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HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/1969 (Special) e .. . . '.o;;~ Page 4' '" Regular 1Ieeting of' 'Council ~_ber '2. 1969. eontinued: The following By-Law was read. a f~r"t. . .ee... '&nd. ' third time and t~lly passed: Bv-Law"'Iijl.. '~.]AlL':i Being a By-Law tc) repeal By-Law No. 1557 reapectihg the adoption of Biennial Election,s in the Township of Clarke WHBaEAS the Council of the c.rporation of the ~ownship . of ,<;;1.,' ark.. after due deliberation. have de~d it expedient toft-peal By-Law No. 1557; , '. NOW TRE1U:FORB BE IT E.ACTED by the Couneil of the Corpcilration of the Township of Clarke: ,,' TtiAT BT-Law No.- 1557 be and the same is herebyrepeallld. 'Ra.~lut;DD Ne_ J~2.koved by W.R.Carveth, seeonded by F.A.Gray. This Council hereby adjourn'to meet again on October 7. 1969. at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherWise in special meeting at the callot the Reeve. Carl"ied 0 :C'"". ~ . Clerk. _ ~ %J~. ~Re.v.. SPECIAL KEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TewNSHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday. September 17,,196~ at a p.m. Council'Chamber. Orono. Eresent: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Solicitor E~ R. Lovekin Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by Reev. Foster to consider the following business: E. R. Lovekin, Township Solicitor. ' met with Council to discuss the amendments to By-Law No. 1592. The following correspondence was read out b7 the Reeve: M. L. Ross re John Koropatwa's request re ha7 on Township garage property.-Filed. Meeting adjourned at 11.30 p.m. Clerk. tf;J::!.~/ L ~~~ Jf~ Reeve. : . ....