HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/2009
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TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held April 6, 2009
a) Glenda Gies and Candice Kay, St. Marys Cement Community Relations
Committee - Annual Report
b) Dave McCauley, NRCan - Port Granby Screening Report
DELEGATIONS (List as of Time of Publication)
a) Allan Kirby and Deborah Leslie, Newcastle & Village District Historical Society-
Architectural Heritage Policy (Correspondence Item D - 1)
b) Danny Deal and Rafael Karski, Youth Advisory Committee, S1. Therese Parish -
SONfest Conference/Festival (Correspondence Item D - 15)
c) Tim Funchion - Addendum to Report CSD-007-09 - 2009 Rotary Ribfest (Item #3
of Unfinished Business)
Receive for Information
I - 1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board dated March 18,
Council Agenda
- 2 -
April 27, 2009
I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee
dated March 19,2009
I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 17, 2009
I - 4 George Armstrong, Manager of Regulatory Affairs and Key Projects,
Veridian Connections Inc. - Reduction of Electricity Use in
Recognition of Earth Hour
1-5 Steve Jacobs, P.Eng., Senior Project Manager, URS Canada Inc. -
Transportation Environmental Study Report Addendum for the
Highway 35 Four-Lane Planning and Preliminary Design Study Class
Environmental Assessment, Group 'B' Project
I - 6 Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk, City of Pickering - Region of Durham's
Growth Implementation Study - Proposed Amendment to the
Regional Official Plan
I - 7 Martha A. Pettit, Deputy Clerk, Town of Whitby - Bill 150, The Green
Enerqy and Green Economy Act, 2009
1-8 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Durham's Healthcare
I - 9 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Central East LHIN
Hospital Clinical Services Plan
I - 10 Gabrielle Bell, Hall Administrator, Newcastle Community Hall - Letter
of Appreciation for Community Grant
I - 11 Michael Angemeer, President and CEO, Veridian Corporation -
Rocky Mountain Institute - 'Project Get Ready'
I - 12 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Public Input into the Central East
Local Health Integration Network's Clinical Services Plan
I - 13 Martha Pettit, Deputy Clerk, Town of Whitby - 2009 Compost
Giveaway Event
1- 14 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Waste Diversion Act
I - 15 Michael Patrick, President, Clarington Board of Trade - Comments on
the Growth Plan Implementation - Proposed Amendment to the
Regional Official Plan
I - 16 Lloyd Elliott, Political Affairs Committee Chair and B. Cail Maclean,
Executive Officer, Durham Region Association of Realtors -
Volunteering on Committees of Interest
Council Agenda
- 3 -
April 27, 2009
I - 17 Marilyn Pearce, Mayor, Township of Scugog - 2008 Progress Report
I - 18 G. Ward and George Court - Objecting to the proposed "Energy-
From-Waste" Facility
I - 19 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Member
Communication - Approval of the Used Tires Program Plan
I - 20 Shelley Molica, Treasurer, Clarington East Food Bank - Letter of
Appreciation for Community Grant
Receive for Direction
D - 1
D - 10
D - 11
Allan Kirby, President, Newcastle and Village District Historical
Society - Policy to Protect the Architectural Heritage of the Village of
Michael Chan, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration -
Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2009
The Honourable George Smitherman - Extension of Deadline to
Amend Official Plans to Conform with Growth Plan for Greater
Golden Horseshoe
Stephen Burns, Terry Myles, Aaron Wickens, Nicole Belej-Corrigan,
David P. Lockwood USSF (Ret.) and Dennis Brocklebank -
Opposition to the Proposed Demolition of Camp 30
Doris Hills - Proposed Changes to the Delivery of Health Care in
Alexandra Mirowski - Request for Establishment of a Recycling Pick-
up Program at Waverley Plaza
Sally Barrie, Administrator, Community Care Durham - Community
Care Tag Days
Steve Shanks and Murray Walton, Lions Club of Courtice - Lions
Foundation of Canada Purina Walk for Dog Guides
Louisa Cantelon, Co-Founder & National Director, Events, Coast to
Coast Against Cancer Foundation -Sears National Kids Cancer Ride
David Staples, Parade Chairman, Durham Central Fair (Orono)-
Request for Permission to Hold Parades
Frank W. Smith, CEO, Pegasus Global Group - Municipality of
Clarington and Camp 30
Council Agenda
- 4 -
April 27, 2009
D - 12 D. L. Cullingworth, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers
Association - Enforcement of Parking Restrictions on King Avenue
D - 13 Brad Savage - Caledon Propane Application for Yard Expansion
D - 14 The Honourable Jim Prentice, P.C., a.c., M.P., Minister of the
Environment - Historical Designation of Camp 30
D - 15 Mrs. Iman Deal, Chair, Youth Advisory Committee, S1. Therese Parish
- 6th Annual SONfest
D - 16 Rosemary Davies - Municipal Property Taxes
D - 17 Allan Hewitt, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board - Support of Bill
D - 18 Alice Grottoli, Communications Coordinator, Community Connection -
211 Service
D - 19 Linda Van Alstine, Clerk, Tay Valley Township - Pan Fish Regulation
D - 20 John Bate, Chair, Abandoned Cemeteries Board - Bill 149 - Inactive
Cemeteries Protection Act, 2009
D - 21 Marolyn Morrison, Mayor, Town of Caledon - Increase in Natural
Wildlife and Predators
D - 22 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Establishment of Decorative Floral
"Gateway" on Highway 401 in Bowmanville
D - 23 Gary Jeffery, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington -
Energy From Waste Air Monitoring
D - 24 Piotr Derus - Petition to Legalize Electric Vehicles in Canada
D - 25 Mike Galloway, CMO, The Township of Essa - Public salary
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 20,2009
1. Report FND-01 0-09 - Build Canada Fund - Intake 2, Infrastructure Stimulus
Fund and Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program
Council Agenda
- 5 -
April 27, 2009
1. Robert Walraven, Regarding the Request for a Street Party on
Morgandale Cres., Bowmanville to be Reconsidered (Tabled to Council -
April 20, 2009 GPA)
2. Dominick and Angela Forsellino, Regarding a Request for Exemption from
By-Law 2004-114, By-law to Regulate and License Refreshment Vehicles
(Tabled to Council - April 20, 2009 GPA)
3. Addendum to Report CSD-007-09 - 2009 Rotary Ribfest (Tabled to
Council - April 20, 2009 GPA)
4. Rescheduling of June 8, 2009 General Purpose and Administration Meeting
(Tabled to Council - April 20, 2009 GPA)
Council Meeting Minutes
APRIL 6, 2009
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 6, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., in the
Council Chambers.
Councillor Novak led the meeting in prayer.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Mayor J. Abernethy
Councillor A. Foster
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor C. Trim
Councillor W. Woo
Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Director of Engineering Services, 1. Cannella
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Parks Supervisor, B. Genosko
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano
Director of Financerrreasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir
Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting.
Councillor Hooper announced the following:
. On March 31,2009, he attended a meeting hosted by the Municipal Clerk's
Department at the suggestion of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission
regarding lottery licensing requirements. The meeting was well attended and
very informative. Councillor Hooper expressed thanks to Patti Barrie,
Municipal Clerk, Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk and Carol Rossi, Clerk II
. The Clarington Older Adult Association Variety Night held this past weekend
was a total sell-out. Councillor Hooper advised performers donated their time
and indicated how refreshing it was as an entertainer to see an entire room of
seniors singing along with the performers. He extended congratulations to
Angie Darlison, Peter and Norma Evans and all the people at the Clarington
Older Adult Association
Council Meeting Minutes
- 2 -
April 6, 2009
. On May 2,2009, the Historic Downtown Bowmanville BIA will be hosting
. Councillor Hooper expressed appreciation to staff of the Operations
Department and Engineering Services Department for their response in
addressing flooding concerns
Councillor Novak extended appreciation to Peter Evans and Angie Darlison,
Clarington Older Adult Association for the very enjoyable Variety Night. She also
echoed the comments of Councillor Hooper regarding staff's response to the flooding
on the weekend with respect to road closures, ditches and culverts and expressed
appreciation to Operations Department staff.
Councillor Foster announced that on April 16, 2009, CLOCA will be hosting an
Amphibian Monitoring Workshop at the Hampton United Church at 7:00 p.m. and on
April 25, 2009 the public is invited to an Earth Day Tree Planting event from 9:00 a.m.
until noon at the Lynde Shores Conservation Area.
Councillor Trim announced that a Public Information Session will be held on
May 12, 2009, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex on the Proposed Energy-
From-Waste Facility. Further information will be forthcoming. He also advised that
construction on Mill Street from Highway 2 at the four corners in Newcastle to the
Bridge at Highway 401 is anticipated to begin in early May.
Mayor Abernethy advised of the success of the Rotary Auction held at the Garnet B.
Rickard Complex on Saturday evening and of the Spaghetti Dinner fundraising event
held at the Orono Town Hall. He also attended Holy Trinity Secondary School's
production of Disney's High School Musical produced and directed by the students
and staff of the school.
Councillor Trim also announced that on April 4, 2009, the Ganaraska Region
Conservation Authority and the Ontario Federation of Angler's and Hunters held their
20th Annual Conservation Dinner and Auction. This year's proceeds will be put
towards the construction of the new centre opening in September, 2009.
Councillor Hooper advised that the A & P has changed its name to Metro and thanked
Mayor Abernethy for attending the opening.
Resolution #C-182-09
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 23, 2009, be
Council Meeting Minutes
- 3 -
April 6, 2009
Margaret Clayton, Vice-Chair, Durham Region Energy-From-Waste Site Liaison
Committee (EFW-SLC), addressed Council on behalf of Richard Walli, Chair, who
was unable to attend this evening. Ms. Clayton stated Site Liaison Committee
meetings were held on November 5, 2008, January 14, 2009 and March 4, 2009 to
receive deputations and presentations and to review studies completed to date. She
stated Committee members will be reviewing all information in formulating
recommendations and noted as there are no Committee recommendations at this
time, any opinions expressed during the presentation are personal and not a reflection
of the Committee.
Ms. Clayton provided an overview of business conducted at the meetings. Over the
course of meetings, the Committee has received presentations from the Consultants
on the project background, the Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference and
submission timeline, the EA process, site specific studies completed or in the process
of completion, environmental surveillance and the RFP process. Public deputations
have been made to the Committee and questions and comments have been received
from the public. Ms. Clayton responded to concerns regarding the posting of study
documents and minutes to the website and the availability of study reports.
Ms. Clayton stated a meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 2009, at 7:00 p.m.
at Regional Headquarters to review and discuss submissions and studies and to
formulate suggestions or recommendations to the Joint Waste Management Group.
In response to questions, Ms. Clayton confirmed that it is the Committee's intention to
have an open and transparent process and to welcome citizen engagement. She
indicated that delegations would be received at the meeting of April 8th following which
the meeting would be open for questions.
Saurabh Srivastava, Student, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and
Evan Kitchen, Durham College Alumni addressed Council on behalf of the Omega
Solar Team. Mr. Srivastava stated the development of the solar car is a dual
collaborative project of the UOIT and Durham College and the Solar Car Challenge
occurs every two years where teams race over 3,000 km in the Australian outback
from Darwin to Adelaide. He noted many universities and corporations from around
the world participate and that Omega Solar will be participating in October, 2009.
Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Srivastava highlighted the mechanical
design of the solar car and reviewed the energy flow pattern depicting how the solar
car works. Mr. Srivastava acknowledged the support of Local 463 of the Plumbers
and Welders Union who have donated their shop in Clarington for the construction of
the vehicle. He noted their design is the first to incorporate a college and a university
and the car will be painted half blue and half green to symbolize the collaboration.
Mr. Srivastava stated the team is working with a restricted budget of $250,000 noting
some other teams have budgets in the millions. He stated their main objective is to
finish the race and is requesting financial assistance from the Municipality in support
of the project.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 4 -
April 6, 2009
In response to questions, Mr. Srivastava stated if the Municipality provided financial
assistance, a decal would be put on the car promoting the municipality on the
international stage.
Jim Richards addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 28 - Rules of
Procedure and Delegation Time Limits. Mr. Richards expressed concern that
Mayor Abernethy is not applying the rules of Council consistently and fairly. He
questioned why during some delegations, Mayor Abernethy interrupts to advise the
delegate of time remaining, but in other cases allows the delegate to speak for the full
five minute time limit and then asks them to wrap up. Mr. Richards also questioned
why, in one instance, an alternate person was not permitted to address the General
Purpose and Administration Committee on behalf of a delegate who was unable to
attend, but at the previous Council meeting a member of the gallery, who was not
listed as a delegation, was invited to come forward to address Council. Mr. Richards
stated he was only asking for fairness and for the rules to be applied equally and
Libby Racansky addressed Council regarding Item 5 of Report # 1 - Nash Road
Reconstruction - Public Information Centre questioning the timing and positioning of
the Nash Road reconstruction and how all affected residents can be assured that the
water problems will be solved by this project. Ms. Racansky also questions if there
are plans to reconstruct Nash Road, west of Courtice Road, which is in the same or
worse condition. She feels that the bridge over the Black Creek should be repaired
first for the safety of current and future residents and that development charges
should be spent on repairing the bridge.
In response to questions, Ms. Racansky stated she feels the bridge is unsafe
especially in view of the crack in the structure.
Brent Farr, Executive Director, Community Care Durham, addressed Council
concerning Item 13 of Report # 1 - Addendum to Report COD-015-09 - Garnet B.
Rickard Recreation Complex Lease Space - Community Care Durham. Mr. Farr
introduced Sally Barrie, Administrator, Clarington Home Support and Jennifer Rusaw,
Manager of the Newcastle Day Program.
Mr. Farr stated Community Care Durham services 1,500 clients each year in
Clarington through the efforts of 500 volunteers equating to 46,000 hours supporting
such services as "Meals on Wheels", escorted transportation, telephone checks and
friendly visiting. The Adult Day program, a program offering a safe setting for clients
to enjoy a wide variety of social and recreational programs conducted by qualified staff
and volunteers, is currently located in Newcastle and has 31 members, the majority of
which are from the Newcastle area. He stated the clients of the Adult Day Program do
not pose a threat within the facility and the security measures are for their own safety
as a number of clients are frail or suffer from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of
dementia. Mr. Farr indicated that 65% of their funding comes from the Central LHIN
Council Meeting Minutes
- 5 -
April 6, 2009
but the remainder must be raised through fundraising efforts, the United Way, client
fees and support from the local municipalities. Mr. Farr stated their business plan is a
sound plan recovering the cost of leasehold improvements, offering stability, adding
value to the facility by establishing the best use of the premises by constructing office
space, and addressing the current shortage of space at the Clarington Beech Centre.
Mr. Farr referenced Schedule "D" to Report COD-015-09 and distributed copies of
Additional Notes to Schedule "D" highlighting a comparison of base rent, total
leasehold improvement cost estimate including allowances, Community Care
Durham's contribution toward leasehold improvements, and the Municipality's
maximum contribution for the first 1 0 year lease, utility costs and first 1 0 year lease
plus 1 0 year option to renew. Mr. Farr indicated the actual revenue to the Municipality
in the first 10 years is $3,102 and actual revenue to the Municipality over 20 years is
In response to questions, Mr. Farr confirmed that since they started the program they
have struggled to maintain their level of membership based on their LHIN
commitments. He stated moving the Adult Day Program to Bowmanville would
position the program central to the community and help increase membership. He
confirmed that they can accommodate up to nine staff in the Newcastle location and
the additional spacing provides the capacity to grow. Mr. Farr advised every
opportunity is taken to integrate programs to realize economies of scale.
Jennifer Rusaw confirmed the Adult Day Program offers a respite to caregivers and
provides social programs to clients.
Mr. Farr confirmed that they only receive 65% funding from the LHIN and that there
could be some confusion as to funding as the Community Care Access Centre is
funded 100% by the LHIN.
In response to questions, Ms. Barrie confirmed that they do not duplicate services
offered by the Clarington Older Adult Association.
Resolution #C-183-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to
the matter more than once.
In response to further questions, Mr. Farr confirmed that while he did not do the
property search himself, they have been looking for an appropriate facility for 2 to 3
years and that the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex location would be ideal for
their programs as there is great value in having a secure, long-term tenant.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 6 -
April 6, 2009
Peter Evans, President, Clarington Older Adult Association, addressed Council
concerning Item 13 of Report #1 - Addendum to Report COD-015-09 - Garnet B.
Rickard Recreation Complex Lease Space - Community Care Durham stating he is in
attendance tonight to address Report COD-015-09 specifically on points affecting the
Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA). He stated the COM has concerns with
the proposed lease extension for Community Care Durham offices with the open
ended nature of the lease, particularly if the Rickard Centre lease does not proceed.
Mr. Evans stated in view of the Association's need for more space, he requested that
the lease extension be temporary until Community Care Durham relocates in the
foreseeable future and that a cap be placed on the extension to allow Community
Care to make alternative arrangements.
Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Association addressed
Council concerning Item 13 of Report #1 - Addendum to Report COD-015-09-
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Lease Space - Community Care Durham
requesting that Council set a precise deadline on the lease extension as she feels
having a reasonable deadline will help Community Care Durham with their search for
space. She stated operating with an open-ended lease will be distracting and cause
uncertainty and will not be helpful to Community Care.
In response to questions, Ms. Darlison stated their initial request was for six to twelve
Ron Collis addressed Council concerning Item 19 of Report #1 - Earth Hour.
Mr. Collis stated March 28, 2009, marked the 3rd Annual Earth Hour and the second
year the Municipality of Clarington participated in the event. He advised for the
second consecutive year, Clarington has recorded the largest percentage drop during
Earth Hour for municipalities serviced by Veridian Corporation. Mr. Collis extended
appreciation to all who participated or helped spread the word of the event on behalf
of the Clarington Living Green Community Advisory. Mr. Collis indicated that Earth
Hour conveys a method of education and realization that there are simple things that
can be done to reduce the carbon footprint. Mr. Collis highlighted the Earth Hour
stroll, a guided historical walk organized by Charles Tawes, in which approximately 50
people participated. Mr. Collis thanked Charles Tawes, staff of the Clarington
Museum, the Municipality of Clarington, Veridian Corporation and Hydro One and
encouraged all residents to take up the challenge to lead to a greener and prosperous
Resolution #C-184-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT Council recess for ten minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 9:12 p.m.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 7 -
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-185-09
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the
exception of Items I - 3, I - 9, I - 11, I - 12, I - 21, I - 25 and I - 29.
I - 1 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation dated February 18, 2009.
I - 2 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
March 17, 2009.
1-4 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
March 12, 2009.
I - 5 Minutes of the Clarington Living Green Community Advisory
Committee dated February 24, 2009.
I - 6 The Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment and the
Honourable Donna Cansfield, Minister of Natural Resources,
providing an update on recent developments to protect the waters of
the Great Lakes through the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin
Sustainable Water Resources Agreement, an agreement to ban water
diversions or transfers, with strictly regulated exceptions, strengthen
water conservation and common environmental standards for
regulating the use of surface or groundwater resources of the Great
Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin; advising the Province will be
undertaking consultation on the regulatory framework to implement
the intra-basin transfer provisions of the Agreement in Ontario; and,
indicating that if the municipality would like to actively participate as a
member of the Municipal Sector Working Group to contact Rheanna
Leckie at 705-755-5404.
1-7 Blair Labelle, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of
Ajax, writing to P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of
Durham, advising that on March 9, 2009, the Town of Ajax adopted
the following resolution pertaining to Growing Durham - Town of Ajax
comments on the Regional recommended Growth Scenario:
"1. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to make the following
changes to the proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional
Official Plan and the "Growing Durham" Recommended Growth
Council Meeting Minutes
- 8 -
April 6, 2009
a) THAT the proposed designation of new urban area lands
within north-east Pickering as illustrated in Schedule 'A' of the
proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment not be supported;
b ) THAT a policy be included indicating that prior to the Region's
consideration of lands within the whitebelt in north-east
Pickering for urban development, that a comprehensive growth
management study, including an update to the Watershed Plan
for Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek, an agricultural impact
assessment and a financial impact assessment be completed,
and that such work be undertaken as part of a future five year
review of the Durham Regional Official Plan;
c) THAT Schedule 'A' of the proposed Amendment be revised to
illustrate the land requirements for 350,000 employees as
required by the Provincial Growth Plan;
d) THAT population forecasts and urban land needs be revised in
order to reflect the timing of new residential occupancies in
Seaton, based on the progress of planning, the delivery of
infrastructure, the development of employment lands prior to
residential development and related Growth Plan
e) THAT all Regionally based servicing and infrastructure funding
required to support any urban boundary expansions be subject
to area-specific Regional Development Charges to ensure that
proposed servicing and infrastructure required for urban
boundary expansions are not funded by Regional taxpayers, or
through increases in Regional Development Charges for lands
within currently designated urban boundaries;
f) THAT proposed Schedule 'F' to the Durham Regional Official
Plan be deleted in its entirety.
2. THAT this Report and Council's Resolution be forwarded to the
Region of Durham, Durham Region area municipalities, the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Energy
and Infrastructure, residents who have submitted comments with
respect to the proposed Regional Growth Plan, the Toronto and
Region Conservation Authority, all municipal Environmental
Advisory Committees in the Durham Region and all municipal
Agricultural Advisory Committees in the Durham Region as the
Town's comments on the Growing Durham Study and the
proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 9 -
April 6, 2009
I - 8 Sheila Carson, Chair, Teachers of English as a Second Language
Association of Ontario (TESL) thanking Council for proclaiming
December 6 to 12, 2009, as "English as a Second Language Week";
indicating a calendar of events will be posted on their website
www.teslontario.orq; and extending an invitation to the 3ih TESL
Ontario Annual Conference "Language for a Changing World" to be
held December 1 to 12, 2009.
1- 10 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising
Council that on March 11, 2009, Regional Council adopted the
following resolution pertaining to Highway 407 East Completion
Environmental Assessment (EA) - Status Update and Regional
Comments on the Recommended Preliminary Design:
"a) THAT Joint Report #2009-J-12 be submitted to the Ontario
Ministry of Transportation as the Region's comments on the
recommended Technically Preferred Route for Highway 407
East Completion EA;
b ) THAT the Project Team be requested to provide the Region with
the opportunity to review and comment on the intersection
configurations and signalized intersection operations, in advance
of the EA submission report;
c) THAT, as previously requested, the Project Team provide an
additional road crossing at Garrard Road, unless the Project
Team can technically justify closing Garrard Road at the
Highway 407 Mainline in terms of network connectivity and near-
term and long-term traffic operations on the surrounding road
d) THAT the Project Team be requested to address and provide a
response to the Region regarding road crossing structure issues
previously identified by Regional staff;
e) THAT the Region be provided an opportunity to review and
comment on the initial phase of Highway 407 construction,
immediately following the EA submission and in advance of
detailed design;
f) THAT the Ontario Ministry of Transportation be requested to
endeavour to seek the necessary approvals and funding to
construct the Lake Ridge Road interchange at Highway 401, and
widen Highway 401 between Salem Road and the West Durham
Link, concurrently with the construction of theWest Durham Link
by 2013;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 10-
April 6, 2009
g) THAT the Project Team not preclude a full movement
interchange of Highway 407 at Cochrane Street by including in
the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment Study a
notation for a possible future interchange at this location; and
h) THAT a copy of Joint Report #2009-J-12 be forwarded to the
area municipalities and Conservation Authorities."
I - 13 R. A. (Bob) Fowler, LUC Communications, forwarding a News
Release dated March 20, 2009, advising of the formation of a "super-
coalition" entitled the Land Use Council, collectively representing
thousands of private sector landowners. The Council's mandate is to
intensify promotion of comprehensive land ownership legislation in
Ontario and to help balance the entrenched influence of professional
lobbyists who allegedly foster government land use policies to the
detriment of Ontario's economy in general and to private landowners
in particular.
1-14 Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that on
February 17, 2009, the City of Pickering endorsed participation in and
community promotion of Earth Hour 2009, to be held on March 28,
I - 15 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to the
Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment, advising
that on March 11, 2009, Regional Council adopted the following
resolution pertaining to an update on the proposed Odour Control
Facility for the southeast collector truck sanitary sewer:
"a) THAT Report No. 2009-W-15 of the Commissioner of Works be
received for information;
b) THAT the Minister of the Environment be advised that the
Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham requests that the
recommended location of the Odour Control Facility as required
as part of York Region's Southeast Collector Trunk Sewer project
be moved to a location in York Region; and
c) THAT a copy of this recommendation be forwarded to the
Durham Region Municipalities, the York Regional Chair, local
MPP's, Provincial Opposition Leaders."
I - 16 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on
February 11, 2009, Regional Council received Clarington's
correspondence regarding potential shovel-ready projects for Federal
funding opportunities for information.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 11 -
April 6, 2009
I - 17 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, advising Council that he has written
to the Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Health and Long-Term
Care expressing support for the Municipality's position regarding the
loss of acute care services at the Bowmanville Hospital; indicating
that any reduction in the level of services available at Lakeridge
Health Bowmanville would not be compatible with the rapid growth
that Clarington will experience in the years ahead; and, requesting to
be part of a meeting with the Minister and Mayor Abernethy to discuss
acute care services at Bowmanville Hospital, if such a meeting is
I - 18 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Member Communication
dated March 17,2009, advising the Federal government is moving
forward with a two-year rule change for environmental assessments
(EA) for projects that have completed provincial and municipal
environmental approvals to ensure that the rules for federally
mandated environmental assessments do not unnecessarily duplicate
municipal and provincial environmental processes and delay
infrastructure projects. The new regulations enable a complete
provincial EA to be substituted for the federal environmental
assessment process, with the approval of the Federal Minister of the
Environment. The EA must include consideration of factors set out in
the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, allow for public access
to EA documents, and provide for public participation.
1-19 Katie Cronin-Wood, Communications Lead, Central East LHIN,
issuing a statement advising that the Central East LHIN is aware of
the community's concerns regarding Lakeridge Health Bowmanville
and of the financial challenges facing Lakeridge Health Corporation;
and, indicating that the Central East LHIN is working with leaders of
the organization, physicians, Ministry officials and local government
leaders in developing solutions to ensure ongoing, high quality
emergency care is provided to the residents of Clarington.
1-20 Martha A. Pettit, Deputy Clerk, Town of Whitby, writing to the
Regional Municipality of Durham advising that on March 23, 2009, the
Town of Whitby adopted the following resolution pertaining to the
Growth Plan Implementation "Growing Durham" Study - Proposed
Amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan:
"1. THAT Planning Report Item PL 31-09 be received for
2. THAT staff comments contained in Planning Report Item PL 31-
09 be endorsed as the Town's comments on the proposed
Durham Regional Official Plan Amendment implementing the
"Growing Durham" Study;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 12 -
April 6, 2009
3. THAT Council request the Region give further consideration to
Section 11.3.18 of its Growing Durham Study and better reflect
the definition of major transportation station area as set out in the
Province's Growth Plan; and,
4. THAT a copy of Planning Report Item PL 31-09 be forwarded to
the Region of Durham and Durham area municipalities."
I - 22 Anne Maxwell, expressing concern with the lack of public information
sessions being held on the proposed incinerator; with the dismissal of
the Site Liaison Committee and Joint Waste Management Group in
addressing public comments and concerns; and, requesting that there
be a public meeting as planned in May with all members of Regional
Council in attendance to hear and answer residents' questions and
concerns on this controversial issue.
I - 23 Regional Chair Roger Anderson, responding to Anne Maxwell
regarding the lack of public information sessions being held on the
proposed incinerator and assuring her that a Public Information
Session is planned to be held in Clarington in May and that he will
have staff place this information on the website as soon as possible.
I - 24 Marissa Kata responding to Anne Maxwell concerning the proposed
incinerator, indicating that she is also discouraged with the lack of
public engagement with respect to the project; advising that she feels
the project lacks transparency; requesting further information on how
the chemicals that will be released into the air will react with current
air pollution; and, requesting that a public information session be
scheduled for all to be heard and for research to be discussed by
parties on both sides of the issue.
1-26 Laurie Swami, Director, Licensing, Generation Development Division,
Ontario Power Generation (OPG), providing an update on the New
Nuclear at Darlington Environmental Assessment (EA) and extending
an invitation to attend the fifth round of EA Community Information
Sessions providing the preliminary results of OPG's EA studies and
the opportunity to provide input on work to date. Community
Information Sessions will be held in Clarington on April 21, 2009 at
the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, April 28, 2009 at the
Newcastle Community Hall, May 6,2009 at the Orono Arena and
May 7,2009 at Faith United Church in Courtice. Sessions are open
from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with presentations scheduled for
7:00 p.m. followed by a question and answer period.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 13 -
April 6, 2009
I - 27 Peter Evans, President, Clarington Older Adult Association (COACB),
extending appreciation to Mayor Abernethy for attending their Annual
General Meeting on March 13, 2009, and to Councillors Novak and
Hooper and to Sharon Meredith and Skip Crosby for their assistance
in officiating the election of new directors.
I - 28 Louis Bertrand expressing concern with the uneven application of
Council's Rules of Procedure concerning time limits for delegations to
Council. Mr. Bertrand references the March 23, 2009, meeting in
which delegations regarding the EFW incinerator environmental
assessment were cut short at exactly five minutes by Mayor
Abernethy, noting that delegations regarding Lakeridge Health
Bowmanville appeared to be allowed more than five minutes with
additional speakers not on the agenda being called to the podium.
Mr. Bertrand feels that Mayor Abernethy, in his capacity of chair of the
meeting, must apply the rules fairly and to listen to residents and
receive their input with due respect and consideration for their
concerns and apprehensions regardless of the subject matter.
I - 30 Gavin Battarino, Project Officer, Project Coordination Section,
Ministry of the Environment, responding to Dr. Debra Jefferson,
regarding her concerns with the Durham and York Residual Waste
Study Environmental Assessment (EA) process; advising that the
Regions of Durham and York are responsible for all activities
undertaken during the preparation of an Environmental Assessment
including consultation with affected parties and must follow the
consultation process outlined in the approved Terms of Reference.
Mr. Battarino advises that when the EA is formally submitted for
review it will be assessed to assure that it has been prepared in
accordance with the Terms of Reference; and, suggests that in the
meantime, any concerns or comments be submitted to Jim McKay,
Project Manager and Team Leader, Jacques Whitford Limited.
I - 31 Tariq Asmi, Executive Director, Growing Community Health Care
Alliance, forwarding a Press Release dated March 26, 2009,
announcing that an additional $10 million in annual hospital growth
funding has been provided in the Provincial Budget and coupled with
the $30 million provided last year, hospitals in high growth
communities have now received $40 million of a $100 million
commitment to provide annual growth funding to hospitals in Ontario's
fastest growing communities.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 14 -
April 6, 2009
I - 32 Durham Region Transit forwarding a news release announcing that
ridership has climbed to a total of 25 million passengers since
inception in January 2006. To celebrate this event, Durham Region
Transit selected one rider from each municipality and one specialized
services client to receive free DRT tickets or pass and a DRT prize
package. Durham Region Transit is requesting public participation as
part of the Long-Term Transit Strategy (L TTS) on the future of public
transit in Durham Region. For more information or to participate in
the L TTS, visit www.durhamlonqtermtransitstrateqY.ca or call 1-877'-
267-7794 ext. 226.
I - 33 The Honourable Jim Watson, MPP, Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing announcing Ontario's investment of $622 million for social
and affordable housing allocated in the 2009 Ontario Budget and
advising that over the next two years, the Province and the Federal
Government are making a combined investment of more than $1.2
billion for repair to social housing units and to make them more
energy efficient, to create new affordable housing units for low-
income seniors and persons with disabilities and to extend the
Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program.
I - 3 Minutes of the St Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
dated March 3, 2009.
Resolution #C-186-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the minutes of the St Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
dated March 3, 2009, be received for information.
I - 9 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of
correspondence he received from the Honourable Ted McMeekin,
Minister of Government Services, responding to Mr. O'Toole's letter
concerning changes in charitable gaming in Ontario in which the
Minister indicates that significant progress has been made since 2005.
and providing a synopsis of some of the more notable
accomplishments. Mr. O'Toole advises he is pleased to learn that the
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario is working with
representatives of municipalities to balance the need for streamlining
and simplifying administration with accountability and legal
Council Meeting Minutes
- 15 -
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-187 -09
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT Correspondence Item I - 9 from John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, with
respect to changes in charitable gaming in Ontario, be referred to the Municipal
I - 11 Alex Mitchell, City Clerk, Corporation of the City of Cambridge,
advising Council that on March 2, 2009, the City of Cambridge
adopted the following resolution pertaining to Health Care in the City
of Cambridge:
"WHEREAS Ontarians believe in the principal of fairness; that
fairness defines who we are and how we live;
WHEREAS the high growth communities in Ontario grow at more
than twice the rate of the provincial population growth rate and are
aging at twice the provincial rate;
WHEREAS population growth in these regions will further intensify
due to Ontario's 25-year growth plan, Places to Grow;
WHEREAS as of 2008/09 Ontarian's residing in the Local Health
Inteqration Networks (LHINs) with hiqh qrowth communities are
receiving $255 less per resident in provincial funding for local hospital
services compared to residents in other LHINs in Ontario, which
translates into a $1.4 billion annual operating funding gap for local
hospital services - and these provincial funding gaps are worsening
each year;
WHEREAS residents of the City of Cambridge as part of the
Waterloo-Wellinqton LHIN are receiving $279 less per resident in
provincial funding for local hospital services when compared to the
average Ontarian, which translates into a $205 million annual
operating funding gap for local hospital services;
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has acknowledged the
growing funding gaps for hospital services in high growth
communities by committing during the 2007 provincial election to
provide $100 million in additional annual operating funding to high
growth hospitals;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 16 -
April 6, 2009
WHEREAS the provision of $30 million in hospital growth funding for
2008/09 still means that the provincial funding gap for hospital care
continues to widen in high growth communities;
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has announced that it is
developing and will implement a new Health Based Allocation Model
(HBAM) to allocate new health care resources to Local Health
Integration Networks based on patient care needs and to address
health care funding inequities in Ontario;
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has successfully secured from
the federal government greater fairness for Ontario resulting in
additional funding for Ontario through the Canada Health Transfer;'
BE IT RESOLVED THAT in order to improve timely and local access
to hospital care in the City of Cambridge and across high growth
communities in Ontario, the City of Cambridge Council asks the
Government of Ontario to:
1. Speed up implementation of the $1 OOm hospital growth funding
commitment ensuring that growth funding is targeted to high
growth hospitals; .
2. Quickly implement "Heath Based Allocation Model" (HBAM) Le.,
population-needs-based-funding for provincial hospital and health
care services; and,
3. Develop a health care plan for Ontario high growth communities to
complement Places to Grow, and
THAT this resolution is forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the
Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, the Minister of Finance, the
MPPs in City of Cambridge, High Growth Communities Mayors and
Chairs, and the Waterloo-Wellington LHIN."
Resolution #C-188-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the resolution from the City of Cambridge with respect to hospital growth
funding be endorsed.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 17 -
April 6,2009
I - 12 Blair Labelle, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of
Ajax, writing to David Ullrich, Executive Director, Great Lakes and St.
Lawrence Cities Initiative, advising that on March 9,2009, the Town
of Ajax adopted the following resolution pertaining to Great Lakes and
St. Lawrence Cities Initiative-Update Report:
"1. THAT the report entitled "Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities
Initiative-Update Report", dated March 2, 2009, be endorsed.
2. THAT the draft resolution set out in Attachment 1 to this Report,
as amended, be sent to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities
Initiative for consideration at its 2009 Annual Meeting.
3. THAT the Durham Region Health Department be respectfully
requested to contribute financially to and participate in studies of
Lake Ontario's nearshore water quality at Rotary Park Beach, by
conducting scientific analyses of water samples to be obtained
during the 2009 swimming season, including genetic testing of
Bacteroides contained in Lake water and the pore spaces in
beach sand, to:
i) begin a process of identifying the sources of the persistently
poor water quality at this location; and
ii) identify cost-effective actions that can be taken by the Town,
the Region and senior governments to effectively control
bacterial sources and bring about improved water quality
along the Ajax waterfront.
4. THAT the Federal and Provincial governments be strongly urged
to designate the nearshore waters and shoreline of Lake Ontario
at the Town of Ajax as a "Special Area Threatened by Multiple
Contaminant Sources" through a new regulation under existing
legislation, as part of the current review of Canada-Ontario
Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, and in
the upcoming review of the Canada-Ontario Great Lakes Water
Quality Agreement, and that the Federal and Provincial
government provide sufficient, sustained funding to the Town of
Ajax, Region of Durham and other partners so the necessary
cost-effective actions can be taken in the near term to curtail
identified, controllable local sources of contaminants, using new
and emerging testing methodologies and water treatment
technologies to protect the health of the community; and,
Council Meeting Minutes
- 18 -
April 6, 2009
5. THAT this report be sent to the Executive Director of the Great
Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, the Wege Foundation,
the Region of Durham and all Regional municipalities, the
Durham Region Health Department, the Durham Region Works
Department, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the
Minister of the Environment, Environment Canada, the
Environment Commissioner of Ontario, Mr. J. Dickson, MPP,
Ajax-Pickering and Mr. M. Holland, MP, Ajax-Pickering.
Resolution #C-189-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the resolution from the Town of Ajax with respect to the Great Lakes and
St. Lawrence Cities Initiative-Update Report be endorsed.
I - 21 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to Mr. John Yakabuski, MPP,
PC Energy Critic, suggesting that the Legislative Assembly's General
Government Committee consider meeting in Durham Region for input
into Bill 150, the Green Enerqy Act, as the Region is Ontario's Energy
Capital, producing more than 30% of the Province's electricity supply,
and stakeholders in the Energy Sector could provide input.
Resolution #C-190-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT correspondence be forwarded to John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, advising
that the Municipality of Clarington would be pleased to host a meeting with the
Legislative Assembly's General Government Committee and Mr. John
Yakabuski, MPP, PC Energy Critic, to provide input into Bill 150, The Green
Enerqy Act.
I - 25 Region of Durham Works Department News Release outlining
curbside waste collection services for businesses and residences
within the downtown business districts of Bowmanville, Orono and
Newcastle commencing March 31,2009. Weekly garbage waste
collection and blue box recycling collection is scheduled for pick-up in
Bowmanville on Tuesdays, Orono on Thursdays, west of Mill Street
and King Avenue West in Newcastle on Thursdays and east of Mill
Street and King Avenue East in Newcastle on Fridays. Further
information is available by calling 1-800-667-5671 or bye-mail at
Council Meeting Minutes
- 19 -
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-191-09
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the Region of Durham be requested for forward additional copies of the
schedule outlining curbside waste collection services for businesses and
residences within the downtown business districts of Bowmanville, Orono and
Newcastle for distribution to the businesses in the BIA's.
I - 29 M. Aileen Carroll, Minister of Culture, thanking Council for forwarding
information on the Prisoners of War Camp 30 and various
background materials; applauding Council for taking steps to use the
powers under the Ontario Heritaqe Act to recognize and protect local
cultural heritage; encouraging the municipality to further use the
powers provided under the Act to protect the site from demolition or
alteration; and, suggesting comments regarding the importance of the
site be shared with the Honourable James Moore, Minister of
Canadian Heritage, as Camp 30 was established by the wartime
Government of Canada.
Resolution #C-192-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Correspondence I - 29 be received for information; and
THAT the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage, be advised
of the comments received in support of the preservation of the historical
Prisoners of War Camp 30 and the significance of the site to our local and
National heritage.
Correspondence Items D - 16, D - 17 and D - 18 were received as handouts.
Resolution #C-193-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 9, and hand-out items D - 16 and D - 17 be
approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items D - 2, D - 4 and D - 5.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 20-
April 6, 2009
D - 1 Susan McLellan, Vice President, Rotary Club of Bowmanville,
advising of the 2nd Annual Rotary Ribfest to be held on the playing
fields of the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex from June 12 to
14, 2009, and requesting permission to have a banner placed on the
hydro poles, west of the railway overpass for the month of June prior
to their event in support of Rotary Ribfest.
(Installation of.banner approved and
Veridian to be advised)
D - 3 AI Storie, Race Director, Alfie Shrubb 8K Classic, requesting
permission to host the ih Annual Alfie Shrubb 8K Classic road race
on Sunday, May 31,2009, along Green Road; advising set up will
take place at M. J. Hobbs Public School from 6:30 a.m.; and,
requesting police assistance with the temporary closure of Green
(Approve provided organizers apply
for and obtain a Road Occupancy
Permit from the Engineering Services
D - 6 Correspondence has been received from the following
individuals/groups expressing concern with the proposed changes to
the delivery of health care in Durham and the impact on the
Clarington community; advising the complexity of medical and
surgical problems within the community serviced by Lakeridge
Health Bowmanville requires on-site coverage by Internal Medicine
and Surgical Specialists, to maintain a viable. hospital and to ensure
the efficient delivery of safe and effective care, it is essential that
these services are enhanced, not eroded; expressing concern that
the lack of on-site specialists in internal medicine will lead to the
closure of the Special Care Unit, reduction in treatment options for
Clarington and to the eventual closure of the hospital; that the
uncertainty of the situation will further diminish the ability of
Clarington to attract and/or retain quality physicians, nurses and
professionals to attend to the current needs of the community; and,
urging the public to speak out to all levels of government
representation to ensure they are made aware of the current health.
care crisis facing Clarington and of the long-term effects that the
erosion of local hospital services will have on the health and
economic wellbeing of the Municipality:
a) H. & B. Rowsell
b) Pat Best
c) Marion Broome
d) Harry and Loraine Knox
Council Meeting Minutes
- 21 -
April 6, 2009
e) E. Jean Taylor
f) Lois Yellowlees
(THAT the authors of the letters
pertaining to Lakeridge Health
Bowmanville be thanked for their
letters of support; and, the
correspondence referred to the
correspondence to all MPP's in
Durham Region, to Kevin Empey,
CEO Lakeridge Health, to Foster
Loucks, Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Central East Local Health
Integration Network (LHIN), and to
the Honourable David Caplan,
Minister of Health and Long Term
D - 7 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable Donna
Cansfield, Minister of Natural Resources, forwarding correspondence
from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the Municipality
of Clarington and the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the
Kendal Crown Lands; expressing concern that there has been a lack
of consistency in the past with respect to policies governing the use
of the property which has had the effect of curtailing aCtivities;
requesting the Minister consider and respond to suggestions
regarding the future of the Kendal Crown Lands; and, requesting the
Municipality of Clarington to consider all options based on guidelines
that the property be managed by a governance model similar to the
Orono Crown Land Trust, the Kendal/Kirby area residet:lts act as
volunteer custodians of the property, and that partnerships with the
Conservation Authority and/or other organizations whose focus is on
the stewardship of our natural environment be secured.
(Correspondence referred to the
Municipal Clerk)
D - 8 Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult
Association forwarding a copy of the Terms of Reference pertaining
to their proposed strategic plan project and requesting that Council
authorize staff of the Department of Corporate Services to assist in
the recruitment and hiring of an experienced, professional facilitator
to help lead the strategic planning process.
(Correspondence referred to the
Director of Corporate Services)
Council Meeting Minutes
- 22-
April 6, 2009
D - 9 David Corkill, advising of a serious traffic accident at the intersection
of Roswell Drive and Southfield Avenue on March 29, 2009, resulting
in a young woman being injured and taken to hospital; expressing
concern that there is no stop sign for vehicles heading east/west on
Southfield Avenue and that vehicles often acquire a high rate of
speed along the long stretch of the road which is heavily populated
with young children and Roswell Park on the south side; and,
requesting the installation of a stop sign on Southfield Avenue to
require cars to stop at Roswell Drive or to place a proper crosswalk
for pedestrians to cross Southfield Avenue safely.
(Correspondence referred to the
Director of Engineering Services)
D - 16 Gail Dowsett, requesting Council to maintain their vote against
spending funds to retrofit the former Total Hockey space to
accommodate the leasing requirements of Community Care Durham.
(To advise of actions taken with
respectto Report COD-015-09-
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation
Complex Lease Space - Community
Care Durham - Item 13 of Report #1 )
D - 17 Ian and Beth Robinson advising they are opposed to Council
spending $600,000 of taxpayers' money to renovate space at the
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex for lease by Community Care
Durham and expressing concern that an alternative business
proposal for the use of the Total Hockey space as a gym generating
taxation revenue was not approved.
(To advise of actions taken with
respect to Report COD-015-09-
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation
Complex Lease Space - Community
Care Durham - Item 13 of Report #1)
D - 2 Robert Walraven and Marven Whidden requesting approval to
proceed with the first annual Morgandale Street Party to be held on
June 6,2009, from 1 :00 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m., advising the event
involves residents of Morgandale Crescent and Hobbs Street and
their friends and will entail use of swimming pools, horseshoes, live
band music, bocce ball and other games, barbeques, as well as
sidewalks and part of the street for dancing. The event organizers
have notified all area residents, anticipate 100-150 people will attend,
and confirm that $2 million liability insurance has been arranged.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 23-
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-194-09
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the request for approval to proceed with the first annual Morgandale
Street Party on June 6, 2009, from 1 :00 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m. be denied.
D - 4 Leslie Hurley and Tammy Shiel requesting permission to close a part
of Firwood Avenue for the third year to hold a neighbourhood street
party on Saturday, June 13,2009 from 3:00 p.m. to 1 :00 a.m.,
June 14, 2009. The event will include a barbeque on private
property and children's games, with approximately 60 people
attending. A rain date has been set for June 20, 2009.
Resolution #C-195-09
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the request for permission to close a part of Firwood Avenue for the third
annual Firwood Avenue neighbourhood street party on Saturday, June 13,
2009, be denied.
Resolution #C-196-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT Correspondence Item D - 4 from Leslie Hurley and Tammy Shiel
requesting permission to close a part of Firwood Avenue for the annual
Firwood Avenue neighbourhood street party on Saturday, June 13,2009, be
referred to the Director of Finance/Treasurer and the Director of Engineering
Services for a report on a policy to deal with future events addressing the
possibility of $5,000,000 insurance and liquor liability coverage.
D - 5 Correspondence has been received from the following
individuals/groups in opposition to the proposed demolition of
Camp 30; forwarding suggestions on future uses; and, requesting
Council to do all that is necessary to preserve the nation's historical
heritage sites for future generations:
a) Roy Richards
b) Lauri Richards
c) Dave Watt
Council Meeting Minutes
- 24-
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-197 -09
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Woo
WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington on February 2,2009 added to the
Municipal Register of properties of cultural heritage value and interest 2020
Lambs Road, the former Prisoner of War Camp 30 and former Training School
and Council is receiving letters and e-mails from numerous concerned
individuals; and
WHEREAS the commemoration of this nationally, provincially and locally
significant heritage resource will only be possible through the combination of
many people's efforts; and
WHEREAS the Municipality is willing to work collaboratively with and has
contacted both the Provincial and Federal governments seeking their
commitment; and
WHEREAS the Municipality has been in contact with the property owner, who
is willing to work with all levels of government but also has a responsibility for
the safety and liability of their property and can exercise their property rights in
determining how best to secure the site; and
WHEREAS to have a sustainable redevelopment of the Camp 30 site. a viable
business plan and economic development strategy will have to be developed in
collaboration with all the stakeholders; and
WHEREAS the formation of a group such as a "Friends of' or other similar
charitable organization would be able to garner much needed funding to assist
with the ultimate commemoration of Camp 30 and would be a stakeholder in
the process;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council encourages all of the
members of the public that have been writing letters to come together to form a
"Friends of' or similar group and that this resolution be sent to all the
individuals that have contacted the Municipality in regard to Camp 30 along
with an invitation to the Clarington Heritage Committee information session.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 25-
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-198-09
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim
WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington on February 2, 2009 added to the
Municipal Register of properties of cultural heritage value and interest 2020
Lambs Road, the former Prisoner of War Camp 30 and former Training School;
WHEREAS Council is receiving letters and e-mails from numerous concerned
individuals; and
WHEREAS the commemoration of this nationally, provincially and locally
significant heritage resource will only be possible through the combination of
many people's efforts; and
WHEREAS the Municipality has been in contact with the property owner, who
is willing to work with all levels of government but also has a responsibility for
the safety and liability of their property and can exercise their property rights in
determining how best to secure the site; and
WHEREAS to have a sustainable redevelopment of the Camp 30 site a viable
business plan and economic development strategy will have to be developed in
collaboration with all the stakeholders; and
WHEREAS letters and information packages were sent to the Ministers and
local representatives listed below on February 26, 2009 seeking their
assistance; and
WHEREAS on Saturday, March 28th two of the buildings sustained significant
fire damage; and
WHEREAS there is high urgency in determining a suitable resolution for the
preservation of the site prior to additional damage or harm occurring;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Federal Ministers, including
the Minister of Environment who have responsibility for National Historic Sites;
the Minister of National Defense; the Minister of Heritage & Official Languages
and the Honourable Bev Oda, MP and the Provincial Minister of Culture and
John O'Toole, MPP be informed of Council's desire for their staff to work
expeditiously with Municipal staff and the land owner in the formulation of a
plan for the preservation of Prisoner of War Camp 30.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 26-
April 6, 2009
D - 10 AL. Georgieff, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Commissioner of Planning, Regional
Municipality of Durham, advising of the resignation of Peter Klose,
from the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee and requesting
Council to nominate a replacement member to the Committee and
forwarding the names of interested persons for consideration.
Resolution #C-199-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Hida Manns be nominated to the Durham Environmental Advisory
Committee (DEAC) on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington for the remainder
of the 2006-2010 term.
D - 11 Lawson Gay, Gay Company Limited, advising of Council's denial of
their request to have Maplefield Drive renamed to Rick Gay Avenue
due to the Region of Durham's ruling that two streets not have
similar names; advising of the recent naming of Rex Tooley Lane in
Clarington which is similar to the existing Tooley Road; and,
requesting Council to reconsider their decision in denying the
renaming of Maplefield Drive to Richard Gay Avenue in light of
recent developments.
Resolution #C-200-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for reconsideration of
Resolution #C-516-08 as it pertains to Item #3 of Report #1 passed on
October 27,2008.
Resolution #C-201-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the request from Lawson Gay, Gay Company Limited for the renaming
of Maplefield Drive to "Rick Gay Avenue" be approved.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 27-
April 6, 2009
D - 12
Debbie Robertson, Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Grey Highlands,
advising Council that on March 9, 2009, the Municipality of Grey
Highlands adopted the following resolution pertaining to removal of
local land use planning controls for renewable energy facilities:
"WHEREAS the Municipality of Grey Highlands is concerned that the
removal of local land use planning controls for renewable energy
facilities will have a detrimental effect on the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS the passage of Bill 150 will limit the ability of the
Municipality to provide meaningful comment and participation in the
placement of wind and other renewable energy facilities with the
removal of power under the Planning Act;
AND WHEREAS without powers under the Planning Act, the
Municipality will no longer be able to require Agreements related to
access, landscaping, and securities for renewable energy projects;
AND WHEREAS the Municipality will no longer be able to address
the needs of the local area in such an Agreement.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Grey
Highlands requests that the Province undertake a comprehensive
review of the potential health and land use impacts (including
property values) to the General Public associated with the placement
of all Renewable Energy Facilities; and review the proposal to
remove local land use planning controls under the Planning Act
through Bill 150."
Resolution #C-202-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the resolution from the Municipality of Grey Highlands with respect to
removal of local land use planning controls for renewable energy facilities be
received for information.
D - 13 Debra B. Roth, Clerk, Municipality of South Bruce, advising Council
that on March 10, 2009, the Municipality of South Bruce adopted the
following resolution pertaining to Provincial funding to Ontario's
Conservation Authorities:
Council Meeting Minutes
- 28-
April 6, 2009
"WHEREAS all citizens of Ontario benefit, value and continue to
demand increased services from Ontario's thirty six (36)
Conservation authorities in their mandated areas of water, source
water and environmental protection;
AND WHEREAS provincial funding to Ontario's Conservation
Authorities has decreased by 87% since 1992 - (MNR funding
transfer to C.A.'s - 1992 = $58,900,000 - 2005 = $7,600,000)
AND WHEREAS due to the shortfall in provincial funding; member
municipalities now are required to fund approximately 40% of the
Ontario Conservation Authorities budgets;
AND WHEREAS this results in an unfair per capita cost burden on
property owners;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of South
Bruce request the following action:
1. THAT Conservation Ontario implement and prioritize a major
lobby effort against the Provincial Government and MNR to
demand fair funding.
2. THAT our MPP's support this mandate and demand the
government significantly increase funding to the thirty six Ontario
Conservation authorities; and
THAT this resolution be forwarded with a request for action to:
Conservation Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Local MPP's
Saugeen Valley and Maitland Valley Conservation Authorities
Rural Ontario Municipalities Association (ROMA)
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to all AMO
member municipalities requesting their support."
Resolution #C-203-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the resolution from the Municipality of South Bruce with respect to
Provincial funding to Ontario's Conservation Authorities be endorsed.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 29-
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-204-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT the resolution from the Municipality of South Bruce with respect to
Provincial funding to Ontario's Conservation Authorities be received for
D - 14
Blair Labelle, Manager of Legislative & Information Services/Deputy
Clerk, Town of Ajax, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty,
Premier of Ontario, advising that on March 9, 2009, the Town of Ajax
adopted the following resolution pertaining to the "Put Food in the
Budget" Campaign:
"THAT the Town of Ajax supports the "Put Food in the Budget"
campaign which calls for the addition of $100.00 per month Healthy
Food Supplement to the Basic Needs Allowance asa down payment
on closing the gap between social assistance incomes and the cost
of healthy eating; and
THAT Premier of Ontario, Ministers of Children and Youth Services,
Community and Social Services, Finance, Health and Long Term
Care and Health Promotion, Durham Region, Durham MPPs, Acting
Chief Medical Officer of Health, 25 in 5 Network, AMO, Social
Planning Network be so advised."
Resolution #C-205-09
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT the resolution from the Town of Ajax with respect to the "Put Food in the
Budget" Campaign, be received for information.
D - 15
Mary Masse, Clerk, Town of Lakeshore, advising Council that on
March 10,2009, the Town of Lakeshore adopted the following
resolution pertaining to imposing a restriction on municipal drain
"WHEREAS a restriction on municipal drain construction has been
imposed for the period from March 15 to June 30 on all municipal
drains throughout the Province;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 30-
April 6, 2009
AND WHEREAS this restriction is causing delays and additional
costs to drainage and road construction projects in the Town of
AND WHEREAS this restriction has resulted in inefficient utilization
of equipment and manpower resources;
AND WHEREAS the application of the Endanqered Species Act and
the Species at Risk Act causes further delay and costs to drainage
projects and road construction projects;
request the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ministry of Natural
Resources, Essex Region Conservation Authority, Lower Thames
Valley Conservation Authority and Conservation Ontario review each
municipal drain project in a timely fashion and properly determine the
appropriateness of applying the Ministry of Natural Resources fish
spawning restriction window and the regulations contained within
applicable Federal and Provincial Acts.
FURTHERMORE, a copy of this motion be forwarded to MP Jeff
Watson, MPP Bruce Crozier, Association of Municipalities of Ontario
and all municipalities in Ontario for their consideration."
Resolution #C-206-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the resolution from Town of Lakeshore with respect to imposing a
restriction on municipal drain construction be received for information.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 31 -
April 6, 2009
Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting.
D - 18 Douglas Cronk, requesting Council to review the manner in which
Clarington's representative is appointed to Veridian Corporation's
Board of Directors to ensure that the most qualified directors are
appointed to the Board; advising that many municipalities do not
appoint elected officials to their utility boards and that those who do
consider this to be part of their elected duties for which they are
already compensated; acknowledging that large utility boards pay
more than typical municipal boards and committees making this a
very attractive board appointment for elected officials; but, expressing
concern that due to the complexity and potential liabilities associated
with the utility business, this practice does not necessarily attract the
most qualified directors.
Resolution #C-207 -09
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Robinson
WHEREAS Members of Council are appointed to represent the Municipality of
Clarington while sitting as a Veridian Corporation Board or subsidiary Board
NOW HEREBY BE IT RESOLVED THAT effective immediately, any current or
future Council Member who is appointed to the Veridian Board, or other like
Boards, will be considered to do so as part of their elected duties, and will not
receive compensation for such duties;
THAT if it is permissible under the by-laws of Veridian Corporation, or other like
companies, the compensation otherwise payable to current or future
Municipality of Clarington Council Members sitting on the Veridian Board, be
directed to the Municipality as revenue;
THAT travel and other reasonable reimbursement of expenses to individual
Board Members is acceptable in accordance with the prevailing policies of
Veridian Corporation or other such companies; and
THAT Veridian Corporation and the shareholder Municipalities of Pickering,
Ajax and Belleville be advised of Council's decision.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 32 -
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-208-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-207-09 be tabled until the new Term of
Council commencing in 2010.
Council Member Yes No Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Mayor Abernethy ...J
Councillor Foster ...J
Councillor Hooper ...J
Councillor Novak ...J
Councillor Robinson 7
Councillor Woo ~
Councillor Trim ..j
Mayor Abernethy resumed the Chair.
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report March 30, 2009.
Resolution #C-209-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 30, 2009,
be approved, with the exception of Items #4 and #13.
Item #4
Resolution #C-21 0-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Report PSD-033-09 be received;
THAT Report PSD-033-09 be approved as the Municipality of Clarington's comments
on the Preliminary Design Plans for the Highway 407 East Technically Preferred
Council Meeting Minutes
- 33-
April 6, 2009
THAT the Ministry of Transportation be requested:
a) To include the construction of Holt Road between Taunton Road
(Regional Road 4) and Concession Road 6 to a year round standard as
part of the Highway 407 -related works;
b) To construct the Holt Road overpass as part of the initial Highway 407
works to maintaih access to agricultural fields;
c) To construct a full-movement interchange at Liberty Street and the 407
d) To incorporate into the EA a 4 lane cross-section for the Taunton Road
overpass over the East Durham Link and cost-share the construction
costs for the additional 2 lanes with the Region of Durham;
e) To improve a portion of Washington Road north of Taunton Road to a
seasonal standard to allow access to agricultural fields south of the 407
f) To provide a sidewalk and/or bicycle lane on Solina Road south of
Solina to connect to the future transitway south of the 407 Mainline;
g) To provide page-wire (farm) fencing, father than chain-link fencing,
along the rural portions of the highway corridor in keeping with the rural
character of the area;
h) To acquire sufficient land to provide cul-de-sacs at the end of all roads
terminated by the 407, and to transfer said lands to the Municipality of
Clarington; and
i) To prepare preliminary designs for the stormwater pond and Courtice
Road interchange at the Clarington Energy Park that will be an
enhancement to the business Park with appropriate gateway treatments
and quality landscaping features;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 34-
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-211-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-21 0-09 be amended by adding a new section 'j' as
J. To provide a report identifying the effects that changing the Highway 407
transportation model to that of a tolled road scenario will have on the
Highway 407 traffic volume forecasts and the Municipality's road network.
The foregoing resolution #C-21 0-09 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS
Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting.
Item #13
Resolution #C-212-09
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor"Robinson
WHEREAS Members of Council deem the Community Care Durham proposal to be in
the best interest of the residents of the Municipality of Clarington;
WHEREAS the Clarington Older Adults' Association (COAA) has communicated on
numerous occasions to the Members of Council that their organization will require, in
the very near future, additional space in order to continue to provide COAA services to
our growing community of older adults:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following recommendations
contained in Addendum to Report COD-015-09 be approved regarding the lease
extension and the agency notification:
THAT Addendum to Report COD-015-09 be received;
THAT staff be authorized to proceed with a lease extension of the Beech
Avenue Community Care Offices on a month-to-month basis at the monthly
rate of $1 ,404.48, plus GST;
THAT the By-law attached to Addendum to Report COD-015-09 as Schedule F
authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a lease extension agreement be
Council Meeting Minutes
- 35-
April 6, 2009
THAT Community Care Durham and the Clarington Older Adults' Board be
advised of Council's decision; and
THAT the Community Care Durham project to construct lease space at the
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex be approved to the recommended
upset limit of $600,000, with funding from the General Municipal Purpose
Reserve as specified in Addendum to Report COD-015-09.
Resolution #C-213-09
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the meeting be extended until 11 :30 p.m.
Resolution #C-212-09 was then put to a vote and CARRIED ON THE
Council Member Yes No Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Mayor Abernethy -V
Councillor Foster -V
Councillor Hooper -V
Councillor Novak -V
Councillor Robinson -V
Councillor Woo -V
Councillor Trim -V
Mayor Abernethy resumed the Chair.
Resolution #C-214-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the reconsideration of I
tem #14 of Report #1 - Tender to Lease Space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation
Complex at this time.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 36-
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-215-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT Item #14 of Report #1 - Tender to Lease Space at the Garnet B. Rickard
Recreation Complex be withdrawn.
Resolution #C-216-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the presentation of Margaret Clayton, Vice-Chair, Energy-From-Waste Site
Liaison Committee be received with thanks and that she be advised that Council
appreciates the update on the Energy-From-Waste project.
Resolution #C-217 -09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the presentation of Saurabh Srivastava and Evan Kitchen be received with
thanks; and
THAT the Omega Solar Team be advised of the Municipal Grant application process.
Resolution #C-218-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the delegation of Jim Richards be received for information with thanks; and
THAT staff be requested to investigate the installation of a mechanism to advise
delegations when their allotted time limit is nearing an end.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 37 -
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-219-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2009-041 to 2009-043 inclusive;
2009-041 Being a By-law to authorize the acceptance of. the transfer of
certain land from Syvan Developments Limited to the Municipality
of Clarington, the transfer of an easement access to Syvan
Developments Limited and acceptance of an easement of access
from Syvan Developments Limited in connection with the
improvement of the municipal parking lot at Church and Silver
Streets, Bowmanville
2009-042 Being a By-law to to assume a certain street within the Municipality
of Clarington as public highway in the Municipality of Clarington
2009-043 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Community Care Durham,
Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the leased
space at 26 Avenue, Bowmanville, ON; and
THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved.
There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda.
Councillor Robinson questioned why the Orono Arena Board received an invoice in the
amount of $1 ,600 for the installation of directional signage on Municipal and Regional
Resolution #C-220-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the Municipality of Clarington cover the cost of the installation of directional
signs for the Orono Arena erected on Municipal and Regional roads at a cost of
$1,600; and
Council Meeting Minutes
-38 -
April 6, 2009
THAT staff provide a summary report as to the background of this expense.
Resolution #C-221-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the matter of the cost of directional signs for the Orono Arena be referred to
Resolution #C-222-09
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2009-044, being a by-law to confirmthe
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 6th day of April 2009; and
THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved.
Resolution #C-223-09
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the meeting adjourn at 11 :29 p.m.
April 27, 2009
a) Allan Kirby and Deborah Leslie, Newcastle & Village District Historical
Society - Architectural Heritage Policy (Correspondence Item D - 1)
b) Danny Deal and Rafael Karski, Youth Advisory Committee, St.
Therese Parish - SONfest Conference/Festival (Correspondence
Item D -15)
c) Robert Walraven - Regarding the Request for a Street Party on
Morgandale Cres., Bowmanville to be Reconsidered (Item 1 of
Unfinished Business)
APRIL 27,2009
I - 1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board dated March 18,
2009. (Copy attached)
I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee
dated March 19,2009. (Copy attached)
I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 17,2009.
(Copy attached)
I - 4 George Armstrong, Manager of Regulatory Affairs and Key Projects,
Veridian Connections Inc., announcing that Veridian customers
showed their commitment to energy conservation on Saturday,
March 28, 2009, in recognition of Earth Hour and reduced energy
consumption by approximately 10.5 megawatts; and, indicating that
the Municipality of Clarington registered the greatest impact with a
reduction of 5.6% and achieved the largest Earth Hour savings
amongst communities served by Veridian for the second year in a
1-5 Steve Jacobs, P.Eng., Senior Project Manager, URS Canada Inc.,
forwarding copies of the Transportation Environmental Study Report
Addendum for the Highway 35 Four-Lane Planning and Preliminary
Design Study Class Environmental Assessment, Group 'B' Project
from 0.5 km south of Regional Road 20 northerly to 2.4 km south of
Highway 7 for a 30-day public review period ending May 13, 2009.
The TESR Addendum can also be downloaded from the project
website at http://hiqhway35.planninqstudY.on.ca.
I - 6 Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk, City of Pickering, writing to P. Madill,
Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising that on March 23, 2009,
the City of Pickering adopted the following resolution pertaining to the
Region of Durham's Growth Implementation Study - Proposed
Amendment to the Regional Official Plan:
"1. THAT Report PD 13-09 of the Director, Planning & Development,
regarding the Region of Durham's Proposed Amendment to the
Durham Regional Official Plan to incorporate recommendations of
the Region of Durham's Growth Plan Implementation Study, and
to incorporate Food Security Principles be received;
Summary of Correspondence
- 2 -
April 27, 2009
2. THAT the comments contained in Report PD 13-09 on the
Proposed Amendment to the Regional Official Plan to implement
the Region of Durham Growth Plan Implementation Study be
endorsed, and that Council request the Region to incorporate the
following changes:
a) the land use structure as shown on Exhibit 4 to the proposed
Amendment and provided as Appendix I to Report PD 13-09
be revised as follows:
i) replace the Regional Centre designation with a new Urban
Growth Centre designation for downtown Pickering;
ii) designate a Future Regional Centre designation, at Salem
Road and the Seventh Concession Road in northeast
jji) delete the Regional Corridor overlay along Taunton Road
and delete the Living Area designation on lands located
between Taunton Road and the C.P. Rail line within the
Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; and
iv) add the Regional Corridor overlay along Brock Road
between the Highway 401 interchange and Bayly Street;
b) the transit priority network as shown on Exhibit 8 to the
proposed Amendment and provided as Appendix II to Report
PD 13-09 be revised as follows:
i) replace the future commuter station symbol with a
transportation hub symbol for the GO Train Station in
Seaton; and
c) the detailed comments and revisions to the policies of the
proposed Amendment provided as Appendix III to Report
PD 13-09 be incorporated into the final Amendment to the
Regional Official Plan;
3. THAT Council support the Region's commitment to undertake the
Infrastructure and Fiscal Analysis to address infrastructure, transit
and servicing costs relating to new urban areas identified on
Exhibit 4 to the Region's proposed Amendment and provided as
Attachment #3 to Report PD 13-09.
4. THAT Council request the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure to
extend the required Growth Plan Conformity submission deadline
by one year, from June 16,2009 to June 16, 2010 for the City of
Summary of Correspondence
- 3 -
April 27, 2009
5. The Region, in discussions with City staff, will clarify the
population and employment figures, along with the ratio of
population to employment in Northeast Pickering, Seaton and the
existing Pickering urban area, including separate figures for the
corridors and the urban growth centre, including the airport and
non-airport employment figures;
6. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Council of the
City of Pickering hereby reconfirms its position that it does not
support a Pickering airport and that any growth assumptions of the
study should not be based on the introduction of an airport; and
7. FURTHER, THAT a copy of Report PD 13-09 and Pickering
Council's resolution on the matter be forwarded to the Region of
Durham, other Durham Area Municipalities, the Ministry of Energy
and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
and the Ministry of Transportation."
I - 7 Martha A. Pettit, Deputy Clerk, Town of Whitby, writing to Mike
Parkes, Cabinet Liaison & Strategic Policy Coordinator, Strategic
Policy and Research Branch, advising that on March 30, 2009, the
Town of Whitby adopted the following resolution pertaining to Bill 150,
The Green Enerqy and Green Economy Act, 2009:
"1. THAT Planning Report, Item PL 29-09 be received as information;
2. THAT the comments contained in Planning Report, Item PL 29-09
be endorsed by the Planning and Development Committee and
Council as the Town of Whitby's comments on Bill 150, The Green
Enerqy and Green Economy Act. 2009;
3. THAT a copy of Planning Report, Item PL 29-09 be submitted to
the Cabinet Liaison & Strategic Policy Coordinator at the Ministry
of Energy; and the Clerk of the Standing Committee on General
Government; and,
4. THAT a copy of Planning Report, Item PL 29-09 be circulated to
the Clerk of the Region of Durham, the area municipalities,
Christine Elliott, MPP, and the Environmental Commissioner of
Summary of Correspondence
- 4 -
April 27, 2009
I - 8 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to Foster
Loucks, Chair, Central East Local Health Integration Network,
advising that on April 1, 2009, Regional Council adopted the following
resolution pertaining to Durham's Healthcare System:
"a) THAT in order to improve political oversight of any future hospital
foundation financial assistance requests the Region extend an
invitation to the Chairs and/or CEO's of the Central East Local
Health Integration Network (LHIN) and local hospital corporations
whose foundations are planning to/have requested Regional
financial assistance to attend at least on an annual basis a
meeting of the Health & Social Services Committee or Joint
Finance & Administration and Health & Social Services
Committee to address such matters as the Integrated Health
Services Plan, Clinical Services Plan, Hospital Annual Planning
Submission/Hospital Service Accountability Agreement, and any
hospital related realignment issues; and
b ) THAT the Regional Chair recommend to the Chairs of the Central
East LHIN and local hospital corporations whose foundations are
planning to/have requested Regional financial assistance, that
their governing statutes/by-laws be amended to permit Regional
Council to appoint at least one representative to sit on their
governing bodies and in the interim, to attend any and all
meetings of such bodies and any committees, thereof, of
relevance to the Region, in consultation with the Commissioner &
Medical Officer of Health and/or Commissioner of Finance; and
c) THAT Regional and Local Councillors and relevant staffs be
encouraged to attend the 2009 May Symposium sponsored by
the Central East LHIN, and be encouraged to report back and
recommend whether annual Regional/Municipal attendance at
such symposia is of value in terms of networking and gaining a
greater understanding of Durham's healthcare system."
I - 9 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to the
Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier and Minister of Research and
Innovation, advising that on April 1 ,2009, Regional Council adopted
the following resolution pertaining to the Central East LHIN Hospital
Clinical Services Plan:
"a) THAT the comments listed in clause 9 of Report #2009-MOH-08
of the Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health, be adopted as
the Region's position on the Central East LHIN's Hospital Clinical
Services Plan (CSP);
Summary of Correspondence
- 5 -
April 27, 2009
b) THAT the Region be invited to participate in any future clinical
services integration project for which it is likely that Regional
operations and finances may be impacted; and
c) THAT the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Health and Long-Term
Care, Durham's MPPs, Area Municipalities, and the Chair and
CEO of the Central East LHIN be so advised."
I - 10 Gabrielle Bell, Hall Administrator, Newcastle Community Hall,
extending appreciation to Council and staff for providing a grant in the
amount of $13,000 to fund operating the Newcastle Community Hall.
I - 11 Michael Angemeer, President and CEO, Veridian Corporation,
advising of a resolution adopted by the City of Oshawa on April 6,
2009, recommending that the City of Oshawa register with 'Project
Get Ready' and that the Oshawa PUC partner with Veridian
Corporation to make this project go forward.
1-12 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable David
Caplan, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, expressing
disappointment that public input into the Central East Local Health
Integration Network's Clinical Services Plan, has not provided
opportunities for direct input through public meetings and has focused
on electronic consultation making it difficult for all citizens to
participate; acknowledging that a meeting was held on March 9th but
appeared to have been for invited stakeholders; advising that
Municipalities in Durham support the principle of public meetings on
the Clinical Services Plan "through the length and breadth of the
LHIN"; and, requesting that the Central East LHIN extend the time for
comment and hold public meetings into the Plan in a broad cross
section of communities served by the Central East LHIN.
I - 13 Martha Pettit, Deputy Clerk, Town of Whitby, writing to the Regional
Municipality of Durham, advising that on March 30, 2009, the Town of
Whitby adopted the following resolution pertaining to the 2009
Compost Giveaway Event:
"1. THAT Council approve the Public Works Department co-hosting a
Compost Giveaway event with the Region of Durham on April 18,
2. THAT Council approve a Departmental initiative allowing staff to
accept non-perishable food during the Compost Giveaway; and,
Summary of Correspondence
- 6 -
April 27, 2009
3. THAT a copy of Public Works Department Report, Item PW 11-09
regarding the '2009 Compost Giveaway' event be forwarded to
the Region of Durham and the Area Municipalities."
1-14 P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on
April 1, 2009, The Region of Durham adopted the following resolution
pertaining to the Waste Diversion Act Review:
"a) THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham support, in principle,
proposed changes to the Waste Diversion Act with the inclusions
i) A policy statement recognizing reduction, reuse, recycling
and recovery as the waste diversion hierarchy;
ii) Recovery of energy as a part of a fully integrated waste
management system;
iii) Recognition of the need for Extended Producer Responsibility
funding for all materials that are handled by municipalities as
part of their integrated waste management systems, not just
Blue Box recyclables;
iv) Recognition of the need for diversified service delivery
models among Ontario municipalities and the ability for
municipalities to retain control over their Blue Box recycling
service levels;
v) Mechanisms to require stewardship fees in the cost of
manufactured goods and to make them transparent to
consumers in the price of goods to help them make more
educated purchasing decisions;
vi) Clear definitions for 'first importers' and 'Extended Producer
Responsibility' ;
vii) Enforcement of existing provincial waste diversion regulations
and new policies to ensure full compliance of the Industrial,
Commercial and Institutional sectors with the 4R's;
viii) Recognition of the need for more engaging discussions with
Ontario municipalities on implementation options for
proposed initiatives;
Summary of Correspondence
- 7 -
April 27, 2009
ix) Consideration be given to make 'orphaned' waste eligible for
Waste Diversion Ontario funding;
b ) THAT comments provided by staff regarding proposed changes
to the Waste Diversion Act be forwarded to the Ministry of the
Environment for their consideration in advance of the April 1,
2009 comment deadline; and
c) THAT a copy of Report No. 2009-WR-2 of the Commissioner of
Works be forwarded as information to the Clerks of each of the
Area Municipalities."
I - 15 Michael Patrick, President, Clarington Board of Trade, writing to
Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham,
forwarding a copy of Council's resolution endorsing the Municipality of
Clarington's comments on the Growth Plan Implementation -
Proposed Amendment to the Regional Official Plan; and, advising that
the Board of Trade supports the resolution and the request for
additional employment lands to meet employment and growth targets.
I - 16 Lloyd Elliott, Political Affairs Committee Chair and B. Cail Maclean,
Executive Officer, Durham Region Association of Realtors, advising
that the Association, representing 891 realtors throughout Durham
Region, believe that local governments would benefit from
knowledgeable, constructive input from active real estate
professionals and that members of the Association are volunteering to
sit on Municipal Committees of interest to the real estate industry;
and, the Association hopes that local municipalities will bring any
issues of interest to the real estate industry to their attention, to
strengthen the political liaison with municipal representatives and
demonstrate that Realtors can supply solutions to real estate
problems and improve community life.
I - 17 Marilyn Pearce, Mayor, Township of Scugog, forwarding a copy of the
Township of Scugog's 2008 Progress Report highlighting the
Township's achievements of 2008 and goals for 2009.
I - 18 Correspondence has been received from the following
individuals/groups objecting to the proposed "Energy-From-Waste"
facility and urging Council to support more environmentally
sustainable and fiscally responsible alternatives:
a) G. Ward
b) George Court
Summary of Correspondence
- 8 -
April 27, 2009
I - 19 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Member
Communication dated April 17, 2009, advising that the Honourable
John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment, has approved the Used
Tires Program Plan, a program promoting 3Rs end-uses for scrap
tires to be implemented by September 1, 2009. One of the core
elements of the Program is the elimination of the approximate 2.8
million scrap tires currently sitting in stockpiles across the Province.
For municipalities interested in providing collection services for used
tires, the Ontario Tire Stewardship will provide registered Collectors
with a Used Tire Collection Allowance of $0.88 per PUT tire and
$3.05 per medium truck and off-the-road tires.
I - 20 Shelley Molica, Treasurer, Clarington East Food Bank, expressing
appreciation to the Municipality for the generous grant of $5000,
which will assist the organization in helping to meet the needs of
those in the community who are suffering during these uncertain
economic times.
D - 1 Allan Kirby, President, Newcastle and Village District Historical
Society, advising residents of the Village of Newcastle identify with
the richness and heritage exemplified by the architecture of several
buildings that lie in the heart of the village, indicating that a number
of smaller businesses are attempting to maintain this theme and
recognize the architectural principle as a value added ingredient to
the success of their businesses and the success of the community
as a whole; expressing concern that without a clear policy in place
supporting the cultural heritage of the community investors are free
to ignore the community's interests; and, requesting Council to adopt
a policy to protect the architectural heritage of the Village of
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Director of Planning Services)
Summary of Correspondence
- 9 -
April 27, 2009
D - 2 Michael Chan, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration,
advising nomination forms and information outlining details of the
selection process for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2009, an
annual award to recognize young Ontarians who have demonstrated
exemplary leadership in contributing to the elimination of racial
discrimination, are available on the Ministry's website at
www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards. The deadline for submission is
May 31,2009.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Municipal Clerk to place a notice
in the local newspapers)
D - 3 The Honourable George Smitherman, Deputy Premier, Minister of
Energy and Infrastructure, advising of the deadline of June 16,2009,
for municipalities to amend their Official Plans to conform with the
policies in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe;
recognizing that lower-tier municipalities require certain planning
work to be done by upper-tier municipalities before they can
complete their own conformity amendments; and, indicating that he
is prepared to consider an extension of no more than one year for
lower-tier municipalities to bring their plans into conformity subject to
certain requirements.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Director of Planning Services)
D - 4 Correspondence has been received from the following
individuals/groups in opposition to the proposed demolition of
Camp 30; forwarding suggestions on future uses; and, requesting
Council to do all that is necessary to preserve the nation's historical
heritage sites for future generations and as a tribute to Canada's
essential part of the war effort:
a) Stephen Burns
b ) Terry Myles
c) Aaron Wickens, also forwarding link to on-line petition -
d) Nicole Belej-Corrigan
e) David P. Lockwood USSF (Ret.)
f) Dennis Brocklebank
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Director of Planning Services)
Summary of Correspondence
- 10 -
April 27, 2009
D - 5 Doris Hills expressing concern with the proposed changes to the
delivery of health care in Durham and the impact on the Clarington
community; advising the complexity of medical and surgical
problems within the community serviced by Lakeridge Health
Bowmanville requires on-site coverage by Internal Medicine and
Surgical Specialists, to maintain a viable hospital and to ensure the
efficient delivery of safe and effective care, it is essential that these
services are enhanced, not eroded; expressing concern that the lack
of on-site specialists in internal medicine will lead to the closure of
the Special Care Unit, reduction in treatment options for Clarington
and to the eventual closure of the hospital; that the uncertainty of the
situation will further diminish the ability of Clarington to attract and/or
retain quality physicians, nurses and professionals to attend to the
current needs of the community; and, urging the public to speak out
to all levels of government representation to ensure they are made
aware of the current health care crisis facing Clarington and of the
long-term effects that the erosion of local hospital services will have
on the health and economic wellbeing of the Municipality:
(Motion to thank Doris Hills for her
letter of support pertaining to
Lakeridge Health Bowmanville; and,
to refer the correspondence to all
MPP's in Durham Region, to Kevin
Empey, CEO Lakeridge Health, to
Foster Loucks, Chairman of the
Board of Directors of Central East
Local Health Integration Network
(LHIN), and to the Honourable David
Caplan, Minister of Health and Long
Term Care)
D - 6 Alexandra Mirowski forwarding a petition containing 240 signatures
requesting the establishment of a recycling pick-up program for the
businesses in the Waverley Plaza in an effort to reduce the amount
of recycled material being placed in refuse containers and to assist
the businesses in responsibly and effectively recycling their excess
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Region of Durham)
Summary of Correspondence
- 11 -
April 27, 2009
D - 7 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Community Care Durham - Clarington,
requesting June 4, 5 and 6, 2009, be proclaimed as "Community
Care Tag Days" in support of fundraising efforts to assist Community
Care programs.
(Motion to Proclaim and approve tag
days for June 4, 5 and 6, 2009)
D - 8 Steve Shanks and Murray Walton, Lions Club of Courtice, requesting
permission to host a Lions Foundation of Canada Purina Walk for
Guide Dogs on Sunday, May 31,2009, a pet-friendly, family walk to
raise funds to help raise, train and provide Dog Guides to serve
Canadians with disabilities; outlining the 4.5 km route starting at Holy
Trinity Catholic Secondary School offering sidewalk access to the
anticipated 40 walkers and ten volunteers; indicating that liability
insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 has been secured; and
inviting Members of Council and staff to participate in the walk and to
pre-register at www.purinawalkfordoqquides.com.
(Motion to approve, provided the
organizers apply for and obtain a
Road Occupancy Permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
D - 9 Louisa Cantelon, Co-Founder & National Director, Events, Coast to
Coast Against Cancer Foundation, advising of the Sears National
Kids Cancer Ride, a cross-Canada cycling event to raise awareness
and financial support for childhood cancer; requesting permission to
use sections of municipal roadways through Bowmanville and
Newcastle; and, advising that no roads will be closed, police escorts
are being arranged and all applicable municipalities in Durham
Region are being named as a additional insured on their liability
(Motion to approve, provided the
organizers apply for and obtain a
Road Occupancy Permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
Summary of Correspondence
- 12 -
April 27, 2009
D - 10 David Staples, Parade Chairman, Durham Central Fair (Orono)
requesting permission to hold the Elementary School Parade on
Friday, September 11, 2009, and Fair Parade on Saturday,
September 12, 2009, in association with the Durham Central Fair
(Orono); forwarding route maps, including start and finish times;
advising there will be approximately 60 parade items ranging from
floats, bands, vintage autos, tractors and decorated bikes; and,
advising that proof of $2,000,000 liability insurance will be provided.
(Motion to approve, provided the
organizers apply for and obtain a
Road Occupancy Permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
D - 11 Frank W. Smith, CEO, Pegasus Global Group, expressing concern
with the increased density, lack of compatible designs and
substandard materials in the new Kylemore development at the Port
of Newcastle; questioning how the property of the Former Camp 30
became part of the holdings of the Kaitlin Group and expressing
concern with the potential demolition of the site; advising he is
looking to locate a new plant for one of his companies in the area
and requested a reason as to why he should do business in
D - 12
D - 13
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Director of Planning Services)
D. L. Cullingworth, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers
Association, requesting Municipal Law Enforcement staff make a
concerted effort in enforcing the Newcastle and Bond Head parking
restrictions, particularly on King Avenue.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Municipal Clerk)
Brad Savage, forwarding correspondence in support of the application
by Caledon Propane to expand its service yard to include land to the
north of the current location on the west side of Port Darlington Road.
Mr. Savage supports the application on several grounds including
potential safety issues on the existing site, the derelict condition of the
proposed expansion site, the potential for job security and creation
and support of Caledon Propane as a local business and good
neighbour who supports local activities and contributes crucial
business taxes to the municipality.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
Summary of Correspondence
D - 14
D - 15
D - 16
- 13 -
April 27, 2009
The Honourable Jim Prentice, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Minister of the
Environment, responding to Council's request for protection and
designation of Camp 30 in Bowmanville as a site of national historic
significance; advising that the Ministry designates places, people and
events of significance on the recommendation of the Historic Sites
and Monuments Board of Canada (HSMBC), the advisory body on
historical matters; advising that the designation as a natural historic
site does not constitute protection as these matters are the
responsibility of the provinces under their respective heritage
legislation; the activities and mandate of the HSMBC are
described on the Parks Canada Website at www.pc.qc.ca/clmhc-
hsmbc/index E.asp; and, suggesting that if after reviewing the
website the municipality wishes to submit an application, including the
owner's consent to proceed with an evaluation of the property, it
should be directed to Julie Dompierre, Exectuve Secretary of the
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
Mrs. Iman Deal, Chair, Youth Advisory Committee, St. Therese
Parish, advising of the 6th Annual SONfest, a Catholic Youth
conference/festival for youth and young adults of the Peterborough
Diocese to be held August 13 to 16, 2009, at Holy Trinity Catholic
Secondary School; indicating 250 to 300 young people are expected
to attend and participate in various programs and social activities;
requesting to be notified of any permit requirements; and, requesting
an exemption to By-law 2007-071 with respect to the noise curfew.
(Motion for Direction)
Rosemary Davies, expressing concern with the increase in municipal
property taxes; questioning what Council intends to do to lower
property taxes for 2010; and suggesting that employee expense
accounts be reduced, wages be frozen for the next seven years and
that all perks, meals and lodging at the tax payer's expense be
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence
- 14 -
April 27, 2009
D - 17
D - 18
D - 19
Allan Hewitt, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board, expressing
concern that Canada Post is not guaranteeing support of the Library
Book Rate, a reduced postal rate that libraries in Canada have used
to support and encourage the sharing of taxpayer-funded library
books and to help to ensure that all Canadians have equal access to
information regardless of their location, age or ability; advising that on
March 25, 2009, the Clarington Public Library Board directed staff to
advise Merv Tweed, Member of Parliament, of the Board's support of
Bill C-322, a bill that will protect and support the Library Book Rate
and extend it to include audiovisual materials; and, requesting
Council's endorsement of Bill C-322.
(Motion for Direction)
Alice Grottoli, Communications Coordinator, Community Connection,
writing further to Council's resolution of February 9, 2009, receiving
for information Community Connection's correspondence requesting
Council's consent in providing 211 service to telephone subscribers in
the shared Garden Hill telephone exchange (797) and to the
delegation of Cathy Gowland and Alice Grottoli to the General
Purpose and Administration Committee on April 6, 2009, highlighting
the value of the 211 service; acknowledging that the passing of the
proposed resolution will provide only access to 211 by a limited
number of Clarington residents; however, Council approval will allow
another milestone to be reached in the objective to provide 211
access for all Ontario by 2011; and, requesting as per the CRTC
ruling, a formal resolution of Council for the endorsement of the
information and referral services provider for the areas to be served.
(Copy attached) (Motion for Direction)
Linda Van Alstine, Clerk, Tay Valley Township, advising of the
Ministry of Natural Resources' implementation of a limit on sunfish
and the devastating effects the newly imposed limit has had on local
tourism and on the livelihood of every business owner whose success
depends on the tourism industry; advising that due to public outcry
the Ministry has rescinded the limit, passed a variation order and
mandated that a Zone Fishery Council be formed to provide advice
and recommendations on sunfish and perch management for
implementation in 2010; and requesting that Council endorse the
following resolution and that a letter of support be forwarded to the
Ministry of Natural Resources and copied to the Township of Tay:
Summary of Correspondence
- 15 -
April 27, 2009
"We the Council of Tay Valley Township respectfully request that the
MNR Fishery Council of Zone 18 postpone implementing any limit on
sunfish until further studies have been conducted to find out what the
effects of a larger pan fish population could have on our Walleye and
Bass. And further implement the involvement of the Ministry of
Tourism to conduct a study to find out what type of impact a pan fish
limit will have on the American tourism industry. We request that the
pan fish regulation stay status quo."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 20 John Bate, Chair, Abandoned Cemeteries Board, advising Council
that on April 4,2009, the Abandoned Cemeteries Board adopted the
following resolution pertaining to Bill 149 - Inactive Cemeteries
Protection Act, 2009:
"THAT the Council of the Municipality of Clarington be requested to
endorse the following resolution:
'WHEREAS Ontario's cemeteries are an important part of
our cultural heritage;
AND WHEREAS Ontario's inactive cemeteries are
constantly at risk of closure and removal;
AND WHEREAS Ontario's cemeteries are an irreplaceable
part of the province's cultural heritage;
of the Municipality of Clarington hereby petitions the
Legislative Assembly of Ontario to pass Bill 149, Inactive
Cemeteries Protection Act, 2009, to prohibit the relocation
of inactive cemeteries in the Province of Ontario'."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 21 Marolyn Morrison, Mayor, Town of Caledon, and Chair, Greater
Toronto Countryside Mayors Alliance, writing to Chair Allen Taylor,
Rural Ontario Municipalities Association, advising that on January 16,
2009, the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors Alliance adopted the
following resolution pertaining to the increase in natural wildlife and
"WHEREAS the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors Alliance resolve
that, as a result of the increase in natural wildlife and predators on our
agricultural lands and an increase in vehicular accidents involving
Summary of Correspondence
- 16 -
April 27, 2009
D - 22
D - 23
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario be. requested to
assist local municipalities by: broadening hunting policies;
considering and implementing the re-introduction of problem predator
removal program and other types of control for certain predators; and
updating the livestock kill compensation program for current economic
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario, the Rural Ontario Municipalities Association
for their support; and forwarded to the Members of Provincial
Parliament in the GT A for their information."
(Motion for Direction)
John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding a copy of
correspondence received from the Honourable Jim Bradley, Minister
of Transportation, responding to his correspondence regarding the
establishment of a decorative floral"gateway" on Highway 401 in
Bowmanville in which the Minister advises of policy restrictions
regarding Decorative Municipal Identification displays limiting displays
to upper, lower and single tier municipalities and First Nation
Territories. Mr. O'Toole advises that he disagrees with the Provincial
Policy that only recognized municipalities can have identification
displays on provincial highways; and advises he would be willing to
work towards changing the rules for the future to allow vibrant
communities such as Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle and
Newtonville to maintain their identify and have the opportunity to
display their civic pride.
(Motion for Direction)
Gary Jeffery, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington,
advising Council that on April 14, 2009, the Agricultural Advisory
Committee of Clarington adopted the following resolution pertaining to
Energy-From-Waste air monitoring:
"WHEREAS the Energy from Waste (EFW)/Incineration Facility
proposed for the Clarington site on Osborne Road is in the process of
completing a full Environmental Assessment (EA); and
WHEREAS the Region of Durham recognizes the importance of its
agricultural community; and
Summary of Correspondence
- 17 -
April 27, 2009
WHEREAS the fact sheet issued in February 2008 by the Durham
York Residual Waste Study to the local agricultural community and
public provided assurance that concentrations of any chemicals from
the facility will not present a risk to local agricultural operations,
farmers fields, produce or livestock; and
WHEREAS, at that time the Region was committed to monitoring
emissions, and key process parameters, on a continuous basis to
ensure safe operation; and
WHEREAS the Region's consultants have carried out baseline
environmental monitoring studies including agricultural crops, soil,
and produce and baseline airshed monitoring; and
WHEREAS the consultant did not recommend ambient air quality
monitoring and ongoing environmental monitoring; and
WHEREAS proving to the producers and consumers assurance that
the quality of the agricultural products in Clarington will not be
adversely affected by the EFW is of vital economic importance to the
local agricultural community;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agricultural Advisory
Committee of Clarington recommends that Clarington Council request
Regional Council carry out ongoing ambient air quality monitoring on
a monthly basis at the point of impingement and ongoing
environmental monitoring on an annual basis for at least the first five
years of operation;
Further that Clarington's Council resolution be forwarded to the
DAAC, and other local municipalities."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 24
Piotr Derus forwarding a copy of his petition to the House of
Commons with respect to the inability to purchase electric vehicles in
Canada and requesting Council's support in signing the petition
requesting the government to expedite the Canadian market arrival of
highway speed electric cars so that Canadians who are able and
willing to purchase such cars may have the ability to do so.
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence
- 18 -
April 27, 2009
D - 25 Mike Galloway, CMO, The Township of Essa, advising Council that
on April 15, 2009, the Township of Essa adopted the following
resolution pertaining to public salary disclosures:
"WHEREAS earlier this month the 2008 public salary disclosures
were released by the provincial government for all public sector
organizations in the province, otherwise known as the Sunshine List;
AND WHEREAS the list included James Hankinson, President of
Ontario Power Generation with a 2008 salary of $2,474,500 and
Laura Formusa, President of Hydro One at $924,437;
AND WHEREAS the Ontario economy is struggling and the
unemployment rate continues to increase in the province;
AND WHEREAS the government sector has the obligation to be open
and transparent with its constituents;
requests the Provincial Government to establish a review process for
any annual salaries over $500,000 in the Ontario Public Service
Sector or any affiliated organization, to justify these salaries to the
residents of the Province of Ontario;
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Ontario Premier,
Minister of Finance and all MPP's;
AND FURTHER this resolution be forwarded through AMO to all
Ontario municipalities for their consideration and support."
(Motion for Direction
I - 1
Tyrone Community Centre
Hall Board Meeting: March 18th, 2009
7:50pm -
Guest: Gord Leigh, Newcastle Hall Board
Chair's Report:
Mark shared that TCC is:
. Short financially n Not able to cover bills - Clarington helped out with heat bill
. Short volunteer wise - need treasurer, fundraising
. Weare investigating activities that are good for community, create awareness,
long-term fundraising, singles night, Celtic bands, Karaoke, etc.
. How can Municipality of Clarington help?
Municipality of Clarin2:ton
. Fred Horvath is overloaded, so in future we are to call on.. .
Skip Crosby, Community Service Coordinator
905-623-5728 Ext. 621
scros bv@clarington.net
. Community very important due to economic times
. They are working on Community Services Initiative - community development
initiative to help us create strategies for
. Clarington can work with us re finances. First step is setting up budgets.
. Patty said $35-40,000/year overhead (approximately)
. Clarington could bring programs out here - Clarington can pay for trainer if we
throw in the hall
. Alliances with other hall boards
. Consult with successful boards like Newtonville who just reinvented themselves,
have surplus in the ban1e Contact is Vicki. Great website.
. Municipality circulating a sheet that asks boards re what they need e.g. event
Fundraisin2: Ideas:
. Singles dances (2nd Saturday) - Gwen will champion. Similar to those at the
Acres. Need money for DJ.
. Karaoke -- Gwen knows guy who can bring equipment
. Dancing -- Kim said it's hard to make money after you pay someone
. Pub Night
. Legendary Mosport International -- Willy Woo suggested we work with Miles
regarding April 13-23 Legendary Mosport International new (first time ever)
Porche show. Patty knows people with Carlson travel ~ we could do luncheon.
Lynne says we need bar and that Audi group booked at comfort inn.
. Movie night for kids
. Ladies aerobics
. Concerts in the park (great for older people 50/50 $200)
. Ladies night - alcoholldance/manicures/pedicures
. Country dance
. Euchres (seniors)
. Spirit day
. pub nights - 2 family's responsible
. Social networking
. Darts
. B&B tour lunch stop
. Village hall tour with local artists,
. 2010 art & culture event (preliminary)
. Welcome wagon, greeter, like Newtonville
. Gambling (that's how Kendal survives)
. Hip hop has been popular, turkey seminar,
. Boat licenses (this is last year)
. Smart serve
. Red cross
Community Buildin2: I Communication Ideas:
. Gord Robinson says it's important to have fun - don't worry about money
. Newsletter - Lori suggested getting this going again. Mark said it was
discontinued due to lack of interest I sponsorship
. Facebook group - Sue reported that popularity is growing and at present we had
. Advertisement in Leisure Guide Publication -- deadline Monday for summer
Increase Rentals:
. Hourly rate = $35/hour big hall, $20/hour kitchen area
. Halls now back in Leisure Guide Publication
. [_J Skip to talk to "New Horizons" band looking for practice space
. [_J Laurie to call Auction still interested and now we don't have table problem,
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of Minutes from Feb 18th, 2009
Motion - Walter Loveridge
Second - Lynn Morrison
Treasurer's Report:
$1,200.00 NFS cheque to Shell
We received a Municipal grant of $2,500.00
The Town paid Shell to maintain good working relation, therefore our
gran t will be
$2,500.00 less the Shell invoice paid
We still do not have a Treasurer. Lynn Morrison suggested we attempt to
have a local bookkeeper donate a minimum of 3-4 hours per month and
submit a bill for anything over that. She will check with her bookkeeper
to see if she would be willing to do our books on that basis.
Bar Report:
Vending machine will arrive in a week or so.
Seniors Report:
The Tyrone Seniors would like to use the hall on a Saturday in October
for a fundraiser in place of their annual penny sale. Walter to confirm
the date.
Cleanine: Report:
Larry Quinney to strip and wax the floors once the ceiling has been
replaced by the Town. Ceiling may be done some time in April.
Suggested by Gord Lee and Skip Crosby that we use the Town's contacts
for services and purchases, as we will probably get a better rate.
Also suggested we check invoices thoroughly to confirm they are in line
with the service provided.
Bookine: Report:
A band has booked the hall for Saturdays from September to April
(7 PM- 11PM) for $400.00 per night. They are interested in storing their
equipment at the hall. We will confirm what type of equipment and how
much space is required to determine if this is feasible.
Municipalitv of Clarine:ton Issues:
Town to confirm the defibulator in question meets guidelines/ standards
before we install at the hall.
Motion to Adjourn:
Motion - Gwen Woodcock
Second - Patty Woodcock
1- 2
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, March 19,2009
(Chair) Gord Lee
Elwood Ward
Lisa Robinson
(Vice-Chair) Clayton Morgan
David Reesor
John Slater
Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design
Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Co-ordinator
Stuart McAllister, Road Safety
Co-ordinator, Durham Region
Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, Constable Esther
Rathwell, Councilor Adrian Foster, Kerry Meydam,
Georg Krohn, Sandy Lyall, Gillian Bellefontaine
Gord Lee welcomed new member, John Slater representing Ward 4.
1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(February 19,2009)
Clayton Morgan made a clarification to the Committee with respect to Item 4.6.
The following motion was made:
THAT: "The minutes of the February 19, 2009 meeting are approved with no
further changes."
MOVED: by Elwood Ward; SECONDED by Clayton Morgan
2.1 Road Watch-(Gord Lee)
Reports Received & Processed from Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS)
- (Constable Esther Rathwell)
Six incident reports are at DRPS for processing. Three came from the drop boxes
and three from on-line reporting.
There is a meeting scheduled for March 31 st at DRPS where discussions regarding
both the Radar Traffic Watch and the Road Watch Programs will take place in
hopes of enhancing the programs and increasing the percentage of offenders
2.2 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson)
The Planning and Engineering departments met with MTO who advised that they
have begun preliminary design of the highway. The environmental assessment
will be submitted June of this year. Planning and Engineering staff are having a
consultant review and advise staff in regards to any umesolved issues which will
be compiled in a report and brought to the March 30th General Purpose and
Administration meeting. The report will be on-line for viewing.
3.1 Road Watch Box-Missing from Canadian Tire-(Clayton Morgan)
The Road Watch box at the Canadian Tire location could not be located. Gord
Lee will visit the courtesy counter and reintroduce himself as the representative
for the Road Watch Program and will take a new box with him and ask ifit can be
reinstalled in a suitable location.
3.2 Merge Sign on Hwy 2 near Bowmanville Mall-(Ron Baker)
Engineering staff reviewed this area and found that there is adequate signage
indicating that the lane ends, as is considered appropriate.
3.3 Parking on Parkway Crescent-(Constable Esther Rathwell)
Constable Rathwell was not in attendance therefore this item will be added to the
April agenda. Gord Lee offered to have Road Watch visit this location and
submit licence plate numbers to By-law.
4.1 Library Crosswalk-Newcastle
Ron Baker advised members that the main purpose of crossing guards is to assist
the school children across the road. They are however instructed to assist anyone
who requires help. This coming September Ron Baker will conduct traffic counts
at this location to see if a pedestrian crossing signal (IPS) is warranted.
4.2 Parkway Crescent Street Parking-Bowmanville
Elwood Ward commented that he lives on Parkway Crescent and there is a
definite problem with parking on this street. He said that there are approximately
17 school buses that park on this street between 8:00-9:00 a.m. on school
mornings. The original School was designed to accommodate local children who
would walk to the school. When the school became a French bnmersion School
the situation changed and the children who used to walk to school were now
replaced by children who need to be bused to school.
Sunday morning parking on Parkway Crescent continues to be an issue. Stuart
McAllister advised that the Church is responsible for the parking and should make
accommodations for additional vehicles. It was suggested that the side grassed
area could be paved and used for parking. This item will be placed on the April
agenda for further discussion.
4.3 Centerview and Main Streets-Orono
New member, John Slater introduced himself and let members know that he is an
active member of the Community Improvement Program in Orono. He
commented on the Centrerview and Main Street intersection in Orono and stated
that residents illegally park vehicles in an area that he would like to see planters
placed in order to stop this from occurring.
Stuart McAllister advised that this is a Regional issue and he suggested that a
request for bump outs with reconfiguration to the road be sent to Faye Langmaid
in the Planning department through the Community Improvement Program.
4.4 Request to increase speed limit-Concession 7-Darlington
Leslie advised that since Clarington passed the new speed limit By-law in
November a Clarington farmer wrote to Council to complain about the reduction
in the speed limit east of Tyrone. The speed limit was reduced from 80 KPH to
50 KPH due to curves and hidden driveways along this stretch. Leslie reviewed
internally with the Engineering staff and they intend to leave the speed limit at 50
4.5 North on Beaver Street south of King A venue East-Newcastle
Clayton Morgan commented on the visibility on Beaver Street at King Avenue
East. Leslie Benson advised that this intersection is under review, and there are
plans for improvements that will commence this spring.
4.6 Dr. G. J. MacGillivray School Parking-Courtice
Ron Baker relayed the information on behalf of Councilor Foster (for information
only purposes) that Councillor Foster received an email from a parent who
stopped on Meadowglade Road (in front of the school) and received a ticket in the
No Stopping Zone. The existing parking/stopping regulations near the school
were all agreed to by Engineering staff, principal and the school council. No
changes are planned.
4.7 Pedestrian Crossing Signal on Liberty Street, South of Parkway Crescent-
It was suggested that this light location be reassessed when the Region widens
Liberty Street. Stuart McAllister advised that traffic and pedestrian studies will
be done in May of this year to determine if the lights should be relocated.
5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- April 16, 2009-7:00 P.M.
Committee Room IC-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance
Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance
MOVED by; Elwood Ward
THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m."
Minutes of Meeting No.3
March 17, 2009
Duane Cook
Karin Murphy
Karina Isert
Andrew Kozak
David Reesor
Victor Suppan
Leslie Wilson
Councillor Mary Novak
James Rook
Paul Allore
Jeany Barrett, Vice President, Newcastle Horticultural Society
Bert Duclos, Heritage Outreach Consultant, Ministry of Cultur
Sarah Cossette, Culture Services Advisor, Ministry of C
Jeany Barrett,
Community H
designation 0
features. The
There are pia
in the best of
cenotaph and e fountain, and to add a fenced patio area to the west side of the building. A
trellis is proposed but if and how it is to be attached to the building is yet to be determined.
The CIBC is the immediate neighbour to the west and they will be contacted for permission to
do some planting on their property.
Itural Society, gave the Committee a
o for the grounds of the Newcastle
ted under the Ontario Heritage Act, however, the
b and does not reference the grounds or the landscape
ciety's goal is to bring the gardens back to a heritage look.
Funds have been secured to hire a landscape architect to prepare a landscape plan. It was
suggested that the information on heritage plants may be obtained from the Clarington
Museum, the Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District Plan, and the local nurseries.
Ms. Barrett was advised to secure plans from the landscape architect, obtain the Hall Board's
support and then inform the Heritage Committee.
Inventory Evaluation and Designation - from Survey to Protection
Bert Duclos, Heritage Outreach Consultant, and Sarah Cossette, Culture Services Advisor,
both with the Ministry of Culture, gave a presentation to the Committee on how to evaluate a
property for its cultural heritage significance under the amended Ontario Heritage Act. They
reviewed the steps in heritage conservation process which include identification, listing,
research, site analysis, evaluation, and protection.
The difference between listing on the Municipal Register, the designation of individual
properties under Part IV, and the designation of districts under Part V was outlined. The
importance of preparing a statement of cultural heritage value or interest for individual
designation was stressed. These statements are to include a description of the architectural
design or physical value of the buildings on the property, the historical or associative value
associated with the buildings or the site, and the property's contextual value. The purpose of
the statement is to inform the property owner and the public of the significance of the
property, to explain the heritage values of the property if there was an objection to the
designation, and to guide the review of any requests for future alterations.
The Committee members were provided with an information package which contained an
introductory guide on identifying, protecting and promoting heritage, andi formation sheets
on various topics related to heritage conservation.
the fire d ged buildings at 19 %
Committ if these two properties
e Committee is in the process of
egister and working out the details
oth King Street buildings have been
rimary buildings and all agreed that they could
c ny others that may be considered. Vic Suppan will
ommittee's support.
The CHO newsletter was distributed and the
A letter was received from Ma
- 23 King Street Wes 3
should be added
putting together a
of how the list sh
listed in the herita
be added to the
respond in writing
Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting
April 21, 2009
Council Chambers, 7:00 pm
Community Connection
C ~\~U~~~'~K~~
April 15, 2009
Patti Barrie, Clerk
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, ON
L1 C 3A6
Dear Ms. Barrie;
Further to your letter of April 7th, 2009 I am writing to request council's reconsideration of the original
request for consideration as outlined in our correspondence dated January 22,2009. A copy of that letter is
attached for your review. The need for a resolution is a specific requirement of the CRTC ruling.
"The Commission notes that United Way et al.'s procedure for implementing the provision of I & R
services will be coordinated with social service agencies, subject to the organizations' readiness
capabilities and delivery standards. The Commission considers that its approval of United Way et al.'s
roll out plan is not necessary. The procedure requires the formal endorsement of the I & R
services provider from the appropriate level of government for the areas to be served."
The full CRTC ruling can be found at http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/200J/DT2001-475.htm#71
There was considerable discussion and questions at the conclusion of the deputation to the Administration
Committee meeting on April 6th by Cathy Gowland and myself. Unfortunately time did not allow us to
provide a complete overview ofthe 211 service and we were unable to provide complete answers to some
of the questions posed by councillors, in particular around costs, and the benefits that would be provided to
the municipality and its residents.
The value of 211 as a public utility continues to be demonstrated wherever it has been launched. 211 was
recently acknowledged in the Ontario government's Poverty Reduction strategy as a vital tool in reducing
barriers and time for people to access and connecting to the services they need. We recognize that the
passing of the proposed resolution will provide only access to 211 by a limited number ofClarington
residents with the 797 telephone exchange. Council approval will however allow another milestone to be
reached in the objective to provide 211 access for all Ontario by 2011.
_____~.... _ un~
Box 683, 275 First Street, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4E8
Helpline: dial 211 or 866.743.7818
admin: 705.444,0040 fax: 705.445,1516 tty: 705.445.1658
www.CommunityConnection,net www.2110ntario.ca
~~i~~~;IP. Get Help.
Resource Centre
In closing, I would restate our willingness to attend a future council meeting to provide more
details of the 211 service, and additional information to questions previously asked. I look
forward to hearing from you soon regarding follow up council discussions regarding our request
for council consent for the delivery of 211 in the 797 telephone exchange.
Yours truly
Alice Grottoli,
Communications & Program Development Coordinator
c.c. Lynda Kay, Executive Director, Northumberland United Way
Cindy Murray, Executive Director, United Way of Oshawa-Whitby, Clarington-Brock & Scugog
Mayor Linda Thompson, Municipality of Port Hope; Warden, County of Northumberland
Bill Pyatt, CAO County of Northumberland
P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham
Community Connection
& ,~\~l~~~K~~
January 22, 2009
Ms. Patti Barrie, Clerk
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, ON
L1 C 3A6
Dear Ms. Barrie;
Re: Consent of Council for 211 Service Delivery in Shared Telephone Exchanges
As you may be aware, in 2001, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
(CRTC) approved the use of 211 dialling for telephone access to community information and referral
services. The current assignments for these N11 phone numbers are:
211 Public Information and Referral Services
311 Non-emergency Municipal Government Services
411 Directory Assistance
511 Weather, Traffic and Travel Information
611 Telco Repair Service
711 Message Relay Service (MRS)
811 Non-urgent Health Care Telephone Triage Service
911 Emergency Services
The 211 system currently under development in Canada and the United States provides a three digit,
24/7 phone number to access free, confidential, multilingual information about community, social,
health and government services. This initiative is led by the United Way of America and the United Way
of CanadalCentraide Canada.
In Ontario, eight 211 call centres will serve the entire province. Northumberland County falls within the
Central East region, which will eventually be served by the Collingwood call centre, operated by
Community Connection. The 211 call centre, which has been operating since November 2005, currently
provides 211 phone service to Simcoe County and the District of Muskoka and is expanding services to
Northumberland County in 2009.
Through our planning process, we have identified telephone exchanges that are shared between
Northumberland County and the Municipality of Clarington. The following table outlines the information
that Bell Canada has provided to Community Connection regarding these telephone exchanges:
.. ./2
_-......n. ........ IUTI_'~
Box 683, 275 First Street, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4E8
Helpline: dial 211 or 866.743.7818
admin: 705.444.0040 fax: 705.445.1516 tty: 705.445.1658
www.CommunityConnection.net www.2110ntario.ca
~~:~~,~~;I.P. Get Help.
Resource Centre
- 2 -
Telephone Exchange Name Municipalities sharing this Number of Households
Garden Hill (797) Northumberland County 1094
Municipality of Clarinqton 25
We are proposing to Bell Canada that the 797 Garden Hill exchange be routed to the Collingwood call
centre. A resolution by your municipal council is required as the boundary of this telephone exchange
boundary does not correspond with municipal boundaries.
Northumberland County and the Northumberland United Way are working with us as we expand the
211 service. Your timely response to this request would be sincerely appreciated. The proposed
wording for the resolution is as follows:
That the Municipality of Clarington does hereby consent to Community Connection providing
211 service to telephone subscribers in the shared Garden Hill telephone exchange (797), on the
basis that there is no financial obligation on the Municipality of Cia ring ton.
Our work to date has required resolutions from the County of Northumberland, County of Peterborough,
City of Peterborough, City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County.
Please feel free to contact me (705.444.0040 x 2222, agrottoli@communityconnection.net), if you have
any questions or require further information. I have also attached a 211 Fact Sheet and a document
"Who Benefits from 211" for your review and to distribute as you deem appropriate.
Alice Grottoli
Communications Coordinator
Lynda Kay, Executive Director, Northumberland United Way
Bill Pyatt, CAO, County of Northumberland
P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham
,"), .,. "
f ,,1(11,'1,11111 f"1
EJ1('J'~jzjJl~ OJlI<J}'jo
(a) EGD-015-09 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for March, 2009
(b) CLD-007 -09 Animal Services Quarterly Report - January - March 2009
(c) FND-009-09 Report on Revenue Sensitive to Economic Conditions-
March 2009
(d) Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer - Regarding
Energy-From-Waste Host Agreement Negotiations
THAT Report PSD-036-09 be received;
THAT the applications for an amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision
18T-90051 and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by West Diamond
Properties Ltd. continue to be reviewed to address outstanding issues; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-036-09 and any delegation be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT Report PSD-037-09 be received;
THAT the Draft Plan of Condominium application submitted by CCCC Durham
East Limited be approved, and that the Director of Planning Services be
authorized to issue Draft Approval, subject to the conditions as contained in
Attachment 2 to Report PSD-037 -09;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-037-09 be forwarded to the Durham Region Planning
Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-037 -09 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-038-09 be received;
THAT the request for Removal of Part Lot Control by Tyler Smith, on behalf of
Jubal Pappin, with respect to Lot 105 on Plan 40M-2038, be approved and that the
Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PSD-038-09 be passed pursuant to
Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act and a copy forwarded to the Regional
Municipality of Durham Planning Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-038-09 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-039-09 be received;
THAT the request for Removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 14 and 16
in Block lA' in Plan H-50077 (see Attachment 1 to Report PSD-039-09) (the "Porter
and Bradshaw Plan") be approved in principle, subject to the conditions contained
in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-039-09, and the applicant entering into an
Agreement with the Municipality of Clarington;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into an Agreement for the
development of the subject lands (Attachment 3 to Report PSD-039-09);
THAT the attached Draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law (Attachment 4 to
Report PSD-039-09) be finalized and forwarded to Council for adoption pursuant
to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act, after the applicant has fulfilled the
conditions contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-039-09 and has entered into
an Agreement with the Municipality of Clarington; and
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-039-09, any delegations, and the
Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's
THAT Report PSD-040-09 be received;
THAT the properties identified as 19 'Y2 - 23 King Street West and 33 King Street
West, Bowmanville, be added to the Municipal Register of properties of cultural
heritage value or interest; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-040-09 and any delegation be
advised of Council's direction.
THAT Report EGD-016-09 be received;
THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of
Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related
Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2213 and Plan 675; and
THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-016-09, assuming
certain streets within Plan 40M-2213 and Plan 675 as public highways.
THAT Report COD-030-09 be received;
THAT Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors Ltd., Toronto, Ontario with a total bid in
the amount of $217,067.20 (Plus GST), being the lowest responsible bidder
meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2009-3, be awarded
the contract for the Sidewalk Rehabilitation, Various locations as required by the
Engineering Department;
THAT funds required in the amount of $257,165.54 ($217,067.20 tender plus
contingencies, and utility relocations) be drawn from the Engineering 2009 Capital
Budget Accounts and the amount of $9,711.75 from the Community Improvement
Plan Reserve Fund for the decorative poles on Centreview Street in Orono, as
Report #1 4
Account# 110-32-331-83215-7401 includes
decorative poles for Centreview Street,
Account # 110-32-331-83346-7401 Prestonvale Rd
Account # 110-32-331-83345-7401 Bloor St.
April 27, 2009
$ 64,361.88
Total Funds Required
THAT the By-law marked Schedule "A" attached to Report COD-030-09,
authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement, be
THAT Report COD-031-09 be received;
THAT the proposal received from Country Town Cleaning, Bowmanville, Ontario
being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications
of Request for Proposal RFP2008-7 be awarded the contract for the Janitorial
Services with a bid amount of $59,201.64 (excluding GST);
THAT, pending acceptable pricing and satisfactory service, the contract be
extended for an additional two years; and
THAT funding be provided from the current year's respective departments
Operating Budgets.
10. CL2009-11, ONE (1) 2009 RUBBER TIRED LOADER
THAT Report COD-032-09 be received;
THAT Nortax, Peterborough, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $210,193.92
(plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions
and specifications of Tender CL2009-11, be awarded the contract to supply one
(1) 2009 Rubber Tired Loader, as required by the Municipality of Clarington,
Operations Department; and
THAT the funds required in the amount of $210,193.92 (plus G.S.T.), be drawn
from 2009 Capital Budget account number 110-36-388-83643-7401.
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT Addendum to Report FND-007-09 be received;
THAT Report FND-007-09 be lifted from the table;
THAT the phase-in component of the residential development charges on
Schedule "1" of By-law No. 2005-108 be deferred from January 1,2009 to July 1,
THAT the phase-in component of the non-residential (excluding industrial)
development charges on Schedule "2" of By-law No. 2005-108 be deferred from
January 1, 2009 to July 1, 2010;
THAT the phase-in component of the industrial development charges on Schedule
"2" of By-law No. 2005-108 be deferred from July 1,2009 to July 1,2010;
THAT there is no need to alter or amend the Development Charges Amendment
Study, May 2008, prepared by Hemson Consulting Ltd;
THAT the By-law attached to Addendum to Report FND-007-09 to amend the
Development Charges By-law 2005-108 as amended (Attachment "A" to
Addendum to Report FND-007-09), be approved and enacted;
THAT any proponents submitting further requests to amend or alter By-Law
2005-108 be advised of actions taken in Addendum to Report FND-007-09; and
THAT the Region of Durham and recorded interested parties be provided a copy
of Addendum to Report FND-007-09 and be notified of Council's decision.
THAT the delegation of Carol Wilson Hodges and Assef Azadeh, EnergySolutions
be received with thanks.
THAT the delegation of Richard Ward be received with thanks.
THAT the delegation of Jaki MacKinnon, Bethesda House, be received with
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT the delegation of George Beecher be received.
THAT Claudia Marsales presentation be received with thanks;
THAT the presentation be referred to the Director of Operations; and
THAT the Town of Markham be congratulated for their leadership in zero waste
and for providing such excellent ambassadors and educators to other
municipalities such as Clarington.
THAT Report CLD-006-09 be received;
THAT George Beecher's delegation be received; and
THAT George Beecher's application for a Taxicab and Limousine Driver's Licence
be approved.
THAT the Municipality of Clarington express it's thanks and congratulate Earth
Angels, their partners and sponsors for the positive impact they have on the
THAT parking passes be made available to each: Clarington This Week, Orono
Times, SNAP, and Durham News.
Staff Report #1
r:lli'r,!!izill,!! ()lIlari/l
Monday April 27th, 2009
Resolution #:
Report #:
File #:
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended to Council the following:
1. THAT Report FND-010-09 be received by Council;
2. THAT the Municipality submit one (1) application for funding to the Build Canada Fund -
Communities Intake 2, three (3) applications to the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund and
submit three (3) requests under the Recreational Infrastructure program;
3. THAT the following works be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's highest priority
projects for the Building Canada Fund - Intake 2:
i) Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex - Energy Retrofit - $1,275,000
4. THAT the following works be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's highest priority
projects for the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund:
i) Replacement and Extension of Bridge on Hancock Road South of Nash Road -
ii) Concession Road 6 from Old Scugog Road to Acres Road - $2,480,000
iii) Concession Road 6, Acres Road to Highway 35/115 - $2,620,000
5. THAT the following works be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's highest priority
projects for the Recreational Infrastructure Canada:
i) Darlington Sports Complex - Floor Replacement - $400,000
ii) Newcastle Memorial Arena - Roof Replacement and Refrigeration Plant
Improvements - $425,000
iii) Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex - Pad A East Seating and Dressing
Room Renovation - $500,000
6. THAT this report be forwarded to the Build Canada Fund and Infrastructure Stimulus
Fund as part of the application process;
REPORT NO.: FND-010-09
7. THAT the applicable departments proceed with the preparation and submission of the Build
Canada Fund - Communities Component Intake 2 and Infrastructure Stimulus Fund
applications, including all supporting documentation;
8. THAT, if the application is approved, the one-third municipal share of the BCF - Intake 2
project of $425,000 be financed $150,000 from the Community Services Department
Building Refurbishment Reserve Fund, $100,000 from the Community Services Capital
Reserve Fund and $175,000 from the General Municipal Reserve Fund;
9. THAT, if the applications are approved, the one-third municipal share of the Infrastructure
Stimulus Fund projects of $1 ,996,667 be financed from the General Municipal Reserve
1 o. THAT, if the applications are approved, the one-third municipal share of the Recreational
Infrastructure Canada projects of $441,667 be financed $100,000 from the Facilities/Parks
Maintenance Reserve Fund and $341,667 from General Municipal Reserve Fund; and
11. THAT the attached by-law authorizing the Mayor and CAO and/or Clerk, as required by
Build Canada, to execute the BCF Contribution Agreement and Infrastructure Stimulus Fund
Agreement and any other documents required to take advantage of this funding opportuf"!ity
be approved.
Submitted by:
Reviewed bY~ ~
Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer.
REPORT NO.: FND-010-09
1.0 On April 14, 2009, the governments of Canada and Ontario launched the Canada-Ontario
Infrastructure Funding second intake under the communities component.
1.1 For communities with populations under 100,000 the communities component of Build
Canada Fund (BCF) is applicable. Eligible applicants must apply online prior to 5:00 pm on
May 1 S\ 2009.
1.2 The Government of Canada also announced the creation of a new $4 billion Infrastructure
Stimulus Fund (ISF), aimed at getting shovels in the ground for infrastructure projects across
Canada over the next two (2) years. Ontario has agreed to match federal funding.
1.3 The new Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RINC) program was also announced in the
2009 Federal Budget. Application forms are imminent for this category and therefore
recommendations are included in this report.
2.0 There are eighteen (18) project categories under Intake Two of the BCF Communities
component including: brownfield redevelopment, collaborative projects, connectivity and
broadband, core national highway system, culture, disaster mitigation, drinking water, green
energy, local and regional airports, local roads, public transit, recreation, shortline railways,
short sea shipping, solid waste management, sport, tourism and wastewater infrastructure.
2.1 The recreation category is the new addition to this program. The application process has
been streamlined for this program. One application can be submitted to this program intake.
2.2 Municipalities will be required to attest that the projects would not have been built over the
next two (2) construction seasons without the federal and provincial funding. Each party
and the municipality must contribute one-third funding.
3.0 The following are eligible project categories under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund: water
and wastewater, public transit, local roads, disaster mitigation, solid waste management,
brownsfield redevelopment, culture, airport, port and cruiseship, municipal building and
parks and trails.
3.1 There is a very short application form for ISF. Successful proponents will be notified quickly
so that construction may begin. Again, THE PROJECT MUST BE COMPLETED BY
MARCH 31, 2011. Existing asset rehabilitation is the primary focus of the ISF program.
Again, the municipality will be required to attest that the projects would not have been built
over the next two (2) construction seasons without the federal and provincial funding.
3.2 Each Municipality can complete three (3) project applications under this program. The
Municipality's share is one-third of the costs.
REPORT NO.: FND-010-09
4.0 This program can include construction of new community recreational facilities and
upgrades to existing recreational facilities.
4.1 The federal contribution is capped at $1 million for each project and cost sharing of
funds at a one-third share. In the 2009 Ontario Provincial budget, a matching community
infrastructure fund of $500 million was also announced. It is expected that applications will
therefore be based on a one-third cost share. This should be officially confirmed within the
next week. If this does not occur as expected and Clarington needs to finance two-thirds
then only the first two (2) priorities would be submitted in order to manage the costs.
4.2 Fewer details are available at this time but they will likely be consistent with the rules for the
Intake 2 and the ISF programs. Announcements are expected within days and the
turnaround time will be very short.
5.0 Staff has been anticipating program announcements for the last couple of months. Council
received Report FND-004-09 at it's meeting of February 9th, 2009 entitled "Potential Shovel-
Ready Projects for Federal Funding Opportunities" (Attachment "A").
5.1 Due to the strict project completion deadline of March 31, 2011, some projects on the initial
list are simply not feasible. Additional refinement has also been underway for many of the
other projects.
5.2 Also based on the funding rules, the project cannot currently be incorporated in the 2009
Capital Budgets, as the projects can not have otherwise been built over the next two (2)
construction season.
6.0 Staff has spent a considerable time attempting to get clarity on the differing rules and process
with respect to each of the three (3) funding opportunities in order to maximize the amount of
funding that the Municipality may receive and leverage those funds to the best extent
6.1 The Build Canada Fund - Intake 2 has the most detailed requirements and must be one
single project. As part of the municipality's energy committee, a detailed energy audit was
recently completed for the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. The total comprehensive
cost is $1,275,000. The benefit here is that there will be long term benefits in energy
conservation and efficiency. This would assist in the rating of the application as that is one of
the objectives of the Federal and Provincial governments. It is therefore recommended as
the priority project for application under Build Canada - Communities Component - Intake 2.
6.2 The infrastructure Stimulus Fund (ISF) can receive up to three (3) applications. Grouping of
structures or similar/related works is not acceptable. It is recommended that three (3)
applications be submitted as follows:
a) Structure 99077 - Bridge on Hancock Road located 230m south of Nash Road in
Courtice: This bridge is in poor structural condition and has a substandard deck width of
REPORT NO.: FND-010-09
5.5m. This structure is recommended for replacement and it is also recommended that
the structure be extended to accommodate future growth in the area. Estimated
replacement cost is $890,000.
b) Concession Road 6 - Old Scugog Road to Acres Road (5.8 km): Major rural upgrade of
high volume high float road to hot mix asphalt road including structure repair and safety
improvements. Estimated cost is $2,480,000.
c) Concession Road 6 - Acres Road to Highway 35/115 (6.2 km): Major rural upgrade of
high volume high float road to hot mix asphalt road including structure repair and safety
improvements. Estimated cost is $2,620,000.
6.3 The Recreational Infrastructure Canada fund as mentioned is intended to have provincial
matching funds but it has not.been formally announced. Staff is therefore proposing three (3)
projects for submission. No details are available at this time.
a) The first priority would be the Darlington Sports Complex arena floor concrete pad
replacement at a cost of $400,000. This was not included in the existing approved
project at DSC due to funding limitations.
b) The second priority under "RINC" is the roof replacement and refrigeration plant
improvements at the Newcastle Memorial Arena at a cost of $425,000.
c) The third priority is the Pad A east seating and dressing room renovation at the Garnet B.
Rickard Recreation Complex at a cost of $500,000.
6.4 In all, over the three (3) funding programs, Clarington will be applying for seven (7) different
projects. The Clarington portion of the total costs, if all applications were approved, is
$2,863,333. The breakdown of the proposed funding sources are identified in the
recommendations. It is unlikely, however, that we will be successful in all seven (7) project
applications so the cost to Clarington ultimately will be somewhat lower than $2,863,333.
6.5 The commitment by Clarington is a substantial one and does result in a significant draw on
the General Municipal Reserve Fund ($2,513,334) in particular. However, the opportunity for
this level of funding from upper level governments is rare and we are leveraging it to the
greatest extent possible. This may reduce Council flexibility for the near future. Council can
certainly delete any projects from those recommended if they wish to limit the total impact.
6.6 Subject to Council approval of this report, staff will undertake all necessary steps to submit all
required documentation in support of our funding requests.
Attachment "A
Attachment "B"
FND-004-09 Potential Shovel-Ready Projects for Federal Funding
Authorizing By-law
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169
Attachment "A"
Monday February 9th, 2009
Resolution #: C -" (J 11.' D q
Report #: FND-004-09
File #:
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended to Council the following:
1. THAT Report FND-004-09 be received;
Submitted by:
Reviewed bYO ~ ~
Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer.
NT /hjl
REPORT NO.: FND-004-09
1,0 On January 27,2009, the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance,
presented the Federal Government's 2009 Budget.
1.1 The Federal Government's 2009 Budget was advanced'ahead of its usual
schedule by one month in response to the Opposition Parties coalition to bring
down the government illustrating their discord with the Fall Economic Statement
presented on November 27, 2008. The Opposition Parties coalition was stopped
with the prorogation of Parliament.
1.2 The Federal Government budget has an Economic Action Plan comprised of five
(5) main components to address the current economic challenges felt by the
residents, businesses and communities across Canada by creating a deficit
budget through stimulus funding and tax measures.
1,3 Federal and provincial governments may produce deficit budgets but
municipalities are not legally permitted to do so.
1.4 The Federal Government forecasts a balanced budget by 2013-2014.
2.0 The Federal Economic Action Plan components are:
2.1 Improving Access to Financing and Strengthening Canada's Financial System.
Improve financial access for consumers and to allow businesses to obtain the
financing needed to invest, grow and create jobs.
2.2 Action to Help Canadians and Stimulate Spending.
- Assist workers directly affected by the economic downturn with enhancements to
Employment Insurance and funding for skills and training.
Proposes personal income tax relief over 2008-09 and the next 5 fiscal years for
all Canadian taxpayers.
Doubling the tax relief provided by the Working Income Tax Benefit to make work
more financially attractive for low-income Canadians.
2.3 Action to Stimulate Housing Construction.
Funding to build quality housing, to stimulate construction and enhance energy
efficiency by way of a renovation tax credit of up to $1,350 to Canadian families,
funding for energy retrofits, investments in social housing to support low-income
Canadians, and low-cost loans to municipalities for housing-related
REPORT NO.: FND-004-09
2.4 Immediate Action to Build Infrastructure.
Accelerating and expanding the infrastructure funding over 2 years for the
construction and repair of roads, bridges, small craft harbours, broadband
internet access, electronic health records, laboratories and border crossings.
This will support economic growth and employment this year and next.
2.5 Action to Support Businesses and Communities.
Addressing short-term economic challenges facing businesses, regions and
communities as a result of the global economic crisis and helping them for long-
term competitiveness.
3.0 The Immediate Action to Build Infrastructure component of the Economic Action
Plan in the 2009 budget is the most relevant for municipalities and focuses on
stimulating growth and employment by investing in 4 types of infrastructure
3.1 The Federal Government's investments in the 4 types of infrastructure projects
3.1.1 Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Infrastructure
Building on pervious infrastructure commitments, Budget 2009 invests in a more
modern and greener infrastructure by:
Establishing a two-year, $4 billion Infrastructure Stimulus Fund that will provide
funding to renew infrastructure.
Providing $1 billion over five years for the Green Infrastructure Fund to support
projects such as sustainable energy.
Providing $500 million over two years to build and renew community recreation
facilities across Canada.
Accelerating up to $1 billion in payments over two years under the Provincial-
Territorial Base Funding Initiative to expedite "ready-to-go" infrastructure projects
Providing up to $500 million over the next two years for infrastructure projects is
small communities.
3.1.2 First Nations Infrastructure
Supporting 2 year projects aimed at constructing and renewal of schools, water
and critical community services.
3.1.3 Knowledge Infrastructure
Repairing, retrofitting and expanding facilities at post-secondary institutions,
building a new world-class research facility at Waterloo, Ontario, maintaining and
upgrading key research facilities in Canada, expanding the health information
systems such as the greater use of electronic health records and improving the
broadband services in rural communities in Canada.
REPORT NO.: FND-004-09
3.1.4 Federallnfrastructure
Repairing and improving federal infrastructure such as passenger rail services,
bridges and highways, refurbishing small craft harbours, restoring and improving
accessibility to federally owned buildings and improving efficiency of border
4.0 The 2009 Federal budget has the intention of releasing billions of dollars for all
levels of government - provincial, regional, counties, territorial and municipal for
infrastructure purposes as well as tax measures for the Canadian residents and
other measures for the construction and business entities across Canada.
However, concerns are being raised pertaining to procedures and process where
information is unclear.
4.1 The Federal budget has put restrictions on the number and type of municipal
projects that will be submitted. As the infrastructure funding is available for a 2
year period, some municipal infrastructure projects expand longer than 2 years
such as construction of bridges and roads. It is unclear when projects must be
4.2 In the short term period (2 years infrastructure projects), there will be a high
competition among all the levels of government competing for similar services
such as consultants, engineering services and contractors which may cause
increases in costs when tenders are awarded for all the levels of government.
This has occurred in the past when major infrastructure funding was available.
The Municipality would most likely be responsible for the increase in costs.
4.3 It's difficult for municipalities to plan its list of "ready-to-go" or "shovel-ready"
projects when the details are not available as to what is meant by "ready-to-go"
projects. As well, many municipalities have passed or are in the process of
passing their 2009 budgets. Clarington would need to use Reserve Funds to
finance its anticipated one third contribution.
4.4 Municipalities are anxiously waiting for the Federal Government to provide the
infrastructure project criteria, application guidelines, application due dates,
funding formula, and financial reporting so they may take advantage of these
new funding opportunities.
4.5 While Clarington is anxious to take advantage of all funding opportunities, a
competitive application based process has the potential to cause lengthy delays
and cost the Municipality funds in preparing fully supported applications with no
guarantee of a successful outcome.
REPORT NO.: FND-004.09
4.6 A hidden cost of these programs that is worthy of note, along with application
costs, are significant internal staff costs. There are significant reporting
requirements throughout the process that cause a strain on burdened resources
already reporting on a regular basis for annual Federal Gas tax funding, the
Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative and the Investing in Ontario Act
4.7 It is hoped that the Federal Government will not be too restrictive in its
infrastructure guidelines especially in the following areas:
eligibility of project criteria,
- the application process (from previous experience, municipalities had to have
environmental assessment studies, engineer's reports, and other reports
completed or were part of the process which is costly if outsourcing is required),
- funding access paid in advance (in the past, municipalities incurred the costs first
then applied at various stages through completion of several reports for the
federal and/or provincial share of the project which may cause municipal cash
flow issues)
5.0 Staff have reviewed their budget and forecasts to put together a list of "shovel-
ready" projects for Council's information purposes. Please refer to Attachment
"A" for the list of projects. Any queries with respect to specific project should be
directed to the appropriate department head.
5.1 Staff will report back to Councll once there are more details on the Federal
government's infrastructure project funding investments. At that time, staff will
provide recommendations for Council's consideration based on the detailed
project criteria.
Attachment A- List of "Shovel-Ready" Projects
List of Potential Shovel Ready Projects
Estimated Municipal Estimated Region
Proiect Name/Description Proiect Cost Proiect Cost
Energy Park $11,324,000 $1,954,530
TechnoloQY Park $7,398,110 $5,670,000
Rickard Recreation Complex
-Replace SkVliqhts $150,000
Rickard Recreation Complex
-Refriqeration Plant UpQrade $190,000
Rickard Recreation Complex
-Mechanical Equipment Upgrades $100,000
Rickard Recreation Complex
.Pad "A" Liohtino Retrofit $60,000
Rickard Recreation Complex
-Roof Replacement/Repair $160,000
Rickard Recreation Complex
-Pad "A" Washroom Revnovations $50,000
Rickard Recreation Complex
-Pad "A" East Side Seatina & DressinQ Room Renovation $500,000
Clarington Fitness Centre
-Major Facility Renovation $1,000,000
Darlington Sports Centre
-Replace Concrete Pad $400,000
Rural Broadband Implementation & Installation $1,600,000
EnerQV Retrofittino Proiects $500,000
Newcastle Memorial Arena
-Roof Replacement and Refriaeration Plant Improvements $425,000
Orono Public library
-ParkinQ Lot Resurfacina $20,000
Darlington Sports Centre
-Parkino Lot Resurfacina $300,000
Memorial Park Clubhouse
-Parkino Lot Resurfacino $100,000
Newcastle Community Hall
-Wall and Railing Repairs $50,000
Fire and Court Building
-Chiller ReDairs $30,000
Page 1 of 3
List of Potential Shovel Ready Projects
Estimated Municipal Estimated Region
Proiect Name/Description Project Cost Proiect Cost
Municipal Administrative Centre
-Boiler Repairs $70,000
Catch Basin Repairs
-100 Catch Basins identified in 3 areas to be reo laced $160,000
Holt Road - Rural Road Resurfacing
-from Taunton Road to Nash Road $385,000
Maple Grove Road - Rural Road Resurfacing
-from Highway #2 to South of Baseline Road turnaround $288,750
Nash Road - Rural Road Resurfacing
-from ReGional Road #57 to Maple Grove Road $240,625
Concession Road 4, Clarke - Rural Road Resurfacing
-from HighwaV #115 East to Reaional Road #18 $726,880
Concession Road 1, Clarke - Rural Road Resurfacing
-from Mill Street East(Newcastle) to Newtonville Road $708,708
Concession Road 1, Clarke - Rural Road Resurfacing
-from Newtonville Road to East Townline Road $299,838
Old Scugog Road, Darlington - Rural Road Resurfacing
-from Concession Road 4 to Concession Road 9
-excludinG the villaGes of Hamoton and Enniskillen $726,880
Waterfront Trail Pavina $594,000
Bowmanville Memorial Park renovation $250,000
Lord ElGin Park renovation $555,000
Courtice Memorial Park renovation $450,000
Samuel Wilmot Nature Area elevated boardwalk $350.000
Gradv Dr Structure $1,150,000.00
Waverlv Road Overpass, Lot 13/14 $1,400,000.00
Green Rd Structure $5,000,000.00
Lot 28, Cone VIII, Darlinaton - Structure $520,00(
North Street, Newcastle - Structure $228,000
Lot 35, Cone VIII, Darlinaton - Structure $322,000
Page 2 of 3
List of Potential Shovel Ready Projects
Estimated Municipal Estimated Region
Project NamelDescription Project Cost Project Cost
Lot 26/27, Cone II, Darlington - Structure $591,000
Lot 2/3, Cone II, Darlinqton - Structure $424,000
Conc Rd 7 Major Overlay - Pavement Rehabilitation $4,400,000.00
Cone Rd 6 Major Overlay - Pavement Rehabilitation $5,000,000.00
Municipal Wide Pavement Rehabilitation $2,000,000.00
Duke St - Road Reconstruction $1,340,000.00
Horsey St - Road Reconstruction $825,000.00
Carlisle Avenue - Road Reconstruction $570,000.00
Hillt~ Dr - Road Reconstruction $325,000.00
Mill Lane - Road Reconstruction $715,000.00
Nelson St - Road Reconstruction $575,000.00
Farewell Creek Erosion $400,000.00
TOTAL $55,947,791 $7,624,530
OVERALL TOTAL includes Municipal and Reqion Estimated Costs $63,572,321
Page 3 of 3
/-'.tLcchrnent "8"
BY-LAW 2009-0xx
Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement
between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as
represented by the Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy
and Infrastructure and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs for the Building Canada Fund - Communities
Component (BCF-CC) Contribution Agreement for
Infrastructure Projects -Intake Two
1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, an
Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the
Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure and the Minister of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and said Corporation; and
2. THAT the agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law.
By-law read a first and second time this 2th day of April, 2009.
By-law read a third time and finally passed this 2th day of April, 2009.
Jim Abernethy, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
Unfinished Business #1
Excerpt of Council Minutes
April 6, 2009
Resolution #C-194-09
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the request for approval to proceed with the first annual Morgandale Street Party
on June 6, 2009, from 1 :00 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m. be denied.
Unfinished Business #2
Excerpt of General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes
April 20, 2009
Resolution # GPA-307-09
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the refreshment vehicle license application of Dominick and Angela Forsellino be
approved with special conditions in accordance with Section 151 (1) (d), Municipal Act,
2001, as they are the property owners of the proposed location of the hot dog cart.
(See following motion)
Resolution # GPA-308-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-307-09 be tabled to the April 27, 2009 Council
April 20, 2009
Resolution #:
Report #: Addendum to CSD-007 -09
File #:
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee
recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT CSD-007-09 be lifted from the table;
2. THAT Addendum to Report CSD-007 -09 be received;
3. THAT Council provide direction to staff regarding the community use of the
municipal generator;
4. THAT Council provide staff with direction on associated costs related to the 2nd
Annual Rotary Ribfest;
5. THAT Council require the Bowmanville Rotary Club to provide, for the duration
of the event, general liability insurance in an amount of not less than five million
dollars (5,000,000) per occurrence. An original Certificate of Insurance shall be
submitted to the Municipality of Clarington and shall name the Municipality of
Clarington as an Additional Insured; and
6. THAT the Bowmanville Rotary Club be advised of Council's decision.
eph P. Caruana
irector of Community Services
.'1 r u' ~/ II --r ""7.
Reviewed by: 0 r ~/ -J l..A-._) lZ.
Franklin Wu
Chief Administrative Officer
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506
1.1 At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of March 30th,
Report CSD-007 -09 (copy attached as Attachment #1) was reviewed by Council
and referred back to Community Services Staff with the following direction:
1.1.1 THAT Report CSD-007 -09 be referred back to staff for clarification on the
merits of the event; and
1.1.2 THAT staff report back to the Committee with their findings at the General
Purpose and Administration meeting scheduled for April 20, 2009.
1.2 As directed by Council, on March 31st Community Services staff met with
representatives of the Bowmanville Rotary Club to obtain further information in
regard to the 2009 Rotary Ribfest event which is scheduled to be a three day
event June 12-14, 2009.
2.1 The initial Bowmanville Rotary Ribfest was held June 27 -July 1 st, 2008. This was
a five day event that was held in conjunction with the Bowmanville 150th
Anniversary Celebration. While the event attendance was very good, particularly
for a first time event, the event in 2008 did result in a deficit of approximately
2.2 While 2008 was the first "Ribfest event" in Clarington, many other communities
across Ontario enjoy an annual Rotary Ribfest event which does result in a net
profit that is ultimately re-invested back into the local community.
2.3 The Bowmanville Rotary Club has provided a proposed budget for the 2009
Rotary Ribfest which would result in a $21,000 surplus (Attachment #2). The
budget provided assumes the Municipality would be providing the requested
services at no cost. Any requested services that are not approved by Council
will be an increase to the 2009 event costs and have an impact on the projected
2.4 For the 2009 event, the Rotary Club have retained six "ribbers" and various other
food and merchandise vendors. Each of the vendors is required to pay a pre-
negotiated fee to the Rotary Club for participation in the event. The fee paid by
each "ribber" ($1,500 - 2009) has increased by $500 for the 2009 event as a
result of the demonstrated success of the 2008 event.
2.5 In return for in-kind services provided by the Municipality, the Municipality will be
recognized as a Platinum Level Sponsor (Attachment #3).
2.6 Any proceeds as a result of this event will allow the Rotary Club to continue to
provide funding to the various initiatives currently supported by the Rotary Club
of Bowmanville.
3.1 The 2008 Rotary Ribfest was a very successful event which included attractions
for the entire family. The event provided exposure for local talent with the
entertainment stage and to community groups and vendors through the booths
and displays.
3.2 It should be noted that the Bowmanville Rotary Club does not qualify for a
Community Grant as the program is not intended to provide funding to
organizations that make donations.
3.3 Queries with respect to departmental comments and estimates etc. should be
referred to the appropriate department.
Attachment # 1 - Report CSD-007-09, 2009 Rotary Ribfest Report
Attachment # 2 - Bowmanville Ribfest Proposed Budget for 2009
Attachment # 3 - Benefits of Sponsorship, Platinum Level $5,000
Attachment #1 to CSD-007 -09
March 30, 2009
Resolution #:
Report #: CSD-007 -09
File #:
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee
recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report CSD-007 -09 be received;
2. THAT Council provide direction to staff regarding the community use of the
municipal generator;
3. THAT Council provide staff with direction on associated costs related to the 2nd
Annual Rotary Ribfest;
4. THAT Council require the Bowmanville Rotary Club to provide, for the duration
of the event, general liability insurance in an amount of not less than five million
dollars (5,000,000) per occurrence. An original Certificate of Insurance shall be
submitted to the Municipality of Clarington and shall name the Municipality of
Clarington as an Additional Insured; and
5. THAT the Bowmanville Rotary Club be advised of Council's decision.
Submitted by:
Joseph P. Caruana
Director of Community Services
Reviewed by:
Franklin Wu
Chief Administrative Officer
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506
REPORT NO.: CSD-007-09
1.1 Council received correspondence from Wayne Routly, Sponsorship Chair,
Bowmanville Rotary Club, announcing that the Club would be hosting the 2nd
Annual Rotary Ribfest event June 12 -14, 2009, at the Garnet B. Rickard Playing
Fields. The Rotary Club further requested financial assistance with costs
associated with the rental of the parking lot and playing fields as well as costs
associated with advertising in Clarington tourism publications (Attachment # 1).
This correspondence was referred to staff.
1.2 The initial Rotary Ribfest was held June 27 to July 1, 2008, and attracted over
27,000 guests for five days of family friendly fun and entertainment, which
included local musicians, vendors and midway rides for the children.
2.1 Staff representatives from Operations, Emergency Services, Communications &
Tourism and Community Services met with representatives of the Bowmanville
Rotary Club on February 1 th to review their needs to facilitate the proposed 2nd
Annual Rotary Ribfest. Rotary Club representatives identified areas where the
Municipality could supply support and services to assist the Rotary Club.
2.2 Staff subsequently investigated and identified the associated costs with providing
the services/facilities requested.
2.3 The following are the facilities and services which the Municipality has been
requested to provide and the costs associated with providing these services.
June 12-15 (includes Y:z day set up and full
da take down
$840 Although the west diamond is not required for
the event, the event would require this
diamond to be unavailable for rental
$2,000 Staff to assist with the pick-up of litter and the
emptying of garbage containers. This event
is not a budgeted community event and would
require staff overtime for the Operations
De artment.
REPORT NO.: CSD-007-09
Waste Disposal The Rotary Club has been provided with
contact information for the waste disposal
contractor to explore possible event
Parking Lot N/C For the 2008 event staff worked with the
(Community Services) Rotary Club to reconfigure the set up of ribber
vehicles to minimize the impact on the
parking lot. Ribbers vehicles are confined to
the north row of the parking lot and do not
neqatively impact on other parkinq lot users.
Access to Water N/C The Ribbers require water at their food
(Community Services) stations to satisfy health regulations. There is
a hydrant adjacent to the site which could
accommodate this need. The Rotary Club
would be required to apply to the Region of
Durham for a permit to connect to the hydrant
and the Emergency Services Department
would provide the required hoses for the
duration of the event to carry the water to the
food stations.
Access to Electricity $2,790 In 2008, the Emergency Services Department
(Emergency Services) provided (at the last minute) the loan of a
generator when the organizers were not able
to access electrical power as they had
planned. This generator was purchased as
part of the Y2K contingency plans and
subsequently assigned as a back up power
source for the municipal emergency
evacuation centres. As the generator was
not originally intended to be loaned out to
community events, staff are requesting
direction from Council as to the suitability of
offering the use of the generator for this event
and if there should be a fee assigned to such
Staff has determined the cost of renting a
similar generator from United Rental to be
$930.00 per day plus taxes. Ribfest would
require a three day rental.
Promotional Support $600 The organizers of Ribfest had requested
(Corporate Services) colour assistance with the promotion of the event
$480 b/w through the various Clarington tourism
pu blications.
Staff are able to provide at no cost (space
REPORT NO.: CSD-007-09
- June Clarington.net publication
- front page of the municipal website
- online events calendar on the municipal
-information screens located in various
- outdoor signs located at various facilities
In addition a Y:z page ad in the Community
Services Summer Recreation & Leisure
Guide could be provided at a non-profit rate
of $600 for colour and $480 for black & white.
Disposal of Fryer Grease N/C The grease used in the on site fryers must be
(Community Services) replaced periodically throughout the
weekend. The organizers have requested
help in disposing of this grease.
The Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex
has capacity to store and recycle food grease
on site.
Staff would work with the organizers to
accommodate this request.
Certificate of Insurance Unknown In keeping with risk management best
(Finance) practices it is recommended that for the
duration of the event (including set up and
take down) the Bowmanville Rotary Club be
required to provide commercial general
liability insurance in an amount not less than
five million dollars (5,000,000) per occurrence
to protect the Rotary Club and the
Municipality of Clarington from any claims for
damages, personal injury including death,
and for claims from any property damage.
The insurance coverage shall include, but not
be limited to tenant's legal liability, non-
owned automobile coverage, cross liability
and severability of interest clause, third party
bodily injury including death, property
damage and personal injury. An original
Certificate of Insurance shall be submitted to
the Municipality and shall name the
Municipality of Clarington as an Additional
Total Costs of Services $7,070 Includes generator rental and colour 1/2
paae in Community Guide
REPORT NO.: CSD-007-09
3.1 The 2008 Rotary Ribfest was a very successful event which included attractions
for the entire family. The event provided exposure for local talent with the
entertainment stage and to community groups and vendors through the booths
and displays.
3.2 It should be noted that the Bowmanville Rotary Club does not qualify for a
Community Grant as the program is not intended to provide funding to
organizations that make donations.
3.3 Queries with respect to departmental comments and estimates etc. should be
referred to the appropriate department.
Concurrence: Director of Corporate Services
Director of Operations
Director of Emergency Services
Director of Finance
Attachment #1: January 26,2009 letter from Wayne Routly
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Attachment #2 to CSD-007 -09
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Did nfit put in anything for i3eer Tent "dIes. The idea is 'Nt: have a break even budget bel
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Attachment #3 to CSD-007 -09
Benefits of Sponsorship
Platinum Level $5,000
· Sponsorship industry exclusivity
· Sponsorship first right of refusal for renewal for next year
· Corporate volunteer exposure - beer tent, kids area
Opportunity for employee volunteering to tangibly display company
to our community
· media promotion radio/ tv. rogers/ chex tv/ newspapers
· Name placement in all ribfest ads in local paper
· On site corporate logo posting
· Site available for corporate information booth, product display
and corporate banner placement
· Post event thank you press release
· Corporate name and logo on the back of all volunteer shirts
· On stage corporate photo/ad
· Rotary ribfest website - linked to sesquicentennial - linked to Clarington
Website - hot link to your website on Rotary website
· Association with exciting new community event
· Daily mentions on stage during weekend
. Rib tasting judge
· Complimentary banner ad on main page of Rotary ribfest website
· 10 Complimentary Rib dinners
F< 9
In 8've
Unfinished Business #4
Excerpt of General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes
April 20, 2009
Resolution # GPA-315-09
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim
WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Annual Conference is scheduled
to be held from June 5 to 8, 2009, in Whistler, British Columbia;
AND WHEREAS members of Council will be attending this conference;
AND WHEREAS a General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting is
scheduled to be held on June 8, 2009;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the General Purpose and Administration
Committee meeting scheduled to be held on June 8, 2009, be rescheduled to June 15,
2009, 9:30 a.m., to be followed that evening with the regularly scheduled Council
meeting at 7:00 p.m.; and
THAT notice of the amendment to the schedule of meetings be given in accordance
with the Procedural By-law.
(See following motion>
Resolution # GPA-316-09
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-315-09 be tabled to the April 27, 2009 Council
APRIL 27, 2009
2009-045 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement
between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Her
Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the
Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure and the
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for the Building
Canada Fund - Communities Component (BCF-CC) Contribution
Agreement for Infrastructure Projects - Intake One (Approved by
Council November 10, 2008)
2009-046 Being a By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during
the year and to strike the rates of taxation for Municipal purposes
for the year 2009
2009-047 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement
between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Her
Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the
Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure and the
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for the Building
Canada Fund - Communities Component (BCF-CC) Contribution
Agreement for Infrastructure Projects - Intake Two (Staff
Report #1 )
2009-048 Being a By-law to exempt certain portions of Registered Plan 40M-
2038 from Part Lot Control (Item 4 of Report #1 )
2009-049 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an agreement with the
Owners of lands subject to Part Lot Control Application ZBA 2009-
0005 and any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands,
and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of
Part Lot Control Application ZBA 2009-0005 (Item 5 of Report #1 )
2009-050 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of
Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington
(Item 7 of Report #1 )
2009-051 Being a By-law to establish certain lands as public highway,
assume them for public use and name them (Item 7 of Report #1 )
2009-052 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Aloia Bros Concrete Contractors
Ltd., Toronto, Ontario to enter into agreement for the Sidewalk
Rehabilitation, Various Locations (Item 8 of Report #1)
Summary of By-laws
- 2 -
April 27, 2009
2009-053 Being a By-law to amend Municipality of Clarington Development
Charge By-law No. 2005-108, as amended by
By-law No. 2008-104, 2007-195 and By-law 2006-160 (Item 11 of
Report #1 )
A Catholic Youth Conference
of the Diocese of Peterborough
A Manual
for the
Local Organizing
Note: This SONfest manual is an abbreviated version of the
official manual designed to give to those who might be
interested in helping out a preliminary look at the needs and
requirements for organizing the event. Thank you for your
SONfest is a three day outdoor Catholic youth festival developed by the Vocations,
Evangelization & Youth Office (VEYO) of the Diocese of Peterborough in order to provide an
opportunity for youth & young adults to get "SPIRIT FILLED and FIRED UP". This is
accomplished through a planned program of Christian music, relevant presentations & talks, peer
discussions, various devotions and liturgies of the Church and social time for youth from across
the Diocese to connect with each other. VEYO volunteers, under the direction of the youth office
staff & director, lead through the program providing energy, enthusiasm and encouragement to
young people to follow a Christian life.
The program is developed to appeal to 16 to 25-year-old youth from any diocese; although
younger and older people have registered in the past. The expected number of participants ranges
from 200 - 300 including the pilgrims, leaders, volunteers, program performers & speakers. The
event is usually held on the last weekend of July. The location is determined by the parish
hosting the festival.
The VEYO is responsible for planning and carrying out the program, training the leaders, and
oversees all other aspects of the planning. The host parish provides the site, water & electric
utilities, and recruits a local committee of volunteer organizers to plan and carry out the logistics
of the event.
Site Requirements:
The parish hosting SONfest should be able to provide a site that can accommodate the following:
o Camping areas for girls, boys, and families
o Gathering area outdoors large enough to accommodate 2 stages and ground seating for the
o Church or auditorium for daily Masses and for all-day Adoration
o Kitchen facilities for food preparation
o Dining area able to accommodate tables and chairs for meals....... (may be outdoors)
o Sanitation areas for garbage, portable toilets, and hand wash stations
o Sheltered area for Registration and for displays
o Indoor area for gathering in case of inclement weather
o Indoor area for sleeping in case of rain...... (limited space required)
Exhibits Pg 1
In order to efficiently organize and plan this event, the duties are categorized into related
responsibilities and committees designated for each category. The following is a list of the
suggested committees with a brief description of the responsibilities.
The VEYO organizes the agenda of activities for the festival, and provides direction to all other
B. Local Organizing Committee:
A volunteer from the hosting parish should be recruited to be the chairperson of the local
organizing committee. This person will recruit other volunteers to head the sub committees and
will co-ordinate all local committees.
C. Site:
Locate a suitable area that can accommodate all the requirements, arrange for the necessary
landowner, school board, and municipal permissions, and prepare a site plan.
D. Electrical:
Provide and install the services required for area lighting and for high-tech music equipment.
E. Set up/Tear Down:
Provide the tools and labour to prepare the area for the event including stage assembly,
unloading and setup of tables and chairs, and unloading deliveries such as drink cases. At the end
of the event, the area must be cleared of SONfest materials.
F. Health/ Safety/Security:
Arrange for First Aid certified personnel, review event logistics for potential health and/or safety
hazards, and provide security as deemed necessary during the event
G. Sanitation:
Arrange for toilet and hand washing facilities and garbage collection and removal.
H. Decor:
Arrange for items i.e. floral arrangements, posters, etc. to decorate the altars, stages, and areas
used by SONfest; designate locations for SONfest banners.
I. Liturgy:
Ensure the location, supplies, and ministry personnel are available for the event Masses
J. Adoration:
Arrange for around the clock adoration during the event, and prepare a suitable location for
K. Promotion & Advertising:
Assist with the preparation and distribution of posters and brochures, prepare media releases and
church bulletin announcements, and assist with preparation of event program booklet including
arranging for program advertisers.
Exhibits Pg 2
L. Donations:
Approach local businesses for donations of foods, supplies, and/or monetary contributions.
M. Food:
Coordinate local church groups to provide, prepare, and serve meals and snacks for the event
including lunch for the day prior for the setup crews.
N. Registration:
Prerecord registrants and prepare registration packages including name tags and group
designations. This function is performed by the VEYO office with volunteers from the locality
assisting to register participants as they arrive.
o. Music & Sound:
Arrange for music for the event and all required sound systems and equipment.
Committee Responsibilities
This section contains details of each committee's responsibilities and suggested procedures.
These notes are a compilation of remarks from previous SONfest occurrences and will be
updated with comments, notes, etc. from each future SONfest committee.
Note that these sheets are a guideline and duties may be rearranged as necessary for locale or
number of volunteers.
General Responsibilities and Notes
Each committee chairperson should:
1. recruit the required number of volunteers for their area of responsibility.
2. make a list of items required and give to the donations committee - they may be able to
get these items donated
3. attend the local committee meeting and be prepared to report on the progress of the area
of responsibility
4. keep notes of any problems and/or issues and how they were resolved
5. complete the feedback form at the end of the event
6. meals are provided for all participants, speakers, volunteers
This sheet should be copied and given to each of the committee heads.
Exhibits Pg 3
Site Plan
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Exhibits Pg 4
Committee Contact List
Committee Name Chairperson Contact info phone/email
B: Local Organizing Committee:
C: Site:
D: Electrical:
E: Set up/Tear Down:
F: Health/ Safety/Security:
G: Sanitation:
H: Decor:
I: Liturgy
J: Adoration:
K: Promotion & Advertising:
L: Donations:
M: Food:
M: Registration:
0: Music & Sound:
Exhibits Pg 5
SON/est Meal Schedule
suggest food committee prepare a sheet similar to this one to keep track of meal times, foods,
and who is preparing each meal.
Day Meal Menu Who/Contact
1. Thursday Lunch for Set up Sandwiches, St. Martin's CWL 3 ladies
12:30 PM crews Veggie tray
30 people
2. Friday Lunch for Set up Sandwiches, St. Martin's CWL 3 ladies
12:30 PM crews Veggie tray
30 people
3. Friday Supper Pasta, Buns/Butter, St Pauls/St Martins CWL
4:00 PM Cookies, Drinks,
Veggie Tray, Ice
4. Friday Snack Douro CWL
10:00 PM
5. Saturday Breakfast muffins, cereal,
7:50 AM strata, bagels,
6. Saturday Snack fruit, cookies, St Johns
10:30 AM veggies, bars
7. Saturday Lunch Sandwiches, veg St Peters
12:30 PM tray, drinks
8. Saturday Snack fruit trays St Pauls
2:30 PM
9. Saturday Supper BBQ, salad, slab KOC, CWL
5:50 PM cakes drinks
10. Saturday Snack drinks CWL
9:30 PM
11. Sunday Breakfast pancakes, sausage, KOC
7:50 AM tim's coffee
12. Sunday Lunch leftovers from St Peters +
12:30 PM other days
13. Sunday Supper Bishop's pizza, CWL
4:30 PM drinks
Exhibits Pg 6
Donations for SONfest
suggest using a sheet similar to this one to keep track of the donations
Item Donor Comments
1. drinking water Rocky Ridge bottled water and dispensers; use
18litre bottles rather than individual
bottles to reduce garbage
2. Coolers/water troughs Co-Op; Rural Routes used for holding ice for cooling pop
3. Canopies, tarps, dining tent local used to cover stage, music
equipment, food in case of rain and
to provide areas of shade if very hot
(heatstroke); need shade for stage;
min of 10 req'd
4. Sleeping tents local extras in case some tents are soaked
or for chaperones who do not have
their own
5. Granola Bars Quaker
6. Milk, Coffee, Tea, Juice
7. Juice boxes
8. Fruits & Veggies
9. Pop
10. Ice Cream Baskin Robbins tubs of assorted flavours
11. Cookies 40 bags of 24 ea
12. Cheese S ysco 4 19 blocks cubed for 1 meal
13. Bread, Butter
14. Slushy Machine and juices Sysco Foods - Tony
15. Wood for campfire Friday night
Exhibits Pg 7
Letter to Parish Groups in the Deanery
SONfest '08 St. Mary's Church, Lindsay
June 1, 2008
I am writing you on behalf of the SONfest Planning Committee to seek your
support and encouragement of this opportunity to welcome youth. Father Norbert
and a group of youth from the Diocese have been working with the Coordinators
Deacon Roy and Yvette Roy to organize this Catholic Youth Festival in the City of
Kawartha Lakes.
This Deanery is hosting the Catholic Youth Festival titled SONfest'08, at St.
Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School in Lindsay from August 15 to 17.
The three day event will begin Friday evening and run through Saturday and
We expect to draw youth and young adults ages 14 to 25 from across Ontario and
beyond. We are excited to be hosting the 'Future of the Church'.. .our youth.
You have been approached by Father Norbert to assist and support this event. We
need the help of everyone to make the event a true success.
A meeting has been scheduled for Wednesdav June 18th at 7:30 pm in the chapel of
St. Mary's Church in Lindsay. You are invited to attend and/or to send 2
representatives from your parish( es) who would be willing to support you with the
SONfest activities. We will need the financial and physical support of various
groups within each parish. Again, we need your support to make this event a true
Attached are several planning sheets that you are asked to consider in respect to
your Parish. They are draft plans. Representatives from each Parish should come to
the meeting with an idea of the level of support they can provide for SONfest.
Please return the first attachment bye-mail prior to Tuesday June 1 ih.
Joanne Hough
SONfest Local Committee Chair
Exhibits Pg 8
Parish Plan
How can our parish help to support SON fest '08?
1. Can we invite parishioners to pray for the success of SONfest and
invite parishioners to attend?
2. Can we collect donations of staples in our parish?
3. Can we contribute a financial donation to support the purchase of
perishable items?
From whom?
How much?
4. Do we have donors who are able to make donations of supplies?
5. Do we have volunteers to support the meal plan?
How many?
Exhibits Pg 9
UWQ HavQ ~Qt Our HOPQ on thQ living Godu (1 Tim. 4: 10)
Catholie Youth Fg~tival
of thg Dioeg~g of pgtgrborough
Holy Trinity ~(!ondary ~hool
2260 Courtieg Road ~outh, Courtieg ON
Join us for 3 days of music, prayer, talks,
discussion groups, games and camping!
farly mgistration for ~ONfgst '09 is only ~40 for thg gntim
3 - day gvgnt! Aftgr July 31 st, thg mgistration fgg is ~50
How do I rggisfgr7
You ean piek up a mgistration form at your ehureh or sehool
or mgistgr onling at www.Vgyopgtgrboro.org
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Hostgd by ~t. Thgmsg Parish in Courtieg, ON
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Diocese of Peterborough
Office for Youth
SONfest '09
Diocesan Youth Festival August 14th _16th, 2009
First Draft lVlarch 30th, 2009
Friday, August 14th:
2:00 pm
Arrival, tent set-up and registration
Kaos pre-recorded music
4:00 pm
Dinner and social time
Kaos pre-recorded music
5: 15 pm
5:30 pm
Gathering and welcoming music
Welcome (Me's), opening prayer, icebreakers and music
6:30 pm
1 st talk by guest speaker
7:30 pm
Small group discussion (15 people per group) followed by
social time
8:00 pm
Youth Cross prayer service, testimonies & Stations of the Cross
9:30 pm
Snack & Entertainment: Movie
Adoration available through the night
Saturday, August 15th (Solemnity of the Assumption):
7:00 am
Wake-up prayer
7:15 am
8 :00 am
Rosary procession to St. Therese Church
9:00 am
Holy Mass at St. Therese Church (MC: Seminaria~ Jerry).
followed by transport back to school site
10:00 am
Games, snack & social time in small groups
11 :00 am
V ocation Panel and group discussion with panelists
12:30 pm
Lunch (Church groups put on display until after dinner)
1 :30 pm
Games and social time
~:oo pm
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
8:30 pm
9:00 pm
10:00 pm
Sunday, August 16th:
7:30 am
7 :45 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
11 :30 am
12:30 pm
1:30 PM
2:00 pm
2nd talk by guest speaker
Small group discussion
Showers and snack time (slip & slide)
Evening Prayer (Seminarians) with Praise & Worship music
and visit with Bishop De Angelis
Games and social time
3 rd talk by guest speaker
Small group discussions followed by snack time
Praise & Worship music with slide show
Adoration & procession concluding with Benediction (in school
(Confessions outside available beginning with rosary)
Snack & Talent show
Adoration through the night (confessions available)
Wake-up prayer
Morning Prayer (Seminarians) with Praise & Worship music
4 th talk by guest speaker
Small group discussion
Lunch and games
VEYO slide show and presentation (WYD, IEC, Retreats, Way of
the Cross, BXVI, CORC, Y AC, CCT, SONfest, seminarians etc.)
Preparation for Mass (Me: Seminarian Jerry)
Holy Mass with Bishop De Angelis
followed by farewell and Bishop's pizza
St. Therese Parish Committees
for SONfest 2009
Team A
Amany Bastien 905 -434-3882 amanybastien@rogers.com
Donations - Amany Bastien
Promotion and Advertising - Colleen and Jason Lloyd
Electrical Assistance with Site - George Downey & Larry Thompson
Team B
Mary Felstead 905-440-4765 pznfelly@rogers.com
Health/Safety and Security - Wayne Hutchinson and Bill Segers
Music and Sound - Frank Scriver
Liturgy - Yvonne Majoor
Team C
Iman Deal 905-448-8993 jamesdeaI2004@rogers.com
Registration - Maureen Potts and Joan Flood
Adoration - Pat and John Wilson
Food - CWC Kim Anderson
Team D
Marie Gagnon 905-404-1962 marie.gagnon@specialty-care.com
Site- Maureen Day
Set up and Tear Down - K of C Dominic D'Silva TBC
Sanitation - John Vandersanden and Cinzia Porco
Decor - Lee McDonald
March 10th, 2009
Diocese of Peterborough
To Whom It May Concern:
With this letter I wish to give a brief description of the nature and purpose of SONfest, the annual youth
conference of the Diocese of Peter borough, Ontario.
Under the auspices of the diocesan Office for Vocations, Evangelization and Youth (VEYO), its director, staff
and numerous volunteers, SONfest has become since its inception in 2004 the official youth conference /
festival of our Diocese. It is modeled after the famous World Youth Days of the Catholic Church which,
beginning under the late Pope John Paul II and continuing under the present Holy Father, have drawn together
hundreds of thousands of young people from around the world for a time of celebration, study and prayer. You
may recall the tremendous impact World Youth Day had not just on youth, but on the whole of Canada when it
took place in Toronto in 2002. In a similar fashion SONfest seeks to reach youth and young adults from our
Diocese and invite them to discover, explore and celebrate their Catholic faith in a setting, mostly outdoor,
which can accommodate a large number of people and which is fitting for a younger audience.
Over the last five years SONfest has developed into a 3-day event offering guest speakers, discussions,
conferences, prayer, religious services, presentations, lots of music and more. It has each time attracted a few
hundred youth and young adults between the ages of 14 and 30 from the 40 parishes of the Diocese of
Peterborough, which covers a rather large area between Courtice and Brighton in the south and Powassan and
Parry Sound in the north. As a matter of fact, youth have come to SONfest also from outside the geographic
area of the diocese and, indeed, anyone is welcome to attend no matter what age, religion or home town. This
year's event will take place on the grounds of Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School in Courtice from August
14th to 16th and is hosted by St. Therese Parish in Courtice.
Since SONfest is an event of relatively large proportions, the Diocese has taken all necessary precautions to
make sure that the conference is properly prepared, well organized and safe and does not present any danger or
cause any inconvenience to either those who attend or to those who live nearby. After all, it is part of the
purpose of SONfest to recognize and show the positive effects the Christian faith can and should have on youth
and through them on the larger community.
On behalf of the youth who will attend SON fest and, indeed, on behalf of the Diocese of Peterborough I wish to
thank you for allowing the event to take place in your community and for offering your support and assistance.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Father Norbert, Director of the Youth
Office (VEYO), at 705.749.0330 or through youtM7::vevopeterboro.org.
Sincerely in Christ,
~c:~ b-<- ~
+ Nicola De Angelis
Bishop of Peterborough
350 Hunter Street West - PO Box 175, Peterborough, ON, K9J 6Y8
Telephone: (705) 745-5123 Facsimile: (705) 745-2555
Sf. Therese Catholic Church
Pastoral Team
Rev. Father Vic Valles, Pastor
Rev. Father Peter Selvaraj, Associate Pastor
Convent and Dav Care Center
Daughters of St. Mary of Leuca
Mother Virgilia, Superior 436-2308
Parish Schools
Msgr. Leo Cleary School 433-0331
Connie Rosario, Principal
Good Shepherd School 404-9868
Debbie Ford, Principal
Parish Rep - Ann and Allison Saunders and Kiera Royle
Mother Teresa School 433.5512
Gerard vanden Wildenberg, Principal
Parish Rep - Iman Deal
Holy Trinity Secondary School
Dave Dolan, Principal
Parish Rep - Cynthia Graham
St. Joseph French Immersion School 623.5151
Rosemary Livesey, Principal
Parish Rep - Cindy Lipsett
Parish Office
Bernadette Spicer, Secretary
Lyn King, Secretary
Monday through Friday 9:00am-Noon and 1 :00pm-4:00pm
Mass: Sat. 4:30 p.m., Sun. 9:00 & 11 :00 a.m., 7:00 p.m.
Weekdays 7:00 p.m. and. Friday 9:30 a.m.
Reconciliation: Saturdays 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Or contact a priest.
Baptism: Call the Parish Office. Families should be
registered and practicing their faith at St. Therese.
Confirmation: Contact the parish office.
Anointing of the Sick: Contact a priest
Marriage: Contact a priest one year in advance for
preparation. At least one of the engaged must be
a registered, practicing parishioner at St. Therese
Holy Orders: Contact the Parish office for information
regarding the priesthood and religious life.
Vocations office, Peterborough www.veyopeterboro.org
Parish Advisory Board
Marie Gagnon 404-1962
Parish Directory
Catholic Women's Connection Knights of Columbus
Kim Anderson 723-5978 Dominic D'Silva 433-7975
Legion of Mary
Rosetta Roti 263-8391
Eucharistic Ministers
Diane Passey 623-9171
Paul Spicer 623-5062
Bill Banks 576-1395
Christian Initiation for Adults
Joan Flood 404-6575
Pro-Life Group
Elizabeth Donald 432-5390
St. Vincent's Soup Kitchen
Doreen Banks 576-1395
World Youth Day Rep.
Mary Fe/stead 440-4765
Altar Servers
Leslie Hurley 436-6532
Bible Study
M. Saplagio, E. Donald,
D. Saunders
Church Cleaning
Frances Lenihan 728-4254
Cursillo Movement
Mary Baylis 623-3504
St. Therese Food Bank
Dave Saunders 433-9473
Baptismal Preparation
Carol Bracken 728-3995
Finance Committee
Bernie MacDonald 579-3423
Tuesday / Friday Adoration
Parish Office 436-2126
Children's Liturgy
Yvonne Majoor 697-9470
Banner Group
Kathy Nesci 436-5820
Marriage Preparation
Parish Office 436-2126
Pre- Teen Youth Group
John Vandersanden 697-3654
Parish Music
4:30 Janey Loder 728-5335
9:00 Alan Baylis 623-3504
11 :00 Frank Scriver 436-0781
7:00 Diane Passey 623-9171
Home and Hospital Visitation
Monique Theriault 697-2662
Counters Teen Youth Group
Parish Office 436-2126 Lacee Lajeunesse 447 -5227
3800 Courtice Road North, Courtice, Ontario L 1E 2L5
phone: 905.436.2126 fax: 905-436-9589
e-mail: sttherese@hellnet.ca
Parish Web Site: www.st-therese-church.com
New Parishioners - Please register by completing the yellow "Registration Form" at the Church Doors.
April 26th, 2009
6:00 pm - Youth
7:00 pm - Mass -Intentions of Carol Ward
Req. by The Catholic Women's Connection
7:00 pm - Presentation at Clarlngton Council for SONtest
9:00 am - 6:30pm ADORATION
5:90~pm .:.. Legion of Mary
7:00 pm Mass -t TltanglSaplaglo
Req. by The Legion of Mary
7:30 pm- KafC Executive Meeting
7:pO pm Mass -Intentions of Limy and Elizabeth Donald
Req. by Mary Louise, Gary, Dick and Msrg
7:30 pm - Bible Study
7:00 pm Mass- tTherese Rush-Northam
Req. by Jim and Rose Delaney
FRIDAY ~AY 1st s
9:30 am-tRon Malsey .
Req. by Th~e Spicer Family
7:00 pm-Mass -Intentions of Gall Gerrow
Req. by Fred Fountain
7:30 pm -Choir Practice
8:30 am - Mass -Convent
The Daughters of St. Mary of Leuca
10:3D-Noon- Saturday morning Conflnnatlon Class
t Alexis Lellls
Req. by Adela Pugliese
Psalter IV
9:00 am Mass -tTrudy 01 Daniell
Req. by Ted and Yvonne MaJoor
Assisted by Good Shepherd School
11 :00 am Mass - The People of Our Parish
Assisted by Mottier Teresa School
7:00 pm-Mass - tRonald Denis Passey
Req. by The Passey Family
Assisted by Msgr. Leo Cleary School
t Frank Siciliano, Ryan Smigielski, Ken Butcher,
Toni Adams, Victoria Frendo-Cumbo, Tom
MacPherson, Antonielta Celeberti, Carol Ward.
Cheryl Geofroy, Alexander Latimer, Gregory
Findlay, Gary Meade, Ann Damphf, Barbara Couvert,
Luigi Cupelli, Jim Spicer, Pat Morelli, Trudy Sucee, Gail Gerrow.
Mary Martinelli .Bob Stark, Cathy Greig, John Morrissette.
At the end of Luke's gospel, the disciples
were still trying to understand what
happened to Jesus, and Jesus was still
trying to help them figure it out.
~ ~ Following his resurrection, Jesus
appeared to the disciples again.
They still had a hard time
recognizing him and figuring out if
he was a ghost. To help them know
he was really there with them, Jesus ate a piece of fish
and asked the disciples to go out into the world to tell
others the Good News. The early Church of Luke's
community had the same problem, and much of Luke's
writing was intended to help these new Christians see
that the resurrection was indeed real. As he did at the
Last Supper Jesus once again broke bread with the
disciples and offered them his body.
What could convince someone to turn to
God? That God became man and is the
sacrifice that takes our sins away. Let us
pray - Lord Jesus, make Your word plain
to us and set our hearts on fire with love
when You speak. Enable us to respond to
the call to be witnesses of Your love.
.I"'d" I
....''lI! I
First Reading: Acts 4.7-12
Second Reading: 1 John 3.1-2
Gospel: In. 10.14
Discover the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
High School students are invited to join the NET team for
an evening retreat at St. Francis of Assisi Parish,
Newcastle on Thursday April 30th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.
For more information, please call the parish office at
905-987 -5446.
MASS TIME 4:30 PM 9:00AM & 11 :OOAM 7:00 PM
LECTORS R. Uvesey K. Felstead M. Prisciak K. Ross
T. Evman J. Kreisz
I!XTAAORDlHARY R. Bailey P.Eyman B. Banks L. Kudrow
MINISTERS D. Drumm M. Gagnon D. Walker D.
OF THE Saunders
ALTAR N. Geofroy C. Cagan A. DeJesus J. Molano
SERVERS J. Forcier D. L1loyd A. DeJesus M. Molano
J. Linton C. L1loyd B. Scriver E. Milan
A. L10vd V. Scriver E, Steffan
A heartfelt thank you to our secretaries Bernadette and
Lyn, for their willingness to spend extra time, efforts and
services to the parish over the Holy Week. They made
my pastoral load a lot lighter. Thanks to Father Peter for
his assistance and support. Father Vie.
This week, let us pray for ~
Third Sunday of Easter
UYhank youfor"puttlng your n-;me on the front ofYour-
donation enveloPe each week. It Is a great help.
To assist our counters with opening envelopes, please
refrain from using staples ot:\scotch tape. Thank you.
SONfest Collection $733.85
Development and Peace $150.00
If you would like to donate towards the VEYO office, you
may do so through the parish collect/on.
These funds will help to offset some of the costs for
SONfes" Thank you.
If you are interested in purchasing CD's featuring speakers
such as Bishop Fulton Sheen, theologian Scott Hahn, Fr. Larry
Richards and others on subjects such as : 7 Reasons to be
Catholic, Understanding the Eucharist, The Healing Power of
Confession, There is Life in the Womb, The Gift of Sexuality,
Making Sense Out of Suffering, and many others, please let
the office know by phoning 905-436-2126, so we can provide
these to you. This serves as a survey first to find out if
parishioners are interested. Moreover, these are excellent tools
in u datin and dee en in our Catholic faith.
Welcome to our New Families:
Menzie and Riches/Fitches families
New parishioners are invited to register as members of our
parish by using the Yellow Registration Form at the front
door. If you require donation envelopes there are boxes
available at the entrance to the church.
ewe NEWS
All Ladies of the Parish are welcome to attend gatherings of
the CWC. The Ecumenical Pot Luck Supper will be on Monday
May 4 RSVP Doris Drumm 905-436-2684 by Apr. 22, see
poster for details
Silver Needles: May 6th (Wed. 10 am to Noon). We create
prayer shawls, pneumonia vests and milk bag beds. All Ladies
welcome to attend. A collection box for (outside) milk bags is
located in kitchen. Ba s must be clean, d & flat.
. . .
This year our parish will have students from our local
Catholic schools helping with our weekend liturgies
during Education Week, which is the first week in May.
Thank you to the students and staff who are assisting us
with these litur ies.
. .
The parish would like to congratulate the young people
who are receiving their First Eucharist this weekend.
God bless you.
v1ichael's Parish in Cobourg
. .
On Saturday May 2" , there will be First
Communion Mass at the 4:30 mass. The front
nine pews of the Church will be reserved for
Some of the help around the parish is done in quiet and we
would like to thank George Downey and Larry Thompson for
all you behind the scenes work they do. Thank you to our
cleaners, who do such a wonderful job keeping the Ch:arCh .
in order. We are truly blessed at our parish. .
Thank you to all those who helped with our Yard Clean
Up. Your help and hard work is greatly appreciated. -.(~
.. . .
. . .- . -
This conference will be held on October 16 /17 at the Canada
Christian Collection, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto. You may
register at www.aodsexmeaninaoflife.homstead.com , byemail
at stbrea@amail.com or by phone at 416-481.5465. See poster
on our bulletin board.
On Monday, April 27th at 7:00 pm, Danny Deal and Rafi
Karski will be presenting a SONfest 2009 overview to
council members at the Municipality of Clarington Council
Meeting, in Bowmanville. Please come out and show your
support for the Youth and the SONfest '09 celebration
hosted b St. Therese and held at Hol Trinit C.S.S.
. I
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a
Mother's Day Dinner on Saturday May 9th.
Cocktails are at 5:30,dinner at 6:00. Tickets
are $15.00 each. Tickets are on sale after
Mass. For more information please contact
Kevin Ross at 905-432-3395.
The March for Life will take place on Parliament Hill on
Thursday May 14th and this year St. Therese's Parish is
sponsoring a bus to take people to the event. We need
numbers to fill the bus and take a stand against abortion!
Cost is $20. Please give this your time and effort to attend!
More information is in the bulletin and posted at the
entrance of the church."
We ask that if should want to put anything on our bulletin
boards or windows that you arrange this through the
parish office. Please do not remove anything that is
presently up. Thank you.
Input materials from Fr. John Corapi, with Sister Therese
Roddy facilitating. Sacred Heart Parish Hall from 7-8:30
. M 3rd Olh 24th d 31 5t
pm Sunday evenings, ay ,1, an .
No registration fee. Please call 745-1309 ext. 277 to
725-4761 FAX: 571-6160
~7Km~~~t GuyM.Ma}
Osholwa, ON IlJ 2l-+ Ma""l:IIIfDIJ'I'C'"'
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lalt. (lallet. Jazz .i. m(;t
. ...
- .
335 Bloor St. W.
Fax: 90S-697.1S06
Emall: joh"_otoole@ontla.ola.org
Constituency Office
75 King StreE:lI E
Bowmanville. ON
L1C 1N4
James P. Tremblay
\587 Highway #2 Courticc, ON Ll E 2R7' Phonc 905-432-8484. Fax 905-432-9797
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1621 Pebblestone Rd. 1905) 728-9530
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Phone: 905-440-4765
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(905) 668-8912
Mausoleum, Cremation. Monument Lots. and Shnne Seciions
Visit our website at www.catholic-cemeteries.com
Funeral Director
Ii! McIntosh. Anderson
.. Funeral Home Ltd.
_ ,;;;.....:...- --.:;w
152 King Street East,
Oshawa, Ontario
LlH 186
(905) 433-5558
The SONfest '09 Organizing committee is asking for your help to make this year's
celebration a tremendous success. Over the next few months, until the arrival of
SONfest, we are requesting that families help by donating one item per week so we
can keep expenses to a minimum.
SONfest provides an opportunity for youth and young adults to get "SPIRIT FILLED
and FIRED UP", This 3 day overnight event will be jammed packed with great
music, keynote speakers, peer discussions, and various devotions and liturgies of
the Church.
Please take a few moments to review the donation list and the week in which we
are asking for the items - please note that we cannot accept any beverages in glass
Sunday, April 26 to May 9
Cases of water bottles
Sunday May 10 to May 23
Cases of Pop (any kind)
May 24 to June 13
Cases of Juice (any kind)
June 14 - June 27
Nutri Grain Cereal Bars, Granola bars or Rice Krispies Squares
June 28 to July 11
Pudding Cups, Jello Cups or Fruit Cups
July 12 toJuly 25
Cheesies, Pretzels or Chips
July 25 to August 8
Cookies or Nacho Chips
Ongoing Requests
Boxes of Kraft Dinner
Please do not hesitate to contact the Parish office at 905-436-2126 or Amany
Bastien at amanvbastien@rogers.com to discuss any donations for the event.
Thank you to all - your support and enthusiasm will surely ensure the success of
the SONfest '09.
Youth & Young adults (18-35) are invited to make the pilgrimage to
2009 Youth Summit in Quebec City. Come find renewal among the
great witnesses of the Gospel who built our country and who invite us to
be witnesses in turn, during this beautiful year honouring St. Paul. This
year's event will take place May 15-18 at Laval University in Quebec
City. Registration is only $100 and includes transportation on the VEYO
bus, accommodations, and all meals except for dinner Sunday evening.
For more information or to register please call the Youth Office at (705)
Retrouvaille is a world leading programme designed to provide help and
support to married couples who are undergoing stress and difficulties in
their relationship. It has also led to reconciliation for couples who are
separated or divorced but who wish to restore and rebuild their
marriage. Retrouvaille programmes are presented numerous times
every year in the Toronto area. For more information or to register,
please call 416-281-6007 or visit www.retrouvaille.org. all contact is
keot in strict confidence.
An evening of catechesis, reflection, prayer and discussion on the topic
of "The Resurrection" with guest speaker Fr. Norbert Glasmacher. The
evening will begin at 7pm on Monday, May 4th at the VEYO Centre. For
more information, contact YAC at vac@vevooeterboro.or
With World Youth Day 2009 celebrated this past Palm Sunday, and the
World Youth Day cross now in the hands of Spanish youth, preparations
have begun in Madrid and locally for World Youth Day 2011! Anyone
hoping to organize a group in any of our parishes and schools are asked
to please contact the Youth Office at (705) 749-0330) for preliminary
Many thanks to all those who helped to make this year's re-enactment
of the Way of the Cross possible. With nearly 600 spectators in
attendance, the procession traveled through the streets of Peterborough
from the Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains to Immaculate Conception,
touching the hearts of those watching as the over 50 young actors
brought to life the Passion of Our Lord. To view articles and pictures
from the event visit, www.peterboroughexaminer.com. More photos,
articles and videos will be added to the VEYO website in the coming
In a collaborative effort by the Diocese of Peterborough and PVNCC
District School Board, the rapping Franciscan priest from the Bronx in
New York will be in the Peterborough Diocese from May 5th-9th. He will
be visiting a number of our local high schools as well as leading through
a Day of Recollection hosted by VEYO on Saturday May 9th. For more
information please contact VEYO at (705) 749-0330 or email
There will be a discernment weekend on May 15-17, 2009 at the
Scarborough Mission Centre at 2685 Kingston Road in Scarborough.
For more information, olease contact Fr. Len Altilia SJ at 416-962-4500.
~ . ~
. . .
We are currently looking for submissions for the May issue of the VEYO
newsletter -IGNITE. Any parish, school, or church group with articles
from past events or information on upcoming events that they would like
advertised in the next issue is asked to contact Krista at the VEYO
Centre bv Thursdav Aoril 30.
Mayor Abernethy and Members of Council
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
April 24, 2009
Please be advised of the following additions to Monday's meeting:
Richard Walli, Chair, Energy-From-Waste Site Liaison Committee. has requested to address
Council to summarize progress made to date. (A motion to suspend the rules to allow
Mr. Walli to address Council will need to be introduced and carried by a % vote of members
present and voting.)
See final list of Delegations attached.
Please be advised that Tim Funchion - Delegation (c) will not be addressing Council regarding
Item #3 of Unfinished Business - Addendum to Report CSD-007-09 - 2009 Rotary Ribfest as
he will not be meeting with DRPS until after Monday's Council meeting. He will attend the
May 4, 2009, GPA meeting.
D - 26 Vic Suppan, Chair, Heritage Advisory Committee, advising that the
Committee is in support of adding the properties located at 33 King
Street West, Bowmanville and 19-1/2 and 21-23 King Street West,
Bowmanville to the Municipal Registry as properties of cultural
heritage value or interest. By adding the properties to the Registry,
the Municipality identifies and recognizes that these properties
contain cultural heritage significance and, since the Registry is a
public document, all who are concerned about the property become
aware of its heritage significance.
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506
The only restriction placed on the property is that to demolish a
building will require the applicant to apply directly to Council with at
least 60 days notice. This assures time to determine if the loss of the
heritage asset and replacement with something new enhances the
quality of life in our community.
(Motion to advise of actions taken with
respect to Report #PSD-040-09)
D - 27 Sue DaCosta, Secretary, Orono Town Hall Board, advising of the
Board's intention to apply for Federal grant funding to assist with
much-needed renovations to the washroom facilities at the Orono
Town Hall; requesting a letter of agreement and support from the
Municipality as owner of the building required as part of the
application process; advising that should the Board not be successful
in the Federal grant application, they are prepared to fundraise to
have the renovations completed as they are losing rentals because of
the condition of the washrooms. The deadline for the Federal funding
application is May 4, 2009.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Operations)
Attached please find a memorandum from the Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement
providing additional information concerning Item 2 of Unfinished Business - Dominick and
Angela Forsellino, Regarding a Request for Exemption from By-Law 2004-114, By-law to
Regulate and License Refreshment Vehicles
(}t Patti L. Barrie:- MO
Municipal Clerk
cc: Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
April 27, 2009
a) Allan Kirby and Deborah Leslie, Newcastle & Village District Historical
Society - Architectural Heritage Policy (Correspondence Item D - 1)
b) Danny Deal and Rafael Karski, Youth Advisory Committee, St.
Therese Parish - SONfest Conference/Festival (Correspondence
Item D -15)
c) Robert Walraven - Regarding the Request for a Street Party on
Morgandale Cres., Bowmanville to be Reconsidered (Item 1 of
Unfinished Business)
.11' n. ...=....Id n......
. CJNilJgron
TO: Mayor Abernethy and Members of Council
FROM: Len Creamer
DATE: 23 April 2009
RE: Refreshment Vehicle Licence Application
98 King Street West Bowmanville
At the GPA meeting on Monday April 20th, the Committee referred the delegation
of Mr. Domenic Forsellino to the next meeting of Council for a decision
concerning an Application for a Refreshment Vehicle Licence. Mr. Forsellino has
requested that Council overturn the decision of staff to refuse to licence their
The Forsellinos have applied to place a "hot dog cart" in the parking lot on the
East side of their property at 98 King Street West in Bowmanville. The proposed
location is located within the required 60 metre setback for refreshment vehicles
as specified in section 13(a) of Clarington By-law 2004-114 as shown in the
attached map.
The 60 metre setback is an issue for many Applicants. It is not unusual for staff
to have to send an Applicant back to find a different location because either the
proposed site does not meet the Zoning requirements or because it is too close
to an existing eating establishment.
Unlike the majority of applicants the Forsellinos own the land upon which they
are hoping to set up the cart. A search of the licencing records shows that a
similar situation was dealt with in 2004 when a merchant at 34 King Ave East in
Newcastle applied to set up a chip truck in the laneway on the east side of his
eating establishment. The matter was brought to Council at the time for
After the Applicant, Mr. Garrod, spoke to Council the licence was issued with the
restriction that the owner would be allowed to remain on his property at 34 King
Ave but had to move the vehicle to the rear (north end) of the property thus
placing it more than 60 metres away from the adjoining business to the east
which was also an eating establishment. Normal practice would have required
the vehicle to be at least 60 metres away from any other eating establishment.
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506
The proposed hot dog cart is not an accessory use to any business which the
The proposed hot dog cart is not an accessory use to any business which the
Forsellinos operate on their lot. They are the landlords and rent out the building
to other businesses.
Staff have no objection with the licence being issued to the Forsellinos at this
location with certain conditions. The Municipal Act permits Council to impose
special conditions on the issuance of a licence if Council deems it appropriate.
Staff recommend that, as a condition of obtaining and continuing to hold a
Refreshment Vehicle Licence for the lot at 98 King Street West Bowmanville;
1. they annually obtain the written agreement of those eating establishments
located within the 60 metre setback, and
2. in the event of an objection from either neighbouring owner or their
successor if either business is sold, the licence will not be renewed
For your information.
. ,/
/y //~-,/
Len Creamer, C.P.S.O., M.L.E.O.(C), CMMIII
Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement
Department Heads
40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506
60 Metre Radius For 98 King Street West, Bowmanville
Mayor Abernethy and Members of Council
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
April 27, 2009
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 20, 2009
Attached please find a revised Report #1. The copy of Report #1 circulated in the
Council Agenda had inadvertently listed two items as #11. The revised Report
attached has been corrected to reflect the correction to the numbering.
I apologize for this oversight.
12 Patti L. Barn, MO J
Cf' Municipal Clerk
cc: Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506
(a) EGD-015-09 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for March, 2009
(b) CLD-007-09 Animal Services Quarterly Report - January - March 2009
(c) FND-009-09 Report on Revenue Sensitive to Economic Conditions -
March 2009
(d) Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer - Regarding
Energy-From-Waste Host Agreement Negotiations
THAT Report PSD-036~09 be received;
THAT the applications for an amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision
18T-90051 and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by West Diamond
Properties Ltd. continue to be reviewed to address outstanding issues; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-036-09 and any delegation be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT Report PSD-037-09 be received;
THAT the Draft Plan of Condominium application submitted by CCCC Durham
East Limited be approved, and that the Director of Planning Services be
authorized to issue Draft Approval, subject to the conditions as contained in
Attachment 2 to Report PSD-037 -09;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-037-09 be forwarded to the Durham Region Planning
Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-037-09 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-038-09 be received;
THAT the request for Removal of Part Lot Control by Tyler Smith, on behalf of
Jubal Pappin, with respect to Lot 105 on Plan 40M-2038, be approved and that the
Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PSD-038-09 be passed pursuant to
Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act and a copy forwarded to the Regional
Municipality of Durham Planning Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-038-09 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-039-09 be received;
THAT the request for Removal of Part Lot Control with respect to Lots 14 and 16
in Block 'A' in Plan H-50077 (see Attachment 1 to Report PSD-039-09) (the "Porter
and Bradshaw Plan") be approved in principle, subject to the conditions contained
in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-039-09, and the applicant entering into an
Agreement with the Municipality of Clarington;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into an Agreement for the
development of the subject lands (Attachment 3 to Report PSD-039-09);
THAT the attached Draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law (Attachment 4 to
Report PSD-039-09) be finalized and forwarded to Council for adoption pursuant
to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act, after the applicant has fulfilled the
conditions contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-039-09 and has entered into
an Agreement with the Municipality of Clarington; and
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-039-09, any delegations, and the
Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's
THAT Report PSD-040-09 be received;
THAT the properties identified as 19 Y. - 23 King Street West and 33 King Street
West, Bowmanville, be added to the Municipal Register of properties of cultural
heritage value or interest; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-040-09 and any delegation be
advised of Council's direction.
THAT Report EGD-016-09 be received;
THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of
Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related
Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2213 and Plan 675; and
THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-016-09, assuming
certain streets within Plan 40M-2213 and Plan 675 as public highways.
THAT Report COD-030-09 be received;
THAT Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors Ltd., Toronto, Ontario with a total bid in
the amount of $217,067.20 (Plus GST), being the lowest responsible bidder
meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2009-3, be awarded
the contract for the Sidewalk Rehabilitation. Various locations as required by the
Engineering Department;
THAT funds required in the amount of $257,165.54 ($217,067.20 tender plus
contingencies, and utility relocations) be drawn from the Engineering 2009 Capital
Budget Accounts and the amount of $9,711.75 from the Community Improvement
Plan Reserve Fund for the decorative poles on Centreview Street in Orono, as
Report #1 4
Account # 110-32-331-83215-7401 includes
decorative poles for Centreview Street,
Account # 110-32-331-83346-7401 Prestonvale Rd
Account # 110-32-331-83345-7401 Bloor S1.
April 27, 2009
$ 64,361.88
Total Funds Required
THAT the By-law marked Schedule "A" attached to Report COD-030-09,
authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement, be
THAT Report COD-031-09 be received;
THAT the proposal received from Country Town Cleaning, Bowmanville, Ontario
being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications
of Request for Proposal RFP2008-7 be awarded the contract for the Janitorial
Services with a bid amount of $59,201.64 (excluding GST);
THAT, pending acceptable pricing and satisfactory service, the contract be
extended for an additional two years; and
THAT funding be provided from the current year's respective departments
Operating Budgets.
10. CL2009-11, ONE (1) 2009 RUBBER TIRED LOADER
THAT Report COD-032-09 be received;
THAT Nortax, Peterborough, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $210,193.92
(plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions
and specifications of Tender CL2009-11, be awarded the contract to supply one
(1) 2009 Rubber Tired Loader, as required by the Municipality of Clarington,
Operations Department; and
THAT the funds required in the amount of $210,193.92 (plus G.S.T.), be drawn
from 2009 Capital Budget account number 110-36-388-83643-7401.
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT Addendum to Report FND-007-09 be received;
THAT Report FND-007-09 be lifted from the table;
THAT the phase-in component of the residential development charges on
Schedule "1" of By-law No. 2005-108 be deferred from January 1, 2009 to July 1 ,
THAT the phase-in component of the non-residential (excluding industrial)
development charges on Schedule "2" of By-law No. 2005-108 be deferred from
January 1, 2009 to July 1, 2010;
THAT the phase-in component of the industrial development charges on Schedule
"2" of By-law No. 2005-108 be deferred from July 1, 2009 to July 1, 2010;
THAT there is no need to alter or amend the Development Charges Amendment
Study, May 2008, prepared by Hemson Consulting LId;
THAT the By-law attached to Addendum to Report FND-007-09 to amend the
Development Charges By-law 2005-108 as amended (Attachment "A" to
Addendum to Report FND-007-09), be approved and enacted;
THAT any proponents submitting further requests to amend or alter By-Law
2005-108 be advised of actions taken in Addendum to Report FND-007-09; and
THAT the Region of Durham and recorded interested parties be provided a copy
of Addendum to Report FND-007-09 and be notified of Council's decision.
THAT the delegation of Carol Wilson Hodges and Assef Azadeh, EnergySolutions
be received with thanks.
THAT the delegation of Richard Ward be received with thanks.
THAT the delegation of Jaki MacKinnon, Bethesda House, be received with
Report #1
April 27, 2009
THAT the delegation of George Beecher be received.
THAT Claudia Marsales presentation be received with thanks;
THAT the presentation be referred to the Director of Operations; and
THAT the Town of Markham be congratulated for their leadership in zero waste
and for providing such excellent ambassadors and educators to other
municipalities such as Clarington.
THAT Report CLD-006-09 be received;
THAT George Beecher's delegation be received; and
THAT George Beecher's application for a Taxicab and Limousine Driver's Licence
be approved.
THAT the Municipality of Clarington express it's thanks and congratulate Earth
Angels, their partners and sponsors for the positive impact they have on the
THAT parking passes be made available to each: Clarington This Week, Orono
Times, SNAP, and Durham News.
du Canada
of Canada
Release of the
Granby Project:
The Port
Screening Report
to Clarington Municipal Counci
April 27,2009 - Bowmanville
A Presentation
Safety Commission
the Canadian Nuclear
Natural Resources Canada and
the Draft
du Canada
Purpose of the Presentati
to Counci
of Canada
Screening Report
ts place In
- Purpose of the Screening Report and
EA process;
Screening Report
- Conclusions of the. Draft
the process
- Next steps in
ty for early comments/questions
- Opportun
1+1 Government Gouvernement
of Canada du Canada
Two Responsible Authorities
· NRCan
- Mandate
- Reason for EA involvement
- Lead RA
- Mandate
- Reason for EA involvement
- Role after EA completion
1+1 Government Gouvernement
of Canada du Canada
Background on the Screening Report
· Screening Report contains the conclusions of the RAs on the
Port Granby Project EA
. Prepared by the RAs after review and analysis of the LLRWMO's
Port Granby Environmental Assessment Study Report
· Once finalized, used by each RA to make its own decision on the
EA and whether to take action to permit the Project to proceed
. Released in Draft form to obtain public comment
· Comments will be reviewed by the RAs and may result n
revisions to the Report
1+1 Government Gouvemement
of Canada du Canada
Contents of the Screening Report
. Scope of EA established by RAs in 2002, after public consultation
- Port Granby EASR is the LLRWMO's response to the scope requirements
. Includes description of Project
- Derived from alternative means evaluation
- Addresses need for and purpose of the Project
. Environmental effects of the Project were examined and mitigation measures
considered for the following environmental components:
- Atmospheric, geology and groundwater, aquatic, terrestrial, socio-economic,
aboriginal interests, and human health and safety
. Also considered:
Cumulative effects, effects of accidents and malfunctions, effects of the 5
environment on the Project, and capacity of renewable resources to meet
future needs Canada
du Canada
of Canada
Key Fi
Draft Screening Report
ndings of the
no residual adverse
n four of seven environmental components examined
environmental effects predicted after mitigation
three areas
Minor residual adverse environmental effects predicted
most sub-components affected
Socio-economic environment -
one component affected
th and Safety Considerations
Human Hea
one component
to be
None of the residual adverse environmental effects determined
Of other areas investigated, residual adverse cumUlative effects predicted. but
these assessed as not being significant
I.. I Government Gouvernement
of Canada du Canada
Follow-up Program
. The Follow-up Program is the key link between EA and effective project Implementation
and management
. The definition of the Follow-up Program under the Act requires it to:
- Verify accuracy of assessment predictions;
- Confirm implementation of mitigation measures;
- Assess efficacy of mitigation measures; and,
- Identify unanticipated effects
. RAs will design a Follow-up Program and ensure its implementation
. CNSC would lead on most activities as most will be related to the biophysical
environment and health and safety
. NRCan will lead on other follow-up activities, particularly relating to the socio- 7
economic environment
mmediate Next Steps
du Canada
of Canada
the Draft Screening Report
We are sOliciting comments on
be made In writing and forwarded to NRCan - to Joanne Smith
Comments must
Ms. Joanne Smith
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street, 17th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OE4
Telephone: (613) 996-8719
Fax: (613) 947-4205
E-mail phaLirph@nrcan.gc.ca
the Project's Public Registry
be placed on
comments are considered public and wi
the Report is finalized
the RAs before
be considered by
All comments wi
from 7:00 -
Open Houses will be held May 27, 2009 (from 2:30 - 5:30 pm and again,
9:30 pm at the Newtonville Community Centre)
The deadline for comments IS June
Longer-term Actions
du Canada
of Canada
s finalized
the Screening Report
the public
t the Project to
own decisions on
to perm
t will be used by the RAs to make the
EA and whether they may take action
ed out
be carri
Glenda Gies, Port Darlington Community Association (Co-Chair)
John Roxborough, Port Darlington Community Association
Rick Rossi, Port Darlington Community Association
Ernest Birnie, Wilmot Creek Residents Association
Cynthia Strike, Municipality of Clarington
Willie Woo, Municipality of Clarington
Candice Kay, Human Resources Manager, St. Marys Cement Inc. (Co-Chair)
Ruben Plaza, Environmental Manager, St. Marys Cement Inc.
Michael Smith, Quarry Manager, St. Marys Cement
Martin Vroegh, Corporate Environment Manager, St. Marys Cement
Phil Dunn, Ministry of the Environment
To provide an opportunity for dialogue and relationship-building between the
community and St. Marys Cement Company.
To provide an opportunity for St. Marys to report on their progress implementing the
Westside Marsh Reconfiguration Plan.
To review and refine procedures for reporting concerns and mitigating impacts
resulting from St. Marys Cement Company operations and implementation of the
Westside Marsh Reconfiguration Plan on surrounding neighbourhoods.
To share information to ensure neighbours are aware of work plan activities and time
lines associated with implementation of the Westside Marsh Reconfiguration Plan.
April 27, 2009
Scope of Work
Regular quarterly meetings were held on March 12, June 10, September 9 and
December 2, 2008.
The quarterly meetings were used to review and discuss the following issues:
· Continuous review and improvement of dock operating procedures and monitoring
· Dust releases which included three samples exceeding allowable limits, each at a
different sampling location and with the sample collected in November determined
to be contaminated by leaves and bird droppings
Dust Fall 2008
~ 6.00
:; 5.00
.: 4.00
E 3.00
Cl 2.00
1.00 ---
0.00 ,
Jan Feb
--.- Hutton Tmspt.
--- Cedar Crest
Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee
April 27, 2009
· Continued activities to establish an additional PM I 0 dust monitoring site to be
located at north end of the 300s of Cove Road at the boundary ofCLOCA property
· PM I 0 dust monitoring data which included one sample exceeding allowable limits
from the sampler located on Cedar Crest and seven samples exceeding allowable
limits from the sampler located at Hutton Transport. The exceedances from the
Hutton Transport sampler were likely caused by its proximity to quarry operations.
The location of the sampler is no longer appropriate because the operation of the
quarry has been moving to the east and now the sampler is too close to quarry
operations and also because the sampler is not located at the boundary of the
property. The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has approved the relocation of
the sampler to an adequate location northeast of Hutton Transport.
PM 10 Program 2008
I 100
'E; 40 .
[_ Hutton Tmspt.1
_ Cedar Crest I
~ Limit
~ "tjJ _~<b _,o<b "o<b ~tjJ ~tjJ '\\tjJ ....~<b .\tjJ (I}~ ~o<b ~~ ~tjJ ~tjJ rdtjJ
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~~" ~~" <<.~.? -ti -ti #' ~~,,0 ~:$o ~ ~ # cP ~ <T <:I'
· ~l~
April 27, 2009
· Stack emissions of S02 and NOx which were both below the allowances granted by
the MOE by 35% and 28% respectively.
en 3000
c: 2500
0 2000
c: 3000
April 27, 2009
--- --
o S02 2008
o Allowances 802 2008
o NOX2008 .~!
o Allowances ~I
· Data from off-site blast air vibration monitoring stations which included one sample
exceeding allowable limits
Air Vibration (dBI) 2008
130.0 -
-- Community Ctr.
--- Cedar Crest
Aggregate Shop
-- Limit (dBL)
co <XI co <XI <XI <XI <XI <XI <XI <XI co <XI
0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0
0 0 0
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ N
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~
N C') ~ ii'l <0 0 ~
~ ~
April 27,2009
· Data from off-site blast ground vibration monitoring stations which included two
samples exceeding allowable limits
Ground Vibration (mm/s) 2008
I __ Community Ctr.
-- Cedar Crest
Aggregate Shop
__Limit (mm/s)
2.0 !"'_~'
0.0 f' '.' . ~....
co co co co co co co
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
~ N N N N N ~
~ N ?; ;:r iD <c ~
April 27, 2009
· Community complaints related to blasting have declined significantly
· In September 2008 there was a single incident related to dust which resulted in five
community complaints.
Community Complaints Log
- - --
o Blasting
. Dust
o Plume
o Total II
J!l 4
E 3
:; 2
2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee
April 27,2009
· In general, complaints related to St. Marys Operations have declined significantly
since 2002 with the exception of complaints related to a single incident, the release
of coal dust from dock operations in 2006
Community Complaints Log
r: 50-
E 40
'0 30
o Blasting
. Dust
o Plume
o Total
April 27, 2009
While St. Marys operations results in off site impacts, most are below regulatory
requirements. St. Marys continues to work to reduce these impacts and the
Community Relations Committee anticipates that St. Marys performance will continue
to improve over time.
St. Marys Community Relations Committee is working effectively and ensures an
opportunity for information sharing and dialogue between St. Marys and its
The Community Relations Committee recommends that the Community Relations
Committee continue to meet on a quarterly basis.
April 27, 2009