HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewcastle By-law Index . 67-1 6\ 67-2 67-) 67-4 67-5 67-6 ./ 67-7 67-8 67..9 67-10 ~ 67-U 67-12 j ~ 67-1) ./ 67-14 . ( 67-15 , 67-16 67-17 67-18 67-1~ 67-20 r-a 67-22 67-2) 67-24 67-25 67-26 67-27 67-28 67-29 . . u o VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE mg BY-LAWS Jan. 1967 - December 1968 to authorize borrowing $95,000. regarding Councillor's Allewances. re Subdivision Control. re retirement allowance - Britton. re hotel closing hours. ~O ~..(1tU> AI" 6?-I w+J todJll.1/4Js.c1 re Road ~penditures. re Estimates 1967 authorizing signing of agreemtne P. U. C. .Ie Village. concerning Ambulance Service. appointing Bldg. Trench, Weed Inspedor " By-law ~forcement officer. to amend by-law 785 regarding side yards. tk,.,( pf/'AJd re road expenditures supplementary i2000. re road expenditures supplementary $1500. re tax credits. (M......J.'.p~... . S<d",d 1,,-, _ """C"-"l) to amend by-law 799 re trailers. re 2 year elections. respecting noises. to appoint a Fire Chief. form of ballots for Municipal elections establishing Ulul tiple polling places ~? r.::< to fix the days of nomination and polling to issue Public ;;)chool debenture. ,/"f- ,...J. to authorize borrowing by sale of debentures~ \/......-#' .... "1 15.......""...,., - subdivision control and deeming a place not to be repealing by-law 67-2). registere~ , [ , I debenture for Public tichool construction. to set date and time of first meeting of Council, to ~ell registered property. I I I [ t I \. " u . 68-1 68-2 68-) 68-4 \ 68-5 68-6 68-7 68-8 P-- 68-9 ( 68-10 It. 68-11 - j . f( 68-12 p...68-1) 68-14 ~ 68-15 68-16 6)-1 Il 69-2 6)-) 69-4 69-5 6)-6 0)-'1 69-'1A p-. 69-8 69-9 . 1\ 69-10 - u l!!Jlli! BY-LAW~ January 1968 - September 1969 To authorize borrowing $140,000. regarding Polling SubdiviBionB regarding Hoad KxpenditureB for 1968 Bupplementary Hoad KxpenditureB for 1968. t02epea~ By-law 67-11 appointing wheeler. re eBtimateB 1968, to authorize borrowing pending issue of Hydro debentures. sale of municipal property culverts appoint Building Inspector appcint a Trench and Weed InBpector and Law Officer. to amend By-law 711 re dog licenses. de~ignating a pedestrian crossover. to allow Bell ~elephone to construct lines on ~ublic ~roperty. 6flle of Ihnd to Oen3on, sale of land to Ceresdale. 1!.lli to autlJorize terlporary borrowing. to f1rovide allo'.'/'-'_t1ces to COl1mi ttee chairlilen. to authorize the oaIe of land - A.V.P. to authDDi~e the :Jale of land - CustOIil Glass to authorize the sale of deb8ntul'€S - ....'llC. to authorize constructiOll of capital work;j ete re 1J. U. i,). re estilliatea 1~69. ret.;ardint;; Haad expenditures for 196~. to appoint an Acting Clerk in the ahsence of the Clerk re road expenditures supplementary ~J,OOO.OO to ~mend By-Law eO) -- One-way ~treets . 69-11 69-12 ~ 69-1) " 69-14 .69-15 ~ 69-16 R 69-17 I I ll., 70-1 70-2 ~ 70-) 70-4 - u u l!!lm BY-LAWS September 1969 - Ma;roh 1971 Sale of Land - Registered property- to fiX the days of nomination and polling Execution of Agreement By-Law with O.W.R.C. (Sewage)~ Suroharge Frontage By-Law (Sewage) /U'" ,...... Frontage Rate By-Law (Sewage) (".,~~,,-) Connection Charge By-Law (Sewage) /<-<-'<< ,..L to designate an area for 15 minute Parking and amend By-LaF 80) to appoint a Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector to authorize the borrowing of $147,000.00 Pre-levy By-Law a by-law to authorize the sale of land to Windswesp Farms (1965) Limited 70-4~- to provide for the 1970 expenditures on Roade and Streets 1 . ~70-5 70-6 ~ 70-7 ~70-8 - to regulate plUl',bine inspections (tmder O.'...R.C.) - to ddopt the e8timates of a11 sums required durine the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1970. - regarding Counc111or8 Annual Allowance - rsgarding the licsnsing and regietration of dogs. 70-9 - O.W.R.C. re water supply 70-10 - Supplementary Road Expendutures. 70-11 - Temporary borrowing re P.ll.C. debenture issue. 70-12 - Construction By-Law re P.U.C. debentures. 70-1) - Blection of Voters Re Sewage Project R 71-1 - to r9ise penalty on tRX A.!'rearf3 71-2 - to authori7.€ borrowinc for 1971 71-) - to amend by-law 70-11 regarding temporary borrowing pending sale of debentures (P.U.C.) 71-4 71-5 R 71-6 Il 71-7 71-8 - to rescind by-law 69-14 - to rescind by-law 69-16 Sewage Rates Sewage Rates - to amend b~-law 70-) re pre levy of taxes. - with reepect to sewage rates (Connection Oharge)U",,' '..v - with respect to eewage ratee (::;ervice Charge)' ,. 71-9 - to provide for the 1971 expenditures on Roads & Streets 71-10- under Section )0 of Ths Planning Act (temporary holding by-laW . I I i I !. i I I I I I I I i i i ! INDEX TO RESTRICTED AREA AND BUILDI G BY-LAWS AND BY-LAWS PASSED UNDER THE PLANNING ACT. . 734 751 753 785 805 67-3 67-25 71-10 Restricted Area (Plan 656) , " '" ~~/ - i Demolition of Buildings. -' Restricted Area ( Plan 660) -~ Building By-law SQilding permit fees Subdivision Control (Sec. 26 - Planning Act) Subdivision Control (Sec. 26 - Planning Act) Temporary Holding (Sec. 30 - Planning Act) 71-11 - Amendment to by-law 71-10 . 71-19 7~"..J 7 3- IS" 73- (~ 73"1. . "'-""'-- "t Inspection of Building Lots (Dept. of Health). (3i.dq.~. l.. . . . \ r<.~l!:C( U;v..'~ IV ~O'---'LIf"""~o) L~J} c,,:l i?.t "^' , . ~ f~.,;v /c'!-<'<-~~' (C-~.'-~-''-'--7 7 b) _"'--' ,? .,J...M..- i , '. '-J w I~~DEX 71-11 A by-law to amend by-law 71-10 BY-LAWS MARCil 1971 - DECEMBER 1972 71-12 A by-law to adopt the estimates of all suma required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1971. ~7H3 71-14 71-15 71-16 \-,71-17 71-18 71-19 A by-law to appoint an Auditor for the Corporation of the Village of ~ewcaBtle. Sale of P.U.C. Debentures. Plar.ning (not apfJroved by Department of Municipal Affairs) Supplementary Road fr.y-law $3,000. ~ O.W.R.C. - Construction By-law (Se~age) (A:u~. J.j /'9~J3 \ Tv aocept the one foot reserve re Plan 656 J 71-20 to enter into agreement with O.W.R.C. re Sewage system. to provide for inspection of building lots re ~ewerage systems. 71-21 to provide for the establishment and regulatioj,/,s of a Volnnteer fire Dept. 7:-22 to provide for the participation of the Village Fire Dept. in }futuel Aid. I . 71-23 72-1 72-2 ~72-3 72-4 ~ 72-5 72-6 7~-'7 72-8 72-9 72-10 72-11 S/jwer use by.,baw to authorize borrowing for 1972 Pre-levy by-law to appoint a Building Inspector to adopt the estimates for 1972. regarding Councillors! annual allowanciI. to amend by-law 69-15 to amend by-law 69-15 a by,lal.rl requiring tax land for Municipal Purposes. a by-law to authorize the sale of land ~ (1:;i, ~ a by-law to authorize the sale of land to Bell Canada a by-law to take over Bond Heael Cemetery ~~,-l~_j a by-la'iof to appoint a Trench Inspector. (tl.iO readings) 72-13 a by1$'iof to prohibit animals in residential areas. ~2-14 a by-law to amend By-law 785 re Building permit fees. . '. . ! _3-1 , . 73-2 ~ 73-3 l4 73-4 73-5 ~ 73-6 4. 73-7 73-8 . ~ 73-9 'll'A,' . ~. 'Q...~3-1O : Q.-73-11 ,I ., r , ,'\. (( 73-12 73-13 73-14 73-15 73-16 73-17 ~ 73-18 . i., u" 'u ~ BY LAWS JANUARY 197;3 - a by-la~ appointing a salaried officer. to authori~e borrowing for 1973. to appoint a By-law Officer and Weed Inspector to amend by-Ia...... 72-5 regarding annual allowances for councillors. to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1973. regulating the use of pbblic and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer system and providing penalties for the violation thereof. with respect to a se~age rate (Rescinds 71-7) for thepurpose of numbering houses in Newcastle. being a by-law to appoint a salaried Officer. being a by-law to require owners of buildings tQ connect to the sewage works. being a by-law to amend building by-law 785 regarding floor space requirements. being a by-law to amend by-law 803, traffic by-law, to eliminate angle parking. being a by-law to amend 69-15 regarding imposition of frontage rates on certain lands. authorizing the Reeve and Clerk to sign agreement re WaterWorks Project #6-1212-70 and agreement. Restricted Area By-law (PlhNT~P IN ,3~.H:>.o!LL-'-I I:~.u....) By-law to establish a Reserve Fund for Fire Hall Construction. By-law to establish the retention period of certain recor~s of the Corpora6ion. (destruction of old records) By-law adopting the Draft Official Plan for the Ne~castle Planning Area. .. t,..f ofl"~ ,,)).. rL~'" - Pil.,.dd) A .- ,.. \ ..