HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1961
The regular meetin~ of the Bo>'manville Town Council convened at
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g:OO p.m. on Ilonday, l'by 1st, 1961, Hith His \iorship Hayor \1.
D. Carruthers in the Chair.
All meMbers present.
I'loved by Heeve Little ilnd DGputy-Ileeve Hobbs:
That the plinutes of tlte neetinc; held on
received and adopted.
April 17th,
1961, be
Mr. Ken Hooper, Chairman of the BO'cmlanville Ratepayers Associatian,
inquired if any action had been t'l\:en respecting his request at the
last meeting for inprnved draina~e at the Ontario - Durham Street
intersection. He \'ias "dvised that this matter had been turned over
to the Roads and Streets Committee of Council for thnir investigation
and recom,18ndations. it report fron this Conr:littee is expected in the
near future.
Councils attention Has direct"d to the poor roael concli tion of
Hearns ,;,v8nue ar;p;rivated by poor drainage.
;;oved by Con. Presson and lhcks:
That the road cond~tion of iIearns avenue be referred to the
~.\iorks Superintendent "nel Ch,drnan of ,(onds and StreHts for invest-
igation and report. carried.
1.11'. Dadson appeared b(,forG Council asking if further curb cuts \lill
be effected on Liberty 3treet, for the .fidening of drive.-my approach-
es. In this respect, it Has:
1'-10ved by Con. Stev<ms and Deputy-;teevG Hobbs:
That no furth'Jr curb cutting bs effected on Liberty Street unless
absolutely necessary. carried.
1. A letter received from the Ontario Departnent of Hi~h\'lays advisin~
that effective this year it is necessary for Council to obtain approv-
al for contract work on roads and bridges for construction and rlaint-
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the cOf1nunication from the Ontario lJepartnent of fiif;hways
be received and filed. carried.
2. The 1st. Bownanville Scout Troupe requested by conmunication that
they be granted permission to sell j\lothers I Day corsages on the
Streets of dowmanville, M"y l2~h, and 13th.
M~ved by Con. Nicks and Reeve Little:
That the 1st. BOl'IIlanville Scout Troupe be authorized to sell
llothers' Day corsap;es on the streets of BOlmanville the week-end of
May 12th and 13th. carried.
- 2 -
3. Advice of the forthcominf'; Annu"l Conference of thE Town and
Village Section 0f the Ontario i\Iunicipal Association.
Moved by Con. lresson and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs:
That repnls8ntatives of Council, prefer'lbly ttw H'l"ve and
Deputy-Heeve be authorized to attend the forthconin,; Jhnu,ll Con-
ference of the Tmm and Village Section of the Ontario l'.Iunicipal
Association being held in Renfrew, Nay 12th, and 13th, nect.
4. Advice of the forth coning Annual Conference of' the lielfare
Officers Association.
Moved by Con. Fice and Nicks:
That R. ~elsh be authorized to attend the forth coning Annual
Convention of the Welfare Officers' Association, at the Corporations
expense; June 12th, 13th, Rnd 14th, next. carried.
5. BO\rJanville P_ublic Utilities lettur dat'Jd ]\iay 1st, 1961.
"At a El'Joting of the Public Utilities Connission, lIhich was
held on Saturday t'lornins, April 27, 1961, a letter resignation
fron, Mr. '.l.a_. Strike,:,).C., a nOr:lber of the COr:lnission since 1932
was read.
A copy of Mr. Strikes letter of resignation is attached. The
loss of i.lr. Strike ilS a nenber ('1' the Conuission is deeply regretted.
I have b"en instruct"d to notify Council of ill'. Strike's resig-
nation, and request th'it a Commi.ssioner be appointed to complete
the two year term."
Moved by Reeve Little and Con. Fice:
That the letter fron the Hanager of the
specting the resignation of Mr. Ross Strike
received and adopted.
BOWTIliUlville P.U.C. re-
from the Commission be
I'~oved by Deputy-ikeve Hobbs and He.ave Little;-
That ';iHEW:AS the rusif':lntion of Hr. Hoss Strike as a Public
Utili ties Cor,1[lissiol1er by' thE Bm.mwn vills Public Utilities COfo1n-
AND :'IHEHEAS under the pl'ovisions of the, Public UtilitiGS Act,
Section 43, -(1) H.S.O., 1960, it is necess~ry that Council appoint
i1 successor \iho shall hold office durinr; the unexpired ter'l of
office for which his predcce.ssor was elect"d:
NO'.; TH.:!::mFOHE BE r~ m;.:30LVLD th'lt :11'. ;'Iorley Vanstone be nppoint-
ed to the BO'iman'rille Public Utilities Conr1ission to fill the un-
expired tern of Office of 111'. Boss Strike, namely until December
31st, 1961. carried.
6. Bmir.v'\nville Public UtilJties Conmissiol1 letter dated Hay 1/61.
"This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dnted March 21st,
1961, cancerning Com'lis sion me',tings. At a Commission me'Jting h(!ld
in the Utilities office on 3aturday morning, April 15th, your letter
was read and I was instructed to reply.
According to a r'osolution on the ninutes book of the Commission
the meeting datu was set :POI' thn sucond Tuusday .1' each month at
8:00 p.m. As you will realizu it is very often quite impossible
to hold a meeting on this dat" because of the fact that both tho
- J -
[>layor and Hr. Strike are on so many conni ttees. An effort will IF'
made to hold the mGetings on th'J above dat(~, and if those interested
in attending \~ill contact the IHnager, thdY \'/ill bu advised of th;;
date the next meeting will be held."
Moved by Con. Fice and Deputy-Reeve Hobbs:
That the
th'J time and
lettur recEived from the dowmanvillc P.D.C. resp'Jcting
dat,) of tha1r raeetings be received and filed for future
7. E. E. Patterson letter dated Nay lst/61.
"I hereby ,fish to apply throu<:;h you to TOIm Council to purchase
po.rt of Lamb's Lane, south of Hailw'lY tracks, to be divided bet,'/een
both lot owners all each sir! e 'l.nr to l'G"1i1in il !1lutlnl driveway for
both parties."
Hoved by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Fice:
That the Clerk ilne! Soli_citor be instructGd to take the necessary
action to have the unopened portion of Lambs Lane south of the
C. P.R. tracks transferred to th" owners. carried.
8. A letter from the safe Plumbing Committee of the Ontario "ssoc.
of Plur,lbing Inspectors and Affiliates was received recor,mtmding the
purchase of "Safe Pluubing" for certification of inspections made by
our inspector in the interests of an info~led public .md a protected
Moved by Con. Nicks and Presson:
That this connunication be received and fOr'1<larded to the Bldg.
Inspector for his n,comr,wne!ations. carried.
9. A request was received from th'l United Senor CitizGns of Ontario
for Council to declare thl) Heek of June li;th to 10th, as "Se.ior
Ci tizens deek" in the cou:Tm1 ty.
Iloved by Con. Stevens and Fice:
That we authorize the declaration of June i;t~ to 10th, as
"Senlbor Citizens ;icek" in BO"II:l'lnvill". carried.
~iovcd by Con. Lathangue :md Nicks:
That the report of the BOIlmanville Industri.!~l Cow'liiOsion, for
the month of April, 1961, bc: rec'3ived and 'le!opted.
Hoved by Ileeve Little and Con. Hug:hes:
That the report of th,: \-Jelfare Dept. for the month of 1<pril,
1961, be received and adopted. carried.
Movea by Deputy-Reeve Hobbs and Con. Stevens:
That the report of the Dor; Control_ UfU-~Jr for th,-, nonth of
April, 1961, be received 'lne! adopted. carried.
H')ved by Con. Lathangue and Con. Nicks:
That the report of th" Bui1dino; InSfhJctor for the; 'lOnth of
April, 1961, be received and adopted. carried.
- 4 -
Hoved by Con. Pr"sscn nnd f(';evi; Little:
That th'3 r;;port of the Folice DGpt. for the month ending
April 30th, 1961, be recnived ilnd "dopted. carried.
i'lOVed by R,;;;v," Littlro 1.nd Con. HUf';hes:
That the Annual report of the '.Jorthlli'lberLmd-Durh am Henl th Unit
reI' the year 1960, be rec()i v.3d Clnd filed in the) Town Clerk I s Office
for further r',f"rence. carr iE.; d .
REPOHTS Oll' COi~t~IT1S::~3
I.loved by Con. Lathangue and Nicks:
That the rl~port of the Bo"rd of 'Iorks dated April 25th, 1961,
be received and ':dopted. carried.
Hoved by Deputy-Ro,;ve nnd Con. Hur;hes:
That the accounts of the Accounts Faid Prior in the total amount
of 86,424.65 be and the s,un" aI'" hereby passed for payrwnt.
!10vr,d by Ikeve Little and Con. Lath:m:jue:
That the accounts of' thu 'l"lLlre: Dept. in the total 'lmount of
585.7R be and ar:, h,;ri)by passed for payment.
Hoved by Deputy-RG(,vr-; Hobbs and Con. Lath'm:c;ue:
That the accounts of thu Finmc(' Dl)Pt, in the tote,l i'unount of
824.33 be and are hur0:by pas3EJd for prcymcnt. earri"d.
010vcd by Con. Presson and Hicks;
That the; accounts of t;1U IluseuQ Board in the total al10unt of
21.10 be ,'lnd are hurGby pas.scld for payment. carried.
Moved by Con. Hughes and Fice:
That the accounts of the Public Proper~ in the toVil amount
of 224.53 bee and are h8r()by prlssGd for payr.1lmt.
carri(~d .
I-lov"d by Con. L[,lthanp;u(~ and Stev(ms:
That thG accounts of thu R0'1ds5c StreeGts in the total anount of
6,001.22 be and are heereby passed for payment.
1\10ved by Con. Pr"sson 'lnd Lrlthangu'2:
That the' 'lccounts of the Polic" D,'pt. in the total amount of
177.96 be comd are hereby pc'SSlld for paynwnt. carril,d.
lJIoved by Con. Fic" and Nicks:
That the accounts of the Fire D2pt. in the total amount of
93.09 be and are hereby passed for payment.
Moved by Con. Stevens and Lathanp;u'":
That the accounts of the: DOl; Pound in th,;
41.59 be ,md elre h2reby passed for pilyment.
total amount of
- 5 -
A by-L".'l to e,rwnd By-Law ).10. 17,Q4, beine; n by-1m. for th,) r'"i91lation
of Traffic \HS huld ov"y' pundinre; po[;sib1c, further revision by the
Traffic ,',dvisory COCJ;~li ttee.
1. Pnrking Motel' Rsvenue
Hoved by Con. St(~VU1S ',nd Hua:hcs:
That the Mavor RPpoint a co~rrlittc0 to consider the use of
pqrking meetcr r;,ccdpts followinr; th,- conplution of p'lyn,mts for
tile Mnters. carried.
Comnittee na~;1E;d: Con. St\;vf::ns, I).,:':;puty-HE::8ve Hobbs and Con. HughE-;s,
2. J~ni~e Hockey Tem1.
. Hoved by Con. Presson "nd HUJ;h,;s:
That \'Ie concur with th.,' r('cot%Lndat~ons of the) Ihlcr',.'ltion
lJir"ctor with r()spect to it ilockey Ni,,:ht in 1l0HrJ'mvill" to honour
the threc suC''''o~;sfl1l Hockey Teans,.,jd that we underwrite Uk
dinn"r !'tnd authorize the purchns., of crests for tlw Juv'.:nile
Chanpions. carrind.
3. Ontario Street Sidewalk.
I.lovf;d by CO:H 1licks '1m' J,)puty-!k~vG Hobbs:
Th,'lt thr: Cl;'.tter of' it ruqulCst for '.j 8iu':)',nlk on Ontario Str,)(:t
be ltlft with the cll'd)'rnn of tin.toads :md StrGcets ;wd the, '"arks
Superintendent for furth':r COilsiduration ilnd report.
DO!'linion Store Froper:!Y..
A l,:;tter rsccivud fron th,,' ;]o',J'Hnvill Fl:mnine; BOilrd ir:jiciIted
tho follo\ving:
"Your l;;tt",r of April 18th, pert'linin2; to ,m attached letter which
had bean sent to the p,ttlmtion of Council from !J.C. D01Imham Nurs-
eries CO. \'/:lS read b'lfor8 our BOelrd ;'kt:tinq; of iipril 24th. You 'lre:
no doubt ;lW'lr8 that sinc" the: writin:s o:~ Uk lJo\mll'ln letter, th.:
property in question hus bC2n purchased by Dr. J.E.Hendry. However
Dr. rkndry HiW prcs'mt ;It our iw,:tinr: to voic,: th,; S11']<) scntirH:nts
1S the Docmhan lettu' stat<:d.
The: n!-:in c;ui~stion in th\' letter l'l3.S thb ht-;:"LrSi"{V r't;1)ort.. 1~h;lt c._rta.in
p(),rtics h'ed :lppro;\ch(;c! Uk "lunieir ,lit)' in SOrlie H;lY 01' othdo ns"in>;
for th" closirJi.': of th, nort'l "ncl of Fr~.llk Stroet. Dr. Hendrv st,:tcd
at our cLd;inro 'UFtt. he, would rClth,.:r not In"" the 1'0",,1 clos".d'lmt
at th"C Si"t~;1(; t'in,;, did notJ 1,.'.;ish to st?cnd i~ the W;:'t~r of :-lny duv\,loT,"'-
u'.-;ntn in th(', Douinion ::3tor;.; :-tr:>::l.
How)ver, aft,';r :1 bri"f discussion, I WilS instruetlla to 'vritl)
Council tJ1'lt, ",s no d"f'initCl c'pplic.,tiotl h;jd b,;:tl !'I'ld" to the
Fl.mnin's :3o'1rd, th'lt if 'lI1ythilV Turth'T (L,"~ini tcly duv.)lop~3 in
this e.r"",s,nd tho qw;stion of clo',ing the) ,lOrth end of :"r::nk Street
is ar:ntn brought to our n.ttuntion, 1,V<~ will 3i;;l~iously consider the
'lpplic'ltion:nd ink,) our r.:corl!l,mdc'ltion to Council."
- 6 -
HOVGd by R0E:VU Littl,; and Con. :lup;h,'5 :
That t:1: r,'co,ncndi1tion of elF BO';lTm'rilh. Planniw: Board re-
~p8c~in~ the ~?ss~hlc closinp; of thu north end of Frqn~ Street be
rGcclved end IllcG. carried.
The n;leting adjourn(~d ,1t 10:00 p.m. on r1otion of HC(,VG Little :md
Deputy-Heave Hobbs.
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