HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-014-18Clarington Finance Department Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To:-RQQUDORUQPQDQ3ODQQQDQORSPQRPP Date of Meeting: December 10, 2018 Report Number: FND-014-18 Resolution: JC -053-18 File Number: By-law Number: Report Subject: Financial Update as at September 30, 2018 Recommendation: 1. That Report FND-014-18 be received for information. Municipality of Clarington 5SRU1 Report Overview Page 2 The purpose of this report is to update Council on the overall budget variance as of September 30, 2018. Additional financial indicators are included in this report such as taxes receivable, debt, development charges collected and investments. 1. Background The financial update report has been designed to focus on overall budget variance. Additional financial information is provided to show trends relating to the general economy. 2. Third Quarter of 2018 Results 2.1 Attachment 1, Summary of Operating Expenditures and Revenues, compares the Municipality's budget to actual posted transactions as of September 30, 2018. This statement reflects the Municipality's operating budget only and excludes the year to date financial activities of the library, museum, BIAs and consolidated hall boards. Capital projects are also not included. Year to date expenditures as of September 30, 2018 totalled $62,945,154 which represents 100.3% of the budget as of the end of the third quarter. Year to date revenues totalled $81,876,070 which represents 104.6% of the budget as of September 30, 2018. 2.2 Attachment 1 is intended to provide an indication of the status of the Municipality's operating accounts compared to the approved budget as at September 30, 2018. Many departments are affected by high levels of activities during specific times of the year. For example, activities such as ice rentals and winter control have more seasonal trends whereas the timing of the Legal and Planning revenues fluctuate from year to year. To best capture the trends in activities, the budget is allocated monthly based on the prior year's actual monthly distribution. In cases where there is no prior history easily obtainable, the monthly allocation is divided equally over the twelve months. Due to the timing differences that occurred throughout the accounts, this statement cannot be used in isolation, nor can it be easily extrapolated to predict the whole year's activities. Monthly trial balances are sent to each department for regular review. Revenues and expenditures that have a variance either above or below budget that are noteworthy are discussed in this report. Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report FND-014-18 2.3 Non -departmental accounts are at 101.3% of the third quarter 2018 budget. This is due in part to higher than budget General Fund interest. The higher interest can be attributed to the Bank of Canada rate increases in 2018. As of the end of September the General Fund interest is at 143% if the total 2018 budget. 2.4 The Clerk's Department net expenditures are at 87.7% at the end of the third quarter. This is due to higher than budgeted revenues and lower than budgeted expenditures as of September 30, 2018. The increased revenues are due to the cumulative effect of several sources. As of September 30, 2018 there have been higher than budget revenues in snow clearing fines, cemetery sales, parking revenues and fines. As well animal licences are at 130% of the total 2018 budget. Election expenditures are lower than budgeted as of the third quarter; however, not all election costs have been recorded by the third quarter. The fourth quarter report will provide a better picture on the election expenditures. The lower expenditures are moderated by the higher transfer to the parking lot reserve fund which directly corresponds to the higher parking revenues. 2.5 Emergency Services net expenditures are at 100.1%. Emergency calls revenues from the Ministry of Transportation are unbudgeted and as of September 30, 2018 total $70,117. These revenues are transferred to the Fire Equipment Reserve Fund. As noted in previous financial update reports, the Municipality has received some additional revenues in the first quarter through the Memorandum of Understanding with Ontario Power Generation. Overall expenditures are on track. Overages compared to the budgeted amounts in areas such as prevention and suppression are mitigated by under budgeted amounts in training and communication - contract and equipment. 2.6 Engineering Services net expenditures are at 68.2% of the third quarter budget. As reported in previous financial updates, the building permit revenues are much higher than budgeted. As of September 30, 2018 the building permit revenues are at 195.7% of the total 2018 budget. As well there has been contributions as per agreements relating to road projects. Overall revenues are at 228.5% of the third quarter budget. Inspection fees are unbudgeted and as of the end of September were $398,737. There is a corresponding expenditure which transfers the inspection fees to the associated reserve fund. This transfer is a significant portion of the increase in expenditures. 2.7 Operations net expenditures are at 102.9% of the budget as of September 30, 2018. Operating expenditures, excluding fleet and debenture payments, are higher than the third quarter budget at 107.6%. Note that fleet costs are not completed until year end. Winter control costs are over budget approximately $980,000 at the end of the third quarter. This can be attributed to the extended winter season in the first half of 2018 and the increase in sand and salt purchases. As well, senior snow clearing costs are Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report FND-014-18 higher than budgeted. At the end of the third quarter senior snow clearing costs are at 172% of the total 2018 budget. Additionally, brush, tree and weed removals are over budget as of the third quarter. These overages are mitigated by areas that are under budget as of the third quarter including park maintenance, loose top maintenance and traffic signs. Some variances are affected by timing differences from year to year. However, weather is an unpredictable variable and directly affects budget areas such as winter control and flooding response. 2.8 Community Services net expenditures are at 95.6% of the third quarter budget. Expenditures are below budget due to the combination of lower costs in various areas such as facilities and aquatics as well as concessions which were cancelled as a service being run by the Municipality. 2.9 Attachment 2, Continuity of Taxes Receivable as of September 30, 2018, provides the status of the taxes billed and collected by the Municipality during the third quarter. A total of $54,225,154 in final tax bills and $1,385,159 in supplementary tax bills were issued to property owners in the Municipality during the third quarter. At the end of September 2018, a total of $21,246,293 remains unpaid compared to September 2017 taxes receivable of $19,579,891. The net balance is $1,666,402 higher or 8.51% higher than the previous year at this time. This increase can be in part attributed to an increase of supplementary accounts choosing the pre -authorized payment (PAP) and spreading out the payments on these properties. Although there is an increase in the taxes receivable, the ongoing collection efforts continue to manage the balance of taxes outstanding. 2.10 Attachment 3, Debenture Repayment Schedule, provides the status of the Municipality's long term debt obligations as of January 1, 2018. This schedule has been revised from the previous financial update report, Attachment 3 of FND-013-18. The 2018 debentures for the LED street light conversion and parking lots are being financed internally by the Municipality. The administration of the debenture has been processed by the Region as required. However, due to the internal financing, the debentures are not reported on the Debenture Repayment Schedule nor are they reported on the Investment Summary. In 2018, the debt repayment obligations as per the current debt are $3,403,277. The annual principal and interest payments required to service these liabilities remain well below the annual debt repayment limits prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. 2.11 The 2018 debenture for the LED street light conversion will be financed internally by the Municipality through savings in energy and maintenance costs. This will be shown as a reduction in operating costs relating to streetlights in the Operations Department budget and an annual Engineering budget transfer to the Municipal Capital Reserve Fund. The Municipality of Clarington Resort FND-014-18 Page 5 parking lot debenture will be will be financed internally as part of the annual contribution to the Parking Lot Rehabilitation Reserve Fund. There will be a subsequent transfer from Parking Lot Rehabilitation Reserve Fund to the Municipal Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of the scheduled payment. 2.12 Attachment 4, Municipal Development Charges as of September 30, 2018, provides the development charges collected separated into residential and non-residential. At the end of the third quarter, residential municipal development charges collected are $10,044,533. In the 2015 Development Charges Background Study, it was forecasted that the Municipality would be collecting approximately 786 units in total for 2018. At the end of June 2018, there were 625 units. Compared to the same period the previous year there was a 39.8% increase in residential development charges collected and an 11 % increase in the number of residential units. 2.13 As of September 30, 2018 there has been $645,582 non-residential charges collected. Note that non-residential charges are based on the area in square metres rather than per building unit cost. The timing and amount of non-residential development charges varies quarter to quarter and year to year. 2.14 There are a number of incentives in the 2015 Development Charges By-law 2015-35 to stimulate development in Clarington. There were no incentives given in the third quarter. The total development charge incentives remains at $941,434 with 39.3% given to residential incentives and 60.7% given to non-residential incentives. 2.15 As per the Municipality's Investment Policy which was approved on July 3, 2018 (FND- 011-18), the Treasurer will provide an in-depth annual investment report on the 2018 year's investments in 2019. The quarterly financial update provides some of the highlights of investments as of September 30, 2018. Note that as per the policy the operating cash accounts are not included in the following tables. During the third quarter, maturing Reserve Fund investments were re -invested into GICs. Mid-range term and other investment types will be investigated as investments mature in 2019. Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report FND-014-18 2.16 As per the policy, the terms or length of investments have been set to ensure liquidity and to minimize interest rate risk. Table 1 shows the term of the investments as of September 30, 2018. Table 1 - Term of Investments 2.17 The policy also sets out the types of investments to create a diversified portfolio. Table 2 shows the breakdown of the types of investments as of September 30, 2018. Table 2 - Type of Investments Total Funds % of Total Minimum Range Maximum Range 90 Das $ 48,042,920 45.8% 0% 20% 100% 90 Days to 1 Year 6,413,683 6.1% 51.9% 30% 100% 1 to 5 Years 47,205,154 45.0% Municipal Debt 0% 85% 5 to 10 Years 3,163,928 3.0% 56,291,900 0% 50% 10 to 20 Years - 0.0% 1 0.0% 0% 30% Total $ 104,825,685 100.0% 0% 25% Total 2.17 The policy also sets out the types of investments to create a diversified portfolio. Table 2 shows the breakdown of the types of investments as of September 30, 2018. Table 2 - Type of Investments Total Funds % of Total Minimum Range Maximum Range HISA $ 40,559,701 38.7% 0% 100% Federal Debt - 0.0% 0% 100% Provincial Debt 3,393,683 3.2% 0% 80% Municipal Debt - 0.0% 0% 35% Financial Institutions 56,291,900 53.7% 0% 60% Corporate Debt non-financial - 1 0.0% 1 0% 1 10% ONE Investment Pools 4,580,401 4.4% 0% 25% Total $ 104,825,685 100.0% Municipality of Clarington Page 7 Resort FND-014-18 3. Concurrence Not Applicable 4. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that the third quarter of 2018 financial update report be received for information. Submitted Trevor Pinn, B.Com, CPA CA, Deputy Treasurer Reviewed by: Andrew C. Allison, B. Comm, LLB CAO Staff Contact: Catherine Carr, Manager of Internal Audit, 905-623-3379 ext 2606 or ccarr@clarington.net There are no interested parties to be notified of Council's decision. Attachment 1 — Summary of Operating Revenues and Expenses Attachment 2 — Continuity of Taxes Receivable Attachment 3 — Debenture Repayment Schedule Attachment 4 — Municipal Development Charges The Municipality of Clarington Attachment 1 Summary of Operating Expenditures and Revenues for the Nine Months Ending September 31, 2018 to Report FND-014-18 2018 Qtr 3 Budget YTD 2018 Qtr 3 Actual YTD 2018 Qtr 3 Unexpended ($) 2018 Qtr 3 % Expended Iw 2017 Qtr 3 Budgeted YTD 2017 Qtr 3 Actual YTD 2017 Qtr 3 Unexpendend ($) 2018 Total Budget 2018 % of budget spent 05 Non -departmental Accounts (58,442,316) (11470,253) (6,120,518) (59,894,447) (1,671,972) (5,574,813) 1,452,131 201,719 (545,705) (62,634,835) (1,851,538) (5,762,273) 100.5% 114.6% 97.4% Municipal Taxation (62,429,064) (62,940,130) 511,066 100.8% Other Revenue (1,565,682) (2,121,684) 556,002 135.5% Contributions (5,762,273) (5,609,979) (152,294) 97.4% Revenue/Taxation/Contributions (69,757,019) (70,671,793) 914,774 101.3% (66,033,087) (67,141,232) 1,108,145 (70,248,646) 100.6% (211,820) (211,820) 0 100.0% (203,300) 203,300 (203,300) 203,300 0 0 (211,820) 211,820 100.0% 100.0% 59 BIA Taxation BIA Taxes BIA Payments 211,820 211,820 0 100.0% Net Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Mayor and Council Net Expenditures 691,036 690,213 823 99.9% 632,237 625,215 7,022 920,932 74.9% (128,539) 1,601,715 (200,874) 1,532,077 72,335 69,638 (165,500) 2,100,193 62.2% 74.6% 13 Administrator's Office Revenues/Recoveries (128,192) (102,955) (25,237) 80.3% Expenditures 1,559,985 1,567,008 (7,023) 100.5% Net Expenditures 1,431,793 1,464,053 (32,260) 102.3% 1,473,176 1,331,203 141,973 1,934,693 75.7% (49,931) 302,133 (87,190) 303,210 37,259 (1,077) (170,000) 546,792 37.0% 65.5% 14 Legal Administration Revenues/Recoveries (67,301) (62,924) (4,377) 93.5% Expenditures 334,292 358,215 (23,923) 107.2% Net Expenditures 266,991 295,291 (28,300) 110.6% 252,202 216,020 36,182 376,792 78.4% (3,000) 3,431,177 (10,271) 3,333,215 7,271 97,962 (8,000) 4,720,273 1,953.3% 77.8% 16 Corporate Services Revenues/Recoveries (8,000) (156,260) 148,260 1,953.3% Expenditures 3,720,419 3,673,248 47,171 98.7% Net Expenditures 3,712,419 3,516,988 195,431 94.7% 3,428,177 3,322,944 105,233 4,712,273 74.6% (512,575) 2,703,909 (642,461) 2,563,855 129,886 140,054 125.3% 94.8% (458,901) 2,335,048 (627,431) 2,352,696 168,530 (17,648) (684,900) 3,740,364 93.8% 68.5% 19 Clerk's Revenues/Recoveries Expenditures Net Expenditures 2,191,334 1,921,394 269,940 87.7% 1,876,147 1,725,265 150,882 3,055,464 62.9% 21 Finance & Unclassified Administration (1,149,271) 1,871,946 2,863,786 (1,138,323) 1,761,555 2,864,945 (10,948) 110,391 (1,159) (1,502,000) 2,616,900 2,858,637 78.5% 70.5% 81.6% Revenues/Recoveries (1,115,645) (1,178,544) 62,899 105.6% Operating Expenditures 1,932,593 1,845,199 87,394 95.5% Unclassified Administration 2,507,259 2,331,333 175,926 93.0% Expenditures 4,439,852 4,176,532 263,320 94.1% 4,735,732 4,626,500 109,232 5,475,537 76.3% Net Expenditures 3,324,207 2,997,988 326,219 90.2% 3,586,461 3,488,177 98,284 3,973,537 75.4% The Municipality of Clarington Attachment 1 Summary of Operating Expenditures and Revenues for the Nine Months Ending September 31, 2018 to Report FND-014-18 2018 Qtr 3 Budget YTD 2018 Qtr 3 Actual YTD 2018 Qtr 3 Unexpended ($) 2018 Qtr 3 % Expended 2017 Qtr 3 Budgeted YTD 2017 Qtr 3 Actual YTD 2017 Qtr 3 Unexpendend ($) 2018 Total Budget 2018 % of budget spent (80,993) 8,991,329 (220,932) 9,024,696 139,939 (33,367) (110,000) 12,362,786 196.1% 75.6% 28 Emergency Services - Fire Revenues/Recoveries (98,942) (215,755) 116,813 218.1%11 Expenditures 9,226,568 9,348,159 (121,591) 101.3% Net Expenditures 9,127,626 9,132,404 (4,778) 100.1% 8,910,336 8,803,764 106,572 12,252,786 74.5% (967,987) 534,407 5,717,520 (2,195,234) 534,407 5,982,414 1,227,247 0 (264,894) (1,605,532) 538,773 7,448,843 227.4% 85.2% 89.7% 32 Engineering Services Revenues/Recoveries (1,597,809) (3,650,258) 2,052,449 228.5% Debenture Payment Operating Expenditures Expenditures Net Expenditures 459,1101 6,261,225 459,110 6,682,940 0 (421,715) 100.0% 106.7% 6,720,335 7,142,050 (421,715) 106.3% 6,251,927 6,516,821 (264,894) 7,987,616 89.4% 5,122,526 3,491,792 1,630,734 68.2% 5,283,940 4,321,587 962,353 6,382,084 54.7% (417,189) (457,999) 40,810 109.8% (523,660) 11,848,441 1,027,669 (559,269) 12,696,569 608,496 35,609 (848,128) 419,173 (672,423) 18,116,278 1,667,046 68.1% 77.0% 56.2% 36 Operations Revenues/Recoveries Operating Expenditures 12,966,002 13,945,451 (979,449) 107.6% Fleet & Debenture Payments 1,469,508 936,411 533,097 63.7% Expenditures Net Expenditures 14,435,510 14,881,862 (446,352) 103.1% 12,876,110 13,305,065 (428,955) 19,783,324 75.2% 14,018,321 14,423,863 405,542 102.9% 12,352,450 12,745,796 393,346 19,110,901 75.5% (3,640,843) 8,343,273 3,099,950 95,000 (3,741,567) 8,398,973 3,099,950 95,000 100,724 (55,700) 0 0 (5,104,866) 12,556,918 2,115,485 95,000 73.5% 70.3% 94.8% 98.7% 42 Community Services Revenues/Recoveries (3,802,124) (3,754,006) (48,118) 98.7% Operating Expenditures 9,203,600 8,825,298 378,302 95.9% Debenture Payments 2,004,560 2,004,560 0 100.0% 95,000 93,750 1 11250 98.7% Annual Grant & Sponsorships Expenditures 11,303,160 10,923,608 379,552 96.6% 11,538,223 11,593,923 (55,700) 14,767,403 74.0% Net Expenditures 7,501,036 7,169,602 331,434 95.6% 7,897,380 7,852,356 45,024 9,662,537 74.2% (393,483) 3,505,610 (807,274) 3,000,115 413,791 505,495 (702,300) 4,378,036 109.8% 76.2% 50 Planning Services Revenues/Recoveries (564,637) (771,295) 206,658 136.6% Expenditures Net Expenditures 3,359,235 3,336,390 22,845 99.3% 2,794,598 2,565,095 229,503 91.8% 3,112,127 2,192,841 919,286 3,675,736 69.8% Boards & Agencies 4,072,724 4,072,194 530 100.0% 4,080,205 4,072,400 7,805 4,190,911 97.2% (78,281,253) (81,876,070) 3,594,817 104.6% (73,632,995) 60,484,746 (76,932,897) 60,489,233 3,299,902 (4,487) (81,185,987) 81,185,987 100.9% 77.5% Total Operating: Revenue/Recoveries Expenditures 62,778,845 62,945,154 (166,310) 100.3% Net Difference (15,502,409) (18,930,916) 3,428,508 122.1% (13,148,249) (16,443,664) 3,295,415 0 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Attachment 2 to Continuity of Taxes Receivable Report FND-014-18 for the Third Quarter of the Year 2018 Beginning Payments & Balance Interest Taxes Billed Balance Adjustments September September Receivable Added 2018 2017 June 30, 2018 Current Year Taxes 8,131,534 55,407,983 63,539,517 (45,920,757) 17,618,759 16,249,960 Penalty and Interest 84,380 229,427 313,807 (142,266) 171,541 148,376 First Prior Year Taxes 2,686,760 184,040 2,870,800 (648,110) 2,222,690 2,138,684 Penalty and Interest 197,884 89,044 286,929 (85,915) 201,014 166,623 Second Prior Year Taxes 810,549 18,290 828,840 (145,681) 683,158 651,529 Penalty and Interest 90,126 25,666 115,791 (22,551) 93,241 73,285 Third and Prior Years Taxes 225,168 0 225,168 (13,083) 212,085 135,152 Penalty and Interest 39,652 5,722 45,374 (1,569) 43,805 16,282 Total 12,266,054 349,859 55,610,313 68,226,226 (46,979,934) 21,246,293 19,579,891 ** These figures include refunds, write-off, 357's etc. 2018 Interim Instalment months: February and April. 2018 Final Instalment months (for non -capped classes): June and September 2018 Final Instalment months (for capped classes): August and September Muncipality of Clarington Attachment 3 of Report FND-014-18 NOTE: 2018 Newcastle Library has a balloon payment of $452,000 to be financed from Library Development Charge Reserve Fund, Library Capital RF and tax levy. Debenture Repayment Schedule As of January 1, 2018 Indoor Soccer RRC MAC Green Road Year Lacrosse RRC CCD space Improvements Improvements Grade Separation Newcastle Library Courtice Library Newcastle Aquatic Total 2018 164,093.85 104,942.45 86,760.21 111,327.96 538,772.66 558,787.14 78,904.97 1,759,687.50 3,403,276.74 2019 165,174.58 104,831.80 84,141.23 107,967.35 541,802.38 - 78,146.32 1,757,651.34 2,839,715.00 2020 164,755.07 104,715.46 84,010.16 107,799.19 544,416.38 - 78,341.53 1,604,355.98 2,688,393.77 2021 163,863.49 104,593.15 83,946.43 107,717.40 546,559.49 - 78,465.50 1,054,141.30 2,139,286.76 2022 163,542.75 83,964.94 107,741.15 546,559.49 - 78,488.31 1,006,711.96 1,987,008.60 2023 162,800.11 83,859.28 107,605.57 546,276.36 - 78,425.64 978,966.96 2024 160,675.42 83,823.08 107,559.13 553,240.30 78,249.84 983,547.77 2025+ 668,981.96 858,416.52 2,693,604.53 546,030.80 4,767,033.81 1,144,905.27 419,082.86 1,259,487.29 1,616,134.27 6,511,231.59 558,787.14 1,095,052.91 7,182,548.08 19,787,229.41 Principal at 1,033,000.00 339,154.57 1,010,000.00 1,296,000.00 5,332,600.00 529,000.00 931,000.00 6,595,000.00 17,065,754.57 January 1, 2018 Principal at 896,000.00 248,296.31 950,705.28 1,219,914.89 4,958,600.00 - 871,000.00 5,083,000.00 14,227,516.48 January 1, 2019 Interest Rates 1.35% to 3.35% 5.12% 1.7% to 3.45% 1.7% to 3.45% 1.35% to 3.8% 4.9% to 5.2% 1.15% to 2.8% 4.5% to 4.75% NOTE: 2018 Newcastle Library has a balloon payment of $452,000 to be financed from Library Development Charge Reserve Fund, Library Capital RF and tax levy. Municipality of Clarington RESIDENTIAL Single/Semi- Detached -New construction -Additions Townhouse Apartment TOTAL: Attachment 4 to Report FND-014-18 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES January to September YTD Change in DC paid from prior year: Change in DC units from prior year: NON-RESIDENTIAL Commercial -New construction -Additions Industrial -New construction -Additions Agricultural Government Institutional TOTAL: 39.8% 11.0% 2018 2017 2017 Municipal Development Charges Municipal Development Number of Municipal Development Number of Charges Paid Units Charges Paid Units $ 10,044,533.00 625 5,037,330 307 $ 20,744.28 $ 454,192.25 $ - - 216,801 19 $ - - 1,928,736 237 $ 10,044,533.00 625 $ 7,182,867.00 563 Change in DC paid from prior year: Change in DC units from prior year: NON-RESIDENTIAL Commercial -New construction -Additions Industrial -New construction -Additions Agricultural Government Institutional TOTAL: 39.8% 11.0% Change in DC paid from prior year: -3.4% 2018 2017 Municipal Development Charges Municipal Development Charges Paid Paid $ 372,802.29 $ 113,428.43 $ 20,744.28 $ 454,192.25 $ 77,961.74 $ - $ 274,617.72 $ 645,582.42 $ 668,164.29 Change in DC paid from prior year: -3.4% Municipality of Clarington Attachment 4 to Report FND-014-18 Municipal Development Charges Incentives As of September 30, 2018 Under By-law 2015-035 Date Property Value Incentive Residential Jan -16 105 Queen Street, Bowmanville 413,822.26 Mid -Rise Residential Dec -17 109 King Avenue East, Newcastle 157,840.00 Revitalization Mixed Used Residential Incentives to Date $ 571,662.26 Non -Residential Jul -15 222 King Street East, Bowmanville 110,671.30 Medical Exemption Oct -15 21 King Avenue East, Newcastle 3,636.08 Revitalization Small Business Feb -16 222 Baseline Road East, Bowmanville 13,279.78 Existing Industrial Development Feb -16 28 King Avenue East, Newcastle 937.96 Revitalization Small Business Apr -16 70 Mearns Court, Bowmanville 1,470.67 Existing Industrial Development Oct -16 2323 Highway 2, Bowmanville 15,985.00 Conversion Residential to Commercial Oct -16 70 Mearns Court, Bowmanville 8,232.17 Existing Industrial Development Feb -17 48 Britton Court, Bowmanville 24,676.61 New Industrial Development May -17 5314 Main Street, Orono 974.18 Revitalization Small Business Jun -17 1726 Baseline Road, Courtice 10,190.86 New Industrial Development Oct -17 220 Lake Road, Bowmanville 67,850.25 New Industrial Development Dec -17 109 King Avenue East, Newcastle 72,886.25 Revitalization Mixed Use Apr -18 685 Lake Road, Bowmanville 38,980.87 New Industrial Development Non -Residential Incentives to Date $ 369,771.98 Total Value of Incentives to Date $ 941,434.24