HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/2017Final ciffiW4011 Council Agenda Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2101 or by email at mchambers(o)_clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may be video recorded. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net Clarington 1 Call to Order 2 Moment of Reflection 3 Declaration of Interest 4 Announcements 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) 5.1 July 3 Council Minutes 5.2 August 22 Special Council Minutes 6 Presentations Council Agenda Date: September 18, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers Minutes of a regular meeting of Council July 3, 2017 Page 6 Minutes of a special meeting of Council August 22, 2017 Page 24 6.1 Presentation to Marie Marano on 30 Years as a Member of the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario 6.2 Olinda Casimiro, Director, Art Gallery of Northumberland and Irena Orlowski, Board President, Art Gallery of Northumberland - Presentation of Photograph of the Newtonville Cenotaph 7 Delegations There are no Delegations scheduled as of the time of publication. 8 Communications — Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information as of the time of publication. Page 2 Clariwon 9 Communications — Direction Council Agenda Date: September 18, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 9.1 Alpha Pre- Memo from the Director of Planning Services, Regarding a Engineered Request from Alpha Pre -Engineered Panel Systems Panel Systems incorporated for an exemption from the two year freeze on Inc. making an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan (Motion for Direction) 10 Committee Reports 10.1 Advisory Committee Reports 10.1.1 Agricultural Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Page 27 Advisory Clarington dated July 13, 2017 and August 17, 2017 Minutes 10.1.2 Accessibility Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee of Page 34 Advisory Clarington dated June 7, 2017 and September 6, 2017 Committee 10.2 General General Government Committee Report of September 5, Page 42 Government 2017 Committee 10.3 Planning & Planning and Development Committee Report of Page 47 Development September 11, 2017 Committee 11 Staff Reports 11.1 Verbal Update from the Director of Corporate Services on Museum Negotiations 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion 13 Unfinished Business Page 3 Clariwon 14 By-laws Council Agenda Date: September 18, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 14.1 2017-069 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2011-036, a by-law respecting the appointment of a Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety Inspectors (Brendan Grigg) (Item 7 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.2 2017-070 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2011-036, a by-law respecting the appointment of a Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety Inspectors (Stephen Leca) (Item 7 of the General Government Committee) 14.3 2017-071 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2011-036, a by-law respecting the appointment of a Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety Inspectors (Christopher Dobby) (Item 7 of the General Government Committee) 14.4 2017-072 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2011-036, a by-law respecting the appointment of a Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Fire Safety Inspectors (Derek Fraser) (Item 7 of the General Government Committee) 14.5 2017-073 Being a by-law to require payment of fees, to amend By-law 2012-090, and amend "Schedule D" of the Fee By-law 2010-142 (Item 11 of the General Government Committee) 14.6 2017-074 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (MGM Dream Homes Ltd.) (Item 4 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.7 2017-075 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Vincent Santocono) (Item 6 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.8 2017-076 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Prudence Smith) (Item 7 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) Page 4 Clariwon Council Agenda Date: September 18, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 14.9 2017-077 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (George Lysyk & Salvatore Risorto) (Item 8 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.10 2017-078 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (1816451 Ontario Limited) (Item 9 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.11 2017-079 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (BCR Construction) (Approved by Council on October 15, 1991) 15 Procedural Notices of Motion 16 Other Business 16.1 Appointment of Planning Services Department Council Liaison 17 Confirming By -Law 18 Adjournment Page 5 Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on July 3, 2017, at 7:00 PM, in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: C. Clifford, G. Acorn, A. Allison, T. Cannella, D. Crome, F. Horvath, M. Marano, N. Taylor, G. Weir, A. Greentree, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 Moment of Reflection Councillor Neal led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 3 Declaration of Interest Councillor Hooper declared an interest in the Agenda Item 10.4 (Item 3 of June 26, 2017 Planning and Development Committee Report to Council) related to the application by SmartREIT to rezone the subject lands to accommodate a 25,360 square metre retail outlet centre, Baseline Road, Bowmanville. Later in the meeting Councillor Hooper declared an interest in the Agenda Item 10.4 (Item 9 of June 26, 2017 Planning and Development Committee Report to Council) related to the Declaration of Surplus Property, 155 Baseline Road, Bowmanville. 4 Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-193-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended. Carried -1- A• Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 Resolution #C-194-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That a motion regarding Coastal Flood Plain Sub -Committee be added to the Agenda as a New Business Item. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-195-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Rules of Procedure be suspended. Carried Resolution #C-196-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That a motion regarding Municipal Sponsorship for Sarah McConaghy, Canadian Para Rider, be added to the Agenda as a New Business Item. 5 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #C-197-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on June 12, 2017, be approved. Carried Resolution #C-198-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the minutes of the special meeting of the Council held on June 27, 2017, be approved. Carried -2- Clarington 6 Presentations Council Minutes July 3, 2017 6.1 Anne Mcllroy, Principal Planner, Brook Mcllroy Consultants, Regarding Clarington Transportation Hubs Study Anne Mcllroy, Principal Planner, Brook Mcllroy Consultants, was present regarding Clarington Transportation Hubs Study. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Mcllroy provided details on the project team which includes the Municipality of Clarington, Brook Mcllroy, and NBLC. She continued by explaining the purpose of the study. Ms. Mcllroy noted the study process includes four phases which include project initiation, site context review and assessment, community engagement, and planning, design and recommendation. She provided background information on the Lakeshore East extension and explained Transit Oriented Development (TOD). Ms. Mcllroy continued by noting the relevant provincial studies and municipal policies. She provided an overview of Council's vision as outlined in the Official Plan. Ms. Mcllroy summarized the market review of residential and employment GO Station Areas. She continued by highlighting the key takeaways from the market review. Ms. Mcllroy reviewed Courtice transportation hub area, the existing land use and the comments received at the June 8, 2017 consultation meeting. She continued identifying existing conditions of Courtice and the vision and guiding principles for the area. Ms. Mcllroy identified the study area boundary and explained the evaluation criteria is for Courtice. Ms. Mcllroy reviewed Bowmanville transportation hub area, the existing land use and comments received at the June 13, 2017 consultation meeting. She continued identifying existing conditions of Bowmanville and the vision and guiding principles for the area. Ms. Mcllroy identified the study area boundary and explained the evaluation criteria is for Bowmanville. She concluded by summarizing the next steps for the project. Ms. Mcllroy answered questions from members of Council. Resolution #C-199-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the presentation of Anne Mcllroy, Principal Planner, Brook Mcllroy Consultants, regarding Clarington Transportation Hubs Study, be received with thanks. Carried 7 Delegations 7.1 Jim Mackenzie and Wayne Fernandes Regarding Cedar Crest Beach Erosion Control Engineering Solution (Item 8 of the June 19, 2017 General Government Committee Report) Jim Mackenzie and Wayne Fernandes were present regarding Cedar Crest Beach Erosion Control Engineering Solution (Item 8 of the June 19, 2017 General Government Committee Report). Mr. Mackenzie thanked members of Council and Staff for the Staff report and resolutions passed at the June 19, 2017 General Government Committee -3- 0 Clar-ington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 meeting. He explained to Council he had some proposed amendments to the motion regarding Cedar Crest Beach Erosion Control Engineering Solution passed at the General Government Committee of June 19, 2017. Mr. Mackenzie explained that he also wants to address the requests of the petition submitted in June 2016. He added that they would like to align the object of the motion with respect to erosion control and shoreline protection. Mr. Mackenzie explained that they would like to address the geographic scope to include the entire shoreline area as suggested in the petition. He asked that there be municipal recognition that the erosion has taken place. Mr. Mackenzie believes there needs to be a clear statement of municipal leadership. He explained that they would like the "notwithstanding statement on flood prevention" to be removed. Mr. Mackenzie requested that a Multi Stakeholder Committee be established and a deadline to be set. He read the proposed motion to the members of Council. Mr. Mackenzie thanked members of Council and offered to answer questions. 7.2 Martin Field and Allison Hansen Regarding Support for Ban on Sale of Animals in Pet Shops (Unfinished Business 13.1) Martin Field and Allison Hansen's names were called but they were not present. 7.3 Sabrina Harlos and Tom Harlos Regarding Report PSD -045-17, An Application by a Group of Land Owners to Amend the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan and Three Applications to Subdivide a Portion of Those Lands in Courtice (Item 2 of the June 20, 2017 Special Planning and Development Committee Report) Sabrina Harlos' and Tom Harlos' names were called but they were not present. 7.4 Bill Peeters Regarding Report PSD -045-17, An Application by a Group of Land Owners to Amend the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan and Three Applications to Subdivide a Portion of Those Lands in Courtice (Item 2 of the June 20, 2017 Special Planning and Development Committee Report) Bill Peeters was present regarding Report PSD -045-17, An Application by a Group of Land Owners to Amend the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan and Three Applications to Subdivide a Portion of Those Lands in Courtice (Item 2 of the June 20, 2017 Special Planning and Development Committee Report). He advised the members of Council he is opposed to the proposed development. Mr. Peeters requested that the lot sizes and natural heritage be protected. He asked that any future developments be single family homes. Mr. Peeters advised Council he is concerned with the clear cutting of trees affecting the ecological system and asked for the clear cutting to stop. He added that the installation of sewer systems have caused several issues. Mr. Peeters stated the homes south of Poppyfield Drive should have a minimum of a 15 metre frontage. He added that this area has had enough intensification and they are looking to protect the remaining land. Mr. Peeters asked for a tree preservation plan and for any future developments to become part of the existing neighbourhood design. E Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 7.5 Nancy Hamer-Strahl Regarding Report PSD -045-17, An Application by a Group of Land Owners to Amend the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan and Three Applications to Subdivide a Portion of Those Lands in Courtice (Item 2 of the June 20, 2017 Special Planning and Development Committee Report) Nancy Hamer-Strahl was present regarding Report PSD -045-17, An Application by a Group of Land Owners to Amend the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan and Three Applications to Subdivide a Portion of Those Lands in Courtice (Item 2 of the June 20, 2017 Special Planning and Development Committee Report). She advised Council that she is opposed to the proposed development. Ms. Hamer-Strahl explained that she is concerned that the natural heritage site is proposed to be developed in a residential area and asked for this area to be protected. She explained to Council that access to greenspace promotes health and well-being. Ms. Hamer-Strahl noted that the trees mitigate the negative impacts of heavy rainfall, improve air quality and the surrounding climate. She added that the greenspace assists with energy consumption and reduces localized temperatures. Ms. Hamer-Strahl concluded by advising Council she moved to the area for the greenspace and requested that needs of the residents be considered prior to approving this application. Recess Resolution #C-200-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:04 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 8 Communications — Receive for Information There were no Communications to be received for information. 9 Communications — Direction There were no Communications to be received for direction. -5- 10 Clarington 10 Committee Reports Council Minutes July 3, 2017 10.1.1 Agricultural Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington dated Advisory June 8, 2017 Minutes 10.1.2 Heritage Minutes of the Heritage Committee of Clarington dated June 20, Committee 2017 Minutes Resolution #C-201-17 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Advisory Committee Report Items 10.1.1 and 10.1.2, be received for information. Carried 10.2 General Government Committee Report of June 19, 2017 Resolution #C-202-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of June 19, 2017, be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #8, #15 and #16. Carried Item 8 — Cedar Crest Beach Erosion Control Engineering Solution Resolution #C-203-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo Whereas Council has considered Report EGD -015-17 setting out options for addressing erosion control in the Cedar Crest Beach area; Whereas the Municipality of Clarington acknowledges that erosion in this area has caused significant damage and needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency given the increasing severity and frequency of lake storm events; Whereas Council has heard from residents of the community requesting Municipal leadership to help find and implement a solution to halt shoreline erosion and promote beach restoration; M 11 Clar-in on Council gtMinutes July 3, 2017 Now therefore be it resolved, that the Municipality of Clarington urgently requests federal and provincial government, CLOCA and St. Marys Cement participation towards developing solutions to halt erosion and promote beach restoration of the shoreline between the St. Marys pier and the Port Darlington lighthouse pier on Lake Ontario; That staff be directed to call these parties together with representatives of the resident community to form a working committee to clarify jurisdictional roles and responsibilities and secure funding and contribution agreements, such that a viable shoreline erosion control and beach restoration plan can be implemented as soon as possible; and That staff and working committee representatives present the plan to Council by October 2017. Carried as Amended (See following motions) Resolution #C-204-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the foregoing Resolution #C-203-17 be amended by deleting paragraph four and replacing it with the following: "Now therefore be it resolved, that the Municipality of Clarington request the federal and provincial government, and CLOCA to work together to develop an entire waterfront plan including the Port Darlington channel, and the beach waterfront, and work towards a cost sharing agreement for the study and work; and That St. Marys and other interested parties be invited to participate." Carried Resolution #C-205-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the foregoing Resolution #C-203-17 be amended by deleting paragraph five. Motion Lost Resolution #C-206-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #C-203-17 be amended to delete the word "halt" in paragraph three and replace it with the work "mitigate." Carried -7- 12 Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 Resolution #C-207-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the foregoing Resolution #C-203-17 be amended by adding the following at the end of paragraph three: "Notwithstanding that the residents understand a solution will not prevent flooding." Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-203-17 was then carried as amended on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Interest Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Mayor Foster X 4 Item 15 — Orono Arena and Community Centre Board Resolution #C-208-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report LGL -007-17 be received; That Council pass By-law 2017-054 (Attachment 1 to Report LGL -007-17) to designate the Orono Arena and Community Centre as a municipal capital facility and exempt it from taxation; That the Clerk be directed to provide written notice of By-law 2017-054 to the Minister of Finance as required by subsection 110(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001; That the Clerk be directed to provide written notice of By-law 2017-054 to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, the Clerk of the Region of Durham and the local school boards as required by subsection 110(8) of the Municipal Act, 2001; That the Municipality enter into a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement with the Orono Amateur Athletic Association substantially in the form attached to Report LGL -007-17 (Attachment 2) to manage and operate the Centre; 13 Clar-in o n Council Minutes July 3, 2017 That any operating funds in the Orono Arena Board accounts as of the transition date be transferred to the Orono Amateur Athletic Association to continue to be used as operating fund under the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement; That provided a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement has been entered into with the Orono Amateur Athletic Association, the Orono Arena and Community Centre Board be dissolved effective August 1, 2017; and That the Orono Amateur Athletic Association and all members of the Orono Arena Board be notified of Council's decision. Carried Item 16 — Water Distribution System and Reusable Water Bottles Resolution #C-209-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Staff continue to investigate the purchase of a system to distribute water at festivals and during emergencies; That Staff, working towards AppleFest as an appropriate event, continue to work with other governments, business and other agencies to provide funding for reusable steel water bottles; and That up to $10,000 be drawn from an account to be identified by the Director of Finance for participation in this project. Carried 10.3 Special Planning & Development Committee Report of June 20, 2017 Resolution #C-210-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That the recommendations contained in the Special Planning & Development Committee Report of June 20, 2017 be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #4 and #2. Carried 14 Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 Item 4 — An Application by Simon Gill and Janet Taylor Gill to Permit Agri -tourism Uses on their Farm Property Including Special Events and a Nano-cidery Resolution #C-211-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD -043-17 be received; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Simon Gill and Janet Taylor Gill to permit agri-tourism uses on their farm property; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -043-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Item 2 — An Application by a Group of Land Owners to Amend the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan and Three Applications to Subdivide a Portion of Those Lands in Courtice Resolution #C-212-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -045-17 be received; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the applications submitted by the group of land owners to amend the Worden East Neighbourhood Design Plan and for the development of three plans of subdivision S -C-2017-0002, S -C-2017-0003 and S -C-2017-0004; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -045-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 10.4 Planning & Development Committee Report of June 26, 2017 Resolution #C-213-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That the recommendations contained in the Planning & Development Committee Report of June 26, 2017 be approved, on consent, with the exception of items #3 and #9. Carried Clar-in o n Council Minutes July 3, 2017 Item 3 - An Application by SmartREIT to Rezone the Subject Lands to Accommodate a 25,360 Square Metre Retail Outlet Centre, Baseline Road, Bowmanville Councillor Hooper declared an interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, with respect to Item 3 of the June 26, 2017 Planning and Development Committee Report, as he is a member of the Bowmanville BIA, and he left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution #C-214-17 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PSD -047-17 be received; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the application for rezoning (ZBA 2017-0016) including the preparation of a subsequent report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -047-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried as Amended (See following motion) Resolution #C-215-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That the foregoing Resolution #C-214-17 be amended by adding the following after paragraph three: "That notification be given to all businesses within all Clarington BIAs upon receipt of any commercial development applications from SmartREIT." Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-214-17 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. Item 9 — Declaration of Surplus Property, 155 Baseline Road, Bowmanville Councillor Hooper declared an interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, with respect to Item 9 of the June 26, 2017 Planning and Development Committee Report, as he is a member of the Bowmanville BIA, and he left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 Resolution #C-216-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -054-17 be received; That Council declare approximately 6.02 acres of the property identified as 155 Baseline Road, and shown in Figure 1 of Report PSD -054-17, as surplus and offered for sale to the adjacent property owner at terms to be negotiated, including that there be no net loss in flood storage capacity for the floodplain; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -054-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. 11 Staff Reports 11.1 Report ESD -004-17 —Cedar Crest Beach Flooding — Key Actions Taken April 26, 2017 — June 26, 2017 Resolution #C-217-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report ESD -004-17 be received for information; and That all interested parties named in Report ESD -004-17 be provided a copy. Carried Later in the meeting (See following motions) Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-218-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 11:30 PM. Carried The foregoing resolution #C-217-17 was then put to a vote and carried. -12- 17 Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 11.2 Report CLD -013-17 — Zoo to You Request for Exemption to the Exotic Animal By-law 2012-045 Resolution #C-219-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That Report CLD -013-17 be received for information. Carried 11.4 Report CLD -015-17 — Appointment of Chief Administrative Officer Resolution #C-220-17 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report CLD -015-17 be received; That the By-law appointing Andrew Allison as the Chief Administrative Officer, Attachment 1 to Report CLD -015-17, be approved; and That all interested parties be advised of Council's decision. Carried 11.5 Report EGD -016-17 — Rail Safety Improvement Program Agreement Resolution #C-221-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report EGD -016-17 be received; That the By-law attached to Report EGD -016-17 as Attachment 1 be approved; and That all interested parties listed in Report EGD -016-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision by the Department. Carried 12 Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion There was no Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion considered under this Section of the Agenda. -13- W Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 13 Unfinished Business 13.1 Support for Ban on Sale of Animals in Pet Shops (Referred to July 3, 2017 Council Meeting) Resolution #C-222-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Correspondence dated May 2, 2017, from Karen L. Ormerod, Executive Director, Humane Society of Durham Region, requesting support for a ban on sale of animals in pet shops, be received for information. Carried 11.3 Report LGL -009-17 —A Confidential Legal Matter (Litigation) Resolution #C-223-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the recommendations contained in Confidential Report LGL -009-17, A Confidential Legal Matter (Litigation), be approved. Carried 14 By-laws Resolution #C-224-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2017-054 to 2017-065 14.1 2017-054 Being a by-law to designate the Orono Arena and Community Centre as a municipal capital facility and exempt it from all taxes levied for municipal and school purposes (Item 15 of the General Government Committee Report) 14.2 2017-056 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Kaitlin Homes Limited) (Item 3 of the Special Planning & Development Committee Report -14- 19 Clarington- Council Minutes July 3, 2017 14.3 2017-057 Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-2580 from Part Lot Control 14.4 2017-058 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Newcastle Lodge for Senior & Family Dwellings) (Item 7 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.5 2017-059 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Averton Homes Bowmanville) (Approved by Council on June 13, 2016) 14.6 2017-060 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (2399263 Ontario Limited) (Approved by Council on February 27, 2017) 14.7 2017-061 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington [Tatra Valley Homes (Zemer Holdings)] (Approved by Council on September 15, 2014) 14.8 2017-062 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Zemer Holdings Ltd.) (Approved by Council on December 14, 2015) 14.9 2017-063 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Soroya and Spencer Yule) (Item 4 of the Planning and Development Committee Report) 14.10 2017-064 Being a by-law to appoint Mr. Andrew Allison as the Chief Administrative Officer 14.11 2017-065 Being a By-law to authorize the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington to enter into the Rail Safety Improvement Program Agreement with the Government of Canada That the said by-laws be approved. Carried -15- 20 Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 15 Procedural Notices of Motion There were no Procedural Notices of Motion considered under this Section of the Agenda. 16 Other Business Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-225-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 11:40 PM. Carried 16.1 Coastal Flood Plain Sub -committee Resolution #C-226-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal Whereas Council acknowledges the continued threat to property, life and natural features on the watersheds of Port Darlington due to flooding; And whereas members of Council have heard from residents in the area and the Port Darlington Community Association Inc. requesting an emergency management working group and/or subcommittee specific to the flooding risks presented in the Port Darlington watershed; Now therefore be it resolved: That Staff be directed to immediately create an Emergency Management Sub- Committee/Working Group (the "Working Group") with CLOCA, Planning, Operations, Clarington Emergency & Fire Services, St. Marys and local residents. 2. That through a coastal floodplain features and property analysis, the Working Group is to identify immediate risks and develop a mitigation, protection and emergency response plan to manage an mitigate the flooding risks that exist from re -engineered wetlands and marshes in the Port Darlington Watershed. 3. That Staff report back on the results of this working group by memorandum to Councillors by August 1, 2017. -16- 21 Clariiw-n Council Minutes July 3, 2017 4. As an immediate and interim measure, Staff take the necessary actions, in conjunction with CLOCA and St. Marys, to restore the Overflow Floodway to its engineered specifications and ensure that the Overflow Floodway is, in future, maintained according to its engineered specifications. Motion Lost Later in the Meeting (See following motions) Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-227-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 11:50 PM. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #C-228-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 12:30 AM. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-226-17 was then lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Mayor Foster X -17- 22 Clarington Council Minutes July 3, 2017 16.2 Sponsorship for Sarah McConaghy Resolution #C-229-17 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Municipality of Clarington provide a $500.00 sponsorship to Sarah McConaghy to assist with her becoming a para -dressage rider representing Canada at the 2020 Paralympics; and That the Municipality of Clarington issue a challenge to local businesses to match the $500.00 sponsorship. Motion Lost 17 Confirming By -Law Resolution #C-230-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2017-066, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of July, 2017; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 18 Adjournment Resolution #C-231-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting adjourn at 11:58 PM. Mayor Carried 23 Municipal Clerk Clarington- Special Council Minutes August 22, 2017 Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on August 22, 2017, at 1:00 PM, in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor W. Woo Regrets: Councillor J. Neal Staff Present: A. Allison, S. Brake, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, C. Clifford, L. Gordon, M. Marano, C. Pellarin, G. Weir, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. 2 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. 3 Public Meetings 3.1 Applications for a Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Applicant: Municipality of Clarington Report: PSD -056-17 Carlo Pellarin, Manager of Development Review, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the members of Council regarding the application. Levi Blugrove, local resident, spoke to the application. He advised the Members of Council that he had no issues with the application. Steve Hennessy, spoke to the application, on behalf of Jay Strasser. He explained to the Members of Council that Mr. Strasser owns a property on Lambs Road. Mr. Hennessey noted they are concerned with the realignment of the creek and how it will impact the neighbouring properties. Jeff Goldman, local resident, spoke to the application. He asked if the approval of this application will result in a signalized intersection at Lambs Road and Durham Highway 2. Mr. Goldman asked how this development will impact the proposed future 401 interchange at Lambs Road. 4 Delegations There were no Delegations scheduled for this meeting. -1- 24 Clarington 5 Staff Reports Special Council Minutes August 22, 2017 5.1 Report PSD -056-17 —A Proposal by the Municipality of Clarington to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a large floorplate warehouse and distribution centre at 1200 Lambs Road, Bowmanville Resolution #C-232-17 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Cooke That Report PSD -056-17 be received; That Amendment No. 112 to the Clarington Official Plan, as contained in Attachment 1 of Report PSD -056-17, be adopted; That the Zoning By-law Amendment, as contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD -056-17, be approved; That, once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -056-17 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -056-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Absent Interest Councillor Traill Councillor Woo Councillor Cooke Councillor Hooper Councillor Neal Councillor Partner Mayor Foster -2- 25 Clarington 6 By-laws Resolution #C-233-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2017-067; Special Council Minutes August 22, 2017 2017-067 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington That said by-law be approved. Carried 7 Confirming By -Law Resolution #C-234-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2017-068, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a special meeting held on the 22nd day of August, 2017; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried Mayor Foster welcomed Andrew Allison to his new role as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipality of Clarington. He thanked Curry Clifford for his work for the Municipality as Interim CAO. 8 Adjournment Resolution #C-235-17 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the meeting adjourn at 1:37 PM. Mayor Carried -3- 26 Deputy Clerk Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, July 13th, 2017 Members Present: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf Don Rickard Tom Barrie Elgin Greenham Ted Watson Les Caswell Regrets: Jennifer Knox, Eric Bowman, Richard Rekker, Henry Zekveld, Councillor Wendy Partner Guests: Brian Kelly, Durham Region, Hida Manns — Clarington's representative on DEAC, June Kinniburgh, Chair Food Security Task Force for DCCAP Staff: Faye Langmaid and Amy Burke Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 017-15 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by John Cartwright "That the Agenda for July 13, 2017 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 017-16 Moved by Elgin Greenham, seconded by John Cartwright "That the minutes of the June 8, 2017 meeting be approved" Carried Durham Region's Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Program Brian Kelly provided an overview of the process followed to determine the baseline information and the 8 sectors examined and 18 programs that have had task forces working on them. (Presentation was circulated by e-mail to all). Brian admitted that the agricultural sector is the least robust of all the work done to date. He indicated that it is now time to circle back and obtain the input to that sector to be able to have a more fulsome report. The effects of severe weather, trends in higher temperatures, less snowpack and rainer winters are being seen by the farming community. The ability to have fields drain into well maintained ditches is crucial. It is the infrastructure culverts, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 27 July 13, 2017 drainage, ditch cleaning and Transportation Network that are of great importance to farmers. Brain is looking for ways to connect with the Agricultural sector, suggestions were made to attend the local branch of the Ontario Soil and Crop group, Durham Farm Fresh, Durham Region Federation of Agriculture. The commodity groups cover larger geographical areas and also only meet once or twice a year. Farmers are busy people and linking into the existing activities they are already involved in would be the best way to connect with them. Additional suggestions included having the Clean Water Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program offered by GRCA in Clarington to be spread across the Region through all 5 CA's. The funding for this program comes from Durham Region and the effect of the small budget is great because of the matching funds required from the land owners and the ability to provide in-kind services. It is also these ongoing stewardship best management practices that will have large impacts. Update: Rural Zoning By-law Review Planning Staff are continuing to work away on the rural zoning by-law review. If there are any additional comments please send them along to Amy. Correspondence and Committee Reports There were no Council referrals, correspondence from the Region on Canada Census information on agriculture in Durham Region was distributed by e-mail to all. Durham Aariculture Advisory Committee: 2017 DAAC Farm Tour September 20 at Picov Downs in Ajax, different stations will be set up for educational displays/talks. The displays are going to be about the economic impact that ripples through the community from the Picov Downs operation. They have invited the supply chain. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: • No update on the Soil Classification Letter. Clarington Board of Trade: CBOT Staff working on a number of leads for economic development and a video about the agricultural opportunities in Clarington, invited members to attend August 18th meeting to assist with idea generation for the video and what it should focus on. Farm Connections Farm Connections has been working on the collection of agricultural families that have been in the business of farming for 150 years, they had hoped for 60 families and have exceeded that number. These families will be honoured at the Agriculture Gala in October, get your tickets early as it is anticipated to sell out. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 28 July 13, 2017 • The display is at the Clarington Museum currently until August 15th (some attended earlier in the evening). It will tour the fall fairs and then move to Scugog Museum. New Business EBR Posting on Agriculture System is at https://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB- External/displaynoticecontent.do?noticeld=MTMzMDA2&statusld=MjAyMDU5&langu e=en. There are public meetings, closest one is Peterborough on September 12. It is the mapping that will be of interest to committee members. Growing the Greenbelt for requests to expand the Greenbelt a new provincial body will be set up to review the applications. Burkhard Mausberg the CEO of the Foundation has announced he is leaving. Durham Transportation Masterplan is open for comments https://durhamtmp.ca/drafttmp/ Committee members may want to comment on the role that the Port of Oshawa plays with regard to exporting agricultural goods. CLOCA program on Well Decommissioning in response to the draught last year and the issues with wells, CLOCA has re-initiated the well decommissioning program. They will provide grants of 50% up to $1,000 for the cost of decommissioning of unused or abandoned domestic wells. http://www.cloca.caMDP/index.php Twilight Meeting at Terwidlen Farms (Barrie's) on August 4th, 2591 Bragg Road at 6:00 p.m. $18 adults, children are $6 Future Agendas John will be inviting Barry and Mark Bragg to speak about their operation and value- added initiatives. Participation House, Jenni Knox to follow-up. Donald Rickard moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting, Thursday, August 17th meeting, Sean Bagshaw from Engineering and Steve Brake from Operations have been invited to attend about 5 year capital plan for local road improvements. I:NDepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTE mitteesWgricultural Committee\2017 Minutes & Correspondence\Draft Minutes_ Meeting_8 June 17.docx Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 29 July 13, 2017 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, Aug 17th, 2017 Members Present: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf Don Rickard Tom Barrie Elgin Greenham Eric Bowman, Ted Watson Les Caswell Richard Rekker Henry Zekveld Regrets: Jennifer Knox, Councillor Wendy Partner Guests: Sean Bagshaw, Engineering Services, Capital Works Staff: Faye Langmaid Planning Services Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 017-17 Moved by Donald Rickard, seconded by Eric Bowman "That the Agenda for Aug 17, 2017 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 017-18 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by John Cartwright "That the minutes of the July 13, 2017 meeting be approved" Carried Sean Bagshaw of Engineering Services provided an overview on the capital projects that are not part of subdivision development. His role is with existing infrastructure, redevelopment of roads, bridges, etc. There are some projects remaining from previous years that are being completed this year. Sean provided an overview of where all these projects are and the timing of them. Sean also explained how the Region, Municipality and other service provider agencies (utilities) work together to sort out what improvements will be made. Railways continue to be a challenge as do roads that are to be uploaded to the Region. The 407 construction has had implication on when certain roads will be redeveloped and upgraded either because of wear and tear or use as an alternate access. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 30 Aug 17, 2017 Sean explained the standards the Municipality has to meet for risk management on road sides which has had implication on the installation of guardrails along many creek crossings and culverts for roadside protection. Sean provided an overview of the 10 year tracking he does on road maintenance and the inventory that is maintained by the Municipality to determine where our assets are. Currently there is a deficit in funding for the maintenance of road and road related infrastructure. The committee thanked Sean for his attendance and requested that Operations be invited to attend a meeting to discuss rural road maintenance and the forecast for them. Committee members would like to see a yellow strip down rural roads which would have the effect of slowing traffic and keeping them on their side of the road. Business Arising Zoning: Planning Staff are continuing to work away on the rural zoning by-law review. If there are any additional comments please send them along to Amy. EBR Posting on Agriculture System is at https://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB- External/displayno ticecontent.do?noticeld=MTMzMDA2&statusld=MjAyMDU5&languag e=en. There are public meetings, closest one is Peterborough on September 12. It is the mapping that will be of interest to committee members. Comments are due October 4, 2017. Growing the Greenbelt requests to expand the Greenbelt will be heard by a new provincial body to be set up to review the applications. Durham Transportation Masterplan is open for comments https://durhamtmp.ca/drafttmp/ Committee members may want to comment on the role that the Port of Oshawa plays with regard to exporting agricultural goods. Twilight Meeting: Barrie family congratulated on hosting the event during torrential downpour. Over 270 attended. Correspondence and Committee Reports Montgomery County's Agriculture Reserve — discussion on the article about the American Planning Award for the Agriculture Reserve polices and how the transfer of development rights. In Ontario there is no inherent right to a number of residential development units on any given property, rather there is much more involvement and direction from the Provincial Government on land use planning policy. However, the transfer of development rights has been used in urban situations for additional height or density in exchange for mostly historic buildings being protected. It is interesting to see how the transfer of development rights has worked for agricultural operations. Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Y 2017 DAAC Farm Tour September 20 at Picov Downs in Ajax, different stations will be set up for educational displays/talks. The displays are going to be about Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 31 Aug 17, 2017 the economic impact that ripples through the community from the Picov Downs operation. They have invited the supply chain. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Y The Annual General Meeting will be September 27th at 7:30 p.m. at Nestleton Community Centre. Speaker is Steve Brachonvich. Y The Ag education trailer is in high demand it will be at the fall fairs in the area, a number of request from outside the Durham area are being addressed if the trailer and attendant are available. Members will recall Mary Ann Founds spearheading of this initiative. Clarington Board of Trade: Y CBOT Staff working on a number of leads for economic development and a video about the agricultural opportunities in Clarington, the meeting to determine the focus is tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Boards office. Farm Connections Y Farm Connections has been working on the collection of agricultural families that have been in the business of farming for 150 years, they had hoped for 60 families and are now at 103 families with 125 farms. These families will be honoured at the Agriculture Gala in October, there are 300 tickets available over 200 have already been sold. Program of recognizing agricultural families will continue in future years. Y The display on Agriculture in Durham will be on tour at the fall fairs, the Clarington Museum is retaining some of the display and will continue with it until the year end. It has been well received and a number of donations to the Museum have resulted from the initiative. New Business Tax changes on the horizon that affect the farming community: Horticulture and tender fruit industry is very worried about the minimum wage proposals and how it will affect their operations and existing employees. Carbon Tax is 3 cents a cubic metre for gas, being paying it since beginning of the year, presumably there are programs that will be announced to providing incentives, for greenhouses and drying operations this is a significant cost. Income Tax Act- changes to the small business and how capital assets (like land) can be transferred to family members, any farms that are incorporated (which is most) will be affected, especially as it affects succession planning. Harvest Supper — Solina Community Hall on September 16th, 6:30 p.m. $30, tickets available from Eric and Jenny Bowman. This supper showcases local producers. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 32 Aug 17, 2017 Future Agendas John will be inviting Barry and Mark Bragg to speak about their operation and value- added initiatives. Participation House, Jenni Knox to follow-up. Faye to invite new CAO and Operations. Eric Bowman moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting, Thursday, October 12th meeting, Operations to be invited. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington 33 Aug 17, 2017 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee June 7, 2017, 6:30 P.M. MAC Room 1A Present: Andre O'Bumsawin (6:40pm) Tim Van Leeuwen Jacqui Watchorn Sally Barrie Councillor Partner Shea -Lea Latchford Also Present: Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Maureen Reed Meeting was called to order at 6:35pm. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Sally Barrie seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 2017 be approved. Carried 2. Presentation No presentations. 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) ServiceOntario Bowmanville Update The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that some changes had occurred at the ServiceOntario Bowmanville location and people can now enter the facility more freely. Outstanding concerns such as the slope to the entrance, accessible parking space and counter heights were brought up by the Coordinator and Committee members. The Committee was advised that these concerns will be addressed with the Province after more investigation. The Committee was also advised that Council will be passing a resolution that formally asks the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario and the province to investigate the issues at this ServiceOntario location. (b) National Access Awareness Week Summary Shea -Lea Latchford offered a brief summary of the National Access Awareness 34 Clarington Accessibility - 2 - June 7, 2017 Advisory Committee Week events to the Committee. Praise was given to Andre O'Bumsawin who gave a delegation to Council on May 29th. Councillor Partner stated that Council was impressed with the presentation and enjoyed it very much. (c) Snow Clearing Update Tim Van Leeuwen advised the Committee that he met with the Operations Department to discuss his snow clearing concerns in more detail. He stated that it was an excellent meeting and he learned a lot about the challenges of snow clearing. He is looking forward to continuing to work with Operations over the summer and advised that someone from the Operations Department will attend the September meeting to further discuss snow -clearing changes for the 2017-18 season. (d) Multi -Year Plan Survey The Accessibility Coordinator advised Committee members that the survey had been shared directly with a number of key community groups, to the best of the Municipality's ability. It has been shared once a week on social media (Facebook and Twitter) and appears on the home page of Clarington's website. To -date, approximately 44 responses have been gathered and the responses have been varied and interesting. The feedback gathered will be an invaluable part of the multi-year plan update. (e) Durham Region Accessibility Award Nomination Committee members put forward nominees for the 2017 Durham Region Accessibility Award and a discussion about each nominee took place. This year's nominees were: • The SNUG — Newcastle • St. Paul's United Church — Bowmanville • Enniskillen General Store — Enniskillen • Three -Six Kitchen & Lounge — Bowmanville After a ranked ballot vote, the SNUG Newcastle will be put forward for this year's award. All other nominees will be notified and invited to attend a fall AAC meeting where they will be recognized and celebrated. The Mayor and members of Council will be invited to attend, as will local media representatives. 4. New Business (a) Enabling Accessibility Grant The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that the Municipality received an accessibility grant of approximately $17,000 through the Federal Government's Enabling Accessibility grant program. With this grant, the Municipality will be adding audio announcements and Braille to both the MAC 35 Clarington Accessibility - 3 - June 7, 2017 Advisory Committee and Main Branch Library elevators. The goal is to make the elevators "barrier - free" and not just "accessible" The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that the grant is open for applications and that the Municipality will apply for the grant again. It was further stated that the Coordinator will be reaching out to the BIA's and the Board of Trade to let as many businesses know about the grant as possible. The Committee was encouraged to let any businesses they know about the grant because it's a great opportunity to have accessibility upgrades partially paid for. (b) Durham Region Accessibility Award Nominations The Accessibility Coordinator provided Committee members with a copy of this year's call for nominations from the Region of Durham. Nominations will be discussed and voted on at the June 6t" AAC meeting. The Committee was encouraged to think of businesses, organizations and individuals who have never been nominated before. (c) 2017 Ribs and Brews The Accessibility Coordinator encouraged Committee members to attend this year's Ribs and Brews and provide their feedback about the event's accessibility. A lot of effort went into planning this year's event because of its new location. While there were certain site constraints, the organizers worked hard to ensure it was as physically accessible as possible. Any feedback about the event will be used to make improvements at next year's event. Jacqui Watchorn asked if the shuttle bus was accessible. The Coordinator advised that despite efforts to obtain an accessible shuttle bus this year, the organizers were unable to secure one. While the shuttle is not accessible, there is ample accessible parking and is accessible via the DIRT Bowmanville route. Alternatively, people can try and book a specialized service ride through DRT. The Coordinator advised that this is one area of feedback that will be shared with organizers and that should be addressed for next year's event. 5. Regional Update (a) Regional Updates Andre O'Bumsawin provided a brief overview of the last Durham Region AAC meeting. There was a presentation on the Region's Age -Friendly Strategy (2016- 2021). A second presentation came from Durham Region Transit's Eligibility Coordinator. (b) Regional AAC Minutes Regional AAC minutes were distributed to Committee members for their interest. 6. Other Business 36 Clarington Accessibility - 4 - June 7, 2017 Advisory Committee The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that the Province has launched and employment strategy for people with disabilities. Given its length, the Coordinator advised she will send information about the strategy to Committee members via email. In anticipation of the 2018 municipal election, the Accessibility Coordinator asked the Committee if anyone was interested in reviewing election policies or plans to ensure accessibility has been fully considered. Andre O'Bumsawin and Shea -Lea Latchford volunteered to be part of that sub -committee and Tim Van Leeuwen offered to be an alternative if need be. Sally Barrie advised members that the Walk for Mental Health is this weekend and encouraged people to come if they can. Councillor Partner advised members that Doors Opened Kendal is also this weekend and encouraged members to visit and learn more about the Kendal community. 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday September 6, 2017 at 6:30 pm. 8. Adjournment Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin seconded Tim Van Leeuwen That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:06 pm. Chair Secretary 37 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee September 6, 2017, 6:30 P.M. MAC Room 1A Present: Tim Van Leeuwen Sally Barrie Maureen Reed Also Present: Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Andrea Nicholson — Future Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Shea -Lea Latchford Councillor Partner Jacqui Watchorn Andre O'Bumsawin There being no quorum present, no official business was conducted. Adoption of Minutes To be considered at the next meeting. 2. Presentation No presentations. 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Multi -Year Accessibility Plan The Accessibility Coordinator gave the Committee an overview of the updated Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. The Committee was advised that it was a draft and that the Coordinator was not seeking approval, but rather feedback on the style of the document and the content within it. The Committee members present did not have any major concerns with the updated Multi -Year Accessibility Plan. The Coordinator advised that she would send the draft to the rest of the Committee via email for feedback and that it would be on the October meting agenda for formal Committee approval. (b) Enabling Accessibility Grant The Committee the Municipality submitted two applications for funding through the Enabling Accessibility Grant from the Federal Government. Applications were submitted under the Community and Employment Stream. We expect to hear the results in early 2018. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - September 6, 2017 Advisory Committee Work on the elevators, which were funded through the Municipality's 2016 grant application, has begun. One elevator has already been updated and work on the second elevator is scheduled to be done September 11tH (c) Joint AAC Meeting and Durham Region Accessibility Awards The Accessibility Coordinator presented Committee members information on the 2017 Joint AAC Meeting and Durham Region Accessibility Awards night. Committee members were asked to RSVP to the region directly. The Accessibility Coordinator will share information on the event to all AAC members via email. (d) Clarington Accessibility Award Nominee Recognition The Accessibility Coordinator advised Committee members that the November meeting would be used to celebrate and recognize the businesses. Council Chambers has been booked and hold have been placed in the Mayor and Council members' calendars. Invitations to the event will be sent after the Durham Awards night and refreshments will be provided. At the request of the Committee, all businesses nominated, including the winner, will be invited to attend this meeting. (e) Snow Clearing Committee members were advised that the Operations Department will be attending the October meeting to discuss their plans for snow clearing during the 2017-18 season. (f) Ribs and Brews The Accessibility Coordinator asked for feedback from Committee members who attended or knew someone who attended this year's Ribs and Brews festival at Clarington Fields. Some members offered comments on the location of the accessible washrooms and the difficulty people had moving to the soccer field. Comments were noted by the Accessibility Coordinator(s) and would be used to inform improvements in the 2018 event. Committee members expressed their understanding that issues were to be expected given it's the first year at a new location. It was expressed that their goal is to identify issues and to work with the Rotary Club of Bowmanville to make improvements. 39 Clarington Accessibility - 3 - September 6, 2017 Advisory Committee 4. New Business (a) Orono Fair Of the members present, no one is able to attend the Orono Fair on Saturday September 9t". The Accessibility Coordinator advised she would ask the Committee Chair if she is able to attend or not. If she is unable to attend, handouts will be given to the Tourism Department to hand out on the Committee's behalf. (b) Harvest Festival & AppleFest Attendance and Coverage The Accessibility Coordinator reminded Committee members of their desire to attend the Harvest Festival and AppleFest. Given that the Harvest Festival is over the long weekend, the Committee is unsure if anyone is able to attend. Committee members indicated they would be available AppleFest. Scheduling for the Harvest Festival and AppleFest will take place at the October 4 meeting. (c) International Day of Persons with Disabilities December 3rd is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The Accessibility Coordinator put forth the suggestion that Committee members think about if and how they would like to mark this special day. A brief discussion about ways the day could be marked took place but will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting. Some items discussed: flag raising, delegation to Council/Committee, information on www.clarington.net and social media awareness. 5. Regional Update (a) Regional Updates No updates. 6. Other Business No other business discussed. 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday October 4, 2017 at 6:30 pm. HE Clarington Accessibility - 4 - September 6, 2017 Advisory Committee Adjournment The meeting concluded at 7:35 pm. Chair Secretary 41 Garington General Government Committee Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 Subject: General Government Committee Meeting of Tuesday, September 5 2017 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) 8.1 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority dated June 20, 2017 (b) 8.2 Minutes of the Kawartha Conservation Authority dated May 31, 2017 and June 28, 2017 (c) 8.3 Minutes of the Newcastle Business Improvement Area dated June 8, 2017 and August 10, 2017 (d) 8.4 Minutes of Tyrone Community Centre dated June 21, 2017 (e) 8.5 Minutes of Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated June 15, 2017 (f) 8.6 Minutes of the Orono Business Improvement Area dated August 15, 2017 (g) 8.7 Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management - Municipality of Clarington to be congratulated on their compliance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and its associated Regulation, Ontario Regulation 380/04 (h) EGD -019-17 Building Activity Update January 1 to June 30, 2017 (i) ESD -005-17 Emergency Services Annual Report — 2016 Q) ESD -006-17 Emergency Services Activity Report — 1St Quarter 2017 Page 1 42 � -N n I N I1' 11 General Government Committee Report to Council (k) FND-012-17 Financial Update as at June 30, 2017 2• Derrick McKay, President and Founder, Overdrive Race & Relay Series — Request for Permission to Fly a CC -130 Hercules Over Canadian Tire Motorsport Park That a letter be sent in support of the request from Derrick McKay, President and Founder, Overdrive Race & Relay Series, to fly a CC -130 Hercules at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park on October 29, 2017, no lower than 500 feet. 3• Briana Bloomfield, Deputy Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound — Economic Impact Analysis That the following City of Owen Sound resolution, regarding the request that an Economic Impact Analysis be done, prior to the implementation of the proposed reforms to the Employment Standards Act, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas the Province of Ontario has recommended changes to the Employment Standards Act; and Whereas the Province of Ontario has many municipalities with differing and unique economic circumstances; and Whereas to protect jobs against unintended consequences that may come about as a result of implementing these changes; Be it therefore resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Owen Sound supports the Ontario Chamber of Commerce's request that an Economic Impact Analysis be done of the proposed reforms prior to implementation. 4• Briana Bloomfield, Deputy Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound - Deputy Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound — Proposed Changes Under Bill 68 — Out of Court Payments That the following City of Owen Sound resolution, regarding Proposed Changes Under Bill 68 — Out of Court Payments, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: For Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 43 Page 2 � -N n I N I1' ITI General Government Committee Report to Council That in consideration of Staff Report CR -17-078 respecting proposed changes under Bill 68 regarding out of Court Payments, City Council supports the Municipality of West Nipissing and the Municipality of Killarney in their requests to the Minister of Municipal Affairs to reconsider the proposed changes. 5• Sylvia Jones, MPP, Deputy Leader of the PC Caucus — Private Members Bill 141 to Require the Ministry of Environment to Report Instances of Sewage Bypasses That the Communication Item 9.4 from Sylvia Jones, MPP, Deputy Leader of the PC Caucus — Private Members Bill 141, to Require the Ministry of Environment to Report Instances of Sewage Bypasses, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. 6• Dimitri Pagratis, Project Planner, The Regional Municipality of Durham — Region of Durham Tree By-law, Five Year Review That Communication Item 9.5 from Dimitri Pagratis, Project Planner, The Regional Municipality of Durham — Region of Durham Tree By-law, Five Year Review, be referred to staff to provide comments to the Regional Municipality of Durham prior to October 2, 2017 and that the comments from staff come back to Council for endorsement. 7• Appointment of Inspectors That Report EGD -017-17 be received; That Brendan Grigg be appointed as an Inspector for the Municipality of Clarington, effective immediately and that his name be added to Schedule `A', Table `B' of By-law 2011-036; That Stephen Leca be appointed as an Inspector for the Municipality of Clarington, effective immediately and that his name be added to Schedule `A', Table `B' of By-law 2011-036; That Christopher Dobby be appointed as an Inspector for the Municipality of Clarington, effective immediately and that his name be added to Schedule `A', Table `B' of By-law 2011-036; For Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 Page 3 � -N n I # I1' ITI General Government Committee Report to Council That Derek Fraser be appointed as an Inspector for the Municipality of Clarington, effective immediately and that his name be added to Schedule `A', Table `C' of By-law 2011-036; and That Council approve the By-laws attached to report EGD -017-17 as Attachments 1, 2, 3, and 4. 8• GO Transit Newcastle Village — Annual Status Update That Report EGD -018-17 be received; That the demolition of the former fire hall in the Village of Newcastle be further delayed to continue to allow GO Transit to use the property as a turnaround until such time as Durham Region Transit is able to provide a local service that ensures continuity for residents; That Staff be directed to continue to work with Durham Region Transit to define future growth patterns and establish appropriate service levels; That Staff be directed to report back to Council in the summer of 2018 on the progress of our discussions; That scheduling of the demolition of the former fire hall in Newcastle be revisited at that time. 9• Community Outdoor Skating Rinks That Report OPD -006-17 be received; and That Council respectfully endorse the revised operating policy for Outdoor Ice Skating Rinks, included as attachment 1 to OPD -006-17, with the following amendment: That the words "amount of" be removed from Section 3 of the Application and Approval Process section. 10. Appointment to the Property Standards Committee That Report CLD -012-17 be received; That Elizabeth Archampong be thanked for her contribution to the Property Standards Committee; For Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 45 Page 4 � -N n I # I1' ITI General Government Committee Report to Council That Andrew W. McNee be appointed for a term ending December 31, 2018 or until a successor is appointed, to Clarington's Property Standards Committee, in accordance with the Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -012-17 be advised of Council's decision. 11. Proposed Fee Increases — Marriage Licenses, Civil Marriage Ceremonies, Commissioning Fees That Report CLD -017-17 be received; and That the draft By-law, amending Schedule "D" of By-law 2010-142, to change the Clerk's Department fees charged for marriage licenses, civil marriage ceremonies, commissioning and certification fees effective January 1, 2018, attached to Report CLD -017-17 as Attachment 2, be approved. 12. Rapid Response Vehicle Request Whereas the Region of Durham will soon be considering its 2018 Budget and medical calls continue to increase as the population of the Municipality of Clarington grows; Now therefore the Municipality of Clarington requests, for consideration, that the Region of Durham Health Department include into its 2018 Budget submission a Rapid Response Vehicle that would be dedicated to the Municipality of Clarington. For Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 Page 5 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting of Monday, September 11, 2017 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) PSD -060-17 Zone Clarington - Comprehensive Zoning By -Law Review Project 2. An Application by South Bowmanville Limited (Delpark Homes) to rezone the lands to facilitate the creation of two additional lots for the construction of a single detached dwellings That Report PSD -058-17 be received; That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA 2016-0023 continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; That staff consider the public comments received in the further processing of the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by South Bowmanville Ltd. to facilitate the creation of two additional lots for the construction of single detached dwellings; That the owners attend the next Planning and Development Committee meeting of October 2, 2017 to address questions raised at the public meeting; That the owners' engineering firm attend the same meeting; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -058-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Page 1 47 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council 3. Murray Greenwood — Request to Extend the Use of Temporary Living Quarters at 6220 Andrews Road, Courtice That the correspondence Item 10.1 from Murray Greenwood, be approved for the six month extension for the use of temporary living quarters at 6220 Andrews Road, Courtice, subject to signing a further Letter of Undertaking. 4. An Application by MGM Dream Homes Ltd. to amend the Zoning Bylaw to facilitate the creation of one additional single detached dwelling lot at 505 and 521 King Avenue East, Newcastle That Report PSD -057-17 be received; That the application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 submitted by MGM Dream Homes Ltd. be approved and that the draft Zoning By-law Amendment contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD -057-17 be passed; That the owners be responsible for providing a heritage plaque to the satisfaction of the municipality; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -057-17 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -057-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5. Revised applications by High Street Courtice Inc. to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a 464 unit residential development in Courtice That Report PSD -059-17 be received; That the revised applications submitted by High Street Courtice Inc. for a Clarington Official Plan Amendment (COPA2016-0004) and Rezoning (ZBA2016-0024) continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -009-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. For Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 Page 2 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council 6. An Application by Vincent Santocono for Removal of (H) Holding Symbol - 2394 Prestonvale Road, Courtice That Report PSD -061-17 be received; That the application submitted by Vincent Santocono to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -061-17; That Council's decision and a copy of Report PSD -061-17 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -061-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 7. An Application by Prudence Smith for Removal of (H) Holding Symbol, 3430 Trulls Road, Courtice That Report PSD -062-17 be received; That the application submitted by Prudence Smith to remove the Holding (H) symbol be approved as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -062-17; That Council's decision and a copy of Report PSD -062-17 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -062-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 8. An Application by George Lysyk and Salvatore Risorto to permit the creation of two additional lots for single detached dwellings at 849Townline Road North, Darlington That Report PSD -063-17 be received; That the application to amend the Zoning By-law submitted by George Lysyk and Salvatore Risorto be approved and that the Zoning By-law as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD -063-17 be passed; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD - 063 -17 and Council's decision; and For Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 Page 3 Ciarftwu Planning & Development Committee Report to Council That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -063-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 9. Applications by 1816451 Ontario Limited to permit an Auto Mall with a minimum of three motor vehicle dealerships including recreational vehicles/trailer sales establishments, Rundle Road, Courtice That Report PSD -064-17 be received; That the proposed application for Rezoning ZBA 2017-0011 submitted by 1816451 Ontario be approved as contained in Attachment 1 of Report PSD -064-17; That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -064-17 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -064-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. For Council Meeting of September 18, 2017 50 Page 4 Clarington Memo Planning Services Department If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 To: Mayor and Member of Council Date: September 14, 2017 Subject: Request from Alpha Pre -Engineered Panel Systems incorporated for an exemption from the two year freeze on making an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan File: PC2017-046 At the September 11, 2017 Planning and Development Committee meeting the following resolution was passed: That the correspondence item 10.2, from Alpha Pre -Engineered Panel Systems Incorporated, concerning a request for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment at 2021 and 2033 Baseline Road, Courtice, be referred to the Director of Planning Services. Correspondence item 10.2 is a letter from Alpa Pre -Engineered Panel Systems Incorporated (Alpa) dated August 9, 2017. A copy of the letter is attached to this memo. The letter requests Council's permission to submit an Official Plan Amendment Application and a related Rezoning Application to facilitate an expansion to the company's existing business. Council's permission is required to allow Alpa to file an Official Plan Amendment Application because of a relatively new section of the Planning Act (section 22(2.1)) which states that "no person or public body shall request an amendment to a new official plan before the second anniversary of the first day any part of the plan comes into effect." Because OPA 107 was approved by the Region on June 19, 2017, a new OPA application is prohibited unless "council has declared by resolution that such a request is permitted" (subsection 22(2.2)). Alpa can file for a rezoning without any special exception because a similar 2 year freeze for rezoning applications does not apply in this case. However, the application would not conform to the Official Plan. Each request for Council to grant an exception like this should be considered on its own merits. The purpose of these sections of the Planning Act is to provide a timout after a comprehensive review to ensure that there would be greater compliance to a recently - approved Official Plan or Zoning By -Law and to prevent what could be viewed as an abuse of process where a landowner simply files an amendment at the end of a comprehensive review. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville ON L1 C 3A6 1905-623-3379 Page 12 Alpa purchased the former Millwork site at 2021 Baseline and has expanded their operations from their lands on Cigas Road. Alpa intends to purchase 2033 Baseline which is currently vacant land. The lands are located on the south side of Baseline Road at Rundle Road, just to the north of the proposed Automall and Go Rail layover site (Attachment 2). In this case, Council could authorize Alpa to be able to file an OPA application because the designation of their land is not something that was specifically addressed by Clarington Official Plan amendment 107. 2021 and 2033 Baseline Road were designated Light Industrial in the 1996 Official Plan and that has not changed. A Light Industrial designation allows limited outdoor storage, insufficient for their requirements. Alpa Pre utilizes materials and creates products that are bulky and are typically stored outdoors in a yard rather than indoors in a warehouse. (see photos from 2021 Baseline Road below) 4 Page 13 Council's decision to allow an OPA application to be filed cannot be construed as an indication of support for the proposal. This OPA application, if allowed, would be processed and reviewed in the same manner as any other. A satisfactory Planning Justification Report and other typical supporting documents would need to submitted in support of the application for review by staff and applicable commenting agencies. A Public Meeting would be scheduled upon receipt of a complete OPA application. Accordingly, we recommend that Council pass the attached resolution. (Attachment 3). David Crome Director of Planning /tg Attachment 1 Letter from Alpa dated August 9, 2017 Attachment 2 Map Attachment 3 Resolution Attachment 1 Alpa Pre -Engineered Panel Systems Inc. Alpa Lumber Group August 9, 2017 Mayor and Members of Council Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Re: Application for Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment at 2021 & 2033 Baseline Road, Courtice Dear Mayor and Members of Council, I would .first like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to write you to address our concerns regarding the necessity of Council's resolution to permit the submission of an Official Plan Amendment application in less than two years following an updated Official Plan (OPA 107). Additionally, we also intend to submit a concurrent Rezoning application. We would like to give you some information about our company, our history and our future in the Municipality of Clarington. Alpa Pre -Engineered Panel Systems Inc. (Alps Pre) is a division of the Alpa Lumber Group which is a major supplier of raw and finished wood products to the building industry in and around the GTA. Alpa Pre designs and manufactures pre-engineered floor, wall and truss systems for the divisions of the Alpa group. These divisions spread throughout Southern Ontario; from Ottawa to Burlington and up to Cambridge. Alpa Pre commands a major portion of supply of panels to the building industry, while demand for our products increases exponentially every year. In February of 2011, Alpa Pre acquired an almost defunct company with 17 plant employees and 6 office employees. By 2015, we had increased the number employees in that facility to 100 plant employees and 12 office employees. In late 2015, we also purchased an abandoned facility at 2021 Baseline Road that had major drainage problems, making the property undesirable to other buyers. With much expense, we addressed the property's building and drainage issues. We also repurposed the building into our new floor manufacturing plant, and employed an additional 50 plant employees and 5 office employees. Between the 2 facilities, we currently employ a total of approximately 170 employees. A significant increase from the original 23 employees in 2011. Due to the lack of skilled labour in the carpentry field, the need for our products in the housing industry continues to increase. Therefore, the need for us to keep up with that demand forces us to increase production. We are doing this with our plans to construct additions to both our Cigas Road and Baseline Road facilities. Our proposed growth of our Baseline Road facility requires expansion onto abutting lands to the east (2033 Baseline Road), resulting in the need for this application. Obviously, the planned expansions of both facilities will require increased plant and office personnel, and many local contractors to aid in the construction. 17 Cigas Rd., Courtice, Ontario L1E 2T1 PH: 905-434-1900 FX: 905-434-9776 Page 1 Without this approval, we will run the risk of being unable to handle the demand from our customers and be forced to look at other opportunities. We took over an existing operation that would have otherwise gone bankrupt. We expanded the business to a point where we have more than quadrupled the number of employees and intend to continue growing. We ask that you consider that we are a member of the community in good standing that has enhanced the local businesses around us by providing them opportunities to quote and supply. We are good for the community, good for the local economy and ask that this application be allowed so we can continue to work together to grow our business. Description of the Proposal Alpa-Pre currently owns the lands municipally known as 2021 Baseline Road and the above mentioned indoor lumber panel manufacturing facility. Alpa Pre wishes to expand their operations to the abutting lands to the east (2033 Baseline Road) and construct an approximately 2,000 sq. m. easterly addition to the existing facility with the remainder of the lands to be used as outdoor storage. In order to do so, 2033 Baseline Road must be rezoned from (A) Agricultural to (M2) General Industrial to match the existing zoning for 2021 Baseline Road. Also, 2021 & 2033 Baseline Road are both designated Light Industrial in OPA 107. An Official Plan Amendment is required to re -designate the lands to General Industrial with a site-specific exception to permit the proposed outdoor storage. We also note that OPA 107 carried forward the existing Light Industrial designation from the previous Official Plan. Another purpose of the proposed Official Plan Amendment is to correct a discrepancy between the existing M2 General Industrial zoning and the preserved Light Industrial designation in OPA 107. Alpa-Pre conducted a Pre -Consultation meeting with Town Staff and applicable agencies on August 3, 2017. We are looking forward to working with staff to submit a proposal that is in the best interest of the Town, staff, residents, our employees and the future of our business in Clarington. erek Frankfort, z� General Manager Alpa Pre -Engineered Panel Systems Inc. C.C. Mr. Carlo Pellarin, Manager of Development Review, Planning Services Dept., Municipality of Clarington Mr. Adrian Litayski, Principal, Johnston Litayski Ltd. t 17 Cigas Rd., Courtice, Ontario L1E 2T1 PH: 905-434-1900 FX: 905-434-9776 Page 2 Attachment 2 Figure 1: Site Location showing 50 metre buffer from Natural Heritage Feature Attachment 3 MOVED BY SECONDED BY Whereas on June 19, 2017, The Regional Municipality of Durham approved Clarington Official Plan Amendment No. 107 (OPA 107); and Whereas Alpa Pre -Engineered Panel Systems Incorporated ("Alpa") wishes to amend the Clarington Official Plan to facilitate an expansion to its existing business on Baseline Road; and Whereas subsections 22(2.1) and 22(2.1) of the Planning Act prohibit Alpa from requesting an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan before the second anniversary of the first day that OPA 107 came into effect unless Council has declared by resolution that such a request is permitted; and Council wishes to permit Alpa to make an Official Plan Amendment Application respecting its property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Council hereby permits Alpa to file an application requesting that the Clarington Official Plan be amended to re -designate the lands at 2021 and 2033 Baseline Road to General Industrial and to permit the expansion of an employment use at 2021 Baseline Road onto the property at 2033 Baseline Road. 2. By granting permission to Alpa to make an Official Plan Amendment Application, Council is in no way expressing any opinion regarding the planning merits of the Application or any related application.