HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/1960 , . . - . . . ;;-7 A regular r1eet ine; 0: the '3o\'/lr,imville 'l'o\'~n_Counc;...il \Va.s held on Tuesday, Iiay 10th, at 8 :00 p.r:t. in the Town Hall. All members present. Mqyor l/.D. Cal~ruthers ill the Chair. ADOPTI01,; O'~j' l'-III.iUJ.'~_~3 l'loved by Heeve Li tUe, Seconded b:r Deputy-neeve Hobbs, That the Conncil Hinutes dated kpril '+t,:, kpril l,;th, and April 26th, be and the 5iL']C are hereby adopted. Carried. DELEGATIDNS Mrs. N. Wilson appeared before Crnl'lcil ohiecti~~ to the treat- r1ent recGi ',d bv thD r.,,'irknt<J of T"ib.lrty .:itl' let at The Court "f Hevision. Mr. N. Hannon appeared on behalf of the latepayers' Associatinn and asked the following questions: 1. When the new addition to the sewage treatMent plant will be constructed, ami if able bodied men who are on i,'elfare will employed on this project. He was advised that as soon as all approvals have been re~ ceived, this project will be started and local help will be employed as far as possible. 2. He enquired 'lS to what type of incinerator \<Joulci be approved: what is the penalty invol vred f'lr the us e of one 1 and is the burning of leaves and stumps legal. This "vas referred to tho:;oarcl of.lorks meetilE POl' clarific- '. ation. 3, A question was raised regarding as tel ,!hat was considered a local improvement. This question was anmlered by the Clerkl Mr. L. DOl,:rney appeared before Crlllncj.l a{~ain :r-ec::uestj.nrr a build- in;g permi t. CORRE3POIJDEI:CE 1. Le.tter dated Hay 2nd, from !LB. Uyr:tonCl, H.D., iIinister of Health. "As the grants progra:OlHr, has b'ccn C'JC\sj,dorably broadened in in the last yeilr or tHO, and t!18 w',aunt so"' Uw i'lCii vidual -~rants sUb[Jt"ntially increased, I do not fe'cl tl1'1t thEre is any rrospect of a further Ch:1il,;e in policy in t!w YlC:2r futur"j For your infor- r:tation, a copy of the Regulati~ns is attached, and I think the Council ltlill admit that '3enerolls as.sistEtnce is bein,c~ provided. n Hoved by D8puty-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by CounCillor Stevens, That this letter be received and filed. Carried. / V . . . . . ,3"8, . - 2 - 2. Letter dated May 1st, from Florence Carlton. !!vlould it be possible to lnve a marLer "HLS," SL;.CH" install- ed at the corner where the ro"d tUl'rlS off the '-Iharf road? So manv peopl,,, frrH'l out of tmm ;~et lost,me: land at e,ast dpach. :"m sure there are oth'TS here 11ho h'J.ve the sane trouble a'lcl a sii~n l'muld end that." !cloved by Councillor La tlnnr-;ue, Seconded by Councillor hu~~es, That the necessary sign be obt1ined and erected. Carried. 3. Letter from Ed','1ard Hundle dated Nay 9th. !!llith the Council's permission 1 would like to have an Elm tree removed from the 30ulevard directly in front of my property owing to the fact that 1 have had con3ic!erable trouble wj,th J"Y sewer and also endangers the wires. hoping this ,;e ets Vii th your apDroval. 1I 1'10ved by Deputy- !{eev() Eobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, 't'hat this be referred to thl' ;coads & Str(jets Comnit,t(-Je with power to act. Carried. 4. Letter dated Hav 3rd, 1'1'01'1 Depll!:LiUnister, Dapt. of bducation. "1 have been requested to reply to your letter of f1.pril 27th, addressed to the Honourable 1,Iiniilter of Education, with !,hich you forwarded a resoll;tion passod by the Fim';;'lanvill(3 Council about the General Legislative Grants paid to School Boards. As vau are a1iaru, thE:~ GOVt~rnrl1t.;!1t of the Frc)vince of Ontario has incr~ased tho ~rants to local School Boards from ~147,000,000. in 1959 to $1661500jOOO. in 1960. 1 am instructed to advii3e you that the l((;;;ulations for 8enera1 Legislative Grants are bein~ studied constantly to ensure an equitable distribution of "rants on '1 provincial equalized assessment b.:lsis for Flll:3cllool 0Q8rcts aoross the Frovince. n Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Seconded by Couneillor Fice, That t!~is be received and filed. Carried. 5. Letter dated l;ill' 4th , from Clerk'_c::;i tv of Fetorborough. "1 have pleasure; in infornini~ vou that COllncil of the Ci tv of Peterborough at a ~:Jeetinl" held 0; 1'1ay 2nd, 19(iO, adopted th~ fol10\'1ing resolution which is beilW f')rHarded to your Council wi th the hope that it Hill be endorsed illlrl that you \vill so in- form your ffi(;mber of larlianent, also the itL"ht lionourable the Prime lilinister and the I'Iinister of Labour. "ivHEREAS it appears from tllfl fi"ures ilva'lL\l)l'~ tint thee number of workElrs who cannot obtain gaj_nfnl emploYlaent is greater at this time in Canada generally and nore partic- ularly in this and OttFT ar()as of Untario t1-ldll at any similar period for som~ years past: AND \mL1cEAS employmfmt is an Gcononic alld social problG::l which a country with the vmalth 3.nd natural rccsourcus of Canada should be dbl,' to successfully overcor18: J . . . . . 9"y . .' - 3 - nNO''i'~' TI-{SHB?OI{l~ HE I~ ~L~j,3CLr=;~J th,Jt th~Ls Council requ.:::sts the Jov.:.:r:1rL?nt o_:~ CC1nociQ, thr'O:,.l the ~t:L It lionour'a-;)le Prime 1-linister (:.nd the Honourable ..L1ist',r of Labour, to gake immediate action to increase t}l~; 5tlldics q!ld research the Gov~;rnmcnt undoubt(~dlV_;lO\I h:lS tn h[l~ld. c()nct_~rnin,"" thisnost s(~rious T)l~oulc;:':i in oreler t~-~dt ~'Jertns a~ild rI'():-~rar'LIE::S Llay be dcvisucl ~Ulci "!Jut into f.:'rtrl"lt o1>:~{':.:,.ti{)n to ,:-rl~l:Ji":lnteo in the futur., c;ainful enploynecnt' of" ,0;11 ult,' in C;mada >'Iho seek and r'~~quir(; it. H Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, Secondod by Councillor Lath,odlp).lC, That the above resolution be endorsed. Carric'd. 6. Letter dated ~'Iav 9th, fr_oI!.. CanaclL'22--kcl;.:L'!.!lL_'...o..?::.:.'Umville. "As Chairman of the Amm'll Canac,ian Lesion Car Draw which takes place in con6unction with our ~nnual Carnival, 15th. of July, 1960, I a"1 \'rr'iting this letter to ilscertain if p(;r01ission could be received from Tov.'Il Council to Farl~ the Ler;:ion Car along- side the Library on Temperance Street rather than alongside the curb and pA.rking meter. I \\lOuld not intcmd to park the car in this location daily, if perr'lission was 'T,rantod, but only on special days prior to our Carnival." I.loved by Councillor La thanguEl, Seconded by lt88V(; Little, That the Canadian Legion be grantc,d their request. Carried. 7. DGpartr.l€nt of hunici pal Affairs IGtt'~r dClt("d April 28th. "l'{,embers of this Dcpart~;]('nt hc;v;' fc;lt for SOde ti;.if) that if r.1unicipal aSS8SS.~lC'nt schools si Jilar to those rh:ld 50>10 years a[~o IVere hc;lrl at various points in thu Province that they would b2 cf' benefit to the municipal assessors. The Honoura.ble I-linistcr of Eunicir:j_l,~ff.rlirs has :lO~\~' author- izcd five two day schools for 1';60. These.' sctwols whic'l are to be conducted by members of thc; ilsc;':S'i'1dlt Branch of this D(opartuent arc to deal with generAcl a.sscs~m;nt pr''',ctice .{nd 'utters of in- terest to assessors with the aft rnoon of the second day to be devoted to problems affecting designated ~inin~ DunicipalitiGs. A school will be 11ell! on JUlW 2nd ilncl 3rd, conmmcill'; at 9: 30 a.m. D. S. T. in the Council Ch.,.nbers, City flaIl, FGtcrboroush. It would be appreciati,d if Y(JU w'luld attend this scho'll. In this connection, the lIinister has 1,lri tten t'1(2 head of your Council askinc; him to '<lake possiblu your att'cCld'\nce." Moved by Councillor Stevens, S;?cund ed by Councillor !\ick s, That the Assessor be pcrrli ttd to attend this SChOll. C'llTied. J - . . . . . . (, (. . - 4 - ACCOUNTS I-loved by Cou:1cillol' Nicks, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the Account s'lGl'uby attilcikd in th,' 2mount of ,368 .09 be ::tnd the 5a.me ~rc hGreby approvod for p:']~..r:E;nt. - 108.00 12.00 84.50 63.40 75.60 24.59 L. Ellis - Folice Dopt. Hi~~on ~lectric - Li~ht DO] .~ Frankli:1 Press - ]y-Lay rt;~cCt.ir oales 1729 1763 1764 Tax Carric,d. Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor Lathan~ue, That the accounts of the Folice Dept. attached hereto in the total 'lmount of :':;518.60 be andiire hereby passed f01' payment. C'lrried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, 3econded by Councillor Lathangue, That the account,s of the Cemetery attClched hereto in the total amount of .'~209 .14 be and i'lre hereby passeci for j'D.yr,1ent. Carried. Moved by Councillor Fice, Seconded by Councillor Nicks, That the accoutits of the Fire Dert. attached hereto in the total amount of ~62.36 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Heeve Hobbs, Secon~cd by Councillor Lathan~1e, That the accounts in the total amount of payment. of t'le Accounts Paid Frior attached hereto $4('3068120 be "nd ar~~y passed for Carried. Moved bv Reeve Little, Secondea by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, That the accounts of the Relief Dept. attached hereto in the total amount of ~601.03 be and are hereby passed for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor SteVO!IS, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That U;e accounts of tfw Doc>; 80ntrol attaclwd hereto in the total amount of $285.23 he and are hereby passed for ra:~ent. Carried. Hoved by Councillor Hw;hes, Seconded by Councillor Fice, Th'lt the accounts of the Fublic Property attachod hereto in the total amount of ,$1361.48, bo and are l1'oreby pOl.ssed for payment. Carried. .. . . . . . ?/ - 5 - Hoved by Deputy-l~eeve Hobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That th,," accounts of the Financf., Dent. attaCh(id hGroto in the total ,,-mount of ,,2744.35 be 'incl cere }wreby passed for payment. C'lrriod. ~loved by COllncillor Latham;ue, Seconded by Councillor ~tevensl That the accounts of the 'lorks Dept. attRched hereto in the total amount of ~1799.95 be, and Rre hereby passed for payment. Carried. REPORTS OF CQ~~ITTEES l"Ioved by Councillor LathanGue, Seconded by Councillor Stevens, That the T'linut"s of 'rhe Board of 'larks dated April 26th, be and the S~h'11e are hereby .J.dopted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Presson, Seconded by Councillor La thaniT,Ue, That the i'linutes of ThG folicf: Conrlittec; dated April 115th, be and the sa~e are adopted. REPORTS Garried. 110ved by Deputy-lle'2ve Hobbs, Seconded by Councillor Lathan~uG, That the minutes of 'Lhe Bo':n:mvillc' April 28thl be and llhe sar1e are adopted. Carried. Fl"llP-' n" 'joard dated ,", ~...l... e.~ Moved by Councillor licks, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the Dog Control Report be adopted. Carried. Moved by ReEve Little, Seconded by Councillor rlU~h0S, That the Buildi~spectorls,q:ort bu adopted. Carric,d. BY-LAWS - First &; s.,cond n:ading. ~10ved oy R3eve Little!, Seconded by D'~puty-Hc,_~,ve Hohbs, Tha. t the ;~oV'Gr reDoal By-Law 1746. time. tlC ~rant2d li~Qv8 to introduce a by-law to S-'lid by--lal..;f be no,.-j ruad a first i:lnd soconci Carriod. I"loved by Deputy-Rnove Fobbs, Seconded by Reeve Little, That the novel' be ~ranted leave to introduce it bv-law to auth- orize the issue of debe~turns in thf: amount of 013,lOD.oo to pay for tho cost of a fire engine. Said by-law be now read it first and second time. Carried. Vi . / . e . . . (. :(' - 6 - Hovod by Councillor :3L,v2ns J Seconded by Councillor Latha~-ue, That the lover be r;rn_ntecl l,;~}"[,rc authorize tho issue of dehGlltures in pay the cost of constr~J.ctin':~ a storr; ra~d a first and second tin~. to introdlJcc a bY-law to th0 2nount ofci>4i,958.00 to S8vI',0r. Said by-la-I'f be now Carried. Jvloved by Councillor Eathanc;u2, Seconded by Councillor Presson, That The Council DC),', risc:md,;o into '!,'lhole for the consichTat.ion of five bY-lmvs. CO'1"1i tt"e of Uw ~1~lyor in the Chair. Hoved by Councillor Prosson, S"condGd by Councillor Lathangue, That tho Com:dttec, no"! l'is0 :lnd r,!}ort t.o Council on the followinG by- Lews dis cu ssed in COL1',i tt8(! of tho Whole: 1. By-La" to rOF'2J.I By-Lm! ::0. 171,6. 2. By-Lav! to issue-, dubcntur0s -113,100.00. 3. By-Law to issue d,,',ocntures - ",1,1,958.00. 4. By-Law to iSSWj cL:bcntures - ,.!,5,000.00. 5. By-Law to autLorizG construction of starT'l S(3War. Council now in session. Hayor in the, Chair. Moved by Councillor Hughes, Seconded by Councillor Fice, That the by-lard to authorize t;-l(:~ construction of J.. storel se\.lfDr on Lib..::rty 3tr;;\;t, be no,.I ~:":;~id a third ti'~lC, pClsscd and numbered By-Law i~o. 1701. C"rri,'d. Moved by Councillor Fice, 3econde~ by Councillor Nicks, That the by-lml to authoriZe' the bOrl'owi'iC; of~45, 000. 00 upon debentures for the purpose of ~aintainin~ and altcrin~ the Bown:m ville ;,L"lOrial Ar"oIl,) Le? no',] road a third tir,le, rasseci and numbered By-Law No. 1729. Carri ': d . Moved by Councillor Jicks, Seconded by Councillor Ficc, That the by-law to r"1"'8al 'lv-Law 1746 b,o now r,Jad a third time, passed 'md nunbC'l'()d nV-Lim :!o. 1762. Carried. Moved by Deputy-Roeve Eobbs, Seconded by Councillor Stevuns, That the by-la','l 1lf'10ll:1t of:?13, 100.00 By-Law ;'0. 1763. to authoriZi; the issu~_~: of bo now reacl a thirri tine, rl.(~bentures Dns~3::;d ::tnci in the; nuclbcrud Carried. Moved by Councillor Stevens, 3i3conded by DC'jmty-:teove :-iobbs, That the by-h'.'l amount of ,p41,958.00 By-La~l No. 1764. to ~lllthorizG th0~ iSSUG of d(;b~jntur(~s in tho be now road a third tine, passed J.nd numbered Carried. . . . .4. . (3 . - 7 - NEW & UNFINISHED 3U3INljSS 1. Amend Dog By-Law to ~2.00 per day th first day, or any portion . .b thvruof, plus ;pl.OO for c'ach additiornl (by, or any portion thereof. Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconde~ by Councillor Presson, That the Dog By-Law be amended. Carried. 2. The CCrli;:::tt-;rv Comt-li ttc,:.; r":; conm'~nd that th~) f'o llo-."ling ~)xplanati on3 -Jnd changes be mc:dt,:; in tht~ CC;Fi~;tLry ,L:;y-L:,J.\.v. Clause (c) of Ssction 8 on Fn 4 reqllir0~s th~~ Town Treasurer to sot aside for perpetual c2rri, J of all monGYs r2c(~iVt~d for sale of lots Rnd sinqlG ~r~ves as 1)r:3scribcd hv the rCRlllations under tho CCC!n"ti3ry Act with Gninimwl of 35~ pc'r sq'. ft. 355S of 40.00 per single grave is 14.00 35r per sq. ft. is 9.45. Subsection 5 of Section 17, Fa 8 "not" changed to "nut" also delete "and no concrete ,ohall be used" :md add to road, and such stone or concrete base footin~. ScheduL" "A" to the, by-I;.,.; (1 t.'lrrif;o of rates, iten 2, Corner pos ts. IJo charg;; for' in::.;tallin::~ cor:ncr posts. Item 3, tarriff r'lt(,s change st3ndClrd fro:n ::f35.00 to 4P40.00 and change first of two burials to read first of double depth burial and second of two burials to rUle! :second 0." doublt; depth buri:lls and dl?Yl~e the first of do~h]_e ckpth barials for st,'lndard from 35.00 to 40.00 and s~cond of double depth burials for standard from 30.00 to 40.00. "e" delete prevailing rate of y "nd add ;f1.75 Jx,r hour. Schedule "B" - d"lGte "in f'>; simplee" and add and the !,:rantor further covenents to set aside the sum of 35% of cost of pl~ts or single graves for perpetual car" of Uk 'lbovc described cemetory lands as required by the kc!,:ulations under th~ Ce8etery Act. Schedule "G" add - "I hcrlbv c,rtifv that all accounts against the ab::JvG named property 'la:, be,,,n l'eid i;1 full. Schedule "H" add - "The amount of ........... has been paid in full. Moved by Councillor Stevens, SecondGd by Councillor Nicks, Ibat the above rcco~1endations be included in our proposed Cenctery By-Law. Carried. 3. Councillor Stevens reported to Council th~t the ~emorial Day CODlmi t t8e consisted of Hev. 'J..'urn'2r, P. Grr:cnficlci ''l~ld hius,c;lf, and that Juno 19th, be pro clairkd I ;emori ill D 'lY . Moved by Councillor Stevens, Seconded by Councillor Fic8, That June 19th, bG proclaim~d Memorial Dav. C"lrrL:,d. r1oe.d Access to Bur.li:;s:Jrope~t'.'. i,loved by Deputy-Hueve Hobbs, S8co~d8d by Councillor Fico, That this be referrid to C30ard of ..or]~s .and that the Clerk obtain the ncccssary information. Carried. ./ . . . - e - 5. Zonin~ Committee of l~diustm:jnt. I-Iov,)d by Councillor :iU':hf,s, S\?conc'ed by Councillor l'icks, That tho" J.Ia'ior ~tP1.'oint a cornittC:8 to rGCoi::ETICmd to Council, members for the ::oning" Cor,1r1itt"e of AdjusV"18nt, Carri,,;d. The i'iayor appointed the following:t'1c'lbc.rs Councillor Hughes and Councillor Stevens. 6. l'lr. ;:cHahonvrishes pc;rmission to clean up Town property near his resid(~nc2. . ~ /.MtD ! \~\\\ / .00 . I:Ioved by Councillor Lathangue, Seconded by Councillor Stev.ms, That this be n;frcrrcd to the Public Prop,rty Connittcu for their report. Ctlrri~.;d , Hoved by Councillor FrlOsson, SCc condud by C0uncillor HUi''1C)S, That the meeting adjourn at 10:30 p.m. Carr i "d. .......................,... . -.f\ \ \' At M~lyor . ................,......... I. GL;rk. (,4 v