HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/16/1961 r . . . . . ~~ r-) The Regular Meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m. on October 16th, 1961, with His Worship Mayor Carruthers in the Chair. Present: Reeve Little, Dep.Reeve Hobbs, Councillors Stevens, Hughes, Oke, Clerk-Treasurer J. Reid, Bld.Insp. M. Moore. Absent: Councillors Presson, Fice and Nicks. I MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, October 2nd, 1961, were confirmed on motion of Councillors Hughes and Oke. II COMMUNICATIONS. 1. University of Toronto. A letter was received from the Division of Town and Regional Planning, School of Architecture, thanking Council for their willingness to co-operate in their proposed student project. { 'Moved by Dep.Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little: That the letter received from the University of Toronto dated October $th/61, be received and filed. carried. 2. Town of Whitby. A request was received from the Town of Whitby for Council's endorsation of a resolution sponsored by that Municipality requesting the Dept. of Highways to amend the Highway Traffic Act to permit urban municipalities to restrict the speed limit in designated school zones to 15 miles per hour. Moved by Con. Hughes and Stevens: That the resolution submitted by the Town of Whitby re- questing th< Dept. of Highways to amend the Highway Traffic Act to permit councils of urban municipalities to limit speed in designaten school zones to 15 miles per hour be received and filed. carried. 3. Town of Weston. A letter received from the Town of Weston requested endorsation of their resolution requesting the Minister of Transport to present legislation to the ~egislature of Ontario permitting the establishment of pedestrian crossovers in urban areas throughout the Province. Moved by Con. Hughes and Dep.Reeve Hobbs: That the resolutation sponsored by the Town of Weston re- specting pedestrian crossovers in urban centres be received and filed. carried. " " . . . III . /Ob .. 2 - F-4 4. Liberty Street Sidewalk, Letterswsre received from Mr. & Mrs. N,E, Bragg, Mr.& Mrs. H. DeMille and Mr. M. Tennant, Liberty Street residents, requesting Council's consideration of constructing a side- walk on Liberty Street north. These communications were discussed at length following which it was: Moved by Coun. Stevens and Oke: That we acknowledge receipt of the requests submitted by l>1:r. &, Mrs. N..E.Bragg, Mr.& Mrs. H. DeMille and Mr. M. Tennant, respecting the construction of a sidewalk on Liberty St." North, and instruct the clerk to advise them that Council will consider this construction when they are presented with a sufficiently signed petition for this construction as a local improvement under the provisions of the local improve- ment act. carried. . 5. Mrs. Roland M. Cale. A letter received from Mrs. Roland M. Cale requested that Council consider a solution to improve the appearance of the main streets, as the debris allowed to exist on the roads and sidewalks at present does not enhance the appearance of our community. Moved by Con. Stevens and Oke: That Mrs. Cale be advised of the Roads and Streets Committee's recent decision to engage a full time street sweeper, for the next month or so in an effort to overeorne this situation. carried. 6. Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Moved by Dep.Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little: That we grant permission to the Bowmanville \vest-Durham Advisory Committee for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind to effect their annual Blitz Campaign for funds between the hours of two to eight p.m. on October 16/61. carried. REPORTS. 1. Police Department. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Oke: That the report of the Police Dept. for the month of September be received and filed. carried. 2. Building Inspector's Report. . Reasons why permit was refused by Blde. Insp. for addition to Mr. Fredericks cottage, 51 West Beach. 1. This property fronts upon an unregistered road. 2. This property is located in Rural Zone which calls for a min- imum of 2 acres and 200 ft. frontage. .. . . . . /<:> ;7 - 3 - [-5 3. Summer cottage shall mean a building designed, intended for and used solely for temporary habitable purposes, and for not more than six months in any year. 4. No summer cottage, cabin or motel maybe converted or used for a dwelling house unless it conforms to the requirements of the by-law for single family dwellings. 5. If it were permitted in residential zone the lot would have to have 100' frontage with 15,000 sq. ft. 6. The plans were not approved for this addition by the BId. Inspector before the by-law was passed, which is re- quired by the By-Law. Mrs. Fredericks appeared before Council in respect to their building permit application and outlined the circumstances which affected this application. Fallowing c~nsiderable discussion it was: Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hughes: That we concur with the Building InspectorTs interpretation of the Building By-Laws and in not having issued the permit in respect to the Frederick application, however due to the extenuating circumstances, we grant the request of Mrs. Fredericks and instruct the Building Inspector to issue the necessary permit in this request. carried. IV BY-LAWS. Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little: That in accordance with the recommendations of the Ontario Municipal Board in their letter dated October 13/61, we amend Bowmanville By-Law No. 1821 as follows: 1. That the recital clause in the heading "Final Cost" be amended to read $63,071.92. 2. The third recital clause be amended to read $63,071.92. 3. Paragraph 4 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "That the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the head of the Councilor by some other person authorized by by-law to sign them and by the treas- urer. The interest coupons shall be signed by the treasurer and his signature to them may be written or engraved, litho- graphed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. The signature of the head of the Council may be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced and, if such debentures are countersigned in writing by the deputy- treasurer, the signature of the treasurer thereon may be written or engr~ved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reprodu ced. " 4. Paragraph 6 be amended by removing the letter "1" from the work "according" in the fourteenth line. 5. That Schedule "A" to the By-Law be identified as follows: "Schedule "A" to By-Law No. 1821." carried. ." . . . . /aff' - 4 - 1'-6 v NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Cawker Drainage Problem. Advice was received from Mr. J.L. Sylvester, Engineer and Sur- veyor that he would attend the Board of Works meeting on Oct. 31st, to answer Council's question with respect to this subject. 2. Memorial Park - Request for Grant. Nothing further was reported in this respect. 3. C.P.R. Subway - Liberty Street. Nothing further was reported in this respect. 4. Low Rental Housing. Nothing further was report in this respect. 5. Fuel Tenders. The following quotations were received for the Town's fuel supply for the forthcoming heating season. Fuel Oil Stove Oil A. Sturrock. 14.6 per gal. 14.6 per gal. K. Yeo. 15.6 19.9 G.E. Burnham. 15.1 19.4 Stevens Fuels. 15.35 20.9 Moved by Con. Stevens and Oie: Stoker Coal 18.50 That the Quotation of A. Sturrock and Sons at 14.6~ per gal. of fuel oil and Stove Oil and the quotation of Stevens fuels at 13.50 per ton of Stoker coal be accepted. carried. 6. Remembrance Day. The matter of blocking off Temperance Street between Church and King Streets was discussed following which it was: Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes: That the matter of blocking off Temperance Street during the Rembrance Day service be left with the Road Supt. and Police Chief for necessary action. carried. 7. Dump. The matter of distributing the grading work at the dump was discussed as a result of the representation made by Mr. Ralph Rowe at the last regular meeting. Moved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little: That Quotations be received for the grading of the municipal dump at an hourly rate. carried. " ~ . . . e ~9 - 5 - ~7 8. Memorial Part Lease. Councillor Oke on behalf of the Memorial Park Association requested that the agreement between the Corporation and the Association when renewed be established for a term of ten years. Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes: That we recommend to the 1962 Council that when a new agreement is effected between the Corporation and the Memorial Park Association, that it be for a ten year period. carried. 9. Re-assessment. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Dept. of Municipal Affairs in an effort to determine the completion date of the proposed new Provincial Assessment Manual. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. on motion of Reeve Little and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk.