HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/1962The meeting of Bowma.nville Town Council, held on Monday, - January 15th/62, convened at 7:30 p.m. with His Worship Mayor Hobbs in Chair. All members present. la ADOPTION OF MINUTES. Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:- That the minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday) January 2nd, 1962, be received and adopted. carried. 2. COMMUNICATIONS 1. A letter was received from Mr. R; Lovekin respecting the Wilfred Simpson claim against the Town of Bowmanville for damage caused by water backing up into his basement at $7 Ontario Street. Moved by Reeve Little and Con: Nichols: That the letter from E. Richard Lovekin respecting the W. Simpson matter be referred to the ToV,m Solicitor and to our Insurers for their consideration and advise, and that Mr. Lovekin be advised of Council's action. carried. 2. A request was received from the Bowmanville Planning Board for permission to use office space in the Library Building as a permanent meeting place. Moved by Con. Brough and Hughes; That the request of the Bowmanville Planning Board con- tained in their letter of January 12/62, pertaining to penman- ..-. ent office space be granted, provided such an arrangement will terminate should a tenant be obtained for this space. carried. 3. A letter was r respecting the this location. Moved by Reeve That the be referred to aceived from Hester Boe, ll7 Liberty St:, North, poor condition of a tree o~ Town property at Little and Con. Oke: letter received from Hester Boy dated January $, the Roads & Streets Committee with power to act. carried® ~.. A letter from the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce extended an invitation to Council to be their guests for dinner. Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke: That we accept the invitation submitted by the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce, and suggest that Wednesday, January 21~th, would be most suitable for Council members. carried. _ 2 5. A letter was received from the Department of National Defence requesting permission to install a national warning siren on the roof of the Town Hall. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That permission be granted the Department of National Defence to install a national warning siren on the roof of the Town Hall, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement in this respect: carried, 6. A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal Board ad® vising that they require the preparation and filing of a forecast with respect to capital undertakings for the years 1962 to 1966. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Fice: That the letter from the Ontario Municipal Board dated January 3rd/62, be referred to the Finance Committee. carried. 7. A letter from the School Crossing Guards requested Councilrs consideration for an increase in salary for 1962. Moved by Con. Hooper and Reeve Little: That the re uest received from the School Crossing Guards dated January 4th/62, be referred to the Finance Committee, carried. $, A letter from University of by the studen~ official plan and requested in attendance the Division of Town and Regional Planning, Toronto, advised that the exercise undertaken is of this school, namely the preparation of an for the Town of Bowmanville, was now complete ~ a meeting of Council with interested citizens at which time they would present their plane Moved by Reeve Little and Con.Oke: That the letter received from the Uni~rersity of Toronto dated January 11th/62, be received and we set Friday, March 2nd/62, as a date for the students to present their proposed official plan. carried. 9. A letter was received from Mr. J.C.Coyle, President, Bowmanville Ratepayers Association, requesting: 1. Permission to use the Council Chambers for Ratepayers meetings. 2. That Council consider Ratepayers representation on the Comm- ittee of Adjustment and the Industrial Committee. Moved by Con. Brough and Hooper: That we grant the Bowmanville Ratepayers Association per- mission to use the Council Chambers for their meetings provid- ed it is not in use: carried. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Fice: That we extend our appreciation to the Bowmanville Rate- payers Association for their interest in appointments to the various committees of Council, and advise that their suggestion will be considered by Council when future appointments to Boards or Commission are required. carried. - 3 - 10. An expression of appreciation was received from Mrs. W.J®Cann for the flowers sent by Council on the occasion of their diamond wedding anniversary. Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That this expression of appreciation from Mrs. Cann dated January $th/62, be received and filed. carried. 11. Canadian Red Cross Society. "March the Red Cross month .is fast approaching and once again the local Red Cross Branch requests your co-operation, Qur campaign would be greatly assisted if the Bowmanville Town Council could see fit to grant the following requests: 1t~e ask your permission to conduct a Blitz for funds on the evening of Monday, March 26th, from 7 - $ p.m:° We respectfully request that the Week of March 20th, to 26th: (inclusive) be officially proclaimed Red Cross Week in Bowman~- ville, and that our flag be flown during that time. We request the use of the Council Chambers as a campaign Headquarters on the evening of Monday, March 2bth® from 7°~Q 1~.; On behalf of the Bowmanville & District Branch Canadian Red Gross Society I extend my thanks to the Bowmanville Council for their co-operation in this and past rr~atters." Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice: That the requests contained in the letter from the Red Cross Society be granted. carriede 3e REPORTS 1® Piov®d by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Reeve Little: That the report of the i'olice Department for the month ending December 31st, 1961, be received and filedm carried.. 2. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Nichols: That the report of the Do.g Control Officer for the month of December, 1961, be received and adopted. carried. 4. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE. 1. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That the report of the Striking Committee dated January 15th, 1962, be received and adopted and that the Clerk be in- strutted to present a by-law to confirm the necessary appoint- ments, under By-Laws on the agenda of this meeting. carried. 2.`~ Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: "Appendix "A" That the report of the %ublic I~roperty Committee Chairman, for the year 1961 be received and adopted. carried. 3. Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: "Appendix "B" That the report of the Arena Commission Chairman for the year 1961, be received and adopted. carried. - ~ - 5. BY-LxVdS . Moved by Con. Hughes and Hooper: That leave be granted to bring in a By-Law to provide for the appointment of certain representatives of the Town of Bowmanville on various Boards and Commissions. carried. Moved by Con. Brough and Oke: That the By-Law be read a first time, referred to Council in Committee of the ~dhole and read a second time. Mayor in the Chair. carried. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Stevens: That we rise and report successful second reading of the By-Law in Council in Committee of the T~lholeo Carried. Moved by Con. Fice and Hooper: That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the By-Law be received and adopted, the same be now read a third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed and numbered as follows: 'tA by-law to provide for the appointment of certain representatives of ,the Town of Bowmanville on various Boards and comrnissions44.` .................. By-Law No. 1$32. 6. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS. 1. Sub-Division Nothing further reported in this regar'dd 2. x~reement with Dr: Hendry. The agreement to provide services for an extension of Frank Street will be signed and presented at the next regular meeting of Council. 3. Dance Halls in Restaurants. It was reported that the owner of a local restaurant had indicated the desire to establish a dance hall in conjunct- ion with the restaurant. Council's representative to the Planning Board advised that the local planners did not en- dorse this and as a result wished local legislation to control dance halls of this nature. kscordingly it was: Moved by Con. Brough and Reeve Little: That the TownYs Solicitor be requested to prepare a by-law or an amendment to our existing by-laws to control dance halls in restaurants. carried. ~.. rresentation to Ex-Mayor. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Brough: That a set of book-ends be purchased for presentation to Ex-Mayor Carruthers. carried. - 5 - 5. Snow removal - sidewalk. Moved by Dep-Reeve Stevens and Con. Oke: That an advertisement be inserted in the local press outlining the property owners responsibility insofar as snow removal from sidewalks is concerned in accordance with the Town4s By-Law. carried. 6. Industrial Agreement. It was suggested that the Solicitor be invited to the Board of Works meeting to enlighten the new Council members in respect to the planned Industrial Area. 7. Ontario - Albert Street ditch. The hazardour condition of the ditch at this location was re- ferred to the Roads & Streets Committee for their consider- ation. $. Front End Loader. The Works Superintendent reported that the front end loader required transmission repair. accordingly it was: Moved by Con. Brough and Hooper: That the matter of repair to the Front End Loader be referred to the Roads and Streets Committee with power to act. carried. 9. Council Trocedure. Moved by Con. Oke and ~7ep-Reeve Stevens: That Frior to commencement of Council Meetings, the Lo-rd's irayer is to be said in unison by all present in the Council Chambers. carried. The meeting adjourned at x:50 p.m, on motion of Reeve Little and Councillor Oke. Mayor. ® .. ....................e............ Clerk. Appendix t~A,r TOWN PROPERTY REi'ORT FOR 1861 Budget> ~g~$00.00 Expenses: g, 500.00 300..00 The above figures are subject to final audit and may omit minor bills which have not been received.. During 1g61 certain projects were carried out: 1. The Z~lorks Dffice was removed from the Library Build- ing to the Town Hall. This has proven satisfactory. __ 2. The Library Building was painted outside. 3. Major repairs were made to the Library furnaces. 1a.. A class No. 3 money chest was purchased for the Town Office. 5. The mire Hall was painted, The painting was carried out by the firemen who did a first rate job. I wish to thank the other rn.embers of the Property Comm- ittee, Reeve Little and Council Nicks for their fir~co- operation and assistance. Valuable help was also given to this Committee by Tom Stewart; Superintendent of Works and by Mel Moore, Building Inspector, both of whom I sincerely thank. Glenholme Hughes, Chairman., Public r'roperty Committee.. 1g61® Appendix 4sBrt. ARENA REPORT FOR 1961.. RINK OPERATION Expenses:. 30,625.69 Revenue: 26,340.61 LOSS: 4,2$5..0$ CANTEEN OPERATION Revenue: 6,460.32 Inventory: 245._91 6, 706.23 Expenses:. 4,233.24 _ Profit : , ~. StTMNIARY OFERATITvG STATEi~~IEIVTS 1961 Total Revenue: 33,046.$4 Total Expenses: 34,$5$.93 LOSS 1,.$12.09 1960 Total Revenue: 30, 966.'70 Total Expenses: 2$,373.99 PROFIT 2,592.71 1960-61 Combined Profit; 7$0.,62 The operating loss for 1961 is explained by the following improve- ments made to the Arena and charged to operating revenue; 1. New oil furnace installed. 2. New t~.ilet for No. 2 Dressing Room. 3. Shower made available to No. 2 Room. 4. Old matting replaced up and downstairs and on stairs. 5. New urinals in men's washroom. 6. New cement floor in men's washroom. 7p New cement floor in playerst Boxes. ', $. Jacket heater replaced by electricity for heating shower water. 9. New backstop screening installed at both ends of the rink. 10. Lunchroom and all dressing rooms, cement floors, and rink boards were painted. 11. New brine pump motor was purchased and in- stalled on new concrete base. 12. Rain water drain transferred from sanitary to storm sewer to comply with town by-law. 13. Extra wiring circuits were installed for safety. Besides the above work which was paid for out of operating revenue, repairs were made to the arena north wall, mostly below ground, and the outside helicore drain pipe was Lowered at a total cost of 946.06> ^lhis amount was charged to capital. I would like to compliment all members of the Management Committee and the Secretary-Treasurer, C. S. Oke, for their full co-operation and hard work. I also compliment Arena Manager Roy Nead.s on manag- ing the Arena so well Glenholme Hughes, Chairman, Arena Management Committee, 1960 - 61,