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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1972 Page 3. Regular Meeting of Council May 16, 1972, cont'd. Resolution No. 90. Moved by E.C. Copping, seconded by F.A. Gray. This Council hereby authorizes the Orono Amateur Athletic Association to participate in the Sports Lottery by the selling of tickets. Carried. e Resolution No. 91. Moved by E.C. Copping, seconded by F.A. Gray. The Council hereby authorizes the Kendal P.T.A. to hold a Bicycle Safety Rodeo in Kendal and that the road be closed to Vehicle traffic between the hours of 1:30 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. Carried. Resolution No. 92. Moved by E.C. Copping, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on Tuesday, June 6, 1972 at 10:00A.M. or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. " 'i:-' rz.<.) Re;ve ./ff;;: REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP Of CLARKE Tuesday June 6, 1972 at 10:00 A. M. Council Chambers Orono Present: Reeve - J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve - W. R. Carveth Councillor - f. A. Gray Councillor - R. G. Chater Councillor - E. C. Copping Clerk - Administrator - B. W. Collins Roads Superintendent - M. L. Ross Treasurer - H. DeWith The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on May 16, 1972 were adopted as printed on motion by Councillor R. G. Chater and seconded by E. C. Copping and carried. DAnutatinn~ ~nd PAtitions: motion by F. A. Gray and seconded by CouncillorW.R. Carveth that the various delegations be heard. 1. K. Lyall, re: road closing. K. Lyall presented 94 ,objections; R. Stevenson presented 40 objections; A. Downs also objected the road closing and Mrs. William Cochran presented her objection to the road closing. Mr. Lowery agreed to the road closing. 2. H. E. Millison and Mr. Rick McClelland to discuss insurance needs of the municipality. Council recessed at 12:20 P.M. for lunch and reconvened at 2:30 P.M. e 3. Mr. Caspari, Mr. Vincent, ~w. Mulder and Mr. . of Great Northern Capital Corporation Limited showed films to the Council members and Mr. R. C. Forrester and Mr. T. Woodyard were present on behalf of the Police Village of Orono. Mr. E. R. Lovekin was also present as he is the Township's Solicitor. The following correspondence was presented to Council. 1. Regional Co-ordinator - Youth & Recreation Branch, re: Location of Coaches Survey. Refer to Clarke Township Recreation Committee. Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council June 6, 1972. cont'd. 2. C. Skinner, rei inquire of gravel pit. Refer to Road Superintendent and Clerk. 3. Ministry of the Environment. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. 4. Mosport Park LLmited, reI invitation-the Labatts Can-Am Races on June 11, 1972. Clerk's recommendation. Refer to Clerk 5. G. T. Noone, B.Sc. (Agr) - complaint, reI road closing. ~ Refer to Clerk. _ 6. C.L.O.C.A., reI Sweep Programme. Refer to Road Super- intendent and Finance Committee. 7. Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs. Clerk recommends to read to Council then refer to Planning Board. $. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - letter to J. B. McMullin. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. 9. J. B. Lawson QC, Chairman Assessment notices of appeals. Clerk's recommendation. Treasurer. Review Court, reI Refer to Clerk and new 10. E. R. Lovekin - reI letter to Bonneville, Fitzgibbon & Good - Land Flooding Elliott Property. Tabled. 11. Letter of May 26, 1972 received from Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Reid. reI flooding of gravel pit. Refer to Road Superintendent and a letter is to be sent to Mrs. Reid by Clerk. The following resolutions were passed: Resolutinn q~. Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by E. C. Copping. This Council hereby resolves that the Treasurer/Tax Collector, H. DeWith receive the following salary increase rectroactive to January 1, 1972 by $750.00 per annum, thereby increasing his annual salary to $10.500 per annum. Carried. Resolllt.ion qh. Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray. This Council. hereby resolves the following salary increase-M.L. Ross rectroactive to January 1, 1972 by $750.00 per annum, ,thereby increas- ing his annual salary to $10,500 per annum. Carried. Resolution q~. Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by.F.,A. Gray. On recommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee, the Council authorized the following wage increase: Foreman - $3.45 Grader Operators - $3.20 Mechanics - $3.40 Truck Drivers - $3.10 Labourers - $2.75 These rates are to be rectroactive from January 1, 1972 for all employees with more than one year service, and all employees working 90 hours or more during a two week period to receive tLme and one half. Carried. R",,,nllltion qt,. Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. Copping. This Council hereby resolves that the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustments, Mrs. Ellen M.Yeo. receive the following salary increase rectroactive to January 1, 1972 by 25 cents per hour. Carried. RAsnlution q7. Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by E. C. Copping. This Council hereby authorizes the hiring of Mrs. E. Stainton as a Stenographer-Bookkeeper at a salary of $1$0.00 bi-weekly, with a probationary period of four months commencing ~~y 19, 1972. Carried. e ~'ag<.; 3. ~(CEtl1a~" ii ;C"V o:~ Coun.cil J", '-" ~ '72, ::::ont'd. :~t:.C',nl ~:\.,-i (In 1.IO\'f~ci by ~\.. G. Chat:;;;', Sf;CO~1G'~:'O by L:;. C. Ccpp:_Ln::i:. ite-sol.:"c that t.he i'ollo\,'ini.5 r?~:;.r",:<.-,s b ar:.u a~'e ll.c2:.'::bv au-:hol"i_ iz (~d ~"'02 paT'l-':::'-:',,,, b:l "~hl: SigYlinS Of:Cice:'s 0': this Council. G2n~ral Vou~h2r ;i5 for ~~ay 1~'?2 in t~,~ 3' o~nt of j2~" .74. i<..oad VOLJ~h::.:<' ;f) ~"'or 1.~2,Y 1~~?2 _:_i';' Lh".~ A'-lOuD\" 0':' ;;)()2,12c:-:'.61. O-,"'or...o Police Ii 'l:a ,'.' -;vroL.-:~tle~' ;is i"o!' I,lay J.. '/2 in the Bl-~',ount 0:: ',Ie'), 1.l+'"/ . .~ . .....a,' ':;._eo.. e 3v-L?\,\: 1;0. 1 ')....--12 B2ir...C a bY-::La\'" 'Co adopt th,:: esti!'~,a~,c:s of a__ S'L]J";S :;'-'EqL.irSCl U':.':'''J_D.;:; tc.:." -y,.",:a,;' a~lci to st_,'i~:~:: tI-l'-'at so:.... taxation f'o-.e th y_:a;.' 72. '.li-IE;:\EAS the Coun':.:il o:C' t:ae Cor~:)oration oi_' the To\'n:ship 0:'" Clar;:u~ has in a<>.::oy'danCE \'iith the:; l\iL;.rU_~;i.pal A;.;t ,::;orlsic.-:'~'.;:::'ci the f;)sti~::at s of the !"'un:i.,:_~ipality ?.Y3.Q of th,;. BOal'llS and CO;;"iT..r; 0.-:' th l:'.~un.:.,:.::::j,=_:'ali~y arlG :Lt is :le.::;essa::-.y that th,:: }-"ollo',,-,::~_n;" S'J.!'S b;:: :'aissQ by :-".eans 0:-' 't.axati.on io~ ~he yea 1.,72. EXP0:'DJ..ljJ:(SS Els;:tioL EXp2~S s To.v,'HsLil:::" ~-:all, B~.1.i=-c:. ~l. A~ditOi' .ux.:;):;::'1S~::S 850.00 2~o6::,.co ., ~.- .'. , _, _-j ,.)-...) . ,~. '..J EXU.::.L-l-.......:.' 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Ll ,'1f~+~ 2r~6. .:::,~"-'- _........:"'>. ),1 '",-- J .-y'--_. ,_,J =35,3 2. .;'-.~D ili~E?BA3 tlv;' Ass 8S": Lt:. ~:~()i=-- '2..i) L:C:" 1 ';-. ar~u :l~~on -'..'.:L';';;1 th ',:.:.axes Co. ~o b lc:~ ci a21~~ "I/,'as 21eJ.:Ly =. S-:'Q by t.h Cuu~,'[. of J.c:\'5_s:-LC::1'; A,i.-:J 'd:IE;:ZEA.::J 'c:l8 2.:::01':1t 0::' Ass SSl:;T;,~:':;' ;:E,:::,~_'=l ci to O.'l-l u-, h;' -, :~_~laf-L to as residential and farm, and the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as co~mercial and business from Uncon- ~ ditional Grants in accordance with Section 304 and 305 of the Municj.pal ., Act, is as follows: Assessment entitled to Benefit (Residential and Farm) 4,300,042.00 Assessment not entitled to Benefit (Commercjal and Business) 1,031,590.00 AND WHEREAS the estimated amount of the Unconditional Grant is $27,935.75 which is the equivalent o~ 6,497 mills on the Assessment entitled to Benefit; AND WHEREAS the Assessment of each of the bodies for which it is necessary to levy rates is as follows: Residential Comr.ercial & F~rm & Businp-ss Tot~l Northumberland & Durham Board of Education - Elementary Peterborough - Victoria North- umberland & Durham Roman Catholic Separate School Board Northunilierland & Durham Board of Education - Secondary 4,300,04e.GG 1,031,590.00 5,331,636.00 THEREFORE the Council o~ the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as ~ollows: 1. That the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter and there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Township of Clarke the following mill rates for the year 1972. TAXAtion A~H~~~mp.nt~ Mill RRteg Commercial 38,243.36 606,297 42.175 Residential & Farming 150,541.69 3,612,018 41.676 O.P.V. Commercial 7,146.29 225,293 31.720 O.P.V. Residential & Farming 17,354.16 Counties Rates 114,816.82 Education: Northumberland & Durham County Board of Education and Peterborough-Victoria Northumberland & Durham Roman Catholic Separate School Board Elementary - Corr~ercial - Residential & Farm - Residential & Farm - Commercial - Residential & Farm Ganaraska Authority Durham Federation Police Village of Orono - Co!mnercial - Residential & Farm O.M.W.S. - Frontage & Connection Street Lighting - Newtonville - Kendal 4,160,693.00 139,355.00 1. To,.mship 2. Township 3. Township 4. Township Separate Secondary 51,188.53 185,612.39 5,230.61 49,380.15 125,241.77 8,338.62 1,221.68 2. 4,323.83 13,204.67 9,574.66 2:7.50 110.00 Line Fence Act 9.00 Farm Tile Drainage - J. Barnoski 5C5.49 Barnoski 73.97 Obrist 123.29 Gibson 530.15 A. Morr'ow 120. "i"i Cllll.7?Q 2h The taxes shall become due and payable on Total Tax Roll - E. - F. - W. - R. 1972 1,031,590.00 5,192,2$3.00 nil 139,355.00 686,030 5,331,636 25.223 21.535 1,031,590 49.621 4,160,693 44.659 139,355 41.640 1,031,590 47.868 4,300,041: 43.079 5,331,636 1.564 2,443,360 0.500 225,293 19.192 66:3,010 19.192 ------- ------- 173,000 1.662 56,2C5 1.957 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- e ------- ------- ------- ------- the 30th day of June 1972 but e ,e Page 5. Regular Meeting of Council June 6, 1972, cont'd. may be paid in 2 equal insta1ments on the 30th day of June 1972 and the 30th day of November 1972 provided that upon failure to make payrr,ent of one or all insta1ments, the whole shall become due and payable forthwith. 3. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on due date or any instalment thereof, the amount of 1% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of default, and an additional penalty of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in "..hith default continues, but not after' the end of the year in ",hich the taxes are levied. 4. There shall be allowed a discount of 2-1/2% on the third instalment only if paid on Or before June 30, 1972. 5. The collector is hereby authorized to mail Or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence cr place of business of the person to whom such notice is required to be given. 6. All current taxes shall be paid into too branch offices of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Corr~erce at Orono and Newcastle. (All tax arrears shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer at Orono). 7. Where a tenant of land owned by the Cro"~ or in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the municipal- ity by the same employer for not less than 30 days, such employer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of any wages, salary, or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the anount paid. ~. The collector' and tt'easurer are hereby empowered to accept part payments from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. Rfesollltion No. gg: Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. Copping. This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on June 20, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. or at another' time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ._-~-----------.,~---, 3~> Clerk- Aol"'II'\,~ira:T-or Cb 'ff f~M~~ i)f./"'tl//Reeve SPECIAL I~ETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday.June 13, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. Council Chamber, Orono Present: Reeve - J'. W. Stone Deputy Reeve - W. R. Carveth Councill~r's - R. Chatel' F. Gray E. Copping ~lerk - Administrator - B. W. Collins The minutes of the were adopted as printed seconded by Regular Council meeting on motion by Councillor and carried. held on June 6, 1972 and DP-pllt.;:It~ion~ ~nrl Petitions:. motion by R. Chater and seconded by Councillor E. C. Copping that the various delegation be heard. 1. Mr. Marvinl re: Complaint against Mosport Park. The following correspondence was held over from the last General meeting of the Council. 12. J. T. McCabe of Tory, ,T~ry, DesLauriers & Binnington, Barristers & ~olicitors, re: RoyNat Limited and aron Realty Limited - deeding of property back in 1949. Refer to Clerk and Solicitor.