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HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/04/1973
Tuesday December 4, 1973, 10:00 A.M.
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillor - R. Chater
C. Reid
G. Heykoop
Clerk - H. R. Best
Moved by R. Chater, seconded by G. Heykoop that the minutes
of the regular meeting of Nov. 20, 1973 be adopted as printed
and circulated. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that this meeting
go into committee of the whole Council to receive and hear all
delegations. Carried.
I'.l'E!1 ( 1 )
Durham Central A,<;ricul tural Society
Messrs Carlos Ta'llblyn, Carl Billings and George
Carson, directors of the aforenoted Society
appeared before Council and spoke to the matter
of the recent purchase by the Society from the
Township of Clarke certain parts of those lands
describ~d, in R.D. plan 10 R 280 registered
on the 4 day of Dec. 1973.
In suro~ary Mr. Tamblyn reouested Council to forgive
the final payment of $2,000.00 still owing to the
IID! (2)
Orono Tennis Club
Mr. Maarten Mantel, on behalf of the Orono Tennis
Club, presented a .Titten submission containing
the fol101dng requests -
(1) The Orono Tennis Club requests the Council of
the T~~ship of Clarke issue them with a 20
year lease, with an option to renew, for the
future use of the land upon tfhich t,ro tennis
courts presently exist in the Orono Park. The
use of this land would be restricted to the
continuation and further development of tennis
within the Township of Clar}ce.
(2) The Orono Tennis Club requests that the COU11Cil
of the Township of Clarke:
(a) Provide a grant for the construction of a
perimeter fence, to the specifications of
the Orono Tennis Club, for the existing two
tennis courts in the Orono Park. Estimated
cost -- ~3,OOO.OO
or (b) Issue a loan to cover the cost of the above
fence to be repaid at a minimun rate of
$300.00 per ann~'ll.
{_\ -n_~_____.::l ....... +\.-,.... ~..................,-f.....,... "Pe."""{1"'I"'':I1 r,.n,'Y'\,
Pfl€e 2
Regular Meeting of Council.
December 4, 1973
ITEM (3) Pine Ridge School & Cold Springs Camp
~trs. B.A. Field, Assistant Superintendent, Pine
Ridge School, presented a written submission requesting
Council to improve the Clarke-Hope boundary line,
north 2' miles from County Road No. 9 to Cold Springs
ITEH 0+) Durham County Senior Citizens Lodi;e
Mr. Robert G. Moffat on behalf of the Senior Citizens
Lodge presented a cheque in the amount of $6,485.00
for payment in full in respect of land purchased from
the Township of Clarke and more particularly described
as part 1 of R.D. Plan 10R238 registered on the 12 day
of Oct. 1973.
ITEM (5) Pine Rid/;S Retirement Home Park
Messrs. E.R. Lovekin, WID. Rains and. Max Rice requested
information pertaining to the present status of their
proposed mobile Retirement Home Park.
Moved by R. Chater, seconded by G. Heykoop that this
committee rise ~~d. sit in Council. Carried.
ITEM (l)(a) Durham Central A/;ricultural Societe'
Resolution No. 210
Moved b;r K. Enhdsle, seconded by Charles A. Reid
1"HEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
are the nresent owners of certain lands in the
Village of Orono described in Plan 10 R 280 registered
at BO;1T!lanviJJe, Ontario on the hth day of December,
1973 and commonly referred to as the former Township
Road Denartmental Yard:
Mill 1:lHERSAS the Corpora.tion have agreed to sell this
proer't.y to the Durham Central Agricultural Society
as ?..D addition to those lands commonly referred to
as the Orono Fair Grounds and the purchase price has
been paid with the exception of T;,o Thousand Dollars
()2,000.OO) and the sale has not been closed because
of title ani! survey ."roblems but it is now possible to
close the transaction as a Plan has been registered;
AIm 1~AS it is the desire of the Corporation to
retain a narcel of land 100 feet by 150 feet for
potential use a.s a fireha.ll site;
fu_T 1~AS certain other lands are to be conveyed
to ablltting o~~ers;
1. That parts 1,2,3,lj and 6 together with an easement
over part 8 be conveyed to the Durhalll Central
Agricultural Society in consideration of the sum
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council
December 4, 1973.
3. That Part 7 be conveyed to the abutting owner for
One Dollar ($1. 00) and if not wanted by him to be
conveJ'ed to the Durham Central Agrioultural '}ociety
for the same consideration;
4. That Mr. Lovekin implement the above and prepare a
by-law for the next regular meeting of Council.
ITEM (2)(a) Orono Tennis Club
At the request of Reeve 1'loodyard this matter was
tabled pending receipt of a report from the Orono
Memorial Park Board.
I~1 (3)(a) Pine Ridge School & Cold Snringe Camp
Council suggested to Mrs. Fields that she first
submi t her request to the Ministr;'J of Co=ectional
Services for their approval.
1. Letter from McGibbon, Bastedo and Armstrong re: Mr. Micklash
constructing a building ,nthout a permit. Refe=ed to New
2. Letter from \'!.J. Kelly, Kelljair Consultants Limited requesting
Council's intentions and plans for Subdivision Proposal, Lots
19 and 20, Cone. 2. Refe=ed to Clerk to answer.
3. Copy of a letter from Sandler, Gordon & Gleiberman re:
Clarke Fish and Conservation Club - O.M.B. hearing.
4. Carbon copy of a letter from Committee of Adjustment to
Sandler, Gordon & Gleiberman re: Clarke Fish & Conservation Club.
5. Letter from Barber and Kelly to Planning Board re: Clarke Fish
and Conservation Club, along with attached copies of letters
from Sandler, Gordon and Gleiberman.
6. Carbon copy of a letter from K. C. Andrews, Ontario Municipal
Board to Sandler. Gordon & Gleiberman re: date of hearing.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that with
resnect to Items 3,4,5, and 6, 11unicipal Planning Consultants
- -
I,td. be re~uested to pre-pare the draft of an appropriate
amending by-law whereby the Clarke Fish and Conservation Club would
be permitted to construct one club house and five chalets. Carried.
7. Letter from Ronald Hurst re: the condition of Mr. J. Sutherland's
propert;j'. Filed.Copy to E.R. Lovekin.
8. Letter from Pete~ Z. Magda, Barrister, re: Mr. J. Sutherland's
property. Filed.Copy to F.R. Lovekin.
9. Letter from W.K. Lycett re: Sadie Ha~ilton, Part of Lot 31,
Cone. 7 - application to rezone from agricultural to residential.
'n_P___..::I..&-.... n'..............;...."""n..............ri
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council
December 4, 1973.
12. Letter from K. ;~rsley, ~linistI"J of Transportation and Communications
re: design of Controlled Access Highway 407. Referred to Clerk to
answer and send a copy of draft plan map.
13. Letter from K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, Cobourg, Onto re: Clarke
Township's share of the interim grant under the Property Tax
Stabilization Act; such amount being $7,124.62. Filed.
14. Notice of Appointment for Hearing from the O.M.B. re an appeal
by Bethany S~~d and Gravel Limited. Referred to new Council.
15. Letter from Art Kirk, The Society of Industrial Accountants of
Ontario re: dinner meetinri on ThllrS day , Dec. 6, 1973. Filed.
16. Letter from M.D. Trewin, MinistI"J of Treasury, Economics and
Intergovernmental Affairs re: 1973 Farm Tax Reduction Program.
17. Letter from Derek Little, Municipal Planning Consultants re:
Proposed Official Plan for Clarke Twp. Filed.
18. Letter from R.M. Gotts, P. Eng., MinistI"J of the Environment
re: Training Program for Site (}perators in the Peterborough area,
along "ith attached application form & program. Referred to ne"
Council and copy to Hale.
19. Letter from ~lm. F.H. McAdams, Central Ontario Joint Planning
Board re: Official Plans and Zoning By-la."S. Clerk to order
30 copies of Official Plans.
20. Letter from B.J. McCaffery, Sec. Treas., Ontario Good Roads
Association re: 80th Anniversary Convention, Feb. 25, 26, 27,
1974. Referrsd to new Council.
21. Letter from Paul Cook, Economist, 11lnistr;r of Treasury
Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs along with questionnaires
concerning Sa.'1.d & Gravel a.~d Stone, to be completed.. Referred
to Road Superintendent.
22. Letter from Claude F. Be~~ett, MinistI"J of IndustI"J and Tourism,
regarding "s,ys and means of effecting energy conservation in
industr<J. Filed.
23. Notice of the CanadipJl Hobile Home and Travel Trailer Assoc.
Home & Road Show '7)~. Filed.
211.. Newrelease from the Hinistry of Health re: Low-cost Denture
Progra",. FH ed .
25. Notification from the Institute of Public Administration of
Canada of a seminar to be held on Dec. 7, 1973. Filed.
26. Booklet on Policy Guid.elines and Resolutions adopted by the
AssociatIon of Mtmicipalities of Ontario at the annu8.1 conference
Au~~st 19th to 22nd. 1973. Filed.
27. r1i.nicipal Su.rvey and I'luestionnaire from the Association of
11lmicipali ties of Ontario re: remuneratinn to elected
representatives. Referred to Trea.surer for reply.
Page 5
Regular Meeting of CotL~cil
:December h, 1973.
(1) Newtonville Trust Fund
Mr. Bert Waters of the accounting firm of Deloitte, Haskin
and Sells, Oshawa has suggested to 11r. D~Nith, Treasurer,
that this trust fUnd be designated for a specific purpose.
No further action was taken in this matter.
(2) Amending by-law No. 1759 (Restricted Industrial, Lot 9, B.F.)
November 30, 1973 being the last date for receiving objections,
this by-law was brought forward to receive and consider the
following letters of objection:-
Hargeret Butt end~ Gene Butt
Dorot~' J. Imla,ch and David Imlach
John Kimball
Dona,ld Stapleton
J. Shaw, Trustee of the Estate of R.R. Shaw
Keith H. Ball and Rita Ball
McGibbon, Bastedo and Armstrong for Mr. U. Ruegger
Jak;c'!ll Krochmal
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that
the aforenoted objections be tabled for the next meeting.
(3) Third reading of a by-la~l to incorporate the Home SIilith
Subdivision roads into the Township Road System.
Following a first and second reading on November 20, 1973
this by-law was tabled pending comments from the Township
A letter, dated December 4, 1973, from ?R. Lovekin B.A.,
LL.B , ;ras presented wherein the follmdng comment was
noted I~e would, therefore advise you to proceed with the
pa.ssing of the by-la~r to avoid confusion as sno~r ploughing
operations may soon have to be commenced by the Township."
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop
that the aforenoted by-law be given a third reading, passed,
numbered as by-law #1763, signed and the sea.l of the Town-
shin of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried.
(!~) PreliminsI"'J renort on the proposed water supply system for
the Communi t;c' of Newtonville.
This renort has been submitted by Mr. R.B. Baker, P.Eng.
of the fi~ Totten Sims Rubicki Associates Ltd.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. Chater that
this report be tabled for the next meetinG' Carried.
(5) Subdividers agreement with Home Smith Properties.
This matter was brought forward from the meeting on
November 20, 1973 to consider a resolution authorizing
the Reeve and Clerk to sign a registerable copy of the
0::1" r.n ; "1'; n Cl~o::! '!::I O"'J'OoeoTnCoYl +
Page 6
Regular Neeting of Council
December 4. 1973.
AND \,'HEREAS the said Agreement of Subdivision was
assigned by Becas Developments Limited to Home Smith
Properties Limited under an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
dated June 7th, 1972;
Ac'ID \'II1-,,:..flEAS the Council of the Township of Clarke
has aclmowledged the assign,'llent of salel Subdivision Agreement
of Home Smith Properties Limited b,r By-Law nU'lber 1736;
A}TI) ~11~;~^~ both parties have acted on the terms
of said Subdivision Agreement since the time of the above
A}m ,iHEREAS No registerable copy of said Subdivision
Agreement can be located for registration;
A}JJ) ',wD::..I{SAS an Agreement has been presented to Council
the terms of which are identical to end one and the same as
the terms of the Subdivision Agreement presently in force
bet'"een Home Smith Properties Limited and the Township of
No.", to B, the existance of the ~STeement
and the terms thereof as they h~ve been since December 15,
1969 and to provide a registerable copy of the said Subdivision
A,,'Teement for registration in the Registry OffJce for the '.Test
Riding of Durham Count:'.
Be it resclved that the Clen< and Reeve be authorized
and empowered to execute the agreement above mentioned
together with Home Smith Properties Limited.
- '-;
ITEM (1) Reeve: No report.
I~1 (2) Road & Bridh~ Committee
Ileput--J-Reeve K. Entwisle, Chairman of the Committee,
submitted a written report on the following matters
currently before Council.
(i) Mervin D. Harness and construction of road fence
on Lot 23, Con. 5.
(11) Annie Joy and flooding em part of Lot 2, Con. 4.
(iii) Hillia,:! Grady and clearing brush from road
allowance; Lot 18, Con. 10.
(iv) Hillis Barraball and leasing untravelled portion
of road allowance between lots 28 & 29, Con. 6.
Moved by R. Chater, seconded by C. Reid that the
Clerk prepare an an:>ro:>riate document ".hereb;). Hr.
Barraba,ll would be permitted to lease the said road
allowance. Carried.
Page 7
Regular Neeting of Council
December h, 1973.
Now be it therefore resolved that this Council
ap;:>rove the follo',ring vouchers and the same are hereb3'
authorized b3' the signing officers of the CO:c'poration of
the Township of Cl~rke for pa;T1ent.
Gene~al Department, November 1973,Voucher No.ll t280,479.68
Road Department, November 1973,Voucher No.n $ 34,102.36
Orono Folice Village, Nov. 1973 Voucher No.ll $ 9,862.79
ITEl1 (h) Buildinp, Inspecto"" s report for November, 1973.
Adopted as presented.
ITEM (5) By-Law "'nforcement Renort
(i) Investigation of premises oi-mea. b~J'" L. Seco:r-d,
I,ot 23, Con. 9.
J'oloved .by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. Reid that
this matter be tabled for the next regular meeting.
(ii) Harris, Beaupre end Tennant prosecutions.
It was noted that the foregoing persons had been
summoned to e~pear before the Provincial Judge in
Bowmanville at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1973.
ITEN (1) Draft b,'-laN to regulate and g~vern tra.ilers p_'ld. trailer
camps ,rithin the Townshin of ClarLe.
Moved by G.B. Heykoop, seconded by Charles A. Reid
~lilirtEAS it is deemed advisable to consider a by-law
to cesignate certain areas "i thin the Township of Clar1:e
to be used as trailer camps and
'..mEREAS it is further deemed advisable to regulate alld
govern trailers and trailer camps within the said TownshiP.
NO~ BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that this Council do
hereb)' give a first reading to the proposed draft of the
aforenoted. b)'-la". Carried.
Correspondence was presented from Mr. Roger N. Carr
under date of Dec. 4/73, wherein it was noted that
final engineering plans of the proposed Durham Hobile
Home Park Development 'muld. be completed by Dec. 21/73.
Conies of a proposed Development Agreement were submitted
'L.__ 'r.,,"_ -rr,z___, __. 'TT__1.T__....
Page 8
Regular Neeting of Council
December 4, 1973.
The above mentioned persons addressed Council
concerning the proposed licencing by-laM and the
proposed development agreement.
Noved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater that this
Committee rise and sit in Council. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop
that the draft of the licencing by-law together with
the draft of the developers agreement be referred
to J1r. VanNest for revisions in accordance with the
terms discussed. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G.H. He:;"koop
TIY,T 11r. Kinesley V~~ Nest, To,mship Solicitor,
in co-operation with Hr. ])ere]o Little, To,mship Mu..~icipal
Planning Consultant, be instructed to draft and prepa~e
amendments i.nmediatel:l to the Townshi:pt s Zoning By-law
and the Proposed Official Plan, in to reflect
areas proposed to be designf',ted trailer or mobile home
1)ax1-:s yri thin the jurisdiction of the TO'l/ilShi!) itself..
TF~~ these drafts be presented for consideration
at a sT>ecial and informa~ meetin;; of COlmail \Ii th the
said Townshi:> Solid tor a..~iI Hunicipal Planning Consul-
tant in attendance. scheduled a,t the Council Chambers
for Clarke To,mship a,t 2 o'clock n.m. on the 10th da,y
of December, 1973.
TF~T at the snecial and informal meeting scheduled
for December 10,1973 at. 2 <1cloc'o n.m. Councn sl1211
receive ,.rritten onin~.onB from the Townshtu:olicitor
and. the Tmmship Plp..nninC Consultant upon the .'rocedure
to be followed the implementation of amon<inents
to the To~mshi~ls Zoninc ~r-Law and t~e Pro~osed Official
re~ut~-Reeve Entwisle requested a recorcea vote.
Cou..."1cillor Chater Yea
Councillor :Reid Yea
Councillor He~koop - Yea
Deputy-Reeve Entwisle - Yea
Reeve 'ilood.;;rard Yea
The Resolution oe=ied.
lTove.:!. b:,~ C. Reid, seconded. b:r !l. Che:ter that the
TO~:.Tl3~i:!! I'~.8JL,..,i!lG Cons1J1 t8nt and the To't/iTIshi:p Solicitor
be inztructec'_ to, 'l.t this point in tIme, onlJ'
the pronos8.le as submitted by Rice Construction Ltd.
and b:r Ho";.rard Pa:rne. CfL":Ti ed.
Paee 9.
Regular 11eeting of Council
December 4, 1973
I~l (3) I~.nsmen Club and an~lication for a licence
to conduct a raffle lotter:r.
J10ved b~' G.H. He~"(oon, seconded by Chexles.
A. Reid.
'.!REREAS the Kinsmen Club of the Gree,t Pine Ridge
have a:o~lied on December I/, 1973 to man""",,",, and
concuct a. raffle lotter:' on !1ay 12, 1971:.
authorized to issue a licence, ~lithin the authority
granted under regulations of Order-in-Council 274/10,
to the Kinsmen Club of the Great Pine Ridge to
conduct a raffle lotter:' held on 11ay 12, 197IJ and
the total of prizes not to exdeed $3,500.00
Moved b,r K. :<:J1twisle, second,ed by Robert G. Chater.
This Cou.ncil hereby adjourns to meet again on
:December 18, 1973, ?,t 7:30 P.l'!. or at an:' other time
at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Meeting adjourned accordingly at 5:'-'5 P.N.