HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1956 (Special) '~':~~J'~r-- ~ - ------ ----""---~ ------""-"'~~~-c-c""c-;,~;~;11Room~---irarch .)5~~~ I Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston that the estimates , , oonnnittees be aooepted and adopted. BY-TAWS !io Ii 0<,- i Rv Little asked permission to introduoe the following by-laws;- 1'1'0 provide for a temporary loan for the purpose of ereoting and equiping an addition fl.t, / '" '7 I to t he Vincent Massey School. o ' To provide for the perticipation of the fire department in county mutual aid. 1L, / b oR !ro appoint a working foreman for roads and streets and works department. ~ l~~4 To appoint Town Offioials. ~ / I. (); To rai sw by taxation certain BumS of money for Town, County, Uebenture and School _ n I _ purposes. / b I I 'To authorize the construction of local improvements. l(fL../-L-L.J:....J To amend zoning by-law No 1587 Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into connnittee of the whole on second reading the Hayor in the chair, On oonnnittee rising the Mayor reported the second reading of by-laws with all blanks filled in. The by-law to amend zoning by-law no 1587 was laid on the table. The other by-laws wsre given the third reading, passed and ordered to be signed and setied. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Rv Little that the finanoe oommittee be authot"lzed to purchase a oalculator for tne assessors office.' " Carried n Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seoonded by Cr Preston that no new residential building permits be issued until new eub-divieion by-law ie passed. " Carried" Moved by Rv Little eeoonded by Cr Rehder that the Polioe Connnittee be authorized to oheok in regard to parking in front of the Balmoral Hotel. " Carried " ~oved by Rv Little seoonded by Dp Rv c"rruthers that ths clerk be instructed to insert a notice in the Statesman requesting all persons desiring trees to be planted in front of their properties to notify the Clerk as soon as possible. " Carried .,. 1Lo/~d 'LOf&I'! tLoI&/~ 5th, 1956 of the standing .,. Carried .,. On Motion Counoil adjourned. ttfr/0 C,l~rk . \ Mayor. I, /j;" {;~ IC~ Counoil Room Maroh 19th,\l956 Special meeting of Gouncil was held ('In above date, members all present the Mayor preSiding and steted that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing by-laws. BY-LAWS Rv Little ~sked permissior: to introduce the following by-laws; To fix conditions precedent to the approval by the corporation of proposed plans of subdivisions within the limits of the oorporation. To deSignate an area of subdivislnn control. To provide for the 1956 expenditures on roads and streets. Granted and read the first tillle. On motit)n rule 3) was suspended and Council went into co~mlttee of the whole on seoond reading, the ~ayor in the chair. On oommittee rising the Vayor reported the seoond reading will all blanks filled in. By-Laws were then read a second and third time, passed and ordered to he signed and sealed. Movsd by Dp Rv Carruthers saoonded by Cr Soott that, the Clerk be instruoted to"1"ite the Superintendant of the Goodyear ','ire & Hubber Co Ltd thanking him for the cushions for Council room chairs. It Carried" t:oved by Cr Soott seoonded by Rv T.1ttle thet:!.the IilIlYor appoint a oonunittee to bring In a report and itemized statement of costs for construction of sewers on new sub-divisions. " Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded hy Cr Brougn that the motion withholding the issue of huilding permits for residence construction be rescinded. " Carried" On Moti0n Coupcll adjourned. d/o{k- U cZerk. L:ayor. : '"~' '} . /J ill (..~, L,~ '-L._