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TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Minutes of a meeting of Council held on September 25, 2006
a) Lou DeVuono - Certificate of Appreciation - Support for Rocky's Ride for Diabetes
b) Bradford Soles, Chair, Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee
Richard Ward - Repeal of By-law 2001-141 (Item 18 of Report #1)
Marilyn Rousseau - Skateboard Park in Orono
Karen Vandyken - Amendment to Foster Creek North Neighbourhood Design Plan
(Item 6 of Report #1 )
Libby Racansky - Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan (Report #2)
Bill Manson, WDM Consultants - Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan (Report #2)
Andy Anderson, Headgate Group - Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan (Report #2)
Council Agenda
OCTOBER 16, 2006
Receive for Information
I - 1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
September 19,2006
I - 2 Minutes of the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
dated September 12, 2006
I - 3 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated
September 21, 2006
I - 4 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated
September 15, 2006
I - 5 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Board dated
September 14, 2006
I - 6 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade dated September 26, 2006
I - 7 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory
Committee dated October 3, 2006
I - 8 Dr. R. J. Kyle, Commissioner and Medical Officer of Health, Region of
Durham, - First Annual "Friend of Health"
1- 9 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham - Appointment of Additional Justices of
the Peace
I - 10 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - .Ontario's
Affordable Housing Strategy"
I - 11 Steve Shaw, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Chair, Noise
Management Committee, Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA)-
2005 Noise Management Report
1- 12 Suzanne Tigwell, Executive Director, Resources for Exceptional
Children - Durham Region - 2005/06 Annual Report
1-13 Councillor Joe Dickson, Town of Ajax - 'Waste Reduction Week in
Durham Region" and Waste Reduction Challenge
1-14 George A. Daniels, Fund Development Coordinator, Canadian Red
Cross, Region of Durham Branch - Red Cross Disaster Management
Council Agenda
OCTOBER 16, 2006
1-15 Bev Billings, RN, BScN, Public Health Nurse, Durham Lives-
Development of a Food Charter for Durham Region
1-16 Yvonne J. Williams, Director of Marketing and Development, The
Driftwood Theatre Group - 2006 Ontario Summer Theatre Tour and
Grant Application
Receive for Direction
D - 1 Monte Solberg, P.C., M.P., Minister of Citizenship and Immigration-
"Canada's Citizenship Week"
D - 2 The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage
Trust - 2006 Heritage Community Recognition Program
D - 3 The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage
Trust - 2006 Young Heritage Leaders Program
D - 4 Terry Tzikas, Secretary, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade - 45th
Annual Santa Claus Parade
D - 5 Linda Gasser - Vote-By-Mail Process for the 2006 Municipal Elections
D - 6 Mayor Marolyn Morrison, Town of Caledon - Road Aggregate Levy
D - 7 Beverly Briscoe, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Admaston/Bromley-
Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program Formula
D - 8 Paul Jones, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby - Replacement Facility for
Lakeridge Health Whitby
1. General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of October 2, 2006
2. Report PSD-112-06 - Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan
3. Report PSD-113-06 - Application for Removal of Holding Symbol, Applicant:
1370304 Ontario Limited
4. Report PSD-114-06 - Application for Removal of Holding Symbol, Applicant:
Miller Waste
5. Report EGD-50-06 - Servicing Agreement for Hancock Road Works - Miller
Paving Limited
Council Agenda
OCTOBER 16, 2006
6. Report COD-057 -06 - Request for Proposal RFP 2006-2 Supply of
Concession Beverages
7. Report COD-58-06 - Tender CL2006-37, Bowmanville Animal
Shelter/Hampton Community Hall Flat Roof Replacement
8. Report COD-061-06 - Confidential Legal Matter
9. Confidential Verbal Report from the Solicitor - Legal Matter
1. Addendum #1 to ReportEGD-37 -06 - Servicing Agreement For Baseline Road
Works - Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. (The Torgan Group)
(To be distributed under Separate Cover)
1. Appointment to the Durham Transit Advisory Committee
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 25, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., in
the Council Chambers.
Councillor Schell led 'the meeting in prayer.
Present Were:
Also Present:
Mayor J. Mutton
Councillor A. Foster
Councillor D. MacArthur
Councillor P. Pingle
Councillor G. Robinson
Councillor J. Schell
Councillor C. Trim
Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu
Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella
Director of Community Services, J. Caruana
Manager of Communications and Marketing, J. Cooke
(attended until 7:20 p.m.)
Director of Planning Services, D. Crome
Solicitor, D. Hefferon
Director of Operations, F. Horvath
Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano
Director of FinancefTreasurer, N. Taylor
Fire Chief, G. Weir
Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, C. Fleming
Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated for this meeting.
Resolution #C-383-06
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on September 11, 2006, be
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
Mayor Mutton advised that Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has b6gun the approval
process fora New Nuclear Build and that the Municipality of Clarington has been
chosen as the preferred site. He thanked Members of Council and staff for their
efforts in this regard.
Mayor Mutton presented Gordon Barrie with the 2006 Senior of the Year Award.
Mr. Barrie's achievements include the following:
. Chairperson of Congregational Council, Trinity United Church -1981-1982
. Durham County Milk Committee
. Director Achievement Long-Term Service Award, United Cooperatives of
. Ontario Federation of Agriculture
. Agricultural Service Diploma Durham Central Agricultural Society
. Recognition of 21 Years dedicated service as Director of Durham Farms'
County Co-op
. Durham East Soil & Crop Improvement Association - 1987 to 2000
. Director, Durham County Seniors Complex
. Chairman of Abandoned Cemeteries Board -1974 to Present
. Town of Newcastle (Municipality of Clarington) Committee of Adjustment-
1986 to 1994
Suzanne McCrimmon, Clarington Board of Trade, addressed Council stating 2007 will
be an exciting year for the Municipality and as Business Development Manager she
looks forward to the opportunities and challenges to be undertaken in the coming
year. Ms. McCrimmon advised that in June 2006, she presented an Economic
Development Activity update to Council and was here this evening to present an
overview of the Economic Development Plan, to draw attention to specific projects for
2007, and to highlight the goals and objectives of existing and new initiatives and
Suzanne McCrimmon outlined the goals and objectives of the following plans and
. Clarington's Green Business Community Initiative
. Economic Development Website
. Marketing of the Clarington Energy Park and Hepburn Science Park
. Clarington's 'existing' Business Inventory
. Directory of Commercial and Industrial Lands
Council Meeting Minutes
-3 -
September 25, 2006
Paula Jesty, Deloitte & Touche LLP, provided a brief overview of the. audit process
and conclusions regarding the consolidated financial statements of t:le Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington as at December 31,2005. She noted financial
statements are the responsibility of the Municipality's management and it is the
responsibility of the auditor to express an opinion on the statements based on their
audit. Paula Jesty noted the audit was conducted in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards and advised it was the opinion of Deloitte & Touche that
the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Municipality as at
December 31, 2005, in accordance with these principles.
Resolution #C-384-06
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the agenda be altered to add Steve Lawrence to the list of delegations.
George A. Daniels, Fund Development Coordinator, The Canadian Red Cross
Society, addressed Council requesting financial assistance for the Red Cross Disaster
Management Program. He provided a brief overview of disaster management
including issues, deliverables and objectives noting the Society partners with the
Emergency Management Office, the Department of Social Services, Police and Fire
Departments to respond, as required, to emergencies or disasters within the
communities it serves. George Daniels stated the Society was undertaking an
expansion to increase the volunteer base to serve the Durham Region to 140 trained
responders by 2008. He noted the cost to recruit, train, maintain and deploy a
responder was approximately $1,000 per volunteer. Mr. Daniels stated in July 2006,
funding from the United Way of Oshawa/BrocklWhitby/Clarington/Scugog was
terminated resulting in a $75,000 loss in support. He urged Council to provide
financial support to the Durham Branch of the Canadian Red Cross to enable the
Society to continue to meet the needs of the community.
In response to a question concerning the termination of United Way Funding,
Mr. Daniels replied that the Society no longer fits the funding priorities of the United
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
James Tosswill addressed Council concerning Report PSD-097-06 (Item 3 of
Report #1) regarding his' application to rezone property at 7254 Langstaff Road to
permit the keeping of horses. Through use of a power point presentation, Mr. Tosswill
responded to concerns raised at the September 18th General Purpose and
Administration meeting regarding the increase in flies, manure management, housing,
water and feed for his horses, contamination of local well water and inadequate
fencing. He also submitted the findings of an investigation conducted by the Ontario
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) indicating there were no .
grounds for any type of action or order concerning his horses. Mr. Tosswill
summarized his presentation by stating his application conforms to Provincial policy
and the Regional Official Plan and urged Council to support it.
Dr. Kellie Gilson, Millbrook Equine Clinic, addressed Council conceming Report
PSD-097 -06 (Item 3 of Report #1 ) stating the Clinic has provided veterinary services
to the Tosswill horses for more than five years and the horses have always been well
cared for. She stated there are currently seven horses on the property, they are being
supplemented with additional feed, they have adequate water supply and she has no
concerns with the keeping of the horses on the property.
In response to a question, Dr. Gilson replied that the SPCA recommends that horses
have protection for inclement weather and she was of the opinion that they be
provided with shelter for the winter months.
Dennis Wilson was called but was not present.
Richard Ward addressed Council concerning Election Campaign Contributions,
specifically corporate sponsorship, as set out in the Municipal Elections Act.
He stated he has difficulty interpreting what constitutes a violation with respect to
shareholder ownership and felt the issue required clarification.
Resolution #C-385-06
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the agenda be altered to hear Steve Lawrence prior to hearing the delegation of
Wanda Joyce.
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
Steve Lawrence and Heather Pereira, The Running Maniacs, addre,ssed Council
concerning the Running Maniacs, a group of individuals based out rf the Newcastle
Fire Hall, who get together to train for individual goals. Steve Lawrence stated the
group is a not-far-profit organization that has grown from its inception of 2 members to
more than 100 members who are dedicated to getting people in the community to
become more active and to encourage individuals of all ages to achieve their level of
success. Mr. Lawrence reminded Council of the upcoming Fall5km and 10km Run
taking place on October 71i1 as part of the Newcastle Sesquicentennial celebration and
in conjunction With the Lion's Walk for Guide Dogs event. He encouraged members of
the community to take part and requested Council to support the event with a financial
contribution. Steve Lawrence presented Mayor Mutton with a Sesquicentennial
In response to a question concerning expenses, Steve Lawrence stated the group
depends on community support to offset expenses.
Wanda Joyce was called but was not present.
Resolution #C-386-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT the communications to be received for information be approved as per the
agenda, with the exception of Correspondence Items I - 5 and I - 6.
I - 1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Board dated June 8, 2006.
-I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated
July 5, 2006.
I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory
Committee dated September 6, 2006.
I - 4 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation dated July 26, 2006.
I - 7 Lorraine Chiasson, Regulatory Coordinator, Enbridge Gas Distribution
Inc., forwarding copies of the Notice of Application to the Ontario
Energy Board for rates for 2007.
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
I - 8 Durham Family YMCA advising they are accepting nomi~lations for
the 2006 Peace Medallion Award, an award to recognize individuals
who have demonstrated a commitment to peace through personal
contribution; forwarding eligibility and selection criteria, and
requesting nominations be submitted by October 6, 2006. The award
is to acknowledge time and effort contributed on a 'voluntary' basis.
Self-nominations or YMCA staff will not be considered.
I - 5 Harold Hammond thanking Mayor Mutton for responding to the
petition from residents of Waverley Road expressing concern with the
speed and volume oftraffic on Waverley Road, and providing contact
information should a meeting be required to address the issue.
Resolution #C-387 -06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Ping Ie
THAT Correspondence Item 1- 5 be received for information.
I - 6 Residents of Flett Street thanking Council for the new sidewalks on
Flett Street and expressing appreciation to the contractors for the
superb job done.
Resolution #C-388-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT Correspondence Item 1-6 be received for information.
Resolution #C-389-06
Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of
Items D - 5 to D -16, inclusive.
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
. ,
D -1 Michael Lynch, Advanced Arrangements Officer, Canadian Health
Measures Survey, Physical Health Measures Division, St~tistics
Canada infomiing Council that they will be conducting the Canadian
Health Measures Survey (CHMS) in the Municipality of Clarington,
beginning in early 2007 to collect information about the general health
and lifestyle characteristics of approximately 5,000 Canadians. They.
would like to install trailers at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation
Complex for this purpose. Discussions of the logistics have taken
place with the Community Services Department. A letter of
agreement will be forthcoming for the use of the space by the
Canadian Hea'lth Measures Survey.
(Correspondence referred to the
Director of Community Services to
finalize details)
D - 2 Don Johnston, President, Canada World Youth, acknowledging the
partnership the organization has enjoyed with the Municipality in taking
part in Canada World Youth programs and hosting young participants
over the years, advising of the Organization's 35th Anniversary on
October 19, 2006, and requesting October 15 to 21,2006 be
proclaimed as "Canada World Youth Week".
D - 3 Michael A. Losee, Lions Club of Bowmanville requesting permission to
occupy the bridge on King Street West for their Annual Rubber Duck
Derby Race scheduled for Saturday, June 16,2007.
(Approved provided organizers apply
for and obtain a Road Occupancy
Permit from the Engineering Services
D - 4 Allan Hewitt, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board advising the
Canadian Library Association (CLA) has designated October as
Canadian Library Month in an effort to raise public awareness of the
valuable role libraries play in the lives of Canadians and requesting
October be proclaimed as "Canadian Library Month" in Clarington.
D - 5 Bruce A. Rutherford, Clarington Central Secondary School advising of
their first Annual Terry Fox RunlWalk to be held on September 28,
2006, from 8:30 a.m. until 11 :30 a.m., forwarding a copy of the
proposed route, insurance policy and road occupancy permit
application and requesting Council's support in processing the
application for this special community event. .
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
Resolution #C-390-06 .
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the request from the Clarington Central Secondary School conceming
their first Annual Terry Fox RunlVValk be approved provided organizers apply for
and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services
D - 6 Mayor Harold Grier, Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands,
advising Council that the Township of Leeds and the Thousand
Islands, at a meeting held May 29, 2006, passed the following
"WHEREAS the recommendations included in Watertight Report will
create an additional infrastructure, which is not needed and that will be
financed by water and wastewater users;
AND WHEREAS the recommendations included in Watertight Report
may cause water users in one municipality to finance water systems in
another municipality;
AND WHEREAS the recommendations of the Watertight Report will
take away municipal control over water and wastewater;
AND WHEREAS the model recommended in the Watertight Report will
lead to conflicts between municipalities competing for development as
the corporation's agenda for system improvements may be different
. from that of the various municipalltie5,
AND WHEREAS the model recOmmended in the Watertight Report will
reduce MOE's role in the delivery of safe drinking water;
AND WHEREAS water and wastewater servicing is the most cosUy of
all urban infrastructure combined and control of it must remain with the
elected officials answerable to the public;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Leeds and the
Thousand Islands requests that the Provincial Government not
implement the recommendation of the Watertight Report to create an
Ontario Water Board or transfer jurisdiction of water and wastewater to
Regional Municipalities.
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
AND FURTHERMORE THAT the following resolution be forwarded to
the Honorable. David Caplan, Minister of Public InfrastructJ re Renewal
and to all Ontario municipalities for their support."
Resolution #C-391-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the resolution from the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands
cqncerning the Watertight Report be endorsed.
D - 7 The Corporation of the Municipality of Brockton advising Council that
the Corporation of the Municipality of Brockton, at a meeting held
May 8, 2006, passed the following resolution:
"WHEREAS the Conservative government has identified child care as
one of the nation's top five priorities;
AND WHEREAS Statistics Canada reports that 54 percent of children
aged 6 months to 5 years are currently in some form of care, and
parents throughout our nation have recognized the need for
governments to address the need to strengthen child care and create
viable new models for service delivery;
AND WHEREAS a recent YWCA Canada survey conducted in Halifax,
Vancouver, Martensville, Sask., and Cambridge ON, states that
Canadian families, irrespective of where they live or the size of their
communities, want their child-care needs met by a nationally funded
public system and not a federal cash payout;
AND WHEREAS there appears to be growing public consternation
especially in rural areas over the Conservative government's decision
to discontinue the Best Start program aimed at supporting children in
their early development and improving school readiness through the
improvement of existing limited resources;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the government listen to
the voices of concerned the Child Care Action Committee, Canadian
parents, daycare providers, opposition members, and municipal
authorities and thereby replace or reinforce this new taxable $1200
supplement with immediate and stable financing for new and existing
'quality' daycare facilities.
Council Meeting Minutes
-10 -
September 25, 2006
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to Diane Finlay,
Minister of SoCial Development and Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance.
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities
in Ontario and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for their
su pport."
Resolution #C-392-06
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT the resolution from the Municipality of Brockton conceming Funding for
Child Care be received for information.
D - 8 J. D. Leach, City Clerk, City of Vaughan, advising Council that the City
of Vaughan, at a meeting held June 26, 2006, passed the following
'Whereas the last update of the Development Charges Act 1997 was
nine (9) years ago;
Whereas the current Development Charges Act does not permit the
collection of development charges to fund growth related capital costs
for the following services which were previously eligible under the old
. Hospitals;
. Headquarters for municipal administration;
. Computer equipment;
. Cultural facilities such as museums, theatres and art galleries; and
Waste management services.
Whereas the current Development Charges Act requires a mandatory
10% reduction in the charge for growth related 'soft services' such as
community centres, libraries and parks;
Whereas the requirement in the current Development Charges Act to
collect based on the average service level over the previous 10 years
is too restrictive and creates practical calculation and implementation
Whereas the current Development Charges Act doesn't adequately
provide for solutions to meet the challenges of growth that evolve over
time (i.e. Transportation through subways and forms of higher order
Council Meeting Minutes.
- 11 -
September 25, 2006
Whereas the Province indicated to the Municipal Finance Officers'
Association of .ontario (MF.oA) in August 2005 that a revi)w of the
Development Charges Act would begin in the near future; and
Whereas the growth related capital costs are significant, growth
continues to occur and growth should pay for growth;
N.oW THEREF.oRE BE IT RES.oLVED that the Council of the City of
Vaughan requests the Province of .ontario to immediately commence a
consultative process with the municipal and development sectors to
revise the Development Charges Act to address the issues noted
above and other Concems that may be raised by the municipal sector;
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Dalton
McGuinty, the Premier of .ontario, the Honourable Greg Sorbara,
Minister of Finance, the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of
Municipal Affairs and Housing, Mario G. Racco, MPP, Mr. Dan Cowin,
Executive Director of the MF.oA and to all municipalities within .ontario
with a population greater than 50,000:
Resolution #C-393-06
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT the resolution from the City of Vaughan conceming revision of the
Development Charges Act, 1997 be endorsed.
D - 9 Martha A. Pettit, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town
of Ajax. advising Council that the Town of Ajax, at a meeting held
June 26, 2006, passed the following resolution:
"1. That Council request the Sierra Legal Defence Fund to add the
Town of Ajax to the list of signatories to the legal petition entitled
"Petition under s. 115, United States Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. s.
7415(a) to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for
relief from certain emissions from large electric generating units in
the States of Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, .ohio, West
Virginia, and Kentucky"; and
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
2. That a copy of this report be sent to the Sierra Legal befence
Fund, the Federal Minister of the Environment, the Ontario Minister
of the Environment, the International Joint Commission, the Great
Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, the Federation of
Canadian Municipalities, the Association of Local Public Health
Agencies, the Greater Toronto Air Clean Air Council, the Region of
Durham and the area municipalities within Durham Region."
Resolution #C-394-06
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT the resolution from the Town of Ajax concerning the Sierra Legal Defence
Fund be received for information.
D - 10 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that the
City of Kingston, at a meeting held July 18, 2006, passed the following
. resolution:
"THAT Council take the appropriate steps to petition the Provincial
Government for changes to the regulations under the Liquor License.
Act to curb the sale of large quantities of alcoholic beverages e.g. beer
kegs, to persons other than those licensed to dispense alcohol; and
THAT staff be directed to distribute this resolution to municipalities in
Ontario with a population of more than 50,000 with a request that they
pass a similar motion..
Resolution #C-395-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT the resolution from the City of Kingston concerning changes to
regulations under the Liquor License Act be received for information.
D - 11 Carolyn Downs, City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that the
City of Kingston, at a meeting held July 18, 2006, passed the following
"THAT Council take the appropriate steps to petition the Provincial
Government for changes to the Municipal Act to permit licensing of
multi-tenant housing; and further
Council Meeting Minutes
- 13-
September 25, 2006
THAT staff be directed to distribute this resolution to muni,cipalities in
Ontario with a. population of more than 50,000 with a requ;3st that they
pass a similar motion."
Resolution #C-396-06
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the resolution from the City of Kingston conceming changes to the
Municipal Act to permit licensing of multi-tenant housing be received for'
D-12 Nicky Kunkel, Deputy Clerk,Municipality of Powassan, advising
Council that the Municipality of Powassan, at a meeting held
August 1, 2006, passed the following resolution:
"WHEREAS section 207(1) subsection A of the Criminal Code states
notwithstanding any of the provision of this Part relating to gaming and
betting, it is lawful for the govemment of a province, either alone or in
conjunction with the govemment of another province, to conduct and
manage a lottery scheme in that province, or in that and that other
province. in accordance with any law enacted by the legislature of that
province; and
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario Order in Council 2688/93 Section 2
s. 1 grants authority to licence to a municipal council; and
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario Order in Council 2688/93 Section 2
s. 2 states a municipal council may where it deems it to be in the best
interest of the inhabitants of the municipality, issue a licence
authorizing an eligible charitable organization to conduct and manage
the following types of lottery schemes, if the proceeds from the lottery
scheme are used for a charitable or religious object providing a direct
benefit to the residents of Ontario; and
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario Order in Council 2688/93 Section
11 s. 1 states that in addition to such terms and conditions as may be
imposed by the Director or Municipal council, a licence shall be subject
to the following terms and conditions,
(a) the licensee shall comply with all the terms and provisions set
out in the application for licence;
Council Meeting Minutes
-14 -
September 25, 2006
(b) the gross proceeds from the lottery shall be used f('r the
charitable or religious objects or purposes providing a direct
benefit to the residents of Ontario as set out by the licensee in
the application for a licence, less the cost of the prizes awarded
and such reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred
in the management and conduct of the lottery, and such
expenses shall be restricted to those set out in the terms and
conditions of the licence;
(c) the licensee shall provide to the Director or municipal council
and all peace officers, direct and unencumbered access to all
books and records of the licensee pertaining to the nature,
management, and conduct of the event for which the licence
has been granted at any time, including prior to, during or after
the conclusion .of the event, and shall deliver to the Director or
municipal council such books and records upon request; and
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Powassan feel, that the current regulations governing lottery schemes
are too restrictive and prohibit local groups and organizations from
raising much needed funding through lottery schemes to carry out
community programs and events; and
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Powassan requests a review of the Province of Ontario Order in
Council 2688/93 to allow for the following changes;
(a) That each individual municipal council within the province of
Ontario be responsible for the development of terms and
conditions governing the use of proceeds for the lottery
schemes held within their respective municipality to allow
municipalities and government agencies to receive lottery
proceed funds, and
(b) That the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
. Lottery sub-committee receive a copy of this resolution; and
THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities within the
province of Ontario, MP, and MPP:
Council Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2006
Resolution #C-397 -06
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the resolution, from the Municipality of Powassan concerning current
regulations governing lottery schemes be endorsed. .
D -13 Brenda J. Hamilton, CMO, Township Clerk, loyalist Township advising
Council that the loyalist Township, at a meeting held August 8, 2006,
passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS loyalist Township considers environmental protection
AND WHEREAS there is great public concern over the use of waste
derived fuel in cement kilns;
AND WHEREAS loyalist Township supports a level playing field
across the Province in assessing applications for using waste derived
fuel in cement kilns;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of The
Corporation of loyalist Township requests the Province of Ontario to
pass a regulation placing a moratorium on the burning of waste
derived fuel in all cement kilns until such time that a full environmental
assessment as to suitability of using waste derived fuel in cement kilns
has been completed; and, if the Province rejects the moratorium on
burning of waste derived fuel in cement kilns, then the application of
lafarge North America, Cement Division, Bath plant shall be assessed
under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, with a public
AND FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all
municipalities in the Province of Ontario, Premier Dalton McGuinty,
Leona Dombrowsky, MPP Hastings, Frontenac Lennox & Addington
and laurel C. Broten, Minister of Environment."
Council Meeting Minutes
- 16-
Resolution #C-398-06
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the resolution from Loyalist Township concerning placing a moratorium
on the burning of waste derived fuel in all cement kilns be received for
D - 14 Mayor Ralph Kreutzwiser, Municipality of South Bruce, advising of the
formation of the "Fair Funding for Small Communities of Ontario"
group, a group of Mayors, Councillors and senior staff from several
municipalities whose aim is to make the upper tier level of govemment
aware that current programs do not address the infrastructure needs of
small centres and to work to secure sustainable long term
infrastructure funding for water and waste water projects in small
communities and requesting adoption of the following motion:
"WHEREAS the infrastructure funding available through the COMRIF
program has been insufficient to meet the needs in Ontario; and,
WHEREAS the population cap within COMRIF of 250,000 persons
includes three of the largest twenty-two municipalities in Canada and
does not reflect rural communities in Ontario, and;
WHEREAS rural communities should reflect rural values and contain
less than 10,000 population or 150 persons per square kilo metre; and,
WHEREAS rural communities cannot afford one-third contribution let
alone the entire cost of large scale water and waste water
infrastructure projects; and,
WHEREAS funding of infrastructure projects used to be based on a
municipality's ability to pay and their population; and
WHEREAS the advocacy group "Fair Funding for Small Communities
of Ontario. is comprised of concerned municipalities representing small
communities in Ontario; and,
WHEREAS the aim of this group is to secure sustainable long term
funding for water and waste-water infrastructure projects in small
communities across Ontario; and
WHEREAS this group recognizes that a rural municipality may have
several communities within its corporate boundaries; and,
Council Meeting Minutes
- 17-
September 25, 2006
WHEREAS Provincially mandated amalgamations consolidated
smaller communities into municipalities with a substantial t>opulation;
THEREFORE, the Corporation of the Municipality of South Bruce
supports the efforts of the advocacy group "Fair Funding for Small
Communities in Ontario" in their work to secure sustainable long term
infrastructure funding for water and waste water projects in small
communities, and humbly petitions both the Provincial and Federal
governments to create special funding in perpetuity to recognize this
Resolution #C-399-06
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT the resolution from the Municipality of South Bruce concerning fair
funding for small communities in Ontario be endorsed.
D - 15 Arlene Cox, Clerk Administrator, Corporation of the Township of
Carlow/Mayo advising Council that the Council of the Township of
Carlow/Mayo, at a meeting held June 6, 2006, passed the following
'WHEREAS the Province regulates licensing of all vehicles operating
on roadways;
AND WHEREAS the municipality feels that all municipalities in Ontario
should be exempt from plating their owned vehicles due to the cost of
maintaining the roadways within their boundaries;
AND WHEREAS the Province regulates that coloured diesel fuel must
not be used in any licensed vehicles, only off-road vehicles;
AND WHEREAS the municipality feels due to the variance in the price
per litre between diesel fuel and coloured diesel fuel it warrants
consideration by the Province of Ontario to permit the use of coloured
diesel fuel in all municipally owned vehicles;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council ofthe Township of
CarlowlMayo requests the Province of Ontario to permit all vehicles
owned by municipalities in Ontario to operate without license plates
and be allowed to use coloured diesel fuel in all vehicles not just off-
road vehicles;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 18-
September 25, 2006
AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the:Premier of
the Province of Ontario, the Minister of the Ministry of Transportation,
the M.P.P. for Hastings-Frontenac, Lennox & Addington, Leona
Dombrowsky and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for
circulation to all municipalities in Ontario."
Resolution #C-400-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the resolution from the Township of Carlow/Mayo concerning the
requirement to license and operate municipally-owned vehicles be endorsed.
D -16 . Shawn Boggs, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of McKellar, advising
Council that the Council of the Township of McKellar, at a meeting held
September 5, 2006, passed the following resolution:
WHEREAS on August 6,2006 at 3: 12 a.m. the Township of McKellar
Fire Department was dispatched to the scene of a structural fire;
AND WHEREAS the McKellar Fire Dispatch was immediately directed
to contact Hydro One Networks for a disconnect;
AND WHEREAS Fire Dispatch was put on hold by Hydro One for
eighty seven (87) minutes;
AND WHEREAS this lack of direct communication with Hydro One put
the personal safety of the Firefighters at the scene in jeopardy;
AND WHEREAS at no point did Hydro One attend the scene;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the
Township of McKellar request Hydro One Networks to immediately
implement an improved system of communicating with emergency
service providers by placing a higher priority on Emergency Service
AND THAT a copy of this resolution be circulated to the Honourable
Dwight Duncan, Minister of Energy, Tom Parkinson, President, Hydro
One Networks and all Ontario municipalities."
Council Meeting Minutes
- 19-
September 25, 2006
Resolution #C-401~06
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT the resolution from the Township of McKellar conceming emergency
response by Hydro One Networks be endorsed.
Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report-
September 18, 2006
Resolution #C-402-06
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of
September 18, 2006 be approved.
Report #2 - Report CSD-12-06 - Grant Request - The Volunteer Resource Centre for
Durham Region
Resolution #C-403-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT Report CSD-12-06 be received;
THAT $1,000 be provided to The Volunteer Resource Centre for Durham Region,
under the Municipal Grant Program; and
THAT the applicant be advised of Council's decision.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 20-
September 25, 2006
Report #3 - Report COD,-055-06 - Letter of Understanding, the Rad:ation Protection
Service of the Ontario Ministry of Labour
Resolution #C-404-Q6
Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT Report COD-055-06 be received;
THAT the letter of understanding with The Radiation Protection Service of The Ontario
Ministry of Labour be approved, and
THAT the By-law attached to Report COD-055-06 as Schedule "An authorizing the
Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved.
Report #4 - Report COD-056-06 - CL-2006-44, Newcastle Recreation Facility
Resolution #C-405-06
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT Report COD-056-06 be received;
THAT Aquicon Construction Company Ltd., Brampton, Ontario with a total revised bid
in the amount of $15,065,884.00 (Excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible
bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2006-44, be
awarded the contract for the Newcastle Recreation Facility as required by the
Community Services Department;
THAT the Newcastle Recreation Facility total budget be approved at $17,155,000.00
including consulting, utility connections, equipmentlfumishings, project contingency
and disbursements;
THAT Council express its intent to fund this project including debenture repayments
and financing to the extent allowable from future development charges;
THAT the Director of FinancefTreasurer be authorized to make application to the
Region of Durham for a debenture in the amount of $17,155,000.00 plus debenture
costs to finance the total cost of the Newcastle Recreation Facility; and
THAT the By-law attached to Report COD-056-06 as Schedule "An authorizing the
Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 21 -
September 25, 2006
Report #5 - Report FND-D15-06 - Municipal Performance Measures Program - 2005
Resolution #C-406-D6
Moved by Councillor f:,1acArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT Report FND-015-06 be received for information.
Report #6 - Report FND-016-D6 - 2005 Audited Financial Statements
Resolution #C-407 -06
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT Report FND-016-06 be received;
THAT Deloitte & Touche be thanked for their presentation; and
THAT the 2005 Audited Financial Statements be approved.
Report #7 - Report ADM-04-06 - Clarington Board of Trade - Agreement
Resolution #C-408-06
Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor MacArthur
THAT Report ADM-04-D6 be received for information;
THAT the Board of Trade's request to extend the current agreement to end on
December 31,2007 be approved;
THAT the Clarington Board of Trade be advised of Council's decision.
Wanda Joyce was called and was now present.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 22-
September 25, 2006
Resolution #C-409-D6
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the meeting be .closed" to consider Report #8 - Report CLD-020-D6-
Confidential Personnel Matter and to receive a confidential delegation.
The meeting resumed in'o~n session at 8:18 p.m.
Resolution #C-410-DS
Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the actions taken during the .closed" session of Council be ratified.
Report #9 - Consulting Engineering Services and Reconstruction of Baseline Road
West-Widening And Traffic Signals
Report EGD-48-06 was received as a handout
Resolution #C-411-DS
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT Report EGD-48-D6 be received;
THAT the Municipality enter into an agreement for the provision of engineering
services, satisfactory to the Director of Engineering Services, with D.G. Biddle &
Associates for the contract administration and inspection of the Baseline Road West
re-construction and Baseline Road/Spry Avenue traffic signal installation;
THAT Purchasing By-law 2006-127 Section 15.14 be waived for this project;
THAT the Municipality enter into a contract with Ron Robinson Limited for the
construction of the road re-construction works subject to the approval of Director of
Engineering Services of a satisfactory price;
THAT Purchasing By-Law 2006-127 Section 15.07 be waived for this project; and
Council Meeting Minutes
- 23-
September 25, 2006
THAT the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Baseline Road West and
Spry Avenue be added to the 2006 Capital Budget with an estimatec1 cost of $200,000
(including design, installation, contract administration and inspection) to be financed
through the Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund.
Resolution #C-412-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT $1 ;000 be provided to the Canadian Red Cross Society - Durham Region and
. that $1,000 be provided to the Running Maniacs, under the Municipal Grant Program;
THAT the applicants be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution #C-413-06
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Schell
THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-412-06 be amended by replacing the $1,000
amount provided to the Canadian Red Cross Society with the amount of $4,300."
The foregoing Resolution #C-412-06 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS
Resolution #C-414-06
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson
THAT the delegation of Richard Ward be received.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 24-
September 25, 2006
Resolution #C-415-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the Rules to Procedure be waived to allow for the introduction of New Business
at this time.
Resolution #C-416-06
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Foster
WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports efforts to improve the environment
for its citizens and society as a whole; and
WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington is experiencing difficulty with the spread of
weeds that are not designated as noxious weeds in accordance with the Weed
Control Act; and
WHEREAS the Municipality is unable to effect the destruction of these weeds without
proper legislation to do so:
OF CLARINGTON THAT the Minister of Agriculture and Food be requested to add
Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Swallow-wort, also known as Dog-Strangling
Vine (Vincetoxicum rossicum, Cynanchum rossicum) and Garlic Mustard (Alliaria
petiolata) to the list 'of noxious weeds included in the Weed Control Act; and
THAT this resolution be forwarded to Bev Oda, MP, John O'Toole, MPP and the area
municipalities within the Regional Municipality of Durham for endorsement.
Resolution #C-417-06
Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim
WHEREAS the term of the existing Veridian promissory notes mature in November
2006 and their renewal is a Shareholder decision requiring Council approval;
Council Meeting Minutes
- 25-
September 25, 2006
WHEREAS the renewal interest rate is at the existing advantageous rate of 7.6%
representing a positive investment for Clarington residents as Shareholders;
WHEREAS the renewal term is consistent with the prior renewal term;
WHEREAS the Ontario Energy Board's Affiliate Relationship Code requires that the
business of the affiliated company, Veridian Connections Inc. be referenced
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of
Clarington hereby authorize the execution of the appropriate By-law to effect the
renewal of the original Veridian promissory notes for a 3 year term maturing
November 1, 2009, at an interest rate of 7.6% with appropriate references to Veridian
Connections Inc., Veridian Energy Inc. and Veridian Corporation; and
THAT Veridian Corporation be advised of Council's decision.
Resolution #C-418-D6
Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Pingle
THAT, in order to allow sufficient safe crossing time for residents of Strathaven
Lifecare Centre and members of the general public, the Region of Durham be
requested to increase the pedestrian signal countdown currently set at 20 seconds to
25 seconds; and this time increase be applied to the traffic lights at King Street and
Simpson Avenue as well as at King Street and the Bowmanville Mall entrance/exit.
Council Member
Declaration of
Pecuniarv Interest
Councillor Foster '
Councillor MacArthur '
Councillor Pinale '
Councillor Robinson '
Councillor Schell '
Councillor Trim '
Mavor Mutton '
Councillor Robinson requested an update on the traffic study conducted on the
intersection of Edward Street East and Glass Court as the result of potential traffic
increases since the introduction of Tim Horton's. The Director of Engineering
Services was requested to investigate and report back.
Council Meeting Minutes
- 26-
September 25, 2006
Resolution #C-419-06
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2006-180 to 2006-193, inclusive, and
that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time:
2006-180 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Bob Hendrickson Construction
Limited, Port Perry, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the
COMRIF Structures - Contract 2, Replacement of the Vannest
Road Bridge, Rehabilitation of Colwill Bridge and Concession
Road 8 Bridge
2006-181 Being a by-law to amend By-law 91-58, as ~mended, being a
By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private
Property in the Municipality of Clarington
2006-182 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the fonner Town of
Newcastle (Highmark Homes)
2006-183 Being a by-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan
40M-2316 from Part Lot Control (2044356{)ntario Limited)
2006-184 Being a by-law to declare the lands more particularly described as
3289 Trulls Road, Part Lot 30, Concession 3, former Township of
Darlington, to be surplus
2006-185 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Rutherford Contracting Ltd.,
Gormley, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Port of
Newcastle Waterfront Trail
2006-186 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Miller Paving Limited, Whitby,
Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Asphalt Resurfacing,
Various Streets, Contract 2
Council Meeting Minutes
- 27-
September 25, 2006
2006-187 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the C9rporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Ron Robinson limited,
Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Access
Construction, Strathaven Lifecare and 280 King Street East
Driveway Improvements, Bowmanville, Ontario
2006-188 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and The Radiation Protection
Service of the Ontario Ministry of Labour, to enter into an
agreement for an air monitoring site
2006-189 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Aquicon Construction Company
Ltd., Brampton, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the
Newcastle Recreation Facility
2006-190 Being a by-law to authorize the debenturing of $17,155,000 to
assist in the construction of Newcastle Recreation Facility located
at Con 1 Pt Lot 31 Plan DR302420 Part 1 in the Municipality of
2006-191 Being a by-law to approve and authorize the execution of a note
amending agreement made as of the 1st day of October, 2006 in
respect of promissory notes dated September 28, 2001 issued
by Veridian Corporation and Veridian Connections Inc. in favour
of The Corporation of the Town of Ajax, The Corporation of the
City of Belleville, The Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington and The Corporation of the City of Pickering, and to
approve the issue of seconded amended and restated
promissory notes dated as of the 1st day of October, 2006
2006-192 Being a by-law to Being a By-law to authorize a contract between
the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Ron
Robinson Ltd., to enter into an agreement for the construction of
Baseline Rd. W., road works including road widening and
associated works.
2006-193 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and D. G. Biddle & Associates, to
enter into an agreement for the provision of engineering services for
the inspection and contract administration for the Baseline Rd. W.,
widening and traffic signal installation project
Council Meeting Minutes
- 28-
September 25, 2006
Resolution #C-42Q-06
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2006-180 to 2006-193, inclusive, be
Resolution #C-421-06
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councillor Foster
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2006-194 being a by-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the
25th day of September, 2006, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second
Resolution #C-422-06
Moved by Councillor MacArthur, seconded by Councill<?r Foster
THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2006-194 be approved.
Resolution #C-423-06
Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim
THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:35 p.m. .
OCTOBER 16, 2006
I - 1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated
September 19, 2006. (Copy attached)
I - 2 Minutes of the S1. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
dated September 12, 2006. (Copy attached)
I - 3 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated
September 21, 2006. (Copy attached)
I - 4 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee (DNHC) dated
September 15, 2006. (Copy attached)
I - 5 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Centre Board dated
September 14, 2006. (Copy attached)
I . 6 Minutes of the Santa Claus Parade dated September 26, 2006.
(Copy attached)
I - 7 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory
Committee dated October 3, 2006. (Copy attached)
1-8 Dr. R. J. Kyle, Commissioner and Medical Officer of Health, Region of
Durham, introducing the first Annual "Friend of Health" Award to
. recognize community partners for their support and cooperation in
working collaboratively with Health Department staff in the delivery of
programs and services and advising that Evelyn Mayhew, Food
Services Coordinator, Municipality of Clarington, has been chosen as
one of the 2006 "Friend of Health" Award winners for the "Healthy
Eating in Arenas" initiative.
1_ 9 John O'Toole, MPP, Durham, forwarding correspondence to the
Honourable Michael Bryant, Attorney General, in support of Council's
resolution calling for the appointment of additional. Justices of the
Peace to address the shortage of JP's in Durham Region.
. 1-10 John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, forwarding
a copy of "Ontario's Affordable Housing Strategy", an information
booklet for Municipal Councillors and Officials providing a review of
key components of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) and
complementary initiatives including the Ontario Mortgage and
Housing Initiative; the Provincial Rent Bank; and the new Residential
Tenancies Act, 2006.
Summary of Correspondence
OCTOBER 16, 2006
I - 11 Steve Shaw, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Chair, Noise
Management Committee, Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA)
forwarding a copy of the GT AA's 2005 Noise Management Report.
1_ 12 Suzanne Tigwell, Executive Director, Resources for Exceptional
Children - Durham Region, forwarding a copy of their 2005/06 Annual
Report; identifying past year highlights and advising of the launch of
their new website www.rfecdurham.com.
1-13 Councillor Joe Dickson, Town of Ajax, congratulating Clarington
Council on the great job the municipality has done in reducing waste
this year; advising October 16 to 22, 2006, has been proclaimed
"Waste Reduction Week in Durham Region" and issuing a friendly
waste reduction challenge to all area municipalities to reduce their
waste per capita as part of Waste Reduction Week celebrations.
Miller Waste has donated $1,000 to be shared amongst the winning
municipalities and runners-up in both urban and rural communities.
1- 14 George A. Daniels, Fund Development Coordinator, Canadian Red
Cross, Region of Durham Branch thanking Council for their support
and financial assistance for the Red Cross Disaster Management
I - 15 Bev Billings, RN, BScN, Public Health Nurse, Durham Livesl,
forwarding an information sheet on the development of a food charter,
a document articulating a commitment to a common approach to food
security, requesting input from Community Partners and extending an
invitation to attend Visioning Day on November 17, 2006, to begin the
process of developing a charter for Durham Region for endorsement
by Regional Council in 2007.
1-16 Yvonne J. Williams, Director of Marketing and Development, The
Driftwood Theatre Group, thanking Council for their support of the
. Group's 2006 Ontario Summer Theatre Tour, indicating 4,682 people
. in 20 communities attended a performance, and advising they will be .
making an application to the Municipality for support for their 2007
0- 1 Monte Solberg, P.C., M.P., Minister of Citizenship and Immigration,
advising October 16 to 22, 2006, has been proclaimed "Canada's
Citizenship Week" in support of the values of equality, respect and
freedom all Canadian share, and encouraging municipalities to
participate in the event by passing a resolution proclaiming Canada's
Citizenship Week.
(Motion to Proclaim)
Summary of Correspondence
OCTOBER 16, 2006
D - 2 The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage
Trust, inviting Council to participate in the 2006 Heritage Community
Recognition Program, a program to recognize those making
exceptional contributions to heritage preservation in their local areas,
enclosing the 2006 brochure and nomination form, and advising the
deadline for nomination is December 6, 2006.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Municipal Clerk to place a notice in the
local newspapers)
D - 3 The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage
Trust, inviting Council to participate in the 2006 Young Heritage
Leaders Program, a program to recognize young people helping to
preserve, protect and promote our rich and diverse heritage, enclosing
the 2006 brochure and nomination form, and advising the deadline for
nomination is December 8, 2006.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Municipal Clerk to place a notice in the
local newspapers)
D - 4 Terry Tzikas, Secretary, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade requesting
permission to hold the 45th Annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday,
November 18, 2006, starting at 10:30 a.m., highlighting the parade
route and requesting the cooperation of the Police Department,
Operations Department and Municipal Services and the use of the Old
Fire Hall.
(Motion to approve provided the
organizers apply for and obtain a Road
Occupancy Permit from the
Engineering Services Department)
o - 5 Linda Gasser forwarding comments and questions regarding the Vote-
By-Mail process for the 2006 Municipal Elections.
(Motion to refer correspondence to the
Municipal Clerk) .
D - 6 Mayor Marolyn Morrison, Town of Caledon, advising Council that the
Town of Caledon, at a meeting held September 12, 2006, passed the
following resolution:
"WHEREAS the Town of Caledon has been the recipient of the
aggregate levy for 15 years;
AND WHEREAS the cost of aggregate, fuel and other costs have risen
in the 15 year period;
AND WHEREAS the levy remitted to the Town is used exclusively for
road projects;
Summary of Correspondence
OCTOBER 16, 2006
AND WHEREAS the value of the levy is depreciated in its purchasing
power for these projects;
THEREFORE BElT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of
the Town of Caledon request that the Province of Ontario increase the
Town portion of the levy from 4 cents per tonne to 8 cents per tonne
beginning on January 1, 2007; .
AND FURTHER THAT this motion be circulate to the Region of Peel
and other major lower tier aggregate producers in southern Ontario."
(Motion to advise of earlier resolution)
D -7 Beverly Briscoe, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of AdmastonlBromley,
advising Council that the Township of Admaston/Bromley, at a meeting
held September 7, 2006, passed the following resolution:
'WHEREAS on July 4th, 2006 a portion of the Township of
Admaston/Bromley experienced a tornado assessed by Environment
Canada as an F1 and possible F2, and,
WHEREAS to date, 29 damage reports filed with the municipality total
$1,007,404.00 in damages, and, .
WHEREAS insurance claims will cover only $332,988.00 of said
damage recovery, and,
WHEREAS under formula the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance
Program would possibly cover $449,611.00 ofthe damage recovery,
WHEREAS the municipality, small businesses, farmers and rural
residents affected would be required to raise $224,805.00 which would
be an impossibility, and,
WHEREAS it would appear that severe weather such as that
experienced this summer may well be a trend for the future,
1. THAT the Government of Ontario be advised that the present
Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program formula is ineffective
and unworkable, and,
2. THAT the Government of Ontario be requested to review and
revise the present Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program to
make it more economically feasible for use by Ontario
municipalities, their rural residents and their respective
businesses, farms and properties, and,
Summary of Correspondence
OCTOBER 16, 2006
3. THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to The Hon. John
Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, The Hon. Greg
Sorbara, Minister of Finance, and Julian Fantino, Commissioner of
Emergency Management, Community Safety and Correctional
Services, and circulated to the local member of Provincial
Parliament and to all municipalities in Ontario through the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario urging their support."
(Motion for Direction)
D - 8 Paul Jones, Town Clerk, Town of Whitby, advising Council that the
Town of Whitby, at a meeting held September 2S, 2006, passed the
following resolution:
'WHEREAS the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Health and
Long-term Care has given Lakeridge Health the mandate to plan and
evaluate options to the current Lakeridge Health Whitby site;
AND WHEREAS a recent review of the current Lakeridge Health
Whitby site indicates that considerable investment is required in the
site to allow it to remain open;
AND WHEREAS The Town of Whitby continues to experience
unprecedented population growth, thereby increasing the need for
hospital services;
AND WHEREAS the GTA/90S Healthcare Alliance recommended in
their Places For Care report that planning should start now for new
hospital facilities that will be needed in the Town of Whitby;
AND WHEREAS the Town of Whitby has consistently supported the
need for a hospital in Whitby providing residents with appropriate
access to 24 hour emergency services as well as outpatient and
inpatient care close to home;
AND WHEREAS the new University of Ontario Institute of Technology,
Durham College and Lakeridge Health currently provide, and can
expand, regional and provincial education and training of physicians
and other healthcare professionals;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Whitby
support and encourage the efforts of this group which includes:
Lakeridge Health, the Lakeridge Health Whitby Hospital Foundation,
the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and Durham College'
in planning for a replacement facility for Lakeridge Health Whitby with
expanded programs.
And further request and encourage the Province of Ontario to endorse
the reinstatement of a Hospital within the Town of Whitby;
Summary of Correspondence
OCTOBER 16, 2006
AND further that this resolution be forwarded to The Honourable
Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, The Honourable George
Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care for Ontario,
Foster Loucks, Chair of the Central East Local Health Integration
Network, Dr. Ron Bordessa, President of the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology, Leah Myers, President of Durham College,
Roger Anderson, Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham,
Tony Clement, Minister of Health (Canada), Jim Flaherty, Minister of
Finance (Canada), Christine Elliott, MPP, Whitby-Ajax and the other
municipalities within the Regional Municipality of Durham..
(Motion for Direction)
Tuesdav. Seotember 19.2006 - 5:00 P.M..
J. Schell, Chair '065EP27 P~l 4:36:27
P. Perkins, Vice Chair
M. Brenner
C. Clarice
J. Drumm
J. Kolodzie
M. Pearce
P. Pingle
J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Offacer
D. White, Director, Corporate Services
G. Geissberger, Community Outreach Coordinator
R. Hersey, Director, Development Review & Regulation
P. Lowe, Director, Watershed Stewardship & Community Outreach
P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations
G. SooChan, Director, Groundwater
KL. Tate, Administrative AssistantlRecording Secretary
S. Crawford
J. Neal
J. Gray
M. Hrynyk, General Superintendent
J. Schell called the meeting to order at 5: 10 p.rn.
J. Schell welcomed everyone to the meeting and presented a certificate issued to CLOCA from the Town of Whitby in appreciation of
CLOCA's involvement in the 2006 Whitby Communities in Bloom Provincial Judges Tour. __ ._____.
J.R. Powell introduced Patricia Lowe, the Authority's new Director, Watershed Stewardship and
; DIS1J''l~V.TK>M I
DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any malten herein. contained - NONE
Res. #104 Moved by G. Emm
Seconded by M. Brenner
THAT the Authority minutes of July 18, 2006 be tuIoptetl as circulDtetl.
AUTHORITY MINUTES - 1iJ:.t'11:.MBER 19, 2006 - PAOE 2
(I) Ministry of the Environment - Backgrounder & News Release
Re: Proposed Amendments to B1l143
Moved by J. Kolodzie
Seconded by M. Pean:e
THAT the above correspondenee item (attached as Scheduk 3-1 to 3-3 0/ Sept. 19/06) be received/or
i1!/onnatioR. '
(2) Correspondence from Town of Ajax, Mayor Steve Parish
Re: Tree Planting Ceremony in Honour of Mr. William Campbell
(3) Correspondence from City.of Oshawa, Paula Neto, Planner. Policy & Special Projects
Re: Ontario Heritage Trust - Provincial Plaque Program: Purple Woods Conservation Area
(4) Correspondence from Municipality of Claringron. David J. Crome, Director of P1amting Services
Re: Clarington Plamting Tour of Hawkridge Farm and Davidson Farm
Res. #106
Moved by M. Brenner
Seconded by P. Ping1e
THAT the above corresponde"ce items (attached as Schedule 3-4 to 3-170/ Sept. 19/06) be recei.ed/or
(5) Ministry of the Environment - News Release and Backgrounder
Re: membership of the Advisory Panel on the proposed Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program
Res. #107
Moved byG. Ernm
Seconded by P. Perkins
THAT the dove corresponde"ce item (attached as Seheduk H-1 to H-50/Sept. 19106) be received/or
J. Schell extended congratulations to J.R. Powell on his new appointment.
(I) StaffReport#Mi20-06 (attached as Schedule 4-1104-5 ofSepl. 19AJ6)
Applications for Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration
To Shorelines and Watercourses - July I to August 31, 2006
Res. #108
Moved by G. Ernm
Seconded by M. Brennel"
THAT the attached appUcatWllS be approved and the respective permits be isSlUd.
(I) StaffReport#Mi2~
Conservation Areas Report - Summer 2006
Res. #109
Moved by M. Pean:e
Seconded by P. PingJe
THAT Staff Report #4624-06 (attached as Schedule 5-1 to 5-5 0/ Sept. 19/06) be recei.ed lor i1!/ormatWR.
P. Pingle raised coooerna to staff re parking and lillering at the WestsideJBowmanville Conservation AmI; staff to follow up.
(I) Staff Report #4619.{)6 (NOTE: malerials from Conservalion Onlario previously circuklted 10 members and SlaffJ
Clean Water Act Hearings - Ontario Legislative Standing Committee on Social Policy
Res. #110 Moved byM. Brenner
Seconded by C. Clarke
THAT Slaff Report #4619-06 (attached as Schedule 6-1 olSepL 19/06) be receipedlor informatio&
(I) Staff Report #4623.{)6
Conservation Centre Renovations Update
Res. #111 Moved by M. Pean:e
Seconded by J. Kolodzie
THAT Stall Report #4623-06 (altachedas Schedule 7.1 alSepL 19/06) be receipedlor informalimL
Staff Report #4622..06 (attached as Schedule 7-2 cl7-3 ofSepL 1911J6)
Group Beneftts Plan
Moved by G. Emm
Seconded by M. Brenner
Res. #112
THAT stall conlinue la inpestigate a new group health Insurance pragram through Slephenson& HIUIL
Res. #113 Moved by M. Brenner
Seconded by C. Clarke
THAT the meeting conPene "/n Camera" Is discuss personnel mIIII-.
Res. #115 Moved by C. Club
Seconded by J. Drumm
THAT the meeting reconpene and lhat the actions al the "In Camera" session he adoptetl.
Res. #116 Moved byG. Emm
Seconded by J. Kolodzic
THAT the meetine mfjolll7J.
The meeting adjoW1Jed at 6 p.m.
I - 2
'06OCT02 PM12:04:27
St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday September 12, 2006
6:00 p.m. - St. Mary's Cement Technical Centre
Attendees: Glenda Gies, Port Darlington Community Association
John Roxborough, Port Darlington Community Association
Rick Rossi, Port Darlington Community Association
Richard Fink, Human Resources Manager, Sl Marys Cement
Ruben Plaza, Environmental Manager, St. Marys Cement
John Hill, St. Marys Cement, Quarry Manager
Fabio Cesconetto, St. Marys Cement, Plant Manager
Cindy Strike, Municipality of Clarington
Pat Pingle, Municipality of Clarington
Visitors: Laszlo Fur, Dyno Nobel Canada Inc.
Regrets: Anthony Skinner, Aspen Springs Community Association
Wilson Little, St Marys Cement
Martin Vroegh, St. Marys Cement, Corporate Environment Manager
Brent Mavin, Municipality of Clarington
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Adoption of Agenda
Motion: To approve the agenda.
Moved by John Roxborough, seconded by Fabio Cesconetto.
Adoption of Notes from June 6, 2006 Meeting
Moved by John Hill, seconded by Ruben Plaza.
Works Report
a) Marsh reconfiguration
. Creek diversion
The creek was diverted on August 17,2006 in order to allow S1. Marys to shift their
active quarrying operation to the north into the area where the creek used to flow.
81. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
DRAFf Meeting Minutes
8eptemberJ2, 2006
Habitat Works checked the creek channel to confirm that the vegetation was in an
acceptable condition for creek diversion prior to August 17. St. Marys shifted their
quarrying operations north in order to position blasting farther from Cedarcrest residents.
Page 2
. Monitoring plan (including roles and responsibilities)
Habitat Works has been contracted to provide monitoring services. St. Marys will
undertaken to ensure that the CRC receives regular reports on the marsh reconfiguration
. Monitoring data
No monitoring data are available at this time.
b) Quarry Operations
. Quarry dust releases
On August 15, 2006, St. Marys noted that dust from blasting moved from the blasting site
across the PDCA residential area. Two complaints were received. Winds were
approximately 10 to 15 km/hour from the northwest. St. Marys data on wind direction
indicates that the predominant prevailing winds are from the northwest towards
Cedarcrest. St. Marys tested a lOam blast when the wind conditions were favourable but
received complaints for blasting at an unusual time. St. Marys will attempt to blast
between noon and 2 pm under the most favourable winds available during that period of
. PM 10 monitoring
o Results
An exceedence occurred on June 16 at the Hutton Transport monitoring station, possibly
caused by transportation activity. A second exceedence occurred on June 22 at both the
Hutton Transport monitoring station aild at the Cedarcrest monitoring station, likely
caused by plant operations and transportation activities. It was noted that, as these two
exceedences were six days apart which is the schedule on which the monitoring stations
operate, it is likely that exceedences occurred continuously between these two dates and
possibly before and after these dates.
Hutton Transport utilizes calcium chloride for dust suppression. St. Marys will follow up
with Hutton Transport to review their dust management protocol to reduce dust releases.
St. Mlirys will invite Jason Clark from Hutton Transport to attend the next CRC meeting.
St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2006
Page 3
o Frequency
Currently each monitoring station operates every six days simultaneously to provide data
for analysis when considering weather conditions including prevailing winds. Montoring
during the activities that are likely to release dust (blasting and unloading of boats) was
discussed. It was agreed to investigate this approach to monitoring and to discuss this
issue with the MOE with the intent to develop a revised dust monitoring plan.
o Locations
Appropriate locations for the monitoring stations were discussed. It was agreed to review
locations in light of the changing location of blasting and quarry to discuss this issue with
the MOE with the intent to develop a revised dust monitoring plan.
. Blast monitoring
The August 14 blast registered 29.6 mm/sec at one monitoring station. Dyno, the
blasting contractor, suggested that the cause of this exceedence was the combination of
the blast location, the timing and sequence of explosions and the distance to the .
monitoring station, which resulted in an amplification of vibration at this location. It was
also suggested that the base on which the monitoring station is positioned may have
become uncoupled. This is being investigated to determine if the installation is sound.
All blasting exceedences are reported to the MOE.
. Stack emissions
The 802 release is 2.13 kg/tonne of clinker, which is below the target of 2.72 kg/tonnes.
The NOX release is 2.51 kg/tonne of clinker which is slightly below the target of2.60
. Relocation of internal haul road
8t. Marys provided a map showing the agreed location for the emergency exit route for
PDCA area residents following discussions with the Municipality ofClarington, Fire
Department, and Engineering Department. . The emergency. exit route is signed with
orange detour signs (similar to the signs on Port Darlington, West Beach and Cove
Roads). Travel time on the emergency exit route has been timed at II minutes.
It was reported that there is also an emergency access route for use by emergency
services that is shorter than the emergency exit route. The emergency access route has
been timed at 6 minutes. The Fire Department has tested this route.
St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
DRAIT Meeting Minutes .
September 12, 2006
Page 4
. General quarry operations
. It was noted that the gate on Watson had been broken open and was subsequently
repaired, although not by St Marys.
C) Dock Operations
. Coal dust release and clean up operation
A total of 56 houses were cleaned with approximately 5 of these cleaning operations still
in progress. Four households have indicated they are not satisfied with the clean up
operations. Fifty-two residents attended the meeting held at St. Marys on Thursday,
September 7. It was suggested that St Marys directly undertake follow up with residents
to ensure that clean up is completed satisfactorily rather than depend on the insurance
adjuster to determine when cleaning in any particular residence is complete.
. Dock storage management and procedures
St Marys reported that they are currently reviewing their dock storage procedures and
their contractual relationship with Cargo Dockers.
The majority of the petcoke storage area is tarped, with the open working face being the
exception. The working face is sprayed with dust suppressant at the end of each shift.
The person delivering coal dust to the dock is now required to log in each delivery and
Cargo Dockers must accept each delivery to ensure that responsible parties are aware of
the delivery and will implement appropriate management
. Monitoring of dock releases
o Frequency
o Locations
Refer to item PM 10 monitoring above for a discussion of monitoring, including
.monitoring of unloading procedures.
. General dock operations
St. Marys will be increasing supervision of their contractor.
The quantity of seagulls on the dock was raised as a problem. It was suggested that a
more aggressive seagull management plan is required.
St Marys Cement Community Relations Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2006
Page 5
4. 81. Marys Public Relations
a) Report on Open House
St. Marys reported that between 700 and 800 people attended the Open House. 600
feedback forms were submitted. St. Marys indicated they will be holding another Open
House in 2007. Suggestions included continuing the open houses, providing a system so
that the leaders on buses could be heard at the back, and more activities for kids.
b) Creek diversion event
During its spring inspection, Habitat Works identified work to be completed by Hardco.
This work needs to be completed prior to a creek diversion event.
c) Newsletter
It was suggested that a regular schedule of newsletter distribution is required to improve
communications with residents.
d) Other plans
The Canadian Institute of Mining will be visiting next week. The quarry was opened
again for the 'rock club' for fossil hunting.
e) Additional communications strategies
. Email alerts
. Data posted on website
There was general support for the use of email as a way of quickly communicating to
residents following any future incident and possibly for distribution of electronic
newsletters. It was also suggested that newsletters be distributed more frequently to
ensure that timely information is shared with residents.
5. Community Concerns
a) Received by St. Marys and the Municipality ofClarington
b) Responses provided
Two complaints were received regarding sulphurous smells related to blasting.
Another complaint was received from the resident in the house close to the railway tracks
north of the second bridge on West Beach Road regarding the impact of blasting on her
well. Phil Dunn of the MOE visited this resident, suggesting that the well is located
sufficiently far from blasting to be affected.
Another complaint was received from a resident at 127 Cove Road regarding cracking of
grouting on a kitchen island. Golders Associates will be investigating.
St. Marys Cement Community Relations CommiUee
DRAYI'Meeting Minutes
. September 12, 2006
Page 6
It was suggested that complaints should be mapped with differentiation depending on the
type of complaint (blasting, dust, noise etc) so that CRC members can more easily
identify areas of the community affected by St Marys operations.
6. Other Business
a) Membership on the Community Relations Committee
The Municipality ofClarington has agreed to formally invite the MOE and the Health
Department to send representatives to an upcoming CRC meeting.
Representation from Aspen Springs to replace Anthony Skinner was considered. It was
suggested that a request for volunteers be placed in the next St. Marys newsletter and
possibly in municipal correspondence to the selected area.
b) Frequency of meetings
It was noted that quarterly meetings are required under the Terms of Agreement St
Marys suggested that we should schedule a meeting in three months as well as a meeting
in 6 weeks to report on the currently critical issues. It was also suggested that the
Municipality of Clarington invite a representative from the Health Department and the
MOE to the next meeting of the CRC.
7. Next Meetings
Tuesday October 24, 2006
Tuesday December 5, 2006
6:00 p.m.
St. Marys Technical Centre
8. Other Business
The resignation from Anthony Skinner, Aspen Springs Community Association, was
Notes prepared by G. Gies
September 21,.2006
FA 06/06
1. Welcome and Call to Order
The Chair called the Full Authority meeting to order at 7:15 p.m; and welcomed all in
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Mutton, Chair - Municipality of Clarington
Forrest Rowden, Vice-Chair - Township of Hamilton
Mark lovshin - Township of Hamilton
Charlie Trim - Municipality of Clarington
Brian Fallis - Township of Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan
John Morand - Municipality of Port Hope
Cal Morgan - Municipality of Port Hope
Raymond Benns - Township of AlnwicklHaldimand
ALSO PRESENT: Linda laliberte, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer
Mark Peacock, Watershed Services Coordinator
Greg Wells, Watershed Planner
Steven McMullen, Forest Recreation Technician
Members of the public
REGRETS: Pam Jackson.- Town of Cobourg
ALSO ABSENT: Dave Marsh - City of Kawartha lakes
Bill MacDonald - Town of Cobourg
2. Disclosure of Pecuniarv Interest
3. Minutes of the last meetina
FA 33/06
MOVED BY: John Morand
SECONDED BY: Forrest Rowden
THAT the Full Authority approve the minutes of the June 15, 2006 meeting.
Minutes FA 06/06 - September 21, 2006
Page 2
4. Adoption of the Aaenda
The Chair advised the members that there is one additional correspondence item from
the Municipality of Port Hope as. well as two additional permits approved by the
FA 34/06
Charlie Trim
Ray Senns
THATthe agenda be adopted as amended.
5. In Camera
FA 35/06
John Morand
Charlie Trim
THAT the Full Authority move in camera.
FA 36/06
John Morand
Mark Lovshin
THAT the Full Authority move out of camera.
FA 37/06
Charlie Trim
Forrest Rowden
THAT the GRCA staff be instructed to proceed with the acquisition of the 100 acres that
does not contain the tires under the conditions specified by Mr. Vanhaverbek in
correspondence of August 25, 2006.
6. Deleaations:
7. Presentations
a) Caring for the Moraine by Norman Wagenaar, Landowner Contact Specialist,
Caring for the Moraine project
An overview of the program was presented to the members. Members asked questions
in regards to the moraine and some hydrogeological concerns.
Minutes FA 06/06 - September 21,2006
Page 3
FA 38106
John Morand
Brian Fallis
THAT the Full Authority receive the presentation for information purposes.
8. Business Arisina from the Minutes
a) GRCA Logo Update
FA 39106
Forrest Rowden
Charlie Trim
THAT the Full Authority approve the new logo for the Ganaraska Region Conservation
9. Chair and General Manaaer's Remarks
The General Manager reported that the 2006 Biennial Tour was very successful with 94
delegates in attendance 2006 Biennial Tour. She also reported that displays were set
up at the Orono and Port Hope Fairs and International Plowing Match. Currently staff
are participating in 2 training sessions with Crawford and Associates. The General
Manager also' reported that the registrations for the A.D. Latornell are open and any
members interested in going please fill out a form.
10. Correspondence
FA 40106
John Morand
Charlie Trim
THAT the Full Authority receive the correspondence items 5 and 6 for information.
11. Applications under Ontario Reaulation 168106
Permits approved by Executive:
a) 168106-817-06/06 (Peter Michalejko- Municipality of Clarington) - construction of
new home and septic system .
b) 168/06-818-06/06 (Harold Wakely - Municipality of Port Hope) - minor grading for
improved drainage
c) 168/06-819-06/06 (John McLellan - Township of Hamilton) - construction of above
ground pool
d) 168/06-820-06/06 (Vince Thornton - Municipality of Clarington) - placement of a
storage building
Minutes FA 06/06 - September 21,2006
Page 4
e) 168/06-821-07/06 (Town of Cobourg - Town of Cobourg) - watercourse re-
alignment and valley bank stabilization
f) 168/06-822-07/06 (Ridge Pine Park Inc. - Municipality of Clarington) - shoreline
revetment works
g) 168/06-823-07/06 (Sandra Wedlock - Municipality of Clarington) - conversion of a
covered patio to an enclosed sunroom
h) 168/06-824-07/06 (Ridge Pine Park Inc. - Municipality of Clarington) - construction
of addition and bank stabilization
i) 168/06-825-07/06 (Leslie Lancaster - Municipality of Port Hope) - removal of
culvert and drain outlet maintenance
j) 168/06-826-07/06 (Ministry of Transportation - Municipality of Port Hope) -
construction of replacement salUstorage building
k) 168/06-827-07/06 (Town of Cobourg - Town of Cobourg) - waterrourse reo.
alignment and stabilization .
I) 168/06-828-07/06 (Walter & Dorthy Sokol- Township of Hamilton) - restoration and
rehabilitation of stream channel
m) 168/06-829-07/06 (Municipality of Port Hope - Municipality of Port Hope) -
improvement of Kelloge Road and replacement of two culverts
n) 168/06-830-07/06 (Lynn Robinson - Municipality of Clarington) - installation otan in
ground pool
0) 168/06-831-07/06 (Jean Steeves - Municipality of Clarington) - installation of an
p) 168/06-833-07/06 (Ridge Pine Park Inc. - Municipality of Clarington) - construction
of two watercourse' crossings
q) 168/06-834-07/06 (Kurt & Jean Gider - Municipality of Clarington) - grading for
building and pond clean out
r) 168/06-835-08/06 (AI Dey - Town of Cobourg) - construction of two barns
s) 168/06-836-08/06 (Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Municipality of Port Hope) - excavating
trenches for pipeline
t) 168/06-837-08/06 (Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Municipality of Port Hope) - excavating
trenches for pipeline
u) 168/06-838-08/06 (Enbridge Pipelines Inc. -Municipality of Port Hope) -excavating
trenches for pipeline .
v) 168/06-839-08/06 (Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Municipality of Port Hope) - excavating
trenches for pipeline
w) 168106-840-08/06 (Municipality of Clarington - Municipality of Clarington) -
extension of an existing cross
x) 168/06-841-08/06 (Don Fishley - Municipality of Clarington) - raise and repair
existing foundation
y) 168/06-842-08/06 (Sheila Pethick - Municipality of Clarington) - construction of an
z) 168/06-843-08/06 (Chris Stark - Municipality of Port Hope) - construction of home
and septic tank
aa) 168/06-844-08/06 (Ridge Pine Park Inc. - Municipality of Clarington) - shoreline
revetment works
Minutes FA 06/06 - September 21,2006
Page 5
bb)168/06-845-08/06 (Municipality of Port Hope - Municipality of Port Hope) -
maintenance dredging of the harbour
cc)168/06-846-08/06 (Kim Jobe - Municipality of Clarington) - construction of an
dd)168/06-847-08/06 (Town of Cobourg - Town of Cobourg) - road reconstruction and
ee)168/06-848-08/06 (Country of Northumberland - Town of Cobourg) - widening and
reconstruction of Elgin Street
ff)168/06-849-08/06 (Bart and Nancy Nelson - Township of Alnwick-Haldimand) -
construction of in-stream watercourse crossing
gg)168/06-850-08/06 (CP Railway - Municipality of Port Hope) - installation of culvert
liner and overflow culverts
hh) 168/06-851-09/06 (William Jackson - Municipality of Clarington) - construction of a
storage shed
ii) 168/06-852-09/06 (County of Northumberland - Municipality of Cobourg) -
installation of a culvert
FA 41106
Forrest Rowden
John Morand
THAT the Full Authority approve the permits issued by the Executive.
Pemits requiring Full Authority discussion:
12. Committee Reoorts
a) Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee minutes
FA 42106
Cal Morgan
Mark Lovshin
THAT the Full Authority receive the Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee
minutes for information.
13. New Business
a) GRCA 60th Anniversary
FA 43106
John Morand
Brian Fallis
Minutes FA 06/06 - September 21, 2006
Page 6
THAT the Full Authority receive the staff report for information purposes.
b) 2007 Preliminary Budget
FA 44/06
Cal Morgan
John Morand
THAT staff prepare the preliminary budget based on the criteria contained in the staff
report prepared September 7, 2006 for review by the Full Authority.
14. Other Business
a) GFC Rebuild Update
FA 45/06
Charlie Trim
Mark Lovshin
THAT the Full Authority receive the Ganaraska Forest Centre Redevelopment Update
staff report for information purposes.
b) Forest Centre Planning & Building Fees
FA 46/06
Forrest Rowden
Cal Morgan
THAT the Board of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority request that the
Municipality of Port Hope not charge planning and buiiding fees forthe reconstruction of
the Ganaraska Forest Centre.
15. Adioum
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. on a motion by John Morand.
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'060CT05 flNl1:03:07
Pickering Nuclear Information Centre
1675 Montgomery Park Road
Pickering, Ontario
September IS, 2006
1:00 PM
Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) (Chair)
Ms. Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, DRHD (Presenter)
Mr. Ken Gorman, DRHD
Dr. Dave Whillans, Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
Mr. Frank Bajumy, OPG (Presenter)
Ms.; Norma Drummond, Public Member
Mr. Alex Heydon, Public Member
Dr, Gerry Gold, Public Member
Mr. Hardev Bains, Public Member
Mr. Ken Shrives, Public Member
Mr. Brian Devitt, DRHD, (Secretary)
Mr. Jeff Leal, Ministry of Energy (Presenter)
Mr. Andre Nicholetti, Ministry of Energy
Dr. Anar Baweja, Health Canada (Presenter)
Mr. Don Terry, OPG (Presenter)
Ms. Donna Pawlowski, OPG
Mr. Terry Squires, OPG (Presenter)
Ms. Janice SZWaIZ, Municipality ofClarington (Presenter)
Ms. Sue Stickley, Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office
(LLRWMO) (Presenter)
Ms. Gabrielle Brankston, DRHD
Mr. Dave Martin, Greenpeace
Mr. Joe Hunwicks, City of Pickering
Mr. Gordon Reidt, Durham Region Emergency Management Office
Mr. Joshua Mazuryk, Observer
Mr. Jansen Wu, Observer
Ms. Amy Wu, Observer
Ms. Lorraine Weigel, Public Member
Dr. Barry Neil, Public Member
Dr. Tony Waker, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Mr. Phil Dunn, Ministry of the Environment
Ms. Jacquie McInnes, OPG
Ms. Vanessa Hughes, OPG
Ms. Anne-Marie Holt, Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health
Robert Kyle, Chair of the DNHC, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
1.0 Adoption of the AgeDda
The Revised Agenda was adopted.
2.0 AdoptioD of the DNHC Minutes of the JUDe 16, 2006 meeting
The Minutes were adopted as written.
3.0 CorrespoDdeDee
3.1 Dr. Kyle's office received the minutes of the Pickering Co=unity Advisory Council
meetings for May 16, 2006.
3.2 Dr. Kyle's office received the news release from Health Canada on the proposed
guidelines for radon gas in indoor air dated April 24, 2006.
3.3 Dr. Kyle's office received the news release from the McGuinty government about
refurbishing and replacing Ontario's nuclear facilities dated June 13, 2006.
3.4 Dr. Kyle's office received the notes used in a presentation by Bruce Boland, Senior Vice
President Corporate Affairs of OPG, to the Ontario Power Summit on How OPG's
Operations Contribute to Meeting Ontario's Electricity Supply dated June 14,2006.
3.5 Dr. Kyle's office received the OPG Annual Summary of Assessment of Environmental
Radiological Data for 2005 dated June 14,2006.
3.6 Dr. Kyle's office received the notes used in a presentation by Jim Hankinson, President
and CEO of OPG, to the Toronto Board of Trade on "It's all about Performance" dated
June IS, 2006.
3.7 Dr. Kyle's office received a news release from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
announcing two new Directors General dated June 16, 2006.
3.8 Dr. Kyle's office received a news release from Natural Resources Canada about the
Minister's statement on the Nuclear Waste Management Organization's Annual Report
dated June 2006. .
3.9 Dr. Kyle's office received a news release from the McGuinty government promoting
energy efficiency in Ontario dated June 27, 2006.
3.10Dr. Kyle's office received a news release from the McGuinty government announcing an
additional $400 million for energy conservation dated July 13, 2006.
3.11 Dr. Kyle's office received the minutes of the Port Granby Project Discussion Group
meeting on June 7, 2006.
3.12 Dr. Kyle's office received the Public Notice from Natural Resources Canada. for
receiving comments until September 29, 2006 on the Environmental Assessment for the
Port Hope Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project dated August
1,2006. .
3.13Dr. Kyle's office received a letter from Laurie Swami, Director of Licensing Nuclear
Plant Life Extension Projects, about the Commencement of a Federal Environmental
Assessment for the Refurbishment and Continued Operation of Pickering Nuclear
Generating Station B dated August 4, 2006.
3.14Dr. Kyle's office received a n~s release from the Carnidian Nuclear Safety Commission
announcing they received an application from Bruce Power to prepare a site for the
potential construction of new reactors at its Bruce County facility dated August 18,2006.
3.ISDr. Kyle's office received a newsletter from Pickering Nuclear Generating Station B
dated September 2006.
3.16Dr. Kyle's office received a letter from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
requesting public comments concerning the attached Draft Environmental Assessment
Guidelines of the Ontario Power Generation Proposal to Refurbish and. Continue to
Operate the Pickering B Nuclear Station dated September 5, 2006.
4.0 Nuclear Power I Environmental Issues
4.1 Report from the Ministry of Energy on plans for New and Refurbished Nuclear Power
Facilities in Ontario
Jeff Lea1, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Energy, delivered a speech on the
energy plan of Ontario. The highlights of his speech were:
. The Government of Ontario energy plan has resulted from much debate and
. Dwight Duncan, Minister of Energy, indicated the energy plan is balanced and
responsible using the best of all opportunities to have a diverse, sustainable and
reliable electricity supply mix.
. Conservation will be a core principle of the energy plan achieving 6,300
megawatts in demand reduction by 2025.
. Renewable energy will be the largest component of the energy plan producing
15,700 megawatts by 2025.
. Coal fired plants will be eliminated at the earliest practical time without
compromising reliability.
. Transmission and distribution systems will be expanded to improve getting the
electricity from where it is being generated to the where it is needed.
. Nuclear energy is now providing about 50% of the power and critical-base load
power we depend on each day.
. Nuclear energy capacity will be limited to the same levels generated today or
about 14, 000 megawatts.
. Decisions will be made in the next few years about refurbishment of existing
nuclear facilities and if replacement nuclear facilities are required.
. On June 13, 2oo6,-tbe Minister of Energy directed OPG to begin the work needed
to prepare for the federal environmental assessment process that is required for
new units at an existing nuclear generating station site and refurbishment of four
existing units at Pickering B.
. If the Pickering B units are determined to be refurbished they would operate until
approximately 2050.
. Bruce Power is seeking a broad environmental assessment to include
refurbishment of existing nuclear reactors or to build new reactors depending on
the feasibility studies or a mix of bOth.
. The Government of Ontario will examine the options that make the best economic
sense for taxpayers and to protect the environment.
. Bruce is a private company so all costs to conduct an environmental assessment
will be paid by the company but any new nuclear assets will continue to be
publicly owned.
. The decision on the type of nuclear technology to be used will be made by the
Government of Ontario with input from OPG and Bruce Power.
. If new nuclear facilities are required, several fundamental principles needed are:
o Willing host and appropriate site
o Turn-key agreement to limit cost overruns
o Fixed price with performance guarantees
o New nuclear facilities will be more cost effective than refurbishment
. There is a fundamental and continued role for nuclear energy in the balanced 20
year plan to ensure Ontario has clean, safe and reliable supply of electricity.
Jeff Leal's Special Assistant, Andre Nicoletti, can be reached at (416) 325-7875 or bye-.
mail at andre.nicholettira\enenzv.l!Ov.on.ca for more information. A copy of the speech
Jeff Leal delivered at the meeting today is attached as Appendix L
4.2 Report from Ontario Power Generation (OPG) on their Feasibility Studies to Refiubish
Pickering B
Donna Pawlowski, Manager of Strategic Planning and External Relations, provided a
report on the feasibility studies by OPG to refiubish Pickering B as a result of a directive
from the Government of Ontario on June 13, 2006. The highlights of Donna's
presentation were:
. OPG has begun studies to review the business case for potentially refurbishing
Pickering B.
. An environmental assessment (EA) under the Canadian Environmental
Assessment is required.
. OPG submitted an EA Project Description to the Canadian Nuclear Safety
Commission (CNSC) in June 2006.
. Refiubishment involves removing and replacing a number of major reactor
components that would allow continued operation of Pickering B for an additional
30 years.
. OPG will review the results of the EA studies and the business case for the
potential refurbishment and continued operation of Pickering Bin 2008.
. If a decision is made to proceed with the refurbishment, the following schedule of
activities are:
o 2008-2012 Detailed EngineeringIPlanning
o 2010-2012 Construction of Refurbishment Waste Storage Structures
o 2012-2024 Refiubishment Outages
o 2025 Construction of more Used Fuel Dry Storage Buildings
o 2025-2060 Continued Operation of Pickering B
. EA Project Description Phase 1- Refurbishment Major Activities are:
o Site and facility preparation
o Used fuel removal and transfer to irradiation fuel bays
o Heavy water removal and storage
o Fuel channel assemblies, feeder pipes and steam generators replaced as
o Balanced of plant systems upgraded as necessary .
o Radioactive/non-radioactive waste from refurbishment managed
o Approval sought from the CNSC to refuel/restart the reactor units
. EA Project Description Phase IT - Continued Operation Major Activities are:
o Continued safe operation of refurbished reactors for approximately 30 years
o On going supply of2064 megawatts of power to the Ontario grid
o Ongoing maintenance and upgrades of refurbished units according to the life
cycle and management plans
o Continued management of radioactive and non-radioactive waste
o Construction of an additional used fuel storage building at the Pickering
Waste Management Facility, if necessary
. The EA Study is directed by the CNSC Guidelines.
. Draft EA Guidelines have been released for public comment by the CNSC.
. An EA Study under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act includes:
o Project description
o Existing environmental conditions
o Direct project environmental effects
o Effects of credible malfunctions and accidents
o Effects of the environment on the project such as a tornado
o Cumulative effects of other projects
o Feasibility mitigation and impact management measures to reduce or
eliminate adverse effects
o Significance of any residual effects
o Comments received from the public
Donna Pawlowski or Laurie Swami will provide regular updates to the DNHC on the
feasibility studies for refurbishment of Pickering B. Donna can be contacted at (90S) 839-
6746 extension 5388 or bye-mail at donna.paw]owski{@,ope.com for more information.
The overheads Donna used are att8ched as Appendix 2. .
4.3 Port Granby Project EA Update
Sue Stickley, Communications Officer for the LLRWMO, provided an update on the Port
Granby Project. The highlights of her presentation were:
. On June 26, 2006, the Council of the Municipality of C1arington consented to
submit the Draft Environmental Assessment Study Report (EASR) on the Port
Granby Project to the Responsible Authorities for review and comment
. . Summer 2006, the Draft EASR will be reviewed by the Responsible Authorities
and receive comments from the public.
. Spring 2007, the Federal Responsible Authorities will issue the Draft EA
Screening Report for public review and comment.
. Fall 2007, Responsible Authorities will release the Final EA Screening Report.
. 2007-2008, LLRWMO will submit the detailed licensing submission to the
CNSC for approval.
. Summer 2008, construction will begin on the Port Granby Long-Term Low-
Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility.
Sue Stickley will continue to update the DNHC on the progress of the Port Granby EA
Project Sue can be reached at (90S) 885-1092 or bye-mail at sticklevs{@,aec1.ca for more
4.4 Port Granby Project Update from the Municipality of Clarington
Janice SzwarZ, Senior Planner for the Municipality of Clarington, provided an update on
the Port Granby Project from the Municipality ofClarington's perspective. The highlights
of Janice's presentation were:
. On June 26, 2006 the Council of the Municipality of Clarington consented to
submit the Draft EASR for the Port Granby Project. to the federal decision
. Council's decision was made after many months of discussion to minimi7.e the
production ofleachate and its potential impact on groundwater.
. The staff report to Council included construction elements and the socio-
economic impact mitigation strategy.
. Development of the Clean-up Criteria for the Project is underway involving the
LLRWMO and the Municipality of Clarington's Peer Review Team to ensure
protection of human health and the environment
. A report on the Clean-up Criteria will be presented to Council on October 2,
2006. .
. A report to the DNHC on the Clean-up Criteria will be made by the LLRWMO
at a future DNHC meeting.
. A Dispute Avoidance Concept was approved for the Project and the details are
underway to identifY and resolve potential disputes early in the process. A
review of the schedule for required road improvements and repairs is being
. Janice indicated the LLRWMO and Clarington were working well together on
the Port Granby Project.
Janice Szwarz can be reached at . (623-3379 or bye-mail at
iszwarz(@.municiDalitv.cIarimrton.on.ca for more information on the Port Granby EA
5.0 Health Effects
S.1 Progress Report on the Health Department's Radiation and Health in Durham Region
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, Epidemiologist for the DRHD, provided a brief update on the
progress being made on the research and preparation of the report on Radiation and
Health in Durham Region since the last meeting. The highlights ofber presentation were:
. The Health Department has obtained incidence and mortality data from Cancer
Care Ontario and the analysis of the data is well underway.
. Mary-Anne indicated the draft report will be ready for review in late October
. Based on expert advice, three indicators changed in the draft report are:
o As a result of correspondence with Cancer Care Ontario, colorectal cancer
will be the indicator not colon cancer because there was data concerns
about differentiating between colon cancer and rectal cancer particularly
going back to the 1980's
o Rather than combine bladder and kidney cancer into llrinary cancer, it was
decided to separate them with bladder cancer in category 2 and kidney
cancer in category 3 because it will be easier to deal with a 1989 coding
change for bladder cancer
o The addition of brain and CNS cancer as indicators in category 3 was
determined to be consistent with the other indicators with the same degree
of radiosensitivity: kidney cancer, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and bone
. . Mary-Anne will be providing hard copies of the draft report to reviewers and their
. comments will be expected back in about three weeks since it is a lengthy report.
. The reviewers are:
o Dr. Doug Chambers, SENES Consultants Limited
o Dr. Murray Finkelstein, University of Toronto & Ministry of Labour
o Dr. Eric Holowaty, Cancer Care Ontario
o Ms. Rachel Lane, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
o Ms. Diane Nishri, Cancer Care Ontario
o Dr. Linda Panaro, Public Health Agencies of Canada
o Dr..Ed Waller, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
o Dr. Bob Nosal, Halton Region Health Department
o Dr. Philippa Holowaty, Halton Region Health Department
o Dr. Charles Gardner, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
o Ms. Brenda Guarda, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
o Mr. Hardev Bains, DNHC Public Member
o Mr. Peter Balaban. Ontario Ministry of the Environment
o Mr. Frank Bajuny, Ontario Power Generation
o Mr. Brian Devitt, Secretary to the DNHC
o Ms. Norma Drummond, DNHC Public Member
o Dr. Gerald Gold, DNHC Public Member
o Mr. Ken Gorman. Durl1am Region Health Department
o Mr. Alexander Heydon, DNHC Public Member
o Dr. Robert Kyle, Durham Region Health Department
o Dr. Barry Neil, DNHC Public Member
o Mr. Michael Nemeth, DNHC Public Member
o Mr. Ken Shrives, DNHC Public Member
o Ms. Lorraine Weigel, DNHC Public Member
o Dr. Dave Whillans, Ontario Power Generation
o Mr. Dave Martin, Greenpeace
Mary-Anne Pietrusiak will continue to update the DNHC on the progress of the report
Radiation and Health in Durham Region. Mary-Anne can be reached at (905) 668-4113
extension 3185 or bye-mail at marv-anne.nietrusiak@.region.durham.on.ca for more
5.2 Report from Health Canada on the Proposed Changes to the Canadian Radon Guidelines
Dr. Anar Baweja, Senior Environmental hnpact Specialist of the Radiation Protection
Branch of Health Canada, gave a presentation on the proposed. changes to the CAnAd;an
Radon Guidelines. The highlights of Anar's presentation were:
. The current Canadian Radon Guideline of 800 becquerels per cubic metre and was
adopted in 1988.
. Health Canada is recommending the guideline be lowered .to 200 becquerels per
cubic metre.
. Reasons for lowering the guideline are to reduce lung cancer risk and to harmonize
with international guidelines.
. In October 2005, a Radon hnplementation Working Group was formed and
developed the following recommendations:
o Remedial action should be taken in a dwelling whenever the average annual
radon concentration exceeds 200 bacquerels per cubic metre
o The higher the radon concentration, the sooner remedial action should be
o When remedial action is taken, the radon level should be reduced to a value
as low as practicable
o The construction of new dwellings should employ techniques that will
minimize radon entry and will facilitate post-construction radon removal
. The Radon hnplementation Working Group developed several goals to achieve
their recommendations.
. Short Term Goals:
o Consensus on 2005 Working Group Report
o Extension of proposed guidelines for public buildings
o Public consultation including peer review
o Best practices from other countries
o Performance targets for the national program
o Radon testing and mitigation pTotocols
. Medium Term Goals
o Radon potential maps .
o Estimated costs to seven governments affected and who will pay
o Development of radon implementation plan
o Radon guideline impacts for radon testing and mitigation
. Long Term Goals
o Adoption of guidelines for various jurisdictions
o Preparing a communication plan
o Changes to building codes
o Changes to radon labour codes for workplaces
. Public consultation conducted from April 24 to June 22, 2006 resulted in an over-
whelming support for a change in the Canadian Radon Guidelines to the proposed
200 bacquerels per cubic metre.
. Next steps include preparation of the final draft of the guidelines in October 2006
and completion of the National hnplementation Plan.
Anar Baweja will keep the DNHC updated on the progress of the draft radon guidelines.
Anar can be reached at (613) 941-2355 or bye-mail atanarbaweiafalhc-sc.gc.ca.for
more information. The overheads Anar used are attached as Appendix 3.
6.0 Communications
6.1 Community Issues at Darlington Nuclear
Don 1;erry, Director of Public Affairs, reported on community issues at Darlington
Nuclear for Vanessa Hughes who could not attend the meeting today. The highlights of
Don's presentation were:
. Darlington Nuclear units 1-4 are operating at full power. .
. Darlington Nuclear partnered with the Durham Agricultural Fair in Orono on
September 9-10, 2006.
. Darlington Nuclear will also partner with the Last Night and Terry Fox Run on
September 16-17,2006.
. Darlington Nuclear will be providing OPG environmental staff as instructors for
the Durham Children's Groundwater Festival in the last week of September.
. Construction and upgrades at the Darlington Nuclear Information Centre have.
been completed and the DNHC was invited to hold a meeting in the new facility.
Vanessa Hughes can be reached at (905) 697-7443 bye-mail at
vanessa.huclJes(a2oDI!:.com for more information.
6.2 Community Issues at Pickering Nuclear
Don Terry provided inforination on community issues at Pickering Nuclear for Jacquie
McInnes who could not attend today's meeting. The highlights of the Don's presentation
were: .
. Pickering Nuclear units I, 5, 6, and 8 are operating at full power, unit 4 is at 78%
and unit 7 is shut down for its planned fall maintenance.
. Pickering Nuclear will be testing the Remote Emergency Power Generator on
September 19, 2006 with a release of steam and increased noise levels that may be
witnessed by near-site residents and businesses.
. Pickering Nuclear will be busy in September partnering in the Terry Fox Run in
Pickering and Ajax, Whitby Heritage Days, Greenwood Festival and sponsoring
the Bicycle Parade.
. Frank Bajurny made a short presentation on the Need to Revise the Public Dose
Calculations for 2005 as reported in the REMP report from the last meeting. The re
calculations were needed because of a standard preparation procedural error that.
affected the reporting of tritium in drinking water. The recalculated estimates of
Public Dose will increase for Darlington for 2005 from approximately 0.08% to
0.09% of the CNSC limit and for Pickering from 0.61% to 0.68% of the CNSC.
limit. The REMP report will be revised with the needed changes by the end of
October 2006.
Jacquie McInnes can be reached at (905) 839-1151 extension 5966 or bye-mall at
iacQuie.mcinnes(@opg.com for more information.
7.0 Other Business
7.1 Topics Inventory Update
Brian Devitt indicated the Topics Inventory will be revised to include the presentations
made today and it is attached as Appendix 4.
7.2 Future Topics for the DNHC to Consider
Brian Devitt indicated the topics for discussion at the next meeting on November 17,
2006 may include:
. Report Cards for 2005 from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on
Darlington and Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations
. Update from OPG on the feasibility studies to refurbish existing nuclear power
~~es .
. Report from OPG on Waste Projections and Plans
. Report from LLRWMO on the Clean-up Criteria at Port Granby
. Progress report from Mary-Anne Pietrusiak on the report Radiation and Health in
Durham Region
. Report on Nuclear Emergency Preparedness in Durham Region
7.3 Review of the DNHC Terms of Reference
Brian Devitt provided a copy of the Draft - Revised DNHC Terms of Reference with
several changes proposed by Public Members since the last meeting. The proposed
changes to the Revised Terms of Reference were discussed and accepted. Robert Kyle
will prepare a report in October to the Health and Social Services Committee for their
acceptance of the Revised Terms of Reference. The Draft - Revised Terms of Reference
is attached as Appendix 5.
7.4 Brian Devitt indicated the dates and location of the DNHC meetings m: 2007 are:
. January 14, 2007 will be hosted by the Durham Region Health Department.
. April 20, 2007 will be hosted by the University of Ontario Institute of
. June 15, 2007 will be hosted by Pickering Nuclear.
. September 14, 2007 will be hosted by Darlington Nuclear.
. November 16, 2007 will be hosted by the Durham Region Health Department.
8.0 Next Meeting
November 17, 2006
12:00 pm lunch served
1 :00 pm meeting begins
Darlington Nuclear
Site Engineering Services Building
Third Floor Boardroom
Clarington, Ontario
9.0 Adjournment at 4:00 PM
Tyrone Community Centre
Executive Board Members
Mark Canning
Pat PingJe
October 12th, 2006
Minutes - SeDt 14th Board Meetino
Lynda Burnett, Patty Woodcock, Mark Canning, Kate Rowan, Sue Sutcliffe, Jack Wilson
Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting.
Moved: Mark Canning Seconded: Patty Woodcock
TREASURER'S REPORT General Fund = $4,180.19 (as at Sept 8,2006)
The $2000 loan for Spirit Day repayment to Municipality outstanding. The T-Shirts for Spirit
Day Anniversary - total cost was $1,928.23 was paid out of this account. Part of the cost will
be funded by the Expansion Fund(when the GIC it is invested in matures In Deq2006. Need to
confirm what portion of the T-Shirts will be funded from Expansion Fund?
Moved: Patty Woodcock. Seconded: Lynda Burnett
BOOKING REPORT Busy Season upon us. Kate Rowan will be resigning from the Booking
Agent position. We are searching for a new booking representative. Look at other hall boards,
best practices and how they handle this position. Can we pay a person part time or per
BAR REPORT Nothing to report(Paul to restock pop machine?)
YOUTH REPORT Nothing to report
SENIORS REPORT Nothing to report
CLEANING REPORT New cleaners Kim Pannekoke and Henry doing a great job.
"Tyrone... catch the Spirit!"
2716 Concession Rd. 7
Tyrone, ON, L1C 3K6
(905) 263-4330
~ Tyrone Community Centre
1. Fundraising Nothing to Report
2. TAA Issues Nothing to Report
3. Maintenance - invite Fred Horvath to September meeting
Municipality of Clarington Issues:
. Exit lights are missing some of the covers In the bar
. Lights Is the parking lot do not fit the proposed landscaping plan is funding available.
. UV Installation
. Baseball .Dlamonds - weed free
. Panic hardware on the front door - Municipality
. Review regular garbage pickup at the hall
. Fan External Problem
. Accessibility Issues(upgrades)
6. Defibrillator Machine
Nothing to report
7. Chairs Nothing to Report
8. Landscape Pian Lynda to discuss with Wlggan
9. Web Site
10. Bar Renovation - Keys for Jack for tool cupboard
1. Candidates Coffee Evening
2. Halloween Dance Oct 28th - volunteers/ticket saies
3. Breakfast with Santa Committee - need to form
Motion to Adjourn Moved: Patty Woodcock Seconded Mark Canning
Adjourned 9:10
"Tyrone... catch the Spirit!"
2716 Concession Rd. 7
Tyrone, ON, L1C 3K6
(90S) 263-4330
September 25, 2006
Start Time: 7:09PM
. Finish Time: 8 :22 PM
Attendance: Valerie McCormick, Dawn Longmire, Tracy Bayley-Buckle, Kathy
McLaughlin, Marie Hammond, Sheri Crago, Terryl Tzikas, Debbie Fernandes
Absent: Rob Flynn, Roger Leetooze,
Minutes were read and Valerie asked for a motioned to accept the minutes. Motioned by
Dawn seconded by Sheri. All in agreement
. Valerie mentioned that she has received two calls from the Air Cadets and Sea
Cadets forband participation in parade, and passed along Sheri's phone number.
. Lakeridge Health Bowmanville has called Valerie and would like to be in this
years parade, she mentioned to them that we are non commercial, and they were
wanting to hand out bandages. Valerie will follow up with them to ensure the
bandages do not have any name on theni.
. The Audit on the books was completed in June.
. There is a new process for our Permit this year, it is an Electronic Permit. Terryl
has taken this to the Police Station. Valerie will pick it up at the Police Station
and bring it to the Fire Department and forward to it Ron Baker at the
municipality. Terryl requested a copy of the completed permit for her files.
. We will need to pick a Saturday before parade to update Committee Float. There
is a Blow up of 3 snowmen on a sleigh that we will be using this year.
. Marie submitted financial statements at the meeting
. . She has segregated 5% of button Sales for our 50th Parade
. Question was brought up about keeping the 5% of button sales in a separate mc.
This matter is to be brought up again at the next meeting when Roger is present.
. Bank has changed the structure of the bank account and will not return cancelled
cheques with the statement. .
. Marie will forward Dawn the account number and Dawn will obtain digital
images of cheques.
. Tracy has asked for a letter to be completed and forwarded to Reids Dairy for
them to donate drinks for parade - 130 bags
DEBBIE FERNANDES - Floats and Fillers
. Terry1 has disk for Debbie with updated letters for the Entrant's Package.
. Discussion.on handing out candy from floats on parade day
. The following will be. added to the rules:
. 0 "If you intend to hand out candy, please carry your supply with you.
Restocking from a vehicle poses a danger to participants and causes
delays to the parade"
. Debbie has envelopes addressed and ready to be mailed.
DAWN LONGMIRE - Buttons, Costumes
. Dawn has talked with David Gillespie regarding taking photo of Santa. Dawn
will provide Santa's phone number to David.
. The button will be in colour and not black and white.
. Dawn will be in touch with Pat Lange about costumes.
. Donation letters are ready to go.
. Dawn was at a Board of Trade meeting and has obtained a listing of businesses in
town. Terry1 would like a copy of this.
. Costume handout will be Sunday November 5th, at Clubhouse from 12:00 - 2:00
. Dawn will be cleaning the costumes and will be submitted a bill for this.
ROGER LEETOOZE - JudgingIPosterslRogers CableJButtons and Button boxes
. Judges not confIrmed yet but will not be a problem.
. Banner will be the same as last year
. Val will contact Forbes to make signs for boxes (approx 38 boxes) just saying
Bowmanville Santa Clause Parade, and will obtain a cost for these.
. Dignitary letters have been sent, but has not yet heard back from anybody
. She has a disc with form on it
. Is waiting for date for Costume pick up and will forward to schools
. Would like to know how much she has to spend with bands this year
. Maybe cut down on bands as there were quite a few last parade
. $8,000 budget
. She stated that the Durham Girls Choir was really not effective and maybe would
be better on a float
. Durham Regional Pipe Band is booked, same price as other pipe bands
. Sheri has a friend that would like to help on Committee, it was agreed that if she
is interested we have a position available as TrafficNolunteer Co-ordinator
. Pacers needed for parade maybe with every 3rd float
. Toronto Signals have contacted Sheri, but are a lot of money
. Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band need to be at front of parade
Rob Flynn
. Absent
. Candy Rule has been re-defined.
. Santa has agreed to do button, and is not retiring
Next meeting October 10, 2005 at Town HaIl Room 1 C
Time 7 :00 pm.
Chair - Bradford Soles
Vice-Chair - Linda Gasser
Fred Biesenthal
Gerald Brown
Mark Canning
Staff In Attendance:
Janice Szwarz - Planning Services
. Leslie Benson- Engineering Services
Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary
Ross Libby
George Khouri
Ron Hooper
Karina Isert (LACAC)
Murray Paterson
Councillor Jim Schell
Bill Harford
September 7,2006
October 3, 2006 Meeting No. 29
Review of
Draft Minutes
Meeting commenced 7:00 p.m.
Welcome by Bradford Soles.
Letter of res i nation received from Bill Harford.
Review of Draft Minutes of the September 5th meeting.
No discre ancies noted; Minutes acce ted.
Attended by Clarington 407 CAC members Janice Szwarz,
Bradford Soles and Linda Gasser. This meeting was a good
opportunity where a number of Planners asked questions for
clarification. It was worthwhile for them to hear the community
advisory group's questions. It was hoped that this would have
been a workshop format and it was noted that the venue was
not the best (noisy).
Doug Allingham gave a polished and informative presentation.
There was no new information given, more a summary of the
process to date. It is undear as to what will be discussed at the
October workshops.
Linda Gasser raised the concern that cost is not being
addressed in this process. As the cost could be significant to
the Municipalities, she suggested that if the Municipalities asked
this question then perhaps they may get some information. The
impact on local infrastructure would be a Provincial cost;
however could there be .soft" costs to the municipality that have
not been planned for. Pickering is still bickering about their 407
ETR interchan e. The Re ion aid the costs on 3 of the 401
interchanges. Transit cannot recover the full cost through their
development charges. We need to know the associated costs.
It was suggested that Markham must have data on their costs,
however it was noted that portion was built by the Province. We
may get E.A. approval and it could then be thrown out to bid for
the build. There is no access to the data (usage figures) as the
information is private.
The meeting gave MTAG and RAG a chance to hear public
COncems. Route generation is in progress and this is when the
public will focus on it.
Fred Biesenthal suggested that all members prepare individual
letters which could be used as attachments to a 10 minute
presentation to Council. Council should be forwarded letters in
advance of the meeting to allow them time to formulate
questions. Letters to be forwarded to Sharon Norris by October
Consider whether this CAC has the tools to do the job at hand
and how we can prepare the new CAC. Highly technical issues
are a struggle for most CAC members; the possibility of hiring a
consultant should be considered as this is now a specific phase
of the project rather than a concept.
The municipality is a stakeholder with obligations to the
community and this CAC is a voice to Council as well as a voice
for the public to the MTO. Clarington has the largest portion of
the highway. Letters sent to homeowners from the project team .
are intimidating to the public and. they are afraid to let them on
their property
The presentation should hit the key points:
Overview of what we did as a Committee
Request budget for consultant
Advise Council why we need to engage the public to
understand the advantages of allowing MfO onto their
The presentation should also be sent to Sharon Norris who will
combine with individual letters to forward to Council and the
<:ommittee members in paper format. Final presentation due by
October 12"'.
A CAC Workshop was suggested. This would include:
- what we are doing
- what are we expecting
Oct. 10'"
Sharon Norris
- mission statement
- our purpose
This item will be added to a future CAC meeting agenda.
It was asked if there are local affairs where we could have a
booth, e.g. Applefest.
There is a NIMBY concern and the public wants closure, When
will this happen? Public is having problems selling their property
on the previously selected route and the MTO will not purchase
their property. This should be used as a lesson learned - there
never should have been a line put on the map for a route.
Another lesson being that when a job is started, it should be
finished. A chan e of ovemment can chan e eve hin,
Ads will appear in the papers in November for applying for
appointment to the new Clarington Highway 407 Community
Advisory Committee. Anyone can apply. Appointments will be
made at the first Council meeting in January and they will be for
a four year term, The next Highway 407 CAC meeting will occur
as quickly as possible after the appointments have been made
and will consist of an orientation session and meet and greet.
Meetin ad'oumed 7:50 .m.
Next Meeting Janua 2007, date to be determined.
(a) EGD.Q45.Q6 - Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for August, 2006
(b) CLD.Q21.Q6 - Bill 128 - Marijuana Grow Operations and the impact
on Municipalities
THAT Report PSD-105-06 be received;
THAT the application to amend the Zoning By-law submitted by Gertrude Tomina
be referred back to Staff for further processing; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-105-06 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-106-06 be received;
THAT Council concur with the Municipal Peer Review Team's conclusions with
respect to the Clean-up Criteria Document for the Port Hope Area Initiative;
THAT Council authorize the Municipal Peer Review Team to sign the Comment
and Disposition Form for the Clean-up Criteria Document on behalf of the
Municipality of Clarington; .
Report #1
October 2, 2006
THAT a copy of the Municipality of Clarington's file regarding the Port Hope Area
Initiative, be forwarded to the Honourable Bev Oda, MP for Durham; and
THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the Honourable Bev Oda, MP
for Durham and all interested parties indicated in Report PSD-106.,o6.
THAT Report PSD-107.,o6 be received; and
THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on
September 14, 2006 for applications A2006.,Q016, A2006.,o029, and A2006.,o030
and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to
defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment.
THAT Report PSD-108-06 be received;
THAT the application submitted by CCCC Glen Abbey Limited to remove the
Holding (H) symbol be approved for Parts 1-6 on Plan 40R-24278, .the Amenity
Centre in the Port of Newcastle development;
THAT the by-law be attached to Report PSD-108-06 to remove the Holding (H)
symbol be passed and a copy forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham;
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-108-06 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-109.,Q6 be received;
THAT the revised Foster North Neighbourhood Design Plan bounded by the Foster
Creek Valleylands, King Avenue West, Rudell Road and the St. Lawrence & Hudson
(Canadian Pacific) Railway be received; .
THAT the Neighbourhood Design Plan be. revised so that the 10m lots fronting on
the Street A (Massey Street extension), between King Avenue West and Street F
be revised to have a minimum frontage of 15 m; .
Report #1
October 2, 2006
THAT the application for the proposed Amendment toDraft Approved Plans of
Subdivision 18T -89059 and S-C-2000/001 and related Zoning By-law Amendment,
submitted by Foster Creek Developments, 2083302 Ontario Limited, and Robert J.
Stephenson be approved as per Attachment 2 to Report PSD-109-06, subject to the
conditions of Draft Approval, as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-109-06;
THAT the application for Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Foster Creek
Developments, 2083302 Ontario Limited, and Robert J. Stephenson be approved as
per Attachment 4 to Report PSD-1 09-06; . .
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law to enter into an agreement With
the Owners and the By-law be forwarded to Council at such time the Owners are
prepared to proceed with this development; .
THAT a By-law to remove the "Holding (H)" Symbol be forwarded to Council at such
time as the Owners have entered into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-109-06 and Council's decision be forwarded to the
Region of Durham Planning Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-109-06 and any delegations be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-110-06 be received;
THAT the Amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Condominium application,
submitted by Port of Newcastle Developments Inc. be approved and that the
Director of Planning Services be authorized to issue Draft Approval, subject to the.
conditions as contained in Attachment 3 to Report PSD-11 0-06;
THAT a copy of Report PSD-110-06 be forwarded to the Durham Region Planning
Department; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-110-06 and any delegation be
advised of Council's decision.
THAT Report PSD-111-06 be received;
THAT the Amendment to Conditions of Draft Approval for Draft Approved Plan of
Subdivision 18T 89044, Headgate Developments Inc. be approved, as shown on
Attachment 2 to Report PSD-111-06;
Report #1
October 2, 2006
THAT the by-law to remove the Holding (H) symbol be forwarded to Council at
such time that the applicant has entered into a subdivision agreement;
THAT the by-law attached to Report PSD-111-06, to authorize the Mayor and
Clerk to execute a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Municipality
of Clarington, be passed; and
THAT the Region of Durham and all interested parties listed in Report PSD-111-06
and any delegation be advised of Council':; decision.
THAT Report EGD-033-06 be received;
THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of
Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related
Works, constructed within Plan 40M-1897; and
THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-033-06. assuming
certain streets within Plan 40M-1897 as public highways.
THAT Report EGD-046-06 be received;
THAT John Tresise be appointed as Inspector for the Municipality of Clarington
effective October 2, 2006 and that his name be added to Schedule 'A' of By-Law
2005-145; and .
THAT the appropriate by-law (Attachment #1 to Report EGD-046-06) be forwarded
to Council.
THAT ReportEGD-047-06 be received; and
THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of
Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include boulevards and other related
Works, constructed within LD 12712002 to LD 136/2002.
Report #1
October 2, 2006
THAT Report EGD-049-06 be received;
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Collaborative
Agreement; and
THAT all partners in the Collaborative Agreement be advised of Council's action.
THAT Report OPD-Q11-Q6 be received;
THAT Council direct staff to facilitate consultation sessions to involve residents in
the development of a program that could minimize the use of pesticides;
THAT the Municipality champion a Pesticide Education Program in consultation
with all interested stakeholders focusing on sustainable horticultural practices as
an alternative to chemical pesticides; and
THAT Council request the Federal Minister of Health to expedite and expand
. programs dealing with the reduction of cosmetic use of pesticides in residential and
commercial areas.
THAT Report CLD-022-06 be referred back to Staff to provide Kennel Operators
time to consider the draft by~law and provide comments.
THAT Report CLD-023-06 be received;
THAT Council approve the City of Pickering's request to extend the current
agreement to end June 30, 2007;
THAT the by-law be attached to Report CLD-023-06 authorizing the Mayor and
Clerk to extend the Term of the Agreement with the City of Pickering for a further
six month period, to June 30, 2007 be approved; and
THAT the City of Pickering be advised of Council's Decision.
Report #1
October 2, 2006
THAT Report COD-059-06 be received;
THAT the Glen Chemicals Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, with a total contract value of
$21,416.72 for the first year, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms,
conditions and specifications of the Co-operative Tender T06036, be awarded the
contract to supply Pool Chemicals and Supplies to the Municipality of Clarington, as
required by Community Services;
THAT the contract be entered into for a one year term, and pending satisfactory
service, pricing and agreement by the Durham Purchasing Co-operative, the contract
be extended for a second and third year; and
THAT the funds be drawn from the respective years Community Services current
operating budget
THAT Report COD-060-06be received;
THAT the Armoured Courier Express Inc., Whitby, Ontario, with a bid price of
$32,160.00 (plus applicable taxes) for the first year and a total bid price Of
$170,741.80 (plus applicable taxes) for the five year term being the lowest
responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Co-operative
Tender C1161-06 be awarded the contract to provide Armoured Car Services for a
fIVe year term.as required by the Municipality of Clarington's Finance Department;
THAT the funds be drawn from the respective year's Finance Department's current
operating budget. .
18. REPEAL OF BY-LAW 2001-141
THAT Report ADM-006-06 be received;
THAT By-law 2001-141, as amended, be repealed; and
THAT Mr. Richard Ward be advised of Council's decision.
THAT the Addendum to Report PSD-080-06 be received;
THAT the Policy for War Dead and War Veteran Names for Streets be amended
as shown on Attachment 1 to Report PSD-080-06; and
THAT all interested parties listed in Addendum to Report PSD-080-06 and any
delegation be advised of Council's decision.
Report #1
.7- .
October 2, 2006
THAT Addendum to Report CLD-019-06be received; and
THAT a copy of Addendum to Report CLD-019-06 be forwarded to the Animal
Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee.
Monday, October 16, .2006
Report #: PSD-112-06
File #: PLN 31.5.2
By-law #:
It is respectflJlly recommended to Council the following: .
1. THAT Report PSD-112-06 be received;
2. THAT staff .report back on the options for the review of the Hancock Neighbourhood
Design Plan; and
3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of
Council's decision. . .
S"bm"'; by, .~
David J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P.
Director, Planning Services
S"bmmed by. ~~j).
A.S. Cannella, C.E,T.
Director of Engineering
Reviewed by:
n A ~,-Z-Q
Franklin Wu
Chief Administrative Officer
11 October 2006
40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830
REPORT NO.: PSD-112-06
1.1 In July the Planning Services Department received a petition with respect to
development in the Hancock Neighbourhood. The petition and covering letter request
protection for the Provincially Significant Black Farewell Wetland Complex within the
Hancock Neighbourhood and essentially requested the Neighbourhood Design Plan be
revised to address the Black Farewell Provincially Significant Wetland Complex.
1.2 The Hancock Neighbourhood planning area is located in Part Lots 27 and 28,
Concession 3, former Township of Darlington. The neighbourhood is generally
bounded by Courtice Road to the west, north of the Black Creek - Highway No.2 to the
south, Hancock Road to the east, and the Courtice Urban area boundary to the north
(Attachment 1).
1.3 In September 1998, the Neighbourhood Design Plan for the Hancock Neighbourhood
was approved. The design plan was consistent with the land use designations and
policies of the Clarington Official Plan and formed the basis for approval of two
proposed plans ofsubdivision 18T-92014 and 18T-94027.
1.4 The referenced subdivisions were supported by Council, approved by the Region and
subsequently appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. The OMS heard the appeal and
issued its decision on July 28, 1999 to approve both proposals subject to conditions.
1.5 In August of 1999 the Ministry of Natural Resources released updated mapping for the
Black - Farewell Wetland Complex. The revised mapping incorporated a number of
wetlands that were not examined in the original 1987 evaluation. The wetland complex
is comprised of mostly mixed coniferous swamps. It functions as a significant discharge
area feeding cold water to the Black and Farewell Creeks. The August 1999 revisions
to the Black-Farewell Provincially Significantly Wetland Complex include lands identified
for residential development in the approved Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan
(Attachment 1).
1.6 .In 2004 an application for proposed plan of subdivision was submitted for the lands
immediately east and south of 18T-92014. Application S-C-2004-002, proposes
approximately 35 residential units consistent with the Hancock Neighbourhood Design
Plan, as well as a portion of the park and public school blocks for the neighbourhood. A
pocket of the PSW straddles the park and school block. This development has been
subject of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) which has recommended retaining the
PSW and buffer in a natural state. .
2.1 The Provincial Policy Statement 2005 states that development and site alteration shall
not be permitted in significant wetlands. The limits of the wetland complex as identified
by MNR have been overlaid on the Hancock NDP as contained in Attachment 1. The
limits of the wetland has various pockets within the Hancock neighbourhood some cl
which have a significant impact on road and lotting patterns of the approved plan,
especially west and north ofthe limits of 18T-92014. .
REPORT NO.: PSD.112-06.
2.2 Staff has continued to work with the owners of the draft approved plan of subdivision
18T-92014 as they fulfil conditions of draft approval and prepare engineering
submissions. The limits of this subdivision fall outside of the wetland complex identified
by MNR. However, as staff have been reviewing the engineering for the development it
has become evident that a further review of the neighbourhooddesign plan is
appropriate given potential future road and servicing impacts on the wetland.
2.3 In consideration of the revised limits of tlie Black-Farewell Provincially Significantly
Wetland Complex; the request by area residents for a review of the neighbourhood
boundaries; and the recent changes to the Provincial Policy Statement staff believes it.
is appropriate to consider a review of the approved Neighbourhood Design Plan. The
review may lead to partially withdrawing approval of the Neighbourhood Design Plan, to
lands located generally north and west of the limits of 18T-92014. These are lands
. most affected by the limits of the PSW. .
2.4 A review of the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan will allow for servicing and
transportation options to be reviewed and considered in light of the provincially
significant wetland boundaries and the necessary appropriate buffers thereto. The
review of the Neighbourhood Design Plan will not impact the ability of the Owner to
register draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-92014 based on the engineering
submission that is currently being reviewed. .
. 2.5 Review of the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan will have staff and budget
implications as environmental consultant will be required to assist staff in determining
appropriate buffers and uses, and will be considered by the Planning Department in .'
preparing a work plan for the new Council.
3.1 It is recommended that staff report on the options for a review of the Hancock
NeighbourhoodDesign Plan.
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
- Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan
- Request from Residents of Hancock Neighbourhood To Council
List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision:
Headgate Group
1361189 Ontario Limited and Claret Investments Limited
WDM Consultants
George Khouri
Libby Racansky
R. Pearce
G. Kosanewski
Pamela Callus
R. Perron
To Report PSD-112-06
18T -94Il27
sa 2004-003
~ :'=''':.x(PllW) D EXISTlN....._
o ..m....... 11IIIII INflU.AElllllEHIW.
HIG"IA'A _ 0 ..m....... _ ="""
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/ ,.- - _ _ ~ 2 [!] 13.7m~ 1)-.:01 GFEiNSPACE
./ -_ 12m....... __ __ _ _NIlS
( HANCOCK NEIGHBOURHOOD _ .m.........."""'" - _ SCHOOL
I D~NP~ --~---~
Attachment :1
To Report PSD-112-0e
Request from Residents of Hancock Neighbourhood To Couneil
CC~d\/1tij ,
,2~L /. 0 2006
During the I:u>t Town Hall Meeting, Mr. Crome, Mr. Candia an? some Councillors tha ;!Y~IPALl1Y Of CLARlNGTON
present at thiS event agreed that the Draft for the Baucock Ne.gbourhood Plan coul 'll'eplANNING DEPARTMENT
looked at since some original plans cannot be applied anymore. Redefining Ilf this
'Residents of this Neighbourhood decided last year that we will wait to present our request to
Council until the new EIS for Headgate will be completed. But, developer is planning physiati
changes to this neighbourbood that will affect our properties. nerefore we feel that there are far
more important Conditions of the Draft PIan Approval that he should fulfill prior to these
changes. That is why we are requesting Council to now please allow Planning and WORs
Departments to revise this neighbourhood Plan. This neighbourhood Plan should be
aCceptable and fair to all stakebolders. .'
Lands of the residents living in the current 240, out of the total planned 975 units still foniJ. a
majority of this neighboorhood. These lands should be taken into consideration before any
physical changes will be done.
Areas that should be looked at are:
The positioning of roads, location of SWM facility, school, park and commercial site;
provincially significant wedands and streams should be protected, not deleted or drained
since we know that the world is suffering from nnavailability of water resources.
The pIan should form a sustainable development Plan that would rest on four guiding principles:
Environmental stewardship
Economic opportunity
Social conscience and
Fisatl responsibility.
Planning and Works Departments could, with consultation of all landowners and developers,
prepare a Plan that would create a neighbourhood that would be livable, doable, easy to maintain.
The Plan that recogn'izes that successful sustainability in a community must be supported and led
by the community. Modified nrban design with higher-efficiency mechanical and lighting
equipment that would reduce energy consumption and decrease Coo, reduce water consumption,
address light pollution, support passive energy like solar, gray water recycling, etc, could be
planned for.
In partnership with provincial government, Hydro One, etc. we could apply for grant to fund
this improved neighbourhood plan. Not only people who would live, work and play here would
benefit, but also our Municipality as a whole. Subdivisions that are uSing updated housing
techniques are in great demand.
Councillors, as our representatives, should be the driving force and decision-makers of plans
creating sustainable, energy-saving and livable neighbourhoods, not the developers.
I am handing in the petition that we had started last year. I am respectfully requesting Council to
please grant us our request.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Report #: PSD-113-06
File #: ZBA 2006-0027
By-law #:
It is respectfullyrecommended to Council the following: .
1. THAT Report PSDc113-06be received;
2. THAT the application submitted by 1370304 Ontario Limited to remove the
Holding (H) symbol be APPROVED for Part of Lots 7, 12 to 16 and all of Lots 8
to 11 on Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T -98012;
3. THAT the attached by-law to remove the Holding (H) symbol be passed and a
copy forwarded to the Regional MuniCipality of Durham; and
4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of
Council's decision.
Submitted by:
RevieWedbYO~~ .
Davi .' Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu
Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer
October 4, 2006
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVlllE, ONTARIO l1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830
REPORT NO.: PSD-113-06
1.1 Applicant:
1.2 Rezoning:
1.3 Location:
1370304 Ontario Limited (Halminen Homes)
Removal of "Holding (H)" symbol
Part of Lot 33, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington
(Attachment 1)
2.1 On September 28th, 2006, Staff received an application from 1370304 Ontario
Limited for the removal of the "Holding (H)' symbol on lots 8 to 11 and part of lots
7 and 12 to 16, in Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-98012. Lots 7 and 12
to 16 on the draft plan have two zones, the zone boundary for bisects the lots so
that one half of the plan is zoned "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ((H)) R1)
Zone" and the remainder is zoned Urban Residential Exception (R2-4) Zone.
The removal of the holding on lots zoned ((H) R1) will allow the developer to
proceed with building on these lots as well on those lots not affected by the split
zone. An application for rezoning is required to develop the lots with split zones.
3.1 The Plan of Subdivision was draft approved by the Region of Durham on January
8th, 2000. The applicant has entered into a subdivision agreement with the
Municipality. Provisions within the agreement require the developer to ensure
that sufficient financial guarantees are provided to the Municipality for the
wlllpletion of all works on the site.
3.2 A portion of the subject property is presently zoned "Holding-Urba!) Residential
Type ((H) R1) Zone. Policies within the Municipality's Official Plan permit the use
of holding symbols to ensure that prior to development the following matters are
addressed and approved to the satisfaction of the Municipality:
. Services and municipal works;
. Measures to protect natural area;.
. Measures to mitigate the impact of development;
. Submission of technical studies;
. Execution of appropriate agreements; and/or
. Any other requirements as may be deemed necessary by Council
including the implementation of the poiicies of this plan.
Similarly, within the Region's Official Plan, policies are in place noting that prior
to a local Municipality's passage of a by-law to remove a holding symbol, Council
is to ensure that: .
REPORT NO.: PSD-113-06
. The development is consistent with the orderly and phased development
of the Municipality;
. The Owner has satisfied all of the requirements of the Municipality and
entered into any necessary agreements in that regard; and
. The Owner has satisfied all the requirements of the Regional Municipality
of Durham with. respect to the provisions of sewer and water services,
regional roads and entered into any necessary agreements.
The approval of a by-law to remove the holding symbol is appropriate at this
time, as the provisions within the Municipality's and Region's Official Plan have
been satisfied.
3.3 It is noted that pursuant to Section 36 of the Planning Act, a by-law amendment
to remove the "Holding (H)" symbol is not subject to the normal appeal period
afforded to a standard rezoning application and accordingly shall be deemed. final
and binding upon Council's approval.
3.4 The Finance Department has advised that taxes on the site are current.
4.1 In consideration of the comments noted above, approval of the removal of the
"Holding (H)" symbol, as shown on the attached by-law and schedule
(Attachment 2), is recommended.
Attachment 1 - Key Map
Attachment 2 - By-law for Removal of "Holding (H)" symbol
List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision:
1370304 Ontario Limited
D. G Biddle Associates
Attachment 1
To Report PSO-11~
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BY-LAW NO. 2006-
being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for
the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it
advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town
of Newcastle to implement ZBA2006-0027;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington enacts as.follows: .'
1. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by
changing the zone designation from: "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ((H)
R1) Zone" to "Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone".
2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law.
3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to
the provisions of Section 34 and 36.of the Planning Act.
BY-LAWread a firsttime this
day of
BY-LAW read a second time this
day of
BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this
day of
John Mutton, Mayor
Patti L Barrie, Municipal Clerk
nucn..1 II""'"n. .
To ReportPSD-113-OE
This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2006-
passed this day of . 2006 A.D.
0.. t.
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Zoning Change From .(H)R1" To "R1"
Zoning To Remain "R2-4"
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John Mutton. lAG)'or
PatII L. Barrie. Munk:lpal CIortc
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III ..
Monday, October 16, 2006
Report #: PSD-114 -06
File #: ZBA 2006-0028
By-law #:
It is respectfully recommended to Council the following:
1. THAT Report PSD-114-06 be received;
2. THAT the application submitted by Miller Paving Limited to remove the Holding (H) symbol
for Phase 1 be APPROVED and that the attached By-law to remove the Holding (H)
symbol be passed subject to the provisions of Section 24 of the Planning Act and a copy
forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham; and
3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's
"'bmllled by, ~ .
D Id J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P.
Director of Planning Services
. Reviewed by:
Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer
October 11, 2006
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)62~30
REPORT NO.: PSD-114-06
1.1 Owner:
Miller Paving Limited
1.2 ApplicanUAgent:
Tom Jones
1.3 Rezoning:
Removal of "Holding (H)" symbol from "Holding - Agricultural
Exception ((H)A-77) Zone"
1.4 Location:
1848 Baseline Road, being Part Lot 27, Concession 1, former
Township of Darlington, North of the Sl Lawrence- and
Hudson railway and west of the unopened Hancock Road
2.1 On October 3, 2006, the Planning Services Department received a request from Miller
Paving Limited (Miller) for the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol for 1848 Baseline Road.
The lands are zoned to permit a waste management facility for organic material
composting and wood waste processing. . .
3.1 Council recommended approval of applications for amendment to the Durham Regional
Official Plan and adopted Amendment 49 to the Clarington Official Plan in June 2006. The
local official plan amendment was not-exempt therefore Regional Council is the approval
authority on the amendment to the Clarington Official Plan. Council also approved a
zoning by-law amendment on June. 26, 2006 to permit the establishment of an organic
waste composting and wood waste processing facility as proposed by Miller. The
amendment included a holding symbol.
3.2 Council passed the following resolution with respect the removal of the holding symbol:
"That the By-laws to remove the Holding (H) symbols be forwarded to
Council at such time as the applicant has satisfied the provision of Section
23.4.3 of the Official Plan including the execution of a site plan agreement
and the transfer of a woodlot conservation easement in favour of. the
Municipality and that the by-law to remove the (H) symbol for the "future
compost pad" as shown on Attachment 1 to Report PSD-082-06 not be
passed until such time as Council is satisfied that all operation issues,
including noise, odour and dust, have been shown to be satisfactorily
addressed for the first phase and will not be further impacted as a result of
adding the second phase;"
REPORT NO.: PSO-114-06
3.3 The implementation of the conditions of releasing the holding symbol on the zoning
is conditional upon the Clarington Official Plan Amendment 49 coming into force.
For the reasons outlined in paragraph 3.4 this is not anticipated to occur until early
November. With the break for the municipal elections, it would not be possible to
pass the zoning by-law to remove the holding symbol around this time. As a result,
this would create a hardship for Miller and a problem with respect to the composting
contract with the Region of Durham. The critical path for Miller requires the laying
of the asphalt composting pad before winter. As a result, staff is recommending an
alternative process that would protect the interests of the Municipality and enable
. Miller to proceed at the earliest possible date.
3.4 The Region issued the Notice of Decision for the Regional Official Plan
Amendment 117 for the Miller application and the appeal period expired on Oct
12th, 2006. Notice of Decision for the Local Official Plan Amendment will be
issued after the regional amendment is final. There will be a 20 day appeal
period prior to the decision being final and binding for local amendment. Only
once Official Plan Amendment 49 is final and binding can:
. The original rezoning By-law 2006-163 come into force;
. Site plan approval be issued;
. Any by-law to remove the holding symbol related to By-law 2006"163
come into force.
As such, on site works cannot be authorized until site plan approval is given.
Moreover, staff is not in a position to issue site plan approval at this point in time,
since the application was only recently submitted and is currently in circulation
under an expedited process.
3.5 It is anticipated that by the time of the Council meeting, Miller will have executed
an agreement with the Municipality of Clarington. The Agreement to be
authorized by by-law through consideration of Report EGD-50-06 will include the
. a servicing component for all road works along Hancock Road;
. the terms of the woodlot conservation easement and other environmental
mitigation measures to be implemented by Miller;
. the establishment of a community relations committee;
. the royalty payments to be made to the Municipality.
3.6 A site plan agreement between Miller and the Municipality of Clarington is under
preparation _ and it is anticipated to be executed by Miller prior to the Council
meeting with appropriate securities posted. Although it will be executed, the
Agreement will be held in escrow by the Municipality's solicitor and not registered
until Official Plan Amendment 49 and the zoning by-laws are final and binding
and site plan approval has been issued by. the Directors of Planning and
REPORT NO.: PSD-114-06
3.7 Miller has submitted a draft Conservation Easement prepared for the woodlot on
their proposed compost facility. The Easement in favour of the Municipality of
Clarington will be registered on the title of the proposed site. The easement
includes a requirement for a Forest Management Plan to be prepared. This Plan
shall include all the conditions related to management of the woodlot that were
identified by the Environmental Impact Study - e.g. aggressive management of
. the woodlot buffers to protect against invasive species, creation of the wetland
restoration area at the northern edge of the woodlot.
3.8 Provided the agreements are executed by Miller by the time Council considers
the removal of holding application, the conditions for removing the holding will be
secured in principle, if not fully completed.
4.1 In consideration of the comments.noted above, the approval of the removal of the "Holding
(H)" symbol for Phase 1 of the Miller compost facility as shown on the attached by-law
(Attachment 1) is recommended. The by-law makes reference to Section 24 of the
Planning Act, which permits By-laws to be adopted that will be in conformity with the
official plan once the Official Plan amendment comes into effect.
Attachment 1: Zoning By-law Amendment
List of interested parties:
Tom Jones
Miller Paving Limited
being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By~aw for the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems ~ advisable to amend
By-law 84-tl3, as amended, of the Corporation of the fooner Town of NewcasUe to implement application
ZBA 2006-0028; . .
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington enacts as follows:
1. Schedule."1' to By~aw 84-tl3, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone
designation from:
"Holding - Agricu~ural Exception ((H)A-77)"to "Agricultural Exception (A-77)"
/'J; illustrated on the attached Schedule "A" hereto.
2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By~aw.
Attachment 1
To Report PSD-114-06
3. This By~aw shall come into effect on the date of passing subject to the provisions of Sections 24,
34 and 36 of the Planning Ad..
BY-LAW read a first time this
day of
BY-LAW read a secOnd tiinethls
day of
BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this
day of
John Mutton, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
This is Schedule
passed this
2006 A.D.
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~ohn Mutton. Iotoyor
~ Zoning Change From .(H)A.77" To "A.n
~ Zoning To Remain "(H)A-77"
~ Zoning To Remain"EP"
PatU L Barrio, Municipal CIeri<
Monday October 16, 2006
Resolution #:
Report #: EGD-50-06
By-law #:
1. THAT report EGD~50-06 be received;
2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute, on behalf of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, the Servicing Agreement with Miller
Paving Limited for the road and road related works on Hancock Road required as .
a condition of site plan approval for the site development on the west side of
Hancock Road north of Baseline Road;
3. THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-50-06 to confirm its
decision to enter into the Servicing Agreement with Miller Paving Limited; and
4. THAT Miller Paving Limited be notified of Council's decision and that the
Servicing Agreement be forwarded to them for execution once it has been
drafted to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services and the
Municipality's Solicitor.
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282
Respectfully by,
Submitted by: A.S. Cannella
Director of Engineering Services
Reviewed by: Franklin Wu
Chief Administrative Officer
. ASC/LJB/dv
October 6, 2006
1.1 Miller Paving Limited (MPL) is currently finalizing the Site Plan Approval for the
compost site located on the west side of Hancock Road north of Baseline Road.
1.2 As one of the conditions of Site Plan Approval, MPL must construct certain road
and road related works on Hancock Road to facilitate their development. The
works include the construction of Hancock Road from Baseline Road to
approximately 375 m north. Construction will include an asphalt surface, curb
and gutter, ditching, storm sewer, catch basins, manholes and turning circle.
The works will take place on the municipal road allowance plus land owned by
MPL (at the south end for road realignment and the north end for the turning
circle). As.a condition of site plan approval, these parcels will be conveyed to the
municipality. All works will be constructed at 100% cost to MPL.
2.1 Municipal staff and the Municipality's consultant have reviewed the engineering
drawings, and the drawings are currently being finalized. A draft of the Servicing
Agreement to allow MPL to undertake these works on the municipal road
allowance has been prepared by the municipal solicitor and staff and is being
reviewed by MPL.
Staff recommend that the Municipality enter into a Servicing Agreement with
Miller Paving Limited, once the Agreement has been prepared to the satisfaction
of the Director of Engineering Services and the Municipal Solicitor.
Attachment 1 - By-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Servicing
Agreement between the Municipality and Miller Paving Limited for road
and road related works on Hancock Road north of Baseline Road
Attachment 2- Key Map
List of Interested Parties: Miller Paving Limited
BY.u.W NO. 2006-XXX
Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Servicing
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of
.. Clarington and Miller Paving Limited regarding the Miller Waste
site on the west side of Hancock Road.
WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
approved the recommendations of Report EG~, including the .
recommendation that the Corporation of the Municipality of Claringtonenter into
a Servicing Agreement with Miller Paving Limited for the purpose of
implementing the recommendations outlined in Resolution C-34.1-06.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington hereby enacts as follows:
1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Servicing
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and
Miller Paving Limited.
BY-LAW read a first and second time this x:d' day of xx. 2006.
BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this ~ day of xx. 2006.
John Mutton, Mayor
Patti L Barrie, Municipal Clerk
(Miller Waste
Proposed Hancock Road
Reconstruction &
.,; i J\r
II: SITE f~ .,;
.,; 8 I"'" ~ II: W~e
II: :e . 8 ... cv
.!I! '" "C
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J: II:
DATE: October 6, 2006
October 16, 2006
Report #:
By-law #
It is respectfully recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report COO-o57-06 be received;
2. THAT Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Toronto, Ontario be awarded the contract to supply
concession beverages on an "as required" basis for the period of November 1, 2006 to October
31,2011 based on the unn prices submitted. Estimated value of this contract is $312,376;
3. THAT the funds required be drawn from the respective Communny Services operating budgets;
4. THAT all commissions and revenues due to the Municipalny be directed to appropriate
Community Services operating budgets; and
5. THAT the By-law attached to COO.057-06, marked Schedule "A", authorizing the Mayor and
Clerk to execute the agreement be approved.
Submitted by:
J arauna
. ector of Community Services
~ . n n ~~
Reviewed bY:O~-----
Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3AG T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169
Page 2
A request for proposal was publicly advertised and issued w~h bid documents being issued to five firms.
Only one compliant bid was received. This submission was from Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Toronto
Ontario and includes the following for the five (5) year term.
Proposal from Coca-Cola Bottling for the 5 year term
Lump Sum Payment $ 46,000
Fixture allowance $ 19,000
Yearly Payment $ 87,500
Yearly Marketing $ 7,500
Upfront Commission for year 1 $ 25,000
Estimated commission (year 2-5) $127.376
Although the contract term is for five (5) years, any location may be added or deleted at any time, at no
The servicing and maintenance of all equipment will remain the responsibility of the successful bidder.
The term of the contract will commence on November 1, 2006 and to expire on October 31, 2011. Pricing is
firm for the first year of the contract. Upon expiry of the initial contract year, any price increase will not
exceed the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI).
The required funds will be drawn from the Community Services respective years operating budget.
After review and analysis of the bid by both Community Services and Purchasing, ~ is mutually agreed that
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Toronto Ontario be recommended for the contract to provide concession
beverages as required by the Municipality of Clarington.
Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc. can be directed to the Director of
Community Services.
Coca-Cola Bottling Company has provided satisfactory serVice to the Municipality of Clarington during the
previous five (5) year contract.
Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", By-law
Schedule 'A'
BY-LAW 2006-
Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation
of the Municipality of Clarington and Coca-Cola Bottling Company,
Toronto, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Supply of Concession
1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a
contract between, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Toronto, Ontario, and said
Corporation; and
2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule 'A' form part of this By-law.
By-law read a first and second time this day of
By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of
John Mutton, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
October 16, 2006
Report #: COD-058-06
By-law #
TENDER CL2006-37
It is respectfully recommended to Council the following:
1. THAT Report COD-05S-06 be received;
2. THAT Barr's Roofing, Siding, Sheetmetal Ltd., Newcastle, Ontario, with a total bid
amount of $85,000.00 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting
all terms, conditions and specifications of the Request for Tender, be awarded the
contract for the. Bowmanville Animal Shelter and Hampton Community Hall, Flat Roof
3. THAT the total funds required in the amount of $94,190.00 ($85,000.00 tender plus
consulting) be drawn from the following accounts:
i. $24,595.00 be drawn from the Animal Services Building I Roof Replacement
Account #110-36-370-83605-7401 ;
i. $29,595.00 be drawn from the Hampton Community Hall I Roof Replacement
Account #110-36-370-83627-7401 ;
ii. $30,000.00 be drawn from the Building Services - Renovation I Construction
Account #100-36-370-10115-7501; and
iii. $10,000.00 be drawn from the Building Services - Repairs I Maintenance
Equipment Account #100-36-370-10115-7173.
4. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "An authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to
execute the necessary. agreement be approved.
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330
Franklin Wu,
Chief Administrative Officer
.I!.~ ~r
Fred Horvath, ROMR, RRFA,
Director of Operations
Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the
Bowmanville Animal Shelter I Hampton Community Hall, Flat Roof Replacement, as
required by the Operations Department.
Tenders were advertised in local papers, as well as electronically. Subsequently,
tenders were received and tabulated as follows:
Barr's Roofing No Bid $85,000.00
Newcastle, Onto
ICI Roofing Ltd. $98,800.00 $89,300.00
Peterborough, Ont.
Applewood Roofing $99,200.00 No Bid
Toronto, Ont.
Nortex Roofing Ltd. $127,900.00 $125,600.00
Toronto, Ont.
Crawford Roofing $138,000.00 No Bid
Trio Roofing Systems $143,200.00 $249,200.00
Etobicoke, Ont.
The total project cost, including consulting is $94,190.00, exceeds the total budget
allocation of $54,190.00. Therefore, it is recommended the required funds be drawn as
i. $24,595.00 be drawn from the Animal Services Building I Roof Replacement
Account #110-36-370-83605-7401 ;
iv. $29,595.00 be drawn from the Hampton Community Hall I Roof Replacement
Account #110-36-370-83627-7401;
v. $30,000.00 be drawn from the Building Services - Renovation I Construction
Account #100-36-370-10115-7501; and
vi. $10,000.00 be drawn from the Building Services - Repairs I Maintenance
Equipment Account #100-36-370-10115-7173.
REPORT NO.: COO-<l58-<l6
The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the
recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc.,
should be referred to the Director of Operations.
After further review and analysis of the tenders by Operations and Purchasing, it was
mutually agreed that Barr's Roofing, Siding, Sheetmetal Ltd., Newcastle, Ontario, be
recommended for the contract for the Bowmanville Animal Shelter I Hampton
Community Hall, Flat Roof Replacement.
The subject firm. has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of
Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", By-law
Schedule "A"
.BY-LAW 2006-
. Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Barr's
Roofing, Siding, Sheetmetal Ltd., Newcastle, Ontario, to enter
into agreement for the Bowmanville Animal Shelter I Hampton
Community Hall, Rat Roof Replacement.
1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a
contract between, Barr's Roofing, Siding, Sheetmetal Ltd., of Newcastle, Ontario,
and said Corporation; and
2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule. A. form part of this By-law.
By-law read a first and second time this day of
By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of
, 2006~
John Mutton, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk
October 16, 2006
2006-195 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of
Newcastle (Ridge Pine Park Inc.) (Approved by Council May 29,
2006-196 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of
Newcastle (CCCC Glen Abbey Limited) (Item 5 of Report #1)
2006-197 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of
Newcastle (Foster Creek Developments, 2083302 Ontario Limited
and Robert J. Stephenson) (Item 6 of Report #1)
2006-198 Being a by-law to authorize entering into an agreement with the
Owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T -89044 any Mortgagee who has
an interest in the said Lands, and the Corporation of the
Municipality of Clarington in respect of 18T -89044 (Headgate
Developments Inc.) (Item 8 of Report #1)
2006-199 Being a by-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of
Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington
(Item 9 of Report #1)
2006-200 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2005-145, a By-law respecting the
appointment of a Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors,
Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety Inspectors (Item 10 of Report
2006-201 Being a by-law to authorize an extension of the Term of the
Contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
and the Corporation of the City of Pickering for a further six month
period to June 30, 2007 (Item 15 of Report #1)
2006-202 Being a by-law to Repeal By-law 2001-141, a By-law to maintain a
safe and secure work environment at the Municipal Administrative
Centre and the Orono Works Yard (Item 18 of Report #1)
2006-203 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of
Newcastle (1370304 Ontario Limited) (Report #3)
2006-204 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive
Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
(Miller Paving Limited) (Report #4)
2006-205 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Coca-Cola Bottling company,
Toronto, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Supply of
Concession Beverages (Report #6)
2006-206 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of
the Municipality of Clarington and Barr's Roofing, Siding,
Sheetmetal Ltd., Newcastle, Ontario, to enter into agreement for
the Bowmanville Animal Shelter/Hampton Community Hall, Flat
Roof Replacement (Report #7)
2006-207 Being a By-law to designate the Beech Avenue block as a heritage
conservation district, and to repeal By-law 2006-176 (Approved by
Council May 15, 2006)
2006-208 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Servicing
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of.
Clarington, Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. and 220 Real
Estate Limited Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220
Immobiliere (RONA) for the purpose of constructing road and road
related improvements on Baseline Road east ofWaverley Road
(Addendum to Report EGD-37-06..,.. Unfinished Business)
TO: Mayor Mutton and Members of Council
FROM: Patti L.'Barrie, Municipal Clerk
DATE: October 11, 2006
Durham Region Transit has advertised for volunteers to form a Transit Advisory
Committee and each municipality is asked to endorse a member to the Committee. A
copy of the advertisement is attached for information;
In response to the ad, we have received an application from Arthur Jennings.
Mr. Jennings' resume has been circulated to Members of Council under separate
cover. It would be appropriate to endorse our member to the Transit Advisory
Committee at the October 16, 2006 Council meeting.
Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T.
Municipal Clerk
cc: Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer
Department Heads
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506
Durham Region Transit (DRT) Commission is seeking
members of the community to form a Transit Advisory
Committee (TAG, a proactive group to advise the
DRT Commission in regard to public transit issues.
Scope of Activities:
. policies and procedures on the operation of
conventional, community bus and specialized transit
services in urban and rural environments
. Provincial and Federal legislation, policies and
guidelines related to the public transit industry
. transit service plans, route infrastructure,on-street
amenities, transit marketing and communication
. public awareness initiatives for the education
of residents regarding the benefits of public transit
. a forum for transit stakeholders to identify issues
affecting the delivery of transit services
. Members representing transit stakeholder groups
who use DRT services and/or participate in
community groups that access public transit service
in Durham Region
. Eight public transit users, nominated for appointment
by each of eight municipalities
. Members must be residents ofthe Regional
Municipality of Durham.
Membership will be a 4-year term corresponding with
the term of Regional Council preceded by an
abbreviated orientation period.
Application must be received by October 11,2006.
For complete details and terms of reference visit
To serve on lhe committee representing the
Municipality of Claringlon
please send your resume and letter of
interest to:
Municipality of Clarington, Clerk
40Temperance Street, Bowmanville ON L 1C 3A6
Date: Monday October 16, 2006
Report #: Addendum #1 to EGD-37-06 File #:
Resolution #:
By-law #:
1. THAT Addendum #1 to EGD-37 -06 be received;
2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute, on behalf of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, the Servicing Agreement with
Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. (The Torgan Group) and 220 Real Estate
Limited Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220 Immobiliere (RONA) for the
road and road related works on Baseline Road required as a condition of site
plan approval for the site development on the south side of Baseline Rd east of
Waverley Road;
3. THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Addendum #1 to Report
EGD-37-06 to confirm its decision to enter into the Servicing Agreement with
Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. and 220 Real Estate Limited
Partnership/SocieteEn Commandite 220 Immobiliere (RONA); and
4. THAT Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. and 220 Real Estate Limited
Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220 Immobiliere (RONA) be notified of
Council's decision and that the Servicing Agreement be forwarded to them for
execution once it has been drafted to the satisfaction of the Director of
Engineering Services and the Municipality's Solicitor.
40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282
Respectfully by,
Submitted by: A. S. Cannella
Director of Engineering Services
October 12, 2006
Reviewed by: Franklin Wu
Chief Administrative Officer
1.1 Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. (BCDI) (the Torgan Group) is currently
finalizing the Site Plan Approval for the site located on the south side of Baseline
Road east of Waverley Road.
1.2 As one of the conditions of Site Plan Approval, BCDI must construct certain road
and road related works on Baseline Road to facilitate their development. The
works include the widening of Baseline Road to three lanes from Waverley Road
to Spry Ave. (then tapering to two lanes at the Bowmanville Creek Bridge), utility
relocation, curb and gutter work, storm sewer connections, sidewalks, entrances,
line painting and new traffic signals at Spry Ave. all within the Baseline Road
road allowance. All works will be constructed at 100% cost to the Developer.
1.3 RONA has advised the Director of Engineering Services that it wishes to be a
party to the Servicing Agreement which is in the interest of the Municipality.
Accordingly, it is recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter
into a Servicing Agreement as outlined in Report EGD-37-06 with Bowmanville
Creek Developments Limited and the Laurentian Bank of Canada and 220 Real
Estate Limited Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220 Immobiliere (RONA).
Staff recommend that the Municipality enter into a Servicing Agreement with
Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. and 220 Real Estate Limited
Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220 Immobiliere (RONA), once the
Agreement has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering
Services and the Municipal Solicitor.
Attachment 1 - By-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Servicing
Agreement between the Municipality and Bowmanville Creek
Developments Inc. (The Torgan Group) and 220 Real Estate Limited
Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220 Immobiliere (RONA) for road
and road related works on Baseline Road east of Waverley Road
List of Interested Parties: Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc.
220 Real Estate Limited Partnership/Societe En
Commandite 220 Immobiliere (RONA)
BY-LAW NO. 2006-xxX
Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Servicing
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington and Bowmanville Creek Developments Ine. and 220
Real Estate Limited PartnershiplSociete En Commandite 220 '
Immobiliere (RONA) for the purpose of constructing road and
, road related improvements on Baseline Road east of Waverley
WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has
approved the recommendations of Addendum #1 to Report EGD-37 -06, including
the recommendation that the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enter
into a Servicing Agreement with Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. and 220
Real Estate Limned Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220 Immobiliere
(RONA) for the purpose of constructing traffic signals, road improvements and
related services. .
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Clarington hereby enacts as follows: '
1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Servicing
Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and
Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. and 220 Real Estate Limned
Partnership/Societe En Commandite 220 Immobiliere(RONA).
BY-LAW read a first and second time this 1et" day of October, 2006.
BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 16'" day of October, 2006.
John Mutton, Mayor
Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk