HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-2019Final
Date: February 25, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
%inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to
make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please
contact: Michelle Chambers, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379,
ext. 2101 or by email at mchambers(o)clarington.net.
Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact
the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council
meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the
Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing
the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of
the Council meetings may be video recorded.
Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are
turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting.
Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net
1 Call to Order
2 Moment of Reflection
3 Declaration of Interest
4 Announcements
5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Council Agenda
Date: February 25, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
5.1 Council Minutes Minutes of a regular meeting of Council February 4, 2019 Page 6
February 4, 2019
6 Presentations
6.1 Peter Spratt, Baker Tilly KDN Consulting Inc., Confidential Presentation Regarding Report
CLD -009-19 Appointments to Veridian
7 Delegations
7.1 Jennifer Savini, Templeman LLP, Report PSD -015-19, Proposed Changes to the Growth
Plan for the Greater Golden (Item 6 of the Planning and Development Committee Report)
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There are no Communications to be received for information as of the time of publication.
9 Communications — Direction
There are no Communications for direction as of the time of publication.
10 Committee Reports
10.1 Advisory Committee Reports
10.1.1 Newcastle Arena Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated March 13, Page 19
Minutes April 10, June 12, August 14, September 11, 2018,
January 8, 2019 and February 12, 2019
Page 2
L I' 1
Council Agenda
Date: February 25, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
10.1.2Bowmanville Minutes of the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade dated
Santa Claus September 11, September 25, October 9, and
Parade Minutes October 23, 2018
10.1.3 Agricultural
10.1.4 Heritage
10.2 General
10.3 Special General
10.4 Planning &
11 Staff Reports
Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated
February 14, 2019
Minutes of the Heritage Committee dated February 19,
General Government Committee Report of February 11,
Special General Government Committee Report of
February 15, 2019, and February 19, 2019
Planning and Development Committee Report of
February 19, 2019
11.1 CLD -009-19 Appointments to Veridian Board
12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
Page 38
Page 43
Page 51
Page 54
Page 57
Page 61
Page 64
Page 3
L I' 1
13 Unfinished Business
Council Agenda
Date: February 25, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
13.1 Newcastle Village Newcastle Village Community Hall Board Appointment
Community Hall [Tabled from the February 11, 2019 Special General
Board Government Committee Meeting]
13.2 Hiring of Future The matter of contributions for future hiring of full time fire
Fire Fighters fighters [Tabled from the February 19, 2019 Special
General Government Committee Meeting]
14 By-laws
14.1 2019-009 Being a by-law to amend the By-law 2017-020, which establishes
the Code of Conduct for Members of Council. (Item 3 of the
General Government Committee Report)
14.2 2019-010 Being a Being a By-law to appoint an Integrity Commissioner for
the Municipality of Clarington (Item 3 of the General Government
Committee Report)
14.3 2019-011 Being a Being a By-law to amend the Procedural By-law, 2015-029
(Item 3 of the General Government Committee Report)
14.4 2019-012 Being a By-law to amend the Purchasing By-law (Approved at the
February 4, 2019 Council Meeting)
14.5 2019-013 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(Item 3 of the Planning and Development Committee Report)
14.6 2019-014 Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan
40M-2615 from Part Lot Control
Page 4
15 Procedural Notices of Motion
16 Other Business
17 Confirming By -Law
18 Adjournment
Council Agenda
Date: February 25, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Council Chambers
Page 5
February 4, 2019
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility
Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 4, 2019, at 7:00 PM, in the
Council Chambers.
Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper,
Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill,
Councillor M. Zwart
Staff Present: A. Allison, R. Albright, T. Calhoun, J. Caruana, F. Horvath, F.
Langmaid, M. Marano, R. Maciver, T. Pinn, A. Greentree,
M. Chambers
1 Call to Order
Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2 Moment of Reflection
Councillor Neal led the meeting in a moment of reflection.
3 Declaration of Interest
Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Report COD -003-19, regarding
Neighbourhood Character Study (Item 7 of the General Government Committee
4 Announcements
Andrew Allison, Chief Administrative Officer, introduced Michael Seaman, the new
Director of Planning Services. Mr. Allison provided a brief summary of Mr. Seaman's
work history and welcomed him to the Municipality of Clarington.
Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community
5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Resolution #C-029-19
Moved by Councillor Traill seconded by Councillor Zwart
That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January 14, 2019, be
6 Presentations
7 Delegations
Suspend the Rules
Resolution #C-030-19
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
February 4, 2019
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to add Wendy Bracken as a delegation
regarding Report PSD -010-19, Resolution regarding Durham Region's Solid Waste
Management Servicing and Financing Study Report #2019 -COW -3 PLN 33.3.10.
Resolution #C-031-19
Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend Linda Gasser's delegation to a 12
minute time limit.
7.1 Linda Gasser, regarding Report PSD -010-19, Resolution regarding Durham
Region's Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study Report
#2019 -COW -3 PLN 33.3.10 (Agenda Item 13.2)
Linda Gasser was present regarding Report PSD -010-19, Resolution regarding Durham
Region's Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study Report
#2019 -COW -3 PLN 33.3.10. She made verbal presentation to accompany an electronic
presentation. Ms. Gasser believes that paragraph 2 and 7 of the proposed Resolution
in the Report appear to be contradictory and she has concerns with paragraph eight
sections 1 b and 1 g. She continued by asking the Members of Council for the following
changes to the proposed resolution in Report PSD -010-19. Ms. Gasser outlined her
suggested changes:
• That Paragraph 7 be deleted to provide more focus on the proposed incinerator
• That Paragraph 8 section 1 b, be deleted so that the Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
process is not accelerated.
• If Paragraph 8 section 1 b is not deleted, it be changed to request that the AD
process continue to be investigated and a Regional recommendation report with
an updated business case be presented at the earliest opportunity.
• That if Paragraph 8 section 1 b is not deleted that 1 c go after 1 d.
February 4, 2019
She continued by noting that Councillor Neal's resolution requesting an additional stack
test in 2019 was passed and asked that soil sampling be considered when submitting
future comments. Ms. Gasser explained why source separation needs to be a priority,
reviewed previous GHD Reports, and reasons not to take a premature position on an
organics strategy. She concluded by reviewing the estimates costs for the potential
expansion. Ms. Gasser answered questions from the Members of Council.
7.2 Wendy Bracken, regarding Report PSD -010-19, Resolution regarding
Durham Region's Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study
Report #2019 -COW -3 PLN 33.3.10 (Agenda Item 13.2)
Resolution #C-032-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend Wendy Bracken's delegation to a
12 minute time limit.
Wendy Bracken was present regarding Report PSD -010-19, Resolution regarding
Durham Region's Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study Report
#2019 -COW -3 PLN 33.3.10. She a made verbal presentation to accompany an
electronic presentation. Ms. Bracken has concerns with paragraph 7 of the proposed
Resolution as well as paragraph 8 sections 1 b and 1 g. She continued by asking the
Members of Council for the following changes to the proposed resolution in Report
PSD -010-19. Ms. Bracken outlined her suggested changes:
• That Paragraph 7 be deleted, as it implies premature endorsement of Anaerobic
Digestion (AD).
• That Paragraph 8 section 1 b be reworded to ask that the AD process continue to
be investigated by Regional Staff.
• That at a later date, annual soil monitoring be requested.
• That the message to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
(MECP) must ask for a full review of the health and ecological risks.
• That Section 3 include that appropriate and up to date health -based toxicity
reference values and standards be applied.
Ms. Bracken explained the importance of updating the standards and noted that the
ambient air standards are being lowered in 2020. She reviewed the health effects of
NO2, current priorities of the Canadian Ambient Air Quality Objectives, and the new
CCME Air Quality Management Levels and Goals. Ms. Bracken reviewed several
charts containing the World Health Organization bench mark values and stated that
these standards need to be updated. Ms. Bracken answered questions from the
Members of Council.
February 4, 2019
Suspend the Rules
Resolution #C-033-19
Moved by Councillor Neal seconded by Councillor Hooper
That the Agenda be altered to consider Item 13.2, Report PSD -010-19, Resolution
regarding Durham Region's Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study
Report #2019 -COW -3 PLN 33.3.10, at this time.
13.2 Report PSD -010-19 - Resolution regarding Durham Region's Solid Waste
Management Servicing and Financing Study Report #2019 -COW -3 PLN 33.3.10
[Referred from the January 28, 2019 Planning and Development Committee
Resolution #C-034-19
Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Neal
Whereas Regional Staff presented Report #2019 -COW -3, Solid Waste Management
Servicing and Financing Study on January 16, 2019 to outline a number of processes,
amongst them being:
• Endorsement of a long term waste management vision founded on managing
waste as a resource;
• Commencement of public consultation and communications for the Regional
Municipality of Durham's Long Term Waste Management Strategy (Update for
• Authorization to apply to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
(MECP) to increase the processing limit of 140,000 tonnes per year to 160,000
tonnes per year at the Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC);
• Commencement of the focused Environmental Assessment (EA) Terms of
Reference for the future expansion of the DYEC to 250,000 tonnes per year with
anticipated construction in 10-15 years.
Whereas Clarington is concerned that some of the actions are pre -judging the results of
the Long Term Waste Management Strategy and are a more costly approach to waste
diversion; and
Whereas Clarington is concerned with the on-going operational issues at the DYEC and
in particular the air emissions (ambient and stack) which have shown exceedances in
the past; and
Whereas the emissions sources tests at the DYEC from September 2018 indicate that it
is operating at 91 % of the ECA Compliance Approval Limit for NOx; and
� Council
February 4, 2019
Whereas Section 22.1 of the EA stipulates that the maximum amount of waste that may
be processed at the DYEC is 140,000 tonnes per year; and
Whereas the Region committed to a 70% waste diversion target in the DYEC EA and
the Host Community Agreement; and
Whereas on June 13, 2018 Regional Council approved anaerobic digestion (AD) with a
mixed waste transfer and pre-sort facility as the preferred technologies for the Region's
long term organic management strategy (Report #2018 -COW -146) which is necessary
to move from 55% to 70% diversion;
Now therefore be it resolved that:
1. Clarington Council requests Durham Region Council to direct staff to:
a) Proceed with haste on renewing its commitment to waste reduction, reuse, and
diversion by reviewing, updating, and consulting with the public on the Long
Term Waste Management Strategy;
b) Continue to investigate the AD process for implementation by Regional staff with
a report to Regional Council, before June 2019 outlining steps necessary to
complete this project within a 3 year timeframe;
c) Prepare a public consultation and communication plan, including anticipated
timelines, to educate the community about the preferred technologies (approval
as per #2018 -COW -146), including the rationale, regulatory process, siting,
opportunities for public input, and how the project contributes to the Region's
70% waste diversion target;
d) Clarify how they intend to obtain the input of the public with respect to any
proposed increase to the processing limit of the DYEC;
e) Post the work plan for the dioxins and furans long-term sampling system
(AMESA) on the DYEC website, and provide a timeline for verification of the
AMESA system, as required by the DYEC ECA and, upon completion of the
actions in the work plan report back on the results to Durham Region and
Clarington Councils;
f) Prepare and implement a communications plan to include greater promotion,
education, enforcement and public awareness of the Region's waste
management system; and
g) Continue to perform both an additional annual source test at the DYEC and the
DYEC Ambient Air Monitoring Program for at least 3 additional years, minimum.
February 4, 2019
That Clarington forward a request to the MECP to prepare a report on local airshed
quality, including (i) the sources and concentrations of NOx and Sox, and how any
lowered ambient air standards for NOx and Sox, will be managed given that this will
result in exceedances at current emissions levels; and (ii) that identifies and evaluates
the sources and concentrations of local airshed emissions, associated health risks and
overall air quality and
That Clarington inform the MECP of its position that any amendment to the EA to
increase the processing limit of the DYEC beyond the current 140,000 tonnes per year
be contingent upon a full review of the proposal under the Environmental Assessment
Act, that applies appropriate and up to date health -based toxicity reference values and
standards, and include a consideration of the concerns listed above.
That this resolution be circulated to the MECP, Durham Region, and area municipalities
including York Region; and
That Report PSD -010-19 be received and all interested parties listed in the Report and
any delegations be advised of Council's decision.
Carried as Amended
Resolution #C-035-19
Moved by Councillor Zwart, seconded by Councillor Jones
That the foregoing Resolution #C-034-18 be amended by adding the following after the
word Council in section 1b:
"together with a final business case."
The foregoing Resolution #C-034-19 was then carried on the following recorded vote:
Council Member
Declaration of
Councillor Anderson
Councillor Hooper
Councillor Jones
Councillor Neal
Councillor Traill
Councillor Zwart
Mayor Foster
8 Communications — Receive for Information
There were no communications to be received for information.
9 Communications — Direction
There were no communications for direction.
10 Committee Reports
10.1.1 Newcastle
Arena Board
10.1.2 Agricultural
10.1.3 Heritage
10.1.4 Active
and Safe
Resolution #C-036-19
February 4, 2019
Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated November 13, 2018
Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated January 10, 2019
Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated January 15, 2019
Minutes of the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory
Committee dated January 17, 2019
Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Advisory Committee Report Items 10.1.1 and 10.1.4, be approved.
10.2 General Government Committee Report of January 21, 2019
Resolution #C-037-19
Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of
January 21, 2019, be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #7, #5 and #9.
� Council
February 4, 2019
Item 7 —Neighbourhood Character Study
Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Report COD -003-19, regarding
Neighbourhood Character Study as it relates to his law practice. Councillor Neal left the
room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter.
Resolution #C-038-19
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Report COD -003-19 be received;
That the proposal received from MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning
Limited (MHBC) being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and
specifications of RFP2018-12 and subject to a satisfactory reference check, be awarded
the contract for the provision of consulting services to complete the Neighbourhood
Character Study;
That the funds required in the amount of $ 58,451.71 (net HST rebate) be drawn from
the following account:
Consulting & Zoning By-law Review # 100-50-130-00000-7160 $58,451.71; and
That all interested parties listed in Report COD -003-19 and any delegations be advised
of Council's decision by the Department.
Councillor Neal returned to the meeting.
Item 5 —Pilot Youth Centre, Courtice (The Loft)
Resolution #C-039-19
Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That Report CSD -001-19 be received;
That 2019 funding requirements for the Courtice Youth Centre and the Newcastle Youth
Centre be referred to the John Howard Society of Durham Region 2019 grant
submission and considered by Council during the 2019 budget process; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CSD -001-19 and any delegations be advised
of Council's decision.
Clar-in o
n Council
February 4, 2019
Item 9 — Region of Durham Transportation Priorities in Clarington
Resolution #C-040-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That Region of Durham staff be requested to attend the March 4, 2019 General
Government Committee meeting, or as soon as practicable, to address the issue of
transportations priorities for the Municipality of Clarington under Regional
10.3 Planning & Development Committee Report of January 28, 2019
Resolution #C-041-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the recommendations contained in the Planning & Development Committee Report
of January 28, 2019, be approved, on consent.
11 Staff Reports
11.1 Confidential Verbal Report from the Director of Operations, regarding a
Municipal Facility concerning information specifically supplied to the
Municipality by the Federal Government
Closed Session
Resolution #C-042-19
Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Neal
That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the
meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing information explicitly supplied in
confidence to the municipality by the Federal Government, or an agency of them.
11.2 Rise and Report
The meeting resumed in open session at 8:22 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair.
Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance
with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and no resolutions were passed.
February 4, 2019
Resolution #C-043-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper
That the Confidential Verbal Report from the Director of Operations, regarding a
Municipal Facility concerning information specifically supplied to the Municipality by the
Federal Government, be received for information.
12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion
13 Unfinished Business
13.1 Fulfilling a Role of the Strategic Initiatives Officer [Referred from the January
14, 2019 Council Meeting]
Resolution #C-044-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Zwart
That a position with the title "Corporate Policy Analyst" be filled, with the funding source
at the discretion of the Director of Finance;
That the position:
(a) be advertised as a non-affiliated two year contract with a six month probation
(b) require a Masters of Public Administration and/or a combination of education and
experience in the development of public policy satisfactory to the CAO;
(c) report to the CAO;
(d) be remunerated within a range of $80,000 to $95,000 annually, subject to all
statutory deductions;
(e) have benefits after the first year that are limited to Extended Health Care, Dental,
and Short Term Disability up to 10 days annually (i.e. no Life, AD&D or LTD);
That the CAO report back to Council prior to the end of the two year contract term
regarding the position;
That Purchasing By-law No. 2015-022 be amended to (i) delete item 5.i "Engineering
Services and Engineering Consulting Services" from "Schedule "A" - Exempt Good and
Services" and (ii) require a roster of approved engineering firms within required
disciplines, such that a consulting contracts will be awarded to rostered firms based on
price; and
February 4, 2019
That the purchasing By-law be amended to require the approval by Council for the
hiring of external consultants, except where the same are required by law.
Motion Divided
(See following motions)
Resolution #C-045-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Anderson
That foregoing Resolution #C-044-19 be divided to separate the last paragraph.
Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the foregoing Resolution #C-044-19 was then put to a vote
and carried.
Resolution #C-046-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That paragraph 5 of the foregoing Resolution #C-044-19 be tabled to the May 6, 2019
General Government Committee meeting.
13.2 Report PSD -010-19 - Resolution regarding Durham Region's Solid Waste
Management Servicing and Financing Study Report #2019 -COW -3 PLN
33.3.10 [Referred from the January 28, 2019 Planning and Development
Committee Meeting]
Report PSD -010-19 was considered earlier in the meeting immediately following the
Delegation section of the Agenda.
13.3 Report COD -002-19 - Miscellaneous Catch Basin and Maintenance Hole
Repairs [Referred at the January 21, 2019 General Government Committee
Resolution #C-047-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Jones
That Report COD -002-19 be received;
That Coco Paving Inc. with an annual bid in the amount of $133,031.87 (Net HST
Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and
specifications of Tender CL2018-33 be awarded the contract for an initial one year term,
as required by the Operations Department;
February 4, 2019
That pending satisfactory performance, and pending Council approval, the Purchasing
Manager be given the authority to extend that contract for this service for up to three
additional one year terms;
That the funds required for this project in the amount of $139,683.46 (Net HST Rebate)
which includes the construction cost of $133,031.87 (Net HST Rebate) and
contingency cost of $6,651.59 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as
Catch Basin/Sewer Mntnc (2018)
100-36-380-10245-7163 $76,135.08
Catch Basin/Sewer Mntnc (Prior Yrs Unexpended)100-36-280-10245-7163 $63,548.38
That all interested parties listed in Report COD -002-19 and any delegations be advised
by the Corporate Services Department of Council's decision regarding the award.
14 By-laws
Resolution #C-048-19
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson
That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2019-005 to 2019-007
14.1 2019-005 Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 10M-840
from Part Lot Control
14.2 2019-006 Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2629
and 40M-2602 from Part Lot Control
14.3 2019-007 Being a By-law to establish certain lands as Public Highways
(Item 8 of General Government Committee Report)
That the said by-laws be approved.
15 Procedural Notices of Motion
There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the
� Council
February 4, 2019
16 Other Business
16.1 Councillor Neal enquired if a Report would be coming forward with respect to
internet voting.
17 Confirming By -Law
Resolution #C-049-19
Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson
That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2019-008, being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on
the 4th day of February, 2019; and
That the said by-law be approved.
18 Adjournment
Resolution #C-050-19
Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill
That the meeting adjourn at 8:39 PM.
Municipal Clerk
Newcastle Memorial Arena Manazement Board
Municipality of Clarinaton
Minutes of Meetinz — March 13, 2018
(Not yet approved by committee)
In Attendance: — Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager
Shea -Lea Latchford, Peter Kennedy, Susan White, Gary Oliver.
Regrets: Councillor Woo, Councillor Partner, Carol Little
1. Adoption of Minutes: Motion # 18-006 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of February
13, 2018 is accepted as presented.
Moved by: Peter Kennedy
Seconded by: Gary Oliver
2. Arena Manager's Report: Following up with his meeting with the Operations
Department, Bryan reviewed what was discussed. Minutes were taken and copies will be
forthcoming from the municipality. Issues in question and to be determined are as
follows: Fire Drill procedure, Paving of parking lot with consideration for taking the
drains and down pipes underground, commercial front door garbage pick-up resolved and
the south/east corner of the parking lot requires improved lighting. Bryan also arranged
for snow removal from our parking lot, as we have two teams in the Ontario Finals and
will need the parking space. Clarington Fire Department had completed their updated
tour of the building and the review of ammonia emergency procedures. Our new vending
service updated the vending equipment in the building and provided us with our first
commission payment of $267.60. — 20% (including HST) on sales of $1,184.07. Ice will
stay in the arena until the end of March. Ball Hockey is scheduled to commence Sunday,
April 8t', and Clarington Lacrosse commences later, that same week.
Further, Bryan had not quoted the two summer trade shows and contrary to what was
determined in our February minutes, we did increase the trade show rate by
approximately $50.00 to $734.52 plus 13% HST — (95.48) Total fee $830.00. The early
set-up day, (4Hrs.) to $245.14 plus HST - ($31.86) total of $277.00. Also, revenue from
the vending service was reduced by $2,000.00.
3. Financial Report: YTD February 281h, 2018 indicated revenue at $84,697.03 and total
expenses at $58,452.06.
Budget with above noted changes was presented and Motion # 18-007 was proposed:
THAT: Our income statement forecast for 2018 be set at $306,600.00 and total expenses
at $292,300.00
Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Peter Kennedy
4. New Business: With the municipal election taking place in October of this year, it had
been determined by council that the arena board would finish out this term short the one
member. Then, brought up to quota when the new board is appointed in November of
2018. Sue White reminded the board members that a contract was required by the
operators of the Clarington Farmers' Market for the use of the building and parking lot
during the summer months.
5. Next Meeting: Tuesday April 10, 2018 -7:00 p.m.
6. Adjournment: Motion # 18-008 was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned.
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board
Municipality of Clarrinvon
Minutes of Meeting — Tuesday April 10th, 2018
(Not yet approved by committee)
In Attendance — Gord lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager
Peter Kennedy, Shea -Lea Latchford, Carol Little, Gary Oliver, Councillor Wendy Partner, Susan
Regrets: Regional Councillor Woo
1. Adoption of Minutes: Motion # 18-009 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of March
13, 2018 are accepted as presented.
Moved by: Susan White
Seconded by: Shea -Lea Latchford
2. Arena Manager's Report: Bryan was hoping to have the Clarington Minor Lacrosse
summer floor time schedule completed shortly. A second meeting was scheduled to
finalize. A walk through of the building will take place in April to determine any crucial
needs for repairs or updating. Bryan will provide a report at the next scheduled meeting.
It will include estimates on updating our washrooms. Two quotes were being requested.
Staff had all been laid off with the exception of one part-time employee; Noah Burton to
assist with painting and summer maintenance. The Newcastle & District Chamber of
Commerce Trade and Lifestyle Show were finalized for one day — Sunday June 5th, 2018
to coincide with the Clarington Farmers' Market. It was suggested that the board
members meet as required throughout the summer months. Consequently, no meeting
was scheduled for the month of May and June's meeting was to be scheduled by the
chair, if required.
3. Financial Report: Accounts Receivables, Y.T.D. March 31St, totaled $85,065.89 with
all season ending ice time invoices in the mail. Bryan will be chasing down these
accounts for collection throughout the balance of April and May.
An income statement for Y.T.D. March 31st was also provided showing revenue at $126, 717.77
— 41% of 2018 forecast. Summer floor rentals are forecast at $12,000.00, a slight increase from
2017 revenue of $10,900.00. Extra monies in our operating account will be deposited into short-
term GICs for the summer months. Then, back in the operating account in September.
Next Meeting: To be determined by chair — in all probability June 12, 2018
Adjournment: Motion # 18-010 was proposed: THAT: This meeting is adjourned.
Moved by: Gary Oliver
Seconded by: Councillor Partner
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board
Municipality of Clarington
Minutes of Meeting — Tuesday June 12, 2018
(Not vet approved by committee)
In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager
Councillor Woo, Councillor Partner, Carol Little, Peter Kennedy, Gary Oliver, and Susan
Regrets — Shea -Lea Latchford
1. Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 18-011 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of April
10, 2018 be accepted as presented.
Moved by: Councillor Partner Seconded by: Carol Little
2. Arena Manager's Report — Bryan had completed research into major washroom
renovations which resulted in too costly a project to take on. Bringing updates and new
fixtures to both washrooms would exceed $40,000.00 and received negative response
from our board members. The information was accepted as information and not acted on.
We did however discuss a general clean-up with the following motion put forward:
Motion # 18- 012 was proposed: THAT: Bryan proceed through the summer months
with replacing the sink counters, painting the washroom stall partitions and a general
clean-up of the washrooms. Carol Little would provide some assistance in colour choice
and counter styles.
Moved by: Peter Kennedy Seconded by: Councillor Partner
[y�.1.11 X117
Minor Lacrosse continues on in the arena until the end of June and our House League
Ball Hockey will continue on Sunday throughout the summer — ending in August. The
Gift of Art Exhibition appears to be well attended, with 50 plus artisans already
confirmed. They have booked July 6th as a set-up time and the 7th and 81h for the show.
Bryan will be working on summer maintenance of the building and ice contracts for this
fall. He should have everything in place for our August meeting.
3. Financial Report — May 31, 2018 showed revenue at 46% of 2018 forecast with new
rates coming into effect for the fall/winter season. Accounts receivables were at
$30,078.02 and needed to be worked on. Approximately $4400.00 was outstanding sign
4. New Business —It was suggested by Sue; attention should be given to the lobby area as
well. Particularly the condition of the heating grates, waste receptacles, etc. Replacement
of some of the shabby looking units would be in order. Bryan will look after. The board
members will not meet in July, unless notified by the chair.
5. Next meeting — Tuesday August 14, 2018
6. Adiournment — Motion # 18-013 was proposed: THAT: This meeting is
adj ourned.
Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Councillor Woo
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board
Municipality of Clarinaton
Minutes of Meeting — Tuesday Auzust 14, 2018
(Not yet approved by committee)
In Attendance: Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager
Shea -Lea Latchford, Peter Kennedy, Susan White, Gary Oliver, Councillor Woo, Councillor
Regrets: Carol Little
1. Adoption of Minutes: Motion # 18-014 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of June 12,
2018 meeting be accepted as presented.
Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Councillor Partner
2. Arena Manager's Report: Bryan reported on the summer maintenance progress and
advised of the fall start-up and ice making schedule. Ice to be completed by September
22nd, and the first ice rental dates are September 23rd, 2018. All contracts from user
groups had been returned except Newcastle Village Minor Hockey. (Copies of ice
contracts are to be provided to the chair prior to start-up time). The Olympia was still to
be sent out for service and returned to the arena on or before our start-up date of
September 10th, 2018. Bryan still hadn't caught up with Carol Little, whom had offered to
assist in the selection of counter tops and paint the colours for the two washrooms. Also
incomplete was the replacement of the heating grills in the lobby. It appears they are not
stock items with any of the hardware or big box stores. John at Rona Hardware,
Newcastle was looking into having them made. No minutes had yet to be received from
Bryan's early summer meeting with operations and no indication had been provided for
the scheduled repairs and resurfacing of the parking lot. It wouldn't seem likely at this
point that anything was going to be completed for this season. Councillor Partner offered
to discuss this with Mr. Horvath in her upcoming meeting with him this week. Hedge
trimming along the east fenced area was also scheduled to be completed by the
municipality before start-up.
The operation of a portable ice separator, purchased by the NVMHA was still to be
demonstrated and discussed with Bryan. Apparently there is a video available and yet to
be seen by our staff. The separator in question allows for a split ice capability for two
minor league games or practices to be scheduled on the same surface. Contrary to the
dividers currently used, that divide the ice across the centre line, this new separator
extends the full length of the ice. Installation and removal time and, by whom, come in to
question; plus storage of this unit are items to be discussed and planned out. Bryan,
hopefully will have had an opportunity to meet with minor hockey and come to some
conclusions on the operation and safety concerns. Primarily: By whom and how this unit
gets handled during a busy ice schedule without reducing ice time for the user groups?
3. Financial Report
Accounts receivables YTD, July 31, 2018 were at $15,739.09. $6,652.14 from the
C.G.H.L. was in dispute by the league — Bryan was reviewing the billing for their
treasurer and will have it resolved before September start-up.
Income YTD July 31, 2018 was at $142,413.50 — $7,600.00 less from same period 2017.
The closing of the snack bar and very little playoff hockey in February/ March were the
main factors. Total expenses YTD were $10,000.00 less than 2017 YTD.
4. Next Meeting - September 11, 2018
5. Adiournment - Motion # 18-15 Motion to Adjourn
Moved by: Susan White
Seconded by: Peter Kennedy
Newcastle Memorial Arena Manazement Board
Municipality of Clarinaton
Minutes of Meetinz — Tuesday September 11, 2018
(Not yet approved by Committee)
In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire — Arena Manager
Shea -Lea latchford, Carol Little, Susan White, Gary Oliver, Councillor Woo, Peter Kennedy
Regrets: Councillor Partner
1. Adoption of Minutes — Motion # 18 -016 was proposed: THAT:
The minutes of August 14, 2018 are accepted as presented.
Moved by: Carol Little
Seconded by: Shea -Lea Latchford
2. Arena Manager's Report — Washrooms completed; new sinks and vanities, partitions painted.
Ice pad preparations underway and to be ready for September 18th. Repairs and flooring updates
were also being completed to the player's benches. All contracts signed and returned from user
groups. Contract ice represented fifty-nine and one quarter hours, (59.25) of prime —time ice.
Municipality advised Bryan there are no plans for the arena parking lot to be re -paved, contrary to
what we had thought was taking place this summer/fall. Bryan also advised his full seasonal staff
had been hired and most were already employed in the opening preparations.
Concerns over the parking area and the water run-off from the roof on the east side of the
building were discussed. Both councilor Woo and Partner suggested it would be advisable for the
new arena committee, appointed after the municipal election in October to formally advise the
engineering department of the water damage concerns to the lower outside eastern side of the
building. Through previous informal conversations with the Operations Dept. Bryan had advised
the board the downspouts from the roof were going to be hooked up to the sewer pipes, taking the
water run-off and ice buildup away from the building foundation.
Motion # 18- 017 was proposed: THAT: With the appointment of the new arena committee in
December or, January of 2019, they formally forward a request to operations and engineering
departments to evaluate the necessity of this repair work and have it planned and scheduled.
Moved by: Susan White
Seconded by: Councillor Partner
Bryan also advised: His staff would be attending a Safety and C.P.R. Training update; taking
place on Saturday September 151}i. This was being put on by the municipality, with no costs to
the attendees.
3. Financial Report — With minimal activity taking place over the month of August, an income
statement was not provided by the chair. Accounts receivables for YTD August 31, 2018 were at
$12,905.63 - $7,330.14 being over 90 days. Bryan was in discussion with C.G.M.H.L. regarding
their account. Payment of $6,652.14 was forthcoming. Gift of Art was the other over 90
4. Next Meeting — No meeting was scheduled for October — Next meeting to be November 13,
2018 after the municipal election.
5. Adjournment — Motion # 18- 018 was proposed: THAT: This meeting is adjourned.
Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Peter Kennedy
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board
Municipality of Clarinvon
Minutes of Meetinz — Tuesday January 8, 2019
In attendance Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager
Shea -Lea Latchford, Gary Oliver, Peter Kennedy, Susan White
Y The meeting was called by the outgoing chair to gather the arena manager and the four, (4)
returning members together for an information only meeting. With three additional members and
two new councilors not as yet appointed, the outgoing chair wanted to review and advise the
returning members of any outstanding projects and requirements that would be on the early
agenda for 2019. The outgoing committee had some difficulties filling vacancies for some of the
positions required to operate the management committee. Primarily, a vice -chair, recording
secretary, and treasurer's position had gone unfilled for the past term. Finding a person(s) who
was re -applying to serve on the board and step up in 2019 was the main purpose of this meeting.
Y Positive discussions took place, the outgoing chair offered to prepare a draft of the new budget
forecast for 2019. This would include a rationale on each entry for the new committee to review
and provide their input, then approve. Also, the outgoing chair offered to work with the
bookkeeper to finalize, follow through and deliver the 2018 audit to the Municipal Finance
Y Updates, banking, receivables and bill paying procedures were reviewed to provide an easy
transition for the new committee. Signature changes on the bank accounts would be required and
this will take place once the new chair has been elected. At the conclusion of the meeting, it
appeared that Peter Kennedy would consider the chair position and if elected, would pursue
volunteer members for the other needed responsibilities. The four attending members at this
meeting were also reminded that November's minutes had not been approved and this would need
to be on the February agenda.
Adjournment took place with no motion provided.
Budget Categories
Property Maintenance and Property Operations
Property Maintenance Invoices — Acct. # 5740
Prichard Mechanical
George Moore Electric
Jack Burgess Plumbing
Cimco Refrigeration
Durham Glass
Locksmith Service
Fire & Safety Inspection
All Cleaning Materials
Property Operations — Acct # 5720
Duracut Blade Sharpening
2-M Sports — Rink Equipment
The Hardware Store — Rona, Newcastle
Jet Ice — Paint for Ice Level
Snow Removal — Parking Lot - Sunnyside Acres, Jeff Stapleton
Snow Removal — Sidewalks - Foss Maintenance, Troy Foster
Lexan Material for Rink Board Signage (no designated source, best price at time)
Arena Board Rational for 2019 Budget
Income Revenue
Y Ice Rentals — 2018 Actual $264,224.63 — 2019 Forecast $270,000.00
Added $6,000.00 to this entry as we did have an additional I hour taken by minor
hockey for the 2018-19 season, (13 weeks, January to March and whatever extra
playoff times we get). We don't know what minor hockey will request at start-up
time in September and in reality, we have minimal to zero prime time ice
available to rent. 2017 and 2018 were similar at $265,000.00 for ice rentals. I
would suggest you stay in the $270,000.00 range for 2019.
Y Public Skating — 2018 Actual - $3,386.73 Little disappointed in our 2018 public
skating revenue at $3,300.00 - $900.00 below forecast and 2017 actual. We added
the outdoor "A" sign on the boulevard, but it doesn't seem to attract additional
skaters. P.S. is also well advertised on our Face Book Page. A mild fall, (October,
November) doesn't appear to get us off to a good start and get people in the habit
of coming to the rink. We only have a Sunday afternoon time slot available for
public skating, other than our Tuesday morning Parent and Tots and Adult free
skate. We could try week -day public skating if our staff is working on
maintenance projects or at the arena. Wouldn't want to add payroll for daytime
skating if it wouldn't cover the additional costs, i.e. lighting, heating, water etc.
Not having a snack bar in operation may also of had an effect on Sunday Public
Skating. Suggesting we leave our forecast at $4,000.00 for another season.
Y Upstairs Rentals — 2018 Actual - $4,300.00 — 2019 Forecast - $4,500.00
Don't expect much change in upstairs rentals; only one permanent tenant.
Increase rental income for upstairs would take some promoting or advertising for
small party groups, i.e. showers, group meetings, etc. You are up against many
small venues in the municipality that are somewhat easier to use, i.e. stairs have
traditionally discouraged renters. Particularly for seniors.
Y Storage Rentals -2018 Actual - $1,200.00 — 2019 Forecast - $1,200.00
Newcastle Family Connection rent two small rooms upstairs for storage of their
costumes and props used in concerts and competitions. No change to this entry,
unless you plan on increasing rent. The $1,200.00 is bonus money as we can't use
the rooms for anything other than storage.
Y Sign Rentals- 2018 Actual $7,000.00 — 2019 Forecast $8,000.00
Rink board advertising is a good revenue producer and there are more potential
advertisers available. The Scoreboard sign requires a new sponsor, with Tim
Horton's giving it up. Multi -Media, who have the electronic sign in the lobby and
the Lacrosse Timer, would probably be interested. We currently receive $700.00
annually for the Lacrosse Timer — I'm thinking the time clock would bring
$1,000.00 annually from Multi- Media. Also, there are several new retailers in
Newcastle, the Barber Shop and Newcastle Griddle come to mind. It's just a
matter of someone volunteering to make a few calls. That is how I obtained most
of the other advertisers.
Regarding Tim Horton's I am in the process of writing their new contact before
processing another invoice to them for 2019. I will get the best resolve I can for
the outstanding rental from 2017. Strange, that they did pay 2018's rental and not
2017. I will advise the best outcome and the proper procedure for 2019 for
Y Vending Sales — 2018 Actual - $767.96 — 2019 Forecast - $1,000.00 —
Disappointed in vending sales, we had forecast $2,000.00 for 2018, our initial
estimate since we closed the snack bar. Our share is 30% on total sales. Don't
expect much of an increase in this revenue, but did forecast at $1,000.00
Y Summer Rentals — 2018 Actual - $15,772.05 — 2019 Forecast $14,000.00
Summer rentals depend mostly on the number of dates Clarington Recreational
Lacrosse take from us early in the spring. Last season we had extra rentals
because Rickard Arena was under construction. Generally, with the Ball Hockey
League, Lacrosse and the two trade shows we generate in the neighborhood of
$12,000.00 in summer sales. I set our forecast to $14,000.00 for 2019, not
knowing how many hours we will get from Clarington Lacrosse.
Y Total Revenue — 2018 - $296,651.37— 2019 Forecast - $302,700.00
Both 2017 and 2018 revenue was at the $296, 000.00 levels. We did have an
increase in ice and floor rental fees which took place at September start-up time in
2018 and will carry into our spring ice closing in April 2019. For this reason I
have included a $6,000.00 increase in revenue. With very little prime -time ice
available at the arena for the past several years, revenue increases primarily come
from rental increases. Lots of daytime ice available if you want to try additional
public skating programs. I am told Courtice Arena have public skating every
week -day morning.
Y Payroll Expense -2018 Actual $140,875.15 — 2019 Forecast $143,600.00
I did add $2,700.00 to the payroll expense, not knowing what additional expenses
will occur through the E.I., C.P.P. W.C.B, E.I. and Bryan's benefit program with
the municipality. The new board members will decide on any wage increase for
Bryan. Most of balance of staff, which is all part time, follows the wage structure
set by the province. The only exception is our lead hands who do receive rates
above the minimum wage. You may want to review those rates with Bryan.
Y General Administration Expenses —
2018 Actual $117,347.98 — 2019 Forecast - $120,150.00
Y Bookkeeping Expense is set at $10,000.00 for this season. Accurate
Bookkeeping does charge $40.00 /hour and invoice monthly, but
December is the final payment to balance off at the $10,000.00 level.
Y Capital Expense —No monies spent on Capital Expenses for the Past
Two Years I generally budget $10,000.00 for C.E. but, it is very seldom
spent. However, should you encourage an expense that the municipality
deems as capital then, it is budgeted for.
Y General Administration — 2019 Budgeted $2,000.00 —1 used this entry
for office supplies and expenses, i.e. Stationery, ink cartridges, postage,
etc. Both Bryan's and mine.
Y Bank Fees and Bad Debts — 2019 Forecast — $750.00 similar to 2018
Y Propane Expense — 2019 Forecast $4,700.00 Slight increase from 2018
Y Property Maintenance and Operations (Both Categories) 2018 Actual
$32,947.98 — 2019 Forecast - $36,000.00 — We generally spend in the
$30,000.00 area in these two categories. Plans are in place for
refurbishment of both generators this summer. Bryan's early estimate for
this project is in the $6 to $8,000.00 cost area. For this reason I provided
an increased estimate to make sure this expense is covered in your budget.
I will enclose a list of what items are cost as Maintenance Expense
and what is Operations Expense.
Y Telephone, Internet, Water, Hydro, Heating. -All categories adjusted in
accordance with last year's costs, you can review. On some categories we
were under the 2018 budget and some over. I have adjusted as I saw fit.
Gen. Admin. Ex
Arena Board Financials 2018 Y.T.D.
2017 Actual
2018 Forecast
2018 Actual
2019 Forecast
Ice Rentals
Public Skating
Canteen Sales
Upstairs Rentals
Storage Rentals
Sign Rentals
Vending Sales
Summer Rentals
Misc. Income
Total Revenue
Payroll Expense
Wages - Arena
Wages Canteen
Vacation Pay
E.I. Expense
C.P.P. Expense
WCB Expense
Total Payroll
Gen. Admin. Ex
Capital Expense
General Admin.
Canteen Purchase
Bank Fees
Bad Debts
Propane Expense
Properrty Maint.
Property Oper'tion
Office Expense
Included with Gen. Admin.
Tel. & Intr'net.
Hydro Expense
Heating Expense
Misc. Expense
Total Gen. Expense
Total All Expense
Income Y.T.D.
Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board
Municipalitv of Clarin-aton
Minutes of Meetinz — Tuesday, February 12, 2019
(Not vet approved by committee)
In Attendance — Peter Kennedy, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager
Dave Bouma, Shea -Lea Latchford, Gary Oliver, Todd Taylor, Susan White, Councillor Margaret
Reirets: Councillor Granville Anderson
1. Adoption of Minutes Motion # 19-001
Moved by Sue White, seconded by Gary Oliver THAT: the minutes of
November 8, 2018 are accepted with one correction.
2. Election of Executive — Councillor Margaret Zwart presided over the election of
the Executive :
Chair — Peter Kennedy, Vice Chair — Gary Oliver,
Treasurer, Todd Taylor, Secretary, Shea -Lea Latchford
3. Agenda - Motion #19-002
Moved by Sue White, seconded by Gary Oliver THAT: the Agenda be accepted as
proposed with the exception of the Budget Review. (to be discussed at March
4. New Business: Action List 2019 - The list was reviewed and a number of issues
were addressed including the items addressing the Manager's Report. Dave
Bouma (new member) will take on the responsibility of Marketing/Events.
5. Next Meeting Tuesday, March 13, 2019 — 7:00 p.m.
6. Adiournment Motion # 19 — 003
Moved by Gary Oliver, seconded by Dave Bouma THAT: the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018
Attendees: Terry Tzikas , Allison Dart, Kathy McLaughlin, Roger Letooze, Emily Geraghty, Jen Ashby,
Regrets: Bill Heathcote, Ron Hooper
Terry Tzikas (Chairperson):
• 2017 Books are still with the Municipality. When Allison has received them back she will
then turn this job over to Emily Geraghty, thank you Emily for doing the Treasurer job
and welcome to the Committee. Allison thank you for all your hard work while you
were Treasurer.
• Will have a new Santa this year and we all want to than Ron Thompson for all of his
years while doing this very important job.
• Will need to pick a theme for this years Parade. Committee will think of some themes
and pass along to Committee.
• Buttons — Terryl will look into this.
Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator:
• Numbers for parade are ongoing
• Santa Float has been checked
• Button Seller Coordinator at Legion is good for this year
Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary):
• Parade permit has been sent to Municipality in May 2018
• Will be sending our Donation letters by next meeting
Next Meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday September 25th Room 1C @ 7:00 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2018
Attendees: Allison Dart, Kathy McLaughlin, Roger Letooze, Jen Ashby,
Regrets: Terryl Tzikas
Terry Tzikas (Chairperson):
• Santa has been confirmed
• Entries are coming in and emails have been sent out to let past entrants know that we
are accepting entries
• No workd from Dan Dejong regarding the website
Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinato)r:
• Two golf carts are reserved from Quarry Lakes
• Roger, cannot be back at the Barn after Parade day, Bill has stepped in.
• Volunteer of the Year? Think of someone
• TIMS Event wagon — Roger still looking into this.
Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary):
• Donation letters have been mailed out.
Jen Ashby (Bands):
Four bands so far— BHS, Ajax/Pickering Navy League, Central and Clarington Concert
• Four or five emails out, still waiting to hear back.
• Jen's dad cannot pull float this year
Allison Dart (Treasurer):
• Still waiting for the books from the Municipality
Bill Heathcote (Assistant Event Coordinator):
• Signs will go up Sunday afternoon of November 11, 2018 and Monday
• Clean up in Barn, pick a date for this
Next Meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday October 9`h, 2018 Room 1C @ 7:00 p.m.
OCTOBER 9, 2018
Attendees: Allison Dart, Kathy McLaughlin, Terryl Tzikas, Bill Heathcote,
Regrets: Roger Letooze, Jen Ashby
Motion: "To accept the minutes from the September 25th Meeting"
Motion: Bill Heathcote 2"d: Allison Dart
All in favour — passed
Terryl Tzikas (Chairperson):
• Santa has been confirmed, also his wife as Mrs. Claus
• Santa's wife will be on Committee Float
• Santa and wife have been to the barn to look at float
• No make up for costumes this year, if anyone would like to wear a costume they will
provide their own make up
• Buttons have been ordered (4,000)
• Entries are coming in and emails have been sent out to let past entrants know that we
are accepting entries
• No word from Dan Dejong regarding the website
Kathy McLaughlin (Secretary):
• Donation letters have been mailed out.
Next Meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday October 23rd, 2018 Room 1C @ 7:00 p.m.
OCTOBER 23, 2018
Attendees: Allison Dart, Kathy McLaughlin, Terryl Tzikas, Bill Heathcote, Ron Hooper, Jen Ashby,
Roger Letooze
Terryl Tzikas (Chairperson):
• Santa has driver for the float
• 42 Entries so fat more to come
• 8 bands
• Costumes —12 — 14 costumes have been assigned out. Have Santas elves for float.
• Will use Garnet Rickard for washrooms
• Buttons are ready
• Committee float — carpet will be replaced for free with a donation from a carpet store.
• Clean up barn on November 101h at 10:00 a.m.
K athy McLaughlin (Secretary):
• Cheques are coming in
• Invitation has been sent to the Municipality
• Radios have been ordered from fire hall
Roger Letooze (Event Support Coordinator:
• Two carts from Quarry lakes
• Invitation has been sent to the Municipality
Next Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday November 7, 2018 Room 1C @ 7:00 p.m.
Agricultural Advisory
Committee of Clarington
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Members Present: Don Rickard
Tom Barrie
Ted Watson
Brenda Metcalf
Richard Rekker
John Cartwright
Ben Eastman
Les Caswell
Henry Zekveld
Councillor Zwart Jennifer Knox
Regrets: Eric Bowman
Guests: Petra and Robert Schwirtz
Kristy Kilbourne, Doran Hoge both with Durham Region
Mayor Foster
Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid, Michael Seaman, Planninc
Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions.
Adoption of Agenda
019-03 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Richard Rekker
"That the Agenda for February 14th, 2019 be adopted"
Approval of Minutes
019-04 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by Ted Watson
"That the minutes of the January 10, 2019 meeting be approved"
Delegation: Robert and Petra Schwirtz provided an overview of the results (a year
later) of the trespassing that occurred on the Mink Farm on Barton Road. Robert
distributed a slide presentation from the Ontario Fur Breeders Association, A Year on a
Mink Farm and other background material. The messages that Robert and Petra
Y Protect yourselves by installing good security and cameras
Y Educate yourself about the animal extremist groups and threats
Y Adopt an employee contractor for your workers (distributed)
Y Follow and use your commodity groups Code of Practice
Y Make comments to your local MPPs and OMAFRA about moving farm animal
inspections from OSPCA to OMAFRA
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 43 February 14, 2019
Y Lobby the provincial government to review the Animal Care Act
Y With regard to the local municipality they want the politicians to be aware of the
issues, understand the economic impacts not just to the farms but adjacent
Region of Durham — Agricultural Climate Change Adaptation Strategy— Kristy and
Doran provided an overview of the progress the task force has made over the past year
and the recommendations they are taking back to the Durham Region Roundtable on
Climate Change. The presentation provided by Kristy was sent to committee members
as a pdf.
Attached to these minutes is the overview and recommended actions. Kristy and Doran
encouraged the members to review with their commodity groups and from their own
perspective. They are looking for additional comments. There is also the need for pilot
project that can be showcased and provide to others as case studies. One of the
questions for the group was what needs to be funded and how can that be
The comments from the group included items such as ensuring that maintenance of
infrastructure includes all of the rural areas and that infrastructure in the rural area
should be sized for the future. This included power supply, larger culverts, deeper
ditches, tree trimming. The frequency of maintenance has been an issue and will only
continue to worsen unless investment in reducing the timelines occurs.
Doran and Kristy emphasized that buy -in from the agriculture community means
attending sessions, assisting with education and communication. Committee members
emphasized that economic development has to concentrate on building what is here not
seeking to bring in outside expertise or property purchasers. Farmers are the stewards
of the land and they should be supported through the existing programs such as
Durham Farm Fresh, Farm Connections, Stewardship grants from the CAs, etc.
Business Arising
Zone Clarington open houses in late January and early February where very well
attended. One meeting was cancelled due to weather.
First Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law
ZONE Clarington is a project to review and replace the municipality's existing zoning by-
laws. The first draft contains updated general provisions and definitions that apply to all of
Clarington and rural zoning regulations.
Monday, March 4, 2019
4:30 to 8:00 pm
Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex
2440 Highway 2, Bowmanville
DAAC Appointment: Clarington Council has appointed Tom Barrie, which has to be
ratified by Durham Region Council.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 44 February 14, 2019
Council and Committee Reports
Council Items: Faye will circulate to members the comments provided by staff on Bill 66
which were endorsed by Council. While Schedule 10 has been withdrawn by the
Provincial Government (these were the recommended changes to numerous land use
planning acts) other schedules also affect the agricultural community. .
Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: The DAAC Tour will be September 12tH
Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: (Durham Farm Connections) Richard
provided the DRFA report to all by e-mail in advance of the meeting.
The Farm Connections will be at Vipod Arena on April 2, 3, 4. The Agricultural Gala will
be October 24tH
The movie "Before the Plate" will be screened in Uxbridge at the Roxy Theatre on
March 2nd at 3:30 p.m. It can be viewed on line for free during month of Feb.
Clarington Board of Trade: CBOT breakfast with the Region Chair was earlier today.
Agriculture was recognized in his speech as were issues with having the 412 and 418
tolled. He also wants to see the GO Train development proceed and the Pickering
The Agricultural Summit will take a different format this year at the TeenyTiny Summit
on April 11th at Orono Arena. More details to follow.
New Business
Accomplishments for 2018 — Chair will appear at the March 11th Planning and
Development Committee to update Council members.
Election of Chair and Vice -Chair — it was determined by consensus that the term of
Chair and Vice -Chair would be for a two year term.
019-05 Moved by Jenni Knox seconded by Richard Rekker
"That Brenda Metcalf be Chair if she is willing to stand"
019-06 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by Ted Watson
""That Eric Bowman be Vice -Chair if he is willing to stand"
Volunteer Appreciation Nominations— Brenda and Faye to review who has previously
received and nominate up to 5 members to be honoured at the ceremony in April.
MPAC Review of Small-scale on-farm businesses sub -classes— Faye was alerted of this
by a former member of the committee and has investigated. The Minister of Finance in
May 2018 asked MPAC to review small-scale on-farm businesses, industrial and
commercial property classes to ensure they were being assessed properly. Faye
distributed the memo that the municipality has received in this regard.
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 45 February 14, 2019
Review of ZONE Clarington MDS Regulations Workbook — Amy will be asking the
committee to review the MDS workbook circulated to the Committee in December as
they relate to zoning, this can either be at a future meeting or by a sub -committee. It
will be on the agenda of the next meeting to determine how the committee would like to
Mayor Foster — Asked the Committee if some of the proceeds of the Mayor's Golf
Tournament during this term of Council should be dedicated to bursaries for students to
pursue agricultural studies. Committee members commented that the Soil and Crop
scholarships and bursaries which are substantial and endowed have not been applied
for and that there may be other avenues better served. The Mayor is soliciting ideas as
the proceeds of the tournament are determined at the beginning of the Council term. It
was suggested that Farm Connection or the Agricultural Heritage Project might benefit
greatly from some dedicated funds.
Michael Seaman — New Director of Planning Services —Has a familiarity with agriculture
and agri-tourism from his recent positions in addition to the Greenbelt legislation.
Understands agriculture is the number one economic activity in Clarington looking
forward to learning more about the community.
Future Agendas
Health Canada representative to discuss the concerns heard at the July 12, 2018 AACC
meeting regarding the Pest Management Regulatory Agency's re-evaluation of EBDC
as it relates to fruit and vegetables.
Clarington Planning to share details of the agricultural sector evaluation completed as
part of the Clarington Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Update
(completed in September 2018).
John is working on invitation to the Premier.
Faye has been in contact with Tracey Weightman, DRPS about a tour/meeting at the
detachment in Maple Grove.
Aaron Bowman — presentation similar to one provided to Lions Club.
Donald Rickard moved to Adjourn.
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 14, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - Nancy Rutherford and Lisa
Mackenzie will be back with the Durham Agriculture Strategy (next 5 year installment).
April Meeting - Clarington Planning to review the first draft zoning by-law regulations
relating to Environmental Protection and associated buffers and related permissions for
Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 46 February 14, 2019
Durham Region is seeking input on the draft Durham Regional
Agricultural Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.
Farming has always required adaptation to seasonal variability and changing growing
conditions. Farmers are important stewards of the land and play a critical role in climate
resiliency using best farming practices. Climate projections predict that over the coming
decades, the climate in Durham will become warmer, wetter and have larger and more
frequent storms. Some of these impacts are already being felt.
The development of the draft Durham Region Agricultural Sector Climate Change
Adaptation Strategy was initiated in February 2018 and has been led by an Agricultural
Sector Expert Task Force. The draft Durham Region Agricultural Sector Climate
Change Adaptation Strategy is an addition to the Durham Community Climate
Adaptation Plan (DCCAP). To date, over 150 stakeholders, including Durham's area
municipalities, the Provincial Government, academics, the Durham Agricultural Advisory
Committee and the agricultural community, have been engaged through two broad
stakeholder consultation processes.
Anticipated risks to the local agricultural sector because of a warmer, wetter, and wilder
climate were identified by the Agricultural Sector Expert Task Force and enhanced the
first round of stakeholder consultation. These include:
• risks to certain varieties of crops and yields;
• heat -related and other health risks for livestock and farm workers;
• flooding and storm water management;
• invasive species/pests;
• Damage to public infrastructure and farm buildings and structures;
• concerns around electrical outages/capacity; and
• rural emergency alerting and response.
Many of these risks overlap with risks and impacts other sectors are facing. Therefore,
there are opportunities for collaborative adaptation efforts.
The ability of the local agricultural sector to adapt to climate change will rely on:
• A protected and healthy agricultural land base (i.e. amount of land, good quality
• Resilient public and on-farm infrastructures;
• Education and knowledge (best management practices, community-based
• Communication (information sharing, partnerships, consideration of agriculture
and overlap with the work of other sectors, advocacy on matters beyond local
control); and,
• Economic capacity.
The Region aims to support the local agricultural sector adapt to climate change while
recognizing the diversity of agriculture in the Region. The impacts of climate change will
be felt differently across agricultural sectors. Program options outlined in the draft
strategy are flexible and reflective of that diversity.
Durham's draft Agricultural Sector Climate Adaptation Strategy is centered on the
following themes:
• Build community and research capacity;
• Enhance policy support for agriculture and climate change adaptation;
• Increase local education and awareness on agriculture and climate change
adaptation; and,
• Address agricultural sector climate adaptation through cross -sectoral programs
and community partnerships.
The draft strategy recommends sort -term actions to be undertaken by the Region and
partners. Actions address the key theme areas that will assist the Region's agricultural
sector in working toward climate adaptation and enhanced resiliency. These actions
• broad promotion of the Strategy (including a social media component);
• ensuring consideration and integration of the Strategy in the review and ongoing
implementation of various Regional and community plans and initiatives;
• addressing sector overlaps and integration of agricultural considerations in the
on-going work of other DCCAP Working Groups;
• ensuring updates to Regional Climate Projections capture agricultural sector
considerations; working with academic and research institutions to achieve more
research presence in Durham around agriculture and climate change;
• hosting another event on the topic of agricultural sector adaptation;
• developing or encouraging the development of guidelines for climate resilient
agricultural structures; and,
• initiating pilot projects and demonstrations with community partners.
We hope you will take this opportunity to provide us with your valuable feedback
on the draft strategy. Feedback will be incorporated into the final draft Regional
Agricultural Climate Change Adaptation Strategy which will be presented to the
Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change in February 2019 and to Durham
Regional Council for endorsement in March 2019.
Feedback is requested by Thursday. January 31, 2019. Should you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kristy Kilbourne, Senior Planner, at
905-668-7711 ext. 2545 or by e-mail at kristy.kilbourne@durham.ca, or the Expert
Task Force Chair, Don Rickard, at rickards662rogers.com.
Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone else you feel should be
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Minutes of Meeting
February 19, 2019
Members Present: Katharine Warren, Peter Vogel, Bernice Norton (ACO), Heather
Ridge (ED of Clarington Museum)
Guests: David Reesor, Noel Gamble, Ron Sproule
Regrets: Robert Malone, Victor Suppan, Councillor Hooper, Steve Conway
Staff: Brandon Weiler and Faye Langmaid, Planning Services
Prior to the meeting the properties designated in 2018 where honoured at the Planning
and Development Committee meeting. The two properties were 156 Church Street and
2020 Lamb's Road (Camp 30). In addition as the plaque for 483 King Avenue East (the
Walbridge House) had not been presented by Council and the building is 200 years old
the owners who refurbished the property were also honoured. A plaque from the Mayor
was presented to each of the properties being honoured.
Introductions and Welcome to the Clarington Heritage Committee
David Reesor, Noel Gamble, Ron Sproule have been recommended as members of the
Heritage Committee subject to Council's ratification at the February 25, 2019 Council
meeting. All were in attendance and welcomed by existing members.
Election of a chair and vice chair was deferred to the March 19 meeting due to
absences and to allow the new members to be confirmed by Council prior to electing
those positions.
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
None declared.
Adoption of Agenda
19.03 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by B. Norton
That the agenda for February 19, 2019 be adopted as amended.
Adoption of Minutes
19.04 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by H. Ridge
That the minutes of the Meeting of January 15, 2019 be accepted.
1 1 P a g e
Delegation and Presentations
Business Arising
Wilmot Heritage Park update:
• No update at this time.
Jury Lands Foundation update
K. Warren provided the new members with an overview of the Foundation's work and
an overview of the site and its history. The JLF and ACO are closely monitoring the site.
Municipal Register
The categories of designation, Part IV and V and the municipal register were explained.
Some of the properties of interest on the register where there is pending redevelopment
are the Goodyear site and Nurse's Residence at the Hospital.
Reports from Other Committees
Orono, Bowmanville and Newcastle CIP
All of the liaison groups met in late January. The items discussed where the annual
report which will be circulated to CHC members. The annual report provides an
overview of the grants that have been approved in the prior year and where funds
remain. There has been good uptake in accessibility grants which were added to the
program early in 2018. As a result of the renewal of the CIP programs brochures for the
grants available and the overall CIP website pages have all been updated.
The liaison groups have gone through renewal as a result of the CIP review and its
approval in early 2018. The groups have renewed their terms of reference, added
members and recently elected new chairs.
The Museum's new children's exhibit ClaringTOWN with a rural theme opened to
members on Jan 31St and the community on Feb 2n1
The Museum is finalizing their March Break Programing and are currently undergoing
renovations to put in new carpet and upgrade the washrooms.
There will be a musical performance at the museum on March 9 in partnership with
the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington.
Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch:
• Doors Open will focus on east Bowmanville and former east Darlington Township.
• The ACO is working with the Jury Lands Foundation to offer tours of the Camp 30
site again this year on the Erhrenwort Trail.
• Next meeting is on Monday February 25, 2019.
• T. Ali, former liaison to the committee, is conducting research into the Fletcher Tree
located on the property behind 222 King Street East. The research could lead to
requesting that the tree receive designation under the Heritage Act.
Newcastle Village & District Historical Society - No report from NVDHS.
21 Page
Correspondence and Council Referrals
Project Reports — No reports for this meeting
It was explained that the committee in its past term set up two sub -committees being
Education and Outreach and Municipal Inventory and Register, each sub -committee
met to advance their specific goals and purposes and then reported back to the overall
committee. The committees worked well and made significant advancements on their
specific goals. At the next meeting the same type of goal setting for this term of the
CHC committee will be on the agenda for discussion.
New Business
Committee Orientation — Faye has been in contact with Bert Duclos and he is willing to
provide an overview to a larger Durham audience. A date will be scheduled once
committee appointments across the Region are in place.
Ontario Heritage Conference — B. Weiler informed the committee that the Ontario
Heritage Conference is occurring in Goderich, ON May 30 to June 1, 2019. Committee
members are encouraged to considering attending.
BILD's Comments Regarding Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario — In November
MMAH released a consultation document "increasing Housing Supply in Ontario" as
part of the "Housing Supply Action Plan" expected in Spring 2019. BILD has provided a
number of comments, which were circulated to the committee. A number of comments
relate to how BILD would like to see the Ontario Heritage Act amended. Members are
encourage to provide feedback on BILD's comments or provide additional comments as
the consultation process continues.
Planner II — The Municipality has hired a replacement for D. Addington and they will be
in attendance at the next meeting as will the New Director of Planning Services.
K. Warren moved adjournment.
Next meeting: March 19th, 2019, 7:00 p.m., 1 C
31 Page
� -N n I # I1' ITI
General Government Committee
Report to Council
Report to Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Monday, February 11, 2019
• Chris Darling, Chief Administrative Officer, CLOCA, Regarding Request
for Site Alteration Permit Fee Reduction
That the request for a site alteration permit fee reduction from Chris Darling, Central
Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, be approved.
2• Transfer of New Municipal Infrastructure to Clarington, Energy Drive
from Holt Road to Crago Road
That Report EGD -005-19 be received;
That Council endorse the transfer of Energy Drive between Holt Road and Crago
Road from the Ministry of Transportation Ontario; and
That all interested parties listed in Report EGD -005-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
3• Bill 68 Implementation Requirements
That Report CLD -004-19 be received;
That the By-law attached to Report CLD -004-19 as Attachment 1, amending
Section 7 of the Council Code of Conduct to include provisions regarding
Harassment, be approved;
That the By-law attached to Report CLD -004-19, as Attachment 3, authorizing the
Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement amending the agreement with Fasken
Martineau regarding the details of the appointment of Guy Giorno as Clarington's
Integrity Commissioner, be approved;
That the Council -Staff Relations Policy, Attachment 4 to Report CLD -004-19, be
That the Policy for Pregnancy/Parental Leaves for Members of Council, Attachment
5 to Report CLD -004-19, be approved;
That the By-law attached to Report CLD -004-19, as Attachment 6, amending the
Procedural By-law Section 7.2.1, be approved; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -004-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Page 1
Ciarftwu General Government Committee
Report to Council
4- Appointments to Various Boards & Committees - 2019-2022
That Report CLD -007-19 be received;
That the following citizen and Council appointments, as determined in accordance
with the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy, be approved for a term
ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed, unless otherwise
That the Municipal Clerk's Department be authorized to continue to advertise for the
remaining vacancy on the Newcastle Arena Board;
That Staff be directed to re -advertise for a citizen representative from the
agricultural or building development community to be appointed to the Kawartha
Region Conservation Authority; and
That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -007-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
a. Accessibility Advisory Committee
Catherine McConaghy
Sarah McConaghy
b. Energy from Waste - Waste Management Advisory Committee
Two Year Term (to December 31, 2020)
Sami Elhajjeh
C. Heritage Committee
Noel Gamble
David Reesor
Ron Sproule
e• Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee
Tyson Brooks
Evan King
Jocelyn Whalen
f• Tourism Advisory Committee
Paulina Alamo
Fred Archibald
Kristyn Chambers
Ann -Marie Harley
Douglas Morgan
Petra Schwirtz
For Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Page 2
Ciarftwu General Government Committee
Report to Council
Councillor Hooper
5• Enbridge Gas Franchise Agreement
That Report LGL -002-19 be received;
That Council approves the form of draft By-law (including the franchise agreement
forming part thereof) attached to Report LGL -002-19 and authorizes the submission
thereof to the Ontario Energy Board for approval pursuant to the provisions of
Section 9 of the Municipal Franchises Act;
That Council requests the Ontario Energy Board to make an order dispensing with
the assent of the municipal electors of the attached draft By-law (including the
franchise agreement forming part thereof) pursuant to the provisions of Section 9(4)
of the Municipal Franchises Act; and
That a copy of Council's resolution be forwarded to Enbridge Inc. in support of their
request for Ontario Energy Board approval.
6• Anti -Abortion Images and the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards
That the recommendations contained in Confidential Report LGL -003-19, a matter
that deals with advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege, be approved.
7• Clarington Urban Forest Strategy
That Report EGD -018-18 be received; and
That Council endorse the Clarington Urban Forest Strategy attached to Report
EGD -018-18.
For Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Page 3
� -N n I # I1' 11
Special General Government
Committee Report to Council
Report to Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Subject: Special General Government Committee Meetings of Friday, February 15,
2019 and Tuesday, February 19, 2019
NOTE: Presentations from external agencies and delegations were considered at a
meeting dated February 15, 2019, prior to the deliberation of Report FND-004-19 on
February 19, 2019 and no recommendations arised.
1 • 2019 Operating and Capital Budget
That Report FND-004-19 be received;
That Council approve the 2019 Operating Budget "Base Level Requirements" as
outlined in Attachment #1 to Report FND-004-19, at an estimated tax levy impact of
0.18% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in Report FND-001-18 with the
following amendments:
a. That Capital Project 42-421-19503, CCC Pool Locker Replacement, in the
amount of $40,000, be deleted;
b. That Capital Project 42-421-15516, Fitness Equipment Replacement, be
reduced by $25,000 to $33,000;
c. That the budget amount in object code 7506 (Furniture & Fixtures) be
reduced by 50% in each cost centre, for a total overall reduction of $19,961;
d. That Account 100-16-162-00000-7412 Info Tech — Trsf to RF for IT
Hardware, be reduced by $100,000 to $0;
e. That Capital Project 16-162-07200, Computer Software, be reduced by
$200,000 being the 2019 Municipal Tax Levy contribution portion;
f. The Capital Project 42-421-17701, Fac Admin - Furnishings & Equipment
(Display Cabinet), in the amount of $15,000, be deleted;
g. That Account 100-50-130-10529-7160, OP Review Consulting, be reduced
by $60,000 to $100,000, and the corresponding transfer from the DC
General Government Reserve Fund be reduced by $54,000;
Page 1
� -N n I N I1' 11
General Government Committee
Report to Council
h. That Account 100-32-130-00000-7160, Eng Admin - Consulting, be reduced
by $75,000 to $25,000;
That Council approve the 2019 Capital Budget "Service Level Changes" as outlined
in Attachment #1 to Report FND-004-19, at an estimated tax levy impact of 1.64%
with the following amendments:
a. That $130,000 be drawn from the Parks / Facilities Maintenance Reserve
Fund to fund the additional service level increase to playground equipment
upgrades on Attachment #1 to Report FND-004-19;
b. That $207,000 be drawn from reserve funds, to be determined by the
Director of Finance, to fund the Municipal portion of the Orono Town Hall
upgrades identified as a service level increase on Attachment #1 to Report
c. That Capital Project - Council Chambers Upgrades (Item 12.6 of Report
FND-004-19) and as noted on Attachment #1 of Report FND-004-19 in the
amount of $70,000, be deleted;
d. That proposed service level increase of $25,000 for emergency clean up
(Item 12.8 of Report FND-004-19) and as noted on Attachment #1 of Report
FND-004-19, be deleted;
e. That Capital Project 32-330-19107 — Whistle Cessation Study, in the amount
up to $150,000, be drawn from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to
proceed to the next step, as per the 2018 study, for night time Whistle
Cessation at Bennet Road, Cobbledick Road and Lake Road;
That the Engineering Services Department position of Full Time
Development and Utility Technician (annual compensation of $86,765), be
g. That Account 100-36-370-10115-7412 Bldg Services — Trsf to RF, be
reduced by $25,000 to $303,000;
h. That Account 100-42-130-10085-7412 Comm Sery Admin — Trsf to RF, be
reduced by $25,000 to $434,200;
That Account 100-36-388-40690-7412 Fleet OVHD — Trsf to RF, be reduced
by $25,000 to $134,500;
For Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Page 2
� -N n I N I1' 11
General Government Committee
Report to Council
That Council approve the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget "External Agency" as
outlined in Attachment #1 to Report FND-004-19, at an estimated tax levy impact of
0.50% with the following amendments:
a. That Capital Project 62-440-15001, Library Studies, in the amount of
$50,000, be deleted, as it relates to a planned 2020 project and it was
included as a 2019 Capital Project in error;
b. That the Capital Budget Project 62-440-17007, Library Refurbishment, be
amended to reduce the overall cost of the Bowmanville Branch
Refurbishment from $2,050,000 to $1,300,000;
That the scope of the refurbishment only include that which is necessary for
accessibility purposes;
That the Library Board be asked to report back on the proposed plans; and
That the funds be drawn from the Library Capital Reserve Fund.
c. That the request from Hope of Durham as noted in Item 6.4 and Attachment
#1 of Report FND-004-19, in the amount of $5,000, be deleted;
d. That the funding increase request from the Clarington Public Library, be
capped at 2% ($61,541);
e. That the funding request from the Clarington Museums and Archives Board,
be approved;
f. That Council commit $5,000,000 from the Strategic Capital Reserve Fund to
be used to contribute to the expansion of the Bowmanville Hospital to be
paid upon completion of the expansion; and
That the contribution of $250,000 to a reserve fund for Lakeridge Health, be
deleted as noted in Attachment #1 of Report FND-004-19;
That the external agencies, referred to in Attachment #1, be advised of Council's
decision regarding their grant requests and be thanked for their delegations on
February 15, 2019, as appropriate;
That Reserve and Reserve Fund contributions and new Reserve / Reserve Funds
be approved as shown in the 2019 Draft Budget binder with the following
For Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Page 3
Ciarftwu General Government Committee
Report to Council
a. That up to $190,000 in the Community Improvement Plan Reserve Fund
balance, be allocated to the Gatehouse Parkette and Moyse Parkette
b. That approximately 25% ($12,642) of the contract cost of the Planning
Services Department position of a Contract Planner II — Development
Review — Zoning By-law Update, be funded from the Building Inspection
Reserve Fund;
That the financing of capital projects, as outlined in the attached documents be
approved, with the following amendments;
a. That Capital Project 19-191-19002, Sign for Trulls Road, in the amount of
$55,000, be deleted;
b. That the purchase of 2 single axle combination plows in the amount of
$240,000 each as identified in the description of Capital Project
36-388-10150, Fleet New — Roads, be deferred until staff review and report
back on the option of contracting out of services for several snow plow
That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim
financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal
Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits;
That Report FND-004-19 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of
Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and
That the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2019 tax requirement for Municipal,
Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final
tax policy information is available;
That the proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament be directed as follows:
2019 — Mayor's bursary for post -secondary education for students pursuing
studies in agriculture, forestry or environmental sciences
2020 — Community Care Durham
2021 — Clarington Hospice
2022 — Bowmanville Hospital Foundation
That Staff consult with the Clarington Museum and Archives, Visual Arts, and
Library Boards, regarding the possibility of operating under a single board, and
report back to the General Government Committee, prior to summer recess.
For Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Page 4
Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee
Report to Council
Report to Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting of Tuesday, February 19, 2019
1. Receive for Information
(a) 10.1 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services,
The Regional Municipality of Durham, Regarding Providing
Consultation on Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario, Report
2019 -COW -1
2• An application by 2411 Baseline Limited to amend the Zoning By-law to
permit the development of a commercial property for a variety of uses
That Report PSD -011-19 be received;
That the proposed application for Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA 2018-0029
continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent
recommendation report;
That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the
Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 2411 Baseline Limited to
permit the commercial development; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -011-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision by the Department.
3• An Application by Gerald Sherk Removal of Holding — 2406
Prestonvale Road, Courtice
That Report PSD -012-19 be received;
That the application submitted by Gerald Sherk to remove the Holding (H) symbol
be approved, and that the by-law contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -012-19,
to remove the (H) Holding Symbol, be passed;
That Council's decision and a copy of Report PSD -012-19 be forwarded to the
Region of Durham and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -012-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
Page 1
Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee
Report to Council
4• Extension to Draft Approval by 1977057 Ontario Limited in Brookhill
Neighbourhood in Bowmanville
That Report PSD -013-19 be received;
That the extension to Draft Approval for S -C-2011-0002 be supported subject to the
Conditions as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -013-19;
That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report
PSD -013-19 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -013-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
5• Extension to Draft Approval for Lindvest Properties (Clarington) Inc. in
That Report PSD -014-19 be received;
That the extension to Draft Approval for 18T-89059 be supported subject to the
Amended Conditions as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -014-19;
That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report
PSD -014-19 and Council's decision; and
That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -014-19 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
6• Proposed Changes to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
That Report PSD -015-19 be endorsed;
That the proposed changes to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
are generally supported. However, the following recommendations and the
comments contained in Report PSD -015-19 be endorsed as Clarington's formal
submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing:
• The proposed Provincially Significant Employment Zones be removed from the
area identified as the Courtice Major Transit Station Area as shown in
Attachment 2;
For Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Page 2
Garington Planning & Development Committee
Report to Council
• Provincially Significant Employment Zones be added to the lands between
Courtice Road and Highway 418, south of Bloor Street as shown in
Attachment 2;
• The proposed Provincially Significant Employment Zones be removed from the
areas where they overlap with the Southeast Courtice Secondary Plan and the
Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan areas as shown in Attachment 2;
The lands between Durham Highway 2 and Bloor Street, east of Courtice
Road to the future Highway 418 be added as employment area to the
Courtice urban area; and
• The long-term goal of net -zero communities be maintained as a guiding
principle of the Growth Plan.
That a copy of Report PSD -015-19, be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing, Metrolinx, the Durham Regional Planning and Economic
Development Department and any interested parties.
For Council Meeting of February 25, 2019
Page 3
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Report To:
Date of Meeting:
February 25, 2019
Report Number:
CLD -009-19 Resolution:
File Number:
AA. 18.03 By-law Number:
Report Subject:
Appointments to Veridian Board
1. That Report CLD -009-19 be received;
2. That the Committee consider the applications for appointment as the non -elected
member to the Veridian Board and for the recommended nominee to the Veridian
Connections Inc. Board, in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and Committees
Policy until such time as the new Holdco is formed;
3. That a vote be conducted in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and
Committees Policy;
4. That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -009-19 and any delegations be advised
of Council's decision.
Municipality of Clarington
Resort CLD -009-19
Report Overview
Page 2
The term for Clarington's existing non -elected members of Veridian Corporation Board of
Directors and Veridian Connections Inc. Board of Directors has expired. This Report
requests Council to appoint and nominate for appointment the new non -elected members in
accordance with the Shareholder's Agreement.
1. Background
1.1 Clarington's current non -elected member of the Veridian Board is Karen Fisher, and the
non -elected member of the Veridian Connections Inc. is Steve de Boer.
1.2 The term for Clarington's current non -elected members expired on December 31, 2017
and, in anticipation of the merger and at the request of the Veridian Board, Council
reappointed Karen Fisher and Steve de Boer with a term expiring on December 31, 2018.
1.3 In response to a further request of the Veridian Board to extend the term until the merger
was complete, at the January 14, 2019 Council meeting, elected not to extend the term of
Clarington's non -elected members and passed the following resolution:
Resolution #C-008-19
That the process detailed in the January 11, 2019 memorandum from the
Solicitor and Municipal Clerk be followed for Clarington's nominees to
Veridian Board and Veridian Connections';
That the consultant retained by Veridian, to conduct interviews and
prepare a findings report, be requested to attend the February 25, 2019
Council meeting to present his/her report in closed session;
That the appointments be completed no later than March 31, 2019; and
That all interested parties be advised of Council's decision.
2. Appointments
2.1 Since January 14, 2019, Veridian undertook the necessary process to retain a consultant,
solicit applications and conduct applicant interviews. The consultant's findings report is
included as Attachment 1 to this Report, but is distributed under separate cover due to
the personal information contained within the findings report.
Municipality of Clarington
Resort CLD -009-19
Page 3
2.2 Mr. Peter Spratt of Baker Tilly KDN Consulting Inc., will present his report and explain his
recommendations to Council in closed session at the February 25, 2019 Council meeting.
3. Concurrence
This report has been reviewed by the Municipal Solicitor who concurs with the
4. Conclusion
It is recommended that the Committee consider the applications for appointments to the
Veridian Board and the Veridian Connections Inc.
To be clear, the term for appointment to these Veridian Boards will expire at the time
when the new Holdco Board is struck; which is expected to be April 1, 2019. According
to the process for the merger set by Veridian, Council should anticipate receiving from
Veridian, in the very near future, a Notice of Recommendation, for their consideration,
regarding appointment of independent Directors to the new Holdco Board.
5. Strategic Plan Application
Not applicable.
Submitted by:
C. Anne Greentree, B.A., CMO,
Municipal Clerk
Reviewed b .
Andrew C. Allison, B. Comm, LL.B
Staff Contact: C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk, 905-623-3379 ext. 2102 or
Attachment 1 — Consultant's Findings Report - Distributed Under Seperate Cover
List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision is on file in the Clerk's Department.
. •
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility
Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
By-law 2019-012
Being a by-law to amend the Purchasing By-law 2015-022.
Whereas, pursuant to Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001, the Corporation enacted
By-law 2015-022 (the "Purchasing By-law") to establish and maintain policies with
respect to its procurement of goods and services; and
Whereas it is deemed expedient to amend the Purchasing By-law to change the
process for hiring engineers and engineering consultants.
Now therefore be it enacted that By-law 2015-022 is hereby amended as follows:
1. The following words shall be added to the beginning of Section 74: "Save and
except for engineers and engineering consultants, ".
2. The following section shall be added:
74.1 Where it is estimated that the Cost for Consulting and Professional
Services of an engineer or an engineering consultant will be between $5,000
and $30,000, a Department shall acquire the services by selecting from a
pre -qualified roster of vendors.
3. Clause 5 i) of Schedule "A" (Exempt Goods and Services) is deleted to remove the
words "Engineering Services and Engineering Consulting Services", and the
remaining clauses in that section are renumbered accordingly.
4. The definition of "Goods and/or Services" in Section 1 is deleted and replaced with
the following:
"Goods and/or Services" means any goods and/or services required by the
Corporation other than those listed in Schedule "A".
5. This by-law shall take effect on the date of passing.
Passed in Open Council this 25th day of February, 2019.
Adrian Foster, Mayor
C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility
Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131
The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
By-law 2019-014
Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2615 from
Part Lot Control
Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it
advisable to exempt from Part Lot Control, Lots 153 to 165 inclusive in Plan 40M-2615
registered at the Land Titles Division of Whitby (File # ZBA2019-0004);
Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington enacts as follows:
1. That Subsection 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act shall not apply to those lands
described in Paragraph 2 within the By-law.
2. That this By-law shall come into effect upon being approved by the Municipality of
Clarington and thereafter Subsection 5 of Section 50 shall cease to apply to Lots
153 to 165 inclusive in Plan 40M-2615.
3. Pursuant to Subsection 7.3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, this By-law shall be
in force for a period of two (2) years ending on February 26, 2021.
Passed in Open Council this 25th day of February, 2019.
Adrian Foster, Mayor
C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk