HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/2007 Special
1. Bob Hann, Halloway Holdings Limited - Removal of Holding, 120 Clarington
Boulevard (ZBA 2007-0014)
2. Brent Clarkson, MHBC Planning, on behalf of Home Depot of Canada, _ Proposed
Home Depot Store and Garden Centre, 120 Clarington Boulevard
1 . PSD-048-07 - Application by Halloway Holdings Limited for Approval of a Site
Plan for the Development of a Home Depot Home Improvement
Store on Lands Located to the North of Regional Highway No.2,
West of Clarington Boulevard and South of the Unopened
Concession 3 Road Allowance _ '
File No. SPA 2005-022
2. PSD-049-07 - Application for Removal of Holding Symbol _
Applicant: Halloway Holdings Limited _
File No. ZBA 2007-0014
Monday, April 23, 2007
Report #:
By-law #: 2007-087
Provided that Halloway Holdings Limited has executed the Subdivision/Consent Agreement
referred to in recommendation 1 and the Site Plan Agreement referred to in section 6 of this
report and has paid sums of money required to be paid to the Municipality as required by the
Principles of Understanding between the Municipality of Clarington and Halloway Holdings
Limited dated March 1, 2006 and Halloway has paid the sums of money and deposited the
performance guarantees required to be deposited on or before the execution of these
agreements, other than the payment to be made for the parkland cash-in-lieu dedication, it is
respectfully recommended to Council the following:
1. THAT Council approve pass a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk on
behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute a Subdivision/Consent Agreement in
the form of the draft Agreement contained in Attachment 3.
2. THAT Council pass a By-law to authorize the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk on behalf
of the Municipality of Clarington to execute releases of certain Agreements from the title
to the land referred to in the By-law in order to implement Paragraphs 8 and 10 of the
Principles of Understanding and to execute any necessary acknowledgements and
3. THAT Council pass a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute an
Assumption Agreement on behalf of the Municipality with Halloway Holdings Limited
and Home Depot Holdings Limited respecting the Principles of Understanding between
the Municipality of Clarington and Halloway Holdings Limited dated March 1, 2006.
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
4. THAT Council pass a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute an
Assumption Agreement on behalf of the Municipality with Halloway Holdings Limited
and Home Depot Holdings Limited respecting the Stevens Road Extension Agreement
between the Municipality of Clarington, Players Business Park Ltd. and West Diamond
Properties Inc. dated March 1, 2006;
5. THAT it is recommended that Halloway be required to pay to the Municipality $84,000
inclusive of design contingencies and GST as its share of the cost of Highway 2
streetscape improvements and that the Subdivision/Consent Agreement contain a
suitable provision to this effect;
6. THAT all interested parties listed in this Report be advised of Council's decision; and,
7. THAT Staff be directed to prepare necessary amendments to the site plan and the
Agreements referred to in Section 8.1 to make them consistent with the Halloway
Principles and the Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
Respectfully by:
Subm' d by: David J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P.
Director of Planning Services
Reviewed by: Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer
ubmitled by: Anthony Cannella C.E.T
Director of Engineering Services
20 April 2007
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
1.1 At its Special Meeting on March 1, 2006, Council approved the recommendations
contained in Report #PSD-027-06. The recommendations included the approval of
Commercial Policy Review and the Bowmanville Main Central Area Secondary Plan
Review Report. Council adopted Official Plan Amendments 43 and 44 and related
Zoning By-law Amendments 2006-046 and 2006-047 to implement the
recommendations contained in the two Reports and Report #PSD-027-06.
Council also approved certain agreements between the Municipality and two groups of
proponents, including Principles of Understanding (Halloway Principles) with Halloway
Holdings Limited (Halloway) and the Stevens Road Extension Agreement with
Halloway, Players Business Park Ltd. and West Diamond Properties Inc. (PlayersNVest
Diamond). Copies of the Halloway Principles of Understanding, the Stevens Road
Extension Agreement, Official Plan Amendment 44 amending the Bowmanville West
Main Central Area are available in the Municipal Clerk's Office.
1.2 The plan contained in Attachment 1 shows the commercial lands owned by Halloway
and PlayersNVest Diamond, respectively.. The Halloway commercial lands (Halloway
Lands) are located between Regional Highway No.2, Green Road, the unopened
Concession 2 road allowance and Clarington Boulevard. The West Diamond/Players
commercial lands are located generally between Regional Highway No.2, the planned
northerly extension of Boswell Avenue and Green Road.
1.3 Halloway proposed the development of a Home Depot home improvement store on part
of the easterly portion of the Halloway Lands. Medium-format retail stores (1,000 s.m. to
2,500 s.m.) were proposed on the westerly portion of their lands and smaller street-
related retail stores were proposed on the Highway 2 frontage of the Halloway lands.
1.4 Appeals from the adoption of Official Plan Amendment 44 and Zoning By-law
Amendment 2006-047, both of which applied to the Halloway lands, have been
dismissed by the Ontario Municipal Board. No appeal was filed in respect of Zoning By-
law Amendment 2006-046. AYT Corporation's (AYT) appeal from the adoption of
Official Plan Amendment 43 as they apply to AYT's lands on the north side of Highway
401 at Bennett Road. The result is that with the dismissal of the appeals of Official Plan
Amendment 44 and Zoning By-law Amendment 2006-047, Official Plan Amendments 43
and 44 and Zoning By-law Amendments 2006-046 and 2006-047 are in full force and
1.5 Acting in accordance with the Halloway Principles, Halloway applied for and obtained
from the Region of Durham Land Division Committee a provisional consent to transfer
the proposed Home Depot home improvement store site (Home Depot Lands) together
with half the right-of-way for Private Road "C" to Home Depot Holdings Inc. (Home
Depot) pursuant to section 53 of the Ontario Planning Act. The provisional consent
included the transfer to Home Depot of certain servicing and access rights over the
retained portions of the Halloway Lands to benefit the severed lands and the reservation
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
from the severed Home Depot Lands of servicing and acce.ss rights to benefit the
retained lands. The provisional consent is conditional on the making of agreements with
the Municipality and the Region of Durham, respectively. The agreement with the
Municipality is discussed below and is referred to as the "Subdivision/Consent
1.6 Again, acting in accordance with the Halloway Principles, Halloway applied for site plan
approval of development of the proposed Home Depot home improvement store and
related facilities proposed for the Home Depot Lands.
1.7 The principal features of the site plan which has been negotiated with staff as well as
the proposed site plan agreement which will be registered on the title to the Home
Depot Lands are outlined below in this Report. If Council decides to approve the
recommendations contained in this Report, the Directors of Planning Services and
Engineering Services intend to approve the site plan and recommend that the Mayor
and Municipal Clerk execute the site plan agreement with Halloway.
2.1 This section of the Report will contain a brief description of main provisions of the
Halloway Principles that are relevant to the proposed Home Depot development.
2.2 The Halloway Principles are premised on the assumption that development of the
Halloway Lands would be phased. Halloway intends to phase the development so that
an individual building or buildings only would be proposed as market opportunities
became available. Home Depot is the first phase of development.
2.3 The purpose of the Halloway Principles is to provide a means for the Municipality to be
satisfied that its key infrastructure, landscaping, streetscaping, urban design, building
massing, location of parking, the internal Private Road, "CH, and driveways will be
provided in accordance with the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan,
Zoning By-law 2006-047 and the approved Concept Plan for Development (Attachment
2) of the Halloway Lands no matter what the sequence of development of individual
buildings might be. Integral to this purpose are arrangements for Halloway's
contributions to part of the cost of the Stevens Road Extension, the granting of an option
to purchase Private Road "C" to be exercisable when overall development of the
Halloway Lands reaches a stipulated intensity, and Halloway's contributions to the
Urbanization of Regional Highway NO.2. The option to purchase is important in
achieving the ultimate planning goal of establishing a grid network of public streets in
the future.
2.4 The Concept Plan for Development of the Halloway Lands is central to the Principles of
Understanding. The Plan shows the conceptual development of buildings on the entire
Halloway Lands, including the parking, driveway and landscaped areas on the Home
Depot Lands. All development of the Halloway Lands is required to be consistent with
REPORT NO.: PSD.048-07
the Concept Plan for Development. It therefore establishes the context within which
applications for site plan approval under section 41 of the Planning Act.
2.5 The Halloway Principles shows the cross-section and the requirements of Private Road
"C" which is to be located between Highway No. 2 and the planned Stevens Road
Extension on the westerly side of the proposed Home Depot Lands.
2.6 The Halloway Principles provide for the transfer of certain 0.3 metre reserves to
Halloway for a nominal consideration. If they are not transferred these reserves would
effectively preclude the development of the proposed Home Depot home improvement
store. They also provide for the release by the Municipality of certain agreements
including requirements to convey lands to extend Uptown Avenue west of Clarington
Boulevard to the proposed Home Depot Lands. This release is provided in exchange
for the payment by Halloway to the Municipality of $200,000.00. Report #PSD-032-07
which was approved by Council at its meeting on March 19, 2007, recommends the
transfer to Halloway of the 0.3 metre reserves and the release of the agreements from
the proposed Home Depot Lands in exchange for the above-noted payment. Halloway
has made this payment to the Municipality.
2.7 The Halloway Principles provide for Halloway to pay to the Municipality $70,000 for the
purposes of disbursement to the Orono and the Newcastle BIAs and to fund Community
Improvement Plan programs if neither of these BIAs appealed OPAs 43 or 44 or any of
the related zoning-by-Iaws to the Ontario Municipal Board. Neither of these two BIAs in
fact filed any appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. Halloway has made this payment to
the Municipality.
2.8 The Halloway Principles contain a provision respecting the removal of the (H) Holding
symbol from commercial zoning designation set out in Zoning By-law Amendment 2006-
047. The removal of the (H) Holding symbol from the zoning designation applicable to
the proposed Home Depot Lands is recommended in Report #PSD-49-07.
2.9 The Halloway Principles also require Halloway and its successors in title to comply with
the requirement that an Assumption Agreement is made by a proposed purchaser,
mortgagee or lessee under a lease for 21 years or more before the sale, mortgage or
lease is made. Home Depot has executed Assumption Agreements with the Municipality
assuming the obligations of Halloway under the Halloway Principles and the Stevens
Road Extension Agreement. Also, Halloway and Home Depot have executed the
necessary Acknowledgements and Directions for the registration on title of charges
under section 118 of the Land Titles Act respecting the Halloway Principles and the
Stevens Road Extension Agreement. The requirements for these Assumption
Agreements and the registration of section 118 of the Land Titles Act charges on title
will ensure that Halloway and its successors in title of the original party will comply with
the Halloway Principles and the Stevens Road Extension Agreements.
2.10 Finally, the Halloway Principles provided for them to be unwound and to be of no further
effect if "Final Approval" of specified Planning Documents had not been achieved. They
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
also provided a right to Halloway to terminate the Halloway Principles within three years
following Final Approval, for example, if Halloway decided that development was no
longer practical. Halloway has acknowledged that the Halloway Principles cannot now
be unwound or terminated and are in full force and effect.
3.1 The Stevens Road Extension Agreement provides for the design and construction of
Stevens Road extension from Regional Road 57 to Green Road and its funding. The
Municipality will undertake all of the construction.
3.2 Under this Agreement the Municipality is responsible to fund the construction of Stevens
Road from Regional Road 57 to Clarington Boulevard (Municipally-Funded Section).
The Municipally-Funded Section is 100% funded from development charges. West
Diamond/Players and Halloway are responsible to fund the construction of the portion
from Clarington Boulevard to Green Road (Developer-Funded Section). The works cost
estimate for the Developer-Funded Section to an "Urban Profile" is $596,000. Security
has been deposited with the Municipality for this amount.
3.3 The Agreement also provides that:
. The estimated costs of the Developer-Funded Section constructed to an Urban
Profile of $596,000 will be adjusted from time to time as provided for in the
. The Municipality will commence construction of the Stevens Road extension as
soon as reasonably practicable after one of the developers gives written notice of
his intent to proceed. (The Municipality has commenced the Environmental
Assessment process.)
. Halloway and West Diamond/Players are responsible for the "as-built" costs on the
Developer-Funded Section. They will be consulted in the preparation of the tender
documents with respect to the construction of the project.
3.4 This Agreement also contains an unwinding or termination provision. The unwinding or
termination provisions are not operative since neither the Halloway Principles nor the
West Diamond/Players Principles of Understanding with the Municipality have unwound
or been terminated. In fact, both Halloway and West Diamond/Players have elected to
proceed with the Urban Profile design option for the profile of Stevens Road Extension
between Clarington Boulevard and Green Road and have deposited the required letter
of credit with the Municipality.
4.1 A copy of the draft Subdivision/Consent Agreement between Halloway and the
Municipality is contained in Attachment 3. Staff have been advised that the agreement
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
between Halloway and the Region required as a condition of the provisional consent to
transfer the proposed Home Depot Lands to Home Depot has been executed by the
parties to it.
4.2 The draft Subdivision/Consent Agreement between the Municipality and Halloway
provides for:
. A widening on the east side of Green Road to be transferred to the Municipality for
a nominal consideration.
. Halloway's agreement to undertake, complete and maintain on the Halloway Lands,
including the portion to be conveyed to Home Depot, the grading, construction and
installation of the services, works and landscaping shown on specified plans and
. Halloway's agreement to construct and install certain works and improvements on
Clarington Boulevard and the intersection of Private Road "C" and Stevens Road
Extension. These include completion of the traffic control median on Clarington
. Halloway's agreement to pay a maximum of $84,191 to the Municipality for its
share of the cost of certain landscaping and streetscaping works on Regional
Highway NO.2. This is discussed below in this Report.
· Halloway's agreement to construct and maintain the Private Road "C"
improvements in accordance with specified plans and drawings.
. The provisions of the Halloway Principles and the Steven Road Extension
Agreement to be incorporated in their entirety in the Subdivision/Consent
5.1 Attachments 4 and 5 contain Assumption Agreements between the Municipality and
Home Depot. They implement the requirements of the Halloway Principles and the
Stevens Road Extension Agreement in this regard.
5.2 The Assumption Agreement respecting the Halloway Principles contains
acknowledgements by the Municipality that the $200,000 payment referred to in section
2.6 of this Report and the $70,000 payment referred to in section 2.7 of this Report have
been made.
6.1 The Site Plan proposal by Home Depot provides for a 99,000 sq. ft. building with an
additional 26,000 sq. ft. structure predominantly occupied by the Garden Centre.
(Attachment 6) The front and rear fa9ade are articulated vertically and horizontally to
create some architectural interest and rhythm. (Attachment 7) The elevations would be
completed with reddish/brown pre-caste concrete panels that provide a an appearance
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
of brick construction. Due to its prominent location within the Town Centre, stringent
requirements were made with respect to outdoor storage. As a result, the Garden
Centre is extended at the back for a building material holding area and includes the
shed display area. Parking is provided for 427 cars. A large outdoor seasonal centre is
provided in the centre of the parking lot.
6.2 Site plan approval for the development will be granted in accordance with Section 41 of
the Planning Act as amended. A Site Plan Agreement has been prepared that will
contain provisions respecting the development of the subject lands including site design,
building elevations, rooftop mechanical unit screening, site illumination design and
fixture specifications, and landscaping within the property. Special items such as the
requirement for the home improvement store to obtain a basic LEEDS certification and
provision of a bicycle storage area for employees are included in this Agreement. The
LEEDs certification was originally offered by Home Depot as part of their proposal to
Council for the positive consideration of their application. The Agreement also contains
provisions for continued site maintenance and financial matters including securities and
payments to be made by the applicant to the Municipality. All of these issues are
contained in the Conditions of Site Plan Approval, which the applicant has agreed with
and signed.
6.2 The applicant must secure 100% of the landscaping costs for the project. This includes
all plant materials, fencing and rockery, retaining walls, and decorative paving materials.
These securities will be released once the items have been installed and passed their
maintenance period. These securities are also used to ensure that the exterior
illumination is properly installed in accordance with the approved illumination plan.
6.3 The Agreement also contains a provision for a cash payment in lieu of a parkland
dedication. The value of the payment is established either through a property appraisal
prepared by a certified property appraiser or through the actual offer of purchase and
sale. The applicant chose to have a property appraisal prepared. A review of the
appraisal by Staff concluded that the proposed land value upon which to base the
dedication payment was not suitable for the following reasons. Not all of the
comparable sites used in the appraisal were appropriate, since some were future
residential sites and thus not comparable. The appraisal also discounted the value of
comparable commercial sites and increased the value of residential sites. Finally, the
appraisal did not use the correct zoning upon which to base the land value. Since the
appraiser would not change the appraisal to properly address our concerns, Staff have
retained David Thrift of Appraisal Group Incorporated to prepare an appraisal on behalf
of the Municipality. Once a land value is determined, the value will be placed in the
Agreement. The applicant will be required to provide the necessary cash payment.
6.4 Cash-in-lieu of parkland has previously being paid for a portion of the site. There is a
residual of 6.267 acres on the Home Depot Site for which payment has not been made.
Mr. Thrift has appraised the fair market value of these lands to be $2,685,000. The
payment in lieu of parkland in respect of the Home Depot Development is 2% of this
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
amount or $53,700. The applicant will be required to provide the necessary cash
7.1 Council policy has established the Bowmanville West Town Centre area as one the two
main commercial areas of Clarington with high standards for building and streetscape
design. Through the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan, one of the goals
adopted by Council was "to ensure high quality of architecture and urban design in all
phases of development in order to create a unique sense of place and foster social
interaction in the West Town Centre".
7.2 To implement Council's policy, the Municipality developed urban design principles and
guidelines that have been implemented through the Official Plan policies and zoning by-
law for the area. To ensure Council's direction of creating "a unique sense of place" and
to complement the high standards in building design agreed upon with Home Depot and
Wal-Mart, the Municipality initiated the Bowmanville West Town Centre Streetscape
Implementation Plan (Streetscape Plan) as forwarded through Report PSD-045-07.
7.3 The nature and size of the proposed developments requires the reconstruction and
urbanization of Highway 2 and as such requires special consideration in terms of design
and pedestrian orientation. The Streetscape Plan recognizes the importance of
Highway 2 as the main regional corridor in the community. The importance of Highway 2
is also recognized in the Regional Corridor Guidelines and the Regional Official Plan.
7.4 The Streetscape Plan concept for Highway 2 will be implemented in phases. The first
phase requires that the structural elements like raised planters in the median and
boulevard be undertaken at the same time as the reconstruction of Highway 2.
7.5 To this end staff has developed a cost sharing structure that requires contributions from
Halloway for streetscape improvements to a maximum of $63,540 plus design,
contingencies and GST (maximum $84,190). This amount is reflected in the
Subdivision/Consent Agreement. Halloway's responsibility includes works in and north
of the median between Clarington Blvd and Green Road. The Municipality will be
responsible for the costs in and south of the median.
7.6 Many of the streetscape improvements have been paid for and implemented recently by
the developers throughout the area. The latest examples include Clarington Boulevard
extension north of the cinemas to the new Clarington Secondary School and the new
residential development south of Canadian Tire. The Streetscape improvements
included unit pavers, trees, benches, waste receptacles, and decorative lighting in the
median as well as decorative lighting on the boulevard in front of the school.
7.7 Halloway Holdings has indicated very firmly that it will not make any further contribution
to the Highway 2 urbanization, other than the basic streetscaping required by the
Region due to the costs they have incurred to date for the project.
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
7.8 However, it is very important for Council to understand that decisions on implementation
made in this area may create a precedent for implementation through the area. The
Streetscape Plan extends westward along Highway 2 from Green Road to Boswell Drive
to the lands owned by Metrus. Staff has initiated negotiations with Metrus for the
implementation of the Streetscape Plan. The Streetscape Plan will also be presented to
the Kaitlin Group for their density residential and commercial developments proposed
along Prince William Boulevard and the southwest corner of Highway 2 and Regional
Road 57. Accordingly, it is recommended that Halloway be required to pay to the
Municipality $84,000 inclusive of design contingencies and GST as its share of the cost
of Highway 2 streetscape improvements and that the Subdivision/Consent Agreement
contain a suitable provision to this effect.
8.1 Amendments will be required to the Amending Agreement dated June 21, 2000
between Willsonia Industries Limited, Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Trust Corporation of
Canada and the Municipality of Clarington which amended the Development Agreement
between the Municipality, Clarington Place Limited and Willsonia Industries Limited and
registered in the Land Registry Office as Instrument No. 0472409 and the related
approved site plan. The Agreement and site plan show the Scotiabank and parking for it
located on the west side of Clarington Boulevard at Regional Highway No. 2 and
additional lands shown as a "Temporary Parking Lot". The site plan and Agreements
apply to lands which include part of the proposed Home Depot Lands. They also deal
with the existing break in the traffic control median on Clarington Boulevard.
8.2 It is recommended that Staff be directed to prepare necessary amendments to the site
plan and the Agreements referred to in paragraph 8(1) to make them consistent with the
Halloway Principles and the Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
As of the writing of this report, one issue remains outstanding. Halloway has indicated
that it will not sign the Consent/Subdivision Agreement if the Municipality requires a
contribution of $63,540 plus design, contingencies and GST (maximum of $84,191) to
the Highway 2 urbanization/streetscape works.
Staff will provide a verbal update as to the status of this matter at the Special Council
meeting. If Halloway has executed the agreements by that time, and deposited the
requisite performance guarantees, save and except for the cash-in-lieu of parkland, staff
would request that the recommendations be adopted to implement the necessary
agreements for Home depot to proceed. In the event that any outstanding issues
remain at that time, appropriate direction will be sought.
REPORT NO.: PSD-048-07
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 6
Attachment 7
- Key Map
- Concept Plan for Development
- Draft - Subdivision/Consent Agreement
- Assumption Agreement - Principles of Understanding
- Assumption Agreement - Stevens Road Extension
- Home Depot Site Plan
- Home Depot Elevations
Attachment 1
To PSD-048-07
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Attachment 3
To PSD-048-07
THIS SUBDIVISION/CONSENT AGREEMENT made as of the 22"' day of April,
(hereinafter called "Halloway")
(hereinafter called the "Munieipality")
A. Halloway aod the Municipality entered into Principles of Understanding ("Halloway
Principles") dated March I, 2006. The Halloway Principles are registered as Instrument No.
DR513890 in the Land Registry Office for the Laod Titles Division of Durham (No. 40) ("Laod
Registry Office").
B. The laods to which this SubdivisiOn/Consent Agreement applies are more particularly
described in Schedule "A" hereto ("Halloway Lands").
C. Halloway represents aod warrants that it is the registered owner in fee simple of the
Halloway Lands aod that they are not encumbered by a mortgage or charge.
D. On January 15,2007, the Regional Municipality of Durham's Land Division Committee
under its file LD016/2006 gave its provisional consent ("Provisional Consent") under section 53
of tbe Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.!3, as amended, to the transfer by Halloway of the part of
tbe Halloway Lands referred to herein a the "Severed Laods". The Severed Lands are more
particularly described in Schedule "B" hereto. The Provisional Consent is subject to certain
conditions including the making of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement. A copy of the
Provisional Consent is contained in Schedule "e" hereto.
E. Following satisfaction of the conditions to the Provisional Consent and the issuance of a
certificate that the consent has been given pursuant to subsection 53(42) of the Planning Act,
Halloway intends to transfer the Severed Lands to Home Depot Holdings Inc. ("Home Depot'')
for development thereon of a home improvement store ("Home Depot Store'') in accordance with
the Municipality's Official Plan Amendment No. 44 and Zoning By-law Amendment 2006-047.
F. A copy of the concept plan for development of the Halloway Lands is contained in
Schedule "c" of the Halloway Principles. It is referred to hereinafter in this SubdivisiOn/Consent
Agreement as the "Concept Plan for Development". The Concept Plan for Development was
endorsed in principle by the Municipality's Council's Resolution #C-l 14-06 passed at its special
meeting on March 1,2006. A copy of Resolution #C-1I4-06 is contained in Schedule "D" of the
Halloway Principles.
G. The Stevens Road Extension Agreement dated March I, 2006 has been executed by the
Municipality, Halloway, Players Business Park Ltd. and West Diamond Properties Inc. A copy
of it is contained in Schedule "E" of the Halloway Principles.
H. Halloway has agreed to transfer Part 1_ on Reference Plan 40R-24802 to the
Municipality for the purpose of widening Green Road as provided below in this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
1. This Subdivision/Consent Agreement is made pursuant to subsection 53(12) of the
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.l3, as amended.
J. The execution of this SubdivisiOn/Consent Agreement by the Mayor and the Municipal
Clerk on bebaIf of the Municipality of Clarington is authorized by By-law 2007-088 passed by
the Municipality's Council at its meeting on April 23, 2007.
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises herein contained and the sum of
TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt whereof by
each of the Parties is hereby acknowledged) each of the Parties covenants and agrees with the
other Parties as follows:
Each of Recitals C to H and Schedules "A" to "J" are hereby incorporated into the
operative part of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement and each shall be construed
as covenants contained in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
- 3-
(b) In this Subdivision/Consent Agreement, unless otherwise provided the term
"Director" means the Municipality's Director of Engineering Services.
2. On or prior to the execution of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement by the Municipality,
Halloway sball transfer to the Municipality for a nominal consideration in fee simple, free
and clear of encumbrances and restrictions Part I on Reference Plan 40R-24802. The
transfer shall be in a form satisfactory to the Municipality's Solicitor and sball be
registered on title at the cost of Halloway including the payment of any Land Transfer
Tax and the payment to the Municipality of its reasonable legal costs.
3. Halloway at its cost shall undertake, complete and maintain the grading, construction and
installation of the services, works and landscaping required to be implemented in
accordance with the following plans and drawings as finally approved by and on file with
the Director and the Director of Planning Services:
Drawing Title Drawing Dated Last ReviaioD Prepared By
No. Date
Site Services Plan 8-2 May 2005 February 23, D.G. Biddle & Associates
2007 Limited
i Site Grading Plan 8-3 May 2005 February 23, D.G. Biddle & Associates
2007 Limited
Erosion and Sedimentation 8-4 May 2005 February 23, D.G. Biddle & Associates
Control Plan 2007 Limited
Storm Drainage Scheme 8-5 May 2005 February 23, D.G. Biddle & Associates
2007 Limited
I Landscaping Concept Plan D I ofl2 February Henry Kortekaas &
2007 Associates Inc.
Schedules "D" to "P' inclusive apply in respect of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works, the Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance Guarantee and the
Security for the Maintenance Guarantee for the Boulevard and Driveway Works.
The Clarington Boulevard Works comprise the Clarington Boulevard-Traffic
Island Restoration Works, the Clarington Boulevard-Parking Bump Out
Construction Works, and the Clarington Boulevard-Boulevard Works. The
Claringlon Boulevard Works and the Stevens Road Driveway Entrance Works are
more particularly described in Schedule "D".
Cb) Halloway shall undertake, complete and maintain the Claringlon Boulevard
Works and the Stevens Road -Driveway Entrance Works (collectively the
"Boulevard and Driveway Works") at its cost in accordance with Schedule "E"
hereto. On or before the execution of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement by lbe
Municipality, Halloway shall deposit cash or an irrevocable unconditionallener
of credit with the Municipality in the amount shown in the "Boulevard and
Driveway Works Cost Estimate" contained in Schedule "I" hereto as the
performance guarantee ("Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance
Guarantee") required by Schedule "F" hereto.
Forthwith after the execution of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement by the
Municipality, Halloway shall pay to the Municipality the Halloway share of the
cost of the Highway No.2 Landscaping and Streetscaping Works in the amount of
$84,190 inclusive of design, contingencies and GST ("Halloway Share''). The
Highway No.2 Landscaping and Streetscaping Works are shown on the drawings
contained in Schedule "1" hereto. The Halloway Share is for expenditure by the
Municipality on the Works in and north of the traffic control median on Highway
No. 2 between Clarington Boulevard and Green Road at precise locations and
with design details that will be specified in written notices which shall be given to
Halloway by the Director.
(b) Forthwith afler the execution of this Subdivision IConsent Agreement by the
Municipality, a performance guarantee ("Halloway Share Performance
Guarantee") shall be deposited by Halloway with lbe Municipality's Director of
FinancelTreasorer by cash in lbe amount of the Halloway Share of lbe cost
referred to in paragraph 5(a) or by an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit
in the amount provided for in paragraph 5( a). The Halloway Share Performance
Guarantee may be drawn upon by lbe Municipality from time to time to pay for
the cost of the construction and installation of those of the Highway No. 2
Landscaping and Streetscaping Works on which the Halloway Share is to be
expended under paragraph 5(a).
Halloway agrees with the Municipality that the Developer-Funded section of the
Stevens Road Extension as defined and provided for in the Stevens Road
Extension Agreement is a local service within the meaning of section 59 of the
Development Charges Act, 1997, S.D. 1997, c.27, as amended; and
(b) Halloway acknowledges that the "Urban Profile Works" on the "Developer-
Funded Section" of the Stevens Road Extension as both terms are described and
defmed in the Stevens Road Extension Agreement will be designed and
constructed on the aforesaid Developer-Funded Section. Halloway shall deposit
with the Municipality the "Performance Guarantee" to secure its obligation to pay
- 5-
for fifty (50%) per cent of the cosl of the aforesaid Urban Protile Works as is
required by and in accordance with the Stevens Road Extension Agreement. The
terms "Urban Profile Works," "Developer-Funded Section," and "Performance
Guarantee" have the same meaning in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement as
they have in the Stevens Road Extension Agreement.
The "Private Road C Improvements" (as hereafter defined) are shown on the
Concept Plan for Development. The lands which comprise Private Road C are
more particularly described as Parts 16, 17,21 and 22 on Plan 40R-24257.
(b) Halloway sball construct at its cost the Private Road C Improvements shown on
the Concept Plan for Development in accordance with the construction
drawings. specifications, cross-sections and streetscaping improvements
including lighting contained in Schedule "F" of the Halloway Principles and
landscaping shown on the Landscape Concept Plan referred to in paragraph 3 of
this Subdivision/Consent Agreement ("Private Road C Improvements"), to the
satisfaction of the Director. The parties agree that any of the foregoing drawings.
cross-sections and specifications may be revised in an agreement between
Halloway and the Municipality made pursuant to section 4 I of the Planning Act
without amendment being made to this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
(c) Halloway agrees that at its cost it will keep the Private Road C Improvements
after they have been constructed in a proper state of repair and maintain it in a
reasonable and proper manner, provided that Halloway's duty to do so sball
terminate on the day on which the Municipality exercises its option to purchase
Private Road C in accordance with paragraph 7(b) of the Halloway Principles, and
provided further that Halloway shall remain responsible for the cost of the
rectification of all deficiencies that heve been identified prior to the day on which
the aforesaid option to purchase is exercised in a written notice given by the
Director to Halloway, pursuant to paragraph 7(e) of this Subdivision/Consent
Agreement. Paragraph 7(e) shaIl apply with all necessary changes to it being
assumed to have been made to give effect to this paragraph 7(c).
(d) Halloway hereby permits the Municipality, its employees, contractors and agents
to enter on and to inspect the state of repair and the maintenance of the Private
Road C Improvements from time to time.
(e) If any deficiency in the repair or maintenance of the Private Road C
Improvements is identified by the Director, he shall forthwith give written notice
of the same to Halloway requiring the rectification of such deficiency by a date
specified in the written notice. If Halloway fails to rectify the deficiency on or
before the date specified in the written notice, the Municipality, its employees,
contractors and agents may enter on Private Road C, as the case may be, and
cause the deficiency identified in the aforesaid written notice to be rectified at the
expense of Halloway. Forthwith after rectifying the deficiency, the Director shall
give written notice to Halloway of the cost of rectifying it shall include an
allowance of thirty (30%) per cent to be paid to the Municipaiity for its overhead
expenses. Forthwith after being given written notice of the cost of rectifying the
deficiency as aforesaid, Halloway shall pay the amount in question as a debt owed
by Halloway to the Municipality.
(I) Notwithstanding paragraph 7(b), Halloway may defer the constrnction and
installation of portions of the landscaping and sidewalk on the westerly side of
Private Road C which are part of the Private Road C Improvements referred to in
paragraph 7(b) until Halloway completes the constrnction of a building or
buildings which is on a site on the Halloway Lands which abuts the corresponding
portion of the westerly side of Private Road C, provided that the constrnction and
installation of such landscaping and sidewalk shall be commenced and completed
in accordance with conditions imposed on site plan approval under section 41 of
the Planning Act for such building or buildings, and provided further that
paragraph 7(c) shall apply with all necessary changes thereto being assumed to
have made to give effect to the intent of this paragraph (I).
8. The Halloway Principles and the Stevens Road Extension Agreement are incorporated by
reference in their entirety in the operative part of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
Each of the Municipality and Halloway covenants to observe and perform their respective
obligations under the Halloway Principles and the Stevens Road Extension Agreement, as
each may be amended, restated, modified, supplemented by them and/or assigned and
assumed from time to time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Halloway Principles, and
the Stevens Road Extension Agreement continue in force and effect and time continues to
be of their essence.
9. If any notice or other document is required to be or may be given by the Municipality or
by any official of the Municipality to Halloway by this SubdivisiOn/Consent Agreement,
such notice shall be transmitted by telefax, mailed by first class prepaid post or delivered
177 Nonquon Road.
20" Floor
Ohsawa, ON L1 G 3 S2
The Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, ON LlC 3A6
Attention: Director of Planning Services
Fax: 905-623-0830
or such other telefax number or address of which any party has notified the other parties
in writing. Any such notice telefaxed or mailed or delivered shall be deemed good and
sufficient notice under the terms of this Agreement and if telefaxed or delivered prior to
4 :30 p.m. on any business day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays)
shall be deemed to have been received at the time of delivery or transmission and if
mailed by pre-paid registered mail, it shall be deemed to have been received on the third
business day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays) following the
mailing thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that it may be reasonably
anticipated that due to Force Majeure any notice will not be received within the time limit
set out above, then such notice shall be sent by an alternate means of transportation which
may reasonably be anticipated will cause the notice to be received reasonably
eXpeditiously by the addressee.
10. In this Subdivision/Consent Agreement, the term "Force Majeure" means any delay for
the duration of the delay which is imposed by reason of strikes, lockouts, riots, wars or
acts of military authority, acts of public enemies, sabotage, epidemics, washouts, nuclear
and radiation activity or fallouts, rebellion or civil commotion, fire or explosion; flood,
wind, water, earthquake or other casualty, or an Act of God and any act, omission or
event whether of the kind herein enumerated or otherwise not within the control of
Halloway, none of which has been caused by the deliberate default or act or omission by
such party and none of which has been avoidable by the exercise of reasonable effort or
foresight by such party. Halloway or the Municipality, as the case may be, shall notify the
other parties to this Subdivision/Consent Agreement of the commencement, duration and
consequence (so far as the same is within the knowledge of Halloway or the
Municipality, as the case may be) of any Force Majeure affecting the performance of any
of its obligations hereunder within thirty (30) days of gaining such knowledge.
II. All discretionary decisions by officials of the Municipality referred to in this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement shall be deemed to be qualified by the words "acting
- 8-
12. This Subdivision/Consent Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender or nwnber
required by the context in which the words or figures in question appear.
13. This Subdivision/Consent Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding on the
parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns.
14. Within ten (10) days of receiving a written request from Halloway, the Municipality shall
provide a written statement either confirming that Halloway is in good standing and not
in default of any provisions of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement, or setting out the
manner and extent to which Halloway is in default. Should the Municipality not respond
to said written request from Halloway, Halloway is entitled to rely on such non-response
as indicating that Halloway is in good standing and not in default of this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
15. Halloway acknowledges and agrees that the Municipality has authority to enter into this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement. that every provision hereof is authorized by the law and
fully enforceable by the parties, and that this Subdivision/Consent Agreement is executed
by lhe Municipality in reliance on the acknowledgement and agreement of Halloway as
16. Halloway hereby consents to the registration of a Notice of this Subdivision/Consent
Agreement on the title to the Halloway Lands.
17. Time is of the essence of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the
day and year first above written and the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals
by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf.
In the preseDce of:
Jim Abernethy, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Mutticipal Clerk
We have authority to bind the Corporation.
Name: Title:
IlWe have authority to bind the Corporation
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE" A" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement which
has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington enacted and passed the 23" day of April, 2007.
DescriotioD of the Hallowav Lands
Firstly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 2,3,4,5 and 6 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0103 (Ll).
Secondly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality ofClarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Part I on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0106(Ll).
Thirdly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 7, 8, 9, 10 and lion Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0107(Ll).
Fourthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality ofClarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 12 and 13 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0035 (LT).
Fifthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0034
Sixthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0033
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement which
has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of the
Municipality ofClarington, enacted and passed the 23" day of April, 2007.
DescriDtion of Severed Lands
Firstly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Part I on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole
of PIN 26613-0106
Secondly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 2, 3 and 4 on Plan 4OR-24257, being
Part of PIN 26613-0103
Thirdly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 10 and lion Plan 40R-24257, being
Part of PIN 26613-0107
Fourthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Part 12 on Plan 40R-24257, being Part of
PIN 26613-0035
Fifthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 15 and 16 on Plan 40R-24257, being
Part of PIN 26613-0034
Sixthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 19, 20 and 21 on Plan 40R-24257,
being Part of PIN 26613-0033
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "C" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement which
has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington, enacted and passed the 23'" day of April, 2007.
Provisional Consent of tbe
Re2ion of Durham Land Division Committee
[Insert Copy]
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "D" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement which
has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington, enacted and passed the 23" day of April, 2007.
DescriotioD of
Boulevard aod Drivewav Works
The Boulevard and Driveway Works are shown on the Site Services Plan Drawing No. S-
2 which is referred to in paragraph 3 of the Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
Schedule "En
Page I
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "En to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement
which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 ofTbe Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington, enacted and passed the 23" day of April, 2007.
1. Works Reauired
Halloway at its expense shall construct and install the Boulevard and Driveway
Works. From the date of issuance of an "Authorization to Commence Works" (as
hereafter defined) until the date of issuance of a "Certificate of Acceptance" (also as
hereafter defined) of them Halloway shall be fully responsible for the construction and
maintenance of the Boulevard and Driveway Works including the cost thereof in
accor~ance with the provisions of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement. After the
issuance of a Certificate of Acceptance, the Works referred to in such Certificate shall be
the responsibility of the Municipality. Halloway shall apply for an Authorization to
Commence Works no later than the day on which the home improvement store is opened
for retail sales to members of the public.
2. Hallowav's Ene:ineer
At all times until this Subdivision/Consent Agreement is released, Halloway shall
retain Halloway's Engineer who shall perform the duties set out in Schedule "H" to this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement. On the execution of this Subdivision/Consent
Agreement and on each occasion on which a new Halloway's Engineer is retained,
forthwith after retaining Halloway's Engineer, Halloway shall give the Director written
notice of the name, address and telefax number of Halloway's Engineer. No partnership,
association of persons or corporation shall be retained as Halloway's Engineer without
the prior written approval of the Director. All notices to be given to Halloway's Engineer
are properly given if given by personal service, by telephonic facsimile communication,
or first class prepaid post addressed to Halloway's Engineer at the address or telefax
number provided to the Director pursuant to this paragraph. Forthwith after the Director
gives Halloway written notice requiring it to do so, Halloway shall give the Director
written notice advising him whether or not the approved Vendor's Engineer continues to
be retained by Halloway.
3. DesiR of Boulevard and Drivewav Works
(I) Halloway covenants and agrees that the design of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works shall conform with all applicable legislation and the Municipality's Design
Criteria and Standard Detail Drawings. In the event of any dispute as to such
Schedule "En
Page 2
requirements or their interpretation, the dispute shall be resolved by the Director
whose decision shall be fmal.
(2) Halloway shall provide and submit to the Director all necessary Engineering
Drawings for the Boulevard and Driveway Works. Halloway shall obtain all
approvals for the construction and installation of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works as required by this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
4. Ene:ineerine: Drawino
(I) Prior to the issuance of any Authorization to Commence Works, Halloway shall
obtain the written approval of the Director of the original copy of all drawings of
the Boulevard and Driveway Works (the "Engineering Drawings"). If
construction and installation of the Boulevard and Driveway Works has not
commenced within two (2) years from the date of approval of the Engineering
Drawings, the Engineering Drawings shall be resubmitted to the Director for his
reconsideration and approval after any revisions required by the Director have
been made to them (the "Reapproved Engineering Drawings"). From and after the
approval by the Director of the Reapproved Engineering Drawings, they shall be
deemed to be the Engineering Drawings for the purpose of this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, and thereafter all Boulevard and Driveway
Works shall be constructed and instailed in accordance with them. Halloway
hereby irrevocably assigns to the Municipality without cost to the Municipality
the right to use and to reproduce the Engineering Drawings and all reports that
relate in whole or in part to the Boulevard and Driveway Works which have been
prepared by or for Halloway in connection with the performance of Halloway's
obligations under this Subdivision/Consent Agreement. Halloway acknowledges
that approval of the Engineering Drawings or reports by the Director shall not
relieve Halloway from its obligation to satisfy all requirements of or made
pursuant to this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
(2) Prior to the issuance of any Authorization to Commence Works, Halloway shall
provide the Director without cost to the Municipality Halloway's Engineer's (I)
written acknowledgement that the Engineering Drawings may be used and/or
reproduced by the Municipality without cost or prior approval or permission, (2)
written permission for the Municipality's officers. employees, agents. contractors
and supplier to use the specifications, data, drawings. records and reports whether
completed or in progress of completion in satisfaction of Halloway's obligations
under the provisions of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement with.out cost or prior
approval or permission, and (3) written undertaking to deliver to the Director the
original copy of the Engineering Drawings forthwith after being given written
notice by the Director requiring Halloway's Engineer to do so, whether or not
Schedule "E"
Page 3
Halloway's Engineer's fees and disbursements in respect of any of them have
been paid. Prior to each occasion on which a new Halloway's Engineer is retained
by Halloway and approval of the Director is sought, Halloway shall provide the
Director with a similar written acknowledgement and written pennission of the
new Halloway's Engineer, provided that if the new Halloway's Engineer is to be
retained by the Director on behalf of Halloway, the Director shall obtain from the
prospective Vendor's Engineer the aforesaid written acknowledgement and
permission. Forthwith after the Director gives Halloway's Engineer written notice
requiring them or it to do so, copies of the Engineering Drawings, computer disks,
specifications, data, drawings, records and reports referred to in this paragraph
shall be provided to the Director without cost to the Municipality.
5. Staeine of Construction of Works
Not used
6. Aooroval of Schedule of Works
Prior to the issuance of any Authorization to Commence Works respecting any of
the Boulevard and Driveway Works, Halloway shall obtain the written approval of the
Director ofa draft schedule (the "Schedule of Works") which sets out the time at which,
and the sequence in which, Halloway proposes to construct and install each of the
Boulevard and Driveway Works.
7. Annroval of Boulevard and Drivewav Works Cost Estimates
The Municipality acknowledges that the Director has approved the "Boulevard
and Driveway Works Cost Estimates" contained in Schedule "J".
8. Reouirements for Authorization to Commence Works
Halloway shall not commence the construction or installation of any of the
Boulevard and Driveway Works without the written permission of the Municipality (the
"Authorization to Commence Works"). Halloway shall only commence the construction
and installation of those Boulevard and Driveway Work, permitted by the Authorization
to Commence Works.
9. InsDection and Ston Work
Halloway shall ensure that every contract that may be made by Halloway with
any contractor to construct or install any of the Boulevard and Driveway Works shall
provide that employees or representatives of the Municipality may, at any time, inspect
the Boulevard and Driveway Works undertaken by such contractor and shall require the
Schedule "E"
Page 4
contractor to comply with stop work orders given by the Director pursuant to this
paragraph 9. The Director may give Halloway a written order to stop the construction or
installation of any of the Boulevard and Driveway Works that is being undertaken by
giving written notice either to Halloway or to Halloway's Engineer to that effect if in the
Director's opinion either (I) the Boulevard and Driveway Works are not being
undertaking such that a completed construction and installation of all the Boulevard and
Driveway Works satisfactory to the Municipality in accordance with this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement will result, or (2) the Performance Guarantee and the
Security for the Maintenance Guarantee required to be provided pursuant to this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement in respect of the Boulevard and Driveway Works has
not been deposited or is not maintained in good standing. Halloway shall comply with the
stop work order forthwith after it is given by the Director in accordance with this
paragraph 9 by requiring Halloway's contractor and sub-contractors who are constructing
and installing the Boulevard and Driveway Works or components thereof in question and
are referenced in the order to comply with it forthwith. A stop work order may be given
to Halloway by giving to Halloway's Engineer by personal service on Halloway's
Engineer or any representative of Halloway's Engineer, by prepaid first class post
addressed to Halloway's Engineer, or by telefax to Halloway's Engineer at the address
and telefax number referred to in paragraph 2 of this Schedule.
10. Construction in Accordance with EmdneeriDll Drawino
The Boulevard and Driveway Works shall be constructed and installed in
accordance with the Engineering Drawings as approved by the Director. No deviation
from the Engineering Drawings is permitted unless such deviation is authorized in
writing by the Director before it is undertaken. All construction and installation of the
Boulevard and Driveway Works shall be undertaken and carried out by Halloway or by
Halloway's contractor, as the case may be. in accordance with the regulations for
construction set out in Schedule "H" to this SubdivisiOn/Consent Agreement.
11. Sequence of Construction of Works
Following the issuance of an Authorization to Commence Works, Halloway shall
proceed in good faith to construct and install all of the Boulevard and Driveway Works
referred to in the Authorization to Commence Works continuously and in accordance
with the timing and sequence therefore set out in the Schedule of Works.
12. ComnletioD Time for Construction of Works
Within twelve (12) months of the date of the issuance of an Authorization to
Commence Works, Halloway shall complete the construction and installation of the
Boulevard and Driveway Works authorized in such Authorization to Commence Works.
Schedule "E"
Page 5
13. Additional Work
Until the conclusion of the Maintenance Guarantee Period referable thereto, ifin
the opinion of the Director, any incidental work is required to provide for the adequate
operation, functioning and maintenance of any of the Boulevard and Driveway Works,
Halloway, at its cost, shall construct and install such additional facilities and perform
such additional work as the Director may request from time to time by written notice
given to Halloway.
14. Incomplete or FaulIY Works and Liens
(1) Without derogating from the other provisions of this Subdivision/Consent
Agreement, if, in the opinion of the Director, (1) Halloway is not constructing and
installing or causing to be constructed or installed any of the Boulevard and
Driveway Works required by this Subdivision/Consent Agreement so that it or
they will be completed within the time specified for such completion in the
Schedule of Works, or (2) the Boulevard and Driveway Works or any
component(s) thereof are being improperly constructed or installed, or (3)
Halloway neglects or abandons the said Boulevard and Driveway Works or any
part of them before completion, or (4) unreasonable delay occurs in the
construction or installation of the Boulevard and Driveway Works, or (5) for any
other reason the Boulevard and Driveway Works are not being constructed or
installed properly and promptly and in full compliance with the provisions of this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, or (6) Halloway neglects or refuses to
reconstruct or reinstall any of the Boulevard and Driveway Works or
component(s) thereof which may be rejected by the Director as being defective,
deficient or unsuitable, or (7) Halloway otherwise defaults in performance of this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, the Director may give Halloway notice in
writing of his opinion respecting any such malter. Following the later to occur of
the expiry of ten (10) business days, excluding Saturdays and Sundays and
statutory holidays following the giving of such notice plus the expiry of any
additional period as may be specified in the notice given to Halloway by the
Director, the Municipality, at the cost and expense of Halloway, may engage a
contractor, supplier of services or materials and such workme~ and purchase such
services, supplies andlor services as in the opinion of the Director are required for
the completion of the construction and installation of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works and all components thereof and the performance of all covenants of
Halloway relating to the Boulevard and Driveway Works as provided by this
SubdivisiOn/Consent Agreement. In cases of emergency or urgency, or in order to
preserve the integrity of the Boulevard and Driveway Works or any component
thereof as determined by the Director in his absolute discretion, any deficiency(s)
or defect(s) in the Boulevard and Driveway Works, and any failure to complete
Schedule "En
Page 6
the Boulevard and Driveway Works and all components thereof in accordance
with this Subdivision/Consent Agreement may be corrected, remedied or
completed by the Municipality, its contractors, suppliers and employees at the
cost of Halloway without prior notice to Halloway, provided that forthwith after
the Municipality so acts, the Director sha1I give written notice to Halloway of his
determination as aforesaid, describing the action taken by the Director, and the
cost of correcting or remedying the deficiency or default in question or the cost of
completing the Boulevard and Driveway Works and the components thereof, as
the case may be. For the purposes of this paragraph 14(1) the cast of any work
which the Municipality undertakes under this paragraph I 4( I) shall be determined
by the Director in his absolute discretion. It is understood and agreed by the
Parties that the costs for which Halloway is responsible under this paragraph
l4(l) shall include a management fee payable to the Municipality either of thirty
(30%) percent of the contractor's charges to the Municipality (including any
charges far overhead and profit) or, if such work is undertaken by the
Municipality, thirty (30%) percent of all costs incurred by the Municipality to
correct or remedy the deficiencies or defect or to complete the Boulevard and
Driveway Works and all components thereof as the case may be. Halloway shall
pay the Municipality an amount equal to the cast of all Boulevard and Driveway
Works and components thereof, and the cost of correcting or remedying all
deficiencies and defects referred to in this paragraph 14( 1) which have been
incurred by the Municipality or are estimated in the Director's absolute discretion
to be likely to be incurred by the Municipality forthwith after the Director gives
Halloway written demand far payment of such cost If the amount paid is based
on the Director's estimate as aforesaid, forthwith after actual costs are knovm the
Director shall give Halloway written notice thereof. If the actual casts are more
than the estimated costs, Halloway shall forthwith pay the Municipality an
amount equal to the difference between them. If the actual costs are less than the
estimated casts, the Municipality shall forthwith refund the difference between
them to Halloway.
(2) In the event (1) a claim for a lien in respect of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works or any component thereof is registered against the title to any land vested
in or which should have been vested in the Municipality or is filed with the
Municipality, or (2) the Municipality receives written notice of a claim of an
alleged beneficiary of a statutory trnst under the Construction Lien Act, such
registration, filing or notice shall constitute a default in performance by Halloway
of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement. In any such case, the Director may notify
Halloway in writing of such defauit. If Halloway fails to discharge the lien or the
elaim as the case may be within ten (l0) business days, excluding Saturdays,
Sundays and statutory holidays, after the giving of such notice plus any further
Schedule "E"
Page 7
period of time as may be specified in the notice, then the Municipality In its
absolute discretion may (1) pay the full amount of the claim and security for costs
into a court of competent jurisdiction in order to obtain an order vacating such
claim for lien, (2) discharge the claim in full by paying the amount claimed or in
part by paying a portion thereof, or (3) draw the full amount of the claim in cash
from a letter of credit deposited with the Municipality as the security for the
Boulevard and Driveway Performance Guarantee and hold the cash in a deposit
account of the Municipality as the security for the Boulevard and Driveway
Performance Guarantee in respect of the claim in question. The Municipality may
draw on and appropriate the whole or any portion(s) of the Performance
Guarantee and the Security for the Maintenance Guarantee for the purpose of
making payment under this paragraph 14(2). Halloway shall indemnifY the
Municipality against the costs and expense incurred by the Municipality in
making a payment pursuant to this paragraph 14(2) forthwith after the Director
gives Halloway written notice requiring him to do so. In the event that the
Municipality draws on and appropriate any portion of the Boulevard and
Driveway Performance Guarantee or the Security for the Maintenance Guarantee
for any of the aforesaid purposes, forthwith after the Director gives written notice
to Halloway requiring it to do so, Halloway shall reinstate the Boulevard and
Driveway Performance Guarantee and/or the Security for the Maintenance
Guarantee, as the case may be, to the full amount(s) required under the provisions
of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
15. Acknowledl!ement Resnectiol! Emere:encv. etc. ReDain
Halloway acknowledges that if in cases of emergency or urgency or in order to
protect the integrity of the Boulevard and Driveway Works or any component thereof, the
Director acts to correct, remedy or repair any deficiency(s) or defect(s) in the Boulevard
and Driveway Works, neither on entry on the Boulevard and Driveway Works or any
portion of them nor any such action by the Director or any person authorized to undertake
the same by the Director shall be deemed to be an acceptance of any of the Boulevard
and Driveway Works by the Municipality, nor an assumption by the Municipality of any
responsibility or liability in connection therewith, or a release by the Municipality of
Halloway from any of its obligations under this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
16. Damalle to Existioe: Services
Forthwith after written demand therefore is given by the Director to Halloway,
Halloway shall pay to or to the direction of the Municipality, the cost of repairing any
damage to any property or services of the Municipality, the Region, Hydro One or any
utility authority or company or (the "Damaged Services") including without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, any road(s), water, electrical, gas, telephone, cable television
Schedule "E"
Page 8
and sewer systems, and the cost of relocating any Damaged Services. caused lw or
resulting from the construction or installation of any of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works, provided that all such repairs and or relocation(s) are completed to the
satisfaction of the Director, the Region and Hydro One or the relevant utility authority or
company which owns or is responsible for the Boulevard and Driveway Works, property
or services in question.
17. Use of Boulevard and Drivewav Works bv Municinalitv
Halloway acknowledges and agrees that any of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works may be used by The Municipality and such other person(s) who is (are) authorized
by the Municipality for any of the purposes for which the Boulevard and Driveway
Works are designed, without interference by Halloway, and without the payment of any
fee or compensation to Halloway, and for such purposes the Municipality and other
person( s) authorized by the Municipality may enter upon the portion of Halloway Lands
on which any of the Boulevard and Driveway Works are located.
18. Requirements for Certificate of Comnletion
Halloway acknowledges and agrees that the construction and installation of any of
the Boulevard and Driveway Works authorized in an Authorization to Commence Works
shall not be deemed to be completed for the purposes of this Subdivision/Consent
Agreement until the Director has provided Halloway with written certificate that such is
the case (the "Certificate of Completion"). In addition to satisfying the other
requirements of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement respecting its issuance, a Certificate
of Completion shall not be issued until such of the Boulevard and Driveway Works
authorized by the Authorization to Commence Works for which a Certificate of
Completion is required, have been inspected by the Director, and he is satisfied such
Boulevard and Driveway Works have been constructed and installed in accordance with
the Engineering Drawings and has received all certificates and confirmations from
Halloway's Engineer as provided for in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
19. Requirements for Certificate of Accentance
Halloway acknowledges and agrees that the none of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works covered by a Certificate of Completion shall be accepted, nor deemed to be
accepted for the purpose of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement until the Director has
provided Halloway with written certificate that the Boulevard and Driveway Works in
question have been accepted (the "Certificate of Acceptance''). If the Director is of the
opinion that the Boulevard and Driveway Works in question have been properly
maintained and all deficiencies and defects in such Boulevard and Driveway Works have
been remedied and corrected by Halloway on behalf of the Municipality, the Director
Schedule "E"
Page 9
shall provide Halloway with a Certificate of Acceptance of the relevant Boulevard and
Driveway Works.
20. Ownersbin of Boulevard and Drivewav Works by Mnnicinalitv
For greater certainty, Halloway acknowledges and agrees lbat lbe Municipality is
the owner of all of lbe Boulevard and Driveway Works covered by a Certificate of
Acceptance. Halloway shall have no right or claim lbereto, olber than as specifically
agreed to between Halloway and lbe Municipality in writing.
21. Road Damae:e Guarantee
Prior to the issuance of an Authorization to Commence Works by the Director for
the construction and installation of lbe Boulevard and Driveway Works, Halloway shall
deposit Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars wilb lbe Municipality which may he drawn
upon by lbe Municipality to indemnify itself against any cost lbat lbe Municipality incurs
in repairing damage caused by Halloway to Clarington Boulevard and/or Stevens Road
Extension in constructing and installing any of lbe Boulevard and Driveway Works. The
deposit or so much of it as is not drawn upon for the aforesaid purpose shall be repaid by
the Municipality to Halloway wilbout interest when lbe Security for lbe Maintenance
Guarantee of lbe Boulevard and Driveway Works is repaid by lbe Municipality to
Schedule "F "
Page I
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "F" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement
which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington, enacted and passed the 23'" day of April, 2007.
1. Boulevard and Drivewav Works Performance Guarantee Reouired
(a) Prior to the date of issuance of any Authorization to Commence Work,
Halloway shall deposit with the Municipality, cash or an irrevocable and
unconditional letter of credit issued by a bank listed in Schedule "I" of the
Bank Act, acceptable to the Municipality's Director of Financeffreasurer,
and containing terms satisfactory to the Municipality's Director of
FinancelTreasurer ("Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance
Guarantee"). The Boulevard and Driveway Works Perfonnance Guarantee
shall be in the amount determined by the Director to he the amount
required to secure to the Municipality the perfonnance by Halloway of its
covenants contained in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement to construct
and install the Boulevard and Driveway Works.
(b) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in making his
detennination, the Director shall have re8ard for the "Boulevard and
Driveway Works Cost Estimate" or the "Revised Boulevard and Driveway
Works Cost Estimate" (both terms as hereafter defined) whichever is
applicable, for the construction and installation of the Boulevard and
Driveway Works which either application has been made by Halloway to
the Director for the issuance of an Authorization to Commence Works or
an Authorization to Commence Warks has been issued by the Director.
(c) If from time to time following the issuance of any Authorization to
Commence Works the Director is of the opinion that the amount of the
Boulevard and Driveway Works Perfonnance Guarantee should be
increased in order to protect the Municipality's interests under this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, the Director shall consider and, acting
reasonably, approve a Boulevard and Driveway Revised Works Cost
Estimate which on his approval shall he deemed to he the Boulevard and
Driveway Works Cost Estimate for the purposes of this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement. Forthwith after the Director approves a
Boulevard and Driveway Revised Works Cost Estimate, he shall give to
Halloway written notice of his decision and a copy of the Boulevard and
Schedule <IF "
Page 2
Driveway Revised Works Cost Estimate, Halloway shall deposit with the
Municipality cash or an unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit in
such amount issued by a bank listed in Schedule "I" of the Bank Act that
is acceptable to the Municipality's Director of Financeffreasurer and
which contains terms satisfactory to the Municipality's Director of
(d) In the event that Halloway does not increase the amount of the Boulevard
and Driveway Works Perfonnance Guarantee for a period of thirty (30)
day' following the giving of written notice by the Director to Halloway
requiring an increase in the amount of the Boulevard and Driveway Works
Perfonnance Guarantee, any Authorization to Commence Work that has
been issued shall terminate.
(e) The Director shall give Halloway written notice that the Boulevard and
Driveway Works have been completed. No later than the expiry of the ten
(10) day period following the date on which this written notice is given to
Halloway of the as-constructed costs of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works. If the as-constructed costs of these Boulevard and Driveway
Works as detennined by the Director ("As-Constructed Co,ts") exceeds
the then current Boulevard and Driveway Work Cost Estimate, forthwith
after written demand is given to it by the Director, Halloway shall pay to
the Municipality any amount by which such As-Constructed Costs
exceeds the then current Boulevard and Driveway Works Cost Estimate of
the As-Constructed Costs of the Boulevard and Driveway Work,.
2. Use of Boulevard and Drivewav Works Performance Guarantee
(a) From time to time the Municipality may appropriate the whole or anyone
or more portions of the Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance
Guarantee up to an amount(,) determined by the Director, which in
aggregate shall not exceed the amount(,) which in the opinion of the
Director is required to remedy Halloway's breach(e,) or default(s) of or
under the provisions of the Subdivision/Consent Agreement. Forthwith
after making each such appropriation, the DireCtor shall give Halloway
written notice thereof and Halloway shall forthwith reinstate the
Boulevard and Driveway Works Perfonnance Guarantee to the full
amount required by this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
(b) If the whole or any portion of the Boulevard and Driveway Works
Perfonnance Guarantee is appropriated by the Municipality as aforesaid
and is not fully expended by the Municipality, Halloway agrees with the
Schedule "F ..
Page 3
Municipality that Halloway will not require the Municipality to pay
interest on any portion of it for the period in which it is held by the
Municipality and deposited by the Municipality in an interest bearing
accowlt in the name of the Municipality, in the event that an amount equal
to the appropriate or any part of it is paid by the Municipality either to
Halloway, to the bank which issued the letter of credit for deposit as the
Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance Guarantee, as directed by
Halloway or the bank, as the case may be.
3. Indemnification of MunieiDalitv
Halloway shall defend, indemnity and save the Municipality hannless from and
against all actions, claims, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses including reasonable
legal fees which arise by reason of or are caused in whole or in part by the making and/or
the implementation of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement, or the design, construction
and installation, supervision of construction and installation, inspection, and/or
maintenance of the Boulevard and Driveway Works by Halloway, its employees,
contractors, suppliers of services or materials, Halloway's Engineer, Halloway's
Engineer's employees, and Halloway's licensees.
4. Insurance
Halloway shall obtain and maintain and deposit the proof thereof as required by
and in accordance with Schedule "]" of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
5. Maintenance Guarantee Reauired
(I) From the date of issuance of an Authorization to Commence Boulevard and
Driveway Works until the date of issuance of a Certificate of Acceptance of the
Boulevard and Driveway Works or particular component(s) of the Boulevard and
Driveway Works, Halloway agrees with the Municipality to promptly correct,
remedy, repair or replace any portion or component of the Boulevard and
Driveway Works in question that the Director determines to be defective or
deficient having regard to the provisions of this SubdivisiOn/Consent Agreement
at Halloway's cost (the "Maintenance Guarantee"). The amount of the required
Maintenance Guarantee shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 5(1) of
this Schedule. Halloway shall be given written notice of any such deficiency or
defect by the Director forthwith after he identifies the same. Halloway shall
deposit or leave on deposit with the Municipality, cash or an irrevocable and
unconditional letter of credit by a bank listed in Schedule "I" of the Bank Act
acceptable to the Municipality's Director of Financeffreasurer and containing
terms satisfactory to the Municipality's Director of Financeffreasurer, as security
for the Maintenance Guarantee (the "Security for the Maintenance Guarantee").
Schedule "F ..
Page 4
(2) The Maintenance Guarantee expires on the later to occur of (1) the date of
issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance of the Boulevard and Driveway Works,
and (2) the day which conunences on the date of the issuance of the Certificate of
Completion of the Boulevard and Driveway Works and is two (2) yean; following
the date of its conunencement.
6. Use of Maintenance Guarantee
From time to time, the Municipality may appropriate the whole or any part of the
Security for the Maintenance Guarantee if Halloway fails to pay any cost(s) payable by
Halloway to the Municipality under this Subdivision/Consent Agreement. The amount(s)
of such appropriatioo shall not exceed the amount(s) which in the opinion of the Director
are required to remedy Halloway's breach(es) or default(s) as determined by the Director
of correcting or remedying a deficiency(s) or defect(s) in the Boulevard and Driveway
Works or a portion or component thereof, which is covered by the Maintenance
Guarantee and is in question. Forthwith after the Municipality makes any such
appropriation, the Director shall give Halloway written notice thereof. Forthwith, after
the giving of such notices, Halloway shall restore the Security for the Maintenance
Guarantee to the full amount required by this Subdivisioo/Consent Agreement.
7. Reduction and Release of Boulevard and Drivewav Works
Performance Guarantee
(a) Prior to the release of the Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance
Guarantee, in the discretion of the Director, the amount of the Boulevard
and Driveway Works Performance Guarantee may be reduced, from time
to time, to reflect the progress of completion of the Boulevard and
Driveway Works and other facilities and improvements which are required
to be constructed and installed by Halloway after taking into account any
outstanding claims the satisfaction of which is provided for in this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement. The maximum reduction that may be
permitted to be made by the Director is such that will leave on deposit
with the Municipality as the Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance
Guarantee is the amount equal to the sum of (I) the value of the
uncompleted Boulevard and Driveway Works as determined by the
Director having regard for the Boulevard and Driveway Works Cost
Estimate then in force plus any amount determined by the Director but not
to exceed twenty (20%) percent of such value as a completion allowance
payable to the Municipality, and (2) as the Maintenance Guarantee fifteen
(15%) percent of the value of the completed Boulevard and Driveway
Works, also determined by the Director after considering the material, if
any, submitted to the Director by Halloway's Engineer in support of an
Schedule "F "
Page 5
application for reduction of the Boulevard and Driveway Works
Performance Guarantee in respect of the Boulevard and Driveway Works
that have been completed by Halloway as well as the contract documents,
sub-contracts and supply contracts pertaining to the Boulevard and
Driveway Works and the provisions of the Construction Lien Act.
(b) Halloway will not require the Municipality to release to Halloway any
unused portion of the Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance
Guarantee until each of the following conditions is satisfied:
(i) A Certificate of Completion has been issued for the Boulevard and
Driveway Works for which the Boulevard and Driveway Works
Performance Guarantee was initially required to be deposited with
the Municipality.
(ii) Halloway has deposited or has left on deposit with the
Municipality the Maintenance Guarantee applying to the
Boulevard and Driveway Works for which the Boulevard and
Driveway Works Performance Guarantee initially was required to
be deposited with the Municipality.
(iii) The Director is satisfied that in respect of the construction and
installation of the Boulevard and Driveway Works for which such
Boulevard and Driveway Works Performance Guarantee was
initially required to be deposited with the Municipality, there are
no outstanding claims relating to such Boulevard and Driveway
(iv) The Municipality is satisfied that there are no outstanding claims
relating to the Boulevard and Driveway Works which the
Municipality is required or may be permitted to pay either under
the provisions of the Construction Lien Act or otherwise.
(v) The Municipality is satisfied that Halloway is not in breach of any
of its covenants contained in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
8. Reduction and Release of Maintenance Guarantee
Halloway will not require the Municipality to release to Halloway the Security for
the Maintenance Guarantee until each of the following conditions is satisfied:
Schedule "F "
Page 6
(a) A Certificate of Acceptance has been issued for the Boulevard IIlId
Driveway Works for which such Maintenance Guarantee is required under
this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
(b) The Municipality is satisfied that there are not outstanding claims relating
to such Boulevard and Driveway Works which the Municipality is
required or may be permitted to pay either under the provisions of the
Construction Lien Act or otherwise.
(c) The Municipality is satisfied that Halloway is not in breach of any of its
covenants contained in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
(d) The Director has received the as-constructed drawings for such Boulevard
and Driveway Works from Halloway as well as the computer disks, if any,
have been prepared by Halloway's Engineer.
9. Unoaid Monies
Except as otherwise provided in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement, the due
date of any money payable under it, unless a different due date is specified in this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, shall be thirty (30) days after the date of the giving of
the written invoice to Halloway. Interest shall be calculated and be paid by Halloway to
the Municipality on all sums of money of which Halloway is in default at the same rate,
and in the same manner, and at the same time as is the case with Municipality taxes
which are in arrears at the date on which the default in question commences.
Schedule "0"
Page I
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "G" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement
which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of
the Municipality ofClarington, enacted and passed the 23" day of April, 2007.
In addition to the other requirements of this Subdivision/Consent Agreement,
Halloway's Engineer shall prepare all drawings. plans, studies, reports, estimates,
calculations and documentation for the consideration and approval of the
Director. The approval of the Director shall not absolve or release Halloway or
Halloway's Engineer of the responsibility and liability for any errors or omissions
in the ahove drawings, plans, reports, stages or documentation or from liability for
any damage or loss caused or resulting directly or indirectly by Halloway's
Halloway's Engineer is hereby authorized by Halloway to act as Halloway's
representative in all matters pertaining to the design, construction and installation
of the Boulevard and Driveway Works and the overall management of the
development, and shall co-operate with the Municipality and the Director to
protect the interests of the Municipality and the general public in all matters
relating to the design, construction and installation of the Boulevard and
Driveway Works.
Halloway's Engineer shall provide fully qualified, experienced supervisory layout
and inspection staff, acceptable to the Director, to provide continuous inspection
service during all phases of the construction and installation of the Boulevard and
Driveway Works. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Halloway's
Engineer shall be responsible for the following:
(a) To carry out or arrange for the carrying out by qualified personnel offield
layout including the provision of line and grade to the contractors and,
where required, restaking.
Schedule "0"
Page 2
(b) To thoroughly inspect the construction, installation, and supply of
materials to ensure that all work is being performed in accordance with the
Engineering Drawings, the Municipality's Design Criteria and Standard
Drawings, and applicable plans of survey, as the case may be, and all
applicable law. Halloway's Engineer shall have the authority and
responsibility to immediately stop and/or reject any work, procedure, or
material which in his opinion does not comply with the Engineering
Drawings, the Municipality's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, the
applicable plans of survey and/or the applicable law.
(c) To provide co-ordination and schednling of the construction and
installation of the Bonlevard and Driveway Works in accordance with the
timing provisions contained in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement and
the requirements of the Director.
(d) To investigate and immediately report to the Director any unusual
circumstances, potential problems, conflicts, errors, defective work or
material which may arise during the construction and installation of the
Boulevard and Driveway Works.
(e ) To obtain field information during and upon completion of the
construction and installation of the Bonlevard and Driveway Works
required to modify the Engineering Drawings to produce the as-
constructed drawings of the Boulevard and Driveway Works.
Halloway's Engineer shall maintain all records, data, reports, approvals and
orders pertaining to the construction and installation including all contract
documents, sub-contracts and supply contracts, payment certificates, payment
records and receipts, certificates of substantial performance, the names and
addresses of all contractors, sutrcontractors and suppliers of. materials and
services, certificates of completion of sub-contracts and proof of service and
publication thereof in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation and
make all of the foregoing available for examination by the Director as required by
the Director without cost. If any change is made in the terms of a contract, sub-
contract or supply contract or in the name or address of a contractor, sub-
contractor and supplier from information that may not have been provided to the
Director by Halloway or Halloway's Engineer pursuant to this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, Halloway's Engineer immediately after
becoming apprised of each change shall give the Director written notice of it.
Schedule "H"
Page I
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "8" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement
which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington, enacted and passed the 23'" day of April, 2007.
All work pursuant to and associated with this Subdivision/Consent Agreement
shall be carried out in strict conformity with all approved Engineering Drawings,
the Municipality's Design Criteria, Standard Drawings and Specifications or any
revisions thereof and all applicable legislation, in addition to any requirements set
out in this Subdivision/Consent Agreement.
Halloway shall ensure that all construction pursuant to and associated with this
Subdivision/Consent Agreement is carried out in conformance with the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, and other applicable legislation.
Halloway shall ensure that any and all permits and approvals required to install or
construct or prepare to install or construct any of the Boulevard and Driveway
Works pursuant to or associated with any part of this Subdivision/Consent
Agreement have in fact obtained and are valid and in good standing.
Not Used.
Halloway shaIl not remove any topsoil from the Halloway Lands except for
construction purpose and such topsoil must remain within the limits of the
Halloway Lands unless otherwise approved by the Director.
Schedule "H"
Page 2
Halloway agrees to neither dump, nor permit to be dumped, any fill or debris, on
nor to remove, or permit to be removed any fill from any part of the Halloway
Lands to be dedicated to the Municipality other than the roads within the limits of
the Halloway Lands, without the written consent of the Director.
Halloway sball remove and dispose of all construction garbage and debris from
the Halloway Lands in an orderly and sanitary fashion in a dump site off the
Halloway Lands and approved by the Director. The Municipality shall not be
responsible for the removal or disposal of garbage and debris. Without derogating
from the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, if Halloway fails to remove
construction garbage or debris from the Property for a period of three (3)
consecutive days following the giving of written notice by the Director to
Halloway requiring it to do so, the Director may cause the construction garbage or
debris to be removed to and disposed of in the aforesaid dumping site at the
expense of Halloway. Forthwith after the Director gives written notice to
Halloway requiring it to pay for the costs incurred in removing and disposing of
the construction garbage or debris, Halloway shall pay the Municipality the
amount of money for it is invoiced.
Not used.
After the commencement of construction Halloway shall institute upon the Halloway
Lands a program of weed and rat control to the satisfaction of the Director.
Schedule "I"
Page I
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "I" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement
which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of
the Municipality ofClarington, enacted and passed the 23'. day of April, 2007.
Schedule "I"
Pa~e 2
5.0 Summary. Construction COlli
5.1 Clarington Boulevard - Parking Island Restoration $ 26,500.00
5.2 Clarington Boulevard - Parking Bump Out Conslruction S 4,950.00
5.3 Clarington Boulevard - Boulevard Works S 13,200.00
5.4 Stevens Road. Driveway Entrance $ 5,227.50
Sub-Total S 49,877.50
5.5 5% Contingencies $ 2,493.88
Sub-Total $ 52,371.38
5.6 10% Engineering $5,237.14
Sub-Total S 57,608.51
5.7 6% GST $ 3,456.51
55 Total Estimated ConlStructlon Costs $ 61 ,065.02
THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "J" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement which
has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 2007-088 of The Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington, enacted and passed the 23'" day of April, 2007.
Hi2hwav No.2 Landscanint!
and Streetscaomil! DrawinllS
Bowmanville West Town Centre Streetscape Implementation Plan
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Prepared bt . Planning Department staff based on the Str_tscape Implementation Plan
of Brook Mcilroy Inc,
Date. April 03, 2007
Bowmanville West Town Centre
Draft Document - Final Draft (April 2007)
prepared by Brook Mcilroy Inc. for the Municipality of Clarington
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THIS ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT made as of the 23" day of April, 2007.
(hereinafter called tbe "Municipality")
- and-
(hereinafter called "Home Depot")
- and-
(hereinafter called "Halloway")
A Halloway and the Municipality entered into Principles of Understanding ("Halloway
Principles") dated March I, 2006. The Halloway Principles are registered as Instrument No.
DR513890 in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40) ("Land
Registry Office").
B. The lands to which the Halloway Principles apply are morc particularly described in
Schedule "A" hereto f'Halloway Lands").
C The lands to which this Assumption Agreement applies are the portion of the Halloway
Lands more particularly described in Schedule "B" hereto ("Severed Lands").
Attachment 4
To PSD-048-07
D. On January 15, 2007, the Regional Municipality of Durham's Land Division Committee
under its file LD016/2006 gave its provisional consent ("Provisional Consent") under section S3
of tile Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.l3, as amended, to the transfer by Halloway of the part of
the Halloway Lands referred to herein a the "Severed Lands". A copy of the Provisional Consent
is contained in Schedule "e" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement dated April 23, 2007
betw'ccn the Municipality and Halloway which is registered in the land Registry Office as
Instrument No. ("Subdivision/Consent Agreement"). (The portion of the
Halloway lands that is not within the Severed Lands is referred to hereinafter as the "Retained
E. Halloway intends to transfer the Severed Lands to Home Depot in fee simple reserving
therefrom certain easements which are intended to be appurtenant to the remaining portion of the
Halloway Lands the title to which is vested in Halloway ("Retained Lands"). Halloway also
intends to transfer to Home Depot ccrtain easements in the Retained Lands which are intended to
be appurtenant to the Severed Lands.
F. This Assumption Agreement is made pursuant to paragraph 16 of the HaHoway
G. The execution of this Assumption Agreement by the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk on
behalf of the Municipality of Clarington is authorized by By-law 2007-089 passed by the
Municipality's Council at its meeting on April 23, 2007.
NO\V THEREFORE in considcration ofthc premises herein contained and the sum of
TVv'O DOLLARS ($2.00) and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt whereof by
each of the Parties is hereby acknowledged) each of the Parties covenants and agrees with the
other Parties as follows:
I. The parties acknowledge that the Halloway Principles cannot be unwound pursuant to
paragraph 2 thereof and that they cannot be terminated pursuant to paragraph 22- thereof.
Consequently, the parties acknowledge that the Halloway Principles are in full force and
- 3-
2. The parties acknowledge that the Subdivision/Consent Agreement made between the
Municipality and Halloway satisfies the requirements of paragraph 4 of the Halloway
3. The parties acknowledge that the requirements of paragraphs 8 and 10 of the Halloway
Principles, including without limitation the payment by Halloway to the Municipality of
the sum of Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars referred to in paragraph 8 of
the Halloway Principles, have been satisfied.
4. The parties acknowledge that Halloway's appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board which
are referred to in paragraph 18 of the Halloway Principles have been withdrawn by
Halloway and that the requirements of the aforesaid paragraph 18 have been satisfied.
5. The Municipality acknowledges that Halloway has paid the sum of Seventy Thousand
($70,000.00) Dollars to the Municipality pursuant to paragraph 21{d) of the Halloway
Principles and that the obligations of Halloway to the Municipality pursuant to
paragraphs 21{a), (b), (c) and (d) have been satisfied.
6. Without derogating from the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of this Assumption
Agreement., pursuant to paragraph 12(a) of the Halloway Principles, Home Depot hereby
assumes all of HaUoway's obligations to the Municipality under the provisions of the
Halloway Principles, including without limitation the obligations under paragraph 16 of
the Halloway Principles, as Halloway's obligations apply to or in respect of the Severed
7. Home Depot hereby consents to the registration of a Notice of this Agreement on the
Title to the Severed Lands.
8. The parties hereto covenant and agree, after a request in writing by any party to the other
parties, to forthwith execute and provide all further documents, instruments and
assurances as may be necessary or required in order to carry out and give effect to the
true intent of these presents, and to effect the registration against and release from title to
the lands subject to this Assumption Agreement of such notices or other instruments in
accordance with the provisions of this Assumption Agreement.
9. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Assumption Agreement, nothing
contained in this Assumption Agreement shaU derogate or shall be deemed to derogate
from the provisions of any of the Halloway Principles dated March 1, 2006, and the
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, and the Site Plan Agreement made between the
Municipality and Halloway dated April 23, 2007. Time shall be and continue to be of the
essence of each of these Agreements.
to. This Assumption Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be bind the parties hereto,
their respective successors and assigns.
It. The parties agree that this Assumption Agreement shall be interpreted, applied and
enforced in accordance with the Jaws of the Province of Ontario and without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the laws of the Province of Ontario shall he applied to
determine the rights and duties of the parties hereunder.
J 2. If any notice or other document is required to be or may be given by the Municipality or
by any official of the Municipality to Halloway and/or to Home Depot by this
Assumption Agreement, such notice shall be mailed by first class prepaid post, mailed by
first class registered prepaid post, or delivered to:
The Municipality:
The Municipality ofCtarington
40 Temperance Street
Rowmanville, ON LIe 3A6
Attention: Director of Planning Sen<ices
Fax: 905-623-0830
- 5-
Home Depot:
do Home Depot U.S.A. Inc.
2455 Paces Ferry Road North West
Building C, 20th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Attention: Mike McGuire, Vice President Real Estate
177 Nonquon Road.
20th Floor
Ohsawa, ON LI G 352
or such other telefax number or address of which any party has notifLed the other parties
in writing. Any such notice if mailed by first class prepaid post or delivered shall be
deemed good and sufficient notice under the terms of this Assumption Agreement on the
day on which it is received, if it is delivered prior to 4:30 p.m. on any business day
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays) otherwise such notice shall be
deemed to be received on the next following business day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays
and statutory holidays) after the day on which in fact it was delivered. If such notice is
mailed by first class prepaid registered mail, it shall be deemed to have been received on
the third business day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays) following
the day on which it is mailed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that it may be
reasonably anticipated that due to Force Majeure any notice will not be received within
the time limit set out above, then such notice shall bc sent by an alternate means of
transportation which may reasonably be anticipated will cause the notice to be received
reasonably expeditiously by the addressee.
13. In this Assumption Agreement, the term "Force Majeure" means any delay for the
duration of the delay which is imposed by reason of strikes, lockouts, riots, wars or acts
of military authority, acts of public enemies, sabotage, epidemics, washouts, nuclear and
radiation activity or fallouts, rebellion or civil commotion, fIre or explosion; flood, wind,
water, earthquake or other casualty, or an Act of God and any act, omission or event
whether of the kind herein enumerated or otherwise not within the control of Home
Depot and Halloway, none of which has been caused by the deliberate default or act or
omission by such parties and none of which has been avoidable by the exercise of
reasonable effort or foresight by such parties. lIo me Depot, Halloway or the
Municipality, as the case may be, shaH notify the other parties to this Assumption
Agreement ofthe commencement, duration and consequence (so far as the same is within
the knowledge of Halloway or the Municipality, as the case may be) of any Force
- 6-
Majeure affecting the performance of any of its obligations hereunder within thirty (30)
days of gaining sllch knowledge.
IN WITNESS \VHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the
day and year first above written and the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals
by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf.
In the presence of:
Jim Abernethy, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
We have authority to bind the Corporation.
Thomas K. Anderson, Corporate Counsel-
Real Estate Law
I have authority to bind the Corporation.
IJW e have authority to bind the Cmporation.
Lel!:al DescriDtion ofthe Hallowav Lands
Firstly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Plan40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0103 (LT).
Secondly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality of CIa ring ton, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Part I on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0106(LT).
Thirdly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality ofClarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 7,8,9, 10 and I Ion Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0107(LT).
Fourthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 12 and 13 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole ofplN 26613-0035 (LT).
Fifthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole nf PIN 26613-0034
Sixthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 19,20,21,22 and 23 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole of PIN 26613-0033
Descriotion of Severed Lands
Firstly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of CIa ring ton), designated as Part 1 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole
of PIN 26613-0106
Secondly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 2, 3 and 4 on Plan 40R-24257, being
Part of PIN 26613-0103
Thirdly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 10 and 11 on Plan 40R.24257, being
Part of PIN 26613-0107
Fourtbly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Part 12 on Plan 40R-24257, being Part of
PIN 266 I 3-0035
Fifthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession] in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 15 and 16 on Plan 40R-24257, being
Part ofPlN 26613-0034
Sixthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Tow-nship of Clarington), designated as Parts 19, 20 and 21 on Plan 40R-24257,
being Part o[PIN 26613-0033
N,\r.estate'maltcf,\0707Q4\J\.fain MallersIBowmanvilleVl.greernerlls\Assumption Agreement. Principles ofUnderstandingVl.ssumption Agr-v5
THIS ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT made as of the 23" day of April, 2007.
(hereinafter called the "Municipality")
~ and-
(hereinafter called "Home Depot")
- and-
(hereinafter called "Halloway")
A. Halhway and the Municipality entered into Principles of Understanding ("Halloway
Principles") dated March 1, 2006. The Halloway Principles are registered as Instrument No.
DR513890 in the Land Registry Office for the Land Tides Division of Durham (No. 40) ("Land
Registry OffLce").
B. The lands to which the Halloway Principles apply are more particularly described in
Schedule "A" hereto ("Halloway Lands").
C. The Stevens Road Extension Agreement dated March 1, 2006 has been executed by the
Municipality, Halloway, Players Business Park Ltd. and West Diamond Properties Inc. A copy
of it is contained in Schedule "E" of the Halloway Principles.
Attachment 5
To PSD-048-07
- 2-
D. The lands to which this Assumption Agreement applies are the portion of the Halloway
Lands more particularly described in Schedule "8" hereto ("Severed Lands").
E. On January 15, 2007, the Regional Municipality of Durham's Land Division Committee
under its file LD016/2006 gave its provisional consent ("Provisional Consent") under section 53
of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, to the transfer by Halloway of the part of
the Halloway Lands referred to herein a the "Severed Lands", A copy of the Provisional Consent
is contained in Schedule "C" to the Subdivision/Consent Agreement dated April 23, 2007
between the Municipality and Halloway which is registered in the Land Registry Office as
Instrument No. CSubdivisionlConsent Agreement"). (The portion of the
HallO'oNay lands that is not within the Severed Lands is referred to hereinafter as the "Retained
f. Halloway intends to transfer the Severed Lands to Home Depot in fee simple reserving
tberefrom certain easements 'which are intended to be appurtenant to the remaining portion of the
Halloway Lands the title to which is vested in Halloway ("Retained Lands"). HallO\vay also
intends to transfer to Home Depot certain easements in the Retained Lands which are intended to
be appurtenant to the Severed Lands.
G. This Assumption Agreement is made pursuant to paragraph 19 of the Stevens Road
Extension Agreement.
H. The execution of this Assumption Agreement by the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk on
behalf of the Municipality of Clarington is authorized by By-law 2007-090 passed by the
Municipality's Council at its meeting on April 23, 2007.
NO\V THEREFORE in consideration of the premises herein contained and the sum of
T\VO DOLLARS ($2.00) and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt whereof by
eaeh of the Parties is hereby acknowledged) each of the Parties covenants and agrees with the
other Parties as follows:
- 3 -
I. The parties acknowledge that the Stevens Road Extension Agreement cannot be unwound
or terminated by Halloway pursuant to paragraph 22 of that Agreement. Consequently,
the parties acknowledge that it is in ftJiI force and effect.
2. Pursuant to paragraph 19(a) of the Stevens Road Extension Agreement, Home Depot
hereby assumes joint and several liability with Halloway to the Municipality for the
performance of Halloway's obligations to the Municipality under the provisions of the
Stevens Road Extension Agreement including without limitation, Halloway's obligations
under paragraph 19 thereof insofar as paragraph 19 applies in respect of the Severed
3. Horne Depot hereby consents to the registration ofa Notice of this Agreement on the title
to the Severed Lands.
4. The parties hereto covenant and agree, after a request in writing by any party to the other
parties, to forthwith execute and provide all further documents, instruments and
assurances as may be necessary or required in order to carry out and give effect to the
true intent of these presents, and to effect the registration against and release from title to
the lands subject to this Assumption Agreement of such notices or other instruments in
accordance with the provisions of this Assumption Agreement.
5. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Assumption Agreement, nothing
contained in this Assumption Agreement shaH derogate or shall be deemed to derogate
from the provisions of any of the Halloway Principles dated March I, 2006, and the
Subdivision/Consent Agreement, and the Site Plan Agreement made between the
Municipality and HaHoway dated April 23, 2007. Time shall be and continue to be of the
essence of each of these Agreements.
-4 -
6. This Assumption Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be bind the parties hereto,
their respective successors and assigns.
7. The parties agree that this Assumption Agreement shall be interpreted, applied and
enforced in accordance with the laws orthe Province of Ontario and without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the laws of the Province of Ontario shall be applied to
determine the rights and duties of the parties hereunder.
8. If any notice or other document is required to be or may be given by the Municipality or
by any official of the Municipality to Halloway and/or to Home Depot by this
Assumption Agreement, such notice shall be mailed by first class prepaid post, mailed by
first class registered prepaid post, or delivered to:
The Municipality:
The Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, ON Lt C 3A6
Attention: Director of Planning Services
Fax: 905-623-0830
Home Depot:
c/o Home Depot U.S.A. Inc.
2455 Paces Ferry Road North West
Building C, 20th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Attention: Mike McGuire, Vice President Real Estate
177 Nonquon Road.
20th Floor
Ohsawa, ON LtG 3S2
or such other address of which any party has notified the other parties in writing. Any
such notice if mailed by first class prepaid post or delivered shall be deemed good and
sufficient notice under the terms of this Assumption Agreement on the day on which it is
received, if it is delivered prior to 4:30 p.m. on any business day (excluding Saturdays,
Sundays and statutory holidays) otherwise such notice shall be deemed to be received on
the next folknving business day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays)
after tilt: day UIl which in fact it was delivered. If such notice is mailed by first class
prepaid registered mail, it shall be deemed to have been received on the third business
- 5-
day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays) following the day on which it
is mailed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that it may be reasonably
anticipated that due to Force Majeure any notice will not be received within the time limit
set out above, then such notice shall be sent by an alternate means of transportation which
may reasonably be anticipated will cause the notice to be received reasonably
expeditiously by the addressee.
9. In this Assumption Agreement, the term "Force Majeure" means any delay for the
duration of the delay which is imposed by reason of strikes, lockouts, riots, wars or acts
of military authority, acts of public enemies, sabotage, epidemics, washouts, nuclear and
radiation activity or fallouts, rebellion or civil commotion, fIre or explosion; flood, wind,
water, earthquake or other casualty, or an Act of God and any act, omission or event
whether of the kind herein enumerated or otherwise not within the control of Home
Depot and Hallov,:ay, none of \vhich has been caused by the deliberate default or act or
omission by such parties and none of which has been avoidable by the exercise of
reasonable effort or foresight by such parties. Ho me Depot, Halloway or the
I'vlunicipaiity, as the case may be, shall notify the other parties to this Assumption
Agreement of the commencement, duration and consequence (so far as the same is within
the knowledge of Hallov,ray or the Municipality, as the case may be) of any Force
Majeure affecting tbe performance of any of its obligations hereunder within thirty (30)
days of gaining such kno\"r1edge.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the
day and year first above written and the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals
by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf.
In the presence of:
- 6-
Jim Abernethy, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
We have authority to bind the Corporation.
Thomas K. Anderson, Corporate Counsel-
Real Estate Law
I have authority to bind the Corporation.
Name: Title:
VW e have authority to bind the Corporation.
Lel!al Descriotion of the Hallowav Lands
Firstly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole o[PIN 26613-0103 (LT).
Secondly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality of Cia ring ton, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Part I on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole o[PIN 26613-0106(LT).
Thirdly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality ofClarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 7, 8, 9,10 and lIon Plan 40R-24257, being the whole o[PIN 26613-0107(LT).
Fourthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality of Cia ring ton, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 12 and 13 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole o[PIN 26613-0035 (LT).
Fifthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality ofClarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic Township of Darlington), designated as
Parts 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole o[ PIN 26613-0034
Sixthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional
Municipality of Durham (formerly Geographic TO\vnship of Darlington), designated as
Parts 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole o[PIN 26613-0033
DescriDtion of Severed Lands
Firstly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Part 1 on Plan 40R-24257, being the whole
of PIN 26613-0106
Secondly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 2, 3 and 4 on Plan 40R-24257, being
Part orPIN 26613-0103
Thirdly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 10 and lIon Plan 40R-24257, being
Part of PIN 26613-0 I 07
Fourthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Part 12 on Plan 40R-24257, being Part of
PIN 26613-0035
Fifthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession I in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of CIa ring ton), designated as Parts 15 and 16 on Plan 40R-24257, being
Part of PIN 26613-0034
Sixthly: Part of Lot 16 Concession 1 in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly
Geographic Township of Clarington), designated as Parts 19, 20 and 21 on Plan 40R-24257,
being Part orPIN 26613-0033
:\:'J--estatc\m~tter~"070704\Main Mattcrs\Rowmanville\Agreements\A~sumption Agreement - Steven~ Rd\Stevens Rd Assumption Agr-
Attachment 6
To PSD-048-07
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Attachment 7
To PSD-048-07
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Report #: PSD-049-07
File #: ZBA 2007-0014
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended to Council the following:
1. THAT Report PSD-049-07 be received;
2. THAT provided that Halloway Holding Limited has executed the Site Plan
Agreement and the Subdivision/Consent Agreement with the Municipality, that
the application submitted by Halloway Holdings Limited to remove the Holding
(H) symbol from the lands identified as Parts 1, 2,3,4,10,11,12.15,16,17,19,
20, 21, and 22 on Reference Plan 40R-24257 and a portion of Parts 5, 9, 13, and
14 on Reference Plan 40R-24257 be APPROVED and that the attached by-law
be passed; and
3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of
Council's decision.
Submitted by:
Ovid . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P.
Director, Planning Services
Reviewed bQ~-J~
Franklin Wu
Chief Administrative Officer
April 20, 2007
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830
REPORT NO.: PSD-049-07
Halloway Holdings Limited
Removal of "Holding (H)" symbol
Part of Lot 16, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington
(Attachment 1)
2.1 On February 23rd, 2007, Staff received an application from Halloway Holdings
Limited for the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol on Parts 1 to 17 on
Reference Plan 40R-24257 and Parts 19 to 22 on Reference Plan 40R-24257.
The removal of the holding symbol would permit the development of a 9,164 m2
home improvement store and 1,629 m2 outdoor garden centre as well as a 929
m2 seasonal garden centre on the subject lands.
3.1 The proposed development is located within the West Bowmanville Town Centre
at 120 Clarington Boulevard. Policies have now been approved by the Ontario
Municipal Board to permit approximately 55,000 m2 of additional retail and
personal service f100rspace in the form of street-related and large format
commercial development to proceed.
3.2 Prior to approval of commercial development on the subject lands, Halloway
Holdings Limited entered into the Principles of Understanding with Municipality,
which outline the requirements that the applicant must fulfil for development to
proceed on the subject lands. The document outlines the planning procedures,
special conditions, the construction of Stevens Road, and financial obligations for
approval of development.
3.3 The portion of the subject property proposed for development is presently zoned
"Holding - Large Format Commercial Exception ((H)C8-3) Zone", "Holding -
Large Format Commercial Exception ((H)C8-4) Zone", and "Holding - Street-
Related Commercial Exception ((H)C9-3) Zone". Specific policies for the
Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan permit the use of holding
symbols. In addition, the Principles of Understanding also contain procedures
and obligations that must be fulfilled prior to Council considering removal of the
holding symbol. The applicant must therefore address the following matters to
the satisfaction of the Municipality:
. A consent application to sever the home improvement store lands from the
remaining property owned by Halloway Holdings Limited was approved. A
REPORT NO.: PSD-049-07
condition of the consent is that the applicant shall enter into a
subdivision/consent agreement.
· The subdivision/consent agreement is being finalized and will be executed
by the applicant. This agreement governs site servicing, off-site road
improvements on Clarington Boulevard and Stevens Road associated with
the development, streetscape improvements on Highway 2, payment
towards the construction of Stevens Road, a cash payment for the release
of the applicant's obligations to the Uptown Avenue extension, and
payments for the Newcastle and Orono Business Improvement Areas.
· The applicant must construct a private road on the subject lands over
which may be transferred to the Municipality once the property redevelops
intensively in the future.
· The applicant will execute a site plan agreement, which governs site
development, building form, landscaping works, and lighting. Financial
securities for landscaping work~ will be administered through this
agreement. Staff have also obtained landscape maintenance and snow
removal programs for the development. A cash-in-lieu of parkland
dedication payment will also be received from the applicant through this
· The applicant has satisfied the specific urban design requirements through
the building elevations, which include special exterior treatment, building
articulation, and parapet walls to screen rooftop mechanical units.
· The applicant has demonstrated its commitment to obtaining a basic
LEEDS certification for the building.
· The home improvement store will provide an indoor bicycle storage area
for employees.
· An assumption agreement will be executed to ensure that the land holding
company for the home improvement store is bound by the relevant
provision all agreements once they retain ownership of their own property.
3.3 Similarly, within the Region's Official Plan, policies are in place noting that prior
to a local Municipality's passage of a by-law to remove a holding symbol, Council
is to ensure that:
· The development is consistent with the orderly and phased development
of the Municipality;
· The Owner has satisfied all of the requirements of the Municipality and
entered into any necessary agreements in that regard; and
· The Owner has satisfied all the requirements of the Regional Municipality
of Durham with respect to the provisions of sewer and water services,
regional roads and entered into any necessary agreements.
3.4 Halloway Holdings Limited, in conjunction with home improvement store, will
jointly construct a private road between Highway 2 and Stevens Road
approximately in the middle of the site and to construct an east-west drive aisle
abutting ScotiaBank between Clarington Boulevard and the private road. In
addition to removing the holding symbol from all lands to be transferred to the
REPORT NO.: PSD-049-07
home improvement store, the proposed also removes the holding symbol from
those lands retained by the applicant to allow for the construction of the private
road and the aforementioned east-west drive aisle.
3.5 The approval of a by-law to remove the holding symbol is appropriate at this
time, as the provisions within the Municipality's and Region's Official Plan, as
well as the Principles of Understanding with the applicant, have been satisfied. It
will also allow a conditional building permit to be issued by the Chief Building
Official for the footing and foundation portion of the store.
3.6 It is noted that pursuant to Section 36 of the Planning Act, a by-law amendment
to remove the "Holding (H)" symbol is not subject to the normal appeal period
afforded to a standard rezoning application and accordingly shall be deemed final
and binding upon Council's approval.
3.7 Staff would note that the holding provision will be removed in phases for
development on the remaining portion of the applicant's lands.
3.8 The Finance Department has advised that t~xes on the site a~~l::pri'ent.(TO BE
4.1 In consideration of the comments noted above, provided that Halloway Holdings
Limited has executed the Subdivision/Consent Agreement and the Site Plan
Agreement, it is recommended that Council approve of the removal of the
"Holding (H)" symbol, as shown on the attached by-law and schedule
(Attachment 2), is recommended.
Attachment 1 - Key Map
Attachment 2 - By-law for Removal of "Holding (H)" symbol
List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision:
Halloway Holdings Limited
Sernas Associates
MHBC Planning
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BY-LAW NO. 2007-
being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastie
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it
advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town
of Newcastle to implement ZBA 2007-0014;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Councii of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows:
1. Schedule "3" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by
changing the zone designation from: "Holding - Large Format Commercial
Exception ((H)C8-3) Zone" to "Large Format Commercial Exception (C8-3)
Zone", "Holding - Large Format Commercial Exception ((H)C8-4) Zone" to "Large
Format Commercial Exception (C8-4) Zone", and "Holding - Street-Related
Commercial Exception ((H)C9-3) Zone" to "Street-Related Commercial Exception
(C9-3) Zone".
2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law.
3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to
the provisions of Section 34 and 36 of the Planning Act.
BY-LAW read a first time this
day of
BY-LAW read a second time this
day of
BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this
day of
Jim Abernethy, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2007-
passed this day of . 2007 A.D.
.;im Abernethy, Mayor
Zoning Change From "(H)C8-4" To "C8-4"
Zoning Change From "(H)C8-3. To "C8-3"
Zoning Change From .(H)C9-3" To "C9-3"
Petti l. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
a -----------------
April 23, 2007
2007-082 Being a by-law to declare Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Plan
40R-24257 to be surplus pursuant to section 268(3) of the
Municipal Act, 2001, S.D. 2001, c.25, as amended (Report
PSD-032-07 approved by Council March 19, 2007)
2007-083 Being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk on
behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute a transfer of
Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on Plan 40R-24257 to Halloway Holdings
Limited (Report PSD-032-07 approved by Council March 19,
2007-084 Being a by-law to stop up and close Parts 13 and 15 on Plan
40R-16730 as a public highway pursuant to section 34 of the
Municipal Act, 2001, S.D. 2001, c.25, as amended (Report
EGD-030-07 approved by Council March 19, 2007)
2007-085 Being a by-law to declare Parts 13 and 15 on Plan 40R-16730
surplus pursuant to section 268(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001,
S.D. 2001, c.25, as amended (Report EGD-030-07 approved by
Council March 19,2007)
2007-086 Being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk on
behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to authorize the transfer to
Halloway Holdings Limited of Parts 13 and 15 on Plan 40R-15730
(Report EGD-030-07 approved by Council March 19,2007)
2007-087 Being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to
execute a consent to the release of certain agreements from the
title of lands to be transferred to Home Depot Holdings Inc.
(Report #1 )
2007-088 Being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to
execute the subdivision consent agreement attached to Report
PSD-049-07 (Report #1)
- 2 -
2007-089 Being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to
execute an assumption agreement with Home Depot Holdings Inc.
respecting the Principles of Understanding with Halloway Holdings
Ltd. and the Municipality of Clarington, dated March 1, 2006
(Report #1)
2007-090 Being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to
execute an assumption agreement by the Municipality of
Clarington with Home Depot Holdings Inc. respecting the Stevens
Road Extension Agreements (Report #1)
2007 -091 Being a by-law to remove the Holding (H) symbol from certain
lands proposed to be transferred to Home Depot Holdings Inc.
(Report #2)