HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/14/2008
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held December 10, 2007
a) Roberta Youngs-Ransom - Clarington Community of Character Committee
b) Certificate to Lieutenant-Colonel John Conrad for Outstanding SeNice with Canadian
Forces in Afghanistan
c) Michael Angemeer and Dave Clark, Veridian Corporation - Presentation of Dividend
a) Bob Hann or representative of Halloway Holdings - Pylon Sign By-law - King Street
Frontage, West Bowmanville Shopping Centre (Correspondence Item D - 12)
Council Agenda
- 2 -
January 14, 2008
Receive for Information
I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory
Committee dated December 5, 2007
I - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee dated
November 16, 2007
1-3 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated
November 14, 2007
1-4 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford - Proposed Energy-From-Waste
I - 5 Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director, Waterfront Regeneration
Trust - Annual Accomplishments Publication
I - 6 Roberta and Robert Gibson - Regional Residential Transit
Development Charge
1-7 Gail Empey, Clerk, Township of Cavan Monaghan - Ganaraska
Forest Centre
1-8 Jacqueline B. Muccio - DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental.
Assessment Study - Site Selection Process
I - 9 John Newell - Chemical Violation of Julie Inwood
I - 10 John Newell - Impact of Residential Fireplaces
I - 11 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Member Communication -
Permanent Federal Gas Tax Funding for Municipalities
1-12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Project Black
Ribbon for Mental Health
I - 13 Patrick R. Burke, Fire Marshal of Ontario, Ministry of Community
Safety and Correctional Services -Training and Workshops
Costs - New Fire Safety Legislation
1-14 David Bond, CFS Director, The Salvation Army - Letter of
Appreciation - Canadian Pacific Holiday Train
I - 15 Phil Mannell, General Manager, Central Region, Enbridge Gas
Distribution - "Winter Warmth Fund"
Cou ncil Agenda
- 3 -
January 14, 2008
I - 16 Louis Bertrand - DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental
Assessment Study - Site Selection Process
I - 17 Rob Macisaac, Chair, Metrolinx - Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)
I - 18 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and the
Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing -
2008 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF)
I - 19 Janice Kroft, Program Manager, COPE Mental Health Program,
Community Care Durham - Letter of Appreciation for Donation of
Clarington Pins
I - 20 Deb Vice and Martin Feaver, Protect the Ridges Co-Chairs -
Proposed Changes to the Regulatory Framework for Non-Agricultural
Source Material (NASM
1-21 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - 2008 Interim
Regional Property Tax Levy
Receive for Direction
o - 1 Nada Loughead, Heart Month Coordinator, Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Ontario - Durham Region Chapter - "Heart Month"
0-2 Debbie Hunter, Office Administrator, MS Society, Durham Regional
Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada -Tag Days
o - 3 Helen and Gordon Perry - Objection to Applications to Amend the
Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law submitted by 1276467
Ontario Limited for 15 Darlington Boulevard
0-4 Jim Watson, MPP, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing, - 2007 Municipal Performance Measurement Program
o - 5 George Van Dyk - Compliance Audit of John Mutton
0-6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham - Employment
Insurance Eligibility and Links to Increased Poverty
o - 7 Marion I. Koepke, CMO, City Clerk, City of Owen - One Cent NOW!
0-8 George S. Graham, AMCT, CMC, Clerk-Administrator, The
Corporation of the Township of Brock - Proposed Changes to the
Regulatory Framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material
Council Agenda
- 4-
January 14, 2008
D - 9 Carolyn Langley, Clerk, Township of West Lincoln - Proposed
Changes to the Regulatory Framework for Non-Agricultural Source
Materials (NASM)
o - 10 Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo -
Provincial Sales Tax Exemption for Municipalities
D - 11 Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo -
Infrastructure Funding
D - 12 Robert Hann, President, Valiant Property Management - Pylon Sign
By-law - King Street Frontage - West Bowmanville Shopping Centre
D - 13 Tony Wood - Rescinding of Council Resolution #C634-07
D - 14 Dawn Whelan - Hotel Room Tax
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 7, 2008
1. Confidential Verbal Report of the Director of Finance/Treasurer and the Solicitor
concerning a Legal Matter
Council Meeting Minutes
DECEMBER 10, 2007
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 10,2007, at 7:00 p.m., in
the Council Chambers.
Councillor Foster led the meeting in prayer.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Mayor J. Abernethy
Councillor A. Foster
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor C. Trim
CouncillorW. Woo
Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Director of Engineering, T. Cannella
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana, attended until 10:34 p.m.
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Solicitor, D. Hefferon
Director of Operations, F. HONath
Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid, attended until 1 0:34 p.m.
Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano, attended until 1 0:34 p.m.
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir,
attended until 1 0:34 p.m.
Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, C. Fleming, attended until 10:34 p.m.
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
Later in the meeting Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the
delegation of Dave Renaud.
Later in the meeting Councillor Hooper stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the
motion concerning free parking in Downtown Bowmanville.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 10,2007
Resolution #C-646-07
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the minutes of a special meeting of Council held on November 23,2007, and
the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on November 26,2007, be approved.
Resolution #C-64 7 -07
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Wendy Bracken, Teri McKenzie, and Paul Andre Larose be added to the list of
delegations and that Fred Mandryk, Frank Stapleton, Marvin Stapleton and
Glenda Gies be removed from the list.
Resolution #C-648-07
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the agenda be altered to hear the delegations of Christopher Williams and
Andre Wiggers as the first delegations.
Resolution #C-649-07
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT Report #3 - Confidential Verbal Report from the Director of Finance/Treasurer
and Director of Planning Services be referred to the end of the agenda to be
considered during the "closed" session of Council.
Council Meeting Minutes
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December 10, 2007
Resolution #C-650-07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT David Matheson, speaking on behalf of Andre Wiggers, be heard prior to
hearing Christopher Williamson.
David Matheson addressed Council on behalf of Andre Wiggers advising he has great
concern with the process that has taken place in trying to resolve the Port Darlington
Harbour Company and the proposed expropriation of related properties due to the
costs to the Municipality and the hardship that proceeding without a settlement will
cause Mr. Wiggers, necessitating the closure of his business. Mr. Matheson stated
Mr. Wiggers has been in business since 1973 and is recognized as one of the finest
boat builders in North America and the Port Darlington Harbour is the best accessible
harbour in Durham Region. Mr. Matheson expressed concern that Council does not
realize the implications or have all the facts of the matter.
Christopher Williams, Solicitor, Aird & Berlis, addressed Council on behalf of his client,
Andre Wiggers and the Port Darlington Harbour Company with respect to the
proposed expropriation of their lands. Mr. Williams provided a chronology of events
including Court decisions leading up to the expropriation, stating various attempts to
negotiate a purchase of the west beach and east beach lands for use as a waterfront
park have not been successful. Mr. Williams stated the costs associated with the
expropriation will be exorbitant and, should the expropriation proceed, costs to the
municipality would be approximately $1 million, which is roughly the compensation
that would be paid to Mr. Wiggers. Mr. Williams feels that a mediator appointed by the
Ontario Municipal Board might be constructive to assist with negotiating the remaining
points in dispute and suggested the Cabinet Office and the Ontario Municipal Board
be approached with a view to request mediation staff to become involved.
Mr. Williams stated Mr. Wiggers does not wish to remain in confrontation with the
municipality and hopes to move the issue forward quickly in a much less
confrontational way.
Laura Briggs was called but was not present.
Kevin Tunney, Tunney Planning addressed Council concerning Report # 2 of
Unfinished Business - Proposed Official Plan Amendment (Baysong Developments
Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kemp, Carruthers) - Part Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14,
Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington stating he was pleased to see the
addendum report brought forward this evening and encouraged all Members of
Council to support the recommended action and the passing of the Official Plan
Council Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
Richard Ward addressed Council requesting a response to various unresolved issues,
including his request for commercial designation on his property, an explanation as to
why his property has undergone numerous re-assessments, why he was disqualified
from seeking elected office in the 2000 Municipal Elections and an explanation of the
legal proceedings and issues surrounding the by-law banning him from municipal
property. Mr. Ward feels that when Council receives his delegations for information
only that it is an obstruction of justice and that he has done nothing to warrant the
treatment he's received. Mr. Ward stated if he were provided with answers to his
requests, then he would have no need to continue.
Barry Bracken addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. Mr. Bracken feels Council's question regarding the
safety of a"n incinerator has been answered and referred to Dr. Pengally's comments
on Halton Region's proposed incinerator in which he concluded that insufficient
evidence had been provided to prove that modern incinerators are safe and reminded
Council that Dr. Smith made no conclusion as to the safety of modern incinerators.
Mr. Bracken further expressed concern with sewage sludge, technically described as
dewatered biosolids, being used as fuel in the proposed incinerator as they contain
heavy metals and are heavily chlorinated. Mr. Bracken feels it should be clear to
Council that there is considerable doubt as to the safety of this facility and feels
Council should declare Clarington an "Unwilling Host". He urged Council to accept
and approve the staff recommendations in Report PSD-141-07 and that Regional
Councillors promote these recommendations to Regional Council.
John Muto was called but was not present.
Cathrine McKeever addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business-
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. Ms. McKeever expressed concern that the Peer
Review Reports were critical of the Project Team Reports and of our elected officials.
She stated the Peer Review consultants were consistent in their view that two sites be
processed and that East Gwillimbury become the site, which is not the role of a peer
reviewer. She expressed concern they were not consistent with infrastructure costs
and with the Peer Review's criticism of the figures provided by Jacques Whitford.
Ms. McKeever questioned Mr. Rowe's opinions on the greenbelt and stated an
Energy-From-Waste facility was proposed in the energy park. Ms. McKeever feels
Municipal governments are not here to be landowners but to provide services and
facilities for the residents. She stated dioxins are created from diesel, burn barrels,
bbq's etc., not just thermal facilities and that public safety and protection of the
environment are equal, not separate. Ms. McKeever recommended Council send the
peer review team back to do what they were suppose to do and questioned why they
were being paid for their personal opinions. Ms. McKeever summarized by
referencing news on the Newtonville landfill site indicating opponents of incineration
Council Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
may be happy to have a place to store their garbage, but indicated she will oppose
landfill with the same force as she supports Energy-From-Waste.
James McKeever declined to address Council at this time.
Councillor Novak stated a declaration of pecuniary interest with respect to the
delegation of Dave Renaud as she has a relationship with the CAW. Councillor Novak
vacated her chair and refrained from discussions and voting on this matter.
Dave Renaud addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. Mr. Renaud stated while he appreciates Council's
recommendations, he feels industrial waste needs to be addressed. Mr. Renaud
stated the CAW Resolutions Committee has re-affirmed its position of opposition to
the principle of waste incineration and at a recent meeting of the CAW Council this
position was supported by the Parliament of the CAW Council and he was speaking
on behalf of their membership across Canada. Mr. Renaud expressed concern with
the proposed facility's proximity to Lake Ontario and referenced a report entitled "Up
to the Gills" prepared by Environmental Defence which indicates that the great lakes
continue to be polluted to such an extent that human health is threatened.
Mr. Renaud stated if humans cannot eat the fish out of the great lakes because of
pollution, then the ecosystem itself is not healthy. Mr. Renaud questioned the
rationale of building a facility that will further pollute the airshed. He submitted a copy
of the report and suggested the organization's website www.environmentaldefence.ca
be referenced for additional information. Mr. Renaud urged Council to consider the
effects an Energy-From-Waste facility will have on the residents of Clarington and to
declare the municipality as an "Unwilling Host" community.
In response to questions, Mr. Renaud confirmed that the resolution of the CAW
Resolutions Committee was unanimously approved by the CAW Council on
December 8, 2007. Mr. Renaud also confirmed in response to questions that he was
aware of the General Motors Energy-From-Waste facility and its emissions.
Louis Bertrand addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. Mr. Bertrand stated there have been many concerns
with the proposed facility expressed from citizens and the staff report highlights many
deficiencies. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Bertrand outlined the
process of an Environmental Assessment and its purpose in asking if the facility is
safe, what are the impacts to human life and the environment, if the impacts can be
mitigated and at what cost. Mr. Bertrand stated the Project Team has reshuffled the
Environmental Assessment leading to loose ends and inconsistencies. He stated the
reviewers concerns are highlighted and confirmed by more than one reviewer and the
process is not transparent, traceable or replicable. He expressed concern with
separating the site selection from the technology selection and the airshed quality
Council Meeting Minutes
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December 10, 2007
assessment. Mr. Bertrand feels the site selection will be all impact and no benefit to
Clarington resulting in increased pollution, higher taxes, increased traffic and impacts
to agriculture. Mr. Bertrand requested Council to adopt the recommendations in the
staff report, send a strong message to the Region demanding answers, bargain from a
position of strength and urged Regional Councillors to speak out for Clarington to get
the best possible deal.
In response to questions, Mr. Bertrand stated he did not agree that by declaring
Clarington an "Unwilling Host" community it would negatively affect the bargaining
process and feels that by being a willing host the Region would think that the
municipality wants the facility.
Linda Gasser addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. Ms. Gasser requested Council to support Report
PSD-141-07 including the amended #6 recommendation in the addendum report. She
stated many deficiencies and omissions have been highlighted and must be
addressed before limiting decisions are taken. She urged Council to declare
Clarington as an "Unwilling Host" community. Ms. Gasser feels it is paramount to
protect the residents and get the most for Clarington and that Council does not need
to be a willing host to get a seat at the bargaining table. Ms. Gasser stated she is
hoping that no one is getting distracted from the issue because of the recent
information concerning the Hales landfill site and feels this is a ploy to set up an
artificial incineration versus landfill debate. Ms. Gasser questioned when district
heating infrastructure would be available within the planning horizon of this project as
she has not been provided any answers and questioned whether Council has a
commitment from the Region regarding this.
In response to questions, Ms. Gasser acknowledged that landfill is part of every waste
disposal option but felt there are other realistic options including moving towards a
more aggressive diversion plan and lobbying for an integrated waste management
strategy at the Provincial level.
Bill Craig was called but was not present.
Kerry Meydam addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. She urged Council to support the recommendations in
Report PSD-141-07 and to defer the final selection for the Energy-From-Waste facility
as there are far too many unanswered questions at this time. Through use of a
PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Meydam highlighted the location of industrial emissions
sources within 20 km of the Clarington sites and provided a comparison of emissions,
reviewed the materials economy including extraction, production, distribution,
consumption and disposal and provided alternatives including green chemistry, zero
waste, closed loop production, renewable energy and local living economies. She
Council Meeting Minutes
- 7-
December 10,2007
feels incineration is not material recovery, but disposal and that there are better
alternatives and it is time to focus resources in that direction. Ms. Meydam feels it is
time to declare Clarington as an "Unwilling Host" community and suggests that the
Region return to the Alternatives To in the EA process as incineration is not the only
Debra Jefferson addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. Dr. Jefferson commended staff and Councillors who
have been asking important questions and challenging the process. She stated the
Peer reviewers comments are thorough and professional and urged Council to
approve the recommendations in Report PSD-141-07. Dr. Jefferson confirmed that
the delegations are representing the views of many residents, not just the ones that
can appear before Council. She expressed concern with the EA process as the site
selection process has not been objective, transparent or traceable as to the criteria
used. Dr. Jefferson noted the airshed is already compromised and questioned the
rationale to add a facility that will cause further pollution. Dr. Jefferson expressed
concern with monitoring of emissions and stated what's not seen is what the public
needs to worry about. She requested Council to declare Clarington as an "Unwilling
Host" community and to take solid action to protect the health of Clarington residents
and the environment.
In response to questions, Dr. Jefferson acknowledged air monitoring is being done by
St. Marys Cement but confirmed there are still problems with air pollution.
Wendy Bracken addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site urging Members of Council to adopt Report PSD-141-
07 and the addendum report and to request the site selection be delayed until all
studies and the business case is completed. Ms. Bracken expressed concern with
serious flaws in site selection process. She stated with public health and the
environment identified as a paramount concern and with thermal treatment having the
most impact on the airshed it should have been given more weighting. She stated the
differences in East Gwillimbury and Clarington are extreme and that Clarington should
not have been selected as the preferred site. She requested Council to do everything
in their power to ensure that the peer review reports and the Clarington staff reports
are given to all Regional Councillors and the Joint Waste Management Group and
suggested that the Peer Review make a presentation to Regional Council and the
Joint Waste Manage Group and sub-committees. Ms. Bracken urged Council to stand
up and protect Clarington residents, particularly the children, and to declare Clarington
an "Unwilling Host" community and request the Region to revisit the Alternatives To.
In response to questions, Wendy Bracken acknowledged while Councillors may
already know the answers to questions, she feels it is imperative that the public see
Clarington representatives asking important questions that they need answers to.
Council Meeting Minutes
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December 10, 2007
Teri McKenzie addressed Council concerning the consideration of an interim landfill at
the Hale Landfill site expressing concern that the Committee of Clarke Constituents
were not notified regarding the Superior Court's decision in which the legal non-
conforming status of the Hale site has ceased to exist. Ms. McKenzie questioned how
the Hale site has become part of the Region's contingency plan with its unsuitable
hydrogeology and history of environmental transgressions. She questioned the
Environmental Assessment process that would be required to significantly update and
improve the site and the associated timeframes required. Ms. McKenzie cautioned
Council that if the Hale site is merely part of the contingency plan to scare the public
into accepting a contentious incineration facility to expect a backlash from the public.
Paul Andre Larose addressed Council concerning Report #1 of Unfinished Business -
DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and
Identification of Preferred Site. Dr. Larose stated overall the staff report should
receive full support by Council but feels that certain issues could have been
addressed more forcefully. Dr. Larose stated the report indicates that Clarington
should specify MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) capabilities as part
of the system requirements. Dr. Larose advised this requirement is meaningful only if
there is a technology capable of addressing the issues of concern, i.e. the emission of
nano-particulates, dioxins and furans. He further stated that when no such technical
capability is available, the fact that MACT is specified does not mean that concerns
will be addressed satisfactorily. Dr. Larose feels delaying the site selection is
reasonable given that the chosen technology will have an impact on the selection of
the location for the plant itself. Dr. Larose expressed concern that to date the cost to
taxpayers has referred to tipping fees but the cost will also include local pick-up,
transportation, ultimate disposal of ashes and maintenance and contingencies. He
feels that any attempt at presenting the cost as consisting of tipping charges is a way
to underestimate these costs and an attempt to give an unfair economic advantage to
incineration. Dr. Larose also questioned what the external energy inputs to the
system are, the need to perform a site specific assessment relating to current
populations as well as planned residential construction, what contingency solutions
are being retained and where pit and fly ashes are going to be disposed of.
Mayor Abernethy thanked Deputy Mayor Trim for his hard work and dedication during
the first year of Council's term and welcomed Councillor Novak to the position of
Deputy Mayor for the coming year.
Resolution #C-651-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT Council recess for ten minutes.
Council Meeting Minutes
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December 10,2007
The meeting reconvened at 9:36 p.m.
Resolution #C-652-07
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the
exception of Correspondence Items I - 1 and I - 8.
I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated November 20,
I - 3 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
November 20,2007
I - 4 Mark T epfenhart advising as a taxpayer of Durham Region he is
strictly against incineration and urging Council to Reduce, Re-Use
and Recycle and to say "NO" to incineration.
1-5 Linda Gasser providing written comments to clarify and expand on
her delegation to the General Purpose and Administration Committee
on November 19,2007, concerning Report PSD-135-07 - Highway
407 Environmental Assessment - Municipality Of Clarington
Comments on the Alternative Methods (Route Selection). Ms. Gasser
states she feels it must be clearly stated that input could change as
additional relevant details come forward; it is imperative that Council
not pre-empt the EA process by taking positions in advance of a
thorough assessment of the issues; that Council be clear that its
primary role is to identify and advocate for the interests of Clarington
residents in the face of the views of competing stakeholders; that in
addition to environmental losses resulting from construction of the
link, community impacts all along the link as well as impacts to the
Courtice Industrial area and the Energy Park be assessed; that
Council request a more detailed assessment of the need for the East
Link and alternatives; what the effect of an early vacating of homes on
a large scale would have on the community if it were to occur, and the
need for potential impacts to be thought through and that the Project
Team assess a range of options and employ flexible approaches
when dealing with property owners. She urges Council to write to the
CEAA and request that a Comprehensive Level of EA be conducted
to ensure that all potential impacts, both short and long term, are
Council Meeting Minutes
- 10-
December 10, 2007
I - 6 Members of the Ebenezer-Maple Grove Pastoral Charge of the
United Church of Canada forwarding further correspondence to the
Region of Durham concerning alternatives to the current program for
waste/garbage management and disposal and providing additional
names of people who agree to participate fully in increased waste
diversion and recycling efforts proposed by the Region.
I - 7 Stephanie Adams forwarding a petition in opposition to the building of
an incinerator in Courtice to burn garbage.
I - 9 Norm and Donna Cooper urging Council to vote "NO" to be a willing
host to the proposed incinerator.
I - 10 Kevin Ramchandar, MD, President, Professional Association of
Interns and Residents of Ontario, and Brad Sinclair, Executive
Director, HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment Agency
(HFO) advising PAIRO (The Professional Association of Ontario's
Physicians-in-Training) will be transferring the operation ofHFOJobs
to the HealthForceOntario Marketing and Recruitment Agency within
the Recruitment and Relocation Department, benefiting HFOJobs with
an array of marketing, recruitment and relocation resources offered by
the Agency and further strengthening HFOJobs' position as Ontario's
premier job portal for health care professionals.
I - 11 Debbie Zimmerman, Chair, MPAC Board of Directors, Municipal
Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) providing an update on
MPAC's activities to date for 2007, including Implementation of the
Integrated Property System (IPS), Increased Property Inspection
Program, Ombudsman's Recommendations, Enumeration,
Stakeholder Outreach, Service Delivery, Seasonal Campgrounds,
and participation at the AMO 2007 Annual Conference.
Ms. Zimmerman provides assurance that MPAC will continue to strive
to improve service and build stronger relationships with municipalities,
property taxpayers and other stakeholders and extends an invitation
to Members of Council to contact her directly or to contact members
of MPAC staff for further information on these issues.
1-12 Wayne Ellis strongly urging Council to support the staff
recommendations in Report PSD-141-07 and to declare Clarington as
an "Unwilling Host" for an Energy-From-Waste facility.
I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee
dated October 18, 2007
Council Meeting Minutes
- 11 -
December 10, 2007
Resolution #C-653-07
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the minutes of the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee
dated October 18, 2007, be received for information.
1-8 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on November 21,2007, the Region of Durham
passed the following resolution pertaining to the Highway 407 East
Completion Environmental Assessment:
"a) THAT the technically Recommended Route identified as part of
the Preferred Alternative Method be endorsed in principle, as the
basis to advance and complete the Highway 407 East Completion
Environmental Assessment;
b) THAT the Project Team for the Highway 407 East Completion
Environmental Assessment be requested ona go-foiward basis to:
i) confirm the adequacy of the proposed interchanges and their
configurations on the Technically Recommended Route by
providing a detailed traffic analysis, and where appropriate,
protect for additional interchanges to support the long-term
growth objectives of the Region;
ii) provide confirmation that the proposed locations for the
Westney Road and Enfield Road interchanges with the
Highway 407 mainline do not preclude the realignments of
these roads, as contemplated in the Regional Official Plan;
iii) provide confirmation that the interchange of Lake Ridge Road
with Highway 401, and the widening and realignment of
Highway 401 between Salem Road and the proposed West
Durham Link, is being included as part of the Highway 407 East
Completion Environmental Assessment, design and
iv) continue to work closely with Regional and Area Municipal staff
to detail road realignments and other treatments, such as
overpasses, underpasses, road closures and seNice roads,
that are necessary to implement the Technically
Recommended Route; and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 12 -
December 10, 2007
v) have due regard for the Region's standards (e.g. minimum
spacing between signalized intersections) on arterial roads, as
per the Region's Arterial Corridor Guidelines, in determining
the final configuration for the interchanges;
c) THAT the Ontario Ministry of Transportation be urged to 'stay the
course' on the revised schedule for the Highway 407 East
Completion Environmental Assessment, and completion of
construction from Brock Road to Highway 35/115 and the two
freeway links in 2013;
d) THAT the Project Team examine the need and feasibility of
constructing an interim Brooklin by-pass on the proposed corridor
for the Highway 407 mainline;
e ) THAT a copy of Joint Report #2007 -J-50 be provided to the
Ontario Ministry of Transportation as the Region's detailed
comments on the Preferred Alternative Method; and
f) THAT a copy of Joint Report #2007 -J-50 be forwarded to the area
municipalities and the Conservation Authorities in Durham."
Resolution #C-654-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the resolution from the Region of Durham with respect to the Highway
407 East Completion Environmental Assessment be endorsed.
Resolution #C-655-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, including Hand-out
Item D - 13, with the exception of Items D - 6 to D - 13, inclusive.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 13 -
December 10, 2007
D - 1 Jeanne McFarland Event Organizer, Clarington Polar Bear Swim,
requesting a~proval for members of Clarington Fire Station 2 to
attend the t Annual Clarington Polar Bear Swim to be held on
January 1,2008, at the Newcastle Waterfront to raise awareness of
the need for organ and tissue donations and to support the Canadian
Liver Foundation. In 2007, a donation of $4000 was presented to the
Canadian Liver Foundation.
(Request approved)
D - 2 Art Short, Lions Club of Bowmanville, requesting permission to
occupy the bridge over the Bowmanville Creek at King Street West
(Highway 2) on Saturday, June 14,2008, for their annual Rubber
Duck Race.
(Approved provided the organizers
apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy
D - 3 Deborah Wilson, Director General, Community Development and
Partnerships Directorate, Human Resources and Social Development
Canada, forwarding nomination brochures for the 2008
Therese Casgrain Volunteer Award, an award presented annually to
one Canadian man and one Canadian woman who have contributed
significantly to the advancement of a social cause and the well-being
of their fellow Canadians and advising the deadline for submission is
February 1,2008.
(Correspondence referred to the
Municipal Clerk to place a notice in the
local newspapers)
D - 4 Memorandum from Carlos Salazar, Manager, Community Planning
and Design to the Municipal Clerk requesting that the Terms of
Reference for the Green Community Advisory Committee be clarified
regarding the role of the Mayor and Councillor to be full members
able to stand as Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee.
(Memorandum referred to the Municipal
D - 5 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham,
advising Council that on November 21, 2007, the Region of Durham
passed the following resolution pertaining to the new Durham Region
Forest Conservation By-law:
"a ) THAT Report #2007 -P-84 of the Commissioner of Planning be
received for information;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 14-
December 10, 2007
b ) THAT a copy of Report #2007 -P-84 be forwarded to the Area
Municipalities, the Conservation Authorities in Durham Region, the
Durham Environmental Advisory Committee, the Durham
Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Ministry of Natural
Resources, for information; and
c) THAT staff report back to Planning Committee with an appropriate
course of action on a Forest Conservation By-law, once all
outstanding Area Municipal comments have been received."
(Correspondence referred to staff)
D - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham
advising Council that on November 21,2007, the Region of Durham
passed the following resolution pertaining to the Federal
Government's Building Canada Infrastructure Plan:
"a) THAT the Federal and Provincial Governments be requested to
provide entitlement based funding for the Federal Government's
Building Canada Infrastructure Fund in support of the Association
of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) position for predictable, long
term infrastructure funding for municipalities;
b) THAT a copy of Report #2007-F-81 of the Commissioner of
Finance be circulated to the Prime Minister of Canada; the
Premier of Ontario; the Federal and Provincial Opposition Parties;
Durham MP's and MPP's; the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities; and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario
(AMO); and
c) THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Durham Area
Municipalities requesting their endorsement."
Resolution #C-656-07
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the resolution from the Region of Durham with respect to the Federal
Government's Building Canada Infrastructure Plan be endorsed.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 15 -
December 10, 2007
D - 7 Leona Thorogood, 2007-08 National President, Kin Canada,
Association of Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs, requesting Council to
support their annual"Message-of-Support" in Kin Magazine, providing
Council with the opportunity to express appreciation to Kin Canada
Members who have raised funds and donated countless hours to
serve the needs of fellow Canadians; and in doing so, ensuring
Kinsmen and Kinettes can continue to provide assistance to the many
groups, organizations and individuals who rely on their fundraising
efforts to meet local community needs.
Resolution #C-657 -07
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the Municipality of Clarington support the Association of Kinsmen, Kinette
and Kin Clubs' "Message-of-Support" by purchasing a 1/12 page ad in Kin
Magazine at a cost of $250.
D - 8 Andrea Bolton, Deputy Clerk, Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley
advising Council that on November 12, 2007, the Township of
Elizabethtown-Kitley passed the following resolution pertaining to the
cost of training related to Fire Code enforcement:
"THAT upon the recommendation of the Fire Services Liaison
Committee staff be directed to send a letter to the Ontario Fire
Marshal requesting that the Ontario Fire Marshai (OFM) cover the
cost associated with training and workshops should the OFM initiate
new fire safety legislation; and
THAT this letter be circulated to all Ontario municipalities for support."
Resolution #C-658-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the resolution from the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley with respect to
the cost of training related to Fire Code enforcement be endorsed.
D - 9 Cheri Cowan, CMO, Town Clerk, Town of Caledon, advising Council
that on November 20,2007, the Town of Caledon passed the
following resolution pertaining to fees and royalties charged to
aggregate operators:
Council Meeting Minutes
- 16-
December 10, 2007
"WHEREAS Aggregate production is essential for the economic
growth and prosperity of the Province of Ontario;
AND WHEREAS in a Special Report to the Legislative Assembly of
Ontario, Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario outlined
a number of inadequacies in the capacity of the Ministry of Natural
Resources (MNR) to properly oversee the approvals, compliance,
rehabilitation and long term planning to protect Ontario's Aggregate
Resources. Chief among those concerns was MNR's lack of
adequate funding for staff to properly operate an effective compliance
and enforcement program;
AND WHEREAS the Town of Caledon shares the concerns of the
Province's Environmental Commissioner;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of
the Town of Caledon requests that the Province of Ontario consider
increasing the fees and royalties charged to aggregate operators and
use this additional revenue exclusively for providing the MNR with
resources to effectively staff an enforcement branch that will be able
to adequately ensure the long term viability of the aggregate industry
as well as ensure the responsible protection of the long-term
environmental and human health of the community surrounding these
aggregate extraction operations;
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of
Ontario, the Minister of Natural Resources, the Office of the
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, the Township of North
Dumfries and to all the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for
circulation to all Ontario municipalities asking for their support."
Resolution #C-659-07
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 be received for information.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 17 -
December 10, 2007
D - 10 Janice Willett, MD, FRCSC, President, Ontario Medical Association,
(OMA) advising the OMA has been advocating for a ban on smoking
in cars transporting children to help protect them from the negative
health impacts of Second-Hand Smoke (SHS) and in an effort to build
support for Provincial legislation to solve the problem, the OMA is
inviting municipalities to join in calling for a provincial ban on smoking
in cars transporting children by adopting a resolution in su pport of the
Resolution #C-660-07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the position of the Ontario Medical Association calling for a Provincial
Ban on smoking in vehicles where children are present be endorsed "in
principle" .
D - 11 Libby Racansky expressing concern that the water level in
groundwater recharge area in her Courtice neighbourhood has
decreased to such a degree due to non-sustainable and sprawling
development on provincially significant wetlands and forests that it
cannot be restored; and in the absence of watershed planning and
planning for the whole neighbourhood, requesting that her well, and
any other well affected by Council's planning and the developer's
actions, be restored by deeper drilling and extension of pipe intake;
and further that the cost be absorbed by the developer.
Resolution #C-661-07
Moved by Councillor Foster I seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Correspondence Item D -11 be referred to staff of the Region of Durham
and the Municipality of Clarington.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 18 -
December 10, 2007
D -12
Walter H. Gibson, P.Eng., Principal, Gibson Associates 1997 Ltd.,
advising they have been retained by the purchaser of the former
Mercer's Garage at 5360 Main Street in Orono to conduct an
environmental site assessment of the subject lands to address
environmental implications and suspected subsurface contamination
related to the historical use of the lands as the owner wishes to carry
out appropriate site remediation activities of these lands to restore the
contaminated site to a permitted land use; and requesting whether the
Municipality would provide a copy of the October 2006, environmental
study to assist the new owner in achieving a clear understanding of
the current site conditions.
Resolution #C-662-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT Gibson Associates be provided with a copy of the environmental site
assessment for 5630 Main Street provided that the authors give their consent,
that an appropriate indemnity is provided; and that 50% of the cost of the report
be paid to the Municipality; and further
THAT should consent be provided by the authors for use of the environmental
site assessment by Gibson Associates, such use be subject to indemnification
of the Municipality by Gibson Associates on behalf of their clients without
recourse against the Municipality.
D - 13 Libby Racansky advising of the hardship she and her husband are
experiencing due to lack of available water and requesting their well
be deepened or a new well be drilled.
Resolution #C-663-07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Correspondence Item D - 13 be referred to staff of the Region of Durham
and the Municipality of Clarington.
Council Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
Resolution #C-664-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
WHEREAS on November 8,2007, the Committee of Adjustment
approved Application No. A2007 -0058;
AND WHEREAS at the Council meeting held on November 26,
2007, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed
Resolution #C-634-07, authorizing staff to appeal the decision of
the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Municipal Board;
AND WHEREAS the applicant, Rod Cochrane, has now provided
documentation indicating support of the application from all
surrounding neighbours:
#C-634-07 be rescinded.
Resolution #C-665-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Report PSD-136-07 be received; and
THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on
November 8, 2007 for applications A2007 -0055, A2007 -0057, A2007 -58, A2002-59
and A2007-0060 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal
Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 20-
December 10, 2007
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report December 3,
Resolution #C-666-07
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of December 3,
2007, be approved, with the exception of Item #15.
Item #15
Resolution #C-667 -07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Report CLD-041-07 be received;
THAT the proposed Procedural By-law included as Attachment No. 1 to Report
CLD-047-07 be forwarded to Council for passage; and
THAT the local boards be advised of Council's decision.
Report # 2 - Report COD-056-07 - Tender CL2007-43, Guide Rail Installation
Resolution #C-668-07
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Report COD-056-07 be received;
THAT Peninsula Construction Inc, Fonthill, Ontario with a total bid in the amount of
$98,174.74 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms,
conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2007 -43, be awarded the contract for the
Guide Rail Installation as required by the Operations Department;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 21 -
December 10, 2007
THAT the total funds required in the amount of $118,033.77 ($98,174.74 tender plus
consulting, contingencies, emergency work and administration) be drawn as follows:
a) $45,000.00 from 2007 Capital Budget for Guide Rail Installation Account
# 110-36-330-83639-7401;
b) $39,714.95 from the 2006 Capital Budget for Asphalt Resurfacing
Account # 110-32-330-83212-7401;
c) $33,318.82 from Municipal Capital Works ReseNe Fund; and
THAT the By-law marked Schedule "A" attached to Report COD-056-07 authorizing
the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved.
Addendum to Report PSD-141-07 - DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental
Assessment Study - Site Selection Process Municipal Comments On Step 7 -
Evaluation of Short-List Of Sites And Identification of Preferred Site
Resolution #C-669-07
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Hooper
''THAT the Addendum to Report PSD-141-07 and Report PSD-141-07 be received;
THAT the entire Report PSD-141-07 be attached to the entire Addendum Report
THAT, except for staff recommendations - Items 5 and 6 found on page 1 of the
Addendum Report PSD-141-07, the entire Addendum to Report PSD-141-07, the
entire Report PSD-141-07, and this motion as Council's decision be adopted as The
Municipality of Clarington's comments on Step 7 - DurhamlYork Residual Waste
Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection Process;
THAT the Regions of Durham and York be requested to respond to and address, early
in 2008, the issues identified by the peer review consultants that are necessary for the
submission of the EA documentation to the Ministry of the Environment;
THAT the Regions of Durham and York commit to including in the Request for
Proposals and Certificate of Approval, Maximum Achievable Control Technology
(MACT) for the emission standards and monitoring that the EFW facility will meet;
THAT The Municipality of Clarington's comments as described above, including this
motion as Council's decision, be forwarded to the Durham-York Joint Waste
Council Meeting Minutes
- 22-
December 10, 2007
Management Group, the Region of York, the Region of Durham, the Ministry of
Environment, and the other area municipalities in Durham Region; and
THAT all delegations and interested parties be notified of Council's decision.
Council Member Yes No Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Foster x
Councillor Hooper x
Councillor Novak x
Councillor Robinson x
Councillor Trim x
Councillor Woo x
Mayor Abernethy x
Addendum to Report PSD-137-07 - Official Plan Amendment No. 59
Applicants: Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kemp, Carruthers
Part Lots 11,12,13 And 14, Concession 3, Former Township Of Darlington
Resolution #C-670-07
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Addendum to Report PSD-137-07 be received;
THAT, as directed by the General Purpose and Administration Committee,
Amendment No. 59 to the Clarington Official Plan as shown on Attachment 2 to
Addendum to Report PSD-137-07 be adopted:
THAT the necessary By-law contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-137-07 be
THAT the Region of Durham be informed of Council's decision; and
THAT all interested parties listed in the Addendum to Report PSD-137-07 and any
delegations be advised of Council's decision.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 23-
December 10, 2007
Resolution #C-671-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for introduction of an item of new
business at this time.
Councillor Hooper stated a declaration of pecuniary interest with respect to free
parking in downtown Bowmanville as he is the owner of a business in downtown
Bowmanville. Councillor Hooper vacated his chair and refrained from discussions and
voting on this matter.
Resolution #C-672-07
Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson
WHEREAS Section 9. (6) (B) (vi) of By-law 91-58 states that the downtown area shall
be designated as a Free Parking area for a period of time commencing on the Monday
of the last full week of shopping prior to Christmas and ending on December 27 of
each year;
AND WHEREAS construction of the King Street bridge is still on-going, thereby
making it more difficult for shoppers to access the downtown area:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the downtown area be designated a
Free Parking area effectively immediately until January 2, 2008.
Mayor Abernethy congratulated the Durham Regional Police SeNice for a large drug
bust recently.
Mayor Abernethy advised that Ontario Power Generation Darlington Nuclear was
recognized internationally by their peers and have won a Safety Performance Award
for remarkable achievement dealing with safety.
Councillor Hooper stated he and Councillor Foster attended CLOCA Awards and
recognized four award winners from Clarington.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 24-
December 10,2007
Councillor Hooper stated a townhall meeting with the Durham Regional Police
Services will be held December 11, 2007, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Garnet B.
Rickard Complex and invited members of the public to attend to express any concerns
they have.
Councillor Novak stated the Farmers Parade of Lights in Enniskillen, the Charles
Dickens reading at St. John's Anglican Church and the Edwardian Christmas at the
Museum were very well attended.
Councillor Robinson requested clarification on the status of the Hale Landfill site.
The Solicitor provided a chronology of events concerning the Hale site with respect to
Court decisions.
Councillor Woo advised he attended the World Aids Awareness Event at Carruthers
Resolution #C-673-07
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the delegations of David Matheson, on behalf of Andre Wiggers, and
Christopher Williams be received for information.
Resolution #C-674-07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the delegation of Richard Ward be received for information.
Resolution #C-675-07
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the meeting be "closed" in order to consider Confidential Report #3 concerning
a legal matter.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 25-
December 10, 2007
Resolution #C-676-07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2007-224 to 2007-232, inclusive, and
that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time.
2007 -224 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(Bowmanville Arms Residents Limited)
2007 -225 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of
Newcastle (William and Jean Kimball)
2007 -226 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Servicing
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington and The Regional Municipality of Durham for the
connection and installation of Regional Services on Rudell Road
2007 -227 Being a By-law to govern the proceedings of the Council of the
Municipality of Clarington, its General Purpose and Administration
Committee and Special Committees, and to repeal By-law 95-55,
as amended
2007 -228 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Guild Electric Limited, Toronto,
Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Street Lighting
Improvements at Various Locations and Mearns Avenue
Council Meeting Minutes
- 26-
December 10, 2007
2007 -229 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Peninsula Contracting Inc.,
Fonthill, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for Guide Rail
Installation (Report #2)
2007 -230 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 58 to the Clarington
Official Plan and to repeal By-law 2007-212
2007-231 Being a by-law to appoint Local Authority SeNices Ltd. as the
investigator pursuant to Sections 8, 9, 10 and 239.1 of the
Municipal Act, 2001, as amended
2007 -232 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 59 to the Clarington
Official Plan
Resolution #C-677 -07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak
THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2007-224 to 2007-232, be approved.
Resolution #C-678-07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2007-233, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 10ttl day of December, 2007, and that the said by-law be now read a first and
second time.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 27-
December 10, 2007
Resolution #C-679-07
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2007-233 be approved.
Resolution #C-680-07
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Hooper
THAT the meeting adjourn at 11 :25 p.m.
JANUARY 14, 2008
I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory
Committee dated December 5,2007. (Copy attached)
I - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee dated
November 16, 2007. (Copy attached)
1-3 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated
November 14, 2007. (Copy attached)
I - 4 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding comments concerning a
proposed Energy-From-Waste Facility including:
Updated Copy of Report entitled "Debunking the Myths of
Incineration" prepared and presented by Kristin Duare
McKinnon-Rutherford to Regional Council on November 21,
Copy of Report entitled "Incineration Today and Tomorrow-
Impact on the Health of Durham Region's (and our Neighbours')
Children prepared by Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford and
presented by Maureen Dingman to Regional Council on
December 12, 2007 and updated information sent December 14,
List of incinerator activities Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford has
engaged in subsequent to her presentation to Regional Council
in November 2007;
Copy of Premier Dalton McGuinty's response to Ms. McKinnon-
Rutherford's correspondence regarding incineration and waste
Copy of Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth), Leader, Canada's
New Democrat's response to Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford outlining
the party's commitment in working towards a cleaner and
healthier environment;
Copy of correspondence to the Editor of Clarinqton This Week
by Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford in response to a December 24th
article entitled "Plastic Questions Persist over Recycling"; and
Summary of Correspondence
January 14,2008
g) Information from Sweden's Ministry of the Environment
regarding the introduction of a tax on the combustion of
household waste in order to encourage recycling.
I - 5 Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director, Waterfront Regeneration Trust,
forwarding the Trust's annual Accomplishments publication,
describing the achievements of the partnership of the 41 waterfront
communities and conservation authorities, and identifying highlights
from the 2007 program to engage the public and to promote
communities along the Trail.
I - 6 Roberta and Robert Gibson writing to Pat Madill, Regional Clerk,
objecting to the Regional Residential Transit Development Charge as
they are senior residents living in a rural area who they feel will
receive no benefit from the transit development and feel they should
not be paying for a service unless it is available to rural residents on
the same basis as those living in the urban areas of Durham Region.
1- 7 Gail Empey, Clerk, Township of Cavan Monaghan, advising Council
that on November 5,2007, the Township of Cavan Monaghan passed
the following resolution pertaining to the Ganaraska Forest Centre:
"That the Township of Cavan Monaghan donate $100,000 to the
Ganaraska Forest Centre with funding of $25,000 from residual in
2007 Community Funding Program and $15,000 from 2007 surplus
Casino Reserve, with the balance of $60,000 being distributed over
the next 3 succeeding years of the Community Funding Program
commencing in 2008."
I - 8 Jacqueline B. Muccio and family requesting to be removed from the
list of interested parties concerning the DurhamlYork Residual Waste
Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection Process as she is
concerned with the lack of accuracy of information printed in the local
media and feels that the voices of the people will not be taken
seriously by Council and that the public's fate rests with people with
monetary gain on the issue.
I - 9 John Newell advising of the dangers of backyard burn barrels and of
the plight of Julie Inwood, in her attempt to obtain help from local
authorities to have her neighbours stop the burning of toxic materials,
due to lack of environmental legislation specific to the issue and of the
failure of local authorities to recognize Criminal Code violations and
correctly apply appropriate sections of the Criminal Code to address
the situation.
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
I - 10 John Newell advising of the dangers of residential fireplaces similar to
the harmful effects of barrel burning and forwarding a copy of his
Petition to the Auditor General of Canada, Commissioner of the
Environment and Sustainable Development to end the practice of
barrel burning on a uniform national basis.
I - 11 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Member Communication
dated December 17, 2007, advising of the motion passed in the
House of Commons expressing support for permanent Federal Gas
Tax funding for municipalities for the purposes of enhancing local
community infrastructure; and, reminding municipalities that the
reporting requirements demonstrating how their investments are
furthering environmental sustainability will be critical to continuing
efforts to make the Gas Tax Funds permanent.
I - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to
Premier Dalton McGuinty advising that on December 12, 2007, the
Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to
Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health:
"a) THAT the following resolution of the City of Oshawa regarding
support for Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health be endorsed:
'WHEREAS Project Black Ribbon for Mental health's black
ribbon signifies the complexity of issues that mental illness
imposes on people and society every day;
WHEREAS the black ribbon signifies that mental health issues
know no boundary and mental health issues affect people of
every race, religion, religious creed, political opinion, colour or
ethnicity, national or social origin, gender, marital status, or
physical ability;
WHEREAS the black ribbon signifies the stigma often
associated with mental illness and the need to eradicate
ignorance regarding mental illness by raising public awareness
and advocating for public policies that are responsive to the
needs of people with mental health problems;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council support
Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health and request support from
neighbouring municipalities;
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council adopt the
Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman Resolution to
support municipalities for distribution of ribbons on behalf of
Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this motion be sent
to the attention of the following:
The Honourable Jim Flaherty, MP
701 Rossland Road East, Unit 204
Whitby, ON L 1 N 8Y9
Colin Carrie, MP
Lord Simcoe Place
57 Simcoe Street S., Suite 2B
Oshawa, ON L 1 H 4G4
Jerry Ouellette, MPP
170 Athol Street East
Oshawa, ON L 1 H 1 K1
John O'Toole, MPP
75 King Street East
Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1 N4
The Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman
Nairn Centre, ON POM 2LO
b ) THAT the Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman, the
City of Oshawa and Durham's area municipalities and MPPs be
so advised."
I - 13 Patrick R. Burke, Fire Marshal of Ontario, Ministry of Community
Safety and Correctional Services, responding to Council's request
that the Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) cover the cost associated
with training and workshops on new fire safety legislation and
advising that while the enforcement of the Fire Code remains a
responsibility of each municipality, the OFM is offering a number of
training seminars on a cost-recovery basis designed to help members
of municipal fire services who conduct, or are responsible for, fire
safety inspections better understand the due diligence, liability and
legislative authority related to enforcement of the Ontario Fire Code.
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
1-14 David Bond, CFS Director, The Salvation Army, expressing
appreciation to Council for supporting the Canadian Pacific Holiday
Train in collecting over 3,000 pounds of food and $2450 for the
Christmas Kettle which will help out less fortunate members of the
I - 15 Phil Mannell, General Manager, Central Region, Enbridge Gas
Distribution, providing information on the "Winter Warmth Fund", a
joint venture of the United Way and Enbridge Gas Distribution
designed to help low-income families and individuals who may be
struggling to pay their natural gas bill and forwarding posters and
brochures for information on referring constituents in need to the
agencies administering the fund.
I - 16 Louis Bertrand expressing disappointment that key recommendations
in the staff report on the DurhamlYork Residual Waste Environmental
Assessment Study - Site Selection Process, Municipal Comments On
Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and Identification of
Preferred Site were removed from the motion approved by Council on
December 10, 2007, and that no discussion took place on declaring
the municipality as an "Unwilling Host Community" to the proposed
Energy-From-Waste facility.
I - 17 Rob Macisaac, Chair, Metrolinx, advising of the consultation process
for the development and promotion of a Regional Transportation Plan
(RTP) for an effective transportation system across the metropolitan
region of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) being
undertaken by Metrolinx; forwarding the first of seven discussion
papers - "Towards Sustainable Transportation - Green Paper #1"
focusing on transportation trends and outlooks for the GTHA for
distribution to Council, staff or members of the public; and,
encouraging Members of Council and the public to participate in the
consultation process by visiting the Metrolinx web portal at
I - 18 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and the
Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
announcing that the 2008 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund
(OMPF) will remain at $843 million ensuring that each municipality will
receive no less funding in 2008 than it received in its March 2007
Allocation Notice.
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
I - 19 Janice Kroft, Program Manager, COPE Mental Health Program,
Community Care Durham, expressing appreciation to Council for the
donation of Clarington pins for their Christmas gift bags and thanking
the Municipality for supporting the "Making Connections Clarington"
initiative providing opportunities for members to develop friendships
and social support.
I - 20 Deb Vice and Martin Feaver, Protect the Ridges Co-Chairs,
forwarding correspondence to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
expressing concern with the MOE and the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) proposed changes to the
regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material (NASM),
suggesting the onus of environmental responsibility should be on the
Ministry and the producer of the waste, not on the farmer, and
requesting responsible disposal of paper fibre biosolid material and
scientifically and environmentally sound policy to regulate such
1- 21 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that
on December 12, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following
resolution pertaining to the 2008 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy:
"a) THAT a 2008 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be imposed on
the Area Municipalities for all property tax classes;
b) THAT the amount due from each Area Municipality be equivalent
to 50% of their respective share of the Regional Property Taxes
collected in 2007;
c) THAT the 2008 Interim Regional property Tax Levy be paid by the
Area Municipalities seven days subsequent to the instalment due
dates established by each Area Municipality for the collection of
their respective interim municipal property taxes;
d) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area
Municipalities of the imposition of the 2008 Interim Regional
Property Tax Levy for all property tax classes; and
e ) THAT the Regional Solicitor be requested to prepare the requisite
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
D - 1 Nada Loughead, Heart Month Coordinator, Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Ontario - Durham Region Chapter, advising every
February the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario celebrates
Heart Month by holding its Person-to-Person Fundraising Campaign
to support scientific research and requesting February 2008 be
proclaimed as "Heart Month" in Clarington.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 2 Debbie Hunter, Office Administrator, MS Society, Durham Regional
Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, advising the 2008
Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign will take place during Mother's
Day Weekend and requesting approval for tag days to permit the MS
Society to sell carnations on Friday, May 9 and Saturday, May 10,
2008, in support of on-going research and assistance for persons with
Multiple Sclerosis and their families.
(Motion to grant permission to sell
carnations on May 9 and
May 10, 2008)
D - 3 Helen and Gordon Perry objecting to the applications to amend the
Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law submitted by 1276467
Ontario Limited (COPA 2007-0002 and ZBA 2007-0005) for
15 Darlington Boulevard as access to the proposed development and
a Stormwater Retention Pond will be located immediately adjacent to
their property; the addition of approximately 200 residential units and
the resulting vehicular traffic will be unbearable; the proposal will
seriously detract from their quality of life; and they feel property
values in the area will be reduced.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
D - 4 Jim Watson, MPP, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
forwarding reporting requirements for the 2007 Municipal
Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) under Section 299 of
the Municipal Act; advising detailed definitions for each performance
measure will be released as part of the instructions for the 2007
Financial Information Return and that multi-year templates for use in
publicly reporting MPMP results can be accessed at
www.mah.qov.on.ca; requesting staff inform local Municipal Services
Office when results have been published; reminding Council that in
the 2009 reporting year municipalities will begin reporting tangible
capital assets as assets and amortization as an expense in the
Financial Information Return (FIR) providing an opportunity for MPMP
to introduce efficiency measures based on total expenses; and further
advising of the launch of the Municipal Information Data and Analysis
System enabling municipalities to compare results to other
municipalities and to analyze MPMP results.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Finance/Treasurer)
D - 5 George Van Dyk advising he has received an invoice in the amount of
$1,188.75 for costs incurred for the compliance audit of John Mutton,
expressing concern that the information received did not constitute a
duly performed audit under the requirements of the Municipal
Elections Act, was not presented in the standard reporting format, and
contained personal opinions of the auditor. Mr. Van Dyk suggests
that a proper audit be performed by a qualified professional.
(Motion for Direction)
D - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to Prime
Minister Stephen Harper advising that on December 12, 2007, the
Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to
Employment Insurance Eligibility and Links to Increased Poverty:
"WHEREAS Employment Insurance was historically implemented as
insurance against unemployment and, even though Employment
Insurance rates deducted from employees have continued to
increase, changes to eligibility criteria has substantially reduced the
percentage of workers who can access Employment Insurance when
they become unemployed; and
WHEREAS in 2006 less than 27% of unemployed people in Ontario
were eligible for Employment Insurance, compared to over 80% who
were eligible in 1989; and
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
WHEREAS eligibility has shifted away from poor families, resulting in
those with the lowest income being the most severely affected by the
changes in criteria; and
WHEREAS a recent study by economists Monica Townson and
Kevin Hayes has shown that two out of three working women who
pay into Employment Insurance don't receive a single penny in
benefits if they lose their jobs, and only 4 in 10 employed men will
qualify for benefits if they become unemployed; and
WHEREAS a recent report from UNICEF reported one in six
Canadian children are living in poverty, a rate that is 20% higher
today than in 1989; and
WHEREAS under current rules the system penalized the unemployed
in Ontario given that in 2004, only 26% of unemployed Ontarians
were eligible for Employment Insurance, compared with 44% in
Quebec, 58% in Nova Scotia and 79% in Newfoundland; and
WHEREAS there seems to be a correlation between decreased
eligibility for Employment Insurance and increased Ontario Works
caseloads; and
WHEREAS municipalities are responsible for 20% of the costs of
Ontario Works benefits and 50% of the administration costs; and
WHEREAS a significant recession will greatly increase the already
over burdened local property taxpayer to fund social assistance costs;
WHEREAS the media has reported the Federal government's
Employment Insurance surplus is $51 billion;
Government revamp the criteria for Employment Insurance to ensure
Employment Insurance acts as it was designed to be which is an
insurance program to assist during periods of unemployment, and
that the Premier of Ontario be called upon to advocate on behalf of
Ontario and the municipalities of Ontario to ensure that Ontario
workers are eligible for benefits under the Employment Insurance
program; and
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT copies of this resolution be
forwarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, Premier of Ontario, all
opposition party leaders, AMO, OMSSA, all Ontario municipalities,
alpha and SHSC."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 7 Marion I. Koepke, CMO, City Clerk, City of Owen Sound advising
Council that the City of Owen Sound passed the following resolution
pertaining to the One Cent NOW! Campaign:
"WHEREAS a recent gathering on the steps of Parliament in support
of the One Cent NOW! Campaign took place as an expression of
support for transferring the equivalent of one cent of the GST to
municipalities across the nation, and
WHEREAS in recent years the Federal and Provincial governments
have downloaded costs to municipalities and reduced funding in
areas of infrastructure to municipalities making the request for
COMRIF funding competitive, and
WHEREAS the Federal government, effective January 1, 2008 has
reduced the GST to 5%, and
WHEREAS it is felt by the One Cent NOW! Campaign that lost capital
that would have been gained from the GST could be regained and
distributed to municipalities for infrastructure projects and would
deliver about 5 billion dollars per year to municipalities from coast to
coast to coast,
of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound hereby supports the
One Cent NOW! Campaign, and further
THAT funding gained from the One Cent NOW! Campaign be
distributed to municipalities to support local infrastructure, and further
THAT this resolution be forwarded to Prime Minister Stephen Harper;
The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Federal Minister of Finance; the
Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transportation,
Infrastructure and Communities; Larry Miller, M.P., Bruce-Grey-Owen
Sound; and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, seeking their
support of the efforts of municipalities in gaining funding toward local
infrastructure, and further
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
THAT this resolution be copied to Premier Dalton McGuinty; the
Honourable Dwight Duncan, Provincial Minister of Finance; the
Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal;
the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; Bill Murdoch, M.P.P.,
Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound; and Mayor David Miller, City of Toronto,
and further
THAT this resolution be copied to StE3phane Dion, Leader of the
Federal Opposition Party and John Tory, Leader of the Provincial
Opposition Party, and further
THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario
through an AMO broadcast seeking support of municipalities to gain
funding for local infrastructure projects."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 8 George S. Graham, AMCT, CMC, Clerk-Administrator, The
Corporation of the Township of Brock, advising Council that on
December 17, 2007, the Township of Brock passed the following
resolution pertaining to the proposed changes to the regulatory
framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material:
'WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and the Ministry
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) have proposed
changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source
Material (NASM), changes that could have major implications in the
Township of Brock.
AND WHEREAS non-agriculture source material (NASM) generally
includes materials like pulp and paper biosolids, sewage biosolids
and any other material that is not from an agricultural source that is
capable of being applied to agricultural land as a nutrient.
AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock has already taken a position
on paper fibre biosolids by requesting the Ministry of the Environment
(MOE) adhere to the findings of its own "Panel of Experts" to reinstate
a regulatory Certificate of Approval (C of A) on this non-agricultural
source material.
Summary of Correspondence
January 14. 2008
AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock has concerns regarding
some of the proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non-
Agricultural Source Materials. Concerns such as:
1. the appropriateness of placing the approval of NASM (including
the potential for material with high heavy metal content) under the
Nutrient Management Act;
2. the possibility of fine and penalty reductions for violations as a
result of being under the Nutrient Management Act as opposed to
the Environmental Protection Act;
3. the lack of a mechanism for the public to provide comments or
suggest conditions on a proposal to apply NASM on farm land;
4. the lack of provisions to advise local municipalities of where
proposals for the application of NASM have been made and by
5. the loss of many of the regulatory controls that would normally be
in place under a Certificate of Approval.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of Brock advise
the MOE and OMAFRA of our interest and concern for the proposed
changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source
Material and our wishes to be actively involved and consulted on
these and any other proposed amendments relating to the regulation
of NASM.
AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of
the Environment, Minster of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, local
MP and MPP, all Ontario municipalities and any other individuals or
associations as deemed appropriate."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 9 Carolyn Langley, Clerk, Township of West Lincoln, outlining their
concerns regarding proposed changes to the regulatory framework for
non-agricultural source materials (NASM) and requesting Council's
support in voicing concerns against the proposed changes to the
Ministry of the Environment and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). The complete document outlining
the proposed changes is posted for viewing and comment at
htto://www.ebr.Qov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-Externall entitled "An Improved
Regulatory Framework for Non-Agricultural Source Materials.
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
D - 10 Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo,
advising Council that on December 17, 2007, the City of Waterloo
passed the following resolution pertaining to Provincial Sales Tax
Exemption for Municipalities:
'WHEREAS the City of Waterloo is one of many Ontario
municipalities with existing infrastructure renewal funding needs,
currently estimated at over $156 million for the City of Waterloo;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada has seen fit to exempt
all municipalities in Canada from paying the Goods and Services Tax
("GST") resulting in a $1.2 million per year benefit to the City of
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo pays approximately
$700,000.00 per year in Provincial Sales Tax ("PST").
1) the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo request the
Province of Ontario to fully exempt all Ontario municipalities from
paying PST, with the understanding that the savings realized be
mandated to fund existing infrastructure renewal in local
2) that this resolution be forwarded to:
the Prime Minister of Canada, Minister of Finance, Minister of
National Revenue, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure
&Communities, Minister of Public Works & Government Services
and Minister of Public Safety
the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal,
Minister of Finance, Minister of Revenue, Minister of
Transportation and Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing
Association of Municipalities of Ontario,
Federation of Canadian Municipalities,
all Members of Provincial Parliament,
all Members of Parliament,
all local municipalities including the Region of Waterloo
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
all municipalities in Ontario with a request that those municipalities
endorse the City of Waterloo's resolution and forward their
endorsement to the Prime Minister of Canada, Minister of National
Revenue, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities,
Minister of Public Works and Government SeNices and Minister of
Public Safety and the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Public
Infrastructure Renewal, Minister of Finance, Minister of Revenue,
Minister of Transportation and Minister of Municipal Affairs and
(Motion for Direction)
D - 11
Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo,
advising Council that on December 17, 2007, the City of Waterloo
passed the following resolution pertaining to infrastructure funding:
"WHEREAS towns and cities are where the people of Canada work
and live and their long term sustainability is at risk without an
adequate infrastructure;
AND WHEREAS provincial and national economic prosperity is
inextricably linked to the well being and prosperity of towns and cities;
AND WHEREAS public ownership of infrastructure has shifted over
the past 50 years away from the federal and provincial governments
to become an increasing responsibility for municipal governments
such as the City of Waterloo;
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo requires revenues that grow
with the economy in order to contribute to the sustainability of its
infrastructu re;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Waterloo has introduced a
number of initiatives such as ten-year capital planning, continuous
improvement, public private partnerships and a proposed capital
investment contribution as the City's efforts to address the
infrastructure deficit;
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo has determined that its
municipal infrastructure deficit is approximately $160 million over the
next ten years;
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo's infrastructure deficit would
require a one time municipal tax increase of 40% to be fully funded;
Summary of Correspondence
January 14, 2008
AND WHEREAS property taxes, for the most part, is a very
regressive tax not based on economic growth, income or ability to
AND WHEREAS there is just a single taxpayer paying taxes to the
different levels of government;
AND WHEREAS, on average, municipalities collect eight cents of
every dollar of total government collected taxes for the seNices they
AND WHEREAS there are federal and provincial surpluses projected
over the next number of years;
1) the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo calls
upon the Provincial and Federal governments to re-examine
how municipalities are funded in regards to infrastructure and
work together with a view to providing long term and
sustainable infrastructure funding programs to assist the City of
Waterloo and all upper, lower and single tier municipalities in
addressing their infrastructure roles and responsibilities;
2) copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister of
Canada, the Premier of Ontario, Federal and Provincial
Ministers of Finance, Provincial Minister of Public Infrastructure
Renewal, Federal Minister of Transportation, all Members of
Parliament, all Members of Provincial Parliament, the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Federation
of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Big Cities Mayors'
Caucus of FCM;
3) all municipalities be encouraged to pass motions supporting
this resolution and forward to their relevant federal and
provincial representatives."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 12 Robert Hann, President, Valiant Property Management, requesting an
exemption to the Clarington Sign By-law to permita sign area of 144
square feet (approximately 8' x 18') to accommodate multiple tenants
at the West Bowmanville Shopping Centre development.
(Motion for Direction)
Summary of Correspondence
D -13
D -14
January 14, 2008
Tony Wood expressing concern that the information provided to
Council from John Mutton, on behalf of Rod Cochrane, in support of
rescinding Resolution #C-634-07 which authorized staff to appeal the
decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Municipal
Board concerning Committee of Adjustment Application No. A2007-
0058 was flawed and without merit as the signature sheet did not
include a statement as to what the neighbours were signing and that
two of the closest neighbours had advised that they had not signed
anything in support of the application. Mr. Wood feels the motion to
rescind Resolution #634-07 should have been defeated or tabled until
an accredited signature sheet was provided and requests an
explanation of why the motion to rescind the previous resolution was
(Motion for Direction)
Dawn Whelan, Council Coordinator, City of Ottawa, advising Council
that on December 7, 2007, the City of Ottawa passed the following
resolution pertaining to a hotel room tax:
'WHEREAS the tourism and hotel industry create new economic
activity for the City of Ottawa which is appreciated but at the same
time creates new infrastructure and servicing for the City of Ottawa;
WHEREAS this increased economic activity does not generate much
in the way of new income to the city because the PST, GST and
corporate taxes which result from tourism and hotel activity are not
available to the city; the only tax that is available to the city is the
property tax,
BE IT RESOLVED the council petition the provincial government for
the authority to create a hotel room tax such that some of the
municipal costs created by the tourism and hotel industries can be
recou ped;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this petition be forwarded to the FCM
and the AMO for distribution to their members."
(Motion for Direction)
Bradford Soles
Denise Pickett
John Sturdy
Andrew Bouma
Mark Canning
Jean-Maurice Cormier
Jo-Anne McFarland
Linda Gasser
Fred Biesenthal
Karina Isert
Councillor Mary Novak
Mark Bragg
Mark Hawkins
Staff in Attendance:
Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Liaison
Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary
DATE: December 5,2007
December 4, 2007
Agenda Item
Review of
Draft Minutes
Pre-Amble e builds by 2013 then Federal government will provide funds for
Os Wa Chamber of Commerce and newspaper articles cite a completion
date as early as 2012.
It is recognized that technical and construction resources will be required
simultaneously for a number of projects (e.g. 407 build, 401 widening). The
Project Team stated that the resources would be available for a 2013
completion and that resources would also be available for Clarington.
Regional Council stated that the 407 would not be built in stages, but rather in
pieces that would be joined together at a later date. The benefit of this is that
there would not be requests to use the completed portions of highway as they
would not go anywhere.
Report Review Review of staff report PSD-135-07, regarding Highway 407 EA - Municipality
of Clarington comments on the alternative methods (route selection) report.
Hand-outs provided.
Council thanked the Clarington Highway 407 Committee along with the
Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee and Clarington Heritage
Committee for their input and assistance in preparation of the report.
Section 2.8.4 East Durham Link
Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOC) has concerns with potential
environmental affects of the East Link. They will make more detailed
comments after the have received and reviewed the field reports.
Agenda Item
The Project Team stated that it may be too expensive to mitigate the
environmental impacts which would result in the East Link not being built. The
East Link also may not receive EA approval.
The committee could request a review of the issues now prior to further
conclusions being made.
The impact of not building an East Link is unknown.
If the link were built and tolled - there are still other road options that
travellers may opt for. This would increase traffic on our 10 ads.
This highway won't generate construction along it as~i
people will need the East Link to travel south t bO
It was noted that there is no link
404 to the West Link.
It is believed that.
south of Kirby t
4~ity Value Plan is. The Project Team indicated
rrlanned for Hampton, however a committee
in Hampton is unaware of any scheduled meeting.
roperties in the 1990'5 had far less impact that now. Properties
we rded up creating a totally different community. What happens to
houses once the residents have moved out and they become rented or
abandoned farm land.
Section 3.3.4
All property owners on the recommended route have received a letter from
MTO. It was noted that MTO needs to provide more information on advance
purchases (pre EA approval). There is potential for many people to come
forward at once and be subject to budgetary constraints. A prioritization
process is needed to deal with this, Le. priority based on length of time, age,
illness, etc. Every hardship case will be looked at. A $500 million budget is
thought to be set for acquisitions. Property owners should check their
property description to ensure its accuracy and begin monitoring their wells
(to set a baseline).
The potential for remnant parcels is huge in Clarington, and it was suggested
that they could be planted or act as buffers to mitigate visual impact.
This is the first time in a number of years that MTO will be building a 400
series highway, therefore they want to get it right and be accountable. Doug
Allingham is considered a good project team leader with a good
understanding of land use planning.
The concern of the negative impact to the Courtice industrial park was raised.
The Energy Park was recently approved by Council and the proposed
Energy-from-Waste facility and Hydro all want land.
Agenda Item
Cargowall will be gone, Jarrod's has had to alter their site, Police Services will
be affected and Canadian Waste Management will lose their building
(although this was understood at the time of construction). The East Link will
remove the east end of the industrial park. It was suggested that the existing
owners in the industrial park meet with MTO.
Section 3.4.5 - Noise and Air Quality Impacts
Dr. Pengelly is currently conducting research on particulate matter/air quality
(smaller particulate matter disperses further). We have not haqan air quality
expert look at this.
Section 4.1.3 - Trans ortation Network 1m
cantt:)eshown in relation
hnicallymmended route.
otect for additional
bjectives of Clarington". This
land will be acquired necessarily but
lanning, Le. not having 7 gas stations or
Puwas received at Regional Council to secure funds for
Th ill be submitted to MOE in 2009 (revised timeline). Next stage is
Functional Design, Le. ramp locations, spanning details, where the pillars will
go, etc.
MTO comments on our report:
- agreed to remnant parcels concerns (also consistent with Greenbelt Plan)
- surprised that staff did not endorse the route
We cannot challenge route selection, but can challenge the EA process and
accountability. We agreed with the arithmetic method of used. Errors and
omissions can make a significant difference.
Durham Region has endorsed the route. Whitby may endorse the link but
have issues around Brooklin and doubt that trucks will use the 407
(assumption that it will be a tolled route), and they want a by-pass to deal with
PIC's will be held in the spring (April) and in the fall. No new announcements
are expected until February.
The committee should stand firm against a toll-road. This would penalize
Clarington and impact our environment. A privately owned toll road means
that no money goes back to the community that is affected. A publicly owned
toll road could recoup some of the costs. Any toll could potentially reduce use.
The committee should have some involvement in road truncations.
The Traffic Management Committee is looking for work. They would
appreciate specific tasks related to the 407, such as the road truncations.
Agenda Item
There is an opportunity here for involvemenUcollaboration. Janice to speak to Janice Szwarz
Leslie Benson on this.
The 407 Brochure was approved with changes. The Project Team website
will be added. A revised copy will be forwarded with these minutes.
Meetin ad'ourned: 9:05 .m.
Next Meeting Februa 5th, 2008
Durham Region Health Department
605 Rossland Road East
Whitby, Ontario
November 16,2007
1 :00 PM
Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) (Chair)
Ms. Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, DRHD
Mr. Ken Gonnan, DRHD
Dr. Dave Whillans, .ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Mr. Frank Bajumy, OPG
Mr. Phil Dunn, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Ms. Lorraine Weigel, Public Member
Ms. Nonna Drummond, Public Member
Mr. Ken Shrives, Public Member
Dr. Barry Neil, Public Member
Mr. Marc Landry, Public Member
Mr. Hardev Bains, Public Member
Mr. Brian Devitt,DRHD, (Secretary)
Mr. Nick Mihalic, OPG (presenter)
Mr. John Peters, OPG (presenter)
Ms. Jacquie McInnes, OPG (Presenter)
Mr. Andrew Pietriewcz, Ontario Power Authority (presenter)
Mr. Doug Lindeblom, Durham Strategic Energy Alliance (presenter)
Mr. Jonathan Wheatle, Durham Strategic Energy Alliance
Mr. Gordon Reidt, Durham Region Emergency Management Office
Ms. Carrie-Anne Atkins, OPG
Ms. Janice Szwarz, Municipality of Clarington
Mr. Dave Martin, Greenpeace
Mr. Shaun-Patrick Stensil, Greenpeace f .- C :- .m---'=::- ..,
:.~:~~~;:li~:'~er i V"'~' -
Dr. Tony Waker, University of Ontario Institute ofTechnd!ogy
Dr. Doug Chambers, SENES 4\
Mr. Mark Breen, Ministry of Health and Long-term Care :.: ld.aJ
Ms. Vanessa Hughes, OPG
Mr. Don Terry, OPG
Robert Kyle opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
"(Y^'. ^U.
1.0 Adoption of the DNHC Agenda
The Revised Agenda was adopted.
2.0 Adoption of the DNHC Minutes of the September 14, 2007 meeting
The Minutes were adopted as written.
3.0 Correspondence
3.1 Robert Kyle's office received the minutes of the Pickering Community Advisory
Council meetings for June and September 2007.
3.2 Robert Kyle's office received a report from the Ontario Power Authority on their
Proposed 20 Year Plan for Ontario's Electricity System dated August 30, 2007.
3.3 Robert Kyle's office received Draft Minutes of the Port Granby Project Discussion
Group meeting held September 19, 2007.
3.4 Robert Kyle received an invitation from the Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Management Office (LLRWMO) to attend the next meeting of the Port Granby
Project Discussion Group on January 16, 2008.
3.5 Robert Kyle's office received a newsletter from the LLRWMO concerning the Port
Hope Project dated Fall 2007.
3.6 Robert Kyle's office received a media release from Canadian Nuclear Safety
Commission (CNSC) concerning its new organizational structure dated September
3.7 Robert Kyle's office a letter from Laurie Swami concerning the Darlington B
Community Information Sessions scheduled for November 2007 and the letter was
dated October 22, 2007.
3.8 Robert Kyle's office received the Record of Proceedings from the CNSC
concerning OPG's application for an Operating Licence for the Darlington Waste
Management Facility dated October 24, 2007.
3.9 Robert Kyle's office received a news release from the CNSC announcing their
decision to issue an Operating Licence for the Darlington Waste Management
Facility dated October 24,2007.
3.10 Robert Kyle's office received the notes used by Laurie Swami in her presentation
to the Finance Committee of the Regional Municipality of Durham concerning the
Enviromnental Assessment (EA) updates for Pickering B Refurbishment and
Continued Operation and Darlington B dated October 24,2007.
3.11 Robert Kyle's office received a letter from Linda Keen, President and Chief
Executive Officer of the CNSC, concerning the changes to the organizational
structure and personnel of the CNSC effective September 4, 2007. The letter to
Robert Kyle was dated October 30,2007.
3.12 Robert Kyle's office received the notes used by Pat McNeil in his presentation to
the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham concerning the EA updates
for Pickering B Refurbishment and Continued Operation and Darlington B dated
October 31, 2007.
3.13 Robert Kyle's office received the Performance Report from the CNSC for the
period ending March 31, 2007.
3.14 Robert Kyle's office received a letter from Wayne Robbins, Senior Vice President
of Darlington Nuclear, thanking the DNHC for expressing its support to the CNSC
concerning the Operating Licence for the Waste Management Facility at
Darlington Nuclear. The letter was dated November 9,2007.
4.0 Nuclear Power / Environmental Issues
4.1 Progress Report by the Ontario Power Authority (OP A) on its Proposed 20 Year
Andrew Pietriewcz, Planner for the OP A provided a detailed overview of the OP A's
proposed Integrated Power System Plan (IPSP). The highlights of Andrew's
presentation were:
· One of the key responsibilities of the OPA is to develop a long-term IPSP for
· The IPSP will be updated every three years.
. On August 29, 2007, the OPA filed an application for approval of the IPSP
with the Ontario Energy Board.
. The IPSP is designed to plan for the effective management of the electricity
supply, transmission, capacity and demand.
. The IPSP will help achieve the government of Ontario's goals as identified in
the Supply Mix Directive dated June 13, 2006.
. The Supply Mix Directive stipulated that the province's electricity
requirements should be met in the following priority order:
1. Conservation
2. Renewable resources
3. Nuclear Power for the remaining base-load requirements
4. Gas-fired generation for pe.aking, high-value and high-efficiency uses
5. Coal-fired generation replaced by cleaner sources in the earliest
practical time frame
. The government of Ontario later determined by through legislation that coal
fire-generation would be phased-out before the end of2014.
· The Supply Mix Directive also indicated the transmission system would be
strengthened to meet these goals.
· The IPSP proposes how to achieve the desired supply mix while ensuring the
system meets the electricity needs of the province for capacity, production,
reserve requirements and flexibility.
· The IPSP contains several resource scenarios that are used to illustrate
possible resource requirements over the next 20 years. One of these scenarios
is the potential refurbishment or non-refurbishment of Pickering B since a
decision will not be made until 2008.
· The IPSP was developed with several options that will be needed to maintain
a flexible and robust plan capable of meeting resource requirements across a
variety of future circumstances. These options include estimated energy
production results, costs and environmental indicators.
· The IPSP is currently before the Ontario Energy Board for review and public
Andrew Pietriewcz offered to provide regular progress reports to the DNHC on the
IPSP. Andrew can be contacted at (416) 969-6040 or bye-mail at
andrew.pietriewcz@opa.g:ov.on.ca for more information on the IPSP. The OPA's
website is www.powerauthority.on.ca. The overheads Andrew used are attached as
Appendix 1.
4.2 Progress Report on the Durham Strategic Energy Alliance (DSEA)
Doug Lindeblom, Director of Economic Development and Tourism for the Region
of Durham, provided a progress report on the DSEA that was launched in May
2005. The highlights of his presentation were:
· The Vision of the DSEA is to position Durham Region as a recognized leader
in providing timely, sustainable and reliable energy solutions.
· The Mission of the DSEA is to foster an energy-friendly environment in
Durham Region that is a model for action in Ontario and Canada in the 21st
· The Founding Members of the DSEA are:
o Municipality of Clarington
o City of Oshawa
o Town of Whitby
o Town of Ajax
o City of Pickering
o Regional Municipality of Durham
o Ontario Power Generation
o Enbridge Inc.
o Seimens
o Veridian Corp
o University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
· The DSEA is organized as follows:
o Membership is based on a non-profit corporation (Incorporated in 2006)
o Membership is comprised of 43 companies, institutions, organizations
and government bodies from Durham Region and beyond
o The Board of Directors is comprised of 11 founding members plus one
academic seat and three industry seats at large
o The annual operating budget is approximately $150,000
o Staff includes one full-time Energy Technology Adoption Officer and
support staff and plans for an additional position in 2008
· The DSEA funding support comes from several partners and includes:
o The Ontario Centres of Excellence - First Job Program
o The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation - 3 year grant
o The Region of Durham - annual operating grant
o The DSEA Membership - fees, contributions and volunteer support
· The DSEA sustainable partnerships initiatives include:
o Study of consumer energy consumption trends in residential dwellings
in cooperation with the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and
o UOlT is doing research to produce hydrogen from nuclear energy and is
sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited, Ontario Centres of Excellence and the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
o UOlT is doing research on using geothermal energy, turbine designs for
industry, cogeneration of electricity and heat with Oshawa PUC, etc.
o UOlT has partnered with General Motors of Canada to develop an
Automotive Centre of Excellence involving a new $58 million facility
for hydrogen and fuel cell research and development
Doug Lindeblom will bring regular updates to the DNHC on the DSEA. Doug is
available at (905) 668-4113 or bye-mail atdoug.1indenblom<a2region.durham.on.ca
for more information. The DSEA website is www.dsea.ca. The overheads Doug used
are attached as Appendix 2.
4.3 Progress Report on the Pickering B Refurbishment and Continued Operation of
Reactors Environmental Assessment
John Peters, Manager, Environmental Assessment, Nuclear Generation
Development, provided an update on the feasibility studies for the Refurbishment
and Continued Operation of Reactors at Pickering B EA as a result of a directive
from the Government of Ontario on June 13, 2006. The highlights of John's
presentation were:
. The EA initiated in August 2006 involves:
o Site preparation and refurbishment phase, estimated 2010-2025, will
involve replacing steam generators, feeder pipes, fuel channel
assemblies and constructing additional storage to accommodate
refurbished waste including heavy water structures
o Continued operation to the end of life phase, estimated 2025-2060, will
include the safe operation and ongoing maintenance of the reactors
including additional used nuclear fuel interim storage facilities if
· OPG and EA specialists studies of the existing environment at Pickering
Nuclear and surrounding areas includes:
o Human health, safety and security
o Atmospheric, surface water, aquatic and terrestrial environment
o Geology, hydrogeology and seismicity (earthquakes)
o Land resources including physical and cultural heritage resources
o Socio-economic conditions and transportation
o Aboriginal interests
o Malfunctions and accidents
o Climate change
o Cumulative effects
· The highlights of the Draft EA Study Report were:
o No significant adverse effects were identified
o The majority of potential effects from the project were within the site
and local study area of 10 Ian from the plant
o Many of the potential effects are similar to the Pickering A Re-start and
occur during the refurbishment activities
o The potential effects can be effectively managed by strict adherence to
existing regulatory requirements, continued application of existing
environmental systems and maintaining OPG's extensive environmental
monitoring and radiological monitoring network
o Positive effects will be made on the local and regional economies and
will contribute to community stability
o Ongoing communications with local residents and stakeholders will
· The major areas of concern noted for the Project were:
o Human health, safety and security
o Malfunction and accidents, population growth and emergency
o Seismicity
o Thermal plume
. Next steps include:
o December 2007, OPG will submit Final EA Study Report to the CNSC
o Early 2008, the CNSC will release the Draft Screening Report for
Public Review
o In 2008, the CNSC will hold Public Hearings on the Screening Report
and will make a Decision on the EA
John Peters indicated the feasibility studies for the Refurbishment and Continued
Operation of Reactors at Pickering B can be reviewed on their website
www.opg.comJoickeringb for more information. The overheads and handouts John
used are attached as Appendix 3.
4.4 Progress Report on the Potential New Nuclear Units Proposed at Darlington B
John Peters provided an update of the proposed new nuclear units for the Darlington
Nuclear site referred to as Darlington B. The highlights of John's presentation were:
· The overview of the Scope of the EA Project includes:
o Preparation of the Darlington Nuclear site for up to 4 nuclear power
reactors, up to 4800 mega-watts and associated facilities
o Construction, operation and maintenance of these nuclear facilities for
approximately 60 years of full power electricity operation
o Construction, operation and maintenance of appropriate nuclear waste
management facilities
o Preliminary planning for decommissioning and eventual abandonment
of the nuclear reactors and associated facilities
o Alternatives for consideration include reactor technologies, condenser
cooling and waste management facilities
· The available nuclear reactors technologies classes are:
o Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR)
o Pressurized (light) Water Reactors (PWR)
o Pressurized Hybrid (light and heavy water) Reactors (pHR)
o Boiling Water Reactors (BWR)
· Each class of reactor has key distinctions related to the footprint of the
reactor, construction area and exclusion zone and they vary considerably.
· Existing site constraints for studies are:
o Cannot interfere with the safe operation of Darlington A
o Relocation of the existing rail line is not considered
o Maintain the wildlife corridor and public uses as much as possible
· March 2008 is the target to complete the Site Option Studies for use in the
EA to provide evaluation of the site for potential new nuclear reactors.
· The Site Option Studies to be conducted are:
o Layout
o Road works
o Condenser cooling
o Soil removal and excavation
o Access control
o Marine logistics
o Utilities
o Environmental consequences
o Transmission Connection
. The second round of 8 community information sessions will be conducted in
November 2007.
. The public consultation process will provide newsletters, fact sheets, project
website updates including key stakeholder briefings and presentations.
. The third round of community information sessions will be conducted in the
Spring of2008.
. Likely Next Steps includes:
o Late 2007 federal government determines EA requirements that may
require a Review Panel
o Late 2007/early 2008 federal government announces the availability of
Participant Funding
o 2008 federal government releases the Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) guidelines for public rev~ew
o 2009 the federal government establishes the Review Panel if required
o 2009 OPG submits EIS
o 2009/2010 federal government and public reviews the EIS
o 2010/2011 federal government releases their decision on the EIS
John Peters will continue to update the DNHC on a regular basis as the EA process
continues at Darlington B. John indicated more information is available on the OPG
web site www.opg.com/new build or (866) 487-6006. The overheads and handouts
John used are attached as Appendix 4.
4.5 Progress Report on the Waste Management Facilities (WMF) at Pickering and
Darlington Nuclear
Nick Mihalic, Section Manager of Operation and Maintenance for the Darlington
WMF, provided a presentation on the WMF's at Pickering and Darlington Nuclear.
The highlights of Nick's presentation were:
Pickering WMF - Storage Buildings 3 and 4
· In 2007,27 Dry Storage Containers were loaded and transferred.
· The. Phase 2 storage capacity expansion is underway.
· The detailed design is near completion and initial construction has begun.
· The current CNSC Operating Licence will expire in March 2008.
· The process to obtain an Operating Licence renewal from the CNSC has
begun with: .
o Day 1 hearing is scheduled for December 5, 2007
o Day 2 hearing is scheduled for February 2008
· The majority of the construction will be in the Spring of2008.
· The target completion date is November 2008.
· Transfer of sealed Dry Storage Containers is expected to start in the Spring of
· The Pickering WMF achieved a key safety milestone of 13 years without a
lost. time accident.
Darlington WMF - Used fuel Dry Storage Project
· A 5 year Operating Licence was obtained from the CNSC effective from
November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2012.
· An Open House was held on November 2, 2007 and was well attended by
community leaders and OPG staff.
· The WMF Project was completed on time and on budget.
· The first Dry Storage Container is expected in January 2008
· Approximately, 45 Dry Storage Containers are expected to be processed in
Nick Mihalic will continue to provide the DNHC with regular updates on the WMF
at Pickering and Darlington Nuclear. Nick can be reached at (905) 697-3022
extension 237 or bye-mail at nick.mihalic@opg.com for more information.
5.0 Health Effects
5.1 Report on the Ontario Radiation Health Response Plan
Mark Breen, Manager of Public Health Preparedness for the Ontario Ministry of
Health and Long-Term Care, was unable to attend the meeting today to provide a
presentation on the Ontario Radiation Health Response Plan. The presentation will
be rescheduled to a future DNHC meeting.
Mark Breen can be contacted at (416) 212-5223 or bye-mail at
mark.breen@ontario.ca for more information on the Ontario Radiation Health
Response Plan.
6.0 Communications
6.1 Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear
J acquie McInnes, Director of Nuclear Public Affairs, reported on community issues
at Pickering Nuclear for Don Terry, Manager of Public Affairs, who could not attend
the meeting today. The highlights of the Jacquie's presentation were:
· Pickering A unit 1 is in a planned shut down for fall maintenance outage.
· Pickering B unit 6 is in a planned shut down for fall maintenance outage.
· Pickering A & B units 4, 5, 7 and 8 are operating at or close to full power.
· Pickering and Darlington Nuclear were selected as 20th Anniversary
Signatures of Sustainability for the Corporate Habitat of the Year Award out
of 430 nominees.
· Pat McNeil, Senior Vice President of Nuclear Generation Development, was
named co-recipient of the 2007 Business Person of the Year Award by the
Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade.
· Don Terry, Manager of Public Affairs at Pickering Nuclear, was awarded the
Community Leadership Award by the Pickering Rotary Club.
· The worker safety record at Pickering A is approximately 3.5 million hours
without a lost-time accident and 1.5 million hours at Pickering B.
· Pickering Nuclear is working with several community partners on
environmental issues.
Don Terry, Manager of Public Affairs at Pickering Nuclear, can be reached at (905)
839-1151 extension 5966 or by e-mail at don.terrv@opg.com for more information.
6.2 Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear
J acquie McInnes reported on community issues at Darlington Nuclear for Vanessa
Hughes, Manager of Public Affairs, who could not attend the meeting today. The
highlights of Jacquie's presentation were:
. Darlington Nuclear has experienced excellent performance in 2007 exceeding
their targets and ranking among the best nuclear plants in the world.
. On November 15, 2007 in Atlanta, Georgia at an annual conference of
international nuclear power operators, Darlington Nuclear was honoured with
a prestigious Performance Improvement Award.
. Unit 2 is shut down for a planned fall maintenance outage to complete
approximately 13,000 maintenance tasks.
. Unit 4 is returning to power after a brief shut down for maintenance to a boiler
system valve.
. Units I and 3 are operating at close to full power.
. The worker safety record without a lost-time accident at Darlington Nuclear is
approximately 3.5 million hours.
· Darlington Nuclear is working with several community partners on
environmental issues.
. On January 10, 2008, Day 2 of the CNSC's Operating Licence Renewal
Hearing for Darlington Nuclear will be held at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa to
allow local public participation.
Vanessa Hughes, Manager of Public Affairs at Darlington Nuclear, can be reached at
(905) 697-7443 bye-mail at vanessa.hughes@oog.com for more information.
7.0 Other Business
7.1 Topics Inventory Update
Robert Kyle indicated the Topics Inventory will be revised to include the
presentations made today and it is attached as Appendix 5.
7.2 Future Topics for the DNHC to Consider
Robert Kyle indicated the topics for discussion at the next meeting on January 18,
2008 may include:
· Report by Rouge Valley Health System, Ajax and Pickering site on their
redevelopment and expansion plans and tour
· Report by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on issues that affect
Darlington and Pickering Nuclear
· Report on UNSCEAR issues that are of interest to the DNHC
· Progress report from Cancer Care Ontario on their new project to Perform
Spatial Analysis and Risk Assessment of Cancer Incidence in Ontario
Other suggestions for topics for future DNHC meetings may include:
· Progress report from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization
· Progress report from Health Canada on the Fixed Point Surveillance Network
Project for Canada
· Report from Dr. Ian Fairlie on his report Tritium Hazard Report: Pollution
and Radiation Riskfrom Canadian Nuclear Facilities dated June 2007
· Progress report on tritium in groundwater at Pickering Nuclear
· Report on proposed changes to drinking water standards for tritium
· Progress report on the Ontario Radiation Health Response Plan
· Report on the Health Effects of Electrical Transmission Lines
· Report from CNSC on the Integrated Safety Review of Nuclear Generating
Stations in respect to Pickering B
7.3 Robert Kyle indicated the DNHC meetings scheduled for 2008 are:
. January 18
. April18
. June 13
. September 12
. November 14
to be hosted by Ajax & Pickering Hospital
to be hosted by DOlT
to be hosted by Darlington Nuclear
to be hosted by Health Department
to be hosted by Pickering Nuclear
8.0 Next Meeting
January 18, 2008
12:00 PM Lunch served
1 :00 PM Meeting begins
Rouge Valley Health System, Ajax & Pickering Site
580 Harwood Road South
Conference Rooms B & C on the Ground Floor
Ajax, Ontario
9.0 Adjournment at 4:00 PM
November 14, 2007
Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre
62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario
K. Isnor, Chair
P. Ford
B. Colville
W. Tanner
J. Witheridge
M. Carlton
Councillor G. Robinson
S. Laing
J. Rook
Mayor Abernethy
J. Murray
M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator
M. Home, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:05 p.m.
Moved by: J. Witheridge
Seconded by: Councillor Robinson
THAT the agenda be approved.
Moved by: J. Witheridge
Seconded by: J. Rook
THAT the minutes of the October 10, 2007 Board Meeting be approved.
Page 2
The Chair asked for updates from the Committees on Long Term Vision.
It was reported that the Executive Committee had not yet had an
opportunity to meet, but that there would be a meeting held in the near
future. It was decided discussion from Committees on Long Term
Vision would take place under Committee Reports.
The Administrator advised that the Committee for the Bowmanville
150th Anniversary wish to use the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre as
headquarters for the celebrations. It was agreed this would be
advanta~eous for the museum. The event is to be held the weekend of
June 2St and in conjunction with Canada Day which will also be
celebrated as usual at the Bowmanville Museum.
Moved by: J. Witheridge
Seconded by: Councillor Robinson
THAT the correspondence be accepted.
Finance Committee:
The Chair discussed the report with the members stating that some federal
grant money is still outstanding in addition to the provincial grant funds. A
cheque for $2500 was received from Bell as part of their program for
employees volunteering at the museum.
The Kirby Church project was discussed as there is an invoice for $470 for
heating and electrical services for the church. Discussion was held as to
who should be responsible for this charge, the Church or the Museum.
It was agreed that the building must be kept up in order for it to be ready
for the move to the museum site.
Moved by: S. Laing
Seconded by P. Ford
THAT the Finance Report be accepted with the deletion of the motion
"that the monies in the Kirby Church account may be used for the upkeep
of the Church."
Page 3
Moved by: Councillor Robinson
Seconded by: B. Colville
THAT we move $1200 of the interest account into the Kirby Church
account and the bills for the Church be paid from this account.
Property Committee:
The Property Committee Report was reviewed by the members and
Moved by:
1. Rook
Seconded by: S. Laing
THAT the Property Committee Report be accepted.
Collections Committee:
The 150th celebration was discussed as well as the schedule of events for
Moved by:
M. Carlton
Seconded by: B. Colville
THAT the Collections and Event Planning Committee Report be accepted
with the amendment to the Schedule of Events for May 10 by deleting
'Grow with us Garden Exhibit' to 'History of Bowmanville'
Administrator's Report:
The Administrator advised that work on the sidewalk has begun and will
be completed very soon. Members were invited to take a look at the
sidewalk. The Municipality has submitted audit to the Province and the
museum is now waiting for the Community Museum Operating Grant
to arrive. The Municipal Grant has been completed and submitted to
the Municipality. The Pioneer Survivor exhibit will be opened on
November 20, 2007. Open house at the Bowmanville Museum will be
held December 5. All Board members were invited to attend this
annual Christmas event.
Page 4
Discussion on the Long Term Vision took place and it was agreed that
as time was growing short, this discussion would take place at the
December meeting.
Moved by:
J. Witheridge
Seconded by: P. Ford
THAT discussion on Long Term Vision be tabled to the meeting of
December 12,2007.
The next meeting of the Clarington Museums & Archives Board will take
place on DECEMBER 12, 2007 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage
Centre commencing at 7:00 p.m.
Moved by:
Councillor Robinson
THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:30 p.m.
(a) PSD-002-08 Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Grants Update
(b) PSD-003-08 Orono Community Improvement Plan Grants Update
(c) PSD-004-08 Environmental Stewardship Program Update
(d) PSD-005-08 Municipality of Clarington Sign By-Law Review
(e) EGD-001-08 Monthly Report On Building Permit Activity For
November, 2007
(f) ESD-001-08 Monthly Response Report - November 2007
THAT the Bowmanville 150th Sesquicentennial Anniversary Committee be allowed
to fly the new flag at the Municipal Administrative Centre; and
THAT the day of the raising of the new flag be announced.
THAT Report PSD-001-08 be received;
THAT Staff continue processing the application to amend the Clarington Official
Plan COPA 2007-0012, submitted by 821013 Ontario Limited; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-001-08 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Report #1
January 14, 2008
THAT Report PSD-006-08 be received;
THAT the application for Draft Approval of the proposed Plan of Subdivision
submitted by the Municipality of Clarington be approved as contained in
Attachment 2 to Report PSD-006-08, subject to the conditions of Draft Approval,
contained in Attachment 4 to Report PSD-006-08;
THAT the application for Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by the Municipality
of Clarington be approved as contained in Attachment 5 to Report PSD-006-08;
THAT the By-law, as per Attachment 6 to Report PSD-006-08, authorizing the
entering into of a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of Draft Plan of
Subdivision S-C-2005-0005 and the Municipality of Clarington be approved and
forwarded to Council for approval;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-006-08 and Council's decision be forwarded to the
Region of Durham Planning Department and the Municipal Property Assessment
Corporation (MPAC); and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-006-08 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report EGD-002-08 be received;
THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of
Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related
Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2166; and
THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-002-08, assuming
certain streets within Plan 40M-2166 as public highways.
THAT the confidential report of the Director of Finance/Treasurer regarding a legal
matter be referred to the Council meeting scheduled to be held on January 14,
Report #1
January 14, 2008
THAT Wallace Bradley be appointed to the Clarington Traffic Management
Advisory Committee to fill the current vacancy of the Ward 1 Member; and
THAT Gordon Johnston be appointed to the Green Community Advisory
Committee to fill the current vacancy of an "at large member".
January 14, 2008
2008-001 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(464367 Ontario Limited - Bob Craig) (Approved by Council on
March 26, 2007)
2008-002 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2006-001 and any Mortgagee
whom has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality in respect of S-C-2006-001 (Black Creek
Developments Ltd.) (Approved by Council on July 30,2007)
2008-003 Being a By-law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet,
until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the
Municipality for the year 2008
2008-004 Being a By-law to being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the
Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former
Town of Newcastle (Municipality of Clarington) (Item 4 of Report
#1 )
2008-005 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0005 and any Mortgagee
whom has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington in respect of S-C-2005-0005
(Municipality of Clarington) (Item 4 of Report #1)
2008-006 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of
Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item
5 of Report #1 )
2008-007 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-039, a by-law to appoint
members to the Clarington Traffic Management Committee for the
Municipality of Clarington (Item 7 of Report #1)
Mayor Abernethy and Members of Council
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
January 11 , 2008
Please be advised of the following additions to Monday's meeting:
See attached sheet
D - 12 Attached is additional correspondence from Robert Hann, President,
Valiant Property Management enclosing pictures of recently installed
signs pylon signs in Whitby and Oshawa in support of his request to
permit a larger sign for the West Bowmanville Shopping Centre.
D - 15 Martha Rutherford Conrad, Administrator, Clarington Museums and
Archives, advising Council that on January 9, 2008, the Board passed
the following resolution pertaining to Bowmanville's 150th
Sesquicentennial celebrations:
"THA T the Clarington Museums and Archives Board directs the
Administrator to support the activities of the Bowmanville 150th
Committee through the use of museum resources and staff at her
discretion and within Museum budget parameters;
AND THAT this motion be forwarded to Council for endorsement
(Motion for Direction)
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506
Correspondence has been received from the Board Chair indicating
his full support of the resolution.
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
cc: Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
JANUARY 14, 2008
a) Bob Hann or representative of Halloway Holdings - Pylon Sign By-Iaw-
King Street Frontage, West Bowmanville Shopping Centre
(Correspondence Item D - 12)
b) Linda Gasser - Waste Environmental Assessment Timelines, Joint Waste
Management Group and Works Committee Updates
c) Kerry Meydam - Waste Environmental Assessment Timelines, Joint
Waste Management Group and Works Committee Updates
d) Dave Renaud - DurhamlYork Residual Waste Study - Host Community
and Related Issues
e) Wendy Bracken - DurhamlYork Residual Waste Study - Host Community
and Related Issues
f) Paul Andre Larose - Energy-From-Waste Facility
'08JAN10 hi'111 :112:53
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IWI Ll )I:'\(i Fon y(){" ~r\( 'I': W:~;~
January 9, 2008
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6
Re: Pylon Sign Size West Bowmanville Shopping Centre
Dear Mayor and Members of Council,
The pylon sign by-law in Clarington allows a sign area of 64 square feet plus a small
increase administratively if staff agree. This sign is the same for any size shopping centre.
We respectfully request that Council allow a larger pylon sign for our 17 acre shopping
centre that will be closer to the size allowed by Oshawa and Whitby.
Enclosed herewith are three pictures of recently installed signs, two in Whitby and the
other in Oshawa. They are four times that allowed by Clarington even on a 6-7 acre site in
Also enclosed is a colour picture of the Home Depot pylon sign that staff has seen and I
believe favour.
If we can get this size enlarged to compete against Oshawa and Whitby we would be
willing to pay the extra cost for this fancy design.
I will be available at Council on Monday January 14th to try to answer questions if any.
Yours truly,
Robert Hann
Cc: Richard Holy- Municipality of Clarington
Sylvain Rivet- Home Depot
j - 'j.:3 ':; ,~:; ~~l
ii' ,:,.
/;- ....(J:;';': ,::I>::-'~
For colour design only - not sizes
o;.~, '~
~"2~ 75m' .~
0 x
ex) <{
-:;t ~
:{ E
;. - 'f:
l!i' .
~ ". ~'i
"~ /tf
13.2 sq.m. (142 sq.ft.) TOTAL SIGN AREA
Home Depot Store No. 7240
Clarlngton Blvd. and Highway #2
Bowmanvllle, Ontario
Slgnage Feature
Date: October 4, 2007
7050 Weston Road
Suite #230
Woodbridge, ON L4L 8G7
T: (905) 761.5588
F: (905) 761.5589
Scale 1: 40
'~~ ~,~:
:~ ';';~:tt:i
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C OU~IC-J'I ItCV1d-oul-
'T~. 1'+/0&
Oa~ fUv1CUJ..d
National President
President national
Quebec Director
Directeur quebecois
National Secretary- Treasurer
Secretaire-tresorier national
TEL: (416)497-4110
January 8, 2008
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The CAW supports the use of the precautionary principle when evaluating any new waste
management processes.
The precautionary principle states that when an activity raises potential threats of harm to human
health or environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect
relationships are not fully established.
Concerns regarding the short and long term health impact on citizens, the surrounding environment,
economic consequences, and sustainable waste alternatives must be considered before processes
such as waste incineration are allowed to take place in our communities.
This means that the burden of proof must be placed on the proponents of the activity rather than
potential victims. It is more effective and cost efficient to prevent environmental and human health
damage than to attempt to manage or cure it.
This prevention attitude requires the examination of the entire life cycle of products from raw material
extraction to end of use rather than simply burning and burying the evidence. It encourages producer
and consumer responsibility to discover safer alternative products and production technology to
support the three "R"s - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
I have attached CAW's most recent resolution opposing the principle of waste incineration which was
unanimously passed by more than 800 delegates at our December 2007 council meeting.
In solidarity,
National President
National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers= Union of Canada (CAW-Canada)
Syndicat national de I=automobile, de I=aerospatiale, du transport et des autres travailleurs et travailleuses du Canada (TCA-Canada)
Incinerator Resolution
Whereas, allowing the building of a waste incinerator will encourage other
Municipalities to begin the process to build their own waste incinerators thus causing a
chain reaction across Canada. Incinerators perpetuate the need to produce waste and
prevent implementation of less costly and less polluting alternatives,
Whereas, Incinerator proponents tout the benefits of converting waste to energy, when in
reality, these facilities are a waste of energy. The small amount of energy incinerators
produce is far less than the amount of energy that could be saved by recycling and
resource conservation. On the whole, three to five times more energy can be saved by
recycling materials than by burning them,
Whereas, one of the most insidious aspects of incineration is the entirely new and highly
toxic chemicals that can be formed during the combustion process. When fragments of
partially burned waste chemicals recombine within incinerator furnaces, smokestacks,
and/or pollution control devices, hundreds, even thousands, of new substances are
created, many of these pollutants are known to be persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic
of which are more toxic than the original waste itself during the combustion process,
Whereas, waste incinerators cause pollution, a wide variety of adverse health effects
including cancer, respiratory disease, disruption of the endocrine system, and congenital
birth defects, according to scientific studies, surveys by community groups and local
physicians. Studies indicate that distant populations can be exposed to pollution from
incinerators by ingesting contaminated plant or animal products. The costs to society of
these adverse health effects are rarely included in economic analyses, and are indeed
difficult to quantify, but should not be ignored,
Whereas, incineration actually perpetuates the use of landfills because of the large
quantities of leftover ash produced by incinerators. It is estimated that for every three
tons of waste that is incinerated, one ton of ash is generated. And this ash is very toxic,
containing concentrated amounts of heavy metals and dioxins which, when buried, will
eventually leach into the soil, potentially polluting groundwater,
Whereas, the CA W campaign for Extended Producer Responsibly will bear negative
impacts due to incinerators taking away the incentive and pressure for corporations to
redesign their products and packaging to reduce toxics and conserve resources. On the
other hand, community efforts into waste separation reuse and repair, recycling and
composting, can create more jobs, both in the handling of the waste and in secondary
industries using recovered material,
Be it therefore resolved that Durham Region Labour Council confirms the position of
opposition to the principle of waste incineration.
Be it further resolved that this resolution be forwarded to Canadian Labour Congress for
Doug Hart, Dave Renaud, James VanKemp, Eric Wiggans, CAW 222 Standing
Environment Committee and the CA W Durham Regional Environment Council
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