HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/1961
A regular meeting of 130wmanville Town Council convened at 8 :00 p.m.
Monday; June 5th, 1961; with His Worship Mayor \il Carruthers in
the chair.
All members present except Counc".Jlor Fice.
Moved by CouncillorsHughes and Presson:
That the minutes of the meetings held on May 15th, and 30th,
1961, be received and adopted. carried.
~tr. Ted Arend of Third Street, appeared before Council and out-
lined a situation which had developed with respect to the new
home presently being constructed on his property north of Third
Street. He advised that on making application for abuilding
permit, it was suggested that his property was not within the
boundaries of sub-division control and now after construction
having commenced; he has been advised that it is under sub-
division control.
Also discussed was the matter of the road allowance set out on
the registered plan to serve his property. It was:
Moved by Con. Hughes and Reeve Little:
That the matter brought to the attention of Town Council
be referred to the Planning Board for their consideration and
that Mr. Strike; Town Solicitor, be requested to study this
matter and report h~s findings to the Board. carried.
Mr. M. Walker, Liberty Street, appeared before Council com-
plaining of the attitude and manner in ,ihich th8 Dog Control
Officer performs his duties. It was:
Moved by Con. Presson & Nicks:
That the matter respecting Dog Control brought to the attention
of Town Council, by Mr. Walker be referred to the DilIg Control
Committee for their consideration. carried.
1. Unemployment Insurance Comraission.
"This is to confirm our conversation when we visited your
office this morning. lie wish to reaffirm our agreement with
your policy of securing work for the unemployed people in your
area, and wish to assure you of our continued co-operation."
Moved by Con. Nicks and Hughes:
That the communication from the Ul.employment Insurance
Commission be received and filed. carried.
Canadian Pacific Railway Company.
"Referring to your letter of April 18th, regarding condition of
Scugog St. level crossing. Temporary repairs were made to this
crossing in the latter part of April. These repairs are not ~
entirely satisfactory and it is our intention within the next ~
few weeks to dig out the crossing, renew the ties and apply a
more suitable base which should result in a more stable and
smoother riding crossing."
* 2 *
Moved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and fteeve Little:
That the letter from Canadian Pacific Railway Company re-
specting Scugog Street level crossing be filed. carried,
3. Mayer and Brzozwicz.
A request was received from !'layer and Brzozwicz asking that
their firm be included in the Town's list of Architects for
Council's reference in connection with its building programmel
Moved by Con. Hughes and Oke:
That the communication received from Mayer and Brzozowicz
be filed. carried.
Ontario Dept. of Transport.
The report from the Ontario Dept. of Transport on traffic control
at King-Temperance and King-Division Streets was received,
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Nicksl
That the report on Traffic Control at King-Temperance and
King-Division Streets received from the Ontario Dept. of Trans-
port be received and forwarded to the Traffic Advisory Board
for their consideration and recommendations and that;
Three copies of the report be forward to them.
5. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada.
Official approval was received from the Board of Transport ,
Commissioners for Canada ,d th regard to the protection installed ·
at the crossing of the railway of the Cd',R. and Scugog Street.
Moved by Reeve Little and Coni Stevens~
That the Board of Transport Commission No. 104595 dated
May 29th, 1961, be received and filed. carried,
Women's Hospital Auxiliary.
A request was received from the Homen's Auxiliary to hold a
door to door cffi>lpaign for funds on Monday, September 18th/61,
to assist in furnishing and equipping the new wing of the
Moved by Con. Hughes and Nicks:
That the vvomen's Hospital Auxiliary be
to hold a door to door campaign for funds
ember 19th, 1961.
granted permission
on Wednesday, Sept-
Frank Cowan Co. Ltd.
"It is our usual practice to make up a Henewal Review prior to
the renewal date of the Town's Insurance and go over this review
with either the Finance Committee or Council, whichever is most
convenient, so that any changes required may be made prior to
renewal. ive would appreciate if you would ascertain what date
would be convenient for a meeting either afternoon or evening,
and let me know by telephone collect or by letter."
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Nicks:
That we invite a representative of Frank Cowan Co. to attend
the next meeting of the Finance Committee to discuss the Munic-
ipalities insurance. carried.
* 3 *
Earl Clark. Wellington Street.
"I would like to request a We11ingtonUStreet sign on the east
side of Liberty Street; the lack of which causes much confusion
among our visitors and service men.n
~1oved by Con. Presson and Hughes:
That the. request for a "\{ellington Street" sign on the east
side of Liberty Street be referred to the Hoad3 and Streets Comm-
ittee for necessary action. carried.
9. G. R. Mason, Argyle Street.
"I wish to bring to Councils' attention a serious drainage
problem on Duke Street. There appears to be a bmockage in the
Duke Street sewer which forces storm water back into my property
located at the corner of Argyle and Duke. It would be appreciated
if you could look into this matter to have this problem remedied.n
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Oke:
That the Works Dept. Superintendent and Chairman investigate
this matter and report their findings. carried.
1. Moved by Reeve Little and Dep; Reeve Hobbs:
That the report of the Welfare D~ for the month of May,
1961, be received and adopted. carried.
Moved by Con. Nicks and Oke!
That the report of the Industrial
be received and adopted.
Commission for May, 1961,
MMved by Con. Stevens and Presson!
That the report of the Dog Control Department for the month
of May, 1961, be received and adopted. carried:
Moved by Con. Stevens and Presson:
That the report of the Building Inspector for the month of
May, 1961, be received and adopted. carried.
5. Moved by Con. Presson and Stevens:
That the report of the Police Department for the month of
May, 1961, be received and adopted. carried.
Moved by Con. presson and Stevens:
That the minutes of the May 23rd, meeting of the Central
Lake Conservation Authority be received and filed.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Presson:
Th..t t,08 repf'Z''- of' '-lIe Wvrk" nCI'art,~l.ent, for April, 1'161,
be receivod and adopted. carriBd.
* 4 *
Moved by Con. 3tcveDS and Dep. ~Geve Hobbs:
ThRt the report of the :30'lrd 0:0 ..lorks
1961, be recc,ived ilnd adopted.
dq.ted [\'by 30th,
.2. filoved by Dep. l1.eeve Hobbs anei Con. Pn;c;son:
That tho rc;port of the Fin~lnc,; Conr1itt,:)~~ elated (lay 29th,
1961, be n,c"ivl);l 'md Ctdoptl,d. cnrried.
l,'!oved by Con. Stfovens and Dep. ;(u.'v': Hobbs:
That the ilccounts of the Do~ Control Dept. in the total
amount of ;~68.00 be and arc her(;by pilss"d for paYr.1f.mt.
1loved by Con. PrfJS son and Hur:hos:
That the accounts of the Imseum in thG totnl amount llf 3.80
be and ilre hereby pilssed for paYrl:,nt. carried.
Moved by Con. Stev(ms 'lnd rep. Heevo Hobbs:
Thnt the Rccounts of th.,liorks Dept. in tho total a.ffiount of
3,781. 74 be and are hereby passed for ;~ilYLlEmt.
[,loved by Con. Ni cks ilnd Hur;h f'S :
That the accounts of the Fir'0()p'JI_tc.li'nt in the; total amount
of 73.60 be and hre hereby pas;",d for paYIwnt. carried.
itoved by Con. Hicks .'J.nd Oku:
That th(l acconnts 01' the Industrial CO[1nission in the total
amount of 2.00 be) nnd are hcort;by 1:"IS8"d for p'lyrlGnt.
. ~ 'carried.
Moved by Con. Pre)sson and Reave Little:
That tlw accounts of the Folice DC]"ll.tn'~nt in the total
amount of 2,737.66 bi, and are hereby plsscd lor payment.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Presson:
That the accounts oi' th" Public Froperty in the, total amount
of 2~0.17 be ane! are hcrc,by pas'3ee! for paymc3nt. carried.
Hov()e! by Dep. H"evc Hobbs 'me! Con. '!\li;hes:
That the accounts of the Fin:mcc Dl,pt. in the total amount
of 1,397.57 ue and are hereby p,css'cd for payment.
I.loved by Ileeve Lit t18 ,me! Con. Presson:
That the 'lccounts of the ',;elfilre in the total anount of
537.97 be and are herGby passed ror payuunt. carried.
-', 5 -,-
'I I,~
Moved by Del'. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
'i'h'lt the accounts of' t'l" Acconnts ] ,"id Friar in the tot2-1
il'lOunt of 69,285.28 be -me; -\r _ h;,rcby rilSS,ld for payrr,cnt.
j:lJved by De)). >te8V(l Hobbs
~1~_)I~";~ Little:
Th:lt l~~avf: be: r~r'.:lntcd t~) brinr~ in the follo1,ling by-ln_"'.'ls:
A bv-Ln'l to T'r'l'fide ;'01' the borro'Jin, of ,~110, 000.00 uron
deb~ntures f~r Public School purpose~.
2. ft by-law to ::ulf::nd ]-)y- L~;.'.l i~ () . 1551.
3. A. by-law to .\nend 13;,,-L,:1.\.",' lJo. 1739.
[-loved by Con. :,tGvens :md Fresson:
Th'it t~h8 bv-Lnvs bG no.:td a first ti'1e, referred to
Council in the' Cormittee of the ',ihole, 'lnd read 'l second tim',
I"Iayor in tllG Chair. carried.
IIoved by Con. Nicks a'ld Press,m:
That Con. Oke bfl appointed Council )'epresentative on the
Chanber of ConnercG for 19611nd that trli,; ilf):ointrMmt be
included in th(? anendrlGnt of 3y- LaH "To. 1:\01.
i"loved by Con. Presson~iY1d ~i!-~2Vt; 1ittl(~:
Thnt 1:18 rise 2'1ct report
thG by-laws.
:1 succ;-;ssful second retldint; of
~loved by Con. Presson and :.3tcv,-~n3:
~hat the re:'ort r)f Council in CorEli'ttue of thQ.-.fholt.~ on
the by-law to pj'ovid() for the borrovin,; of ,"110, 000.00 upon
debentures f.or Public School PurposG:), he received ann adopted,
the sane be now r,derred to the Ontario ;;uniciral tloard for
necessary approval. carrif~d.
['loved by Con. Hur;hes and I1icks:
That tlw rcrort of Council in Connittee of th" ',Ihole be
recei\l0d .qncl adoptnd, the ST::e b(; nON r:..::t;.d n third tine, 8nr:;ros;3-
ed, signed by the rl:rrOi-":UFl Clc;:rk, sEnled an(\ nunbered as follo1ds:
1. A By-lOlli' to 'uend By-Law Po. 1551 By-Law llo. 1800.
2. A by-law to emend By-Law no. 178') iJy-L'l\V ;'Jo. 1801.
Hoved by Con. Hi cks Olml Oke:
That Ontario ~unicipal Hoard approval havin~ been franted
"The By-Law to authol'icoe construction of a 6" dLt,H,tGr ",:,terrnain
and appurtenances on Bradshaw StrRet", be now read a third tine,
engrossGd, signed by the Nayor awl elede, seal()d and numbered
By- Law No. 11102.
-', 6 -',
"i' '....
At ths last reC;'llrCl' session of th," Dcktrd of ",iorks Comnittee YOllr
Public Fropert~r Connitt(~(~ vIas rt;)(;.uested to di:::;cuss vfith the TO\\'EtS
Solicitor the status o~~ the ~lc(pisition of the l'busol"u1'i buiLling
located in the Hm~]anville CeMetery.
The resolution fRssed by Council su,r;j..~f~stin~~ trH~ t-3r:-:1S under which
the TO\lD ~'r()ulcl proceed seerlS D..cC(~rt'lble b:r Shn.'.i and hiG Solicitor
(a copy of which is '3ilclos1d) '.'lith the exception of item L, de:\ling
...,rith paYT'lent of rrocet~ds. i1r. Sh:HftS l,q~r'ler has requested that
a five-year tine liCiit b" insertr?d ,,;uilrn,nteeini'; that the ,,10,250.
will be Daid over to lIr. Sh,'].w a.t the end of t,lat tine. ~Uli,c;
request Ims discussed fully ,-Ii th our Solicitor ,111'.< it is the
Cor,lr1ittee's r',co,'1[aendation that a time liTait of ten ysars be
inserted in t~e ah0VA noted resolution.
];loved by Con. Hughes and Nicks:
That the reports submitted by Public Property Cot~Jitte~ with
respect to the clilusolsun undertaking l;~; received and aclo?t ed and
the orisinal submission be ancndecl to include a ten ye,lr time
limit for p~yment. carried.
In amenduent it ViaS:
Moved by Con. Presson and Stevens:
That the foregoinp; resolution be .nended by aclciinr: thereto
the following:
Execution of the Elgreemcnt ~s rrocndeci is to be delayed
until the Aup;ust r;lectin!; of Councilj at vhich time the effect
of advertising crYFts for si\le can \)0 assessr,d.
carried I
The orig;inal motion Has carriocd 'IS follows:
That the reports subnitted by Fublic FroFcrty COEluittee \lith
respect to the iIausoleur.] undert'lkilH; bi.' recsived and aclopted
and the original [oubmission be ,1iEnded to include a ten year
time lir1it for payrwnt, cxecution of the agr8e;[')rmt as arlcmd:Jd
is to be dlllayed until thu Auc-ust neeting of Council, at which
time the effect of Cldv(;rti.sing crypts for sale can be assesscd..
The Clerk I'laS instruct"d to advertise the crypts Vihich ,vill be
available and report the results.
Lar.lb's Lane.
The Clerk advised that the procedure in connection Viith the
closing of Lamb's Lane comes undEJr tho fLei'~istry Act by ap';lic-
ation to the County Court Judge by either the Town or any
interested party. Prei"iously the ',0':1ll Solicitor had unter-
taken applications on the Town b"half \fhel'e ,,11 parties h'lvC
consented to the application.
Both parties involved in the L:u'lb's Lane disposition \(Ore
notified of th,,' Droc'cdure Dnd the Cler\~ advised that ana
party h'ld object~d to the ~losinf; of the IF\ne. It was:
Moved by Con. Steve;us and Reeve Little:
That /iIr. E. E. Fatterson, th'l orif,;inal party reCiuesti!1i; the
closing of Lar1b' s Lane be natifiE,ci that the prop8rty own"r to
the west of the lane has officially objected to the; closing
thereof and that he bo advised that if he wishes to proc8ed
further it will be ;,ecessary for him to instruct his Solicitor
to rJ2J~e thr) appropriate application under the Ite!~istry Act.
c;lrr~:~c~d .'.
* 7 ,<
Liberty Stre()t C:P.R. 3ubwa:T.
During construction Of: the Libertv 3tn'lot 3,mitary 3mwr in the
vicinity of the C.P.;;. 3ub~ny it ~ns !'ound that the c.r;;;; StOl"1
Smmr servinf; the, subuay was completely clogf~(;d by cle'y 'ind could
not function whatsoever.
:.loved by Con. Str'.vcns ;{:J.o tce-eve: Lit tls:
~hat the Di vi~-=ji()n En(~j.ne(_H' 0:-'" th C:iJl~~di:ln F~1.cific~UlilT.I(-1't
be rGquest:::;d ti tak~; irlncdiatl~~ 0.ction to hci'lC thc~ir storn se\,1e1'"
on Liucrty 3treet r,~r(1ircd to c,:f.:f">:ct pr'oT'cr cirainag;e of tll(~
sl1.b~Nay. carried.
llh}worinl Pe..rk :a.t;qucst for r;'r.1.:1t._
This Natter was ~llso discuss wittl the 301i6itor in accordance
i'lith the rssolution 0;' tlh Do rd of \iorks on l'hy 30th. Our dis-
cussion evolved around the provisions of sub-section (10) of
Soction 2d of the Planning Act.
As indicat"d by this legislation it 'iOuld 'l]'Dcar tInt t,hcs(, funds
may only he expended for the purchase of land. Accordingly it is
felt that furth,)l' clarification of the; intcmt of this lij"islrlt-
ion should be; obtained and as a result, your co~~itteG h~s in-
structed the 81"1'1: to connunicn.te \,;ith the Dur'lrtn;nt of ;.Iunic-
ipill AfLdrs to dotrTninc '"lh",thcr or not the j'-roposed disposi t-
ion of th"sc funds is acccptilblu.
t\oVGd by Con. Hughes ilnd :.licks:
Thilt thu r'~port of the Public Prop,)rty COLmittGr, respectinc;
the grant to the Memorial Filrk Association bu received 2nd
adopted, :md the Clu'k be instruct,.d to ,?ff'ect the recor.lrl'3ndations
contained therein. carried.
3unrnGr i>Ie;etin:::s of Council.
l'-'Ioved by IJ"p. ECGVG Hobbs nnd Con. Hur:hi3s:
That thr; sl,C::lDrI 'lonthl;T '1,)< tj nr~ of Council for the nonths
of July, cmd Au';ust bee disposed of and t'tat the second meeting
of June ;.md SGptmJbc)r be c'111Gcl at the cliscrf;tion of tIlt' [Llyor
'll1d the Clijrk. carried.
Parkin.R' I,Teter Revenue.
A letter was received fron tho Dept. o~ ~unicipal Affairs with
respect to the disposition of the pnrkin~ meter revenue.
Hoved by Con. dUf';hr)S 'wd Prr3sson:
That the cOLE1Unicfltion r',CGiVl.d from thG Dept; of ,lunicir:l1
Aff~~_irs respf3ctin~ th(~ disposition of pnrkin~ Dl~ter revellU2 be
received and filed for further reference. cRrricd.
Conmi ttee Appoi_n~mt_~
Moved by Dep. Reeve Hobbs and Con. Presson:
That whereas th') rGsif;n'j.tion of Councillor L"tth'm.r;ue 11'.;C-
r;ssit'l.t."s the aprointrknt of r:pr',s' ntativcs to various Conn-
ittees of Council: !Jow Therr~for2 13(~ It RS301ved That:
Con. Stev(ms be appo',nted Ch'linnn of the hoads Ec Str':ets Carom;
Con. Oke bl' :l)!pointcd to th' Inrlustrial Connittf3e.
Con. Oke be aDpointcd to th, folic" Cormi ttee;
Con. Oke be ilprointed Chaircnn of Ci vic'c Relic,f Committee.
Reeve Li ttls be appoint<!d Chilirman to Board of '.lorks COWIilittee.
* ~ *
Unemployment ..
The Clerk presented q letter rec i'1od from Dr. l.P. Vivian. M.P.,
rc,garding the disposition of hie; com~1\nic',ti.n dated ~;ay 10th,
llJhich V,r(lS presentc\.l to Council 3t the 1-:.:1:'" 15th, Session. (See
Appendix i'A" attached hereto..)
Upon receipt of this letter th~ Clark advised the M.P. that tho
cory of ~lis lc~ttc}" n.ddres3:::;d to the :I:1.tional UnenploY~'1(;nt
Office da.ted the> 27th. of .i~pril, \.'tas the ':Jnly CO"l~lunicution for-
wlrdod to Dr. Vivian, it hein" th,> intention of Council to in-
form him of their representations. It VJClS sU_fj?.:c~~)tcd in thG
Clerk's reply that if 'my nisundersVuding h2.cl occurrwl it
mi~ht be clarified at this Council meeting.
- C)nsicler~tbic; discussion ensued,
following whlch it ',Ias:
Hoved by Con. Jte'1ens imd Oke:
'i'hat the conrnunication reCF,i'1"cl fron Dr. It.F..1Jivian, iLP.,
dated June 1st, 1961, be, r(,c',i'1ed and fiLd.
Uental of Auditoriun.
The Clerk auvi.s()d that he had bien r,;('u"sted to rant the, audit-
orium in tho 'i'0I'/n Hall, to th., Refor'1 Church of ,Uiwrica for
each Sunday morning, commencing June IJ/61, and terminating
tho last Sund'lY in Au'(ust at a r:;ducr)d rental.
Moved by Con. Presson anC Reeve Little:
'i'h2t \'/'C advise tlw fteforn Church of Arwric:-l. th'lt the
auditorium is'lVail'lbl,, :POI' th'"br use, lloH8vi.,r no rc,ducti on
in the rate c:J.n be r1Rde. carried.
O.t1.A. Convention.
Dap. IL:;EVC Hobbs p-"c;sented a ~.r(::~-"b~-~l Y'QPort \<lhich he and the
Heave attended the ~olm a~d Vill~~e Jection of the O.:I.A_
Associati?D in H(;~:rfjVI. _ ;-k. '::lO'I~scd C')uncil that this neeting
,"vas very lnforrLltl~r?-, :1~1C i?xtunc- ~li:) ,_'lpprcciation for bein:;
pornitted to attend.
l\Ioved by Di?;f'. Itcev\_; Hohbs:llld Con. Fr.-;sson:
That \w do now adjourn. (10:35 LE.)
carri ~~d.
.............. .-......... ...'......... .'."
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