HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/06/1973 REGULAR MEETING O~ THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, February 6, 1973, 10:00 a. m. Council Chambers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve -K. Entwisle CounCillors - R. G. Chater G. H. Heykoop C. A. Reid Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins. The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on January 16th, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by R. G. chater and seconded by C. A. Reid and carried. Dep~~tions & Petitions:On a motion by C. A. Reid and seoonded by K. Entwisle that the various delegations be heard in Committee. Carried. 1. Mr. Jack c. Beech, Manager, The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council _ (to discuss the aims of the Council and requesting a grant - letter to be given each Councillor on day of meeting). 2. Mr. J. Schweller, re: Lot 22, Concession 3. - ,(to discuss the feasibility of opening a road allowance so that he may obtain a building permit ~ . . 3. Mr. Roy Flemming, Publicity Director, of. Union Rod & Gun Club presented the gun clubs views~dliC',(/lH/II'& TH.t 4'8&>:/~'(J..1'2J.. co";,J) . . Motion by K. En~wisle, seconded by G.H. Heykoop that this Committee rise and sit in Council. Carried. The following correspondence was presented to Council:. Tl Meeting of the members of Councils held in the Darlington Municipal Offices in Hampton - Minutes January 11, 1973. No reply recieved from the Provincial Government to date. Filed. Carried., T2 Letter from the Committee of Adjustment re: decision to stay on as the Committee of Adjustment at the present time. . Filed. Carried. T3 Letter from Alex Carruthers, MPP re: thanking for letter re: financial assistance for municipalities in the Toronto Centred Region. Tabled. Carried. T4 Letter from Miss A. Stelmaschuk, Secretary to the General Manager of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario re: consideration of a liquor store in the Township of Clarke. Copy to Orono Chamber of commerce- J. Reid. Tabled. Carried. T5 Letter from. Alderman Don Kay, Chairman, Elected Representatives Committee - The Ontario Traffic Conference re: Elected Represent- atives Seminar. Filed. Carried. T6 Letter from Mrs. Christina SClanders, Director of Communication, St. John Ambulance reI support when 1973 grants are being considered. Motion by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid that these grants be made and that the Great Pine Ridge Tourist Association be included in the list of donations in the amount of $200.00. C~~R/kA T7 Letter from E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, re: Township By-Laws 1740 and 1742; United.counties Bills 2324-2325 and letter from M.D. Brown, O.L.S. reI Road Closing - Oringinal Road Allowance & Travelled Road across Lot 35, Concession 2 & 3, Twp. of Clarke. See motion. Motion.by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that T7, T13 & T16 be tabled for a special meeting with the Solicitor, M. D. Brown, Road Superintendent and any affected 'party. Carried. . T8 Memorandum from Eli comay, .chairman, Advisory Task Force on Housing Policy reI submissions from municipal Councils ~n Ontario. Filed. Carried. Page 2. Regular ~~eting of Council, February 6, 1973. T9 Letter from B. W. Collins, A.M.C.T., Secretary, Orono Police Village re: approval to Home Smith Properties for Building Permit. This Council recessed for ten (10) minutes to discuss with Building Inspector. Carried. '-' Motion by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. chater that this Council cannot. at this time approve the issuance of a building permit and a letter to Home Smith Properties Limited advising them that the new Planning Board has been instructed to consider their request and Planning Boardts decision will be received in due course. and considered by Council. Carried. T10 Letter from Brian Winter of Central Ontario Museums Association re: approval in principle for the concept of a regional archives. Mr. Entwisle to research this further and advise council-of'his findings. Filed. Carried. Letter from W. H. Parnell, Regional Assessment Commissioner, Northumberland & Durham Assessment Office, re: Assessment Act Section 76 - 77 were repealed and replaced by'Sections of Municipal Act. Filed. Carried. Letter with enclosures from Arthur J. Petch, l~nager, Industrial Development Branch, Business Development Division of the Ministy of Industry and Tourism re: completed joint venture and licensing arrangements. Filed. Carried.. Letter from M. D. Brown, O.L.S. reI Old Township Garage Property - Village of Orono. Tabled. Carried. Tll T12 T13 Motinn by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A." Reid that T7, T13 & T16 be tabled for a special meeting with the Solicitor, M.D. Brown, Road Superintendent and any af~ected party. Carried. T14 Memornadum from M. D. Trewin, Director, Municipal Subsidies Branch for the Ministry of Treasury, Economics & IntergoverTh~ental Affairs, reI Ontariots Property Tax Credit Plan Guide. Filed. Carried. T15 Memorandum from B. W. Collins, Secretary; Police Village of Orono, reI Animal Control. Tabled until joint meeting with Police Trustees and Council. Carried. T16 Letter from A. J. Forsyth, Supervisor, Municipal Projects Section, Project Development Branch, reI Township of Clarke (Police -Village of Orono)'- Water Works Project #6-0223-71. Tabled. Carried. Motion by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that T7, 'T13 & T16 be tabled for a special meeting with the Solicitor, .M.D. Brown, Road Superintendent and any affected party. Carried. Council adjourned at 12:15 p.m. and reconvened at 1:30 p.m. Nl Memorandum of Agenda. ~1emorandum minutes of from B. Filed. from B. Council VI. Collins, Carried. W. CO'llins,' meeting. re: explanation of new system N2 re: approval of December 15, 1972 i , '.\ \ \ \~ Motion by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the December 15, 1972 minutes be adopted subject to the qualific- ations that this Council has repealed By-Law 1743 and substituted By-Law #1746. Carried. N3 Letter from E. F.'Nyitrai, Chairman, Ontario Conference on Local Government, re: financial Assistance from municipalities for the program of the Ontario Conference on Local Government. Filed. Carried. N4 Statement by Stephen Lewis, MPP Scarborough West, Ontario NDP Leader, on a meeting to be held re the proposed new Regional Government east of Metro. Filed. Carried. (Temporary File). Page 3. Regular l~eting of Council, February 6, 1973. N5 ~wmorandum from R. W. Irwin, p. Eng., Professor, Extension Co-ordinator of the University of Guelph, reI Drainage Commiss- ioner's Training School. Reeye and C9mm1ssioner attend (1. Lowery) Carried. N6 Letter with enclosed duplicate original o~ the Or~er of the Board, re: Restricted Area By-Law 1730, from C. Saruyama, OMB. Filed. Carried. N7 Letter with enclosed duplicate original o~ the Order of the Board, re: Restricted Area By-Law 1729, from C. Saruyama, Supervisor Planning Administration of the Ontario Municipal Board. Filed. Carried. ' . N8 Memorandum from Russell M. Klyrnas, Trustee o~ Lee & Klymas, Chartered Accountants, reI In the matter of the Bankruptcy of D. J. Murray, carrying on business as Furniture Discount Barn in the Township of Clarke in the coun~y of Durh~ in the Province of Ontario - Notice of Final Dividene and appli~at~on ~or Discharge o~ Trustee. Filed. Carried. N9 Invitation to O.G.R.A., Convention, Monday, February 26th, 1973 and letter from B. J. McCaffe~y, Secret~ry-Treasur~, Ontario Good Roads Association reI activities planned for the ladies attending the 1973 Good Reads Convention. Refer to Road & Bridge Committee. Carried. NIO Letter from Barbara A. Merson, Adminis~rator of the Township of Hope, reI budget and mill rate :fqr .1972. Send information as requested. Carried. Nll Employment Incentive Program 1972-1973, re: notification of Program participation. Filed. Carried. , N12 Duplicate original order pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario MuniCipal Board Act from Mrs. M. Fraser, Supervisor, Capital Expenditures. Filed. Carried. N13 Provinsional certificate of approval for a waster disposal site _ part of Lot 33, Concession 6, Township of Clarke. Filed. Carried. N14 Letter rom E. R. Elliston, Supervisor, Schedules Administration of the Ontario Municipal Board with enclosed form to be completed and returned to the Board. Filed. Carried., . N15 Memorandum from G. L. Calver, P. Eng~, Drainage Co-ordinator, of the ~linistry of Agriculture and Food, re: Drainage Act Administration. Filed. Carried. ' . N16 ~10 Resolutions adopted at the Founding Convention, June 18th to 21st, 1972 and A.M.O. - Legislative Bulletin. Filed. Carried. N17 Pamphlet - l~eting the Challenge 1973 - 21st annual co~ference and seminar, Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs. Temporary File. Carried. N18 Pamphlet announcing 1973 Canadian Trade Index published by The Canadian l~ufacturerts Association. Temporary File. Carried. N19 Road Runner Pamphlet ~rom the Ontario Good Roads Association. Temp- orary File. Carried. N20 Applica~ion to Manage and Conduct a Raffled Lottery made by Orono Hockey Mothers Association. See Resoluti~n #45. Carried. N21 Letter from J. P. Roussel, P.ENG., ~ssistant ~egional Engineer, District Engineers Section to Mr. H. R. Be.st" Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, re: Application for Re-Zoning, File No. 72-42. Filed. Carried. N22 Application for amendment to zoning by-law #1592 ma~e by Herman B. Horstman. Refer to Planning Board. Carried. N23 Memorandum from the Ontario Municipal Water Association reI Membership Fees. Orono Water & Hydro. ~arried. N24 Opinion Canada Booklet. Filed. Carried. J N2S Thank you card from McCullough Family. Filed., c~rried. N26 Committee of Adjustment Minutes. Filed. Carried. ...~. N27 Clarke Planning Board minutes. Filed. Carried. ~ Motion by G. H. Heykoop, secnnded by C. A. Reid that this Council rise and sit in Committee. Carried. Page 4. Regular l~eting of Council, February 6, 1973. Motion by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this Co~mittee rise and sit in Council. Carried. ~ Motion by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid that a letter be written to ~~. Lovekin, requesting clarification as to ~~. Ochonski's intention, does he intend to proceed or with- draw the legal proceedings he has started against the Township and that this must be answered by letter before this new Council will proceed further in this matter. Carried. \J Resolutjon No~ 18:Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. In accordance with By-Law #1352 the following persons be and are hereby appointed to the Orono Community Memorial Park Board for the year 1973: Sterling ~~ther, H. M. Mercer, S. B. Rutherford, E. H. Samuel, Miss Alma Cuttell, Charles A. Reid, E. R. Woodyard. Carried. Ras9lution No. 1Q:Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Charles A. Reid. In accordance with By-Law #1530 this Council hereby appoint " the following persons to the Board of the Township of Clarke Public Library who shall hold office for the year 1973 or until their successors have been duly appointed: R. M. Dickson, R. C. Forrester, L.M. Hallowell, ~1iss Carole Ordonez, K. Entwisle. Carried. Resolution No. uO:Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. In accordance with Section 3 & 4 of By-Law #1533, a by-law to establish a Municipal Recreation Committee, this Council hereby appoint the following'persons for the year 1973: Laverne Boyd, Norma Lee, Dorothy Stark, J. Barlow, Sharon Brown, John Murphy, Jack Neal, Charles A. Reid, E. R. Woodyard (last two members of Council). And the Clerk is hereby i,nstructed to notify the co111rilunity Progr~mes Branch of the Department of Education by referring a copy of this resolution to the said Department. Carr~ed. Resolution No. ul :Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by GI. H. Heykoop. This Council hereby appoints the following to the Township of Clarke Game Commission for the year 1973: G. Duval, G. Watson, Charles A. Reid, R. G. Chater. Carried. ReAolution No. 4,g:Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle. Resolve in accordance with By-Law #1513 the following persons be and are hereby appointed as members of the Cemetary Board of the Township of Clarke: Russell Savery - R. R. 1, Newtonville; John Moffatt - Orono; Grant Wade - Newtonville; Arthur Thompson - R. R. 1, Kendal; Don Vinkle - Newtonville. The said members shall hold office unti~ their successors are appointed by order-in-Council. The following persons are hereby appointed to the said Board as representatives from Council for the year 2973: Charles A. Reid, G. H. Heykoop. Carried. Reso] uti on No. U1 :l-loved by Charles" A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. In accordance with By-Law #1493, the following persons be and are hereby appointed to the Newtonville Community Hall Board for the year 1973: Wallace Boughen, Hugh Stapleton, Don Vinkle, Clint Farrow, K. Entwisle, R. G. Chater. Carried. Resolution No. h4,:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Charles A. Reid. In accordance with by-law #1342 this Council hereby resolve that the following persons are appointed to the Board of ~~nagement of the Orono Community Hall for the year 1973, R. G. chater, & G. H. ijeykoop together with the following Orono Oddfellows: W. G. Watson, Fred Graham, Len Pears and the following Heather Rebekahs for the year 1973 & 1974: Mrs. Gladys Gamsby & Mrs. Betty Major. It it understood that three ,representatives of the Orono Odd- fellows shall be appointed in the odd years and two representatives of the Orono Rebekahs be appointed in the even years to this Board of Management. Carried. Page 5. Reg41ar Meeting of Council, February 6, 1973. Resol~tion No. uS:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This hereby authorizes .the Orono Hockey Mothers Association to hold a Raffle Lottery within the Township of Clarke, provided that approval if given by. the Province of Ontario Lotteries Branch by way of a licence. Carried. . Reso]utjon No. u6:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. This Council hereby resolves that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the signing officers of this Co~cil; Gen~ral Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $ 6,487.22. Roads Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $13,024.43. ~d t~e qrono Police Village ~oucher #1 for January in the amount of $2,350.52. Carried. RAFlolption No. u?:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. chater. In accordance ,with by-law #1.561., re: by-law regarding the appointment pf ~he Clarke Planning Board being a Board with juris~ diction over the Clarke Planning Area, this Council hereby appoint the following: 1. Roy C. Forrester - who shall hold. office of the unexpired term of E. R. Woodyard that is until January 1, 1975. 2. Douglas Moffatt - who shall hold office until the 1st day of January 1976. Carried. Reso]ution No~ 48:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. This Council hereby authorizes an increase of salary to the following" employees: Mrs.~. Watson - from $2.30 per hour to $282 per h?urj ~~s. E.' Stainton - fr9m $2.57 per hour to $~.82 per hour. This shall come into effect as of January 29th/73 and that the overpayment of salaries between January 1st-January 26/73 be considered a non re-occurring bonus. Carried. Reso]utjon No. uq:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This counc' ---~erebY adjourns to me~t ~gain on .february 20, 1973 cat 7130 p.m. ~another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. 41.., / - ~/_.,l;f//~v+- 4 irtistrator . Reeve ~;a,'~ .. REGULAR ~lEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TG\vNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, February 20, 1973, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. chater - C. A. Reid - G. H. Heykoop ~lerk-Adrninistrator -. B. W. Collins The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on February 6th, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion py R. G. chater and seconded by C. A. Reid and carried. COR~SPONDENCE presented to Council: Tl ,Letter from 9re~ghton, Murdoch & Victor, Barristers & Solicitors, re: Restricted Area Appeal - Leo J. & Bella M. Boisvert. Filed. Carried. ' T2 Letter f~om B. W. Baxter, Town Clerk, Cobourg, reI Proposal for Local Government Reform. Filed. Carried. T3 Memorandum from Alderman Don Kay, Chairman, Elected Represent- ~~ atives Committee - The Ontario Traffice Conference. Filed. ~ Carried. T4 Memorandum from M. D. Trewin, Director, Municipal Subsidies Branch - Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, re: Additional Allocation. Refer to Roads & Bridge Committee. Carried.