HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/1973 (Special) . . . , Bowmanville, Ontario SPECIAL MEETIllG Novewber 9th, 1973 ~linutes of a Special Meetin8 of Council held in the Colmdttee Roo1il in t:lO Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. on l1ovcil1ber 9th, 19730 Present: Mayor Reeve Dep;....ty Reeve Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs James A. Bell Haurice Prout Laurence C. Mason, Q.C. NOl'man Allison Paul Chant Bra. Olive Cobban HI's. Leola F. Thrasher Donald W. Allin Absent: Counci11oT Resolution #C-740-73 ~~ved by Con. Allison, seconded by Con. Cobban. Committee of the Whole THP..T the uinutes of the CoUij-i~_ttee of the Whole meeting held on llovember 9th, 1973, be "'pproved, and that the Clerk-ll..u,linistrator be inctructed to take the appropriate action to implement all recormnendo.tions containeG therein. "CARRIED" I:esolution lfrc-7M-73 ~bve~ 27 Con. Cobbsn, seconded by Con. Allison. By-L"" No. 73-65 TtIt.T lea"o DO I3ranted to introduce By-Law No. 73-65 bein]: a G]-la'l! to a.uthoricc t.l:e entering into a SubdiviDton i\3rcement l'rith Dali Developments Ine.. and that the said by-lau be notv' read a first time. "CARRIED" ~~~~ #C-742-73 ~loved ;,y Con. jellison, seconded by Con. Chant. By-Law No. 73-65 TI~"T the eecond readins of By-Law No. 73-65, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-743_73 By-Law No. 73-65 Iloved ~JY Con. Chmt, seconc'ed by Reeve Bell. THAT the third and final readine of By-Law No. 73-65, be approvcco "CARRIED" . . . . - 2 - Council Dinner Hit;, regard to Resolution ii'CH-97-73, Hayor Hobbs appointed a committee consisting of Councillors Allison, Cobban and Thrasher to meet with the Clerk-Admini s tr ator Reoolution 1fC-71,1:.-73 l10ved oy Con. Allison, ceconded by Con. Chant. Adjournment THAT the ..-,eeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" /.. /'JJr;#/(t~ ,.j' ~ ," ~ Q., . U1/v1 :' ;(;/ , I ,(, " ,(}-'V ? ( ~/;/