HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-29-20190 cla ronigtoig Council Agenda Date: April 29, 2019 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2101 or by email at mchambers(o)_clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may be video recorded. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net Clarington 1 Call to Order 2 Moment of Reflection 3 Declaration of Interest 4 Announcements Council Agenda Date: April 29, 2019 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) 5.1 Council Minutes Minutes of a regular meeting of Council April 8, 2019 6 Presentations Page 6 6.1 Judy Hanson, Justin Humprey and Jonny Selimovic, Home Base Durham —Presentation of Community Connector and Leadership and Innovation Awards 7 Delegations 7.1 Kevin Adams, The Old Newcastle House Taps & Grill Inc., Regarding a Stationary Refreshment Vehicle By-law Exemption (Item 3 of the General Government Committee Report) 8 Communications — Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information as of the time of publication. 9 Communications — Direction There are no Communications to be received for direction as of the time of publication. 10 Committee Reports 10.1 Advisory Committee Reports 10.1.1 Newcastle Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated April 9, 2019 Page 21 Arena Board Page 2 Clariwon Council Agenda Date: April 29, 2019 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 10.1.2 Affordable Minutes of the Clarington Affordable Housing Task Force Page 23 Housing Task dated March 19, 2019 Force Minutes 10.1.3 Agricultural Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated Page 26 Advisory April 11, 2019 Committee Minutes 10.1.4 Heritage Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated Page 29 Committee April 16, 2019 Minutes 10.1.5 AAC Minutes Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee dated Page 34 March 6, 2019 10.1.6 Tourism Minutes of the Clarington Tourism Advisory Committee Page 36 Advisory dated April 11, 2019 Committee Minutes 10.2 General General Government Committee Report of April 15, 2019 Page 39 Government Committee 10.3 Planning & Planning and Development Committee Report of Page 43 Development April 23, 2019 Committee 11 Staff Reports None Page 3 Clariwon Council Agenda Date: April 29, 2019 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion 13 Unfinished Business 13.1 Memo Municipal Memo from the Municipal Solicitor regarding Request to Page 45 Solicitor amend Interim Control By-law 2018-083 for 10 Victoria Street, Bowmanville (Referred from the April 8, 2019 Council Meeting) 14 By-laws 14.1 2019-029 Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year, to strike rates and levy taxes for municipal purposes for the year 2019 and to provide for the collection thereof (Approved by Council on February 19, 2019) 14.2 2019-030 Being a By-law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, to assume certain streets and lanes within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to name them (Item 5 of General Government Committee Report) 14.3 2019-031 Being a By-law to assume certain streets and lanes within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 6 of General Government Committee Report) 14.4 2018-032 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Amended and Restated Inter -creditor Agreement between The Toronto Dominion Bank, the Municipality of Clarington, the Town of Ajax, the City of Pickering, the City of Belleville, the Town of Whitby, Elexicon Corporation and Elexicon Energy Inc. (Item 9 of General Government Committee Report) 14.5 2019-033 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Item 1 Planning and Development Committee Report) Page 4 Uarington 15 Procedural Notices of Motion 16 Other Business 17 Confirming By -Law 18 Adjournment Council Agenda Date: April 29, 2019 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers Page 5 Clarftwa Council Minutes April 8, 2019 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 8, 2019, at 7:00 PM, in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: A. Allison, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, F. Horvath, M. Marano, R. Maciver, T. Pinn, M. Seaman, T. Calhoun, A. Greentree, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 Moment of Reflection Councillor Anderson led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 3 Declaration of Interest Councillor Zwart declared an indirect interest regarding the request from Barry Bolahood for an Amendment to the Interim Control By -Law 2018-083 (Item 8 of the Planning and Committee Report. Mayor Foster declared a direct interest in Agenda Item 12.1 — reconsideration of Resolution #C-110-19. 4 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. -1- A• Clare n Council Minutes April 8, 2019 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #C-121-19 Moved by Councillor Traill seconded by Councillor Zwart That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on March 18, 2019, be approved; and That the minutes of the special meeting of the Council held on March 29, 2019, be approved. Carried as Amended (See following motions) Resolution #C-121-19 Moved by Councillor Neal seconded by Councillor Traill That the minutes of a special meeting of Council held March 29, 2019 be amended by adding the following to the end of note after the meeting was called to order (Item 1 of the March 29, 2019 Council Agenda): "as he believed it would have been improper to have done so as the Mayor has a direct interest in the matter." Carried 6 Presentations There were no Presentations scheduled for this meeting. 7 Delegations Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-122-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to add Nicholaas Van Seggelen & Udana Muldoon to delegation portion of the Agenda. Carried -2- Clarftwa Council Minutes April 8, 2019 7.1 Mike Bujold regarding Flooding in Kendal (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report) Mike Bujold, local resident, was present regarding flooding in Kendal (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report). He requested that this issue be revisited as there have been drainage issues for 25 years. Mr. Bujold noted that the main area of concern is north of Concession 9 and the Kendal Church Road. He added that a ditch added 25 years ago and has caused flooding to Newtonville Road. Mr. Bujold explained that the ditch is not draining properly which is resulting in the road flooding. He added that he owns a sump pump and there is no location to drain his property. Mr. Bujold concluded by asking for this issue to be reviewed by Staff. Mr. Bujold answered questions from the Members of Council. 7.2 Richard Ward regarding Flooding in Kendal (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report) Richard Ward, local resident, was present regarding flooding in Kendal (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report). He explained that his property flooded on March 15, 2019 and has been flooded for 16 days. Mr. Ward believes the flooding is due to the snow being pushed across the road and the culvert being filled with gravel and causing it to back up and overflow. He is concerned that the property owners of 14 Hoy Street have extended their driveway and filled the swale which he believes has resulted in flooding. Mr. Ward noted that both the Operations and Municipal Law Enforcement have attended the property and he believed the issue was going to be addressed. He stated that he feels there has been violation of Municipal By-laws and is concerned that this has not already been addressed. Mr. Ward answered questions from the Members of Council. VMe R[iC.TitEe��if��c�i�7 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the delegation of Mr. Ward be referred to the Municipal Solicitor to undertake a review of the situation to determine if there is interference of a drainage ditch blocking the natural course of water, and advise Council through a confidential report back to the General Government Committee meeting of May 6, 2019 on whether there is any contravention of a Municipal By-law, or any other laws, that the Municipality should be acting on. Carried -3- 0 Clarington Council Minutes April 8, 2019 7.3 Howard Bayne, Durham East Softball Association (DESA) Fun League, regarding Addendum to OPD -003-19, Sports User Fees and Guide (Agenda Item 13.1) Howard Bayne, Durham East Softball Association (DESA) Fun League, was present regarding Addendum to OPD -003-19, Sports User Fees and Guide (Agenda Item 13.1). He explained his concern with the non -residency requirement of 75%. Mr. Bayne explained that the fees associated with this will result in an increase of 72% in their user fees. He noted that this increase would result in them not being able to operate as they would need to significantly increase their registration fees and use ball diamonds outside of Clarington. Mr. Bayne asked about the application policy and the manner in which the permits will be prioritized. He added that he is concerned with tournaments being given priority for field bookings. Mr. Bayne also noted his concern with the grandfather status only being granted to clients existing since 2010. He feels it should be on a go forward basis from 2018. Mr. Bayne expressed his concern with the collection of personal data to determine the residency requirement. He advised the Members of Council that he understands the population is growing and he feels that the Municipality needs to increase the number of sports fields to keep up to these growing demands. Mr. Bayne noted that although the diamonds at Rosswell Park, Lord Elgin Park, and Memorial Park are listed as adult diamonds, they have not been available to be booked for adult teams since 2007. Mr. Bayne concluded by stating that these changes to the policy are making it very challenging to organize teams and draw people to the Municipality of Clarington. He answered questions from the Members of Council. 7.4 Ken Rowe regarding the Delegation of Beth Meszaros, Regarding Suggestions for On -Farm -Diversified Uses, Agri -tourism and Special Events (Item 3 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) Ken Rowe, local resident, was present regarding the delegation of Beth Meszaros, regarding suggestions for On -Farm -Diversified Uses, Agri -tourism and Special Events (Item 3 of the Planning and Development Committee Report). He noted he was present on behalf of citizens concerned with on -farm -diversified uses and the following Resolution passed at the Planning and Development Committee meeting April 1, 2019: "That staff, working in consultation with all stakeholders, report back to a Committee meeting in June 2019 with a report outlining a permitting scheme to regulate wedding venues having regard to other jurisdiction where such a permitting scheme is in operation: and That the delegation of Beth Meszaros, regarding suggestions for On -Farm -Diversified Uses, Agri -Tourism and special Events, be referred to staff to report back." Mr. Rowe noted that this Resolution does not reflect the full concerns of the community and asked for it to include "Rural Special Events." He explained that the Municipality has By-laws regulating Special Events for over 500 people in attendance. Mr. Rowe asked for it to include events for 50 to 500 people. He requested that there be clarification in the requirements, by-laws and regulation for all venues in the Municipality -4- E Clare n Council Minutes April 8, 2019 of Clarington. Mr. Rowe concluded by explaining that it is not the intention of the community to effect existing businesses in the area. Mr. Rowe answered questions from the Members of Council. 7.5 Nicholaas Van Seggelen regarding Flooding in Kendal (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report) Nicholaas Van Seggelen, local resident, was present regarding Flooding in Kendal (Item 11 of the General Government Committee Report). He noted that he is the property owner of 14 Hoy Street. Mr. Van Seggelen advised the Members of Council that he spoke to the Operations Department prior to completing any grading on his property. He added that he had the property assessed by the Operations Department to seek direction as to what could be done to assist with the drainage. Mr. Van Seggelen pointed out there are issues with flooding in all areas of Kendal. He added that he is trying to work with the Operations Department to determine a solution. Mr. Van Seggelen explained that he had a three car driveway added and graded it to the road. He concluded by explaining that he is communicating with all parties involved and willing to assist to correct any issues related to his property. 7.6 Udana Muldoon, Clarington Ravens, regarding Addendum to OPD -003-19, Sports User Fees and Guide (Agenda Item 13.1) Udana Muldoon, Clarington Ravens Fast Pitch Softball Association, was present regarding Addendum to OPD -003-19, Sports User Fees and Guide (Agenda Item 13.1). She advised the Members of Council that the Staff Consultation during this process has been good. Ms. Muldoon noted that she is concerned about the residency requirement of 75%. She explained that they are a rep team and have only been in existence for two years. Ms. Muldoon explained that the residency requirement will limit their ability to play and, though they meet the requirement this year, they may not in the future. She asked why the grandfather status applies effective 2010. Ms. Muldoon requested that this be on a go forward basis. She explained that they are the only girl rep soft ball league in Clarington and this year they will be hosting the Provincials which will bring 200 baseball teams to Clarington. Ms. Muldoon believes they will be the only organization impacted by the grandfather status. She concluded by asking the Municipality to add more diamonds to assist with the growing demands. Ms. Muldoon answered questions from the Members of Council. Recess Resolution #C-124-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Council recess for 5 minutes. The meeting reconvened at 8:38 PM. Carried -5- 10 Clare n Council Minutes April 8, 2019 8 Communications — Receive for Information There were no Communications to be received for information. 9 Communications — Direction 9.1 Ken Rowe regarding the Delegation of Beth Meszaros, Regarding Suggestions for On -Farm -Diversified Uses, Agri -tourism and Special Events Resolution #C-125-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Correspondence Item 9.1 from Ken Rowe regarding the delegation of Beth Meszaros, regarding suggestions for On -Farm -Diversified Uses, Agri -tourism and Special Events be referred to the consideration of Item 3 of the Planning and Development Committee Report. Carried 9.2 Paul and Cathy Powers, regarding Report PSD -018-19, Applications by Lynstrath Developments Inc. for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By- law Amendment to create one block for up to 28 townhouse dwellings in a common elements condominium on the south-east corner of Townline Road and Lawson Road and Report PSD 021-19, Application by Kyle Roberts to amend the Zoning By-law to facilitate the creation of one additional single detached lot at 46 Lawson Road in Courtice Resolution #C-126-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Correspondence Item 9.2 from Paul and Cathy Powers, regarding Report PSD -018-19, Applications by Lynstrath Developments Inc. for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to create one block for up to 28 townhouse dwellings in a common elements condominium on the south-east corner of Townline Road and Lawson Road and Report PSD 021-19, Application by Kyle Roberts to amend the Zoning By-law to facilitate the creation of one additional single detached lot at 46 Lawson Road in Courtice, be referred to the consideration of Items 2 and 4 of the Planning and Development Committee Report. Carried Councillor Jones returned to the meeting. 11 Clarington 10 Committee Reports Council Minutes April 8, 2019 10.1.1 Museum Minutes of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board dated Minutes February 13 and March 13, 2019 10.1.2 Affordable Minutes of the Clarington Affordable Housing Task Force dated Housing Task February 22, 2019 Force Minutes 10.1.3 Agricultural Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated March 14, Advisory 2019 Committee Minutes 10.1.4 Heritage Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 19, Committee 2019 Minutes 10.1.5 Newcastle Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated March 5, 2019 Arena Board Minutes 10.1.6 Diversity Minutes of the Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee dated Advisory March 6, 2019 Committee Minutes OMB RRIWO NtEe161111iPAa�1 Moved by Councillor Zwart, seconded by Councillor Traill That Advisory Committee Report Items 10.1.1 to 10.1.6, be approved with the exception of Items 10.1.2 and 10.1.6. Carried 10.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Affordable Housing Task Force dated February 22, 2019 Resolution #C-128-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Advisory Committee Report Item 10.1.2, be approved. Carried -7- 12 Clarington Council Minutes April 8, 2019 10.1.6 Minutes of the Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee dated March 6, 2019 Resolution #C-129-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Advisory Committee Report Item 10.1.6, be approved. Carried 10.2 General Government Committee Report of March 25, 2019 Resolution #C-130-19 Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of March 25, 2019, be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #1f, #2 and #11. Carried Item 1f — FND-007-19 Annual Commodity Hedging - 2018 Wme 111IWO NtEe1�d�111Qi11007 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FND-007-19 be received for information. Carried Item 2— Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade, Regarding 2018 Economic Development Update Resolution #C-132-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Communication Item 8.5, Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade, regarding the 2018 Economic Development Update, be received for information; That the delegation of Sheila Hall and Bonnie Wrightman, Clarington Board of Trade, regarding the 2018 Economic Development Update, be received with thanks; That the Mayor be directed to send a letter, on behalf of Clarington Council, to the Clarington Board or Trade, congratulating them on their hard work; That the Mayor be directed to send a letter, on behalf of Clarington Council, to East Penn Canada welcoming them to the Municipality of Clarington; and 13 Clarington Council Minutes April 8, 2019 That the CAO report back to a future General Government Committee meeting on how Council can be better informed of matters related to Economic Development. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #C-133-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Communication Item 8.5, Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade, regarding the 2018 Economic Development Update, be received for information; That the delegation of Sheila Hall and Bonnie Wrightman, Clarington Board of Trade, regarding the 2018 Economic Development Update, be received with thanks; That the Mayor be directed to send a letter, on behalf of Clarington Council, to the Clarington Board or Trade, congratulating them on their hard work; and That the Mayor be directed to send a letter, on behalf of Clarington Council, to East Penn Canada welcoming them to the Municipality of Clarington Carried Item 11 — Flooding in Kendal Resolution #C-134-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Zwart That staff be requested to investigate the matter of flooding in Kendal and report back with recommendations. Carried 10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of April 1, 2019 Resolution #C-135-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the recommendations contained in the Planning & Development Committee Report of April 1, 2019 be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #8 and #3. Carried M 14 Clarington Council Minutes April 8, 2019 Item 8 — Request to amend Interim Control By-law 2018-083 for 10 Victoria Street Bowmanville Councillor Zwart declared an indirect interest the request from Barry Bolahood for an Amendment to the Interim Control By -Law 2018-083 (Item 8 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) as her family owns property within the Interim Control By-law area. Councillor Zwart left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution #C-136-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Jones That Report PSD -023-19 be received for information. Motion Lost Resolution #C-137-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PSD -023-19 be received for information; and That the Interim Control By-law 2018-083 be amended to add 10 Victoria Street as an exempted property, as long as Mr. Hoy's application is to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Anderson X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Jones X Councillor Neal X Councillor Traill X Councillor Zwart X Mayor Foster X Resolution #C-138-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PSD -023-19 be tabled. Motion Lost -10- 15 Clarington Resolution #C-139-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PSD -023-19 be referred to the April 29, 2019 Council meeting. Motion Lost Resolution #C-140-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Jones That Report PSD -023-19 be referred to the end of the Agenda. Motion Lost Closed Session Wme 11T[iCIiQi111007 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill Council Minutes April 8, 2019 That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried 10.4 Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 9:30 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed to provide direction to staff. Councillor Zwart returned to the meeting. Item 3 - Delegation of Beth Meszaros, Regarding Suggestions for On -Farm - Diversified Uses, Agri -tourism and Special Events Resolution #C-142-19 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Zwart That Staff, working in consultation with all stakeholders, report back to a Committee meeting in Fall, 2019 with a report outlining a permitting scheme to regulate Agri - tourism venues having regard to other jurisdictions where such a permitting scheme is in operation; and -11- 16 Clarington Council Minutes April 8, 2019 That the delegation of Beth Meszaros, regarding suggestions for On -Farm -Diversified Uses, Agri -tourism and Special Events, be referred to staff to report back. Carried as Amended Later in the Meeting (See following motions) Resolution #C-143-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #C-142-19 be amended by inserting the word "possible" in front of the first instance of the word "permitting". Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-144-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to the matter of the foregoing Resolution #C-142-19 a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-142-19 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. 11 Staff Reports None 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion 12.1 The Portion of Resolution #C-110-19 Pertaining to the Elexicon Board Per Diem Rate Mayor Foster declared a direct interest in Agenda Item 12.1 — reconsideration of Resolution #C-110-19 as he is a Member of the Board. Mayor Foster left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Councillor Neal assumed the Chair. Resolution #C-145-19 Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Traill That the portion of the Resolution #C-110-19 pertaining to the Veridian Board per diem rate be reconsidered. Motion Lost -12- 17 Clare n Council Minutes April 8, 2019 Mayor Foster returned to the meeting and assumed the Chair. 13 Unfinished Business 13.1 Sports User Fees and Guide (Referred from the March 25, 2019 General Government Committee Meeting) Resolution #C-146-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report OPD -003-19 and Addendum to Report OPD -003-19 be received; That with the exception of the `non-resident' fee increases, Council approve the recommended Sports Field User fees for 2019 and the annual adjustment approach using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) beginning in 2020 as set -out in Section 4.1 of this Report; That in accordance with the recommendation in Report OPD -003-19, Council approve a reduction in the Artificial Turf Field fees during the months of June, July and August, for both youth and adult users; That as outlined on Attachment #1 of Addendum to Report OPD -003-19, Council support the revised Operations Department policy respecting the processing of Sports Field user applications beginning in the 2020 season be referred for a Report in the Fall of 2019; and That the issue of non-resident fees be referred back to staff for a report in the Fall of 2019. Motion Divided (See following motions) :MelRSTi1Ee14111i[Mi11097 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #C-146-19 be divided to separate the following from the second paragraph: "the annual adjustment approach using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) beginning in 2020 as set -out in Section 4.1 of this Report;" Carried -13- W Clare n Council Minutes April 8, 2019 Resolution #C-148-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the annual adjustment approach using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) beginning in 2020 as set -out in Section 4.1 of this Report be referred to staff for a report to be prepared in the Fall of 2019. Carried The balance of the foregoing Resolution #C-146-19 was then put to a vote and carried. 14 By-laws Resolution #C-149-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2019-023 to 2019-027 14.1 2019-023 Being a By-law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to name them (Item 6 of General Government Committee Report) 14.2 2019-024 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Item 4 of Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.3 2019-025 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Item 7 of Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.4 2019-026 Being a By-law to amend Interim Control By-law 2018-083 (Item 7 of Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.5 2019-027 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Kevin Cottam) (Approved by Council on December 8, 2003) That the said by-laws be approved. Carried 15 Procedural Notices of Motion There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. -14- 19 Clarington 16 Other Business None 17 Confirming By -Law Resolution #C-150-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson Council Minutes April 8, 2019 That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2019-028, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 8t" day of April, 2019; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 18 Adjournment Resolution #C-151-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting adjourn at 10:05 PM Mayor Carried -15- 20 Municipal Clerk Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meetinz — Tuesday, April 9, 2019 (Not vet approved by committee) In Attendance — Peter Kennedy, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager Dave Bouma, Shea -Lea Latchford, Gary Oliver, Todd Taylor, Susan White, Margaret Zwart Absent: Councillor Granville Anderson 1. Agenda Motion #19-014 Moved by Dave Bouma, seconded by Sue White THAT: the Agenda be accepted as proposed. CARRIED 2. Acceptance of Minutes Motion #19-015 Moved by Sue White, seconded by Todd Taylor THAT: the minutes of March 9, 2019 be accepted. CARRIED 3. Chair's Report - Peter gave a detailed report on the progress to date and advised the Women's Gaels Lacrosse have booked a night for the entire summer. He also reported emergency repairs to the Olympia were made. Todd and Bryan have been working closely with Dawn to manage resources more efficiently and effectively and are working on minor housekeeping issues. 4. Manager's Report — Brian completed the manager's report and confirmed the ice is out and employee were laid off April 5th. He confirmed summer rentals and presented his 2019 Summer Job List. The Municipality will begin the repairs to the outside of the building shortly. Treasurer's Report — Todd present and reviewed Q1 report with the Board in detail. Motion: #19-016 -Moved by Peter Kennedy, seconded by Gary Oliver THAT: the 2019 quarterly report be adopted. CARRIED 21 2. 6. Old Business — We revisited the issue of the Edward Street Sign design and after some discussion deferred it until May's meeting. New Business — Todd presented (a) Long Term Investment Strategy (b) 2019 Capital Projects (c) Planned Maintenance Motion #19-017 - Moved by Gary Oliver, seconded by Sue White THAT: the Board approves reinvesting the Edward Jones GICs into a short term Money Market Fund. CARRIED Motion #19-018 - Moved by Margaret Zwart, seconded by Dave Bouma THAT: the Board approve four recommendations of the Project Proposal: Non - Flammable Storage Cabinets/Shelving, Renovations to 5th Change Room, New Skate Training Aids, Replacement of Washroom Fixtures. CARRIED 7. Next Meeting -Tuesday, May 14, 2019 — 7:00 p.m. 8. Adiournment Motion #19-019 Moved by Gary Oliver, seconded by Todd Taylor THAT: the meeting adjourns CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM Chair Secretary 22 Affordable Housing Task Force Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Meeting Room 1A ATTENDEES: Wendy Partner, Chair Councillor Ron Hooper, Municipality of Clarington Councillor Janice Jones, Municipality of Clarington Councillor Corinna Traill, Municipality of Clarington Henry Wildeboer, Former Pastor Joyce Kufta, Parkview Lodge Charlie Trim, Parkview Lodge Bob Malone, Newcastle & Bond Head Ratepayers Association Carlo Pellarin, Manager, Development Review Branch, Municipality of Clarington Jeannette Whynot, Accessibility Coordinator, Municipality of Clarington Wanda Huntington, DAFRS Selena Blake, DAFRS Heather Keyzers, Community Coordinator, Municipality of Clarington REGRETS: Alan Robins, Director, Housing Services Division, Region of Durham Milt Dakin, Forestree Place Anthony Adrien, CMHC APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Charlie Trim, seconded by Joyce Kufta THAT the minutes dated February 22, 2019 be approved "CARRIED" PRESENTATION BY SELENA BLAKE AND WANDA HUNTINGTON — IMAGINING HOME AND DURHAM INTENTIONALLY BUILT COMMUNITES (IBC) CORPORATION Selena and Wanda provided a PowerPoint Presentation highlighting the following: 1. Who we are 2. Our loved ones' desires 3. A Good Life (video) 4. Housing: requirement for a good life 5. Severe lack of affordable housing options in the Region of Durham 23 Affordable Housing Task Force March 19, 2019 6. Affordable options are not affordable 7. Segregation rather than integration 8. Deeper portable rent subsidies 9. Low cost renovations dollars 10. Inclusive and vibrant housing developments 11. James —A Good life: Citizenhood - A little about me - I am great at - My community is important to me - I am an athlete - I am a collector - I love social activities - My quiet time - I actively partic8ipate in - My current home - James' Future housing needs - Future housing thought process - James' housing requirements - To move forward - Looking forward to a great vibrant include future I my own place TINY HOMES OSHAWA Councillor Hooper attended a showcasing of a 253 sq. ft., permanent tiny home at 96 Quebec St. in Oshawa. The owner would like to development in Clarington as well. Carlo Pellarin provided the links below for the media coverage. httas://www.680news.com/video/2019/03/16/oshawa-tinv-home-saarks-bia-interest/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BgeRFp5cMw OTHER BUSINESS 1. Orillia Visit Wendy Partner advised that she will be visiting Orillia next month to view Moe Eslami's affordable housing project. K 24 Affordable Housing Task Force March 19, 2019 2. Survey Moved by Corinna Traill, seconded by Bob Malone THAT the Committee conduct a survey to receive public consultation on affordable rental housing. "CARRIED" Heather Keyzers will request assistance through the Chief Administrative Office to compose a survey to receive public feedback. Survey is time sensitive and should be sent out immediately. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Bob Malone, seconded by Wendy Huntington THAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:22 a.m. "CARRIED" NEXT MEETING April 16, 2019 in Meeting Room 3C. 25 K, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Members Present: Regrets Guests Staff: Thursday, April 11, 2019 Eric Bowman Brenda Metcalf Les Caswell Councillor Zwart Ben Eastman, Tom Barrie, John Cartwright Henry Zekveld Don Rickard Ted Watson, Richard Rekker, Jennifer Knox Tracey Webster and Carlo Pellarin, Planning Services Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid, Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 019-09 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Les Caswell "That the Agenda for April 11 th, 2019 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 019-10 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Eric Bowman "That the minutes of the March 14th, 2019 meeting be approved" Carried Presentation: Amy, Tracey and Carlo provided a presentation on how the Environmental Protection land use was created in the Official Plan and what it is based on. The zoning by-law is the implementation of the Official Plan and the Environmental Protection designation is now being carried through into the zoning. The presentation reviewed how the proposed environmental protection zoning in the draft zoning by-law released in November 2018 potentially effects existing agricultural uses. To create flexibility there have been a number of "what -ifs" explored and these have been used to create the rules of how site plan approval will or will not be applied A pdf of the presentation provided by Staff was circulated to the Committee. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 26 April 11, 2019 Staff will attend the June AACC meeting to review the Minimum Distance Separation workbook that was previously distributed to members. It was recommended that members review the workbook in advance of the meeting. Business Arising Activist Ready Farms - was an item of discussion at the DAAC meeting and will be further pursued with Durham Region Police Service. There was additional presence of DRPS at Farm Connections as there had been protesters in prior years, this year there were no incidents. DRFA is working to assemble a joint industry group (fur, dairy, chicken, pork, cattlemen's, etc) and meet with local MPPs to share their concerns. Other actions farmers can take it to always have your farm camera ready. Durham Agriculture Strategy- additional comments can be provide directly to the Region or at the upcoming open house in Sunderland. The release of the Envision (Rural and Agriculture Discussion Paper) concurrently with the Strategy has made it somewhat confusing to comment. The Region has been urged to include benchmarks for the items listed in the Strategy. Volunteer Appreciation Nominations: Eric, John, Les, Tom and Jennifer should all have received invites to the April 16th recognition by Clarington of its volunteers. Durham Farm Connections -1100 Grade 3 students went through the display in 3 days, 1000 people attended the open house on the Wednesday evening. The 120 volunteers where thanked at an event last evening at Nestleton Hall with food and fellowship and speaker Peter Kenyon. The high school program will be at Paul Dwyer on September 25th. The DFC group are working with a consultant on determining the viability of an Agriculture Event/Education Centre and possible locations. Council and Committee Reports Burn Permits: The local Fire Chiefs are looking to harmonize burn permits across the Region. The desire is to ensure normal farm practices are not hindered while recognizing and balancing with the need for safety. Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: The DAAC Tour will be September 12that Willowtree Farms near Utica, the speaker will be Charles Stevens. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Richard provided an update in his e-mail to all. DRFA looking to restructure their meeting format. DRFA working with RBC Wealth Management Group on the Durham Agriculture Enhancement Fund. Clarington Board of Trade: Teeny Tiny Summit —Today at Orono Arena. Big ideas for small places- economic development the works for small places, well attended focus was on economic development not necessarily agriculture, some on farm markets and agri-tourism examples were included. Annual General Meeting will be April 25th at Canadian Tire MotorSport, tickets available from the CBOT office. Jennifer Knox is the incoming President of the Board of Directors, she has been a director for a number of years. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 27 April 11, 2019 New Business Brianna Ames of Fairlife (Coca-Cola) suggested as a speaker given the development of the milk processing plant in Peterborough (85 million) which hopes to source Canadian milk next year. Matt Currelly was recommended as a potential speaker. Amy Burke and Tracey Webster — Minimum Separation Distance workbook discussion in June Aaron Bowman — presentation in July Don Rickard moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting: Thursday, May 9, 2019 @ 7:30 pm --Kristy Kilbourne, Senior Planner at Durham Region will be attending with regard to the EnVision Durham process — this is the municipal comprehensive review of the Region's Official Plan. She will also cover the recommendations that have been made about the Woodland Conservation By-law which is currently out for review. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 28 April 11, 2019 CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting April 16, 2019 Members Present: David Reesor, Katharine Warren, Marina Ross (Museum), Noel Gamble, Jason Moore (ACO), Victor Suppan (7:45pm), Robert Malone (7:45pm) (NVDHS), Steve Conway (8:OOpm), Ron Sproule (8:OOpm), Councillor Hooper (8:05pm) Regrets: Peter Vogel Staff: Faye Langmaid (7:40pm), Sarah Allin, Planning Services Welcome: All present were welcomed by K. Warren, meeting Chair. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None declared. Adoption of Agenda 19.11 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by M. Ross That the agenda for April 16, 2019 be adopted. "CARRIED" Adoption of Minutes 19.12 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by J. Moore That the minutes of the Meeting of March 19, 2019 be accepted. "CARRIED" Delegation and Presentations: None. Business Arising Designating Heritage Trees: • S. Allin provided an overview of the Municipality of Clarington's Tree Cutting By-law (97-35). The Tree Cutting By-law applies to woodlots with a minimum area of 0.2 hectares, and lands designated Environmental Protection by the Clarington Official Plan that are south of Taunton Road. The Region of Durham's Tree Cutting By-law applies to woodlands that measure 1.0 hectare or greater. The Clarington Official Plan includes policies that protect natural heritage features. Clarington does not have a by-law that regulates single trees on private property. • Committee members discussed the "Fletcher tree" located on lands north of 222 King Street E., and the cultural significance of the tree. 1 1 P a g e 29 • K. Warren identified a large magnolia tree on Bowmanville Museum property, and the on Beech Avenue and inquired as to whether the existing designating by-laws for the Museum property, and the Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District may include the trees as a heritage attribute. For the HCD the trees are listed, for the museum magnolia Staff will review the by-law. K. Warren inquired if the Committee's existing building evaluation system could be modified, insofar as it relates to historical context and local development, to apply to the evaluation of the cultural significance of trees. V. Suppan is formulating evaluation guidelines. The background work will first be provided to the sub- committee. • F. Langmaid noted the trees must have both cultural heritage and the tree itself must be significant. The Committee would assess the cultural heritage significance of the tree. The Planning Services Department now has an arborist on staff that could assess the significance of the tree (for type and condition). Sub -Committees Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: o V. Suppan, K. Warren, R. Sproule, J. Moore are interested in joining the sub -committee; o Sub -committee meets monthly to discuss individual building evaluations, and form consensus evaluation. • Public Education and Outreach: o K. Warren, P. Vogel, S. Conway, and N. Gamble are interested in joining the subcommittee; o Sub -committee meets less regularly, generally when planning/organizing events and outreach materials/activities. Ontario Heritage Conference: • This year's Conference is in Goderich, ON from May 30 through June 1. The Committee will try to send a member to the Conference. The early bird deadline is April 30, after which the registration fee increases. • K. Warren and M. Ross are interested in attending. Committee members noted P. Vogel previously expressed interest. • K. Warren provided an overview of potential accommodations in the area for three nights. Accommodations are relatively limited. • The Committee passed a motion to reserve funding to enable a Committee member to attend the conference. 19.13 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by M. Ross That the Clarington Heritage Committee reserves $1,000.00 to cover the cost of the Ontario Heritage Conference from May 29 through June 1 in Bluewater and Goderich, Ontario. "CARRIED" Correspondence and Council Referrals: None. 21 Page 30 Reports from Other Committees Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch: • ACO is preparing for Doors Open, scheduled for Saturday, June 8t". The focus at this time is the sorting out of the logistics. This year's theme is Agriculture. • Additional volunteers are needed and appreciated. Email K. Warren regarding volunteering at the event on June 8t", and she will connect with Scott Storey. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society: • Someone has been retained for the Digitization project expected to commence this summer. Currently organizing the upcoming event for corporate members of the NVDHS and their families as a thank you. The room will be open all day; refreshments will be served. The event will take place on October 29; the Director of Planning Services will be providing a presentation. Staff requested confirmation that the Committee had paid its NVDHS member fee is up-to-date. 19.14 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway That the Clarington Heritage Committee renew its memberships to the NVDHS and Museum. "CARRIED" Museum: • Waverly Place, the name for the Bowmanville Museum, is taking hold. There has been a lot of interest in the facility for weddings, showers, and teas. • Wild Ontario exhibit continues at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre until mid- May, after which the Jobs and Industry in Clarington exhibit will begin. • Clarington Building staff met with Museum staff to discuss upcoming repair works. Wilmot Heritage Park • On April 2nd, a meeting was held with David Mowat, the community Liaison for the Mississauga First Nations of Scugog. The concept of a heritage park at Wilmot Creek was discussed with Mr. Mowat, with the hope of the First Nations participating in the design and development of the park. • A follow-up meeting with the First Nations communities of the Williams Treaty will be scheduled towards the end of May. • The developer is on board to assist with development of the Park, and has been briefed on the outcome of the April 2nd meeting. Efforts will continue to effectively involve all stakeholders. Project Reports Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: • Committee members evaluated two properties for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, and recommend as follows: 31 Page 31 0 98 Church Street (Cherry Cottage): Group 1 Evaluation; qualifies for inclusion on the Municipal Register with the intent to Designate; the prettiest double dwelling in Bowmanville; and 0 816 Regional Road 17 (Rosedell Cottage at DocVille): Group 1 Evaluation; significant to the community, and site for commercials, and movie sets; qualifies for inclusion on the Municipal Register. 19.15 Moved by J. Moore, seconded by N. Gamble That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends to Council that the properties at 98 Church Street, and 816 Regional Road 17 be added to the Municipal Register. "CARRIED" Outreach Committee: No items New Business Works Commencing: 14 Concession Street W: the shingles on the coach house are being replaced with cedar shingles, to match the new cedar shingles on the main dwelling. The coach house shingles are not identified in the designating by-law, therefore a Heritage Permit is not required. 5161 Main Street, Orono: owners are commencing works to replace soffits and fascia that have deteriorated, causing water to foundation issue. A Heritage Permit and Heritage Incentive Grant for the works was approved last year. Addition to Orono Town Hall: • Grant funding has been received to undertake accessibility retrofits to the Orono Town Hall, specifically to install an accessible elevator at the rear of building. Clarington Operations staff will be attending CHC meeting to outline the proposed works (most likely May) Bowmanville Museum: • Funding was received to undertake structural repair and restoration work at the Bowmanville Museum (37 Silver Street). Clarington Operations staff attended the recent Museum meeting to advise staff of the project, and will attend the CHC meeting with concept drawings (most likely May). Planning Services Report PSD -025-19 to Add Properties to Municipal Register: • Planning Services Report PSD -025-19 is on the April 23rd Planning & Development Committee agenda. The Report recommends eight (8) properties evaluated by the Heritage Committee be added to the Municipal Register. Planning Services staff will be providing a presentation to the Planning & Development Committee. 41 Page 32 26 Concession Street West (Dundurn): The property has been the subject of a Land Division to create two (2) new lots. Holland Homes has provided preliminary designs for the new homes on the proposed lots. Planning Services staff has requested that scale/dimensions be added to the concept drawings to confirm the proposed designs comply with the conditions of approval. Old Hayden School (2503 Concession Rd 8): • Planning Services staff is suggesting that designation be pursued for this building. Operations staff has indicated no objections to the designation of the property, bull noted there is an addition to the back of the building that is currently being considered. Staff requested Committee members review the evaluation of the building to determine whether the proposed addition will have any impact. Central Public School (120 Wellinaton Street The property is identified on the Municipal inventory as a Primary resource. Staff would like the Committee to undertake an evaluation of this property, which would be used to support designation under Part IV. The Central Public School building has been relatively unaltered. The property was included in the background study for the Heritage Conservation District. Staff would suggest moving forward with the designation process for the Central Public School site and the old Hayden school site at the same time. Bowmanville Post Office (41 Temperance Street The Bowmanville Post Office building is no longer operating as a post office. The Municipal Inventory and Register Sub -Committee discussed the possibility of evaluating this building to determine if it should be added to the Municipal Register. F. Langmaid suggested the Committee consider buildings from various eras. The post office building, and the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre are the best examples of the 1950/1960s era. Urban design experts have cited the post office building as an iconic example of the modernist style of architecture. The Committee will undertake an evaluation of the post office building. Letter of Waiver from the Ministry • Renewal Letter from the Ministry waiving of normal tariff fees at Land Registry Offices for Municipal Heritage Committee members. Staff will send the letter to members of the Municipal Inventory and Register Sub -Committee. K. Warren moved adjournment. Seconded by N. Gamble. Next meeting: May 21, 2019, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1C 51 Page 33 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee March 6, 2019, 6:30 PM MAC Meeting Room 1A If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer Pinder DaSilva Tim Van Leeuwen Sarah McConaghy Catherine McConaghy Deb Kalogris Marina Ross Councillor Janice Jones Also Present: Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: None The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM. 1. Welcome and Introductions Jeannette Whynot welcomed everyone to the Committee and thanked them for volunteering their time to improve accessibility in Clarington. Brief introductions were offered by each Committee member. 2. Committee Orientation Jeannette Whynot offered an orientation presentation to the Committee. The Orientation covered: • Facts about the Municipality and government relationships & hierarchy • Legislative framework • Accessibility at the Municipality • Role of the Accessibility Advisory Committee • 2019 Activities 34 Clarington Accessibility -2- Advisory 2 - Advisory Committee 3. Election of Chair and Vice -Chair Shea -Lea Latchford nominated herself for the position of Chair. Seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen. Carried Shea -Lea Latchford nominated Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer for the position of Vice -Chair. Seconded by Pinder DaSilva Carried 4. Adjournment Moved by Shea -Lea Latchford and seconded by Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:13 PM. 35 Chair Secretary Page 2 of 2 Clarington CLARINGTON TOURISM ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting April 11, 2019,7 p.m. MAC Meeting Room 1A Members Present: Fred Archibald Amy Closter Ann Harley Councillor Ron Hooper Evan King Brandon Pickard, Durham Tourism Petra Schwritz Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT Regrets: Erin Senior Staff: Laura Knox, Tourism Coordinator Basia Radomski, Communications and Tourism Manager 1. Meeting was called to order — 7:00 pm 2. Introductions and Welcome • Introductions of new members of the committee, interest in Clarington tourism • Basia Radomski - brief overview of how the Tourism Advisory Committee came to fruition. 3. Adoption of Agenda Moved by, Ann Harley, seconded by, Fred Archibald: That the agenda for February 11, 2019 be adopted as amended. Carried 4. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 5. Presentations • Laura Knox, Clarington Tourism— overview of Clarington Tourism initiatives and marketing. i. Presented Clarington Tourism Video, created in early 2018 in partnership with Central Counties Tourism. ii. Overview of Tourism division structure, Visitor Centre staffing. 1 36 iii. Social media initiatives used by Clarington tourism, and effectiveness to reach community and visitors. iv. Marketing campaigns from 2018 — launch of the Tourism Vlogs (presented vlog videos). v. Clarington was named Municipality of the Year from Festivals & Events Ontario, new summer 2019 campaign outlined. vi. How Clarington Tourism engages with local stakeholders, businesses, and event organizers. vii. Partnerships with the Clarington Board of Trade, Durham Tourism and Central Counties Tourism. Brandon Pickard, Durham Tourism i. Overview of role and structure of Durham Tourism. ii. Review of Parasport Games in February 2019 (presented recap video). iii. Durham Tourism hosts Durham Tourism Leadership Meetings with all regional municipalities, promoting partnership and stakeholder engagement throughout Durham. iv. Involvement with local community tourism strategies, conversations and engagement with stakeholders. v. Durham Region role with the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) and Tourism Industry Advisory of Ontario (TIAO) associations for regional and local tourism initiatives — e.g. Attending Queen's Park Day to advocate for tourism employment, housing costs, transportation challenges, insurance costs, etc. 6. New Business Election of Chair of the Tourism Advisory Committee i. Ann Harley nominates Fred Archibald • Moved by, Ann Harley; seconded by, Amy Closter Carried Election of Vice -Chair of the Tourism Advisory Committee i. Ann Harley nominates Petra Schwartz • Moved by, Fred Archibald; seconded by, Amy Closter Carried Tourism Strategic Plan & Direction, Basia Radomski i. Council currently working with consultant to create new Corporate Strategic Plan and mandate (2018 — 2022). ii. Once council has adopted new strategic plan, it will help guide and provide an overarching roadmap for a Tourism Strategic Plan for the committee to address help inform and create. iii. Recommendations out of committee will be brought forward to council. 7. Other Business • None 37 8. Date of next meeting: • Next meeting to take place in May. Laura Knox to send out meeting dates to be considered. • Committee prefers to have more than quarterly meetings, and host at member locations. • Previous Strategic planning documents, to be sent out by Laura to committee. 9. Motion to adjourn Moved by, Petra Schwirtz; seconded by, Ann Harley, Carried. The meeting concluded at 8:40 p.m. � -N n I # I1' ITI General Government Committee Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of April 29, 2019 Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Monday, April 15, 2019 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) 8.1 The Honourable Francois -Philippe Champagne, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Regarding the Federal Gas Tax Fund in Ontario (b) 9.5 Township of Tudor and Cashel - Hydro One Delivery Fees (c) OPD -004-19 2018 Winter Budget Report (d) FND-008-19 2018 Building Permit Fee Report 2. Gary Drennan, Consultant Project Manager, Transportation, Williams Sale Partnership (WSP), Regarding Noise By-law Exemption Request That the request of Gary Drennan, Consultant Project Manager, Transportation, Williams Sale Partnership (WSP) for an exemption to the Municipality's Noise By-law 2007-071 for Highway 401 Improvements from 0.5 km east of Bennett Road to 2.1 km west of Courtice Road from May 1, 2019 until November 30, 2019, be approved. 3. Kevin Adams, The Old Newcastle House Taps & Grill Inc., Regarding a Stationary Refreshment Vehicle By-law Exemption That the request from Kevin Adams, The Old Newcastle House Taps & Grill Inc. for an exemption to section 2.13 (1)(a) of the Refreshment Vehicle By-law 2015-016, be approved. 4. John Mackenzie, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto and Region Source Protection Authority - Request for Nomination to the CTC Source Protection Committee That the Municipality of Clarington's Council concurs with the Region of Durham's nomination of John Presta to the CTC Source Protection Committee. Page 1 39 Ciarftwu General Government Committee Report to Council 5• Brookhill West Subdivision Phase 1, Bowmanville, Plan 40M-2459 'Certificate of Acceptance' and 'Assumption By -Law", Final Works Including Roads and Other Related Works That Report EGD -010-19 be received; That the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which includes final stage roads and other related works constructed within Plan 40M-2459; That Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD -010-19 assuming certain streets within Plans 40M-2459, 40R-2237 and 40R-27112 as public highways; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD -010-19 be advised of Council's decision. 6• Brookhill West Subdivision Phase 2, Bowmanville, Plan 40M-2506' Certificate of Acceptance' and 'Assumption By -Law', Final Works Including Roads and other Related Works That Report EGD -011-19 be received; That the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which includes final stage roads and other related works constructed within Plan 40M-2506; That Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD -011-19 assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-2506 as public highways; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD -011-19 be advised of Council's decision. 7• Orono Cemetery Board That Report OPD -005-19 be received; That the Orono Cemetery Board continue to assume all responsibility relating to the operation and maintenance of the Orono Cemetery and that the trust funds remain to be held by the Municipality of Clarington; and That the Ministry of Consumer Services and Orono Cemetery Board be advised of Council's decision. For Council Meeting of April 29, 2019 HE Page 2 Ciarftwu General Government Committee Report to Council $• Appointments to Various Boards & Committees - 2019-2022 That Report CLD -011-19 be received; That the following citizen appointments, as determined in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy, be approved for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed; That the Municipal Clerk's Department be authorized to continue to advertise for the remaining vacancies on the Newcastle Arena Board, and Newcastle Village Community Hall Board; That Councillor Hooper remain as the Council representative on the Kawartha Conservation Authority for the remainder of the term; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -011-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. a• Tourism Advisory Committee Kimberley Demonte Christine McSorley b• Public Library Board Marina Ross 9• Elexicon Inter -creditor Agreement That Report FND-009-19 be received; That the By-law attached to Report FND-009-19 be approved; and That all interested parties listed in Report FND-009-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 10. Strategic Asset Management Policy That Report FND-010-19 be received; and That the Strategic Asset Management Policy attached to Report FND-010-19 be approved. For Council Meeting of April 29, 2019 41 Page 3 Ciarftwu General Government Committee Report to Council 11. Gift Agreement with Bowmanville Hospital Foundation That Report FND-011-19 be received; That the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign the Gift Agreement with the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation on behalf of the Municipality; and That all interested parties listed in Report FND-011-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. For Council Meeting of April 29, 2019 42 Page 4 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of April 29, 2019 Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting of Tuesday, April 23, 2019 Recommendations: • An Application by Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to permit the development of 25 single detached homes in Newcastle Village That Report PSD -024-19 be received; That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited for 25 single detached residential units be supported subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD -024-19; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited be approved as contained in Attachment 3 of Report PSD -024-19; That once all conditions contained in Zoning By-law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -024-19 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -024-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 2• Recommendation to Add Eight (8) Properties to the Municipal Heritage Register That Report PSD -025-19 be received; That 61 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 62 Concession Street West, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 1440 Gord Vinson Avenue, Courtice be added to the Municipal Register; That 175 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; Page 1 43 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council That 3438 Green Road, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 10 Argyle Street, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 11 Argyle Street, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 4 Duke Street, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -025-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 3• Townhouse/Condominium Air Conditioning Units and other Condensing Units That staff be directed to make it a condition of site plan approval that air condition units and other condensing units not be place in the street facing side of townhouses/ condominiums. For Council Meeting of April 29, 2019 MI Page 2 • ron ClatVgtOR Memo If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: Robert Maciver Date: April 24, 2019 Subject: Request to amend Interim Control By-law 2018-083 for 10 Victoria Street Bowmanville At the April 10, 2019 Council meeting, I was directed to inquire into whether there is a binding agreement of purchase and sale with respect to 10 Victoria Street, Bowmanville. I have spoken with the lawyer for the current owner of the property who has informed me that the property has been sold, and that the closing date is scheduled for May 24, 2019. The purchaser is a numbered company who I am informed is controlled by Ken Hoy. There is no confidentiality or privilege attached to the information in this memorandum. Ro ert Maciver, L.B., MBA, CS Mu icipal Solicitor C. A. Allison, Chief Administrative Officer Department Head The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville ON L1 C 3A6 1905-623-3379 45 Clarftwn Clerk's Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Council Date of Meeting: April 29, 2019 Report Number: CLD -012-19 Resolution: File Number: By-law Number: Report Subject: Appointments to the Orono Cemetery Board and Public Library Board Recommendations: That Report CLD -012-19 be received; 2. That the Committee consider the applications for appointments to the various boards and committees, and that the vote be conducted to appoint the citizen representatives to the various boards and committees, in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy; 3. That Councillor Zwart be appointed as the Council Representative on the Orono Cemetery Board; and 4. That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -012-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report CLD -012-19 Page 2 Report Overview This report is intended to provide background information, regarding vacancies on various boards and committees to assist in the appointment process. 1. Public Library Board Background 1.1 The Clarington Public Library Board is a volunteer Board established by the Municipality of Clarington Council by the passage of 2003-188 in accordance with the provisions of the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990 (the Act). 1.2 The Board establishes policies and appoints the Chief Executive Officer who may also be the secretary/treasurer of the board, and who administers the library under the guidance of those policies. 1.3 As per By-law 2003-188, the Board consists of seven community members and two Members of Council; being Councillor Hooper and Councillor Neal. 1.4 The Committee considered applications at the April 15, 2019 General Government Committee meeting to fill one vacancy on the Public Library Board and appointed Marina Ross. 1.5 Justin MacLean was appointed to the to the Public Library Board January, 2019 for a term ending in in December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed. On April 24, 2019, the Municipal Clerk's Department received notification of his resignation. Current Situation 1.6 Accordingly, the Committee may appoint one additional member to the Clarington Public Library Board. 1.7 The following individuals have put forward an application for consideration: • Nancy Brandon • Donald McKenzie • Takura Tshaka • Jacob Vanderschee • Katherine Warren (LATE) Municipality of Clarington Resort CLD -012-19 2. Orono Cemetery Board Background Page 3 2.1 The Orono Cemetery is registered as an independent operation under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act. 2.2 A Board comprising of burial right holders has been in place since 1920. The Board has served until recently when the Municipality received written notification following the Orono Cemetery Board meeting on October 3, 2018 requesting the transfer of the operation and maintenance of the Orono Cemetery Company to the Municipality. 2.3 Arising out of Report OPD -005-19, the following Resolution #GG -213-19 was approved by the General Government Committee on April 15, 2019 and is included in the April 29, 2019 Council agenda for ratification: That Report OPD -005-19 be received; That the Orono Cemetery Board continue to assume all responsibility relating to the operation and maintenance of the Orono Cemetery and that the trust funds remain to be held by the Municipality of Clarington; and That the Ministry of Consumer Services and Orono Cemetery Board be advised of Council's decision. Current Situation 2.4 At the direction of Council, the Clerk's Department previously advertised for interested parties to serve on the Orono Cemetery Board. 2.5 Four community residents submitted their letters of interest. At the time of writing this Report one individual withdrew their name and we received one additional application. 2.6 Once the Board is formed, Staff will work with the Board to initiate orientation, training and to draft a Terms of Reference. Once drafted, the Terms of Reference for the Committee will be presented to Council for approval. 2.7 The following individuals have put forward an application for consideration: • Mary Clapdorp • Eldene Edwards • Jo -Ann Meijer • Wendy Partner Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Resort CLD -012-19 3. Concurrence Not Applicable 4. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that the Committee consider the applications for appointments to the various boards and committees. 5. Strategic Plan Application Not applicable. Submitted by: Reviewed by: C.&e,111reetree, B.A., CMO, Andrew C. Allison, B. Comm, LL.B Municipal Clerk CAO Staff Contact: Samantha Gray, Committee Coordinator, 905-623-3379 ext. 2106 or sgray@clarington.net Attachments: Attachment 1 — Confidential Applications (Distributed Separately) The following is a list of the interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: All Applicants All Board/Committee Appointment Contacts Town cif. A("jR404 e The Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1 OA6 April 17, 2019 Re: Pickering Airport TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax ON L1 S 3S9 www. a i ax. ca Please be advised that the following resolution was endorsed by Ajax Town Council at its Meeting held on April 15, 2019: WHEREAS airports are valuable economic drivers in the development of business, communities, and the infrastructure around them; AND WHEREAS it is anticipated that the results of the forthcoming Federal "Pickering Lands Aviation Sector Analysis" will be positive; AND WHEREAS the federal government has set aside approximately 8,700 acres of land in the City of Pickering to accommodate a future airport and other possible economic development uses ("the Airport Lands"); AND WHEREAS the Airport Lands are located in north -central Pickering adjacent to their Innovation Corridor, about 55 km east of Toronto Pearson International Airport within an integrated transportation network; AND WHEREAS the aerospace industry (the fifth largest employer in Canada) has a membership struggling for land and space to expand business operations in close proximity to Toronto Pearson; AND WHEREAS a second airport would create tens of thousands of high-quality jobs for residents of Durham Region, and attract spinoff businesses and indirect jobs; AND WHEREAS a portion of the Airport Lands could be retained for economic development uses, including transportation/logistic facilities, high-tech enterprises and agriculture, such as year-round indoor farming; AND WHEREAS the development of the Airport Lands is key to building a prosperous future not just for Durham Region, but for the entire Greater Toronto Area; NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Government of Canada be advised that the Town of Ajax supports the development of an airport in the City of Pickering in principle, based on an approved business case presented by the federal government; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Transportation, Durham MPs, the Premier of Ontario, Durham MPPs, all Durham Region municipalities, all Durham Region Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce, and the Toronto Region Board of Trade. If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at 905-619-2529, ext. 3342 or alexander.harras(a)alax.ca Sincerely Alexander Harras Manager of Legislative Services/Acting Clerk Copy: Mayor S. Collier Regional Councillor S. Lee Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario Durham MPs Durham MPPs All Durham Region Municipalities All Durham Region Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce Toronto Region Board of Trade