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TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held January 14, 2008
There are no Presentations scheduled for this meeting.
There are no Delegations scheduled as of the time of publication.
Receive for Information
I - 1 Minutes of the Living Green Community Advisory Committee dated
October 2 and October 23, 2007
I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
October 11, November 8 and December 13, 2007
I - 3 Minutes of the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
dated December 11, 2007
I - 4 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated
December 12, 2007
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Council Agenda
January 28, 2008
I - 5 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory
Committee dated January 8, 2008
I - 6 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Provincial Rebate for Tire Disposal
1-7 David Clark, Executive Vice President, Corporate Services,Veridian
Corporation - Shareholder Dividends
I - 8 Susan Self, Chair, ,CTC Source Protection Committee - Notice of
Commencement of Terms of Reference for Assessment Report and
Source Protection Plan - Toronto & Region Source Protection
. Authority
1-9 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford - Energy-From-Waste Facility
I - 10 Gail Bradley, Kevin Church, Fred Cooke, Tracey AIi, David &
Patricia Brennan, Margo Smith-Bischoff, Bischoff Family,
Belynda Matula, Jo-Ellen McGillis, Heather Higgins, Jason Cooke,
Shawn Giguere, Julie Morello, Lori Moore, Lisa Cochrane,
Alfred Collins, Brad Mike, Natalie Stocker, Douglas Holdway,'
Durham Region Labour Council, Francois Roy, Annie Moisan,
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jimenez, Julia McCrea, Paul & Juliet Joseph,
Willis & Marilyn Barraball, Julian Bahmann, Laura Ross, Lezlie Fry,
Wemer Valentin, Bryan Beitle, Peter Piels, Holly Hatfield,
Dave James and Dan Hall-Ufford - Opposition to the Proposed
Energy:-From-Waste Facility
1- 11 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa - Proposed Incinerator In
I - 12 Candi and Larry Gannon - New Port Darlington Park
I - 13 Evan Elford, Durham Farm Fresh Marketing Association - Annual
General Meeting
1-14 Agatha Garcia-Wright, A1Director, Environmental Assessment and
Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment - DurhamNork
Residual Was~e Study Environmental Assessment (EA) Process
Receive for Direction
D - 1 Chuck Clayton, President, Clarington Honda - Clarington Honda
Ground Breaking Ceremony
D - 2 Christine Avery-Nunez, Co-ordinator, The Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh
Award --2008 Nominations
Council Agenda
- 3-
January 28, 2008
D - 3 Lori Riviere, Planning Department, Region of Durham - 2008 Durham
Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) Environmental
Achievement Awards
D - 4 Lynda Shepherd, Office Administration, The Canadian Hearing
Society, Durham - "Hearing Awareness Month" in Clarington
D - 5 Cahl Pominville, Clerk, Municipality of North Grenville - Funding and
Financing of Municipal I nfra.structu re Programs
D - 6 Tom Barrie, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington
(AACC) - Property Related Offences
D - 7 Debra B. Roth, Clerk, Municipality of South Bruce - Provincial Ban on
Cosmetic Urban Pesticide Use
D - 8 Janet Beckett, City Clerk, City of Port Colborne - Municipal
Infrastructure Deficit
D - 9 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston - Sir John A. Macdonald
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 18, 2008
2. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 21,2008
1. Verbal Report of the Director of Community Services concerning Total Hockey
2. Report PSD-011-08 - The Clarington Green Challenge (To be distributed under
separate cover)
Council Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 14, 2008
Minutes'of a regular meeting of Council held on January 14, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the
Council Chambers.
Councillor Foster led the meeting in prayer.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Mayor J. Abernethy
Councillor A. Foster
Councillor R. Hooper
Councillor M. Novak
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor C. Trim
Councillor W. Woo
Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Director of Engineering, T. Cannella, attended until 9:33 p.m.
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana, attended until 9:33 p.m.
Manager of Communication & Marketing, J. Cooke, attended until 7:25 p.m.
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome, attended until 9:33 p.m.
Solicitor, D. Hefferon
Director of Operations, F. Horvath, attended until 9:33 p.m.
Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano, attended until 9:33 p.m.
Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor
Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir, attended until 9:33 p.m.
Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, C. Fleming, attended until 9:33 p.m.
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
Later in the meeting, Councillor Novak indicated a pecuniary interest with respect to
the delegation of Dave Renaud.
Resolution #C-001-08
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 10, 2007, be
Council Meeting Minutes
- 2 -
January 14, 2008
Resolution #C-002-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit additional delegates to be
added to the Agenda.
Resolutidn #C-003-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the delegations of Kristin McKinnon-Rutherford and Wayne Ellis and the
Mayor's State of Clarington Address be added to the Agenda.
Roberta Youngs-Ransom, Vice-principal, Clarington Central Secondary School, and
Member, Clarington Community of Character Committee, addressed Council providing
a history of the Character Education Program initiated by the Kawartha Pine Ridge
District School Board in 2002. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation
Ms. Youngs-Ransom highlighted the character attributes of honest, integrity,
perseverance, respect, optimism, courage, fairness, initiative, responsibility and
empathy which cross all borders of society and provided a chronology of events
leading to the promotion of the Municipality of Clarington as a 'Community of
Character'. Ms. Youngs-Ransom reviewed the Mission and Vision Statements of the
Clarington Community of Character and requested Council's support in recognizing
what has already been accomplished by the Community of Character Committee and
in committing to working with Committee members to implement a plan of action to
make the Vision a reality in the municipality. Ms. Youngs-Ransom provided each
Member of Council with a promotional T-Shirt and copies of the Mission and Vision
Statements and introduced Brian Ransom and Ulrike E. Fliesser, Members of the
In response to questions, Ms. Youngs-Ransom requested Council's support in having
the character message communicated to the community through dialogue,
advertising, use of the logo, etc. and provided examples of how other municipalities
are getting the message across to their citizens.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 3 -
January 14, 2008
Mayor Abernethy introduced Lieutenant-Colonel John Conrad, highlighting his service
to Canada as Commanding Officer of the National Support Element in Kandahar,
Afghanistan from February 8 to August 15, 2006, and advising of Lieutenant-Colonel
Conrad's receipt of the Meritorious Service Medal. Mayor Abernethy presented
Lieutenant-Colonel Conrad with a Certificate, on behalf of Council, in recognition of his
esteemed award.
Lieutenant-Colonel Conrad thanked Council for their thoughtfulness a nd accepted the
Certificate on behalf of all Clarington soldiers who have gone before and after him and
on behalf of those who have fallen in the line of duty. .
David Clark, Executive Vice President, Corporate Services, Veridian Corporation,
addressed Council to present a cheque in the amount of $544,000 representing the
municipality's 2007 shareholder dividend. Mr. Clark stated Veridian Corporation has
had another very successful year in 2007, with a 9% return on the Municipality's
investment, a 93% customer service satisfaction level and a record 1.8 million hours
without a lost-time accident, accurately reflecting the Corporation's financial, service,
and safety performance. Mr. Clark stated in 2008, shareholder dividends will be paid
on a quarterly basis.
Councillor Foster accepted the cheque from David Clark and presented it to
Mayor Abernethy.
A representative of Halloway Holdings was called but was not present.
Resolution #C-004-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit an additional delegate to be
added to the Agenda.
Resolution #C-005-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT Kristin Robinson be added to the list of delegations.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 4-
January 14, 2008
Linda Gasser addressed Council regarding the Waste Environmental Assessment
Timelines, Joint Waste Management Group and Works Committee Updates
expressing concern with Council's decision of December 10, 2007, which did not
include clauses to delay the final selection of a preferred site for the Energy-From-
Waste facility. Ms. Gasser stated the Regional Health & Social Services Committee,
at a meeting on January 10, 2008, passed a motion to defer adoption of the Project
Team's recommended site and that today, the Strategic Initiatives Committee of
Oshawa City Council endorsed a resolution, in part, urging Clarington to indicate its
opposition to an incinerator being located in the municipality, and to declare that they
are not a 'Willing Host" community. Ms. Gasser stated tonight, Council would have
another opportunity to make the right decision to protect the residents of Clarington
and the Region. She urged Council to adopt a motion to request the Region to ensure
that vendor/technology and site selection be addressed concurrently, as per the
Terms of Reference, that the facility size be finalized, and that the Project Team
consultants respond to concerns raised by the public and bring forward a plan setting
out how they would address site and technology selection consistent with the
Environmental Terms of Reference.
Kerry Meydam addressed Council concerning the Waste Environmental Assessment
Timelines, Joint Waste Management Group and Works Committee Updates.
Ms. Meydam urged Council to protect the physical and financial health of Clarington
residents by ensuring that questions concerning vendor and technology, facility size
and disposal of ash have been answered prior to taking the next step. Ms. Meydam
questioned the logic of continuing the process if no suitable, affordable technology is
available or proven safe. Ms. Meydam states there is f1exibility,in the application of
the Terms of Reference which would permit minor adjustme.nts which would allow the
work to get done but would provide Council with the opportunity to receive important
information prior to making decisions, rather than after they have been made. She
urged Council to do the right thing and put Clarington first.
Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of
Dave Renaud as she is an employee of GM Canada.
Dave Renaud, President, CAW Durham Regional Environmental Council, addressed
Council both as a concerned citizen and on behalf of the Durham Regional
Environmental Council. He provided information on the public forum hosted by the
CAW on the proposed Durham/York Energy-From-Waste facility advising the forum
was attended by over 300 citizens with Dr. Paul Conn it, noted specialist in waste
management, Rod Muir, The Sierra Club and Claudia Marseilles, Town of Markham
Waste Management Manager, presenting information and responding to questions.
Mr. Renaud distributed a resolution of the Durham Region Labour Council opposing
the principle of waste incineration and correspondence from Buzz Hargrove, National
President, CAW, indicating that the CAW supports the use of the precautionary
principle when evaluating any new waste management processes and opposes the
principle of waste incineration. Mr. Renaud urged Council to request the site selection
Council Meeting Minutes
- 5 -
January 14, 2008
be deferred and to declare Clarington an "Unwilling Host" community. Mr. Renaud
invited Members of Council to contact him at dave.renaud@rooers.com for an
information kit that was distributed at the forum.
Wendy Bracken addressed Council concerning the DurhamNork Residual Waste
Study - Host Community and Related Issues stating she feels last week's vote to
endorse the Clarington 01 Site was wrong, unjust and not protective of human health.
Ms. Bracken advised many delegations and the Peer Review Team have exposed
severe flaws in the Step 7 Report. She stated in particular, there are major
differences between Clarington and the East Gwillimbury air shed and questioned the
logic of adding pollutants to the municipality's already compromised thresholds. Ms.
Bracken urged Council to pass a resolution tonight to request the deferral of the site
selection before Regional Council deliberates the issue on January 23,2008.
Ms. Bracken further advised that the Regional Health and Social Services Committee
has voted to re-think the process and that a Committee of Oshawa City Council has
adopted a motion urging Clarington to declare itself an "Unwilling Host" community.
Paul Andre Larose addressed Council concerning the proposed Energy-From-Waste
facility expressing concern that none of the "hard facts" of the project have been
determined - Le. plant size and capacity, type of technology, nature and extent of
emission control equipment and location for the landfill of ash. Dr. Larose feels that it
is impossible to determine the true measure of the environmental impact of the
project, or its cost without those facts known. Dr. Larose questioned why other
municipalities have taken the lead in raising concerns with respect to the incinerator,
why the Region is so intent on getting the Clarington Site 01 accepted, and why better
alternatives to incineration are not being considered.
Kristen McKinnon-Rutherford was called but was not present.
Kristen Robinson addressed Council concerning the proposed Energy-From-Waste
facility advising of a motion passed by the Reg.ional Health & Social Services
Committee recommending that the site selection be delayed pending information on
the preferred technology and vendor, the development of a business case, decisions
on where bottom ash will be landfilled and the composition and amount of waste. She
also advised of a recommendation of the City of Oshawa urging Clarington to declare
the Municipality an "Unwilling Host" community. Ms. Robinson feels that incineration
is an unacceptable option to deal with waste because of the cost to human health and
the environment and for financial reasons. She urged Council to adopt the
precautionary principle as there are more sustainable options.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 6 -
January 14, 2008
Wayne Ellis addressed Council to provide an update on recent events regarding the
Energy-From-Waste facility. Mr. Ellis advised he was the official delegate to the City
of Oshawa Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting this morning and advised of their
recommendation, in part, urging Clarington to declare the municipality an "Unwilling
Host" community. Mr. Ellis also advised in 2005 Statistics Canada figures indicated
there were 7.56 million kilograms of cancer-causing toxins emitted into the air, with
48% of the emissions coming from the Province of Ontario. Mr. Ellis questioned the
logic of adding to that burden. He stated the public is urging Council not to proceed
with this project and to join with other Councillors who will be requesting the site
selection be deferred.
In response to questions, Mr. Ellis stated the citizens of Durham Region are ready and
willing to increase their diversion rates and requested Council to provide the
opportunity for them to meet the challenge. In response to questions regarding zero
waste strategies, Mr. Ellis advised he would provide a list of communities that are
close to achieving zero waste as requested.
Resolution #C-006-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Council recess for five minutes.
The meeting reconvened at 8:28 p.m.
Mayor Abernethy presented the Annual "State of Clarington" Address, welcoming
members of the public in attendance and those watching the televised broadcast, and
members of the press to the first meeting of Clarington Council for 2008.
Mayor Abernethy expressed appreciation to those who have shown interest in helping
to shape the community and have taken the time to participate in the democratic
process, and to Members of Council and Municipal staff for rising to the challenges
and accomplishing many things during the past year.
Members of Council participated in the Annual "State of Clarington" Address by
providing a glance back to highlights and accomplishments of 2007. Councillor Novak
reviewed administrative highlights, Councillor Trim highlighted Community events,
Councillor Robinson overviewed growth initiatives, Councillor Woo listed new
businesses established and those soon to be opened, Councillor Hooper advised of
new capital equipment purchases and Councillor Foster highlighted recognition
ceremonies and events celebrated throughout the year.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 7 -
January 14,2008
Mayor Abernethy turned his focus to 2008, advising of challenges facing the
municipality and work plan initiatives including the impact of the Canadian economy
and the Municipality's 2008 budget process, managing municipal assets and the
impact of a potential infrastructure deficit, review of the Clarington Official Plan,
improving the Commercial/Industrial tax base revenues, protecting the farming
industry, updating and implementing a Long Term Residual Waste Strategy, and
completing the Environmental Assessment for the Energy-From-Waste facility which
may be sited in Clarington.
Mayor Abernethy summarized by thanking the many volunteers who play an important
role in providing the quality of life experienced in Clarington, and urging others to lend
their expertise and become involved in their community.
Resolution #C-007 -08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved.
I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory
Committee dated December 5, 2007.
I - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee dated
November 16, 2007.
I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated
November 14, 2007.
I - 4 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding comments concerning a
proposed Energy-From-Waste Facility including:
a) Updated Copy of Report entitled "Debunking the Myths of
Incineration" prepared and presented by Kristin Duare
McKinnon-Rutherford to Regional Council on November 21,
b) Copy of Report entitled "Incineration Today and Tomorrow-
Impact on the Health of Durham Region's (and our Neighbours')
Children prepared by Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford and
presented by Maureen Dingman to Regional Council on
December 12, 2007 and updated information sent December 14,
Council Meeting Minutes
- 8 -
January 14, 2008
List of incinerator activities Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford has
engaged in subsequent to her presentation to Regional Council
in November 2007;
Copy of Premier Dalton McGuinty's response to Ms. McKinnon-
Rutherford's correspondence regarding incineration and waste
Copy of Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth), Leader, Canada's
New Democrat's response to Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford outlining
the party's commitment in working towards a cleaner and
healthier environment;
Copy of correspondence to the Editor of Clarinqton This Week
by Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford in response to a December 24th
article entitled "Plastic Questions Persist over Recycling"; and
Information from Sweden's Ministry of the Environment
regarding the introduction of a tax on the combustion of
household waste in order to encourage recycling.
I - 5 Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director, Waterfront Regeneration Trust,
forwarding the Trust's annual Accomplishments publication,
describing the achievements of the partnership of the 41 waterfront
communities and conservation authorities, and identifying highlights
from the 2007 program to engage the public and to promote
communities along the Trail.
1-6 Roberta and Robert Gibson writing to Pat Madill, Regional Clerk,
objecting to the Regional Residential Transit Development Charge as
they are senior residents living in a rural area who they feel will
receive no benefit from the transit development and feel they should
not be paying for a service unless it is available to rural residents on
the same basis as those living in the urban areas of Durham Region.
1-7 Gail Empey, Clerk, Township of Cavan Monaghan, advising Council
that on November 5,2007, the Township of Cavan Monaghan passed
the following resolution pertaining to the Ganaraska Forest Centre:
"That the Township of Cavan Monaghan donate $100,000 to the
Ganaraska Forest Centre with funding of $25,000 from residual in
2007 Community Funding Program and $15,000 from 2007 surplus
Casino Reserve, with the balance of $60,000 being distributed over
the next 3 succeeding years of the Community Funding Program
commencing in 2008."
Council Meeting Minutes
- 9 -
January 14, 2008
I - 8 Jacqueline B. Muccio and family requesting to be removed from the
list of interested parties concerning the Durham/York Residual Waste
Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection Process as she is
concerned with the lack of accuracy of information printed in the local
media and feels that the voices of the people will not be taken
seriously by Council and that the public's fate rests with people with
monetary gain on the issue.
I - 9 John Newell advising of the dangers of backyard burn barrels and of
the plight of Julie Inwood, in her attempt to obtain help from local
authorities to have her neighbours stop the burning of toxic materials,
due to lack of environmental legislation specific to the issue and of the
failure of local authorities to recognize Criminal Code violations and
correctly apply appropriate sections of the Criminal Code to address
the situation.
I - 10 John Newell advising of the dangers of residential fireplaces similar to
the harmful effects of barrel burning and forwarding a copy of his
Petition to the Auditor General of Canada, Commissioner of the
Environment and Sustainable Development to end the practice of
barrel burning on a uniform national basis.
I - 11 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Member Communication
dated December 17, 2007, advising of the motion passed in the
House of Commons expressing support for permanent Federal Gas
Tax funding for municipalities for the purposes of enhancing local
community infrastructure; and, reminding municipalities that the
reporting requirements demonstrating how their investments are
furthering environmental sustainability will be critical to continuing
efforts to make the Gas Tax Funds permanent.
1-12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to
Premier Dalton McGuinty advising that on December 12, 2007, the
Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to
Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health:
"a) THAT the following resolution of the City of Oshawa regarding
support for Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health be endorsed:
'WHEREAS Project Black Ribbon for Mental health's black
ribbon signifies the complexity of issues that mental illness
imposes on people and society every day;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 10 -
January 14, 2008
WHEREAS the black ribbon signifies that mental health issues
know no boundary and mental health issues affect people of
every race, religion, religious creed, political opinion, colour or
ethnicity, national or social origin, gender, marital status, or
physical ability;
WHEREAS the black ribbon signifies the stigma often
associated with mental illness and the need to eradicate
ignorance regarding mental illness by raising public awareness
and advocating for public policies that are responsive to the
needs of people with mental health problems;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council support
Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health and request support from
neighbouring municipalities;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council adopt the
Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman Resolution to
support municipalities for distribution of ribbons on behalf of
Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this motion be sent
to the attention of the following:
The Honourable Jim Flaherty, MP
701 Rossland Road East, Unit 204
Whitby, ON L 1 N 8Y9
Colin Carrie, MP
Lord Simcoe Place
57 Simcoe Street S., Suite 2B
Oshawa, ON L 1 H 4G4
Jerry Ouellette, MPP
170 Athol Street East
Oshawa, ON L 1 H 1 K1
John O'Toole, MPP
75 King Street East
Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1 N4
The Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman
Nairn Centre, ON POM 2LO
Council Meeting Minutes
- 11 -
January 14, 2008
b) THAT the Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman, the
City of Oshawa and Durham's area municipalities and MPPs be
so advised."
I - 13 Patrick R. Burke, Fire Marshal of Ontario, Ministry of Community
Safety and Correctional Services, responding to Council's request
that the Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) cover the cost associated
with training and workshops on new fir~ safety legislation and
advising that while the enforcement of the Fire Code remains a
responsibility of each municipality, the OFM is offering a number of
training seminars on a cost-recovery basis designed to help members
of municipal fire services who conduct, or are responsible for, fire
safety inspections better understand the due diligence, liability and
legislative authority related to enforcement of the Ontario Fire Code.
1-14 David Bond, CFS Director, The Salvation Army, expressing
appreciation to Council for supporting the Canadian Pacific Holiday
Train in collecting over 3,000 pounds of food and $2450 for the
Christmas Kettle which willl:1elp out less fortunate members of the
I - 15 Phil Mannell, General Manager, Central Region. Enbridge Gas
Distribution, providing information on the 'Winter Warmth Fund", a
joint venture of the United Way and Enbridge Gas Distribution
designed to help low-income families and individuals who may be
struggling to pay their natural gas bill and forwarding posters and
brochures for information on referring constituents in need to the
agencies administering the fund.
I - 16 Louis Bertrand expressing disappointment that key recommendations
in the staff report on the DurhamIYork Residual Waste Environmental
Assessment Study - Site Selection Process, Municipal Comments On
Step 7 - Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and Identification of
Preferred Site were removed from the motion approved by Council on
December 10, 2007, and that no discussion took place on declaring
the municipality as an "Unwilling Host Community" to the proposed
Energy-From-Waste facility.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 12 -
January 14, 2008
I - 17 Rob Macisaac, Chair, Metrolinx, advising of the consultation process
for the development and promotion of a Regional Transportation Plan
(RTP) for an effective transportation system across the metropolitan
region of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) being
undertaken by Metrolinx; forwarding the first of seven discussion
papers - "Towards Sustainable Transportation - Green Paper #1"
focusing on transportation trends and outlooks for the GTHA for
distribution to Council, staff or members of the public; and,
encouraging Members of Council and the public to participate in the
consultation process by visiting the Metrolinx web portal at
I - 18 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and the
Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
announcing that the 2008 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund
(OMPF) will remain at $843 million ensuring that each municipality will
receive no less funding in 2008 than it received in its March 2007
Allocation Notice.
I - 19 Janice Kroft, Program Manager, COPE Mental Health Program,
Community Care Durham, expressing appreciation to Council for the
donation of Clarington pins for their Christmas gift bags and thanking
the Municipality for supporting the "Making Connections Clarington"
initiative providing opportunities for members to develop friendships
and social support.
I - 20 Deb Vice and Martin Feaver, Protect the Ridges Co-Chairs,
forwarding correspondence to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
expressing concern with the MOE and the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) proposed changes to the
regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material (NASM),
suggesting the onus of environmental responsibility should be on the
Ministry and the producer of the waste, not on the farmer, and
requesting responsible disposal of paper fibre biosolid material and
scientifically and environmentally sound policy to regulate such
1-21 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that
on December 12, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following
resolution pertaining to the 2008 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy:
"a) THAT a 2008 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be imposed on
the Area Municipalities for all property tax classes;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 13 -
January 14, 2008
b) THAT the amount due from each Area Municipality be equivalent
to 50% of their respective share of the Regional Property Taxes
collected in 2007;
c) THAT the 2008 Interim Regional property Tax Levy be paid by the
Area Municipalities seven days subsequent to the instalment due
dates established by each Area Municipality for the collection of
their respective interim municipal property taxes;
d) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area
Municipalities of the imposition of the 2008 Interim Regional
Property Tax Levy for all property tax classes; and
e) THAT the Regional Solicitor be requested to prepare the requisite
by-Iaw( s)."
Resolution #C-008-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, including Hand-out
Item D - 15, with the exception of Items D - 5 to D - 15, inclusive.
D - 1 Nada Loughead, Heart Month Coordinator, Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Ontario - Durham Region Chapter, advising every
February the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario celebrates
Heart Month by holding its Person-to-Person Fundraising ,Campaign
to support scientific research and requesting February 2008 be
proclaimed as "Heart Month" in Clarington.
D - 2 Debbie Hunter, Office Administrator, MS Society, Durham Regional
Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, advising the 2008
Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign will take place during Mother's
Day Weekend and requesting approval for tag days to permit the MS
Society to sell carnations on Friday, May 9 and Saturday, May 10,
2008, in support of on-going research and assistance for persons with
Multiple Sclerosis and their families.
(Permission granted to sell carnations
on May 9 and May 10,2008)
Council Meeting Minutes
- 14 -
January 14, 2008
D - 3 Helen and Gordon Perry objecting to the applications to amend the
Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law submitted by 1276467
Ontario Limited (COPA 2007-0002 and ZBA 2007-0005) for
15 Darlington Boulevard as access to the proposed development and
a Stormwater Retention Pond will be located immediately adjacent to
their property; the addition of approximately 200 residential units and
the resulting vehicular traffic will be unbearable; the proposal will
seriously detract from their quality of life; and they feel property
values in the area will be reduced.
(Correspondence referred to the
Director of Planning Services)
D - 4 Jim Watson, MPP, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
forwarding reporting requirements for the 2007 Municipal
Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) under Section 299 of
the Municipal Act; advising detailed definitions for each performance
measure will be released as part of the instructions for the 2007
Financial Information Return and that multi-year templates for use in
publicly reporting MPMP results can be accessed at
www.mah.Qov.on.ca; requesting staff inform local Municipal Services
Office when results have been published; reminding Council that in
the 2009 reporting year municipalities will begin reporting tangible
capital assets as assets and amortization as an expense in the
Financial Information Return (FIR) providing an opportunity for MPMP
to introduce efficiency measures based on total expenses; and further
advising of the launch of the Municipal Information Data and Analysis
System enabling municipalities to compare results to other
municipalities and to analyze MPMP results.
(Correspondence referred to the
Director of FinancelTreasurer)
D - 5 George Van Dyk advising he has received an invoice in the amount of
$1,188.75 for costs incurred for the compliance audit of John Mutton,
expressing concern that the information received did not constitute a
duly performed audit under the requirements of the Municipal
Elections Act, was not presented in the standard reporting format, and
contained personal opinions of the auditor. Mr. Van Dyk suggests
that a proper audit be performed by a qualified professional.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 15 -
January 14, 2008
Resolution #C-009-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the request from George Van Dyk to have a further compliance audit
conducted on John Mutton's election campaign expenses be denied; and
THAT George Van Dyk be advised of Council's decision.
D - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to Prime
Minister Stephen Harper advising that on December 12, 2007, the
Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to
Employment Insurance Eligibility and Links to Increased Poverty:
"WHEREAS Employment Insurance was historically implemented as
insurance against unemployment and, even though Employment
Insurance rates deducted from employees have continued to
increase, changes to eligibility criteria has substantially reduced the
percentage of workers who can access Employment Insurance when
they become unemployed; and .
WHEREAS in 2006 less than 27% of unemployed people in Ontario
were eligible for Employment Insurance, compared to over 80% who
were eligible in 1989; and
WHEREAS eligibility has shifted away from poor families, resulting in
those with the lowest income being the most severely affected by the
changes in criteria; and
WHEREAS a recent study by economists Monica Townson and
Kevin Hayes has shown that two out of three working women who
pay into Employment Insurance don't receive a single pen ny in
benefits if they lose their jobs, and only 4 in 10 employed men will
qualify for benefits if they become unemployed; and
WHEREAS a recent report from UNICEF reported one in six
Canadian children are living in poverty, a rate that is 20% higher
today than in 1989; and
WHEREAS under current rules the system penalized the unemployed
in Ontario given that in 2004, only 26% of unemployed Ontarians
were eligible for Employment Insurance, compared with 44% in
Quebec, 58% in Nova Scotia and 79% in Newfoundland; and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 16 -
January 14, 2008
WHEREAS there seems to be a correlation between decreased
eligibility for Employment Insurance and increased Ontario Works
caseloads; and
WHEREAS municipalities are responsible for 20% of the costs of
Ontario Works benefits and 50% of the administration costs; and
WHEREAS a significant recession will greatly increase the already
over burdened local property taxpayer to fund social assistance costs;
WHEREAS the media has reported the Federal government's
Employment Insurance surplus is $51 billion;
Government revamp the criteria for Employment Insurance to ensure
Employment Insurance acts as it was designed to be which is an
insurance program to assist during periods of unemployment, and
that the Premier of Ontario be called upon to advocate on behalf of
Ontario and the municipalities of Ontario to ensure that Ontario
workers are eligible for benefits under the Employment Insurance
program; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT copies of this resolution be
forwarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, Premier of Ontario, all
opposition party leaders, AMO, OMSSA, all Ontario municipalities,
alpha and SHSC."
Resolution #C-01 0-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the resolution from the Region of Durham with respect to Employment
Insurance Eligibility and Links to Increased Poverty be endorsed.
D - 7 Marion I. Koepke, CMO, City Clerk, City of Owen Sound advising
Council that the City of Owen Sound passed the following resolution
pertaining to the One Cent NOW! Campaign:
"WHEREAS a recent gathering on the steps of Parliament in support
of the One Cent NOW! Campaign took place as an expression of
support for transferring the equivalent of one cent of the G ST to
municipalities across the nation, and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 17 -
January 14, 2008
WHEREAS in recent years the Federal and Provincial governments
have downloaded costs to municipalities and reduced funding in
areas of infrastructure to municipalities making the request for
COMRIF funding competitive, and
WHEREAS the Federal government, effective January 1, 2008 has
reduced the GST to 5%, and
WHEREAS it is felt by the One Cent NOW! Campaign that lost capital
that would have been gained from the GST could be regained and
distributed to municipalities for infrastructure projects and would
deliver about 5 billion dollars per year to municipalities from coast to
coast to coast,
of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound hereby supports the
One Cent NOW! Campaign, and further
THAT funding gained from the One Cent NOW! Campaign be
distributed to municipalities to support local infrastructure, and further
THAT this resolution be forwarded to Prime Minister Stephen Harper;
The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Federal Minister of Finance; the
Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transportation,
Infrastructure and Communities; Larry Miller, M.P., Bruce-Grey-Owen
Sound; and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, seeking their
support of the efforts of municipalities in gaining funding toward local
infrastructure, and further
THAT this resolution be copied to Premier Dalton McGuinty; the
Honourable Dwight Duncan, Provincial Minister of Finance; the
Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal;
the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; Bill Murdoch, M.P.P.,
Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound; and Mayor David Miller, City of Toronto,
and further
THAT this resolution be copied to Stephane Dion, Leader of the
Federal Opposition Party and John Tory,' Leader of the Provincial
Opposition Party, and further
THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario
through an AMO broadcast seeking support of municipalities to gain
funding for local infrastructure projects."
Council Meeting Minutes
- 18 -
January 14, 2008
Resolution #C-011-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the resolution from the City of Owen Sound with respect to the One Cent
NOW! Campaign be endorsed.
0-8 George S. Graham, AMCT, CMC, Clerk-Administrator, The
Corporation of the Township of Brock, advising Counci~ that on
December 17, 2007, the Township of Brock passed the following
resolution pertaining to the proposed changes to the regulatory
framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material:
'WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and the Ministry
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) have proposed
changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source
Material (NASM), changes that could have major implications in the
Township of Brock.
AND WHEREAS non-agriculture source material (NASM) generally
includes materials like pulp and paper biosolids, sewage biosolids
and any other material that is not from an agricultural source that is
capable of being applied to agricultural land as a nutrient.
AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock has already taken a position
on paper fibre biosolids by requesting the Ministry of the Environment
(MOE) adhere to the findings of its own "Panel of Experts" to reinstate
a regulatory Certificate of Approval (C of A) on this non-agricultural
source material.
AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock has concerns regarding
some of the proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non-
Agricultural Source Materials. Concerns such as:
1. the appropriateness of placing the approval of NASM
(including the potential for material with high heavy metal
content) under the Nutrient Management Act;
2. the possibility of fine and penalty reductions for violations as a
result of being under the Nutrient Management Act as opposed
to the Environmental Protection Act;
3. the lack of a mechanism for the public to provide comments or
suggest conditions on a proposal to apply NASM on farm land;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 19 -
January 14, 2008
4. the lack of provisions to advise local municipalities of where
proposals for the application of NASM have been made and by
5. the loss of many of the regulatory controls that wou Id normally
be in place under a Certificate of Approval.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of Srock advise
the MOE and OMAFRA of our interest and concern for the proposed
changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source
Material and our wishes to be actively involved and consulted on
these and any other proposed amendments relating to the regulation
of NASM.
AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of
the Environment, Minster of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, local
MP and MPP, all Ontario municipalities and any other individuals or
associations as deemed appropriate."
Resolution #C-012-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak
WHEREAS the Ministries of the Environment and Agriculture, Food and Rural
Affairs have proposed a framework for the management of Non-Agricultural
Source Materials (NASM), which includes paper fibre biosolids, mun icipal
sewage biosolids and other wastes that are not produced on the farm, as set
out in the EBR posting 010-1436, and
WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington along with many other municipalities
and environmental groups have endorsed the recommendations of the Experts
Panel on Paper Fibre Bio-Solids and informed the Minister of the Environment
of that support, and
WHEREAS it is not clear how the proposed NASM framework addresses the
recommendations of the Experts Panel on Paper Fibre Sio-Solids which
confirmed that precautionary measures should be taken to ensure human and
environmental health such as the monitoring of groundwater and control by
Certificates of Approval (C of A) or similar legal agreements; and
WHEREAS the new framework will allow for the spreading, under certain
conditions, of municipal sewage biosolids, paper fibre biosolids and other
wastes that may harm the environment and human health without the
requirement of a C of A, and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 20-
January 14, 2008
WHEREAS the C of A for the municipal sewage biosolids provides the
Municipality with a measure of surety that there is continuous testing and
chemical analysis of the sewage biosolids, oversight of the contractors,
setbacks are enforced and the Municipality is informed of which fields are to be
WHEREAS it is acknowledged that some aspects of the NASM framework will
better address setbacks, soil conditions and other factors by shifting the
regulation of NASM to the Nutrient Management Act rather than the
Environmental Protection Act; however, there are numerous questions of how
the framework will be implemented, and
WHEREAS the Ministry is committed to a 3 step consultation process, which is
to include stakeholder consultation,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ministry of the Environment
and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs be advised of the
Municipality of Clarington's interest and concern for the proposed changes to
the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material and wishes to be
actively involved and consulted on these and other proposed amendments
related to Non-Agricultural Source Material; .
THAT the Municipality of Clarington is requesting the Minister of the
Environment hold a consultation session in Clarington to address the questions
outlined above and provide for the input from the Clarington agricultural
community and environment groups such as Protect the Ridges;
THAT the Province be requested to carry out a pilot of the new regulatory
framework prior to its implementation;
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of the
Environment; the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Durham MPPs,
the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, the Durham Region
Agricultural Advisory Committee, all Ontario municipalities and Protect the
D - 9 Carolyn Langley, Clerk, Township of West Lincoln, outlining their
concerns regarding proposed changes to the regulatory framework for
non-agricultural source materials (NASM) and requesting Council's
support in voicing concerns against the proposed changes to the
Ministry of the Environment and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). The complete document outlining
the proposed changes is posted for viewing and comment at
http://www.ebr.Qov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/ entitled "An Improved
Regulatory Framework for Non-Agricultural Source Materials.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 21 -
January 14, 2008
Resolution #C-O 13-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 be received for information.
D - 10 Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo,
advising Council that on December 17, 2007, the City of Waterloo
passed the following resolution pertaining to Provincial Sales Tax
Exemption for Municipalities:
'WHEREAS the City of Waterloo is one of many Ontario
municipalities with existing infrastructure renewal funding needs,
currently estimated at over $156 million for the City of Waterloo;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada has seen fit to exempt
all municipalities in Canada from paying the Goods and Services Tax
("GST") resulting in a $1.2 million per year benefit to the City of
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo pays approximately
$700,000.00 per year in Provincial Sales Tax ("PST").
1) the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo request
the Province of Ontario to fully exempt all Ontario
municipalities from paying PST, with the understanding that the
savings realized be mandated to fund existing infrastructure
renewal in local municipalities;
2) that this resolution be forwarded to:
the Prime Minister of Canada, Minister of Finance, Minister of
National Revenue, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure
&Communities, Minister of Public Works & Government
Services and Minister of Public Safety
the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Public Infrastructure
Renewal, Minister of Finance, Minister of Revenue, Minister of
Transportation and Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing
Council Meeting Minutes
- 22-
January 14, 2008
Association of Municipalities of Ontario,
Federation of Canadian Municipalities,
all Members of Provincial Parliament,
all Members of Parliament,
all local municipalities including the Region of Waterloo
all municipalities in Ontario with a request that those
municipalities endorse the City of Waterloo's resolution and
forward their endorsement to the Prime Minister of Canada,
Minister of National Revenue, Minister of Transport,
Infrastructure and Communities, Minister of Public Works and
Government Services and Minister of Public Safety and the
Premier of Ontario, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal,
Minister of Finance, Minister of Revenue, Minister of
Transportation and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing."
Resolution #C-014-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the resolution from the City of Waterloo with respect to Provincial sales
tax exemption for municipalities be endorsed.
D - 11 Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo,
advising Council that on December 17, 2007, the City of Waterloo
passed the following resolution pertaining to infrastructure funding:
"WHEREAS towns and cities are where the people of Canada work
and live and their long term sustainability is at risk without an
adequate infrastructure;
AND WHEREAS provincial and national economic prosperity is
inextricably linked to the well being and prosperity of towns and cities;
AND WHEREAS public ownership of infrastructure has shifted over
the past 50 years away from the federal and provincial governments
to become an increasing responsibility for municipal governments
such as the City of Waterloo;
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo requires revenues that grow
with the economy in order to contribute to the sustainability of its
Council Meeting Minutes
- 23-
January 14, 2008
AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Waterloo has introduced a
number of initiatives such as ten-year capital planning, continuous
improvement, public private partnerships and a proposed capital
investment contribution as the City's efforts to address the
infrastructure deficit;
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo has determined that its
municipal infrastructure deficit is approximately $160 million over the
next ten years;
AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo's infrastructure deficit would
require a one time municipal tax increase of 40% to be fully funded;
AND WHEREAS property taxes, for the most part, is a. very
regressive tax not based on economic growth, income or ability to
AND WHEREAS there is just a single taxpayer paying taxes to the
different levels of government;
AND WHEREAS, on average, municipalities collect eight cents of
every dollar of total government collected taxes for the services they
AND WHEREAS there are federal and provincial surpluses projected
over the next number of years;
1) the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo calls
upon the Provincial and Federal governments to re-examine
how municipalities are funded in regards to infrastructure and
work together with a view to providing long term and
sustainable infrastructure funding programs to assist the City of
Waterloo and all upper, lower and single tier municipalities in
addressing their infrastructure roles and responsibilities;
2) copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister of
Canada, the Premier of Ontario, Federal and Provincial
Ministers of Finance, Provincial Minister of Public Infrastructure
Renewal, Federal Minister of Transportation, all Members of
Parliament, all Members of Provincial Parliament, the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Federation
of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Big Cities Mayors'
Caucus of FCM;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 24-
January 14, 2008
3) all municipalities be encouraged to pass motions supporting
this resolution and forward to their relevant federal and
provincial representatives."
Resolution #C-015-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the resolution from the City of Waterloo with respect to Infrastructure
Funding be endorsed.
D - 12
Robert Hann, President, Valiant Property Management, requesting an
exemption to the Clarington Sign By-law to permit a sign area of 144
square feet (approximately 8' x 18') to accommodate multiple tenants
at the West Bowmanville Shopping Centre development.
Resolution #C-016-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT an increase in the size of the Clarington Place/Home Depot Pylon sign to
a maximum of 13.2 square metres be approved in principle, subject to the
submission of a Site Plan Amendment application for no additional fee.
Resolution #c-o 17 -08
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT an increase in the size of the Clarington Place/Home Depot Pylon sign to
a maximum of 10.2 square metres be approved in principle, subject to the
submission of a Site Plan Amendment application for no additional fee.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 25-
January 14,2008
D - 13 Tony Wood expressing concern that the information provided to .
Council from John Mutton, on behalf of Rod Cochrane, in support of
rescinding Resolution #C-634-07 which authorized staff to appeal the
decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Municipal
Board concerning Committee of Adjustment Application No. A2007-
0058 was flawed and without merit as the signature sheet did not
include a statement as to what the neighbours were signing and that
two of the closest neighbours had advised that they had not signed
anything in support of the application. Mr. Wood feels the motion to
rescind Resolution #634-07 should have been defeated or tabled until
an accredited signature sheet was provided and requests an
explanation of why the motion to rescind the previous resolution was
Resolution #C-018-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT Correspondence Item D - 13 be received for information.
D - 14 Dawn Whelan, Council Coordinator, City of Ottawa, advising Council
that on December 7, 2007, the City of Ottawa passed the following
resolution pertaining to a hotel room tax:
"WHEREAS the tourism and hotel industry create new economic
activity for the City of Ottawa which is appreciated but at the same
time creates new infrastructure and servicing for the City of Ottawa;
WHEREAS this increased economic activity does not generate much
in the way of new income to the city because the PST, GST and
corporate taxes which result from tourism and hotel activity are not
available to the city; the only tax that is available to the city is the
property tax,
BE IT RESOLVED the council petition the provincial government for
the authority to create a hotel room tax such that some of the
municipal costs created by the tourism and hotel industries can be
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this petition be forwarded to the FCM
and the AMO for distribution to their members."
Council Meeting Minutes
- 26-
January 14, 2008
Resolution #C-019-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Correspondence Item D - 14 be received for information.
D - 15 Martha Rutherford Conrad, Administrator, Clarington Museums and
Archives, advising Council that on January 9,2008, the Board passed
the following resolution pertaining to Bowmanville's 150th
Sesquicentennial celebrations:
"THAT the Clarington Museums and Archives Board directs the
Administrator to support the activities of the Bowmanville 150th
Committee through the use of museum resources and staff at her
discretion and within Museum budget parameters;
AND THAT this motion be forwarded to Council for endorsement
Resolution #C-020-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo
THAT the resolution from the Clarington Museums and Archives Board with
respect to the activities of Bowmanville 150th Committee be endorsed.
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report January 7. 2008
Resolution #C-021-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 7, 2008,
be approved.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 27-
January 14, 2008
Resolution #C-022-08
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Director of FinancelTreasurer and the
Solicitor concerning a Legal Matter be referred to the end of the agenda to be
considered during a "closed" session of Council.
There was no Business Arising from Notice of Motion considered under this section of
the Agenda.
Resolution #C-023-08
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the delegations of Linda Gasser, Kerry Meydam, Dave Renaud, Wendy
Bracken, Paul Andre Larose, Kristen Robinson, and Wayne Ellis be received with
THAT the delegates be advised their information is important; and
THAT they be welcomed to continue to address Council as the process unfolds.
(See following amending motion)
Council Meeting Minutes
- 28-
January 14, 2008
Resolution #C-024-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Resolution #C-023-08 be amended by adding the following:
"THAT the Regions of Durham and York be requested to delay the final selection of a
preferred site for the Energy from Waste facility until such time as the submissions in
response to the Request for Proposals have been reviewed, a preferred technology
and vendor has been selected, and the sensitivity analysis in relationship to the site
selection and the specific Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment has been
carried out;
THAT the final site selection be delayed until the business case for the Energy from
Waste facility has been adopted by the Regional Councils of Durham and York,
incorporating the appropriate costs for the Host Community Agreement as reflected in
Resolution #GPA-632-07 and #C-592-07; and
THAT the Regional Municipalities of Durham and York, the Joint Waste Management
Group and all delegations be advised of Council's decision."
Council Member Yes No Declaration of
Pecuniary Interest
Councillor Foster ..J
Councillor Hooper ..J
Councillor Novak ..J
Councillor Robinson ..J
Councillor Trim ..J
Councillor Woo ..J
Mayor Abernethy ..J
Resolution #C-023-08 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Resolution #C-025-06
Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the meeting be "closed" in order to consider a Confidential Verbal Report of
the Director of Finance/Treasurer and the Solicitor concerning a legal matter.
The meeting resumed in open session at 9:42 p.m.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 29-
January 14, 2008
Councillor Novak advised that she attended the Home Depot opening on
January 10, 2008 and extended greetings from the Municipality.
Councillor Hooper indicated that he represented the Mayor at the Eastern Ontario
Baseball Association meeting at the Bowmanville Legion.' ..
Councillor Foster announced that the Courtice Lions Club is hosting a Euchre night on
February 2.
Mayor Abernethy announced that Councillor Hooper and Woo will be celebrating
birthdays later in the week.
Resolution #C-026-08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2008-001 to 2008-08, inclusive; and
THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved.
2008-001 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(464367 Ontario Limited - Bob Craig)
2008-002 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2006-001 and any Mortgagee
whom has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality in respect of S-C-2006-001 (Black Creek
Developments Ltd.)
2008-003 Being a By-law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet,
until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the
Municipality for the year 2008
2008-004 Being a By-law to being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the
Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former
Town of Newcastle (Municipality of Clarington)
Council Meeting Minutes
- 30-
January 14, 2008
2008-005 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the
Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0005 and any Mortgagee
whom has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington in respect of S-C-2005-0005
(Municipality of Clarington)
2008-006 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of
Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington
2008-007 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-039, a by-law to appoint
members to the Clarington Traffic Management Committee for the
Municipality of Clarington
2008-008 Being a By-law respecting the assessment of the St. Marys
Cement lands at 410 Waverley Road South, Bowmanville
There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda.
Councillor Robinson questioned the amount the Municipality has paid to defend the
charges related to the Municipal Election and whether these costs can be recovered
from the individual who commenced the proceeding. The Municipal Clerk advised
that, to date approximately $48,000 had been expended and that a report would be
forthcoming at the next Committee meeting regarding the recovery of the costs.
Resolution #C-027 -08
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-009, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held
on the 14th day of January, 2008; and
THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 31 -
Resolution #C-028-08
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Woo
THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:53 p.m.
January 14, 2008
JANUARY 28, 2008
I - 1 Minutes of the Living Green Community Advisory Committee dated
October 2 and October 23,2007. (Copies attached)
I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
October 11, November 8 and December 13, 2007. (Copies attached)
I - 3 Minutes of the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
dated December 11,2007. (Copy attached)
I - 4 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated
December 12, 2007. (Copy attached)
I - 5 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory
Committee dated January 8, 2008. (Copy attached)
1-6 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, writing to the Honourable
John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment, forwarding a copy of
Council's correspondence supporting the Municipality of Morris-
Turnberry's resolution requesting the Province of Ontario to grant a
rebate for tire disposal that will provide an incentive to recycle tires
and prevent them from being stockpiled, burned and discarded on
roadsides and lots.
1-7 David Clark, Executive Vice President, Corporate Services, Veridian
Corporation, advising of a new dividend policy established for the
period 2007 through 2011; setting projected dividend payments of
$4.2 million for 2008, $4.4 million for 2009, $4.6 million for 2010 and
4.9 million for 2011; indicating interest payments totaling $4.6 million
will be paid annually on shareholder promissory notes; and advising
the Municipality's share of the dividend and interest payment is 13.6%
and that dividend will now be paid on a quarterly basis.
Summary of Correspondence
- 2 -
January 28,2008
I - 8 Susan Self, Chair, CTC Source Protection Committee, notifying
Council that preparations have commenced on the Terms of
Reference (ToR) for the preparation of the Assessment Report and
Source Protection Plan for the Toronto and Region Source Protection
Authority; advising of the establishment of a Municipal Liaison
Working Group to oversee the development of the ToR; and
requesting Council co-ordinate discussions on the Terms of
Reference with John Presta, member of the Source Protection
Committee representing Durham Region municipalities. The
correspondence indicates that material will be ready for sharing with
Municipal Councils in late April/early May.
1-9 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding the following information
concerning the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility:
a) Correspondence dated January 11, 2008, providing additional
information to questions and answers listed in the Region's
Energy-From-Waste brochure; extending appreciation to the
Region's Health & Social Services Committee for voting to re-think
the process of incineration; expressing dismay that Regional
politicians, in particular, Clarington's Municipal Councillors, are
spreading myths and half-truths regarding incineration; and
encouraging Members of Council to read her reports "Debunking
the Myths of Incineration" and "The Effects on Durham Region's
(and Neighbour's) Children".
b) Correspondence dated January 14, 2008, forwarding editorials
from the Toronto Star and the Orono Weekly Times and advising
she has made preliminary contact with the Ombudsman's Office
regarding a number of questionable issues regarding the process.
c) Correspondence dated January 14, 2008, extending an apology
to Local Councillors Foster, Hooper, Robinson and Woo for
insinuating they were spreading myths and half-truths regarding
incineration and advising of a Health and Wellness Fair being
held on February 2, 2008, at the Westminster United Church that
will include a table on incineration.
Summary of Correspondence
- ~ -
January 28,2008
d) Correspondence dated January 15, 2008, requesting an
explanation as to why Mayor Abernethy read the content of an
e-mail she received from Premier McGuinty regarding an
incinerator in Durham Region when she had expressly denied
permission for the e-mail to be used. Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford
stated the point of her sharing the e-mail was to illustrate the
limitations of the protections offered through the Ministry of the
Environment's incinerator guidelines and to point out that the
Province has a responsibility to take part in discussion about
waste alternatives.
e) Correspondence dated January 15, 2008, forwarding a list of
communities world-wide who have embraced the Zero Waste
philosophy and have achieved over 74% of waste diverted from
landfill and incineration due to reducing, re-using, recovery and
f) Correspondence dated January 20, 2008, advising of the 2008
Canadian Waste Resource Symposium being held in Halifax in
April, 2008.
I - 10 Correspondence has been received from individuals/groups listed
below in opposition to the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility citing
human health, environmental and financial concerns. The majority of
interested parties propose that increased waste diversion strategies
be investigated as an alternative method of waste disposal. (Copies
of all correspondence are on file in the Municipal Clerk's Department)
a) Gail Bradley
b) Kevin Church
c) Fred Cooke
d) Tracey Ali
e) David & Patricia Brennan
f) Margo Smith-Bischoff
g) Bischoff Family
h) Belynda Matula
i) Jo-Ellen McGillis
j) Heather Higgins
k) Jason Cooke
I) Shawn Giguere
m) Julie Morello
n) Lori Moore
0) Lisa Cochrane
p) Alfred Collins
q) Brad Mike
Summary of Correspondence
- 4 -
January 28, 2008
r) Natalie Stocker
s) Douglas Holdway
t) Durham Region Labour Council
u) Francois Roy
v) Annie Moisan
w) Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jimenez
x) Julia McCrea
y) Paul & Juliet Joseph
z) Willis and Marilyn Barraball
aa) Julian Bahmann
bb) Laura Ross
cc) Lezlie Fry
dd) Werner Valentin
ee) Bryan Beitle
ff) Peter Piels
gg) Holly Hatfield
hh) Dave James
ii) Dan Hall-Ufford
I - 11 Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa, writing to the Region of
Durham advising that on January 21,2008, the City of Oshawa
passed the following resolution pertaining to the proposed incinerator
in Clarington:
'WHEREAS correspondence was received from the Municipality of
Clarington dated December 11,2007 concerning the Durham/York
Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection
Process; and,
WHEREAS the Township of East Gwillimbury has unanimously
opposed the location of an incinerator within its boundaries and has
indicated that it is not a willing host community for an incinerator; and,
WHEREAS the Region of Durham has consistently refused to support
resolutions that would require any municipality in Durham to be a
willing host community before being considered for an incineration
site; and,
WHEREAS sites in Clarington will potentially cause a real and
demonstrated health hazard to the residents of Oshawa, with
prevailing winds depositing dioxin, furans, nanoparticles and other
noxious and poisonous materials over large portions of Oshawa;
Summary of Correspondence
- 5 -
January 28, 2008
1. That the Council of the City of Oshawa indicate to the Region of
Durham and to the Region of York that it is not a willing
recipient of the wastes and poisons discharged into the air from
a proposed incinerator potentially located in the Municipality of
Clarington; and,
2. That the Council of the City of Oshawa urges our neighbouring
Municipality of Clarington to join with East Gwillimbury to
indicate its opposition to an incinerator being located in
Clarington and that they pass a resolution indicating that they
are not a willing host municipality for any potential incineration
site; and,
3. The Regions of York and Durham are requested to agree to
protect the health and safety of the residents of Clarington and
Durham by incorporating into the design and installation of the
EFW facility the most modern and state of the art emission
control technologies that meet or exceed the European Union
EU monitoring and measurement standards; and,
4. The Regions of York and Durham agree to continue to support
an aggressive residual waste diversion and recycling programs
in order to achieve and exceed on or before December 2010 a
70% diversion recycling rate for the entire Region and such
aggressive programs shall continue beyond 2010; and,
5. That the Council of the City of Oshawa urge the Region of
Durham and the Region of York to respect the wishes of the
local Councils by committing to a protocol that would not allow
any incinerator to be located in any community that is not a
declared willing host community by a resolution of its local
council after public consultation; and,
6. That the Regions of Durham and York be requested to respond
to and address, early in 2008, the issues identified by the peer
review consultants that are necessary for the submission of the
EA documentation to the Ministry of the Environment; and,
7. That the Regions of Durham and York commit to including in the
Request for Proposals and Certificate of Approval, Maximum,
Achievable Control Technology (MACT) for the emission
standards and monitoring that the EFW facility will meet; and,
Summary of Correspondence
- 6 -
January 28, 2008
8. That the Regions of Durham and York be requested to delay the
final selection of a preferred site for the Energy from Waste
facility until such time as the submissions in response to the
Request for Proposals have been reviewed, a preferred
technology and vendor has been selected, and the sensitivity
analysis in relationship to the site selection and the specific
Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment has been
carried out; and,
9. That the final site selection be delayed until the business case
for the Energy from Waste facility has been adopted by the
Regional Councils, incorporating the appropriate costs for the
Host Community Agreement as reflected in Clarington Council's
Resolution GPA 632-07 and C-592-07 (Attachment 13 to
PSD-141-07); and,
10. That the Council of the City of Oshawa strongly urges all local
Councils in the Region of Durham and the Region of York to
support the actions taken in East Gwillimbury and to take similar
actions to those included in this resolution; and,
11. That a copy of this resolution be sent to all Regional and local
Councils and Council members in the Regional Municipalities of
Durham and York and to all MP's and MPP's in ridings located
within those Regions."
I - 12 Candi and Larry Gannon advising they are pleased to see that the
new Port Darlington Park will be developed at the lake front as they
feel it will be a great asset to the area.
I - 13 Evan Elford, Durham Farm Fresh Marketing Association, forwarding a
summary of the Association's Annual General Meeting highlighting
key goals, main events and the Association's accomplishments for
Summary of Correspondence
- 7 -
January 28, 2008
I - 14 Agatha Garcia-Wright, A/Director, Environmental Assessment and
Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment, responding to
correspondence from Mirka Januszkiewicz, Director, Waste
Management Services, Works Department, Region of Durham,
concerning the Durham/York Residual Waste Study Environmental
Assessment (EA) process, advising that the Ministry is of the opinion
that the Regions have not deviated from Step 7 of the Durham/York
Residual Waste Study Environmental Assessment (EA) process,
Evaluation of Alternative Methods, in the approved Terms of
Reference (TorR) to such an extent that an EA cannot be prepared in
accordance with it, provided that Step 7 has not yet been completed,
and that the consideration of the preferred site and technology
continue to move forward as set out in the ToR. The correspondence
indicates that any further adjustments to the EA process
contemplated, should be discussed in consultation with the Ministry
prior to their implementation.
D - 1 Chuck Clayton, President, Clarington Honda, requesting permission
to erect a tent on the roadway in front of 23 Spicer Square from
9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. on January 30, 2008, to hold a ground
breaking ceremony to celebrate the start of construction of Clarington
Honda. Mr. Clayton anticipates 60 to 70 people will attend the event.
(Motion to approve provided the
organizers apply for and obtain a Road
Occupancy Permit)
D - 2 Christine Avery Nunez, Co-ordinator, The Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh
Award, an award established in 1998 to celebrate and encourage the
heroic efforts of organizations dedicated to improving the wellbeing of
children by providing an annual gift of $50,000 to a charitable
organization; and inviting nominations of Ontario-based registered
charities deserving special recognition. The deadline for submission
of nominations is April 14, 2008.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Municipal Clerk to place an ad in the
local newspapers)
Summary of Correspondence
- 8 -
January 28, 2008
o - 3 Lori Riviere, Planning Department, Region of Durham, advising
nominations are being accepted until March 3, 2008, for the Durham
Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) Environmental
Achievement Awards, a program established to recognize individual
or group efforts in six award categories who promote, preserve and
enhance Durham's natural environment. Nomination forms are
available at www.reoion.durham.on.ca or by contacting Lori Riviere at
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Director of Planning Services)
D - 4 Lynda Shepherd, Office Administration, The Canadian Hearing
Society, Durham, advising of the proclamation of Mayas "Hearing
Awareness Month" across North America to promote public
understanding and awareness of the needs of culturally deaf, oral
deaf, deafened and hard of hearing Canadians and to emphasize the
importance of protecting our hearing; and, requesting that May 2008
be proclaimed as "Hearing Awareness Month" in Clarington.
(Motion to Proclaim)
D - 5 Cahl Pominville, Clerk, Municipality of North Grenville, advising
Council that on December 10, 2007, the Municipality of North
Grenville passed the following resolution pertaining to Funding and
Financing of Municipal Infrastructure Programs:
"WHEREAS Municipalities in the Province of Ontario continue to have
problems funding existing and new infrastructure;
AND WHEREAS fast growing Municipalities such as North Grenville
face particular difficulty in financing new infrastructure initiatives as
existing infrastructure funding programs are focused predominantly
on rehabilitation or replacement of existing infrastructure;
AND WHEREAS under the Constitution of Canada, the Provincial
Government has the authority and responsibility for Municipal issues,
including the finding and financing of Municipal infrastructure
North Grenville requests that the Government of the Province of
Ontario commit 1/8th of the current 8% Provincial Sales Tax to
Municipalities to fund Municipal Infrastructure Programs;
Summary of Correspondence
- 9 -
January 28, 2008
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Hon.
Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper,
Prime Minister of Canada, Hon. Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance
(Ontario) Hon. Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance (Federal)
Bob Runciman, Leader of the Opposition, Howard Hampton, Leader
of the Ontario NDP, Gord Brown, M.P. and John Tory, Leader of the
PC Party of Ontario, and to all Municipalities in the Province of
Ontario for consideration and endorsement."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 6 Tom Barrie, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington
(AACC), advising Council that on January 10, 2008, the AACC
passed the following three resolutions pertaining to Property Related
"WHEREAS the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is a
Committee constituted by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington
and composed of members of the local agricultural community
AND WHEREAS the Clarington agricultural community have been the
victims of numerous property related offences including trespass and
youth vandalism;
AND WHEREAS the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is
concerned that the lenient sentences handed down to youth,
convicted of these crimes, condone rather than discourage this
behaviour for the community at large;
1. THAT the Provincial Prosecutors be encouraged to seek
sentences which more accurately reflect the seriousness of this
situation and its impact on the agricultural community;
2. THAT the Provincial Prosecutors be requested to meet with the
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington in order to better
familiarize themselves with the effects of such offences on the
3. THAT input from the agricultural community be sought in any
youth diversion programs in order to help educate the offenders
on the seriousness of their actions;
Summary of Correspondence
- 10 -
January 28,2008
4. THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Mr. John O'Toole,
Member of Provincial Parliament and to Ms. Bev ada, Member of
Parliament for their information."
"WHEREAS the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is a
Committee constituted by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington
and composed of members of the local agricultural community
AND WHEREAS the Clarington agricultural community have been the
victims of numerous property related offences including theft of farm
produce and vandalism;
AND WHEREAS the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is
concerned that the lenient sentences handed down to individuals
convicted of these crimes condone rather than discourage this
behaviour for the community at large;
1. THAT the senior management of the Durham Regional Police
Service be encouraged to meet with the Agricultural Advisory
Committee of Clarington in order to better understand the
concerns of the members and the effects of these crimes on the
agricultural community;
2. THAT the Durham Regional Police Service be requested to take a
more aggressive approach towards enforcement of offences
involving harm to agricultural properties; and
3. THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Mr. John O'Toole,
Member of Provincial Parliament and to Ms. Bev Oda, Member of
Parliament for their information."
"WHEREAS the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is a
Committee constituted by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington
and composed of members of the local agricultural community
AND WHEREAS the Clarington agricultural community have been the
victims of numerous property related offences including theft of farm
produce and vandalism;
AND WHEREAS the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is
concerned that the lenient sentences handed down to individuals
convicted of these crimes condone rather than discourage this
behaviour for the community at large;
Summary of Correspondence
- 11 -
January 28, 2008
1. THAT the Crown Attorney's office be encouraged to meet with the
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington in order to better
familiarize themselves with the effects of these crimes on the
individual farmers and the community as a whole;
2. THAT Crown Attorneys be encouraged to seek sentences which
more accurately reflect the seriousness of this situation and its
impact on the agricultural community;
3. THAT Crown Attorneys be encouraged to actively seek Victim
Impact Statements from the victims of these crimes in order to
better guide the court in sentencing;
4. THAT input from the agricultural community be sought in any
sentence diversion programs in order to help educate the
offenders on the seriousness of their actions; and
5. THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Mr. John O'Toole,
Member of Provincial Parliament and to Ms. Bev Oda, Member of
Parliament for their information."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 7 Debra B. Roth, Clerk, Municipality of South Bruce, advising Council
that on January 8, 2008, the Municipality of South Bruce passed the
following resolution pertaining to a Provincial Ban on Cosmetic Urban
Pesticide Use:
"WHEREAS, the McGuinty Government is proposing a Provincial ban
on cosmetic urban pesticide use.
WHEREAS, many cities and towns across Ontario have already
implemented urban pesticide use by-laws - most of which
inadvertently also restrict or potentially restrict agricultural pesticide
use on land used for agricultural production located within and/or
adjoining these urban areas.
WHEREAS, a provincial ban will send a signal to the public that
pesticides are inherently dangerous; so much so that they need to be
banned. The anti-pesticide activists will swing their efforts and media
coverage towards agriculture promoting a similar ban or restriction on
pesticide use.
Summary of Correspondence
- 12 -
January 28, 2008
WHEREAS, the dangers of pesticides are related more to
irresponsible use than to the products themselves.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we request the
Provincial Government to implement a "Responsible Use Plan" for
urban pesticide use and not impose a ban on cosmetic pesticide use.
The components of a "Responsible Use Plan for Urban
Pesticide Use" would include:
a minimum training requirement for "anyone" to purchase or
apply urban pesticides - similar to Grower Pesticide Safety
Certificate that has been in effect for agriculture for many
a minimum training requirement for vendors selling urban
pesticides, similar to Vendor Pesticide Certificate that has
been required in agriculture for many years.
Some pesticide schedules to be applied by professionals
(licensed exterminators) only
a media campaign to educate homeowners on proper
pesticide use and to discourage cosmetic pesticide use.
AND FURTHER, that this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of
the Environment, Minster of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, local
MPP, and all ROMA municipalities."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 8 Janet Beckett, City Clerk, City of Port Colborne, advising Council that
on December 10, 2007, the City of Port Colborne passed the
following resolution pertaining to the Municipal Infrastructure Deficit:
"WHEREAS the 2007 FCM-McGill Municipal Infrastructure Survey
has estimated a $123.6 billion infrastructure deficit in 2007;
AND WHEREAS Canada's future prosperity, economic
development, international competitiveness and overall quality of
life is at stake if this infrastructure deficit remains unaddressed;
AND WHEREAS governments need to acknowledge this looming
crisis and to act immediately to address the problem by providing
long-term financing based on established priorities for both the
upgrade of existing infrastructure and the building of new
infrastructure and through the development and implementation of
new technologies, best practices and effective management;
Summary of Correspondence
- 13 -
January 28, 2008
City of Port Colborne supports the findings of the 2007 FCM-
McGill Municipal Infrastructure Survey and hereby petitions the
Federal and Provincial Governments to establish a national plan to
eliminate the municipal infrastructure deficit through the provision
of equitable long-term funding strategies, to prepare the
groundwork for effective management in the future and to
undertake a comprehensive, national study, involving all three
orders of government, to determine the size, scope and
geographic characteristics of the municipal infrastructure deficit;
AND FURTHER, that the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of
Ontario, John Maloney, M.P., P. Kormos M.P.P. and FCM be so
advised and this resolution be distributed through AMO to all
municipalities in Ontario for support."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 9 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that on
January 8, 2008, the City of Kingston passed the following resolution
pertaining to recognition of Sir John A. Macdonald Day:
"WHEREAS January 11 th is the recognized Birthday of Sir John A.
Macdonald; and,
WHEREAS Sir John A. Macdonald was a City Councillor, Father of
Confederation, Canada's 1st Prime Minister and a key builder of our
nation Canada; and,
WHEREAS Sir John A. Macdonald's roots in Kingston go far and
deep and given that Kingston is where the dream of Confederation
was born; and
WHEREAS Kingston is the final resting place of Sir John A.
Macdonald; and,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT from this day forward,
January 11 th be recognized as Sir John A. Macdonald Day in the City
of Kingston, with appropriate celebrations to that effect; and,
Summary of Correspondence
- 14 -
January 28,2008
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this proclamation be sent to all
Ontario municipalities with a population over 50,000 encouraging
them to declare likewise, and further that this notice be sent to the
Honourable Peter Milliken, MP for Kingston and the Islands, the
Honourable John Gerretsen, MPP for Kingston and the I slands, and
the Heritage Minister and encourage the Federal Government to
proclaim this as a National Holiday."
(Motion for Direction)
Municipality of C1arington
LivinSj Green
AIr ~"&1rii f!i!1FASTAIr
~....r...'jfflf""i' .._Jj,1f!Jr.:..tIT~
Community Advisory Committee
October 2, 2007
Committee Members Present: Amy Burke, Elva Reid, Glen Murphy, Helen Bajorek MacDonald,
Jonathan Wheatle, Kristin McKinnon-Rutherford, Richard Marceau, Ron Collis, Mayor Abernethy, and
Vanessa Hughes. Co-ordinators Present: Carlos Salazar, Jennifer Cooke, and Suzanne McCrimmon
Staff Present: Lisa Backus.
Regrets: Dave Clark, Councilor Novak, Madison Stange, and Susan Hajnik
AQenda Item Discussion Action
Opening Mayor Abernethy reiterated that the Committee needs to set
Remarks specific qoals.
Minutes Review Amend September 18, 2007 minutes Page 2, Other Business Susan H.
re: R2000 as a minimum standard.
. R2000 is a design specification for a new home. It
should be promoted as the minimum requirements.
Amend September 18, 2007 minutes, Add to Other Business. Susan H.
. Business should be given credit and recognition for
being Green and takino Green initiatives
Motion to approve Minutes dated September 18, 2007 Motion
with above amendments incorporated. Moved by Helen, Carried
Seconded by Jonathon.
Terms of Power point presentation by Carlos Salazar. This outlined
Reference the three key drivers behind the need for a Green Community
review Strategy; Climate Change, the Energy Crisis, and
Clarington's growing population. These key drivers will also
be the basis for the committee's work when providing input to
Municipality's Official Plan Review Sustainable Development
Green Case Power point presentation by Lisa Backus. The presentation Lisa to
Study outlined International and Canadian projects designed to provide to
achieve sustainable development, The presentation members
generated a number of project ideas that could be embraced
by the committee in the short term.
Other Tapping into the resources of our School Boards and services Madison &
Discussions clubs are key for the success of the committee's initiatives Helen
Website needs to be set up before the Green Star Expo in Jennifer
Recycling standards need to at least match the Regional
There needs to be 'incentives' to go green. Residential and Jonathon
Green Expo - The committee decided to have a booth at the Most
Green Expo November 2 and 3. Mayor Abernethy will ensure Members
the tickets will be paid for if members want to attend.
September 18, 2007
Page 1 of 2
A enda Item
To Do list
List of Projects
Next Meeting
Future Agenda
Times needed to staff booth Friday 10-9; Saturday 10-5.
Able to staff the booth: Amy Burke(Fri. after 5), Helen
Bajorek MacDonald(Sat), Richard Marceau, Ron Collis, and
Vanessa Hu hes Sat a.m. , Carlos Salazar Frida after 7 .
The Strategy will take time, and requires community
consultation. Update reports to Council every few months.
Draft of the Strategy ready by Fall 2008. Committee
members need to begin thinking of sections they would like to
focus on. Committee needs to get together in sub-
committees to work on small com onents of the strate
Ideas Session in every meeting. Each week a different
member willi resent a ro'ect or idea
Send ideas to Lisa for inclusion on the master Idea's List and
a enda.
Work Ian resentation ost. oned for the next meetin .
Each committee member agreed to bring to the next meeting
a) a project that has been undertaken elsewhere which we
could replicate/modify here in Clarington and b) a 'new idea'
for a project - either short or long term keeping in mind the
mandate of the committee.
These ideas should reflect the matrix presented and attached
to the minutes. The information contained within the matrix is
at the core of the Committee's long term goal to produce a
Green Communit Strate for Clarin ton-
Ideas to remain active until the committee has decided to
remove it from the list.
1. Building Standards - Promotion of R2000 or similar
standard . fOmoted as minimum standard for builders.
2. Com ostin for multi-residential
3. Green Event Guide -How to host an environmentally
res onsible event.
4. Batte rec clin - e-rec clin
5, Anti-idlin Cam ai n
6. Reusable shopping bags - education program (Local
a lication of the Durham Re ion ro ram
7. Student Com etitions -nei hbourhood or munici al.
8. Alternative ener Sources - develo ment standards
Next meeting will be held October 23, 2007 in the Library,
Mezzanine Meetin Room next to Dewe 's Cafe.
Minutes, Channel 12, Case Studies, Work Plan, Ideas
Session, Sample Table of Contents of a Green Strategy,
Green Ex 0 discussion. Next Ste s
September 18, 2007
Page 2 of 2
Municipality of Clarington
LivinS:! Green
-'LiITT. .~'L-'"
Community Advisory Committee M I NUT E 5
October 23, 2007
Committee Members Present: Amy Burke, , Helen Bajorek MacDonald, Jonathan Wheatle, Ron Collis,
Mayor Abernethy, Vanessa Hughes, Councilor Novak, Madison Stange, Dave Clark
Co-ordinators Present: Carlos Salazar
Staff Present: Lisa Backus. Susan Hajnik Marceau, Elva Reid, Glen Murphy, Gregory Smith
Aaenda Item
Opening Remarks
Minutes Review
Election of new
Elaine Garnett
Discussion Action
Mayor Abernethy noted that we have had good meeting so far.
Exciting things are coming. We will continue to meet frequently
for now, once everything is rolling we will move the meeting to
every 4 to 6 weeks.
Amend October 2, 2007 minutes Susan H.
· Gregory Smith was not present at the October 2, 2007
· Vanessa Hughes will replace Gregory Smith on
Motion to approve Minutes dated September 18,2007 with Motion Carried
above amendments incorporated. Moved by Dave Clark,
Seconded bv Amv Burke.
Kristin McKinnon-Rutherford has tendered her resignation from
Committee. It is unfortunate and we wish her well.
· Mary Novak nominated Amy Burke as new Vice-Chair
. Amy agrees to stand
· Vanessa Hughes seconds the nomination
. Vote taken - Amy Burke declared vice-chair Motion Carried
· New member at larae to be determined
Channel 12 is proposing a to engage all parts of the
community (government, private sector, non-profit groups
and general public) through communication, education and
competition, meeting part of this committee's mandate. The
Clarington Challenge will be lead by the Municipality of
Clarington with full participation for transparency and
accountability. Proposed partners like Veridian and Hydro
One would measure current energy consumption figures and
Waste Management and Miller Waste measure the solid
waste. The actual challenge will be measuring and reporting
energy & waste usage while creating a fun and friendly
"competition" that the whole community can get involved in.
The challenge would be year round to see how we measure
up through all seasons. Channel 12 would broadcast a
quarterly "report card" to make the challenge measurable and
to see ongoing progress. Ron & Richard
Everyone is requested to investigate different funding
September 18, 2007
Page 1 of 2
Agenda Item
Clarington Youth
Next Meeting
Future Agenda
This program is a perfect fit with the
communications/education module of our mandate
"That the Green Community Advisory Committee endorse the
Clarington green Challenge Proposal by Channel 12 as one
of the Committee's initiatives for Public Awareness and
And that staff and Channel 12 prepare a detailed workplan for
presentation to the Committee at its meeting in January,
Motion Carried
Moved by Dave, seconded by Amv
.Ways to involve Clarington Youth:
Mural competition -mural design, winner gets their mural
painted on a wall downtown.
Poster making contests - posters outlining environmental
issues; e.g., global warming. Designed to heighten public
awareness. A winner will be announced for each division:
primary, junior, intermediate, and senior.
Video competition - 2-3 minute film about problems and
solutions to environmental challenges in the community. CHEX
could sponsor the contest, or perhaps air the videos that came
1 st, 2nd, 3rd and honourable mentions.
Writing contest - poetry, short stories, or essays about
environmental problems. Winners' entries could be published in
the Clarington This Week
Solar soap box race
Student conference - involving students from local high
schools; could be arts based, action oriented, problem solving, or
Tree planting days
Awards - offer an award to an individual who demonstrates
environmental leadership in their community. There could be
several awards, one for each age group
A sub-committee should be formed to investigate these Madison/Helen
possibilities and to contact leaders of the environmental groups
from area high schools Madison and Helen will report back on
the formation of the sub-committee. The sub-committee will pick
a couple of proiects to run with.
Motion to Adjourn - Jonathan Motion Carried
Next meeting will be held November 27, 2007 in the Library,
Mezzanine Meetinq Room next to Dewey's Cafe.
Minutes, Channel 12, Case Studies, Work Plan, Ideas Session,
Sample Table of Contents of a Green Strategy, Green Expo
discussion. Next Steps
September 18, 2007
Page 2 of 2
Tom Barrie
Ted Watson
Mark Bragg
Henk Mulders
Gary Jeffery
Orwin Bandstra
Eric Bowman
Mary Ann Found
Councillor Gord Robinson
Faye Langmaid
Susan Hajnik
Brenda Metcalf
Ross McMaster
Donald Rickard
Jennifer Knox
Marlene Werry
Chair called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Adoption of AQenda
07 -17 Moved by Gary Jeffery, seconded by Eric Bowman
'That the Agenda for October 11, 2007 be adopted"
Approval of Minutes
07-18 Moved byQrwin Bandstra,seconded by Ted Watson
'That the minutes of the August 29, 2007 be approved."
The Well Wise Centre is holding a half day workshop about water testing, well
maintenance and groundwater source protection for members of the agricultural
community. The workshop will work to ensure that members of Durham's agricultural
community have access to accurate and consistent information about well management
practices. The workshop will be held on November 12 from 9 am to 12 noon at the Well
Wire Resource Centre in Orono. Space is limited so please register before November
The decommissioning of wells is an issue. The companies that do this work are
currently very busy.
Source Water Protection Committee
The Clean Water Act requires that a Source Protection Committee be established for
each Source Protection Region. Through source protection planning, committee will
identify potential risks to local water quality and water supply, and will create a plan to
reduce or eliminate these risks. Crowe Valley, Ganaraska, Kawartha, Lower Trent and
Otonabee conservation areas will be under the umbrella of the Trent Conservation
Coalition. The committee is to be composed of municipal representatives, stakeholders
from the industrial/commercial sectors, and members of the community allocated to
each of these sectors. Due to the way the areas have been sectioned there are three
positions available for members of the agricultural community.
For the Credit Valley, Toronto, CLOCA Source Water Protection Committee the
allocation of seats is different and there is only one seat for Agriculture on that
There will be further information on this at the next meeting, when GRCA will be on
hand to answer questions. In addition, by the next meeting the municipal
representatives to both committees will have been appointed and Faye can provide an
update at that time on who they are.
Farmers Parade of Liohts
Council has approved the application from the Farmers Parade of Lights. Committee
will again this year be sponsoring the parade. The parade will be December 5 this year.
The route remains the same.
2007 Watershed Awards
Mitch Morewetz has been nominated for a 2007 Watershed Award for his environmental
farm plan for a solar watering system for sheep, fencing of the creek valley and
crossing. Mitch prepared the environmental farm plan as part of one of his classed and
used a CLOCA stewardship grant to assist in implementing the plan.
October 11,2007
Other Committee Reports
407 Committee
Meets next week to discuss how they fit priorities together and how they worked trade
offs to come up with a route.
This years farm tour was successful. Three buses carrying 112 people did the tour.
Durham Federation of Aqriculture
Farm Connections is getting funding for their event. The Pork Producers are big on
agricultural education. They are having their promotional materials and displays put at
fairs and farm shoes across Ontario.
DRFA has leased a trailer that will be used to transport agricultural displays to fairs
throughout. Durham. If possible, they would like to get their agri-educational shows in to
urban areas. They will be approaching other commodities to inquire if they would like to
have their displays included.
The all-candidates meeting held in Port Perry had a poor turn out from the agricultural
DRFA is preparing a submission for the Premier's Awards for Farm Connections. The
Ag Committee will supply a letter of support for the nomination.
Farmers Parade of Liqhts
All permits are in place for this event to be held Wednesday, December 5,2007.
Future Aoendas
Mark Peacock and Pam Lancaster will be the guest at the November meeting.
Next Meeting
November 8, 2007
Moved to adjourn
Adjourned 9:20
AACC October 11,2007
THURSDAY, November 8, 2007
Tom Barrie
Ted Watson
Henk Mulders
Gary Jeffery
Orwin Bandstra
Brenda Metcalf
Donald Rickard
Jennifer Knox
Councillor Gord Robinson
Eric Bowman
Mary Ann Found
'. Bo~s McMaster
. Marlene Werry . ",'"
Mark Bragg
Chair called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Adoption of Aaenda
07 -19 Moved by Donald Rickard, seconded
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AooroValof Minutes,;."....
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07 -20 MoveCf.by GaryJeffei'y,..secondecfby'TedWatson
"That the minutes of the October 11, 2007 be approved."
Pam Lancaster and Mark Peacock from Ganaraska Region Conservation
Mark provided a presentation on Source Water Protection and how it could affect
farmers. Pam provided a presentation on the Clean Water - Healthy Land Financial
Assistance Program. (members as the meeting received handouts, attached for those
not in attendance).
Q-Lake Ontario has unlimited water quantity why be worried.
A-Not really unlimited, lots of water is being pulled out, the lake levels are down from
historic levels and they are international waters that we have agreements on.
Q-How are private wells protected by Clean Water Act
A- They were pulled out of Act as it was felt to be too broad and cumbersome.
However, if a private well is affected by others there are other types of recourses
available. The example cited was MTO having to drill new wells for a number of
residents south of 401. Staff have made this comment with regard to the 407, that there
should be monitoring of private wells and also replacement if need be.
Q-How far does are of influence go for lake supply area or streams that feed the
A-Is 2 hours, it depends on soil types, surfaces, etc. For many of the lake supply areas
it is the urban areas that are affected more than rural.
Q-The funding program is for GRCA but what about farmers that are not in that
A-CLOCA has similar programs, Faye will provide their brochure to the members that
are in the CLOCA watershed.
Q-Funding is up to 50%, are there other ways to oft-set.
A- Yes, there are other program that can be teamed up, like Environmental Farm Plan,
Tree planting funds, Oak Ridges Moraine funds. Whatever we can find we will team
them up. In-kind work also counts.
Pam will send us notices on the Community Forums (info sessions) for Source Water
Protection which are coming up in Orono/Kendal/Newcastle Website for the Trent
Source Water Protection Committee is www.trentsourceorotection.ca
For the Credit Valley, Toronto, CLOCA Source Water Protection Committee the
municipal representative is John Presta, the Director of Water Plants for Durham
Region. For the Trent Source Water Protection Committee the Municipal Rep is Bruce
Craig from Cobourg, he will work with a Municipal Working Group to bring all the
municipal reps together.
The Orono Wellhead Protection Zone Map should be added to the minutes.
November 8, 2007
2007 Watershed Awards
Mitch Morewetz will receive a 2007 Watershed Award for his environmental farm plan
for a solar watering system for sheep, fencing of the creek valley and crossing. Mitch
prepared the environmental farm plan as part of one of his classed and used a CLOCA
stewardship grant to assist in implementing the plan. Awards will be given out on
December 4th.
Resolution to Attorney General regarding penalties for vandalism, trespass, theft, etc.
Faye is working with By-Law and will bring something back to next meeting.
DAAC Farm Tour, Council received the report on the success of the tour.
The Well Wise Centre is holding a half day workshop about water testing, well
maintenance and groundwater source protection for members of the agricultural
community. The workshop will work to ensure that members of Durham's agricultural
community have access to accurate and consistent information about well management
practices. The workshop will be held on November 12 from 9 am to 12 noon at the Well
Wire Resource Centre in Orono. Space is limited so please register before November
Other Committee Reports
407 Committee
Staff report is being drafted. Will be available by November 16th, Faye will e-mail pdf to
members. Report will be at November 19th GPA meeting at 9:30 a.m. and Council on
November 26th at 7:00 p.m.
Ted, Eric and Faye attended the meeting on Tuesday evening to hear Dr. Ollson from
Jacques Whitford, the consultant on the Energy from Waste Facility for the Region
explain his comments about agricultural crops within the area of the EFW. Dr. Ollson
apologized for his comments and did not realize that they had been misinterpreted as a
warning to not buy local. The Region will be providing a fact sheet for DAAC to review
that will explain the effects of the EFW on local crops, etc. Durham Farm Fresh is also
working on messaging with the Region in this regard.
DAAC is working on submission to Finance Committee (at Region). Ted was looking
for examples of issues that have affected assessments, suggestions were the apple
storage! co-op, maple sugar operations, "green" energy on farms all being deemed as
commercial enterprises.
The student position on DAAC is vacant, suggestions are welcome.
November 8, 2007
Durham Federation of Aqriculture
Farm Connections, Mary Ann was preparing submission for Premier's Awards,
Committee provided a letter of support.
BioSolids Workshop
Members attending received the handout on the upcoming workshop in London on
December 12.
Bev Oda
Forum last Friday in Blackstock went well about 150 attendees.
Fisheries Permits
Ditches and creeks, etc are regulated by the Conservation Authorities and sometimes
fall under the federal Fisheries Act. The fines under the Fisheries Act can be quite
hefty, if you are doing ditching or other erosion control works get a permit from the CA.
There is currently a farmer in Eastern Ontario that has been charged under the
Fisheries Act for cleaning out a drainage ditch without a permit and is facing a $50,000
Worker Safety
A Leamington Area farmer has been charged by the Ontario Ministry of Labour when
his worker broke an ankle because of farmer not ensuring the worker was in a safe
position when he backed the harvestor up.
Future Aoendas
Next Meeting December 13, 2007 (Jennifer Stone from Clarington this Week) .
Moved to adjourn Donald
Adjourned 9:15
AACC November 8, 2007
THURSDAY, December 13, 2007
Ted Watson
Henk Mulders
Gary Jeffery
Brenda Metcalf
Donald Rickard
Eric Bowman
Mary Ann Found
Ross McMaster
Faye Langmai,d
Tom Barrie
Councillor Gord Robinson
Orwin Bandstra
"Jenflife'f1<nOj(""" ." ,
Marlene Werry
Mark Bragg
,...,.. ..
Gary Jeffery, Vice- Chair called the meeting to order at?:32'p.rTt
Adoption of Agenda
07 -21 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded bfRq~$~9~;
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. AoorovalOfMinutes
07 -21 MovecL by,Tedl,Natson,secoiic1edby Brenda Metcalf' .
'That the minutes of the November 8, 2007 be approved. n
Jennifer Stone - Metroland Publishing, Durham Region Media Group
Metroland, a division of Torstar has seven newspapers covering the Durham Region.
The Canadian Statesman and the Clarington This Week are the two papers devoted to
Clarington. The Canadian Statesman is being phased out as of next week. In addition,
they have www.durhamreqion.com which is the internet version of the paper. The
majority of their reporters live in this area.
Story ideas are derived from a number of sources. If someone cares enough to write to
the paper then that topic is probably worth a story. Press releases are shared by all
seven of metrolands papers. Story's are assigned by the editor to each reporter.
When writing a story the writer will interview many people and do volumes of research.
This can take from Y2 hour to many hours to complete. Longer versions of the story
appear on the internet and may be edited down (by an editor) for the newspaper.
What is a hard news story?
A hard news story is generally fact filled. Something that is happening right now. A
police story is one example.
And a soft news story?
An example of that would be something going on at a school - like a fund raiser.
When dealing with story's it is important to keep in mind the deadlines that reports work
by. There are three cut-off times during the day......9 am, 11 am and 7 pm. The first
story's of the day need to be ready by 10:30 am. Print stories have to be ready by 3 pm
to make the press run.
The web site is updated frequently to keep it current. The story's on the web can
generally be longer as there is no space constraint. This web site receives 200,000
unique hits weekly.
If you read an article in Ag Ontario that you think is something that everyone should
know call or e-mail Jennifer and she will investigate. If you have an idea for a story that
would be of interest to others please contact Jennifer (Jennifer distributed her cards to
all the members).
The committee agreed to provide Jennifer with the committee membership list, e-mails
and phone numbers and their areas of expertise in agriculture. Gary will provide an
additional list of others (like organizations and commodity group contacts) to Jennifer.
Business Arising from Minutes
The CLOCA Awards were handed out. Mitch Morewetz received an award for his
Environmental Farm Plan implementation, fencing off the creek, a hard creek crossing,
as solar powered cattle and sheep watering system, etc.
December 13,2007
Committee received a copy of the Council Resolution for the 407 Report.
The consultant would like to come back and speak with the Ag Committee when they
get closer to dealing with some of the functional design issues (where driveways are,
field accesses, etc).
Reports from Committees
EFW is still being discussed. DAAC has requested that if the EFW be the very best
technology, not the cheapest.
There is a new Durham Region tree cutting by-law in the works which appears to allow
farmers on class 1, 2, & 3 land to clear for farming purposes; however they will be
subject to fees. This will override the Clarington by-law which exempts farmers from
DAAC is meeting with MPAC to try to get more details on how items are being
assessed. There seems to be a lot of discrepancies in assessment, most notably
involving bunk houses. Some are being taxed at the farm rate, while the farmer next
door is having his taxed at the residential rate. There are also a number of questions of
how "green energy" is being assessed at commercial rates.
Durham Federation of Aariculture
The annual meeting was held on October 2. Scott Swain is the Ontario rep. There was
a presentation from the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. Efforts on working closer with
the business sector are ongoing.
November 19 and 20 were the annual conference. Farm income will be a priority again
this year.
Farm Connections is still in the running for a Premiers Award, Mary Ann has been
interviewed. '
Other Business
Farmers Parade of Lights
Had a couple of issues with the police closing roads to early this year. This will be
addressed in a meeting with the police and participants at Eric's home early in 2008.
Future Agendas
January - Leslie Benson from Engineering Services on the Site Alteration by-law
February - Wetland Legislation
Moved to Adjourn Eric
AACC December 13,2007
St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday December 11, 2007
6:00 p.m. - St. Mary's Cement Technical Centre
Attendees: Glenda Gies, Port Darlington Community Association
John Roxborough, Port Darlington Community Association
Ernest Birnie, Wilmot Creek Residents Association
Ruben Plaza, Environmental Manager, St. Marys Cement
Candice Kay, Human Resources Manager, St. Marys Cement
Martin Vroegh, St. Marys Cement, Corporate Environment Manager
Wilson Little, Director of Engineering, Lands and Environment, St. Marys Cement
Michael Smith, Quarry Manager, St. Marys Cement
Cindy Strike, Municipality of Clarington
Visitors: Phil Dunn, MOE
Willie Woo, Councilor, Municipality of Clarington
Regrets: Rick Rossi, Port Darlington Community Association
Brent Mavin, Municipality of Clarington
1. Adoption of Agenda
Moved by John Roxborough, seconded by Ruben Plaza.
2. Adoption of
a) Notes from September 18, 2007 Meeting
No comments.
3. Report on discussions with MOE re PM 10 dust monitoring plan
Resident raised concerns regarding parking of MOE and St. Marys vehicles at the end of
the 300s of Cove Road during investigation of the possible monitoring site. It was noted
that parking would be required on an on-going basis to accommodate maintenance of
the monitoring station.
ACTION: Cindy will investigate ownership of the land that would be used for parking.
4. St. Marys Operations Report
a) Quarry
. Quarry dust releases
Operations are continuing on bottom two benches (level 3 and 4) to open up an area to
accommodate quarrying deeper.
Water trucks continue to operate to minimize dust releases from operations.
St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2007
Page 2
Blasting schedule is typically once or twice per week. Emails are forwarded to the
newspaper for publishing one week in advance. Plan shutdown in Q1 will likely reduce
blasting frequency.
Height of overburden storage pile at east end of site has been reduced to just below the
berm height. This level will be maintained as more overburden is removed and stored.
· PM 10 monitoring results
No exceedences of PM 10 since September meeting. 2007 exceedences are limited to
3 at Hutton Transport and 1 at OPG in May/June. No exceedences at dust fall
monitoring stations in 2007.
. Blast monitoring
No exceedences of ground vibrations in 2007. One air vibration exceedence in June
2007 at the Cedarcrest monitoring station.
A map was presented showing the locations of the monitoring stations in relation to the
blasting locations to better understand the different levels measured from the same blast
at each location.
. Stack emissions
A total of 4,354 tonnes of S02 emissions are allowed year to date compared to 3,480
tonnes actually released. Total allowable emissions for 2007 are 4,620 tonnes.
A total of 4,019 tonnes of NOx emissions are allowed year to date compared to 3,654
tonnes actually released. Total allowable emissions for 2007 are 4,264 tonnes.
. General quarry operations
b) Dock
· Dock storage management and procedures
· Monitoring of dock releases
· General dock operations
St. Marys plans to install a camera and the weather station in the next few weeks.
Source of power and communication system were issues but will be addressed by using
solar power and wireless communication.
Camera will scan the dock. Images will be taped and directed to the control room for
5. St. Marys Public Relations
a) Newsletter
The next newsletter is planned for mid to late January 2008. While the primary topic will
be blasting, other suggestions included:
St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2007
Page 3
. Report on the organic material that washed onto the beach and was sampled
and analyzed by St. Marys
. Report on changes to dock operating and monitoring procedures
b) Other
St. Marys presented a list of community organizations that had received donations from
St. Marys in 2007.
6. Westside Marsh Monitoring Report
a) Habitat Works video
b) Water levels and quality
c) Fish habitat
d) Other
The Habitat Works video was viewed.
St. Marys has retained a consultant to survey residents to compile data on
characteristics of local wells and, for some wells, water levels. Results are expected in
Westside Marsh rehabilitation construction ended in late 2006. 2007 is therefore the
first year of the ten year monitoring program. The 2007 monitoring program was
reduced compared to the remaining years of the monitoring program. The first of the
monitoring reports will be due in 2008 and will address:
. stream bank erosion
. water levels
. fish habitat
. some vegetation
7. Community Concerns
a) Received by St. Marys and the Municipality of Clarington
Two complaints about blasting:
. from 118 West Beach Road regarding blasting on November 7th
. from John Roxborough on December 6th
St. Marys reports that both blasts were on level 3 and that they could not identify a
source of the reported problem.
A complaint regarding the plume was made to the MaE on October 26. It was a clear,
cold day and the raw mill, which contributes to scrubbing, was not operating.
b) Responses provided
St. Marys made a number of attempts to contact the resident at 118 West Beach Road,
but was not successful. The complaint through the MaE was made anonymously and
follow up was not possible.
St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2007
Page 4
8. Other Business
St. Marys reported they were awarded the CIPEC Leadership Award in the category of
Employee Awareness and Training, reflecting their employee education program to
conserve energy.
9 Next Meeting
6:00 pm Tuesday March 4,2008
St. Marys Technical Centre
December 12, 2007
Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre
62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario
K. Isnor, Chair
B. Colville
W. Tanner
J. Witheridge
M. Carlton
S. Laing
1. Rook
Mayor Abernethy
P. Ford
Councillor Robinson
J. Murray
M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator
M. Home, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:05 p.m.
Moved by: J. Witheridge
Seconded by: S. Laing
THAT the agenda be approved.
Moved by:
S. Laing
Seconded by: J. Rook
THAT the minutes of the October 10, 2007 Board Meeting be approved, with the
corrections on page 4 ofthe spelling of the name ofB. Colville.
Page 1
Moved by:
J. Witheridge
Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy
THAT the Long Term Vision Update be tabled to the February 2008
(b) The Board Members were shown the new website on screen by the
Administrator. Discussion took place and it was agreed that the website
was well done. A request was put forward to include an option on the
website to print blank forms.
Finance Committee:
The Finance Chair discussed the report with the members. The Administrator
advised that the Provincial Grant had not been received as yet; also, Federal
Grants from the Work Experience program are still outstanding.
New revenue is being received from the events programs which are all full to the
end of December and into the New Year. The programming at Clarington
Museums was recently used as an example of a successful community museum
during discussions at the Scugog Shores Museum as they considered new
museum space for programming.
Moved by:
S. Laing
Seconded by: B. Colville
THAT the Finance Committee Report be accepted.
Friends Report
S. Laing reported for the Friends of the Museum, stating that they had collected
$1,036.77 on the day of the sale in addition to another $200 collected since the
Craft and Bake Sale. By the end of the season she expects to reach $1400.00
revenue from the Craft and Bake Sale items. This money is used for projects at
the museum. Thanks was expressed on behalf of the Board to the Friends of the
Page 2
The Administrator reported that 240 visitors had visited the Bowmanville
Museum at the annual Open House. The Clarke Museum will be the site for
Hogmanay on January 13th. The members were givcn a chart showing the event
numbers to be up for 2007.
Moved by:
J. Witheridge
Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy
THAT the Administrator's Report be accepted.
a) Policy Manual
Section 3 of the Policy Manual was given to the Board members to be inserted in
their Policy binders. As the new board will be selected at the January meeting it was
suggested by the Administrator that a committee be set up to review the Policy
Manual and bring it up to date; also, Sections 11 and 15 of the manual need to be
approved by the Board.
b) Mayor's Levee
Discussion was held re the Mayor's Levee which will be held in January at the Beech
Centre and a suggestion was made by Mayor Abernethy that we try to keep the
people entertained while they stand in line to greet Mayor and Councillors. It was
suggested that the museum have a display similar to last year's Levee. The Mayor
mentioned that it would be the 'kick off for the Bowmanville 150 and that perhaps
this could be incorporated. The 150 celebration was discussed and the Administrator
advised the she was asked to serve on the Committee and that the Sarah Jane
Williams Heritage Centre had been suggested as headquarters.
The next meeting of the Clarington Museums & Archives Board will take place
on JANUARY 9, 2008 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre, commencing
at 7:00 p.m. This Board Meeting will also include the election of members.
Moved by:
J. Witheridge
THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:15 p.m.
Page 3
Minutes for the December 12,2007 meeting of the Clarington Museums and
Archives Board have been accepted and approved on
Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board
Administrator, Clarington Museums and Archives
Page 4
Draft minutes - Not vet approved bv Committee
AT 7:00 P.M.
(V oting)
David Best
Jim Cleland
Dan Stanoi
Arthur Burrows
Joe McKenna
John Stoner-Chair
Also Present: Jennifer O'Donnell
(Non- Voting)
Peter Windolf
Jim Kamstra
Karin Murphy
Jim Richards
Warren May (MNR)
Kerry Meydam
Brian Reid
Councillor Willie Woo
Greg Wells (GRCA)
1. Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.
Acceptance of Agenda
MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by Jim Cleland
THAT the agenda for January 8, 2008 be accepted.
2. Minutes of November 13, 2007
*Note - There were no minutes from December due to a lack of quorum.
There were no corrections to the minutes.
Approval of Minutes
MOVED by Joe McKenna, seconded by David Best
THAT the minutes of November 13,2007 be approved.
3. Issues arising from the Minutes
There were no issues arising from the minutes.
4. Sub-Committee Reports
No work has been done on relocating the trail next to the bluff since our last meeting. The
maintenance sub-committee will wait for more favourable weather.
The winter newsletter is almost done and there should be a draft ready for review in a
week or two.
s. Updates
SWNA Presentation to Council
At the February 11 Council meeting Chairman John Stoner will show the SWNA
PowerPoint presentation to Council and also update Council on the Committee's
activities. This meeting will be televised on Rogers starting at 7:00 PM. SWNA members
are encouraged to attend.
2008 CFWIP Application
MNR has invited the Committee to apply to CFWIP again in 2008. The deadline is
February 1 st. After discussion it was decided that this year's application will include
expanding the barrier planting along Toronto Street further north.
Possible Relocation of Waterfront Trail
A portion of the Waterfront Trail crosses the Hydro right-of-way between Toronto Street
and the creek valley. The Municipality has a lease agreement with Hydro One for the
trail over their land which requires the Municipality to pay 50% of the realty taxes each
year. Staff is investigating relocating the trail off the Hydro One lands and if the existing
agreement with Hydro One can be altered. There has been no response yet from Hydro
Waterfront Regeneration Trust Bike Rally
In July the Waterfront Regeneration Trust is organizing a bike rally across the Waterfront
Trail from Niagara-on-the-Lake to the Quebec border. After an overnight stop on July 6
at Darlington Provincial Park the rally will cycle through Clarington on Monday July 7
heading for Presqu'ile Provincial Park in Brighton. The rally should reach the SWNA at
approximately 1 0:30 or 11 :00 AM. The Municipality will host a refreshment break at the
Port of Newcastle Waterfront Park or Bond Head Park. It is anticipated that 200-300
cyclists will participate. There may be a need for volunteers to direct riders or to answer
questions at the SWNA. John Stoner has volunteered to assist on July 7.
Evergreen Green Grant
John Stoner read the reply letter from Evergreen regarding the SWNA funding
application. The reply states that, while the application was denied, it will be
automatically entered for the 2008 grants.
Special Events
John has been liaising with his contacts with Adopt-a-Pond to arrange a presentation at
the SWNA during the middle of May. He will talk to Karin Murphy about whether
bringing a school group during the week or if having it on a weekend would be better.
The Special Events Committee will also begin to discuss any other events at the SWNA
in 2008.
6. Other Business/Next Meeting
8:15 P.M.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday February 19, 2008
7:00 p_m_
Meeting Room 1A
Please note that February 19 is the third
Tuesday in February.
Notes prepared by J. O'Donnell
THAT Report CAO-001-08 be received; and
THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute an ag reement with the
Clarington Board of Trade for the provision of economic development services,
subject to the following terms:
a) A three-year contract for 2008 to 2010 inclusive with the option for a one
year automatic renewal subject to agreement by both parties and at a 3
percent fee increase;
b) The fee for service shall be $103,000 for 2008; $106,500 for 2009 and
$110,000 for 2010;
c) The responsibilities assigned to the Board will be under the general
umbrella of economic development with special focus on business
attraction and retention;
d) The Board shall report and update council quarterly pertaining to all
economic development activities undertaken;
e) The Board and its employees shall refrain from engaging in any activity that
would negatively impair the relationship between the Municipality and the
Board; and
f) The Municipality will continue to provide free office space to the Board at
the Tourism Office at Liberty Street/Highway 401.
THAT Report COD-001-08 be receiv~d for information;
THAT $20,000 be added to the Advertising Budget to allow for the publication of a
quarterly communique; and
THAT a status report on the publication be provided to the General Purpose and
Administration Committee in the fall of 2008.
Report #1
January 28, 2008
THAT Report FND-001-08 be received;
THAT the base 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets as outlined in Schedule "A" to
Report FND-001-08, at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.91 % (exclusive of tax
policy impacts), be approved, with the following amendments:
a) THAT the Insurance Account be reduced to $50,000 from $100,000
b) THAT the Newcastle Aquatic Facility Account be reduced by $250,000
c) THAT the Veridian Dividends Account be increased by $27,200
d) THAT the operation of Total Hockey cease as of March 1,2008,
recognizing an overall budget savings of $45,000
THAT the Tax Levy Support to Capital ($314,597) be approved;
THAT the Health and Safety Ergonomics/Documentation Account be approved in
the amount of $10,000;
THAT the PSAB Report Account be approved in the amount of $20,000;
THAT the Abandoned Cemetery Board Account be increased by $7,000;
THAT the Sidewalk Maintenance (Not Salary) Account be increased by $19,000;
THAT the Catch Basin/Storm Sewer Professional Fees Account be increased by
THAT the Pavement Marking Account be increased by $10,000;
THAT the Rural Roads Surface Treatment Account be increased by $100,000;
THAT the Dust Control Account be increased by $17,000;
THAT the Sanding/SaltinglWinter Maintenance (Not Salary) Account be increased
by $20,000;
THAT the Bowmanville 150th/Holiday Train Account be approved in the amount of
THAT the following positions be approved:
a) Two Labourers (Operations Department)
b) Mechanic Apprentice (Operations Department)
c) Senior Planner (Planning Department)
d) Part-Time Parking Enforcement Officer (Municipal Clerk's Department)
e) Part-Time Clerk 1 - Animal Services (Municipal Clerk's Department)
THAT Schedules "C", "D" and "E", attached to Report FND-001-08, outlining
Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions be approved;
Report #1
January 28, 2008
THAT approximately $1,000,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve
Fund to offset the tax rate impact;
THAT the financing of capital projects, as outlined in the document attached to
Report FND-001-08 be approved;
THAT the capital forecast be received for information;
THAT the external agencies, referred to in Report FND-001-08 be advised of
Council's decision regarding their grant request;
THAT the 2008 departmental business plans included in the document attached to
Report FND-001-08 be received for information;
THAT for 2008, the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament be directed to
the Memorial Hospital Foundation - Bowmanville, with the tournament to be
continued to be administered by municipal staff;
THAT titles and name changes be approved as identified in Report FND-001-08;
THAT as referred from the 2007 budget process, $53,000 be approved for funding
for physician recruitment to be drawn from the Economic Development Reserve
Fund subject to the approval for reserve fund contributions noted above;
THAT $10,500 for the Living Green Committee be identified in the Planning
Services "Committee" Budget, pending a report to Council on January 28, 2008;
THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2008 tax requirements for Municipal,
Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final
tax policy information is available.
(a) EGD-003-08 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for December 2007
(b) ESD-002-08 Monthly Response Report - December 2007
THAT Report PSD-007-08 be received;
THAT provided that there are no significant issues raised at the Public Meeting,
the application to amend the Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 84-63, as
amended, as contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-007-08 be approved;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-007 -08 and Council's decision be forwarded to the
Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-007 -08 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-008-08 be received; and
THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made
on December 6 and December 20, 2007 for applications A2007 -0059 and A2007-
0064 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to
defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment.
Report #2
January 28, 2008
THAT Report PSD-009-08 be received;
THAT the request for Removal of Part Lot Control by Aspen Springs West Limited
with respect to Block 48 on Plan 40M-2214 and Block 76 on Plan 40M-2240 be
THAT the Part Lot Control By-Law attached to Report PSD-009-08 be passed
pursuant to Section 50(7.1) of the Planning Act and a copy forwarded to the
Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-009-08 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-010-08 be received;
THAT the correspondence from the Municipality of Brockton regarding the funding
of Conservation Authorities be received; and
THAT the Municipality of Brockton, our member Conservation Authorities and
Conservation Ontario receive a copy of Report PSD-010-008 and be advised of
Council's decision.
THAT Report EGD-004-08 be received;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Municipal Access
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Bell
Canada; and
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Municipal Access
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Rogers
Cable Communications Inc.
Report #2
January 28, 2008
THAT Report EGD-005-08 be received;
THAT the request for an all-way stop at the intersection of Rosswell Drive and
Southfield Avenue be denied; and
THAT staff periodically monitor Southfield Avenue for speeds as part of the Traffic
Watch Program and encourage residents to participate in the Road Watch
THAT Report EGD-006-08 be received;
THAT Council authorize the publication of a notice of application that the
Municipality intends to pass a by-law to close that part of the unopen 4.88 metre
wide road allowance situated immediately south of 49 Perry Avenue, Hampton,
(Attachment No.1 to Report EGD-006-08) and in Lot 18, Concession 5, Former
Township of Darlington, pursuant to section 34 of the Municipal Act and By-Law
No. 95-22;
THAT when Section 34 of the Municipal Act and By-Law No. 95-22 have been
complied with, Council pass a by-law and declare that portion of the 4.88 metre
wide road allowance situated immediately south of 49 Perry Avenue, Hampton, to
be surplus;
THAT subject to Council's consideration of any representations made at the public
meeting respecting the passing of by-laws declaring the subject lands to be
surplus, and authorizing the closure of the subject lands as a public highway and
its conveyance to the applicant, Council pass the necessary by-laws to implement
Report EGD-006-08;
THAT the request from Mr. Andy Meima to legally close the unopen portion of
Edmonson Avenue (Attachment No.1 to Report EGD-006-08) be denied;
THAT the applicant pay all legal, advertising, appraisal and land costs associated
with this transaction; and
THAT Mr. Andy Meima be advised of Council's decision.
Report #2
January 28, 2008
THAT Report EGD-007 -08 be received;
THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of
Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related
Works, constructed within Plans 40M-2185 and 40M-1816; and
THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-007 -08, assuming
certain streets within Plans 40M-2185 and 40M-1816 as public highways.
THAT Report CLD-001-08 be received;
THAT the complaint process within the Property Standards By-law remain
unchanged; and
THAT Mr. John Mutton and Mr. John Rice be advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report CLD-002-08 be received; and
THAT a copy of Report CLD-002-08 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of
Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee.
THAT Report COD-002-08 be received;
THAT the Lease Extension from the Theatre Dance Academy for the lease of
space in the Courtice Community Complex in the amount of $18,800.00 per year
for the term of February 1,2008 to January 31,2013 be approved; and
THAT the By-law attached to Report COD-002-08, marked Schedule "A",
authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the lease agreement with the
Theatre Dance Academy be approved.
Report #2
January 28,2008
THAT Report COD-003-08 be received;
THAT the Lease Agreement Renewal from CLOCA for the use of the Hampton
Valley Lands in the amount of $2.00 per annum for the term of January 1, 2007 to
December 31,2012 be approved;
THAT the Hampton Citizen's Association be advised of the lease renewal; and
THAT the By-law attached to Report COD-003-08, marked Schedule "A",
authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the Lease Agreement with CLOCA
be approved.
THAT Report FND-002-08 be referred back to Staff; and
THAT Staff report back at the February 4th, 2008 GPA meeting on the following to
ensure openness, transparency and accountability:
· Direction regarding item 2.11 of Report FND-002-08; and
· Details regarding items 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of Report FND-002-08, particularly
who is going to pay what, when and how.
THAT Confidential Report CAO-002-08 and CAO-003-08 be received; and
THAT the actions taken as identified in the attachment to Confidential Report
CAO-002-08 and CAO-003-08 be endorsed.
THAT the presentation of Tom Barrie, Agricultural Advisory Committee be
received with thanks.
THAT the presentation of Mirka Januszkiewicz be received with thanks.
THAT the presentation of Peter Watson be received with thanks.
Report #2
January 28, 2008
THAT the delegation of Markus Lise be received with thanks;
THAT the Director of Corporate Services consider placing a link on the Clarington
Website to Mr. Lise's website to assist in promoting the Sea to Sea Ending the
Cycle of Proverty event; and
THAT Mr. Lise be supplied with a Municipality of Clarington promotional clothing
THAT the delegation of John Stephenson be received with thanks.
THAT the delegation of Kerry Meydam be received with thanks.
THAT the delegation of Louis Bertrand be received with thanks.
THAT the request from the Ontario Horticultural Society to waive the hall rental fee
for a fund raising event be referred to the Director of Community Services to be
considered in the 2008 Grant Process.
WHEREAS on December 13, 2004, Council passed By-law 2004-253 to "opt in" to
providing civil marriage services;
AND WHEREAS the authority to provide the civil marriage services extended to
those services held Monday to Friday in the Municipal Administrative Centre only;
AND WHEREAS the fee for civil marriages was set at $250 to cover the cost of
staff time and use of the Municipal Administrative Centre;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Clerk has received a request to perform a civil
marriage service outside of the parameters set by By-law 2004-253:
MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON THAT the Municipal Clerk be authorized to
perform a civil marriage service on Saturday, September 6,2008 at the Newcastle
Community Hall;
THAT the $250 fee be waived in this instance; and
THAT the appropriate by-law be forwarded to Council.
Report #2
January 28, 2008
THAT the Director of Community Services report back to GPA on the viability of
waiving the entrance fees to Total Hockey.
THAT the actions taken in the Closed Meeting be approved.
January 28, 2008
2008-010 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning
By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Shell
Canada Limited) (Item 2 of Report #2)
2008-011 Being a By-law to exempt certain portions of Registered Plans
40M-2214 and 40M-2240 from Part Lot Control (Item 4 of
Report #2)
2008-012 Being a By-law to authorize a Municipal Access Agreement with
Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (Item 6 of Report #2)
2008-013 Being a By-law to authorize a Municipal Access Agreement with
Bell Canada (Item 6 of Report #2)
2008-014 Being a By-law to establish, layout and dedicate certain lands as
public highways in the Municipality of Clarington (Item 9 of
Report #2)
2008-015 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of
Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington
(Item 9 of Report #2)
2008-016 Being a By-law to establish certain lands as public highways,
assume them for public use and name them (Item 9 of Report #2)
2008-017 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Lease Extension
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington and the Theatre Dance Academy in respect of a lease
for space located in the Courtice Community Complex, Courtice,
Ontario (Item 12 of Report #2)
2008-018 Being a By-law to authorize the Lease Agreement Renewal
between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and
CLOCA (Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority) for the use
of the Hampton Valley Lands (Item 13 of Report #2)
2008-019 Being a By-law concerning a Confidential Personnel Matter (Item
15 of Report #2)
2008-020 Being a By-law concerning a Confidential Personnel Matter (Item
15 of Report #2)
2008-021 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2004-253 to provide for
Civil Marriage Services to be Offered by the Municipality of
Clarington (Item 24 of Report #2)
Summary of By-laws
January 28, 2008
2008-022 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement
between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and the
Clarington Board of Trade to continue the economic development
functions on behalf of the Municipality (Item 1 of Report #1)
STAFF REPORT 112 File Copy
Meeting: COUNCIL
Date: Monday, January 28, 2008
Report #: PSD-011-08
File #: PLN 39.2
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended to Council the following:
1. THAT Report PSD-011-08 be received for information.
Submitted by:
D vi . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P.
Director, Planning Services
Reviewed by: ()~....::::: (}Ju.
Franklin Wu
Chief Administrative Officer
24 January 2008
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830
REPORT NO.: PSD-011-08
1.1 On January 18, 2007, Elaine Garnett of CHEX Channel 12 made a presentation to the
General Purpose and Administration Committee regarding a public awareness
campaign involving community partners to encourage community participation in green
community challenge. The proposal involved two potential levels of involvement
(Attachment 1).
1.2 After hearing the presentation, Committee approved the following resolution:
THAT $10,500 for the Living Green Committee be identified in the Planning Services
"Committee" Budget, pending a report to Council on January 28, 2008.
1.3 One of the issues raised at the General Purpose and Administration Committee was
whether the Green Community Advisory Committee had additional authority than other
Advisory Committees, such as the ability to enter into contracts.
2.1 The Municipality's Corporate Business Plan for 2007 to 2010 identifies as one objective
"To Develop a Green Community Strategy". One of the action items under this Plan is
to establish a Green Community Advisory Committee including partnership with local
businesses through the Board of Trade.
2.2 Council on May 14, 2007 established the Advisory Committee. The membership of the
committee includes citizens at large and representatives of organizations like OPG and
Veridian. Council by resolution #C-274-07 approved the terms of reference for the
Committee contained in Attachment 2.
2.3 The key objectives established for the Committee are:
1) To undertake research in the following areas:
a) Energy Conservation;
b) Clean energy alternatives and technologies;
c) Local response to Climate Change;
d) Alternative development patterns for energy conservation and sustainable
development including mixed densities, a mix of use and building types;
e) Planning and technical innovation for sustainable development such as
green infrastructure and low impact development.
2) On behalf of Council, to consult with the public through focus groups briefs and
public meetings;
3) To prepare the Clarington Green Community Strategy;
4) To organize educational events to implement the Green Community Strategy;
REPORT NO.: PSD-011-08
5) In addition, the Committee will provide input to Municipality's Official Plan
Review-Sustainable Development Component.
3.1 Channel 12 approached the Committee with a proposal in October 2007. The proposal,
known as The Clarington Green Challenge, would see Clarington's' residents and
business engage in addressing the issues of energy conservation, climate change,
health, and sustainable development. The Clarington Green Challenge is a community
awareness and education project that will support both the Green Community Strategy.
3.2 Channel 12 proposal states that "Going GREEN is on everyone's minds and Clarington
has the opportunity to truly lead the way in action, education, communication and
accountabilitv in a way that no one has ever done before. This important message for
the health of our community and our future, has the power to be a large engaging
community campaign with the support of many partners coming together. Going
GREEN successfully, requires leadership and partnership and our proposed challenge
offers it all". Clarington would be the first Municipality in Durham to create such a
The "challenQe" itself is:
Starting with measurement of current energy & waste consumption and then publicly
reporting results every 3 months (through the Green Committee). This would include
dividing the community into areas to create "the players" for a competitive platform,
providing educational information and tips for energy & waste sustainability. By
reporting quarterly results, we simultaneously educate the public and raise the bar on
everyone on being environmentally responsible.
3.3 The Green Community Advisory Committee passed the following resolution at its
meeting on October 23, 2007.
"THAT the Green Community Advisory Committee endorse the Clarington
Green Challenge Proposal by Channel 12 as one of the Committee's initiatives
for Public Awareness and Communications;
AND THAT staff and Channel 12 prepare a detailed work plan for presentation
to the Committee at its meeting in January, 2008."
3.4 The original proposal was for a $30,000 municipal commitment from the Municipality.
As staff and Green Community Committee members worked on the details of a
proposal, it was determined that only a more modest proposal should be considered. In
December, members of staff, Channel 12 and members of the Green Committee
considered the revised proposal and determined that it should be presented to
Clarington Council during the budget discussions. At that time the Planning Services
budget had been submitted and approved by the CAO and Treasurer for presentation to
Council and could not be revised.
REPORT NO.: PSD-011-08
3.5 The two levels of participation proposed are:
. $16,500 which includes the Challenge Concept.
. $10,500 which is only a community awareness and education campaign.
4.1 Planning Services staff support the program, and in particular the "challenge concept"
for the following reasons:
. it implements the public education mandate of the Green Community Advisory
. it implements the Green Community Strategy and the citizen engagement
components of the Corporate Strategic Business Plan for 2007-2010.
. It provides measurable results of a public awareness campaign.
. It leverages greater private sector funding and participation.
. It could assist in the communication program of the Official Plan Review.
Staff recommend that Council consider participation in the proposed program at the
$16,500 level.
4.2 As for the mandate and authority of the Green Community Advisory Committee, it has
the same advisory powers as any other committee. Although it is comprised of
eminently qualified people from business, the university, BILD (the Building Industry and
Land Development Association) and the Durham Strategic Energy Alliance, in addition
to a variety of citizens with qualifications and interest in environment, it is advisory to
Council. Any contracts with CHEX Channel 12 would be through the Planning Services
Department under a budget allocation approved by Council.
5.1 The Clarington Green Challenge project fits Council's mandate for the Green
Community Advisory Committee and it becomes much more than an advertising
campaign. From a financial perspective, the project is based on a partnership with the
private sector and would leverage an estimated value which would be sevenfold the
municipal contribution. Therefore, if it was possible, Council should consider the
commitment of $16,500 to this project.
Attachment 1
Attachment 2 -
Channel 12 Proposal
Terms of Reference for the Green Community Committee
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Attachment 1
To Report PSD-011-0E
To Report PSD-011-C.
Approved by Council Resolution
To develop a community strategy that would include local actions, policies, programs,
and projects for climate change, energy conservation, clean energy alternatives, and
promoting more sustainable development practices.
The Green Community Strategy will encompass local initiatives, private projects,
partnerships between the public and private sectors as well as the business community.
Some of these initiatives may range from support to the expansion of Darlington Nuclear
Facility, engaging developers to include energy conservation initiatives in their projects,
advising and promoting energy conservation to businesses to creating community
awareness of energy conservation.
The mandate of the Green Community Advisory Committee is to prepare a Green
Community Strategy.
The Green Community Strategy will focus on the community's local response to the
interrelations among energy, health, climate change and development.
In preparing the Green Community Strategy, the advisory committee will, on behalf of
Council, consult with the public through focus groups, briefs and public meetings. The
will also seek partnerships with other levels of government, private sector and non-profit
The Municipality of Clarington has established a staff Committee on energy
management and conservation. While the Green Community Advisory Committee may
include some recommendations on Municipal operations, the focus of the Advisory
committee's work is to be on broader community issues.
1) To undertake research in the following areas:
a) Energy Conservation;
b) Clean energy alternatives and technologies;
c) Local response to Climate Change;
d) Alternative development patterns for energy conservation and sustainable
development including mixed densities, a mix of use and building types; and,
e) Planning and technical innovation for sustainable development such as green
infrastructure and low impact development.
2) On behalf of Council, to consult with the public through focus groups briefs and
public meetings;
3) To prepare the Clarington Green Community Strategy;
4) To organize educational events to implement the Green Community Strategy;
5) In addition, the Committee will provide input to Municipality's Official Plan Review
Sustainable Development Component.
The GCAC shall consist of 13 voluntary members who are appointed by Council for a term of
four (4) years, to coincide with the term of Council. A majority of membership, nine (9) shall
constitute a quorum.
The Advisory Committee will consist of the following representatives
· Mayor and a Member of Council (2)
· Ontario Power Generation (1)
· Durham Strategic Energy Alliance
(1 )
· Veridian (1)
· CBOT Board Member (1)
· University of Ontario Institute of
Technology (1)
· Youth (1)
· Community at large (4)
· Developer - Durham Chapter of the
Greater Toronto Home Builders
Association - Urban Development
Institution (GTHBA-UDI) (1)
The Membership shall possess expertise and willingness to devote the necessary time
to the Committee.
Openings for community membership shall be publicly advertised and all residents of the
Municipality of Clarington may apply. Applicants will submit applications to the
Municipality of Clarington Planning Services Department. Members will be formally
appointed by Municipal Council.
The Mayor shall sit as the interim Chair. The GCAC will select a Chair and a Vice-Chair
from among its membership. The Chair shall provide leadership to the GCAC, ensure
that it carries out its mandate, and act as the primary liaison between the GCAC and
A staff member shall act as recording secretary. Duties of the recording secretary shall
include the taking of meeting minutes and providing these minutes to the Clerk for
Council's information.
Regarding conflicts of interest, Members of the Committee must abide by the Municipal
Conflict of Interest Act
Green Community Strategy Coordinators
The coordinators for the Community Advisory Committee will be:
· Carlos Salazar - Manager of Community Planning and Design
· Suzanne McCrimmon- Clarington Board of Trade
· Jennifer Cooke, Manager, Communications and Tourism
· Representative from power utility
. The Committee will be established as an Advisory Committee of Council under
Councils' Protocol for Advisory Committees. Committee members will report to
Council through the Committee's Chair.
. Decisions will be reached by consensus where appropriate, or through a simple
majority vote.
. Committee members will report, to their respective organizations, decisions
reached by the Committee.
. Report to Council on semi-annual basis.
. There will be a minimum of one meeting per month of the Committee,
supplemented as required by conference etc.
. The meetings will be held at the Clarington Municipal Administrative Centre.
. The Secretariat function of the Committee will be provided mainly by the
Planning Services Department, the Communications Branch of the Municipality,
and the Clarington Board of Trade.
. The operating costs for the first two years of the Committee will be established
through contributions from the Municipality, The CBOT, and may include other
community partners.
. The Advisory Committee will be allowed to seek other sources of funding and
grants for specific initiatives/programs.
. The GCAC may establish Working Groups as needed to further study an issue
and to make recommendations on that issue to the GCAC. Working groups will
have an ad hoc status with a clear mandate and time frame.
. Each Working Group will be chaired by a Committee member, as selected by the
Committee and with the agreement of the member. A member of the working
group will be responsible for generation of minutes.
. The Working Groups will be comprised of at least one staff member and may
have representation from any other interested parties or experts as the
Committee may require.
. The Municipality and the CBOT will provide meeting coordination and information
distribution support to Working Groups, as appropriate.
. The Committee may establish linkages to other working groups or committees
that function on a more permanent basis.
All Committee meetings are open to the public. Member of the public are not permitted
to participate in Committee discussions but may appear as a delegation before the
Committee. Delegations shall be for a maximum of 10 minutes. Those wishing to
appear as a delegation at a Committee meeting must so advise the staff liaison a
minimum of five working days prior to
the meeting.