HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/06/1961
The meeting held on November 6th, 1961, convened at $:05 p'.m.,
with His Worship The Mayor in the Chair. All members present
except Councillor Presson because of sickness, and Councillor
Hughes, out of town on municipal business.
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the minutes of the meeting held on October 16th, and
30th, 1961, be received and adopted.
Mr. K. Hooper, Chairman of the Ratepayers Association asked
Council to consider amending the Traffic By-Law as it pertains
to the recently erected "No Parking" signs on Horsy Street and
Queen Street it being his submission that no parking regulations
should be reversed to the opposite side of the street.
Moved by Dep-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice:
That we refer the matter of no parking on Horsey and Queen
Streets to the Traffic Advisory Board for their further consid-
Mr. Hooper suggested that the report of the Industrial Commission
respecting a report in the Toronto Telegram pertaining to the
Township of Etobicoke had not sufficiently indicated the facts
pertaining to this article;
Mr. Hooper suggested that in the future, Council should consider
the matter of reverting to a one year term for Council instead
of the present two year system I
He also requested that Council give consideration to publishing
an attendence record of members at Council and Committee meetings
which have been held throughout the past two years~ It was sub-
mitted that this information is available at the Town Offices;
Department of Transport.
"I wish to thank you for giving me so much of your time during
my recent visit to your area. I was most interested in hearing
your account of the fatal incident which occurred off Bowmanville
on September 26th, and in talking over methods of prevening a re-
currence of similar incidents; For your information many of the
smaller communities along the shores of the Great Lakes operate
small craft for the sole purpose of life saving along their shores.
In most cases, the cost of construction of these boats has been
borne my the citizens of that community.
What do you think the possibilities are of you speaking to the Tawil
Council with regards to consideration being given to a small life
saving craft for Bowmanville, which would be handled and maintained
by the Police Department and/or the Fire Department, or both.
You understand of course, that RCC Trenton does and will continue
to do everything in her power in search and resuce operations.
But with communities along the shorelines of the Great Lakes op-
erating small life saving craft, local search and rescue operations
can be handled with greater speed and reduced injury or loss of
life. Such a craft, would, I am certain, tend to make local boating
enthusiasts more safety conscious."
/ / -.L-
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Moved by Con. Fice and Nicks:
That the letter received from the Department of Transport
dated October 16th, 1961, be received and filed.
2. Apha I. Hodgins, Barrister & Solicitor.
"I have been instructed by Dr. John E. Hendry to request that
lands owned by him now zoned as residential be rezoned as comm-
ercial. The lands are those lying south of the north limit of
Queen Street (now closed) between St. George Street and Simpson
Avenue down as far as the lands of Flan 629 and including also
part of St. George Street between Queen Street and Flan 629 now
closed and Block Three (3) Plan 629."
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Stevens:
That the letter received from Miss A. Hodgins, respecting
rezoning of land owned by Dr. John E. Hendry, be held in abeyance
pending advice from the Bowmanville ~lanning Board.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke:
That the report of the Bowmanville Industrial Commission for
September and October, 1961, be received and adopted.
2. Moved by Con. Oke and Nicks:
That the report of the Welfare Department for the month of
October, 1961, be received and adopted.
3. l"loved by Con. Stevens,and Dep-Reeve Hobbsl
That the report of the Dog Control Officer for the month of
October, 1961, be received and adopted.
. carried.
4. Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep-Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Building Inspector for the month
of October, 1961, be received and adopted.
5. Moved by Con. Fice and Nicks:
That the report of the Police Department for the month of
October, 1961, be received and filed.
6. Moved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little:
That the report of the Works Department for the month of
September, 1961, be received and adopted.
Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Board of Works Committee, dated
October 30th, 1961, be received and adopted.
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2. Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep-Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation
Authority dated October 10th, 1961, be received and adopted.
3. Moved by Con. Fice and Oke:
That the report of the Northumberland Durham Health Unit
for the month of September, 19 1, be received and adopted.
1. Moved by Dep-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens :
That the accounts of the Account s raid i-rior in the total
amount of $97,396.54 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved byCon. Stevens and Dep-Reeve Hobbs:
That the accounts of the Dog Control Dept. in the total
amount of $47.97 be and ar!e hereby passed for payment.
J. Moved by Dep-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the accounts of the Finance Dept-. in the total amount
of $23,369.66 be and are hereby passed for payment.
4. Moved by Con: Stevens and Dep-Reeve Hobbs:
That.the accounts of the Roads and Streets in the total
amount of $2,296.40 be and are hereby passed for payment.
5. Moved by Con. Fice and Nicks:
. That the accounts of the Fire Department in the total amount
of $164~72 be and are hereby passed for payment I
6. Moved by Con. Nicks and Fice:
That the accounts of the folice Department in the total
amount of $599.69 be and are hereby passed for payment.
7. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep-Reeve Hobbs:
That the accounts of the Iublic 1 roperty Dept. in the total
amount of $1,694.99 be and are hereby passed for payment.
8. Moved by Con. Oke and Nicks:
That the accounts of the Welfare Department in the total
amount of $1082.11 be and are hereby passed for payment.
// C.
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Hunt Street Drainage.
A report received from Mr. J.L. Sylvester, Engineer and Sur-
veyor respecting the drainage conditions on Hunt Street and
in particular in the lands adjacent to the lands of Mr. C.
Edmondson and Mr. F. liper was considered following which it
Moved by Dep-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Oke:
That the matter of Hunt Street drainage be referred to the
Roads & Streets Committee for study and report.
Building Fermit - West Beach.
Town Solicitor's report:
"As requested in your letter of the 2nd. instant, we have con-
sidered this matter as it relates to the Town Zoning By-Law.
In our opinion a building permit for the extension to the Fred-
erick cottage should not be issued until the matter has been
referred to and approved by the Committee of Adjustment as an
extension of a non-conforming building pursuant to Section 18
(2) (a) (i) of tha Vlanning Act.
We understand that the Frederick cottage was used as a dwelling
prior to the passing of the Zoning By-Law in August of 1955.
Accordingly there is a pre-existing use of a residence in a
rural zone and the Committee of Adjustment has power to author-
ize the extension of the building as requested."
Moved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little:
That Mr. R. Fredericks, the applicant for a building permit
be instructed to refer this matter to the Committee of Adjustment
in accordance with the Town's Solicitor's submission dated Oct-
ober 6th, 1961, and that a copy of this submission be furnished
the Committee:
3. C.I.R. Subway - Drainage.
This matter is left in abeyance pending a report by the Clerk
when further information is available.
41 Municipal Qumpl
The Clerk advised that in accordance with Council's direction
at the last meeting that four Tenders were received for the
service of a front end loader at the municipal dump.
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Fice:
That we receive and open the Tenders for front end loader
service at the dump. carried.
The following were the Tenders:
Sid Tomlinson:
"Case" 310 - 42 H.P. 5/8 cu. yd. bucket. - 6.50 per hr.
T.D.9 91 - Series International - l~ cu. yd. - 9.00 per hr.
E.R. Knowlton:
Terra Track 500
- 5/8 cu. yd. bucket - 6.00 per hr.
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Ralph Rowe:
Jahn Deer 440 - 40 H.r. - 1 yd. bucket
T.D. 9 - 71 H.I. - l~ yd. bucket
- 750 per hr.
- 9.00 per hr.
Moved by Dep-Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That the Tenders received and opened an this date be
referred to the Roads & Streets Committee for consideration
with power to act. carried.
A request was received from Mr. F. DeJong to open a new street
from Third Street south along the easterly limit of Block B
for a distance of 200 ft. In support of this request, the
following was submitted:
"We, the undersigned agree to dedicate sufficient land to the
Town of Bowmanville to be used a public street from Third Street
south along the easterly limit of Block "B" for a distance of 200
feet. This allowance to be 66 feet in width.
(signed) F. deJong~
(signed) T. Arends.
I, Fred DeJong, agree to install water line and sewer services
sufficient to service the proposed apartment buildings and also
to surfac& the street with asphalt paving."
(signed) F. deJong.
6. Dog Control~
Moved by Con. Stevens and Oke:-
That we follow the same procedure as last year respecting
the running at large of animals during the winter months and
authorize the public notice in this respect~
High Street Drainage.
The following estimates were presented by the Works Superintend-
ent respecting High Street Drainage:
1, Open ditch estimated cost.
7 pes. 18" culverts 16' long @ 242 per ft.
gradall $ hrs. @ $16. per hr.
Tax on gradall
2. Estimated cost of storm sewer.
560' of 12" pipe @ 81.76 per ft.
Backhoe 16 hrs. @ 8.00 per hr,
Labour installing
catch-basins using material from yard
51. 00
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8. Con. Stevens, Chairman of the Roads & Streats Committee
advised that funds to effect the open ditch construction
as authorized by Council at their last meeting had not
been provided for in the 1961 estimates, and accordingly
requested further direction from Council in this regard.
Council was also advised that an open ditch as suggested
would at one location reach a depth of approximately
5 feet.
Moved by Con. Fice and Reeve Little:
That the High Street drainage matter be held in abeyance
until the next meeting of Council and that before this meet-
ing the matter of financing this project be considered by
the Roads & Streets Committee to determine if funds could be
made available.
Regular Meeting of Council.
As Nomination meeting falls on the second regular meeting
nite of Council the following resolution was presented by
Con. Fice and Nicks:
That the next meeting of Bowmanville Town Council be
convened at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 21st, 1961.
10. Armistice Day.
Con. Oke advised that necessary arrangements had been effected
for the observance of Remembrance Day and requested that all
Council members make a special effort to attend the services
at the Cenotaph I The Clerk was instructed to place a adver-
tisement in the local press supporting the Remembrance Day
activities and to request the co-operation of the local mer-
chants in closing their places of business during the service.
Reeve L~ttle was requested to place the Town's wreath at the
11. Sidewalk.
The Road Superintendent was requested to check into the matter
the damaged sidewalk in the vicinity of the Holgate Building
and to report his findings.
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Fice:
That we do now adjourn. (9:45 p.m.)
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