HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/2008 CJ&illgron DATE: TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2008 TIME: 7:00 P.M, PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEETING CALLED TO ORDER INVOCATION DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENTS ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held March 3, 2008 PRESENTATION a) Veridian Corporation 2008 Dividend Cheque b) Mark Canning - Tyrone Community Centre DELEGATIONS (List as ofTime of Publication) a) Peter Evans, President, Clarington Older Adult Centre Board - Report COD-O 16-08 - Bowmanville Tennis Club - Lease Renewal (Item 11 of Report #1) COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Information I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board dated February 13, 2008 I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Living Green Community Advisory Committee dated February 26, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Council Agenda - 2 - March 25, 2008 I - 3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated February 20,2008 I - 4 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated February 19, 2008 I - 5 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated February 12, 2008 I - 6 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated February 19, 2008 1-7 Linda J. Laliberte, CGA, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - 2007 Annual Report and Financial Statements I - 8 Elisha Gennara, Julia Potocnik, Greg and Lisa Rodd, Kristin D, McKinnon-Rutherford, Russ Aitchison and Gail Wensink - Energy-From-Waste 1-9 Jennifer Allan, Administrative Assistant, City Clerk Services, City of Oshawa - "Earth Hour" 1-10 David Caplan, Minister, Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal- Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) I - 11 Fred and Sandy Archibald, Archibald Orchards and Estate Winery - "Donald Cooper's Boot Camp" and "Clarington,net" Newsletter 1-12 Gord Steeves, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) - "Stepping Up to the Climate Change Challenge: Perspectives on Local Government Leadership, Policy and Practice in Canada" I - 13 Shawn and Angie Lumsden - Oshawa/Durham/Ontario Air Quality 1- 14 George S, Graham, AMCT, CMC, Township of Brock - Proposed Provincial Action to Limit Phosphorus Loading from Sewage Treatment Plants in the Lake Simcoe Basin I - 15 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Annual Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study and the Proposed 2008 Business Plans, Budgets and Related Financing Report 1-16 P. M, Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham - Long Term Strategic Property Tax Plan for the Region of Durham: 2008 Update Council Agenda - 3- March 25, 2008 I - 17 Sally Barrie, Administrator - Approval of 2008 Municipal Grant Request 1- 18 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham- Rail Link Between Peterborough and Toronto 1- 19 Janice Willett, MD, FRCSC, President, Ontario Medical Association- Support to Ban Smoking in Cars Carrying Children I - 20 Allan Hewitt, Library Board Chair, Clarington Public Library- Approval of 2008 Capital and Operating Budget Requests I - 21 Jim Watson, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Designation of Provincial Surplus I - 22 Sheila Carson, President, Teachers of English as a Second Language Association of Ontario - English as a Second Language Week 1-23 Rob Macisaac, Chair, Metrolinx - Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Across the Metropolitan Region of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) I - 24 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) I - 25 The Honourable Steve Peters, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario - "Commemorative Bells Project". 1- 26 Mayor Pat Perkins, Mayor, Town of Whitby- Provincial Budget I - 27 Rae Horst, Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition (CAMC) - Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition 2007 Accomplishments I - 28 The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - "Earth Hour" Receive for Direction D - 1 Paul Pressick - Vehicle Idling D - 2 Durham Region Labour Council -"Day of Mourning" D - 3 Shelley Burns, ND, Chair, Board of Directors, Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) - "Naturopathic Medicine Week" Council Agenda - 4 - March 25, 2008 D - 4 Paul Siemon, Hands In Motion, Massage Therapy and Sports Injury Clinic - 2008 Terry Fox Run D - 5 Michael Chan, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration - Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2008 D - 6 Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer, Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre - Free Parking in Downtown Bowmanville D - 7 Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer, Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre - Request for Temporary By-law to Prohibit Sign D - 8 Dave Sebben, Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville - Annual Home Show and Carnival D - 9 Mad River Institute for Political Studies - Mail-In Balloting D - 10 Steve Shanks and Murray Walton, Lions Club of Courtice - Purina Walk for Dog Guides D - 11 Cyndi Di Pietro, CURE Foundation - National Denim Day D - 12 Jim Richards - Practices and Procedures D - 13 Shelly van Empel, Corporation of the Town of Milton - Security Deposits for the Rehabilitation of Aggregate Pits and Quarries D - 14 Pam Gilroy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Niagara - Fair and Equitable Representation in the House of Commons D - 15 Brian Fallis, Chair, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - Redevelopment of the Ganaraska Forest Centre D - 16 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham- Retirement Homes D - 17 Bob Sweet, Mayor, Town of Petawawa - Support for Canadian Troops D -18 Leigh McSwan - Miss Universe Canada 2008 Pageant D - 19 Laura Moy, Director Staff Services/Clerk, the Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh - Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) Agreement D - 20 Cheri Smith, Committee Member, Bowmanville 150th Anniversary Committee - 150th Anniversary Flags Council Agenda - 5- March 25, 2008 D - 21 R. A. Fowler, Secretary, Ontario Property and Environmental Rights Alliance (OPERA) - Expanding the Greenbelt D - 22 Libby Racansky - Lack of or No Public Input on Planning Process COMMITTEE REPORT 1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 17, 2008 STAFF REPORT 1. Report PSD-030-08 - Official Plan Review Special Meeting of Council 2. Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor concerning a Legal Matter BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Correspondence Item D - 17 from Mayor Pat Perkins, Town of Whitby- Waste Diversion Challenge (Tabled at the March 3, 2008 Meeting) 2. Report CSD-004-08 - Grant Request - Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington (Referred at the March 3, 2008 Meeting) 3. Report CSD-006-08 - Grant Request - Latenite Productions (Tabled at the March 3, 2008 Meeting) 4. Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor concerning a Property Matter (Tabled at the March 3, 2008 Meeting) BY-LAWS NOTICES OF MOTION OTHER INFORMATION CONFIRMING BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT Clmil1glOn Council Meeting Minutes MARCH 3, 2008 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 3, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Foster led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim CouncillorW. Woo Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Facilities Manager, G. Acorn Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Parks Supervisor, B. Genosko Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated for this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Hooper stated he had the privilege of representing Mayor Abemethy on Friday, February 29, 2008, at the Greater Toronto Countryside Mayors' Alliance meeting in Milton. He advised Ontario's Environment Commissioner Gord Miller addressed the group on sustainable planning, matters of water and air quality, growth issues that impact the greenbelt and the health of the great lakes. Councillor Hooper invited Commissioner Miller to address Clarington Council on environmental issues and he has accepted the invitation. He also highlighted the Caledon Countryside Alliance's "Grown in Peel Guide" and suggested the brochure be forwarded to the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee. Council Meeting Minutes - 2- March 3, 2008 Councillor Hooper advised of the Clarington Firehouse Youth Centre speak-out- "Firehouse Out Loud" to be held on March 20, 2008 providing an opportunity for youth and staff to discuss the future direction of the centre. He also advised that May 1 to May 8,2008, is "Youth Week" and that on May 7th, a Clarington Idols contest will be held. Councillor Trim advised Regional Finance Commissioner Jim Clapp provided are-cap of the Federal Budget and implications for Durham Region to Regional Councillors. He will have copies made of Mr. Clapp's presentation for Members of Council. Councillor Trim stated he attended the launch of the Region of Durham's 2008 Tourism campaign on Thursday, February 28, 2008, noting the Honourable Peter Fonseca, Minister of Tourism was in attendance and that several local venues including the Tyrone Mill and Pingle Farms were represented. Councillor Trim advised Unical is scheduled to build a large glass recycling plant in the City of Brampton by July, 2008. He noted currently Durham Region ships glass to Montreal for processing and the opening of the plant in Brampton will realize significant savings for Durham. Councillor Foster highlighted the success of the Friends of the Second Marsh Social Dinner and Silent Auction held on Saturday, March 1, 2008, supporting Friends of the Second Marsh initiatives. Councillor Foster advised volunteers are needed to serve pancakes at the Annual Maple Sugar Festival during March Break at Purple Woods Conservation Area. MINUTES Resolution #C-095-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 11, 2008, be approved. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Laurie Swami, Director Licensing, Nuclear Generation Development, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) addressed Council to present an update on the Darlington B Environmental Assessment. Ms. Swami introduced Wayne Robbins, Senior Vice President, Vanessa Hughes and Sue Thurston, Ontario Power Generation who were also in attendance. Council Meeting Minutes - 3- March 3,2008 Through use of a PowerPoint presentation Ms. Swami provided an overview of the Darlington New Build Project to construct and operate a nuclear power plant with up to four nuclear units at OPG's Darlington Nuclear site; reviewed the Environmental Assessment timelines including site preparation and construction, operational, decommissioning and abandonment phases; detailed the project scope, study areas/spatial boundaries, status of environmental baseline studies and highlighted feedback from the fall 2007 Community Information Sessions. Ms. Swami stated a decision on the type of reactor has not been determined. She also advised that a Darlington Infrastructure and Information Sharing Committee has been established to meet with OPG and noted that this past fall over 200 participants attended the Community I nformation Session. Ms. Swami provided copies of the Community Information Session Report to Members of Council indicating that the report is also available on OPG's website. Ms. Swami announced that OPG will be opening a storefront in the Bowmanville area later this spring to enable the public to drop in and obtain information about the project and that it will remain open during the entire EA process. Ms. Swami reviewed the Federal approval process indicating documents have been submitted to the regulator and they are waiting for Ministerial approval to proceed. In response to a question concerning CANDU reactors, Ms. Swami advised the selection of technology will be made by the Province based on the best choice for Ontario and that they have submitted nine different technologies including CANDU. In response to a question concerning traffic volumes, Ms. Swami replied that OPG will communicate with the Province regarding interchanges from Highway 401 to address increased traffic associated with the new build. In response to a question concerning tritium management, Mr. Robbins stated tritium emissions are very low, maintained and captured. He stated OPG is the first station to get a renewed five-year license and thanked the Municipality for their support. He advised that specific information on tritium could be incorporated as part of OPG's next update to Council. DELEGATIONS June Clark addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item D - 14 - Honouring Mabel Emma Bruce. Ms. Clark highlighted the accomplishments and honours awarded to Ms. Bruce, a highly decorated Nursing Sister during World War One, the first Superintendent of Bowmanville Hospital, and the founder of the first training school for nurses at the Bowmanville Hospital and advised the Bowmanville Nurses' Association feel it would be appropriate to recognize Ms. Bruce during Bowmanville's 150th Anniversary Celebrations with the renaming of Lambert Street from Queen Street South to "Mabel Emma Bruce Way" and the installation of a cairn at the site of the original Bowmanville Hospital. Ms. Clark also requested that any fees involved with the street naming application be waived. Council Meeting Minutes -4- March 3, 2008 Libby Racansky addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item 0 - 16- Hancock Neighbourhood. Ms. Racansky expressed concern that area residents are subsidizing development. She stated extension of services are in violation of the Planning Act and Greenbelt Plan and questioned who will be responsible for the cost of the connection of municipal services and works to residential properties. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Racansky highlighted flow of ground water in Courtice North, reviewed the profile of wells and groundwater on Hancock Road, and outlined differing opinions on which aqUifer supplies wells and streams. Ms. Racansky requested that Council ensure that the Hancock Neighbourhood Plan, naming and location of roads, lighting, rehabilitation of ditches, roads, bridge and wetlands be considered and reviewed prior to the completion of development so that the well-being of current and future residents is addressed and that the developer be financially responsible for those items in accordance with the Conditions of Approval. Bryce Jordan addressed Council on behalf of Roslyn Houser concerning Item 2 of Unfinished Business - Report FND-007-08 - Financial Impact Analysis of New Development Areas. Mr. Jordan reiterated the comments of Roslyn Houser who appeared at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting on February 25, 2008, noting developers in the North Village Neighbourhood in Newcastle Village are pleased to see that the staff report suggests that development can move forward. Mr. Jordan confirmed his clients have no objections to the recommendations in the report. Mark Canning and Brian Bradshaw, Latenite Productions addressed Council concerning Item 47 of Report #1 - Report CSD-005-08 - 2008 Municipal Grants. Mr. Canning advised Latenite Productions, a non-profit organization supporting youth through artistic culture, has two main areas of focus - to raise funds and provide visibility for their youth music program - Clarington Outreach, a program recently formed in partnership with the Firehouse to provide alternatives to youth with special attention in the area of creativity through music, and to provide new, young and mature talents from Clarington and Durham Region the opportunity to express and share their musical experience by facilitating them with the chance to perform with other experienced and established musical entertainers. Mr. Canning stated over the past year they have hosted a number of fund raising events and this year they would like to expand one of their annual music events to an outside music festival. He noted they have an agreement to hold an outdoor music festival with Mosport Intemational Raceway which will provide an opportunity to draw visitors from beyond Durham Region. Mr. Canning stated in order to host an event of this size they will need help and support and without receiving a grant from the municipality it could negatively affect their ability to do so. Mr. Canning stated Latenite music festivals enrich Clarington and the cultural life of the community and requested Council to help them continue this important work and to support the youth of Clarington. Mr. Canning distributed information on their mission to Members of Council. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - March 3, 2008 Nick Mensink addressed Council conceming Item 2 of Unfinished Business - Report FND-007-08 - Financial Impact Analysis of New Development Areas. Mr. Mensink advised he has met with members of staff to determine what the implications would be and that he has no further objection to the report coming forward. Mr. Mensink stated he looks forward to working with staff in bringing conditions of draft approval to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on March 30, 2008. Kirk Kemp addressed Council concerning Item 2 of Unfinished Business - Report FND-007-08 - Financial Impact Analysis of New Development Areas stating he owns property north of Concession Road 3 and has been working on development for 15 years. Mr. Kemp stated he has met with staff to review the financial impact study and concludes that there will be no significant impact, and advised he appreciates staff's efforts and looks forward to the development proceeding. Ted Watson, Director-at-Large, Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) addressed Council concerning Correspondence Item 1- 17 - Durham/York Residual Waste Study Fact Sheets on Energy From Waste. Mr. Watson stated DAAC has not established an official position on the site and that the Fact sheets were requested by DAAC because of questions raised regarding safety of food in the area. He stated DAAC is leaning towards Energy-From-Waste as the alternative of landfill is not appealing and because of the possibility of revenue recapture from waste. Mr. Watson acknowledged there are still a number of questions to be answered and that they would like to see the best technology secured and continuous monitoring in place. Colin McLachlan addressed Council on behalf of Baseline Developments Group concerning Item 2 of Unfinished Business - Report FND-Q07-08 - Financial Impact Analysis of New Development Areas. Mr. McLachlan reiterated the comments of previous speakers in thanking Council for deferring the report to allow developers time to meet with staff and to review the financial impact study. Mr. McLachlan stated issues that relate to the impacts of the capital projects and infrastructure for the Northglen Neighbourhood were put on the table and resolved and he has no objection to the report moving forward and looks forward to the conditions of draft approval being brought forward to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on March 30, 2008. Council Meeting Minutes - 6- March 3, 2008 COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-096-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Items I - 1, 1- 3, 1- 12 and 1- 16. "CARRIED" I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Living Green Community Advisory Committee dated November 27,2007, and January 22, 2008. I - 4 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated January 9, 2008. I - 5 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated January 18, 2008. I - 6 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade Committee dated December 5, 2007. I - 7 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising Council that on January 23, 2008, Regional Council passed the following resolution pertaining to Short Term Contracts for Regional Waste Collection and Processing Services in the Townships of Brock, Scugog, and Uxbridge and the Municipality of Clarington: "a) THAT Finance staff be authorized to negotiate a short term contract with Miller Waste Systems for waste collection and processing services in the Townships of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge from November 5, 2008, to Monday, March 30, 2009, where all Blue Box recyclables are delivered to the Regional Municipality of Durham's new Material Recovery Facility; b) THAT Finance staff be authorized to negotiate a short term contract with Waste Management of Canada for waste collection, processing and disposal services in the Municipality of Clarington from October 1, 2008, to Monday, March 30, 2009, where all residential garbage and bulky goods waste are delivered to the Region's Landfill Site in Brock Township; Council Meeting Minutes -7- March 3, 2008 c) THAT should the terms. and conditions ofthe negotiated short term contracts, as noted in a) and b) above, be substantially different than those of the existing contracts or should the proposed prices exceed a standard inflationary adjustment, then a subsequent report be presented to Regional Council for consideration of alternate solutions; d) THAT Part 0) of Council's resolution of March 28, 2007 and the Joint Committee's resolution of March 20, 2007 with respect to Joint Report #2007-J-09 be rescinded because the start dates for the new waste collection tenders for weekly Blue Box recycling, weekly Green Bin composting and bi-weekly garbage collection service for the Municipality of Clarington and the Townships of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge are being extended from October 1, 2008 (Clarington) and November 5, 2008 (Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge) to March 31, 2009, once existing waste collection contracts have expired; and e) THAT, subject to approval of the foregoing paragraph, Part 0) of Council's resolution of March 28, 2007 and the Joint Committee's resolution of March 20, 2007 with respect to Joint Report #2007- J-09 now read as follows: '0 ) THAT new waste collection tenders be issued for (a) the weekly collection of Green Bin kitchen compost, (b) the weekly collection of Blue Box recyclables, and (c) the once every two week collection of garbage waste, with the standard four (4) garbage bag limit, in the Municipality of Clarington, and the combined areas of the Townships of Scugog, Uxbridge, and Brock, to be effective March 31, 2009, once existing waste collection contracts have expired': I - 8 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing News Release dated February 13, 2008, advising the Province will hold public consultation and information sessions on proposed changes to the Building Code that would require fire sprinkler systems in newly constructed multiple-unit residential buildings higher than three storeys to build awareness about fire safety across the province, to highlight fire safety challenges and home fire safety practices, and to discuss common misconceptions regarding residential sprinkler systems. A public consultation paper will be available on February 15, 2008, at htto:/lwww.ontario.ca/buildinQcode and interested parties will have until May 1, 2008 to submit comments. Public consultation sessions will be held in late March and early April. Information on locations will be posted at www.ofm.Qov.on.ca. Council Meeting Minutes -8- March 3, 2008 I - 9 Peter W. Irvine, advising he recently visited Clarington's Total Hockey and was very impressed with the display and found it very entertaining; and, hoping that Council can find a way to reverse their decision to close this great total hockey experience. I - 10M. de Rond, Director of Legislative and Information Services/Town Clerk, Town of Ajax, advising Council that on February 11, 2008, the Town of Ajax passed the following resolution pertaining to Earth Hour: ''THAT the Town of Ajax participate in the Intemational Earth Hour Challenge on March 29, 2008, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., to raise public awareness of climate change; THAT Town of Ajax staff and members of the Ajax Environmental Advisory Committee initiate a public awareness campaign to encourage local residents and businesses to participate in the Earth Hour Challenge; THAT this report be forwarded to area municipalities and to the Municipality of the Region of Durham to encourage participation in the Earth Hour Challenge from a region-wide perspective." 1-11 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising Council that on January 23, 2008, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to the Energy-From-Waste Facility Preferred Site: "a) THAT the Consultant Team's recommendation, Clarington 01, be approved as the preferred site of the location of the Durham/York Energy-From-Waste Facility for submission to the Ministry of the Environment as part of the Individual Environmental Assessment. b) THAT the Joint Waste Management Group of the Regions of York and Durham be requested to agree to protect the health and safety of the residents of Clarington and Durham by incorporating into the design and installation of the EFW facility the most modern and state of the art emission control technologies that meet or exceed the European Union EU monitoring and measurement standards; c) THAT the Joint Waste Management Group of the Regions of York and Durham be requested to commit to including in the Request for Proposals and Certificate of Approval, Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) for the emission standards and monitoring of the EFW facility; and Council Meeting Minutes - 9- March 3, 2008 d) THAT the Region of Durham agrees to continue to support an aggressive residual waste diversion and recycling program in order to achieve and/or exceed on or before December 2010, a 70% diversion recycling rate for the entire Region and that such aggressive programs shall continue beyond 2010." I - 13 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding a copy of her letter to the editor of the Orono Times in response to an opinion published on February 13, 2008, by Myno Van Dyke regarding incineration in Europe and providing a reminder of the upcoming Nova Scotia Waste Resource Management Symposium to be held in mid April. 1-14 Libby Racansky requesting Andrea Stoner, Project Co-ordinator, Durham/York Residual Waste Study, to respond to whether the Project Team can still claim that pollution from the Clarington 01 Energy-From-Waste site will only reach or be deposited within one kilo metre of the preferred site as she has photographs of the plume from the St. Marys Cement operation showing pollution from the facility reaching areas 15 km from that site and feels a similar situation would result from the Energy-From-Waste facility depending on the wind and stack height. I - 15 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Member Communication dated February 25, 2008, advising that Premier McGuinty has announced that $150 million in additional infrastructure funding support for Ontario municipalities will be available under the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (Mill), a program announced last December as part of the Finance Minister's Fall Economic Statement to the Legislature. Funding announcements under the program, which was open to all classes of construction-ready municipally- owned infrastructure projects, except public transit, will be made by March 31, 2008, to existing applications submitted by the February 15, 2008 deadline. 1-17 Durham/York Residual Waste Study Fact Sheet highlighting what an Energy-From-Waste (EFW)/Incineration Facility will mean to the Local Agricultural Community; indicating that the Region of Durham recognizes the importance of its Agricultural community and is undertaking a full Environmental Assessment to ensure an EFW/lncineration facility will not jeopardize this important part of society; and, stating concentrations of any chemicals from the facility will not present a risk to local agricultural operations, farmers fields, produce or livestock. Council Meeting Minutes - 10- March 3, 2008 I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated December 13, 2007 and January 10, 2008. Resolution #C-097-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated December 13, 2007 and January 10, 2008, be approved. 'CARRIED" I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated November 15, 2007, and January 17, 2008. Resolution #C-098-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee dated November 15, 2007, and January 17, 2008, be approved. "CARRIED" 1-12 Jay C. Hope, Deputy Minister, Emergency Planning and Management, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, advising that in 2007, the Municipality of Clarington fulfilled the municipal requirements of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, and Ontario Regulation 380/04; commending Council and staff for their efforts in building a disaster-resilient community; and, requesting that emphasis on personal preparedness be a priority during Emergency Preparedness Week, May 4 to 11, 2008. Resolution #C-099-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item I - 12 from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services concerning the municipal requirements of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, and Ontario Regulation 380/04 be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - March 3, 2008 I - 16 Fred Archibald, President, Archibald Orchards & Estate Winery, advising that the 9th Annual Fruit Wine & Food Festival will be held at Archibald Orchards, on Saturday, May 31, 2008, from noon to 5:00 p.m. The event has been organized to raise funds for the Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington and to promote wine and food matching. Resolution #C-100-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item I - 16 from Fred Archibald, President, Archibald Orchards & Estate Winery concerning the 9th Annual Fruit Wine & Food Festival be received for information. .CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-101-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Items including Handout Items D - 20 to D - 22 be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items D - 8 to D - 22, inclusive. .CARRIED" D - 1 John Durant, Associate Executive Director, Child Find Ontario, advising of the 17th Annual Green Ribbon of Hope ™ Campaign, a campaign aimed at bringing awareness to the community regarding the issue of missing children and how one can safeguard their child from predators, on-line or on the streets; offering to provide green ribbons and flyers free of charge; and requesting that the month of May be proclaimed "Missing Children's Month" and that May 25, 2008, be proclaimed "National Missing Children's Day". (Proclaimed) D - 2 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Community Care Durham, requesting Council to proclaim June 5, 6 and 7, 2008, as "Community Care Tag Days", in support of local Community Care programs including home support, respite and mental health programs in Clarington. (Request for Community Care Tag Days approved for June 5, 6 and 7, 2008) Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - March 3, 2008 0-3 Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, Bowmanville Business Centre, requesting approval for the closure of King Street from Scugog Road to George Street, Temperance Street from Church Street to the hole in the wall, and Division Street from the municipal parking lot entrance to the Royal Bank Parking Lot for the following 2008 events: Maple Festival and All That Jazz Fabulous Fifties Festival August Moonlight Madness Apples Festival and Craft Sale Christmas Moonlight Magic Friday, May 2, at 8:00 p.m. (Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street) and as above from 9:00 p.m. until Saturday, May 3, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 20 (Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street from 4:00 p.m. until 9:45 p.m.) and as above on Saturday, June 21 from 5:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Friday, August 15, from 5:00 p.m. until August 16 at 12:30 a.m., as above Friday, October 17 (Temperance Street from King Street to the hole in the wall at 7:00 p.m., Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street at 8:00 p.m.), and as above from 9:00 p.m. until Saturday, October 18 at 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 5 (Temperance Street from King Street to Church Street at 4:30 p.m.) and as above from 5:30 p.m. until 11 :30 p.m. and requesting permission to close the 20 King Street East Parking lot from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on March 22nd to facilitate the Easter Egg Hunt and Lion's Club Easter Brunch. (Approved provided organizers apply for and obtain a road occupancy permit from the Engineering Services Department) Council Meeting Minutes - 13- March 3, 2008 D - 4 Sheila Carson, President, Teachers of English as a Second Language Association of Ontario, requesting the week of November 9 to 15, 2008, be proclaimed "English as a Second Language Week" in Clarington, and inviting Members of Council to participate in their annual conference to be held November 13 to 15, 2008, which provides professional development for educators, administrators, students and volunteers who work with immigrants, refugees, citizens and visitors wishing to improve their ability to communicate in English. (Proclaimed) D - 5 Derrick Mckay, Race Director, Courtice Kids Multisport Series, requesting permission to hold a .Splash and Dash" swim/run event on June 22, 2008, and the .Courtice Kids of Steel Triathlon" on August 17, 2008. Both events are scheduled to take place at the Courtice Community Complex starting at 9:00 a.m. Appropriate insurance coverage and road closure permits will be provided for the Triathlon event. (Request to hold the Splash and Dash event and the Courtice Kids of Steel Triathlon approved provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department) D - 6 Anita Moore, Town Clerk, Town of Newmarket, advising Council that the Town of Newmarket at a meeting held February 11, 2008, passed the following resolution pertaining to the Misuse of Disabled Parking Permits and Spaces: 'WHEREAS it is in the public interest to ensure that access to disabled parking spaces for persons with disabilities is readily available; AND WHEREAS it would appear that there is a misuse of disabled parking permits and parking spaces; AND WHEREAS the Provincial Government of Ontario supports quality of life for persons with disabilities through its Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontarians with Disabilities Act legislation; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Municipal Council ofthe Corporation of the Town of Newmarket, and supported by its Accessibility Advisory Committee, as follows: Council Meeting Minutes - 14- March 3, 2008 THAT the Premier of Ontario be requested to take action to eliminate the misuse of disabled parking permits and parking spaces, including but not limited to such actions as: . Ensure that Justices of the Peace enforce the minimum fines that apply to offenders . Provide for a two point penalty on the offender's driver's license . Establish penalties for the misuse of a disabled parking permit including fines and a two point penalty on the offender's driver's license . Require people who hold a disabled parking permit to obtain a special photo identification card . Provide for minimum fines for those who block disabled parking spaces (I.e. using disabled parking spaces for snow storage) AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario for action, the Attomey General, the Lieutenant Governor and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for email circulation to municipalities and their Accessibility Advisory Committees requesting their support." (Correspondence referred to the Accessibility Advisory Committee) D - 7 Angie Darlison, Executive Director and Don Welsh, Director, Clarington Older Adult Association, expressing concern with changes to the original design objectives to providing on-street parking in front of the Centre and requesting a parking study be completed and a proposed Parking Plan be recommended to assist the Centre with future programming requirements. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Engineering Services) D - 8 Marilyn Casselman, Deputy Clerk/Planner, The Corporation of the Township of Bonnechere Valley, advising Council that on February 19, 2008, the Corporation of the Township of Bonnechere Valley passed the following resolution pertaining to Ownership of Municipal Drinking Water Systems: 'WHEREAS the access to potable water is essential for the health and well being of society; Council Meeting Minutes - 15- March 3, 2008 AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario assumes responsibility for the regulation and oversight of municipal drinking water systems which municipalities are compelled to own and operate; AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario continuously modifies, adapts and changes regulations without regard to cost or the ability of the users of the system to financially support said changes; AND WHEREAS the users of the system could realize substantial cost savings by combining the operation of all municipal systems with the Province into a single corporate entity; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bonnechere Valley requests that the Province of Ontario assume ownership of all municipal drinking water systems within the Province; AND FURTHER THAT the Province assume responsibility for the operation of all municipal drinking water systems subject to its regulations and oversight; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be distributed to all municipalities within the Province of Ontario with a request that they pass a similar resolution for submission to Premier Dalton McGuinty, the Association of Ontario Municipalities and both the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of the Environment." Resolution #C-102-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the Corporation of the Township of Bonnechere Valley with respect to ownership of Municipal Drinking Water Systems be received for information. "CARRIED" D - 9 John A. Baird, Township of Greater Madawaska, advising Council that on January 24, 2008, the Township of Greater Madawaska passed the following resolution pertaining to Logging on Crown Lands: Council Meeting Minutes - 16- March 3, 2008 'WHEREAS the province contracts with logging companies to log Crown Land; and WHEREAS logging companies use municipal roads to draw logs; and WHEREAS many municipal roads are chip and tar only; and WHEREAS logging trucks cause wear and tear to municipal roads of all types; and WHEREAS the province does not compensate municipalities for harvesting of wood on crown lands; and WHEREAS neither the province nor the logging companies will take responsibility for municipal road damage while reaping huge profits from the harvesting of wood on Crown Lands; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of Greater Madawaska request the province to establish a system whereby revenue from stumpage fees paid to the province by the logging companies be used to compensate municipalities for damages sustained to municipal roads as a result of the logging companies use of municipal roads and further; THAT the province establishes the same system for compensating municipalities per tonne of logs in the same manner as currently occurs with aggregate extraction in municipalities and further: THAT this resolution be circulated to all MPP's for consideration and further: THAT this resolution be forwarded to all Ontario municipalities seeking support for the resolution with a request that the municipality be advised of any support received." Resolution #C-103-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the resolution from the Township of Greater Madawaska with respect to logging on Crown lands be received for information. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - March 3, 2008 D - 10 Natalie Garnett, Clerk, Township of Galway-Cavendish & Harvey, advising Council that on January 22, 2008, the Township of Galway-Cavendish & Harvey passed the following resolution pertaining to the banning of handguns: 'WHEREAS handguns have the sole purpose of killing people; AND WHEREAS many lives are being lost by the use of handguns; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of Galway- Cavendish & Harvey petition the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario to ban the ownership of handguns; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Premier Dalton McGuinty, Barry Devolin, MP, Laurie Scott, MPP, and to all Municipalities in the Province of Ontario for consideration and endorsement." Resolution #C-104-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the resolution from the Township of Galway-Cavendish & Harvey with respect to the banning of handguns be received for information. .CARRIED" D - 11 Hazel McCallion, Mayor, City of Mississauga advising Council that on January 30, 2008, the City of Mississauga passed the following resolution pertaining to residential fire sprinklers: 'WHEREAS the Province of Ontario is the only provincial jurisdiction in Canada that does not require residential fire sprinklers in high-rise residential buildings; AND WHEREAS during an average year in Ontario almost 13,000 structure fires result in 90 deaths, 800 injuries and $347 million in property damage with 72% of these fires occurring in residential structures; AND WHEREAS fire sprinklers have a proven record of saving lives and reducing property loss; AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Mississauga is on record as being in support of residential fire sprinklers (Council resolutions #431-92, #3-95 and #104-95); Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - March 3, 2008 AND WHEREAS the Minister of Housing of Ontario is responsible for the formulation of requirements covering the safety regulations for new buildings in Ontario under the Building Code Act, and the Solicitor General of Ontario is responsible for the formulation of requirements covering the safety regulations for existing buildings in Ontario under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Mississauga petition the Minister of Housing for Ontario to ensure that the requirement for the installation of sprinkler protection be extended to include all new residential construction as defined under the Ontario Building Code; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Mississauga petition the Solicitor General for Ontario to include the requirements for residential sprinkler protection in the Ontario Fire Code; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be circulated to the members of Provincial Parliament for Mississauga, the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all member municipalities of the Greater Toronto Area." Resolution #C-105-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the resolution from the City of Mississauga with respect to residential fire sprinklers be received, and referred to the Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief. .CARRIED" D - 12 Jim Burns, County Warden, Westem Ontario Wardens' Caucus, advising the Association of Municipalities of Ontario that the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus recently passed the following resolution pertaining to the Farm Tax Rebate Program: 'WHEREAS the Province of Ontario moved from the Farm Tax Rebate Program to a 75% reduction in the agricultural property tax rate reduction program in 1998, at a cost in excess of 100 million dollars annually to the municipalities of the Province; AND WHEREAS the Province agreed to maintain municipal agriculture property tax revenue when they moved from the rebate program to the reduced tax rate program; Council Meeting Minutes - 19- March 3, 2008 AND WHEREAS municipalities have not received equivalent agricultural property tax revenue compensation from the Province of Ontario; AND WHEREAS this failure of the Province of Ontario to provide equivalent compensation has negatively impacted the financial position of all municipalities in Ontario with an agricultural tax base, at the above-noted cost in excess of 100 million dollars; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Province of Ontario be petitioned to provide compensating revenue to the municipalities of Ontario that have been negatively impacted by the transaction from the Farm Tax Rebate Program to the agricultural property tax rate reduction program." Resolution #C-106-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution from the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus with respect to the Farm Tax Rebate Program be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 13 Pamela Malott, Manager of Corporate and Legislative Services and Town Clerk, Town of Amherstburg, advising Council that on January 14, 2008, the Town of Amherstburg passed the following resolution pertaining to Lead Testing of Municipal Drinking Water: 'WHEREAS the Ontario Government amended the existing Drinking Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03, effective July 2007, mandating Municipalities to comply by performing additional tests at private residential taps to check for lead in the drinking water; AND WHEREAS on May 23rd, 2007 the Ministry of the Environment (M.O.E.) issued an order to The Town of Amherstburg and a number of Ontario municipalities to test their drinking water for lead content; AND WHEREAS the cost of the required testing for the Town of Amherstburg is approximately $ 40,000.00 including lab costs; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Amherstburg requests the Province of Ontario providing the immediate necessary funding to Ontario Municipalities to finance the costs of the mandated Lead Testing for Municipal Drinking Water; Council Meeting Minutes - 20- March 3, 2008 AND FURTHER THAT the motion be distributed through AMO to all Ontario Municipalities for support and copied to the Province of Ontario: Resolution #C-1 07-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the Town of Amherstburg with respect to lead testing of Municipal drinking water be endorsed. "CARRIED" D - 14 Connie Kelly, President, Bowmanville Nurses' Association, requesting Council to recognize the work and dedication of Mabel Emma Bruce, a highly decorated Nursing Sister during World War One, the first Superintendent of Bowmanville Hospital, and the founder of the first training school for nurses at the Bowmanville Hospital, by renaming Lambert Street, south of Queen Street to Mabel Bruce Way with the installation of a veteran street sign; and/or the installation of a cairn recognizing Mabel Bruce on the lawn of the 1926 Nurses Residence at the corner of Queen and Lambert Streets. The Bowmanville Nurses' Association feels it would be appropriate to recognize Mabel Bruce during the 150111 Anniversary of Bowmanville. Resolution #C-108-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim WHEREAS the work and dedication of the highly decorated World War One Nursing Sister, first Superintendent and nursing training school founder for the Bowmanville Hospital, Mabel Bruce, should be recognized by the community; WHEREAS it is appropriate to consider renaming Lambert Street, south of Queen Street, which is in front of the 1926 Nurses' Residence, to Mabel Bruce Way; WHEREAS the provisions of the Municipal Act for the renaming of public roads must be complied with; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Planning Services Department process the renaming of the above segment of Lambert Street to Mabel Bruce Way including the fulfilling of newspaper advertising requirements; THAT the $1,575.00 fee for processing Street Name Change Requests be waived; and Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - March 3, 2008 THAT when Municipal Act requirements have been fulfilled, the Planning Services Department bring forward a report for consideration. "CARRIED" D -15 Bev Oda, M.P., supporting the proposal to recognize Mabel Emma Bruce with a veteran street sign in her honour. Ms. Bruce was a highly decorated Nursing Sister during WWI who worked at the Bowmanville Hospital before enlisting to serve Canada overseas. Resolution #C-109-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Correspondence Item D -15 from Bev Oda regarding Mabel Emma Bruce be received for information. .CARRIED" D - 16 Libby Racansky expressing concern that residents of the Hancock Neighbourhood were without power for 5 Yo hours on Friday, February 15th with little warning to prepare, in addition to being without water for 30 days; that the private landowners have been put under the worst conditions of noise, dust, road and bridge damage as a result of the development of the subdivision; and requesting that revised Conditions of Approval contain a schedule outlining appropriate times when power would be permitted to be tumed off to protect the health and well-being of residents and to avoid similar occurrences in the future. Resolution #C-11 0-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item D - 16 from Libby Racansky regarding the lack of power on Friday, February 15, 2008 be received for information. "CARRIED" D -17 Mayor Pat Perkins, Town of Whitby, issuing a challenge to the Municipality of Clarington to a friendly competition in which the Municipality that achieves the highest waste diversion rate in 2008, will provide official congratulatory remarks at a 2009 televised Council meeting. Council Meeting Minutes - 22- March 3, 2008 Resolution #C-111-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Mayor Pat Perkins, Town of Whitby, be thanked for the invitation to compete in a friendly waste diversion challenge but that the invitation be declined at this time. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #C-112-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item D -17 from Mayor Pat Perkins forwarding an invitation to compete in a friendly waste diversion challenge be tabled until the Council meeting of March 25, 2008. "CARRIED" D - 18 Regis Labeaume, Mayor, Quebec City, inviting the Municipality to participate in a symbolic gesture to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the founding of Quebec City by ringing the bells of communities across the country at 11 :00 a.m., Eastem Daylight Time on July 3, 2008. Resolution #C-113-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the suggestion from Regis Labeaume, Mayor, Quebec City, to participate in a symbolic gesture to celebrate the 400111 Anniversary of the founding of Quebec City by ringing the bells of the community be endorsed; and THAT the event be publicized to schools and churches in Clarington. "CARRIED" D - 19 Alexandra Bennett, Precautionary Principle, forwarding the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) guidelines for Extended Producer Responsibility that will be implemented Canada- wide and questioning whether the Municipality supports the proposed sustainable packaging guidelines. Council Meeting Minutes - 23- March 3, 2008 Resolution #C-114-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) guidelines for Extended Producer Responsibility that will be implemented Canada-wide be endorsed 'in principle'; and THAT correspondence from Alexandra Bennett, Precautionary Principle, be referred to the Region of Durham. "CARRIED" D - 20 Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington advising that due to a change of in staffing, the deadline for application to the Municipal Grant program was missed; apologizing for the oversight; and, requesting Council to consider a late application to the Municipal Grant Fund. Should the request to submit a late application be granted, the completed application will be ready early next week. Resolution #C-115-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the request from Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington to consider a late application to the Municipal Grant Fund be endorsed; and THAT the application be referred to the Director of Community Services for processing and report back. .CARRIED" D - 21 Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Association requesting Council to support the Association's applications for Communities in Action Funding 2008-2009 for the implementation of a Games Room at the Clarington Beech Centre and a Healthy Eating Smart Cart. Council Meeting Minutes - 24- March 3, 2008 Resolution #C-116-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the request from Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Association for Council's support of the Association's applications for Communities in Action Funding 2008-2009 be endorsed; and THAT a letter of support be forwarded to the Association. "CARRIED" D - 22 Jill Haskins, Secretary, Association of Hospital Volunteers - Bowmanville, endorsing the request from the Association of Retired Nurses to rename Lambert Street to "Mabel Emma Bruce Way". Resolution #C-117 -08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Item D - 22 from Jill Haskins regarding Mabel Emma Bruce be received for information. "CARRIED" COMMITTEE REPORT{S) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report February 25, 2008 Resolution #C-118-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 25, 2008, be approved, with the exception of Items #9 and #47. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes - 25- March 3, 2008 Item #9 Resolution #C-119-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report OPD-002-08 be referred to the Royal Canadian Legion for comment on the issue of the inscription of the word "Peacekeepers" on the Bowmanville Cenotaph. "CARR I ED" Item #47 Resolution #C-120-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Latenite Productions be approved for a grant in the amount of $500.00 (SEE FOLLOWING MOTION) Resolution #C-121-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the foregoing resolution #C-120-08 be tabled until the Council Meeting of March 25, 2008, pending a report from the Director of Community Services. .CARRIED" STAFF REPORT(S} There were no Staff Reports considered under this section of the Agenda. BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION There was no Business Arising from Notice of Motion considered under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Report #1 - Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor concerning a Property Matter Council Meeting Minutes - 26- March 3, 2008 Resolution #C-122-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor concerning a Property Matter be lifted from the table and re-tabled until the March 25, 2008, Council meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-123-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report FND-007-08 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-124-08 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report FND-007-08 be received; THAT the Financial Impact Analysis of New Development prepared by Hemson Consulting Ltd., dated February 2008 be received; THAT applications for draft plans of subdivision exceeding 100 units be required to submit a phasing plan with the proposed application; THAT the Municipality adopt a policy to require a separate subdivision agreement for each phase of registration of a draft approved plan of subdivision so as to ensure that growth can be better linked to the capital budget process, and that this be implemented through a condition of draft approval; and THAT any delegations and interested parties be advised of Council's decision. .CARRIED" BY-LAWS Resolution #C-125-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce the following By-laws 2008-030 to 2008-042, inclusive: Council Meeting Minutes - 27- March 3, 2008 2008-030 Being a By-law to exempt certain portions of Registered Plan 40M-2353 from Part Lot Control 2008-031 Being a By-law to exempt certain portions of Registered Plans 40M-2364 from Part Lot Control . 2008-032 Being a By-law to exempt certain portions of the C.G. Hanning's Plan, Block 'N' from Part Lot Control 2008-033 Being a By-law to establish, layout and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2008-034 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2008-035 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2006-227, as amended, a by-law to licence, regulate and prohibit certain animals or classes thereof within the limits of the Municipality of Clarington, or defined areas therein Clarington 2008-036 Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to operate the Orono Arena and to repeal By-law 78-63, as amended 2008-037 Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to operate the Newcastle Memorial Arena and to repeal By~law 79-13 2008-038 Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to operate a Community Hall in Solina in the former Township of Darlington, now in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 83-28 2008-039 Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to operate a Community Hall in Tyrone in the former Township of Darlington, now in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 97-62 2008-040 Being a By-law to appoint Members to the Newcastle Memorial Arena Board and to repeal By-law 2007-033 2008-041 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and John Howard Society, Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, ON 2008-042 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Community Living, Oshawa/Clarington, Oshawa, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville. ON Council Meeting Minutes - 28- March 3, 2008 THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. "CARRIED" NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda. OTHER INFORMATION Councillor Trim stated Premier McGuinty announced at the Ontario Good Roads Association Conference last week that that there is an additional $150 million in one- time funding available for special projects in municipalities that are ready for construction. Councillor Trim stated as a result of this announcement, there is an increased chance that the Newcastle Public Library Branch will receive Provincial funding. Councillor Foster requested clarification on available funding through the Grants Program. Mayor Abernethy confirmed that there is still funding available. Councillor Hooper cautioned the public on behalf of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) to stay well back from creeks and waterways due to the dangers associated with rising waters and melting snow. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-126-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-043, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of March, 2008; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. .CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-127 -08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:10 p.m. - 29- .CARRIED" MAYOR March 3, 2008 MUNICIPAL CLERK LIST OF DELEGATIONS March 25, 2008 a) Peter Evans, President, Clarington Older Adult Centre Board - Report COD-016-08 - Bowmanville Tennis Club - Lease Renewal (Item 11 of Report #1) SUMMARY OF CORRESPONDENCE MARCH 25, 2008 CORRESPONDENCE TO BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION 1- 1 Minutes of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board dated February 13, 2008. (Copy attached) I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Living Green Community Advisory Committee dated February 26, 2008. (Copy attached) I - 3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated February 20, 2008. (Copy attached) I - 4 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated February 19, 2008. (Copy attached) I - 5 Minutes of the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board dated February 12, 2008. (Copy attached) 1-6 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated February 19, 2008. (Copy attached) I - 7 Linda J. Laliberte, CGA, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority forwarding a copy of the Authority's 2007 Annual Report and financial statements. I - 8 Correspondence has been received from individuals/groups listed below in opposition to the proposed Energy~From-Waste facility. (Copies of all correspondence are on file in the Municipal Clerk's Department) a) Elisha Gennara b) Julia Potocnik c) Greg and Lisa Rood d) Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding correspondence from Donna Beck e) Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding copies of Metroland Letters to the Editor from Louis Bertrand, Pat Gostlin and Anne Mitchell, Executive Director, Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy f) Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding her response from Jack Layton, MP, Leader, Canada's New Democrats on the NDP's Tackling of Climate Change g) Russ Aitchison h) Gail Wensink Summary of Correspondence - 2 - March 25, 2008 I - 9 Jennifer Allan, Administrative Assistant, City Clerk Services, City of Oshawa, thanking Council for the resolution concerning "Earth Hour" and advising that all Members of Oshawa City Council will be advised of Clarington Council's request for support of "Earth Hour" and that any Member of Council may request to place the correspondence on the Agenda for discussion and consideration. I - 10 David Caplan, Minister, Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, expressing concerns about the recent Federal decisions that impact the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) in which the Federal Government chose to ignore an agreement in principle between federal, provincial and municipal partners regarding a fourth intake of COMRIF, and decided on its own to allocate its $64 million share of the COMRIF top-up; advising the Province is moving ahead with the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (Mill) to support construction and renewal of local infrastructure projects with grant announcements to be made by March 31, 2008; and, advising the Province will continue to work with the Federal Government on the terms and conditions of the Framework Agreement for the Building Canada Plan that will be transparent, equitable and will address the pressing infrastructure challenges facing Ontario communities. I - 11 Fred and Sandy Archibald, Archibald Orchards and Estate Winery, thanking Council for bringing the "Donald Cooper's Boot Camp" customer service workshop to the community, and for publishing the .Clarington.net" newsletter which provides residents with timely information about events happening in the community. 1-12 Gord Steeves, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) expressing concern with the impact of climate change on local infrastructure and communities and forwarding a copy of "Stepping Up to the Climate Change Challenge: Perspectives on Local Government Leadership, Policy and Practice in Canada" which provides local governments with the opportunity to take advantage of the experiences of other communities that are working for a more sustainable future. 1-13 Shawn and Angie Lumsden questioning what steps will be taken to ensure the Oshawa/Durham/Ontario air quality will be cleaned up in the future; what Council's position is on the construction of a new incineration plant on Courtice Road; and what initiatives will be undertaken to protect surrounding farmlands and waterways from being contaminated from this additional pollution. Summary of Correspondence - 3 - March 25, 2008 I -14 George S. Graham, AMCT, CMC, Township of Brock, advising Council that on March 3, 2008, the Township of Brock passed the following resolution pertaining to proposed Provincial action to limit phosphorus loading from sewage treatment plants in the Lake Simcoe . Basin: "Resolved that Brock Township Council advise the Provincial Ministry of the Environment that there is a concern that the proposed Provincial actions to limit phosphorus loading from sewage treatment plants into Lake Simcoe will place a prohibition on any development in the Municipality and constrain the ability to maintain sustainable communities located in the Greenbelt. THAT copies be forwarded to all municipalities in Durham Region, Durham Region, Opposition Critics and MPP Laurie Scott." I - 15 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising Council that on March 5, 2008, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to the Annual Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study and the Proposed 2008 Business Plans, Budgets and Related Financing Report: "Solid Waste Manaqement 2008 Business Plans and Budqet a) THAT the Joint Works and Finance and Administration Committee recommend the following for inclusion in the recommendations to Regional Council regarding the final 2008 Regional Business Plans and Budgets for all Property Tax Purposes: i) The proposed 2008 Regional Solid Waste Management Business Plan and Budget, with a net operating expenditure of $30,828,500, as outlined in Attachment #1 to Report # 2008-J-04 and the detailed 2008 Solid Waste Management Business Plans and Budget be approved; Summary of Correspondence - 4 - March 25, 2008 ii) The 2008 Regional Capital Expenditures Program for Solid Waste Management in the gross amount of $4,247,500, with related financing from 2008 Regional Solid Waste Management Property Taxes, be approved: Facilities Equipment Energy From Waste Project Landfill Remediation Program 2008 !$OOOs) 200 179 2,418 1.450 4.247; and Caoital Hi) The requisite by-laws for the 2008 Solid Waste Management Business Plans and Budget and the 2008 Solid Waste Management Property Tax Rates be approved. ReQional Solid Waste ManaQement Fees and CharQes b) THAT the Regional Fees and Charges schedule for Solid Waste Management Operations (Attachment #2 to Report #2008-J-04) form a part of the annual Regional listing of Fees and Charges made available to the public. Uniform Solid Waste ManaQement Prooerty Tax Rate c) THAT Regional Finance staff prepare a report for the first joint meeting of the Finance and Administration and Works Committees in September 2008 with respect to the implications of a uniform solid waste management property tax rate for the Region of Durham. Requests for Provincial Action and Funding for Diversion Programs in the Institutional. Commercial and Industrial (IC&I) Sector d) THAT the Region pursue additional funding and action from the Provincial Government to support the following: i) Provision within Provincial funding allocations provided to schools, hospitals, and others of sufficient monies dedicated to support waste reduction and recycling programs, including the over 250 elementary and secondary schools and learning centres, recreational and administrative facilities, and Durham College and UOIT facilities; Summary of Correspondence - 5 - March 25, 2008 ii) Greater enforcement of existing Institutional, Commercial and Industrial (ICI) regulations on waste reduction and packaging reduction, and additional measures to monitor and enforce waste reduction and reduction of packaging by manufacturers and distributors of goods; and iii) Continuation of programs to expand recycling and reuse programs, with industry funding through Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO), including implementation of future funding programs for electronic waste, plastic film, household hazardous waste (HHW) and organics diversion. Rescheduling of City of Oshawa and Town of Whitby Monday Holiday Blue Box Collection e) Regional staff be authorized to negotiate with National Waste Services to amend the existing contract "Arlicle 1.05 - Designated Holidays" through a mutually agreed upon addendum, to add service on designated holidays, synchronize waste collection schedules with the Town of Whitby and the City of Oshawa, and improve service to residents impacted by the rescheduled collection service (the current contract cancels recycling collections, and affects a disproportionate number of residents in the Monday collection areas). See Attachment #5 to Report #2008-J-4 for draft proposed 2008 holiday collection schedules. Recvclino Processino Efficiencies and Revenue Maximization f) THAT Works and Finance staff be authorized to explore, in part through negotiations with neighbouring municipalities and the existing MRF operating contractor, the possibility of increasing Regional revenues through the short-term sale of existing excess processing capacity at the Durham Region MRF and report back to Joint Works and Finance Committee and Regional Council on options and financial implications; g) THAT Works staff be authorized to initiate and hold discussions with Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), Brewers Retail and Metro Municipal Recycling Services Inc., to recover and divert additional LCBO and Beer containers from the Blue Box stream at the MRF, with the goal of lowering the net cost of mixed broken glass processing and increase recycling revenues; and Summary of Correspondence - 6 - March 25, 2008 h) THAT Works and Finance staff be authorized to explore processing costs and the potential for an end market opportunity, to expand the Blue Box materials in 2008, to include spiral wound cans. Orqanics Processinq i) THAT Works and Finance staff confirm new source separated organic capacity requirements and, in conjunction with the requirement for new garbage, recycling and organics collection contracts in the Townships of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge and the Municipality of Clarington (set to commence April 1, 2009) be authorized to issue three simultaneous ReqUests for Proposals: 1) whereby the collection contract RFP's contain a separate cost provision for the processing of associated collected organics tonnage; and, 2) a short-term organics processing RFP, for up to 2 years, with no 'put-or-pay' provision; and, 3) a long term organics processing RFP, up to 10 years, with ramped-up tonnage increments; and Other j) THAT the Regional Solicitor be authorized to prepare requisite agreements, contracts and By-laws, in consultation with the Commissioners of Works and Finance and the Regional Clerk and Regional Chair be authorized to execute subject by-laws; and k) THAT copies of Report #2008-J-04 of C. Curtis, Commissioner of Works, and RJ. Clapp, Commissioner of Finance, be forwarded to all eight local area municipalities." I - 16 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising Council that on March 5, 2008, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to the Long Term Strategic Property Tax Plan for the Region of Durham: 2008 Update: "a) THAT for the 2008 Mandated Provincial Business Protection Proqram (Cappinq), the options made available to municipalities by the Province in 2005, and implemented by Regional Council in 2005,2006 and 2007, for the Multi-Residential, Commercial and Industrial property tax classes, as outlined below, be continued: i) The maximum percentage increase or cap in property taxation due to reassessment in any given year be maintained at 10% of the previous year's taxes; Summary of Correspondence - 7 - March 25, 2008 ii) A minimum annual threshold increase of 5% of total Current Value Assessment (CVA) property taxation be continued for properties that are provided protection; iii) The 'billing' threshold be maintained such that any property whose taxation burden under the mandated Provincial Business Protection program is within $250 of its CVA based taxation be required to pay its full CVA level property taxation amount and the c1awback percentage be adjusted accordingly; and iv) The preferential tax treatment afforded to New Construction properties under the capping program be fully phased out and New Construction properties be taxed at the full rates in 2008. b) THAT the Minister of Finance be requested to make the following changes to Provincial Legislation/Regulations relating to Current Value Assessment (CVA) Taxation Policy in order to achieve greater fairness and equity in the Property tax and assessment system: i) Provincial Farmland Education ProDerty Tax Rate The Region of Durham once again request that the Province match the municipal tax ratio reductions (20%) on the Farmland property tax class by reducing the Provincial Education Taxation Rate for this property tax class as a means to assist the farming community. ii) Reassessment ImDact Mitiaation Whereas, the Province has announced its intention to 'phase-in' reassessment increases over the new four-year reassessment cycle; and Whereas, The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation is currently conducing a 2008 reassessment for the 2009 property tax year; and Whereas, the Region of Durham is not necessarily opposed to a comprehensive and fair phase-in program to smooth the impact of reassessment on all properties over the new cycle; and Summary of Correspondence - 8 - March 25, 2008 Whereas, the Province has not yet provided details with respect to the implementation of this substantial alteration to the current CVA system; Therefore, it is recommended that the Province undertake a full review of the CVA system currently in Ontario, including the mandated Business Protection Program ('capping'), in consultation with the municipal sector and any recommendations, which are supported by the municipal sector, be implemented prior to the 2009 taxation year when taxpayers will experience the impacts resulting from the scheduled 2008 Municipal Property Assessment Corporation reassessment. Furthermore, . The Province not legislate any changes to the current property taxation policy or assessment regimes until such time that a complete Province-wide property-by-property impact analysis on any proposed changes is completed and the Municipal Sector is both advised of the potential impacts and consulted on implementation and mitigation strategies; . Any proposed changes include a plan to phase-out the current Provincially mandated Business Protection program ('Capping') which results in distorted taxation for the Multi- Residential, Commercial and Industrial property tax classes; and . Any proposed changes to the current regimes be done over a reasonable time-frame to ensure that municipalities and taxpayers are both consulted and prepared to implement the changes and mitigation tools in a well-informed and proactive manner. iii) Provinciallv Mandated Business Protection Proqram . In light of the need to reduce the complexity and confusion of the current Provincial program and to establish faimess and equity with respect to taxation in the non-residential sector, the Province should permanently exclude all properties that reach their full CV A level taxation from all future capping programs (Le. once removed, a property would no longer be eligible for protection or c1awback resulting from future reassessments). Summary of Correspondence - 9 - March 25, 2008 iv) Assessment Appeals . In light of numerous and continuous large property assessment appeals that have and continue to have the potential to negatively impact the Regional assessment base which in turn affects all Regional taxpayers, and in keeping with the Region's responsibilities for setting Region-wide property tax policy, the Province grant upper tier municipalities status in the assessment appeal process, including the following: the right to complain to the Assessment Review Board on individual assessments; the right to be a party at assessment appeal hearings; and the right to be notified of appeals and settlements by MPAC. c) THAT Regional Finance staff investigate, in consultation with the Local Area Municipalities, the creation of common Region-wide programs in the following areas: a. Seniors Low Income Tax Reduction Proqram, with financing from both Upper and Lower tiers and with the objective of defining and recommending a joint program to be implemented in 2009 to coincide with the 2008 reassessment impacts; and b. Region-wide Heritaqe Property Tax Rebate Proqram to determine if a mutually agreeable program can be implemented in the. future. d) THAT the correspondence received from Martin de Rond. Town of Aiax (SC#991, requesting that the Region of Durham revisit the issue of matching the Town of Ajax's Heritage Property Tax Rebate program be received for information; and e) THAT the requisite by-laws for the 2008 Long Term Strategic Property Tax Plan be prepared by the Regional Solicitor in conjunction with the requisite By-laws for the Region's 2008 Business Plans and Budgets. I - 17 Sally Barrie, Administrator, Community Care Durham, thanking Council for approving their 2008 Municipal Grant Request. Summary of Correspondence - 10 - March 25, 2008 I - 18 Roger Anderson, Regional Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Honourable James Flaherty, Minister of Finance extending appreciation for the recent announcement in the 2008 Federal Budget regarding the re-establishment of the commuter rail link between the City of Peterborough and Toronto's Union Station; and, urging the Minister to advance the initiative to accelerate its implementation in view of its benefits to Durham residents and businesses. I - 19 Janice Willett, MD, FRCSC, President, Ontario Medical Association, commending Council for supporting the ban on smoking in cars carrying children which was instrumental in leading to the Premier's recent announcement to support legislation prohibiting the practice; and, thanking Council for their continued commitment to improving the health of Ontarians. I - 20 Allan Hewitt, Library Board Chair, Clarington Public Library expressing appreciation to Council for supporting the library's 2008 capital and operating budget requests which will permit the library to move forward with its plans including the ongoing development of its technological services for library users and the construction of the Newcastle branch. I - 21 Jim Watson, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising of the Province's intention to introduce the Investina in Ontario Act next week that would, if passed, designate a portion of the provincial surplus to municipalities to assist them in investing in key infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, transit, social housing or other capital priorities; and, advising that the Province is continuing important joint discussions at the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery review to design a future provincial- municipal relationship that is sustainable for both orders of government. 1-22 Sheila Carson, President, Teachers of English as a Second Language Association of Ontario, thanking Council for proclaiming November 9 to 15, 2008, as English as a Second Language Week and inviting Members of Council to visit their website at www.teslontario.ora for a listing of local events and activities planned for the week. Summary of Correspondence - 11 - March 25, 2008 I - 23 Rob Macisaac, Chair, Metrolinx, writing further to his letter of December 2007, in which he advised of the consultation process for the development and promotion of a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for an effective transportation system across the metropolitan region of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA); forwarding copies of the second and third papers in the Green Paper Series: "Mobility Hubs" focusing on making it easier for the public to move from one mode of transportation to another through seamless, convenient connections across the region, and "Active Transportation" discussing people-powered movement as an alternate way in which to get around; requesting copies of the papers be made available to Members of Council, staff and the public; and, advising that white papers to formulate RTP options will be presented in April 2008, followed by a draft RTP to be introduced in June 2008 with the final plan due for Board adoption and release in the fall of 2008. I - 24 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing announcing the release of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) allocations for 2008 providing $870 million to 393 municipalities in Ontario with an estimated $900 million in reduced costs to municipalities annually by the time it is fully implemented in 2011; advising further details on the 2008 OMPF grant parameters will be provided to Municipal Treasurers shortly and that further information will be posted on the Ministry of Finance website in both english and french at htto://www.fin.oov.on.ca/enolish/budoeUomof/ or . htto://www.fin.oov.on.ca/french/budoeUomof/. I - 25 The Honourable Steve Peters, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, advising the Province will be ringing the Legislative bells on Thursday, July 3, 2008, at 11 :00 a.m., in recognition of the 400th Anniversary of Quebec City; and forwarding a registration form for participation in the "Commemorative Bells Project". 1-26 Mayor Pat Perkins, Mayor, Town of Whitby, writing to the Honourable James Flaherty, MP, Minister of Finance congratulating the Minister on the Provincial Budget and expressing appreciation for the provision for reinstatement of the northern rail line through Myrtle Station to Peterborough and the combined extension of the 407 to Highway 35/115 which will provide a major economic boost to the 905 and 705 areas east of Toronto and will assist in easing the gridlock, reducing the impact on the road infrastructure and help reduce vehicle emissions. Summary of Correspondence - 12 - March 25, 2008 I - 27 Rae Horst, Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition (CAMC), CAMC Chair 2007, General Manager, Credit Valley Conservation, forwarding CAMC's Accomplishments 2007 brochure summarizing the highlights of various projects undertaken on the moraine in 2007 by CAMC and its partners in support of the conservation and protection of the form, function and linkages of the moraine. I - 28 The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, advising the Provincial government is committed to fighting climate change and is proud to be participating in "Earth Hour", the global initiative where businesses and households are asked to turn off their lights for one hour on Saturday, March 29, 2008, from 8:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.; encouraging participation in the event; and sending a reminder that we can all make small changes in our lives to promote energy conservation. CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION D - 1 Paul Pressick advising of a situation where a school mini bus parked in his neighbourhood routinely idles for 20 to 30 minutes prior to the driver leaving on her route and requesting Council to consider imposing a limit of ten minutes on vehicle idling and to impose a ban on parking of school buses in residential areas in response to his concerns and to address health issues and the impact on the environment. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) D - 2 Durham Region Labour Council advising that National Day of Mourning is officially recognized as April 28th each year in recognition of working people who have died at the workplace, or suffered injuries on the job; and, requesting Council to proclaim Monday, April 28, 2008, as .Day of Mourning" and that the flags be lowered on Municipal Buildings in honour and remembrance of those killed at the workplace. (Motion to proclaim and to lower flags on Municipal Buildings) D - 3 Shelley Burns, ND, Chair, Board of Directors, Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) requesting Council to proclaim May 4 to May 11, 2008, as .Naturopathic Medicine Week", to assist in raising the profile of the naturopathic profession in promoting health and healing using natural therapies. (Motion to proclaim) Summary of Correspondence - 13 - March 25, 2008 D - 4 Paul Siemon, Hands In Motion, Massage Therapy and Sports Injury Clinic requesting permission to stage the 2008 Terry Fox Run on Sunday, September 14, 2008; advising the five and ten kilometer routes, and insurance and police coverage will not differ from 2007; and that the only road closure will be Liberty Street South of Memorial Park to Baseline Road and Baseline Road at Liberty Street East until Lambs Road and from there until Highway #2. An application for road occupancy for special events will be submitted in the near future. (Motion to approve provided the organizers apply for and obtain a road occupancy permit from the Engineering Services Department) D - 5 Michael Chan, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, advising nomination forms and information outlining details of the selection process for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2008, an annual award to recognize young Ontarians who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in contributing to the elimination of racial discrimination, are available on the Ministry's website at www.citizenship.qov.on.ca/enqlish/honours/. The deadline for submission is May 31, 2008. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk to place a notice in the local newspapers) D - 6 Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer, Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre, thanking Council for their ongoing support concerning parking issues in the downtown; advising that when the meters were replaced during the downtown revitalization, the new meters did not include the message that parking was free on Saturday and Sunday; suggesting that if and when this message is put on the new meters that the printing be larger than in the past; and requesting that Council consider bagging the parking meters in the BIA for last week each month to allow for free parking so that local businesses can remain competitive with the big box stores who have an abundance of free parking. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) Summary of Correspondence - 14 - March 25, 2008 D - 7 Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer, Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre, requesting that Council pass a temporary by-law prohibiting the sign projected onto the wall at the west end of the downtown as it is not in keeping with the unique heritage design of the downtown as recognized in the CAUSE Study. (Motion to refer correspondence to the Director of Planning Services) D - 8 Dave Sebben, Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville, requesting permission to place lawn si~s at strategic points throughout the community to advertise the 20 Annual Home Show and Carnival at the Garnet Rickard Recreation Centre to be held on April 18, 19 and 20, 2008. If approved, the signs would be put up on April 13th and removed on April 20, 2008. (Motion approve the installation of the lawn signs from April 13 to 20, 2008) 0-9 Mad River Institute for Political Studies expressing concern with the vote-by-mail system used by municipalities to conduct municipal elections due to the potential for fraud; advising it is their position that mail-in ballots do not permit a sufficient level of security to assure individual voters that their ballots cannot be tampered with as there is a loss of secrecy regarding voter intention and there is no guarantee the person to whom the ballot is mailed is the same person casting the vote; and requesting Council to reconsider its use of vote-by-mail to conduct municipal elections. (Motion refer correspondence to the Municipal Clerk) D - 10 Steve Shanks and Murray Walton, Lions Club of Courtice, requesting permission to host a Lions Foundation of Canada Purina Walk for Guide Dogs on Sunday, June 1, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. starting and ending at Holy Trinity Catholic School, 2260 Courtice Road; outlining the proposed 4.5 km route; and advising the Lions Club will provide an insurance certificate for $2 million liability coverage. The walk is anticipated to take 1 hour and the route offers sidewalk access for the 40 walkers and 10 volunteers. (Motion for approve, provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department) Summary of Correspondence - 15 - March 25, 2008 D - 11 Cyndi Di Pietro, CURE Foundation, a national foundation providing funding for basic and clinical research of breast cancer, inviting the municipality to be a part of "National Denim Day" on Tuesday, May 13, 2008, by permiting employees to wear denim and receive CURE's "pink flower" ribbon in exchange for a suggested $5 donation to the CURE Foundation. (Motion for Direction) D - 12 Jim Richards requesting a written response as to why Mayor Abernethy and Regional Councillors Novak and Trim did not uphold the official position of the Municipality of Clarington at the Regional Council meeting of January 23, 2008, concerning Council's resolution to request the final site selection for a proposed Energy-From-Waste Facility be delayed, suggesting that the Mayor has failed to represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the municipality by showing a lack of wisdom and leadership; and, that Mayor Abernethy and Councillors Trim and Novak are in conflict with the intent of sections of the Municipal Act. Mr. Richards has requested to be provided with copies of the sections of the Municipal Act Mayor Abernethy was relying on in defense of his position at Regional Gouncil. (Motion for Direction) D - 13 Shelly van Empel, Corporation of the Town of Milton, advising Council that the Town of Milton passed the following resolution pertaining to security deposits for the rehabilitation of aggregate pits and quarries: 'WHEREAS in 1997-1998 the security deposits that were to guarantee rehabilitation of aggregate pits and quarries were liquidated; AND WHEREAS the bulk of these funds, $48 million, was handed back to the operators of these pits and quarries; AND WHEREAS this liquidation removed much of the incentive for pits/quarries to be rehabilitated; AND WHEREAS although progressive and final rehabilitation is required by the Aqqreqate Resources Act, only about half of disturbed lands in pits and quarries is being rehabilitated; AND WHEREAS this liquidation was done by The Ontario Aggregate Resources Corporation (TOARC) at the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources; Summary of Correspondence - 16 - March 25, 2008 AND WHEREAS that Corporation TOARC is completely owned by the Ontario Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (OSSGA); AND WHEREAS Ontario Stone, Sand and Gravel Association is registered as a lobbyist with the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario; AND WHEREAS in July 2006, MNR promised to examine in detail, within 2 years, the merits of a rehabilitation incentive system, including the re-introduction of the former rehabilitation security deposit system; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Milton recommend the following to the Ontario Minister of Natural Resources with the goal of improving the status of rehabilitation in the Town of Milton and across the Province: (a) A review of the role of security deposits for pit/quarry rehabilitation (b) Re-instatement of those security deposits (c) A review of the role of OSSGA and TOARC in regard to rehabilitation and security deposits toward determining if this role has been in the public good and has been effective for promoting rehabilitation: (Motion for Direction) D - 14 Pam Gilroy, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Niagara, advising Council that on December 20,2007, the Regional Municipality of Niagara passed the following resolution pertaining to fair and equitable representation in the House of Commons: "WHEREAS one of the founding principles of Confederation is the fair and equitable representation in the House of Commons; WHEREAS the formula proposed by the Federal Government in Bill C-22 will add seats to the House of Commons, in an inequitable manner; WHEREAS under the proposed legislation Members of Parliament from Ontario will continue to represent a greater number of constituents than Members of Parliament in other provinces, effectively reducing the representation of Ontarians; Summary of Correspondence - 17 - March 25, 2008 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regional Municipality of Niagara recognizes that despite the Federal Government's efforts to improve the representation of growing provinces in the House of Commons, the proposed formula is unfair to Ontario and calls on the Federal Government to amend Bill C-22 to provide Ontarians with their fair share of seats in the House of Commons while maintaining the constitutionally protected seat guarantees of smaller provinces; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and all Niagara MPs and MPPs; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that is resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario for their endorsement." (Motion for Direction) D - 15 Brian Fallis, Chair, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, advising of the Authority's fund raising efforts in support of the redevelopment of the Ganaraska Forest Centre; advising the Authority is applying for funding through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Rural Economic Development (RED) Program; and, requesting municipalities within the Ganaraska watershed, and the Counties of Northumberland and Peterborough to assist with the funding application by writing letters of support endorsing the redevelopment of the Ganaraska Forest Centre. (Motion for Direction) D - 16 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising Council that on March 5, 2008, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to retirement homes: 'WHEREAS the health and well-being of residents of retirement homes need to be protected; and WHEREAS from January to March 2007, the Ontario Senior's Secretariat led a public consultation on improving the standards of care in Ontario's retirement homes; and Summary of Correspondence - 18 - March 25, 2008 WHEREAS the consultation suggested that the Ontario Government: . Establish mandatory province-wide standards; . Establish a new agency, independent from government, to enforce these standards; . Build on the existing voluntary standards on the Ontario Retirement Communities Association over the past 13 years; and . Provide education and training for all retirement home staff so they can understand and meet the standards, and WHEREAS on September 7,2007, the Minister Responsible for Seniors announced that the Ontario Government intends to establish consumer protection legislation by: . Conducting a survey to determine the level of care and services being purchased by residents of Ontario's >700 retirement homes; and . Consulting stakeholders on what should be included in a standard, plain-language contract between retirement homes and residents; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ontario Government is urged to make the establishment of consumer protection legislation for residents of retirement homes a top government priority, and thus such legislation is introduced in the Ontario Legislature no later than in 2008; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT such legislation requires retirement homes to register with their local boards of health and . municipalities so that medical officers of health and municipal officials can ensure that their respective statutory duties (I.e. health protection, fire prevention, etc) can be carried out; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Premier of Ontario, Ministers Responsible for Seniors, Health and Long-Term Care, and Health Promotion, Municipal Affairs and Housing, Durham's MPPs and municipalities, alPHa, ORCA, AMO, OMSSA, ONPHA, OANHSS and all Ontario boards of health be so advised." (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence - 19 - March 25, 2008 D - 17 Bob Sweet, Mayor, Town of Petawawa, advising Council that on March 3, 2008, the Town of Petawawa passed the following resolution pertaining to support for Canadian Troops: 'WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Petawawa supports the efforts of our Canadian Troops; AND WHEREAS support for the Troops is support for the work carried out by the Troops themselves and not necessarily any specific mission; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Petawawa wishes to see a rousing show of public support to the Canadian Troops from municipalities in Ontario; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Petawawa is calling upon all municipalities in Ontario to show their support for Canadian Troops by supporting this resolution to recognize the tremendous and exemplary work and efforts carried out by Canadian Troops in all their missions; AND THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario, General Rick Hillier and the Prime Minister of Canada." (Motion for Direction) D - 18 Leigh McSwan advising she has been selected to compete in the Miss Universe Canada 2008 pageant this spring in Toronto and requesting Council to consider providing sponsorship support to assist her in participating in this energetic and fun-filled event. If approved, the municipality will be acknowledged on the Beauties of Canada website and in their 2008 magazine. (Motion for Direction) D - 19 Laura Moy, Director Staff Services/Clerk, the Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh advising Council that on February 27, 2008, the Town of Tecumseh passed the following resolution pertaining to the Canada- Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) Agreement: 'WHEREAS on November 15, 2004, the Government of Canada and the Ontario Government entered into a five (5) year partnership under the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) Agreement committing the Governments to each invest up to $298 million dollars to improve public infrastructure in rural and small urban communities; Summary of Correspondence - 20 - March 25, 2008 AND WHEREAS the COMRIF Agreement is an important trilateral partnership for Canada, Ontario and municipalities as it demonstrates that investment in municipal infrastructure is a shared responsibility that creates tangible economic and environmental benefits locally, provincially and nationally; in addition to providing municipalities with the long-term support needed to renew essential infrastructure in their communities; AND WHEREAS COMRIF is a competitive, merit-based program which assesses safe drinking water, wastewater, significant local road and bridge improvements and waste management projects against three (3) criteria; namely, health and safety, public policy priorities, and value for money; AND WHEREAS the COMRIF Program Intake Three closed in September 2006, and was funded in the amount of $46 million from both the Canada and Ontario Governments, however, many of the applications did not receive funding; AND WHEREAS in early 2007, the Canada Government allocated an additional $200 million as a "top-up" of the national Municipal Rural Infrastructure Program (MRIF) program, of which Ontario's share is to be $64 million and is be matched by an additional $64 million from the Province for a total additional funding under the original COMRIF program of $128 million; AND WHEREAS AMO expressed concern in an October 22, 2007, Alert for the potential manner through which the $64 million .top-up" funding may be administered in Ontario as there is debate over whether there should be a new COMRIF Intake Four or whether only those applications that did not receive funding under the September 2006 COMRIF Intake Three should be eligible for consideration; AND WHEREAS since COMRIF Intake Three, there has been a municipal election and new Councils may have different priorities than those expressed in the Third Intake; AND WHEREAS on February 14, 2008, the Canada Government announced: . it would be funding projects from the $200 million MRIF "top-up" funding; . that since the announcement of the additional MRIF funding, in February 2007, it has signed agreements with every province and territory - except Ontario; Summary of Correspondence - 21 - March 25, 2008 · it is proceeding to allocate the funding share for Ontario of $64 million under the MRIF "top-up" to unfunded existing applications for municipal water and wastewater infrastructure from the last round of COMRIF Three Intake applications; AND WHEREAS the COMRIF Agreement states that "in order to maximize the resulting infrastructure beneftts to Canadian communities, Canada is negotiating with the provinces and territories to develop new joint agreements for the purpose of delivering the $1-biIlion MRIF and to leverage this investment with provincial, territorial, municipal and non-governmental financial contributions. n NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh request: THAT the Ontario Government and Government of Canada enter into an agreement for the purpose of delivering Ontario's share of the $64 million Municipal Rural Infrastructure Program (MRIF) "top-up" funds announced in February 2007 and committing the Ontario Govemment to contribute matching funds'of $64 million as agreed to under the November 15, 2004, Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) Agreement; AND THAT allocation of funding to Ontario Municipalities be determined in the same equitable manner as COMRIF Intakes One, Two, and Three and in accordance with the guidelines and procedures established by the Management Committee appointed to administer and manage the COMRIF Agreement, in a timely manner, and to reflect the joint nature of the COMRIF; AND FURTHER THAT a Joint Secretariat be established to support the Management Committee in the administration of the Agreement, including the timely production and sharing of information about Applicants, Projects, financial cash flows and other information; AND FURTHERMORE THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister, Ontario Premier, Federal and Provincial Ministers of Finance, for action; and to local MP's and MPP's, all local and Ontario municipalities, AMO, FCM, and AMCTO for support." (Motion for Direction) Summary of Correspondence - 22 - March 25, 2008 D - 20 Cheri Smith, Committee Member, Bowmanville 150th Anniversary Committee requesting approval to hang 150th Anniversary flags below the Municipality of Clarington flags on the eight flagpoles located throughout Bowmanville from early May until after the events taking place June 28 to July 1, 2008. (Motion for Direction) D - 21 R. A. Fowler, Secretary, Ontario Property and Environmental Rights Alliance (OPERA), summarizing information on the controversial Greenbelt Act, expressing concern that comprehensive information on the Act is not readily accessible; that the Greenbelt Council has recommended municipal applications to expand Greenbelt boundaries, presumably without prior knowledge or consent of affected landowners; urging officials and residents of municipalities located outside the present boundaries of the Greenbelt to carefully study the legislation; and, expressing concem with the transparency and accountability of the unelected Greenbelt Council. (Motion for Direction) D - 22 Libby Racansky expressing concem with the lack of communication between the municipality and affected residents conceming the development in the Hancock neighbourhood, questioning why the developer was not subject to the requirements of the Planning Act, forwarding photographs which appear to indicate that the developer is trespassing on adjacent property and sensitive wetland; and, questioning whether monitoring of the development is being done. (Motion for Direction) CLARlNGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 13, 2008 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: J. Rook, Chair B. Colville W. Tanner J. Witheridge J. Murray P. Ford S. Laing Regrets: Mayor Abernethy Councillor Robinson K. Isnor M. Carlton Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:09 p.m. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: J. Murray THAT the agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 9,2008 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Moved by J. Witheridge Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the minutes of the January 9, 2008 Board Meeting be approved. MOTION CARRIED I-I PAGE: 1 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) The Administrator informed the board members of preparations that are underway for the Bowmanville 1 50th celebrations. b) The Administrator discussed with the board members the new signage that is being considered for the museums, particularly the Clarke sign which is going to be three dimensional with a lantern outside of the sign which will be lit. The Administrator also advised the Board that Graphic Lettering will be donating the sign in front of the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the Administrator display the design of the sign on the website in order to allow the board members to conduct either an email or telephone vote. MOTION CARRIED 5. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by J. Murray THAT the correspondence be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Finance Report: In the absence of the Finance Chair the Administrator spoke on behalf of the report, stating that the 2007 finance figures will be available at the March meeting. Discussion was held regarding heating costs. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the Administrator obtain receipts from Enbridge from 2003 to 2007, the time period that the museum obtained the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre from the municipality and do a comparison analysis by cubic metre. MOTION CARRIED PAGE: 2 7. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Discussion of various items took place and it was decided the Kirby Church meeting will be held March 5, at 7:00 p.m. at the Kirby Church. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing TIfAT the Administrator's report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 8. NEW BUSINESS The Administrator informed the members that she had taken a tour of the Total Hockey site with Kevin Shea, stating that he had done a great job with the site. The majority of the items are not relevant to our local history. Much of the collection is comprised of photographs and the majority ofthese photos are copies from the National Archives or the Hockey Hall of Fame. Discussion was held regarding Total Hockey. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: J. Murdoch TIfA T we accept the Total Hockey report with amendments to the recommendation regarding display and A V equipment. MOTION CARRIED Opposed: P. Ford Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing THAT if the Department of Community Services accepts the Board's recommendation to donate items pertinent to local history, that the Collections Committee review a list ofthese items from Total Hockey prior to accepting them into our collection. MOTION CARRIED 9. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums and Archives will be held March 19, 2008 at Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre commencing at 7:00 p.m. PAGE: 3 10. ADOURNMENT Moved by: J. Witheridge THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:56 p.m. Minutes for the February 13, 2008 meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Administrator, Clarington Museums and Archives PAGE: 4 MunidpalityofClarillgton Livin~ Green -'-'-'-'-'-'-' Community Advisory Committee Committee Members Present: Amy Burke Helen Bajorek MacDonald Staff Present I - 2 Draft MINUTES February 26, 2008 Vanessa Hughes Elva Reid Glen Murphy Madison Stange Lisa Backus Susan Hajnik Jennifer Cooke Regrets: Mayor Abernethy Ron Collis Mary Novak Absent: Jonathan Wheatle Dave Clark Gordon Johnston Richard Marceau Carlos Salazar 11<, OPENING REMARKS Vice chair WASTE DIVERSION ONTARIO REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES BUSINESS ARISING EARTH HOUR . Feb 26-08 minutes < ,I~ 5~;, 1 Vice-chair Amy Burke provided opening remarks. Due to the number of members who sent regrets a quorum is not present and therefore the committee is unable to pass any motions or make recommendations. The meeting will focus on up- coming projects. Congratulations to Helen, Elva and Ron on an excellent presentation to Council regarding Earthhour. The Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program Plan has been approved. Set to launch July 1, 2008 the program will help reduce, reuse, recycle and responsibly dispose of common household products such as paints, solvents, batteries and oil filters that can often end up being poured down the drain or thrown out with regular garbage. http://www.ene.Qov.on.ca/en/news/2008/022101.php Comments were provided. Outstanding Items the committee would like addressed: . Report back regarding Mayor's eligibility to be Chair as per November minutes. . Report back regarding the Channel 12 Work plan that was promised in the September minutes. . Report back regarding the budget process and Channel 12, includin the ne ative ress covera e. Approval of minutes deferred until uorum. Lisa/Carlos Jennifer Page 1 of 2 Earth hour cont'd NEW BUSINESS Pitch-In- Clarington 2008 Absenteeism ,/:.1''''''''"''"'" ""rm!;j~!~{;y'~$, ' has been a banner in both the Clarington This Week and the Orono Times. Notices about will go on all of the information screens at all municipal facilities (MaC, Rickard, Courtice Complex, Library) the sign outside the BMO will also have a text version. Earthhour information will be included in a second e-update. E-Update is an electronic newsletter sent from Planning Services to over 300 people/agencies/municipal offices. A letter will be drafted that can be sent to service groups and organizations to encourage their participation. Amy/Helen Please e-mail Sue or Lisa with either regular or e-mail addresses of companies/organizations that you would like to All - Lisa/Sue have included in the mail out by March 7, 2008. Letters will be signed by both the Chair and Vice-Chair. Veridian and Hydro One have both indicated that they will be metering during Earth Hour. Veridian intends to do a comparison with the previous week's usage. A Facebook group/event will be created We need to acknowledge participation in this event possibly with a letter of thanks afterwards. Pitch-in-Clarington will run April 20 to 26, 2008. The 26 is anticipated to be the big day. Schools/groups individuals can register to get involved in the clean up. You can request a specific park or area if you wish. The Municipality supplies the gloves and garbage bags. The area is cleaned up and garbage bags are left in a designated spot for municipal pick u . 2007 saw 2000 artici ants There is concern that there are a number of members missing meetings on a regular basis. Could they send an alternate etc? Other 0 Living Green website www.bluetoqreen.net Should be up and running soon. o A section of the Clarington.net paper will be "Living Green Tips" please get your tips/ideas to Jennifer. o The Golden Book (yellow pages) will have a section of Environmental Tips sponsored by this committee. The Iivin reen 10 0 will be on each a ell!! FUTURE AGENDA March 25. 2008 o Will be a continuation of our workshop o Pitch In Clarington o Absenteeism o Re ort back Madison Amy - further discussion at March meeting. To be further discussed at March meeting. . Feb 26-08 minutes Page 2 of 2 . 'OBFEB28 PM 1 :00:28 CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY I - 3 MINUTES NO. % AUTHORITY MEETING Wednesdav. Februarv %0,2008.5:00 PoM. MEETING LOCATION: lOOWlllTING AVENUE, OSHAWA AUTHORITY'S ADMINISTRATIVE OffiCE, BOARDROOM Present: G. Emm. Chair S. Crawford J. Drumm A. Foster R. Hooper R. Johnson P. Perkins J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer D. White, Director, Corporate Services H. Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning & Natural Heritage G. Geissberger, Community Outreach Coordinator R. Hersey, Director, Development Review & Regulation M. Hrynyk. General Superintendent P. Lowe, Director, Watershed Stewardship & Community Outreach P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations G. SooChan, Director, Groundwater K. Tate, Administrative Assistant/Recording Secretary Excused: A. Cullen J. Gray J. Neal B. Nicholson M. Novak M. Pearce Absent: D. Mitchell ......... The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. '''~;::-'-:;;::~-m3'7:;-~'' ,.,':;t;,;<f. l)~;~Jo ~ ;':-';~ -"co ;'1' lI. ~.... \ Clil,;..::,iC~" ....~..." ~"...._...~ . '.;.... """,,,,,,,~~,"~,,~,--'" ) -L.>e DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any matter herein contained - NONE ADOPTION OF MINUTES Res. #18 Moved by R. Hooper Seconded by R. Johnson i ,,_~_,_,,____"_<"__~.' r t-_~-.-_-'-""-'--" r THAT the Authority minutes of JanUOl'J 15, 2008 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED :.4~"_'<'_"~ ,,- , , \"--0 _~ ;...'-,-....."."'''''"~..~-'--- ~~.. ....~.-... ,'... , -,,-,'''-- L :HorCE'. . AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 20, 2008 - PAGE 2 CORRESPONDENCE (I) Correspondence item #ABDA I C 13 from Donna Cansfield, Minister of Natural Resources re: Working in partnership with Conservation Ontario and local conservation authorities (2) Correspondence item #NWLG I T4 from Town of Whitby Operational ServicesfWilliam S, Ga]braith Re: 2007 Canada Goose Management Program for the Town of Whitby Res. #19 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by S. Crawford THAT correspondence items #ABDA1C13 and NWLG1T4 (attached as Schedule 3-1 & 3-2 of Feb. 20108) be received for information. CARRIED DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND REGULATION (I) Staff Report #47]2-08 (anached as Schedule 4-1 & 4-2 of Feb. 20108) Applications for Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses -January 1-31,2008 Res. #20 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by A. Foster THAT the attached applications be approved and the respective permils be issued. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #4719-08 (anached as Schedule 4-3 to 4-6 of Feb. 201V8) File No.: C08-007-GBFH - IMS: RPRG3075 Applicant: Martin Topolie Owner: Gord and Joan Giffin Application: for fill and constroction Location: 55 Cedar Crest Beach Road, Bowmanville Res. #21 Moved by P. Perldns Seconded by A. Foster THAT the application be approved subject to the folWwing conditions: 1. The project shaU be generaUy carried out according to the plans and specifications submitted in support of the application, as they may be amended by the folWwing conditions. 2. The finished floor elevation of the habitable living area is to be lacoled at a minimum of 252.8 feet (providing for a minimum of one foot of freeboard above the Regional Storm flood elevation). 3. A Professional Engineer shaU provide confirmation in writing, that the plans, design and construction drawings submitted in support of the application will wilhstand anticipated horizontal and vertical hydrostatic pressures acting on the structure. 4. Prior to the issuance of a permil, the approved plans for works within the flood plain shall be stamped by a Professional Engi,",er. 5. A Professional Engineer shaU provide written verification that the works were completed in accordance with the approved plans, prior to the expiry of the permit. 6. Prior to the issuance of a permil, the owner agrees to enter into a Save-Harmless Agreement wilh the Authority, to be registered on title at the owner's expense. 7. All disturbed areas shall be seeded, sodded or stabilized in some other manner acceptable to the Authority. CARRIED AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 20, 2008 - PAGE 3 DIRECTOR, WATERSHED STEW ARDSlllP & COMMUNITY OUTREACH (I) Staff Report #4710-08 A Watershed Moment - 2007 Year In Review (document previously circulated to Members) Members commended staff for an extremely well done report entitled "A Watershed Moment - 2007 Year In Review"; some very minor revisions were noted to staff. Res. #22 Moved by R. Hooper Seconded by P. Perkins THAT Sl4ff Report #4710-08 (attached as Schedule 5-1 of Feb. 20/08) be receivedfor informadon; THAT A Watershed Moment - 2007 Year In Review be reviewed, and Board members provide feedback to staff by February 29, 2008 at which time sl4ffwiU printfor distribution and include on the website. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #4711-08 Durham Region Conservation Authorities Watershed Stewardship Programs & Services Res. #23 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by A. Foster THAT Sl4ff Report #4711-08 (atl4ched as Schedule 5-2 to 5-11 of Feb. 20/08) be receivedfor informadolJ. CARRIED (3) Staff Report #4714-08 Summary of Media Coverage 2007 Res. #24 Moved by A. Foster Seconded by R. Johnson THAT Staff Report #4714-08 (attached as Schedule 5-12 & 5-13 of Feb. 20108) be recelvedfor InformadolJ. CARRIED DIRECTOR, CORPORATE SERVICES (I) Staff Report #4717-08 Allocation to Reserve for Conservation Centre Renovations Res. #25 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by R. Hooper THAT Staff Report #4717-08 (attached as Schedule 6-1 of Feb. 20/08) be received for information; and, THAT the 2007 surplus in the Conservation Centre RellOvations budget in the amount of $90,975 be allocated to the Reserve for Conservation Centre RellOvadons. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #4718-08 Proposed Fees for Authority Services and Programs for 2008 Res. #26 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by A. Foster THAT Staff Report #4718-08 (attached as Schedule 6-2 to 6-6 of Feb. 20108) be received; and THAT the 2008 Proposed Feesfor Authority Services and Programs be adopted, effective February 1, 2008. CARRIED " AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 20, 2008 - PAGE 4 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (1) Staff Report 114713-08 50" Anniversary Signature Event loR Powell gave a brief overview regarding items outlined in Staff Report 114713-08 followed by a few additional comments from G. Geissberger. Discussion ensued. Res. #27 Moved by J. Drumm Seconded by S. Crawford THAT Staff Report #4713-08 (atlllched as Schedule 7-1 of Feb. 20108) be receivedfor infonnotion; THAT staff continue to develop the details and budgetfor the event and update the board as required. CARRIED Res. #28 Moved by p, Perkins Seconded by R Johnson THAT the meeting convene "111 Camero" to discuss property matters. CARRIED Res. #32 Moved by S. Crawford Seconded by P. Perkins THAT the meetillg recollvelle and thot the actiolls of the "111 Camero" sessioll be adopted. CARRIED MUNICIPAL AND OTHER BUSINESS G. Emm extended an invitation to Board Members to participate in the Authority staff hosted CLOCA Pancake Days event (March 12, 13 and 14), part of this Authority's 33'" Annual Maple Syrup Festival at Purple Woods Conservation Area. Please contact Gord Geissberger if you are available to assist at the Purple Woods Maple Syrup Festival or the CLOCA Pancake Days; any help is most appreciated whether it be 2 hours or a full day. Proceeds from CLOCA Pancake Days are dedicated to the Durham Children's Ground water Festival and other Authority programs. ADJOURNMENT Res. #33 Moved by P. Perkins Seconded by A. Foster THAT the meetillg adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.Ol. 1-4 Draft minutes Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 19, 2008 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) David Best Joe McKenna Karin Murphy John Stoner Jim Cleland Kerry Meydam Brian Reid Also Present: Jennifer O'Donnell (Non-Voting) Peter Windolf Greg Wells (ORCA) Regrets: Jim Kamstra Councillor Willie Woo Dan Stanoi Absent: Arthur Burrows Warren May (MNR) 1. Agenda Additions There were no additions to the agenda Acceotance of Agenda MOVED by David Best, seconded by Kerry Meydam THAT the agenda for February 19, 2008 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of January 8, 2008 Corrections There were no corrections to the minutes. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Brian Reid, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of January S, 200S be approved. CARRIED 3. Issues arising from the Minutes There were no issues arising from the minutes. 4. Sub-Committee Reports Communications The winter newsletter is now complete and has been sent to the Municipality's Communications department for printing. 5. Updates SWNA Presentation to OP A Chair Stoner appeared before Council to give an update on the committee's activities and show the PowerPoint presentation. The Council meeting was very well attended and televised so the presentation received good exposure. The presentation was well-received and several positive comments were made by the Councillors. DEAC Nominations Nominations for the Durham Environmental Achievement awards are due on March 3. The Committee has been nominated four years in a row but has never won. The committee decided that they did not wish to be nominated in 2008. During the course of the year the SWNA PowerPoint presentation will be presented at various venues. This could enhance our chances in the Education/Communion category in 2009. There was some discussion that the awards are perhaps biased against committees of Council. Joe will ask his contacts at the Region ifthey favour certain types of nominations over others. Adopt-A-Pond Presentation at SWNA The Adopt-A-Pond event will take place on Saturday May 10th. Chair Stoner has discussed the event with Jennifer Stone ofClarington This Week. She has agreed to prepare a story in advance of the event if information is submitted to her at the beginning of April. The event will include an outdoor presentation on Amphibians and Reptiles in their aquatic habitat. The marsh area on the east side of the bridge along the waterfront trail may be the best location for the presentation. The presenter will tour the area in advance to determine the best location. A draft of the poster to advertise the event will be available for review at the next meeting. Discussion took place about other events for later this year. It was agreed that a Butterfly Day will be held again this August. MOVED by Kerry Meydam, seconded by Joe McKenna THAT James Kamstra will be booked for August CARRIED An event dedicated to fishing was also discussed. The event could include a talk about the hatchery, artefacts, salmon roe, and a chance for kids to try their hand at fishing. The best time of year would be in September during the salmon run. Greg will contact the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters to see if they run outreach programs. This will be discussed further in March. Resignation - Jim Richards Jim submitted his resignation to the Clerks Department. They will advertise for the open spot. 6. Other Business/Next Meeting Bike Tour On Monday July 7th the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure bike tour will be travelling through Clarington. A refreshment break is being planned for 200-250 cyclists at Port of Newcastle Waterfront Park. The SWNA Committee has agreed to host the refreshment break. It will be a good opportunity to promote the SWNA in the Port of Newcastle community. The Municipality will arrange to have the Clarington tent and picnic tables brought to the site. The SWNA committee will arrange to provide water and perhaps orange wedges for the riders. Items needed for this day will be: a Clarington tent, tables, an SWNA banner, and 6 5- gallon jugs, as well as a source for the water. Next Meeting To avoid the March Break the next meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday March 18th, which is the third Tuesday ofthe month. Adjournment: 8:20 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday March 18, 2008 7:00 p.m. Meeting Room lA Please note that March 18 is the third Tuesday in March. Notes prepared by J. O'Donnell I - 5 Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting - Tuesday February 11, 2008 (Not yet approved by Committee Members) In Attendance: Gord Lee, Chair Councillor, Gord Robinson Robert Holmes Larry Burke, Vice Chair Carol Little Eric Garreau Arena Manager, Bryan Wiltshire Canteen Manager, Michelle Maida Absent: Dave Werheid, Sect. I Treas. Karen Gonsalves 1) Call to Order: 7:15 pm. 2) Adoption of Minutes - (January B'h, 2008) Thefollowing motion, #2615 was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the January ffh, meeting is approved with no changes. " MOVED: by Bob Holmes; SECONDED: Eric Garreau. CARRIED 3) Presentation in Writinll bv NVMHA Trophy Case The chair presented a drawing and agreement proposed by the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association for the construction and installation of a custom trophy case, to be located in the front foyer of the arena. Discussion of same proceeded and the proposal was unanimously endorsed by the arena board. All members agreed; this was an excellent gesture on behalf of the NVMHA and would be a valued addition to the arena. The following motion, #2616 was proposed: THA T: The proposal for construction and installation of the custom trophy case is accepted by the board. The trophy case would remain the property of the NVMHA and they in turn would be responsible for maintenance, repairs and upkeep of said display case. In addition, either party - arena board or, NVMHA had the option to have the unit removed from the arena with 30 days notice. (2) The trophy case would be located against the north and west walls, not to exceed 83inches from the north/west corner to not interfere with the AED unit or, the door to the exit and upstairs staircase. The said trophy case will be secured, but not a permanent alteration to the existing building and in compliance with all municipal safety issues, as set out by Mr, Fred Horvath, Operations Department, and Municipality of Clarington. All items to be displayed in the trophy case would be at the discretion of the NVMHA. An agreement pertaining to all stipulations outlined would be drawn up by our Chairman and signed by both parties. MOVED: by Bob Holmes: SECONDED by Larry Burke. 4) 2008 Final Budflet: Before embarking on our final budget meeting, both department managers, Bryan Wiltshire and Michelle MaIda presented their proposals, and considerations for 2008. Discussions followed and the needs of each department were taken into consideration. Final budget and available funds will determine a number of arena needs. The Chair advised he had submitted an application to the Municipality of Clarington for a $5,000.00 Grant under the Grant Application Program. Decisions by council on grant recipients, has yet to be determined or tabled in council. The following motion, #2617 was proposed: THAT: The arena board would purchase a new Laptop Computer, to be used by our secretary/ treasurer for the financial and recording records of the arena. The said computer will remain the property of the Newcastle Arena Board. All records will be brought up to date, backed-up and downloaded on a monthly basis, and then stored by the Chair. The purchase is not to exceed $1200.00 in cost. The Chair was to make the purchase. A recent break-in at our Secretary/ Treasurer's home had resulted in the disruption offinalizing our 2007 audit. MOVED: by Larry Burke; SECONDED: by Eric Garreau CARRIED Following along with our budget exercise, the following motion, #2618 was proposed: THA T: Ice rental rates for the 2008/09 season, commencing in September, 2008 be capped asfollows: Our current youth rate of $135.00/ hr. will remain the same. (3) Our current adult rate of$160.00/ hr., /will be increased to $165.00. Our current daytime rate (Monday to Friday - 7: 00 am to 4: 00 pm) will be increased by $5.00 - to $95.00 /hr. Our current weekday school rate, (Daytime) will be increased by $5.00 - to $70.00/hr. Our upstairs rental for the Newcastle Family Connection Dance Program will be reviewed and new rental fees will be established at our March 11'h, meeting. MOVED: by Gord Robinson; SECONDED: by Robert Holmes. CARRIED 5) Chairman's Address and Follow-U1J: A) The Chair advised he had contacted Joanne Raymond, president of Newcastle Skating Club and worked out a fee for the additional staff hours and assistance requiredfor their April Ice Carnival. It was agreed by both parties; an additional $540.00, plus G.s. T. over and above their ice rental would be charged for this year-end event. The additional charges would include their set-up time on both Friday evening and Saturday morning, the painting of their theme logo by our staff, on the ice swface and the use of the upstairs hall for both events on Saturday. It was also agreed that our management would study and record the time and involvement of our staff for this week-end event and a revised fee would be incorporated into their 2008/09 ice rental contract. B) A scheduled meeting with Mr. Fred Horvath, Operations Department was forthcoming but, our current abundance of snow storms and winter weather was Mr. H's priority, at this time. The meeting is now scheduledfor March 1s'h, 2008. All our current concerns would be addressed at that time, i.e. Roof Leaks, Front Doors, Quotations on Compressors and Oil Separator. C) Contact had been made with both summer rental users, (Clarington Day Care Program and Clarington Recreational Lacrosse League) - both parties are making plans to return to Newcastle Arena this summer and schedules will be forthcoming to our arena manager. D) The sale had been finalized on our Olympia Ice Resurfacer and the delivery to the purchaser by Resurjice Corporation to North Carolina, was complete. In addition, our 2007 renovation loan payment of $30,000.00 had been paid to the Municipality. Our outstanding balance on this load was approximately $90,000.00. An up to date statement would be provided for our next meeting. E) Fund raising card tournaments were getting more difficult to schedule, as both Orono Arena and our own Newcastle Village Hockey Teams where also holding similar events. Efforts will continue to find a date in March that works for all our volunteers, to schedule our own tournament. F) The Chair had advised Ms. Patti Barrie at the Municipality of our need for an additional member for our arena board. A subsequent advertisement in the Clarington and Orono weekly papers had been run, requesting applications to the board. 6) Board Member Carol Little: Carol advised the board members; she had completed the on-line "Smart Serve" course and was now a qualified licensed Bar Server. 7) Next Meetinf! Date - Tuesday March 11, 2008 - 7:00 pm. Upstairs Committee Room. 8) Adiournment: Motion #26199:20 pm. THA T: The meeting is adjourned. MOVED: by Carol Little 1-6 CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting February 19, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Kozak Victor Suppan REGRETS: Paul Allore Karina Isert Jennifer Knox David Reesor Duane Cook Leslie Wilson PLANNING STAFF: James Rook Karin Murphy Philip Carlton ouncillor Novak ABSENT: Isabel Little REVIEW OF MINUTES The January 15th minutes will be a onwards. BUSINESS ARISING 16 Church Lane The Chair has s properties document he wants ve compa Ont Info heritag premium heating sys age of the stru e has reviewed insurance and heritage of Culture. The owner has indicated that Ignation e building as he says that his insurance replacement coverage because of the designation. The address property insurance for designated buildings. hat insurance premiums should not go up as a result of iely 0 ther reasons cause insurance companies to increase if there is a higher level of risk, such as out-dated wiring, old insurance companies will not insure buildings based on the Committee membe ave not heard of any designated property owners' insurance rates increasing due to their building being designated. The Committee discussed how the matter can be dealt with, including inviting the owner to a committee meeting to relay his concerns. Staff will contact other municipalities in regards to their experiences and report back. 21 Beech Avenue The replacement window issue was discussed with Planning Services staff. The Heritage Conservation District is a three year pilot project with a review at the end of the term. As part of the District review staff will meet with the owners to discuss their heritage permit Minutes of Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting, February 19, 2008 application. Improvements in the process might include providing owners with lists of experienced manufacturers or offering incentives. Web DesiQn Review The Committee reviewed the draft website design and made the following suggestions: The website should achieved through t unite heritage owner link to the heri e web resolved. m involve will c who WI Look at U.S. websites for examples of what can be done Create a Heritage Tool Box page to post the following: Resources on items such as interior storm window disclaimer). Guest articles from heritage property owners w Heritage restoration tip of the month Anecdotes on 'What Not To Do". Architectural Features - what they are Post recognition of owners who have re Possible contribution from the museu - Add fire insurance maps - Web links to schools to generate interest - Add district plan Clarke, Darlington and Bowm Pros and cons of heritage (va heritage) Offer a side bar "H ' information anism and how it builds on 't and avoid looking modem. This can be e colours used. It is felt that a website will ton's corporate website could provide a sting and maintaining the site need to be need to ermine the cost of hosting and the effort . g accuracy and keeping the site current. The Committee rk, determine what areas to be worked on, determine e it will require. CHO Newsletter 008 distributed to members. An announcement wa eceived in regards to the Durham Water and Wastewater Master Plan Public Information Centre. Staff replied on the Committee's behalf on the Grady Drive Extension Class EA being conducted by TSH. As this is vacant land there are no heritage issues. 2 Minutes of Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting, February 19, 2008 SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Clarinqton Hiqhwav 407 CAC Bill Patterson's home is in the route of the East Link and is designated. Although not confirmed, Mr. Patterson may relocate his home. MTO will be asked for an update on the impacted heritage properties. Bowmanville 150th Wellington Street may be closed for a few days for an a meeting for this initiative is March 5111 at 7:00 p.m. T Santa Claus parade, however advertising will be lay. The next , similar to the PROJECT REPORTS Inventorv Update: Safety vests have been secured for u NEW BUSINESS om 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Clarington d. - HCD improve keeping wit Plan. Clarington Beech Centre design objectives from Streetscape and Infrastructure Study should be revisited when street reconstruction is designed; however, the street reconstruction is not to include any upgrades, as dictated by the Council Resolution on the Heritage Conservation District (that means no additional width, heritage street lights, or underground hydro). nts I ding road and/or utility reconstruction/installation are dvisory Committee and a recommendation made to Council. courage public streetscape, landscape, and infrastructure nhance the neighbourhood's heritage character and are in Bowmanville Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Between 2001 and 2006 an additional parking lot was constructed at the Beech Centre at the request of the Older Adult Association and the existing lot was reconfigured, resulting in 30 extra spaces. The Older Adults Association requested an increase in parking capacity. 3 Minutes of Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting, February 19, 2008 The least impact to the streetscape was agreed upon in that the area to the south of the Centre would be used for parking while maintaining a field to the west of the site for recreational purposes and to provide access. A preconsultation meeting was held with some of the interested parties last week. The Executive Director of the Older Adult Association was asked to provide program information to help determine the amount of parking required for the Beech Centre site. The municipality should make every effort to avoid damage to the existing trees where road or underground service work is required. Careful consideration m st be made to the impact that road reconstruction and/or widening may have. Grass ver ould be preserved and streets not widened for on-street parking. There is 1 large R , 2 Copper Beech and 1 White Ash on the east side of the road. Relocating muni rvices to the west side of the street where the tree canopy is less would caus rbance. The Arborist's report will be made available at the public open ho idering options other than trenching as it may damage the tree roots. es will be scoped and if the lines are of acceptable quality they wi eplaced. Phone and cable are not an issue as they are locate 4 qiJl!JlgtDn REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2008 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, MARCH 17,2008 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) EGD-014-08 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for February, 2008 (b) ESD-004-08 Monthly Response Report - February 2008 - (c) CSD-003-08 Community Services - 2007 Year End Review 2. MONITORING OF 'THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETINGS OF FEBRUARY 14, 2008 AND MARCH 6, 2008 THAT Report PSD-023-08 be received; THAT Council concurs with Staff that an appeal by the Municipality of the decision made by the Committee of Adjustment on February 14, 2008 for applications 2008-0002 and A2008-0004 is not warranted. However, should an appeal be lodged by another party, that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend its original recommendation; and THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on March 6, 2008 for applications A2008-0001 and A2008-0005 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3AB T 905-623-3379 Report #1 2 March 25, 2008 3. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF OSHAWA APPLICANTS: FORD, BIESENTHAL, KINGSWAY & OSHAWA MISSIONARY COLLEGES THAT Report PSD-024-0B be received; THAT the City of Oshawa be advised that the Municipality of Clarington has no objections to the approval of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-O-2008-01) subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-024-08; and THAT a copy of Report PSD-024-0B be forwarded to the City of Oshawa Development Services Department and the Region of Durham Planning Department. 4. USE OF POPPY SYMBOL ON STREET SIGNS AMENDMENTS TO THE POLICY FOR WAR DEAD AND WAR VETERAN NAMES FOR STREETS THAT Report PSD-025-08 be received; THAT the Policy for War Dead and War Veteran Names for Streets be amended as shown on Attachment 1 to Report PSD-025-08; and THAT all interested parties identified in Report PSD-025-08 be advised of Council's decision. 5. NORTHGLEN NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN THAT Report PSD-026-08 be received; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-026-08 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 6. 2007 ANNUAL REPORT ON APPLICATIONS FOR PLANS OF SUBDIVISION THAT Report PSD-027-08 be received; and THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-027-08 and Council's decision. Report #1 3 March 25, 2008 7. AMENDMENT NO. 60 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND BROOKHILL SECONDARY PLAN AND URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES THAT Report PSD-028-08 be received; THAT Amendment No.60 to the Clarington Official Plan as shown on Attachment 4 to Report PSD-028-08 and as amended, be adopted and the necessary By-law contained in Attachment 5 to Report PSD-028-08 be passed, and that Amendment No. 60 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval; THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of PSD-028-08; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-028-08 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 8. WASTE DIVERSION OPPORTUNITIES IN MULTI-RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS AND INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS THAT ReportPSD-029-08 be received; THAT the Municipality encourage that future multi-residential projects provide for facilities that could handle three waste streams; THAT Staff be authorized to consult with multi-residential development proponents in Clarington on the proposed Site Plan Approva/ Guidelines for Waste Col/ection Ares in Multi-Residential Projects and to implement such Guidelines subject to refinements that may be made through the consultation process; and THAT a copy of Report PSD-029-08 be forwarded to the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board and the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board for information and consideration in future building projects. 9. MEARNS AVENUE AND CONCESSION ROAD #3 RECONSTRUCTION PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE THAT Report EGD-015-08 be received; and THAT all those who attended the Public Information Centre and who have contacted the Municipality be informed of Report EGD-015-08. Report #1 4 March 25, 2008 10. RFP 2007-7, MUNICIPAL BANKING SERVICES THAT Report COD-014-01 be received; THAT the contract for Banking Services (excluding payroll), for the Municipality of Clarington be awarded to the Toronto Dominion Bank; THAT the contract be awarded for a three (3) year term with an option to renew for an additional two (2) years; THAT the By-law attached to Report COD-014-08, marked Schedule "A", authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with the Toronto Dominion Bank be approved; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk and/or Director of Finance, as appropriate, be authorized to sign all necessary documentation. 11. BOWMANVILLE TENNIS CLUB- LEASE RENEWAL THAT Report COD-016-08 be received; THAT the Manager of Purchasing be authorized to proceed with the formal negotiations of a new lease agreement with the Bowmanville Tennis Club as set out in Report COD-016-08, and report back to Council for approval to execute the final agreement; and THAT a copy of Report COD-016-08 be sent to the Clarington Older Adults Centre Board and the Bowmanville Tennis Club. 12. CL2008-8 DASHER BOARD REPLACEMENT - GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX THAT Report COD-017-08 be received; THAT Sound Barriers, Mississauga, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of $175,900.00 (Plus GST), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specification of Tender CL2008-8 be awarded the contract for the Dasher Board Replacement on Pad A of Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex as required by the Community Services Department; THAT the additional funds of $25,900.00 be funded from the Community Services Capital Reserve Fund; and THAT total funds required be drawn from 2008 Community Services Capital Account #110-42-421-84214-7401. Report #1 5 March 25, 2008 13. PURCHASE OF A PRE-BUILT PUMPER THAT Report COD-018-08 be received; THAT the requirement for tendering in accordance with By-law 2006-127 be waived for this transaction; THAT the Purchasing Manager be authorized to solicit expressions of interest from known fire truck manufacturers to determine the immediate availability of a new 1250 GPM Pumper; THAT the Purchasing Manager be authorized to negotiate a purchase price for a selected unit; THAT a report to Council be provided summarizing the results of the Request for the Expressions of Interest and providing a recommendation for the purchase of the selected unit; and THAT should the expression of interest process prove successful in this instance, the Purchasing Manager amend the Purchasing By-law to include the use of the expression of interest process for the acquisition of fire fighting vehicles as deemed appropriate. 14. PRESENTATION - CLARINGTON OLDER ADULTS ASSOCIATION THAT the presentation from Angie Darlison, Clarington Older Adults Association regarding the success and challenges of the Association be received with thanks. 15. DELEGATION - JAISON GIBSON - SOCIAL REFORM PART 2 THAT the delegation of Mr. Jaison Gibson be received with thanks. 16. FUTURE MEETINGS OF DURHAMIYORK WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUP WHEREAS the preferred site for the proposed incinerator has been identified as Clarington 01 in Durham; WHEREAS the vast majority of the health, the social and the financial impacts of the proposed incinerator will be borne by the residents of Durham; and WHEREAS the local Councils of Clarington, Ajax, Oshawa and Pickering, representing a majority of the population of Durham, have expressed serious concern over the proposal: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the DurhamlYork Joint Waste Management Group be requested to hold all future meetings in Durham to allow those citizens most impacted by the proposal better access to information and consultation with respect to the proposal; and THAT this resolution be forwarded to the municipalities of Durham Region, the municipalities of York Region and the Ministry of the Environment. STAFF REPORT //1 ClfJ!ilJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Report #: PSD-030-08 File #: PLN 38.1 By-law #: Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-030-08 be received; 2. THAT in accordance with Section 26 (3)(b) of the Planning Act Council hold a special meeting on May 12, 2008 to discuss the revisions that may be required as part of the review of the Clarington Official Plan; and 3. THAT the meeting be advertised in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act for Council to hear submissions from residents on the subject. "" Reviewed by:d~-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by:Q~~~~ I:? David J. creme, M.C.I.P., RP.P. Director of Planning Services DJ/COS/DJC/sn 19 March 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-030-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND The Planning Act of Ontario Section 26 (1) requires the Clarington Official Plan conform to provincial plans, have regard to matters of provincial interest, and be consistent with provincial policy statements, Furthermore, Section 26 (3) directs Council consult with the Region of Durham as the approval authority and with other public agencies like the conservation authorities, Furthermore, the same section of the Act requires that Council hold a "special meeting" open to the public to discuss the revisions that may be required in the process of reviewing the Plan, Staff is in the process of meetings with Regional Staff and has contacted the relevant public agencies to request that a staff liaison be assigned to the project to ensure proper consultation and input. We recommend that Council hold the mandated special meeting for the review of the Official Plan on May 12, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers in Bowmanville. This meeting will be opened to the public. As required by the Act, the municipality will advertise the meeting at least six weeks in advance through the local newspapers, the municipality's website, and the Clarington.net newsletter. To assist interested parties in preparing their submissions, staff will be providing Council and the public a discussion paper on the key issues and the scope of the proposed review at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The Act also asks for Council to have regard to any written submissions and allow any person attending the meeting an opportunity to be heard. This special meeting of Council will be governed by the procedural by-laws of Council. 2.0 CONCLUSION We recommend that Council passes the following resolution: THAT in accordance with Section 26 (3)(b) of the Planning Act Council hold a special meeting on May 12, 2008 to discuss the revisions that may be required as part of the review of the Clarington Official Plan; and THAT the meeting be advertised in accordance with the provision of the Planning Act for Council to hear submissions from residents on the subject. UNFINISHED BUSINESS THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY In the Regional Municipality of Durham AGENO*, 'OBFEB26 AMIO:02:22 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario, Canada UN 2M8 www.whitby.ca PAT PERKINS MAYOR WIllTBY: TORONTO: FAX: 905-668-5803 905-686-2621 905.686-6954 o ~ -<'- 0 "> {- 0/2 OF Tl-l'C. '" '.i.~'r'D~\ ."~",."f/~. ..._>-'- .. RECE~"ED. FEB 1 9 ZOOS February 13, 2008 I MUNICIPALiT1 " CLJGTOll MAYOR'S OFFICE Mr. J. Abernethy, Mayor Municipality ofClarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LI C 3A6 / ~ DearM~ ~l At our Council meeting on January 28th, Regional Councillor Emm spoke to the outstanding work that Clarington has undertaken to increase their waste diversion from landfiIl, and the need for the other Durham municipalities to do the same. Your call to action has inspired us to further encourage our citizens to improve the 68.1% diversion rate attained in 2007. You have motivated us, so we want to return the favour. The Town of Whitby chaIlenges the Municipality of Clarington to a friendly competition - the municipality which achieves the highest diversion rate in 2008, will provide official congratulatory remarks at a 2009 televised Council meeting. Clarington is a worthy opponent. I look forward to receiving your heartfelt congratulations! Regards, IV~ OlS~~jotr ; ClfRK / ?C) . \~;K BY Pat Perkins MAYOR .~ 'If;;_~;~i #\L iO- .r...._..- ",1,(,$ TIJ: . cc: Members of Council Ken Nix, Acting CAO Suzanne Beale, Director - Public Works Peter LeBel- Director - Community & Marketing Services Paul Jones, Clerk i L_.~.'_,,,,,,,,,''''''_ ; ;.--""...... , .-~,.-._-_..~ ; [;07 IE. ,." u...~~'.'- UNFINISHED BUSINESS CI!![il1gton REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: March 25, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: CSD-004-08 File #: By-Iaw#: Subject: Grant Request - Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-004-08 be received; 2. THAT Council consider the funding request from Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington under the Municipal Grant Program; and 3. THAT Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: J eph P. Caruana rector of Community Services Reviewed bYO ~~, Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer JC/SC~m CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO.: CSD-004-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1,1 On March 4,2008, Council approved Resolution # C-115-08, endorsing the request from Darlene Brown, Executive Director, Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington to consider a late application to the Municipal Grant Program. 1.2 Council further directed that the application be referred to the Director of Community Services for processing and that he report back to Council. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington have been receiving funding through the Municipal Grant Program since 1998. In 2007, the organization received a grant of $2,000.00. 2.2 In the fall of 2007, Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington went through some staffing changes and inadvertently missed the Municipal Grant deadline. 2.3 Their 2008 budget, which shows a balanced budget, was approved by the Brothers and Sisters of Clarington Board of Directors prior to the New Year. This budget is summarized on Attachment # 1 Summary of Grant Information. The budget included projected funding from the United Way of Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Brock and Scugog. They have recently been informed that their United Way funding will not meet their projection and will have to rework their budget accordingly. 2.4 Staff have reviewed the Municipal Grant application submitted by the Big Brothers and Sisters of Clarington and concluded that the organization does meet the criteria of the program. 2.5 Presently the Municipal Grant Program has an unallocated balance of $7,700.00. Attachment # 1 - Summary of Grant Information Attachment # 1 to Report CSD-004-08 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Big Brothers and Sisters ofClarington APPLICATION # supplemental CONTACT NAME I Darlene Brown DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: High quality volunteer -based mentoring programs to the children of Clarington , such as In- School Mentoring, Traditional Matching, ,Big Bunch group mentoring, Champions of Change Leadership camp, Durham Cruisers After School Club, Self Esteem Groups and Child Safety training. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Update audio- visual materials and 'hands on' activities to ensure the Child Safety training resources are as current as possible. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 84 TOTAL $247,450.00 $264,200.00 $247,155.00 $264,200.00 TOTAL EXPENSES NET OPERATION: - EXPENSES, LESSREVENUE . $295.00 o MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT . '. 2007 GRANT. APPROVED . APPROVED $2000.00 $2000.00 ,< . 2008.(;RAN';t. . . REQUESTED.. . $5000.00 UNFINISHED BUSINESS q!JlmglOn REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: March 25, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: CSD-006-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: Grant Request - Latenite Productions Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-006-08 be received; 2. THAT Council consider the appeal for funding from Latenite Productions under the Municipal Grant Program; and 3. THAT Latenite Productions be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Jo' . aruana D r ctor of Community Services cJ ~:.. VJl,.. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer JC/SC~m CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVlllE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO.: CSD-006-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On March 4, 2008, Mark Canning and Brian Bradshaw of Latenite Productions made a presentation to Council requesting reconsideration of Council's denial of their grant request, submitted through the 2008 Municipal Grant Program. At that time, Council tabled their request pending a report from the Director of Community Services. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Latenite Productions is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to foster the personal growth and development of youth by providing opportunities for musical expression and creativity. The organization was formed in 2007 by three local residents. 2.2 The organization has identified two main areas of focus: Clarington Outreach is a musical program offered in partnership with The Firehouse which provides the tools for developing musical expression and self confidence to enhance future opportunities. It is geared towards disadvantaged youth. The second area of focus is to provide the opportunity for new, young local talent to express and share their musical experience with other experienced and established performers. In the past year, Latenite Productions offered two performance venues in the Tyrone community. 2.3 This year, Latenite Productions plans on expanding the opportunities for local performers through an outdoor musical festival to be held at Mosport International Raceway. It is intended to make this festive an annual event. 2.4 Staff have reviewed the Municipal Grant application submitted by Latenite Productions and have concluded, based upon the information in their application and their submission to Council on March 3, that the organization does meet the criteria of the Municipal Grant Program. 2.5 Presently the Municipal Grant Program has an unallocated balance of $7,700.00. SUMMARY OF BY-LAWS March 25, 2008 BY-LAWS 2008-044 Being a By-law to stop up and close as a public highway portions of road allowance and to authorize the conveyance of Parts 1 & 2 on Registered Plan 40R-25183 and Part 1 on Registered Plan 40R-25082 to Prestonvale Land Corporation (Approved by Council on March 3, 2008) 2008-045 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan (Item 7 of Report #1) 2008-046 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Toronto Dominion Bank (Item 10 of Report #1)