HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/2008
DATE: MONDAY, MA. Y 26,2008
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on May 2, 2008
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held May 5,2008
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held May 12, 2008
a) "Battle of the Books" Winning Team Members Certificates
b) Glenda Gies and Candice Kay, 81. Marys Cement Community Relations
Committee - 2007 Annual Report
c) Clarington Board of Trade - Physician Recruitment
DELEGATIONS (List as of Time of Publication)
a) Kerry Meydam - Proposed Operation Standards for EFW Facility (Item 13 of
Report #1 )
b) Linda Gasser - Proposed Operation Standards for EFW Facility (Item 13 of
Report #1 )
c) Linda Gasser - Procedural By-law (Item 12 of Report #1)
d) Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns - Selection of the Chair of the Green Community
Advisory Committee and Proposed Anti-Idling By-law (Correspondence Items
D - 14 and D - 15)
Council Agenda
- 2 -
MAY 26,2008
e) Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns - Procedural By-law (Item 12 of Report #1 )
Receive for Information
I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Compost Facility Community Relations
Committee dated March 13, 2008
I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
April 1 0, 2008
I - 3 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory
Committee dated May 13, 2008
I - 4 S1. Marys Community Relations Committee Annual Report - 2007
I - 5 Christine Jackson, Joe and Mary Soltis, Ann Allen, Steve Tuck, Allen
and June Cunningham, Rick Berenz, Julia Potocnik, Ronn Young,
Joan Kellett, Lori Allin, Frances Harris, Connie Tuck, Gloria Duggan,
Will Duggan, Paul Medeiros, Andrea Barrette, Omeed M. Neekon -
Opposition to Proposed Energy-From-Waste Facility
I - 6 Peter Van Loan, Leader of the Government in the House of
Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform - Democratic
Representation Bill
I - 7 Jim Hankinson, President and CEO, Ontario Power Generation
(OPG) - Report on 2007 Performance
1-8 Ian Hood, Chairman, Global Warming Prevention Technologies Inc.
and Public Protection Action Committee - York Region Waste Pellet
Disposal Solution
1-9 Christine Chase, Administrative Assistant, City of Oshawa - Growing
the Greenbelt - Consultation 2008
I - 10 The Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment -
Management of Used Tires in Ontario
I - 11 Dan Hefkey, Chief, Ministry of Community Safety and Correction
Services - Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act
1-12 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford - Debunking Updated, Television
Show of Interest, What the Public Really Wants - Energy-From-
Council Agenda
- 3 -
MAY 26,2008
1-13 Brian Bridgeman, MCIP, RPP, Director of Current Planning, Region of
Durham - East Cross Forest Project
1-14 Nestor Chornobay, MCIP, RPP, Director, Strategic Planning Branch,
Region of Durham - Monitoring of Growth Trends
I - 15 John Oates - Public Notice "Exploring Our Waste Solutions"
I - 16 Rob Macisaac, Chair, Metrolinx - Notice - Regional Transportation
I - 17 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Approval of Energy
From Waste Air Emissions Criteria
1- 18 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Energy From
Waste Site Liaison Committee Terms of Reference
1-19 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Quarterly Report on
Planning Activities
1-20 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Annual
Subdivision/Condominium Activity Report
I - 21 Doug Allingham, P.Eng., Consultant Project Manager, Totten Sims
Hubicki Associates - 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA)
Technically Recommended Route (June 2007)
1-22 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Management of Used Tires in
1-23 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Statement in the Ontario
Legislature - Fire in Downtown Bowmanville
1-24 Newtonville Community Hall Board - Letter of Appreciation for
Municipal Grant
1-25 M. Brown for City Clerk, City of Toronto - Permitting Motorcycles and
Scooters Access to HOV Lanes
1-26 The Honourable Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation - Use of CN
Bridge as Memorial to Canadian Troops
Receive for Direction
D - 1 Tracylynn Hu, Program Assistant, Heart & Stroke Foundation -
Durham Region Office - Heart and Stroke Big Bike Fundraising
Council Agenda
MAY 26,2008
D - 2 Joan Booth, Executive Director, Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
Association of Ontario - "Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Awareness
D - 3 The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage
Trust - 2008 Heritage Community Recognition Program
D - 4 Lyle Goodin, Rotary Club of Bowmanville - Request to Place Banner
on Veridian Poles to Advertise Ribfest
D - 5 Newtonville Hall Board - Annual Fun Day in the Ina Brown Parkette
D - 6 Jeff Turnbull, MD, FRCPC, Chair, Council Award Selection
Committee, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario -
The Council Award for Outstanding Ontario Physicians
D - 7 D. L. Cullingworth, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers
Association - Proposed Sign By-law
D - 8 Carole Roughley - Seniors Rate 65+ Amendment - Access to
Recreation Facilities
D - 9 Orono Business Improvement Area - Request for Road Closures for
Antique Flea Market and Chili Cook-Off
D - 10 Leslie Hurley and Tammy Shiel - Request for Road Closure for
Neighbourhood Street Party
D - 11 AI Storie, Race Director, Alfie Shrubb 8K Classic - 6th Annual
Alfie Shrubb 8K Classic Road Race
D - 12 Flora and Clifford Curtis - Request for Permission to Hold a
Fireworks Display
D - 13 James Tremblay and Rick LeBlanc - Request for Partial Road
Closure to Host Canada Day Celebration
D - 14 Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns - Selection of the Chair of the Green
Community Advisory Committee
D - 15 Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns - Anti-Idling By-law
D - 16 M. Aileen Carroll, Minister Responsible for Seniors -"Seniors' Month"
D - 17 Gabriele Albrecht, Director of Residential Services, The Participation
House Project (Durham Region) - Request for Funding Through the
Municipal Grant Program
Council Agenda
- 5 -
MAY 26,2008
D - 18 Angie Darlison, Executive Director and Peter Evans, President,
Clarington Older Adult Association - Lease Agreement
D - 19 Angela Russell, Amber Davidson and Brian Jackson - Proposal to
Save Bowmanville Nursery School
D - 20 Margaret Foster, Secretary, Cobourg Highland Games - 45th Annual
Cobourg Highland Games
D - 21 Joan Winter, Chairman, Communities Helping Communities -
Fundraising Event in Support of the Victims of the Bowmanville Fire
D - 22 Emil Kolb, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Regional
Municipality of Peel - Hospital Funding in Peel and other High
Growth Regions - Improving Local Access to Hospitals and Health
Care Services
D - 23 The Corporation of the Municipality of Brockton - Rules for
Consultations between Mining Companies and First Nations
D - 24 Jim Richards - Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
D - 25 Jim Richards - Request for Apology
D - 26 Blair Labelle, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of
Ajax - Ban to Prohibit Commercial Advertising of Food and
Beverages to Children Under Thirteen Years of Age
D - 27 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Oversized 15-Litre
Polyethylene-Terephtalate (PET) Water Jugs
D - 28 Pam Gilroy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Niagara -
AMO/AMRC Alternative Approach to Blue Box Funding Model
D - 29 Michelle Sugg - Train Whistle
D - 30 Sybil Fernandes, Deputy City Clerk, City of Vaughan - Licensing
D - 31 Martin de Rond, Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk, Town of
Ajax - Rouge Valley Health System - Announced Closure of Mental
Health Services at Ajax Pickering Hospital
D - 32 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Pan
Am Games
Council Agenda
- 6 -
MAY 26,2008
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of May 12,2008
CJ '11
Special Council Meeting Minutes
MAY 2, 2008
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on May 2,2008, at 1 :00 P.M., at the
Courtice Complex.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Mayor J. Abernethy
Councillor A. Foster
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor W. Woo
Councillor C. Trim
Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Facilities Manager, G. Acom
Internal Auditor, L. Barta
Design Engineer, B. Bianco
Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon
Solicitor, D. Hefferon
Director of Operations, F. Horvath
Manager, Development Review, C. Pellarin
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano
Director of FinancefTreasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency Services, G. Weir
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
Hemson Consulting Ltd., C. Binning
Hemson Consulting Ltd., J. Lee
Resolution #C-236-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT the meeting be closed for the purpose of providing an education and training
session to the Members of Council with respect to development charges.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 2 -
MAY 2,2008
Resolution #C-237-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-073 being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this special meeting
held on the 2nd day of May, 2008, and that the said by-law be now read a first, second
time and third time and finally passed.
Resolution #C-238-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:17 p. m.
Council Meeting Minutes
MAY 5, 2008
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on May 5, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the
Council Chambers and reconvened at 9:30 a.m. on May 6, 2008.
Councillor Foster led the meeting in prayer.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Mayor J. Abernethy
Councillor A. Foster, attended until 11 :26 p.m., May 5,2008
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor C. Trim
Councillor W. Woo, attended until 11 :26 p.m., May 5, 2008
Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella, attended until
10:10 a.m., May 6,2008
Facilities Manager, G. Acorn, attended until 10:10 a.m., May 6,2008
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome, attended until 11 :26 p.m.,
May 5, 2008
Solicitor, D. Hefferon, attended until 11 :26 p.m., May 5, 2008
Director of Operations, F. Horvath
Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid, attended from 9:30 a.m. to
10:10 a.m., May 6,2008
Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor, attended until 10:10 a.m.,
May 6, 2008
Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir
Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor Hooper indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect
to Item 2 of Report #1 (Report PSD-042-08) and By-law 2008-074.
Later in the meeting Mayor Abernethy declared a pecuniary interest with respect to
Correspondence Items D - 8 and D - 9.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 2 -
May 5, 2008
Mayor Abernethy, spoke on behalf of Council, stating how proud he is of the fire
fighters and all who assisted with the King Street fire last week and commended all for
their efforts in preventing this from becoming an even greater disaster.
Mayor Abernethy called upon Chief Weir to give a summary update on the fire.
Prior to presenting the update, Chief Weir issued a reminder that this week is
"Emergency Preparedness Week" and referred to the booklet "Prepare Now, Learn
How", which he had distributed to all Members of Council, staff and had provided
copies for members of the public. Chief Weir urged everyone to read the booklet and
to contact Clarington Emergency and Fire Services if they had questions or for
additional information.
Chief Weir provided an update on the King Street Fire in which two buildings -
Lange's Photo and Second Chance were lost and have been demolished and repair
orders issued for Leisure Lady and Cafe Vienna which will remain closed until repairs
are completed and inspected. Chief Weir stated the call was received at 8:31 a.m.
with trucks arriving on scene at 8:36 a.m. The fire took approximately 7 hours to
contain and a total of 36 hours to completely extinguish. There were no injuries to
citizens or fire fighters and 16 individuals were directly provided with emergency
. assistance through the combined efforts of the Canadian Red Cross Disaster
Management Program, the Bowmanville Salvation Army and the Durham Region
Social Services Department. A trust fund is being held at the Bank of Montreal for the
"Victims of Bowmanville Fire". Property and content damage is estimated to be in
excess of $3.1 million. Seventy five fighters were involved in fighting the blaze and
preventing its spread. The cause of the fire remains under investigation by the
Ontario Fire Marshal's office.
Mayor Abernethy expressed appreciation to Chief Weir and Clarington Emergency
and Fire Services personnel, the Operations Department, Chair Roger Anderson,
Durham Region, Region of Durham EMS, Durham Region Emergency Management
Office, Durham Regional Police Services, Durham Region Social Services and Works
Departments, the Ontario Fire Marshal, Ontario Power Generation, Oshawa Fire
Services, Mayor John Gray, and the citizens of Oshawa, the Red Cross Durham
Region Disaster Management Program, The Salvation Army, TSSA, Bowmanville
Fabric, Chanterelle Bistro, Enbridge Gas, Espresso Legato, Hooper's Jewellers,
Maddy's Pub, Markcol Distribution, Tim Horton's Bowmanville and Veridian
Connections. Mayor Abernethy stated he was very impressed with how the
community came together in this time of need and expressed gratitude to Rick James
and Dan Strike for initiating the trust fund for the victims of the fire.
Chief Weir expressed his appreciation to businesses and individuals and to all
Clarington Emergency and Fire personnel on their performance in containing and
extinguishing the fire as well as protecting other businesses and residents of the
Council Meeting Minutes
- 3 -
May 5, 2008
A Video clip of the fire filmed by Susan Jane Frank was played.
Councillor Novak expressed appreciation to all for the help provided to the community
during the fire.
Councillor Novak advised she attended the Holy Trinity CSS Job Fair. The event was
well attended and showcased what Clarington has to offer in post secondary
employment. She stated she also enjoyed participating in reading to Grades 2 and 3
students at St. Elizabeth Elementary School and attended Maplefest over the
Councillor Trim advised of the following:
. Regional road rehabilitation on Liberty Street from the CPR overpass to Sunset
Road expected to be complete by June 8, 2008.
. The Region has retained its Triple AAA Credit Rating confirmed by Moody's
Investors Service.
. The intersection of Townline Road and Highway #2 is one of the busiest
intersections in the Region experiencing high volumes of traffic on Highway #2
East with 24,000 cars per day. The majority of collisions involve drivers turning
left into businesses and in order to address safety and operational problems,
the centre line median on Highway #2 may be extended from the intersection of
Townline Road to Varcoe Road.
. The Spring and Summer Edition of the Durham Works Newsletter highlighted
the opening of the Region's new Material Recovery Facility and the Courtice
Water Pollution Control Plant. Both facilities are available for touring during
National Public Works Week, May 18 to 24, 2008.
Councillor Hooper expressed his appreciation, on behalf of the Bowmanville BIA, to
Chief Weir and all the emergency services personnel for the amazing job they did
during the Bowmanville fire and also expressed thanks to Clarington staff,
Kevin Anyan, Jennifer Cooke, Frank Wu and Garth Gilpin stating he can't say enough
about how the community pulls together in times of need.
Councillor Hooper announced the following:
. Orders are being taken for the Bowmanville 150th Plate depicting the old
General Hospital in Bowmanville. The plates are $30 with a portion of the
proceeds going to the Hospital Foundation.
. There are also a limited number of coins available.
. Arrangements for the 150th Anniversary Celebrations are progressing and the
Parade is in need of floats.
. He enjoyed the experience at St. Elizabeth Elementary School meeting with the
young children.
. Downtown Bowmanville released the "Bowmanville Up Close" publication
featuring local businesses in the downtown and also beyond the historic core.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 4 -
May 5, 2008
. He was pleased to be part of the Clarington Volunteer Recognition Program
event last week and commended staff for an excellent job.
Councillor Foster advised Councillor Woo and he attended a multicultural exposition at
S.T. Warden Public School to see diversity that creates our community.
Councillor Robinson expressed thanks to Clarington Emergency and Fire Services
and initiated a round of applause in appreciation for their efforts.
Councillor Woo also expressed thanks to Clarington Emergency and Fire Services
and announced the following:
. He also attended the "We're Different - So What" Event, at S. T. Warden Public
. There will be a "Support Our Troops" Rally on May 31st at Clarington Fields and
a separate gathering will be held by Highway 401 - The Highway of Heroes
involving 80 red vehicles travelling to Downsview Park.
. The dedication of Darryl Caswell Way and Mabel Bruce Way on May 15, 2008.
. Oshawa/Durham Symphony Orchestra has announced their concert season
and are partnering with UOIT to build a new concert hall.
. Archibald Fruit & Wine Festival will take place on May 31,2008, with proceeds
in support of Big Brothers and Big Sisters.
. Greek Night, fund raising event will be held on June 1, 2008, in support of the
Bowmanville Hospital Association.
. Open House for the Darlington "B" project EA Community Information Sessions
will be held May 6th at Orono Town Hall and May 7th at Faith United Church in
Mayor Abernethy read a press release announcing the permanent extension of the
gas tax funding to municipalities in support of local propriety infrastructure projects in
which Clarington will receive $1.1 million this year and $2.3 million next year.
Mayor Abernethy advised of the sod turning for the new library site in Newcastle which
received $2.3 million in funding from the Province.
Resolution #C-239-08
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 21, 2008, be
(See Following Motion)
Council Meeting Minutes
- 5 -
May 5, 2008
Resolution #C-240-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the delegation of Barry Bracken recorded on Page 7 of the minutes of the
Council meeting held on April 21, 2008, be amended to delete the words "may find
distasteful" and replace with the words "may not like what he has to say next."
Resolution C-239-08 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED.
John O'Toole, MPP, Durham addressed Council to present his Annual Address from
the Ontario Legislature. Mr. O'Toole joined with Council and staff to thank everyone in
the community for pulling together during the King Street fire.
Mr. O'Toole stated there were numerous issues on the horizon, noting
Energy-From-Waste, the 407 East Expansion, the Darlington "B", Environmental
Assessment and the Source Water Protection Act, are all issues affecting the Riding.
Mr. O'Toole extended congratulations on the success of "Pitch-In" Week and 'the
collection of household batteries. He highlighted current legislation before the
Assembly including Bill 35 -Investing In Ontario Act, 2008 stating stable, predicable
funding is what organizations want; Bill 50, Provincial Animal Welfare Act, 2008,
noting the Ontario Federation of Agriculture has concerns with this Bill; Bill 64,
Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act 2008, a controversial bill which is federally regulated;
and, Bill 69, Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2008, which he supports but
questions where funding for enforcement would come from. Mr. O'Toole highlighted
the Joint Municipal Provincial Fiscal Review which is being conducted this year to
determine which taxes pay for which services, similar to the "Who Does What" Report
commenced in the 1990's and acknowledged the argument between the Federal and
Provincial levels of government concerning the Built Canada program. He noted the
most important infrastructure is the Windsor border with six level~ of government
involved in the issue and the need to remain competitive to keep businesses in
Canada. Mr. O'Toole further advised he was pleased to attend the Mil Funding
Announcement of $1.9 milli~:>n in OMPF funds. He also acknowledged the importance
of encouraging leadership in the community and advised he would forward nomination
forms to the Municipal Clerk for the Leading Women and Leading Girls' Building
Community Awards program.
In summary, Mr. O'Toole thanked Council for their service to the Community and
pledged his support to work cooperatively with Council in serving the taxpayers of
Council Meeting Minutes
- 6 -
May 5, 2008
Ian Parrott, Senior Manager of Approvals, Environmental Assessment and Approvals
Branch, and Dave Fumerton, District Manager, York Durham District Office, Ministry of
the Environment, addressed Council concerning Municipal Solid Waste Management.
Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Ian Parrott provided an overview of the
history of landfilling in Ontario and reviewed legislation and regulations governing new
and existing landfill sites. Mr. Parrot stated Provincial roles and responsibilities are
three-fold and include setting standards and guidelines for emissions to groundwater,
surface water and air, as well as the design and operation of landfill sites,
administering approvals and permitting processes and conducting inspection and
enforcement activities to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Mr. Parrott detailed the regulatory framework and reviewed the provisions of the
Environmental Assessment Act, the Environmental Protection Act and Certificates of
Approval. He also outlined common problems with landfill sites and how issues are
dealt with. Dave Fumerton reviewed major landfill sites in Ontario, active landfill sites,
including the W. H. Hale Landfill Site in Clarington, and Durham Region waste
diversion statistics.
In response to questions concerning the development of a new site or expansion of a
current site as an alternative to EFW, Mr. Parrott responded that the site would be
selected during an Environmental Assessment Process and that the timing of the
process would be equivalent to what is being done for the EFW facility. He further
stated that the size of the site is dependent on how high or how deep it is.
In response to further questions, Mr. Parrott stated landfills are not allowed in the Oak
Ridges Moraine but he was unsure of the limitations on the greenbelt. He clarified
that he was not aware of the Province anticipating landfill in Clarington or any new
landfill sites being developed in Ontario. Mr. Parrot also stated that the Ministry of the
Environment places a significant weighting factor on an unwilling host community as
public opinion and community is an important part of the process. In response to
further questioning, Mr. Parrott stated it is not impossible for a site to make it through
an EA process and that landfills that have been decommissioned are continuously
monitored until they demonstrate that they are no longer a threat.
Mayor Abernethy congratulated Wayne Robbins, Senior Vice President, Ontario
Power Generation - Darlington (OPG) on receiving the President's Leadership Award.
Wayne Robbins addressed Council to provide an update on Darlington's 2007
performance and to highlight issues facing OPG in 2008. Mr. Robbins acknowledged
the efforts of Chief Weir and staff for an excellent job regarding the Bowmanville fire.
Mr. Robbins introduced two new Darlington employees in attendance -
Stu Seedhouse, new Plant Manager, and Steve Woods, Director of Engineering.
Through use of a PowerPoint presentation Mr. Robbins provided a recap of OPG,
noting the company is one of North America's largest power generators supplying
70% of Ontario's electricity. He stated Darlington's vision is to be in the top quartile of
the world's 440 operating reactors and to provide safe, reliable, predictable, cost-
effective generation. Mr. Robbins stated safety is paramount and that they have
Council Meeting Minutes
- 7 -
May 5, 2008
surpassed 5 million hours without a lost time accident. He noted they continue to
focus on improved maintenance outages and have had successful maintenance
outages on Unit 2 and Unit 4. Mr. Robbins advised they are leading the industry with
the transition to a planned 36-month outage cycle and planning for long-term station
sustainability. Mr. Robbins summarized by restating OPG's commitment to the
community to communicate openly and transparently to earn and maintain the public's
tru st.
In response to questions, Mr. Robbins stated the Province will make the decision on
the technology for the new build and they are anticipating a decision from the
government over the next three months. In response to further questions,
Mr. Robbins stated that if the maximum capacity is installed with the new build, OPG
would supply approximately 40% of Ontario's energy.
Resolution #C-241-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Council recess for 15 minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 10:36 p.m.
Louis Bertrand addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 21 - Public
Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria. Through use of a
RowerPoint presentation, Mr. Bertrand reviewed the limits of operation with respect to
safety margins and highlighted the motion passed by Durham Council on
January 23, 2008, requesting that the most modern and state of the art emission
control technologies that meet or exceed the European Union EU monitoring and
measurement standards be incorporated into the design and installation of the
proposed EFW facility. Mr. Bertrand expressed concern with the emissions standards
proposed by the consultants as noted in Regional Report WR-16 and questioned
whether they are comparing operational limits to a legal EU limit and where the safety
margin between those operational limits and the EU directive limits is. He also
questioned whether this incinerator would be allowed to operate in Europe.
Mr. Bertrand summarized by stating he is not at all reassured by the report and would
like an independent peer review by experts and requested the Mayor and Regional
Councillors to vote against accepting Report WR-16.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 8 -
May 5, 2008
Kristin Robinson addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 21 - Public
Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria to explain why a peer
review must be done and a Public Information Session be held at this point in the EA
process, not later. Ms. Robinson reviewed the EFW proposed operational limits and
EFW facility emission limits comparison study provided by the Region's consultants.
She stated there are major differences from what the consultants have proposed and
what the EU is saying about the best techniques. Ms. Robinson feels that what is
being proposed is far from the state of the art facility that was promised, that regular
citizens are unaware of such important things going on that could affect their health,
and that the process has not been transparent. She feels it is imperative to have a
Peer Review done to advise the public how these emission limits were set and to
engage an expert panel to respond to questions. Ms. Robinson feels there are too
many unanswered questions to trudge forward waiting for information to appear after
vital decisions have been made.
Steve Conway addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item 1-21 - Public
Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria. Mr. Conway disputed
comments made by Magnus Sch6nning, First Secretary, Embassy of Sweden
regarding the lack of health studies on EFW emissions and submitted a copy of a
study entitled "Health Effects of Exposure to Waste Incinerator Emissions: A Review
of Epidemiological Studies". The study demonstrates that several adverse health
effects have been reported associated with mass burn incineration in populations
living near incinerators. Mr. Conway noted 3,000 doctors in France are presently
requesting the banning of incinerators.
Linda Gasser addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 21 - Public
Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria. Ms. Gasser explqined the
Environmental Assessment is an iterative process that takes into consideration Vl7hat is
brought forward, stating no process can consider what is not brought forward and
without information issues cannot be properly addressed. She expressed concern
that the Regions have forged ahead without conducting rigorous studies in the proper
order or consulting with the public on key aspects of the EA, i.e. the proposed EFW
Emissions Operating Limits and the Business Case. Ms. Gasser stated local
Councillors need to take immediate action to ensure that if an incinerator were
approved by the Ministry of the Environment that it would be a state-of-the-art facility
as the Region committed to on January 23, 2008. Ms. Gasser requested Council to
direct staff to commission Peer Reviews of the EFW Facility Air Emission Criteria and
provide advice as to how what is proposed would meet Council commitments; add a
date by which the Region should respond to Report CAO-05-08 concerning a Public
Information Session; and to consult with Clarington residents as often as necessary
throughout the EA process in order for all residents to understand how Regional
decisions affect the community.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 9 -
May 5, 2008
Resolution #C-242-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the meeting continue beyond the 11 :00 p.m. curfew, in order to hear from the
remaining two delegates following which the meeting shall recess until Friday,
May 9, 2008, at 9:30 a.m.
Resolution #C-243-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the meeting to continue beyond the 11 :00 p.m. curfew, in order to hear from the
remaining two delegates following which the meeting shall recess until Tuesday,
May 6, 2008, at 9:30 a.m.
Cathrine McKeever addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item 1- 21 -
Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria. Ms. McKeever
stated a recent delegation to this Council said she and her husband were confused
about the EFW facility EA process which indicated a need for public information
sessions. Ms.. McKeever advised there is confusion somewhere as her previous letter
did not even mention the EA process. Ms. McKeever advised information sessions
organized by our municipal council are needed because residents need a source for
information upon which they can depend and they know to be both reliable and
unbiased. Ms. McKeever stated normally people rely on their local media to keep
them apprised of major events; however, she feels such is not the case with this
proposed facility. Ms. McKeever stated rather than being impartial, Rogers TV 10 and
Clarington This Week are actively anti-EFW noting she can cite numerous examples
from either source showing this bias. Ms. McKeever stated the most blatant occurred
this past week. Rogers TV 10 produced a show called "The Burning Question" aired
last Sunday, April 2yth and through judicious editing, a man who supports energy from
waste and has said so many times including as a delegation to this Council was made
to be saying the opposite. Ms. McKeever stated many people support building of this
facility and an Ipsos Reid poll showed nearly 75%. She expressed concern that those
who control the news still feel the need to manipulate this support to manufacture
confusion and to demean this Council and undermine its authority. Ms. McKeever
stated we may enjoy a free press in this country but Durham Region suffers from a
biased one. She urged Council, as our elected representatives, to ensure residents
have the truth.
Aiden T ombes was called but was not present.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 10-
May 5, 2008
Dave Renaud addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 21 - Public
Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria. Mr. Renaud expressed
concern that the figures reported in the Chief Administrator's Report on the hosting a
Public Information Session are very high. Mr. Renaud advised the CAW has
previously held two forums on the issue and the costs were $2,600 for one and $4,200
for the other. Mr. Renaud confirmed that the bulk of the cost was to cover expenses
for speakers. Mr. Renaud volunteered his service to help reduce costs in hosting the
forum. Mr. Renaud submitted copies of resolutions from the Windsor and District
Labour Council, the CAW - National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and
General Works Union of Canada and the Durham Region Labour Council in
opposition to the principle of waste incineration.
The Chief Administrative Officer confirmed the figures reported in Report
CAO-05-08 are correct and acknowledged that the private sector can host a meeting
for less cost.
Resolution #C-244-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Council recess until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 6,2008.
The meeting recessed at 11 :27 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday,
May 6, 2008.
Resolution #C-245-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the
exception of Items I - 13 and I - 21.
I - 1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
April 15, 2008.
1-2 J. R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority (CLOCA) forwarding CLOCA's 2008 Budget
for information.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 11 -
May 5, 2008
1-3 Shirley Severn, President, Clarington Fiddle Club, expressing
appreciation for the Municipal grant provided to the Club which will
assist them in providing entertainment and sharing musical talents
with young and old.
I - 4 Cheri Smith, Manager, Resource Development & Special Events,
Community Living Oshawa Clarington, expressing appreciation for the
Municipal grant provided to the Association which will assist them in
providing the highest quality of life for people with intellectual
disabilities by creating opportunities for inclusion, citizenship,
acceptance and partnership.
I - 5 Carol Barkwell, Executive Director, Luke's Place Support & Resource
Centre for Women & Children, expressing appreciation for the
financial support provided to the Centre which will assist them in
providing programming and services to the women and children in
Durham Region.
1-6 Leesa Venning, Coordinator, Rehabilitation and Employment
Services, Canadian Mental Health Association, expressing
appreciation on behalf of the Making Connections Clarington
Resource Centre participants, the Steering Committee and the
volunteers and staff for the Municipal grant provided to the
I - 7 Harold Sellers, Executive Director, Oak Ridges Trail Association,
extending appreciation to Council for their consideration and approval
of a Municipal grant to help support the continued success of the Oak
Ridges Trail Association.
1-8 Reaza AIi and family, urging Council to host a Public Information
Session on the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility to allow the
public the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from
experts from both the pro and con sides of incineration.
1-9 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) advising that on
April 16, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution
pertaining to the Assessment Review Board Interim Decision
regarding Toronto Bank Tower Assessments:
Council Meeting Minutes
- 12 -
May 5, 2008
"a) THAT the Region of Durham endorse the actions taken by the
City of Toronto and the Municipal Property Assessment
Corporation to seek leave to appeal to the Divisional Court a
decision of the Assessment Review Board regarding the
valuation assessment of large office tower complexes located in
downtown Toronto; and
b ) THAT copies of Report #2008-F-37 be forwarded to the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Municipal Finance
Officers Association, the Municipal Property Assessment
Corporation, the City of Toronto and the Region's local Area
I - 10 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford expressing concern that Regional
Council has not provided sufficient time for the public to review the
business case for the Energy-From-Waste facility or to provide copies
to local Municipal Councils for their comments or questions.
I - 11 Kevin LeGrand expressing concern that other options to incineration
have not been investigated and suggesting that if Councillors care
about democracy or taxpayers' money being spent prudently, they will
attempt to find the truth about the best way to deal with the waste.
I - 12 Kristin Robinson advising that on April 18, 2008, the Region
experienced a smog advisory day noting the Lung Association
website suggests that there is no completely safe level for human
exposure to the principal components of smog. Ms. Robinson feels
there are already too many smog days without adding more smog-
contributing pollutants to the air shed with the addition of the
proposed incinerator.
1-14 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to Mr. Terry Clayton, Chair, Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee,
advising that on April 16, 2008, Regional Council passed the following
resolution pertaining to the Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee
Activity Report and 2008 Workplan:
"a) THAT Report #2008-P-24 of the Commissioner of Planning be
received as the Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee's report
on its activities;
b) THAT the 2008 Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee
Workplan, as outlined in Attachment #1 to Report #2008-P-24
be approved; and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 13 -
May 5, 2008
c) THAT a copy of Report #2008-P-24 be forwarded to the
Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee and the area
I - 15 The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P., Minister of Transport,
acknowledging Council's support of the City of Port Colborne's
resolution dealing with municipal infrastructure funding; advising
through the $33-Billion Building Canada Fund, the Federal
Government is making strategic investments in infrastructure but
indicating that until such time as the Framework Agreement with the
Province is signed, the money cannot flow to Ontario's municipalities
and encouraging the Province to conclude negotiations on the
Agreement; and forwarding a copy of the "Building Canada" booklet
summarizing the Federal Government's new long-term infrastructure
I - 16 Paul Cloutier, Director of Income Support, Region of Durham,
advising of changes being made to social assistance in Ontario as of
August 1, 2008, that will affect Durham residents with children under
18 years of age who are in receipt of Ontario Works; forwarding an
Ontario Child Benefit Program brochure highlighting the eligibility
requirements; and, advising additional information on the Ontario
Child Benefit can be obtained at www.ontariochildbenefit.ca or by
contacting the Department of Social Services, Income Support
1-17 The Honourable Diane Finley, P.C., M.P., Minister of Citizenship and
Immigration, announcing that nominations are being accepted for the
2008 Citation for Citizenship Awards, awards honouring Canadians
who have demonstrated exemplary citizenship through tireless work
and generosity to help newcomers successfully integrate into
Canadian society or who have worked diligently to promote Canadian
citizenship; and, advising the closing date for receipt of nominations is
May 16, 2008.
I - 18 Susan Shane expressing concern with the proposed Energy-From-
Waste facility in view of the already compromised air shed; and
suggesting that a forum with qualified professions both pro and con
be presented to inform the public on what will happen to the air quality
in the area and what the health repercussions are.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 14 -
May 5, 2008
I - 19 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization,
(NWMO) advising in June 2007, NWMO was given the responsibility
for implementing Adaptive Phased Management (APM), Canada's
long-term plan for used nuclear fuel and advising that the focus of
their work over the past few months has been on drafting a five-year
plan, based on seven draft strategic objectives; enclosing a copy of
"Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2008 to 2012 DRAFT
PLAN" for public comment on whether they have identified the right
objectives, missed key areas or set out appropriate activities; and
attaching a transparency policy for comment in response to NWMO's
commitment to be open and transparent in their process,
communications and decision-making. Public Comments are to be
received by May 16, 2008.
I - 20 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford writing further to Report CAO-05-
08 concerning EFW Public Information Session forwarding contact
information for Bob. M. Kenney, Solid Waste Resource Analyst and
Kathy G. Palko, two professions who could speak well to waste
diversion efforts (Le. alternatives to incineration).
1-13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing
to the Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing advising on April 16, 2008, Regional Council passed the
following resolution pertaining to the "Growing the Greenbelt"
Consultation Paper:
"a) THAT the following comments be forwarded to the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing as Durham Region's response to
the draft expansion criteria to Growing the Greenbelt:
i) The consultation material clearly indicates that the Province
is only considering criteria for expansion of the Greenbelt,
not to reduce the size or remove areas. As such, this
initiative does not provide an opportunity for the Region to
raise previous concerns expressed with the Greenbelt. The
Minister had indicated that the Region's 'comments, along
with those that the ministry continues to receive, will form
part of the ten-year review of the Plan' (in 2015). In
anticipation of the review, the Minister should consider and
propose criteria for adjustments to the Greenbelt boundary,
where warranted to remove lands that do not meet the
Greenbelt vision and goals;
Council Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2008
ii) The criteria should be clarified to define what is meant by
'the proposed Greenbelt expansion must be based on a
provincial scale systems approach that formed the original
Greenbelt'. Municipalities did not have access to, or
knowledge of, this approach or data used by the Province
to establish the original Greenbelt;
Hi) Requiring that the proposed expansion complement the
Growth Plan and not interfere with affected municipalities
bringing their official plans into conformity is supported.
This recognizes the need to carefully consider further
expansions to the Greenbelt, particularly in Durham where
over 80% of the land mass is already in the Greenbelt.
This will assist municipalities in addressing land required to
meet provincially mandated growth;
iv) Requiring that any request for expansion complement
ongoing provincial initiatives, is supported. However, as
noted in the Consultation Paper, there are a number of
provincial initiatives affecting the Greater Golden
Horseshoe that could have an effect on any proposal to
expand the Greenbelt. The final criteria should identify all
potential provincial initiatives that could affect a proposed
expansion. This is essential supporting information needed
to assist municipalities in preparing their requests; and
b ) THAT a copy of Report #2008-P-27 of the Commissioner of
Planning be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing and the area municipalities."
Resolution #C-246-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the resolution from the Region of Durham with respect to the Region's
comments on the draft expansion criteria to Growing the Greenbelt be
Council Meeting Minutes
- 16 -
May 5, 2008
1-21 Kristin Robinson advising that she has been finding it extremely
difficult to get answers to question regarding the proposed Energy-
From-Waste facility; expressing concern that very important decision
are on the brink of being made Le. emissions criteria without citizens
being allowed to be properly involved in the process; suggesting an
independent peer reviewer scrutinize the emissions criteria to ensure
that the criteria fulfils resolutions made by Regional Council; and that
citizens be consulted in a public forum where experts are available to
answer questions that the public raise.
Resolution #C-247-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT Correspondence Item 1-21 from Kristin Robinson with respect to a
Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria be received
for information.
Mayor Abernethy stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Items
D - 8 and D - 9 as they relate to the 2006 Municipal Elections. Mayor Abernethy
vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on these matters.
Councillor Novak chaired the remainder of the meeting.
Resolution #C-248-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, including hand-out Item
D - 11 with the exception of Items D - 3, D - 4 and D - 6 to D - 11, inclusive.
D - 1 Steven Finlay, Executive Director, Community Living
Oshawa/Clarington requesting Council to proclaim the month of May
as "Community Living" month to promote and highlight the inclusion of
people with an intellectual disability within the community.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 17 -
May 5, 2008
D - 2 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford expressing concern with the issue
of the Chairmanship of the Green Community Living Committee as
Mayor Abernethy has actively lobbied for a position that, according to
Municipal protocol, is not to be held by the Mayor or any other
member of Council and for staff's acceptance of this breach of the
rules. Ms. Duare McKinnon-Rutherford feels that having the Mayor
as a member of the Committee takes away from the Committee's
credibility and that there are many community citizens who are well
established, well connected and very effective in their efforts to
address local environmental issues who would be qualified to lead the
(Advise of actions taken and copy of
the Addendum to ReportCLD~015-08
to be forwarded)
D - 5 Colleen Knight requesting to be provided with a the cost of hosting a
Public Information Session on the Energy-From-Waste proposal in
order to assist her in lobbying Oshawa City Council to contribute
funds towards the forum.
(Copy of Report CAO-005~08 to be
D - 3 Peter Love, Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer, encouraging
Council to support Ontario's first EnerQY Conservation Week, May 25
to 31,2008, an initiative t~ work towards achieving Provincial savings
targets and building a 'culture of communication'; requesting Council
to officially proclaim the week; and forwarding a checklist of key
actions and suggested activities to engage in. Further information is
available at www.enerQyconservationweek.ca.
Resolution #C-249-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT May 25 to May 31,2008 be proclaimed "Energy Conservation Week";
THAT correspondence Item D - 3 be referred to the Living Green Community
Advisory Committee.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 18 -
May 5, 2008
D - 4 Marlene and Bill Stacey proposing the name of "George Burley Road"
or "Burley/Stacey Road" instead of the name "Swarbrick" for the road
leading down to the subdivision south of Payne Crescent in
Newtonville; and, questioning whether the Municipality is prepared to
pay for the remaining four houses on Swarbrick Street to change their
address to something other than Payne Crescent, if a stop sign at the
entrance to Payne Crescent from the subdivision is not put in.
Resolution #C-250-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the request from Marlene and Bill Stacey to change the name of
"Swarbrick Street" to "George Burley Street" be exempted from the municipal
fee for a Street Name Change application and that staff be authorized to hold a
public meeting on the proposed street name change.
D - 6 Jim Freeman, President, Durham Region Labour Council, opposing
the transfer of needed Durham Region mental health inpatient beds
from the Ajax-Pickering Hospital to Scarborough Centenary Hospital
and urging Council to take a public stand for the Durham Region
Mental Health Services.
Resolution #C-251-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Mayor Abernethy
THAT the position of the Durham Region Labour Council opposing the transfer
of mental health inpatient beds from the Ajax-Pickering Hospital to Scarborough
Centenary Hospital be endorsed.
D - 7 Leslie Drynan, Clerk, Tay Valley Township advising Council that on
April 8, 2008, Tay Valley Township passed the following resolution
pertaining to Provincial Funding - Evaluation and Approval Process:
'WHEREAS it is very encouraging for municipalities to see that the
federal and provincial governments have, for several years now,
finally given formal recognition, through their various short and long-
term budget announcements, that they have certain responsibilities to
help fund new and replacement municipal infrastructure;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 19 -
May 5, 2008
AND WHEREAS the funding contributions from the senior levels of
government result in, among other things, cleaner air and water, safer
roads and bridges, etc.;
AND WHEREAS the funding has resulted from programs such as the
Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, Rural
Infrastructure Investment Initiative, Municipal Infrastructure
Investment Initiative, Move-Ontario and the Municipal Roads and
Bridges Fund;
AND WHEREAS the stated objectives of the various programs such
as "... to ensure that Ontarians in small urban and rural communities
enjoy a quality of life that is second to none ..."; ..... support economic
development, prosperity and quality of life in small and rural
municipalities"; "... to direct new infrastructure funding to support the
construction or renewal of municipally owned infrastructure assets"
are admirable and very desirable;
AND WHEREAS, with the exception of the Move Ontario and the
Municipal Roads and Bridges Funds, detailed, costly, onerous and in
some cases, very complicated applications had to be submitted to try
and access funds from the various programs;
AND WHEREAS those applications were submitted as a
municipality's highest priority;
AND WHEREAS those municipal priorities were then subjected to the
province's own set of criteria which have been proven to be, less than
AND WHEREAS a perception has evolved that the selection process
is politically driven rather than being based on an open and
accountable analysis of project eligibility and community needs;
AND WHEREAS the senior levels of government now recognize that
all municipalities are in urgent need of new and replacement
infrastructure and that municipalities have very limited resources from
which to fund these many and varied projects;
infrastructure funding available to all municipalities based upon
formulae similar to those developed for the Move Ontario and the
Municipal Roads and Bridges Fund so that municipal politicians and
staff do not have to waste valuable time, effort and money in applying
for the various programs' funds that would enable the construction of
necessary projects;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 20-
May 5, 2008
AND FURTHEMORE THAT a copy of this motion be sent to the
Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the
Leader of the Official Opposition of Ontario, the Leader of the New
Democratic Party of Ontario, Randy Hillier MPP, all municipalities in
Lanark County, and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for
circulation to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for support."
Resolution #C-252-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the resolution from the Tay Valley Township with respect to Provincial
Funding - Evaluation and Approval Process be endorsed.
D - 8 Don and Cynthia Prout acknowledging receipt of correspondence
from the Municipality requesting payment with respect to the
Compliance Audit of John Mutton; quoting sections of an article in the
Toronto Star entitled "Former Vaughan Mayor Facing Audit" stating
that their original request pointed out a large number of companies
that met the same criteria as suggested in the article; indicating that
the audit was flawed and that they have been advised where, in what
manner and how the errors were made from both lawyers and other
chartered accountants; and, suggesting that the audit report be sent
to the Institute of Chartered Accountants for review. The
correspondence indicated that they feel the amount owing is not due,
the audit was flawed, the errors are obvious, the town has been
notified directly where the errors are and the letter from the
Municipality is nothing more than harassment.
Resolution #C-253-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Correspondence Item D - 8 from Don and Cynthia Prout with respect to
the Compliance Audit of John Mutton be received for information..
Council Meeting Minutes
- 21 -
May 5, 2008
D - 9 George Van Dyk advising that he is not prepared to pay his share of
the costs associated with the Compliance Audit of John Mutton as he
had previously indicated in correspondence to Council that the audit
was not done correctly or performed in the detail and diligence that is
expected from this type of audit; that although the audits were
requested by members of the public, they were approved by Council;
that at no time were they advised either verbally or in writing that
should no violation of the Elections Act be found that they would be
responsible for all the audit expenses; or that they were never
consulted about the auditor chosen by councilor contacted by the
auditor to advise him of their concerns. Mr. Van Dyk feels that no
money is owed by him and he is not prepared to pay his share of the
audit costs until directed by a Judge of a Court that has jurisdiction
over such matters.
Resolution #C-254-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 from George Van Dyk with respectto the
Compliance Audit of John Mutton be received for information.
D - 10 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that on
April 1, 2008, the City of Kingston passed the following resolution
pertaining to Zenn Automobiles on Ontario Roads:
'WHEREAS cars are one of the largest contributors to Greenhouse
Gases; and,
WHEREAS the Federal Government has finally given their approval
for the sale of the Canadian-made Zenn (Zero Emissions No Noise)
Automobiles; and,
WHEREAS provincial approval is still needed to allow both the use
and sale of Zenn automobiles and other electric automobiles on
Ontario roads; and,
WHEREAS Mopeds and other forms of low speed vehicles are
already currently allowed on Ontario roads; and
WHEREAS Canada, and every province and municipality within our
federation, must do our part to reduce our Greenhouse Gas
emissions, and strive to not just meet but exceed the Kyoto Protocol
Council Meeting Minutes
- 22-
May 5, 2008
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Kingston City Council request
that the Province of Ontario give approval for the Zenn car and other
electric automobiles to be used on Ontario roads;
And fu rther
THAT every province and territory in Canada be requested to give
approval for the Zenn car and other electric automobiles to be sold
and used across Canada as soon as possible;
And further
THAT a copy of this resolution be sent for consideration and
endorsement to Peter Milliken, MP, Jot1n Gerretsen, MPP, the Prime
Minister of Canada, the federal ministers responsible for the
Environment and Transportation, the Premiers of all provinces and
territories, the Ministers responsible for Transportation and the
Environment of each province and territory, all municipalities on our
regular circulation list, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
(FCM) and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)."
Resolution #C-255-08
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the resolution from the City of Kingston with respect to Zenn Automobiles
on Ontario Roads be endorsed.
D - 11 Barry Bracken requesting a correction to the Council Minutes of
April 21, 2008, to correct the statement recorded as part of his
delegation "but could have other comments which Council may find
distasteful". Mr. Bracken indicated he had simply told
Mayor Abernethy that he might not like what he had to say next; and,
requesting that Council reconsider and rescind Resolution #C230-08
as he believes his delegation does not warrant an apology as he was
simply being critical of the actions taken by Regional Councillors.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 23-
May 5, 2008
Resolution #C-256-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Mayor Abernethy
THAT Correspondence Item D - 11 from Barry Bracken with respect to a
correction to the April 21,2008, Council minutes and a request for Council to
rescind Resolution #C-230-08, be received for information.
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report April 28, 2008
Resolution #C-257 -08
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 28, 2008,
be approved, with the exception of Item #2, Item #7, Item #11 and Item #15.
Item # 7
Resolution #C-258-08
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Report CLD-016-08 be received;
THAT the request of the Bowmanville Business Centre to allow for free parking one
week per month be denied; and
THAT the Bowmanville Business Centre be advised of Council's decision.
Councillor Hooper stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 2 of Report #1 as
he is the former Chair of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area and he was
involved with the negotiations. Councillor Hooper refrained from discussions and
voting on this matter.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 24-
May 5, 2008
Item #2
Resolution #C-259-08
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Report PSD-042-08 be received;
THAT the application submitted by Players Business Park Limited and West Diamond
Properties Inc. to Remove the "Holding (H)" Symbol be approved for Parts 1,2, 3, 6,
7,8,9,11,12,13,14, 16, 17,20,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,40,
41,42,43,47, and 48 on Reference Plan 40R-24933;
THAT the By-law attached to Report PSD-042-08, to Remove the "Holding (H)"
Symbol be passed and a copy forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-042-08 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Item #11
Resolution #C-260-08
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the Addendum to Report CLD-015-08 be received;
THAT Report CLD-015-08 be received;
THAT the Protocol for Council-Appointed Advisory Committees be amended to allow
for a member of Council to act as an interim Chair for a maximum of 6 months when a
new committee is initially formed and to remove the list of specific committees to
which it applies;
THAT the amended protocol, attached to the Addendum to Report CLD-015-08 as
Attachment No.1, be adopted with an amendment to the reference to the acting
period of the interim chair to state a maximum of 6 months rather than 18 months;
THAT the Terms of Reference of the Green Community Advisory Committee be
amended to reflect the protocol change;
THAT the Interim Chair of the Green Community Advisory Committee be permitted to
act, in this instance only, for a period of 6 months beginning April 28, 2008; and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 25-
May 5,2008
THAT Linda Gasser, Kerry Meydam, Jim Richards, Elva Reid, Ron Collis and the
Green Community Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision.
(See Following Motion)
Resolution #C-261-08
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the foregoing resolution #C-260-08 be amended by replacing the number "6"
with the number "2" in the sixth paragraph in order to extend the period of the Interim
Chair of the Green Community Advisory Committee to act, in this instance only, for a
period of two months beginning April 28, 2008.
Resolution #C-260-08 was then put to a vote and CARRIED.
Resolution #C-262-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Item 15 of Report #1 be referred to the end of the agenda.
There were no staff reports considered under this section of the Agenda.
Resolution #C-263-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Mayor Abernethy
THAT the presentation of John O'Toole be received with thanks.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 26-
May 5, 2008
Resolution #C-264-08
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the presentation of Ian Parrott and Dave Fumerton be received with thanks.
Resolution #C-265-08
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the presentation of Wayne Robbins be received with thanks.
Resolution #C-266-08
Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the delegations of Louis Bertrand, Kristin Robinson, Steve Conway,
Linda Gasser, Cathrine McKeever, and Dave Renaud be received with thanks.
Resolution #C-067 -08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Mayor Abernethy
THAT the delegation of Louis Bertrand be received with thanks.
Resolution #C-268-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the delegation of Kristin Robinson be received with thanks.
Council Meeting Minutes
-27 -
May 5, 2008
Resolution #C-269-08
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Abernethy
THAT the delegation of Steve Conway be received with thanks.
Resolution #C-270-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Mayor Abernethy
THAT the delegation of Linda Gasser be received with thanks.
Resolution #C-271-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the delegation of Cathrine McKeever be received.
Resolution #C-272-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the delegation of Dave Renaud be received.
Councillor Hooper stated a pecuniary interest with respect to By-law 2008-074 as he
is the former Chair of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area and he was
involved with the negotiations. Councillor Hooper refrained from discussions and
voting on this matter.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 28-
May 5, 2008
Resolution #C-273-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2008-074 to 2008-086, inclusive:
2008-074 Being a By-law to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63
for the Municipality of Clarington (Players Business Park Limited &
West Diamond Properties Inc.)
2008-075 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (708545 Ontario
2008-076 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007 -0009, any
Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands, and the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of
S-C-2007 -0009
2008-077 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (708545 Ontario
2008-078 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an agreement with the
Owners of draft plan 18T -95028, any Mortgagee who has an
interest in the said Lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality
of Clarington in respect of 18T -95028
. 2008-079 Being a By-law to establish certain lands as public highways,
assume them for public use and name them
2008-080 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of
Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington
2008-081 Being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to
execute an agreement between Durham Region EMS and the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for tiered response
2008-082 Being a By-Law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during
the year and to strike the rates of taxation for municipal purposes
for the year 2008
2008-083 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington
Official Plan and to repeal By-law 2008-045
Council Meeting Minutes
- 29-
May 5, 2008
2008-084 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-038 to appoint Members to
the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee
2008-085 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-024 to appoint Members to
the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the Municipality of
2008-086 being a By-law to adopt the Newcastle Village Community
Improvement Plan and to Repeal By-law 2008-064; and
THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved.
Resolution #C-274-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the meeting be "closed" to discuss Item 15 of Report #1.
The meeting resumed in open session at 10:31 a.m.
Item #15
Resolution #C-275-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Mayor Abernethy
WHEREAS Council, consistent with historic and good faith practices, has empowered
the Municipality's Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services and
Human Resources, and Chief of Emergency and Fire Services as its negotiating team;
WHEREAS Council is interested in preserving the integrity of the collective bargaining
process, and the Municipality's position in negotiations; and
WHEREAS Council confirms the Chief Administrator Officer's responsibility to report
to Council on all matters pertaining to negotiation and collective bargaining;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Fire Association be advised that
Council Members will not participate in any discussion or communication with any
member of the Fire Association regarding the current and future collective agreement
negotiations, mediation and arbitration.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 30-
May 5, 2008
There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda.
Councillor Robinson questioned when the Chief Administrative Officer would be
meeting next with the Region on the Business Case for the proposed Energy-From-
Waste facility. The Chief Administrative Officer confirmed that he would be meeting
on Thursday, May 22, 2008, however, they would be meeting on the host community
agreement and that the business case is not part of the negotiations. In response to a
question on when Council may receive an update, the Chief Administrative Officer
stated Clarington's Negotiating Team were waiting for the Region to put the final
touches on the draft document and forward it to them for review. The Chief
Administrative Officer stated his job is to strike a tentative agreement and for Council
to approve the final document. .
Mayor Abernethy and Councillor Hooper made disclosures of pecuniary interest
earlier in the meeting and refrained from voting on the Confirming By-law.
Resolution #C-276-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-087, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 5th day of May, 2008; and reconvened on the 6th day of May, 2008; and
THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved.
Resolution #C-277 -08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:36 a.m., May 6,2008.
Special Council Meeting Minutes
MAY 12, 2008
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on May 12, 2008, at 2:00 p.m., in the
Council Chambers.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Councillor A. Foster, attended at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor Trim, attended until 2:15 p.m. and returned at
7:00 p.m.
Councillor W. Woo, attended until 2:50 p.m.
Mayor J. Abernethy
Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Director of Corporate Services
and Human Resources, M. Marano
Facilities Manager, G. Acorn, attended until 2:50 p.m.
Planner, Community Planning, L. Backus
Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon, attended until 2:50 p.m.
Director of Operations, F, Horvath
Planner, Community Planning, D. Jacobs
Recreation Services Manager, S. Meredith, attended at 7:00 p.m.
Planner, Development Review, B. Russell, attended until 2:50 p.m.
Manager of Community Planning and Design, C. Salazar
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency Services, G. Weir
Tax Collector, M. Wiles-Frost, attended at 7:00 p.m.
Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
Councillor Novak chaired the meeting.
Councillor Trim led the meeting in prayer.
There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting.
The Deputy Mayor outlined the purpose and format of the public meeting.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 2 -
MAY 12, 2008
Clarington Official Plan
Carlos Salazar, Manager of Community Planning and Design, provided a verbal report
supported by a PowerPoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-049-08.
Mr. Salazar reviewed the components of an official plan, what the current plan has
accomplished, why a review is needed, the approach and timeframe associated with
the review and public participation in the process. Mr. Salazar outlined reasons
supporting an official plan review from global issues to local issues noting the review
will provide an opportunity to reaffirm the vision for the quality of life in the community
and to guide future decision-making.
Peter Campbell, Vice President, Delta Urban Inc. addressed Council on behalf of
Intracorp Development Limited and Preston Group, with respect to their combined
ownership of approximately 130 acres on the north side of Bloor Street between
Prestonvale Road and Courtice Road in the Courtice Urban Area. Mr. Campbell
stated the lands are located within a Future Urban Residential designation in the
Clarington Official Plan adopted in 1996. He stated the designation for these lands
was based upon two primary factors when the current Clarington Official Plan was
adopted - the residential land supply horizon was 2016 and the proposed Courtice
Sewage Treatment Plan was some time away from construction. He noted the new
Clarington Official Plan will have a concurrent time horizon with the new Durham
Region Official Plan, being the year 2031 and that the Courtice Sewage Treatment
Plant is now built and operational. Mr. Campbell feels it is timely to replace the Future
Urban Residential designation on the subject lands with Urban Residential and the
other specific designations for neighbourhood facilities, densities and roads that apply
to designated lands that are ripe for development and formally requested the
Municipality to complete the re-designation of the Future Urban Designation for the
entire area north of Bloor Street from Prestonvale Road to Courtice Road as part of
the Official Plan review. Mr. Campbell stated correspondence dated May 1,2008,
addressed to David Crome, Director of Planning Services provides written comments
on behalf of his clients.
John Stephenson addressed Council stating he feels the 25 year time frame for the
Official Plan development is far too long and suggests that the Plan focus on the first
two years with increasingly reduced emphasis on the five and ten year futures.
Mr. Stephenson suggested the plan be subject to annual revisions based on the
economic, energy and global warming scenarios at the end of each year so as to
produce an updated plan incorporating the most recent and complete information
available at the time. Mr. Stephenson outlined factors to be considered including the
state of the economy, the availability and impact of energy shortages, and the impact
of global warming and stated that the effects of these factors on the lifestyles of the
people of Clarington must be considered in terms of home design, travel within the
community and Region, and other infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, industrial
Council Meeting Minutes
- 3 -
MAY 12, 2008
areas, recreational areas and facilities, open spaces and growing food, etc.
Mr. Stephenson stated the Municipality should resist the expansion of communities
into areas that are not now under construction; however, if population growth is not
avoidable then it should be accommodated by redeveloping areas in the central core
by constructing compact apartment blocks. He also feels the Municipality should not
borrow money to accommodate population growth. Mr. Stephenson submitted his
comments in writing.
Keith Worden, addressed Council on behalf of his family to advise of the issues that
they have with property in the employment area around Trulls Road, and Courtice
Road to Prestonvale Road. He stated he has anguished over the designation of
Dom's Auto Parts and expressed concern with what is viewed as the entry from
Highway 401 to Clarington and feels that the current industrial/commercial designation
is not the most gratifying for that particular area and that there are better usages for
the land. Mr. Worden acknowledged the need for the industrial base but questioned
that particular location. Mr. Worden also feels if the designation in that area remains,
then it will attract other neighbours that are not complimentary as to how Clarington
wants to be perceived. He suggested that as part of the process staff review the
designation to motivate Dom's to move on and to consider development in the area
that would enhance the vision such as a residential opportunity.
Peter Evans, President, Clarington Older Adults Association addressed Council
stating he is encouraged by the plan as it gives the community a degree of control
over the future by setting goals, targets and milestones to achieve and address quality
of life issues. Mr. Evans stated the Association has already addressed Council with
concerns that affect their operation and have presented their goals and challenges
respecting management of growth and parking issues. Mr. Evans expressed the
Association's willingness to work along with staff on this positive venture.
Doug Rombough, addressed Council advising he and his wife own a heritage property
built in 1877 on Arthur Street in Newcastle and are concerned with the degree of
intensification of housing developments surrounding their one-acre property. He
stated the proposed developer plans to build many townhouses and small property
developments. Mr. Rombough urged staff to consider the historical importance of not
only their land but Newcastle Village proper. Mr. Rombough acknowledged that he is
not opposed to development and hopes that all residents will continue to have input
into what gets developed where and when. Mr. Rombough requested a clear
definition of "intensification", especially provincial initiatives in that regard.
In response to a question, Mr. Rombough clarified he does not feel that putting mega-
houses on 40 foot lots or townhouses surrounding his property is appropriate
Council Meeting Minutes
- 4-
MAY 12, 2008
Bill Cawker, Baywood Homes, addressed Council as the owner of 250 acres at the
northeast corner of Concession Road 3 and Liberty Street which are currently
designated Future Urban Residential, Environmental Protection and Community Park.
Mr. Cawker stated through this review there may be opportunity to work with staff to
convert this designation to urban residential. Mr. Cawker stated Baywood Homes
welcomes the study, and will work closely with staff and will become involved in the
process. Mr. Cawker submitted correspondence prepared by Sernas and Associates
outlining his position.
Resolution #C-278-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT Council recess until 7:00 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m.
Carlos Salazar, Manager of Community Planning and Design, repeated his verbal
report and PowerPoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-049-08.
Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade, addressed Council stating
the Board of Trade encourages this review to foster their goals and to ensure that the
Municipality's direction is in line with Regional and Provincial goals. She indicated the
Board of Trade's focus would be on the development and servicing of employment
lands and expansion of the existing job base to create a healthy social fabric,
including the recruitment of physicians. The Board of Trade would also like to ensure
that the residential ratio to people working in the community is healthier than it is
today. Ms. Hall noted there is great value in the community taking a pro-active
approach rather than waiting for the growth that is coming to arrive.
Donald Kirkup, Kirkup Realty Corporation Brokerage, addressed Council stating his
client owns 8 Y:2 acres at the northeast corner of Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street
and suggested that the corner be redesignated to allow for convenience shopping to
be located within walking distance of large concentrations of residential development.
Mike Ricciuto addressed Council stating he owns property in Courtice, Hampton and
Mitchell's Corners and has questions related to hamlets. He feels it is important that
hamlets are not ignored as part of the review as they provide diversity in housing, and
attract professionals and that growth supports infrastructure in hamlets. Mr. Ricciuto
stated the Greenbelt Protection Act requires municipalities to define the boundaries of
hamlets and questioned how Clarington will define hamlet boundaries when reviewing
the Official Plan.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 5 -
MAY 12, 2008
Libby Racansky addressed Council stating if the Official Plan is the Municipality's
compass for the future it would have to consider climate change as the most important
issue. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Racansky highlighted slides of
the City of Ottawa's Official Plan Review which considered climate change as the
most significant environmental challenge. Ms. Racansky stated the newspaper
advertisement indicated that residents will be able to make a difference but expressed
concern that comments made during the last review were not considered in the new
Plan. Ms. Racansky stated the importance of the natural environment must be
understood and its policies must be more enforceable, especially with respect to the
Lake Iroquois shoreline. She cautioned if land continues to be developed with a
"business as usual" approach, our health and economy will be threatened noting there
is an intrinsic relationship between what is done on the land with woodlots, wetlands
and farmland, and the weather. Ms. Racansky feels that future development
applications, including the aggregate should not be allowed to impact the limited
natural environment or farmlands. She also feels that concentration on downtown
Courtice and other communities deserve the same attention as Bowmanville. Ms.
Racansky feels that the preliminary worklplan is not ready for approval by Council as
she feels more staff education is needed.
Jordan Clement addressed Council extending congratulations to the Planning
Services Department for putting forth an integrated plan and covering all aspects. He
stated however, that he was a little distressed at the last slide of Mr. Salazar's
presentation when he saw the sky slowly being blocked out by buildings. He stated
growth and environmental destruction is important and is not being adequately
addressed. Mr. Clement stated he looks forward to seeing the continuation of the high
quality of life and community experienced in Clarington.
Resolution #C-0279-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Report PSD-049-08 be received;
THAT the preliminary workplan for the Official Plan review be approved in principle
and that staff consider the comments made at the public meeting in finalizing the
THAT Staff report back on a Public Engagement Strategy;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-049-08 and Council's decision be forwarded to the
Region of Durham Planning Department; and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 6 -
MAY 12, 2008
THAT all interested parties on the list, as filed in the Planning Services and Clerk's
Departments, and any other delegations be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution #C-280-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-088 being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this special meeting
held on the 1 ih day of May, 2008, and that the said by-law be now read a first,
second time and third time and finally passed.
Resolution #C-281-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the meeting adjourn at 7:47 p.m.
May 26, 2008
a) Kerry Meydam - Proposed Operation Standards for EFW Facility
(Item 13 of Report #1 ) and Host Community Agreement for Energy-
From-Waste (Correspondence Item D - 33)
b) Linda Gasser - Proposed Operation Standards for EFW Facility
(Item 13 of Report #1)
c) Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns - Selection of the Chair of the Green
Community Advisory Committee and Proposed Anti-Idling By-law
(Correspondence Items D - 14 and D - 15)
d) Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns - Procedural By-law (Item 12 of
Report #1)
e) Angela Russell- Proposal to Save Bowmanville Nursery School
(Correspondence Item D - 19)
f) Amber Davidson - Proposal to Save Bowmanville Nursery School
(Correspondence Item D - 19)
g) Louis Bertrand - Host Community Agreement for Energy-From-Waste
(Correspondence Item D - 33)
h) Linda Gasser - Host Community Agreement for Energy-From-Waste
(Correspondence Item D - 33)
MAY 26, 2008
I - 1
. 1-3
Minutes of the Clarington Compost Facility Community Relations
Committee dated March 13, 2008. (Copy attached)
Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
April 10,2008. (Copyattached)
Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory
Committee dated May 13, 2008. (Copy attached)
St. Marys Community Relations Committee Annual Report - 2007.
(Copy attached)
Correspondence has been received from individuals listed below in
opposition to the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility. Comments
expressed include the negative health, environmental, and financial
consequences if the incinerator is built; the answer to the garbage
crises lies in reducing consumption, packaging and increasing waste
diversion efforts; and that Council should wait for a consensus of
scientific studies before making a decision. (Copies of all
correspondence are on file in the Municipal Clerk's Department)
a) Christine Jackson
b) Joe and Mary Soltis
c) Ann Allen
d) Steve Tuck
e) Allen and June Cunningham
f) Rick Berenz
g) Julia Potocnik
h) Ronn Young
i) Joan Kellett
j) Lori Allin
k) Frances Harris
I) Connie Tuck
m) Gloria Duggan
n Will Duggan
0) Paul Medeiros
p) Andrea Barrette
q) Omeed M. Neekon
Summary of Correspondence
- 2 -
May 26, 2008
I - 6 Peter Van Loan, Leader of the Government in the House of
Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform, thanking Council for
their letter endorsing the resolution of the Regional Municipality of
Niagara concerning the "Democratic Representation Bill", advising the
formula proposed in Bill C-22 will provide fair representation in the
House of Commons for all provinces and significantly improve the
position of Ontario compared to the existing formula.
I - 7 Jim Hankinson, President and CEO, Ontario Power Generation
(OPG) forwarding Ontario Power Generation's semi-annual
Performance Report, covering OPG's 2007 performance, highlighting
key aspects of their business including employee initiatives, safety
milestones, electricity production, environmental performance and
progress with new generation projects; and, forwarding a DVD of their
new video "Hydroelectric Upgrades: Investing for Today and
Tomorrow" providing an informative, "up-close" look at upgrades at
their hydroelectric stations.
1-8 Ian Hood, Chairman, Global Warming Prevention Technologies Inc.
and Public Protection Action Committee, responding to the Region of
York's problem of disposing of the pelletized waste from York
Region's waste disposal pelletization plant by proposing a 21st
Century answer for waste disposal through the patented Global
Warming Prevention Technologies' Natural State Reduction System
(NSRS) waste gasification process which is environmentally friendly,
cost-effective, does not use incineration, combustion or composting in
the waste disposal process and meets all Ministry of the Environment
I - 9 Christine Chase, Administrative Assistant, City of Oshawa, forwarding
a copy of Oshawa City Council's resolution on the Growing the
Greenbelt - Consultation 2008, as well as a copy of Report DS-08-
119 establishing the City's comments regarding criteria proposed by
the Province for considering expansions to the Greenbelt.
I - 10 The Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment, writing
to John O'Toole, MPP regarding the management of used tires in
Ontario and reporting that the Ministry of the Environment is now in
discussions with Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) about the
development of a scrap tire management program; and, advising of
other diversion programs including the Municipal Hazardous or
Special Waste Program (MHSW), scheduled to begin on July 1, 2008,
and Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) currently
under consideration. Further information regarding these programs is
available at www.wdo.ca.
Summary of Correspondence - 3 - May 26, 2008
I - 11 Dan Hefkey, Chief, Ministry of Community Safety and Correction
Services, issuing a reminder to municipalities of the need to meet
2008 obligations in ensuring their Emergency Preparedness Program
is fully functional, offering to assist staff in fulfilling the legislated
responsibilities; and, confirming the municipality's compliance
activities for the current year.
I - 12 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford advising she has updated her
presentation "Debunking the Myths of Incineration" which she
presented to Regional Council in November 2007, found at
http://snipurl.com/1ynzx; suggesting a television show of interest
which aired on TVO on Wednesday, May 14, 2008, entitled "Your
Voice - Toxic Trespass"; advising that she has undertaken a
preliminary analysis of "Durham Region Residual Waste Disposal
Planning Study's Summary Report and Record of Workshop #1,
Alternatives to the Undertaking, The Development of Environmental
Terms of Reference, Durham/York Residual Waste Study, Summary
Report and Record of the 2nd Series of Workshops, Alternative
Methodology and Evaluation Criteria (Regional Municipality of York),
Development of Environmental Assessment Terms'of Reference,
August 2005", and feels that the assumption that incineration is the
choice of the people of the Region as indicated by Councillor Rick
Johnson at the January 23, 2008, Regional Council meeting is
questionable as statistics indicate that respondents feel that an
incinerator should not be located in or near parks or recreation lands,
schools or institutions; and, questioning whether politicians are
listening to the priorities expressed by the residents.
1-13 Brian Bridgeman, MCIP, RPP, Director of Current Planning, Region of
Durham, forwarding a copy of Commissioner's Report 2008-P-32 on
the East Cross Forest Project.
1-14 Nestor Chornobay, MCIP, RPP, Director, Strategic Planning Branch,
Region of Durham forwarding a copy of Commissioner's Report 2008-
P-37 on Monitoring of Growth Trends.
I - 15 John Oates advising that on February 8, 2008, the Mayor's Office
sent him a Public Notice "Exploring our Waste Solutions" about an
upcoming meeting to deal with incineration; that he was not notified
about a second meeting in the series dealing with "landfill"; and that
he objects to the use of the Mayor's office to publicize some meetings
and not others and feels that all similar meetings should be getting
the same treatment. Mr. Oates indicates for the record, that he would
appreciate an open forum, outside of the Council meeting to ask
questions and get answers on this topic.
Summary of Correspondence
- 4 -
May 26, 2008
I - 16 Rob Macisaac, Chair, Metrolinx, advising that on April 25, 2008,
White Paper 1: Vision, Goals and Objectives and White Paper 2:
Preliminary Directions and Concepts were approved by the Metrolinx
Board of Directors 'as part of the Regional Transportation Plan
process to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of
transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area; advising the
white papers are available on the Metrolinx website at
www.metrolinx.com and inviting comments on the papers to be
posted electronically, submitted to RTP@metrolinx.com or sent
directly to Ms. Leslie Woo, General Manager, Policy and Planning
Unit, 20 Bay Street, Ste. 901, Toronto, ON M5J 2N8. Multi-
stakeholder consultation workshops will be held in June and public
meetings will be held in September. The final plan is due for Board
adoption and release in the Fall 2008.
I - 17 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to D. Kelly,
Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of York advising that on
May 7, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution
pertaining to approval of Energy From Waste Air Emissions Criteria:
"a) THAT, subject to the Ministry of the Environment's (MOE)
acceptance of the proposed DurhamIYork Energy From Waste
(EFW) facility emission limits, and approval of the business
case by both Durham and York Region Councils, the EFW
proposed operating limits (shown on Table 1 of Attachment 1 to
Report 2008-WR-16), be adopted for inclusion in the Request
for Proposals to be sent to selected vendors, on the
understanding that the project team will continue to work with
MOE to establish emission criteria and monitoring for the
proposed DurhamIYork EFW facility, as illustrated and
discussed in Attachment 1 to Report 2008-WR-16, subject to
additional refinements as may be required, and the final
emission criteria arrived at with the MOE will be incorporated
into the Request for Proposals for the EFW facility;
b) THAT copies of this resolution and Report 2008-WR-16 be
forwarded to the York Region Solid Waste Management
Committee and York Regional Council with a request that they
approve a similar resolution; and
c) THAT copies of this resolution and Report 2008-WR-16 be
forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington for information."
Summary of Correspondence - 5 - May 26, 2008
1-18 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to D. Kelly,
Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of York advising that on
May 7, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution
pertaining to Energy From Waste Site Liaison Committee Terms of
"a) THAT, in accordance with the approved Environmental
Assessment (EA) Terms of Reference, and following the
approval of the business case by both Durham and York Region
Councils, a Site Liaison Committee (SLC) be established;
b) THAT the Terms of Reference for the SLC (shown on
Attachment 1 to Report 2008-WR-15 which incorporates the
amendments made by the Joint Waste Management Group at
their meeting held on April 15, 2008) be approved;
c) THAT copies of this resolution and Report 2008-WR-15 be
forwarded to the York Region Solid Waste Management
Committee and York Regional Council with a request that they
approve a similar resolution; and
d ) THAT copies of this resolution and Report 2008-WR-15 be
forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington for information."
1-19 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that
on May 7, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution
pertaining to the Quarterly Report on Planning Activities (January 1,
2008 - March 31,2008):
"a) THAT Report #2008-P-35 of the Commissioner of Planning be
received for information; and
b ) THAT a copy of Report #2008-P-35 be forwarded to all Durham
Area Municipalities, Durham Regional Police Services, and
Durham Emergency Medical Services for information."
1-20 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that
on May 7, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution
pertaining to the Annual Subdivision/Condominium Activity Report:
"a ) THAT Report #2008-P-34 of the Commissioner of Planning be
received for information; and
b ) THAT a copy of Report #2008-P-34 be forwarded to the Area
Municipalities for information."
Summary of Correspondence
- 6 -
May 26, 2008
1-21 Doug Allingham, P.Eng., Consultant Project Manager, Totten Sims
Hubicki Associates, writing to P. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of
Durham, expressing appreciation for forwarding Regional Council's
comments of November 21,2007, regarding the 407 East
Environmental Assessment (EA); attaching a table documenting the
specific comments; advising they have subsequently met with
Regional staff to gain greater clarification and detail regarding the
comments provided; and, look forward to Regional staffs continued
involvement in the 407 East Environmental Assessment Study.
1-22 John R. O'Toole, MPP, forwarding a copy of correspondence he
received from the Minister of the Environment in response to the
Municipality's support of the resolution of Morris-Turnberry on tire
recycling, indicating that the Ministry is now in discussions with Waste
Diversion Ontario (WDO) about the development of a scrap tire
management program and that the Province is committed to putting a
program in place as soon as possible.
I - 23 John R. O'Toole, MPP, Durham forwarding a copy of his Member's
Statement, as recorded in Hansard, where he spoke briefly about the
April 29th fire in downtown Bowmanville in the Ontario Legislature
officially expressing the community's appreciation for all those who
helped in this time of need, for the community's hope for the future
and gratitude that there were no injuries.
I - 24 Newtonville Community Hall Board expressing appreciation for the
$2,500 grant provided to the hall which has assisted the Board in
continuing the use of the hall for community events and has enabled
the Board to purchase new furnishings and to make improvements to
the building.
1-25 M. Brown for City Clerk, City of Toronto, advising that on April 28 and
29,2008, the City of Toronto adopted motions to permit plated
motorcycles and scooters to use City of Toronto controlled High
Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes and to issue an advisory to other
jurisdictions in Ontario respecting this change in the use of HOV lanes
in Toronto.
Summary of Correspondence
- 7 -
May 26, 2008
I - 26 The Honourable Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation writing to
John O'Toole, MPP, Durham in response to his letter regarding the
possibility of using the CN Bridge over Highway 401 near Waverly
Road as a memorial to recognize Canadian solders; acknowledging
the suggestion of using the bridge but indicating the Government
would not recommend the structure as drivers would have a difficult
time viewing the memorial due to its structure type, angle to Highway
401, the fact that the lands on both sides are privately owned
preventing public access and that the bridge would also require
significant restoration and maintenance work to create an appearance
that is appropriate for a memorial. The correspondence indicates that
the Province would be pleased to consider a memorial within the
highway limits if it is in a safe location and does not adversely affect
the traveling public but suggests that a location outside the highway
limits may prove to be more suitable as access would be possible.
D - 1 Tracylynn Hu, Program Assistant, Heart & Stroke Foundation -
Durham Region Office, requesting permission to hold their annual
Heart and Stroke Big Bike fundraising Event on Tuesday,
June 10, 2008, from the host site at Kelsey's Restaurant, enclosing
the route map; and, advising they will provide proof of insurance and
will apply for a road occupancy permit following Council approval.
(Motion to approve provided the
organizer's apply for and obtain a
Road Occupancy Permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
D - 2 Joan Booth, Executive Director, Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
Association of Ontario, requesting Council to proclaim the month of
June as "Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Awareness Month" in
Clarington to help raise awareness of the many challenges brought
on by these serious, disabling conditions.
(Motion to Proclaim)
Summary of Correspondence
- 8 -
May 26, 2008
D - 3 The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage
Trust, inviting Council to participate in the 2008 Heritage Community
Recognition Program by submitting nominations of individuals or
small project groups for recognition in the categories of preservation
of built, cultural or natural heritage; Lifetime Achievement for
individuals (period of 20 to 24 years) or the Lieutenant Governor's
Ontario Heritage Award for individuals (period of 25 years or more);
and, advising the nomination deadline is July 4, 2008.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Municipal Clerk to place a notice
in the local newspapers)
D - 4 Lyle Goodin, Rotary Club of Bowmanville, requesting permission to
have a banner hung on Veridian's hydro poles west of the railway
overpass for the month of June, or a portion thereof, to advertise the
Rotary Ribfest to be held on the playing fields of the Garnet B.
Rickard Recreation Complex from June 27, to July 1, 2008, as part
of Bowmanville's Sesquicentennial Celebrations.
(Motion to approve installation of
banner and to advise Veridian)
D - 5 Newtonville Hall Board requesting permission for Church Lane and
Newtonville Mill Street to be closed from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on
June 14, 2008, to facilitate the Newtonville's Annual Fun Day in the
Ina Brown Parkette.
(Motion to approve provided
organizers apply for and obtain a
road occupancy permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
D - 6 Jeff Turnbull, MD, FRCPC, Chair, Council Award Selection
Committee, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
forwarding information on the selection criteria, eligibility
requirements and nomination instructions for The Council Award, an
award honouring Outstanding Ontario Physicians who have
demonstrated excellence and come closest to meeting society's
vision of an 'ideal physician'; inviting nominations for the Award; and
indicating the deadline for receipt of nominations is August 8, 2008.
(Motion to refer Correspondence to
the Municipal Clerk to place an ad in
the local newspapers)
Summary of Correspondence - 9 - May 26, 2008
D - 7 D. L. Cullingworth, Secretary, Newcastle - Bond Head Ratepayers
Association advising that the Association is in agreement with the
proposed Sign By-law provided that with respect to Mobile Signs, the
By-law stipulates the length of time and concentration at any location
and that there are appropriate penalties should the by-law be
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Director of Planning Services)
D - 8 Carole Roughley requesting Council to reduce the Annual Fee
Category of "Senior" to age 60 from age 65 for admission to
recreational facilities as she and other citizens in the community
have retired early and live on fixed incomes and have helped build
and maintain these facilities through payment of their property taxes.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
the Director of Community Services)
D - 9 Orono Business Improvement Area requesting to close Main Street
from Centreview to Park Street on August 16, 2008, from 9:00 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. for an Antique Flea Market and on September 20,2008,
from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., for the annual Chili Cook-off.
(Motion to approve provided
organizers apply for and obtain a
road occupancy permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
D - 10 Leslie Hurley and Tammy Shiel requesting permission to close part
of Firwood Avenue on Saturday, May 31, 2008, from 4:00 p.m. to
2:00 a.m., Sunday, June 1,2008, (rain date June 7,2008) for the
purpose of holding a neighbourhood street party, including a
barbecue (on private property), and children's games.
(Motion to approve provided
organizers apply for and obtain a
road occupancy permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
D - 11 AI Storie, Race Director, Alfie Shrubb 8K Classic, requesting
permission to host the 6th Annual Alfie Shrubb 8K Classic road race
on Sunday, June 1, 2008. The correspondence indicates that Alfie
Shrubb was part of Bowmanville's 100th Anniversary in 1958 and this
year runners will be recreating the event from 50 years ago when
Alfie ran for the very last time.
(Motion to approve provided
organizers apply for and obtain a
road occupancy permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
Summary of Correspondence - 10 - May 26, 2008
D - 12 Flora and Clifford Curtis requesting permission to hold a fireworks
display to close their family reunion/wedding reception on Saturday,
July 19, 2008; advising the cost of the permit was reduced in 1994
and 2004, that they will notify their immediate neighbours of their
plans; and, will take all necessary safety precautions to ensure no
complications arise.
D - 13
(Motion to approve provided the
organizers obtain a fireworks permit
from the Municipal Law Enforcement
James Tremblay and Rick LeBlanc requesting permission for a
partial road closure on Short Crescent, from 2:30 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m.
on June 28,2008 (rain date June 29,2008) to host a Canada Day
Celebration to include Dodge ball game, water balloon fight, sidewalk
bowling, clown appearance, treasure hunt, small jumping castle,
music with DJ, street dance, BBQ and fireworks display; attaching a
map indicating the boundaries for the closure and a list of names,
signatures and addresses of neighbours in favour of the proposal;
and, advising liability insurance has been arranged through WB
White Insurance Brokerage. .
(Motion to approve provided
organizers apply for and obtain a
road occupancy permit from the
Engineering Services Department
and a fireworks permit from the
Municipal Law Enforcement Division)
D - 14 Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns expressing concerns with respect to
the selection of the Chair of the Green Community Advisory
(Motion to advise of Council's
decision and to forward copy of
Addendum to Report CLD-015-08)
D - 15 Aiden Tombs and Emily Manns proposing the passage of an
anti-idling by-law as they believe it is an important matter to save the
environment and that the municipality is lacking in this aspect.
(Motion to refer Correspondence to
the Municipal Clerk's Department)
Summary of Correspondence
- 11 -
May 26, 2008
D - 16 M. Aileen Carroll, Minister Responsible for Seniors requesting that
June be proclaimed "Seniors' Month" to recognize the contributions
. of older adults and to promote active living and healthy lifestyle
choices and to spotlight local services and programs available in the
community to help frail seniors live with dignity, and as independently
as possible.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 17 Gabriele Albrecht, Director of Residential Services, The Participation
House Project (Durham Region), a non-profit agency that supports
individuals with developmental and physical disabilities in residential
and day programs; advising of a cost overrun to upgrade the existing
sprinkler system to meet Fire Code for a group home in
Bowmanville; and, requesting Council to consider providing a grant
in the amount of $3,000 to offset the deficit incurred with the
installation of the 2" water main into the home.
(Motion to advise of the Municipal
Grant Process)
D - 18 Angie Darlison, Executive Director and Peter Evans, President,
Clarington Older Adult Association advising that on May 9, 2008, the
Clarington Older Adult Centre Board approved the following
resolution pertaining to the Clarington Older Adult Association lease
''WHEREAS it is our understanding that the Nursery School have
terminated their lease and
WHEREAS in accordance with our present lease the Clarington
Older Adult Association is to be given first option for this space and
WHEREAS our membership has risen to nearly 1000 and
WHEREAS additional programming space is required and
WHEREAS we do not have money for additional operating staff and
external rental space
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board
formally request the Municipality of Clarington provide this space for
the sole use of the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board to provide
additional programming opportunities and
Summary of Correspondence
- 12 -
May 26,2008
D - 19
D - 20
D - 21
D - 22
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT if necessary a special board
meeting be held to discuss this matter."
(Motion to refer correspondence to
Angela Russell, Amber Davidson and Brian Jackson submitting a
proposal to save Bowmanville Nursery School, providing suggestions
on how to help the Nursery School continue to be a strong influence
in the lives of the children they teach and the community at large,
enclosing a petition signed by parents, and letters from parents
stating their personal interest in keeping the school open. The
correspondence indicates they are working closely with the Lion's
Club as well as local media to find solutions to keep the school open
for the future and hoping Council will join in support of this very
important initiative.
(Motion to refer correspondence to
Margaret Foster, Secretary, Cobourg Highland Games, requesting
approval to place 18" x 24" lawn signs in various public locations in
Clarington to promote the 45th Annual Cobourg Highland Games to
be held on Saturday, June 28,2008.
(Motion for Direction)
Joan Winter, Chairman, Communities helping Communities,
requesting Council's assistance in locating a facility in Bowmanville
to host a fundraising event in support of the victims of the April 29th
fire in downtown Bowmanville and for the waiver of all fees
associated with this event.
(Motion for Direction)
Emil Kolb, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Regional
Municipality of Peel, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty,
Premier of Ontario, advising that on April 17, 2008, the Region of
Peel passed the following resolution pertaining to Hospital Funding in
Peel and Other High Growth Regions - Improving Local Access to
Hospitals and Health Care Services:
'WHEREAS the high growth communities in Ontario grow at more
than twice the rate of the provincial population growth rate, adding
more than 100,000 new residents each and every year;
AND WHEREAS, these regions are also aging at twice the provincial
Summary of Correspondence - 13 - May 26, 2008
AND WHEREAS, population growth in these regions will further
intensify due to Ontario's 30-year growth plan, Places to Grow;
AND WHEREAS, as of 2008/09 Ontarians residing in the Local
Health Integration Networks (LHINs) representing high growth
communities are receiving $258 less per resident for local hospital
services when compared to the average Ontarian, which translates
into a $1.4 billion annual operating funding gap for local hospital
services - and these provincial funding inequities are also worsening
each year;
AND WHEREAS, Ontarians living in the GTN905 are receiving $218
less per resident for provincially funded local social services when
compared to the average Ontarian, which translates into a $708
million annual operating funding gap for local provincially funded
social services - and these provincial funding inequities also
worsening each year;
AND WHEREAS, the Government of Ontario has acknowledged the
growing funding gaps for hospital services in high growth
communities by committing during the 2007 provincial election to
provide $100 million in additional annual operating funding to high
growth hospitals;
AND WHEREAS, the promise of $30 million in growth funding for
2008/09 still means that the funding gap continues to widen;
AND WHEREAS, the Government of Ontario has announced that it
has been developing since 2006 and will implement a new Health
Based Allocation Model (HBAM) to allocate new health care
resources to Local Health Integration Networks based on patient
care needs in a way that will address health care funding inequities
in Ontario;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to improve timely and
local access to hospital care in Peel Region, across high growth
communities in Ontario, the Region of Peel requests:
a) That the Government of Ontario speed up implementation of its
hospital growth funding commitment and provide adequate and
ongoing social services growth funding;
Summary of Correspondence - 14 - May 26, 2008
b) That the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care quickly
implement "Health Based Allocation Model" (HBAM) Le.,
population-needs-based-funding for provincial health care
funding and develop a population-needs-based-funding formula
for social services; and
c) That the Government of Ontario develop a health care and social
seNices growth plan for Ontario to complement Places to Grow.
AND FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, the
Minister of Finance, the Peel area MPPs, high growth communities
Mayors and Chairs, the Mississaug8 Halton Local Health Integration
Network (LHIN) and the Central West Local Health Integration
Network (LHIN)."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 23
The Corporation of the Municipality of Brockton advising Council that
on April 14, 2008, the Municipality of Brockton passed the following
resolution pertaining to Rules for Consultations between Mining
Companies and First Nations:
'WHEREAS six band councillors from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inniuwug
(KI) or Big Trout Lake have been imprisoned for defending their
community from the operations of a mining exploration company;
WHEREAS the Chiefs of Ontario are seeking public support for the
BE IT RESOLVED that the Municipality of Brockton write to
Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant to ask that new rules be
developed for consultations between mining companies and First
Nations; and
THAT the Federal and Provincial governments clarify the Native land
rights in the constitution;
AND FURTHER that this motion be circulated to AMO."
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence
- 15 -
May 26, 2008
D - 24 Jim Richards responding to Council's decision of April 21, 2008,
banning himself and Mr. Barry Bracken from speaking at GPA and
Council, formally requesting that the Municipal Solicitor review the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, specifically Schedule B,
Part 1, Section 2 (b) and other relevant sections, and further
requesting that Council rescind any motions violating the Charter and
provide a public and written apology to Mr. Bracken and himself for
taking away the rights and freedoms enjoyed by all Canadians.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 25 Jim Richards requesting a written and public apology for being
ejected from the Municipal Administrative Centre on May 5, 2008,
due to an oversight by staff to properly inform hired security of
procedures as he feels his rights and freedoms were violated; and
that it was unjust that the Mayor chose only to single him out as
disrupting protocol during the May 5th Council meeting as several
others in the gallery also audibly expressed their frustration when it
was suggested that the meeting be recessed at 11 :00 p.m.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 26 Blair Labelle, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of
Ajax writing to The Right Honourable Stephen Harper and the
Honourable Tony Clement advising that on April 28,.2008, the Town
of Ajax passed the following resolution pertaining to a ban to prohibit
the commercial advertising of food and beverages to children less
than thirteen years of age:
"WHEREAS Statistics Canada estimates that one third of children
between two and eleven years of age are overweight and that about
half of these children are considered obese; and
WHEREAS poor diet during childhood has been linked to chronic
diseases in adulthood; and
WHEREAS food and beverage advertising primarily promotes
nutrient poor and calorie dense foods; and
WHEREAS in the US, for every public service announcement
promoting physical activity young children see 27 television food ads;
WHEREAS this generation of children are exposed to a much
greater frequency and intensity of marketing messages to influence
their dietary choices; and
Summary of Correspondence - 16 - May 26, 2008
WHEREAS US food companies spend about $12 billion annually
marketing to children and youth; and
WHEREAS for example, Quebec, Sweden and Norway prohibit
commercial advertising to children;
WHEREAS the United Kingdom has banned ads for foods high in fat,
sugar and salt associated with television programs that appeal to
children under 16 years of age; and
WHEREAS a survey of GTA children found that 68 percent of
children played "advergames" on company websites; and
WHEREAS food and beverage advertising in Canada is self-
regulated by industry through Advertising Standards Canada; and
WHEREAS self-regulation has substantial shortcomings with respect
to advertising code content, enforcement and penalties as regards
the public health concerns related to children's and youth marketing;
WHEREAS the Canadian government recognizes the importance of
tackling Canada's children and youth obesity epidemic by, for
example, the Canadian government implementing the Public Health
Agency of Canada's Healthy Living, SummerActive and WinterActive
strategies; and
WHEREAS the Ontario government also recognizes the importance
of tackling this epidemic by, for example, implementing the Ontario
Ministry of Health Promotion's Active 2020 and Healthy Eating and
Active Living strategies and sponsoring Bill 8, the Healthy Food for
Healthy Schools Act, 2008; and
WHEREAS the Toronto Board of Health has passed a resolution
urging Health Canada, Industry Canada and the Ontario Ministry of
Government and Consumer Services to prohibit all commercial
advertising of food and beverages to children under thirteen years of
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ajax urges
the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario to
prohibit all commercial advertising of food and beverages to children
less than thirteen years of age; and
Summary of Correspondence - 17 - May 26, 2008
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Prime Minister of Canada,
Ministers of Health Canada and Industry Canada, Regional
Municipality of Durham, Durham's MPs, Chief Public Health Officer
of Canada, Premier of Ontario, Ministers of Children and Youth
Services, Government and Consumer Services, Health and Long-
Term Care, and Health Promotion, Durham's MPPs and
municipalities, Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health, alPHa, OPHA,
Advertising Standards Canada, school board associations, teachers
federations, and all Ontario Boards of Health are so advised."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 27
P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to the
Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment, advising
that on May 7, 2008, Regional Council passed the following
resolution pertaining to oversized 15-litre polyethylene-terephtalate
(PET) water jugs:
"a) THAT, further to the recommendations contained in Report No.
2006-WR-15 of the Commissioner of Works, which were
approved by Works Committee on June 28,2006, and Regional
Council on July 5,2006, and based on the understanding that in
June 2007 then Honourable Minister Broten wrote to the brand
owners and retailers of grocery packaging to urge further action
on 15 litre, non-refillable PET water bottles:
i) The Regional Municipality of Durham strongly supports this
initiative by the former Minister of the Environment, due to the
concern that nearly one year later the non-refillable bottle
continues to grow in market share and cause resulting stress
on our Blue Box recycling collection, processing and
marketing system;
ii) The Regional Municipality of Durham strongly supports the
position that the brand owners of these 15 litre (or
comparable size) bottles should either pay 100% of the
incremental municipal capital and operating costs to manage
the bottles, or they should be required to be under a
mandatory deposit return system;
iii) The Regional Municipality of Durham strongly requests
immediate action on this issue before brand owners currently
using deposit return containers make irreversible decisions
that would result in a further market shift to one-way 15 litre
containers, as this will result in an increasingly difficult burden
on Municipal waste management systems;
Summary of Correspondence
- 18 -
May 26, 2008
b ) THAT the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the
Environment, be so advised; and
c) THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario, Waste Diversion Ontario, and the local
Area Municipalities."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 28 Pam Gilroy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Niagara,
advising Council that on May 1, 2008, the Regional Municipality of
Niagara passed the following resolution pertaining to AMO/AMRC
Alternative Approach to Blue Box Funding Model:
"THAT Report AMO/AMRC Alternative Approach to Blue Box
Funding Model, April 15, 2008 be received for information;
THAT this Committee recommend to Planning and Public Works
THAT Council support the AMO/AMRC's Discussion Paper for
an Alternative approach to Ontario's Blue Box Funding Mode;
THAT Council's resolution be circulated to the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 29 Michelle Sugg, advising that she lives in close proximity to the CP
Rail tracks and expressing concern that the quiet enjoyment of her
backyard is disturbed by the train whistle, especially in the summer
months; acknowledging that the matter was addressed several years
ago she believes prior to the installation of flashing lights, bells and
gates which could be deemed safe enough to eliminate the horn
blowing; and requesting assistance from the Municipality to request
that the issue of the elimination of train whistling be revisited.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 30 Sybil Fernandes, Deputy City Clerk, City of Vaughan, advising
Council that on May 12, 2008, the City of Vaughan passed the
following resolution pertaining to Licencing Review:
'WHEREAS the City of Vaughan, by means of its Licensing By-law,
regulates those persons (hereinafter 'second-hand dealers') who are
in the business of purchasing used goods for subsequent re-sale;
Summary of Correspondence
- 19 -
May 26, 2008
WHEREAS the Licensing By-law (like those of most other
municipalities) requires second-hand dealers to record personal
information of individuals who sell them used goods, including the full
name, sex, date of birth, address, height and weight of the individual;
WHEREAS to obtain this information the second-hand dealer is
required to view piec~s of identification such as a driver's license or
passport; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Court of Appeals has recently ruled that the
collection of personal information in relation to second-hand goods
businesses conflicts with section 28(2) of the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act; and
WHEREAS the collection and availability of such information to the
police is critical to the identification of those who acquire such goods
by means of theft, robbery, or other criminal activity and who then
dispose of them by sale to second-hand dealers.
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Vaughan requests:
THAT the Attorney General of Ontario take appropriate steps to
amend the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act, to ensure that what is essentially a "crime control"
measure that is both reasonable and justified in a free and
democratic society is not lost; and
THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Attorney General of
Ontario, the Premier of Ontario, the Members of the Provincial
Parliament from the Greater Toronto Area, and the Clerks of all
municipalities within the Greater Toronto Area."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 31
Martin de Rond, Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk writing
to Ms. Barbara Hall, Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights
Commission advising that on May 12, 2008 the Council of the Town
of Ajax passed the following resolution pertaining to the Rouge
Valley Health System - Announced Closure of Mental Health
Services at Ajax Pickering Hospital:
Summary of Correspondence - 20 - May 26, 2008
"THAT the Ontario Human Rights Commission consider conducting a
public inquiry or review into the decision announced by the Rouge
Valley Health System to close the 20 bed Inpatient Mental Health
Service at the Ajax Pickering Hospital, which serves persons with
mental disorders in West Durham, and to move those services to the
Centenary Health Centre in Scarborough Toronto; and
THAT all Durham Region municipalities be requested to endorse this
resolution; and
THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Chief
Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, local MP's
and MPP's, the Rouge Valley Health System, the Central East LHIN
and the friends of the Ajax-Pickering Hospital."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 32
P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham
advising Council that on May 7, 2008, the Region of Durham
considered correspondence from Cynthia Morton, Deputy Minister,
Ministry of Health Promotion wherein she advises that the Province
has been working with other interested communities and the
Canadian Olympic Committee to explore the viability of a bid for the
2015 Pan American Games. The Province has informed the
Canadian Olympic Committee that they are prepared to lead the
completion of a business case to assess the viability of hosting the
event. This bid will require support from all levels of government. In
consideration of this matter, Regional Council passed the following
"THAT Council Correspondence CC 208 be referred to local
municipalities for their input."
(Motion for Direction)
Clarington Compost Facility
Community Relations Committee
Meeting #2 . Thursday March 13, 2008
Resident representatives
. Roberta Stasyszyn, Edward Oegema,
Business representatives
. Fred Biesenthal
Municipality of Clarington
. Janice Szwarz, Planning Services Department
. Leslie Benson, Engineering Services Department
Central Lake Ontario Conservation
. Rob Hersey (CLOCA)
Miller Waste
· Mike Kopansky; AI Ramsay; Brad Harper
Additional Persons in attendance
. Louise Fish - Resident 1103 Solina Road
. James Bird - Resident 1156 Solina Road
. Gilles Lecours - Resident 1184 Solina Road
. Doug Bruce - Resident 1211 Solina Road
. Mary Novak - Regional Councillor (Wards 1 &2)
. Charlie Trim - Regional Councillor (Wards 3&4)
. Cliff Curtis - Region of Durham Works Commissioner
. Tom Brewer, Business Representative
Opening Remarks;
. Mike Kopansky welcomed the members or the committee and the
attendees from the residential neighborhood. Mike opened the floor for
residents to voice their concerns before committee moved into the
regular meeting agenda.
Miller Community Relations Committee - October 25, 2007
Resident input and associated discussion:
Gilles Decours-
. When the material is being turned and there is a south-westerly or
westerly wind there is a strong odour at his residence. He is very
concerned that the level of odour will increase with the warmer weather
in late spring and summer. Gilles had not called Miller's hotline to date
but now has a copy of the Hotline number.
. For Gilles the noise level associated with the compost site operations
has not been an issue to date.
. Gilles has not experienced any problems with dust generated from
operations at the composting site; however this may be due to the
weather conditions since the site opened last September.
Doug Bruce -
. Doug has talked to AI Ramsay on several occasions since late last fall
and AI has always been willing to take Doug's calls and respond to his
concerns. Doug is concerned with the continuous level of odour that he
has experienced from the site when the wind is blowing in his direction
and is worried about what will happen when the warmer weather
arrives in spring/summer. .
· Doug has found to date that the level of odour intensity from the site
seems to vary depending on wind direction and weather conditions. He
has also investigated the odour levels around the site when the wind is
blowing in different directions and has detected odours at different
locations around the site depending on wind direction and weather
· Doug and other neighbours are concerned about the property values in
the area due to the odour.
· Doug claims there is a continuous odour in the area around the site
and out of concern for this situation Doug started calling neighbours
and politicians to ensure everyone was aware of his and his neighbors
concern with respect to odour generation at the composting site.
James Bird -
· James confirmed that his experience and concern is consistent with
the comments made by Doug and Gilles.
Louise Fish -
· When a resident calls the hotline # what response can they expect the
company to take? Mike Kopansky answered by saying that
depending on the time of day the hotline is either answered by a Miller
Miller Community Relations Committee - October 25, 2007
employee or a call answer service. If the call is taken by a Miller
employee they will record the callers concerns and contact the Miller
staff person responsible for the operation being identified. If the call is
received by the call answering service they will take down the
concerns and then work through an after hours contact list to contact a
Miller employee to investigate the callers concern. Miller will
investigate the concerns raised by the caller and if the source of issue
is resulting from Miller's operations at the composting site then Miller
will take steps that will help mitigate the problem. For example, if a
windrow is being turned and "septic type" odours are being emitted as
a result of turning that windrow then Miller will stop turning the windrow
and cover it with a bio-filter wood media or spray the windrow with an
organic odour suppressant.
· Last year there was a bus tour of Miller's Bloomington site and
apparently there was no odour reported by those on the tour of the
Bloomington site, is that what your goal will be for this site? Mike
Kopansky: Yes - Miller's goal is to operate the site in a manner that is
acceptable to the local community. Mike clarified that different people
have varied perceptions and sensitivities to odours and odour levels
and that Miller staff will work with the local community to identify site
activities that generate problematic conditions for sensitive receptors
and find ways to mitigate them. While at the Bloomington site there
was a low intensity "earthy odour" but none of the persons on the tour
found the odour or the odour level offensive.
Janice Szwarz -
. As part of Miller's application to the MOE there is a section titled "Best
Operating Practices" It speaks to odour suppressants such as Bio-
Filter media and or odour suppressant agents, etc. Janice asked Mike
Kopansky to explain how these suppressants would be used in our
operating practices. Mike Kopansky explained how and when these
suppressants would be used. Mike Kopansky: Aerobic composting
requires that the materials being com posted have the appropriate bulk
density, moisture content and feedstock mixture to promote aerobic
composting conditions. When aerobic composting is underway the
odours generated are typically described as an earthy smell and are
typically not offensive to people. When anaerobic conditions are
present the composting material can take on an offensive septic odour
- this happened last week when the business park experienced the
offensive odour generated while Miller turned a windrow that was going
anaerobic. By adding woodchip and dry materials the anaerobic
windrow can be returned to an aerobic state. Miller can also apply an
odour suppressant agent to windrows that have higher odours level
generation while they are being converted back to an aerobic state.
Miller Community Relations Committee - October 25, 2007
. How will the outcome of the meetings with the residents and business
owners get back to Council & this committee? Committee agreed that
we could have the residents come to our next meeting on May 15,
2008 to find out how things were progressing.
Regional Councillor Mary Novak
. How many windrows can be shut down if they become a problem?
Mike Kopansky: Mike Kopansky explained that Miller received
permission to receive and process wood materials thus allowing an on
site source of wood chips for use in the composting process. Typically
on site there are less than 5 windrows being worked on in any given
day - it is highly unlikely that all five would be problematic but if they
were they could alter operational plans to minimize adverse affect on
surrounding neighbours. In Miller's experience it is important for Miller
and its neighbours to have good communication to ensure that prompt
responses are provided to legitimate concerns and to foster a proactive
and positive relationship. Is there a chance that a tour could be
arranged for residents or business owners in the area to explain the
process? Mike Kopansky: Mike Kopansky replied yes, that could
certainly be arranged. We will set a date in the near future.
. How will Miller become pro-active? Mike Kopansky: Miller will work
aggressively with staff to ensure we do not create situations that cause
odours unnecessarily. Mike would like to contact residents in a week or
two so that he is able to meet with them at their properties at a
mutual~y convenient time to smell odours that cause them concerns
and set up a site tour.
Fred Biesenthal-
. On Friday (March yth) at 6:00 am Fred arrived at work and did not
smell anything. At 9:00 am two of my staff members arrived and they
could smell a very strong odour. Miller was called by several area
businesses and within 1 hour the offensive odour was gone.
· The odour was widespread, from Spoiled Sports to the Business Park
south of Baseline.
· Fred commented that he had contacted Miller (AI Ramsay) in the past
with respect to odour levels and to date AI had responded promptly
and professionally - the odour at the time of his previous calls had not
been as strong as or as offensive as it was this past Friday.
Roberta Stasyszyn-
· Do you ever get any complaints from the people to the west of the
site? Perhaps we should investigate to find out. Mike Kopansky: To
date Miller had not received complaints from neighbours to the west.
Miller Community Relations Committee - October 25, 2007
· Maybe the Miller Compost Hotline sheet could be handed out
personally by Miller Waste. That way Miller could introduce
themselves and let the business owners and other residents know who
to call if they have any issues regarding the compost site operations.
Mike Kopansky: Mike agreed Miller would visit with neighbours
around the site to ensure everyone has a copy of the Hotline number
and to discuss any concerns they may have with the compost site
operations. Mike will do this with other staff within a couple weeks of
this meeting. Mike noted that he had already delivered a business card
proactively to one resident immediately west of the site (trailer storage
area) several months ago - this resident will be revisited again within
next couple weeks.
Four residents left the meeting and the regular meeting agenda
Item # 1
Review minutes of meeting #1 - one minor error was corrected and the minutes
were finalized.
Action Items from Previous Meeting
1.1 Members are to consider possible candidates for Committee co-chair.
During the meeting Roberta Stasyszyn graciously agreed to be the co-
chair for the GRG with Mike Kopansky.
1.2 Miller is to approach Waste Management to coordinate a policy that would
encourage truck traffic utilizing both facilities to avoid blocking the railway
Miller discussed the situation with Waste Management - both
companies agreed to cooperate on this issue - Miller prepared a draft
policy for vehicles visiting the Miller site but are looking for input on this
issue from Clarington. Leslie Benson was unaware of the request for
her department (see point 1.3 below) and would provide input to Miller
prior to Miller distributing their policy to vehicles visiting the Miller site.
1.3 Brent Mavin will investigate the installation of a sign to advise traffic not to
block the railway tracks.
As outlined in point 1.2 above Leslie will investigate the situation and
provide feedback to Miller and the CRC.
1.4 Rob Hersey to provide monitoring data for Tooley Creek,
Rob reports that monitoring data is vel}' extensive and did not want to
distribute paper copies to the group for conservation purposes. Miller agreed
Miller Community Relations Committee - October 25, 2007
to distribute copies of the data via CDs delivered to CRC members once Rob
Hersey provided the data to Miller.
1.5 Janice Szwarz and Brent Mavin to investigate the possibility of allowing Miller
to install locked gates on the Hancock Road allowance.
Situation was discussed at length - Miller and residents wanted to prevent
unwanted dumping and other unwanted use of Hancock Road allowance from
Bloor Street south. Clarington staff advised that the Town's policy will not
allow the closing off of a road allowance as requested by Miller and the
residents. Issue is considered closed.
Item # 2
Miller to report on key measurables:
. Tonnes processed - site received 24,478mt From September 1, 2007 through
February 29, 2008 - this is well within the requirements of the Certificate of
Approval issued for this facility which allow weekly maximum of 4,200 tonnes
or yearly site total of 70,000 tonnes (wood 20,000 and composting 50,000).
· Residue rates - minimal to date - expected yearly average to be less than
3%; Miller - will provide an update upon completion of one year's operation
. Traffic - report of scale transactions from Sept 15 to end of February date
show 1,588 scale transactions. Peak month occurred in November - 730
scale transactions - based on 6 days per week operation this averages to 28
scale transactions per day. This is well below the maximum trips per hour
modeled by the transportation consultants (their maximum peak hour was 28
. Dust - site is being maintained in accordance with C of A - no dust
complaints have been received to date.
. Noise - site is being maintained in accordance with C of A - no noise
complaints have been received to date.
· Woodlot Management - Nothing to report here since last meeting - no
maintenance work expected to be performed until spring/summer 08.
· Groundwater monitoring - Hydrology reports are up to date as per
requirements of C of A - ongoing monitoring will continue this year as per C
of A requirements.
· Odour - Odour reports are being logged, investigated and corrective actions
taken as per site C of A. The site has received a total of 14 notifications
related to 9 odour events (multiple notifications of same event is the reason
for higher notifications than actual events) This total represents the time
period from September 2007 up to March 12, 2008. The nature of reported
intensity ranges from mild but detectable to strong / offensive. Miller staff has
taken steps to reduce the odour sources and will continue to work with
neighbours to reducing impact on surrounding neighbours.
Miller Community Relations Committee - October 25, 2007
· Miller staff made the statement that the site is being operated in compliance
with the requirements of the C of A for the site.
Item # 3
Any other business:
None raised other than Miller's commitment in the first part of the meeting to
meet with area residents within the next couple of weeks to work towards
improved communication and fewer odour issues.
Item # 4
. Next meeting scheduled for Thursday May 15th, 2008
Miller Community Relations Committee - October 25, 2007
Tom Barrie
Gary Jeffery
Jennifer Knox
Mark Bragg
Ted Watson
Donald Rickard
Henk Mulders
Orwin Bandstra
Mary Ann Found
Councillor Gord Robinson
Faye Langmaid
Marlene Werry, Durham Region
Ross McMaster
Eric Bowman
Brenda Metcalf
Chris Duke, OMAFRA
Chair called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Adoption of Aqenda
08.10 Moved by Mary-Ann Found, seconded by Orwin Bandstra
'That the Agenda for April 1 0, 2008 be adopted"
Approval of Minutes
08.11 Moved by Donald Rickard, seconded by Ted Watson
"That the minutes of the January 10, 2008 meeting be approved as corrected."
Guests: Chris Duke, Program Analyst, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Anaerobic digestion is agri-food contribution to Ontario's renewable energy production. A
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and promote digestate as a land-applied crop nutrient.
Anaerobic digestion is oxygen-free decomposition. Biogas is created by the process of
breaking down of organic matter in oxygen free conditions. Organic materials such as manure,
food byproducts and crops are put in a sealed holding tank for 5-100 days at a temperature
between 200C and 50oC. The resulting product is biogas and non-digestible organic materials.
This process removes most pathogens and odour
The benefits of anaerobic digestion are manure treatment that is 95-99% odour and pathegon
free. Economic returns linked to non-commodity product last year were $500 million in
Germany were this process is currently being used. A renewable energy production and
climate change emissions reductions.
Some regulations are already in place for anaerobic digestion
Max 5000 m3/year
Max 1 00 m3 on-site
· Max 25% by volume off-farm materials
Of remaining material, 50% must be manure
· 3 Lists of Materials (called Schedules)
- Permitted materials - (primarily food processing and pre-consumer food products
and byproducts)
- Permitted materials with pre-treatment (700C for 1 hour or 550C for 20 hours) -
(primarily meat plant products)
- Excluded materials
· Nutrient Management Strategy, record keeping
· Digestate treated as Ag Source Material
The value from digestate:
· Digestate" is the digester effluent
· Liquid contains most nutrients
- Nutrients for growing crops
Solid/liquid separator:
- Solids:
· Bedding Material
· Fibre material for plastic reinforcement
· Peat-like product for horticultural market
- Liquids:
· Land application (best value)
There are safety considerations:
- Stored biogas is combustible, but low volume, low pressure
- Compare to energy content in propane cylinder
Gases from storage of input material - potential risks
- Need to handle input and output materials properly
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is gas use authority in Ontario
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard being developed
There are currently several farm-based systems constructed or in the planning stages in
Ontario. There is biogas funding programs to kick-start the sector (currently a backlog of
applications, program is 6 months old, designed for 2 year span). The start up cost is a
minimum of $200,000 minimum. These are very efficient systems to run. Operations need to
be able to sell "green" energy (this requires an agreement with Ontario Power Authority) and be
able to utilize and get full value from side benefits.
Construction needs to meet local building requirements for permits, MSDS as well as zoning
and assessment regulations.
Business Arising from Minutes
The Site Alteration By-law will be going to GP&A in a report from the Engineering Services
Department on Monday, April 14. Only change of significance to committee is the ORM
regulation, which was not in the draft reviewed.
April 10, 2008
A public consultation is being held over four days to review the Sign By-law. The dates are:
April 21 in Orono;
April 22 in Newcastle;
April 23 in Bowmanville; and
April 24 in Courtice
A copy of the Public Consultation Paper will be available on the website or in the Planning
Services Department early next week, there is also a visual preference survery. Please attend
the meeting or review and provide comments.
The 2008 Farmland Preservation Forum, Land for the Next Generation of Ontario Farmers will
take place in Guelph, April 17th, 2008.
Reports from Committees
Things are moving along. The next public meetings will be scheduled for June, after some
tweaking of the route. Suggested that a request be made to have the consultants meet with
the Ag Committee to discuss bridges.
DAAC passed a resolution to request MPAC to provide a breakdown of assessments. They
also want to encourage a partial exemption for farm markets if 50% of what is sold at the market
is grown on the farm. Also, bunk houses need to be assessed as farm property.
Durham Region is doing a review of development charges. A sub-committee will meet to make
recommendations. One such recommendation will be regarding bunk houses. If you build one
bunk house for 40 people you are charged one development fee. If you build four bunk houses,
each to house 10 people, you pay four developments fees.
Durham Federation of Aqriculture
Durham Federation recently had the a land valuation consultant speak to committee with regard
to the 407. The 407 has not been declared a project yet, as such expropriations cannot
proceed, it is on a willing buyer/seller basis. They believe it will be 2010 before the EA is
approved and expropriations can start to happen. They believe that when the process of
acquiring property begins there will be room for negotiations with affected land owners. In the
case where the majority of land is being taken and the owner is facing economic hardship due
to the loss of the farm they will probably buyout the whole farm. If land owners are not willing
to negotiate, expropriation will take place. If you are involved in negotiations/expropriation it is
suggested that you retain a lawyer who is familiar with both processes. This will not be a
painless process.
OFA will be combine areas to create zones. Durham/Kawartha/Peterborough will become one
zone. This will change the structure of the OPA Board and reduce the number of directors.
Farm connections was very successful.
April 10, 2008
Other Business
The Draft Guidelines to Grow the Greenbelt is a what criteria should they use if they grew the
Greenbelt. The Greenbelt is not up for renewal for another five years (10 years from date of
passing in 2004). Clarington provided comments on the criteria but have not taken a position
on whether the Greenbelt should grow or shrink.
John O'Toole has sent an e-mail regarding Bill 50, An Act to Amend the Ontario Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. was tabled April 3, 2008. This Legislation makes a
number of changes in laws regarding the powers of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, the obligation of veterinarians to report animal abuse, and provincial
offences related to the care of animals. Under 11.2(6) of Bill 50, there are exceptions for
"activities carried on in accordance with reasonable and generally accepted practices of
agricultural animal care, management or husbandry," Comments should be forwarded to John
Future Agendas
May Mary Jane Conboy of Well Wise Centre on Well regulations and funding for
June Dan O'Connor, Farm Tec Ethanol
Moved to Adjourn
April 10, 2008
Dd~UTION. .'. '
ClERK _ t
Draft minutes - Not vet approved bv Committee
t~-""~._---- -.
. .......... .1r...~_......,....~_
AT 6:00 P.M.
David Best
Jim Cleland
Joe McKenna
Dan Stanoi
Arthur Burrows
Jim Kamstra
Brian Reid
Shirley Minifie
Councillor Willie Woo
Kerry Meydam
Karin Murphy
John Stoner
Also Present: Dianne Graham
(Non-Voting) Greg Wells (GRCA)
Peter Windolf
Absent: Warren May (MNR)
1. Agenda
Introduction of new member
Shirley Minifie introduced herself to the Committee. She is a recently retire teacher who
lives in the Wilmot Creek Community. Shirley is a regular visitor to the SWNA and has
an interest in preserving natural areas.
There were no additions to the agenda.
Acceptance of Agenda
MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Jim Cleland
THAT the agenda for May 13, 2008 be accepted.
2. Minutes of April 8, 2008
There were no corrections to the minutes.
Approval of Minutes
MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Dan Stanoi
THAT the minutes of April 8, 2008 be approved.
3. Issues arising from the Minutes
There were no issues arising from the minutes.
4. Sub-Committee Reports
Garbage was picked up prior to and on Pitch-In day. The sub-committee also added soil
to depressed areas at the base of the trees planted along Toronto Road in the fall.
John Stoner and Brian Reid presented the SWNA PowerPoint presentation to a Newcastle
church on Monday May Ii . John and David Best will be delivering the presentation on
Wednesday May 14th at the Solina Community Centre.
At future presentations a sign up sheet will be provided for those interested in being
added to the mailing list.
5. Updates
GRCA Clean Water Healthv Land Grant program
The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has approved a Grant in the amount of
$4,500 for the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area projects.
MNR Rangers 2008 Proiects
The MNR Rangers are scheduled to work 2 days at the SWNA during July. The exact
dates have yet to be established but is anticipated they will be on site the week of July 14.
Potential Projects include;
· Constructing a new trail to the barrier beach to divert the public away from the
eroding embankment.
. Straighten signs.
· Trim around benches and signs
Wild About Wetlands
Event will be held Saturday May 17th @ !0:00am. Flyers have been distributed to local
businesses and advertised in the Clarington This Week newspaper. A representative from
the Toronto Zoo will be attending this event and will have handouts for the kids.
Great Waterfront Trail Adventure(GWTA) Refreshment Break July 7 morning
The SWNA has agreed to host a refreshment break for the GWT A bike rally on the
morning of Monday July 7 at Port of Newcastle Waterfront Park. The Clarington tent
will be delivered to the site in the morning by the Fire Department. Committee volunteers
will erect the tent just east of the park gazebo. Operations will be asked to deliver picnic
tables. Orange slices, water and cups of granola will, be offered to the riders
Committee members are encouraged to attend if they can. The event should be over by
11 :30 AM.
6. Other Business/Next Meeting
Issues for Ooerations Department
-A sign and post has been thrown into the creek by the bridge. The sign was previously
installed at the top of the hill where the waterfront trail descends into the valley on the
east side of the bridge.
-A tree has fallen across the Lake Meadow Trail about 700m south of the parking lot.
Operations will be notified of both issues.
-Both signs located along the top of bluff are leaning at a 45 degree angle.
Kiosk Display Board
A sign should be added on the front of the display board for the public to checkout the
back of the board.
Sign-Up Sheets
Sign-up sheets should be available at the presentation for the public to be added to the
mailing list for the SWNA newsletters.
8:00 P.M.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday June 10,2008
7:00 PM in Room lA at the MAC
Notes prepared by D. Graham
Glenda Gies, Port Darlington Community Association (Co-Chair)
John Roxborough, Port Darlington Community Association
Rick Rossi, Port Darlington Community Association
Ernest Birnie, Wilmot Creek Residents Association (joined at December meeting)
Cynthia Strike, Municipality of Clarington
Brent Mavin, Municipality of Clarington
Richard Fink, Human Resources Manager, St. Marys Cement Inc. (Co-Chair)
Replaced by Candice Kay at the September meeting
Ruben Plaza, Environmental Manager, St. Marys Cement rnc;
John Hill, Quarry Manager, St. Marys Cement
Replaced by Michael Smith at the December meeting
Martin Vroegh, Corporate Environment Manager, St. Marys Cement
To continue to build a good relationship and provide opportunity for dialogue
between the community arid St. Marys Cement Comp~y and to provide an
opportunity for St. Marys to report on their progress implementing the Westside
Marsh Reconfiguration Plan.
To review and refine procedures for reporting concerns and mitigating impacts
resulting from St. Marys Cement Company operations and implementation of the
Westside Marsh Reconfiguration Plan on surrounding neighbourhoods.
To share information to ensure neighbours are aware of work plan activities and time
lines associated with implementation of the Westside Marsh Reconfiguration Plan.
May 5, 2008
Scope of Work
Regular quarterly meetings were held on March 6, June 13, September 18 and
December 1 2007.
The quarterly meetings were used to review and discuss the following issues:
· New dock operating procedures and monitoring protocol in response to the coal
dust release incident in 2006
. Quarry dust releases
Dust Fall 2007
"C 5.00
. M4.00
;:; 3.00
~ 2.00
. 1.00
-+-Hutton Tmspt.
___ Cedar Crest
-*- MOE Near East
--r- MOE Far East
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oet Nov Dee
May 5, 2008
· Establishment of an additional PMl 0 dust monitoring site in the Cove Road area
· PM 1 0 dust monitoring data which indicated four samples exceeding allowable
E 60
E 50
Cl 40
'E 30
May 5, 2008
PM 10 Program 2007
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~<::> <;)~ f'J~ o}<::> n'<::> '0,<::> ~<::> ~~ ....~ ~<::> ~<::> n~<::> .,,<::> ~<::> -v<::> '0,<::>
~ f'J ", .... V ~ 'V .... .... ~ 'Vv ".... ~ v ');
)'b' )'b'~ <<.~ ~~ ,!-<l\ ~'b' ~'b'4, ),l' )~4, '!-,;; ,!-vO:. ~0<l OC; ~o ()0 ()0v
-.-Hutton Trnspt.
-_-Cedar Crest
-,- 0 P G
· Stack emissions, specifically S02 and NOx
tn 3000
s::: 2500
0 2000
s::: 3000
o Allowances 502 2007
III NOX 2007
o Allowances NOX 2007
May 5, 2008
· Data from off-site blast monitoring stations
Maximum Air Vibration 2007
"0 110.0
29-Nov 18-Jan 9-Mar 28-Apr 17-Jun 6-lIUg 25-Sep 14-Nov 3-Jan
-+- Community Ctr.
__ Cedar Crest
Aggregate Shop
~ Limit (dBL)
Maximum Ground Vibration 2007
.!!! 8.0
E 6.0
29-Nov 18-Jan 9-Mar 28-,Apr 17-Jun 6-Aug 25-Sep 14-Nov 3-Jan
May 5, 2008
-+- ColllTlJnily Or.
_- Cedar Q-est
. Aggregate Shop
-7(-.lirril (mn's)
St. Marys Cement Inc. replaced their blasting contractor in early 2006. Complaints
related to blasting have declined significantly in 2006 and 2007 in comparison with
prevIOUS years.
Blasting Complaints
J!l 25
~ 20
8 15
~ 10
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nav Dee
Historical Timeline
While St. Marys operations continue to result in off site impacts that are generally
below regulatory requirements, 81. Marys continues to work to reduce these impacts.
The Community Relations Committee anticipates that St. Marys performance will
continue to improve over time.
81. Marys Community Relations Committee is working effectively and ensures an
opportunity for information sharing and dialogue between St. Marys and its
The Community Relations Committee recommends that the Community Relations
Committee continue to meet on a quarterly basis.
May 5, 2008
OF MONDAY, MAY 12, 2008
(a) PSD-047-08 Report for Information Regarding Appeal of Land Division
Committee Decision
(b) EGD-024-08 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for April 2008
(c) CSD-010-08 Community Development
(d) Delegation - Jaison Gibson - Nature and Animal Rights
(e) Correspondence - Request for Street Closure for Neighbourhood Event,
Leslie Hurley and Tammy Shiel
THAT Report PSD-045-08 be received;
THAT the Draft Plan of Condominium application, submitted by Bowmanville Arms
Residents Ltd. be approved and the Director of Planning Services be authorized to
issue Draft Approval under The Planning Act, subject to the conditions as
contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-045-08;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-045-08 and Council's decision be forwarded to the
Durham Region Planning Department and the Municipal Property Assessment
Corporation: and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-045-08 and any delegation be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1
May 26, 2008
THAT Report PSD-046-08 be received; and
THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made
on April 24, 2008 for applications A2008-0009, A2008-0010, A2008-0011,
A2008-0012 and A2008-0013, and that Staff be authorized to appear before the
Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment.
THAT Report PSD-048-08 be received;
THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007 -0005 submitted by
Kirk Kemp, Douglas Kemp, Helen Kemp, Robert Carruthers and Patsy Carruthers
be approved and that the Director of Planning Services be authorized to issue
Draft Approval subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 3 to Report
PSD-048-08 as amended to delete "woodchip trail" and add "paved trail" in
Condition #34;
THAT the application for Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA 2007-0016 submitted by
Kirk Kemp, Douglas Kemp, Helen Kemp, Robert Carruthers and Patsy Carruthers
be approved as contained on Attachment 4 to Report PSD-048-08;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law to execute a Subdivision
Agreement for each phase of development between the Owner and the
Municipality of Clarington, at such time, as the agreement has been finalized to the
satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services, Director of Planning Services
and Director of Finance;
THAT the Durham Region Planning Department and Municipal Property
Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-048-08 and
Council's decision;
THAT new home buyers be informed at the offer to purchase stage, that the area
is a farming community; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-048-08 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1
May 26, 2008
THAT Report EGD-025-08 be received;
THAT Council endorse the installation of signalization and that the Directors of
Engineering Services and Finance Services report to Council on the financing of
the project; and
THAT all interested parties be informed of Report EGD-025-08.
THAT Report OPD-005-08 be received;
THAT the following inscriptions be approved:
West Face
Addition of Afghanistan
Under this heading the name D. Caswell be inserted
North Face
Addition of Afghanistan
The years of this was will be added at a later date;
THAT a road occupancy permit be approved for the closure of Temperance Street
on May 29,2008 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for the dedication; and
THAT Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178 Bowmanville, be advised of Council's
THAT Report CSD-011-08 be received; and
THAT the funds required in the amount of $27,000.00 for the dissolution of Total
Hockey be drawn from the Hockey Museum Reserve Account
THAT Report COD-027-08 be received;
THAT Council endorse the Municipal Business Continuity Plan;
THAT Report COD-027 -08 be annexed to the Clarington Emergency Plans; and
THAT a copy of Report COD-027 -08 be provided to the Joint Health & Safety
Committee and posted on the Health & Safety Board as well as the Intranet Health
& Safety site for the purposes of communication with staff.
Report #1
May 26, 2008
THAT Report COD-028-08 be received;
THAT Cynergy Mechanical Limited, Etobicoke, Ontario, with a total bid price of
$89,298.07 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all
terms, conditions and specifications of the Quotation Q2008-5, be awarded the
contract to provide Mechanical Equipment Maintenance for Oil Fired Furnaces, as
required by the Municipality of Clarington Operations Department;
THAT pending satisfactory pricing and service the contract be extended for a
second and third year; and
THAT the funds expended be drawn from the Department of Operations, various
operating accounts.
THAT the delegation of Ms. Kristin Robinson be received with thanks.
THAT the delegation of Ms. Anne White be referred to staff for a report and
THAT the comments of Mr. Louis Bertrand be referred to the Clerk's Department.
THAT the Municipality's peer review consultants provide comment on the
proposed operating standards and limits relating to the emissions for the proposed
Courtice incineration facility.
THAT Aiden Tombes be thanked for his interest in global warming and that he be
encouraged to attend a future meeting to present his comments.
May 26, 2008
2008-090 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-89059, any Mortgagee
who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -89059 (Lindvest
Properties (Clarington) Limited (Formerly Foster Creek
Developments) North-West Quadrant Newcastle Village
(Approved by Council on October 16, 2006)
2008-091 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of
Newcastle (CCCC Durham West Ltd.) (Between Mill Street and
Toronto Street, Newcastle) (Approved by Council on May 30,
2008-092 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007 -0005 any Mortgagee who
has an interest in the said Lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington in respect of S-C-2007 -0005 (Item 4 of
Report #1 )
2008-093 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington [Kirk Kemp, Douglas Kemp, Helen
Kemp, Robert Carruthers and Patsy Carruthers (Northglen East)]
(Item 4 of Report #1 )
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