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HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/1965 i&r~ ~ ::r~ <<-7/f'i,F a~~~-i~~~' ~f~r/-'\ ~~!I/~/~, ~ ~-~~~, ~/ /~.~ .t7~... ~ ~ w~~ '/J1~..--4~' /~ ~; _"__~ -LJ i~::;~':::;K::::;' I ' i~l ~.~~,.,_7;'. 1~~ ~ i~~~ ck~p e/L/A-r~~'~' 1?n'~4~.tJ~~-c_..~.~ ~ ~ .... i~~~ A',,,,,--~""--' I...c~ ~..~. ,,-L 4?-y_ ~ 6'f1~.. /~ I~~/~ $,.. ...x:/.. _ ~ ~.L_ '-. ,v ~...e.... I 17=1- ,~ ~.~ ~; I \'>;y, II tP~ ~ ~~.~ l~----~~~' l'-Jif~ ~ ,.? "', . vJ~r:>u. I '/- ei.-.e;~~' 1.c1Jr> 7~-' ~.Pt4 cJ;'u. K. ~~ . : /~.A::~I- '-""ct a.-~ .M ?n1--~"'y ! ~~ I.r~.~ l' P-^A. ..-:-~~~ I "C~. V<- ~ ;;C~...~(p.u,~.. I ~.~ A<k ~ ~ 1'.4<I<J~. I lJuA. d! uJ~ ~ --:-- ~ ~ ,lz,. l~r,lee,- , [ 1.""Jt - .~~ ~.~ ~T'~ 1~~~~~--'1/ ~o::~ .~ e..J'- 7 r- A-.(- .&-7- ,R' . ..... . .;:t4 ~ ~/...;:ci4~i.~'-:z;:;:. t ~ 'm~.A. ~. df,.~,- -' ~ .' .,{2-,,-<,L----4?7 . ..~c ' ~. ~ ~~~ ~Jl ~- ?>V'/../ ./ 1<' .e...-P~-. ~ Q.A~ ~m~.~ .L: "L' . .~.~ --7 .---e::...-<-. ~ ~,:t::4 ~ ./~ -Z/~.-,<- 1~~~;I~~ . ~ ~ I~'~ .~ ~3~'?.s-1'.Jh<Jo ~ # -3 &:>:;,-: ~ t7,.t?.o '~ .,. 3 .3, ~__9-r,o 0, ?:/--.. ~ ~; ":-C ....~. ~ ~ of /. (!).:L r,#''f ,..';.,...,- /?fi, r~. /I(~! ?l1~.If _~. ,-, tJ~ ~ -4 .4---. ~t/'~ ~~. ~_ -A- ~e---..,~ .~ ~&-;,.tfC ..tIt-- &<<..4 ~ .<.,r.. .."7t-~~~J2.,..__~ A.-P'"~..., ~ ~Pd.d.:...,' ,.,.c~~....~,-;- ~ /&'lA/).~.... #' . I :''''/1 /~ L/_ ./ -', vJ~ <2A.,. -r /. d -e~ ~'. I a(~- ~ ~~ .' - '- - / I.~ ~~ ,p.,e. -<- 77~.A- I ... /?~ l~ .--::t;;.. ~ ~ ~. ~ tff, ~",,-<~ /YL....-L I~~~-~J?~~-Pf ~ i~~7' (tV--r1/~)-/~~ J/~. , i'..~~~'~' ~/~( l.~~~~- I l.i?>t ~ ...if ~, a ~ ~__--#-#--t. .~ ....e..........~_ I I~ ~.~~ ~ 7M. 4, rt: :hrr"'-"'- \~ ~/-f-~r- r ~-o~A~ .......~.. .~. /" M1.A-':;;...L t ' I I .-e. 1'hl~-zJ2 7 ~I tJ~ ~~e....1 ~~. l~ 4~ ~~ ~ fivJ, .!f-:q tJ~ 1-I,71,() 1~~--rA.-.~~ .'G~ , .,;,:,-,,",', - ','"' "," -" ".,-, , <~: ", ',:"':;",' : ',:-,.:; " '~\. . ~ "',YV" '. '4' ~:::ij<,:: WHEREAS the Durh<\lO County District High School Board in,t~" const.ruet a vocational addition to the Coul:tice High Sella.ol, to furni..h ,md equip the same, and the estimated normal costs to said Board :tn all is in the sum of $398,594.00. I i '-"',', .' "'" r"'; ,NjD WBEffi,AS the Durham County District High SChool Board has applied to the Municipal Councils having jurisdiction in the said 'District fox: the issue of debentures in the amount estimated to be $365,000.00, to provide fa:c the major portion of the cost of constrtu;:t- ion of the Baid vocational addition to the High School, and . the furnishing and equipphlg thereof, the interest thereon and the>> cOlmected therewith. BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle being a municipality included in the said, ui..trict, hereby approves the said application and agrees to assume its proper proportion of the amounts required to pay the said debentures, t.he interest thereon and the expenses connected therewith,. as prescribed by The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act. BE :rf ji'UR'fHER RESOLVED that the Council of the' Corporation of the Village of Newcastle hereby requests the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham to . raise the sum estimated to be $365,000.00, required for the purposes aforesaid by the issue of debentures of the Corporation of the united * Counties of Northumberland and Durham. P " , AND the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle . hereby recognizes that the said Board will be required to raise out 07.. current funds in accordance with Section 34 of The Secondary Schoo~s and Boards of Education Act an amount equivalent to the difference l:\etween the amount to be riased. by debentures ;l.B aforesaid and the est:.i.mat.ednormal oost to the said Board of $398,594.00. Passed this ((!!... day of 1#'84' u A IL i 1965. _'''_N,' ",.", of I hereby certify that the above is a true copy the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle 1965. ; '''''-- '-,,"', ~7~ ...,~ ~ I /7' ' - r " ~c ,'- - j' ."" Clerk- '. ',' -rI?C...(....fl"t'~ . .., ',' ~, ' of a resolution' _ " '.';, .. ."...- , >{--' ,-:",:;t;,:,_ ',<,-F'__' c,_-:>""- ,";:"', /J'.CE.'o '..... ~ - t~: I C er -I '--.' --<'. -- .'" '~ ""'-"':~' r ~#'A-JrJ~' , It -4:JfrrIC~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -. '. ~t:iZ,... _ R<,.'--V ....::z:;Le ~~~~.~0 ,n...L /I<i~ .~. ~~. k~... ....""...J < ~....-Y7)..'-7 ,~"----.,~ '~r. ~ ~ i.~....q'p.A-- /--: t ~ .. --bt .~ 'J..~ . -~" . -L. ...~. .. . :~ I .. .... ..-c~~~~ .. I~'~f ...-, I m~ 121 ~.0/~~ .-Ly..~ tfSt,'-#l~~ ./t/-J /~ .A'--c.- ~-?'-'VvO~ ~l!rJf~~)Yd'~4 :)~J j;'/~' /" " .," ...-.. " ._....J......,~._.".....,,__ .--,.,< ) 'c.:~p-'..,_.}.. ; < l< " /_t::.. '- .;,i.,,--"- ... ,f, j C',. 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