HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/2008 Cl(}Li!J.gtOn DATE: MONDAY, MAY 5,2008 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEETING CALLED TO ORDER INVOCATION DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENTS ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held April 21,2008 PRESENTATIONS a) John O'Toole, MPP, Durham ,...- Annual Address to Council b) Ian Parrot and Dave Fumerton, Ministry of the Environment - Landfill and the Environmental Assessment Process c) Wayne Robbins - Darlington Nuclear - Annual Update to Council DELEGATIONS There are no Delegations scheduled as of the time of publication. COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information I - 1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated April 15, 2008 1-2 J. R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - 2008 Budget CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Council Agenda - 2 - MAY 5, 2008 I - 3 Shirley Severn, President, Clarington Fiddle Club - Letter of Appreciation for Municipal Grant 1-4 Cheri Smith, Manager, Resource Development & Special Events, Community Living Oshawa Clarington - Letter of Appreciation for Municipal Grant I - 5 Carol Barkwell, Executive Director, Luke's Place Support & Resource Centre for Women & Children - Letter of Appreciation for Municipal Grant I - 6 Leesa Venning, Coordinator, Rehabilitation and Employment Services, Canadian Mental Health Association - Letter of Appreciation for Municipal Grant I - 7 Harold Sellers, Executive Director, Oak Ridges Trail Association - Letter of Appreciation for Municipal Grant I -" 8 Reaza AIi and Family - Need for Public Information Session i'- 9 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham- Assessment Review Board Interim Decision Regarding Toronto Bank Tower Assessments I - 10 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford - Business Case for the Energy-From-Waste Facility 1- 11 Kevin LeGrand - Options to Incineration I - 12 Kristin Robinson - Smog Alert I - 13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - "Growing the Greenbelt" Consultation Paper 1-14 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham- Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee Activity Report and 2008 Workplan 1-15 The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P., Minister of Transport - $33-Billion Building Canada Fund I - 16 Paul Cloutier, Director of Income Support, Region of Durham - Ontario Child Benefit Program Council Agenda - 3 - MAY 5, 2008 1-17 The Honourable Diane Finley, P.C., M.P., Minister of Citizenship and Immigration - 2008 Citation for Citizenship Awards I - 18 Susan Shane - Incineration I - 19 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, (NWMO) - "Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2008 to 2012 DRAFT PLAN" 1-20 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford - EFW Public Information Session 1-21 Kristin Robinson - Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria Receive for Direction D - 1 0-2 0-3 0-4 D-5 0-6 0-7 D-8 D-9 0-10 Steven Finlay, Executive Director, Community Living Oshawa/Clarington - "Community Living" Month Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford - Clarington Green Community Advisory Committee Peter Love, Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer - First Energy Conservation Week Marlene and Bill Stacey - Proposed Street Name "George Burley Road" Colleen Knight - Lobbying Oshawa Council re: Public Information Session on Energy-From-Waste Jim Freeman, President, Durham Region Labour Council - Transfer of Durham Region Mental Health Inpatient Beds Leslie Drynan, Clerk, Tay Valley Township - Provincial Funding - Evaluation and Approval Process Don and Cynthia Prout - Compliance Audit of John Mutton George Van Dyk - Compliance Audit of John Mutton Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston - Zenn Automobiles on Ontario Roads Council Agenda -4- MAY 5, 2008 COMMITTEE REPORT(S) 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 28, 2008 STAFF REPORT(S) BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY-LAWS NOTICES OF MOTION OTHER INFORMATION CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT q.n Council Meeting Minutes APRIL 21, 2008 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 21,2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Foster led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Manager of Community Planning and Design, C. Salazar Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Foster announced the following upcoming events: . Wednesday, April 23, 2008, the Zion United Church and Community Care will host Karen Lieberman speaking on the issue of confronting the stigma of mental illness . Courtice Rotary will be celebrating their 6th Anniversary on Thursday, April 24, 2008, at the Preston Pub . Lions Club of Courtice has a clean-up on Trulls Road planned for Saturday, April 26, 2008 Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - April 21 , 2008 Councillor Foster also extended congratulations to Metroland Newspaper on recently winning numerous awards from the Ontario Community Newspaper Association and advised on Sunday evening, Courtice had a 2-hour power outage. Councillor Foster requested the Mayor to approach Hydro One and Veridian requesting that the Ward Councillors be advised when interruptions occur so they can properly respond to inquiries. Councillor Novak advised on Thursday, April 17 , 2008, she represented the Municipality at the YMCA Walk-a-thon and Spaghetti Dinner at Dr. Ross Tilley Public School and on Friday, April 18th attended the Durham Region Home Builders' Association Awards of Excellence ceremonies noting Baywood Homes was awarded the title of 2008 Home Builder of the Year Tier II (over 61 homes) and Napa Valley Estates in Bowmanville received Community of the Year Award and that Jeffery Homes received Builder of the Year Award in the Tier 1 category (under 60 homes). Councillor Trim issued a reminder that this week is PITCH-IN Week and that Clarington has 29 groups participating in the program. Mayor Abernethy offered condolences on the recent loss of George Vice, a long- standing pillar of the community. Councillor Hooper advised May 3rd is Downtown Bowmanville's Maple Syrup & All That Jazz Festival. He noted the Bowmanville 150th Sesquicentennial Committee has an official lapel pin on sale for $5. Councillor Hooper also advised of the success of the Clarington Project Gala fundraiser on April 11, 2008. Councillor Hooper stated he and Councillor Woo attended the 2008 Canadian Waste Resource Symposium - "Navigating To 60% Diversion" in Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 14to 16, 2008, advising they had the opportunity to network with several influential people in waste management and to attend numerous informative sessions. He stated they took part in a tour of the "Hot Rot" waste processing and compost facility and also attended the Otter Lake Processing Facility. Councillor Hooper advised that due to a delay, they did not actually get a tour of the Otter Lake Processing Facility but did have an opportunity to ask questions about leachate and methane gas. Councillor Hooper stated that all presentations were first-class and he was fortunate for the opportunity to attend and witness the symposium. Councillor Woo echoed Councillor Hooper's comments and expressed appreciation for allowing him to attend the 4th Canadian Waste Resource Symposium to see, hear, talk and learn about best practices in waste management. He stated the event was most enlightening and a great learning experience. Councillor Woo concluded by stating Nova Scotia has a closed-loop system - they make their garbage and they handle their garbage by working with the private sector, educators and by continuously looking for opportunities to increase waste diversion. Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - April 21 , 2008 In response to questions concerning the Otter Lake Processing Facility, Councillor Woo stated they did see where the leachate is captured and trucked away. He also stated there is a smell inside the building and they could see where the trucks come in, drop off the waste and where it is sorted. Councillor Hooper stated people go through the bags and separate out the plastics and that there was a strong odour at the facility. He noted the leachate is treated and then put back into the harbour. MINUTES Resolution #C-195-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 7, 2008, be approved. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Ivan Bateman addressed Council in response to the presentation from Magnus Schonning, First Secretary, Embassy of Sweden, on February 11, 2008, as he feels that Mr. Schonning's presentation was lacking information with respect to district heating systems. Mr. Bateman provided an overview of a district heating system, a cogeneration system that captures heat energy generated in electricity production and uses it to produce hot water, steam and/or chilled water at a central plant and then distributes the energy to buildings connected to the system through underground wires and pipes. Mr. Bateman highlighted the advantages of a district energy system noting the systems are cost-effective in densely populated urban areas where there is a high concentration and where a variety of building types, end-uses and nearby sources of thermal energy exist. He reviewed three requirements that must be met for a District Heating System to operate economically indicating there must be a high load density, the thermal energy requirement must be significant enough throughout the year to ensure that the capital cost recovery of the plant and piping network is not allocated to a limited period of off-peak demand, and there must be a rapid rate of connections to the system. Mr. Bateman indicated the energy market is complex and there are significant risks with constructing the system as there are no guarantees that customers will connect to or use the system's services. He noted in Sweden, residential densities are higher and the application of district heating has proven to be cost effective noting by contrast, Canada has lower density areas that are not good candidates for district heat. Mr. Bateman stated incinerators supply 12% of major heating systems in Sweden and that Sweden is importing garbage from neighbouring countries. He stated recycling is a threat to incineration in that increased recycling will reduce the waste stream as it exists and the Waste Facility operator will then have to find other places to get the waste. Mr. Bateman stated the Kyoto Agreement will also bring changes to the way in which electricity is generated and used in terms of the carbon impact. Council Meeting Minutes - 4- April 21 , 2008 Mr. Bateman summarized by stressing the need to develop a business plan and suggested such a plan include a strategy to harness all available heat sources, include a plan to deliver resources to users in a competitive market, to take into consideration the economies of fuel procurement and possible future market trends and to factor in the need to effectively reduce C02 emissions incurred throughout the supply and delivery system. DELEGATIONS Colleen Knight addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item 1 - 5 - Energy-From-Waste expressing concern with what she perceives as the economic exploitation of Courtice. Ms. Knight feels financial greed should not outweigh health problems when decisions concerning the potential facility are made. Ms. Knight feels that Courtice has been stigmatized and will be further paralyzed by not allowing a public forum to occur. She referenced a recent invitation from Ontario Power Generation (OPG) inviting the public to participate in a public open house on the Darlington B Nuclear project and stated this approach was the type of information she would like to see coming from the municipality. Ms. Knight feels that the process regarding the incinerator has not been democratic and she wants the opportunity to ask questions of experts in waste management in a Public Information Session. In response to a question, Ms. Knight stated she would be willing to lobby Oshawa Council for financial support to hold a Public Information Session. Jim Richards addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 5 - Energy-From-Waste stating he is here this evening to register his strong disappointment in the way Mayor Abernethy and Councillors Novak and Trim conducted themselves at the Joint Waste Management Committee meeting at Durham Region last week by not coming to the defense of a young woman who was reduced to tears by Regional Chair Anderson who Mr. Richards feels questioned her in his usual condescending, arrogant manner. Mr. Richards stated long-time council- watchers have learned to expect this kind of treatment from a bully, but what they did not expect was to see not one Councillor suggest that the Chair was out of line. Mayor Abernethy requested Mr. Richards to retract his disparaging comments in reference to Chair Anderson. Mr. Richards declined to do so and his delegation was therefore ended. Margaret Maskell and Christine Caswell addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 12 - Support Our Troops Banners. Ms. Maskell demonstrated a banner she has designed and requested permission for the banners to be hung in Bowmanville and for municipal staff to install them. Ms. Maskell stated people are gathering in numbers to support our troops, wear red on Fridays and tie yellow ribbons around trees and feels this banner represents the people and is for support of our troops in Afghanistan, the Caswell family and our veterans. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - April 21 , 2008 In response to questions concerning placement of banners in other areas in the Municipality, Ms. Maskell stated the banners were donated by Goodyear who thought they would be hung in Bowmanville. In response to further questioning, Ms. Maskell suggested the banners be permanent fixtures and that if other businesses/or sponsors were obtained, they would be encouraged to provide banners to other areas in the municipality. Linda Gasser addressed Council concerning Correspondence Items I - 5 and I - 19 - Energy-From-Waste urging Council to support a local Public Information meeting in Clarington as she feels the Region has no intention of openly consulting with stakeholders on the EFW Business Case or the Request for Proposals phase of the project. Ms. Gasser feels the business case will pass through the Joint Works and Finance Committees on April 29th and will then be on the May ih Regional Council agenda. Ms. Gasser questioned why Correspondence Item I - 19 describing the next steps in the process was addressed only to the Mayor and not all of Council and why it did not mention the recent release of the proposed EFW Operating Air Emission Criteria. She urged Council to direct the Chief Administrative Officer to propose the scope of a peer review around the proposed Emissions Operating criteria for comprehensiveness; advise the Region that Clarington requires time to do their due diligence before the EFW Operating Emission limits and related matters are finalized with the Ministry of the Environment and incorporated into the RFP; and suggested that local Councillors attend upcoming Regional meetings to ensure this message is brought to the attention of all members of Regional Council. Councillor Trim advised of a media release indicating the meeting scheduled for April 29, 2008, has been rescheduled to May 21,2008. In response to questions concerning a Public Information Session, Ms. Gasser stated the session should provide people with expertise on numerous areas that the public has identified that are of interest to them. She stated invitations should be extended to people who understand operational issues, medical experts, a facility operator, and the Project Team; but noted however, it would depend on the focus. Ms. Gasser stated she personally finds panel discussions and question and answer systems helpful and wants information on how residents may be impacted, what will be done to mitigate the effects, assurances that the facility will be safe and how the Energy-From- Waste operating criteria are safe. In response to a question concerning lobbying other municipalities, Ms. Gasser felt that there could be an opportunity to access some of the peer review funds as a way to refine the issues and identify concerns and if a Public Information Session proceeds, it should occur prior to finalizing the RFP's. Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - April 21 , 2008 Kerry Meydam addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 19 - Energy- From-Waste expressing concern that the Business Case for the Energy-From-Waste Facility will not be presented to the public at a Public Information Session or officially sent to the lower tier municipalities for information and input or assessment by their Finance Departments. She stated she is worried that the business case will be incomplete, as were other studies, and questions how the business case can be approved without full financial information being included. Ms. Meydam also expressed concern with the emissions criteria that was presented and adopted by the Joint Waste Management Group last week and feels that important steps are being rushed through the process without full information being available. Mayor Abernethy read the press release announcing the rescheduling of the Joint Finance & Administration and Works Committee meeting to May 21,2008. Nadia McLean-Gagnon addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item I - 5 Energy-From-Waste. Ms. McLean-Gagnon stated she was speaking on behalf of herself, her neighbours, her students and future children urging Council to support holding a Public Information Centre to allow the public an opportunity to receive proper information and to get answers to their questions. Ms. McLean-Gagnon expressed concern that the incinerator is the only avenue that has been explored and that it appears to be a done deal. Ms. McLean-Gagnon questions the rationale for continuing on the path to incineration, as politicians have indicated it will not be constructed if it's not deemed safe. She noted there has been an abundance of information indicating that incineration is not safe. Ms. McLean-Gagnon stated there have already been a few days with poor air quality and that increasing air pollution is not the way to go. Ms. McLean-Gagnon distributed an article published in the Toronto Star on February 19, 2008, written by Peter Calamai, National Science Reporter, entitled "Ultrafine Pollution Particles Tied to Heart Disease". Ms. McLean-Gagnon urged Council hold a Public Information Session. Vincent Powers addressed Council concerning Correspondence Items 1-5 and I -19- Energy-From-Waste stating he feels any plan that deals with the waste stream which will reduce the need to transport and dispose of waste should be examined. Mr. Powers made reference to the problems the City of Windsor experienced as a result of the amount of mercury in the emissions from the Detroit incinerator facility's burning of batteries and fluorescent light bulbs in the waste stream. He noted air pollution obeys no borders and stated he hopes that by bringing Council's attention to this past problem that they will playa lead role in redirecting these items to a Blue Box program before the proposed incinerator is built in Clarington and waste from other areas is received. Mr. Powers indicated he is not in favour of an incinerator but that if it is allowed to be built it must be properly built and maintained and have a competent operator. Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - April 21,2008 Barry Bracken addressed Council concerning Correspondence Items I - 5 and I - 19 - Energy-From-Waste expressing concern that at the last meeting of the Joint Waste Management Group, the proposed Incinerator Operating Emissions Criteria were released with few supporting details and requested that the Clarington Peer Review Team be requested to assess these criteria and provide their opinion as to whether they are comprehensive, protective of human health and if they are technically and financially feasible, enforceable and if adequate testing plans are in place to ensure full compliance. Mr. Bracken stated it was imperative to move quickly on this so that the report would be available before the RFP's go out to vendors as he stated Chair Anderson and his cronies are bent on moving the project on without appropriate consultation. Mayor Abernethy requested Mr. Bracken to retract his disrespectful comments regarding Chair Anderson. Mr. Bracken retracted the comments and continued with his delegation. Mr. Bracken expressed concern that Regional Councillors continue to act as if Clarington is a "willing host" community and as such rarely ask questions or raise points of concern for their community. Mr. Bracken stated that Mayor Abernethy, Councillors Trim and Novak continue to act like sheep and follow their leader, Chair Anderson. Mayor Abernethy requested Mr. Bracken to retract his disrespectful comments towards himself and Councillors Novak and Trim. Mr. Bracken stated he would retract those comments but could have other comments which Council may find distasteful as part of his delegation and therefore, his delegation was ended. Wendy Bracken addressed Council concerning Correspondence Items I -5 and I - 19 - Energy-From-Waste requesting action be taken on several important items to ensure that Clarington is protected as the Region pushes forward to the Business Case and the issuance of the RFP. Ms. Bracken expressed concern that the Emissions Criteria report presented on April 15, 2008, was brief and contained very little or no supporting details. She also expressed concern that of the hundreds of chemicals of concern emitted by incinerators the Project Team's report indicates only NOx, HC1, S02 and CO will be monitored continuously and that this is not state of the art, maximum achievable technology which was promised and is essential to the protection of human health. She also stated that the Region's Team is using EU standards from the year 2000 and that they will be ten years old by the time this facility is built. Ms. Bracken urged Council to direct staff to do a peer review of the emissions criteria document and that Regional Council be requested to provide sufficient time for Clarington to do its due diligence before the RFP is issued and before the Business Case is voted on. Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - April 21 , 2008 Resolution #C-196-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Council recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 9:57 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-197 -08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the communications to be received for information, including handout items 1- 20, 1-21 and 1- 22, be approved, with the exception of Items I - 2, 1- 9, 1-10, 1-12,andl-14. "CARRIED" I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated March 18, 2008. I - 3 Minutes of the Orono Arena Community Centre Board dated April 2, 2008. I - 4 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated March 14,2008. I - 5 Correspondence has been received from the following individuals/groups in opposition to the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility. The majority of correspondents are requesting a Moderated Public debate on the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility. a) George Muizelaar b) Colleen Knight c) Carmela Cupelli d) Craig Cameron e) Julia Potocnik f) David Galloway g) Lynn Tomlinson h) Louis Bertrand i) Stephanie Adams j) Nigel Moses Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - April 21,2008 I - 6 Colleen Knight thanking Councillors Hooper and Woo for planning to attend the Canadian Waste Resource Symposium in Halifax, Nova Scotia to review sustainable alternatives to incineration. I - 7 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding correspondence dated April 10, 2008, reminding Council of the Waste Resource Management Conference in Nova Scotia in April, providing contact information for Council to obtain a comprehensive picture of waste management in Nova Scotia, forwarding a summary of quotes from her visual presentation "The Rest of the Story", an overview of the incineration issue; and, offering to provide Council with a CD in presentation format. I - 8 Jim Richards expressing sincere thanks to Mayor Abernethy and Members of Council for the Certificate of Recognition presented to him at the Council meeting of April 7, 2008, and to the Municipal Clerk for facilitating the presentation. I - 11 Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising of the introduction of Bill 35, the proposed Investinq in Ontario Act, 2008, which, if enacted and if the Province's 2007-08 surplus exceeds $800 million, would provide municipalities with a grant from the Province to spend on capital priorities; and, attaching details on the 2007-08 Surplus Allocation Formula and reporting requirements. I - 13 Lauri Swami, Director - Licensing, Nuclear Generation Development Division, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) extending an invitation to OPG's third round of Community Information Sessions regarding the Darlington B Project Environmental Assessment and attaching a list of session dates, times and venues. Interested parties are encouraged to use the project website at www.opq.com/newbuild and toll-free information line at 1-866-487-6006 to participate in community information sessions and stakeholder briefings and to learn more about their program to provide resources for individuals or groups who want to participate in the study by sharing new knowledge. Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - April 21 , 2008 I - 15 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency News Release announcing that on March 20, 2008, The Honourable John Baird, Minister of the Environment and Minister responsible for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency referred the proposed Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant project to an environmental assessment by a review panel, based on a recommendation made by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Participant funding will be made available to the public to promote active participation in the EA process. Further information is available at www.ceaa-acee.qc.ca under reference number 07-03-29525. I - 16 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency News Release dated April 1, 2008, announcing the availability of up to $75,000 in funding to assist groups and/or individuals to take part in the environmental assessment of Ontario Power Generation's (OPG) proposed Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant project. Phase I of the funding will be made available immediately to help successful applicants review and comment on the draft guidelines for the Environmental Impact Statement that will be produced by OPG and/or to help applicants participate in public meetings. The Participant Funding Program Guide and application form are available on the Agency's website under reference number 07-03-29525. The deadline for receipt of applications is May 1, 2008. I - 17 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, forwarding a copy of the Organization's Annual Report for 2007, Moving Forward Together and inviting comments on the Annual Report. I - 18 Mayor Pat Perkins, Town of Whitby, accepting the Municipality's challenge to collect the most garbage, by weight, during PITCH-IN Week, April 21 to 27,2008. I - 19 Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste Management Services, Region of Durham and Andrew Campbell, Director, Solid Waste Management Branch, York Region, providing a chronology of events leading up to the approval of the Clarington 01 as the preferred site for a Thermal Treatment facility for the long-term management of Durham and York's residual waste; advising of the preparation of detailed site specific studies to confirm the ability of the preferred site to be utilized as part of the project; advising additional documentation and information can be found on the Study website at www.durhamvorkwaste.ca; indicating that Regional staff and project consultants are available to answer any questions that may arise over the course of the EA process and inviting comments on the initiative to be sent to the attention of the Durham/York Residual Waste Study Coordinator. Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - April 21,2008 I - 20 Kristin Robinson expressing concern that members of the public and Regional Councillors are not being provided with sufficient time to review the business case for the Energy-From-Waste project prior to the matter being reviewed at the Joint Finance and Administration Committee meeting scheduled for April 29, 2008; expressing concern that the business case is not being referred back to local Councils to review and assess the impact; and, requesting a full explanation as to why this decision was made. I - 21 Kristin Robinson requesting an information session with experts on both sides of the Energy-From-Waste issue be held to allow the public to obtain information on the environmental, health, financial and social risks of the project and to weigh both sides and decide if they are for or against an EFW facility in their community and requesting the session be well publicized before the date and allow the public to ask questions of the experts. I - 22 Paul-Andre Larose expressing concern with the disastrous effects an Energy-From-Waste facility will have on the community, referencing a report in France documenting actual findings of incidence of various types of cancers in populations residing in the proximity of incinerators; stating that Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) should not be a substitute for proper design and that risk analysis should be predicated on real operation in the real world; and, expressing concern with the financial implications of the proposed facility. I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee dated April 2, 2008. Resolution #C-198-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee dated April 2, 2008, be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - April 21 , 2008 1-9 Stephanie Ball, B.A., L.L.B., Dean, School of Justice and Emergency Services, Durham College, advising the College offers a two semester Emergency Management Graduate Certificate Program, a program developed in response to communities seeking trained professionals to help ensure their readiness for disasters and emergencies; advising in the fall of 2008, they are piloting an opportunity for people who currently work in related fields to attend on a full or part-time basis to work towards obtaining the graduate certificate credential; and, forwarding the Emergency Management Graduate Certificate Proposed Schedule of Courses and Course outline. Resolution #C-199-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item I - 9 from Stephanie Ball, B.A., L.L.B., Dean, School of Justice and Emergency Services, Durham College with respect to the Emergency Management Graduate Certificate Program be received for information. "CARRIED" 1-10 Sebastien Hamel, Deputy Director, International Centre for Municipal Development, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, thanking Council for support provided during the Project Inception Phase of the Municipal Partnership Program (MPP) in Cambodia; and, advising that Clarington staff member Carlos Salazar's experience in community planning and mission to Cambodia focusing on project themes and identifying components to strengthen local government in Cambodia has been of great value. Resolution #C-200-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item I - 10 from Sebastien Hamel, Deputy Director, International Centre for Municipal Development, Federation of Canadian Municipalities with respect to Clarington's contribution to FCM's MPP in Cambodia be received for information; and that Carlos Salazar, Manager of Community Planning and Design be thanked for his efforts in this regard. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - April 21,2008 1-12 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable James Bradley, Minister of Transportation, concerning the possibility of creating a Memorial Bridge in Bowmanville to recognize the sacrifice of Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan by dedicating a bridge on a former CN rail spur leading into Bowmanville as a permanent memorial; and, requesting the Minister to confirm his role in preserving the bridge as a continuing memorial in view of the Ministry's consulting assignment to determine the ownership of the bridge and its future. Resolution #C-201-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the proposal to dedicate a bridge on a former CN Rail spur in Bowmanville as a Memorial Bridge to recognize the sacrifice of Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan be endorsed. "CARRIED" 1-14 Emmanuel Gunaratnam, on behalf of Ontario Global Traders (EDT), advising of nominations being accepted for the Ontario Global Traders Awards (OGT A), Ontario's premier export recognition program, a program to recognize exporters in the categories of Innovation - Export Growth and Market Expansion - Product or Service. The nomination deadline is April 30, 2008. Resolution #C-202-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item I - 14 from Emmanuel Gunaratnam, on behalf of Ontario Global Traders (EDT), with respect to the Ontario Global Traders Awards be referred to the Clarington Board of Trade. "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-203-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items D - 10 and D - 12 to D - 22, inclusive. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - April 21,2008 D - 1 Queen Eleanor Rowlandson, Happy Red Hatters, requesting that April 25, 2008, be proclaimed "Red Hat Society" Day, in recognition of the 10th Anniversary of the Red Hat Society. (Proclaimed) D - 2 David Staples, Parade Chairman, Durham Central Fair (Orono) requesting permission to hold the Elementary School Parade on Friday, September 5, 2008, and the Fair Parade on Saturday, September 6, 2008, in association with the Durham Central Fair (Orono); enclosing map routes; and, advising proof of $2 million insurance coverage for the event will be provided. (Approved provided organizers apply for and obtain a road occupancy permit from the Engineering Services Department) D - 3 Margaret Tweedle, Chair, Clarington Relay for Life, advising the Canadian Cancer Society will be hosting its 3rd annual Relay for Life at Clarington Central on June 20 and 21,2008, and requesting permission for the Relay banner to be hung over the bridge going into Clarington eastbound for the month of May. (Installation of banner approved and Veridian to be advised) D - 4 Sharie Campbell, current Miss Durham Region and Clarington resident, requesting financial support to assist her in competing nationally for the title of Miss Canada Globe. If approved, the municipality will be acknowledged in the official Miss Canada Program book. (Request denied as it is for an individual and does not meet the objective of the Municipal Grant Program, and a copy of Report CSD-009-08 be forwarded to Sharie Campbell) D - 5 Gary Cole, District Master, West Durham District L.O.L., requesting permission to hold the annual Loyal Orange Lodge parade in the village of Orono on July 5, 2008, commencing at 1 :00 p.m. (Approved provided organizers apply for and obtain a road occupancy permit from the Engineering Services Department) Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - April 21 , 2008 D - 6 Mark Cousins, Ontario Family Fishing Weekend Steering Committee, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, requesting July 4 to July 6,2008 be proclaimed "Ontario Family Fishing Weekend" in conjunction with National Fishing Week. This special license-free fishing weekend includes fish festivals, clinics, or conservation and educational activities and the Steering Committee is requesting the municipality's assistance in publicizing the event. (Proclaimed) D - 7 Paul Rowan, Parade Co-Ordinator, Tyrone Spirit Day Steering Committee, requesting permission to hold a parade on May 31,2008, commencing at 11 :00 a.m. to kick off the Tyrone Spirit Day Celebration and first Ribfest; attaching a map of the parade route which starts and ends at the Community Centre; and, requesting use of one lane of traffic to accommodate the parade participants. (Approved provided organizers apply for and obtain a road occupancy permit from the Engineering Services Department) D - 8 Ann Fennell, requesting an exemption to the Clarington Noise By-law to permit a band to play at an outdoor fund raising event at her residence on July 5, 2008, in support of Habitat for Humanity. The correspondence indicates that the residence is bounded to the east by one property only, sides onto Green Park and backs onto the CPR. The resident to the east is planning on attending the event. (Approved provided the organizers notify all property owners within a 120 metre radius and provide proof to the Municipal Clerk's Department that notification has been provided; that the amplification equipment faces a southwesterly direction; and, that all outdoor amplification ceases by 12:00 midnight) D - 9 Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk, City of Pickering, advising Council that on March 25, 2008, the City of Pickering passed the following resolution pertaining to the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure: "WHEREAS On July 4th - 11th, the inaugural "Great Waterfront Trail Adventure" (GWTA) will take place along the shores of Lake Ontario & the St. Lawrence River: and Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - April 21,2008 WHEREAS the GWTA Tour is an organized bike ride beginning at Niagara-on-the-Lake and finishing at the Quebec border, and will cover 680 km of the Waterfront Trail and visit 41 communities over 8 days. There are 200 participants expected to travel the entire end-to- end route, and up to an additional 150 riders are anticipated to take part in select legs of the tour; and WHEREAS the GWT A will visit Pickering on July 6, 2008 with rest stop scheduled at Petticoat Creek Conservation Area followed by a cheer section and live entertainment as riders ride through Pickering's Waterfront trail and Millennium Square; and WHEREAS the GWTA will create opportunities for the City of Pickering to showcase what we have to offer and encourage repeat visitors to the area. In addition businesses along or near the route will have the opportunity to become involved in the event by participating in the "Registered Services Program"; and WHEREAS the GWT A meets various elements the City's Sustainable Pickering journey by encouraging a healthy environment through the awareness and promotion of environmental initiatives along the trail, promotes a healthy society by encouraging residents to take pride in their community while engaging in physical activity, promotes a healthy economy by showcasing local businesses to visitors and encourage tourism and the GWT A promotes responsible consumption by providing each rider with a reusable water bottle to reduce the amount of waste generated by individual bottles of water. NOW THEREFORE The Council for the City of Pickering resolves that July 4 - 11, 2008 be proclaimed "The Great Waterfront Trail Adventure Week" in the City of Pickering. And that all waterfront municipalities in Ontario receive a copy of this resolution and be encouraged to proclaim July 4 - 11, 2008 "The Great Waterfront Trail Adventure Week". (Proclaimed and a copy of Report EGD-020-08 be forwarded to the City of Pickering) Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - April 21 , 2008 D - 11 Michael Wilson, Office of the Honourable Bev Oda, MP, forwarding information regarding the Enabling Accessibility Fund, a Federal initiative to support community-based projects across Canada that improve accessibility and enable Canadians, regardless of physical ability, to participate in and contribute to their community and the economy. Project funding levels will range from $1 million to 15 million over the duration of the program. (Correspondence referred to the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee) D - 10 Peter F. Evans, President, Clarington Older Adult Centre Board, responding to Council's questions following Angie Darlison's delegation to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on March 17, 2008, to clarify the role of satellite programming within the Clarington Older Adult Association and the challenge of the Centre's parking situation; advising satellite programming is a complex issue which will need to be developed gradually over time, will require nurturing, volunteers, additional staffing and funding as it develops and should not be viewed as a solution to the current parking problems at 26 Beech Avenue; highlighting the role of the Beech Centre facility and its continued vision as the operations headquarters; advising of the increase in attendance at the Centre even with the addition of satellite programming; and, outlining the importance of Council and staff's need to understand the parking issues and objectively addressed in view of the various potential site lease renewals. Resolution #C-204-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item 0 - 10 from Peter F. Evans, President, Clarington Older Adult Centre Board with respect to Clarington Older Adult Centre Board's goals and challenges be referred to staff of all departments involved to ensure that all issues are considered. "CARRI ED" D - 12 Margaret Maskell, Bowmanville Legion, requesting permission to install 12 "Support our Troops" banners at various locations throughout downtown Bowmanville and surrounding areas. Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - April 21,2008 Resolution #C-205-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the request from Margaret Maskell, Bowmanville Legion, to install 12 "Support our Troops" banners at various locations throughout downtown Bowmanville and surrounding areas, be endorsed, THAT subject to the availability of banners, additional banners be hung in various strategic locations throughout the municipality; and THAT the request for installation of the banners be referred to the Director of Operations. "CARRIED" D - 13 June Ward, Administrative Services Coordinator, Hockey Heritage North, Kirkland Lake, requesting Council to consider Hockey Heritage North, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of hockey and its history, to house the Brian McFarlane collection currently housed at Total Hockey. Hockey Heritage North has the most extensive historical archives of hockey memorabilia outside of the Hockey Hall of Fame and is well known for showcasing the contributions made by the people of Northern Ontario. Resolution #C-206-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the request from June Ward, Administrative Services Coordinator, Hockey Heritage North, Kirkland Lake, to house the Brian McFarlane Collection be received for information. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-207 -08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item D - 13 from June Ward, Administrative Services Coordinator, Hockey Heritage North, Kirkland Lake, with respect to the Brian McFarlane Collection be referred to the Director of Community Services to incorporate into the report being prepared on the dispersal of the Total Hockey artifacts. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - April 21 , 2008 D - 14 George S. Graham, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Brock, writing to the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment and the Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, advising that on March 17,2008, the Township of Brock passed the following resolution pertaining to paper fibre biosolids: "WHEREAS the Township of Brock has taken a position on Paper Fibre Biosolids and Products containing paper fire biosolids by requesting the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) adhere to the findings and recommendations of its own Experts Panel by deeming paper fibre biosolids a waste and by reinstating the regulatory control of a Certificate of Approval (C of A). AND WHEREAS paper fibre biosolids when defined as waste are subject to stringent environmental controls, due to the significant microbial activity and putrescence that occur during decomposition, as well as the potential leaching of certain toxins into groundwater or onto crops if they are applied on agricultural land. AND WHEREAS under the current regulatory exemption, the material could legally contain municipal, hazardous or liquid industrial waste. AND WHEREAS current practice constitutes land application of a waste without proven benefit, in direct conflict with the recommendations of the Experts Panel on Water Well Sustainability in Ontario. AND WHEREAS representatives of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) through deputation to the Council of the Township of Brock, indicated the existence of long term studies on paper fibre biosolids and products containing paper fibre biosolids. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of Brock request from the Ministry of the Environment and/or the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs the following studies: Study 1- the long term scientific study that concludes beyond any reasonable doubt, paper fibre biosolids and/or products containing paper fibre biosolids are a proven BENEFIT when applied to agricultural land as a soil conditioner. Council Meeting Minutes - 20- April 21,2008 Study 2- the long term scientific study what concludes beyond any reasonable doubt, paper fibre biosolids and/or products containing paper fibre biosolids when stored, stockpiled or spread on agricultural land, are safe both for the environment and for the human health. AND FURTHER, that this resolution and request for information be forwarded to the Minister of the Environment, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Environment Commissioner of Ontario, local MP and MPP, the Region of Durham and any other individuals or associations as deemed appropriate." Resolution #C-208-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution from the Township of Brock with respect to paper fibre biosolids be received for information as this matter has been previously considered by Council. "CARRIED" D - 15 George S. Graham, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Brock, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, advising that on March 17,2008, the Township of Brock passed the following resolution pertaining to Bill 36, Environmental Protection Amendment Act, 2008: "That the Municipality of the Township of Brock support and encourage passage of "Bill 36, Environment Protection Amendment Act, 2008" being an amendment Bill to the Environmental Protection Act that would require a person to obtain a Certificate of Approval before spreading or storing sewage sludge, other biosolids and products derived from them. Further that this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Leaders of the Opposition and their Environmental Critics, local MP and MPP, MPP John O'Toole, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Region of Durham all neighbouring municipalities of Brock and any other individuals or associations as deemed appropriate." Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - April 21 , 2008 Resolution #C-209-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item 0 - 15 from the Township of Brock with respect to Bill 36, Environmental Protection Amendment Act. 2008 be referred to the Director of Planning Services. "CARRIED" D - 16 Frank Prospero, President, Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO), advising that PRO is actively involved with the McGuinty Government to leverage additional funding to address the reported parks, recreation and sport infrastructure gap that is creating significant financial pressures on municipalities across the Province; inviting municipalities to send a message to the Province to ensure the Province understands the full scope of the municipal infrastructure challenge and that community sport and recreation infrastructure is effectively accounted for and eligible for future funding priorities; suggesting their report "Investing in Healthy and Active Ontarians through Recreation and Parks Infrastructure" be referenced when considering how the community could benefit from improved recreation and parks infrastructure; and, forwarding summary data as well as a list of key officials that resolutions could be directed to. Resolution #C-21 0-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item D - 16 from Frank Prospero, President, Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) with respect to the Recreation, Parks and Sport Infrastructure Gap be referred to the Director of Community Services and the Director of Finance/Treasurer. "CARRIED" D - 17 Dawn Whelan, Council Coordinator, City of Ottawa, advising Council that the City of Ottawa, at its meeting of 26 and 27 March 2008, passed the following resolution pertaining to MPAC costs related to education property taxes: "WHEREAS the work of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation provides services to both municipal governments and the provincial government for the purpose of collecting property taxes; and Council Meeting Minutes - 22- April 21 , 2008 WHEREAS Ontario municipalities pay for MPAC services and costs and the Province does not; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa request that the Province of Ontario pay a proportional share of MPAC costs related to education property taxes; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa communicate this request to MPAC Board of Directors, LUMCO, MARCO and AMO's Regional and Single Tier Caucus to solicit the support for this request. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa communicate this request to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for distribution to their membership." Resolution #C-211-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the City of Ottawa with respect to MPAC costs related to education property taxes be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 18 Janet Beckett, City Clerk, City of Port Colborne, advising Council that on March 25, 2008, the City of Port Colborne passed the following resolution pertaining to Provincial funding to offset municipal costs relating to compliance with O.Reg. 429/07: "WHEREAS Ontario Regulation 429/07 under the Accessibilitv for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 establishes accessibility standards for customer services which apply to every designated public sector organization, including municipalities, and others that provide goods or services to members of the public or other third parties; AND WHEREAS designated public sector organizations, including municipalities, must comply with the accessibility standards established by O.Reg. 429/07 by January 1, 2010; Council Meeting Minutes - 23- April 21 , 2008 AND WHEREAS, in order to comply with O.Reg. 429/07, public sector organizations, including municipalities must by January 1, 2010 establish policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of their goods or services to persons with disabilities in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities; enables persons with disabilities to obtain use or benefit from the goods or services; and gives persons with disabilities equal opportunity to obtain, use and benefit form the goods or services; AND WHEREAS, in order to comply with O.Reg. 429/07, public sector organizations, including municipalities, must by January 1, 2010 prepare document(s) describing such policies, practices and procedures and make available a copy of any such document(s) free of charge; AND WHEREAS, in order to comply with O.Reg. 429/07, public sector organizations, including municipalities, must by January 1, 2010 prepare document(s) that set out the steps to be taken in connection with the temporary disruption of the provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities and the giving of notice in connection with such disruption of service; AND WHEREAS, in order to comply with O.Reg. 429/07, every provider of goods or services, including municipalities, must ensure that every person who deals with members of the public or participates in developing the provider's policies, practices and procedures receives training about the provision of its goods or services to persons with disabilities and maintain records of such training and provide such training on an ongoing basis; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Port Colborne supports the objectives of Ontario Regulation 429/07 and believes that persons with disabilities have a right to equal opportunity to attain the same level of performance or to enjoy the same level of benefits and privileges experienced by without disabilities; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Port Colborne believes that the provisions of O.Reg. 429/07 be implemented at the municipal rather than provincial level imposes an inequitable per capita financial burden on small municipalities and other public sector organizations; Council Meeting Minutes - 24- April 21 , 2008 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1) The Council of the Corporation of the City of Port Colborne call upon the Association of Municipalities of Ontario to petition for and work with Province of Ontario on the development and provision of a proper and fair provincial funding mechanism to assist municipalities and other provincially funded public sector organizations in complying with the provisions of OReg. 429/07 so that the financial burden imposed by the Regulation is fairly shared by all the residents of Ontario; 2) That all municipalities in Ontario be requested to support this resolution and to advise A.M.O. and their relevant provincial representatives accordingly; 3) That P. Kormos, M.P.P be so advised." Resolution #C-212-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the resolution from the City of Port Colborne with respect to Provincial funding to offset municipal costs relating to compliance with OReg. 429/07 be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 19 Jayne Pilot, Co-Chair, Region of Peel EFW Facility Public Liaison Committee, expressing concern that the Council minutes of February 11, 2008, do not reflect the fact that both she and Clive Ford, Co-Chair, Region of Peel EFW Facility Public Liaison Committee, were in attendance at the February 11, 2008, Council meeting after having been invited to address Council at 7:00 p.m. that evening and that she is not pleased with the way they were treated by the Municipality. Ms. Pilot requests that the minutes of February 11, 2008, be amended as the statement reflected in the minutes indicating that Jayne Pilot and Clive Ford were called but were not in attendance is not correct. Council Meeting Minutes - 25- April 21 , 2008 Resolution #C-213-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item D - 19 from Jayne Pilot with respect to a correction to the February 11, 2008, Council minutes be received; and, THAT the Mayor send a letter of apology to Jayne Pilot and Clive Ford, Co- Chairs of the Region of Peel EFW Facility Public Liaison Committee. "CARRIED" D - 20 Neil R. Ellis, Mayor, City of Belleville highlighting the "Change for the Environment" Program, a program initiated in 1995 by Greg White, CEO, Relevance Management Group, in which $11,000 was raised by 32,000 households in Peterborough to be spent in the community on environmental projects; forwarding an Executive Summary of the "Annual Change for the Environment Program", and, requesting Ontario's Mayors take a bigger leadership role on the environment and consider participating in the a future initiative. Resolution #C-214-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item D - 20 from Neil R. Ellis, Mayor, City of Belleville with respect to the "Change for the Environment" Program be referred to Clarington Living Green Community Advisory Committee. "CARRI ED" D - 21 Mike Mamonko and Luanne Hill requesting an extension to the Letter of Undertaking to occupy the existing detached dwelling at 306 Newtonville Road as a temporary residence until the end of August, 2008, to allow for completion of their new dwelling. Resolution #C-215-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Mike Mamonko and Luanne Hill be granted an extension for the use of temporary living quarters at 306 Newtonville Road until August 31,2008, subject to signing a further Letter of Undertaking. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 26- April 21 , 2008 D - 22 Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Association, nominating Don Welsh for the Senior of the Year Award. Resolution #C-216-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the nomination of Don Welsh as the Municipality of Clarington's 2008 Senior of the Year be endorsed. "CARRIED" COMMITTEE REPORTCS) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report April 14, 2008 Resolution #C-217 -08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of April 14, 2008, be approved, with the exception of Item #4 and Item #7. "CARRIED" Item #4 Resolution #C-218-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report PSD-040-08 be received; THAT Staff be authorized to review and bring forward to a Public Meeting a proposed amendment to the Orono Community Improvement Plan to provide for Building Code Improvement Grants; Infill Grants and boundary adjustment; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-040-08 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 27- April 21 , 2008 Item #7 Resolution #C-219-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report EGD-020-08 be received; THAT staff be authorized to assist with the Clarington portion of the tour; and THAT the request to hold the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure on the Waterfront Trail be approved provided that a Road Occupancy Permit is obtained through Engineering Services. "CARRIED" STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports considered under this section of the Agenda. BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION Resolution #C-220-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson WHEREAS the incinerator is a highly controversial issue across Durham Region and in Clarington in particular and, WHEREAS there is a clear desire by the public to have a balanced presentation of information regarding the incinerator, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chief Administrative Officer report back to Council at the next General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting on potential costs and logistics of holding a public information session in order to provide expert opinion on both the 'pro' and 'con' side of having such a facility in Clarington, THAT by letter to the Clerk of the City of Oshawa, the Mayor and Members of Oshawa City Council be asked to consider partnering in the public information session, and Council Meeting Minutes - 28- April 21,2008 THAT the Region of Durham be formally requested to allow the consultants that they have hired for the Energy-From-Waste file to participate in the public information session." "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (See Following Motions) Resolution #C-221-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-220-08 be divided to vote on Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the recommendations separately. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-222-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the foregoing resolution #C-220-08 be amended to replace the words 'Clerk of the City of Oshawa, the Mayor and Members of Oshawa City Council' with the words 'Clerks of the Area Municipalities, the Mayors and Members of Area Municipal Councils'. "CARRIED" Resolution # C-220-08 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED on the following recorded vote: Declaration of Council Member Yes No Pecuniary Interest Councillor Foster -V Councillor Hooper --j Councillor Novak -V Councillor Robinson -V Councillor Trim -V Councillor Woo --j Mayor Abernethy --j Council Meeting Minutes - 29- April 21 , 2008 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-223-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the presentation of Ivan Bateman be received with thanks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-224-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegation of Colleen Knight be received with thanks. "CARRI ED" Resolution #C-225-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Jim Richards be requested to forward a letter of apology to Council for his disparaging comments directed at Regional Chair Anderson prior to being permitted to address the General Purpose and Administration Committee or Council in the future. "CARRI ED" Resolution #C-226-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Linda Gasser be received with thanks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-227 -08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Kerry Meydam be received with thanks. "CARR I ED" Council Meeting Minutes - 30- April 21 , 2008 Resolution #C-228-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the delegation of Nadia McLean-Gagnon be received with thanks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-229-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegation of Vincent Powers be received with thanks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-230-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Barry Bracken be requested to forward a letter of apology to Council for his disparaging comments directed at Regional Councillors prior to being permitted to address the General Purpose and Administration Committee or Council in the future. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-231-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the delegation of Wendy Bracken be received with thanks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-232-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the meeting to continue beyond the 11 :00 p.m. curfew, in order to complete the Agenda. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 31 - April 21 , 2008 BY -LAWS Resolution #C-233-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2008-063 to 2008-071, inclusive; and 2008-063 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -92004, any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -92004 (147767 Ontario Limited - Napa Valley - Phase 5) 2008-064 Being a By-law to adopt the Newcastle Village Community Improvement Plan 2008-065 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Ltd., Kirk Kemp and Douglas Kemp - Northglen West) 2008-066 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007 -0004 any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of S-C-2007 -0004 2008-067 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2006-227, as amended, a by-law to licence, regulate and prohibit certain animals or classes thereof within the limits of the Municipality of Clarington, or defined areas therein 2008-068 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Lafarge Paving and Construction Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Asphalt Resurfacing Contract 1 2008-069 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Melrose Paving Co. Ltd., Etobicoke, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Sidewalk Rehabilitation, Various Locations 2008-070 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-038 to appoint Members to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee Council Meeting Minutes - 32- April 21 , 2008 2008-071 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-024 to appoint Members to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda. OTHER INFORMATION Councillor Robinson stated that the Business Plan for the proposed Energy-From- Waste facility should be released to local councils and the public and questioned if the Host Community Agreement is part of the Business Plan and if Council would be updated before the plan becomes a Regional document. The Chief Administrative Officer stated the next meeting of the negotiating team is scheduled prior to May 21 5t however, the Business Case is not part of the negotiation. CONFIRMING BY -LAW Resolution #C-234-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-072, being a by-law to confirm the proceedin~s of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 215 day of April, 2008; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRI ED" Council Meeting Minutes - 33- ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-235-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 11 :06 p.m. "CARRIED" MAYOR April 21, 2008 MUNICIPAL CLERK LIST OF DELEGATIONS May 5, 2008 a) Louis Bertrand - Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria (Correspondence Item I - 21) b) Kristin Robinson - Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria (Correspondence Item I - 21) c) Steve Conway - Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria (Correspondence Item I - 21) d) Linda Gasser - Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria (Correspondence Item I - 21) e) Cathrine McKeever - Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria (Correspondence Item I - 21) f) Aiden Tombes - Green Community Advisory Committee - Selection of the Chair (Item 11 of Report #1) g) Dave Renaud - Public Information Session and Peer Review of Emission Criteria (Correspondence Item I - 21) SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MAY 5, 2008 CORRESPONDENCE TO BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION I - 1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated April 15, 2008. (Copy attached) 1-2 J. R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) forwarding CLOCA's 2008 Budget for information. 1-3 Shirley Severn, President, Clarington Fiddle Club, expressing appreciation for the Municipal grant provided to the Club which will assist them in providing entertainment and sharing musical talents with young and old. 1-4 Cheri Smith, Manager, Resource Development & Special Events, Community Living Oshawa Clarington, expressing appreciation for the Municipal grant provided to the Association which will assist them in providing the highest quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities by creating opportunities for inclusion, citizenship, acceptance and partnership. 1-5 Carol Barkwell, Executive Director, Luke's Place Support & Resource Centre for Women & Children, expressing appreciation for the financial support provided to the Centre which will assist them in providing programming and services to the women and children in Durham Region. 1-6 Leesa Venning, Coordinator, Rehabilitation and Employment Services, Canadian Mental Health Association, expressing appreciation on behalf of the Making Connections Clarington Resource Centre participants, the Steering Committee and the volunteers and staff for the Municipal grant provided to the Association. I - 7 Harold Sellers, Executive Director, Oak Ridges Trail Association, extending appreciation to Council for their consideration and approval of a Municipal grant to help support the continued success of the Oak Ridges Trail Association. Summary of Correspondence - 2 - May 5, 2008 1-8 Reaza Ali and family, urging Council to host a Public Information Session on the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility to allow the public the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from experts from both the pro and con sides of incineration. < , 1-9 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) advising that on April 16, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution pertaining to the Assessment Review Board Interim Decision regarding Toronto Bank Tower Assessments: "a) THAT the Region of Durham endorse the actions taken by the City of Toronto and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation to seek leave to appeal to the Divisional Court a decision of the Assessment Review Board regarding the valuation assessment of large office tower complexes located in downtown Toronto; and b ) THAT copies of Report #2008-F-37 be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Municipal Finance Officers Association, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, the City of Toronto and the Region's local Area Municipalities. " I - 10 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford expressing concern that Regional Council has not provided sufficient time for the public to review the business case for the Energy-From-Waste facility or to provide copies to local Municipal Councils for their comments or questions. I - 11 Kevin LeGrand expressing concern that other options to incineration have not been investigated and suggesting that if Councillors care about democracy or taxpayers' money being spent prudently, they will attempt to find the truth about the best way to deal with the waste. I - 12 Kristin Robinson advising that on April 18, 2008, the Region experienced a smog advisory day noting the Lung Association website suggests that there is no completely safe level for human exposure to the principal components of smog. Ms. Robinson feels there are already too many smog days without adding more smog- contributing pollutants to the air shed with the addition of the proposed incinerator. Summary of Correspondence - 3 - May 5, 2008 1-13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising on April 16, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution pertaining to the "Growing the Greenbelt" Consultation Paper: "a) THAT the following comments be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as Durham Region's response to the draft expansion criteria to Growing the Greenbelt: i) The consultation material clearly indicates that the Province is only considering criteria for expansion of the Greenbelt, not to reduce the size or remove areas. As such, this initiative does not provide an opportunity for the Region to raise previous concerns expressed with the Greenbelt. The Minister had indicated that the Region's 'comments, along with those that the ministry continues to receive, will form part of the ten-yearreview of the Plan' (in 2015). In anticipation of the review, the Minister should consider and propose criteria for adjustments to the Greenbelt boundary, where warranted to remove lands that do not meet the Greenbelt vision and goals; ii) The criteria should be clarified to define what is meant by 'the proposed Greenbelt expansion must be based on a provincial scale systems approach that formed the original Greenbelt'. Municipalities did not have access to, or knowledge of, this approach or data used by the Province to establish the original Greenbelt; iii) Requiring that the proposed expansion complement the Growth Plan and not interfere with affected municipalities bringing their official plans into conformity is supported. This recognizes the need to carefully consider further expansions to the Greenbelt, particularly in Durham where over 80% of the land mass is already in the Greenbelt. This will assist municipalities in addressing land required to meet provincially mandated growth; Summary of Correspondence - 4 - May 5, 2008 iv) Requiring that any request for expansion complement ongoing provincial initiatives, is supported. However, as noted in the Consultation Paper, there are a number of provincial initiatives affecting the Greater Golden Horseshoe that could have an effect on any proposal to expand the Greenbelt. The final criteria should identify all potential provincial initiatives that could affect a proposed expansion. This is essential supporting information needed to assist municipalities in preparing their requests; and b ) THAT a copy of Report #2008-P-27 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the area municipalities." 1-14 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to Mr. Terry Clayton, Chair, Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee, advising that on April 16, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution pertaining to the Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee Activity Report and 2008 Workplan: "a ) THAT Report #2008-P-24 of the Commissioner of Planning be received as the Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee's report on its activities; b) THAT the 2008 Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee Workplan, as outlined in Attachment #1 to Report #2008-P-24 be approved; and c) THAT a copy of Report #2008-P-24 be forwarded to the Durham Trail Co-ordinating Committee and the area municipalities." 1-15 The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P., Minister of Transport, acknowledging Council's support of the City of Port Colborne's resolution dealing with municipal infrastructure funding; advising through the $33-Billion Building Canada Fund, the Federal Government is making strategic investments in infrastructure but indicating that until such time as the Framework Agreement with the Province is signed, the money cannot flow to Ontario's municipalities and encouraging the Province to conclude negotiations on the Agreement; and forwarding a copy of the "Building Canada" booklet summarizing the Federal Government's new long-term infrastructure plan. Summary of Correspondence - 5 - May 5, 2008 I - 16 Paul Cloutier, Director of Income Support, Region of Durham, advising of changes being made to social assistance in Ontario as of August 1,2008, that will affect Durham residents with children under 18 years of age who are in receipt of Ontario Works; forwarding an Ontario Child Benefit Program brochure highlighting the eligibility requirements; and, advising additional information on the Ontario Child Benefit can be obtained at www.ontariochildbenefit.ca or by contacting the Department of Social Services, Income Support Division. I - 17 The Honourable Diane Finley, P.C., M.P., Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, announcing that nominations are being accepted for the 2008 Citation for Citizenship Awards, awards honouring Canadians who have demonstrated exemplary citizenship through tireless work and generosity to help newcomers successfully integrate into Canadian society or who have worked diligently to promote Canadian citizenship; and, advising the closing date for receipt of nominations is May 16, 2008. I - 18 Susan Shane expressing concern with the proposed Energy-From- Waste facility in view of the already compromised air shed; and suggesting that a forum with qualified professions both pro and con be presented to inform the public on what will happen to the air quality in the area and what the health repercussions are. I - 19 Ken Nash, President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, (NWMO) advising in June 2007, NWMO was given the responsibility for implementing Adaptive Phased Management (APM), Canada's long-term plan for used nuclear fuel and advising that the focus of their work over the past few months has been on drafting a five-year plan, based on seven draft strategic objectives; enclosing a copy of "Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2008 to 2012 DRAFT PLAN" for public comment on whether they have identified the right objectives, missed key areas or set out appropriate activities; and attaching a transparency policy for comment in response to NWMO's commitment to be open and transparent in their process, communications and decision-making. Public Comments are to be received by May 16, 2008. I - 20 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford writing further to Report CAO-05- 08 concerning EFW Public Information Session forwarding contact information for Bob. M. Kenney, Solid Waste Resource Analyst and Kathy G. Palko, two professions who could speak well to waste diversion efforts (i.e. alternatives to incineration). Summary of Correspondence - 6 - May 5, 2008 1-21 Kristin Robinson advising that she has been finding it extremely difficult to get answers to question regarding the proposed Energy- From-Waste facility; expressing concern that very important decision are on the brink of being made i.e. emissions criteria without citizens being allowed to be properly involved in the process; suggesting an independent peer reviewer scruitinize the emissions criteria to ensure that the criteria fulfils resolutions made by Regional Council; and that citizens be consulted in a public forum where experts are available to answer questions that the public raise. CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Steven Finlay, Executive Director, Community Living Oshawa/Clarington requesting Council to proclaim the month of May as "Community Living" month to promote and highlight the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability within the community. (Motion to Proclaim) D - 2 Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford expressing concern with the issue of the Chairmanship of the Green Community Living Committee as Mayor Abernethy has actively lobbied for a position that, according to Municipal protocol, is not to be held by the Mayor or any other member of Council and for staff's acceptance of this breach of the rules. Ms. Duare McKinnon-Rutherford feels that having the Mayor as a member of the Committee takes away from the Committee's credibility and that there are many community citizens who are well established, well connected and very effective in their efforts to address local environmental issues who would be qualified to lead the Committee. (Motion to advise of actions taken and to forward a copy of the Addendum to Report CLD-015-08) D - 3 Peter Love, Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer, encouraging Council to support Ontario's first Enerqy Conservation Week, May 25 to 31,2008, an initiative to work towards achieving Provincial savings targets and building a 'culture of communication'; requesting Council to officially proclaim the week; and forwarding a checklist of key actions and suggested activities to engage in. Further information is available at www.enerqyconservationweek.ca. (Motion to Proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 7 - May 5, 2008 D - 4 Marlene and Bill Stacey proposing the name of "George Burley Road" or "Burley/Stacey Road" instead of the name "Swarbrick" for the road leading down to the subdivision south of Payne Crescent in Newtonville; and, questioning whether the Municipality is prepared to pay for the remaining four houses on Swarbrick Street to change their address to something other than Payne Crescent, if a stop sign at the entrance to Payne Crescent from the subdivision is not put in. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 5 Colleen Knight requesting to be provided with a the cost of hosting a Public Information Session on the Energy-From-Waste proposal in order to assist her in lobbying Oshawa City Council to contribute funds towards the forum. (Motion to forward a copy of Report CAO-005-08 ) D - 6 Jim Freeman, President, Durham Region Labour Council, opposing the transfer of needed Durham Region mental health inpatient beds from the Ajax-Pickering Hospital to Scarborough Centenary Hospital and urging Council to take a public stand for the Durham Region Mental Health Services. (Motion for Direction) D - 7 Leslie Drynan, Clerk, Tay Valley Township advising Council that on April 8, 2008, Tay Valley Township passed the following resolution pertaining to Provincial Funding - Evaluation and Approval Process: "WHEREAS it is very encouraging for municipalities to see that the federal and provincial governments have, for several years now, finally given formal recognition, through their various short and long-term budget announcements, that they have certain responsibilities to help fund new and replacement municipal infrastructure; AND WHEREAS the funding contributions from the senior levels of government result in, among other things, cleaner air and water, safer roads and bridges, etc.; AND WHEREAS the funding has resulted from programs such as the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, Rural Infrastructure Investment Initiative, Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative, Move-Ontario and the Municipal Roads and Bridges Fund; Summary of Correspondence - 8 - May 5, 2008 AND WHEREAS the stated objectives of the various programs such as "... to ensure that Ontarians in small urban and rural communities enjoy a quality of life that is second to none.. ."; "... support economic development, prosperity and quality of life in small and rural municipalities"; "... to direct new infrastructure funding to support the construction or renewal of municipally owned infrastructure assets" are admirable and very desirable; AND WHEREAS, with the exception of the Move Ontario and the Municipal Roads and Bridges Funds, detailed, costly, onerous and in some cases, very complicated applications had to be submitted to try and access funds from the various programs; AND WHEREAS those applications were submitted as a municipality's highest priority; AND WHEREAS those municipal priorities were then subjected to the province's own set of criteria which have been proven to be, less than transparent; AND WHEREAS a perception has evolved that the selection process is politically driven rather than being based on an open and accountable analysis of project eligibility and community needs; AND WHEREAS the senior levels of. government now recognize that all municipalities are in urgent need of new and replacement infrastructure and that municipalities have very limited resources from which to fund these many and varied projects; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the province make infrastructure funding available to all municipalities based upon formulae similar to those developed for the Move Ontario and the Municipal Roads and Bridges Fund so that municipal politicians and staff do not have to waste valuable time, effort and money in applying for the various programs' funds that would enable the construction of necessary projects; AND FURTHEMORE THAT a copy of this motion be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Leader of the Official Opposition of Ontario, the Leader of the New Democratic Party of Ontario, Randy Hillier MPP, all municipalities in Lanark County, and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for circulation to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for support." (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence - 9 - May 5, 2008 D - 8 Don and Cynthia Prout acknowledging receipt of correspondence from the Municipality requesting payment with respect to the Compliance Audit of John Mutton; quoting sections of an article in the Toronto Star entitled "Former Vaughan Mayor Facing Audit" stating that their original request pointed out a large number of companies that met the same criteria as suggested in the article; indicating that the audit was flawed and that they have been advised where, in what manner and how the errors were made from both lawyers and other chartered accountants; and, suggesting that the audit report be sent to the Institute of Chartered Accountants for review. The correspondence indicated that they feel the amount owing is not due, the audit was flawed, the errors are obvious, the town has been notified directly where the errors are and the letter from the Municipality is nothing more than harassment. (Motion for Direction) D - 9 George Van Dyk advising that he is not prepared to pay his share of the costs associated with the Compliance Audit of John Mutton as he had previously indicated in correspondence to Council that the audit was not done correctly or performed in the detail and diligence that is expected from this type of audit; that although the audits were requested by members of the public, they were approved by Council; that at no time were they advised either verbally or in writing that should no violation of the Elections Act be found that they would be responsible for all the audit expenses; or that they were never consulted about the auditor chosen by councilor contacted by the auditor to advise him of their concerns. Mr. Van Dyk feels that no money is owed by him and he is not prepared to pay his share of the audit costs until directed by a Judge of a Court that has jurisdiction over such matters. (Motion for Direction) D - 10 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that on April 1, 2008, the City of Kingston passed the following resolution pertaining to Zenn Automobiles on Ontario Roads: "WHEREAS cars are one of the largest contributors to Greenhouse Gases; and, WHEREAS the Federal Government has finally given their approval for the sale of the Canadian-made Zenn (Zero Emissions No Noise) Automobiles; and, Summary of Correspondence - 10 - May 5, 2008 WHEREAS provincial approval is still needed to allow both the use and sale of Zenn automobiles and other electric automobiles on Ontario roads; and, WHEREAS Mopeds and other forms of low speed vehicles are already currently allowed on Ontario roads; and WHEREAS Canada, and every province and municipality within our federation, must do our part to reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions, and strive to not just meet but exceed the Kyoto Protocol targets; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Kingston City Council request that the Province of Ontario give approval for the Zenn car and other electric automobiles to be used on Ontario roads; And further THAT every province and territory in Canada be requested to give approval for the Zenn car and other electric automobiles to be sold and used across Canada as soon as possible; And further THAT a copy of this resolution be sent for consideration and endorsement to Peter Milliken, MP, John Gerretsen, MPP, the Prime Minister of Canada, the federal ministers responsible for the Environment and Transportation, the Premiers of all provinces and territories, the Ministers responsible for Transportation and the Environment of each province and territory, all municipalities on our regular circulation list, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)" (Motion for Direction) -",'.('28 pt112=56=44 1-1 CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY M I NUT E S N O. 4 AUTHORITY MEETING Tuesdav. ADril15. 2008 - 5:00 P.M. MEETING LOCATION: 100 WHITING AVENUE, OSHAWA AUTHORITY'S ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, BOARDROOM Present: G. Emm, Chair B. Nicholson, Vice Chair S. Crawford A. Cullen J. Drumm R. Johnson D. Mitchell J. Neal M. Novak M. Pearce P. Perkins J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer D. White, Director, Corporate Services H. Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning & Natural Heritage G. Geissberger, Community Outreach Coordinator R. Hersey, Director, Development Review & Regulation D. Hope, Special Projects Coordinator M. Hrynyk, General Superintendent N. MacFarlane, Environmental Engineering Analyst P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations G. SooChan, Director, Groundwater K. Tate, Administrative AssistantlRecording Secretary Excused: A. Foster R. Hooper P. Lowe, Director, Watershed Stewardship & Community Outreach Absent: J. Gray ~ Res. #44 Moved by R. Johnson Seconded by S. Crawford Oi5~UTIOM eHRK I\CK. BV ORtGUtM. T. IES Tt}. The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any matter herein contained - NONE ADOPTION OF MINUTES THA T the Authority minutes of March 18, 2008 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED I", .. ....- I :, ~ ,.;"'""'.... r-_...,.......lL-- -- - I , i-H6~r :C"E ! .. ~. -, .';_?",~":';:"~; '~4. .:"-l;::y-~ ~.~. 1>" AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 15,2008 - PAGE 2 DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND REGULA nON (I) Staff Report #4726-08 (attached as Schedule 3-1 & 3-2 of Apr. 15/08) Applications for Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses - March 1-31,2008 Res. #45 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by S. Crawford THA T the attached applications be approved and the respective permits be issued. CARRIED DIRECTOR, WATERSHED PLANNING AND NATURAL HERITAGE (I) Staff Report #4725-08 Black/Hannony/Farewell Aquatic Resource Management Plan Res. #46 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by A. Cullen THA T Staff Report #4725-08 (attached as Schedule 4-1 & 4-2 of Apr. 15/08) be received for information; THAT the Board of Directors endorse the Black/Harmony/Farewell Aquatic Resource Management Plan and that it be used in the Authority's programs and services; and, THAT a copy of this report and a CD of the Black/Harmony/Farewell Aquatic Resource Management Plan be forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington, the City of Oshawa and the Region of Durham. CARRIED DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING AND FIELD OPERA nONS (I) Staff Report #4727-08 (attached as Schedule 5-1 & 5-2 of Apr. 15/08; NOTE colour Schedules 5-3 & 5-4 previously circulated) Lynde Creek Flood Plain Mapping (Earth Tech Ltd.) and Tooley Creek Flood Plain Mapping (CLOCA 2008) Res. #47 Moved by M. Novak Seconded by R. Johnson THA T Staff Report #4727-08 be received for information; and, THAT the Flood Plain Mappingfor Lynde Creek (Earth Tech Ltd., 2008) and the Tooley Creek (CLOCA 2008), be endorsed and accepted for implementation with CLOCA regulations and programs. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #4731-08 CLOCA's Flood Forecasting and Warning System N. MacFarlane gave a presentation with respect to CLOCA's Flood Forecasting and Warning System; discussion ensued. J. Neal requested staff to provide him with the water quality results of well #49 as indicated on the handout associated with the presentation provided by N. MacFarlane entitled "CLOCA Water Monitoring Network". Res. #48 Moved by R. Johnson Seconded by P. Perkins THAT Staff Report #4731-08 (attached as Schedule 5-5 & 5-6 of Apr. 15/08) be received for information. CARRIED AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 15, 2008 - PAGE 3 DIRECTOR, CORPORATE SERVICES (1) Staff Report #4 732-08 (previously circulated to Members & StafJ) 2007 Audited Financial Statements & Auditor's Management Letter Res. #49 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by M. Pearce THA T the 2007 Audited Financial Statements be approved as presented; and, THAT the reported surplus of$57,995 be transfe"ed to a Reservefor Working Capital. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #4 729-08 (attached as Schedule 6-32 & 6-33 of Apr. 15/08) 2008 Preliminary Budget (previously circulated to Members & StafJ) Res. #50 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by S. Crawford THA T the proposed 2008 budget estimates, totalling $8,918,527 be approved as presented; THA T the Region of Durham be requested to approve an operating levy of $2,312,547; THA T all capital projects in the Budget Report be adopted as projects of the Authority; and, THA T copies of the 2008 Budget Report as approved, be circulated to the Region of Durham and lower-tier municipalities for their information about the projects and programs of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. CARRIED (3) Staff Report #4730-08 (previously circulated to Members & StafJ) Summary of Accomplishments - Capital Projects Funded by the Regional Municipality of Durham Res. #51 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by J. Neal THA T Capital Projects Funded by the Regional Municipality of Durham 2006-2007 - Summary of Accomplishments be received for information; THAT Regional Finance staffbe requested to provide comments on the applicability of the documentfor accountability and financial reporting; THA T staff continue to dialogue with Durham Region staff to ensure an effective accountability framework; and, THA T Kawartha Region, Ganaraska Region, Lake Simcoe Region and Toronto Region Conservation Authorities be provided with a copy of this report. CARRIED P. Perkins made a request that specific mention be made of the Town of Whitby where appropriate/necessary. Res. #52 Moved by S. Crawford Seconded by J. Neal THA T the meeting convene "In Camera" to discuss jinanciaVproperty matters. CARRIED Res. #54 Moved by B. Nicholson Seconded by R. Johnson THAT the meeting reconvene and that the actions of the "In Camera" session be adopted. CARRIED ;.- AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 15,2008 - PAGE 4 MUNICIPAL AND OTHER BUSINESS P. Perkins expressed concerns respecting a proposed development to be located at the Lake Ontario shoreline in the Town of Whitby; discussion ensued. ADJOURNMENT Res. #55 Moved by R. Johnson Seconded by J. Neal THA T the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m. ~!fJLi!J.gtOn REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 5,2008 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, APRIL 28,2008 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) ESD-006-08 Monthly Response Report - March 2008 2. APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF HOLDING SYMBOL APPLICANT: PLAYERS BUSINESS PARK LIMITED & WEST DIAMOND PROPERTIES INC. THAT Report PSD-042-08 be received; THAT the application submitted by Players Business Park Limited and West Diamond Properties Inc. to Remove the "Holding (H)" Symbol be approved for Parts 1,2,3,6, 7,8,9,11,12,13,14,16,17,20,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,33, 34,35,36,37,38,40,41,42,43,47, and 48 on Reference Plan 40R-24933; THAT the By-law attached to Report PSD-042-08, to Remove the "Holding (H)" Symbol be passed and a copy forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-042-08 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Report #1 2 May 5, 2008 3. APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICANT: 708545 ONTARIO LIMITED THAT Report PSD-043-08 be received; THAT the application for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007 -0009 submitted by 708545 Ontario Limited be approved, subject to the conditions as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-043-08; THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 708545 Ontario Limited be approved, as contained in Attachment 4 to Report PSD-043-08; THAT the By-law authorizing the entering into a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007 -0009 and the Municipality of Clarington be approved as contained in Attachment 5 to Report PSD-043-08; THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-043-08 and Council's decision; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-043-08 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 4. APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO DRAFT APPROVAL OF A DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICANT: 708545 ONTARIO LIMITED THAT Report PSD-044-08 be received; THAT the application for proposed amendment draft approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-95028 submitted by 708545 Ontario Limited be approved, subject to the conditions as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-044-08; THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 708545 Ontario Limited be approved, as contained in Attachment 4 to Report PSD-044-08; THAT the By-law authorizing the entering into a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-95028 and the Municipality of Clarington be approved as contained in Attachment 5 to Report PSD-044-08; THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-044-08 and Council's decision; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-044-08 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Report #1 3 May 5, 2008 5. MARTIN GREEN SUBDIVISION, PLAN 40M-2125, BOWMANVILLE, 'CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND 'ASSUMPTION BY-LAWS', FINAL WORKS INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS THAT Report EGD-023-08 be received; THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2125; and THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-023-08, assuming certain streets within Plan 40M-2125, Plan 40R-18009, and Plan 40R-25311 as public highways. 6. DURHAM REGION MEDICAL TIERED RESPONSE AGREEMENT THAT Report ESD-007-08 be received; and THAT the attached Durham Region Medical Tiered Response Agreement between Durham Region EMS and The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington be approved and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute this agreement. 7. REQUEST TO PROVIDE FREE PARKING IN DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE THAT Report CLD-016-08 be received; THAT the request of the Bowmanville Business Centre to allow for free parking one week per month be denied; and THAT the Bowmanville Business Centre be advised of Council's decision. 8. QUARTERLY PARKING REPORT THAT Report CLD-017-08 be received; and THAT a copy of Report CLD-017-08 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. Report #1 4 May 5, 2008 9. CL2008-18, COMMUNICATION TOWER AND WIRELESS LINKS THAT Report COD-026-08 be received; THAT Integra Data Systems Corp., Markham, Ontario, with a total bid price of $99,900.00 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Tender CL2008-18, be awarded the contract for the Communication Tower and Wireless Links, as required by the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT the total project cost of $99,900.00 be drawn from the IT Hardware capital account number 110-16-162-81610-7401 and be funded as follows: $60,000 from 2008 & 2007 Capital Budget $39,900 additional funds from Computer Equipment Reserve Fund. 10. INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER AND BLUEPRINT FOR OPERATIONS THAT Report FND-011-08 be received; and THAT the Internal Audit Charter and Blueprint for Operations be approved. 11. GREEN COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE - SELECTION OF THE CHAIR THAT the Addendum to Report CLD-015-08 be received; THAT Report CLD-015-08 be received; THAT the Protocol for Council-Appointed Advisory Committees be amended to allow for a member of Council to act as an interim Chair for a maximum of 6 months when a new committee is initially formed and to remove the list of specific committees to which it applies; THAT the amended protocol, attached to the Addendum to Report CLD-015-08 as Attachment No.1, be adopted with an amendment to the reference to the acting period of the interim chair to state a maximum of 6 months rather than 18 months; THAT the Terms of Reference of the Green Community Advisory Committee be amended to reflect the protocol change; THAT the Interim Chair of the Green Community Advisory Committee be permitted to act, in this instance only, for a period of 6 months beginning April 28, 2008; and THAT Linda Gasser, Kerry Meydam, Jim Richards, Elva Reid, Ron Collis and the Green Community Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision. 12. DELEGATION - JAISON GIBSON - REGARDING PUBLIC STANDARDS THAT the delegation of Mr. Jaison Gibson be received with thanks and appreciation. Report #1 5 May 5, 2008 13. DELEGATION - LINDA GASSER - REGARDING PROCEDURAL BY-LAW INTERPRETATION THAT the delegation of Ms. Linda Gasser be received with thanks and appreciation. 14. DELEGATION - KRISTIN ROBINSON - REGARDING INCINERTION EMISSIONS STUDY THAT the delegation of Ms. Kristin Robinson be received with thanks and appreciation. 15. FIRE ASSOCIATION - NEGOTIATIONS WHEREAS Council, consistent with historic and good faith practices, has empowered the Municipality's Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, and Chief of Emergency and Fire Services as its negotiating team; WHEREAS Council is interested in preserving the integrity of the collective bargaining process, and the Municipality's position in negotiations; and WHEREAS Council confirms the Chief Administrator Officer's responsibility to report to Council on all matters pertaining to negotiation and collective bargaining; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Fire Association be advised that Council Members will not participate in any discussion or communication with any member of the Fire Association regarding the current and future collective agreement negotiations, medication and arbitration. SUMMARY OF BY-LAWS May 5, 2008 BY-LAWS 2008-074 Being a By-law to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 for the Municipality of Clarington (Players Business Park Limited & West Diamond Properties Inc.) (Item 2 of Report #1) 2008-075 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (708545 Ontario Limited) (Item 3 of Report #1 ) 2008-076 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0009, any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of S-C-2007 -0009 (Item 3 of Report #1) 2008-077 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle (708545 Ontario Limited) (Item 4 of Report #1) 2008-078 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an agreement with the Owners of draft plan 18T -95028, any Mortgagee who has an interest in the said Lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -95028 (Item 4 of Report #1 ) 2008-079 Being a By-law to establish certain lands as public highways, assume them for public use and name them (Item 5 of Report #1 ) 2008-080 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 5 of Report #1) 2008-081 Being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute an agreement between Durham Region EMS and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for tiered response (Item 6 of Report #1) 2008-082 Being a By-Law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for municipal purposes for the year 2008 2008-083 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan and to repeal By-law 2008-045 (Approved by Council on March 25, 2008) Summary of By-laws - 2 - May 5, 2008 2008-084 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-038 to appoint Members to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee (Approved by Council on April 28, 2008) 2008-085 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-024 to appoint Members to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington (Approved by Council on April 28, 2008) HANDOUTS/CIRCULA TIONS FOR COUNCIL (.) 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V} 4 -0' ~ ~ <.j . ~ "3 ~ o '"/ ~ ~ '::s' ~ :z ~ ~ ~ '> ~:t ~~ Air Emissions from State of the Art Facilities: A Comparison of A-7 to Existing Facilities and Range of Potential Values CO\'\sut+~ f>(o{>ose:::t AOl O~ljtl. +i 0 UM.\h Dioxins (TEQ) ng 1m3 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.018 0.001 0.0002-0.07 O.Ob Lead uglm3 142 44.5 20.0 115 3.1-41 <2-40 "':JoO Mercury uglm3 20 10 5.0 1.8 10 0.2-46 \5' Cadmium ug/m3 14 4.9 2.0 0.55 5.5 0.3-2.7 T NOx mg/m3 207 185.7 50.0 52 4.2-52.3 18.3-165 1'60 SOz mg/m3 56 10.8 10.0 3.7 2.9 0.2-18 3S TOC mg/m3 N.DE~ 0.72 N.DEF N.DEF N.DEF 0.1-4.5 HCI mg/m3 27 10 10.0 0.27 <1.7 0.1-5.5 2.0 Particulate mg/m3 17 6.9 3.0 0.9 <1 0.1-3.7 q matter *A11 units have been corrected to 11%02101.3 kPa and 25 C The Table above illustrates the limits set out in the A-7 guideline, the typical emissions from US facilities in operation several years ago, as well as an indication of what can be achieved. 1 Values are estimates based largely on nationwide averages using conventional technology except for NOx which is using Covanta's proprietary technology and other post combustion technology. 2 2005 Annual Report: http:/twww.afvalenergiebedrijf.numain.asp?action=display-data&name=pagina&item_id=73 3 Data provided by vendor 4 European Commission, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques for Waste incineration, August 2006, pg. 156: htto://www.seas.columbia .edu/earth/wtertlsofos/Eurooean Commision FileUoload ,8905 ,en. odf 5 Data provided by vendor 6 N.DEF = No data for this value Th: s. c.a. V\ bt. fD \.l t\O. 0... t : n+\-p://V'\JvJW. c:llA"'~rY\ yoV"~vJQ.S~.c.CA;fd.fsf,~/{e-f(eJ\'.e/E.t'Y\issi l>V\~ - Lomp().( iso(\. pd-P ,s~ 0'Q Len cC(~ hCU1Cf' -ou~. J /)') ~ 6/06 Ann ISf Super Sanifa 2004;40( J): I 0 I-liS Health effects of exposure to waste incinerator emissions: a review of epidemiological studies Michela FRANCHINI (a), Michela RIAL (a), Eva BWATTI (b) e Fabrizio BIANCHI (a, b) (a) Unita di Epidemiologia,lstituto di Fisiologia Clinica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy (b) Osservatorio di Epidemiologia, Agenzia Regionale di Sanita, Florence, Italy Summary. - This review evaluates the epidemiological literature on health effects in relation to incineration facilities. Several adverse health effects have been reported. Significant exposure-disease associations are reported by two thirds of the papers focusing on cancer (lung and larynx cancer, non- Hodgkin's lymphoma). Positive associations were found for congenital malformations and residence near incinerators. Exposure to PCB and heavy metals were associated with several health outcomes and in particular with reduction of thyroid hormones. Findings on non-carcinogen pathologies are inconclusive. Effect of biases and confounding factors must be considered in the explanation of findings. Methodological problems and insufficient exposure information generate difficulties on study results. Research needs include a better definition of exposure in qualitative and quantitative terms in particular by developing the use of biomarkers and by implementing environmental measurements. Key words: incinerators, health effects, environmental exposure, epidemiology, review. Riassunto (Efieffi sui/a salufe di esposizioni a incenerifori di rijiufi: rassegna di sfudi epidemiologici). - Viene presentata una rassegna della letteratura epidemiologica in tema di salute e inceneritori. Alcuni studi riferiscono effetti avversi sulla salute umana, in particolare per tumori (polmone, laringe, linfoma non- Hodgkin), altri hanno evidenziato eccessi di malformazioni congenite in aree con impianti. Esposizioni a PCB e metalli pesanti sono state associate ad alcune patologie, soprattutto riduzione degli ormoni tiroidei. I risultati riguardanti patologie non tumorali sana maggiormente inconsistenti. Fattori di distorsione e confondimento possono avere una rilevante influenza sulle associazioni identificate. Natura e complessita delle esposizioni, dimensioni delle popolazioni indagate, difficile definizione del protilo socio-economico, clevata variabilita di patologie e sintomi studiati, sono trattati in rassegna. Una nuova generazione di studi epidemiologici necessita di una migliore definizione dell'esposizione in termini qualitativi e quantitativi, in particolare mediante una evoluzione delle misurazioni ambientali e 10 sviluppo dell'uso di bio-marcatori individuali di esposizione. Parole chiave: inceneritori, effetti sulla salute, esposizione ambientale, epidemiologia, rassegna di studio Introduction Although landfills are still widely used in Europe for the disposal of wastes, there is a rapid increase in the use of incineration instead of landfilling for the disposal of solid waste. Incinerators are known to release numerous toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and to produce ashes and other solid waste residues. Adverse health effects associated with mass burn incineration are of great concern as large population groups and workers may be exposed to derived toxic substances. Many of these chemicals are known to be persistent, bioaccumulative, carcinogenic or endocrine disruptors fl ]. Several studies have demonstrated that old but also new incinerators can contribute to the contamination of local soil and vegetation by organic and inorganic compounds present in variable quantities in fly ash and flue gases released from the plants. Similarly, in several European countries, cow's milk from farms located close to incinerators has been found to contain elevated levels of dioxins, in some cases above regulatory limits l2, 3]. Populations living near incinerators - alike those living near landfill sites - are potentially exposed to chemicals by way of inhalation of contaminated air, consumption of contaminated foods, water or dermal contact with contaminated soil ll, 4, 5]. People can Indirizzo per fa corrispondenza (Address for corre.\pondence): Fabrizio Bianchi, Unitil di Epidemiologia, Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Via Moruzzi 1,56124 Pisa, Italy. E-mail: fabriepi@ifc.cnr.it. 102 also be occupationally exposed to chemicals emitted from incinerators. Occupational exposure is generally of higher intensity and duration compared with environmental exposures; quantitative levels of compounds can be more easily ascertained and defined. Extrapolation of results from occupational studies to the general population needs care since workers differ from the general population in terms of age, sex, lifestyle, and are also self selected to be relatively healthy (healthy worker effect) [1]. Several epidemiological and experimental studies were conducted to evaluate adverse effects in populations or workers exposed to the emission of incinerators. Health effects that have been reported to be associated with environmental exposure to incinerator emissions include increased risk of a range of cancers (especially lung and larynx cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, soft tissue sarcoma), respiratory symptoms and congenital malformations. Some studies have also revealed a higher incidence of multiple births, abnormal sex ratio of newborns and changes in blood levels of some thyroid hormones. Chemical emissions Incinerators are typically fed with mixed waste containing hazardous substances such as heavy metals and chlorinated organic chemicals. These substances can assume other forms during incineration that are likely to be more toxic than the original compounds. The range of metals emitted from the plants includes cadmium, thallium, lead, arsenic, antimony, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel and mercury. Information on effects of environmental exposure to metals is very limited; also occupational surveys are not able to attribute particular effects to a single metal since workers have often been exposed to a range of heavy metals. Metal exposure is therefore associated with a range of adverse health effects concerning all body systems. In particular most heavy metals have been reported to be associated with kidney disease, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular damage, blood effects, and neurotoxicity [I]. Some are classi- fied as proven or suspected carcinogens (Table I). Some others are associated with particular health effects: lead acts as a modifier of children's cognitive and behavioural development, long term exposure to cadmium is likely to be responsible for disturbances in calcium metabolism and osteoporosis. Airborne particles, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide are among pollutants emitted from incinerators. PMIO is generally considered as the most important component of urban air pollution and epidemiological studies have shown that long-term exposure to airborne particles is Michela FRANCHINI, Michela RIAL. Eva BlJIATH et al. associated with increased risks of developing bron- chitis [6, 7J and some loss of life expectancy [8, 9]. Furthermore particle traps used to reduce particle emission from incinerators cannot avoid emission of ultra-fine particles. However, it has been suggested that the ultra-fine component of vehicle emissions is more harmful as it carries a range of metals and toxic organic compounds as well. The oxides of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide are associated with respiratory short-term effects especially in individuals with a particular suscepti- bility. NOx and SOx emissions will contribute respectively to the formation of ozone and acid aerosols. Carbon monoxide is likely to increase the onset of heart disease. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), released during the incomplete combustion or pyrolisis of organic matter, may have oestrogenic properties [10] and are reported in association with ischemic heart disease [II] and cancer, in particular cancer of lung [12] and bladder [13,14]. Polycyclic aromatics (PCA) have been reported to be mutagenic and mutagenicity was found to be inversely proportional to the degree of completeness of refuse combustion [15]. Poorly controlled combustion processes can entail the production of dioxins, another class of compounds that include two families of chemicals, polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). These groups consist respectively of 75 and 135 cogeners that determine toxic effects on human health with different grades of severity. Excluding occupational exposure, diet is the main route of dioxin contamination by accumulation along the food chain; newborns in particular are exposed through breast-feeding. Epidemiological studies on health effects The aim of the present paper is to present a review of the major epidemiological studies published from 1987 to 2003 on health effects in populations living in the neighbourhood of waste incinerators. Forty-six papers were considered: 32 concerning health effects on populations residing near incinerators, lion occupational exposure, 2 on environment and occupation and I was included as its environmental survey was designed to evaluate the relationship between a high cancer death rate and environmental concentration of dioxin analogues near an incinerator in Japan. To enrich evidence on association between some diseases and exposure to compounds emitted by incinerators, papers on occupational exposure were also included in this review (Table 2) although the INClNI:RATORS AND RELATED HEALTH EFFECn Table 1. - Carcinogenic effects of chemicals according to the IARC evaluation 103 Ref. Chemical Chemical group Degree of evidence in humans [51] Arsenic Metals Sufficient I carcinogenic [52] Beryllium Metals Sufficient Icarcinogenic [52] Cadmium Heavy metals Sufficient Icarcinogenic [53] Chromium (VI) Metals Sufficient Icarcinogenic [53J Nickel Heavy metals Sufficient I carcinogenic [52] Mercury Heavy metals Inadequate [51] Lead Heavy metals Inadequate [51] Benzene Polycyclic aromatics Sufficient I carcinogenic [51] Carbon tetrachloride Chlorinated Inadequate hydrocarbons [54 Chloroform Polycyclic aromatics Inadequate [55] Chlorophenols 55 Chlorinated aromatics Inadequate [56] Trichloroethylene Chlorinated solvent [57] Dibenzo-para-dioxin Dioxins Polychlorinated Dioxins [57] Dibenzo-para dioxins [57] Polychlorinated Dioxins dibenzofurans Limited No adequate data No adequate data Inadequate Evaluation Carcinogenic (IARC) effects Skin, lung, liver, bladder, kidney, colon Lung Lung, prostate Lung Lung 2B Lung, pancreatic, colon, prostate, brain, kidney 2B Lung, bladder, kidney, digestive system Leukemia 2B Liver, lung, leukemia 2B Bladder, kidney, brain, lymphoma 2B Soft-tissue sarcoma, Hodgkin's and non Hodgkin's lymphoma 2A Liver, non Hodgkin's lymphoma All cancer 3 3 All cancer 3 All cancer intensity of exposure of workers differs from that of the general population (Table 3). Most of the reviewed epidemiological studies were found through a systematic search using MEDLINE and several combinations of relevant key words (epidemiology, incineration, incinerator/s, waste incinerator). In addition, articles were traced through references in relevant papers and publications of the UK Institute for Environment and Health, the US National Academy of Sciences, and Greenpeace. Papers have been grouped according to the following criteria: study design, pathways of exposure, type of significance of association between exposure and disease, and health outcomes. One risk assessment study is presented for its importance as it anticipates long-term putative consequences. Follow-up study designs (a category in which before/after, perspective and retrospective cohort studies were included) are the most commonly used to evaluate association between environmental or occupational exposure to incineration and health effects. Some of the studies had methodological purposes and were therefore carried out to develop new techniques of statistical analysis or toxicological models of pollutant's intake. Investigations of single incineration sites are less frequent than those concerning multisites. Other studies focus on multiple sources of exposure but in this case effects of each single source are not recognized. The majority of the studies, particularly those on cancer, refer to old rather than modem incinerators. A wide range of effects on health were analysed including cancer, reproductive outcomes, respiratory effects and body tissue concentration of toxic compounds examined by using biomarkers of internal exposure especially in association with occupational exposure. The exposure assessment has been mainly based on surrogate measures such as residence in an area close to an incineration site or working at the plants. Results on environmental exposure Significant exposure-disease associations are reported by two thirds of the findings concerning cancer (mortality, incidence or prevalence). Results on -0 I\) o (J1 ~~ Dl 0" e. (j;. g Q. Dl en OJ en a 0- 8 3 8- 3(0 -0 CD en ~ ~ OJ iii' CD 3 g ~ ~ en C1 o =. 5 c: CD ~ 1ii 3 n n 0 0 ::r0.::J ~ CD ~ ~3a ~~a s: ~r 0" en ::J 3 8 ::i" =. 3. ~ ~. 0. 0" '< :5" So r\) Gl 0. 5' ~ ~ g, OJ ro @ ::J =. '<OJQ (0 en CD 5'"l'2. :;: OJ ~'a ~ 8 ~ ~~. ~ ~0.!!'.3 ~DJ"'C :;: ::J m o 0 en ~O::Q. ~ ~ 0 ~. ~ -0" ~ !!'.CD :;: Ul Dl en 1ii a 3 ::;-Dl o ::J 3 ~ ~ R -0 n o c: en-o ~ ~ 0' ::J !!'. Dl :xl aCD cr&I 0" 0' o ::J o.~ ~ -c' og ~~ "TICD CD ::J CD x -0 o en c: ro Ol .s () a en en en CD Q. 0' ::J !!'. ~~' ~ ~ tT ~. ~ ~ 55 aUl~ ~Qow 0:; :;: :r. 1ii (003en CD ~ ffi ::i" :;: m '< o~cncn-:; ~(O :;: 0 ~rJ~5 ~:;:1il ;:+ 0" en ~::9.. ~ ~ en 1ii OJ 0" o 0. \l () o o " m < ~ 8"@5" n ::J n o 0 CD 3 m ~ 0" Dl CD 5530. g. g 55" ::J (0 ^ a ~ Q g.~CD (') (1) ~ utcn-c CD ::r x Dl -o'1jl g !!'. CD 0. Ol ..::::! :xl CD < ai' :;: sa.s:: CD !:. x ",., -0-0 g m c: en ~ 0 CD c: n CD en C 5' W f!!Z~ CD 5' :;: CD ~o:; ~o Ul Ol El () a en en en CD Q. 0' ::J !!'. :r:r~ c g. CD 00 CD 2' OJ ~ 8' Ul O~CD~ o :;: x .g!!'.-g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (i;- _ c.. CD Om::-:'w 2-!!'.~:;: 3 :;: ~ aQ~ ii) i~ ~~~ ai' 0 CD en ~"'C 5' Dr (0 ::J u; -o~ ~Q urs: (0 !!'. 5' CD OJ 0" o 0. m Dl 0- m < ~ 3 "TI SeD ~-@ CD CD ~.Q sa. s; 5. Dl -< O!!cnU1 o x 0> 3 :;: -0 :;: "'C ei 0 0 OJ Ct> en -"'t ~. :. ~ @ ~m':-:-'cn 2-!!'. ~:;: ~ :;: ~ ::J 0 -, _ ~ :l Oi @~ Q, en ~ a::;:5' CD 0 CD en ~"O 5' Dr (0 :l u; CD 0 x n -0 n o c: ~-o CD el 0' ::J !!'. ~~ ffl-~ 5' (0 !!'. 5' CD CD Z ~ 0 o n en m ~ ~ Dl Dl ::J en o.~ ~ ~ ~. 0' -< ::J 3 g c: ~ DiCD (0 CD CD ::J ::J en '111 /<J Il.1VInf/lJ,l:i '7VnJ lJPIf,J1W 'INIH:JNVH:J lJlJlf,nw m en o -0 ::r Dl (0 CD !!'. n Dl ::J n m ::rO":;:z Dl CD 0 0 g ~ ~ 5. 9.. ~ ~ @ 9.C"~~ :;:g5'~ CDa.CD.., ~ CD 12. en' ~. ~ a ~ -om~g a < ......::J ro~~(Q Q.DlO:;: <' ::J Q, 0 coc.~~ (") stcr~ 5"CD:Jen 5' 5' (0 Ol $ () a en en en CD Q. o. ::J !!'. ~\l5" C::rn 00:;; 5' ~~CD CD 0:; -g:8' 5)' W 5' -0 en c: CD 3"2 o 3 iil 3 -< re 2'C/l ::J c: ~@ 0' 3 ::J CD en :l pi CDO"Z ::l:CDO ~ ~ n ct~g 5' :J en "" CD iii' (5 ~ CD .., 0 a [~~ en m ~ Dl n s.. 9]: ::r o. CD ::J !!'. 5' sa.~ ()) g. 0>< 3~ !!'.CD CD 3 :;:-0 ~~ m ~ en n o ::r o ;:+ -oI ~~ CD CD 2' ~ 51- ~. " 0 O"::J g" 0. Dl ::J 0. Ol ~ () a en en en CD Q. 0' ::J !!'. -0 -...I Dr 5' ::J n ur :i" 5" CD ca 00 0' ::J WCD n x ~ a:: -g :;: rn ~ 0 ro~~ .g 0> Ul ~; ~ CDDl-o m~~ C1 CD o CD a. 3 Dl Dl -0'3:: ~. ~ ffi o --0 2- ~ u; ~ o ~ !!l. 1ii g.~ CD 0 ~~ ::J(O en!! 3 "TI 5.m ~-@ CD CD ::J ::J en~ sa. s; 5' Dl -< a ~ ~ 5, 5" cDnr~~@ g..~~-<e; ;Biil}.~~ Q.Qo~6i~' 9.::ro(Q~ ~ ~~. ~ 9- <D - g _."'C 9.. :J :J a ~g~g- :;: ~ -g g, CD m ~ (0 ~ :::'J 0- 5. (0 Ol ~ () a en en en CD Q. o. ::J !!'. ~oo 00_ :;: 0 CD n o.^ CD ::r ::J Q. ~3 5' s:: n c: :i' :2. CD n @ is" Q~ 5. ~ C/l 1ii n :;: s:: 000 .g ~ ~ OJ ~ =: coU)-< 0. CD 0:; ct.g cD O"~~ fit~3 ~ a g o.~(O ::J !!'. -...I amen 0' Dl 3 ~!i~ 0:;,< mm g.~ CD Q "l'2.^ CJ S' ::J(O -!!'. ~ ~ i ~ i_-: iilnDlmc'i' co ffi ::J (") tu 0.3 0.0 =. ~, (';' .6,.g Dl :;:~:Jt1)U) :Jre3:cog !!'.~~o.a 0' 9, :a ~, 0' ~~rJ:;::J 03r6~oQ cD CD Q. ~ c:- U) a :J 0' (0 ::J ~ ~ :xl ~ a en -0 CD Q. <' CD 2: 0" :;: C -0 3 m Sl~ VI 0 c: VI ca ; () Dl c: en CD sa. 3 o ;:+ !!'. ~' :xl ~ ~ r:r CD ~ !a c 0. '< 0. 11 cEo ::I o o o c: "'C ~ o. :J e!.. <1l X "'C o (J) c: CD o c: o o 3 <1l (J) en C- o. '< !!!. if en C- o. '< VI C cr "[ VI J: Sl ;:; =r o c c; o ~ :tl ~ o ::l. ~ - :i" 0. 5' lQ VI vOl )> cr cr ro < ~: 0' :J ~ " o o o "U o -< C) :::r Q :i" '" 10 0. 0. 0' CD :J N o ~ 0. 0' x 5' sn " o o :n "U o -< C) :::r Q 5' '" 10 0. 0. 0' CD :J N o 2" iil :J sn " o III "U o -< C) :::r Q 5' '" 10 0. cr u' :::r CD :J '< Pf -I o o CJ Q~ CD < 3 ~ '" iir :J ~ CD CD C) Will ~~i~~ ~~m~~ ~c. C- o :i:, 0 g. !:; ~ 3' :::r 3' 5' OOlil~CD o5.co'<ID ,,0 en3 go~"U c: 3 CD en "0 en "'0 CJ) aoen" 0' 3 3 :J '" !!!.en CD 0 x C) "U C) o c: en"U c: ~ m c;- :J !!!. '" '" r :J :J CD 0.0.< !:;"~ 5' 0 8- CDiR" ~ 5' 8 3cro %8" en 0. ![ iil C) :::r 0" o 0. 0' CD :J N o ~ 0. 0' x ?' ~~8~ 8.~.g~ !!l 0 ~ ~j" 0. ~ 0' a 5()~OJ 'o-en ~' 0 ~ gj ,,"U C) ID OJ g a 3 :J c: 0' -CQ.(D:J if~!!lg- Illo.~ 5' ,g. m :::r :J !;Ol ~ ~ o o en en en CD ~ 0' :J !!!. c::: 5' ::; s: III C) III c: -g ~. * ~. 2. OJ -0' o !!!. en o ~ 3 0 3'0. 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CD x a: en 5'::; ~ CD III ::l 3 en C) ur CD C'O en :r ffi g' g. ~ ro CD III ~ iil 3 urQs 5'::; 0' " ::+-0' w~~ 5 to' CD :::r ~ 00 :Ii i\> -..j '0 ~ o o o o ~ $:r\3 o 0 ::l-~ !!!. ~' en J) o CD e: en o a: CD CD en :J s.g () :J o CD g.~ c: 3 ~~ 0' _, :J"U 5' ro jjj -< o CD '"Q :C:' ~ 0' :J 5' 0. CD x en 00 $:$: J)J) 103 ~ ~ m~ ~ CD W 151 I~ Ol~ I\.')~ ~~ Ql<O :J CD <0 ~ ~ ,/V}J Il.1VIna v,q '7VnI vplj,J1W 'INIJ/:JNVNd Vj,1lj,nw 3-:2: III 0: iil CD ~w :1. cE ~CD [;i' So en o (') g' 8 :J o 3 0' .:<Z 3 g -g., o :J: 3Ql 8. ~ ~ 5' IIi -:::.: ~ 5' J) () CD :i' en CD 0: W ~ Q~ "U :J iilCD :J ~ Cii-..j 5' f\) ~Q. <00: iil::; :J III 0. en 10 o CD '"Q :C:' ~ 0' :J 5' 0. 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Ql '1:1 ::T Z n' Ul~ ~ (1)0 Ql III CD I t") o z=- (1)2, (I)"Tl Q. o :IE zc (1)"9... .!;!: m )( '1:1 o III c: Cil 3 III III c: ii o o :::I 0' c: :::I 0. ~ III m ~ CD ~ 3' ~ o' :::I en o c: c; o 3 CD ~ C' CD ~ IllUl 1Il_ III c: 00. t")'< Dj" 0. 5'$ :::I -. lIleg ~Ill :oa V III ...- ~Ill g;- ig. me. :::I III CD cQ' )( :::I '1:1_ 0-' lilt") c:1ll .. :::I CDt") III CD :::10 0.- 0'8 C:1Il f)a: o < 3CD CD o o E: ::l C (l) .3: 011 INCINERATORS AND R/~LATE/) J/tALT/J EFFECTS association between lung cancer and exposure to incinerators or exposure to multiple sources including incinerators are mainly positive, Some studies show statistical significance [16-18] while in other studies no statistical significance emerges after adjustment for deprivation or distance from the source of exposure [19,20], Two studies reported a significant association between non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and environmental exposure to incinerators located in UK and France [18, 2], 22] and a significant increase in risk of soft tissue sarcomas was found in France [2 I] and in Italy [23] in association with residence close to waste incinerators, A UK study pointed out a small increased risk of liver cancer associated with living within I km of an incinerator [18] also after adjustment for deprivation, As possible misdiagnosis of primary liver cancer could have affected results of this study, the same author conducted a further study to evaluate the proportion of true primary liver cancer after histopathological review, This second study found a proportion of 55 - 82% of true primary liver cancer and gave revised estimates of between 0.53 and 0,78 excess cases per 105 per year within I km. [24] Elliott et af. [18] also reported a significant association between exposure and stomach, colorectal and bladder cancer by using the Stone's test. An Italian small area analysis of mortality among residents near multiple sources of combustion products did not indicate any clear association between liver cancer mortality rates and distance from sources of exposure [20] but highlighted an increase - though not significant - of cancer of thc larynx in males as distance from the plants decreased and a significant excess of mortality for kidney cancer in females between 3 and 8 km from the exposure sources. A previous study conducted in the UK concluded that the apparent cluster of cases of cancer of the larynx reported near one waste oil incinerator was not associated with this plant [19]. Studies on childhood cancer and industrial emissions did not show a clear relationship between health effects among children and incinerator emissions even if some results were statistically significant. Two studies were carried out to compare - among other objectives - statistical methods of geographical analysis to put emphasis on the effects of residing in proximity to several industrial sources [25, 26], The risk seems to be greater for children who were born or lived near incinerators though it is very difficult to discriminate between the effects of the plants and those of other sources of industrial pollution, Studies on biological monitoring of blood, urine, and milk samples assess the internal dose of exposure (biomarkers of exposure) or the biological response to III exposure (biomarkers of early effect) to substances that are likely to be mutagenic, carcinogenic or teratogenic when metabolised by the body tissues. This approach takes into account inter-individual differences in absorption, distribution and excretion of xenobiotic compounds giving measures of exposure which are likely to be more directly associated with possible adverse health effects [1,27 J, A German study reported elevated levels of PCBs in blood samples from children living near an hazardous waste incinerator [28] while three other studies did not find increased levels of dioxins in body tissues of residents near the plants [29-31]. Elevated but not statistically significant levels of mercury and thioethers were found in hair of people residing in the vicinity of an incinerator in Finland [32] and in urine samples from children living near a modern plant in Spain [33J, Exposure to PCB and heavy metals was also associated with reduction of thyroid hormones and the consequent delay in neurologic and sexual development. A German study carried out on blood samples from children exposed to industrial pollution reported small but significant changes in thyroid hormones [34] and a Belgian study [35] found that children living near waste incinerators reached sexual maturity at a later age. Straight evidence was not provided on the association between residence near incinerators and non-carcinogenic outcomes i.e, chronic or acute respiratory effects in children and adults [36-39]. Most of the studies on congenital malformations were conducted around landfill sites though some of them included incinerators in the study area, On the whole, results of both landfill and incinerator studies found significantly raised risk and increased incidence of birth defects [5, 40, 41]. Positive associations were also found between residence near an incinerator and an increased probability of multiple births [] 0, 42] or a higher proportion of female births [43]. Discussion The aim of the present review is to highlight some crucial points that should be taken into account in the design of surveys to be conducted to evaluate effects of waste incinerators on health. Most of the epidemiological studies on environmental contamination confirm difficulties in defining unequivocally levels of exposure to which individuals are exposed. This mainly depends on lack of information on waste feed, type of chemicals emitted and off-site migration routes from incineration sites, Technical features of the emission source (stack chimney height and diameter, pollution control 112 cquipment, fly and bottom ashes map, different kinds of toxic materials released, age of the plant) represent important variables to be considered. Also location of the plants may influencc study rcsults: generally incineration facilities are situated within industrial arcas near other kinds of plants and very often close to landfill sites used for waste dcposit or for parallel activities of waste disposal. Therefore it is complicated to ascertain the extent to which incinerator emissions contribute to adverse health effects with respect to other sources of pollution, Consequently it is hard to define indicators of exposure relevant to the nature and levels of contamination. Residence, in particular, is commonly used as a proxy of the exposure though in many cases is likely to introduce misclassification problems if not supported by accurate environmental measures [1,23,44,45]. In addition, residence intended as residence near or distancc from a source of contamination leads, in both cases, to a non-comparability problem among studies as residence can only be evaluated within each specific study which is based on the local topography and prevailing winds. Moreover, people living in the vicinity of more than one incinerator are likely to be exposed to higher doses of chemicals. As an appropriate modcl on how exposure lessens with distance is not always available, simple algorithms such as distance from the nearest site [1, 40] or distance from the major source - both in terms of size and importance - arc used [I, 46]. The exposure model needcd may vary depending on the health outcome considered. For congenital anomalies peak exposures in short time windows of fetal development may matter while, for cancer, average exposures over long time periods may be more relevant. To improve measurement of exposure, duration of residence could prove useful, if relevant. In general, surrogate exposure measures are likely to lead to misclassification of exposure, which if non differential, may dilute true effects in these investigations [44,47], The use of biomarkers, biological monitors of internal dose, allows a better definition of individual exposure, but still presents some limitations, The monitoring of biomarkers of exposure is currently difficult and costly and can generally measure only a limited number of chemicals that have been pre- viously indicated by environmental monitoring data [1,27]. Population-based studies on the effects of incinerators are affected not only by incomplete or inaccurate exposure data, but are also characterized by low-level exposure over long periods of time. This determines a small increase in relative risk that is difficult to detect. Moreover, the long latency period bctwccn cxposure and diagnosis of the chronic disease Michela FRANCHINI, Michela RIAL, Eva BUlATlJ el aI, may lead to misclassification of exposure as people investigatcd may have migrated into or out of the exposed area during the latency period [25,26], Another important problem in studies on environmental exposure is that the size of populations living near the plants is generally small [23], This can considerably limit their statistical power and the likelihood of detecting any moderate increase of the risk especially when the outcome is a rare disease, Single-incinerator studies, generally conducted in response to community concerns, are those most affected by the problem of small population size and by the lack of a specific a priori disease hypothesis. The latter is also a multi-incinerator study problem, Multi-incinerator studies mainly investigate rare diseases such as cancer and reproductive outcomes and generally include a large number of subjects who increase statistical power, However, results obtained by this kind of studies do not provide specific information on the risk level of each single site. Choice among study designs is tightly linked to the availability of information on exposure, outcomes and other factors likely to be determinant for the relationship between exposure and disease. Studies based on data routinely collected are often limited by the lack of information about possible confounders or effect modifiers (smoking, diet, education, occupation, socioeconomic status and residential history). The variation pattern of socioeconomic profile with distance from sources of pollution is still unclear, Though some studies show that the relationship between health outcomes and residence near landfills or incinerators is not significant after adjusting for sociodemographic factors findings of other studies may vary after adjustment. On the other hand, questionnaire surveys may be affected by low response rates and possible recall bias since people who perceive themselves as exposed may report more symptoms and be the ones who return the questionnaire [48-50]. Differences in study designs and high variability of health outcomes - very often aspecific and grouped into categories having different etiopathogenesis - both limit comparability among results of environmental studies. The recent use of biomarkers measuring biological responses such as chromosomal and molecular changes give epidemiological studies a greater statistical power, However, interpretation of these effect biomarkers is still unclear and it is still difficult to correlate specific diseases to incinerator exposure, which is the primary interest of people living in the vicinity of waste sites, Finally it has to be noted that often grey data is not published in the literature and therefore findings of published studies may be incomplete. INCINERA70RS AND RELATED HEALTH EFFECTS Conclusions The majority of the studies concern old plants often in association with other sources of pollution, Despite chemical emissions of modern incinerators are more limited, toxic substances are still released in the atmosphere as well as in other residues such as fly ash and bottom ash. Often the lack of comparability among study results make findings on health effects of incinerators inconsistent though some significant results were found. In addition, in most studies health effects that have been associated with incinerators can not be tied down to a particular pollutant and therefore no causal role can be established. Analysis by specific cause, notwithstanding the poor evidence for each disease, has found nevertheless significant results for lung cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, soft tissue sarcomas and childhood cancers, On the other hand studies on cancer of the larynx and liver found contradictory results. Findings on non-carcinogen pathologies are inconclusive, in particular for acute and chronic respiratory disease, Some results point out a relationship between exposure to incinerators and congenital malformations but the lack of statistical consistency makes it difficult to conclude if the association is causal or not. Results of biomonitoring of internal exposure seem to confirm that accumulation of substances investigated in biological tissues is likely to trigger a neoplastic process. Further research into the potential environmental and health risks of incinerators in particular by a more accurate characterization of individual exposure together with an improved knowledge of chemical and toxicological data on specific compounds or more complex interactions between chemicals could improve our current understanding, More multisite studies on large populations, to increase statistical power, are needed to draw conclusions on general risks, Acknowledgments We wish to gratefully acknowledge the MEDLINE search of papers of Nunzia Linzalone and Rita Maffei, We are also indebted to Rodolfo Saracci (fARC - Lyon) and Pietro Comba (fSS - Rome) for helpful comments and suggestions, Received on 4 September 2003, Accepted on 22 December 2003, REFERENCES I. Johnson BL. 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Flatau B, Henning M, Weber A, Angerer J, Lehnert G, Internal exposure to polYchlorinated qibenzo-p-dioxins and pqlychrorinated dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) of Bavarian chimney sweeps, Arch Environ Contam ToxicoI2001;40: 136-40, ....OcvJe Roncv_ld hCU1d - out- tY)c~~ 5/08 RESOLUTION No. GR-45 (Submitted by the Windsor and District Labour Council) WHEREAS building waste incinerators will encourage municipalities and industry to build more across Canada. Incinerators prevent cheaper and less polluting alternatives; and WHEREAS incinerators produce less energy than that saved by recycling and resource conservation; and WHEREAS incineration creates toxic substances. Scientific studies show incineration causes cancer, respiratory disease; disruption of the endocrine system and congenital birth defects. Airborne pollutants contaminate plant and animal products; and WHEREAS incineration perpetuates the use of landfills. Every three tons of waste incinerated generates one ton of toxic ash that leach into the soil thereby polluting groundwater; and WHEREAS incinerators remove incentives for corporations to redesign products and packaging to reduce toxics and conserve resources. This negatively impacts the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility which can create jobs; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Canadian Labour Congress confirms opposition to the principle of waste incineration. RESOLUTION No. GR-46 (Submitted by the CA W - National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada) The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) will confirm opposition to the principle of waste incineration; Because building waste incinerators will encourage municipalities and industry to build more across Canada. Incinerators prevent less costly and less polluting alternatives; Because incinerators produce less energy than that saved by recycling and resource conservation; Because incineration creates substances that are more toxic than the original waste. Scientific studies show incineration causes cancer, respiratory disease, disruption of the endocrine system and congenital birth defects. Airborne pollutants contaminate plant and animal products of distant populations; Because incarceration perpetuates the use of landfills. Every three tons of waste incinerated generates one ton toxic ash containing heavy metals that leach into the soil thereby polluting groundwater; Because incinerators remove incentives and pressures for corporations to redesign products and packaging to reduce toxics and conserve resources. This negatively impacts our Extended Producer Responsibility campaign. Waste reuse, repair, recycling and composting, creates jobs in secondary industries. RESOLUTION No. GR-47 (Submitted by the Durham Region Labour Council) The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) will confirm opposition to the principle of waste incineration; Because incinerators prevent less costly and less polluting alternatives; Because incinerators produce less energy than that saved by recycling and resource conservation; Because incineration creates substances that are more toxic than the original waste; Because incarceration perpetuates the use of landfills. Every three tons of waste incinerated generates one ton toxic ash containing heavy metals that leach into the soil thereby polluting groundwater; Because incinerators remove incentives and pressures for corporations to redesign products and packaging to reduce toxins and conserve resources. houlS ~~cL m~ 5/08' co ..... o = - .~ ::; "- en .8 ~ co 0) "-.c 0)- g->. 0) co .c :J - en ."'::: :J E"O .- c E co u:i :JuE E:.c2 ciJ .- 0.. en I-xo>. co "- en ~Et).6 - 0) co :J ---l.ccoen 0)-00) "- 0 "- co en .~ 0 0) co ."'::: E Q.i en E "- .c .- = 0 - ."'::: en 0) "OE:.cc c=_o co 0) 0> C Ji E .~ .~ .- co.c "- E "- 0 :J .- t) co := - ._ 0) co O)ca:..... 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