HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/24/1960 (Special)
A special Council !'lectinr: 'das held :J.t 10:15 p.:'!. in the
Town Hall, on Eay 24th.
All menbers present. I1ayor Oarru t[lers in the Chilir.
lIoved by Deputy-R.elwe Hobbs,
Seconded by Reeve Little,
Tha t th," tv-lmv to constitute a com: ,i tt,>~: of aujustuGnt for
thF' TOvin of B~\P::1:Tnvillu be nO':i read a f'irst and s(:~cond time.
HO'fCd by COlA!lcillor Le,thano:ue,
Seconded by Councillor Fresson,
That the by-1T! to provid" for suppL;mentarv oXlx,nditures
in the 'lmount of ;d7,OOO.00 be no\! ru'tcl a first ,me! second time.,
Crl..rri <:]d.
Moved by Councillor 1~r:hGs,
Seconded by Councillor Rice,
That the Council now rise and yo into the CommittoG of the
l;1holo for the consid ';;'ation of' two by-lmvs. ';11'3 Hayor in the
Moved by Councillor Fice,
Seconded by Councill~r Hushes,
That the Comnitto0 now )'ise ',nd report favourably to Council
on the followin,,,; by-lrw!s discus"cd in COrJr.1ittee of the,Vholu:
1. By-Law to appoint Zoninc; ComrJi ttf>; of Ae!justrrwnt.
2. By-Lat.'! to authorize a supplemcntary by-law of ';')87,000.00.
Council now in session. !layor CmTuthers in the C1Etirl
ilov("d by Councillor ,'icks,
Seconded by Councillor Pice,
That ttw by-law to (mthori Z') '.1 3,:pDL"ILntary ,:xr,~nCli tur8 on
Roads and StrGGts in the totiil ano mt of ',?87, 000.00 be noV! ruad
a third time, pass\:;d and numb(,rc~d Jy-LclT'/f No. 17b5.
Moved by Councillo~ Stevens,
Seconded by Councillor HUr;}F3S,
That tlv, 8y-L'1'J to authoriz0 tl,G constitution of a cou'littee
of adiustnent be now read a thircl time, pass8d and nunbBred
3y- La\:/ No. 1767.
Hoved by l)oputy-ik'cVG Hobbs,
5e condcd by Councillor Nic]:s,
That the r':quest of the Durhal County Distj^ict ,iiGh School
Boare! to increase the amount for th,: j'jillbrook schnol from
$110,000. to $147,000. be sranted.
Cs.rri ;_~d.
\. .
Moved by Councillor Presson,
Seconded by Deputy-lteeve Hobbs,
'lhat this Council adopt the '3ocu'd of ',jorks rec0r1f1lmclations
that ;,11'. IJichols be hired as 3. t;:1porary crossin" r:uard ;00r the
month of June. Carriud.
Moved by rieevu Little Seconded by Councillor Nicks,
That the meeting ae!~ourn ~t 10:20 p.m.