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Speci~ Meeting o~ the .Counci1 September 125, 1969, continued:
~ , - 1. . ....
haft' ut.i nl'l,)fa.' ~"\ ''Vontinu~d
Chapter 1218, may legally be submitted'to the electorate. In
applying ~or approval of such a aate itsho1:1JA"be -po:!.Iihd
out to the Provincial' Authoritieathat ~he Municipal elections
w:ill be held on the first da~ of December' :1.,969 andth,.is date
is therefore desireable. The said questions toreafil. as fp11ows:
"7. Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a di~
lounge licence !or consumption,' w:i th, me.als pn 'licensed
premises? : _ ~.., _ '_
"8. Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge
licence for consumption on licensed premises? n. Carried.
'Meeting adjourned at 11':30:' . "'..-- "'-',' .. ,
~~ ~~~
Clerk. . ' /riReeve.
Satmrday, September 2.7, 1969 at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve Roy A. yoster
Deputy Reeve H.o E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
CoUncillor ,F. A. Gray
Clerk H. DeWith
Solicitor E. R. Lovekin
Special meeting of Council was called 9Y Reeve, Foster to
consider the following: .
The following By-Law was given first reading on motion
by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. tray: .
The following By-Law was given second reading on motion
by F. A. Gray, seconded by H. E. Wa1key:" ,
The following By-Law was.given'third reading and finally
passed on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth:
Bv-Law NOA 16ll " - . .'
: _ ,A by-law for the submission to a vote of Questions 7 and
8 as set out in subsection (1) of Section 712 and pursuant to
Section 124 of The Liquor Licence Act. - .",
WHEREAS pursuant to'Section.Z4(1}(a) of The Liquor Licence
Act the Liquor Licence Board shai1 not issue a dining lounge or
lounge licence to hotels, inns or taverns in any municipality in
which suchlicencelll have not been issued heretofore to hotels,
inns ort~verns; unless or until an affirmat1ve XQtenas'been
taken on 2uestions 7 and 8 as set out in Section 712 of ~he
Liquor Licence Act., ' .
AND WHEREAS under Se~tion 712 of T~e ~iquor Licence Act the
Council of a ~upicipality may submit to. a yote of the perlllons
~ualifi~d to be entered oA the voters' list and to vote at
Elections to the Assembly in the municipality any questions set
forth in subsection (1) of Sectio:a7Z of' the said Act'.
AND WHEREAS the Council deems' it' expedient and desirable
to submit to a vote of the persons~ua1~fied to vote thereon
as aforesaid, the following questions:
Are you in favour of the sale of 11guor under 'a dining
lounge licence for consump~ion with meals on licensed
premises? , '
Ar.e you in favour of the sale o.f liquor under a lounge
licence for consumpt~~n on licensed premises?
AND WHERE4S the Council having requested the .Board to fix
a day for the taking of a vote O}1 the questions the Board h:a,s
fixed Monday the ls~ aayof Decemb~r. A.D., 1969.
.' .AND. WHEJUl4S it, is necesJlary to provic\e by,b}"-law ,for ,
the sublllission of the queli,Honl! .to,~~l!t perllons Ciu:alit1ea' to- ,
vote thereof' ~ 1'01" the t.....ing,of th.:i,~. vo.tes ther;o~n. '.
THEB.EFORE, the Munici}Nll Council o:ttheCorporation of'
the TOWlUlh:ip of, Clarke, enacts .as follOWS'
I) -
-- '----.1:;.
Page Z
Special Meeting,o~ Council SeptemQer Z7, 1969, contin.edI
1. Under The Liq~or Liqenee Act there is hereb7 ,
submitte<i < to <<a vote of the persons qualifiecl to be enterecl
on the voters' list and to< vo~e at E~ections to the Assembly
in the .unicipality, the ~ollo~~g questions:
Are 701.1. in favour o~the sale < of liquor Uncler a 4in~ng
lo~e licence for C01il.sllJ!lpt.ion with meallil ,?Il licensed
premises? . ,
Are yo~.in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge
licence for consumption on licensed premises?
Z. The vote shaJ.l be t.4ken on ~on4ay the 1st day of
Ilecemb.r,-~.Jl., 1969 as directed by The Liquor Licence Board.
of Ontario and in accordance with the provis~ons ~f<The .
Liquor Licence Act.
3. . This By-law shall come into,full force anq effect
upon the day of final passing thereof,
Meet%ng adjourned at 8: p.m.
&Qid_- ). . .M: ZI+
...:.-::; ., /lr~ iteeve. . .
, -
Tuesday, October 7, 1969, at.10 a.my.
, Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Deputy Reeve H. E, Walkey
Counci+lor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. St9ne
Clerk H. DeWittJ,
It was lIl(lved by J. W. Stone, seconded 0,. F. A. Grli.y<
that H. E. Walkey preside COlver th~ meeting as Acting Reeve
due to th..absence of Reeve Roy A. Foster. Carried.'
Tbe minutes of the regular meeting on September Z, ;L96;
and speciaL meetings on September 17, Z5 and Z7, 1969, _re
adopted as ?rinted on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by
J. W. Stone. Carried.
It was moved by J. W.Stone, secondesi by F,. ~. Gi-ay
that delegations be heard.. Carried.
Mr-.. Vaughn R. St~ves .et with COUJ:lcil to discu..
his application for rezoning part of Lot Z5, Conce~sion~.
for a Mobile Park.,
The~olloWing correspondence and, reports were read ~.t
by the Deputy Reeve: . ,
1. .~py letter ~rom E. Richard Loyekin..B.A.. LL.B.. to
Mrs. Alice Chater, Secretary, The Cemetery ~oard of
Clarke XQWl1ahip reNewtoUT~lle PresbyterLai1 C~tery
Proposed Take Over as business brought forward from
ZSeptember 1969.-Filed.,
Ross ami Cohen re Wayne. Jones and Mra.. Patricia. Jones,
Lot 32. Concession III. hp. of Clarke as business
brought "fDrward frome 2 :September J.969.-Referl"ed to Ii.
R. Best. ,
Letter f'rDm Mar;in Lownda to M., L. B.oss" B.oad S\l,perint~ndellt,
thanking the Committee ~or illspection and repair o~ road
and bridge.-Filed. . .
L. F. Dryden re application for Building Permit, part o~
Lot 31. Con. Z. Township of Clarke.-Referred to H. ~.. Best.
Ontario Planning. Depart.ent of Municipal Affairs, News
Letter for August ~969.-F~led. ;
Copy of aletter-~rom Haliburton, KawarthA; Pine Ridge
Di4trict H4ith Unit to Gordon Yo~ Ltd.. Fe~ti~izer~
r. Noti~e - An~ WasteDrop-Of~, Lot 15, Conc. Z,
Clarke Township.-Re~.rred to Clerk.
The Ceasumers' Gas Company re rates.-Filed.
Ontario HealthServ.i.c:es lnsurance Plan re :O~SI.P .~oup
Coverage.-Piled. . r
9.' K. Symons,Clerk-.Treasurer, United Counties of Northumberland
-and' Durham reMunicipal Planning Cons~.tuts-Co. Ltd.
progress report No.1, "'gional GovernmeJ:lt Study.-Filed.