HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2010Clam n Ener 'air Ontario ~ g DATE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2010 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEETING CALLED TO ORDER INVOCATION DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENTS ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held January 25, 2010 PRESENTATIONS a) Cliff Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham -Update on the Energy-From-Waste EA DELEGATIONS (List as of Time of Publication) a) Louis Bertrand -Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) b) Doug Anderson -Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) c) Dale Hunt -Report PSD-015-10 - To Rezone Residential and Limited Commercial Properties to Permit the Construction of a New Retail Commercial Building (Item 2 of Report #1) d) Beth Markle -Report PSD-015-10 - To Rezone Residential and Limited Commercial Properties to Permit the Construction of a New Retail Commercial Building (Item 2 of Report #1) CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPAiITY OF C LARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCESTREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379. Council Agenda - 2 - February 8, 2010 COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information I - 1 Minutes of the Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities dated December 10, 2009 I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated January 14, 2010 I - 3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated January 20, 2010 I - 4 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated January 15, 2010 I - 5 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated November 19, 2009 I - 6 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated January 19, 2010 I - 7 Linda Gasser -Waste (Incinerator) EA Study Process I - 8 Tom and Marilyn Morawetz, Evergreen Farm & Garden Ltd., Randy Henry, Courtice Flea Market, 994990 Ontario Limited, Mayor Linda Thompson, Municipality of Port Hope, Kurt Henry, The Mortgage Centre, Elaine Garnett, CHEX TV Channel 12 Durham -Support of the New Nuclear Build Project at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station I - 9 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham -Support of the New Nuclear Build Project at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station - 10 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham -Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) - 11 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham -Places to Grow Act - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham -Policies and Procedures for Conservation Authority Plan Review and Permitting Activities I - 13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham -Amendments to Regulations Uhder the Planning Act to Notify Propane Facility Operators of New Development Applications I - 14 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham -Quarterly Report on Planning Activities Council Agenda - 3 - February 8, 2010 I - 15 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham -Regional Municipality of Durham Staff Comments Prepared in Response to the Minister of the Environment's Report on the Waste Diversion Act 2002 Review - "From Waste to Worth: The Role of Waste Diversion in the Green Economy' I - 16 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) -Pre-budget Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs Entitled "Propelling Economic Prosperity" Receive for Direction D - 1 Rebecca Evans, President, and Donna Donaldson, Executive Officer, Durham Region Home Builders' Association -Request for Proclamation of "New Homes Month" D - 2 Donald G. Duthie, Sponsoring Committee Chairman, 172 Royal Canadian Air Cadets of Clarington -Request for Tag Days D - 3 William Stratton, Chair, Day of Mourning Committee, Durham Region Labour Council -Request for Proclamation of "Day of Mourning" D - 4 James Osborne and Pamela Callus -Opposition to the Application to Amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law - 3424 and 3436 Courtice Road D - 5 Laverne Morrison, Advertising Consultant, Metroland, Durham Region Media Group -Advertising Proposal D - 6 Robert Howard and Lynn Martin, United Way of Oshawa-Whitby-Clarington- Brock & Scugog - Ride4UnitedWay Event COMMITTEE REPORT(S) General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 1, 2010 STAFF REPORT(S) Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts 2. Report PSD-022-10 -Application for Removal of Part Lot Control - Halminen Building Corporation - 40M-2278 Council Agenda - 4 - February 8, 2010 BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo WHEREAS the Councils of the Municipality of Clarington and other municipalities in the Region of Durham should, and do wish to, maintain accountability and transparency; and WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington has a Code of Ethics for Members of Council; and WHEREAS some municipalities have been creating a position of, or obtaining professional services of, an Integrity Commissioner to, where appropriate, review inquiries or complaints with respect to Members of Council and their Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics; and WHEREAS it would be more fiscally efficient and consistent for the municipalities of the Region of Durham to establish and fund a position and services of an Integrity Commissioner for the Region of Durham and its eight municipalities than for each municipality to do so. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of Clarington requests that: The Region of Durham establish the position of, or retain the professional services of, an Integrity Commissioner to serve the Region of Durham and its eight municipalities; and 2. The mandate of the Integrity Commissioner be to review inquiries or complaints with respect to matters regulated in the municipalities' Code of Conductor Code of Ethics; and This motion be copied to the Councils of the Region of Durham and its seven other local municipalities requesting their support and where possible be considered in the 2010 Regional budget. UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAW S NOTICES OF MOTION OTHER INFORMATION CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT ~~iC111~0Il ~CQ~~pB~~`w°y Council Meeting Minutes JANUARY 25, 2010 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on January 25, 2010 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Prior to the start of the meeting, a moment of silence was observed to acknowledge Sergeant John Wayne Faught, Private Garrett William Chidley, Corporal Zachery McCormack, Sergeant Kirk Taylor, Sergeant George Mick and Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, Canadian soldiers killed in action. Councillor Trim led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W . Woo Absent: Councillor M. Novak Also Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Present: Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana J. Cooke, Manager of Communication and Marketing, attended until 8:05 p.m. Acting Director of Planning Services, F. Langmaid Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming, attended until 10:30 p.m. Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - January 25, 2010 ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Foster announced the following: On Saturday, January 23, 2010, he attended the opening of Pet Food and Treats, a new store at Courtice Crossings He extended congratulations to Dr. Gary Polonsky, who was recently appointed as Chair of the Canadian Science and Technology Museum Board of Trustees Councillor Hooper announced the following: On Tuesday, January 19, 2010, he, along with David Kelly, Chair, and Keith Brettell, Member, Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee, attended a pilot project regarding accessibility at the Clarington Central Secondary School. Councillor Hooper expressed appreciation to Todd Garrison, teacher and students for participating in this event which was very well attended Councillor Rick Johnson was elected Chair of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and Councillor Gerry Emm was elected as Vice-Chair Councillor Woo announced the following: On Sunday, January 24, 2010, he attended the opening of Art from The High Schools at the Visual Arts Centre, an annual exhibition displaying the works of Clarington high school students. The exhibit runs until February 28, 2010 The Association of Hospital Volunteers, Lakertdge Health Bowmanville, will be hosting their annual fundraising event "A Taste of Italy' to be held on February 6, 2010. Over the years, the Association of Hospital Volunteers has raised over $39,000 with the Association fully funding the relocation of the coffee kiosk and gift shop to a bright and spacious location Councillor Robinson announced that the Newcastle Stars Novice Rep Hockey Team won the International Silver Stick Tournament in St. Claire Shores, Michigan. Councillor Robinson requested that the team be invited to the next televised Council meeting to be presented with Certificates in Recognition of their success Mayor Abernethy announced that the Red Cross is requesting donations to aid the victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti. Further information is available at www.redcross.ca. Resolution #C-020-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on January 11, 2010, be approved. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - January 25, 2010 Resolution #C-021-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the agenda be altered by adding Gord Lee to the list of Presentations rather than as a delegation. "CARRIED" Mayor Abernethy welcomed the press, members of the gallery and those viewing tonight's proceedings from home as he presented the Annual "State of Clarington" Address. Mayor Abernethy indicated that during his inaugural speech three years ago, he had indicated that his priorities would emphasize increasing the participatory role and profile of the entire Council and noted that in response, the Corporate Strategic Business Plan was developed creating a framework to build a prosperous and sustainable community. The Mayor also indicated that openness and accessibility for the public in Council meetings and proceedings, and ensuring sound business practices and outcomes in municipal initiatives would also be a priority. Mayor Abernethy highlighted examples of these priorities including: • The Energy-From-Waste Environmental Assessment Process new financial reporting to include a 5 year operating plan • New Economic Sensitive Revenue Report where Council will receive regular budget updates comparing actual year-to-date figures to budget estimates Mayor Abernethy reiterated that, again this year, the Municipality's. most formidable challenge will be managing growth in order to ensure a prosperous and healthy community. He noted that with a strong economy, the Municipality receives new tax revenue that growth provides and uses that revenue to expand and replace facilities, infrastructure and services and to improve quality of life. He noted however, that when the economy slows, new tax revenues known as development charge fees, come to an end and indicated that in Clarington's case, since the year 2000, the Municipality has been relying on development charge fees to service the $34 Million debt that has accumulated over the years and will now require alternative sources of funding to be investigated. Mayor Abernethy acknowledged the struggle to find a balance between being fiscally responsible and providing a level of service acceptable to the residents indicating that Council has taken apro-active stance to protect the 2009 property tax increase by taking drastic measures to address revenue shortfalls. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - January 25, 2010 Mayor Abernethy announced that Clarington is very stable financially and advised that: • Clarington has healthy reserve accounts scoring 4th highest out of 81 municipalities participating the 2009 BMA Study for Discretionary Reserves and Reserve Funds as a percentage of total expenditures • Clarington enjoys the benefit of Moody's of New York Triple A rating assigned to the Region of Durham • There are positive signs in the housing industry indicating the new housing market is starting to tum around and is supported by a very strong resale housing market • The Durham Region Association of Realtors reported 2009 was their third best year in sales in the Association's history • Clarington continues to be an attractive centre for the retail sector with major players investing in the Highway 2 Corridor • The new Algoma Orchards processing and storage facility is recognized as one of the most modern state-of-the-art fruit production and packaging facilities in Canada Mayor Abernethy identified the importance of serviced employment lands, which are currently non-existent in Clarington, stating one of Council's primary goals this term has been to increase the tax levy on employment lands in order to ease the burden on the residential taxpayer. Mayor Abernethy stated that if the community wants to take advantage of the new economic growth that is anticipated to flow from the Darlington New Build project, serviced lands are required and stressed the importance of .developing strategic partnerships with public and private entities to achieve common goals. Mayor Abernethy cited examples of partnerships with other levels of government to complete projects that allow for future expansion including the Courtice Trunk Sanitary Sewer and the EFW Host Community Agreement, which was used as leverage with the Region to provide earlier-than-scheduled servicing of two prime areas within Clarington, i.e. the Science Park east of Bowmanville at Bennett Road and the Energy Park located in South Courtice. Mayor Abernethy highlighted other benefits of the Host Community Agreement including: • $600k in new tax revenues each year • Energy from Waste facilities are relatively new technologies in Canada that include electrical generation and district heating. District heating reduces greenhouse gases • New technologies will attract other new technologies Provides the opportunity to diversify the local agricultural industry using district heating technologies to heat existing and future large scale greenhouse operations which produce fruits, vegetables and flowers year round Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - January 25, 2010 Mayor Abemethy highlighted other initiatives approved by Council: The No Waste by'38 Plan has been forwarded to the Region and the Ministry of the Environment Initiation of the Official Plan Review to provide the framework to accommodate close to 58,000 new residents and close to 18,000 new jobs He expressed appreciation to the Federal and Provincial levels of government for infrastructure funding Clarington has received and is being utilized to upgrade various roads and recreational facilities in the community. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mayor Abernethy highlighted current and future infrastructure projects scheduled to take place in Clarington including: • Smart Centre and Halloway Holding development of West Bowmanville • Concession Road 7 Darlington and Concession Road 8 Clarke Road Rehabilitation • Highway 407 Environmental Assessment and construction • Go Rail Extension. to Bowmanville • Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Project • Courtice Trunk Sanitary Sewer -current Class EA Study underway, to compliment the Region's $165 Million investment into the Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant • Durham Region Energy From Waste -Courtice Energy Park • OPG Nuclear Office Complex -Courtice Energy Park • OPG Darlington Refurbishment of Non-Reactor Facilities • OPG Darlington Refurbishment of Reactors • OPG Darlington B Nuclear New Build Mayor Abernethy also acknowledged Council's support of Lakeridge Health Bowmanville and the efforts of local physicians and the public in securing continued acute care services and quality healthcare in .Bowmanville. Mayor Abemethy encouraged members of the public to support the Hospital Association's membership drive. Mayor Abernethy noted that Community Care Durham will be relocating to the Garnet B. Rickard Complex to newly renovated space previously occupied by Total Hockey. He also thanked the many local volunteers helping to provide the quality of life and the sense of community that Clarington experiences. Mayor Abernethy stated the Darlington B -New Build project is still underway despite the postponement of the vendor selection process and Council welcomes the attention and support that Ontario Power Generation brings to Clarington. He noted Clarington will play a major role in the development of Durham Region becoming the "Energy Capital of Ontario" and that the new nuclear build at Darlington Generating Station will create numerous job opportunities for highly skilled and trained individuals. He acknowledged the challenge for UOIT and Durham College to provide post-secondary education to meet the current and future needs of the expanding energy industry and Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - January 25, 2010 how their success will contribute to further the economic spin-off and overall quality of life that will be enjoyed by future generations. Mayor Abernethy summarized by stating that Council and staff have accomplished many things during the past three years and issued a challenge to Council, in the spirit of the Olympics, to work together to complete the balance of the goals they have established in this the final year of Council's mandate. On behalf of Members of Council and the residents of Clarington, Mayor Abemethy wished Clarington's own Matt Morison much success in reaching his goals at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Inspector Chris Ostler, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS), addressed Council concerning DRPS's Patrol Staffing Analysis Project stating he is extremely excited and privileged to be in charge of policing in the East Division (formerly 16 Division) and is looking forward to working together with Council and the public to further Community safety. Inspector Ostler introduced Staff Sergeant Karen Moloney, in charge of the Uniformed Branch and Detective Sergeant Stan Pinkney, in charge of the Criminal Investigation Branch. Inspector Ostler introduced Deputy Chief Sherry Whiteway. Deputy Chief Whiteway addressed Council stating she has taken over the Patrol Staffing Analysis Project (PSAP) from retired Deputy Chief Chuck Mercier and provided a brief history of the project which started in 2004 and identifies key efficiencies in putting staff where the workload is. Inspector Ostler introduced Inspector Dave Kimmerly who conducted a PowerPoint presentation entitled "Focus on Frontline Patrol ...anew approach". Inspector Kimmerly highlighted the challenges faced by the DRPS including growth patterns, workload imbalance, cross area dispatch, the need to balance reactive and proactive activity, Region-wide, multi-jurisdictional flow of crime, the need for specialized resources to address sophisticated crime, and staffing regarding major crime investigations. He reviewed the historical patrol zones and traditional policing which were based on municipal boundaries and were not reflective of workload, travel time or geographical barriers, and provided an overview of the principals of Patrol Staffing Analysis. Inspector Kimmerly stated Patrol Staffing Analysis creates and encourages ownership of work areas by Frontline Patrol Officers, balances workload and allows for operation of frontline units at or above preferred staffing levels. The model facilitates call response and Problem-Oriented Policing by creating more time for Frontline Patrol Officers to actively participate in problem-solving and directed patrol. Inspector Kimmerly reviewed the East Division, which is a hybrid urban and rural policing model, noting changes will enhance the level of frontline patrol, will provide for future replacement of the main building and will allow DRPS to move to a more proactive, problem-solving model. He advised that there will be no change to the CIB, CRU, school officers or regional support services. Inspector Kimmerly stated the Courtice work area and staff will join East Division following the completion of the new building estimated for 2012. Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - January 25, 2010 Mayor Abernethy acknowledged John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, and former Mayor John Mutton in attendance at tonight's meeting. Mayor Abernethy presented Reverend David Chisling with a Framed Certificate, on behalf of Council, in recognition and appreciation of Reverend Chisling's work with the "Been There" Youth Program. Mayor Abernethy stated Reverend Chisling operates the project focusing on a restorative justice program for young offenders and is pleased to have him on the Good Will Ambassador List. Mayor Abernethy presented Donald Rickard - "Soybean King", Ceresmore Farms Ltd. with a Framed Certificate in recognition and appreciation of his winning the Grain Farmers of Ontario 2009 Soybean Yield Challenge for Zone 2 recording 59.9 bushels per acre, setting a record for Zone 2. Mayor Abernethy presented Joan Kimball of The Village Card & Gift Shoppe with a Framed Certificate in recognition and appreciation of her efforts as a Good Will Ambassador for Clarington. Mayor Abernethy acknowledged that Ms. Kimball was featured on the front cover of the December issue of Active Adult Magazine which has a large distribution in Ontario and has also appeared on CITY TV's City Line program. Gord Lee addressed Council, on behalf of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Board, thanking Council and staff for their efforts on the Board's behalf in processing their Recreation Infrastructure Canada grant application. Through the application process the Board has received funding in excess of $400,000 for the construction of a new roof and upgrades to the refrigeration plan. Mr. Lee noted the Board continues to strive to increase revenue and to keep their rates down and takes great pride in presenting a loan payment of $30,000, bringing the balance of the $360,000 loan the received from the Municipality to below $90,000. Mr. Lee presented Mayor Abernethy with a cheque in the amount of $30,000. DELEGATIONS Sheila Hall, Clarington Board of Trade, addressed Council in support of Staff Report #1 -Report CAO-003-10 -Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show. Ms. Hall indicated that the Board of Trade has been reaching out to the nuclear community and attendance at the conference and trade show will provide an exclusive opportunity for the Board to promote, network and showcase Clarington and to share with the nuclear community Clarington's interest and support of the nuclear industry. Ms. Hall extended appreciation to Council for recognizing the value of this important opportunity. Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - January 25, 2010 John Mutton addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion -Direct Election of the Regional Chair stating it is important that this matter become a key issue with the upcoming 2010 Municipal Elections and that the municipalities of Clarington, Brock, Scugog, Uxbridge and Whitby place a referendum question concerning the direct election of the Regional Chair on the municipal ballot. Mr. Mutton feels that the results will mirror those received by Oshawa, Pickering and Ajax from the last election, which overwhelmingly supported the direct election of the Regional Chair. Mr. Mutton stated the pros and cons of the issue have been debated but in the end, accountability and democracy must prevail. Mr. Mutton stated the position of Regional Chair is political noting the Chair makes arguments, moves motions, votes and represents the electorate beyond the Regional borders. Mr. Mutton stressed this position is not the same as the position of Speaker of the House. He confirmed that over the past decade the Region has evolved and that direct election of the Regional Chair will make the position accountable to the citizens. Mr. Mutton expressed concern that the last time the Regional Chair was challenged was in 2000 and feels that ten years without a challenge is not democratic. Mr. Mutton urged Council to support the Notice of Motion and take a leadership role by placing a question on the ballot and by urging Whitby, Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge to do the same. Kerry Meydam advised prior to the meeting that she would not be addressing Council. Bruce Wood addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion -Direct Election of the Regional Chair. Mr. Wood stated as President of the Oshawa Ratepayers Association, one of the concerns he hears many times is the issue of $1 billion being paid by Durham residents to the Region without the opportunity ofdirectly-electing the Regional Chair. Mr. Wood echoed the comments of the previous speaker urging Council to endorse direct election of the Regional Chair ensuring taxation with representation for the top position of Regional Council. Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes, addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 13 -Landscape Memorial Adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" and introduced Gino Bifolchi and Paul Busch, members of the project team. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. McCallum presented a concept of the perpetual living memorial to honour those who have given their lives in service to Canada. Mr. McCallum stated the monument is to be constructed on the north side of Highway 401, just west of the Highway 115 interchange, along the stretch of highway known as the "Highway of Heroes'. The memorial will be visible to both east and westbound traffic and will consist of a stone structure with a statue of a soldier facing the highway with sculpted maple leaves flowing across the memorial. Mr. McCallum advised that there will be space beside the memorial for displays for sponsors. He noted that land has been secured and they have completed conceptual designs and preliminary engineering. Mr. McCallum confirmed that all financial requirements for the development and maintenance of the memorial will be funded by the supporting sponsors and that they intend to plant a tree for every fallen solder subject to approval of their families. Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - January 25, 2010 Mr. McCallum stated they are amulti-disciplinary team and are well positioned to complete the project and ensure success. He urged Council to endorse the concept of the project being sited within the Municipality of Clarington. Resolution #C-022-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Council recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. Linda Gasser addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 10 Request to Engage Peer Reviewers -Final and Amended Waste (Incinerator) EA Documents and Correspondence Item D - 11 - Durham/York Energy-From-Waste Process expressing concem that last July the majority df Council voted to terminate Clarington's Peer Review Process, despite the fact that the Project Team had not satisfactorily addressed many issues. This resolution effectively prevented staff and peer reviewers from reviewing the final EA documents and resulted in no formal submission from Clarington during the first public inspection review which she feels is inexcusable. Ms. Gasser stated that during the first public inspection, citizen reviewers found many errors, inconsistencies and omissions in the Final EA documents and appendices and noted that the project team has requested three extensions to respond to matters raised by the public, the Government team and the Ministry Technical reviewers. She indicated that the final public inspection period is likely to begin at the end of February/early March and feels it is imperative for Council to act now to ensure Clarington's concerns are formally addressed. Ms. Gasser formally requested that Council direct staff to engage qualified peer reviewers to review the Final and Amended EA and related documents to ensure that all matters potentially affecting Clarington are identified with formal comments submitted before the end of the final public inspection period. Richard Ward addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Report #1 -Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment Notice of Completion of the Ministry of Environment Review. Mr. Ward stated that close to the termination of the design process he had submitted a concept which was the simplest and safest way to terminate Highway 407 at Highway 115, which would have saved $20 million. He advised that in 2001 he identified a defect in the design concept on the west end of the 407 going diagonally north of Highway 7 and back adding $50 million to the cost and suggested that the west route travel straight from Brougham to Brooklin. Mr. Ward would like to see the west end reconsidered and the political influence that determines the route being eliminated as he feels it is a deterrent to the completion of Highway 407. Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - January 25, 2010 Wendy Bracken addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 11 - Durham/York Energy-From-Waste. Ms. Bracken stated she has serious concerns with the Incinerator EA and the fact that Clarington peer reviewers have not been retained to review the final EA document and Amendments and that no formal submission was made to the Ministry of the Environment from the municipality during the comment period. She feels the complete absence of comments from Clarington has become a bolster to the consultant's position on the EA. Ms. Bracken urged Council to hire peer reviewers for this phase including a health professional to review fine particulate matter. Ms. Bracken stated that evidence has revealed that the incinerator would be a major polluter and acknowledged Clarington's already compromised air quality. Ms. Bracken stated she has serious concerns with toxicity referenced values and many unaddressed concerns. She feels Clarington is vulnerable to the changes and feels it is imperative that the amendments and Final EA are reviewed by a panel of experts. Paul-Andre Larose addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 10 - Request to Engage Peer Reviewers -Final and Amended Waste (Incinerator) EA Documents and Correspondence Item D - 11 - Durham/York Energy-From-Waste. Through us of a PowerPoint presentation, Dr. Larose reviewed a presentation entitled "Incineration -Gross Under-Estimations of the Health Impact". Dr. Larose expressed concern that the risk assessment for the proposed incinerator does not have any measure of plant reliability and was performed under the assumption that 100% of the systems are 100% functional 100% of the time and that the risk assessment did not take into account the probability of equipment failure. Dr. Larose stated that because of this and coupled with the fact that there is no redundancy, this seriously under- estimates the projected emission levels and he feels that more realistic information is required for both Council and the public to properly assess the implications of increased exposure levels. Dr. Larose cautioned Council against taking a casual approach towards incineration. Louis Bertrand addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D -10 -Request to Engage Peer Reviewers -Final and Amended Waste (Incinerator) EA Documents and Louis Bertrand addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D -11 - Durham/York Energy-From-Waste expressing concern with the confusing, erratic and uncertain Environmental Assessment process for the Energy-From-Waste facility. Mr. Bertrand presented numerous study documents that have been prepared in relation to this process and questioned how members of the public or government officials could possibly review the volume of material produced. He stated experts are needed to review the matter during the second public inspection period and that Council must hire peer reviewers to ensure that the latest documents are being reviewed. Mr. Bertrand stated there will be a cost; however, this is the only chance for an independent review and will be an investment in the community's health both now and in the future. Mr. Bertrand confirmed that reviewing the process does not imply opposing Energy-From-Waste. Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - January 25, 2010 Cecil Mackesey addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Business Arising from Notice of Motion -Direct Election of the Regional Chair. Mr. Mackesey stated in preparing for his delegation, he reviewed information taken from the Region of Durham's website and the Federal Government's website and provided a comparison between the duties of the Regional Chair and those of the Prime Minister of Canada. Mr. Mackesey stated the Prime Minister is an elected official and he finds it difficult to believe that anyone would think that the Regional Chair's position is more important than the Prime Minister's. Mr. Mackesey urged Council to place a referendum question on the ballot regarding the direct election of the Regional Chair and to urge Whitby, Scugog, Brock and. Uxbridge to do the same. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-023-10 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Items L- 7, I - 8, I - 10, I - 13, I - 14 and I - 15. "CARRIED" I - 1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated December 10, 2009 I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated November 11,2009 I - 3 Minutes of the. Clarington Heritage Committee dated November 17, 2009 I - 4 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board dated December 14, 2009 I - 5 Linda Gasser and Louis Bertrand, writing to the Durham Works Committee expressing concern that neither Councillors, the public and/or EA reviewers appear to be receiving accurate information about the study progress and costs; that due to the piecemeal revisions and erratic release of documents, it is very difficult for reviewers to get a comprehensive view of the project as a whole and its potential impacts; that the additional billable hours required to finalize the EA study, the additional work preparing responses to initial review period comments, amended documents and amended appendices and addendum will result in significant unanticipated consulting fees and costs to Durham taxpayers; and, requesting the Regional Works Committee to direct staff and the project team to prepare a detailed report listing all amended and revised documents, explaining the rationale for all changes, showing the additional project expenditures beyond those set out in the Commissioner of Works' Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - January 25, 2010 memo dated November 20~', to provide a realistic forecast of estimated expenses to obtain EA approval and Certificates of Approval, should the EA be approved, and to clearly describe the impact of the latest study changes past the project extension granted by the Ministry of the Environment on project timelines. I - 6 Doug Reycraft, Chair, Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario (MEPCO), indicating in 2006, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) was appointed as the sponsor representative for municipal government employers for the OMERS Pension Plan creating MEPCO; advising that MEPCO has and will continue to develop well-informed and well-researched proposals for Plan changes; indicating that MEPCO, along with other Plan sponsors, are asking the government for relief from the solvency requirement for this public sector pension plan, a practical step that would immediately improve the overall health of the Plan; advising that MEPCO will remain focused on what long-term funding strategy for the Plan could look like, will be mindful of the significant role that investments play in concert with benefit and contribution decisions; and, hoping that MEPCO can count on financial support from all municipal employers to allow them to continue to represent municipal government employers interests. I - 9 Peter Hume, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), highlighting AMO's 2009 successes in advancing public policy that serves communities and property taxpayers, and in developing programs through their corporation, Local Authority Services, which help to stretch tax dollars; advising the Board will continue its policy and advocacy work on environmental fronts and will protect the financial gains made over the years; indicating the Board has approved a modest increase of 1.5% in membership for 2010 and advising that the theme for the Annual Conference is "Propelling Economic Prosperity" and hoping municipal officials will attend to garner new ideas and to explore innovations to community well-being; and, hoping that the Association can count on the municipality's membership support in 2010. I - 11 Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Economic Development Officer, Clarington Board of Trade, providing an update on the activities that the Board of Trade and Office of Economic Development have undertaken over the past year regarding the New Nuclear Build Project at Darlington including attraction of Nuclear industry businesses from outside Clarington and educating the existing business community regarding opportunities for diversification; maintaining communication with Ontario Power Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - January 25, 2010 Generation's New Nuclear Division, AECL, Infrastructure Ontario and the Organization of Candu Industries (OCI); hosting the first Energy Summit which attracted over 100 people representing a mix of OCI membership, Clarington businesses and individuals from the development community, forwarding correspondence to over 20 political officials and stakeholders on behalf of the Board of Trade expressing appreciation for the investment opportunity for Clarington, and encouraging their partners to send a similar letter on behalf of their business or association; indicating an additional letter of support will be sent to the New Minister of Energy and Infrastructure once the appointment, expected in late January or early February, is made; and, advising they have been awarded $15,000 by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to provide a peer review on the socio-economic impact outlined in the Environmental Impact Study submitted by Ontario Power Generation, which will help to raise the profile of interest for the project at the Provincial and Federal levels of government. I - 12 Stuart Harrison, General Manager, Policy Committee, Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce, writing to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada and the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, expressing concern that nearly two years ago, the Federal Government committed $150 million to refurbish the rail line between Havelock/Peterborough and Toronto which has yet to be spent; indicating that the funding is tied to the Build Canada Fund, and requires the signature of the Province of Ontario; acknowledging that the Province has commissioned a study by Metrolinx which will address aspects of the passenger service, which has yet to be released; providing an overview of the two key components to the rail line including freight and passenger service; and, recommending that the freight issues be separated from the passenger issues and that the refurbishment of the line begin, before the $150 million investment is lost. I - 7 Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade ~ Office of Economic Development, endorsing support once again for the New Nuclear Build at Darlington; advising that with the CANDU reactor division of AECL being put up for sale, time will be of the essence and it will be critical for Ontario to encourage continued movement in this process to allow the project to move forward with the work done to date; highlighting the predicted economic boost for Clarington, Durham Region, and the Province and the need to keep the momentum going for these investments to flourish, help Ontario's economy blossom in these hard times and to provide high quality jobs; trusting that required decisions and discussions to keep this project moving forward are well underway; and, offering to help facilitate discussions to advance this critical project. Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - January 25, 2010 I - 8 Gerry Waterhouse, Site Manager, Nuclear Logistics Inc. Canada, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, indicating that as a business situated within the chosen host community for the New Nuclear Build in Darlington, Nuclear Logistics Inc. Canada is continuing to prepare for the economic stimulus this project will inject into Ontario, Durham Region and the Municipality of Clarington; indicating Ontario's opportunities for job creation, export opportunities and business expansion through this project are tremendous and will prove to be a motivator for all industries; applauding the government for the direction it is following to ensure that the Province's energy demands are met in the long term; and, trusting that required decisions and discussions to keep this project moving forward are well underway and that they will hear in the near future that the project will soon be moving forward. Resolution #C-024-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item I - 7 from Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade & Office of Economic Development and Correspondence Item I - 8 from Gerry Waterhouse, Site Manager, Nuclear Logistics Inc. Canada, with respect to support of New Nuclear Build at Darlington, be endorsed. "CARRIED" I - 10 Linda Gasser forwarding a copy of her delegation to the Durham Works Committee of January 13, 2010, regarding the Amended Incinerator EA process and costs, expressing concern that correspondence regarding the incinerator is often redirected by staff and not always made available to decision-makers in a timely manner; that Council appears not to have a good understanding of the Amended EA study status and prospects for approval and don't appear overly concerned with errors or the costs to address them; requesting two more items be considered, subsequent to her January 7~h letter, requesting that the Project Team be directed to update the Project Website to reflect the latest extension request and related review timelines and to explain the EA review process and possible Ministry responses to the Amended EA so that Council may anticipate what action Committees/Council may need to take in the near future; and, requesting that the Works Commissioner provide written updates any time an EA review extension is requested and to describe the reasons and provide copies of letters to the Ministry as well as their responses. Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - January 25, 2010 Resolution #C-025-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item I - 10 from Linda Gasser, with respect to the Amended Incinerator EA process and costs, be endorsed; and THAT the Regional Commissioner of Works be requested to address Council at a future meeting regarding this matter. "CARRIED" I - 13 Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington, extending an invitation to participate in "Bowl for Kid's Sake" to be held February 16 to 22, 2010, at Liberty Bowl, in support of Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington programs. On-line registration and pledging is available at _h_ttp://clarington.kintera.org/bfks or bowlers may collect pledges and bring pledge money to the bowling alley on the day of bowling. In 2009, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington reached more than 350 children with their innovative and creative programs and are committed to serving more children in 2010. Resolution #C-026-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Correspondence Item I - 13, from Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington, with respect to the "Bowl for Kid's Sake" fundraising event, be received for information. "CARRIED" I - 14 Leith Moore, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) Chair, forwarding a copy of "Creating a More Efficient Development Approval Process: Municipal Best Practices, December 2009", a document developed in an effort to improve the efficiency of the municipal development approvals process and providing municipalities with the opportunity to identify efficiencies that will improve the process and deliver the municipal outcome while generating savings to the municipal taxpayer. Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - January 25, 2010 Resolution #C-027-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item I - 14 from Leith Moore, Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), with respect to Municipal Best Practices, be referred to staff. "CARRIED" I - 15 Jonah Kelly, Planning Department, Region of Durham, advising nominations are being accepted until March 1, 2010, for the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) Environmental Achievement Awards, a program established to recognize individual or group efforts in six award categories that promote, preserve and enhance Durham's natural environment. Nomination forms are available at www.durham.ca/deac or by contacting Jonah Kelly at 905-668-7711. Resolution #C-028-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item I - 15, from Jonah Kelly, Planning Department, Region of Durham, with respect to the 2010 Durham Environmental Advisory Committee Annual Awards Program, be referred to the Clarington Living Green Community Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Correspondence Item D - 14 was received as a hand out. Resolution #C-029-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 8, and Hand-out Correspondence Item D - 14, be approved as per the agenda. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - January 25, 2010 D - 1 Lyle Goodin, Rotary Club of Bowmanville, advising of the 3~d Annual Rotary Ribfest to be held on the playing fields of the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex from June 11 to 13, 2010, and requesting permission to have a banner placed on the hydro poles, west of the railway during the week of May 17, 2010 and removed during the week of June 14, 2010, in support of Rotary Ribfest. (Installation of banner approved and Veridian to be advised) D - 2 Jim Richards requesting Council support direct election of the Regional Chair and to place a question on the ballot in 2010 to let the electors decide; expressing concern that appointing the most senior municipal position, the Regional Chair, by elected Regional Councillors and not elected by the people is not democratic, fair or acceptable. (To advise of Council's action regarding the placing of a referendum question on the ballot conceming Direct Election of the Regional Chair) D - 3 Dianne McKenzie, Executive Director, Epilepsy Durham Region, requesting that March be proclaimed "Epilepsy Awareness Month"; indicating their public awareness campaign "Wear Purple and Show You Care', is underway; and, encouraging participation by purchasing a ticket to attend their Charity Gala or by wearing purple on Friday, March 26, 2010 to support the more than 36,000 people living with epilepsy in Durham. (Proclaimed) D - 4 Bruce Wood, President, Oshawa Ratepayers Association, advising that 88% of Oshawa citizens voted to have the Regional Chair elected by general vote of the electors in the last Municipal election with two other area municipalities voting similarly; and, requesting Clarington Council to reaffirm the public's sentiment in this regard. (To advise of Council's action regarding the placing of a referendum question on the ballot concerning Direct Election of the Regional Chair) Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - January 25, 2010 D - 5 J. Arthur Wynn, President, Newcastle/Bond Head Ratepayers' Association, expressing concern with the state of the boarded up properties on King Avenue at the east end of the Village; acknowledging that the Wallbridge House has been designated as an historical site but that it should not remain in its present condition indefinitely; and, advising Council that the Association adopted a resolution to notify the Municipality of concerns regarding the properties and hoping that any proposed suitable development would be supported and expedited by the Planning Services Department. (Correspondence referred tc the Director of Planning Services) D - 6 Debbie Hunter, Office Administrator, MS Society, Durham Regional Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, advising the 2010 Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign will take place during Mother's Day Weekend and requesting approval for tag days to permit the MS Society to sell carnations on Friday, May 7 and Saturday, May 8, 2010, in support of on-going research into the cause and cure of MS and to provide assistance for persons with Multiple Sclerosis and their families. (Permission granted to sell carnations on May 7 and May 8, 2010) D - 7 G. P. Carroll, P.Eng., President, Municipal Engineers Association, advising that 2009 marks the 50"' Anniversary of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Annual Workshop and to celebrate this occasion, the MEA has published a book of its history, entitled "Sharing With Pride" to be made available free to all municipalities in the Province in an effort to bring greater awareness of the, role of municipal engineering in providing sustainable infrastructure; and, respectfully requesting that the book be placed in a municipal library for public reference. (Correspondence referred to the Chief Executive Officer/Library Director) D - 8 Robert Stevens requesting that Bowmanville be recognized along Highway 401 on the south side of the highway in one of two locations; forwarding photographs of other municipal entrance features including. Port Hope, Brighton, Cobourg, Belleville and Quinte West; and, forwarding a cheque in the amount of $1,000 to be used as seed money only to accomplish his request. (Correspondence forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and to John O'Toole, MPP) Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - January 25, 2010 D - 14 Susan Edwards, Area Coordinator, Durham Region, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, requesting that the month of February be proclaimed "Heart Month" and that aflag-raising ceremony be arranged to kick-off the event. (Proclaimed) D - 9 James Slyfield, expressing concern regarding the impacts of the proposed realignment of Middle Road on residents and properties in the 5th Concession resulting from Council's recommendation that Middle Road be kept open and bridged over the proposed Highway 407; requesting that Council respond to specific concerns highlighted in his letter to Council of September 21, 2009; indicating the proposal to extend both his and a neighbouring driveway are most troubling and suggesting that Clarington Council accept responsibility for compensation, accommodation or consideration regarding the matter; and, encouraging Council to withdraw their recommendation to keep Middle Road open and bridged. Resolution #C-030-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 from James Slyfield, with respect to the proposed realignment of Middle Road, be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 10 Dr: Debra Jefferson, advising she has been monitoring the Waste Incinerator Environmental Assessment (EA) study since 2007 noting citizen reviewers have identified errors, omissions, information gaps in the final documents and that the Project Team has required three extensions to deal with the number of comments received and issues raised; that the final and amended EA documents are substantially different from what Durham Region Council approved on June 24, 2009 and from the draft EA documents that Clarington's peer reviewers submitted comments on last July; indicating that a second EA inspection period is scheduled to begin February 26, 2010, providing the last formal opportunity for review and comments and requesting that Council direct staff to engage peer reviewers to review the Final and Amended EA documents and that Clarington staff and Council receive professional advice around a formal submission during the second public inspection. Council Meeting Minutes - 20 - January 25, 2010 Resolution #C-031-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo WHEREAS the health and welfare of our residents is of primary concern to the Municipality of Clarington; and WHEREAS questions and concerns have arisen through the E.A. process with respect to the current state of the local airshed and the potential negative impact the proposed incinerator may have on local airshed quality; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff investigate and report by the next Council meeting on the potential costs of peer review of air quality issues arising from the EFW EA, and that should remaining funding for peer review studies from Durham Region be available, that the purchasing by-law be suspended and that staff retain a peer review team to comment on air quality issues relating to the EA and the proposed incinerator. "CARRIED" D - 11 Kerry Meydam, expressing concern regarding recent developments with the Durham Energy-From-Waste EA and the overall EA process to date; stating there have been numerous valid concerns raised by residents and government reviewers during the process; indicating that a third extension and postponement of the MOE's formal review period for the Amended Durham/York Residual Waste Study EA has been granted and that the most recent version is very different from the version voted on by Regional Council on June 24, 2009; advising that residents are concerned that human health and the environment could be seriously impacted due to the deficiencies in the studies as well as the lack of opportunity by residents to respond formally to all amendments and addendums prior to release of the Ministry Review document ,due to the disorganized and incomplete way the entire EA is progressing; stating she feels that Clarington and its residents are at a disadvantage because of the early dismissal of the municipality's peer reviewers prior to the completion of the EA and long before all the changes to the EA documents since being submitted to the Province; and, requesting that Clarington Council reconsider the early Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - January 25, 2010 dismissal and consider re-hiring the independent experts to review the final documentation prior to the Minister making a decision on this EA and that Council reconsider support of the incineration project until such time as a proper EA is completed with full documentations and local studies. Resolution #C-032-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 from Kerry Meydam, with respect to the Durham/York Energy-From-Waste, be received with thanks. "CARRIED" D - 12 Stephanie Cappuccitti, requesting an extension to Building Permit #09.0271 for 4440 Courtice Road for an additional six months due to weather and unforeseen building problems. Resolution #C-033-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Stephanie Cappuccitti be granted a 6 month extension for the use of temporary living quarters at 4440 Courtice Road subject to signing a further Letter of Undertaking. "CARRIED" D - 13 Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes, forwarding a copy of a draft proposal for construction of a four seasons custom landscaped memorial, recognizing Canadian heroes who have fallen during the Afghanistan conflict, adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" in Bowmanville; and, requesting Council's assistance and suggestions that will help to obtain any necessary Federal and Provincial Government approvals to facilitate the construction. Resolution #C-034-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the request from Gordon McCallum, The Memorial of Heroes, for support of a proposal to construct a four seasons custom landscaped memorial adjacent to the "Highway of Heroes" in Bowmanville, be denied. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 22 - January 25, 2010 COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 -General Purpose and Administration Committee Report January 18, 2010. Resolution #C-035-10 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 18, 2010 be approved, with the exception of Items #2, #4 and #6. "CARRIED" Item 2 Resolution #C-036-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report PSD-010-10 be received; THAT Report PSD-010-10 be approved as the Municipality of Clarington's comments to the Ministry of Environment on the "Notice of Completion of Ministry Review' for the 407 East Environmental Assessment; THAT, to mitigate the impact of the East Durham Link interchange on the road network within the Clarington Energy Business Park, the Highway 407 Project be revised to incorporate the construction of Energy Drive as aproject-related work, in lieu of the reconstruction of the South Service Road in this same section; THAT, in compensation for the loss of 28 ha of employment lands in the Clarington Energy Business Park and the Courtice Industrial Park as a result of the Highway 407 Project and in light of the Province's reluctance to designate additional industrial lands in Clarington, the Ministry of Transportation be requested to acquire additional lands within the Energy Park to allow for their early development for industrial purposes in accordance with the Municipality's Energy Business Park Secondary Plan; THAT, in compensation for the loss of Rundle Road north of Regional Road 4 and the resulting impact on the road network, the Highway 407 Project be revised to incorporate the construction of Holt Road between Regional Road 4 and Concession Road 6 to maintain north-south connectivity within the local road network and to minimize traffic impacts on the hamlets of Solina and Hampton; THAT the Ministry of Transportation be required to undertake a more detailed traffic analysis as part of the Highway 407 Environmental Assessment to examine the impact of a tolled highway scenario on the local road system; Council Meeting Minutes - 23 - January 25, 2010 THAT the Highway 407 Project be revised to incorporate the acquisition of appropriate lands to provide an interchange at Liberty Street and the Highway 407 mainline either as an alternative to or in addition to the Darlington/Clark Townline Road interchange, with appropriate provision for emergency access to the highway; THAT the Municipality concurs with the Ministry of Transportation that additional discussion is required to address the issue of maintaining access to agricultural lands on Washington Road; THAT the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of Transportation will have to continue to liaise on the mitigation of impacts on cultural heritage resources to ensure both provincial and local heritage objections are satisfied; THAT staff be authorized to continue discussions and negotiations with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Transportation to achieve acceptable solutions to the above-noted issues; THAT a copy of Report PSD-010-10 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Regional Municipality of Durham; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-010-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Item 4 "CARRIED" Resolution #C-037-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report PSD-012-10 be received; THAT the property being Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R-14254, former Darlington Township, Roll Number 181701011022800, approximately 57.5 ha, in the Long Sault Conservation Area be declared surplus; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the by-law attached to Report PSD-012-10 on behalf of the Municipality declaring Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R- 14254 as surplus; THAT the property be conveyed to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in exchange for 8 properties set out in Schedule 1 in Attachment 1 attached to Report PSD-012-10, approximately 45 ha in the Bowmanville Urban Area, along the Bowmanville valley; Council Meeting Minutes - 24 - January 25, 2010 THAT the Municipality of Clarington will be responsible for the nominal costs associated with the disposal of the Long Sault Conservation lands including, but not limited to, the cost of any public notices or advertising, land transfer tax, survey costs, legal fees and registration costs; THAT CLOCA would be responsible for the nominal costs associated with the disposal of the Valleylands including, but not limited to, the cost of land severances, easements, land transfer tax, survey costs, legal fees and registration costs; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all documents necessary to register required easements and convey the lands to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority providing they are to the satisfaction of the Municipal Solicitor; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the by-law attached to Report PSD-012-10 on behalf of the Municipality to execute the land exchange offer from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for the lands in the Bowmanville Valley; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-012-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Item 6 Resolution #C-038-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-014-10 be received; THAT Council endorse the Durham Region Transit Long Term Transit Strategy with the following amendments: • That consideration be made for built heritage or cultural heritage landscapes; • That the proposed Rapid Transit service along Highway 2 be extended to the Transitway Station at the future Durham East Link (407); • That consideration be given to including additional Enhanced Conventional Service routes along its proposed terminus on Baseline Road to Liberty Street and north to Highway 2; • That local transit service to Orono be maintained and improved through the planning period of this strategy; • That two additional GO Rail station sites be identified on the east side of Bowmanville and near Newcastle/Highway 35/115; • That Durham Region Transit give due consideration to the extension of local transit service to employment areas in consultation with Municipal staff; Council Meeting Minutes - 25 - January 25, 2010 THAT Durham Region Transit be congratulated for developing a bold, comprehensive and innovative vision for transit in Durham Region that will assist in transforming the urban character of the Region; and THAT Durham Region Transit be provided a copy of Report PSD-014-10 for their information and action therein. "CARRIED" STAFF REPORT(S) Report CAO-003-10 -Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show Resolution #C-039-10 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report CAO-003-10 be received; THAT Clarington Board of Trade be requested to secure and staff an Exhibitor Booth on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington at the Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show Feb.23-25, 2010 in Ottawa; and THAT the CAO be authorized to expend upward of $7,000 to fund this project and the said funds be drawn from the Economic Development Reserve Account. "CARRIED" BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION Resolution #C-040-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson WHEREAS good management and prudence dictate that any organization review and retain or change, as appropriate, its business practices; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington must deal with legal issues of growing complexity and volume and the costs associated with these issues. Council Meeting Minutes - 26 - January 25, 2010 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT a report be prepared within eight weeks by our CAO Frank Wu and the Municipal Solicitor Dennis Hefferon to consider the current policies and practices of the legal services provided to the Municipality of Clarington with a view to retaining those policies and practices that serve the Municipality well and suggestions for improvements and potential cost savings where prudent and appropriate. "MOTION LOST LATER IN THE MEETING" Resolution #C-041-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-040-10 be amended to delete the words "within eight weeks' and to replace with the words "and referred to the 2010 budget deliberations" and to delete the words "and the Municipal Solicitor Dennis Hefferon". "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-040-10 was then put to a vote and LOST Resolution #C-042-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster WHEREAS the lower tier Municipalities of Oshawa, Ajax and Pickering in the last municipal election placed a referendum question on the ballot to poll the question of direct election of the Durham Regional Chairman; WHEREAS the public supported direct election in those municipalities at 88 percent of electorate support; WHEREAS changing the process of electing the Regional Chairman needs a vote of the new Regional Council after the municipal election in order to request the Province to change the Municipal Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington place a referendum question on the ballot to poll the question of direct election of the Durham Regional Chair, and; THAT this resolution be copied to all Municipalities in Durham and; Council Meeting Minutes - 27 - January 25, 2010 THAT Whitby, Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge be encouraged to place a similar question on the ballot for the 2010 election. "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE:" Council Member Yes No Declaration of Petunia Interest Absent Councillor Foster / Councillor Hooper / Councillor Novak / Councillor Robinson / Councillor Trim / Councillor Woo / Ma or Abemeth / Councillor Foster raised a Point of Order in that comments made should be regarding the placing of a question on the ballot only and not a debate regarding direct election of the Regional Chair. Resolution #C-043-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Resolution #C-622-09, as amended, as it relates to the method of counting ballots during the 2010 Municipal Election be reconsidered, to allow for the following motion to be introduced: 'THAT vote tabulating equipment be utilized for the 2010 Municipal Election'." "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE": Council Member Yes No Declaration of Petunia Interest Absent Councillor Foster / Councillor Hooper / Councillor Novak / Councillor Robinson / Councillor Trim / Councillor Woo / Ma or Abernethy / Council Meeting Minutes - 28 - January 25, 2010 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-044-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Item 12 of Report #1 -Staff Report CLD-001-10 -Sale of Fireworks -Perfect Party Place be lifted from the table. `CARRIED" Resolution #C-045-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report CLD-001-10 be received; THAT the request of Mike and Carmen Gazo, Owners, Perfect Party Inc. to sell fireworks year round, be denied; and THAT Mike and Carmen Gazo be advised and forvvarded a copy of Report, CLD-001-10. "CARRIED" Deputy Mayor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #C-046-10 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Resolution #C-013-10 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-047-10 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Resolution GPA-351-09 which approves Pay Equity for the Non-Affiliated staff be amended to rescind the following clause: That in order to maintain pay equity Department Heads and Emergency Services Deputies be adjusted by the recognition pay value if awarded to the Fire Association employees at 3%, 6% and 9% effective January 1, 2010 without retroactivity to prior years; and Council Meeting Minutes - 29 - January 25, 2010 THAT the remaining clauses of the resolution remain unaltered. Resolution #C-048-10 "CARRIED LATER IN THE MEETING" Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act. 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed to consider personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees. "CARRIED" The meeting resumed in open session at 10:55 p.m. The Deputy Mayor advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed. Resolution #C-047-10 was then put to a vote and "CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE": Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecunia Interest Absent Ma or Abemethy / Councillor Foster / Councillor Hoo er / Councillor Novak / Councillor Robinson / Councillor Woo / Councillor Trim / Mayor Abernethy resumed the Chair. Resolution #C-049-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting be extended for ten minutes in order to complete the agenda. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 30 - January 25, 2010 Resolution #C-050-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the presentations of the Durham Regional Police Service and Gord Lee be received with thanks. "CARRIED" BY-LAWS Resolution #C-051-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2010-007 to 2010-010 inclusive; 2010-007 Being a by-law to declare the lands more particularly described as Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 on Plan 40R-14254, former Darlington Township in the Municipality of Clarington to be surplus 2010-008 Being a by-law to authorize. the Exchange of land: Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 on Plan 40R-14254, former Darlington Township be transferred to Central Lake Ontario Conservation as set out in Schedule 1 and P.I. N. Numbers 266150214; 266150215; 266140034;266140035; 26932043; 26932048; 266440044; and 266450071 as set out in Schedule 2 be transferred to the Municipality of Clarington 2010-009 Being a by-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1929 from Part Lot Control 2010-010 Being a By-law to adopt the Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes Policy; and THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. OTHER INFORMATION There was no Other Information introduced under this Section of the Agenda. Council Meeting Minutes - 31 - January 25, 2010 CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-052-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2010-011, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 25~h day of January 2010; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-053-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:02 p.m. "CARRIED" MAYOR MUNICIPAL CLERK DRAFT LIST OF DELEGATIONS February 8, 2010 a) Louis Bertrand -Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) b) Doug Anderson -Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) c) Dale Hunt -Report PSD-015-10 - To Rezone Residential and Limited Commercial Properties to Permit the Construction of a New Retail Commercial Building (Item 2 of Report #1) d) Beth Markle -Report PSD-015-10 - To Rezone Residential and Limited Commercial Properties to Permit the Construction of a New Retail Commercial Building (Item 2 of Report #1) SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE February 8, 2010 CORRESPONDENCE TO BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION I - 1 Minutes of the Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities dated December 10, 2009. (Copy attached) I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated January 14, 2010. (Copy attached) I - 3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated January 20, 2010. (Copy attached) I - 4 Minutes.of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated January 15, 2010. (Copy attached) I - 5 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated November 19, 2009. (Copy attached) I - 6 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated January 19, 2010. (Copy attached) I - 7 Linda Gasser, writing to the Regional Finance and Administration Committee, indicating that since last fall she has brought a number of concerns regarding the Waste (Incinerator) EA study process related to costs and potential impacts on the 2010 budget to the attention of several Regional Standing Committees and Regional Council; expressing concern that neither the Committees nor Regional Council are being provided with sufficient information regarding the EA study process and costs to be aware of the project status, to determine what the prospects are for EA approval and what the costs to complete the project would be, or that clear and sufficient direction to the Project Team staff is given to ensure proper project oversight and regular detailed updates; expressing concern that the Project Team has not fully addressed many issues in the Amended EA and questioning whether the current project team consultants are capable of completing the EA Study and Certificates of Approval, if the EA were approved, in a satisfactory manner; and, questioning in what manner Regional Council and members of the public are generally informed when direction to staff is provided outside of Committee meetings. Summary of Correspondence - 2 - February 8, 2010 I - 8 Correspondence has been received from the following groupslindividuals in support of the new Nuclear Build project at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Clarington as a major economic boost to Clarington, Durham Region and the Province of Ontario: a) Tom and Marilyn Morawetz, Evergreen Farm & Garden Ltd. b) Randy Henry, Courtice Flea Market, 994990 Ontario Limited c) Mayor Linda Thompson, Municipality of Port Hope d) Kurt Henry, The Mortgage Centre e) Elaine Garnett, CHEX TV Channel 12 Durham I - 9 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable Gerry Phillips, Minister of Energy & Public Infrastructure Renewal, forwarding a copy of correspondence from the Clarington Board of Trade (CBOT) in support of the construction of two additional reactors at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station; and, questioning what steps the government will take in the year ahead to advance the construction of this project. I - 10 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of the response he received from the Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, acknowledging concerns Mr. O'Toole has raised regarding the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) and advising that his letter has been forvvarded to the attention of the Minister of Finance for consideration. Mr. O'Toole will advise Council once a reply is received. I - 11 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of the response he received from the"Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, concerning Clarington's resolution regarding the Places to Grow Act advising the correspondence has been referred to the Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure for consideration. Mr. O'Toole will advise Council once a reply is received. I - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to Darlene Dove, Policy Analyst, Water Resources Section, Ministry of Natural Resources, Lands and Waters Branch, advising that on January 27, 2010, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to Policies and Procedures for Conservation Authority Plan Review and Permitting Activities: Summary of Correspondence - 3 - February 8, 2010 "a) THAT Report #2010-P-2 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Resources as the Region of Durham's comments on the proposed `Policies and Procedures for Conservation Authority Plan Review and Permitting Activities', as contained in EBR Posting 010-8243; and b) THAT a copy of Report #2010-P-2 be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Area Municipalities, and to each Conservation Authority having jurisdiction in Durham Region, for their information. I - 13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on January 27, 2010, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to Amendments to Regulations Under the Planning Act to Notify Propane Facility Operators of New Development Applications: "a) THAT Report #2010-P-3 of the Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of Report #2010-P-3 be forwarded to the Area Municipalities for information. I - 14 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on January 27, 2010, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Quarterly Report on Planning Activities: "a) THAT Report #2010-P-5 of the Commissioner of Planning be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of Report-#2010-P-5 be forwarded to all Durham Area Municipalities, Durham Regional Police Service, and Durham Emergency Medical Services for information." I - 15 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham writing to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising that on January 27, 2010, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to Regional Municipality of Durham Staff Comments Prepared in Response to the Minister of the Environment's Report on the Waste Diversion Act 2002 Review- "From Waste to Worth: The Role of Waste Diversion in the Green Economy': Summary of Correspondence - 4 - February 8, 2010 "a) THAT The Regional Municipality of Durham staff comments outlined in Report #2010-J-1 of the Commissioner of Works regarding the Minister of the Environment's Report on the Waste Diversion Act 2002 Review -'From Waste to Worth: The Role of Waste Diversion in the Green Economy' be forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment for its consideration in advance of the February 1, 2010 comment deadline, suggesting that the Waste Diversion Act include: i) PRODUCER PAYS: Recognition of the need for 100 per cent Extended Producer Responsibility funding for all designated materials handled by municipalities as part of their integrated waste management systems; ii) EASE AND CONVENIENCE: Recognition of the significance of source separation, and the role of municipalities in implementing municipal solid waste collection policies and direct incentives to residents that are contributing significantly to the overall diversion goals shared by the Province of Ontario; iii) MAINTAIN SERVICE LEVELS: Guarantees of existing or better levels of waste services to residents which include as a minimum curbside collection of blue box materials and waste facility collection points throughout The Regional Municipality of Durham; iv) FAIR COMPENSATION FOR EXISTING ASSETS: Guarantees that if municipal operations, contracts or infrastructure are affected by new Provincial waste diversion programs or transfers to the private sector, municipalities will be fully compensated for any negative financial impacts, including payment, at fair market value, for any transferred and/or stranded assets; v) RECOGNITION OF RECOVERY AS DIVERSION: Endorsement of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment definition of the waste diversion hierarchy that recognizes reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery as key elements; Summary of Correspondence - 5 - February 8, 2010 vi) RECOGNITION OF RECOVERY AS DIVERSION: Recovery of energy as a part of a fully integrated waste management system and the recognition that diversion includes the use of energy-from-waste residuals (ash and other recoverables) to replace elements in the production of new products and packaging, or incorporate in the production of new products or packaging; vii) FAIR DISTRIBUTION OF LEVIES: Recognition of the need to exempt wastes that are managed through thermal treatment processes that recover energy, generate syn-gases, or further capture recyclables from disposal Jevies; viii) PROMOTION OF BEST PRACTICES: Guarantees that new Provincial diversion strategies will include municipal consultation, and specifically recognize principles identified by municipalities as contributing to diversion successes, including that: A) New systems and strategies should not be implemented without demonstration of reduced environmental impacts, compared to existing diversion systems; B) Waste contamination of recyclable or reusable materials should be minimized, which could become a challenge for specific proposals which may involve collecting, transporting and/or processing Industrial, Commercial and Institutional materials with typically cleaner municipal solid waste materials in a homogeneous system; C) Additional materials should only be diverted once a stable market exists for resale or reuse of the final product to ensure efforts are not wasted on items ultimately destined for disposal; and, D) New systems and strategies should not be implemented without demonstration that they are user-friendly, tolerable, cost-effective and accessible to ensure maximum public support and participation; Summary of Correspondence - 6 - .February 8, 2010 ix) MUNICIPALITIES CONTROL WHICH ASSETS ARE TRANSFERRED: Guarantees that municipalities retain the sole discretionary decision to decide whether municipal infrastructure is transferred to the private sector; x) TRANSITION FUNDING TO MUNICIPALITIES AT 100 PER CENT OF NET COSTS: Guarantees that Ontario municipalities will receive full Extended Producer Responsibility funding to offset diversion program costs during the transition; xi) ASSURED INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL COMPLIANCE: Implement appropriate measures that will incentivize compliance of diversion targets by the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sectors based upon the 4R's, reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery; xii) MAINTAIN EXISTING DIVERSION RATES WITHIN CURRENT WASTE DIVERSION ONTARIO MUNICIPAL GROUPINGS: Enforcement of material specific diversion targets and appropriate penalties and fines to producers must be applied and be commensurate with an analysis of the environmental benefits versus costs; xiii) CONTINUED CONSULTATION: Recognition of the need for continued engaging discussions with the Province of Ontario municipalities at each transition phase, regarding implementation options and implications, phase-in timelines, performance guarantees and staffing for proposed initiatives, recognizing the role of municipalities as direct service provider, including waste collection services, to most of the Province of Ontario's more than 4.5 million households; xiv) COORDINATED PROVINCIAL PROMOTION AND EDUCATION: Collaborative promotion and education initiatives and call centre programs for an integrated and seamless interface between Ontario's waste management programs and the public; and xv) THAT the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) continue to have the right to appoint members to the Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) Board of Directors; Summary of Correspondence - 7 - February 8, 2010 b) THAT Regional comments include a request that Provincial efforts encourage Extended Producer Responsibility through movement towards 'zero waste' and include clear definition of the concept of 'zero waste' to ensure development of meaningful and achievable diversion plans; c) THAT Regional staff be authorized to discuss these recommendations with- Provincial staff and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and to provide the required detailed background information; and d) THAT a copy of Report #2010-J-1 be forwarded as information to the Clerks of each of The Regional Municipality of Durham's Local Area Municipalities, AMO, and the local MPP's." I - 16 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) advising AMO has made its pre-budget submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs entitled "Propelling Economic Prosperity".outlining a re-affirmation of current cost-shared arrangements that provide predictable municipal funding including, continued investmeht in municipal infrastructure, improved economic development opportunities with enhanced financial tools, rebalancing municipal liability exposure by instituting a better approach to liability; reflecting on the massive infrastructure investments made by all. three orders of government through the Economic Stimulus program; and, cautioning the government that any change to these agreements would plunge many municipalities into deep and frigid financial waters. A full copy of AMO's pre-budget submission is available at www.amo.on.ca. CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Rebecca Evans, President, and Donna Donaldson, Executive Officer, Durham Region Home Builders' Association, inviting Mayor Abernethy to attend the Association's "Mayors & Members" evening on March 23, 2010, as they launch "New Homes Month" in Durham Region; and, requesting Council to declare April 2010 as "New Homes Month" in recognition of new home construction and home ownership. as a basic factor in economic progress and quality of life. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 8 - February 8, 2010 D - 2 Donald G. Duthie, Sponsoring Committee Chairman, 172 Royal Canadian Air Cadets of Clarington, requesting permission to hold Tag Days on Thursday April 29, 2010 to Sunday, May 2, 2010, in and around Clarington to help raise funds to finance activities which are not funded by sponsors such as weekend exercises, citizenship tours or trips to museums. (Motion to approve the 172 Claringtor Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadet's request for Tag Days April 29 to May 2, 2010) D - 3 William Stratton, Chair, Day of Mourning Committee, Durham Region Labour Council, advising that National Day of Mourning is officially recognized as April 28~' each year in recognition of working people who have died at the workplace, or suffered injuries on the job; and, requesting Council to proclaim Wednesday, April 28, 2010, as "Day of Mourning" and that the flags be lowered on Municipal Buildings in honour and remembrance of those killed at the workplace. (Motion to proclaim and to lower flags on Municipal Buildings) D - 4 James Osborne and Pamela Callus, forwarding correspondence in opposition to the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law by Timothy and Sandra Kearns to permit an outdoor recreational vehicle storage business at 3424 and 3436 Courtice Road. The correspondence indicates that they are not opposed to he business per se, but are opposed to the location for a wide range of reasons and outlined planning, personal and environmental factors regarding the proposed development. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 5 Laverne Morrison, Advertising Consultant, Metroland, Durham Region Media Group, forwarding advertising proposals for printing and distributing of the 2010 Clarington.net newsletters and for production, printing and distribution of a Clarington Lifestyle Magazine. (Motion to refer correspondence to the 2010 Budget Deliberations) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - February 8, 2010 D - 6 Robert Howard and Lynn Martin, United Way of Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington-Brock & Scugog, advising of their intention to bring the Ride4UnitedWay event, to Clarington on August 29, 2010, and to use the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex as the starting and end point for the ride; thanking Members of Council and staff for their encouragement about the prospects for the event and the opportunity to help the United Way in Clarington; and, requesting a grant be provided to cover the fee for the use of the Complex for this event, in recognition of the United Way as a charitable organization who will invest the proceeds of this event in Clarington agencies and the surrounding Durham area. (Motion to refer to the Municipal Grant Process) Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities I - 1 Minutes of Meeting Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. Meeting Room lA Present Were: Mayor Jim Abernethy Bill Humber Paul Halliday Dorcas Gordon Valentine Lovekin (amved at 8:13 a.m.) Staff: David Crome, Director, Planning Services Linda Coutu, Executive Assistant to the Mayor Regrets: Pierre Tremblay Deborah Patrick Mayor Abernethy called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Dorcas Gordon, seconded by Bill Humber that the minutes of the meeting held on November 5"' be approved. "CARRIED" 2. SELECTION OF COMMITTEE CHAIR (Carried over from meeting of November 5`h). Discussion ensued pertaining to the position of Committee Chair. Moved by Dorcas Gordon, seconded by Bill Humber that the position of Committee Chair be filled on a rotating basis. "CARRIED" Paul Halliday agreed to chair the remainder of the meeting. 3. ASSIGNMENTS (Carried over from meeting of November 5th) There was a brief discussion about the different approach that each committee member took to outline their topic. Further discussion ensued pertaining to what is the potential of each subject and what action might be required. Bill Humber provided an overview of his topics which were Water Sustainability and Food. Discussion followed and several ideas evolved. The food aspect can be considered an economic development strategy which can be linked with the agricultural industry. Several colleges already offer culinary programs such as organic farming at Sir Sanford Fleming. It was decided that the Committee would need to confirm their focus before committing to a specific topic. The Water component of Bill Humber's presentation was also discussed since water is increasingly becoming a much sought after resource. It was agreed that this subject would be more inclined to be a University reseazch and education program. This is a multi dimensional topic as a result of source water protection plans and jurisdictional issues. Valentine Lovekin presented his overview on Health Caze. Discussed followed pertaining to the partnership between Lakeridge Health, UOIT and Holbum. There was also some concern about Oshawa being the lazgest site of Lakeridge Health and any expansions would most likely occur in and around Lakeridge Health Oshawa. Further discussion ensued pertaining to the need for serviced lands in Clarington. The Municipality is working with the Region of Durham to move this item forward on their forecast. Valentine Lovekin left the meeting at 8:55 a.m. Pierre Tremblay will be asked to provide an overview of his presentation at the next meeting. Paul Halliday provided a brief overview of a Community Education Foundation. There was a lot of discussion about this and the members present thought that this initiative could be pursued using similar guidelines as the "Valleys 2000" organization, which is a charitable organization. The Valleys 2000 committee operates at arm's length from the Municipality and elects its own board. It was felt that the public could provide input into how this Community Education Foundation could become a reality. Dorcas Gordon provided her overview on continued education models. Discussion followed and it was agreed that a physical address is.important when trying to attract programs and/or satellite campuses. It was agreed that there were other universities and colleges who have succeeded with expansion projects and their models could be followed in Clarington. 4. ONE-DAY CAMP 30 SUMMIT -SUMMARY BY DAVID CROME David Crome provided a brief overview of the summit that was held in November to invite the public to share their ideas for possible uses of the Camp 30 site. The site is privately owned, however, there is a strong community will to have the site recognized nationally as an historic site. There were a lot of suggestions brought forward at the summit which include using the buildings as a campus. David has also received a recent proposal prepared by a group of Ryerson College Students and copies will be distributed to committee members. 5. OTHER It was agreed that the members are starting to narrow down the focus of the committee and the Camp 30 site is an exciting possibility.. The members were reminded that the Municipality does not own the property and that Council would not likely support a request for funding. There is, however, a "Friends of Camp 30" group who are looking at possible fundraising initiatives. in order to ensure the buildings are preserved for historical value. Martha Rutherford-Conrad, who is the Administrator of the Clarington Museums and Archives, is part of this group. The members thought that it might help to invite Martha to a future meeting. The members present also thought that Ron Stead of Holburn should be invited to a future meeting. Bill Humber agreed to Chair the next meeting. The committee was reminded about its first interim report to Council, which is due early in the New Year. It was agreed that the next meeting will beheld on Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. in Committee Room lA. Subsequent meeting dates suggested were Thursday, February 25`h and Thursday, March 25"' but they were not confirmed. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Bill Humber, seconded by Paul Halliday that the meeting adjourn at 9:50 a.m. "CARRIED" CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2010 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Barrie Ted Watson Gary Jeffery Eric Bowman Henk Mulders Donald Rickard Mark Bragg Orwin Bandstra Councillor Gord Robinson I-2 REGRETS: Jennifer Knox Mary Ann Found Brenda Metcalf Ross McMaster Marlene Werry-Durham Region STAFF: Faye Langmaid GUEST: Cliff Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk (later in meeting) Adoption of Agenda 10-01 Moved by Don Rickard, seconded by Ted Watson "That the Agenda for January 14, 2010 be adopted" "CARRIED" Approval of Minutes 10-02 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Orwin Bandstra "That the minutes of the November 12, 2009 meeting be approved, as amended." "CARRIED" GUEST: Cliff Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham Cliff provided an overview of the tire recycling program that the Region has undertaken and also the Balewrap Program that the Region has had for five years. (Packages for members not in attendance will be distributed with the minutes). Questions/Answer Session: The blue box is different across the Province because the different municipalities have different contracts with recyclers; some Regions or municipalities do not recycle certain products such as clam-shells as they do not have a contract with a recycler that can handle them. Electronics- after April 1, 2010 anything with a cord will be accepted at the transfer stations for recycling. Electric cords are at this point not recyclable. A transfer station in Clarington is part of the agreement between Clarington and the Region with regard to the EFW. It will be a household transfer station and will take 3-4 years to be up and running. The location is undetermined at this point, an MOE license is required and they are very specific about the requirements of the transfer station. The EFW will still be necessary even though Durham has one of the highest recycling rates of all Ontario municipalities. Currently Durham recycles 53% and have an aggressive diversion program to get to 70%. In 2009 Durham sent 115,000 tonnes to landfill in Michigan at the end of 2010 that will shift to New York but the costs will also increase from $90 a tonne to $110. Of the waste that will go into the EFW 20% will come out as ash (char) and 5% fly ash (from the stack) but the volume will have drastically reduced. The ash. is recyclable. in concrete and cement products the fly ash goes to a hazardous waste site. Monitoring will be continuous and to the standards required by the MOE Certificate of Approval, the detailed requirements have not been set as of yet. Some committee members are concerned about the perception of the public, personally not concerned but environmental monitoring would have provided additional scient'rfic data to back up the claims. Half-loads- The roads are not constructed to a standard to be able to take the weight. Issue of funding - If additional funding was provided then the roads could be built to a higher standard (some of them are).. That requires the Province to redistribute how funding is carried out. If farmers are allowed for their products, it means the developers and aggregate industry both of which have much stronger political lobbies will be asking for the same thing. Side-loads- Cliff suggested that a formal request from the AACC to him be made about the permitting issue to allow for side loading on Regional roads especially in harvest season when the fields are wet. Guest- Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk The opportunity to raise chickens in backyards has been requested by a delegation that came before Council in the late fall. Anne is carrying out research on the issue. Currently in Clarington chickens are only allowed on agricultural properties. If the Municipality considers allowing chickens on non-agricultural properties then conditions have to be set out. The six points made by the delegation on why chickens should. be allowed were reviewed. After some discussion, it was generally agreed that the six points raised are not the issues that will most affect the general public. Rather the AACC Jan 74, ZU7U issues of predation, spread of disease, what will happen to the chickens once they finish laying (after 300 days), the potential smell, neighbourhood nuisance, and the size of the lots would have to be addressed. Anne asked if the committee could formalize its position. 10-03 Moved by Donald Rickard Seconded by Tom Barrie `;4ACC does not support the keeping of livestock on non-agricultural properties" "CARRIED" Number of dogs on a rural or agricultural property -Anne also wanted the committee's opinion on the number of dogs that should be allowed on an agricultural property. In reviewing the Responsible Pet Owners By-law, the issue of how many if any dogs on properties where the owner or tenants did not reside has become an issue. After some discussion the consensus of the committee was that a limit of three mature dogs should be the maximum unless it is part of the husbandry practices of the industry and it should be on the property where the pet owner resides. Examples that were given are the keeping of dogs with livestock to protect them from coyotes (Great Pyrenees with llamas), the keeping of dogs in greenhouses as security (e.g. working dogs), sheep farmers (collies and other herding dogs). BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES /:loads resolution -was endorsed by Council and circulated to other municipalities. Climatic Assessment -deferred to next meeting when Marlene is in attendance. Road Occupancy Permit -Meeting with Leslie Benson and committee members. Permits can be obtained from Engineering Services, farmers can fill out the permit and provide additional sheets of information. Engineering Services is willing to provide a blanket permit for the year with many sites listed. A permit does not allow for a full road closure even for a short period. The permit states that "all guidelines outlined in Ontario Traffic Manual- Book 7- Temporary Conditions for Short Duration Work (under 24 hours) must be followed". The Committee members seem well versed on Book 7, other farmers may not be. Committee members inquired that once a permit is obtained if an on-line submission to submit occupancy could be set up to assist Emergency Services in knowing where/when loading will be occurring. There was also some discussion on how to notify the entire farming community of this -notices at Co-op, Evergreen, etc. Farmer's Parade of Lights- it was raining but had a larger crowd, great attendance. A debriefing meeting with Police and others will be held. Permit for December 2010 will be obtained from Ron Baker within next few months. CORRESPONDENCE Notice from John O'Toole about Agricultural Round Table on Monday, Jan 18 in Blackstock. AACC _ Jan 74, 2010 REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES DAAC Last meeting was a visit to Algoma, able to see the juicing plant. Very impressive. Eric noted the article attached to the hand out and the funding that Algoma received from the Provincial Government. Durham Federation of Agriculture No report Clarington Board of Trade Donald Rickard informs Board members about the issues important to farmer, challenges of farming near urban areas and where development is happening. Meetings are moving to different businesses to see their operations. OTHER BUSINESS Private Members Bill regarding Corporations- Gary provided information on the submission of a private members bill that would restrict corporations from receiving government grants. There are also limitations in the Pesticides Act regarding corporations that farmers should be concerned about. It appears that there is little understanding that some farms are sole proprietor and many are corporations even if they are small farms. Gary is going to discuss at John O'Toole's roundtable on agricultural issues. This may require a resolution at future meetings. GRCA/CLOCA Stewardship Grants- there may be some issues over parody between the programs, Faye is following up. Livestock (deadstock) and wildlife predation of crops- Compensation for crop predation is becoming a major issue. Faye will inform Ron Allen as he is speaker for next meeting. 2009 Accomplishments -Attached to the handout for tonight, Gary will be appearing at the January 18~' GPA meeting to update Council Donald Rickard was named the "Soybean King", the winner of the Soybean Challenge for Zone 2 of Ontario. A presentation will be made at a televised Council meeting by Council FUTURE AGENDA Feb -Ron Allen from MNR will be here on Wildlife Predation -any specific questions for him? In addition, Patti Barrie, Tom Vendrasco, Jim Coombs and Brian Souch will attend. Future Meeting -Dennis Yellowlees on Greenbelt Council Moved to Adjourn: Eric Bowman Next Meeting: February 11, 2010 7:30 p.m. AACC J81174, lU7U I-3 Draft minutes -Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20, 2010 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) John Stoner -Chair Kann Murphy-Vice Chair Shirley Minifie Arthur Burrows Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Pat Mulcahy David Best Absent: Greg Wells - GRCA Warren May - MNR 1. Agenda Additions No additions Dan Stanoi Brian Reid Jim Cleland Councillor Willie Woo Joe McKenna Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Karin Murphy, seconded by Brian Reid THAT the agenda for January 20, 2010 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of December 8, 2009 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes 2 Approval of Minutes MOVED by Jim Cleland, seconded by Shirley Minifie THAT the minutes of December 8, 2009 be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee Reports Communications Joe e-mailed to indicate that he is waiting for one more article to be submitted by John Stoner to complete the newsletter. John Stoner will send his article to Joe when it is complete. 5. Updates Winter Bird and Mammal Count The Winter Bird and Mammal Count is scheduled for Sunday January 24. In the event of poor weather the back-up date is Februazy 7. Brian provided a handout detailing the meeting instructions to committee members. John Foster from the Durham Field Naturalists will provide more specific instructions on site. Participants are to meet at the Cobbledick parking lot at 8:15 AM. Three teams of 4 people each will be formed to count at different areas of the S WNA and a spotting scope will be set up on each viewing platform. Due to the lack of snow the mammal count will be difficult since tracks maybe hard to find. The results from the count will be brought to a future S WNA meeting and will also be submitted to a Provincial data base of wildlife information. Trail Relocation The section of Waterfront Trail east of the pedestrian bridge was surveyed and two conceptual layouts were prepared to illustrate how the slope can be reduced. Option 1 Lowering the grade along the existing trail alignment. This option would leave the trail in its present location but would lower the grade along a 100m section of the trail. It would result in a trail with a 10% slope. The trail surface would be lower than the surrounding grade. Option 2 Realigning the trail through the woods. In this option the trail would be re-routed S/E from the bottom of the slope for approximately 100m until it reconnects with the existing trail. This would decrease the grade on the trail to 10% and would remove a small portion of the trail that currently encroaches onto the Hydro One corridor. Option 2 was preferred by the committee since it removes the current encroachment and provides a more direct and scenic alignment to the valley. A cost estimate for option 2 will be prepared and brought to a future meeting. Evergreen Green Grants Prog~ An application is being finalized for the Januazy 29, 2010 deadline. The proposed project would include tree and shrub planting in the riparian zones, the old fields, and along the edges of the SWNA. John Stoner will be the contact person from the SWNA. A letter of support from the Municipality will be included in the application. Accessible Customer Service Several committee members have attended the training but others have yet to do so. Those members who were unable to attend the December 3Ta or 10`h sessions will be contacted with future dates for the session. Joe and Brian have attended similar sessions in their own workplace and will provide supporting information to request that they be exempt. DEAC Awards A nomination form was sent to the committee for the 2010 DEAC Awards. Since the SWNA committee won the Irene Kock Education/Communication award in 2009 it was decided to not submit a nomination this year. 6. Other Business/Next Meeting Brian will be investigating holding a spring event at the SWNA themed azound Wildflowers. Peter reminded the committee that the February meeting will be on the third Tuesday in Februazy. Motion to Adjourn MOVED by Shirley Minifie, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Next Meet;ug: Tuesday February 16, 2010 .7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Notes prepared by P. Windolf 'il.D.v 5~8'6~t7 hi'i .~°~.~'~ s DURHAM NUCLEAR HEALTH COMMITTEE (DNHC) MINUTES OF MEETING LOCATION Durham Regional Headquarters 605 Rossland Road East Meeting Room 1 G Whitby, Ontario DATE January 15, 2010 , TIME 1:00 PM Mr. Ken Gorman, Durham Region Health Departm (Chair) Ms. Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, DRHD Mr. Phil Dunn, Ministry of the Environment Dr. Dave Whillans, Ontario Power Generation (OP Mr. Frank Bajurny, OPG Dr. Tony Waker, University of Ontario Institute of Mr. Marc Landry, Public Member Dr. Barry Neil, Public Member . Mr. Alex Heydon, Public Member Mr. Jansen Wu, Public Member it (I7RHD)RI TION REVtEWEO BY ORIGINAL r0: ~ O COUNCIL $COUNCII ^ FILE DIRECTION INFCNMAiION ^ MEMBERS O CAO ~ OF COUNCIL O COMANNdTY ^ CORPORATE ^ EMERGENCY ~RNCES: SERVICES SERVICES O ENGSIEERtlI6 O MUNICIPAL O d'EMIIONS SERVICES CLERN'S PLANNING O SOLICITOR O TREASURY SERVICES PRESENTERS/ Mr. Brian Devitt, DRHD, (Secretary) ^ OTNER OBSERVERS Dr. Doug Chambers, SENES, (Presenter) MIrR01PAL CLERK'S FRE Mr. Bill Robinson, OPG, (Presenter) Mr. Glenn Jager, OPG, (Presenter) Ms. Vanessa Hughes, OPG (Presenter) Mr. Paul Nadeau - OPG (Presenter) Ms. Janice Szwarz, Municipality of Clarington (Presenter) Mr. Ivan Ciuciura, Durham Emergency Management Office (DEMO) Mr. John Byard, DEMO Mr. Greg Lymer, Durham Region Works Department Mr. Carl Ferencz, Member of the Public Mr. Eugene Kelly, City of Toronto Health Department REGRETS Mr. Ken Shrives, Public Member Mr. Hazdev Bains, Public Member Ms. Norma Drummond, Public Member Ms. Lorraine Weigel, Public Member Ms. Sue Stickley, AECL Robert Kyle could not attend the meeting today and appointed Ken Gorman as Chair. Ken opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Brian Devitt, Secretary to the DNHC, mentioned that Joshua Mazuryk has resigned as the Public Member for the City of Pickering due to time constraints and other commitments. Brian indicated Robert Kyle wants to receive applications over the next two to three months from anyone interested in serving the DNHC as a Public Member. 1.0 Adoption of the DNHC Agenda The Revised Agenda was adopted. 2.0 Adoption of the DNHC Minutes of the November 20, 2009 meeting TUe Min~tes;~rc adopted as written. . - _ _ 3.0 Correspondence ~_ ~_;, 3.1 Robert K}d~'s office received the minutes of the Pickering Nucleaz Generating "Station Comimunity Advisory Council for November 2009. ,~ 3.2 'Robert Kyle's office received report of the Task Force on the Alternatives for Medical-Isotope Production prepared by TRIUNE of the University of British Coluinla with support from Natural Resources Canada dated November 17, 2009. ,kC ;.¢ e' P~ .. „~,3 , Rober{,.Kyles office received the Draft Report for Review from the Nuclear Waste Managenen Organizatiori concerning the report Implementing Adaptive Waste ___.._. ___..~_ _. ___Managemen 2010 to 2014 dated November 2009. ,.,~ ~:~:,~a "`'~'~'-'""~3'"~I""TCo'E`eit y e s office received the media releases from AECL conceming updates on the NRU return to service plan related to the Chalk River Laboratories that is scheduled for the first quarter of 2010 dated December 2, 16 and 30, 2009. 3.5 Robert Kyle's office received the media release from Natural Resources Canada conceming the report from the Expert Review Panel on Medical-Isotope Production dated December 3, 2009. 3.6 Robert Kyle's office received the media release from the CNSC conceming the Start of the Public Review Period on the Environmental Impact Statement and the Application for a Licence to Prepare a Site for the Dazlington New Nucleaz Power Plant dated December 15, 2009. 3.7 Robert Kyle's office received the media release fiom AECL concerning senior management appointments dated December 16, 2009. 3.8 Robert Kyle's office received the media release from Natural Resources Canada announcing that the Government of Canada has invited Investor Proposals for the AECL CANDU Reactor Division dated December 23, 2009. 3.9 Robert Kyle's office received the media releases from OPG concerning the inadvertent release of water from Darlington Nucleaz Generating Station containing tritium and hydrazine and the follow-up action taken dated December 21 and 23, 2009. 3.10 Robert Kyle's office received the resignation of Joshua Mazuryk as the DNHC Public Member for the City of Pickering dated January 5, 2010. 3.11 Robert Kyle's office received the media release from OPG concerning the follow- up information on the inadvertent water release from Dazlington Nucleaz Generating Station dated January 7, 2010. 4.0 Nuclear Power /Environmental Issues 4.1 Report on the Integrated Safety Review for Pickering B Biil Robinson, Execufive Vice President Nucleaz Refurbishment Projects and Support for OPG, provided a presentation on the Integrated Safety Review (ISR) for Pickering B that was completed and submitted to the Canadian Nucleaz Safety Commission (CNSC) in September 2009. The highlights of Bill's presentation were: • The CNSC's refurbishment process for Pickering B required a complete environmental assessment (EA) and a complete ISR and both were completed in 2009. • The EA and the ISR will become the basis of the Integrated Improvement Plan (IIP) should the decision be made to refixrbish Pickering B. • .The IIP sets the scope for refubishment including the cost and schedule. • OPG will not do an IIP until a refurbishment decision is made but it is completing a screening level cost and schedule to help inform the refurbishment decision. • CNSC feedback on the ISR will input into the cost and schedule of refurbishment. • The objective of the ISR is a comprehensive assessment to determine: o The extent to which the plant conforms to the modem safety goals and requirements o The extent to which the CNSC licensing basis remains valid o The adequacy and effectiveness of the arrangements in place to maintain plant safety for long-term operation o The design and.. operational improvements required to address gaps with respect to modern safety requirements • The Pickering B ISR process was developed and conducted with consideration for the requirements of: o The CNSC Regulatory Document, RD - 360 o The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Guide NS-G-2.10 • The ISR was reviewed and accepted by the CNSC. • The ISR involved a comprehensive review over 3 yeazs with 17 safety factor reviews and 15 reports submitted to the CNSC. The ISR process received third party review and verification by the IAEA and stated the Pickering B ISR process was in full compliance with IAEA standazds. The ISR process received a second third party review and verification by ISR Global Assessment and concluded that no significant issues were identified that limit the safe operation of Pickering B through extended life. Bill indicated the ISR Conclusions were: • Pickering B is safely operated today and can be safely operated into the future. • Pickering B is operating at a high level of compliance compazed to modem codes and standazds for international nucleaz plants. . Pickering B will have some safety enhancements completed only if a decision is made to refurbish but they are not safety requirements and do not affect the safety of current operations. Bill Robinson will keep the DNHC updated on the refurbishment process. for Pickering B. The overheads Bill used are attached as Appendix 1. 4.2 Progress Report on the OPG Nucleaz Security Program Paul Nadeau, Director of Nucleaz Safety for OPG, provided a presentation on the nucleaz safety program at OPG. The highlights of Paul's presentation were: • -The CNSC sets the nucleaz security regulations and standards for nucleaz facilities and conducts annual site inspections. • OPG and the CNSC conduct `Force on Force' exercises to test their ability to control potential adversaries. • OPG has created the Nucleaz Security Intelligence Program for networking with local, provincial and federal agencies including: o Durham Regional Police Service o Royal Canadian Mounted Police o Ontario Provincial Police o .Canadian Security Intelligence Service o Department of National Defence • The Durham Regional Police Service has provided an armed presence 24/7 at Pickering and Dazlington since September 11, 2001. . OPG has an excellent relationship with the Durham Regional Police Service but is in the process of assuming full responsibility for the armed response. • After the transition, OPG and the Durham Regional Police Service will maintain a close working relationship. • OPG will assume full responsibility for the armed response at Pickering Nuclear on January 18, 2010 and Dazlington Nucleaz in early 2011. Paul Nadeau offered to bring further updates to the DNHC on OPG's nuclear security program at Pickering and Darlington and can be reached at (905) 839- 6740 for more information. 4.3 Report on the Inadvertent Release of Water Containing Tritium and Hydrazine to Lake. Ontario from the Dazlington Nucleaz Generating Station Glenn Jager, Deputy Vice President of Dazlington Nucleaz, provided a presentation on the inadvertent water release from Dazlington Nucleaz Generating Station (NGS) on December 21, 2009. The highlights of Glenn's presentation were: • Operators at Dazlington NGS inadvertently added Lake Ontario water to a storage tank that already contained demineralized (purified) water resulting in an overflow from the tank. • The overflow was quickly identified but 210,000 litres of water were released to the ground that entered a yard drainage system and some to Lake Ontario. • The water contained low levels of tritium and hydrazine. • An immediate clean-up and recovery of the water began and notification of several agencies since the spill could have increased the tritium levels in drinking water. • Information bulletins were provided by OPG to the public and media about the spill. • Water supply plants in Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Port Hope and Toronto increased the frequency of water sampling for tritium but there was no measurable increase noted. Glenn Jager indicated the post-event follow-up by OPG will include: • An investigation to identify measures to prevent a recurrence. • An investigation to determine the root cause of the event. • Post-event meetings and communications with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, CNSC and community leaders to improve communications. • Continued communication with the public and media concerning the. event. Glenn offered to update the DNHC on the lessons learned and any changes made to avoid to a recurrence of the spill as a result of the post-event follow-up. The overheads Glenn Jager used are attached as Appendix 2. 4.4 Progress Report on the Port Granby Project Sue Stickley, Member of the AECL Port Hope Initiative Team (PRAT), could not attend the meeting but Sue requested Janice Szwarz, Senior Planner for the Municipality of Clarington, to present her prepazed update on the Port Granby Project. The highlights of Janice's presentation were: • May 2009, the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) Screening Report was released for public comment. • August 19, 2009, the EA Screening Report was finalized and the EA decision was announced by the CNSC and Natural Resources Canada. • November 2009, the Municipality of Clarington accepted the EA decision. • The. Screening Report confums the EA prediction of no significant. adverse environmental effects caused by conducting the Port Granby Project. • The PHAI MO has decided to submit the CNSC license application for the Project in 2011 rather than 2010. • A contract to develop a detailed design for the proposed new waste management facility is scheduled to be awarded in 2010 with construction to begin in 2012. • The Canadian Government remains fully committed to the Port Granby Project. • The next steps towards the Project start are: o Eazly spring 2010, the End Use Committee recommendation will go to the Municipality of Clarington for inclusion in the Project 0 2011, licensing submission to the CNSC for decision 0 2011 to 2012, CNSC license decision is expected 0 2012, construction schedule will begin and will take 5 to 6 yeazs to complete the Port Granby Project Sue Brickley can be reached at (866) 255-2755 or by a-mail at sticklevsCa~aecl.ca for more information on the Port Granby Project. 5.0 Health Effects 5.1 Report on the Health Effects of Tritium in Drinking Water in Relation to the Ontario Drinking Water Advisory Council's Recommendation of 20 Bq/Uyeaz Dr. Doug Chambers, Director of Risk and Radiation for $ENES, provided a scientific presentation with a context for the health risk associated with the Ontario Drinking Water Advisory Council's (ODWAC) recommendation for tritium of 20 Bq/Uyeaz in drinking water. The highlights of Doug's presentation were: • Current Health Canada and Ontario Drinking Water Guidelines aze based on the World Health Organization (WHO) 2006 recommended reference dose level that is equal to 0.1 mSv from one yeaz's consumption of drinking water. • The recommended dose level is a well accepted international approach to setting drinking water guidelines and for calculating the Maximum Acceptable Concentration. Doug indicated the health risks for radionuclides including tritium are: • Once radionuclides have entered the human body, they are absorbed, metabolized and distributed throughout the tissues and organs and eliminated in urine and feces. • The effects on the organs and tissues depend on the type and energy of the radiation and the residence time within the body. • Exposure can result in cancers to various tissues and organs: • The probability of health effect is estimated as the product of dose and a risk factor that converts dose to risk. • The latest ICRP cancer risk coefficients (ICRP 103) aze used for dose and risk calculations to determine the risk of getting cancer in a lifetime. 6 Doug offered the DNHC his view of the ODWAC recommendation of lowering the drinking standazd to 20 Bq/llyeaz. His views are: • The current ODWAC standazd of 7,000 Bq/llyeaz is consistent with the WHO reference dose of O.1mSv from one yeaz of intake. • The 0.1 mSv is 10% of the public dose limit and a small fraction of the dose from natural background radiation. • For radiation (unlike chemicals) doses from all radionuclides and exposure pathways can be added. • Radiological approach (limit and ALARA) has achieved low HTO concentration with a lifetime risk of cancer in the order of one in a million. • There is no need to change the existing ODWAC standazd of 7,000 Bq/llyeaz for tritium in drinking water to maintain the objective of one in a million lifetime risk of cancer. Dr. Doug Chambers can be contacted at (905) 764-9380 or by a-mail at dchambers@senes.ca for more information. The overheads Doug used for his presentation are attached as Appendix 3. 6.0 Communications 6.1 Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear Vanessa Hughes, Manager of Public Affairs at Darlington Nuclear, provided an update on Community Issues at Pickering Nucleaz. The highlights of Vanessa's presentation were: • Pickering units 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are operating at full power and unit 4 is undergoing a planned outage and will return to service in the next few days. • Employees at Pickering A have worked almost 3.3 million hours without a lost-time injury and Pickering B is approaching 0.5 million hours. • Pickering employees aze preparing for the Vacuum Building Outage in the spring 2010 to allow the scheduled inspections by the CNSC and the outage will allow OPG to conduct planned maintenance. • The Pickering A re-licensing hearings with the CNSC will begin in Ottawa in February and the second hearing will be in Pickering in May, 2010. The DNHC will be updated on these hearings. Don Terry, Manager of Public Affairs at Pickering Nuclear, can be reached at (905) 839-1151 extension 5966 or by a-mail at don.terrv~a,onE COm for more information. 6.2 Community Issues at Dazlington Nucleaz Vanessa Hughes provided an update on the community issues at Dazlington Nuclear. The highlights of Vanessa's presentation were: • All four units at Darlington are operating at full power. • Employees at Darlington aze approaching 5.3 million hours without alost- time injury or approximately 600 days since the last lost-time injury. Vanessa Hughes, Manager of Public Affairs at Darlington Nuclear, can be reached at (905) 697-7443 by a-mail at Vanessa.hughes~a opg com for more information. 6.3 Vanessa Hughes provided additional information relating to OPG and both Pickering and Dazlington Nuclear sites and they aze: • Pickering and Dazlington employees aze working on the next edition of the Neighbours newsletter for distribution in February 2010. • Pickering and Dazlington employees ate working on their March Break Program for students and pazents. More information on the Progam will be provided to the DNHC. 7.0 Other Business 7.1 Topics Inventory Update Robert Kyle indicated the Topics Inventory will be revised to include the presentations made today and it is attached as Appendix 4. 7.2 Future Topics for the DNHC to Consider Robert Kyle indicated the topics for discussion at the next meeting on September 18, 2009 or future DNHC meetings may include: • Report from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment concerning inspections of Pickering and Dazlington Nuclear Generating Stations • Report on the Pickering Nuclear Vacuum Building Outage • Report from AECL on the Production and Supply of Medical Isotopes • Report from UOTI' on the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science • Progress Report from the Nucleaz Waste Management Organization • Progress Report from OPG on the New Nucleaz at Darlington Project • Report from the DRHD on their DineSafe Durham program 8.0 Next Meeting Date April 16, 2010 Time 12:00 PM Lunch served 1:00 PM Meeting begins Location University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOTT) 2000 Simcoe Street North Meeting Room UL2 (Portable next to the Library) Oshawa, Ontario 9.0 Adjournment at 3:40 PM ce4a~ng use way Approved by Committee Members I-5 CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday November 19, 2009 PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee (Vice-Chair) Vacant Councillor Adrian Foster Elwood Ward Lisa Robinson Georg Krohn Alan Bayliss David Reesor Kerry Meydam Gillian Bellefontaine ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Co-ordinator Constable Esther Rathwell, Durham Regional Police Services Jeff Pammett, Region of Durham, Traffic Engineering & Operations Division REGRETS: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, John Slater The chair introduced and welcomed Jeff Pammett representing Durham Region for this meeting only. 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(October 15, 2009) The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the October 15, 2009 meeting are approved without changes." MOVED: by Councillor Adrian Foster; SECONDED by Elwood Ward CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch News & Statistics-(Gord Lee) Gord Lee reported having picked up four Road Watch reports. He will check on- line for additional reports. DRPS Statistics-(Constable Esther Rathwell] Constable Rathwell reported that letters to speeders caught under the Traffic Watch Program have been sent. This part of the program has ended this year and will resume in the spring. Constable Rathwell. gets directly involved when there has been a second or third offense under the same license plate. Traffic Watch Statistics-(Ron Baker) The Municipality's Traffic Watch contractor has completed his work for the year. Almost 800 speeders were recorded travelling 20 km/hr or more over the limit. Letters were sent to 82.3% of those offenders. Councillor Foster asked Constable Rathwell how this information was used, and she reported- that officers aze sent to areas where there is lazge numbers of speeders. Sufficient DRPS manpower for this part of the program is ofren an issue. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Meeting Update-Gord Lee and Director of Engineering-(GordLee) The Chair will meet with the Director of Engineering Services in the near future to discuss potential pro] ects for the Committee. 3.2 Bowmanville High School Update-(Ron Baker) Ron Baker reported that pavement markings have been completed at the school's ingress and egress but not to the satisfaction of the Region. They will be redone. It was reported that the line painting on Regional Road 14 at the school maybe confusing. This will be improved in the spring as well. 3.3 Traffic Committee Action List-(Gord Lee) Two sample Action Lists were reviewed by the Committee. Staff will compile an Action List with components of each, and any action items or outstanding issues from 2009 will be added to the list. The list will be reviewed for additions and deletions at each meeting. 3.4 Regional Road 57/Stevens Road Intersection update-(Ron Baker) It has been reported that school buses have difficulty making a northbound left turn lane from Stevens Road onto Regional Road 57. Regional Road 57 will eventually have a median at this location, and school buses are intended to travel south on Clarington Boulevard to Highway 2. The Region will inform the School Boazd. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Committee Document Entitled "Who we are -What we do" The document was reviewed by the members. Councillor Foster recommended that the Committee hold a brainstorming session in future to discuss what types of traffic related projects the Committee would like to be involved in. Members were asked to give this some consideration and forward any ideas to the Chair. 4.2 Regional Collision Reporting Centre Constable Rathwell reported that the Regional Collision Reporting Centre is now open in Pickering which will streamline the accident reporting process. Constable Rathwell also explained that policing borders within Durham Region may change in an effort to balance "calls per officer" across the Region. This change if implemented will not affect traffic issues in Clarington. 4.3 Accessibility for Ontarians George Krohn stated that Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee members were being asked to attend Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act sessions in the near future. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- January 21, 2010-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1 C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; David Reesor THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m." a CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVA~JQLF$~'~Ip$1'~~.,~i ;. c,.. MINUTES NO. 1 I-6 ANNUAL AUTHORITY MEETING Tuesday. January 19.2010 - 5:00 P.M. MEETING LOCATION: 100 WHITING AVENUE, OSHAWA AUTHORITY'S ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, BOARDROOM Present: DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED 8V ORIGINAL TO: ^ COUNCIL COUNCIL ^ FILE DIRECTION INFORMATION COPY TO: ^ MAYOR O MEMBERS ^ CAO OF COUNCIL ^ COMMUNIN ^. CORPORATE ^ EMERGENCY SERVCES SERVICES SERVICES ^ ENGINEERING ^ MUNICIPAL ^ OPERATIONS SERVICES CLERK'S ^ PLANNING ^ SOLICITORS ^ TREASURY SERVICES O OTHER MUNICIPAL CLERK'S fllE G. Emm, Chair R. Johnson, Vice Chair S. Crawford 1. Drumm A. Foster R. Hooper D. Mitchell J. Neal B. Nicholson M. Pearce P. Perkins 1.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer D. White, Director, Corporate Services H. Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning & Natural Heritage G. Geissberger, Marketing 8c Communications Coordinator M. Hrynyk, General Superintendent P. Lowe, Director, Watershed Stewardship & Community Outreach P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations G. SooChan, Directoq Groundwater M. Stauffer, Administrative AssistandRecording Secretary A. Cullen A Gray M. Novak The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. WELCOME - G. Emm, Chair, welcomed members to the Annual Authority meeting. DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any matters herein contained Councillor A. Foster declared a conflict with the delegation -John and Inge Huber and Staff Report #4849-09 -Huber Property Drainage Complaint, and neither took part in discussions, nor voted on the matter. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Res. #1 Moved by R. Johnson Seconded by J. Neal THAT 1beAuthority minutes ojNovember ]7, 2009 be adopted os circulated CARRIED AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING- MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 2 CHAIR'S REMARKS - G. Emm 2009 in Review It has been a pleasure to serve as Chair of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Highlights over that three year period include the following • Completed floodplain mapping for 5 watersheds • Acquired 805 acres of land across the jwisdiction which included 67 acres at Heber Down, 184 acres at Enniskillen,262 acres at Long Sault and 292 acres at Lynde Shores Conservation Areas • Re-opened Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area • Completed the Stewardship Plan for the Enniskillen Conservation Area and its new land holdings • Celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Dwham Children's Groundwater Festival in 2007, and as of 2009, we have engaged more than 50,000 students from Durham Region • Celebrated CLOCA's 50'" Anniversary • Renovated the former Conference Centre to include improved storage, office and parking facilities at ow main office I also want to draw attention to specific accomplishments in 2009. • Completed the Black/I-Iarmony/Farewell Creek Existing Conditions Repoli • Completed floodplain mapping for Bowmanville/Soper Creek watersheds, and initiated floodphtin mapping for the Robinson Creek and Black/Harmony/Farewell Creek watersheds. • Significant habitat and species sightings included tall grass prairie confirmed at Long Sault Conservation Area and river otters in the Bowmanville Westside Marshes Conservation Area • Completed ow commitments to the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation for the Caring For the Moraine Project enhancing 50 hectares of private land in ow watershed headwaters since 2006 • Completed the Royal Ashburn Golf Club Wetland Project and co-hosted the first annual Wetland Conservation Golf Tournament raising $60,000 towards conservation education. • Completed CLOCA's first Watershed Checkup called Protecting Our Watershed, Nature's Precious Resource for distribution to the general public and stakeholders • Enhancement of trails and public use structwes at Heber Down Conservation Area and finally Hosted the 11ih annual CLOCA Watershed Awards honouring the outstanding environmental contributions made by all of ow communities In closing, I would like to thank the members and staff for their support in making my three years as Chair of CLOCA a rewazding and pleasurable experience. DELEGATION -John and Inge Huber Property and Staff Report #4849-09 -Huber Property Drainage Complaint (attached as Schedule 4-11 to 4-24). Mr. John Huber, P.Eng., PMP on behalf of his parents, John and Inge Huber, gave a slide presentation (attached as Schedule 4-3 to 4- 10) as a follow-up to the presentation at the November 17, 2009 Board Meeting. Res. #2 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by P. Perkins THAT Mr. John Huber be allowed to extend his delegation for an additiona110 minutes to address the issued in Staff Report #4849-09. G. Emm thanked John Huber for his presentation and welcomed questions. Discussion ensued. P. Sisson gave a summary of Staff Report #4849-09 (attached as Schedule 4-11 to 4-24) and answered questions. AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING -MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 3 Res. #3 Moved by R. Johnson Seconded by M. Peazce THAT Staff Report #4849-09 be received for information. DEFEATED Res. #4 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by S. Crawford THAT the matter be referred back to staff for a report' including recommendations for a solution to the matter. CARRIED ELECTION OF OFFICERS At this point, the meeting was turn over to Russ Powell, Chief AdminisVative Officer, who assumed the Chair and declazed the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair vacant. Res. #5 Moved by M. Pearce Seconded by R. Hooper THAT Dan Wkite and Patricia Lowe be designated scrutineers and that, in tke event of an election all ballots 6e desbayed CARRIED Authority Chair Mc Powell called for nominations for the position of Chair for 2010, and stated that no seconder was required. Nominations: J. Drumm nominated R. Johnson P. Perkins nominated M. Pearce Res. #6 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by S. Crawford THAT nominations for tke position ojAurhority Chair be closed CARRIED R. Johnston "stands" M. Pearce "declines with thanks" R. Johnson was declazed Authority Chair for 2010, and conducted the remainder of the meeting; Authority Vice-Chair The Chair called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair for 2010, and stated that no seconder was required. Nominations: S. Crawford nominated G. Emm Res. #7 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by J. Neal THAT nominations jar the position ofAurhoruy ice-Chair be closed. CARRIED G. Emm "stands" G. Emm was declazed Authority Vice-Chair for 2010. AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING - MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 4 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Staff Report #4857-10 (attached as Schedule 7-1) Common Membership -Different Boards Res. #8 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by G. Emm THAT the Chair, Vrce Chair and members of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for 2010 6e the Chart, Vice Chair and members of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Fund jor 2010 and the Chair, Vice Chair and members of the Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Authoruy for 2010. CARRIED SIGNING OFFICERS Res. #9 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by R. Hooper THAT the Signing Officers of the Authority be any two of !ke following: Tht Chair, Vice-Chair, Chief .4dministrative Officer/Secretary-Treasurer, and Director ojCorporate Services. CARRIED SOLICITORS Res. #]0 Moved by G. Emm Seconded by S. Crawford THAT the frrms Boychyn & Baychyn, Oshawa; Gardiner, Roberts, Toronto; Beard, Winter, Toronto, and Hicks Morley, Toronto be appointed Solicitors for the Authority, as required _ CARRIED BORROWING BY-LAW Res. # 11 Moved by A. Foster Seconded by S. Crawford THAT any two of the following: The Chair, Vice-Chair, Chief Administrative Officer/Secretary-Treasurer, and Director of Corporate Services of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority are hereby authorized to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory note, from the Toronto-Dominion Bank, 4 Ring Sdeet West, Oshawa, the sum or sums nor exceeding $1,000,000 to meet immediate administrative and operational expenditures until the Province of Ontario grant and/or Regional levy have been received, and to give on behalf of the said Authority a promissory Holt or notes, sealed with the Cosporate Seal and signed by the Chair or Vice- Chair and the ChiefAdministratrve O~cer/Secre[ary-Treasurer and/or the Director ojCorporate Services for the monies so borrowed with interest which may be paid in advance o- otherwise, at a rate not exceeding prime per annum. THAT all sums borrowed pursuant !o the authority of this Resolution jor the purpose mentioned herein shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the monies received or [o be received, by the Bard Authority, as and when such monies are received THAT the Chief Administrative Officer/Secretary-Treasurer and/or the Director of Corporate Services rs hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with the interest thereon, alt of the monies hereinafter collected or received by the said Authority from the Province of Ontario by way of a Grantor from the Regional Levy to be made in accordance with provisions of The Conservation Authorities Act CARRIED CONSERVATION ONTARIO COUNCH, Res. #12 Moved by R. Hooper Seconded by S. Crawford THAT the Chair be appointed as the Authority's representative on the Conservation Ontario Council Alternative designates are the Vice-Chair, the Chief Administrative Officer, and the Director of Corporate Services. CARRIED AU'~HORITY ANNUAL MEETING - MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 5 ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ?. Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation #42/06 Res. #13 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by S. Crawford THAT P. Sisson, T. Aikins, S. Cauley, J. Hetherington, D. Hope, A. Langmuir and W. Coulter be appointed Enforcement Officers under the Developmenti Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and li'atercourses Regulation #41/06. CARRIED (ii) Conservation Areas Regulation #101/92 Res. #14 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by S. Crawford THAT ~i1. Hrynyk, T. Backus, H. Hirschfeld, J. dlaas, B. De Waal and D. Hope be appointed Enforcement Officers under the Conservation Areas Regulation #101/91. CARRIED 3. Email correspondence from Mayor Pat Perkins, Town of Whitby (attached as Schedule 13-1 to 13-5) Rei meeting date for CLOCA Board of Directors February 2010 meeting Res. #15 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by B. Nicholson THAT meeting date for CLOCA Board of Directors February 1010 mewing remain on WEDNESDAY, February 17,1010. CARRIED (2) Email cotrespondence from John Selkirk (attached as Schedule 13-6 & 13-7) Re: Lynde Shores Conservation Area, Eastbourne Estates Residences (3) Correspondence from Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation/Kim Gavine, Executive Duector (attached as Schedule 13-8) Re: Future role and focus of the Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation (4) Email correspondence from Don Hurst (attached as Schedule 13-9) Re: appreciation of improvemen[s/upgmdes completed at Long Sault Conservation Area (5) Email correspondence from Scott Siersma (attached as Schedule 13-10) Re: appreciation of upgrades to trail system at Heber Down Conservation Area Res. #16 Moved by G. Emm Seconded by S. Crawford THAT the above correspondence items be received for information. CARRIED J. Neal was excused. DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING & FIELD OPERATIONS 4. Staff Report #4851-]0 (attached as Schedule 14-1 to 14-3) Re: Applications for Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines aad Watercourses - November 1 to December 31, 2009 AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETIlVG - MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 6 Res. #17 Moved by S. Crawford Seconded by M. Pearce THAT the attached applications be approved and the respective permits be issued CARRIED (2) Staff Report #: 4853-10 (attached as Schedule 14-4 to 14-6) File #: OIO-002-GBFH -IMS: RPRG3496 Applicant: Tatra Valley Homes Application: for development (filling and construction) Location: 27 Nassau Street, Oshawa, Part of Lot 12, Concession 1, City of Oshawa Res. #18 Moved by S. Crawford Seconded by A. Foster THAT the application 6e approved subject to the following conditions: (1J The project shall generally be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifecations submitted in support of the application, as they may be amended by the following conditions. (2) The applicant shall enter into a Save Harmless Agreement with the Authority at the owner's expense prior to the expiration oflkrs permit (3) The structure shall be designed and approved by a qualified engineer to withstand hydrostatic pressures under a regualtory flood event (4) All electrical outlets shall be elevated as high as possible within the basement of the structure and all lowest openings will be set at an elevartion of not less than 103.98 metres (G.SC.; Geodetic Survey of Canada) (5) The applicant agrees to install and maintain all sedimentation condals as directed byAutkarity staff. (6J All disturbed areas shall be seeded, sodded or stabilized in same other manner acceptable to the Authority. (7) The applicant agrees to maintain all existing drainage patterns. CARRIED (3) Staff Report #: 4858-10 (attached as Schedule 14-7 to 14-9) File #: 010-004-GFHW -IMS: RPRG3495 Applicant/Owner:Ducks Unlimited Canada/City of Oshawa Application: to permit construction activities to repair existing dyke, erect safety fencing around existing fish passage structure, and to conduct repairs to the existing pump house structure Location: Oshawa Second Marsh Lots 3 and 4, Broken Front Concession, Oshawa Res. # 19 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by R. Hooper THAT the application be APPROVED for the following seasons: S. The proposed works wUl neither adversely affect, flood haaards nor negatively interfere with the wetland CARRIED (4) Staff Report #: 4859-10 (attached as Schedule 14-10 to 14-34) File #: S-W-2005-08, Z-36-O5, OPA 2005-W/9, OPA 2005-012 ApplicandOwner:1631057 Ontario Ltd: Application: requested participant status -Ontario Municipal Board Zoning, Official Plan Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Location: Northwest Comer Anderson Street and Conlin Road, Part Lot 23, Concession 5, Town of Whitby Res. #20 Moved by A. Foster Seconded by M. Pearce THAT StaffReport tk1859-10 be received for information and that the Authority authorizes stafjto maintarn a Participant status in regard to these applications. CARRIED AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING - MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 7 (S) Staff Report #4861-10 (attached as Schedule 14-35 to 14-41) Durham Region Emergency Management Practice Exercise Operation Weather Wces Res. #21 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by P. Perkins THAT Staff Report #4861-10 be received for information. CARRIED (6) Staff Report #4860-10 (attached as Schedule 14-42 to 14-48) Purple Woods Conservation Area Maple Syrup Festival Facility Res. #22 Moved by G: Emm Seconded by S. Crawford THAT SlaffReport #4860-10 be received for information; THAT the CLOCA Board ojDirectors endorses proceeding wilk the Purple Woods Conservation Area Maple Syrup Festiva( Facility project in 2070 and that it be adopted as a project of the Authority; THAT Ron Awde Architect and Aged Wood Consutction be conducted to develop the site improvements based on the concept ojheritage type building from recycled timber materials; THAT the Region of Durham be requested to contribute $350,000.00 as a special capital junding request; THAT the Reserve far Future Developments be utilized in the amount of $250,000.00; and, THAT the CLOC Fund be requested fo provide frnancial support in the amount of $100,000.00. Mayor Pearce commented that it was unlikely that the Regional Finance Committee would support anything above the budget guidelines and asked if there was afall-back position for funding. R. Powell advised that CLOCA has applied for infrastructure funding from a Federal agency. Discussion ensued. Res. #23 Moved by G. Emm Seconded by D. Mitchell THAT Staff Report #4860-10 be tabled CARRIED DII2ECTOR, WATERSHED STEWARDSHH' & COMMUNITY OUTREACH 6. Staff Report #4852-10 (attached as Schedule 15-1 to 15-3) Oak Ridges Momiae Caring For the Moraine Program, Accomplishments 2006 to 2009 Res. #24 Moved by P. Petkin Seconded by R. Hooper THAT Staff Repoli #4852-10 be received for information. CARRIED DIRECTOR, WATERSHED PLANNING & NATURAL HERITAGE 7. Staff Report #4854-10 (attached as Schedule 6-1 to 16-8) Black/Harmony/Fazewell Creek Watershed Management Plan Phase 1 Consultation and Public Information Centre Res. #25 Moved by A. Foster Seconded by P. Perkins THAT Staff Report #4854-10 be received for information. CARRIED AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING - MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 8 DIRECTOR, GROUNDWATER 8. Staff Report #4850-10 (attached as Schedule 17-1 to 17-7) CTC Source Water Protection -Chair's Quarterly Report Res. #26 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by D. Mitchell THAT Staff Report #4850-09 be received for information. CARRIED DIRECTOR, CORPORATE SERVICES 9. Staff Report #4855-10 (attached as Schedule 18-1 to 18-2) 2009 Yeaz-End Financial Position and Use of Reserves Res. #27 Moved by G. Emm Seconded by R. Hooper THAT the 2009 defeciy including property tax owing at the Lynde Shores Conservation Area, be pard out ojthe Reserve for Working Capital; THAT the balance of funds required jor the acquisition of the Hachey Tracts ar the Long Sautt Conservation Area in the amount of $54,618 be taken from the Reserve for Future Land Acquisition. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #4856-10 (attached as Schedule 18-3 to 18-6) Proposed Fees for Authority Services 8t Programs for 2010 Res. #28 Moved by A. Foster Seconded by G. Emm THAT Staff Report tfd856-10 be received; and, THAT the 2010 Proposed Fees for Authority Services and Programs be adopted, effective February 1, 2010. CARRIED (3) Staff Report #4862-10 (attached as Schedule 18-7 to 18-12, circulated to members & staffonly) Durham Region Conservation Authorities, DRAFT LETTER -Working in Partnership for Healthy Watersheds 2010 Eo 2014, Five-Year Capital and Operating Budget Staff were directed [o make amendments [o the budget regazding the special capital request for the Putple Woods redevelopment project and to hold to the Durham Region budget guidelines. Res. #29 Moved by A. Foster Seconded by D. Mitchell THAT Staff Report #4862-10 be received for information. CARRIED MUNICIPAL AND OTHER BUSINESS B. Nicholson noted that Oshawa Council had sent a request that CLOCA have independent tests conducted on the dredgeate berm works currently underway by the Oshawa Harbour Commission on Gifford Hill lands and that the results be provided to Members of Council Councillor Nicholson expressed concern that the request had been denied by staff rather than being referred to the CLOCA Board of Directors. R. Powell advised [hat 1. The CLOCA permit to the Oshawa Harbour Commission had been approved by the CLOCA Board of Directors on November 17, 2009. 2. The Oshawa Harbour Commission had voluntarily applied for the CLOCA permit since CLOCA regulations do not apply to federal agencies. 3. CLOCA involvement at the dredging site had been as a Schedule 3 agency, acting under authority of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, which did have jurisdiction on Oshawa Harbour Commission lands. 4. Chemical testing of the dredgeate material had been conducted by the Oshawa Harbour Commission (Shaheen Peaker Thompson Ltd., Consulting Geo-Enduonmental Engineers) and the results accepted by CLOCA for purposed of DFO and CLOCA requirements. AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING - MEETING NO. 1-JANUARY 19, 2010 -PAGE 9 MUNICIPAL AND OTHER BUSINESS G. Emm inquired about a property located at Pearl and Baldwin in Whitby. Mr. Powell noted that CLOCA is aware of the situation and will provide comments if a severance is applied for. ADJOURNMENT Res. #30 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by G. Emm THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Clam((7 n Energizing Ontario `~ REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8, 2010 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2010 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) FND-002-10 Report on Revenue Sensitive to Economic Conditions - December 2009 2. TO REZONE RESIDENTIAL AND LIMITED COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RETAIL COMMERCIAL BUILDING APPLICANT: F & I GATEWAY INVESTMENTS INC. THAT Report PSD-015-10 be received; THAT Staff be directed to facilitate a meeting to receive feedback from the public in Newcastle, at the expense of the developer; THAT the Staff continue processing the application and prepare a further report following receipt of all outstanding agency comments and the meeting referred to in Recommendation 2; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-015-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OFC LARlNGTO N' L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379. Report #1 - 2 - February 8, 2010 3. APPLICATION TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW TO PERMIT AN OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE BUSINESS APPLICANT: TIMOTHY AND SANDRA KEARNS THAT Report PSD-016-10 be received; THAT the applications submitted by Timothy and Sandra Kearns for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments continue to be processed; and THAT all interested parties listed in PSD-016-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 4. APPLICATION TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF A TENT STRUCTURE FOR THE SEASONAL USE OF AGRI-TOURISM EVENTS AS A SECONDARY USE TO THE EXISTING FARM OPERATION APPLICANT: NANCY MALLETTE THAT Report PSD-017-10 be received; THAT Staff continue processing the applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-017-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5. RELEASE OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW PAPER COURTICE MAIN STREET STUDY ISSUES REVIEW PAPER THAT Report PSD-018-10 be received; and THAT the Region of Durham and all interested parties listed in Report PSD-018-10 be advised of the release of the Discussion Paper. Report #1 - 3 - February 8, 2010 6. AMENDMENT TO SIGN BY-LAW 2009-123 APPLICANT: APPLE TREE DENTISTRY! ASPEN SPRINGS LIMITED THAT Report PSD-019-10 be received; THAT the application for Amendment to the Municipality of Clarington Sign By-law 2009-123, submitted by Apple Tree Dentistry /Aspen Springs Limited, to permit a second mobile sign on the property at 39 Martin Road, Bowmanville, be approved and that staff be authorized to issue a permit for a second mobile sign at such time the approved site plan for the development is amended to identify locations for the mobile signs; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-019-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 7. MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 2010 THAT Report PSD-020-10 be received; and THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on January 21, 2010 for applications A2009-0051 and A2009-0052 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. 8. CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY MATTER -EXPROPRIATION OF 902714 ONTARIO INC. (BRUCE BROWN) ADJUSTMENT TO THE APPRAISED VALUE THAT this Addendum to PSD-105-09 be received; THAT an additional payment of $31, 250.00 plus interest calculated as set out in the Expropriation Act, Section 33, be forwarded to 902714 Ontario Inc. (Bruce Brown) with funds to be provided from Account No. 110-50-130-85002-7401 Land Acquisition; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-105-09 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Report #1 - 4 - February 8, 2010 9. MIDDLE ROAD SUBDIVISION, BOWMANVILLE, PLAN 40M-2225, `CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND `ASSUMPTION BY-LAWS', FINAL WORKS INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS THAT Report EGD-006-10 be received; THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2225; and THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-006-10, assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-2225 as public highways. 10. ANIMAL SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT -OCTOBER -DECEMBER, 2009 THAT Report CLD-003-10 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-003-10 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. T1. PROPOSED ELECTION SIGN BY-LAW THAT the Addendum to Report CLD-022-09 be received; THAT the Election Sign By-law attached to Addendum to Report CLD-022-09, as Attachment 3, be forwarded to Council for passage; and THAT the interested parties listed in the Addendum to Report CLD-022-09 be advised of Council's action. 12. LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION, APPORTIONMENTS OR REFUND OF TAXES THAT Report FND-003-10 be received; and THAT the list of applications for cancellation, reduction, apportionments or refund of taxes, attached to Report FND-003-10, be approved. 13. BILL HUMBER, TASK FORCE FOR ATTRACTING HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES TO CLARINGTON, REGARDING THE TASK FORCE'S INTERIM REPORT THAT the presentation by Bill Humber, regarding the Interim Report of the Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities to Clarington be received with thanks. Report #1 - 5 - February 8, 2010 14. BUILDING OF 407 EAST (MAINLINE AND LINK) AT ONE TIME (NO STAGING) WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports the construction of the 407 East (mainline and link) through to its termination at Highway 35/115; WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports the aggressive schedule to substantially complete the Highway in 2013; WHEREAS the implementation of the Highway is beyond the scope of the Environmental Assessment; WHEREAS it is understood that there is substantial work to be done, by the Ministry of Transportation, its consultants, and contractors to determine the best way to, deliver the project within the timeline and budget, and understanding that the Ministry is pursuing all available opportunities to accelerate the overall schedule without compromising the Provincial and Federal EA Acts and approved Terms of Reference for the project; WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports the efforts of the Ministry and Province to meet its obligations as set out in the FLOW initiative, an agreement between the Federal and Provincial governments to improve transportation infrastructure in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA); and WHEREAS staging or phasing the Highway would have negative impacts on the Regional and local road networks; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington continues to support the construction of the 407 East Extension to Highway 35/115 without any staging or phasing; AND FURTHER THAT this- resolution be circulated to the Region of Durham and its local municipalities for support and forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Premier. Report #1 - 6 - February 8, 2010 15. BOWMANVILLE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN LIAISON GROUP WHEREAS Council adopted the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan (CIP) and project area by By-law 2005-123 in-June and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing approved the CIP with amendments on September 16, 2005; WHEREAS Community Improvement Plans allow the Municipality to provide incentives to business owners and property owners within the Project Area (as set out in the CIP); WHEREAS the two other Community Improvement Plans in Clarington have liaison groups that assist with their implementation; WHEREAS at the time the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan was approved there was no recommendation to have a liaison committee; and WHEREAS there is now a desire by the Bowmanville BIA, merchants outside the BIA and Council to have a liaison committee; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Staff be requested to bring forward a report and terms of reference for a Bowmanville CIP liaison group. 16. BUSINESS REGISTRY FEASIBILITY THAT Staff be directed to prepare a report regarding the feasibility of establishment and maintenance of a low cost business registry. 17. LETTER FROM ANN-MARIE RAREFY, REGARDING REPORT PSD-015-10 THAT the letter received today from Ann-Marie Harley, regarding Report PSD-015-10, regarding the Shoppers Drug Mart proposal, be referred to the Planning Services Department for incorporation into the ongoing planning process for this application. 18. LETTER FROM ROGER AND VICKI BERGMANN REGARDING REPORT PSD-016-10 THAT the letter, hand delivered by Ms. Callus, from Roger and Vicki Bermann, regarding Report PSD-016-10, regarding the proposal for the storage of outdoor vehicles, be referred to the Planning Services Department for incorporation into the ongoing planning process for this application. ~ Clarington Leoarng nc~ way Meeting: COUNCIL Date: February 8, 2010 Resolution #: By-law #: Report #: PSD-021-10 File #: PLN 33.3.10 Subject: DURHAMIYORK RESIDUAL WASTE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT RE-ENGAGEMENT OF PEER REVIEW CONSULTANTS -AIR QUALITY IMPACTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-021-10 be received; 2. THAT the Peer Review consultants for the EFW (Air Quality Impacts) not be re-engaged given that the modification of the Project Description in the EA from a 400,000 tonne per year facility to a 140,000 tonne per year facility addresses the air quality comments previously provided by the peer reviewers; 3. THAT a copy of Report PSD-021-10 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham, the Region of York, and Ministry of Environment; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-021-10 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: U Reviewed by: ~ ~ ~ ~:`.~~--~ -- ~~ y ang ai CSLA, MCIP Franklin Wu, cf g Director f Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer FL/sn/df REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Staff Report # 1 2 February 2010 OF THE OF 40 REPORT NO.: PSD-021-10 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 The Environmental Assessment (EA) for York/Durham Residual Waste, undertaken jointly by the Regions of York and Durham, began in March 2005 with consultation on the Terms of Reference for the EA Study. The York/Durham Residual Waste EA was submitted to the Ministry of Environment (MOE) on July 31, 2009, triggering the start of the formal MOE review process. The review process is on-going; however, MOE will soon be releasing their comments on the EA for public review and comment. 1.2 Council, at their meeting of January 25, 2010; passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the health and welfare of our residents is of primary concern to the Municipality of Clarington; and WHEREAS questions and concerns have arisen through the EA process with respect to the current state of the focal airshed and the potential negative impact the proposed incinerator may have on local airshed quality; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff investigate and report by the next Council meeting on the potential costs of peer review of air quality issues arising from the EFW EA, and that should remaining funding for peer review studies from Durham Region be available, that the Purchasing by-law be suspended and that staff retain a peer review team to comment on air quality issues relating to the EA and the proposed incinerator." 1.3 The purpose of this report is to discuss the possible re-engagement of the Municipality's peer review consultants in order to review the air quality issues arising from MOE's review of the EA for the proposed Durham/York Energy-From- Waste (EFW} facility. 2.0 YORKIDURHAM RESIDUAL WASTE EA PROCESS 2.1 Environmental Assessment Process 2.1.1 The Regions of Durham and York have jointly conducted an EA to determine how to manage the residual solid waste remaining after blue box and green box diversion efforts. Key dates in the EA study process are as follows: March 2006: Ministry of Environment approval of EA Study Terms of Reference June 2006: Selection of preferred approach to managing residual waste (Alternatives To) REPORT NO.: PSD-021-10 PAGE 3 July 2007: Issuance of Request for Qualifications (RFO) to potential technology vendors October 2007: Recommendation on preferred site (Alternative Methods} December 2007: Durham and York Region Council's approval of preferred site January 2008: Approval of Qualified Bidders April 2009: Identification of Preferred Vendor January-May 2009: Completion of all site specific studies May 2009: Clarington Council endorses Host Community Agreement (HCA) June 2009: York and Durham Region Councils approve HCA, and EA for submission to MOE July 2009: Submission of EA to Ministry of Environment (MOE) 2.1.2 Subsequent to the submission of the final EA to the MOE in July, there are five phases to the EA review, as follows: Phase 1: Inspection of the EA (7 weeks) Phase 2: Preparation of Ministry Review (5 weeks) Phase 3: Issue of Notice of Completion. Phase 4: Inspection of Ministry Review (5 weeks) Phase 5: Final Ministry Evaluation Period (13 weeks) 2.1.3 The Ministry is about to complete Phase 2. The Region of Durham's Report 2010- WR-1 to the Works Committee discusses these five phases in greater detail. 2.2 Municipality of Clarington Comments on the Environmental Assessment 2.2.1 Clarington Staff have been involved in the EA process for Residual Waste since its inception in 2005, when the initial terms of reference were being drafted and the conceptual description of the undertaking was being formulated. The Municipality has had numerous opportunities throughout the EA process to submit comments, through both staff reports to Committee and Council and staff-level meetings. REPORT NO.: PSD-021-10 PAGE 4 These include: PSD-018-06 Feb, 13, 2006: Comments on the Terms of Reference PSD-070-07 May 22, 2007: Municipal Peer Review and Other Studies PSD-097-07 September 4, 2007: Update on Municipal Peer Review PSD-141-07 December 3, 2007: Municipal Comments on Step 7 -Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and Identification of Preferred Site PSD-141-07 Addendum: December 10, 2007 FND-002-08 January 21, 2008: Peer Review & Economic Studies Costs to Date FND-022-08 Addendum: February 25, 2008 CAO-002-09 May 11, 2009: Status of EFW Host Community Agreement Negotiation CAO-002-09 Addendum: May 11, 2009 PSD-071-09 July 6, 2009: Municipality of Clarington Peer Review Comments on Pre-Submission EA 2.2.2 The Municipality of Clarington's comments during the EA process are part of the public comment documentation. Comments made in PSD-071-09, including the appendices, have been addressed by the Project Team and are posted to the project website. 2.3 Proiect Description 2.3.1 For the EA, the purpose of the undertaking (the Project Description), was set out in the approved Terms of Reference, as follows: To process -physically, biologically and/or thermally -the waste that remains after the application of both Regions' at-source waste programs in order to recover resources -both material and energy -and to minimize the amount of material requiring landfill disposal. In proceeding with this undertaking, only those approaches that will meet or exceed all regulatory requirements will be considered. The waste proposed to be managed will be primarily Municipal. Solid Waste (MSW) from residential sources generated within Durham and York Regions remaining after at-source diversion, a portion of post-diversion Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) waste traditionally managed by the Regions at their waste disposal facilities; and Municipal post-diversion REPORT NO.: PSD-021-10 PAGE 5 Yesidual-waste from neighbouring non-Greater Toronto area (GTA) municipalities that may provide disposal capacity for processing residues. 2.3.2 Over time, the Project Description has been refined and altered based on the EA Study findings and public/stakeholder input. In the July 2009 EA submission, the Project Description was as follows: "The Undertaking, as defined by this Environmental Assessment, is a Thermal Treatment Facility, capable of processing post-diversion residual waste and recovering materials and energy of sufficient quality and quantity to export to the marketplace (recovered metals, electricity and eventually the possibility of district heating and cooling) with a projected maximum design capacity of 400,000 tpy. The Facility will be designed, built and operated on the Clarington 01 site, located in the Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham." 2.3.3 In November 2009, the Project Description in the EA was amended as follows (underlined): "The Undertaking, as defined by this Environmental Assessment, is a Thermal Treatment Facility, capable of processing post-diversion residual waste and recovering materials and energy of sufficient quality and quantity to export to the marketplace (recovered metals, electricity and eventually the possibility of district heating and cooling) with an 2.3.4 The EA Project Team has indicated that the description of the undertaking was modified in consultation with the MOE to ensure that it was consistent with regulatory requirements. One consequence of this revision is that assumptions concerning future baselines will be validated at the time of expansion through the EA screening process. This will provide the Regions, Clarington and its citizens an opportunity to validate the project's environmental impacts. In addition, expansion will have to meet the regulatory limits in effect at that time. 3.0 RE-ENGAGEMENT OF THE PEER REVIEW CONSULTANT 3.1 The Municipality previously retained the consulting firm SENES to undertake a peer review of the technical studies that related specifically .to the air quality impacts of the proposed EFW facility, including how the air quality impacts affect would be subject to environmental screening reouirements under Ontario Re4ulation 101/07, as amended. (or the applicable piece of legislation at the time of expansion). The Facility will be designed, built and operated on the Clarington 01 Site, located in the Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham." REPORT NO.: PSD-021-10 PAGE 6 the Site Specific Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment. In accordance with Council's resolution (see Section 1.2), Staff requested SENES to submit a proposal to review the amended EA documentation as it relates to air quality impacts. 3.2 To prepare their proposal, the representatives from SENES reviewed the information that has been posted to the Project website, contacted the professional experts on the EA Project Team, and verified that the risk assessment and air quality assessment have received sign-off from the MOE technical reviewers as being complete. SENES has confirmed that the amendments made to the Air Quality and Site Specific Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments do not affect the conclusion. The amendments and addendums are posted to the project website. 3.3 SENES has advised that "[they] feel that the modified undertaking confirms the Regions' intentions to construct an EFW facility that is right-sized to the need [shown] into the next decade at 140,000 tonnes per year and recognizes the requirements for future expansion up to a total of 400,000 tonnes per year." In addition, the revised project description allows for confirmation at the time of expansion of the environmental impacts of the project because of the requirements under the EA Act, through the screening process. SENES further indicated that, in light of the modification to the project description, they do not feel a further peer review is necessary. The peer reviewers are available at their daily charge out rate, ($1300/day/professional) to meet with Clarington Staff and/or the Project Team if requested to do so. 3.4 On April 18, 2007, Council for the Regional Municipality of Durham adopted the following: "That each respective Region shall provide adequate funding to any of the potential host communities located within their respective Region. And further, that such adequate funding shall include the costs of all necessary studies and legal advice incurred by the potential host community to investigate and complete its due diligence in arriving at its decision whether or not it will become a host community for the EFW facility. And further, the total of such costs shall be deducted from the combined royalty fee, if any and not otherwise." Through subsequent resolutions and discussions, $500,000 was set aside by the Region of Durham for the retention of economic consultants, legal counsel, and peer review consultants for the host community. To date, Clarington has spent $476,573 of this amount. REPORT NO.: PSD-021-10 PAGE 7 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 The change in the EA Project Description of the proposed EFW facility from a 400,000 tpy (tonnes per year) facility to a 140,000 tpy facility addresses the major concerns expressed by the Municipality's Peer Review team. More spec~cally, it has been confirmed by Clarington's consultant SENES that the air quality impacts, including how they relate to the site specific human health and ecologica- risk assessment, have been addressed. As a result, re-engaging the consultant to carry out further review is not recommended. 4,2 The Project Team has made numerous changes to the EA to provide clarification, elaboration and explanation as requested by MOE to address the regulatory agency and public comments. These changes detail and rationalize the conclusion previously reached by the EA. Staff Contact: Faye Langmaid List of interested parties to be notified of Councils decision Erin Mahoney, Reg. of York Cliff Curtis, Durham Works Jim McKay, Stantec Gavin Battarino, MOE Joachim Baur Alexandra Bennett Barry Bracken Kath Bracken Wendy Bracken Karen Buck Terry Caswell Katie Clark Shirley Crago Kevin Diamond Wayne Ellis Linda Gasser James Gibson Glenda Gies Tenzin Gyaltsan Ron Hosein Dr. Debra Jefferson Laurie Lafrance Lee McCue Warren McCarthy Cathrine McKeever Kerry Meydam John Mutton Karen Nichol Dave Renaud Jim Richards Andrew Robson Yvonne Spencer Nicole Young Lucy Wunderlich Ontario Power Generation Anthony Topley Paul Andre Larose Don Wilkinson Noah Hannah Katherine Miles Donna Mcaleer-Smith Kristin Robinson Steve Tharme David. Climenhage Steve Conway Chester Miles Bernadine Power Hilary Balmer Willis & Marilyn Barrabal Stewart and July Dayes Maureen Dingman Carl Zmozynski Gaston Morin Ann and Mike Buckley Fraser and Cathy Grant Jean and Wallace Mcknight Stephanie Adams Julie Allen-Freeman John and Dale Cerniuk Garland and Anne Foote , Slyvain Gagnon Melissa Girard Beth Hewis Manuel Jimenez Debbie Kuehn John MacDonald Ralph Machon Mary Anne and Gerry Martin Kristin McKinnon-Rutherford Lorna McSwan Bretn Mersey Donna Packman Devon Richard Brian and Sharon Thompson Bill and Lorna Turner Doug Woods Don Wright Lakeridge Health Lorraine Huinink John Oates Rev. Christopher Greaves Leslie Heinrichs Diana Kanarellis Elaine and Vincent Ho Ron Campbell Stephanie Adams Betty Robinson r,~nnoT win . oCr1J191_40 PAGE 8 Nicola Keeme Mable M. Low Rebecca Harrison Charlie and Irene Briden Nadia McLean-Gagnon Dorothy Barnett Marc Tepfenhart Rosemary Davies Wendy Bracken Libby Racansky Beav201 Louis Bertrand Sandra Viau Tim Finnis Hugh Allison Marke Nelson Jeremy Woodcock Kevin LeGrand Doug Anderson Elaine Gillies Clarington Leading the Way Staff Report # 2 REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: February 8, 2010 Resolution #: By-law #: Report #: PSD-022-10 File #: ZBA2010-0002 Subject: APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF PART LOT CONTROL APPLICANT: HALMINEN BUILDING CORPORATION - 40M-2278 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-022-10 be received; THAT the request for Removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12,14 and 15 of 40M-2278 be approved and that the Part Lot Control By-law contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD-022-10 be passed at such time the taxes for. these lands have been paid pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-022-10 and any delegations and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: ~ ~ Reviewed b : ~ `~^"`--~ ---> - "~- y Langm ' , FCSLA, MCIP ranklin Wu c ing Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer CP/df 3 February 2010 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-022-10 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Halminen Building Corporation 1.2 Location: 317 to 361 West Scugog Lane and 6, 10 and 22 - 34 Kaukonen Court, Part Lot 13, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville (Attachment 1) 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On February 3, 2010, Staff received an application for the Removal of Part Lot Control with respect to lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14 and 15 of 40M-2278 (Attachment 1). 40M-2278 was originally registered on October 25, 2005. It allowed for the development of 3 single detached dwelling lots and 22 semi-detached/linked lots (44 units). An application for Removal of Part Lot Control was originally considered and approved in December 2005. By-law 2005-232 was approved with an expiry period of three (3) years and actually expired in December of 2008. 2.2 Halminen Building Corporation has a closing scheduled for one of the semi- detached/link units within 40M-2278 on February 25, 2010. In order to facilitate said closing a new by-law allowing for exemption from Part Lot Control is required. 3.0 COMMENTS 3.1 Staff has no objection to the approval of a by-law exempting the subject lands from Part Lot Control. Attached is a by-law (Attachment 2) to exempt the subject lands from Section 50(5) of the Planning Act. 3.2 In accordance with the procedures established in the delegation of Part Lot Control By- laws, Planning Staff will forvvard to the Regional Planning Department the "Unit Type and Number Summary Table" (Attachment 3) along with a copy of the Part Lot Control By-law. 3.3 The Finance Department advises that the 2009 taxes have not been paid in full for the subject lots. The applicant has advised that there was a shortfall in the taxes paid for 2009 of less than $100.00 for each lot, and the taxes will be paid in full prior to Council Meeting. 3.4 Staff recommends that the by-law be in force for a three (3) year period following Council approval, ending February 8, 2013. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 It is recommended that Council APPROVE this application and adopt the attached Part Lot Control By-law for Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14 and 15 of 40M-2278, at such time the taxes for the subject lands have been paid. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-10 PAGE 3 Staff Contact: Carlo Pellarin Attachments: Attachment 1 - Site Location Key Map and Lands Affected by Part Lot Control Removal Attachment 2 - By-law for Removal of Part Lot Control Attachment 3 - Unit Type and Number Summary Table List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Halminen Building Corporation (Clarington) George L. Smith Brian Bridgeman, Durham Region Planning Department Property Location Map (Bowmanville) `` ~ ! N 'Y V P` ' ANS V ` ~ MOLKLEY NVENIIE ~ z B ~ p ~ w W H S - ~ ONIL OS CO URT Y z UE 2 DNS AVEN k X1 LOt9 ~'o ~ Subject ~ L~~$ ~ Site ~~ 0 ~1,-[~ 6 ~^ - ` 0'` ~° ``~j ~ ~~`y ~~ ~ ~a ~o ~°~ ti~ ~o ti ~ ~o ZBA 2010-0002 ~ Lots affected By Part Lot Control CA~, 40M-2278 Lots 2 to 9 Inclusive, ~ 12, 74 and 75 ~G C OC ~ ~ Owner: Halminen Building Corporation A -~ 0 m v 0 ~D ~w oS N 3 N N ~ ~ .~. O ~ Attachment 2 To Report PSD-022-10 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALTY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO.2010- being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2048 from Part Lot Control WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to exempt from Part Lot Control, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14 and 15 of 40M-2278, registered at the Land Titles Division of Whitby; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Subsection 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act shall not apply to those lands described in paragraph 2 within the By-law. 2. That this By-law shall come into effect upon being approved by the Municipality of Clarington and thereafter Subsection 5 of Section 50 shall cease to apply to the following lands: a) 3. Pursuant to Subsection 7.3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, this By-law shall be in force for a period of three (3) years ending on February 8, 2013. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2010 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2010 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2010 Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Attachment3 To Report PSD-022-10 PART LOT CONTROL EXEMPTION BY-LAW Unit Type and Number Summary Table Registered Plan #: 40M-2278 By-law: SUMMARY OF BY-LAWS FEBRUARY 8, 2010 BY-LAWS 2010-012. Being a by-law to amend Sign By-law 2009-123, as amended of the Municipality of Clarington (Item 6 of Report #1) 2010-013 Being a by-law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 9 of Report #1) .2010-014 Being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 9 of Report #1) 2010-015 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2009-123 to regulate Election Signs (Item 11 of Report #1) 2010-016 Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2048 from Part Lot Control (Staff Report #2) Clari~~ton M E M O Leading tke Way CLERK'S DEPARTMENT To: Mayor Abernethy and Members of Council From: Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Date: February 5, 2010 Subject: COUNCIL AGENDA -FEBRUARY 8, 2010 Please be advised of the following regarding Monday's meeting: PRESENTATIONS a) Cliff Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham, Jim McKay, Stantec and Dr. Christopher Ollson, Stantec -Update on the Energy-From-Waste EA DELEGATIONS See final list of Delegations attached. Please note that Councillor Foster will be introducing a motion to suspend the Rules of Procedure to allow Rosemary Yeremian, Chair, Ontario Nuclear New Build Council to address Council regarding the Canadian Nuclear Association Conference. As this matter is not on the Agenda, a motion tc suspend the rules is required. Patti L. Barrie, CMO Municipal Clerk PLB/cf Attachment cc: Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 FINAL LIST OF DELEGATIONS February 8, 2010 a) Louis Bertrand -Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) b) Doug Anderson -Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) c) Dale Hunt -Report PSD-015-10 - To Rezone Residential and Limited Commercial Properties to Permit the Construction of a New Retail Commercial Building (Item 2 of Report #1) d) Beth Markle -Report PSD-015-10 - To Rezone Residential and Limited Commercial Properties to Permit the Construction of a New Retail Commercial Building (Item 2 of Report #1) e) Wendy Bracken -Report PSD-021-10 -Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) f) Louis Bertrand -Presentation of Cliff Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham -Update on the Energy-From-Waste EA g) Wendy Bracken -Presentation of Cliff Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham.- Update on the Energy-From-Waste EA h) Linda Gasser -Presentation of Cliff Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham -Update on the Energy-From-Waste EA i) Linda Gasser -Report PSD-021-10 - Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) j) Kristin Robinson -Report PSD-021-10 -Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Re-engagement of Peer Review Consultants -Air Quality Impacts (Staff Report #1) HANDOUTS/CiRCULATIONS COUNCIL ~l(~ Leading the Way MEMO TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: Patti L. Barrie DATE: 3 February 2010 RE: Election Sign By-law At the General Purpose and Administration meeting held on February 1St, Committee considered the proposed Election Sign By-law (Addendum Report CLD-022-09). At that time there were certain ambiguities identified and questions raised by Committee. In order to address those concerns staff have reviewed the proposed by-law and made adjustments to clarify the matters, specifically 1. The prohibition of vehicle election signs was intended to be in effect only on Voting Day and only at the Voting Places. That has been explained and reworded. 2. The prohibition on signs on municipal property is clarified to identify only a prohibition on the lands which form part of the various facilities such as the- MAC, the Rickard Complex etc. Signs on Municipal property which form part of the road allowance will be permitted consistent with the Region's By-law. 3. Some of the materials, such as size limitations have been included into Tables 1-4 of the Sign By-law. The permitted sizes and limitations are a direct reflection of the Sign By-law's other requirements for similar signs or are drawn directly from its predecessor, By-law 97-157. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 4. Staff have discussed with. the Planning and Engineering Departments whether or not a Sign Permit or Road Occupancy Permit would be required. The By-law now contains a clear statement that neither one is needed for regular election signs however a permit will be required should the candidate choose to place Mobile Election Signs consistent with By-law 2009-124. 5. For further clarification, the proposed changes to the draft by-law considered most recently, at last Monday's GP&A meeting, are highlighted the annotated version of the new draft by-law and are attached to this memo. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Li C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 Municipal Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIF~ALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2010- Being a by-law to amend By-law 2009-123 To regulate Election Signs WHEREAS Section 11(3) of-the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended, states that the municipality may pass by-laws respecting structures, incuding fences and signs; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to have an Election Sign By-law for the Municipality of Clarington to ensure public safety on our roads and highways during an election period. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS.FOLLOWS: 1.0 Section 2.1 of ey-law 2009-123 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: "Campaign Office" shall mean the administrative office or offices for a Candidate in an Election or for a question or by-law submitted to the electors. "Candidate" shall have the same meaning as in the Canada Elections Act, the Eleclion Act (Ontario) or the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as applicable, and shall tie deemed to include a person or agent for a registered person seeking to influence another person to vote for or against any question or by-law submitted to the electors. "Election" shall include any federal, provincial or municipal election or by- election and any question or by-law submitted to the electors. "Highway" shall have the same meaning as the Highway Traffic Acf, RSO 1990 c.H.B, and includes the entire of the road allowance thereof. "Mobile Election Sign" means any mobile sign as defined in this By-law which is used to: 1. advertise or promote a Candidate in an Election; 2. advocate or discourage the public from voting for a Candidate or political party in an Election or by-election; 3. promotes or relates to any Candidate in an Election, including an election of a local board or commission; 4. is intended to influence persons to vote for or against any question or by-law submitted to electors under section 8 of the Municipal Elections Act. 1996; but does not include a sign attached to a motorized vehicle where the principle use of the vehicle is transportation of people, goods or other materials. "Municipal Clerk" shall mean the Municipal Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington or the Deputy Clerk acting in place of the Municipal Clerk in accordance with the Municipal Act. "Municipal Law Enforcement Officer" shall mean a person appointed by the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for the purpose of enforcing Municipal by-laws and, for the purpose of this By-law, shall include the Durham Regional Police. New addition ~}±xP, ~, ~ ~ ~i~,~e~~It D m. {~ ~~ i ' ", ~' .~~ .~. _.~ ~..m, ~~+ i•: "Public Park" means land and land covered by water and all portions thereof owned or made available by lease, agreement, or otherwise to the Municipality, that is or hereafter may be established, dedicated, set apart or made available for use as woodlot, ravine, recreation centre, square, New addition garden, walkway, water or any other area in the Municipality, devoted to active or passive recreation ~~~~ti,Et~e~~,~~-!j W'r~'8 - "Public Property" means property owned by or under the control of the Municipality of Clarington or any of its agencies, boards or commissions, and includes any lands belonging to or owned by ~'"" l~!~b~9'?~ Revised, ~Ti 1~ " r~~ consistent with ~~f~. ~ ~ ~ '~i1~i~~~~?'!ft~~~ ~,~. current sy-iaw tg>"" " , ~'4 '"'' is This shall inGude public highways, and shall be deemed to include utility poles located on public property including road allowances, regardless of whether the poles are owned by or under the control of the Municipality. 'Vehicle Election Sign" shall inGude any sign, poster, lettering, vehicle wrap, bumper sticker or other device attached or affixed either temporarily or permanently to a motor vehicle, trailer or any vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, RSO 1990 c.H.B, whether actively being operated on the highway or parked at any location. "Voting Day" means the day on which the final vote is to be taken in an Election pursuant to the relevant provincial or federal legislation and Polling Day and Election Day shall have the same meaning. "Voting Place" shall mean the location where election ballots are collected and tabulated. 2.0 Section 2.1 of By-law 2009-123 is further amended by deleting fhe term "Election Sign" and its definition in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "Election Sign" means any: ~3."i I I x kki~t h 'i~° Repositioned in ~ ., .{{~~SF- fi ~,. ,~ _ ~~,1~i ~_'~~.~~: , the By-law ~1I~t~f w. ~t#~ c'oB#._.~`4~ti4'4~~1''~~li'1 ~l!~~~49i, 3.0 Section 2.1 of By-law 2009-123 is further amended by deleting the term "Road Allowance" and its definition in its entirety and replacing it with the fallowing: Y Revised. ~t~.~!7,~~~;.~~~i~1~~.., ...;'t?~ ~s;... consistent with .- .. current By-law 2t5d?[~i~f!f+,~~~5"~t~~$E, a~1~~~1e_W~~(!~r 4.0 Reformatted into Table, consistent with curtent By- law Section 7.8 Table 1of By-law 2009-123 is amended by adding: sets Ati~w~ eY P~6PEt~'r~1r usE dig"4 5.0 Reformatted into Table, consistent with current By- law 6.0 Reformatted into Table, limits consistent with r current By-law 7.0 Reformatted into Table, limits consistent with current By-law Section 7.9 Table 2 of By-law 2009-123 is amended by adding: Section 7.10 Table 3 of By-law 2009-123 is amended by adding; Section 7.11 Table 4 of By-law 2009-123 is amended by adding: 4 'FM a~ tw i ~•t~~ 8.0 Section 8.4 of By-law 2009-123 is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: General No person shall erect, attach, place or display or cause or permit to be erected, attached, placed or displayed, an Election Sign except as permitted by Schedule "3° of this ey-law. This By-law shall not apply to signs erected, placed or displayed by the Municipality of Clarington to provide information concerning the Election or any part of the election process. No person shall use, permit or cause to tie erected or installed, any Election Sign, Mobile Electon Sign or Vehicle Election Sign which has any of the following; (a) flashing lights or rotating parts; (b) illumination; or (c) an appearance which simulates any traffic control device. It shall be the responsibility of the Candidate or his or her agent to ensure that ail Election Signs erected, placed, or displayed on his or her behalf are maintained in good order and clean condition. Failure to do so shall be an offence. _, ~ ~ i~ irt?~rt'~*~~~1,n ., ~ ~ ~ rt. ~~~~~'u~r ~ ... New provision to ~~~~~~y~~~ „ll i.y ,9 simplify process ~,~4~~~~~`~ ,. .. Notwithstanding Section above, a Mobile Election Sign may only be located in accordance with the requirements of By-law 2009-124. Timing No person shall erect or display an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign dr Mobile Election Sign for a Municipal Election any eadier than forty-two days before the first Advanced Voting opportunity. No person shall erect or display an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign for a federal or provincial election until the day that the writ of election is issued. All Election Signs, Vehicle Electicn Sign and Mobile Election Signs. shall be removed no later than forty-eight hours following the Voting Day of the Election for which the signs were erected or installed. For the purpose of this subsection, the Candidate shall be responsible for the removal of his or her Signs within the prescribed time frame. Failure to comply with this provision is an offence. Election Sians on Camoaian Offices Despite Sections and, signs identifying the Campaign Offices may be erected on the offices once the Candidate has filed his or her nomination papers or registered as an agent for a question to be placed before the electors. Signs identifying the Candidate's Campaign Office may gnly specify - the Candidate's name, the office they are seeking or the registered position on a question or by-law, and any contact information as the Candidate wishes to include. In the case of a federator provincial Election the sign may include the Candidate's political affiliation. Each Candidate shall ensure that any Campaign Office fully complies with all the requirements of the Municipality of Clarington Sign By-law 2009-123 or its successor. Removal of Unlawful Election Sians If a sign is erected or displayed in violation of this by-law, the staff of the Operations Department shall, upon direction of the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, cause the sign to be removed. Notwithstanding section above, where an Election Sign is found to be; (a) in a location which, in the opinion of the Operations Department, poses an imminent or severe hazard, it may be removed immediately without prior notice; or, fb`;''4 tp~~l'~~~#~,~~~t~l~~p~1~~~~~`carthe New provision to 3tlj`~' ,'L~'~~b~lry ~~e"-F~Jj~;~~~' 9S ~ sk~f~ simplify process _ ~(hd~d~~?It'~~14~ir~~tSpy¢ tta'~ All signs which have been removed pursuant to sections, or shall be taken to a secure facility where-the candidate or his or her agent may retrieve them. The signs shall be held for 30 days after which time they may be destroyed. All costs incurred by the Municipality in removing any contravening Election Sign shall be billed to the Candidate or his dr her agent in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington's Operations Department's current fees for the removal of any other sign. Liability for Damages The provisions of this by-law shall not be consVUed as relieving or limiting the responsibility or liability of any person erecting or owning any election sign for personal injury or property damage resulting from the placing of such signs or resulting from the negligence or willful acts of such person, or his or her agents or employees, in the construction, erection, maintenance, repair or removal of such signs. This By-law to Prevail ~ ~ K~~~~~ma~~i`Ix'~~im~~ t~;~sW,n°v'#t Modified to allow ~fi~~~~r~~~~~1 ~, t~t~,t{~pj'#t~'{ tF~g~(~igf applica~on d ~, ~ ~"a,..f.~.~_ ~.~. ~Ii~ff;f~l~~~'!~#~,.njtt READ a first and second time this th day of February 2010 READ a third time and passed this th day of February 2010 Mayor Municipal Clerk Schedule"3" To By-law 2009-123 1. No person shall place an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign in any of the following locations: a. within a Visibility Triangle; b. on any official sign or official sign structure, utility box, planter, bench, waste receptacle, newspaper box, or mail box or similar Revised wording object or structure which has been ~_ "",~ placed on any Road Allowance; c. On any traffic median; d. In such a manner as to obstruct any sidewalk or walkway; New, consistent e. In~any public pairk including the adtacent roada~allowance; with preceding. ~..~i.i14'$T ~iN.Ef?~ .., .,,~, t `;~cF , ~yy~ ',.. Sign By-law ~ w~+ g. On any tree located on public property; h. On any traffic island; i. On any post, pole or support already containing an official or authorized sign erected by the Municipality of Clarington, the Region of Durham, a conservation authority or the Province of Ontario; or, Revised far Gadty ~~ „ , ~ ~r: ;, n .`[' ~ '!ter,=, ~i~ . {~ ~ u. ~.,., f,_.' -, 11 r.'..,i. ; ~ ,~,~~?~ _ " ,k 3. Where there is a curb, a sign placed on the road allowance must be a minimum of 1 metre back from the curb. 4. Where there is no curb, a sign placed on the road allowance shall be a minimum of 3 meVes back from the edge of the travelled portion of the roadway. ;$''No person shall, at any time on any Voting Day, including those days Revised for clarity when advance election voting is held, c'~5p+ an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign, or cause the same to be placed on New, consistent any premises used as a Voting Place for elections or ~4tr=-~#enw~ wtth preceding Sign By-law fd~ "a,~ ~Si~-. 6. Any vehicle found in contravention of the provisions of this By-law may be removed at the direction of the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, at the owner's expense. a--~ .~ ~U ~~ O U ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~N O .~~' •L ~ (> i ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~~ '~ ~ W ~- ~~ O W N ~ ~ ~ d7 i O O ~ ~ ~ N ~ W O ~ ;,.,, ~ ~ N (~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ Q ~ O ~ O U L N Q O N O N ~ C O 07 (n I` CO ~ O O ~ N _ L ~ ~ ~ U ~O .. ~ ~ N ~ 3~ ~ N N M ~ ~ > > ~, >+ ~ Q Z ~ H LL ~ ~~ ~ N L N ~ O W O ~ a ~ ~ w `~ o ~ ~ ~ O ° ~' w ~ ~ ~ ' ~' w O m > ~ N QO 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' D N as w ~ a~ a~ o w ~ cn ~ c c ~ }' ~° O ~ c ~ w ~ E~ ~ E o c N o ~ ~ ~ ~ O Q' ~L ~ ~ N ~ N-- O Qw ~ a--~ w O ~, w °_ o > ~> ~ }' ~ w ~ ~ Q w E ~ ~ -o ~ ~ ~ ,~ o ~ Q ~ L Q~ 0 ~ L +-1 _ ~ ~ N ~ N U •V % C N w~ C~ Q Q z° a ~ U LJ N N .. m Q w 4~ O Q Q Q V O U 0 0 r-I .. X Q (a O O N N O L ~~-+ N W w~ ~1 ~ 0 ~~ ~ - -1--~ ~~ _~ ~~O •- ~ ._ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O •- ~~~ ~ Q~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q .~-, ~ W ~ ~ O ~ .V V O .- ~ ,L '^ > ~ O ~ cn ~ w -I--i L .~ L ~~ L 0 ~ U--~ Q ~ .~ ~V ~ C ~ ~ V U '~ V ~ ~ O ~ ~' N ~ .~ ~~ N ~ ~ W C n ~ a-=~ C 0 ~ E _ ~. f ^ L ~ O O ,O O ~ ~ •~ ~ O ~~ O ~ U O O ~ ~--+ ~ ~ .~ N ~ .- ~ L O ~,, ~ ~ ~ . ~, c~ ~ ._ ~ V L ~ O ~ ~_ U .~ ~~ 0 (~ 0 N ~O ~ a--' N ~ O ~ ~ O n W V . O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O , > ~ ~ ~ ~ . M DC ~ a--' I~ V ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ a O ~ 4- V (n O ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ W ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ O O ~ L ~ ~ 'L z ~ `~ ~ a~ ~ ~ o v~ o ~ ' U O c~ ~ L ~ ai ~ O ~ O ~ o O ~, O ,~, . - ~ O ~-' V1 '~ to p , O N .- • ~ Q ~ Q ~ ~..J L ~ L ~ L ~ ~ ~ Q O "~ L O V ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Q ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ W .- ~ .- Q ~ O a.., N i f~ L 4~ Q ra 4~ Q _~ V f~ O O U ra ra 0 ra oC Q V O I I a~ V N -~ C ~ i+ g~ d ~ d ,`~ O ~ '~ d a~0+ C N Y CyI N L ~ ~ d ~ a~ o ,.., N . ~~~8 a a~ x a~ z Y d M1 ~M V ~~~ $~ .4 C D ~ N _r~~~ ~~ N Y T N ~ r ~ g °1 '~ ~~~ 1` /1 ~' ~_ ,~~ ^V ,1 W a