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Revised Agenda
Date:November 18, 2019
Time:7:00 PM
Location:Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for
accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers,
Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2101 or by email at
Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the
Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you
make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording
you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality’s website. In
addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may be video recorded.
Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or
placed on non-audible mode during the meeting.
Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net
*Late Item added after the Agenda was published.
1.Call to Order
2.Moment of Reflection
3.Land Acknowledgement Statement
4.Declaration of Interest
6.Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
6.1 Council Minutes - Minutes of a regular meeting of Council dated October
28, 2019
9.Communications – Receive for Information
There were no communications to be received for information as of the time of
10.Communications – Direction
*10.1 Sandra MacDonald regarding Confidential Report CLD-023-19, Taxicab
Drivers Licence Application - Appeal (Item 3 of the General Government
Committee Report)
(Distributed Under Separate Cover)
(Motion to refer to the consideration of Item 3 of the General
Government Committee Report)
November 18, 2019
Council Meeting
Page 2
11.Committee Reports
11.1 Advisory Committee Reports
11.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board dated
October 9, 2019
11.1.2 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated October
10, 2019
11.2 General Government Committee Report of November 4, 2019 30
11.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of November 12, 2019 35
12.Staff Reports
13.Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
14.Unfinished Business
15.1 2019-061, Being a by-law to designate the property known for municipal
purposes as 120 Wellington St, Municipality of Clarington as a property
of historic or architectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage
Act, RSO 1990, Chapter 0.18
(Approved by Council on September 16, 2019) Link to Report PSD-035-
15.2 2019-062, Being a by-law to designate the property known for municipal
purposes as 2503 Concession Rd 8, Municipality of Clarington as a
property of historic or architectural value or interest under the Ontario
Heritage Act, RSO 1990, Chapter 0.18
(Approved by Council on September 16, 2019) Link to Report PSD-035-
November 18, 2019
Council Meeting
Page 3
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If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the
Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
7:00 PM
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper,
Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill,
Councillor M. Zwart
Staff Present: G. Acorn until 9:20 PM, R. Albright until 9:20 PM, P. Creamer
until 9:20 PM, A. Greentree, F. Horvath until 9:20 PM,
F. Langmaid, R. Maciver, M. Marano, G. Weir, M. Chambers
1. Call to Order
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Moment of Reflection
Councillor Neal led the meeting in a moment of reflection.
3. Declaration of Interest
Councillor Hooper declared an interest in Report CLD-021-19, Bowmanville BIA
Requests Regarding Parking Meters (Item 7 of the General Government
Committee Report).
Councillor Neal declared an interest in Sections 2.4, 3.51, 3.55 and 3.59 of
Report CSD-009-19, South Bowmanville Recreation Centre (Item 5 of the
General Government Committee Report)
4. Announcements
Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of
community interest.
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
5. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
5.1 Council Minutes - Minutes of a regular meeting of Council October 7, 2019
Resolution #C-352-19
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on October 7, 2019,
be approved.
6. Presentations
7. Delegations
7.1 Christine McSorley regarding Newcastles of the World, Municipality of
Clarington Representative at the Newcastles of the World Conference 2020
(Item 1h of the General Government Committee Report)
Christine McSorley, Chairperson, Newcastles of the World Ontario, was present
regarding a request for a Municipality of Clarington Representative to attend the
Newcastles of the World Conference 2020. She noted that there were Members
of the Committee who were also present. Ms. McSorley expressed how
important it is to have a Municipal Representative t o attend the conference. She
explained that six Committee members are already attending, and they would
like someone from the municipality attend to provide background information and
attend meetings at the conference. Ms. McSorley explained that this conference
will not only benefit Newcastle but will benefit the entire Municipality of
Clarington. She added that many of the delegations from other Newcastles are
represented by Mayors and Members of Council and, they are one of the only
Committees who send volunteers to attend. Ms. McSorley concluded by asking
for someone from the Municipality to be present to represent the Municipality of
Clarington. Ms. McSorley answered questions from the Members of Council.
Alter the Agenda
Resolution #C-353-19
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That the Agenda be altered to consider Item 1h of the General Government
Committee Report, at this time.
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
Resolution #C-354-19
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the delegation of Christine McSorley, Chairperson of the Newcastles of the
World Committee, be received;
That staff be authorized to send a municipal representative to the Newcastles of
the World Conference in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, April 21-29, 2020;
That, should the Municipal representative be a staff member, since they will be
representing the Municipality of Clarington, the staff person will not be required to
use personal vacation time;
That the upset limit for expenses related to the travel expenses of the staff
person attending the conference be $3,000 CAD; and
That funds for this initiative be drawn from the Rate Stab ilization Reserve Fund
Account # 554-00-000-00000-7400.
7.2 Katharine Warren regarding Report PSD-041-19 - Community Vision for
Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former
Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 –
Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan
Katharine Warren was present regarding Report PSD-041-19 - Community
Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former
Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 – Amendment
No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan. She advised the Members of Council she
is a local resident as well as a member of the Jury Lands Board. Ms. Warren
stated that she is concerned with the increased traffic in the area due to the
proposed increased density that will result with this development. She added
that she is also concerned with the effect on local health ca re services and is
hoping that this is kept in mind as increased developments results in increased
population in Clarington. Ms. Warren noted that she feels public safety may also
become a concern with this proposed development. She continued by providing
several comparisons of nearby historic sites with similarities to the area
surrounding this subject property. Ms. Warren explained that the architectural
style (Frank Lloyd Wright) is very rare, and this style is very low to the ground,
and she feels that that high rise buildings will take away from this. She referred
to the Official Plan and asked that the surrounding areas be considered in the
design. Ms. Warren answered questions from the Members of Council.
7.3 Wendy Bracken regarding Report PSD-048-19 - St. Marys Cement Air
Quality Monitoring - Options for Retaining an Air Quality Expert
Wendy Bracken was present regarding Report PSD-048-19 - St. Marys Cement
Air Quality Monitoring - Options for Retaining an Air Quality Expert. She made a
verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Bracken noted
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
that these are concerning times, as St. Marys has now applied to burn 400
tonnes daily of Low Alternative Carbon Fuels, and the Durham Region is looking
to expand to 250,000 tonnes annually. She explained why extra credentials are
needed and she feels that the ambient air, stack testing, and long-term sampling
system (AMESA) all need oversight and review. Ms. Bracken explained that the
MECP standards, relevant to both of these projects, are very out of date and
there have been major dioxin/furan exceedances. She stated that there was a
dioxin/furan ambient air exceedance on May 26, 2018 and there were questions
and concerns as this was a very calm day. Ms. Bracken added that the Ministry
review was very limited and did not included AMESA date or profiles. She is
concerned that monthly data is being withheld and that the Region of Durham
Staff are not reviewing the data.
Suspend the Rules
Resolution #C-355-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation of Wendy
Bracken for an additional two minutes.
Ms. Bracken concluded by requesting that the experts should be independent
with the necessary expertise. She added that she will share the data she has
with the Municipality of Clarington. Ms. Bracken answered questions from the
Members of Council.
8. Communications – Receive for Information
There were no Communications to be received for information.
9. Communications – Direction
Resolution #C-356-19
Moved by Councillor Jones
Seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Correspondence Item 9.1 to 9.7 be approved on consent with the exception
of Item 9.3 as follows:
9.1 Memo from the Director of Finance/Treasurer regarding Report
FND-028-19 Prudent Investor Standard for Municipal Investments –
Update and Options Analysis
That correspondence Item 9.1 from Memo from the Director of
Finance/Treasurer, be referred to the consideration of Report FND-028-19
Prudent Investor Standard for Municipal Investments – Update and
Options Analysis.
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
9.2 Karen Hillis and Lynsey Rivest, Head Coaches, Clarington Swim
Club, regarding Report CSD-009-19 - South Bowmanville Recreation
That Correspondence Item 9.2 from Karen Hillis and Lynsey Rivest, Head
Coaches, Clarington Swim Club, be referred to the consideration of Report
CSD-009-19, South Bowmanville Recreation Centre.
9.4 Memo from the Acting Director of Community Services regarding
Report CSD-009-19 - South Bowmanville Recreation Centre
That the Memo from the Acting Director of Community Services, regarding
Report CSD-009-19 - South Bowmanville Recreation Centre, be referred
to the consideration of Report CSD-009-19, South Bowmanville
Recreation Centre.
9.5 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services
regarding Provincial Policy Statement Review, Proposed Policies
That Correspondence Item 9.5 from Ralph Walton, Regional
Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, be referred to the consideration of
Unfinished Business Item 13.2, Provincial Policy Statement Review,
Proposed Policies.
9.6 Shea-Lea Latchford, Chair, Accessibility Advisory Committee
regarding minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee dated
September 4, 2019
That Correspondence Item 9.6 from Shea-Lea Latchford, Chair,
Accessibility Advisory Committee, be referred to the consideration of
Agenda Item 10.1.4 Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes dates
September 4, 2019.
9.7 Bob Schickedanz, Far Sight Homes, regarding Report PSD-041-19
Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan Design
Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII
Prison of War Camp 30 - Amendment No 121 to the Clarington
Official Plan
That Correspondence Item 9.7 from Bob Schickedanz, Far Sight Homes,
be referred to the consideration of Unfinished Business Item 13.1, Report
PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan
Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII
Prison of War Camp 30 - Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official
Page 9
Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
9.3 Libby Racansky regarding Report PSD-042-19, Applications by BV Courtice
Partners LP (Trolleybus Urban Development) for a Draft Plan of Subdivision
and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit 151 subdivision - north-west
corner of Hancock Rd & Nash Rd, Courtice
Resolution #C-357-19
Moved by Councillor Jones
Seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Correspondence Item 9.3 from Libby Racansky regarding Report
PSD-042-19, Applications by BV Courtice Partners LP (Trolleybus Urban
Development) for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to
permit 151 subdivision - north-west corner of Hancock Rd & Nash Rd, Courtice,
be referred to the consideration of Report PSD-042-19.
10. Committee Reports
10.1 Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Minutes of the Clarington Tourism Advisory Committee dated
September 26, 2019
10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated October 15, 2019
10.1.3 Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated October 8, 2019
10.1.4 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated
September 4, 2019
10.1.5 Minutes of the Clarington Affordable Housing Task Force dated June 18,
Resolution #C-358-19
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That Advisory Committee Report Items 10.1.1 and 10.1.5, be approved.
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
10.2 General Government Committee Report of October 15, 2019
Resolution #C-359-19
Moved by Councillor Anderson
Seconded by Councillor Jones
That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee
Report of October 15, 2019, be approved on consent, with the exception of items
5, 7 4, 6, 10, 11, and 1h which was considered earlier in the meeting.
Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Item 5 of the General Government
Committee Report as he is a Member of the Board for Home Base Durham.
Councillor Neal left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this
Item 5 - CSD-009-19 - South Bowmanville Recreation Centre
Resolution #C-360-19
Moved by Councillor Jones
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That the following remaining portions of Report CSD-009-19 be received:
“Section 2.4 of Report CSD-009-19 and sections 3.51, 3.55, 3.59 of Attachment 1
to Report CSD-009-19”.
Councillor Neal returned to the meeting.
Councillor Hooper declared an indirect interest in Report CLD-021-19,
Bowmanville BIA Requests Regarding Parking Meters as he owns a business in
Downtown Bowmanville. Councillor Hooper left the room and refrained from
discussion and voting on this matter.
Item 7 - CLD-021-19 Bowmanville BIA Requests Regarding Parking Meters
Resolution #C-361-19
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That Report CLD-021-19 be received;
That the By-law attached to Report CLD-021-19, as Attachment 2, to amend the
Traffic By-law 2014-059 to:
a) increase the parking meter rates from $0.50 to $1.00 (Schedule 5); and
b) remove the two-hour free parking (Schedule 6);
be approved, effective January 1, 2020;
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
That, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Traffic By-law 2014-059, the
Municipality of Clarington approve the request from the Historic Downtown
Bowmanville Business Improvement Area to increase the Christmas parking
period for free parking meters from December 15-31 to December 1-31 for 2019
on a one-year trial basis for December 2019, and therefore designates the area
in downtown Bowmanville regulated by parking meters as a free parking area
between December 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019;
That Staff be directed to take the appropriate steps, including covering the
meters with bags and advising the public via social media and notices placed on
Clarington’s website;
That Staff report back, prior to November 1, 2020 on the pilot of “free parking in
the month of December, 2019”; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-021-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council’s decision.
Motion Divided
Later in the meeting
(See following motions)
Resolution #C-362-19
Moved by Councillor Jones
Seconded by Councillor Neal
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak
to the foregoing Resolution #C-361-19, for a second time.
Resolution #C-363-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Zwart
That paragraph 2 of the foregoing Resolution #C-361-19, be divided.
Resolution #C-364-19
Moved by Councillor Zwart
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the By-law attached to Report CLD-021-19, as Attachment 2, to amend the
Traffic By-law 2014-059 to:
a. increase the parking meter rates from $0.50 to $1.00 (Schedule 5); and
b. remove the two-hour free parking (Schedule 6);
be approved, effective January 1, 2020;
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
Yes (3): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Zwart
No (1): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill
Declaration (1) Councillor Hooper
Lost on a Tie (3 to 3)
The balance of the foregoing Resolution #C-361-19 was then put to a vote and
Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting.
Item 4 - CSD-009-19 South Bowmanville Recreation Centre
Resolution #C-365-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Report CSD-009-19 be received excluding section 2.4 of Report
CSD-009-19 and sections 3.51, 3.55, 3.59 of Attachment 1 to Report
That Council approve the proposed facility program as presented;
That Council refer the proposed Phase I project budget of $48,005,300 to the
2020 budget deliberations;
That Council authorize staff to complete the application for funding for this project
as prescribed in the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program;
That all interested parties listed in Report CSD-009-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council’s decision; and
That Staff report back to the October 28, 2019 Council meeting on the cost of
adding a wellness/fitness component, amongst other items, in place of the office
space of 5,600 square feet.
Item 6 - CSD-010-19 Addendum to CSD-007-19 Land Acknowledgement
Resolution #C-366-19
Moved by Councillor Traill
Seconded by Councillor Jones
That Report CSD-010-19 be received;
That Council approve the proposed Land Acknowledgement Statement to be
read aloud by the Mayor or designate at the start of public regular and special
meetings of Council and its Standing Committees held in the Municipality of
Clarington, at civic celebrations, and other official events that are hosted by the
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
That Council approve the draft By-law (Attachment 1 to Report CSD-010-19) to
amend By-law 2015-029, the Procedural By-law, in order to incorporate a Land
Acknowledgement Statement at the meetings;
That staff be directed to develop a training plan, in collaboration with the Diversity
Advisory Committee and representatives of our local Indigenous community, to
provide Indigenous cultural awareness for Members of Council and staff; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CSD-010-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council’s decision.
Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones,
Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart
No (1): Councillor Neal
Carried (6 to 1)
Item 10 - FND-028-19 Prudent Investor Standard for Municipal Investments
– Update and Options Analysis
Resolution #C-367-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That Report FND-028-19 be received;
That Staff continue to work with ONE Investment to bring information back to
Council related to a new Investment Policy Statement (IPS) and agreements
associated with establishing a new Joint Investment Board (JIB) and
implementing the Prudent Investor (PI) regime; and
That all interested parties listed in Report FND-028-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council’s decision.
Motion Tabled
(See following motion)
Resolution #C-368-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That the foregoing Resolution #C-367-19 be tabled to the November 9, 2020
General Government Committee meeting.
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
Item 11 - Camp 30
Resolution #C-369-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Resolution #CGG-005-19, passed in Closed Session regarding the possible
acquisition of lands, be referred to the consideration of Unfinished Business Item
10.3 Planning and Development Committee Report of October 22, 2019
Resolution #C-370-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That the recommendations contained in the Planning and Development
Committee Report of October 22, 2019, be approved on consent, with the
exception of items 8 and 3.
Item 8 - St. Marys Cement Air Quality Monitoring - Options for Retaining
and Air Quality Expert
Resolution #C-371-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Jones
That Report PSD-048-19 be received; and
That funding for an air quality expert be referred to the 2020 budget
Resolution #C-372-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Jones
That the Council recess for 10 minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 9:05 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair.
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Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
Item 3- Proposed Rezoning to permit East Penn Battery Facility Located at
1840 Energy Drive, Courtice
Resolution #C-373-19
Moved by Councillor Hooper
Seconded by Councillor Jones
That Report PSD-043-19 be received;
That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA 2019-0016 continue to be
processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-043-19, and any delegations be
advised of Council’s decision.
11. Staff Reports
11.1 Confidential Report LGL-014-19 - Camp 30 Option Agreement
Resolution #C-374-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That Confidential Report LGL-014-19 - Camp 30 Option Agreement be referred
to the consideration of Unfinished Business Item 13.1.
12. Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
13. Unfinished Business
13.1 Report PSD-041-19 - Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design
Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School
and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 – Amendment No 121 to the Clarington
Official Plan (Tabled from the October 22, 2019 Planning and Development
Committee Meeting)
Resolution #C-375-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That Report PSD-041-19 - Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design
Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and
WWII Prison of War Camp 30 – Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official
Plan, be lifted from the table.
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October 28, 2019
Resolution #C-376-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That the matter of Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban
Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training
School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 – Amendment No 121 to the
Clarington Official Plan, be referred to the end of the Agenda, to be considered in
Closed Session.
13.2 Brian Bridgeman, Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development,
Region of Durham, Regarding Provincial Policy Statement Review,
Proposed Policies Report #2019-P-42
Resolution #C-377-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Jones
That the following resolution from the Region of Durham, regarding Provincial
Policy Statement Review, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington:
That Report #2019-P-42 of the Commissioner of Planning and Economic
Development be endorsed as Durham Region’s response to the Environmental
Registry’s posting (ERO #019-0279) for the Provincial Policy Statement Review –
Proposed Policies, including the following recommendations:
i) That, for clarification purposes, the term “Provincial Interest” be defined
in the PPS, or that a reference to section 2 of the Planning Act be
ii) That a policy be included in Policy 1.1.1 that encourages the
preparation and implementation of community energy plans as a
component of planning for healthy, liveable and safe communities;
iii) That the term “market-based” in Policy 1.1.1.(6) be revised to “market
informed” to better reflect the provincial policy-led planning system, and
the Region’s long-term planning objectives that support the provision of
affordable and supportive housing, while encouraging a more compact
urban form that is sensitive to local conditions;
iv) That the Province be requested to either release an updated Land
Needs Assessment guidance document, or confirm the existing draft
document, to help the Region advance Envision Durham, the Region’s
Municipal Comprehensive Review;
v) That the PPS continue to use the word “shall” in policies,
and to assist with the implementation of orderly and sequential
development and complete communities;
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October 28, 2019
vi) That the references to Section 2: Wise Use and Management of
Resources and Section 3: Protecting Public Health and Safety of the PPS
be reinstated in Policy to ensure that the review of Settlement Area
boundaries is systematic, well planned and comprehensive;
vii) That natural heritage and hydrologic systems be added as criteria for
consideration in the adjustment of Settlement Area boundaries to ensure
that these reviews are systematic, well planned and comprehensive and in
sync with the Growth Plan;
viii) That the proposed wording changes to the land use compatibility
policies in Policies and not be supported, as the changes
could lead to greater conflict between sensitive uses and
industrial/manufacturing uses;
ix) That the Province be requested to provide additional guidance
regarding the appropriate transition area, or distance separation, between
industrial and manufacturing uses and non-employment uses, including
providing additional clarity regarding Places of Worship that are rega rded
as sensitive land uses;
x) That the term “regional economic development corporation” in Policy be changed to “Planning Authority” to be consistent with other
policies in the PPS;
xi) That the Province be requested to confirm whether it intends to release
updated population and employment forecasts for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe that would allow the Region to use a 25-year planning horizon
in its Municipal Comprehensive Review;
xii) That the Province clarify that the upper-tier planning authority is the
level which has responsibility for ensuring residential growth can be
accommodated for a minimum of 12 years, and that the three-year supply
of residential units is also maintained at the Regional level. In addition, it
should be clarified that the upper or single-tier municipality would be
responsible for defining the “regional market area”;
xiii) That the proposed wording changes to Policy be revised to
address and safeguard the financial and operational risks to a municipality
associated with privately owned communal services;
xiv) That proposed Policy of the PPS be deleted related to the
integration of stormwater and water/sewer planning, as the responsibilities
of municipalities in single-tier and two-tier systems differ;
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October 28, 2019
xv) That Policy not be deleted as its removal is inconsistent with
the PPS overall, as the Province and municipalities are to support the
timely planning and implementation of transportation infrastructure
improvements, coincident with the scale and pace of development, and
the failure to provide this statement does not support the principle of
promoting transit supportive development;
xvi) That, for clarification purposes, the term “wayside” not be deleted from
the heading in Policy 2.5.5, as the policy is specific to wayside pits and
xvii) That the Province provide guidance regarding how excess fill can be
managed by the planning and development approvals process and
suggest that excess fill can be managed through engineering approvals
for developments following the draft approval stage;
xviii) That the definition of the term “conserved” remain the same as per
the 2014 PPS to recognize that municipalities do not have the authority to
“approve” or adopt archaeological and heritage impact assessments;
xix) That a reference to climate data be added to the definition of “impacts
of a changing climate”;
xx) That the Province provide clear direction to municipalities as to
requirements for mapping of natural heritage systems and minimum
vegetation zones in Official Plans and Zoning Bylaws; and
That a copy of Report #2019-P-42 be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing, and Durham’s area municipalities and conservation
13.3 Emma West, Bousfields Inc., Regarding Report PSD-041-19, Community
Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan Design Guidelines for
Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 -
Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan
Resolution #C-378-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Agenda Item 13.3 from Emma West, Bousfields Inc. be referred to the
consideration of Report PSD-041-19, Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban
Design Master Plan Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School
and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 - Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official
Page 19
Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
14. By-laws
Resolution #C-379-19
Moved by Councillor Hooper
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2019-057 to 2019-059:
14.1 By-law 2019-057 - Being a By-law to govern the proceedings of the
Council of the Municipality of Clarington, its General Government
Committee, its Planning and Development Committee, and Special
14.2 By-law 2019-058 - Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2005-109, the
Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Clarington
14.3 By-law 2019-059 - Being a By-law to Amend Municipal Street Names in
the Municipality of Clarington ; and
That the said by-laws be approved.
15. Procedural Notices of Motion
16. Other Business
16.1 Zone Clarington - Site Review Assessments for the Rural Area and
Municipally Initiated Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan
Suspend the Rules
Resolution #C-380-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to introduce a motion regarding Zone
Clarington - Site Review Assessments for the Rural Area and Municipally
Initiated Amendment to the Clarington Official Plan.
Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill
No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart
Motion Lost (3 to 4)
Page 20
Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
13.1 PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master
Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training School and
WWII Prison of War Camp 30 – Amendment No 121 to the Clarington
Official Plan
Closed Session
Resolution #C-381-19
Moved by Councillor Hooper
Seconded by Councillor Neal
That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as
amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that
deals with the following:
a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or
local board;
a matter that deals with litigation or potential litigation, including matters
before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and
advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose.
Rise and Report
The meeting resumed in open session at 10:42 PM.
Mayor Foster advised that three items were discussed in “closed” session in
accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and 2 resolutions
were passed on a procedural matter and 2 resolutions were passed to provide
direction to staff.
Resolution #C-382-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That the matter of Report PSD-041-19 Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban
Design Master Plan + Design Guidelines for Former Ontario Boys Training
School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 – Amendment No 121 to the
Clarington Official Plan, be tabled.
Page 21
Council Minutes
October 28, 2019
Resolution #C-383-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That Item 13.3 from Emma West, Bousfields Inc., regarding Report PSD-041-19,
Community Vision for Jury Lands, Urban Design Master Plan Design Guidelines
for Former Ontario Boys Training School and WWII Prison of War Camp 30 -
Amendment No 121 to the Clarington Official Plan, be received for information.
17. Confirming By-Law
Resolution #C-384-19
Moved by Councillor Hooper
Seconded by Councillor Anderson
That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2019-060, being a by-law to confirm
the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular
meeting held on the 28th day of October, 2019; and
That the said by-law be approved.
18. Adjournment
Resolution #C-385-19
Moved by Councillor Neal
Seconded by Councillor Traill
That the meeting adjourn at 10:47 PM.
________________________________ ________________________________
Mayor Municipal Clerk
Page 22
Clarington Museums & Archives
Meeting of the Board:
October 9, 2019
MAC Meeting Room 1C, 163 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario
Present: H. Ridge (ED), M. Morawetz, S. Reiner, K. Warren, S. Middleton, A.
Foster, M. Ross
Regrets: G. Anderson
1. Call To Order:
K. Warren, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Adoption of Agenda:
Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Reiner
THAT: The agenda be approved.
3. Disclosure of Interests:
4. Adoption of Previous Minutes:
Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: M. Ross
THAT: The minutes of September 11, 2019 be approved.
5. Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
a) Library/Museum merger:
A communication from June Gallagher, Deputy Clerk, was read regarding
Council’s approval of Resolution #JC-112-19, where Council directed staff to
work towards merging the Clarington Public Library Board and the Clarington
Museums and Archives Board, effective January 1, 2020 in the manner set out in
the report CAO-009-19.
The Library-Museum merger was discussed in regards to budget preparations for
the year, specifically in terms of a joint or separate budget for the Library and
Museum. Museum and Library staff met with Municipal staff on Monday Oct 7 to
discuss preparing a joint budget for 2020. The Museum board has been asked to
approve a museum budget for 2020 and recommend it to the Library board for
submission. Budgets are due to the Finance department by November 15. There
is a 2% increase cap for external agency requests. Board members discussed
forming a working group to look at the budget to prepare two scenarios and
provide a report to the Library Board outlining the decisions. The group decided
to meet soon in order to meet the deadline. Fundraising was discussed as it was
planned for the Fall of 2019, but not carried out due to the merger. Board
members felt it was harder to find donors who would be willing to donate to the
Page 23
Museum now that it is to become part of a bigger organization, with a much
larger budget. Members also discussed the difference of the Library’s “free”
model compared to the Museum’s “fee” model of charging for programs and
services in order to earn revenue. Members felt it is likely that there could be
challenges with the budget going forward in terms of fundraising and earned
revenues as the Library follows a different model.
b) Strategic Plan
Board members discussed their disappointment with not being able to enact the
plans set out in the Strategic Plan. The desire is to make sure the Museum is
organized and ready for the merging on January 1, 2020.
6. Correspondence:
7. Announcements:
There is a 4H fundraising and pasta party at Maple Grove Church on Saturday
October 26 from 6-7pm for dinner and 7-9 pm for games.
Eldad United Church’s annual beef dinner in on Sunday November 3 at 6 pm at the
Solina Community Hall.
Ontario Power Generation is holding an open house on Saturday October 26.
There is a Clarington Board of Trade networking event being held at the Sarah Jane
Williams Heritage Centre on Thursday October 17 at 5 pm sponsored by Evergreen
Farm and Garden.
8. Reports:
Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: S. Middleton
THAT: All reports be received.
Moved by: S. Reiner Seconded by: S. Middleton
THAT: 2019 Accession List be approved.
Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: M. Ross
THAT: The Criminal Reference Check Policy be approved.
Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: M. Ross
THAT: The Personnel Records Policy be moved to the next regular board meeting.
Moved by: A. Foster Seconded by: S. Reiner
THAT: Executive Director H. Ridge will talk with the Clarington Public Library
regarding the possibility of consolidation of snow clearing services or choose a snow
clearing service provider.
9. New Business:
10. In Camera:
Page 24
11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on November 13, 2019 at 7 p.m.
Location: MAC Meeting Room 1C, Bowmanville Library
12. Adjournment
Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: M. Ross
THAT: The meeting be adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted
and approved on _______________________________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
Chair, Executive Director,
Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives
Page 25
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Members Present: Eric Bowman Tom Barrie
Jennifer Knox John Cartwright
Les Caswell Henry Zekveld
Ted Watson Don Rickard
Richard Rekker Brenda Metcalf (Chair)
Councillor Zwart
Regrets: Ben Eastman
Staff: Amy Burke and Faye Langmaid - Planning Services
Guests: Councillor Hooper; Mani Rajendran and Ron Trewin - Region of
Durham Works, Simon Gill – Region of Durham Director of
Economic Development and Tourism
Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions.
Simon Gill, the Region’s new Director of Economic Development and Tourism,
introduced himself to the Committee. Mr. Gill stated that in his new role, updating of the
Durham Region Agricultural Strategy and the Durham Region Broadband Strategy and
Action Plan will continue to be priority initiatives, and expressed an interest to present
on these to the Committee in the future. The benefits of a combined office for economic
development and tourism were discussed. The Committee thanked Mr. Gill for the
Region’s involvement in resurrecting the Gates Open festival.
No pecuniary interests declared.
Adoption of Agenda
019-20 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Don Rickard
“That the Agenda for October 10, 2019 be adopted”
Approval of Minutes
019-21 Moved by Richard Rekker, seconded by Eric Bowman
“That the minutes of the August 22, 2019 meeting be approved”
Page 26
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019
Presentation: Mani Rajendran and Ron Trewin, Region of Durham Works – Design of
Roundabout at Intersection of Bowmanville Ave. (Regional Road 57) and Regional
Road 3 / Concession Road 8
Mr. Rajendran provided the Committee with an overview of the roundabout design
process that is underway. Bowmanville Avenue is a major arterial road and a
designated truck route, including aggregate hauling traffic from near-by
quarries. Bowmanville Avenue also receives traffic flows from the completed portion of
the Highway 407 extension, and this is expected to increase. There is a history of
safety concerns at this intersection. A traffic signal was installed at the intersection in
2016. Despite this, collisions have still occurred.
The Region, through a traffic study, has determined that the existing intersection could
be modified to a roundabout to improve the overall safety and operations at this
intersection. The roundabout design is underway. A Public Information Session was
held on October 2 in Haydon. The current draft design presented to the public has
considered the comments and experience the Region had gained through two prior rural
area roundabouts constructed in the Region (RR8/Brock St. W. and Conc. 6, Uxbridge
and Lake Ridge Rd and RR12/Pefferlaw).
Mr. Rajendran noted that as the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process
does not require an Environmental Assessment or planning phase and related public
consultation for modifying an intersection into a roundabout, the Region did not have an
opportunity to reaching out to public prior to this design phase. Now the Region is
seeking feedback from all stakeholders including the agricultural community to consider
in the design.
Mr. Rajendran answered questions from the Committee respecting the “semi-
mountable” curb design that farm equipment and trucks can mount on and drive over if
needed, the single lane design, and the widths of the access (approximately 8 m,
including sem-mountable curb and paved shoulder) and circular roadway including truck
apron width (approximately 10 m). As the Region completes their construction
planning, the Committee requested concerns respecting the infiltration of traffic to local
roads during construction be taken into consideration. The Committee also underlined
the importance of communicating the safety benefits of roundabouts and education on
the design features and use of roundabouts.
Project information, including the information presented at the October 2 Public
Information Centre, can be found on Durham Region’s Public Works Projects Portal at
Mr. Trewin provided the Committee with an overview of other Regional capital road
program elements that the Region is considering and has implemented. This includes a
review of road entrance width minimums for the accommodation of increasingly large
farm equipment, future road widening purchases, the addition of paved shoulders on
rural roads to accommodate cycling (2-2.5 m on the cycling network and 1.5 m for other
rural roads), and a growing need for drainage improvements in response to a changing
climate. The Committee requested that farmers with property along roadsides where
work is being proposed be contacted in advance so that tile drain locate information can
be provided.
Page 27
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019
Business Arising from Minutes
Resolution regarding enforcement for safety on farms: Township of Warwick
Resolution regarding enforcement for safety on family farms adopted by Warwick
Township Council on June 17, 2019 was endorsed by Clarington Council on September
16, 2019.
Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals
Notice of Public Information Centre: Notice of the Region of Durham’s Public
Information Centre for the Roundabout Construction at Intersection of Bowmanville Ave.
(Regional Road 57) and Regional Road 3 / Concession Road 8 was circulated to the
Committee prior to the session on October 2, 2019.
Liaison Reports:
Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Tom shared highlights from the October 8
DAAC meeting. Introduction of Simon Gill as the Region’s new Director of Economic
Development and Tourism. Presentation on the Growth Management Consultation for
Envision Durham. Discussion of the increasing spread of the fleabane weed in the
Region, often on properties cleared for development that are then left idol for a period
before construction commences. Staff to confirm whether the Municipality and/or the
Region have a Weed Inspector on-staff.
Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Richard provided an update in his e-mail
to all prior to the meeting. DRFA continues to work on coordinating a local roundtable
on enforcement for safety on family farms; waiting for responses from invited guests.
DRFA requests clarification from Clarington on the new “Clean and Clear” by-law (refer
to New Business).
Clarington Board of Trade: Jenni updated the Committee on recent events, including
a storytelling session and the annual Mayor’s Address. CBOT will host the Clarington
Economic Summit on November 20, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm at Garnet B. Rickard. The
summit will explore Clarington’s economy and the synergies and opportunities with
emerging sector, including hemp production. Details available at
Durham Farm Connections annual Celebrate Agriculture Gala takes place on October
24. Details available at https://durhamfarmconnections.ca/celebrate-agriculture-gala/.
New Business
Clarington “Clean and Clear” By-law 2019-047: By-law passed July 2, 2019
respecting keeping land clean and clear in the Municipality. By-law prohibits the
accumulation of debris, accumulation of standing water and the growth of grass and
weeds to a height higher than 20 cm, with the exception of lands zoned Environmental
Protection. Replaces the lawn maintenance by-law. By-law Enforcement will be invited
to attend a future meeting.
Page 28
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington October 10, 2019
Burn Permits: Fire Chiefs in Durham Region have received requests that burning
permits be addressed by one common by-law across all of the Municipalities. The
Municipality does not charge for burn permits, while other municipalities do. Continued
ZONE Clarington: The Committee requested clarification on the status of a series of
resolutions discussed by Council respecting ZONE Clarington. Staff clarified that on
September 16, Council directed Staff to delete the Environmental Review Area (90
metres) and Minimum Vegetation Protection Zone (30 metres) from the draft zoning by-
law amendment, and that these changes will not appear in the draft zoning by-law
mapping until a second draft is released at some point in the future. Further, Council
has directed Staff to pause work on the rural portion of ZONE Clarington for three
months while other provincial reviews (e.g. review of the Provincial Policy Statement)
are being carried out an LPAT appeal respecting zoning for environmental protection is
underway in East Gwillimbury. A series of additional motions are being considered by
Council, but not have not yet been approved. These relate to how provincial policy for
environmental protection was incorporated into the Clarington Official Plan and the
provision of notice about proposed changes to environmental protection zoning to rural
Future Agendas
Clarington By-law Enforcement re: “Clean and Clear” By-law 2019-047
Clarington Engineering Services and Region of Durham Works re: 2020 rural area
capital projects
Robert Schafer re: Tyrone Mills Ltd.
Brianna Ames of Fairlife (Coca-Cola)
Clarington Engineering Services (Building Division) re: National Building Code changes
for farm structures anticipated for 2020 (once the changes have been confirmed)
Simon Gill, Durham Region Economic Development & Tourism re: an update on the
Durham Region Agricultural Strategy and Durham Region Broadband Strategy
John Cartwright moved to Adjourn.
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 14, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - Fred Horvath, Clarington
Operations Department re: Emerald Ash Borer Program and General Operations
Department Update
Page 29
Report to Council
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Report To: Council Report Number: GGR-003-19
Date of Meeting: November 18, 2019
Report Subject: General Government Committee meeting of November 4, 2019
1. Receive for Information
a. Item 9.1 - Minutes of the Newcastle Business Improvement Area dated October
10, 2019
b. Item 9.2 - Raylene Martell, Director of Legislative Services/Municipal Clerk,
Municipality of Grey Highlands, Regarding Conservation Authority support
c. Item 9.3 - Jordan Lee, MTO Planner, Regarding MTO Municipal Noise Bylaw
Exemption - Notice of Night Work
d. Item 9.4 - Alexander Harras, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk,
Town of Ajax, Regarding Climate Emergency Declaration
e. Item 9.5 - Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Region
of Durham, Regarding Opioid Overdose Emergency
f. Item 9.6 - Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, Region
of Durham, Regarding Project Update and Adoption of Terms of Reference:
Durham Region Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (CSWP)
g. Item 9.7 - Lindsey Veltkamp, Deputy Clerk, Town of Prescott, Regarding
Provincial Consultation on the Transformation of Building Services in Ontario
h. Item 9.8 - Stephanie Allman, Regulatory Coordinator – Regulatory Affairs,
Enbridge Gas Inc., Regarding 2020 Rate Application - Notice of Hearing
i. Item 9.9 - Sue Foxton, Mayor, Township of North Dumfries, Regarding Response
to Proposed Amendments to the Aggregate Resources Act
j. Item 9.11 - Minutes of the Orono Business Improvement Area dated September
12, 2019
k. Item 9.10 - Donna Metcalf-Woo, Regarding Local Health Care Services
l. Item 10.4 - Lisa and Elton Maynard, Regarding Updating the Parking By-law
Page 30
Municipality of Clarington Page 2
Report GGR-003-19
m. Report CAO-011-19, excluding Section 6.4 to 6.7
n. Report CAO-011-19 - Clarington Climate Action Planning, Sections 6.4 to 6.7
2. Marian Timmerans, Regarding Durham Hospice – Clarington
That the Delegation of Marian Timmerans, regarding Durham Hospice - Clarington, be
received with thanks; and
That best wishes be passed to the Durham Hospice – Clarington, in their fundraising
3. Taxicab Drivers Licence Application – Appeal
That Confidential Report CLD-023-19 be received;
That the application for a taxi driver licence, submitted by Sandra MacDonald, be
denied; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-023-19 and any delegations be advised
of Council’s decision.
4. Lease of Office Space on the Second Floor of 132 Church Street,
Bowmanville to the Autism Home Base Durham
That Report COD-025-19 be received;
That approval be granted to lease to the Autism Home Base, office space located on
the second floor of 132 Church Street for a period of three years beginning January 1,
2020 and expiring December 31, 2022 and that the lease agreement is in a form
acceptable to the Municipal Solicitor;
That subject to Council approving recommendation 2, the Purchasing Manager i n
consultation with the Director of Operations be given the authority to extend the lease
agreement for up to two additional one year terms to expire on December 31, 2024;
That the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to execute the lease agreements on
behalf of the Municipality; and
That all interested parties listed in Report COD-025-19 and any delegations be advised
of Council’s decision.
5. Mayor Alan Soever, Town of The Blue Mountains, Regarding Integrity
Commissioner Matters
That the following resolution from the Town of The Blue Mountains, regarding Integrity
Commission Matters, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington:
Whereas the system of justice in Ontario is based on the British system of
Common Law which bases decisions on legal precedents;
And whereas the decisions of Integrity Commissioners in settled cases could
provide guidance to all involved in Municipal Government in Ontario as well as to
the people they serve; Page 31
Municipality of Clarington Page 3
Report GGR-003-19
Be it therefore resolved that the Code of Conduct Sub -Committee recommends
that the Council of the Town of The Blue Mountains requests that the Ontario
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing create a searchable database of all
matters placed before all Integrity Commissioners within the province and the
resolution of such matters;
And further be it resolved that this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in
Ontario via the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.
6. Jennifer Astrologo, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk, Town of
Kingsville, Regarding Local Health Care Services
That the following resolution from Town of Kingsville, regarding Local Health Care
Services, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington:
Whereas public health care consistently ranks as the top priority in public opinion
polls, and;
Whereas Public Health provides vital health promotion and prevention services
based on the unique demographic and economic, social, and cultural needs of
our communities; and;
Whereas the evidence from hospital amalgamation in Ontario and across
Canada is that they have cost billions of dollars and have not yielded the
promised administrative savings but have taken money away from frontline care,
Whereas there is no evidence to support the proposed closure of 25 out of 35
local Public Health Units, the closure of 12 of 22 local ambulance dispatch
centres, and the closure of 49 out of 59 local ambulance services, and;
Whereas there is a deep consensus among virtually all stakeholders that
increasing acuity in our long-term care homes requires additional staff and
resources, not cancellation of the two special funds and real dollar cuts to per
diem funding of our long-term care homes, and;
Whereas our local hospitals have been downsized for an entire generation and
cannot meet population needs while sustaining real dollar cuts to hospital global
Therefore be it resolved:
That The Corporation of the Town of Kingsville calls upon the Ontario
government to halt the closures of, mergers of, and cuts to our local health care
services including Public Health Units, land ambulance services, hospitals and
long-term care homes and the Town of Kingsville forward this resolution to all
municipalities in the Province of Ontario.
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Municipality of Clarington Page 4
Report GGR-003-19
7. Memo from Trevor Pinn, Treasurer, Regarding a Request to Release
Funds from the Orono Business Improvement Authority
That the Director of Finance be authorized to issue a cheque to the Orono BIA in an
amount not to exceeding $23,000 from the Orono BIA Reserve Fund for the purchase of
Christmas wreaths.
8. 132 Church Street, Bowmanville
That Report OPD-007-19 be received; and
That $20,000 from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund be used for building renovations
at 132 Church Street.
9. Vehicle for Hire By-law
That Report CLD-022-19 be received;
That the By-law attached to Report CLD-022-19, as Attachment 1, to regulate the
operation of private transportation services, known as the “Vehicle for Hire By-law” be
approved; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD-022-19, and any delegations be advised
of Council’s decision.
10. Miscellaneous Catch Basin and Maintenance Hole Repairs
That Report COD-023-19 be received;
That Coco Paving Inc. having satisfactorily completed the initial one year term as
approved in Resolution #C-047-19 (Attachment #1), with an annual bid in the amount of
$133,032.00 (Net HST Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms,
conditions and specifications of Tender CL2018 -33 be awarded the contract for a
second one year term, as required by the Operations Department;
That pending satisfactory performance and the Operations Department confirmation
following an internal work assessment the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the
Director of Operations, be given the authority to extend the contract for this service for
up to two additional one year terms;
That the funds required for this project in the amount of $139,683.00 (Net HST Rebate)
which includes the construction cost of $133,032.00 (Net HST Rebate) and contingency
cost of $6,651.00 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows:
Description Account Number Amount
Catch Basin/Sewer Mntnc 100-36-380-10245-7163 77,000
Engineering Pavement Rehab 110-32-330-83212-7401 62,683
That all interested parties listed in Report COD-023-19, and any delegations be advised
of Council’s decision.
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Municipality of Clarington Page 5
Report GGR-003-19
11. Bowmanville Tennis Club – Lease Renewal
That Report COD-024-19 be received;
That a lease extension agreement with the Bowmanville Tennis Club for the term
January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 be approved and to authorize the Mayor and the
Municipal Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the Municipality;
That the current annual rent of $1597.26 be adjusted on the expiry date of the lease
agreement by the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, All Items
Ontario, as published by Statistics Canada;
That subject to Council approving recommendation 2, the Purchasing Manager in
consultation with the Director of Operations be given the authority to extend the lease
agreement for up to four additional one year terms to expire on December 31, 2024;
That the Board of the Bowmanville Older Adult Association and the Bowmanville Tennis
Club be advised of Council’s decision.
Page 34
Report to Council
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Report To: Council Report Number: PDR-003-19
Date of Meeting: November 18, 2019
Report Subject: Planning and Development Committee meeting of November 12, 2019
1. Receive for Information
a. Report PSD-051-19 Secondary Plans Update
b. Confidential Report LGL-015-19 Status of LPAT Appeals of OPA 107
2. Proposed Rezoning to Permit East Penn Development of 1840 Energy
Drive, Courtice
That Report PSD-050-19 be received;
That the By-law attached to Report PSD-050-19, as Attachment 1, be approved;
That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law with respect to
the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, a By-law authorizing the removal of
the (H) Holding Symbol be approved by Council;
That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-050-
19 and Council’s decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-050-19, and any delegations be advised
of Council’s decision.
3. Paragraph Three of Resolution #C-247-19 - Recommendation to Add Two
(2) Properties to the Municipal Register
That 816 Regional Road 17, Newcastle be added to the Municipal Register, and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-030-19 and any delegations be advised
of Council's decision.
Page 35
Municipality of Clarington Page 2
Report PDR-003-19
4. Confidential Verbal Report from the Acting Director of Planning Services,
Regarding Land Acquisition
That Resolution #CPD-005-19, passed in Closed Session to give direction to staff, be
5. Declaration of Surplus Property at the Bowmanville Avenue Westbound
Exit from Highway 401
That Resolution #CPD-006-19, passed in Closed Session to give direction to staff, be
Page 36