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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/1973
Tuesday, Harch 6th, 1973, 10:00 a.m.
Council.Ch~mbersj Orono
~eeve - E. R. ~oodyard
. :Jeputy Reeve -K" Enti~disle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- G. ~1. l-feykoop
- C. A. Reid absent unt ;.1 after lunch-2 :00 ",'CO
Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins
The rinutes of the Recular Cow,cil meetinc held on February 20th,
1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by K. Ent1,'lisle and seconded
by R. G. Chater and car~ie~.
DP1~,]t~~10nq G PQti~inn~: O~ a motion 'by K. Entwisle and seconded by
G. H. Eeykoop that the .va~ious delecations be heard in COI'unittee.
1. Roy C. Forrester, Douclas Sir2.-'son, Trustees l-'olice VillaGe of
Orono to discuss the hiring of a dog control of'i'icer..
~. 01"i. C. Rice, re: profcsed development for Lakeshore Area-2;OO prE
(Also see T10) . . .
......" -~il:l. 'C. Lar.1rence, Q.C., Counsel - l\:r. E. R. Lovekin, Barrister
and Solicitor.
l-':otion by K.
rise and sit
Entwisle, seconded by
in Council. 'Carried.
G. Ch?~te'r
thfs COL'
1.:otion by G. ~Ieykoop, seconded by I(. G. Chater that this Council
agree with the Trustees for the Police Village to advertise fOl'
a dog control officer and the Counci_l hereby' aGrees to fay the
Township share for sucb dog control. C...rrie.tL.
COY''t'''ARronrlAncA t.::lbl e...j -.[1"'01""". :JY'AviOlJR mp.~t'in,7;
TI Letter frorr_ B.. ~{. Lovekin, to 1.1r. A. j". Forsyth, Supervisor,
l;w'1lc.ipal fro Je'cts Section, ;.;inistry of the Bnvir.olL~.ent, re :Second.
.~.ell Site - Orono, Ontario - Alleged title descrel,ancy - Delay :..n
project - '..:i.tle certification "ater ,.orks Project ,j6-0223..,71.
Tabled until advised by l~eeve and Cou,ncillor C. Reid. Carried.
T2 Letter IroD E. ~. Lovekin, re:Clyde L. Lewis - Clarke Towns~ip
- Caspari.. Hold until letter received from Solicitor, Carried.
TJ Letter from N. C. Carney,' Senior flanner, Subdivision Section,
PIa.ns Adminlstration aranch, re:Twp. Clarke - Pt. Lot 29, Con. V.
(Partly in the Police Villabe of Orono). Hold until letter
r~ceiveci from Solic.:Ltor. Carried.
T4 Letter from E. R. Lovekin to ~wartz & Swartz, re:Ochonski vs.
1'0wnshif- of Clarke. Eold until letter received from Solicitor.
The folloWinG correspondence was presented to Council:
Letter from H. I. l..facdonald, :iJeputy IV:inister, to l,:rs. Ellen l<.
Yeo, Secretary-:rreasurer, Committee of Adjustment, re; Township
of Clarke, Co,,~ittee of Adjustrnent, Filed. Carried.
Let ter from H. 1. lracdonald, Deputy Ninister, Einistry of Treasury,
Economics & InterLoverr~tental.Affairs, re;~ownshfp-of-e~arke;Briefs
on the East of 1.Ietro Proposal. Flled. Carried.
Letter rrom i.lrs. Ellen I.I. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Corrul'littee of
. Hlo
~,~, .....
faGe 2.. Regular Heetin,; of Council. Hareh 6th, 1973..
TIO Letter from E. R. Lovekin~ Barrister & Solicitor,
.Construction Limited - Eobile Home Development.
De~utations.. Carried.
CorrR~~'ondA.n~A i",;':IhlRd f'rmr ~",;T'HV;OllR.
:'11 Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re:Corporation of the Township of Clarke
Survey of former Tovnlship Garage Property ~ SGuth end of fair-
grounds - transfer of title to Durham Central Fair Board.
Tabled until letter received from Solicitor. Carried.
~2 Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re:By-Law#1739 - RoyNat and Orono
Realty Limited. Tabled.until letter.received from Solicitor.
The following correspondence was presented to Council:
Einutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conssrvation Authority Annual
:fueting. Filed. Carried.
:.!er::.orandun r~rom :'layor D. G. Newman, :.;LC Chairman, Nunicipal
Liaison Comr::ittee, re:Construction Safety Inspection. Filed. Carried.
Letter from JJ. :';aulsen, Planning Department, .The Liquor Licence
Board of Ontario, plus enclosures, re: Dutch Oven Tavern, Clarke
Township, Licence .#$849. Filed. Carried.
Copy of a letter from L. B. .:Kelly, Barber & Kelly, Barristers &
Solicitors to t~. C. Saruyama, Supervisor, Planning Administration
Ontario. Municipal Board, re; ITick Dyri1.v & Township of Clarke -
ny-Law 173$ - Your File #S614. Filed. Carried.
Eemorandu.'11 from ~'. A. McKillop, District Municipal Engineer,
:iinistry of Transportation [,. Cormnunications, 1'e :by-law appointing
a township road superintendent. Filed. Carried.
l.-.Iemorandum frOB Town of Thorold, re:support of municipality to
the resolution ir'elativ0 to the Report Eumbe1' One on Hydro in
Ontario - A Future :~ole and Place and attendance' of Nr. C.S.
Pearce, Iclanager, Orono Hydro COlnr.lission, re: same - ";1'. Pearce is
unable to attend meeting. Tabled. Carried.
Letter from C. Saruyama, Supervisor, Plannin(;'Administration,
Onta~io ~lunicipal Board, re:Township OI Clarke-Restricted Area
By-Law 1734. Filed. Carried.
l<[eI.1orandu.T~ from B. J ~ J.icCaffery ,Secretary-Treasurer, Ontario
Good Roads Association, re:1973 "T. J. 1-:ahol1yff Road School.
Filed. Carried.
1.1emorandurn. fron 3. J. :'.-1cCaf.fery, Secretary-~lreasur~r,. Ontario
Good ~loads Association, :-e:1973. "C. S. AndersQu" RcadSchool.
Filed. Carried.
Menorandum froffi E. A. Starr, Director, Acricultural and
Eorticultural Societies Branch, Ilinistry of Agriculture.& Food,
re:Tbe DrainaGe Act) The Tile Drainace Act, 1971.. Fil~d. Carried.
The Ontario EnerbY 3oard; request by The Conslli~ers' Gas Co~pany.
Filed. Carried.
Clarke Planning Goard l:inutes, Thursday, February 15, 1973.
Filed. Carried.
Cormnittee of Adjustment :linutes, \iednesday, February 21, 1973.
Filed. Carried.
I.ler:1orandum .frorr~ the Advisory '.i'ask Force on Housin<;; Policy Chairman,
Eli Co!~ay,_ re: schedule of ~rreotingz" Filed" Carried.
:.1anufacturirL6 Opportunit:Les Bulletin. Filed.. Carried.
Durhx~ Central Agricultural Society, rc:Grant -~200.00. Pay. .
rage 3.." l~e6ular l.:eetinb of Cou:'"lcil.. !.farch 6th, 1973..
1,X22 Letter .:ror: E. R. l..ovei(in, Barrister ~> Solicitor, re.Lots 32, 33
and part Lot 34, fownship of Cl~rke - Rice Construction Co. Ltd.
Personal Interest in Ad~oinin~ Realty. Filed... Carried.
:123 Let tGl~ from H.. it.. .Jest, ,sccretary-l'reas1.J.rer, Clarke i-YlanninG
board.) re ;contravGntions of l.lunic:Lpal By-LavIs.. Inst~""uc-t :'1r.
Eest to proceed as instructeu. Carri8d..
l.:otion by G. E.. I:eykoop.) seconded by K-.. Bnt~vJisle that this
C;ouncil rise and sit tn Co:nmittee. Carried.
>lct:Lon by K.. EntY~';islo,
COI'U:.~ittcc rise and sit
seconded by G. ~Ieykoofi that
in Council.. Carried..
-<-' .
Recess for lunch a~ 12:20 p.m. and reconv8~ed at 1:45 p.~..
l~tion by G.. i. Eeykoop, seconded by K. Entwislo that
\ve request tl::.c !<inisters Offic-.:; to sup.ply dr-art by-laws resardinb
the operations or- snowr~lobiles. Carried.
liotio.n by". G. Chater, seconded by C. A. l,-eid tha.t this Counc;_l
go into Cor:nr~ittee. Carried.
:-:otinn by I:. Ent~\Vi.sle, sGG,onded by. G. IT. :-10yk.oop that this
Corrnit tee rise and bO into Council.. .
...L::.solt;tiOf1 ":0. ~h;I'-~oved by G.. :-1. Eeykoo~, seconded by K. Entwisle.
:~1}iEREAS so.n:e De~r!.ber3. of the ,4<.oad Department have not rec0ivod
contributions to a Retire:r:'~ent Fund fro:R. th.e 'l:ovmship for the p.~st tv/o
years, nanelJ'"' R;cid Fost,er and ~ohn ~':cKay > and \lHEREAS this Council
vIJ,shes to com.p,ensate thep for th,e said period providinb they con.-
tribute eq" to a Retirement Fund, 3E IT TEEPJ::FORE RESOLVED that
this Counc~l approve a lump S1..t!."] paynent 0: ~250.00 for each year,
tot,a.l).in,:: ",500.00 to of the two err:ployees mentioned and that
considera~ion be ciyen to I:1akinc the necessary lump st.1.:'T;. pay:nents at
the end of 1S73. Ca.rried. .
RF:'solnt i on No S~ :l,'~oved by ~~obert G.. Chater, seconded by K. Ent\visle..
This COlliicil horeby resolves that the following Pay Vouchers be
and are here:;by authori.zed for pay-pent by th~ sj_sn:Lng officers of this
Council: General Voucher #2 =cr February in the ~~ount of ~lO,507..77.
?oadi> Voucher ;;'2 for Feb:>lla.ry ;_n the arr:ount of :':>13,617.36. And the
Orono Folice Village Voucher 1/2 :for February i_n, the anou.."1t of
~l,199.99. Carried.
~(""$()111t.ion j~o. S6;!'~oved by G. l-I.. :-1eyko9p, seconded by K. Entwisle.
:-his Council hereby approves the applj.cation "request :for
supplementary allocation of subsidy r::loneys!' for th~ ~year 1973..
Rp-~Olllt,io"i no. S?;l.:oved by Robert G.. Chater, seconded by K.. Entw~:.sle..
This Council hereby approves the Statenent of Proposed Exvendi-
tu:>es for Public Tra.nsportation and I{iGh'iay Inprovements for the year
1973, Carried.
l{p-solut;on ;'Jo. S8;I.:oved by Charles A. Reid, seronded by Robert G..
Tt is hereby resolvod that we the Council Q~ the To\mship of
Clark:e unani:-;~ously aPI)rOve and hereby endorse the attached briof dated
6th, l:arch .1973 on tl1e subjee:t of Rebional Government, and instruct
that a cqpy be del:i.verod tQ our member of the Provincial Parliament,
:.:r. ,Alex .Car:ruthers, v.'"ith a request .for his earnest co-operation in
presentinj-~ it as detailed in the brier. Carried.
Page 4. . Regular Heet inG of, Cou.'lcil. !1arch 6th, 1973.
Ne the Council and Reev~ of Clarke TO\lnship understand and
indeed cOl!'JTlend the Frov~:.ncial in:Ltiative ::o:r- local sovcrnment
1"e1: orm in the area to the East of :':etropolitan Toronto ~
'~ie the Council and Reeve of Clarke TovJnshi.p are deeply convinced
that Ollr electors wish to belong to a, local Government system
which administers adjacent rural and small tOwn areas only,
under the ~rovidcnt and benevolent GUidance of our Provincial
Government, but witho~t ~nterfcrence f~om urbaniz~nb western
:le the. Council and :{C8VC of Clarke TO'iJnship actinG on our
mandate and our knowledce of the sense of the local electorate,
abhor any suggestion that we should be included with Oshawa,
Ajax, Picker:t,nc and such burGeoninc westerly urban areas''-\'Jith
problems distinct i"'ror::. ours-in ans- lorn: of recional local
. To these princ~ples, we the Council and Reeve of the To\~~shi~
01 Clarke, by convicti.on born of our knovllcdce of the o~inions of
those by ",,,horn we \;.re.rc electc;d just thr'e:c months. at.:Q, do stand
. un-3<ni.'no~sly agreed ft..
Rp~n"lt,iO!1 Iro. Sc;:I:oyed 'by I;. Entwisle, secouded by Robert G. Chater.
This Cour~cil hel"'8by a.d.journ to ueet acain on Harch 20, 1973 at
7:30 ;:;..m. or at al1.other ti~""ie a~ the: call of the Reeve. Carried.
Th8 meeting 't'las ad.:;ourned ,"it 6:50 p.r;~.
~-4.J KL<~f~;
Reeve .
Tue sd,'lY, Earch ~oth, 1973, ?: 30 J!. f.1-
Council Chasbers, Orono
Present: Reeve - E. ~:;.. llioodyard
Deputy Reeve - _X. Lntwisle
Councillors l.\.. G. Chater
- G. lc. EeykooF
- c.. A. ILcid Absent
Clerk-AdI7',rator - B. ~... Collins
The r.'"i~1ute.s of th,;:; I;..e:.; Council ::-; held en !>I.a.r"ch 6th,
1973 ~.lere adopted as lJrinted or... a motion by G.. E.. He;y-l{ooiJ and
seconded by R.. G. Chator and carried.
D.~ljl't~tiOJ1R & PP-t,-lt.~ons:Cn a notion by _~.. Entwisle and seconded by
~. G. Chater that the Vario~3 delecations be heard in Co~m~ittee.
:-i.l11iar::. Bocdanovic. . .
:,~...... },,,. ~'-)-i - ':) 'c-:> ;''''o~ot''''l,..t<O~ -
.;.'...:... .......3(tL,.......ce .....l '0;; ...... J....C> ... '-'-'- ..L- U.
. .
r. Y'1