HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-047-06 ClJJlpn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, April 24, 2006 Report #: PSD-047-06 File #: PLN 33.4 By-law #: Subject: PORT GRANBY PROJECT - UPDATE ON ENHANCED FACILITY DESIGN AND REVISED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-047-06 be received for information, and 2. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to all interested parties indicated in this report. Submitted by: Reviewed b}t ) ~ c 9 ~ e. It. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer a . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services JAS/FLlDJC/df 7 April 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 On March 29, 2005, Committee adopted a resolution to request the Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office (LLRWMO) investigate the effects of installing a double composite base liner at the new Long Term Waste Management Facility (L TWMF) for the Port Granby Project, and to revise the Environmental Assessment Study Report (EASR) accordingly. 1.2 On January 23, 2006, Mr. Glenn Case of the LLRWMO made a presentation to Committee to advise that their investigation had indicated the installation of a double liner would not appreciably improve the safety performance of the L TWMF. Mr. Case also indicated that, as a result of a comprehensive review of the entire facility design, the LLRWMO was recommending that the performance of the mound be enhanced through the incorporation of a capillary drainage layer into the mound cover. Staff indicated their support for the LLRWMO's recommendation through Report PSD-007-06, as did the Municipal Peer Review Team (MPRT) through their peer review report. 1.3 Mr. Sarwan Sahota and Mr. John Stephenson of the South East Clarington Ratepayers Association (SECRA) made presentations to Council on January 30, 2006 in respect of the revised facility design for the Port Granby Project. Council referred subsequent correspondence from the LLRWMO (February 27, 2006 Council) and Mr. Stephenson (March 20, 2006 Council) to the Planning Services Department. A letter from Mrs. Cathy McNeill was also received by Council on April 18, 2006 and referred to Planning. 1.4 The MPRT has prepared a revised peer review report in respect of the enhanced facility design for the Port Granby L TWMF (see Attachment 2). This report provides more detailed information regarding the operation of the capillary drainage layer, and explains the MPRT's rationale for supporting the enhanced facility design as recommended by the LLRWMO in lieu of a double base liner system. This report also provides the MPRT's recommendations for further optimizing the performance of the enhanced mound cover. 1.5 The purpose of this staff report is to provide an overview of the MPRT's position with respect to the design of the L TWMF, to respond to specific questions and issues raised by both Council and residents, and to advise Council with respect to the status of the revised EASR. 2.0 PEER REVIEW TEAM POSITION REGARDING DESIGN OF THE L TWMF 2.1 The base liner system of the L TWMF is required to deal with leachate generated during the construction phase when precipitation will contact the waste, and in the early operational life of the mound due to any residual moisture from construction activities. Leachate generation after this period is expected to be negligible. 2.2 The MPRT's recommendation for a double liner system in March 2005 was based on the uncertainty of the durability of the geomembrane components in both the cover and liner systems, which are required to effectively minimize and contain any leachate in the long term. This was of particular concern in the event of the failure of the geomembrane REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 3 in the cover system, which would increase the potential for leachate generation. Under such a scenario, the native till under the mound would have been relied on to provide redundant containment of the leachate in order to protect the surrounding environment should the geomembrane in the liner system also fail. Although the native till could be expected to contain any leachate that escaped the mound, it was the MPRT's position that any scenario that involved any contamination of the till layer was unacceptable because of the potential for environmental contamination. 2.3 Subsequent to the LLRWMO's review of several double liner systems and the conclusions that a second liner would not appreciably improve the performance of the mound, the MPRT and the LLRWMO agreed that a comprehensive review of the entire facility design was needed to assure isolation of the waste from the environment. 2.4 The enhanced facility design for the engineered mound developed by the LLRWMO as a result of this review utilizes a capillary barrier and drainage system as part of the cover system. This system would provide further protection from moisture contacting the waste and would further reduce the potential for leachate generation to negligible levels, even in the event of a failure of the geomembrane in the cover system. As well, the capillary drainage system would be composed of natural materials, would operate passively, and would contain instrumentation to detect moisture infiltration. The mound cover could also be repaired if the sensors that are embedded within the capillary drainage system detected any moisture infiltration. 2.5 To assess the appropriateness of the LLRWMO's conclusions, the MPRT reviewed background documentation on industry experience with respect to capillary barriers, as well as the preliminary conceptual details of the proposed cover system. The MPRT also had technical meetings with the LLRWMO and its technical consultant to discuss the proposed design. Based on this review, the MPRT has concluded that the enhanced facility design meets their expectations with regard to environmental performance. By effectively reducing the amount of moisture contacting the waste to negligible levels, even in the case of the degradation of the geomembrane component of the cover system, there will be less reliance on the liner system to manage the leachate and protect against soil and groundwater contamination. 2.6 The MPRT is satisfied that the enhanced cover design improves the overall performance of the L TWMF and provides Clarington residents and Council with a state- of-the-art facility and an increased level of confidence. In particular, the enhanced design meets the key objectives the MPRT originally sought by recommending a double liner in the original facility design - i.e. protecting the underlying till, preventing potential leachate contamination of groundwater, and providing redundancy in the facility design. As such, it is the opinion of the MPRT that, with the enhanced facility design, a double liner system is no longer necessary. 2.7 A full discussion of the MPRT's review of the enhanced facility design is provided in Section 2 of the MPRT's report. The MPRT has also made a number of recommendations to the LLRWMO on ways in which the capillary barrier concept could be enhanced. The LLRWMO is actively studying these recommendations and has REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 4 already incorporated a number of these recommendations into the facility design. The MPRT's recommendations are set out in Section 3 of their report. 3.0 RESPONSE TO ISSUES RAISED BY COUNCIL AND RESIDENTS 3.1 Possible tearino of base liner durino construction 3.1.1 The single base liner system for the L TWMF will consist of the following three components (from top to bottom): . 0.5 m thick sand layer which houses the leachate collection system and which provides a permeable media through which the leachate will preferentially travel; . 0.002 m thick High Density Polyethylene (HOPE) geomembrane to provide a bottom to the sand layer and to assist in the collection of the leachate; . 0.75 m (2.4 ft) thick compacted clay liner (CCL) to adsorb and further repel any leachate that may migrate through the two previous component layers. This single three component base liner system would be 1.25 m (4.1 ft) thick, with each component performing a specific function and providing a redundant level of protection. 3.1.2 The concern noted by Council and residents relates to the possible tearing of the HOPE geomembrane during construction of the liner system and during waste placement. There are a number of operational controls used to protect the geomembrane that have proven to be effective over many years of experience. These include preparation of the underlying CCL to ensure it will provide a proper base for the geomembrane, and inspection of the geomembrane to ensure that there are no foreign objects (i.e. rocks) that could puncture the membrane. The seams of the geomembrane are fused together to create a watertight barrier. This fusing process is subject to stringent inspection and quality control. Once the entire geomembrane has been installed, it is tested for leaks. 3.1.3 No machinery ever comes in direct contact with the HOPE geomembrane in the liner system. During the installation of the liner, a 0.3 m (1 ft) cushion of sand will be placed over the geomembrane to support the equipment. The HOPE is installed using track- mounted equipment. During placement of the waste, the 0.5 m (1.6 ft) thick sand leachate collection layer will provide protection to the geomembrane. As a further precaution, the first 0.5 m lift of waste placed over the sand layer will be select material. Trucks hauling the first few lifts of waste into a cell will be restricted to internal temporary haul roads so that there is at least a 1 m separation between the truck tires and the geomembrane liner. The initial lifts of waste will be spread by a low ground pressure tracked bulldozer (35 kPa max. ground pressure). REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 5 The liner installation and waste placement processes will be continuously supervised to ensure the integrity of the membranes. 3.2 Failure of a sino Ie base liner durino ooeration of the L TWMF 3.2.1 This concern also seems to relate to the possible failure of the HOPE geomembrane component of the three component base liner system. The base liner system of the L TWMF is primarily required to deal with leachate created during construction, when the waste is exposed to precipitation, and in the 5 to 10 year period following construction of the mound when residual drainage of leachate will occur. After this period, leachate volumes will be reduced to negligible levels - less than 3 litres per day (1 cu. m. per year) produced from pre-existing moisture in the waste since the enhanced mound cover will ensure that no precipitation will contact the waste. 3.2.2 Testing and field experience with HOPE geomembranes has indicated that they have a life expectancy of several hundred years. Specifically, HOPE geomembranes are manufactured with anti-oxidant compounds to inhibit chemical oxidation of the polymer. Standardized chemical compatibility testing has indicated that the performance of the HOPE geomembrane will not be compromised by exposure to chemicals in the leachate. 3.2.3 However, in the event that the geomembrane in the liner unexpectedly deteriorates, the 0.75 m thick compacted clay liner (CCL) beneath the geomembrane will act as a very effective barrier to leachate. Since the CCL is comprised of natural materials, its function as a barrier to the minimal volumes of leachate that will be generated will not diminish during the life of the L TWMF. 3.2.4 The LLRWMO's review of the efficiencies of liner systems indicated that a single liner system would contain 99.95% of the leachate, while a double liner would contain 99.99% of leachate. Given that leakage rates for the single liner system are predicted to be barely measurable (less than 0.01 mm per year), the 0.45% increase in leachate containment afforded by a second liner system would not represent an improvement in the performance of the L TWMF. 3.2.5 Even under a scenario involving a complete failure of the geomembrane in the mound cover, the redundant protection provided within the cover would capture virtually all of the moisture, so that less than 0.01 % of the precipitation would contact the waste. Again, this very low rate of leachate production (less than 0.08 mm per year) is easily handled by a single liner system, even in the event of a complete failure of the geomembrane in the liner system. The mound cover could be repaired if sensors installed in the cover system detect any failures, while the liner system cannot be repaired. 3.3 A double liner system was reiected because of cost 3.3.1 The single base liner system under the L TWMF is expected to cost $4.75 million. The additional cost for the three options for doubling the liner investigated by the LLRWMO ranged from $2.81 million to $4.75 million. The LLRWMO's analysis indicated that none of these options would perform appreciably better than the single three component base liner. Since no significant groundwater quality impacts are expected with the single base REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 6 liner system, the installation of a second base liner system would not provide any significant technical advantage. As such, the doubling of the base liner was rejected not because of cost, but because it did not enhance the redundant level of protection. 3.3.2 The capillary drainage layer in the mound cover will be constructed using the native till already found on the site of the future L TWMF. The soil fractions in the till (ie. gravel, sand, silt and clay) will be separated on-site. The availability of suitable soil on-site will preclude the need to transport the soil materials needed for the capillary barrier along area roads. The additional cost related to the construction of the capillary drainage layer in the mound cover is approximately $1.03 million. 3.3.3 In the opinion of both the LLRWMO and the MPRT, the proposed enhancement to the mound cover through the incorporation of a capillary drainage layer provides a much more cost effective and pro-active approach to environmental protection than the construction of a double liner system. The construction of the capillary drainage barrier in the mound cover renders a double line system unnecessary because it reduces the volume of leachate that the liner system would have to deal with to negligible levels. As well, the construction of an enhanced cap would involve no increase in project-related truck traffic and a significantly shorter increase in the duration of the Project than would the construction of a double liner. 3.3.4 In the opinion of both the LLRWMO and the MPRT, the capillary drainage barrier provides the redundant level of protection that the Municipality was seeking through their request to examine a double liner system. 3.4 The Port Hope L TWMF will include a double base liner svstem and a capillary drainaae laver 3.4.1 The design of both the Port Granby and Port Hope L TWMFs has been tailored to address the specific geotechnical characteristics of each site. Given the significant differences between the two sites, it is not appropriate to compare specific design elements. 3.4.2 The bottom of the Port Granby mound will be located between 5 to 20 m above the water table and will be underlain by 8 to 12 m of relatively impermeable native till, which will provide a very stable base for the mound. In contrast, the relatively porous soils found at the Port Hope site do not provide as stable a base for the mound and the water table is in relatively close proximity to the bottom of the mound. These characteristics necessitate the installation of a double liner system at the Port Hope facility. 3.5 Installation of a double liner svstem would enhance health and safetv and public confidence in the L TWMF 3.5.1 It is the opinion of both the LLRWMO and the MPRT that the enhanced facility design, which incorporates a capillary drainage layer into the mound cover, together with the three component base liner system, will ensure the isolation of the waste from the environment. The installation of a double base liner would not improve the performance of the mound in protecting the health and safety of residents. The MPRT is satisfied that the enhanced cover design improves the overall performance of the L TWMF and provides REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 7 Clarington residents and Council with a state-of-the-art facility and an increased level of confidence. 3.5.2 It is also important to note that all aspects of the Port Granby Project, including a detailed design of the L TWMF, will be subject to rigorous review by various federal and provincial agencies, such as the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), prior to the approval of the EASR and the issuance of a construction license. 3.6 A second base liner svstem is needed because the waste will take a lono time to dry 3.6.1 After the mound is completed and the cap over the waste is constructed, leachate will be generated from free water within the waste. Initial leachate production after the mound is expected to be about 126 cu. m. per day (126 cu. m. per year). However, the rate of leachate production will decline exponentially over the first few years, so that within 10 years leachate production will reach a steady state of less than 0.003 cu. m. per day (less than 1 cu. m. per year). 3.6.2 The waste within the mound will retain much of its original water content in tension and this moisture will never drain out. It will also not evaporate because of the 3.5 m thick mound cover overtop of the waste. 3.7 The use of capillary drainaoe lavers is not wide-spread and is onlv experimental 3.7.1 The MPRT undertook a review of the use of capillary barriers at other waste facilities. This review indicated that capillary barriers are used in a number of waste sites to prevent precipitation from contacting the waste. For example, a capillary-based barrier has been installed and has been operational since 1994 at the Hanford Superfund radioactive waste site in Washington State. This system has been found to operate satisfactorily in a temperate/humid environment similar to Ontario. 3.7.2 The use of capillary barriers in hazardous landfills and for the remediation of waste sites is increasing due to the advantages such barriers provide. Key advantages include their ability to retain and divert water, and their constructability using natural materials and configurations that imply longevity. 3.7.3 The MPRT'S review found that the mound cover proposed by the LLRWMO for the Port Granby L TWMF, with the capillary barrier and the HOPE geomembrane, is more robust than most of the cover systems used at other waste sites. A more detailed discussion of the history and use of capillary barriers is provide in Section 2.1 and Appendix A of the MPRT report. 3.8 The capillary drainaoe laver represents on Iv a maroinal improvement to the mound cover 3.8.1 The average annual precipitation in the Port Granby area is 820 mm. As indicated by the following, virtually all precipitation that falls on the L TWMF will be collected and drained away by the mound cover: REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 8 . 500.2 mm (61 %) will be lost through evapo-transpiration (ie. the sum of evaporation and transpiration by plants) . 180.4 mm (22%) will be lost through runoff from the mound because of its sloped sides; and . 139.4 mm (17%) will infiltrate into the mound cover and be captured and drained away by the sand drainage layer above the geomembrane. Less than 0.01 % of the original 820 mm of precipitation (0.082 mm) is expected to penetrate through the geomembrane in the cover. This minimal amount of moisture will be captured by the capillary drainage layer and drained away from the waste to the sides of the mound by capillary action. The net result is that the amount of moisture available to reach the waste will be barely measurable. 3.8.2 In the unlikely event of a complete failure of the geomembrane in the mound cover, it is anticipated that approximately 54 mm (7% of the incident precipitation) would leak through the geomembrane into the capillary drainage layer. The capillary drainage layer would drain away almost all of this moisture, again, less than 0.01 % of the original incident precipitation (0.082 mm) would be available to contact the waste. 3.9 Double liners are commonly used in the U.S. for waste storaoe mounds 3.9.1 Hazardous waste sites in the United States tend to use generic mound designs that rely on double base liners. In Canada, waste facilities tend to be designed to address the specific characteristics of a site. The MPRT's review of non-hazardous and hazardous waste sites in Canada, the United States and Europe indicated that the mounds with double liners do not have enhanced caps. For example, the LLRW site at Weldon Springs, Missouri, which contains 1.3 million cu. m. of Thorium-230 and Uranium contaminated waste and soils, has a double base liner, but does not have a geomembrane or a capillary barrier in the mound cover. 3.9.2 A more detailed description of the containment systems used at other waste sites is provided in Appendix A of the MPRT report. 4.0 REVISED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT 4.1 The LLRWMO has prepared a revised Draft EASR for the Port Granby Project, which was received by Council at its meeting of April 3, 2006. A copy of the LLRWMO's letter forms Attachment 3 to this report. In the letter, the LLRWMO indicates that Council's objective in requesting a double liner in the new L TWMF was to increase confidence in the long-term environmental safety of the new facility. However, the LLRWMO's analysis indicated that the inclusion of a second base liner system did not enhance the protective features of the mound to any significant extent, but could have a noticeable effect on local residents through increased trucking and a longer construction period. Further study indicated that the addition of a capillary drainage layer system to the mound cover greatly increased the facility's ability to keep the wastes dry for the long REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 9 term. This was found to be a much better design enhancement than incorporating a double liner in the base of the facility. 4.2 The revised EASR is substantially the same as the document that was reviewed by the MPRT and the public in the spring of 2005. The only substantive revisions relate to the effects expected from the inclusion of the capillary drainage layer into the cover of the L TWMF, and the construction of the grade separation under Lakeshore Road. As well, some revisions have been made to reflect comments from the federal review of the EASR for the Port Hope Project, which was submitted in April 2005. 4.3 The revised EASR is currently being reviewed by the MPRT. As well, copies of the document have been provided to SECRA and are also available through the Clarington Public Library. The review period will end on May 03, 2006. Given that the revised EASR is substantially the same as the document submitted by the LLRWMO last year, except for the changes noted above, this time period should be sufficient. 4.4 Any comments identified by the MPRT and the public during the review period will be addressed by the LLRWMO in May. Any necessary revisions would be made to the EASR and a final version of the EASR will be submitted to the June 5, 2006 Committee meeting. Staff will also forward a report to the June 5, 2006 meeting with a recommendation on whether Council should endorse the Project reflected in the EASR as the Preferred Option for the Port Granby Project. 5.0 NEXT STEPS 5.1 Once Council endorses a Preferred Option, the LLRWMO will submit the EASR and all other relevant documentation to the federal government for review. The following federal and provincial agencies will be reviewing and providing comments on the EASR: . Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) . Department of Fisheries and Oceans . Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission . Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency . Transport Canada . Environment Canada . Health Canada . Ontario Ministry of the Environment . Ontario Ministry of Transportation . Ontario Ministry of Culture . Ontario Provincial Police 5.2 Based on the experience with the Port Hope EASR, this review is expected to be quite rigorous and detailed. The numerous technical reports prepared as part of the EA will be scrutinized by the review agencies to ensure that the study methodologies used by the LLRWMO and its consultants are appropriate and sufficiently comprehensive, and that the conclusions of these studies are accurate. In particular, the design of the L TWMF, including the single base liner system and the capillary drainage layer in the REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 10 mound cover, will be reviewed to ensure that the storage mound will effectively isolate the waste from the environment for several hundred years. 5.3 Once the review of the Port Granby Project EASR is completed, a draft Screening Report will be issued by the federal authorities for review and comment. This report will summarize the results of the federal/provincial review. Based on comments received, the screening report will be finalized and a decision on whether to proceed with the Project will be released by the federal government. Licensing by the CNSC will follow. Currently, it is anticipated that the construction work related to the Port Granby Project will commence in 2008. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Both Staff and the MPRT are pleased that the LLRWMO has worked so diligently over the past year to address our concerns regarding the need to incorporate additional redundancies into the design of the L TWMF for the Port Granby wastes. The MPRT and staff are confident that the enhanced facility design, with the inclusion of the capillary drainage layer into the mound cover and a three component base liner system, represents a significant improvement to the design of the facility and makes the double liner originally recommended by the MPRT technically unnecessary. 6.2 Nonetheless, Staff and the MPRT continue to be sensitive to the position expressed by residents that a double base liner system is required at the L TWMF. Council's endorsement of a Preferred Option for the Port Granby Project will allow the detailed review of the L TWMF design by the federal and provincial review authorities to occur. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Glossary of Terms Attachment 2 - Municipal Peer Review Team Report, March 2006 Attachment 3 - Letter from Glenn Case, LLRWMO, dated March 31,2006 REPORT NO.: PSD-047-06 PAGE 11 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Ms. Sharon Baillie-Malo Mr. Glenn Case, Director Michael Ayer & Julie Jones Vito Binetti Wayne Boucher Ray Coakwell and Frances Brooks Rosemary Cooper Marion and Stuart DeCoste Frederic DeSourdy Robert Edgar Mel Edwards Wilma Entwisle Gord and Penny Ewington Betty and Stephanie Formosa Paulette Gerber Lorri Graham Walter Burham Frank Hart Luanne Hill A. Karacsonyi Susan Kinmond Maria Kordas - Fraser Jane Lawrence Eric Leeuwner Gerry Mahoney and Bonnie McFarlane Andrew McCreath Joanne McNamara Office of Bev Oda, M.P. Rupert McNeill Lorri and Stuart Munro Tim and Laurel Nichols Dora Nichols Carole Owens Jean Payne James B. Robertson Ulrich Ruegger Linda and Paul Ryerse Sarwan Sahota Barb Spencer John Stephenson Brian and Penny Stripp Ken Shrives Midori Tanabe Brian Tayng Harvey Thompson Rosemary Tisnovsky Stan Tisnovsky Julie Tutla Richard Walker Mary and Harry Worrall GLOSSARY OF TERMS Attachment 1 To Report PSD-047-06 CCL Compacted Clay Liner CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission EA Environmental Assessment EASR Environmental Assessment Study Report GCL Geosynthetic Clay Liner HDPE High Density Polyethylene LLRW Low Level Radioactive Waste LLRWMO Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office L TWMF Long Term Waste Management Facility MPRT Municipal Peer Review Team NRCAN Natural Resources Canada SECRA South East Clarington Ratepayers Association Peer Review of the LLRWMO's Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project March 2006 Prepared for: Municipality of Clarington Prepared by: Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 364 Davenport Road Toronto, Ontario M5R 1 K6 p: 416-944-8444 t: 1-877-267-7794 f: 416-944-0900 HARDY STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES Attachment 2 To Report PSD-047-06 Table of Contents 1 Introd uction ...... ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of this Report.................................................................................... 2 1.2 Background.................................. ........................... .......................... ............. 3 1.3 Overview of the MPR T' s Conclusions.......................................................... 6 2 Review of the Enhanced Facility Design ................................................................. 7 2.1 History and Use of Capillary Barriers at other Facilities............................... 7 2.2 Components of the Capillary Barrier............................................................. 8 2.3 How the Capillary Barrier Functions........................................................... 11 2.4 Strengths of the Enhanced Facility Design at the Port Granby WMF......... 11 3 Enhancements to the Capillary Barrier Concept ................................................ 15 3.1 Considerations to Enhance Design .............................................................. 15 3.2 Analysis Required During Detailed Design................................................. 18 4 C on elusion II ............................................................................................................. 21 5 References ................................................................................................................ 22 Appendix A: Capillary Barriers - Status of Technology and Current Understanding Appendix B: Operational Controls to Protect Liner During Construction Appendix C: Response to Comments from SECRA on the Enhanced Facility Design Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 1. Introduction Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited (HSAL) has been retained by the Municipality of Clarington ("the Municipality") to provide peer review assistance for the Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project ("the Port Granby Project"). A Municipal Peer Review Team (MPRT) under the direction ofHSAL is engaged in providing the peer review. The core of its activities consists of reviewing studies undertaken by the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office (LLRWMO) as part of the environmental assessment of the Port Granby Project. MPR T' s primary concern as peer reviewers has been to ensure that the design of the Long-Term Waste Management Facility (LTWMF) protects the natural and social environment over the long term and that the project can be implemented without adverse environmental effects. The Port Granby Project consists of relocation of historic low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) and marginally contaminated soils (MCS) from the existing waste management site to a new engineered mound north of the existing site. The proposed new mound utilizes a low permeability composite cover system ("cover system") to prevent moisture from entering the waste. It also includes a low permeability composite base liner system ("liner system") below the waste to prevent any leachate from escaping from the bottom of the mound to the environment. The liner system includes an engineered leachate collection system from where the leachate is pumped to a treatment system. Both the cover and liner systems as originally proposed by the LLRWMO consist of multiple components (eight components in the cover system and three in the liner system) made of natural soils and synthetic materials called geomembranes, each with a specific purpose. Together with other components, the geomembranes create highly durable and impermeable cover and liner systems for containing the waste over the life of the facility. This minimizes any chances of water infiltration and enabling management of the leachate during construction and in the long term. Following a review of the above concept proposed in the draft Environmental Assessment Study Report (EASR), the MPRT recommended a number of improvements to the Port Granby Project and the mound design. One such improvement was the addition of a second backup liner system to provide redundancy (i.e., the duplication of Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project critical components of a system with the intention of increasing reliability of the system) and extra protection compared to the original single liner system. The LLRWMO evaluated several double liner systems and concluded that none improved the performance of the L TWMF. Instead, the LLRWMO developed an enhanced facility design for the Port Granby Project that incorporates a capillary barrier system between the geomembrane and the waste. This design is intended to further reduce the possibility of water infiltration to the waste, particularly in the event of failure of the geomembrane in the cover system. It is the LLRWMO's position that a second liner system is not required as a result of performance improvements provided by the enhanced facility design. 1.1 Purpose of this Report This report briefly describes the components of the enhanced facility design and explains how the design functions. It provides MPRT's rationale for supporting the LLRWMO's enhanced facility design in lieu of a double liner system and our recommendations for further optimizing the performance of this enhanced design. The remainder of the Introduction provides the background to the development of the enhanced facility design by the LLRWMO and an overview of the MPRT's conclusions. The remaining sections summarize our review. Section 2 (Review of the Enhanced Facility Design) discusses the development of capillary barriers in the waste management industry and the strengths and weaknesses of the enhanced facility design. Section 3 (Improvements to the Capillary Barrier Concept) outlines the MPRT's recommendations for improving the enhanced facility design and for further analysis and demonstration during the detailed design phase of the project. Section 4 summarizes the MPRT's conclusions regarding the enhanced facility design. Three appendices have been included as part of this report. Appendix A discusses the status of the capillary barrier technology, its use at other facilities in North America, and a comparison of the Port Granby facility design to the designs used at other facilities. Appendix B describes operational controls that will be used to protect the liner during construction. Appendix C provides a response to comments made by representatives of the Southeast Clarington Ratepayers Association (SECRA) on the enhanced facility design. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 2 1.2 Background After reviewing the Port Granby Environmental Assessment Study Report (EASR) in March 2005, the MPRT concluded that the L TWMF as proposed in the EASR could be constructed, operated, and maintained in a way that would result in minimal adverse effects on the environment. Furthermore, the MPR T was confident that appropriate mitigation measures could be developed to minimize any potential adverse effects (HSAL, March 2005). Nonetheless, the MPRT recommended improvements regarding the ability of the L TWMF to effectively contain the wastes and the associated leachate over the lifetime of the facility. The MPRT's key concern was that the redundancy of the liner system over the life of the facility was insufficient and should be improved. The issues raised by the MPRT included: · The hydrogeological characteristics of the site and the importance of protecting underlying soils from leachate; · The uncertainty as to whether the geomembrane within the liner system will deteriorate over the life of the facility; · The tendency towards preferential use of double liners at other modern hazardous waste management facilities in the waste management industry; · The increased sense of comfort that a double liner system could provide to residents by decreasing the likelihood of leakage to the underlying till and groundwater contamination; and, · The ease of decommissioning the site (should such action be necessary), which would be difficult with a potential failed liner system and spread of contamination (HSAL, March 2005: 39-40). Based on a review of the above issues, the MPRT recommended in its Peer Review Report of the Port Granby Project EASR that a double liner system be investigated by the LLRWMO. In the design proposed in the EASR, the bottom liner system includes a compacted clayey soil layer over the natural till at the site, a geomembrane, and a sand leachate drainage layer. The underlying till soil environment provides natural attenuation as part of the Design Concept in the event of a liner failure. The MPRT's recommendation for a double liner system highlighted the need for redundancy in protecting the natural till deposit at the site and the surrounding environment from leakage in case of a failure of the geomembrane in the single liner system. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 3 Shortly after the MPRT recommendation, Municipal Council passed Resolution #GPA- 148-05 requesting that the LLRWMO install an additional composite base liner system at the new L TWMF. In response, the LLRWMO prepared a Technical Memorandum in August 2005 that compared the original single liner system to three alternative double liner systems based on the amount of additional material to be transported, construction duration and cost, and environmental performance (LLR WMO, August 2005). Each alternative consisted of an additional three component system with a sand drainage layer, high density polyethylene geomembrane, and various combinations of compacted clay liner (CCL) or geosynthetic clay liners (GCL). Based on the results of their analysis, LLRWMO staff concluded that the original single liner design should be retained, citing additional costs that could be incurred (ranging from $2.8 to 4.8 million), additional material haulage involved, an extended construction period, and insignificant improvement in environmental performance in the various options that were studied (LLRWMO, August 2005: 5). After reviewing the analysis, the MPRT deemed the Technical Memorandum to be incomplete with regard to the issues raised in the Peer Review Report. While agreeing with the LLRMWO's conclusions regarding cost and construction effects of these additional liner systems, the MPRT sought more analysis regarding the technical performance of the double liner systems. In ajoint meeting of the MPRT and the LLRWMO, it was agreed that a comprehensive review of the entire design comprising the cover and liner systems be undertaken to assure isolation of the waste from the environment. As a result of this review, the LLRWMO developed an enhanced facility design for the engineered mound that utilizes a capillary barrier and drainage system as part of the cover system. This enhanced design reduces the possibility of moisture entering the waste and drawing out contaminants as it exits the mound. Such a barrier is intended to further minimize wetting of the waste in the event of leakage through the cover system, obviating the need to enhance the redundancy of the proposed liner system with a double liner system. Furthermore, the capillary barrier and drainage system uses instrumentation to monitor the performance of the geomembrane. The LLR WMO is of the opinion that the proposed enhanced system would provide additional protection from leachate leaking into the environment by keeping the waste drier over the long term, even in the event of a geomembrane failure in the cover system. As a result, the LLRMWO has concluded that the double liner system would not be needed. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 4 To assess the appropriateness of the LLRWMO's conclusions, the MPRT reviewed background documentation on industry experience with respect to capillary barriers, including case studies of capillary barriers at other waste management facilities, field demonstrations and analyses. The MPRT also reviewed the preliminary conceptual details of the proposed cover system provided at the meeting with LLR WMO, and attended subsequent meetings with the LLRWMO and its consultant to discuss the proposal. Following its assessment, the MPRT has agreed in principle with the LLRWMO's proposal for the enhanced facility design. The MPRT indicated its support at the Public Information Sessions held in November 2005. The MPRT has spoken with residents, including representatives of the Southeast Clarington Ratepayers Association, to explain why the MPRT supports the new design and to hear their concerns. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 5 1.3 Overview of the MPRT's Conclusions Based on the MPRT's review of the enhanced facility design proposed by the LLRWMO, the MPRT agrees that the concept can be designed to protect the underlying till and prevent leachate from contaminating the groundwater. Thus, the enhanced design improves the redundancy of the overall system and provides Clarington residents with a safe and durable long-term facility. The MPR T' s recommendation for a double liner system was based on the uncertainty that the single liner system would function optimally beyond several hundred years. Under such a scenario, the upper till layer would need to provide containment of the leachate to protect the surrounding environment should the single liner system fail over the life time of the facility. The MPRT considered that such a scenario was not acceptable since this would imply environmental contamination below the facility with potential for site and groundwater contamination. The enhanced facility design meets the MPRT's expectations with regard to environmental performance, since this concept effectively reduces the amount of moisture contacting the waste to negligible levels in case of cover system degradation (particularly involving failure of the geomembrane). Less reliance is therefore placed on the liner system to manage the leachate and protect against groundwater contamination. In addition: · The enhanced design operates passively based on natural capillary action (i.e., no pumps or other equipment required) in keeping the waste dry over the long term; · It enhances the ability to monitor infiltration and remediate the cover system if needed through the use of instrumentation that is built in to the capillary barrier; · It uses local materials recycled from the cell excavation to construct the capillary barrier, avoiding the need to import soil; and, · The capillary barrier system will be less expensive than an additional liner system. Overall, the MPRT is of the opinion that the enhanced facility design can provide for sufficient redundancy to ensure that the water infiltration and production of leachate in the long term will be negligible. Furthermore, the MPRT is also of the opinion that with the enhanced facility design a double liner system is no longer necessary to meet MPRT's expectation with respect to redundancy. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 6 2. Review of the Enhanced Facility Design The enhanced facility design uses a capillary barrier to effectively reduce the amount of moisture entering the waste to negligible levels by capture, retention and drainage. While the original cover system proposed in the EASR was designed to reduce the amount of infiltration by means of multiple soil components, a geomembrane and a geosynthetic clay liner, any failure of the cover system (particularly the geomembrane) to perform as expected could potentially produce some leakage and wetting of the waste. By preventing water from entering the waste, the capillary barrier effectively cuts off the production of leachate once the facility is closed and the residual moisture from the construction activities has tailed off. The base liner system would need to perform optimally only during and shortly following the construction period, at which time the collection and treatment of leachate is routinely carried out and the liner performance is closely monitored. Following the construction period, production of leachate would dramatically reduce to negligible levels, more so with a capillary barrier than in the case of the original design. Over the long term, the single liner system could be maintained to provide a sufficiently redundant barrier in the unlikely event that multiple components of the cover system fail (particularly the geomembrane, GCL and the capillary barrier system) and some leachate production should ensue. The instrumentation would indicate such an event and necessary remediation of the cover system would then be carried out. 2.1 History and Use of Capillary Barriers at other Facilities Capillary barriers are used in a number of facilities in the waste management industry to keep waste dry. Dedicated use of capillary barriers for water retention and diversion and their licensing in different types of landfills is now increasing in the industry. In almost all cases, such barriers consist of fine-over-coarse soil layers used as a component of cover designs for hazardous landfills, municipal landfills, mine tailings and other applications where minimization of water infiltration through the cover is a major concern. Capillary barriers are considered to be low-cost, easily constructed, and long-life options used either as alternatives to other surface cover designs or to complement soil Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 7 cover designs depending on the application (Kampf et aI, 1996; Pease et aI, 1996; Walter et aI, 2000). Capillary barriers are being used in a range of capacities at a number of sites in the United States (i.e., Lee Acres Landfill Superfund site, New Mexico; Lake County Landfill, Montana; Hanford Superfund radioactive waste site, Washington State; Gaffey Street Sanitary Landfill, California; McPherson County Landfill, Kansas) and at demonstration projects across the U.S. for hazardous waste, municipal solid waste, and non-hazardous wastes. Key advantages of the capillary barriers include their ability to retain and divert water and their constructability using natural materials and configurations that imply longevity. Capillary barriers are also used for water balancing in surface covers to retain water for plant growth, thereby reducing topsoil erosion of the covers (Golder, 2005). Recent focus on the use of capillary barriers in hazardous landfills and for remediation of sites has brought a large amount of R&D effort into demonstrating their performance through numerical analysis tools and field and laboratory demonstrations. The efficiencies of capillary barriers have been studied in a number of test projects where they have successfully demonstrated prevention of water infiltration into waste deposits (Kampf et aI, 1996; Pease et aI, 1996; Walter et aI, 2000). Appendix A describes the status of technology and understanding of capillary barrier systems in the industry. 2.2 Components of the Capillary Barrier System As shown in Figure 1, the capillary barrier proposed for the L TWMF consists of two layers: (1) a capillary drainage layer which is a fine-grained soil layer that contains silty sand with some clay and fine gravel to meet the capillary performance requirements; and, (2) an underlying capillary break layer which is a coarse-grained soil layer containing medium-to-coarse gravel. The capillary barrier is provided as a complementary barrier (i.e., in addition to all the natural and synthetic components in the cover system) and is located below the geomembrane and the geosynthetic clay layer (GCL) within the cover system, and above the interim cover of the waste mound. Being situated below the geomembrane and the GCL, the capillary barrier will generally remain dry over the life of the facility. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 8 The main purpose of the capillary barrier system will be to function when and if there is a failure of the geomembrane and the GCL. It is difficult to envisage a total failure of the geomembrane and the GCL since these are made of long lasting polyethylene and bentonite respectively. However, local tears and punctures may occur during the hundreds of years of performance. Even under such failure scenarios, the sand drainage layer above the geomembrane will continue to function, thereby minimizing any infiltration through the geomembrane. The fine-grained soil layer (capillary layer) will then retain and drain any moisture that may escape through the geomembrane and a perimeter drainage system will capture the lateral flow of uncontaminated moisture that is conveyed by the capillary layer. The capillary barrier system will also include embedded instrumentation to monitor moisture levels and the overall condition of the cover system, providing the information necessary to detect any tears or punctures and carry out any remedial work. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 9 0 . S.5 1; ; 1i " ;; .5 l! ;e ;; ~ -, :I ca. :I f~ ~ o~ .2 ~ti o~ 0'1 c.... So "tI- S.... -,.. ~-E r: . 0'" =.E =! .:tt 00 c ;;- ~t -v 2 ~ ~ rs .. - rg " E _u .5 SA l! E t iS~ ----) .5 E r l!C"lj :::E I! 10 -) i,.. ~.... ,5,.. aGO a'R _v .- I:ae ~ :IN .Q a:!;:!. 0 B E ... Q, ~E ~ :Ii ... 1/),.. ... ~ E- O) c >. ro .Q ..... ~ ..0 "C E ~ .~8 0) ... 5::- E ~ iE 0 Q, (1) ~ .- e <.9 ... h: Q, ILGO a -- s I: 0) ..... 0 :::l ~ ;l ..w l!~ -- '" ro >. 'aae u. '" III,.. :0- ... 1:10 I!- ~ 1~ .. 0 ~g ~ ~ Win -= ..w ! -= ~ 1; i = ;; ;; 0 :I.... :I 0 ... ~ 0# 0 i -= 0.... S ..w 8t: ~~ I: ~ c -- GI- . 0 0 .. E lIle III ;l ... ~ ~ E ! E l!" = .~ e r .. !~1 ..w Ql -~ ----) I! III .~! l' i= '" !fi' !,.. a~ .. ,~ > a v ' _I: 0 '0 ti S i'.;j Q) :IN i5' a:!;:!. 'ro c.o. ..... el: 0 3 e 0) i a.: >- ..w ~E !o .0 = c: ~ :Ii ; E' <Il S 1/),.. (5 10) I...... t:: ~ (j)' .. >- 0 0 (j)' a.. :; ..... Q) c~ (1), .s >, ~ 01 .E - .28 u' c: ~ ;~c ......1 Cl ie ~I 'in ... Q) = .- e 0 ~ h: ~ .. ~ ILGO C. '0 0 <Il I: a. u.. 0 ~ "0 ;l I!...... ~ 'aae c: <Il III.. .c: CIO c: l'II- UJ ... e ie '0 !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :: Q) ';; Q) 0:: Q; Q) a.. 2.3 How the Capillary Barrier Functions The capillary barrier operates by natural capillary action to store and convey moisture away from the waste. Under unsaturated conditions moisture is retained and travels within the fine-grained layer more easily than into the coarse grained layer below. This is due to the larger surface area of the fine-grained soil particles, thus creating surface tension forces that overcome the gravitational forces. As a result, moisture is pulled laterally throughout the upper fine-grained soil layer. Since this layer is sloped, the moisture continues to travel laterally until it drains away to the flanks of the mound. To sustain the capillary function, mixing of soil between the two layers should be prevented, and a geotextile fabric is often considered to separate the two layers (not currently provided in the LLRWMO concept). It is also important to ensure through proper sloping that the water migrating towards the edges of the barrier does not accumulate along the migration path and break through the capillary barrier. For proper functioning of the capillary barrier, the barrier must remain unsaturated. Normally such barriers are considered for arid or semi-arid areas in the waste management industry and saturation is not a concern. Being located below the geomembrane and the GCL, it can be expected that the capillary barrier is essentially in a near dry state in the long term required for the proper functioning of the barrier. 2.4 Strengths of the Enhanced Facility Design at the Port Granby WMF As discussed previously, although the MPRT was confident that the concept as presented in the EASR would provide long-term containment of the waste, it was not completely satisfied that the WMF would achieve that goal based on the information and analysis included in the report. The enhanced facility design, based on a capillary barrier and drainage system, is expected to further enhance the performance of the Port Granby Waste Management Facility by minimizing moisture entering the mound to negligible levels as a first priority and the near-elimination of leachate generation in the long term after the facility is closed. The strengths of this enhanced design are described below. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 11 2.4.1 Enhanced design reduces the amount of leachate produced in the mound Under normal conditions, the original cover system described in the draft EASR was expected conservatively to permit less than 0.01% of the total precipitation from entering the waste. According to preliminary modelling prepared by the LLRMWO, the capillary barrier would reduce the moisture that infiltrates into the waste to barely measurable amounts. Thus, the enhanced design of the cover system reduces reliance on the liner system to manage the leachate and thus protect against groundwater contamination by way of liner failure by minimizing the amount of leachate that could potentially be created to negligible levels. 2.4.2 Enhanced design provides an effective backup for the cover system The capillary barrier provides a more noticeable benefit under less than optimal conditions, such as severe weather events or failure of the cover system. A fully intact geomembrane and the geosynthetic clay liner normally would not allow any noticeable infiltration to the waste. However, should there be minor imperfections such as tears or punctures, some moisture could be expected to funnel its way through such imperfections. The capillary barrier is designed to capture such infiltration before it contacts the waste. By virtue of its holding capacity, the infiltration is retained and diverted laterally to the edge of the mound where it naturally drains away, thus providing an effective backup to the geosynthetic clay liner and the other layers of the cover system. 2.4.3 Capillary barrier operates passively based on natural capillary action and is durable Unlike the leachate collection system, the operation of the capillary barrier does not rely on pumps or other mechanical and electrical systems. Because the barrier uses natural capillary action to retain or direct moisture away from the waste, it is not subject to mechanical failure. Required longevity is expected since the capillary barrier is composed of natural materials, which also simplifies the long-term caretaking of the capillary barrier system. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 12 2.4.4 Capillary barrier is constructed using local materials recycled from the cell excavation As explained previously, the capillary barrier is comprised of two layers: a capillary drainage layer that contains silty sand with some clay and fine gravel, and a capillary break layer, which is medium to coarse gravel. The material needed to construct these layers is available on-site through cell excavation, thus minimizing transportation impacts and nuisance effects associated with trucking of construction materials. 2.4.5 Capillary barrier is not exposed to the elements nor to leachate The capillary barrier is protected from the elements by about 2.3 metres of material that comprises the original cover system. It is highly unlikely that the barrier layers would be disturbed by the elements. Furthermore, the barrier is placed above the waste interim cover, thereby preventing any contact with leachate, which is created in the mound during the construction period. As the waste dries up following construction phase, the capillary barrier can be expected to be unsaturated and become fully dry with time. Thus, the barrier system is expected to remain fully functional over the lifetime of the facility. 2.4.6 Capillary barrier has an active monitoring system An important element of the capillary barrier is the active monitoring system. The LLR WMO proposes to use two types of instrumentation: (1) thermoconductivity sensors, which measure negative porewater pressure, or the ability for water to be retained within the capillary drainage layer; and (2) neutron probes, which measure the water content in the soil. These instruments will be able to verify that the cover system is functioning as intended. With proper design, the instrumentation can help locate the failure of the liner and aid in cover remediation. These instruments can also detect a failure of the capillary barrier (such as due to saturation) before it occurs and indicate whether the waste could become wet. This will allow for timely remediation of the cover system, adding a level of sophistication not found in the original design. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 13 2.4.7 Capillary barrier can be repaired if necessary Should the active monitoring system identify the unlikely scenario of a breach in the barrier, the capillary barrier can be repaired more easily than the liner system. Given its location above the waste, repairing the barrier requires only removal of the layers of the cover system without the need to excavate the waste. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 14 3. Enhancements to the Capillary Barrier Concept Based on the information provided to us by the LLRWMO and supplementary research, the MPR T agrees that the enhanced facility design is a significant improvement to the original WMF design. It meets the key objectives that the MPRT sought from the original design, namely: · Protecting the underlying till; · Preventing leachate from contaminating the groundwater; · Providing redundancy in the design of the facility; and, · Providing Clarington residents and Council with a state-of-the-art facility and an increased level of confidence. The MPRT understands from the LLRWMO that the EASR is being revised to incorporate this concept, and that preliminary modelling and analysis has been undertaken to determine whether the enhancements to the design have any influence on the predicted environmental effects. Should these assessments confirm that the enhanced facility design will not have any adverse effects, the MPRT will support the adoption of the enhanced facility design into the project. Furthermore, the MPRT expects to see construction / development and safety performance details provided in the Design and Construction Plan that is submitted as part of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) licensing requirements. Such details should demonstrate that all necessary parameters discussed in this section have been assessed and that the capillary barrier will function as intended in the operational stage. 3.1 Considerations to Enhance Design The MPRT recognizes that the information provided to date, while indicative of the conceptual details of the enhanced facility design, requires further elaboration in terms of environmental effects and engineering details. The following considerations are intended to support such a process and assure the performance of the capillary barrier system as expected at the current conceptual stage (see Figure 2 for an illustration). Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 15 -- ~ .c " l. c.. eo: l. l. ~ E-- ~ .c "'0 ~ l. eo: c.. ~ l. c.. - = ell .. '" ~ "'0 .e- .. - .. 1:.1 ~ "'0 ~ 1:.1 = eo: -= = ~ ~ " = " .. .... 1:.1 ~ '" I '" '" " l. U N ~ l. = ell ~ i I- CD ~ ~ 1'9 t lIh c: Q ... \ ~1l ~e ~Ol ~l I ~I ""II . JJ 'g III t !!;. .ti ~l fU , t .~ ~ i ~ ! & 6 I ~ t5 Q) B 0: >, .0 C rn t5 t:: o a. Q) oS ~ .E c Ol .00 ~ ~ Ti rn LL. 1:) fl c rn .t: c UJ '0 i: Q) .S; Q) 0:: Q; Q) a. c ~ ~ ~~ rot! jOl .,,~ g! ~i ~~ i 'l5 t . ) I~ o.~ ~ R gs ~- ~~) liji ~...ii cllll5. ~~.9 ~~~ The MPRT expects that the LLRMWO will take into account these considerations in the preparation of the revised EASR, detailed design and performance modeling to fully demonstrate the effectiveness of the capillary barrier system. 3.1.1 Investigate whether a transport layer would improve the ability of the capillary barrier to divert moisture The capillary barrier proposed by the LLRWMO uses two layers: a capillary drainage layer and a capillary break layer. Studies have shown that the addition of a transport layer between the two layers significantly improves capillary performance by reducing the amount of moisture in the upper layer. Transport layers are also capable of increasing the (horizontal) distance that moisture is diverted (Pease et aI, 1996). Typically, the transport layer is constructed of fine sand and located immediately above the fine/coarse interface. Introduction of such a transport layer should be investigated. 3.1.2 Extend the geomembrane liner to "wrap around" the capillary break layer In the conceptual design, the capillary layer extends beyond the edge of the two geomembrane liners, installed in the cover and liner systems, in order to drain moisture into the perimeter ditch. In the event of heavy flooding, it is possible that moisture could back up and travel against gravity along the capillary drainage layer, break through the capillary break layer, and enter the mound. To prevent this situation from occurring, the MPRT suggests extending the geomembrane liner in the liner system so that it covers a portion of the capillary break layer (see Figure 2). Alternately, the drainage could be achieved with an enclosed system not accessible to the outside soil environment (i.e., ensuring that the capillary barrier and drainage system does not extend beyond the geomembranes and that drainage is provided by collection pipes along the perimeter, in which case the geomembranes could be joined to provide full containment of the waste). 3.1.3 Ensure durability and redundancy of monitoring instrumentation One of the benefits of the enhanced facility design is the ability to monitor the performance of the capillary layer. While the instrumentation should be designed to be durable, malfunctions and breakdowns are possible given the extended lifetime of the Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 17 project. To reduce the chances of failure, we recommend that careful attention be given to ensure that adequate redundancy is provided in instrumentation. Such instrumentation should also improve the ability to pinpoint the location of any leakage such that repairs can be made easier. 3.2 Analysis Required During Detailed Design As described in Section 2.1 and Appendix A, capillary barriers are used in a number of facilities in the waste management industry for containing hazardous, municipal solid waste, and non-hazardous wastes. At these facilities, the capillary barriers provide the primary and often sole means of keeping the waste dry. The capillary barrier concept as envisaged by the LLRWMO, namely to provide redundancy for a low-permeability cover system, does not seem to be explicitly applied elsewhere in the waste management industry in a similar context as described here. The concept must therefore be customized to the particular application in Port Granby, including requirements of the waste, soils and the geological conditions of the site. Being at a conceptual level, the performance of the barrier must be fully demonstrated through detailed hydraulic modeling and laboratory testing. Areas requiring analysis are described below. 3.2.1 Determine maximum flow before breakthrough occurs Under normal conditions, the geomembrane in the cover system is considered essentially impervious with less than 0.1 mm of moisture expected to reach the capillary barrier per year. Should the geomembrane fail and significant infiltration occurs, the capillary barrier may need to drain larger amounts of moisture away from the mound. The MPR T would like to see the results of detailed performance modeling to determine the maximum flow that the capillary barrier can handle before becoming saturated and failing, thus necessitating remedial response. As described above, the addition of a transport layer should increase the amount of flow that the barrier can handle before its performance is compromised. 3.2.2 Assess the effect of funneling flow patterns on the capillary barrier When used at municipal landfills, the capillary barrier is positioned at the top of the surface cover and is exposed to surficial infiltration over the full extent of the barrier Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 18 surface. In other words, the amount of moisture that the capillary barrier is exposed to is uniform throughout the landfill. Conversely, in the enhanced facility design for the Port Granby WMF, the capillary barriers will likely be exposed to very localized infiltration due to tears or punctures in the geomembrane and the GCL. Such infiltration could introduce localized funneling flows, the effects of which could be different on the capillary layer in terms of maximum flows before breakthrough occurs (Walter et aI, 2000). The effect of such funneling should be investigated. 3.2.3 Optimize the slope and length of the capillary barrier layers Because the capillary barrier acts by natural capillary action, and hence is influenced by gravity, the slope of the soil layers is essential to the effective functioning of the barrier. The proposed slope (of 5%) needs to be analyzed. A steeper slope may be required to properly drain the water without breakthrough of the water to the capillary block. It is also necessary to ensure that the slope length is appropriate so that the accumulation of moisture along the diversion path does not lead to capillary breakthrough. 3.2.4 Optimize the soil depths and hydraulic properties of the layers of the capillary barrier system The soil depths and hydraulic properties of the layers are also crucial to effective functioning of the barrier. In the conceptual drawings for the enhanced facility design, all the layers are shown to be of uniform depth throughout the mound. The results of hydraulic modeling may indicate that the depth of the capillary barrier layers should be greater at the edge of the mound to handle the larger volumes of moisture. 3.2.5 Assess the possibility of mixing of soils within the capillary barrier layers The chances of fine soil gravitating towards coarse soil during placement or over time should be minimized since this could impair the effectiveness of the barrier. Laboratory testing should be used to determine whether the soils proposed for the two layers of the capillary barrier are appropriate for construction purposes. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 19 3.2.6 Determine how to construct the facility effectively and efficiently The cover system, including the capillary barrier system, consists of 10 layers of material, both natural and synthetic. To function optimally, the cover system needs to be installed based on tested methods, as does the liner system. With respect to the capillary barrier, there may be a need for field trial testing to assure constructability and appropriate material processing (i.e. screening of soil and mixture preparation). 3.2.7 Assess institutional requirements towards the caretaking and maintenance and remedial actions The capillary and drainage system will require some degree of caretaking and maintenance over the life of the facility particularly with respect to instrumentation. As indicated in the MPRT's comments on the Port Granby EASR, plans must be prepared to describe how the necessary resources for caretaking and maintenance will be in place long after construction is completed. These plans must apply to all aspects of the Port Granby facility, including the capillary barrier system. The MPRT expects that these plans will be prepared during the detailed design phase of this project, and furthermore, that such plans will identify the specific institutional requirements of the capillary barrier and its instrumentation, in addition to all other elements of the engineered facility. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 20 114. Conclusion I The MPRT is pleased that the LLRWMO has considered our concerns regarding the redundancy of the original Port Granby L TWMF design and has developed an enhanced facility design. The MPRT concurs with the LLRWMO that the enhanced facility design addresses the concerns of the MPRT expressed in the Peer Review Report of the EASR, making a double liner system technically unnecessary. As indicated previously, we are confident that this concept can be designed and constructed to: · Protect the underlying till; · Prevent leachate from contaminating the groundwater; · Provide redundancy in the design of the facility; and, · Provide Clarington residents and Council with a state-of-the-art facility and an increased level of confidence. Because this design is at the conceptual level, we expect to see additional analysis and modeling done to optimize the design and demonstrate that it functions as expected. The MPRT would also like to see the LLRWMO investigate several changes to the design of the capillary barrier system that it determines will enhance the performance. These were discussed in Section 3. During our review of the revised EASR, the MPR T will be cognizant of any changes to the findings of the EASR associated with the introduction of the capillary barrier and drainage system in the construction and operation of the L TWMF. The MPR T will work closely with the LLRWMO to resolve any new issues that may arise as a result of the enhanced facility design. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 21 5. References Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. 2005. Investigation of Clarington Requested Modifications to the Port Granby Project, Technical Memorandum from Rick Rossi to Glenn Case, August 19,2005. Golder Associates. 2005. Publications on Capillary Barriers for Minimizing Infiltration. Golder Associates. 2005. Schematic of Capillary Barrier System for Mound Cover Design. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited. 2005. Peer Review of the Port Granby Environmental Assessment Study Report. Kampf, Markus, Tilman Holfelder and Hector Montenegro. 1998. "Inspection and Numerical Simulations of Flow Processes in Capillary Barrier Cover Systems", Institute of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Darmstadt University of Technology. Pease, R.E. and J.C. 1996. "Stormont: Increasing the Diversion Length of Capillary Barriers", University of New Mexico. Proceedings of the HSRC/WERC Joint Conf. On the Environment. Walter, M.T., et al. 2000. "Funneled Flow Mechanisms in a Sloping Layered Soil: Laboratory Investigation" , Water Resources Research. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project 22 Appendix A: Capillary Barriers - Status of Technology and Current Understanding Capillary barrier and drainage systems minimize infiltration when used as part of the overall soil cover system in landfills. Their contribution to the efficacy of landfill covers is well recognized. Significant research and development (R&D), including numerical models and field data, has been carried out in recent years in the U.S.' Capillary barrier systems have been used to remediate old landfills, mine tailings and waste impoundments to meet the modem landfill requirements, such as in the U.S. Superfund remediation programs. Old systems generally consisted of poorly designed soil covers and bottom liners (if at all) using clays and other soils. They did not have the benefit of modem synthetic geomembranes and various design improvements such as engineered composite cover systems and base liner systems. Capillary barrier and drainage systems have provided a viable alternative to prevent the entry of moisture into the waste and effectively eliminate the production of leachate. The effect of capillary forces in landfill drainage has been known for several decades. Although the development of engineered barriers based on principles of capillary barrier and drainage is of recent origin, there are clear examples of such designed barriers. A survey of recent literature indicates that the application of capillary barriers is being increasingly considered in the waste management industry in general extending to mine waste and radioactive waste sites. Table 1 summarizes facilities and major R&D projects and field trials for the development and evaluation of capillary barriers. Reference 1 provides a number of key research papers that demonstrate the ability of capillary barriers to minimize infiltration. In the case of landfills, capillary barriers are used mostly as alternatives to thick soil layers to reduce drainage and to retain water such that evapo-transpiration (ET) by means of plant growth on the covers can be augmented. Experience indicates that capillary barriers carry out this function successfully. Capillary barrier based cover systems also meet regulatory and other requirements with respect to infiltration of water to the waste, ease of construction, cost and longevity. I Golder Associates: Publications on Capillary Barriers for Minimizing Infiltration, 2005. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A1 It should be noted that in the context of the enhanced facility design, the function of the capillary barrier has been improved. The capillary barrier is located below the thick soil layers, the synthetic geomembrane, and the geosynthetic clay layer (OCL) and above the interim soil cover on the waste. The capillary barrier is thus prevented from being exposed to levels of drainage typical of the soil covers (which are laterally drained through the sand drainage layer above the geomembrane) and is normally in a near dry state. It is exposed to moisture only in the event of failure of the geomembrane and the OCL used in the cover system. Most likely, such failures would be due to localized defects (such as tears and punctures) and the drainage of water reaching the geomembrane through the sand drainage layer would still be mostly effective. If a defect occurs in the geomembrane, some moisture will pass through the sand drainage layer. The capillary barrier is designed to capture, retain and drain any such moisture. Therefore, the functional requirements in the enhanced facility design are less onerous than in cases discussed earlier where the capillary barrier is used as an alternative for thick soil covers to improve drainage and evapo-transpiration. Because of this difference, direct comparative cases to evaluate the enhanced facility design are few, although the MPRT is confident that the enhanced design will perform equally well, if not better, than barriers at locations referenced in Table 1. Nonetheless, it is considered necessary to carry out specific studies to refine the design and constructability and assure performance, as discussed in the Peer Review Report. A number of major projects that use engineered mounds have been reviewed by the LLRWMO during the Feasibility Studies2. To our knowledge, none of these precedent projects (viz. Weldon Springs Site, Missouri; Edgemont Mill Site, South Dakota; Canonsburg Mill site, Pennsylvania; Niagara Falls Storage Site, New York State; and two Canadian sites namely Passmore Interim Storage Site, Ontario and the Long-term Management facility in Fort McMurray Alberta) appear to have used the capillary barriers in their cover design. Two of these sites, viz., Weldon Spring and Passmore site facilities have double liners. The Canonsburg Site has used however a capillary barrier system as the base liner (a two foot clay liner overlaying a one foot sand capillary break layer) to prevent leachate infiltration to the environment. Table 2 provides a comparative summary of information as it relates to the cover and liner systems and capillary barrier systems where available in the facilities discussed earlier. 2 Port Granby Project Environmental Assessment Qualified Concept Report (Report LLRWMO-03710- ENA-13003) Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A2 ~ - ~ .c ~ ~ rI1 - ~ rI1 - ~ ... - - ~ .Q C ~ - - 's. ~ C"j ~ "'0 = - C"j = ... ..... ~ .c ..... rI1 ..... C"j ~ ..... o - c. - o ..... ~ ~ ..... ~ :E ~ E-- rI1 ..... :; rI1 ~ - t' ~ = o ... ..... c. ... - C"j rI1 ~ Q (l) .... ..... Vl "'d l::: c.2 l-; (l) 0.. ;::l Vl ~ .... :::J ..3 Q) u (l) .... ~ l::: ..... 0 r;j ~ =5 Z ...... >-. "'de (l) a ~ lr) o 0 ~o OJ) 8 .S ..s::: .... .... r/J r/J E [fJ l-; ~ E (l) (l) OJ) a ro l::: 'r;] OCd >-. l-; .....l"'d l::: o ...... 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I:: rJl l-< C\l = 8 'u LJ.J = ~ V ,;g rJl U '0 U ~ C\l ...... 0 C\l B u 0 ~ C\l ~ ::l ~ U 'Vi Z ...... 0... r/J r/J ~ ~ 3: rJl N '" OJ ~ 'S ... ~ ..... OJ - ... cr .Q - ... = (jj ~ ~ ~ OJ E-o Z \0 t- oo 0\ 0.. Appendix B: Operational Controls to Protect Liner During Construction The base liner system in the Port Granby project consists of a composite liner system with a leachate collection sand layer over a HDPE geomembrane which in turn is laid over a compacted clay layer. The base liner system is constructed over the natural till site. The liner system also includes a leachate collection system consisting of a leachate sump, perforated collection pipes, and riser pipes, which are all located in the sand drainage layer. During placement of the base liner system, there are a number of operational controls used to protect the high-density polyethylene (HOPE) geomembrane layer. First, the compacted clayey soil liner (CCL) is prepared to ensure that it is smooth and provides a proper base for the HOPE. To accomplish this, it is "sealed" at the end of each construction day using a smooth drum roller. A similar process is used upon completion of construction of the CCL to provide a smooth surface upon which the geomembrane liner will be placed. Prior to installation of the HOPE, it is carefully inspected to ensure that there are no foreign objects (i.e., rocks) that could puncture the geomembrane. The HOPE is installed using track-mounted equipment. A cushion of 300 mm of sand (which will also be used for housing leachate collection system) is placed over the liner to support the equipment, thus ensuring that no machinery is in direct contact with the liner. The rolls of HDPE are placed in parallel, as the material is strongest longitudinally. The seams of the HOPE are then welded together to create a watertight barrier. The welding process is subject to stringent inspection and quality control. Once the entire geomembrane has been installed, it is tested for leaks before the soil material is placed overtop. Full-time field quality assurance inspection and testing occurs throughout the construction period to identify and potentially reduce construction deficiencies. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A10 Appendix C: Response to Comments from SECRA on the Enhanced Facility Design At the January 30 Clarington Council Meeting, two members of the South East Clarington Ratepayers Association (SECRA) made submissions outlining their concerns regarding the Enhanced Facility Concept. The MPRT reviewed these concerns and the responses are given below, itemized against the specific comments with regard to the Enhanced facility Design raised in the submissions (comments are abbreviated here; for detailed discussion of the comments, the submissions should be referred to). While some of the concerns relate to detailed design and are being taken into consideration in the ongoing work at the LLRWMO, the MPRT believes that none of these concerns reflect a need to change the recommendations in the Peer Review Report. Comments/Questions by Dr. Sarwan Sahota, SECRA 1. The idea of storing low-level radioactive waste in an engineered mound is experimental in nature. This method of storing the radioactive waste is a hypothesis and it needs a careful scientific study before concluding that such waste can be stored in this manner for a long-term (page 1, para 2 of the Submission). Res/Jonse: A number of sites in the US, Canada and Europe have used engineered mounds for storage of LLR Wand contaminated soils. The Port Granby Project Environmental Assessment Qualified Concept Report summarizes several representative examples. The LLR WMO has studied the engineered mound concept for the Port Granby Project in substantial scientific detail to the level required by the Environmental Assessment process. The MP RT reviewed this information in detail and provided extensive comments. LLR WMO has made revisions to their reports and conclusions based on the MP RT comments. The MPRT is now satisfied that the concept is scientifically sound and that the waste can be stored safely for the long term. Further studies and detailed design of the concept will be carried out by the LLRWMO to advance this concept into the development and construction phase. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A11 2. In December 2005, LLR WMO informed the people of southeast Clarington that it is not necessary to have a bottom liner for the proposed mound and its original proposal is to be modified to include an improvement to the top liner only. Furthermore, we were shocked to learn that the Municipality has agreed to this modified proposal and the Municipal consultants and staff were in negotiations with a team from LLRWMO during the summer. They appear to have developed a cozy relationship with each other and it is detrimental to the interests of the Municipality and its people. The people of southeast Clarington were not consulted by anyone in this regard (page 1, para 3). We do not agree. Public meetings were held by the LLRWMO to discuss and obtain feedback on the Enhanced Facility Design with the Clarington public (including Southeast Clarington). The process that led to the review of the original design, the review of the double liner option, and the modified Enhancedfacility Design was transparent and clearly described in the Peer Review Report (1.2 Background). It is the MPRT's belief that the enhanced facility design is in the best interest of the Municipality and its people. Otherwise, the MPRTwould not have supported the concept. 3. To the best of our knowledge, the Municipal Peer Review Team has no prior experience in advising on or building an ENGINEERED MOUND for the long-term storage of radioactive waste (page 2, para 1). The MP RT has significant experience related to radioactive waste and projects of this nature, including projects that are much more complex in terms of scientific demonstration and assessments. 4. We have been told by the MPRT that the proposed Mound Design is probably O.K. Do they really know if the proposed mound design is safe? (page 2, para 1). The MPRT has reviewed in the past year the Qualified Concept, project description documents, and environmental assessment documentation, all based on the original design. As part of this documentation, we have reviewed human health and safety considerations relating to all aspects of the Port Granby Project. The MPRT stated in its Peer Review Report of the Environmental Assessment Study Report that the concept would provide long-term containment of the LLRW The Enhanced Facility Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A12 Design is an improvement over the original design in that the infiltration of water to the waste will be minimized. This will effectively eliminate the production of leachate. The MPRT is satisfied that the enhanced design is safe. 5. Are there compromises being made in order to get on with the project? (page 2, para 1 ). No. The Enhanced Facility Design represents an improvement, not a compromise. The rationale for recommending the Enhanced Facility Design is explained in detail in the Peer Review Document (Sections 1.3 and 2). The MPRT is of the view that the Enhanced Facility Design meets all the objectives that the original design could not meet and does so with less cost, and with better degree of waste protection from infiltration compared to the options involving the use of the double liner. No compromises have been made in order to get on with the project. 6. It is our considered opinion that, at a minimum, a bottom double liner is very necessary for a mound of questionable design to store radioactive waste for long- term. It is possible to make the case for a triple liner in order to build an extra layer of safety into an experimental design (page 2, para 2). With the Enhanced Facility Design, any infiltration, even under the eventuality of the failure of the synthetic geomembrane in the cover system, will be captured, retained and drained by the capillary barrier system. Aside from the initial construction period, there will be effectively no generation of leachate from the facility. A bottom liner system with a single liner will manage any minor volume of leachate that might be produced during the life of the facility. The various layers of soil cover, the geomembrane and the capillary barrier drainage system will reduce the likelihood of wetting of the waste following the construction phase and over the life of the facility to negligible levels. Therefore the technical case for a double liner, let alone a triple liner, cannot be supported. The approach of preventing leachate production by eliminating infiltration is superior to provide additional liner systems, since it also minimizes the volume of leachate that may require collection and treatment. We do not agree with the characterization that the mound is of 'questionable design' and is 'experimental '. The design is based on experience elsewhere and has been assessed to ensure that the radioactive waste can be stored safely for the long term. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A13 7. It is our understanding that in the United States a double liner is commonly used to store municipal and radioactive waste (page 2, para 2). Double liners have been recently used for hazardous wastes in the us. With the Enhanced Facility Design, a double liner will provide no more safety than a single liner design because of the negligible likelihood of leachate generation following construction over the life of the facility, as discussed in points 4 and 6 above. The MP RT is satisfied that the enhanced design provides redundancy and long-term containment of the LLR W such that a double liner system cannot be justified on technical grounds. 8. In our opinion redesign of the top liner to include a sand drainage layer in the top liner (cover system?) provides a marginal improvement to the proposed mound (page 2, para 2). We do not agree with the characterization of the capillary barrier and drainage system as a sand drainage layer. The functioning principle and description of the capillary barrier is given in the Peer Review Report. Normally, the infiltration though the cover system is prevented by the synthetic geomembrane made of High Density Polyethylene (HDP E), which is expected to last several hundred years. In the eventuality of the failure of the HDP E, the capillary barrier system will retain and drain any moisture that will pass through the geomembrane. The MPRT is of the opinion that the capillary barrier will prevent entry of moisture into the waste and eliminate resulting leachate generation. 9. The liner can be easily punctured or fused joints may fail thereby causing serious problem and such a problem may be impossible to fix (page 2, para 3). The development and installation of the modern geomembranes involve technologies that have evolved over decades and the state of the art is such that the current genre of these geomembranes can be installed and quality assured to last for a long time (hundreds of years). Although the type offailures discussed in the comment above could occur, the MPRT considers such events to be very unlikely. There are numerous operational controls in place to ensure that the liner maintains its structural integrity, as explained in Appendix B. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A14 10. The primary reason for LLR WMO's reluctance to agree to a double liner is purely financial (page 2, para 5). It is our understanding that the LLRWMO 's reluctance to agree to a double liner primarily stems from the LLR WMO 's argument that a single liner is adequate in meeting all safety and environmental protection requirements. Cost was a subsidiary factor, if at all. 11. We are dealing with the long-term health and safety of our population and we should not allow any short cuts (page 2, para 5). The MPRT agrees. No short cuts are being made in the Port Granby Project in dealing with long-term health and safety. 12. The proposed preferred design option makes no mention of a contingency plan in the event proposed design fails (page 2, para 6). The capillary barrier system will have necessary instrumentation to detect the failure of the geomembrane in the cover system and its location. This will enable timely repair of the cover system. Again, repair of the cover system is possible, whereas repair of the liner cannot be conducted after the site is completed. 13. Will the municipality have the power to intervene if changes are made to the proposed design that may seriously compromise the integrity of the project once the proposed preferred option is approved by the Council? (page 3, para 1). The Agreement between the two municipalities and the federal government discusses the consultation process between the parties during the EA and construction phases o.fthe project. The Municipality could intervene at any time (fthere are reasons to do so. 14. LLR WMO should be required to submit a final engineering design to the Municipality for approval before proceeding with the construction phase of the project (page 3, para 2). Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A15 The Municipality expects to be fully involved in the detailed engineering and construction phase of the project and will have access to project information through joint committees currently under formulation. The Agreement between the Municipality and the Federal Government describes the consultation process during the EA and construction phases of the project and provides for cooperation and action between the Parties that is "necessary to expedite the completion of the Elements of the Project in accordance with the intent of this Agreement". 15. We request that the Municipality ask the responsible Authorities to establish an Assessment Review Panel to assess the viability of the proposed conceptual design for the Port Granby project. The proposed conceptual design and various environmental assessment documentation are being reviewed by a number offederal agencies such as the CNSC, NRCan, Department of Fisheries, Health Canada and Transport Canada. If the federal agencies are satisfied that the Environmental Assessment Study Report fulfils the requirements of the Scope of the Environmental Assessment, it will be unnecessary for the Municipality to request the Responsible Authorities to establish an Assessment Review Panel. If the reviews identify the need for an Assessment Panel, the Responsible Authorities would be moving towards one as a matter of process. Comments/Questions from Mr. John Stephenson, SECRA 16. The base liner only contains two water impermeable layers and therefore is only 0.77 metres thick. The sand layer, said to be part of the base liner, is designed to allow leachate to drain to the bottom of the pit (Comment 1.1, page 1). The base liner has three layers, 0.75 m compacted clay liner, a HDPE geomembrane (2 mm) and a sand drainage layer (0.5 m) that includes leachate collection and drainage lines. All three layers are integral part of the base liner system. 17. The Low-level Office has considered 3 new alternative designs to improve the performance of the base liner; but did not consider an option which will materially improve the reliability of the base liner. Two new layers to the original design have Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A16 been suggested: a geo-synthetic clay liner (GCL) below the HDPE liner and a second HDPE liner below GCL; major advantage of such a system is overall increase in mechanical strength of base liner, rather than decrease in amount of water which may permeate through membrane (Comment 1.2, page I). The MP RT is of the opinion that a capillary barrier system is better than a second liner. With the capillary barrier, there is less dependence on the bottom liner since it effectively prevents moisture from entering the waste, even in the event of the failure of the geomembrane in the cover system. We are of the opinion that the original bottom liner design has sufficient mechanical strength to prevent failure. 18. Soils used to construct the capillary layer will not function as expected (i.e., water will flow into the gravel layer and enter the mound rather than to the drainage ditch); soils for capillary layer need to be carefully selected for particle size, crystal characteristics, and uniformity. It will not do to select any old sand/soil for this purpose (Comment 2.1, page 2). The MPRT agrees that capillary drainage is contingent on proper design of the barrier system. With respect to the soils used, it is agreed that proper grading and mixing of soils is needed. In this regard, we have made several recommendations with respect to improvements of the enhanced design in our Peer Review Report. The LLR WMO is cognizant of these requirements and have informed us that they are addressing our recommendations both for providing input to the EASR and for the detailed design of the system. 19. Effect of water vapour arising from waste will lead to water saturation in the capillary layer (Comment 2.1 (iii), page 3). Soon after the construction phase is over, the water content in the waste will deplete to levels where leachate production will stop. Under these near dry conditions, the capillary barrier will function essentially as a dry barrier. In the event that the geomembrane in the cover system develops defects and allows moisture to enter the capillary barrier, it will then be captured and drained by the barrier system. The potential for saturation of the capillary barrier will be considered in the detailed design to ensure that it has sufficient capacity to convey the moisture away from the waste, even if the geomembrane should fail. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A17 20. Capillary layer should have an impermeable membrane installed underneath it (Comment 2.1 (iii), page 3). The MPRT does not think that another impermeable membrane is needed below the capillary barrier. There is a cover soil layer below the capillary break layer that will provide the required water retention capability before there is any chance of the waste being wetted due to multiple failures involving the geomembrane and the capillary barrier and drainage system. 21. Instrumentation to be inserted into capillary layer will not be serviceable for more than 10 years (Comment 2.1 (iv), page 3). Care will be exercised in selecting and designing the instrumentation system. Components of the system will be chosenfor required durability, ease of replacement even if it fails, and redundancy to ensure that the instrumentation provides necessary information even under conditions where some instrumentation malfunctions. 22. Remediation of cover system or base liner following failure will be very expensive; damage from heavy equipment and settling of the waste are cited as examples for failure (Comment 2.1 (iv), page 3). Being an improvement over the original design, the Enhanced Facility Design makes it less likely that the waste will ever be wetted. As a result, the need for replacement of the bottom liner should be less likely as there will be no leachate generation to contend with even if the cover develops defects over time. Remediation of the cover system can be achieved much more easily than in the original design since the instrumentation will provide information that would help in finding the location of the cover failure. Furthermore, proper construction procedures and quality assurance methods will ensure that the geomembranes are not damaged during construction. Various waste stabilization and mound construction practices would minimize any effects from settling. Peer Review of Enhanced Facility Design for the Port Granby Project A18 ~; j\ECL Attachment 3 To Report PSD-047-06 EACL low-level Radioactive Waste Management Office 5 Mill Street South Port Hope, Ontario Canada LlA 2S6 (905) 885-9488 Fax (905) 885-0273 Mayor John Mutton & Council Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Bureau de gestion des dlichets radioactifs de faible activite 5, rue Mill sud Port Hope (Ontario} Canada LlA 2S6 (905) 885-9488 Fax (905) 885-0273 LLRVVMC>-121255-02l-l3000 GGC-06-07l 2006 March 31 Dear Mayor & Council: Draft Port Granbv EASR The Low-Level Radioactive VVaste Management Office is pleased to present the revised Port Granby Project Environmental Assessment Study Report (as Rev. Od5) to the Municipality of Clarington for review by your staff and peer review team. Printed copies of the 854 page report are being made available to your staff, to the South-East Clarington Ratepayers Association and at the main Clarington public library and the Project Information Exchange. The Draft Report on CD is being circulated for comment to many residents, interest groups and other stakeholders. We would like to receive comments by May 3,2006 in order to properly consider this input and respond to the comments, before submitting the Final Draft to Clarington Council for consideration in early June. This Draft Report reflects improvements to the Project that have resulted from discussions with your staff and peer review team and local residents regarding the protection of the environment and the safety of current and future local residents. In March 2005, the Municipality of Clarington requested that we investigate three issues: . Adding another base liner system to the above-ground mound design; . Installing a grade separation for the waste haulage route at Lakeshore Road; and ....~rc:T'..:;d:-rcr rho. ~un;r'~~'.)l rn0-d~"'-.'::i"Jr; t~ r-~ n('~rl t-n ~rrf'rr;n 0f"'nc:trnrtlnn mQtp-nal<: rrlrlT' --'t:'C)"."~ ,I.......b ~.I.-....., ;"'l....L ...i......J..!:"'........ ~\_.;..............i.~.~; ,,_ ........f ~~'.~, ........'-'.............. L..'....I ,-~-~;"'_,:: _,;;.1. ,_.,-,;...-~--..._-"'-~"""'-'" ..__:..---~- .~- .:.,,-~,,~ to the start of the Project. The LLRVVMO understands your objective in requesting a second liner system in the Long Term VVaste Management Facility was to increase confidence in the long-term environmental safety of the new facility. The question raised by residents and your peer review team was how do you ensure safety if the geo-membrane in the base of the mound malfunctions or deteriorates? Our primary objective has always been environmental and human safety over both the short and the long term and we would not have presented the original design to you if we had any doubts about its long-term safety. But, you gave us a task and we investigated the issue. @ Energie atomique du Canada lirnitee ~ J2Uvd~~d Atomic Energy of Canada limited 2 What we found was that inclusion of a second base liner system did not enhance the protective features of the mound to any significant extent, but that it could have a noticeable effect on local residents through increased trucking of materials and a longer construction period. Your peer review team challenged us to do better, so we investigated a method of securing the contamination in the mound even in the event that the geomembrance component of the base liner system were to fail. We recommended the addition of a Capillary Drainage Layer system in the top cover of the facility to greatly increase its ability to keep the wastes dry for the long term. This was found to be a much better design enhancement than incorporating a double liner in the base of the facility. In fact, the peer review team has said, "We presented you with a potential problem and asked for a cure. Instead the LLRWMO came back with a prevention." I'd briefly like to point out three other improvements that we have made in the Project at the request of the Municipality and the residents, all of which are intended to reduce the socio-economic effects of the Project on local residents. First, we have offered to install an underpass below Lakeshore Road so that trucks hauling low-level radioactive waste will not come in contact with publicly accessible roads. Second, we have identified the necessary up-grades to the municipal roadways being used to carry construction materials to the site before the Project begins. In addition, residents have asked us for baseline radiation surveys of private properties in the neighbourhood of the existing and new facilities. We have agreed to provide the local residents with this service and to keep them continuously up-to-date on environmental monitoring results. We hope that in this way we'll build their confidence and trust in the long-term safety of the Project. The EASR has bound into it the Comment and Disposition form used by the PRT in 2005 to record their comments on the 2005 January Version of the report (Rev. Od3). This form has been recently updated by the LLRWMO to provide additional respo~se to the comments where the PRT had not accepted the original response. As a result of the federal review of the Port Hope EASR, the LLRWMO has anticipated similar issues with respect to the Port Oranby EASR and has therefore significantly augmented this version of the EASR in relevant sections. We believe that as a result of the revisions to the report due to the changes in design, and due to addressing the federal review issues regarding the Port Hope EASR, that the PRT should now find the revised responses acceptable. TIle LLR~,VM:O sup pons the posirioil Council, 'chat Ihe Port Gr::mby project :chadd have as little an effect on local people as possible while protecting the health and safety of current and future generations. We believe that that changes made to the EASR over the past year enhance the project and greatly increase confidence that we will reach our joint objectives. ~ O. nn Case, P. Eng. Manager, Projects & Facilities Development OGC:sdp