic Co-ordinator RB:lb pc: Larry Hannah, Councillor Walter Evans, Director of Public Works Don Patterson, Manager of Operations ~.}1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MONICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 94- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58, being a By-law to regulate traffic on highways, municipal and private property in the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THERHFORE the Council of The Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1) Schedule XX "MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 60 HILOMETRES PER HOUR" of By-law 91-58 is amended by: A) adding the following reference: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway From To Concession Durham Regional Townline Road Road 7 Road 34 North (Darlington) 2) This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 24th day of January, 1994. HY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of January, 1994. MAYOR ATTACHMENT N0. 4 WD-4-94 1011