HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-126 t THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 92- 126 Being a by-law to authorize the entering into of an agreement between Her Majesty The Queen In Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of the Environment and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has agreed to participate in the Environmental Youth Corps Program. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporate Seal, an Agreement between Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of the Environment, and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A" . BY-LAW read a first and second time this 11th day of May, 1992 . BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 11th day of May, 1992 . r MAYOR ' CLERK MOB 437 THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate on the 16 day of March, 1992 . BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of the Environment (the "Ministry") -AND- Town of Newcastle Port Granby - Newcastle Environmental Committee (the "Organization") 1.0 RECITALS 1. 1 THE MINISTRY operates the Environmental Youth Corps Program ("EYC") which is designed to contribute to conservation, environmental protection and effective resource management; to provide young people with an opportunity to be positive contributors to environmental protection, enhancement and advocacy; to provide skills training for participants; and to increase young people's awareness of environmental occupations and help to develop an environmentally conscientious culture. 1. 2 THE ORGANIZATION has submitted a Project Proposal, attached as Appendix "A" to this agreement, for a Project named Beyond Blue Box which has been approved by the Ministry; 1. 3 THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 2.0 ORGANIZATIONIS OBLIGATION 2 . 1 The Organization agrees to operate the Project in accordance with the Project Proposal and the Environmental Youth Corps Project Proposal Guidelines, attached as Appendix "B" to this Agreement. 2 . 2 Without limiting the generality of Paragraph 2 . 1, the Organization agrees: (i) to ensure participants are between the ages of 15 and 24 inclusive, or 15 and 29 inclusive for persons with disabilities, at the commencement of the hiring period, and eligible to work in Canada; to provide opportunities for employment disadvantaged youth (including youth with disabilities, natives, visible minorities, women, francophones, social assistance recipients and youth in areas of high unemployment) ; to ensure participants do not displace regular employees; (iv) that where a participant terminates early, an eligible replacement may be hired for the remaining period; (v) to pay participants at the following rates, subject to any changes to minimum wage under the Employment Standards Act: environmentalist under 18 $5.55 over 18 $6.00 technical assistant/supervisor $7. 00 coordinator/technician $9.50 MOE 437 2 - (vi) to pay participants vacation pay at a rate of 4% of total wages, to be paid as earned; (vii) to cover employer's contribution toward Workers' Compensation, CPP, UIC, and Employer Health Tax benefit; (viii) to provide proof of Workers' Compensation coverage for its employees, and if the Organization is excluded from coverage under the Workers' Compensation Act, the Organization agrees to obtain employer's liability insurance including coverage of workers' benefits; (ix) that weekly hours of work for participants shall be a maximum of 40 hours and a minimum of 30 hours during the summer months and that part-time work be limited to the fall & winter months and that no overtime or statutory holidays shall be worked by the participants; (x) despite paragraph (ix) , where due to unavoidable circumstances overtime work or work on statutory holidays is required, the Organization shall not authorize such work without the prior agreement of the participants to accept compensating time off in lieu of overtime pay on the basis of hours worked(compensating time off shall be calculated on th basis of time and one-half for hours worked in excess of 44 hours per week or for each hour worked on a a statutory holiday; (xi) to terminate all summer positions on or before September 30, 1991, unless a written exception has been obtained from the Ministry; (xii) to ensure that the participants receive adequate day-to-day supervision and appropriate advance instruction and ongoing supervision, to ensure safe handling and use when the participant is assigned to work which involves the use of tools, machinery or requires specific skills training, and to ensure that all training, supervision and safety requirements under any statute are met; (xiii) to ensure that the participant has all the necessary equipment to perform tasks safely prior to performing the task; (xiv) that period of employment shall be for a minimum of 8 weeks to a maximum of 18 weeks or as approved by the Ministry. 2 . 3 The Organization agrees to post all positions at the local Canada Employment Centre for Students and local Canada Employment Centre and adhere to fair hiring practices and the Ontario Human Rights Code. 2 . 4 (i) The Organization agrees to ensure that partici- pants complete the Employee Data Forms and Exit Questionnaires provided by the Ministry and to submit the completed Employee Data Forms to the Ministry of the Environment within 30 days of the commencement of the Project and the Exit Questionnaire to the Ministry of the Environment within 30 days of the last day worked by the participant. MOE 437 3 The Organization agrees to ensure that the individual privacy of participants is protected and that personal information relating to parti- cipants is not disclosed to other participants during the completion of the forms. 3.0 MINISTRY OBLIGATION The Ministry agrees to provide general guidance respecting the EYC and to provide standard forms for use by the Organization. 4.0 FINANCIAL AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 4 . 1 The Ministry agrees to pay an amount not to exceed $9,069.47 as set out in the Budget Request Section contained in Appendix "A" to the Organization. 4 . 2 The parties agree that adjustments to the amount contained in Paragraph 4 . 1 shall be made where the actual eligible non-salary operating costs and salary costs are less than the amounts contained in Appendix "A" and the Organization agrees to pay any unused funds to the Ministry upon request. 5.0 GENERAL 5. 1 Records The Organization shall maintain all records, invoices and other documents relating to the financial management and administration of the Project in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and administra- tive practices, for a period of five years, except for copies of EYC participants' applications which shall be kept until March 31, 1993 . 5.2 Inspection/Audit The Organization agrees that the Ministry and its agents may at all reasonable times inspect and audit the books, accounts and records relating to the Project and may make copies thereof and take extracts therefrom and proper facilities shall be made available, together with any information that may be required with reference to such books and records. 5. 3 Monitoring/Evaluation The Organization agrees to permit and assist the Ministry and other representatives of Ontario in the monitoring and evaluation of the Project, including visits to the participants' work sites, completion and submission of standard forms and the provision of any other data required for project and EYC evaluation by representatives of Ontario. 5. 4 Independent Contractor The Organization acknowledges that it is not an agent, officer or employee of the Ministry for any purpose whatsoever and that it is not in any way authorized to make a promise, agreement or contract on behalf of the Ministry. MOE 437 4 5.5 Non-Liability/Indemnity The Organization agrees that the Ministry shall not be liable for any incidental, indirect, special or consequen- tial damages, injury or any loss of use, revenue or profit to the Organization arising out of or in any way related to the Project and this Agreement. The Organization agrees that it shall indemnify the Ministry, its employees and agents against all costs incurred as a result of a claim or proceeding related to the Project, unless it was caused by the negligence or willful act of any employee of the Ministry. Participants are not Ministry employees. 5. 6 Insurance The Organization agrees to obtain and provide to the Ministry written proof of liability insurance coverage for the participants of not less than One Million Dollars per occurence within one week after the Agreement comes into force and maintain the coverage in force. 5.7 Entire AgreementZAmendment This Agreement, including the attached appendices, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may be amended only by further written agreement executed by the parties. 5. 8 Assignment This Agreement may not be assigned by the Organization in ' whole or in part without the written approval of the Ministry. 5. 9 Termination/Repayment The Ministry may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Agreement and require the repayment of the whole or any part of the funds where the Organization: (a) has provided false information in its Project proposal; (b) uses funds for purposes not agreed upon by the Ministry; (c) breaches any terms or conditions of this Agreement; (d) winds up, dissolves, commences or has commenced against it, any proceedings in bankruptcy or is adjudged a bankrupt. 5. 10 Representatives For the purpose of this Agreement, the Ministry's representative will be George Arras and the Organization's representative will be Falter Evans. Either party's representative will be subject to change as may be indicated in writing by the party from time to time. 5. 11 Any notice required for the purposes of this Agreement shall be given in writing by personal delivery or by prepaid first class mail as follows: to the Ministry: Ministry of the Environment Human Resources Branch 135 St. Clair Avenue West 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 e MOE 437 5 - to the Organization: Town of Newcastle Port Granby - Newcastle Environmental Committee 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1A 3A6 and shall be deemed to have been received if delivered personally on the date of delivery, and, if sent by prepaid first class mail on the fifth day after mailing. 5.12 Terms of Agreement This Agreement shall be in force from the 19 day of May, 1992, through to the 4 day of September, 1992, with the exception of paragraphs 5. 1, 5.2, 5. 3 , 5.5 and 5.9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. BY: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of the Environment per: azel�� Geor.0 Arr s Ass ant irector Huma ources Branch C Date BY: Town of Newcastle per: per: lane Hamre P t 1 e Office Office Held Held Mayor Clerk Ma Y 11 , 1992 May 11 , 1992 Date Date ftglo al Offices for Minlyfy of Natural Resources are: Bureaux r6gionaux du ministere des Richesses naturelles: Northern Ontario Southern Ontario Nord de I'Ontario Sud de ('Ontario Northwestern Region Algonquin Region Region du Nord-Ouest R6gion d'Algonquin P.O. Box 5160 P.O. Box 9000 C.P. 5160 C.P. 9000 810 Robertson Street Brendale Square 810, rue Robertson Carr6 Brendale Kenora,Ontario (Manominee Street) Kenora (Ontario) (rue Manominee) P9N 3X9 Huntsville, Ontario P9N 3X9 Huntsville (Ontario) Fax: (807)468-2737 POA 1 KO T616copieur: (807) 468-2737 POA 1 KO Fax: (705),789-1110 Te16copieur: (705) 789-1110 North Central Region Central Region P.O. Box 5000 10670 Yonge Street Region du Centre-Nord Region du Centre C.P. 5000 10670, rue Yonge Ontario Government Building Richmond Hill, Ontario Edifice du gouvernement Richmond Hill (Ontario) 435 James Street South L4C 3C9 Thunder Bay,Ontario Fax: (416)841-9386 43 ,'Ontario T61 3C9 435, rue James sud T616copieur: P7C 5G6 Thunder Bay (Ontario) (416) 841-9386 Fax: (807)475-4571 P7C 5G6 T616copieur: (807) 475-4571 Northeastern Region Eastern Region 199 Larch Street P.O. Box 2002 R6gion du Nord-Est R6gion de I'Est Sudbury. Ontario Concession Road 199, rue Larch C.P. 2002 P3E 5P9 Kemptville,Ontario Sudbury (Ontario) Chemin Concession Fax: (705) 675-8145 KOG 1JO P3E 5P9 Kemptville (Ontario) Fax: (613)258-3920 T616copieur: (705) 675-8145 KOG 1,10 T616copieur: Northern Region Southwestern Region (613) 258-3920 140-4th Avenue P.O. Box 5463 Cochrane, Ontario 659 Exeter Road R6gion du Nord Region du Sud-Ouest POL 1CO (HWY 135) 140,4e Avenue C.P. 5463 Fax: (705)272-5075 London, Ontario Cochrane (Ontario) 659, chemin Exeter N6A 4L6 POL 1 CO (route 135) Fax: (519)661-2819 T616copieur: (705) 272-5075 London (Ontario) N6A 41_6 T616copieur: For Metropolitan Toronto ls only (519)661-2819 Ministry of Natural Resources Environmental Youth Corps Pour Ies demandes de subvention de la Communaut6 Youth Programs, Room 4502,Whitney Block urbaine de Toronto seulement: 99 Wellesley Street West Toronto,Ontario M7A 1W1 Minist6re des Richesses naturelles Fax: (416)965-2197 Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes Programmes pour les jeunes Edifice Whitney, bureau 4502 99, rue Wellesley Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1 W3 T616copieur: (416) 965-2197 ISBN 0-7729-7976-6 13 .Jironmental Youth Corps 1592 / Erlgade des jeunes emrironnementalfstes Z . Project Proposal / Propas#ian de p,rajet Appendix A /Annexe-A W kOxxo oo mt�tr.a ca c� ..ft.W uaatr t" aa.,-a,-o�MW o,W J m.oWpa"d*J(% n mo ef%4mftTW"wpm cam.vz wl OHww6W,MDUO tk d.Old b.Mac&4*6Y C00AMmiati L.t fww*Oq$w,*m PNwoa fk qua CO*6w Ca JUTM Vrt woM NaWM qt N*Vj'd"dkfs 7914W wR 91a0 *m Us d•w•,o dv mia.dr k 3AQtdildww lwut4�t�1932-Ur q,.�laca dwtaiMt iw'ain...wa---`----°--au 000�da+�ww.4n d.a a+kil►ti�aaaww. 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Environmentalist A Communications and .Educat ion Facilitator who w i l l concentrate on raising public environmental awareness and action through promotion of special events such as National Environment WeeK, Waste Reduction WeeK , etc. Liaise with other levels of government to co-ordinate public education in- waste diversion, reduction and other environmental matters such as energy conservation , etc. and undertaKe extensive community outreach by facilitating worKshops or speaK ing at service dubs and other common ity groups. Ensure that pub 1 is is aware of common ity and prov inc ial initiatives in environmental protection. 4. Supervisor This individual will ensure that each environmentalist understands their tasKs , has access to information and resource materials, and will co-ordinate the activity of the EYC employees . Strong communication and leadership sK i 1 l s w i 1 l be required , as we 11 as some understanding of up-to- date prouincial and municipal initiatives and regulations. Will be available to assist project environmentalists when rertui-Ed . Will maintain regular contact with local media about events , activity , progress of the EYC project team.. ion Will regularly report to Director of Public WorKs and 1inKs with the Port Granby-Newcastle Environment maintain common Committee. f ATTAr"HMF'NT I fi Description of worK to be done: The government of Ontario has indicated a serious commitment to radical waste reduction in all sectors throughout the province. Initiatives Paper No- 1 released in October, 1991 provided a number of guidelines for business and municipalities. Other initiatives, guidelines, regulations, etc. are currently the subject of discussion and intense interest of the Waste Reduction Office. With a view to follow through in community-awned facilities as well as to liaise with other levels of government , local businesses and residents , the Town of Newcastle wishes to play a leading role in raising enviromental awareness and education into action in waste diversion and reduction. - Four projects are proposed to taKe the municipality "Beyond the Blue Box". Greater detail of each is .-found on Page 2 in the descriptions of positions and duties . Each project shall run a duration of seventeen weeKs . One project supervisor will direct the activities of all five environmentalists , and be available to assist when required. Public WorKs and other ms.inicip=3 st.=ff :a211 assist .where required , and a raer.,ber• of the Fort Grant,y-tewcastle Er,virenu:e!:t cornmittee Will act as volunteer resource facilitator and project co-ordinator. The organization has had considerable community environmental educational and project experience. Environmental Youth Corps 192 project proposals include: 1 - Waste Audits ( industrial/commercial ). Facilitate awareness of WRO Initiatives Paper No• I. 3. Intensify waste reduction in it ia.t ivies in Town-owned facilities . 3. Promote bacKyard compostins by undertaKing intensive public education and Participation campaign- 4. Communications and Education Facilitator to co-ordinate special events such as Environment WeeK activities, Waste Reduction WeeK activities; liaise with Region of Durham and provincial initiatives: outreach to community groups , service clubs , etc. to increase environmental education and action in the adult sector in the community. This will require seeKing Invitations to spea.K at meetings , gatherings and special events. -r5w ...... ...... < - „r i % "`xF a,yY -" .rs• y�C ra,4N +:*'ef`3L ""�-x'3' i r4.gd y--z'S }'4`x•5,: e,nx t Ka'.. v.(, J-4 ;. r �..`� r � � 'r•„y. a� .�`7,r.y �ls:.� Xya„�',F-,.,}k.�y"c.£'+.w'.���3y.� ?' 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'`�u�. �i.e d�t•� 'RN��.('�.1+e R,yh�,.w,� }�d'r 4 T K/� TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIERES SECTION PAGE ARTICLE PAGE 1.0 PROGRAM SUMMARY 1 1.0 RESUME DU PROGRAMME 1 • 2.0 BUTS ET OBJECTIFS DU PROGRAMME 2 2.0 PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2 2.1 Buts du programme 2.1 Program!Goals 2.2 Objectifs du programme 2.2 Program Objectives 3.0 CRITERES DU PROGRAMME 3 3.0 PROGRAM CRITERIA 3 3.1 Projets admissibles 3.1 Eligible Projects 3.2 Employeurs admissibles 3.2 Eligible Employers 3.3 Jeunes admissibles 3.3 Eligible Youth 4.0 POSTES ADMISSIBLES ET TAUX SALARIAUX 4 4.0 ELGIBLE POSITIONS AND WAGE RATES 4 4.1 Postes de courte duree 4.1.1 Environnementalistes_ 4.1 Short-term Positions 4.1.2.Superviseurs 4.1.1 Environmentalists 4.1.3 Aides techniques 4.1.2 Supervisors 4.1.3 Technical Assistants 4.2 Postes de longue duree 4.2.1 Coordonnateurs de projets 4.2 Longerterm Positions 4.2.2 Techniciens 4.2.1 Project Coordinators 4.2.2 Technical Positions 5.0 AVANTAGES SOCIAUX 7 5.0 BENEFITS •7 ' 6.0 HEURES DE TRAVAIL 7 6.0 HOURS OF WORK 7 7.0 COOTS ADMISSIBLES 8 7.0 ELIGIBLE COSTS 8 8.0 POLITIQUES D'EMBAUCHE ET EVALUATION 8.0 RECRUITING AND ASSESSMENT OF DES CANDIDATS 8 APPLICANTS 8 9.0 CONTRATS 9 9.0 CONTRACTS 9 10.0 ASSURANCE RESPONSABILITE CIVILE 10 10.0 LIABILITY INSURANCE 10 11.0 INDEMNISATION DES ACCIDENTS 11.0 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 10 DU TRAVAIL 10 12.0 PROGRAM MONITORING AND 12.0 SUIVI ET EVALUATION DU PROGRAMME 10 EVALUATION 10 12.1 Formulaire de renseignements sur 12.1 Employee Data Form 1'employ6 12.2 Exit Questionnaire 12.2 Questionnaire de fin d'emploi 13.0 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS 11 11 13.0 DEPOT DES PROJETS 13.1 Deadlines 13.1 Dates limites 13.2 Host Ministry EYC Offices 13.2 Bureaux de la BJE des ministeres d'accueil 1.0 PROGRAM SUMMARY 1.0 RESUME DU PROGRAMME La Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes est un pro- The Environmental Youth Corps(EYC)program gives youth gramme qui offre aux jeunes de 15 a 24 ans(jusqu'6 29 ans between the ages of 15 and 24 (age 29 for people with pour les jeunes oyant un handicap) la passibilite de tra- disabiliities),an opportunity to work on projects that con- vailler 6 des projets qui contibuent a 1'amelioration de tribute to improving the environment in their own commu- 1'environnement de leur propre communaute. nities. Les ministeres de I'Agriculture et de I'Alimentation,de I'En- The Ministries of Agriculture and Food, Environment, vironnement, des Richesses naturelles, du Developpe- Natural Resources,Northern Development and Mines,and ment du Nord et des Mines et du Tourisme et des Loisirs Tourism and Recreation are EYC "Host Ministries'. These constituent les s ministeres d'accueil ». Ces ministeres Ministries approve projects for funding under the terms of autorisent le financement des projets conformement aux the Environmental Youth Corps program. EYC will provide termer du programme de la Brigade des jeunes environ- funding for youth employment in projects sponsored by nementolistes. La Brigade accordera des subventions various non-profit organizations. pour 1'emploi de jeunes dons des projets porraines par differents organismes 6 but non lucratif. Employers should submit project proposals to the Host Ministry most closely associated to the mandate of their Les employeurs doivent soumettre leur projet ou ministere proposed project• d'accueil dont la vocation correspond le mieux a la jxce tRion: Municipalities wishing to participate in the nature du projet qu'iis presentent. program should apply exclusively to the Ministry of the Exception: Les municipolites qui souhaitent prendre part Environment. However, if a submission involves a joint- ou programme doivent presenter leur demande ou min- venture between a Host Ministry and a Municipality,it can istere de I'Environnement. Toutefois,si la demande a trait be administered by the Ministry concerned. 6 un projet liont une municipalite et un outre ministere Projects are approved on the basis of their current appli- d'accueil,la demande peut titre traitee par ce ministere. cation. Previous funding does not guarantee future par- Les projets sont approuves sur la base de leur application ticipation. courante. Une subvention anterieure ne garantit pas to participation future au programme. Projects must be operated as approved by the Host Minis- try and may not be altered without prior written approval Les projets doivent titre executes tels qu'approuves par le of the Host Ministry. ministere d'accueil et ne peuvent titre modifies sans I'au- All projects must be identified to participants and the torisation ecrite et prealable de ce dernier. public as part of Environmental Youth Corps'91,funded by On doit informer les participants et le public que les projets the Government of Ontario. sont realises par la Brigade des jeunes environnementalis- tes 1991, programme subventionne' par le gouvernement de I'Ontario. 1 . 2.0 BUTS ET OBJECTIFS DU PROGRAMME 2.0 PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1 Ploaram GooW. 2.1 Buts du programme: . To contribute to conservation, environmental contribuer a la protection de 1'environnement et protection and effective resource management. de la nature et a la gestion efficace_des ressources; • To provide young people with an opportunity to be positive contributors to environmental protec- • permettre aux jeunes de participer a la protection tion, enhancement and advocacy, et a la mise en valeur de 1'environnement,et a lo sensibilisation du public: . To provide skills training for participants; • offrir une formation pratique aux participants; • To increase young people's awareness of environmental occupations and help to develop • accroitre la sensibilisation des jeunes aux questions an environmentally conscientious culture. environnementales et contribuer a la creation dune culture sensible a la protection de 1'environ- nement. 2.2 E=ram Objerftes • To ensure that projects provide incremental 2.2 Obiectifs du programme: conservation and environmental protection activities,be they new or an expansion of a offrir des activites supplementaires de protection existing activities; de la nature et de 1'environnement, qu'il s'agisse de nouvelles activites ou de 1'e1argissement • To ensure that projects result in observable d'activites existantes; changes in the project area or in some other • entrainer des changements observables au sein visible product; de la zone visee par le projet ou produire d'autres • To ensure training,leading to the acquisition effets positifs demontrables; and development of transferable job skills; • offrir aux participants la possibilite d'apprendre et • To ensure that on-the-job learning de developper des competences transposables opportunities contribute to the environmental en milieu de travail; awareness of participants; • offrir des possibilites d'apprentissage en milieu de • To increase public awareness by exposure to travail qui contribueront a la sensibilisation des local newspapers or other media. participants a la qualite de 1'environnement; Special consideration will be given to projects which are sensibiliser davantage le public par le biais de directed at developing opportunities for employment dis- journaux locaux et d'outres medias. advantagedyouth(including youth with disabilities, natives, visible minorities,women,Francophones,Social Assistance On accordera une attention particuliere aux projets prevoy- ant 1'embauche des jeunes moins privilegies en matiere Recipients and youth in high unemployment areas). d'emploi (y compris les jeunes ayant un handicap, les autochtones,les minorites visibles,les femmes, les franco- phones, les prestataires de I'aide sociale et les jeunes habitant des regions ou le taux de chomage est eleve). 2 3.0 CRITERES DU PROGRAMME 3.0 PROGRAM CRITERIA 3.1 Projets admissibles: 3.11 Friaible Proiects: Les projets doivent afire directement lies aux objectify du related to the EYC program programme de la Brigade. Les projets admissibles doivent projects must be directly objectives. Eligible projects create positions for youth who p ermettre aux jeunes d'effec tuer les travaux suivants: will: • participer a des activites educatives qui • participate in environmental education activities accroissent la sensibilisation aux problemes that increase awareness of environmental issues environnementaux et a la gestion des ressources; and resource management; • participer aux travaux des groupes d'interet public . assist in the work of public interest and et de defense de 1'environnement; environmental advocacy groups; • realiser des etudes pratiques et des projets de • conduct field studies and research projects; recherche: • assemble and analyze data for lake,wetland, • recueillir et analyser des donnees sur les lacs, les woodland and resource inventories, determining terres marecageuses et boisees, et identifier les significant and sensitive features of existing caracteristiques des ressources existantes de meme que les dangers qui les menacent; resources; . clear man-made debris from parks,rivers and • nettoyer les pares, les rivieres et autres lieux naturels des dechets produits par les humains, et other natural areas and contribute to preventative contribuer a I'adoption de mesures preventives; measures; • omenager des sentiers d'interpretation de la . construct wildlife identification, recreational and nature,d'identification de to faune et de loisirs. interpretive trails. to ers must abide by all relevant laws applicable in Les employeurs doivent respecter toutes les lois ontarien- Emp Y the Province of Ontario and are required to obtain any nes pertinentes et obtenir les licences et permis requis. Les relevant licenses or permits. Projects must be based projets doivent titre mis sur pied et executes en Ontario. and operated in Ontario. 3.2 Emgloyeurs admissibles: 3.2 `�:^rr'rA F""ulovers: Le programme a ate conqu o l'intention du secteur EyC is designed for use by public sector and non-profit public et des organismes a but non lucratif tels que: agencies such as: les organismes non gouvernementaux participant • non-government organizations directly involved • in environmental and resource protection, directement a des activites d'amelioration et de conservation and enhancement activities; protection de I'environnement,de la nature et des ressources; • public interest and environmental advocacy les groupes d'interet public et de defense de groups; 1'environnement; • local tourist associations; les associations touristiques locales; • native groups: les groupes autochtones • municipalities; les municipalites; • school boards; les conseils scolaires; . conservation authorities; les offices de protection de la nature; . universities and colleges. a les universites et les colleges. 3 Les ecoles secondaires qui souhaitent participer au pro High schools wishing to participate in EYC should submit gramme doivent soumettre leur demande par 1'entremise their proposals through their school board. de leur'conseil scolaire. individuals wishing to apply for EYC funding should do so Les particuliers qui veulent presenter une demande doivent through one of the above eligible employers. le faire par 1'entremise de I'un des employeurs admissibles ci-dessus. The federal government and its agencies are.not eligible for EYC funding. Les ministeres et organismes federaux no sont pas admis- sibles a des subventions dons le cadre du programme. 3.3 ENWO YQU_ 3.3 Jeunes admissibles: Youth must: Pour titre admissibles, les jeunes doivent titre: • be eligible to work in Canada; • autorises(es) a travailler au Canada; • be between the ages of 15 and 24 upon commencement of employment,or 15-29 for • ages(es)de 15 a 24 ans tors de leur entree en youth with disabilities as defined by the Ontario fonotion,ou de 15 a 29 ans,s'iis ont un handicap Human Rights Code. aux termes du Code des droits de la personne de 1'Ontario. 4.0 EUGIBLE POSITIONS AND WAGE RATES 4.0 POSTES ADMISSIBLES ET TAUX SALARIAUX Priority will be given to Environmentalist positions in order to La priorite sera accordee aux posies d'environnemental- employ as many youth as possible across the province. istes,de fagon a favoriser 1'emploi du plus grand nombre de personnes possible dons toute la province. Positions may not be extended beyond March 31, 1992. La duree de I'emploi ne pout s'etendre au-dela Wages for participants may not be supplemented. du 31 mars 1992. _. Le salaire des participants doit demeurer inchange. 4.1 Short-term POdMM Short-term positions are restricted to 8 to 18 weeks of 4.1 Postes de courte duree: employment. The majority of EYC short-term positions are expected to terminate on or before September 30, 1991. Les poster de courte duree peuvent avoir une duree d'entre 8 et 18 semaines. En princ'ipe, la.majorM des Some short-term positions may be extended beyond, or postes de courte duree du programme ne doivent pas se commenced after,the September 30,1991 deadline.Em- prolonger au-dell du 30 septembre 1991. ployers requesting an extension must submit a letter demonstrating need and must receive written approval Quelques postes de courte duree pourront se prolonger prior to extending the position. au-dela de la date limite du 30 septembre 1991, ou debuter apres cette date. Les employeurs qui desirent se If a youth terminates early,an eligible replacement may prevoloir de cette exception doivent en etablir le besoin be hired to complete the allocated weeks subject to the par lettre. its doivent,en outre,attendre une autorisation written approval of the sponsoring Host Ministry. ecrite avant de prolonger la duree de I'emploi. Si un jeune quitte son emploi avant la date prevue, un remplagant admissible pout titre embauche pour les semaines qui restent, avec I'autorisation ecrite du min- istere d'accueil qui parraine le projet. 4 4.1.1 Environmentalists: 4.1.1 Environnementalistes: The employer must pay the EYC participant the Ontario Les employeurs doivent verser aux participants du minimum wage as stated by the Ontario Employment programme le solaire minimum en vigueur en Ontario Standards Act. These rates are currently: conformement a la Loi sur les normes d'emploi. Voici les taux actuels: • $5.40 an hour to an employee 18 years of age and older, • 5,40 S I'heure pour un employe de 18 ons et plus; • $4.55 an hour to an employee who is a student • 4,55 S 1'heure pour un employe de mains de 18 ans qui est aussi etudiant. under 18 years of age. Students who turn 18 during their employment.are Les etudiants qui auront 18 ans en cours d'emploi ont droit entitled to the $5.40 an hour wage level commencing a 5,40 S I'heure a compter de la date de leur anniversaire. the day of their birthday. Participants who are under 18 Les participants ages de moins de 18 ans qui ne sont pas years of age and who are not students are.also entitled etudiants ont aussi droit d 5,40 $ I'heure. to the rate of$5.40 per hour. 4.1.2 Suoerviseurs: 4.1.2 $ycervisors: Le superviseur agit comme chef de groupe et peut prendre Supervisors act as group leaders and may assist with part a to gestion du projet. II peut titre charge des rapports various aspects of project management including report- d'assiduite, de 1..'embouche et de la preparation des ing attendance, hiring and scheduling. horaires. Supervisor positions are available for projects with at least Les posies de superviseur ne sont outorises que pour les 5 EYC Environmentalists. projets qui comptent au moins cinq environnementalistes. An employer's proposal for a Supervisor must be accom- Les employeurs qui requierent les services d'un superviseur paned by a brief job description explaining the need for doivent en etablir le besoin en joignant a leur demande this position. une breve description de poste. Supervisors are paid S7.00 an hour. Les superviseurs touchent 7,00 $ I'heure. 4.1.3 Technical Assistants: 4.1.3 Aides techniques: Technical Assistant positions are available for projects Des postes exigeont des competences techniques sont requiring specialized technical skills or related experience offerts; ils requierent des competences plus specialisees equi ou de 1'experience connexe dons un domaine pertinent. in an appropriate field. Technical Assistants can only be supervised by employers. Seuls les employeurs, le personnel technique permanent permanent technical staff or EYC Coordinators. ou les coordonnateurs du programme peuvent superviser les aides techniques. Environmentalists may not be supervised by a Technical Assistant. Les aides techniques ne peuvent superviser les environ- nementalistes. Technical Assistants are paid $7.00 an hour. Les aides techniques touchent 7,00 $ I'heure. 5 4.2 Longer-term Positions: 4.2 Postes de longue dur6e: A limited number of longer-term positions will be available Un nombre limit6 des postes de longue dur6e seront offerts province wide. The period of employment will be a mini- dans toute la province. La dur6e de 1'emploi sera de 19 a mum of 19 weeks and a maximum of 52 weeks in length, 52 semaines au maximum,6 partir du 1-avril 1991. commencing April 1, 1991. Les demander d'emploi de longue dur6e doivent claire- Applications for longer-term positions must clearly demon- ment 6tablir comment les posies requis r6pondent dux strate how the positions requested meet the* following crit6res suivants ou comment des exceptions peuvent titre criteria or how exceptions to these criteria can be sup- justifi6es. ported. 4.2.1 Coordonnoteurs de r{ oiet: 4.2.1 Project Coordinators: Les employeurs admissibles peuvent disposer des services d'un coordonnateur charge d'61aborer des projets et de for a Coordinator as a longer-employers may apply g promouvoir la Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes. term position responsible for developing projects and promoting the Environmental Youth Corps. . Pour obtenir les services d'un coordonnateur de projet,un employeur doit, en r6gle g6n6rale, offrir un minimum de AS a general rule,to quality for a Project Coordinator,an employer should have a minimum of ten individual proj- dtx projets individuels ou employer au moins 20 partici- ects or at least twenty participants in its employ. pants. Coordinators' duties include,but are not restricted to Les fonctions du coordonnateur comprennent, notam- • developing future projects; ment • promoting the EYC and its objectives; • 1'61aboration de projets futues; • administering projects; • la promotion de la Brigade et de ses objectifs; • I'administration des projets; • reporting attendance; • all accounting procedures O.e. payroll, EHL • 1'6tablissement des rapports d'assiduit6; WCB, UIC,CPP, benefits,expenditure reporting and work schedule); les travaux de comptabilit6 (c.-6-d. pale, Imp6t- sant6 des employeurs,Commission des accidents du travail, assurance-ch6mage, R6gime de pen- • arranging any technical and safety training. sions du Canada,comptes rendus des'd6penses et horaires de travail); 42.2 Technical Positions: • to formation technique et la formation en mati&re Technical longer-term positions are also available to eli- de s6curit6. gable*employers requiring youth with highly specialized technical qualification,generally obtained through post- secondary education. 4.2.2 jgchniciens: These positions are ideal for individuals seeking. expert- Les employeurs admissibles peuvent disposer des services ence towards a career in environmental protection, re- de jeunes poss6dant des comp6tences techniques, source management or conservation. obtenues g6n6ralement grbce a des Etudes post-secon- daires. The wage rate for both of these longer-term positions is $9.50 an hour. Ces poster conviennent tout particuli&rement aux person- nes qui cherchent a acqu6rir de 1'exp6rience en vue de faire carri6re dans les domains de la protection de to nature et de 1'environnement ou de la gestion des res- sources. Les personnes occupant ces deux postes de longue dur6e touchent 9,50 $ 1'heure. 6 5.0 BENEFITS 5.0 AVANTAGES SOCIAUX Employers will be provided with up to 7.3% of the total Les employeurs toucherontjusqu'd 7,3 pour cent du salaire -wages and vacation pay approved for the project to et de I'indemnit6 de vacances autoris6s dans le cadre du cover the costs of remitting the employer's contributions projet pour couvrir les contributions de I'employeur au for the Canada Pension Plan(2.2%),Unemployment Insur- Regime de pension du Canada (2,2 ,p. cent), 6 I'as- ance (3.15%) and Employers' Health Tax (1.95%) for their surance-ch6mage (3,15 p. cent) et 6 I'Imp6t-sant6 des EYC participants. Only the actual cost of benefits will be employeurs (1,95 p. cent) pour les participants au pro- reimbursed. gramme. Vacation pay.Is based on 4%of total wages and is to be L'indemnit6 de vacances correspond 6 4 p. cent du paid as eat, salaire total et est vers6e 6 la fin de chaque p6riode travaill6e. Provisions for statutory holidays are guided by the Employ- ment Standards Act (R.S.O, 1980). The Act states that Les dispositions relatives aux jours f6ri6s rel6vent de la Loi employees are entitled to statutory holiday pay only if de 1980 sur les normes d'emploi. La Loi stipule que les employed longer than three months and will therefore employes ont droit 6 des jours f6ri6s payes seulement s'ils receive payment for statutory holidays after this period. travaillent depuis au moins trois mois;ils seront donc payes pour les jours f6ri6s apr6s cette p6riode. Any employee agreeing to work on a Statutory Holiday must be given equivalent compensating time off,in lieu of Tout employe qui accepte de travailler durant un jour Pay. f6rib recevro un cong6 de compensation,ou lieu du salaire correspondant. Statutory Holidays are: Les jours f6ri6s stint les suivants: • New Year's Day • Labour Day • Good Friday • Thanksgiving Day • le jour de I'An • la f6te du Travail Victoria Day • Christmas Day • le Vendredi saint • le jour d'Action de gr6ces • Canada Day • Boxing Day • la fete de la Reine • Noel la fete du Canada • le 26 d6cembre There are no provisions for sick time. Aucune disposition nest pre'vue concernant les cong6s de maladie. 6.0 HOURS OF WORK Weekly hours of work for participants will be a maximum of 6.0 HEURES DE TRAVAIL 40 and a minimum of 30 hours. These hours must corre- spond to the hours approved by the sponsoring Host Les participants doivent travailler pendant au moins 30 Ministry and allocated to the specific project. heures et au plus 40 heures par semaine. Les heures de travail doivent correspondre 6 celles que le minist6re No overtime pay will be provided from EYC funds. Com- d'accueil a approuv6es pour le projet en question. pensating time off for unavoidable overtime may be arranged between employers and employees. Where Les heures suppl6mentaires ne seront pas r6mun6r6es 6 hours worked exceed 44 hours in any week,compen- m6me les fonds du programme. Des congas faisant sating time off must be provided on the basis-of time and ('objet d"une entente 6 ('amiable antra I'employeur et one half for each hour worked in excess of 44. (Employ- I'employ6 pourront titre accord6s en guise de compensa- tion pour les heures supplementaires n6cessaires. Lorsque ment Standards Act) les participants travaillent plus de 44 heures par semaine, les cong6s compensatoires offerts correspondront au Part-time work will be permitted for fall and winter projects, nombre d'heures travaill6es au-del6 de 44 heures plus 50 subject to Host Ministry approval. p. cent(voir la Loi sur les normes d'emploi). Avec I'autorisation du minist6re d'accueil, les emplois 6 temps partiel seront autoris6s pour certain projets d'au- tomne et d'hiver. 7 7.0 ELIGIBLE COSTS 7.0 COUTS ADMISSIBLES Employers are eligible to apply for reasonable non-salary En plus des solarres, les employeurs peuvent demander le operating costs which should not exceed 5%of the total remboursement de frais d'exploitation, qui ne doivent gross salaries of their participants. An explanation of need cependant pas exceder 5 p.cent du salaire brut total des for all cost requests must be detailed on the project participants. Toutes les demandes de remboursement proposal form. doivent titre justifiees en detail sur le formulaire de de- monde. Eligible non-salary operating costs which may be consid- ered include the following: Voici une liste de couts admissibles: • travel allowances; • les frais de deplacement; • training materials: • le materiel de formation; • equipment rental; • la location de materiel; • Workers' Compensation Board (costs attributed to • I'indemnisation des accidents du travail (frais im- EYC participants only); poses pour les participants au programme seule ment); • personal safety equipment required for EYC employees; • 1'equipement de securite personnel requis pour les employes du programme: • liability insurance (cost attributable only to cover age of EYC participants). . I'assurance responsabilite (frais imputables pour la protection des employes du programme seule- Ineligible non-salary costs: ment). • vehicle purchase; Voici une liste de couts non admissibles: • relocation costs. • achat d'un vehicule; • room and board; • les frais de demenagement; • capital asset purchase. . le gite et le couvert; • I'achot d'immobilisations. 8.0 RECRUITING AND ASSESSMENT OF APPLICANTS Upon receiving approval for funding all employers are 8.0 POLITIQUE D'EMBAUCHE ET EVALUATION DES responsible for recruiting appropriate candidates. A fair CANDIDATS selection process must be conducted for each position. This includes compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Lorsqu'ils recoivent to confirmation de la subvention, les Code. employeurs sont charges du recrutement des candidate. Ces derniers doivent titre soumis a un processus de selec- Hiring under this program must not result in the dismissal, tion juste et conforme au Code des droits de la personne layoff or reduction in regular hours of any regular de ('Ontario. employees. II est interdit de mettre a pied ou de congedier des Participants of short-term positions may be rehired in sub- employes permanents ordinaires ou de reduire le Hombre Sequent years,however,participants of longer term posi- de leurs heures de travail par suite de 1'embauche de Lions may not be rehired for more than two consecutive participants au programme. years. 8 It Is recommended that positions funded by the,EYC be Les personnes qui occupent des posies de courte duree advertised through Canada Employment Centres and peuvent titre embouchees pendant plusieurs annees de local Canada Employment Centres for Students. The suite, mais les participants occupant un poste de longue following resources are additional suggestions for recruit- duree ne peuvent titre embauches que pour deux annees ing: consecutives. • job posting boards; II est recommande que les postes subventionnes dons le cadre du programme soient affiches dons les Centres • advertisements in local newspapers; d`emploi du Canada et dons les Centres d'emploi du Canada pour etudiants. Voici d'autres suggestions de • local high schools, colleges, and universities. methodes de recrutement: All EYC applications must be retained until March 31,1992. • babillards; An EYC Employer List has been developed to provide • annonces dons les journaux locaux; young people with a directory of environmental and other . annonces dons les ecoles secondaires, colleges et related organizations that have offered employment opportunities in the past. Youth can refer to the Employer universites de la region. List at any public library, high school, college, university, Toutes les candidatures presentees dons le cadre du MPP's office, Canada Employment Centre or Canada Employment Centres for Students. Please note that the programme doivent titre conservees jusqu'au 31 mars employers listed might not have funded positions for this 1 992' year. Une liste des employeurs de la Brigade a ete creee pour In April 1991,an Approved Project List will be available at fournir aux jeunes un repertoire d'organismes s'interessant all Canada Employment Centre for Students. This listing a 1'environnement ou a des secteurs connexes qui ont offert des posies par le passe. Les jeunes peuvent consul- contains all projects that have received funding for 1991. ter la liste des employeurs dons les bibliotheques pub- liques,dons les ecoles secondaires,colleges et universites, au bureau du depute, dons les Centres d'emploi du 9.0 CONTRACTS Canada et dons les Centres d'emploi du Canada pour etudiants. II est a noher que certain des employeurs dont le nom apparart sur la liste pourraient ne pas recevoir de A contract is required between the Host Ministry and EYC subvention cette annee. employer to legally define the obligations and responsibili- ties of both parties. Liability Insurance and Workers' Com- En avril 1991, une liste des projets retenus sera disponible pensation coverage is a requirement included in the EYC aupres des Centres d'emploi du Canada pour etudiants. employer contract. Cefte liste comprendro tous les projets qui ant reou une The "Project Proposal Form' submitted by the employer subvention pour 1991. constitutes Appendix `A' of the contract. ' And the Environmental Youth Corps '91 Project Proposal 9.0 CONTRATS Guidelines constitute Appendix 'B' of the contract. Les ministeres d'accueil et les employeurs qui participent au programme doivent signer un contrat precisont legale- ment les obligations et responsabilites des deux parties. L'obligation de souscrire une assurance responsabilite et de participer ou regime,d'indemnisation des accidents du travail doit faire partie du contrat de I'employeur participant au programme. Le formulaire de « Proposition de projet » soumis par 1'employeur constitue I'annexe «A» du contrat. Les« Directives a('intention des employeurs),constituent I'annexe AB»du contrat. 9 10.0 ' LIABILITY INSURANCE 10.0 ASSURANCE RESPONSABILITE CIVILE All EYC employers must obtain liability insurance coverage Les employeurs participant ou programme doivent sous- for their EYC participants of not less than 1 million dollars or crire une assurance responsabilite civile d'au mains un as specified by the Host Ministry. This must be confirmed in million de dollars(a moins d'un avis contraire emanant du writing to the sponsoring Host Ministry. ministere d'accueil), et en fournir la preuve ecrite ou ministere d'accueil. 11.0 WORKERS'COMPENSATION 11.0 INDEMNISATION DES TRAVAILLEURS In addition to liability insurance, all EYC employers must have Workers' Compensation coverage for their EYC Les employeurs doivent aussi obtenir une confirmation participants confirmed in writing. ecrite de la protection de leurs participants par le biais de l'indemnisation des accidents du travail. If the employer falls outside either Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 of the Workers' Compensation Act it shall: Si I'employeur ne figure ni a I'Annexe 1 ni a I'Annexe 2 de la Loi sur les accidents du travail, it devrait: A) obtain coverage as stipulated under the Worker's Compensation Act. A) obtenir une protection, comme le stipule la Loi sur les accidents du travail. Coverage will not extend to individual projects or employees. It will extend to all employees of the organza- La protection ne s'appliquera pas a des projets ou a des lion. The Host Ministry will only reimburse the organization individus en particulier. Elie s'appliquera a tous les em- for the cost of covering EYC participants. ployes de I'organisme. Le ministere d'accueil n'assumera que les touts de la protection des participants au OR programme. B) obtain reasonable liability insurance. Ou The minimum requirement for liability insurance is at least 1 B) obtenir une assurance responsabilite civile million dollars per occurrence and coverage of workers' raisonnable. benefits. Other requirements of insurance coverage will depend on the type and nature of the project. L'exigence minimole en ce qui a trait a I'assurance re- sponsabilite s'etablit a 1 000 000 de dollars par survenance et pour la protection des avantages sociaux des em- Organizations opting for insurance coverage must obtain Ployes. written proof of exclusion from mandatory coverage under Schedules 1 and 2 of the Worker's Compensation Act. Les organismes qui optent pour une assurance doivent obtenir la preuve ecrite de leur exemption des dispositions sur la protection obligatoire en vertu des annexes 1 et 2 de la Loi sur les accidents du travail. 12.0 PROGRAM MONITORING AND EVALUATION Each employer will be required to provide data for evalu- ation purposes. This information will be used to determine 12.0 SUIVI ET EVALUATION DU PROGRAMME whether EYC program objectives are being met. The data sources will primarily be the project proposals, employee Les employeurs seront tenus de fournir des donnees oux data forms, and exit questionnaires. fins d'evoluation du programme. .Ces donnees serviront a determiner si les objectifs du programme sont afteints. Les propositions de projets,les formulaires de renseignements sur 1'employe et les questionnaires de fin d'emploi constit- ueront les principales sources de donnees. 10 •12.1 Employee Data Forms: 12,1 Formulaires de renseignements sur I'eml2loye: All EYC participants should complete an Employee Data Les participants au programme doivent remplir un formu- Form at the time they are hired. Employers must return the laire de renseignements sur 1'employe au moment de leur completed forms to a Host Ministry within 30 days of project embauche. Les employeurs doivent faire parvenir les commencement. This information is gathered under the formulaires dument remplis au ministere d'accueil au plus Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and turd 30 jours apres le debut du projet. L'information est will be held strictly confidential. recueillie en vertu de la Loi sur I'acces a('information et la protection de la vie privee et sera traitee confidentielle- ment. 12.2 12.2 Questionnaires de fin d'em loi: Each participant should complete an Exit Questionnaire form at the conclusion of his/her employment. Once the Les participants doivent remplir un questionnaire de fin project has ended,the Exit Questionnaires must be submit- d'emploi au terme de leur engagement. Les question- ted to a Host Ministry within 30 days. noires doivent titre envoyes au ministere d'accueil au plus tard 30 jours apres la fin du projet. 13.0 SUBMISSIONS OF PROPOSALS 13.0 DEPOT DES PROJETS Facsimile copies are only acceptable to meet submission deadlines and will not be processed for funding. The Les documents envoyes par telecopieur ne sont acceptes original project proposal must follow the facsimile. que pour permettre le respect des dates limites et ne seront pas consideres aux fins de I'attribution dune sub- Submissions using outdated proposal forms are unaccept- vention. Ces derniers doivent titre suivis de('original de la able and will be returned. proposition. All proposals must have the appropriate employers Les demandes effectuees sur des formulaires des annues signature in order to be processed. precedentes ne sont pas admissibles et seront retournees. No project may operate past the closing date of March 31, Pour titre odmissibles, les demandes doivent titre signees 1992 par une personne autorisee,au nom de I'organisme. 13.1 Deadlines. Les projets ne peuvent titre prolonges au-del6 du 31 mars 1992, date de cloture. Project proposals should be submitted to the Host Ministry most closely associated with the mandate of the pro- 13.1 Dates limites: pow project. Exception: Municipalities wishing to participate in the Les employeurs doivent soumettre leur projet au ministere program should apply exclusively to the Ministry of the d'accueil dont la vocation correspond le mieux 6 la Environment. However, if a submission involves a joint- nature du projet qu'ils presentent. venture between a Host Ministry and a Municipality,it can be administered by the Ministry concerned. Exception: Les municipalites qui souhaitent prendre part au programme doivent presenter leur demande au min- Proposals should be submitted according to the follow- istere de I'Environnement. Toutefois,si la demande a trait a un projet liant une municipalite et un outre ministere ing deadlines: d'accueil,la demande peut titre traitee par ce ministere. March 1, 1991 Les demandes doivent titre presentees selon le calendrier . proposals due for Spring/Summer or year round projects suivant: starting April 1, 1991. Le 1•'mars 1991 • date limite pour les demandes portant sur les projets de printemps et d'ete et les projets annuels debutant le 1•` avril 1991. 11 F August 8, 1991 Le 8 aout 1991 • proposals due for short-term projects which will • date limite pour les projets de courte duree exploit6s operate between September 3, 1991 and March 31, entre le 3 septembre 1991 et le 31 mars 1992; 1992; • last day to request any changes to existing Spring/ • derni6re occasion d'apporter des modifications aux Summer projects (extensions/funding revisions). projets de printemps et d'ete existants (prolonga- tions, modification du financement). October 31, 1991 le 31 octobre 1991 • proposals due for short-term projects which will operate after December 1, 1991 date limite pour les projets de courte duree exploites apr6s le 10,d6cembre 1991. 13.2 Host Ministry EYC Offices: 13.2 Bureaux de to WE des ministeres d'accueil Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministere de ('Agriculture et de('Alimentation Environmental Youth Corps Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes c/o Education and Research Division Guelph Agriculture Centre a/s Division de I'6ducation et de la recherche Centre d'agriculture de Guelph P.O. Box 1030 C.P. 1030 Guelph, Ontario Gu h ph, Guelph (Ontario) N1H 6N1 Fax: (519)767-3635 T61ecopieur: (519) 767-3635 Ministry of the Environment orps Ministere de I'Environnement Environmental Youth Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes Human Resources h Coo Direction des ressources humaines 4th Floor, 135 St.Clair Avenue West Toronto, Ontario 135, avenue St. Clair ouest,4e etage Toronto (Ontario) M4V 1 P5 M4V 1P5 Fax: (416)323-4441 T61ecopieur: (416) 323-4441 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ministere du Developpement du Nord Environmental Youth Corps et des Mines Human Resources Branch,Vanguard Office 159 Cedar Street Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes Direction des ressources humaines, Sudbury, Ontario bureau de Vanguard P3E 6A5 159, rue Cedar Fax: (705)675-4157 Sudbury (Ontario) P3E 6A5 Ministry of Tourism and Recreation T61ecopieur: (705) 675-4157 Environmental Youth Corps Peterborough Office Ministere du Tourisme et des loisirs 305 Stewart Street Peterborough, Ontario Brigade des jeunes environnementalistes Pe Bureau de Peterborough Ke rbo Fax: (705) 748-4306 305, rue Stewart Peterborough (Ontario) K9J 3N2 T61ecopieur. (705) 748-4306 12