HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-17Clarington If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee January 17, 2019 7:00 pm 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville Boardroom 1 C MINUTES Draft minutes not yet approved by Committee Present: Frank Barter, Jim Boate, Angela Bramley, Melissa Claxton - Oldfield, Richard Claxton -Oldfield, Bart Hawkins Kreps, Councilor Janice Jones, Arnold Mostert, Jerry Petryshyn, Rick Stockman, Jeanne Winters Regrets: None Staff Present: Ron Albright, Steve Brake, Rob Brezina, Kristin Bullied, Carlos Salazar, Peter Windolf, Leanne Walker 1. Agenda Moved by Angela Bramley seconded by Bart Hawkins Kreps. That the agenda be altered to add Clarington representation on the Regional Active Transportation Committee. Carried 2. Minutes of October 11, 2018 Moved by Jim Boate seconded by Jerry Petryshyn. That the minutes of the ATSR meeting held on October 11, 2018 be approved. Carried 3. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Election of Chair moved by Jim Boate seconded by Jeanne Winters. Angela Bramley was nominated, agreed to stand, and was elected the Chair of the ATSR Committee. Election of Vice Chair moved by Jeanne Winters seconded by Angela Bramley. Rick Stockman was nominated, agreed to stand, and was elected Vice Chair of the ATSR Committee. Carried 4. Presentations Public communication options - Leanne Walker Leanne Walker from Clarington Communications Division attend to provide the committee with an overview of the various social media and communication options the committee could use to communicate with the public. The ATSR Committee would draft a message, Communications would review/revise and post online. Communications can also assist with brainstorming ideas for messaging and delivery. Clarington has a Facebook page, twitter account, events calendar and an Active Transportation (AT) webpage that the committee can use. If the committee wishes to use twitter they could prepare messages in advance that Communications would post on future dates. Communications encourages ATSR Committee members to send photos to post on the Clarington website. Hard copy materials such as a committee brochure could be designed and printed for the committee by the municipality. The ATSR Committee is able to receive feedback from the public )OM 0V9H-FRC&F WV-Vl-F N):Rl I-1III17SR webpage. When specific feedback is required Engage Clarington can be used (https://engageclarington.ca/) to obtain public input on a specific question or issue. ATSR Minutes are uploaded to the Clarington website once approved by Council; further information in Attachment 1. Secondary Plans - Carlos Salazar Carlos Salazar, Manager of Community Planning and Design, provided an overview of the planning process as it relates to Active Transportation. The Official Plan designates land in the municipality based on general uses, Secondary Plans provide more detailed plans for particular areas of a municipality. -10-IUROVSecondary Plans focus on sustainability, protection of natural environment and active transportation. All future development, up to 2031 will be outlined on Secondary Plans. Carlos presented samples of Secondary 2 Plans for the next phase of Wilmot Creek and the Bowmanville East Town Centre. Information on all Secondary Plans is DYD0E(N1RQ1_00-Q \RQVwebsite. Each Secondary Plan has a Communications strategy e.g., surveys, email updates, public information centers, etc. 5. Discussion Items AT facilities on Liberty Street Baseline Road to King Street Discussion with Region re: upcoming design projects on Liberty St; limited land availability presents a challenge in accommodating AT facilities on Liberty St between Baseline Rd and King St; considering various options, e.g., multi -use path; construction is expected to be complete by 2022. AT Connection to Courtice Road GO Bus station Planning to include an AT connection to the Go Bus station; number and location of connections has not yet been determined. AT facilities on Liberty Street- Longworth Ave to Con Rd 3 Durham Region is looking for input from Clarington regarding design (including active transportation elements) for this part of Liberty; Durham Region typically does not directly reach out to public for input, instead public input is collected through the Municipality who conveys it to the Region; construction is expected to begin in 2021. AT facilities along Baseline Rd in Bowmanville ❑ +FK[5 GDQG L DP EVIL5 GZ LCOEH-SDIVRI E110LLQJVM7FFW 1DFLWN, Baseline Rd has been identified as a good candidate for an east -west connection; planning a trail from Baseline to the Waterfront Trail. Active and Sustainable School Travel program ❑XEKDP [5 HJLRQVActive and Sustainable School Travel Committee has applied for a Provincial grant to fund a School Travel Planning Coordinator position, this coordinator would investigate ways to encourage AT travel to/from school; eight schools would be selected, two of which would be in Clarington; representatives from each municipality/city within Durham Region is on this committee; a pilot program was completed at four schools to determine the success of various AT initiatives. ACTION: Rob Brezina to circulate Active and Sustainable School Travel Committee presentation to ATSR Committee. Trail Project Updates Farewell Creek trail is now paved. Grading the edges of the trail will be completed in the spring. The trail is still closed to public use. As part of the project a limestone path was constructed to replace a worn path along the north 3 side of the Robert -]CDP V-SRQG This new path provides a walking route to Worthington Drive from Robert Adams, and to the top of the Farewell valley. Construction on Phase 2 of the Soper Creek Trail began in October. The contractor has completed the excavation and placement of the granular base on the majority of the trail route. Construction will continue in spring 2019. Trail connections to local roads Photos were presented showing the various options utilized by other Durham municipalities. There appears to be no consistent approach. The committee agreed that a trail Stop Sign should be installed at all intersections with roads and sidewalks. The paved trail should extend to the street with a depressed curb. P -gates could also be used at locations where there is a need to slow cyclists before entering a road, and/or to prevent vehicles from using a trail. Liability coverage for committee members The Durham Municipal Insurance Pool (DMIP) was asked about liability coverage for committee members. Committee members fulfilling the mandate of the committee as approved by Council would be covered. The committee questioned whether volunteers assisting with a committee event would also be covered if they are not members of the committee. Peter Windolf will follow up with the DMIP. AT&SR Policy for Hamlets Establish information/criteria to assist staff in determining when an AT element might be warranted e.g., safety, public concerns, etc. Aim to have complete by the end of year ACTION: Ron to send Jeanne Winters more information *X6Z07_1 CLOCA is developing a Conservation Lands Masterplan and is requesting input from public. The committee suggested that a CLOCA representative be invited to a future meeting to provide additional information. ACTION: Peter to contact Jamie Davidson to determine status and invite to attend upcoming ATSR Committee meeting. Durham Active Transportation Committee Councilor Granville Anderson is the Council representative and Constance Grey the citizen representative on the newly formed Durham Active Transportation Committee. The committee agreed that it would be beneficial to have regular communication with the Durham AT Committee representatives. 6. Other Business 11 The ATSR Committee now has a tent and banner that can be used for events. Roadwatch Program, incidents must be reported online: https://members.drps.ca/internet explorer/guest book/road watch report.asp 7. Next Meeting The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 17, 2019 at 7:00pm in Room 1C. 8. Motion to Adjourn Moved by Jerry Petryshyn seconded by Jim Boate That the meeting adjourn at 9:35 PM Carried 5 Attachment 1 Communications for the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee What the Committee can do: Identify what education or awareness campaigns would benefit Clarington residents. This might include: ❑ General info: What is active transportation? ❑ Why active transportation is important - Benefits of incorporating walking/cycling into your life ❑ Bike lanes / How to use them ❑ General tips or facts: ❑ Safety tips to consider when walking/biking/skateboarding ❑ Campaign targeted to encourage kids to walk or bike to school Draft social media messages that we can post throughout the year or during a specific campaign (Communications to refine and post) Take photos - -]H-H-MD-lCNRd_❑❑iLREEIIW-F\AiFP�n the website or social media. Real photos around Clarington are more engaging than stock photos. Post events to Community Events Calendar Register for free Events approved by our Tourism staff What Communications can do: Design posters or handouts - Send out social media to our Facebook and Twitter followers Tourism staff will share and retweet where possible - Revise web content or add new content where necessary if we are lacking information on the corporate website. - We can attend meetings to facilitate the creation of a campaign, guiding the committee on things to consider- - Who is your audience? What is the key message of the campaign - Timeline for the campaign? How will you measure success?