HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1953 (Special) _to I') '";~~~;'~~~,L ,.lit'>- Vl'~t~ ? .~u. ~,' ~ Council Room, l"'~o.y Lth, 1953 !1'.Dved l)~' Cr Osl:ornA secondeCl hy Cr DeGeer that triA assessor be 8.'lthorized to attend the liSSBssors convention ['..t HUFlilton on t:t<.y 27th to 29th, ','iith all exvenses paid. n Carried " ~.;oved by Rv Little second'~d by Cr Scott thc,_t the Clerk be ~nthorized t,o order necessary star '3i~ns e-nd 25 gallons of Trt~ffic l'aint. II ::::(11'1'1ed ., Koved bv Hv Little SAcOJ1(";,ed Lv Cr Osborne that un udveTti;:;en~ent ce inserted in the Stutesrr1;n s'Latinc thG.t 811 citL~ens who would like shade trees pl,cnted on the boulevard in fr0nt of their rroperties be re:}118sted to mbke aprlication to the TO'Iin ::::lerk as eo~n as possible ~s the supply is limited to 100 trees. II Jarried II },:oved bv Or DeGeer seconded bv Rv Litt1.e that the l"ublic Prm:'srt" Comn1jttee be 3.uthori'zed to rroceed '....ith th~ n8Ce:iSar~l electricc,l r'3pairs ill the rOVln Hall et :J. cost not flxceedinr: :,; 250.00 "::nrried 11 I\:oved bv Rv l,ittle secon,j,,,d tv Or DeGeeI' th~',t th0 f'lf',~ be fIo','m all the 'Tow!' Hall o.t :l.ll. ti[l~s.' " GRTried II 1'oved by Or ~oatt s8cond8d by Rv Littl~ that 270 feet of 6 fnnt fence be "r"ectee ;t l~i-'p'(;~':: ~'.l l"1rk or'T'()si t"1 the w~d:j rJ!. :roo1 3t ~, 00St of 'w 761.1f-0 ., LotJon Lest II r,:oved :in ~\.Tren6m8f't by Cr Der}P'Hr 8t3GClnded b:l Dr ~(y ::-l:obsor. that if the recreation cIJITIr:issinr.. desire U'rl(~ l"i-lcnnunepd tl'F:t ;;utt['.b'e 8TI!)'!! fece'? be erected rJ,;,~:osjte the wadinc p0~1 durt~c ~he ti~e thut the )8nl. i~ in operution. -. n jJ'len\lment lost '.dth the l.'nyor votinz ::t['~ir,st .t t:oved '~'Y Cr DeGeer seonnrlf::d by Cr KtlT!l8r th'lt CO\ll"'!cil huve reviewed the edjtorial under the he2dirg 'I rot Inter'Jsted iT'. 3ecuring Few Industry !1 8.nd fee1. thut this criticism hus t,een unfedr und non constructive ufld L part of it ur.true and it is hored thut YOllrpaper NouJd see fit to correct any fnlse iw:;ression thut you may have created in the mind.s of the citizens of BmvrnanvillA. 11 Cl'irri.Bd unu:[,irnously " On I'.:otion Gourlci 1 <:~djollrned. * 0:>' / /',.' . V ~)ler". V TA. d,--_~= l.~8.y or. COUDGtl R'1oTfl, !\:ay 19th, 1953 Jpecibl me8tin[~ of Council was held on above d.ate, members ~jll nre3eflt excerti!1'; Cr DeGeer, ttw :Fuynr pres:i ,jine: and ~;tat,ed i,hut he hed (':.'.:.11erl. the m;3etiT'.f~ for the pur;:os8 of ;USSiE::: ;J. B1lildinc By-:l".,~w. l.:oved b~r Cr Osborne ~'~condBd by Cr Scott Umt tl1e first und seec, 1 :readings ().f tbe Blli1..dtrZ By-l..uw bp, riven ano th.:.t Council 8.dvertbe for '::rrlic"JJ ts for the positi0n of' building insr:ector, n;:rlic.:ants to ,~te.te E1~:e, experi.ence .'lnd fee expected. II Curried H DY-r;~'.-l Rv LittJ (~ c_ske(l -;:::errnissior: to ir,troduup. e. By-I1?\N to ro:.:;ulGt,e the PI'e~tio!1 und r~rovilie for the s[lfety nf hui1.'linc:s p.nd stl:'uctures. Grsnted and reart the first t:i 1,.,8. On not.ior: l'ul'3 33 '.'lac; 81) spen.jerl dnd COlu..cil wer:t iEta 8orTiI:nittee of r.he ',^Jh01e or.. secon(l readinc, the ~::Qyor in the chair. Or. comr!1ittee 1"1. sire; the F&yor repnrted the ::::ecoT;cl .reurl. j nc;. By-Law 'N',1:,:; then L-.id on the t<..:. hJ. e. r<OVp,ol b:,' ~(1f Littl.:-: seconded l-y Cr Cole thG.t the }':b.yor iSflJe L. proc14rnation Jec1&rirc; Co:':"o:r.utior. DliY a.s 0. rutIic HOlid&y unr1 rt~:~ue3t,i n!3 8.11 citiz;ens to nb:'wrve i.t 3.nd to dec()rate their pr'3T'lises. " },ioti8I1 Lost .! Or:. h;otio~ Conncil L.d,jollrned. #-C:;/~ ,/C lerh;:. ~,:~&~r (11'. 7)W. (L_~ l .~ , )