HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/1961
P. 1.
A regular neeting of Council convened at 8:00 p.m. on Monday,
September 11th, 1961. All members were presentj with His
Worship Mayor Carruthers in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the minutes of the meeting held on Monday! August 14th,
1961, be amended under new and unfinished business by deleting
all references to Newtonville Council and substitute therefore
the word Newcastle. 'lnc! confirmed.
Petition received from West Beach owners and residents.
"We, the undersigned property owners and tenants of property ad-
joining or adjacent to the shore line of Lake Ontario request the
Town of Bowmanville to limit the amount of gravel taken from the
Crown .lands between the Town pI'operty and the shore line of the
West B"each.
The operations over the last few years have reduced by half the
distance between the property boundaries and the shore. While we
appreciate the cleaning-up and f':I'ading whic/l has been done, _ve
feel that if these operations continue on such a large scale,
high water or storms will cause ::eriolls damage to our propertie s.
From Fall until late Spring the Beach was left in an ugly, hazard-
ous condition which was dangerous to young children. In April, the
continual noise from the bull-dozer, trucks and crusher was deaf-
ening, and our Beach was turned into a co[@ercial gravel pit.
We most stongly urge the Town Council to cease all further mining
operations unless they can be effected in such a way that the
existing distance between the property boundaries and the water
line is retained; also that tree roots, ground cover and the
general appearance of the Beach are preserved."
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Stevens:
That the petition received from Mrs. B. Hurson, 113 West Beach,
and others be received and that the Clerk reply, advising that
Town Council will not be taking any further fill from this area
this year.
Petition from H. Finney and others.
"We the undersigned respectfully submit this petition to you
hoping that the unlawful conditions that exist at the side and
rear of our respective properties will soon be remedied and
brought into accord with Section 9 of By-Law No. 1636, of the
Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville.
Depreciation of property value and loss of sale have been a
direct result of these deploring conditions.
As we have previously approached the owner of the wrecking yard
with no apparent result, we request that the Council take action
to enforce By-Law No. 1636 before the yearly renewal of Mr. H.
Knapp's wrecking yard licence.1t
['loved by Con. Hughes and Stevens:
That the petition received from H. Finney, 151 Liberty St, S.,
respecting By-Law No. 1636 be received and that he be advised that
no action be taken by Council in this respect until a formal COEj-
plaint is made with the Police Dept. under the provisions of By-Law
No. 1636 and that Mr. Knapp be requested to use discretion ito Stle
that any further burning of scrap does not create a nuisance for
his neighbourhood. carried.
" .
- 2 -
3. Ratepayers' Association.
Mr. K. Hooper, Chairman of 1he Ratepayers' Assoc. appeared before
Council asking for an explanation of the function of the local
Committee of Adiustment.
His Worship Mayor Carruthers advised Mr. Hooper in this regard.
Mr. Hooper again re-iterated his objections to the proposed ind-
ustrial services in the Glenbrook Industrial Area.
Mr. S. Morris appeared before Council outlining his disatisfaction
with the administration of certain municipal offices.
5. Mr. A. E. Rankine appeared before Council in support of the
following communication:
"Further to my telephone convorsation, I am very pleased to en-
close a plot plan of the subject centre. From it you will see that
it is imperative that some use be made of the right of way. Should
we pave it at our expense as suggested and as shown, then even with
cars parked thereon there will still be thirty feet free and clear
access to the rearl
Dominion are insisting that their parking adjoin that of the
Brewers Retail - this in fact makes good sense for all concerned
because apart from the inconvenience, the Dept. of Highways would
not take kindly to cars pullin" out into the highway from one
property to the other.
I have made every effort to push this pruject ahead (detailed
drawings are well ahead and financing has been arranged and comm-
itted) but should an immediate and favourable decision not be
reached, then the project would have to be abandoned for this
year and maybe as a result, postponed indefinitely. The reason
for an immediate start is that the site has to be filled and pavod
and the building shell erected before the onset of severe frost.
If this cannot be done, then the earliest starting date, it at all,
would be next May. Should you reach a favourable decision then
Dominion Stores could be open by February.
I do feel that it is to the mutual interest of all concerned to
reach an immediate and positive decision and I have full confid-
ence in your effortl In closing, I would like to take this opp-
ortunity of thanking you for your courtesy and kindness,"
Following discussion, it was:
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That we instruct the Clerk to present and prepare a by-law to
accept and establish that part of Frank Street running southerly
from King Street for a distance of 300 feet.
1. Durham County District High School Board.
"The County Solicitor requests that you pass this By-Law regarding
debentures for the Clark High School at your earliest convenience.
Please return two completed copies to the undersigned."
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the by-law received from Durham County District High
School Board, be presented under By-Law for consideration.
- 3 -
Consumers' Gas Company.
"As directed by the Ontario Energy Board we enclose herewith
a copy of the Board's order, E.B.R.O. 18, dated August 8th,
1961, approving new, lower gas rates to be charged by the
Company on all meter readings made on and after October 1/61."
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That the communication from Consumers' Gas Co. and the Order
No. E.M.B.R.O. 18 of the Ontario Energy Board be received and
filed. carried.
3. A letter was received from Mr. & Mrs. R. Gill thanking Council
for support during the recent engagement of the motion picture
"Ben-Hur" at the Royal Theatre,.
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Presson:
That the letter from Mr. & Mrs. Gill, dated August 15th/61,
be received and filed. carried.
4. Ontario Department of Highways.
Approval of supplementary road expenditure by-law No. 1805
in the amount of *16,000.00 was received from the Ontario Dept.
of Highways.
Moved by Ron. Stevens and Hughes:-
That By-Law No. 1805 now approved
be received and filed.
by the Dept. of Highways
5. Ontario Municipal Board.
Final approval for the proposed capital expenditure of $110,000.
for an addition to the Ontario Street Public School was received
from the Ontario Municipal Board.
Moved by Con. Fice and Nicks:
That Board Order No. P.F.E. 7507-61 approving a capital ex-
penditure of $110,000.00 for an addition to the Ontario Street
Public School, having been received we authorize submission of
by-law No. 1803 for third reading under the order of By-Laws.
6. County of Peel.
A letter was received from the County of Peel requesting endors-
ation of the following resolution:
"WHEREAS New Hospital construction costs continue to be a heavy
debenture charge on many municipalities, and
WHEREAS many Hospitals are working with inadequate space and
insufficient beds to serve the population and totally unable to
provide for a disaster and
\lHEREAS there is a way to secure monies for this worthwhile
THEREFORE be it resolved that the Peel County petition the Federal
and Ontario Provincial Governments to take early action to bring
a Bill before their respective Houses to legalize a National
Hospital Sweepstakes under Government Jurisdiction and Control of
the Chartered Banks of Canada, and that a copy of this resolution
be sent to all County and Municipal Councils soliciting their
support of the principle of this resolution."
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P. 4.
~oved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes:
That we endorse the resolution sponsored by the County of
Peel respecting legalization of National Hospital Sweepstakes.
Dept. of Municipal Affairs.
A memorandum was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs
outlining the extent of the winter works incentive programme
for 1961-62.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes:
That the
the 1961-62
for study.
memorandum respecting winter works projects during
season be referred to the Board of Works Committee
Fire Marshal's Office.
,t letter was received from the Fire Marshal's uffice submitting
a draft by-law to provide for the licencing and regulation of
Public Halls.
Moved by Coij. Hughes and Oke:
That the letter from the Office of the Fire Marshal, and the
Model By-Law to provide for the Licencing and Regulation of
Public Halls be referred to Fire Committee for study.
9. Fire Marshal's Office.
A request was received from the Fire Marshal's Office for Coun-
cil's support in observation of Fire Prevention Week"- October
8th - ll,.th/61.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Ficel
That we declare the week of October 8 - 14th, as "Fire Prev-
ention Week" in Bov-nnanville and '1uthorize insertion of the nec-
ess'1ry proclamation in this respect.
10. A letter was received from W.F. Quick respecting a sewer
problem as a result of tree roots.
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hughes:-
That the letter received from W.F. Quick d?ted Sept. 8/61,
respecting the tree situation be referred to Roads and Streets
Committee to report back to Council.
11. A letter was received from W.G. Abernethy respecting a tree
problem at his property an his property, 1 Coleman Street.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dept. Reeve Hobbs:
That His Worship The Mayor be authorized to determine whether
or not the trees involved are located on Town property or on the
property of Mr. Earl Ross and report back to Council.
- 5 -
P. 5.
A letter was received from L. Laskaris asking that consid-
eration be given to the re-locating of parking meters ad-
jacent to his dri vewClY at 31 Temperance Street..
Moved by Con. Presson and Nicks:
That this matter be referred to the Police Chief and Road
Superintendent to take necessary action.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Fice:
That the report of the Bowmanville Industrial Commission
for the month of ,mgust, 1961, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Oke Clnd Nicks;
That the report of the Welfare Dept. for the month of
August, 1961, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Stevens Clnd Presson:
That the report of the Dog Control Dept. for the month
of AUgust, 1961, be received and adpted.
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Nicks:
That the report of the Building Inspector for the month
of August, 1961, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Presson and Hughes:
That the report of the Police Activities for the month
ending August 31st/61, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Works Department for the month of
July, 1961, be received and adopted.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That the report of the Clerk-Treasurer pertaining to the
recent Ontario Municipal .issociation Conference be received
and filed. carried.
Moved by Dept. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the report of the Finance Conmittee dated August 22nd,
1961, be amended as follows:
Paragraph No.5 Fire Insurance amended as follows:
1. Omit 1,000.00 coverage on Cemetery contents, however include
the new mower recently purchased by the Cemetery Board.
2. Delete entirely.
3. To remain as outlined.
- 6 -
Add new paragraph No.6. Install a Class 3-money chest in the
Clerk's office vault and adjust the Fidelity Bond and Broad
money coverage to suit this.
And that the said report as amended be received and adopted.
Moved by Reeve Little and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Board of Works Committee dated
August 29th, 1961, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the accounts of the Roads & Streets in the total
amount of ~2,045.12 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the accounts of the Accounts Paid Prior in the
total amount of $39,551.11 be and are hereby passed for
payment. carried.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the accounts of the Dog Control Dept. in the total
amount of ~P72 .17 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the total amount
of $301,.86 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Fice and Hughes:
That the accounts of the Fire Department in the total amount
of $15.94 be and are horeby passod for payment.
Moved by Con. Presson and Stevens:
That the accounts of the Police Dept. in the total amount
of $952.73 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the accounts of the Public Property Dept. in tho total
amount of 2.50 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Oke and Nicks:
That the accounts of the Welfare Dept. in the total amount
of $696.35 be and are hereby passed for payment.
- 1 -
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevensl
That Leave be granted to bring in the following By-Laws:
1. A By~Law to repeal By-Law No. 1814.
2. A By-Law to authorize an agreement with Mr. T. Turner.
3..A By-Law to amend By-Laws numbered 1739, 1745 and 1753.
4. A By-Law to consolidate the sums expended under certain
by-laws into one sum of $60,660.00 and to borrow the
same by issue of debentures therefor.
5. it By-Law to provide for the levy collection of a special
rate in order to defray the Corporation's share or the
cost of the construction of a high school in the Township
of Clark...,
6. A By-Law to accept and establish that part of Frank St.,
running southerly from King 3t., for a distance of 300 ft.
Moved by Con. Presson and Hughes:
That the By-Laws as recited, be read a first time, referred
to Council in Committee of the Whole and read a Second time.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the report of Council in Committee of the ',\[hole on the
following by-laws be received and adopted the same be now re-
ferred to The Ontario Municipal Board for necessary approval.
1. A By-Law to amend By-Laws numbered 1739, 1745 and 1753.
2. A By-Law to consolidate the sums expended under certain
by-laws into one sum of $60,660.00 and to borrow the same
by issue of debentures therefor.
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Presson:
WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board has approved of the
proposed capital expenditure of $110,000.00 for the construction
of a four room addition to the Ontario Street Public Schoo, be it
therefore resolved that the ByiLaw be now read a third time, en-
grossed; signed by the IVIayor and Clerk - sealed and numbered
.~;l.. B/L 1$03.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke:
That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on thG
following By-Laws be received and adopted, the same be now read
a third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed
and numbered as follows:
1. A By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 1814 ..................B/L 1$16.
2. A By-Law to authorize an agreement with Mr. T. Turner
..................B/L 1817.
3. A By-Law to provide for the levy collection of a special
rate in order to defray the Corporations share of the
cost of the construction of a high school in the Town-
ship of Clarke ""..""........"...."......"........"........"..".."".."".." .E/L 1818"
4. A By-Law to accept anc establish that part of Frank
Street running southerly fron King St, for a distance
of 300 feet.. .......................................B/L 1819.
P. 8.
- 8 -
1. Dominion Store Property.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That \ilHEREAS this Council has accepted and established the
northerly 300 feet of the new Frank Street conveyed to the Town
by the H.C.Downham Nursery Company Ltd., as a public highway;
AND WHEREAS tho Dominion Stores Ltd., Ovmers of the lands
imrnediately to the east of the said part of Frank Street, has
expressed a desire to pave the said established part of Frank
Street so that it may be used for public purposes;
NOW THEREFORE this Council approves of the Dominion Stores
so paving the northerly 300 feet of Frank Street and the mark-
ing of parking places provided always
(1) public passage along the said street is at no time
blocked or hindered in any way.
(2) the said base for the street and the pavement itself
will be constructed and laid to Town specifications.
(3) the street shall remain the property of the Town of
Bowmanville which shall retain jurisdiction over it.
2. Pine Street Road Allowance.
In this connection, an application was
Luxton for purchase of the Pine Street
his own and Mr. H. Finney's property.
it wast
received from Mr. S.
road allowance between
Following discussion
Moved by Con. Stevens and Hughes:
That at the present time Council does not wish to sell
or aispose of the Pine Street road allowance and that Mr.
Luxton be advised accordingly.
Mr. H. Knapp presented verbally his objections to the dis-
posi tion of the Pine Street road allowance and it was requested
that these objections be forwarded to the Town Clerk in
Memorial Park - Request for Grant.
The Clerk advised that the Dept. of Planning and Development
would forward their decision in this respect in the near
4. Mausoleum.
Council was advised that negotiations of the proposed agree-
ment were currently be effected by the Town Solicitor and
the owner's solicitor, and that this should be finalized in
the near future.
- 9 -
P. '-;.
Steinberg's Lot.
Nothing further was recorded in this regard.
Liberty St., Sub-way.
As no reply has been recoived to Council's communication
respecting the storm sewer at this location, the Clerk was
instructed to further communicate in an effort to clear up
this problem.
7. P.U.C. Flouridation.
Council is presently awaiting a reply in this respect.
8. E.M.O. Conference - Arnprior, Onto
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Presson:
That this matter be referred to the Finance Committee
with power to act. carried.
Library Building - Painting.
Quotations were received from 3 painting contractors for the
preparations and application of 2 coats of paint to the
municipal Library Building as follows:
Lander Hardware - $1595.00 ; Rowe & Burgess - $2360.00;
J.R.Abernethy - $1700.00.
~foved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the quotation received from Lander Hdwe. in the amount
of $1595.00 for the painting of the Library Building be accepted.
10. Armistice Day Observation
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That the necessary arrangements for the observation of
Armistice Day be referred to the Civic Committee.
11. Drainage Matters.
Moved by Con. Stevens & Nicks:
That Mr. Sylvester, P. Engineer, be requested to submit an
opinion in respect to the Piper and Edmonston drainage problem.
12. Sturrock Property.
Councillor Stevens, Chairman of the Roads and Streets Committee
advised that he had been requested by A. Sturrock to ask Councii,s
c?nsideration in extending the culvert immediately in front of
h~s vac~n~ lot from the present location westerly to the street
line ana lnstall a catch basin at this location.
Following discussion it was:
Moved by Con. Stevens and Fice:
That Mr. A. Sturrock be advised that Council cannot submit
to his requ8st.
-10 -
P. 10.
13. Street Marking.
Councillor Stevens advised that the Works Department had
enough paint in stock to complete cross-walk marking through-
out the Town.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little:
That the Roads & Streets be authorized to proceed with
the cross-walk marking throughout the Town.
Moved by Con. Fice and Nicks:
That we do now adjourn at 10:50 p.m.
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