HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-11-06 CWilJgtoo REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, April 10, 2006 Resolution #:~-1 h7.Db Date: Report #: EGD-11-06 File #: By-law #: Subject: INTERSECTION OF LONGWORTH AVENUE AND SCUGOG STREET, BOWMANVILLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-11-06 be received; and 2. THAT the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Scugog Street be added to the 2006 Capital Budget with the estimated costs of $120,000 to be financed through the Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund. Respectfully by, 4f& Submitted by: A.S. Cannella Director of Engineering Services cJ ~.--.:-~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASClRDB/dv February 22, 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 Report #EGD-11-Q6 Page 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Since the opening of the Longworth Avenue extension from Scugog Road to Regional Road 57 in 2004, staff have been monitoring the traffic volumes and the operational aspects of the intersection for future installation of traffic control devices. Currently the installation of these traffic signals are included in the Municipality's present Development Charge Study and Bylaw and are eligible for full funding. 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 Lonoworth Avenue The first section of Longworth Avenue between Liberty Street and Scugog Street was constructed prior to 2004 with the link to Durham Road 57 being opened on December 15, 2004. Traffic volumes on Longworth Avenue are expected to increase with the construction of the extension connecting Liberty Street to Mearns Avenue, starting in 2006. Longworth Avenue will continue its role as an important Arterial Type C transportation link when it is extended even further west to Green Road in a number of years. An arterial roadway such as Longworth Avenue is essential to move west east traffic flows from the growing northern section of Bowmanville and to reduce congestion in the King Street corridor. 2.2 Scuooo Street Scugog Street has undergone reconstruction and renaming over the past few years to realign the road network to accommodate future growth with a well designed Arterial Type C roadway. 2.3 Intersection of Lonoworth Avenue and Scuooo Street Longworth Avenue has a 14.5 m wide pavement width while the intersecting roadway of Scugog Street has a 10.5 m wide payment width; both are classed as Type C Arterial roadways in the Official Plan. This very wide intersection is Report #EGD-11-Q6 Page 3 designed and constructed to carry large volumes of traffic with multiple through lanes and turning lanes. The intersection has a slight skew in its alignment which contributes to some driver maneuvering and vision concerns. St. Stephen's Secondary School is located 300 m to the north while St. Elizabeth's elementary school is located 500 m to the east of the intersection. 2.4 Intersection Monitorino The Engineering Services Department has been monitoring the intersection volume since December 16, 2004 when the west section was opened connecting Longworth Avenue to Durham Road 57. The counts have shown an increase in vehicle volumes which reflects the shifting of through traffic away from the congested downtown area as well as increased traffic volumes due to additional housing construction in the northern areas of Bowmanville. In 2005 there were three right angle collisions at this intersection during the first year of its existence. During the study periods some motorists were observed having difficulty judging vehicle approach speeds and entering the intersection when there was limited time to complete the maneuver safely. 2.5 AII-wav Stop Consideration The traffic volume data collected at the intersection on November 22, 2005 did not completely satisfy all of the requirements of the provincial all-way stop sign warrant but they are close enough to be significant. The provincial warrant requires that total intersection volumes be in excess of 500 vehicles for each of eight hours of the day while the study recorded five hours where the 500 vehicle threshold was exceeded. The three hours that fell below 500 were recorded at 442, 427 and 442, being an average of 86% of the required minimum. These three remaining off-peak time periods could exceed the 500 threshold within a short time period. Report #EGD-11-Q6 Page 4 The average intersection volume over the total eight hours of the study was 572 per hour with the peak being 804 vehicles per hour. The volume split between the two roadways is well balanced and complies with the all-way stop guidelines indicating it would produce a good level of stop sign compliance. However, because the intersection is currently constructed with wide widths to accommodate the future signals, it creates problems for the installation of an all- way stop. Stopped or parked vehicles on the right lane of multi-lane roadway can obscure the stop signs which could cause some motorists in the left lane to enter the intersection without stopping. If during peak times, there are two approach vehicles per intersection leg lined up at the intersection, it creates a situation of eight motorists trying to remember their right of way order rather than just four motorists. Adding pedestrians into the mix changes the vehicle flow and adds to driver confusion and frustration. Traffic will queue in lines from the intersection during peak times and affect the movement of the Durham Transit Buses which also pass through this intersection. In order to reduce the intersection to a more manageable four lane approach, channelization must occur which could include combinations of pavement markings and physical curbs or medians. These channelization measures would need to be removed again when signals are introduced which will add to the expense of the interim all-way stop traffic control device. If an all-way stop is to be considered, its implementation is safer during the summer months when road/weather conditions are better and when schools are closed. A traffic by-law amendment is required if an all-way stop is to be introduced. 2.6 Traffic Sional Consideration This major intersection was constructed for multi-lane traffic with under ground services preinstalled for the planned installation of traffic signals. Funding for the traffic signal installation is estimated to cost $120,000.00 and the funding is available now as 100% development charges. While the installation of these signals is not currently proposed in the 2006 budget, in consideration of the Report #EGD-11-Q6 Page 5 recent data collected during staffs monitoring of the intersection, the planned extension of Longworth Avenue and growth of the residential and commercial areas, as well as the projected traffic volumes, the warrants will be met in the short term and therefore it would be reasonable to advance this project and include it in the 2006 Capital Budget. Advancing the traffic signal installation is the pro-active preferred option by staff to eliminate driver confusion and costs associated with the interim all-way stop condition, including any temporary channelization which would be required. A traffic signal typically reduces the more severe right angle collisions. A traffic signal especially one with count down pedestrian signal heads provides improved pedestrian crossing guidance and opportunity over a two way or an all-way stop condition. Durham Transit buses and school buses which pass through this intersection will benefit from traffic signals as a controlled right of way and reduce the chances of a right angle collision. The advancement of the project and by-passing the interim all-way stop is considered pro-active, and staff anticipate it will be well received by the majority of residents in the area. Installing an all-way stop with various pavement markings then grinding them off again in a short period of time may simply be confusing to a typical resident. Preliminary discussions with the Region of Durham indicate this project, if approved by Council, could be fast tracked with installation arranged after June when the school year has ended. A traffic by-law amendment is not required for the introduction of a traffic signal. This report has been reviewed by the Finance Department and they concur with the recommendations contained herein. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 Advancing the installation of traffic signals for the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Scugog Street would improve public safety and would be funded Report #EGD-11-Q6 Page 6 100% from development charges based on continuing growth in the surrounding areas. Therefore it is recommended that this project be added to the 2006 Capital Budget and the funds, which are estimated at $120,000.00, and charged to the Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund. This report has been reviewed by the Finance Department and they concur with the recommendations contained herein. 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