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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/01/1972
of the Township of Clarke
Thursday, July 20, 1972 at 9:20 A.M.
Council Chambers Orono
,J. ~l. Stone
'.'l. R. Carveth
R. G. Chater
F. A. Gray
E. C. Copping
Clerk ~ Ailininistrator: B. W. Collins
Treasurer: H. ,DeWith
Real Estate Agent, R. Foster (for W. Frank Real Estate).
/f'h?P'. ';",PL""Alr~;vp",.f jI1."L./f&'SS' .
(:?PC!olllt.ion 1'{o. lOc;: moved by W.. R. Carveth, seconded
This Council hereby authorizes the Reeve and the
agreement of purchase and sale of the Gravel Pit
J. Harvin. (111.011 acres). Carried.
Reeve: '
Deputy Reeve:
by'R. G. Chater.
Clerk to sign the
(farm) owned by
Noved by ld. R.
Carv h, seconded by F.A. Gray that the Council adjourn
"",20" 1972. .Carried.
, ~n~;
..,~ '
.-/L~ .
Tuesqay" August 1, 1,972 at 10:00 a.m.
Council C~bers Qrono
Present: Ree've: J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve: w. R. Carveth
Councillors: E. G. Chater
F. A. ~ay
E. C. Copping
Clerk-Administrator: B. "{. Collins
The'minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on July 18,.1972 and
the minutes of the Special 'Council' Meeting held on July 20, 1972 were
adopted as prin~ed on amotion by Councillor E. C.Copping and seconded
by CoUncillor R. G. Chater and carried.
~plltRt.ionR And rAtitian~: Motion by R. G. Chater and seconded by F.,A.
~ay that the various delegations be heard.
1. Chamber,of Commer~e, re: Brewer's,Retail Store and Liquor Store.
Mr. J. Reid submitted the seven points he would like. on the ballot in
the December election. Refer to Clerk and Solicitor to check into.
2. Mr. Zuly, representing Twin Oaks and, Dianna Motel, re: objection of
Nick Dyrew building a Hotel. Mr. M. Kelly and N. Dyrew were present
in,support of passing by-law 1173$. .
3. J. Ochonski, re: Changing Watercourse on Lot 22, Concession 1.
Submission of new plan for watercourse and a new agreement. Refer to
M. L. Ross, Roag Superintendent. Carried.
4. Mr. Skerratt, re: right of way tabled from previous meetings.
Mr. Skerratt did not appear; so no action Was taken.
Page 2. Regular Council Meeting of August 1, 1972, cont'd.
3. Letter from H. DeWith, re: Payment of money to E. R. Lovekin. Refer
to Treasurer to re-bill. Carried.
4. Letter from AMO to Mayor or Reeve and Members of Council. Filed.
5. Letter from "BILLY" The Musical Clown. Filed. Carried.
6. Letter from James M. Watt, re: unoccupied one room school house.
Refer to Clerk to send copy to Board of Education. Carried.
7. Authorizations from Roderick MacDonald. Refer to Clerk to send to
Committee of Adjustment. Carried.
6. Letter from resident,., around OronO Mill Pond. Mr. Bunt ing appeared
in answer to this appeal. Refer to Clerk to send letter to
Mr. C. Milburn. Carried.
9. Letter from Ronald A. Rubinoff, re: south half of Lot 1, Concession
3. Refer to Road Superintendent. Carried.
lU. Letter from Municipal Planning Consultants Company Limited, re:
design for development, phase III, Toronto-Centred Region. Tabled.
11. Letter from D. F. Connor, Consumer's Gas, re: Interim Rate Order.
Filed. Carried.
12. Invoice from Orono Hydro and 'water System, re: removing of flag
pole. Refer to accounts. Carried.
13. Ontario Hydro, re: permission to establish an air monitoring
station on the road allowance between lots 10 and 11 in concession
B. Council had no objection. Refer to Road Superintendent.
14. Letter' from Anthony G. Kerr, Local Government Section, Statistics
Canada, re: Census of Municipalities Quarterly Schedule of Cash
and Investments. Refer to Treasurer. Carried.
15. The Great Pine Ridge Holiday Land Reporter. Filed. Carried.
16. Letter from B. J. Smith, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, re:
official opening of Port Hope Conservation Area. Refer to Clerk
to answer. Carried.
17. Letter from District Engineer, re: 1972 Expenditure. Copy to Road
Superintendent and Treasurer. Carried.
15. Letter from Township of H(~Q, re: Answer to our inquire about a
Royal Commission 'by O. M. 301andt. Refer to Clerk to Answer.
19. Letter from Henry R. Altschuler, re: Orono Realty LL~ited &
'W'ilberforce Veneer and LUlnber Company Limited. Refer to Clerk to
make the necessary by-law. Carried.
2C. Minutes from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Filed.
21. Memo from Treasurer of Ontario, re: Construction Safety and Enfor-
cement. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
W. R. Carveth moved th~t Council recess for lunch at 12:00 noon which
was seconded by E. C. Copping. Counc 11 reconvened at 1 :30 p .!11.
Ministry of Treasury and Economics, re:
Budget. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
AMCT Association Agend.~. Clerk and Treasurer to attend. Carried.
Report to Council from Building Inspector. Filed. Carried.
Memo to Reeve and Members of Council, re: rental of h~ll for
Square Dance. Refused. Carried.
Clarke Planning Board, re: By-Law 1737. Refer
Clarke Planning Board, Re: By-Law 1735. Refer
By-Law 1733, re: road closing. Refer to Clerk
intendent to prepare a new by-law. Carried.
Durham Central Agricultural Society. Refer to resolution.
Clarke Palnning Board. Refer to Resolution. Carried.
Ontario Municipal Board, By-Laws # 1729 and 1730. Refer to Clerk.
P~ovin~e of Ontario 1972
to By-Law.
to By-Law.
and Road Super-
Page 3. Regular Council Meeting of August 1, 1972, contld.
32. B. W. Collins, re: Use of I.B.M. equipment for Tax Billing. Refer
to Clerk. Carried.
33. Clarke Planning Board, re: Nick Dryew application and By-Law 1738
tabled to next meeting. Carried.
34. Police Village of Orono, re: road closing. Refer to Clerk.
Mr. Zuly appeared with five clients objecting to By-Law No. 1738 ...
(Nick Dryew property). Clients: Mr. & Mrs. williams, Mr. Dobrowski, ,.,
F. Cancaillere, E. Glennary, A. Gray, and Mr. Wilkens. Mr. Dryew also
appeared before Council.
Motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by R. G.Chater that the Clerk
and Township Solicitor be authorized to advise the Hinistry of Treasury,
Economics and Intergover~~ental Affairs that the conditions set out by
the Hinistry on the 23rd day of January 1969 and subsequent conditions
as set out on August 11, 1969 by w. O. Dew then Senior Planner of the
Community Planning Branch of D.M.A. have been placed to the corporation
and they have in their possession complete assurance from H.S.P.L.
covering all points as set out in the conditions of the Ministries'
letter. Carried.
;<'e: Buying of Gravel Pit from J. Marvin. This was discussed and
Mr. Ross is to look after this matter. Carried. Tabled for next
Council meeting.
The Council wish M. L. Ross and H. DeWith to rebill the account to
the Department of Public Works. (see #3)
The following Resolutions were passed:
R",.olllt.;on No. 109:Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by R. G. Chater;
This Council hereby declares Friday afternoon, September e, 1972,
Orono Fair Day, to provide a Public School Holiday in the Township of
Clarke. The Clerk is hereby instructed to refer certified copies of
this resolution to the Durham Central Agricultural Society and finally
to publicize Council's decision once only in the Orono Weekly Times.
R,,,,,:ol11tion No llO:Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by R. G. Chater;
This Council hereby resolves that the following Pay Vouchers be and
are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this
Council. General Vouch #7 for July in the amount of $19,924.79. Road
Voucher #7 for July in the amount of ij,85,553.95 and the Orono Police
Village Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $1,737.46. Carried.
Reso111tion No. 111 :Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by F. A. Gray;
This Council hereby authorizes the Clerk-Administrator to sign a
service contract with the 3M Company for one year at a cost of $15G.OO.
Resolution No. 112:l-1oved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping;
This Council hereby endorses the decision of the Clarke Planning
Board, re: appeal against Committee of Adjustment decision - Clarke
Fish & Conservation CLub Application No. A-21-72-17. Carried.
Page 4. Regular Council Meeting of August 1, 1972, cont'd.
RASo)utjon No. 11~:Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by R. G. Chater;
This Council hereby authorizes the 1st and 2nd readings of By-Law
No's. 1737 and 173$. Carried.
RAsolution No. llh:Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. Copping;
This Council hereby authorizes the 3rd reading of By-Law No. 1737.
RAfwlllt.i on No _ 11 'i :Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by F. A. Gray;
This Council hereby adjourns to. meet again on August 15, 1972 at
7:30 p.m. or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
RY-LAW NOa 17':\']
JaY-LAW NO. 1737
WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law No. 1653
<s amended.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of
the Township of Clarke ENACTS as FOLLOWS:
1. That Map 1 of Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 1653 be amended
by changing to "A-4" the zone symbol of the lands so
designated on Schedule "a-4" hereto attached.
2. That Section 10 of By-Law No. 1653 be amended by adding
therefore the following subsection:
(d) T~llnton Ro~d A-k
In addition to the uses referred to in Section
10.1 hereof, that part of Lot 29, Concession 6
which is designated A-4 may be used for two
singled family dwellings.
3. This By-Law shall become effective on the date hereof
subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario
~!unicipal Board.
Read a first .and second time this 1st day of August 1972.
Ri~npd J_ W_ Stonp-
~i~nAd B_ w_ Col1in~
Read .a third time and finally passed this 1st day of August 1972.
signed by J. W. Stone
si~pd B. w. Collin~
rJ-V --I~~