HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/10/1961
The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council was held
on Monday, July 10th, at 8:00 p.m. with all members present
except Councillor Presson. Mayor Carruthers in the Chair.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs:
That the minutes of the meeting held
June 5th, 1961, be
1. Mr. W. Lycett appeared before Council advising that he had
been requested to permit the use of part of his property on
the BaseLine Road as a stone quarry. He advised that his
property was zoned light industry and the stated use would
not contravene the Zoning By-Law.
Mr. Lycett asked for Council's approval to this intended
use in the form of a motion which would protect the Town's
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes:
That we do not object to the proposal submitted by Mr.
Lycett with respect to his land on BaseLine Road and that
this matter be left in the hands of the Mayor and Clerk,
and the Town Solicitor to protect any interest the Town
may have in this respect.
" f
D. King Excavating Ltd.
Mr. P. Mohan appeared before Council stating that he was
aware of the recommendation being presented by the Board
of Works with respect to their request dated June 13th/6l.
Mr. Mohan explained fully the intent of his letter and out-
lined the reason for the $5,109.31 request. Following con-
siderable discussion Council took no action.
Mosport Pamphlets.
Mr. K. Hooper, Chairman of the Ratepayers' Association,
suggested that the advertisement in the Mosport Pamphlets
was somewhat misleading in that it suggested that the
Industrial Area was in fact, fully serviced.
Industrial Sites Agreement.
Mr. Hooper presented his objections to the construction of the
services to serve the proposed industrial area. He re-iterated
his suggestion that to be fair to all concerned, that actual
construction of the services should be delayed until such time
as an industry was secured to locate on this land.
Stop Sign - Second & Prospect Streets.
Mr. Hooper asked if any action was being taken to construct a
stop sign at the above location and was advised that a sign
had been ordered and would be erected.
~, 2 ~,
4. Knapp Wrecking Yard.
Mr. Finney, representing the residents in the vicin~ty of
Knapp's Wrecking Yard requested Council to take act~on to
have the fence around the yard repaired to a suitable
condition. He advised that considerable water was laying
on the Pine Street road allowance and could be considered
a serious health problem.
Council was advised that the fence around the yard and fill
placed there appeared to encroach on t0e Pine S~reet road
allowancej which res'.llted in the block~ng of th~s water.
Moved by Reeve Littlo and Con. Fice:
That we instruct the Town Solicitor to determine whether
any encroachment exists on the Bine Street road allowance
east of Liberty Street, and to determine if this is being
used for private purposes. carried.
Moved by Con. Fice and Oke:
That thec~rainage problem presented by Mr. Finney on the
Fine Street road allowance be brought to the attention of the
Health Inspector for investigation and action.
5. Cawker Drainage Problem.
Mr. & Mrs. Cawker appeared before Council and read a letter
from the 1960 Council respecting the decision of Council
in regards to a solution to the drainage problem on their
property. Mrs. Cawker asked if action could be taken to
alleviate this problem in order to facilitate sale of this
Following considerable discussion, it was:
Moved by Con. Stevens and Reeve Little:
That we authorize the engagement of a professional
engineer and a land surveyor who have not worked in the Town
before to investigate this draina6e problem and report to
Council as soon as possible.
Bowmanville ~lanning Board - A.J.Cole, Secretary.
"At our Planning Board meeting of June 28th, the following
motion was passed and we hereby recommend it to the Council
for adoption. "That Section 9 (a) 6, By-Law No. 1587, as
amended by By-Laws 1612 and 1700, under the heading of
permitted uses in a "residential area" be revised to read
as follows:
6. Hospitals.
6(a) Certified Nursing Homes bordering on properties on
Church Street.
Nursing Homes are already permitted in our commercial zones
but as this particular area could not be classified as an Rl
or R2 residential category if we had them, it was decided
that we recommend this added use to Council in this Church
Street residential area."
>I< 3'~
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Nicks:
That the letter from the Bowmanville Planning Board dated
June 29th, 1961, recommending certain amendments to the
Town's Zoning By-Law, and that a copy of this letter be for-
warded to the Town's Solicitor for the necessary amending
2. A letter was received from Proctor & Redfern, Consulting
Engineers, with respect to High Street drainage. As a
decision was made under Fetitions and Deputations which
will affect this situation, the following motion was
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That the communication from Proctor and Redfern, dated June
27th. 1961, respecting High Street Drainange, be received
and held in abeyance.
3. A letter was received from Strike & Strike respecting re-
copying of all registered plans within the County and asked
that a committee be appointed to meet with County represent-
atives to discuss the finalizing of the plans with represent-
atives from the Inspector of Legal Offices.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That the communication from Strike & Strike, dated June
27th, respecting recopying of the registered plans in the
Bowmanville Reginstry Office be received and adopted, and
that we authorize payment of one-half of the ~ccount sub-
mitted by Donevan & Fleischmann amounting to ~7l8.23, and
that the Mayor and Reeve be appointed as a Committee to meet
with Counties representatives to discuss the finalizing of
the plans. carried.
The following resolution was received from the Town of
Burlington for Council's consideration:
"The following resolution was passed by Council of the Town
of Burlington at a meeting held on June 19th, last. The reso-
lution appears to be self-explanatory and the Council of the
Town of Burlington would appreciate your support in this
"WHEREAS, in orderto qualify for financing of sewerage projects
under Central j',lortgage & Housing Corporation regulations, it is
necessary to insert a clause in the contract requiring that the
men work not longer than 8 hours per day nor 44 hours per week;
AND \~EREAS, it is in the best interest of the municipality and
Central Mortgage Housing Corporation to receive full benefits far
all moneys to be spent on such projects as may be approved;
AND VffiEREAS, in the opinion of this Council, to insert the afore-
mentioned clause regarding working hours will, in effect, mean
that full benefit from funds spent will not be obtained, as it
will cause the contractors to increase their prices to a point
where the municipalities will not benefit to the full extent
of the 25% of the cost of the project which is to be forgiven,
if all conditions are met
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Central Mortgage & Housing Corp.
be requested to amend its regulations regarding the number of
working hours so that maximum value for money expended will be
obtained, both by the municipalities participating and Central
Mortgage Housing Corporation;
"- 4 "-
..,~ -'l~
AND FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Councils of all Municipalities in Ontario, requesting their
AND FURTHER that the Council of each municipality be asked to
request the support of their member or members of parliament in
bringing this resolution to the attention of the Federal Cabinet
with a view to having the regulations regarding working hours
amended or deleted."
Moved by Bep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That we endorse the resolution from the Town of Burlington
respecting the inclusion of a clause in contracts under Central
Mortgage & Housing Corp. Regulations.
The following letter received from E. Richard Lovekin, B.A.
Re: Wilfred Simpson, 87 Ontario Street. - Drainage.
"Please be advised that we represent Mr. W. Simpson of Bowmanville,
who has consulted us regarding damage to his building at the
intersection of Ontario and Durham Streets, which results from
water backing up through your catch basin at this intersection
following any heavy rain.
Our client further informs us that this situation did not exist
previously and appears to have been caused by your alteration
of the drainage works in the area and appears to be a chronic
condition and that it occurs after every major rainfall.
Please take notice that we are holding the Corporation respon-
sible for damage done to the foundations of this building and the
contents of the building to date and further that we intend to
hold the Corporation responsible for any and all future damage
until this situation has been rectified.
I would be pleased to hear from you as to whether or not you
intend to take the necessary steps to rectify the situation
and whether or not you are prepared to reimburse Mr. Simpson
for the damage already accrued."
The Clerk advised that a copy of thros letter had been forwarded
to the Town's Insurers.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Hughes:
That with respect to the W. Simpson drainage problem that Mr.
E.R.Lovekin be advised of the recommendation of the Board of
Works adopted at this meeting, and to further advise that his
letter had been forwarded to the Town's Insurers.
United Counties - K. Symons.
liThe request from the Council of the Town of Bowmanville, con-
cerning the lifting of half load restrictions on portions of
streets under the Counties' jurisdictionj was brought to the
attention of these Counties' Council at its June Session.
The matter was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee for
Their recommendation that the request be granted was endorsed
in Open Council."
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hughes:
That the letter from the United Counties dated J~ly 7/61, re:
half load restrictions be received and filed.
off 5 -'-
..... "'~
7. A copy of the Counties'By-Law to equalize the assessments
for the year 1962 was received;
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice:
That the By-Law No. 1931 of the United
land and Durham respecting Equalization
be received and adoptedl
Counties of Northamber-
of Assessments for 1962
8. Mr. R.r. Rickaby.
"Flease accept this as my resignation from the ]viuseum Board
to which I was appointed some time ago. I believe some more
qualified person can take over and handle the position much
more capably than I, and has more free time to do so.
Should the opportunity to assist in any other c?pacity at
some future time present itself, I would be very glad to
give any assistance I can."
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke:
That we accept with regret the resignation of Mr. R.r.Rickaby,
from the Museum Board.
9. Royal Theatre - R.J. Gill.
"The Royal Theatre has been fortunate in securing the out-
standing Motion Ficture "Ben-Hur" beginning July 20th to
July 29th, inclusive, a period of one and one-half weeks.
We hereby request that this period be proclaimed "Ben-Hur
Days" in the Town of BovJffianville. II
Moved by Con. Fice & Nicks:
That we concur with the request of the, Royal Theatre and pro-
claim the period July 20 - 29th, inclusive, as "Ben-Hur Days",
in the Town of Bowmanville.
A request was received from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario
requesting permission to construct a sign on Town property immed -
iately in front of their new building.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Nicks:
That we grant approval to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario
to construct and maintain a sign on Church Street in front of
their prmperty part of which will encroach on Town lroperty,
provided an agreement is prepared and executed by lublic rrop-
erty Committee.
1. Moved by Con. Nicks and Fice:
That the report of the Industrial Commission for the month of
June, 1961, be received and adopted.
Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes:
That the report of the Welfare Dept. for the month of June,
be received and adopted.
-'. 6 -'.
'I- .,~
Moved by Con. Stevens and Hughes:
That the report of the Dog Control Officer for the month
of June, be received and filed.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That the Building InsDector's report for the month of
June, be received and adopted.
5. Moved by Con. Hughes and Stevens:
That the report of the tolice Activities for the month of
June, be received and adopted. carried.
6. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit
for May, be received and adopted. carried.
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hughes:
That the report of the Works Department for the month of
May, be received and adopted.
1. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Stevens:
That the report of the Board of i,'iorks Committee dated
June 27th, 1961, be received and adopted.
2. Moved by Con. Stevens and Hughes:
That the report of the Roads
June 22nd, 1961, be amended.
be received and adopted. (See
& Streets Committee dated
The said report as amended,
Appendix "A").
Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Dog Control Committee dated June
22nd, 1961, be received and adopted.
1. Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes:
That the a ccounts of the Accounts laid Friar in the mnount
of $91,491.48 be and are hereby passed for payment.
2. Moved by Con. Stevens and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the accounts of the Dog Control Dept. in the total
amount of $27.75 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Hughes:
,That the accounts of the Finance Dept. in the amount of
~3,090.25 be and are hereby passed for payment.
* 7 ,~
ACCOUNTS (cont'd.)
Moved by Con. Fico and Nicks:
That the accounts of the Fire Dept. in the illfiount of 13.95
be and are hereby passed for payment. carried.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke:
That the accounts of the Industrial Commission ~n the amount
of 69.00 be and are hereby p'1ssed for pilY1<h;nt.
6. Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Hughes:
That the accounts of the rolice Dept. in the amount of
110.49 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Dep. Reeve Hobbs:
That the accounts of the lublic 1 roperty in the arnount of
44.39 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Oke and Hughes:
That the accounts of the Welfare Dept. in the illilount of
626.24 be and are hereby passed for payment.
9. Moved by Con; Stevens and Hughes:
That the accounts of the Roads & Streets in the amount of
$9259.90 be and are hereby passed for payment.
lrior to consideration of By-Laws, the following communication
was received from the Town Solicitor with respect to:
"A By-Law to Authorize the Construction on the BaseLine Road
of a Sanitary Sewer and ~"htermain and a Bridge over Soper
"Further to the writer's telephone conversation with you this
morning, we enclos e herewith draft 'dorks By-Law in triplicate
concerning the sewer, watermain and bridge installations pro-
posed on the BaseLine. We suggest you give only two readings
to the by-law so that provision can be made for amendment of
any approved costs on account of the bridge. You will note
that we have also left a blank for the length of the bridge
in paragraph 3.
Section 379 1, paragraph 52, provides that where watermains
and sewers are contemplated no consent of the electors is nec-
essary if there is 3/4 of the vote of Council in favor of the
by-law and the Municipal Board approves with or without a hear-
ing in the discretion of the Board under Section 64 of The
Ontario Municipal Board Act. There is no specific authority
for dispensing with the vote in connection with the bridge in
the Hunicipal Act, but Section 63 of The Ontario Hunicipal
Board Act does make it possible for the Board to order that
the vote be dispensed with and in our mpinion this would be
a suitable instant where the works are being sought to attract
industry in the application of this section. It is probable
that a hearing would have to be held in connection with the
bridge and no doubt both hearings could be held at the same
~, 8 "
From perusing the file in this matter we would draw the
following to your attention:-
1. lrovision should be made for the Town obtaining an ease-
ment for the sewer from the BaseLine to the sewage plant.
2. The Town also should take steps to relocate Simpson Ave.
3. Will there be rental coming from the sewer being installed
and if so on what basis? This information will be required
in connection with the application to tho Hunicipal Board.
We also enclose application forms forwarded to us by the
Municipal Board."
Councillor Stevens advised that in respect to the Industrial
Services By-Law, he felt he had an indirect interest and
advised 'that he would not take part in the consideration
or discussion, or vote on any question in this respect.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Reeve Little:
That Leave be granted to bring in the following by-laws:
1. A by-law to amend By-Law 1696, being a by-law respecting
Licences for Nursing Homes.
2. A by-law to provide for the 1961 Supplementary Expenditure~
on Roads or Streets in the Tocm of Bowmanville.
3. A by-law to authorize the construction of BaseLine Road,
Sanitary Sewer, \latermain and Bridge overSoper Creek.
Moved by Coho Hughes and Fice:
That the By-Laws be read a first time, referred to Council
in Committee of the 'Jhole and re,ld a Second time, !>1:ayor in
tho Chair.
Moved by Con. Fice and Hughes:
That we rise and report the successful second reading of
the By-Laws.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Hughes:
That the report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the
By-Law to authorize Construction on BaseLine Hoad of a San-
itary Sewer, Vatermain and Bridge over Soper Creek, be re-
ceived and adopted, the same be now referred to the Ontario
Hunicipal Board for approval.
Recorded Vote
Yea) - Reeve Little, Dep.Reeve Hobbs, Con. Hughes, Con. Fice,
Con. Nicks, Con. Oke, Mayor Carruthers.
-'- 9 -'-
.,... .......
Moved by Gon. mke and Nicks;
That th.e report of Council in Committee of the Whole on the
by-laws be received and adopted, the same be now read a
third time, engrossed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, soaled
and numbered as follows:
1. h by-law to amend By-Law No. 1696, bein& a by-law respect-
ing Licences for Nursing Homes .......B/L 1$04.
2; A by-law to provide for the 1961 Supplementary Expenditures /
on Roads and Streets in the Town of Bowmanville.....B/L 1$05.
1. Awaiting further information.
The following items were presented under this item of business
however, nothing further was reported:
(a) Flouridation of r.lunicipal Water Supplies.
(b) Mausoleum.
(c) Low Rental Housing.
(d) Liberty St,.Subway - C.l.R.
(e) Truck Route.
(f) Memorial lark request for grant.
2. forking Meters.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Nicks:
That permission be granted to H. Laskaris to hnve six parking
meters hooded on Saturday, August 19th/61, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
in front of St. John's ;,nglican Church, Temperance Street.
carrie d.
August Council Meoting.
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hosbs and Con. Fice:
That the regular meGting for the month of ,mgust be postponed
until the 14th. of August at $:00 p.m. Carried.
Council was advised that a joint meeting between the Town's
Roads and Streets Committee and Darlington Township was to be
held on Friday, July 14th, 1961, at th8 'l'ownship Offices in
Hampton. The purpose of this meetinr:; is to comsider the Bound-
ary Road agrGGme~t.
Moved by Reeve Little ~nd Con. Nicks:
That we do now adjourn. (il:05 p.m.).
.................................. .
.. . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moved by Councillor Stevens and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs:
That the Report of the Roads and Streets Committee be
amended by deleting the second motion under Item No.3,
(Ontario Durham Drainage) and substituting therefore the
That the balance of the allotment of 960.00 in the
Police Department Budget following necessary repairs to
the traffic lights, be allocated facilitate the Storm
Sewer construction at Ontario and Durham Street.