HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/22/2017 SpecialFinal C14 11 140170 Special Council Agenda Date: August 22, 2017 Time: 1:00 PM Place: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2101 or by email at mchambers(o)_clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio record of Council meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a Council meeting, the Municipality will be audio recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the Municipality's website. In addition, please be advised that some of the Council meetings may be video recorded. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net aaL1IgtOIl 1 Call to Order 2 Declaration of Interest 3 Public Meetings Council Agenda Date: August 22, 2017 Time: 1:00 PM Place: Council Chambers 3.1 Municipality of Applications for a Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Page 3 Clarington Amendments Applicant: Municipality of Clarington Report: PSD -056-17 4 Delegations 5 Staff Reports 5.1 PSD -056-017 A Proposal by the Municipality of Clarington to amend the Page 5 Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a large floorplate warehouse and distribution centre at 1200 Lambs Road, Bowmanville 6 By-laws 6.1 2017-067 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By- law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 7 Confirming By -Law 8 Adjournment Page 2 Clarbgtoa Notice of Public Meeting A land use change has been proposed, have your say! The Municipality is seeking public comments before making a decision on proposed amendments to the Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63. To amend the Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a large floorplate, light industrial facility, including warehouse and office uses, on approximately 12 hectares (30 acres) in east Bowmanville. The amendments would have the effect of: • Changing the land use designation and zoning for 2.7 ha from Prestige Employment to Light Industrial; • Changing the zoning for 2.7 ha from Technology Park Prestige (MP2) to Technology Park Light Industrial (MP3); • Realigning the limits of the Environmental Protection Area; and • Deleting a segment of the future local road network. Council may consider approving the applications at the public meeting. Location: 1200 Lambs Road, Bowmanville, North side of Baseline Road, between Haines Street and Lambs Road The proposed amendments to the Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63 together with any additional background information are available for review at the Planning Services Department. Questions or Comments? Please contact or write to Carlo Pellarin, Manager of Development Review at 905-623-3379, extension 2408, or by email at cpellarin(D_clarington.net or Anne Taylor Scott, Senior Planner at 905-623-3379, extension 2414, or by email at ataylorscott ,clarington.net. Statutory Public Meeting: Date: August 22, 2017 Time: 1 p.m. Place: Municipal Administrative Centre, ATemperance Street, Bowmanville, ON, L1 C 3A6 (Council Chambers) e n W 123) N ' N O W a Z O a � y' East Bowmanville Industrial Municipality . OUGllarington �lalloway Holdings.Ltd-4 a� Subject Property Monumental Properties Ltd _BASELINE ROAD 7BA 2017-0023 COPA`201i 0010 - �� The proposed amendments to the Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63 together with any additional background information are available for review at the Planning Services Department. Questions or Comments? Please contact or write to Carlo Pellarin, Manager of Development Review at 905-623-3379, extension 2408, or by email at cpellarin(D_clarington.net or Anne Taylor Scott, Senior Planner at 905-623-3379, extension 2414, or by email at ataylorscott ,clarington.net. Statutory Public Meeting: Date: August 22, 2017 Time: 1 p.m. Place: Municipal Administrative Centre, ATemperance Street, Bowmanville, ON, L1 C 3A6 (Council Chambers) File Number: COPA 2017-0010 and ZBA 2017-0023 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act The personal information you submit will become part of the public record and may be released to the public. Questions about the information we collect can be directed to the Clerk's Department at 905- 623-3379, extension 2102. Accessibility If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats of this document or other accommodations please contact the Clerk's Department at 905-623-3379, extension 2109. Appeal Requirements If you do not speak at the public meeting or send your comments or concerns to the Municipality of Clarington before the applications are approved, you will not be entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board and you will not be able to participate at a hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do to. David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services I:\^Department\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEM\Application Files\ZBA-Zoning\2017\ZBA2017-0023 Lambs & Baseline\Public Notice\PM Notice_Jun'2017.docx E Clarftwa PI nnin Services Planning Se ces Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: August 22, 2017 Report Number: PSD -056-17 Resolution Number: File Number: COPA 2017-0010 & ZBA 2017-0023 By-law Number: Report Subject: A Proposal by the Municipality of Clarington to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a large floorplate warehouse and distribution centre at 1200 Lambs Road, Bowmanville Recommendations: 1. That Report PSD -056-17 be received; 2. That Amendment No. 112 to the Clarington Official Plan as contained in Attachment 1 of Report PSD -056-17 be adopted; 3. That the Zoning By-law Amendment as contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD -056-17 be passed; 4. That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; 5. That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -056-17 and Council's decision; and 6. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -056-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 Report Overview Page 2 The Clarington Planning Services Department initiated a process to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63 to permit a large floorplate warehouse and distribution centre on lands located at 1200 Lambs Road in Bowmanville. These amendments are in response to attracting a major employer, resulting in significant investment and new job creation in Clarington. The amendments satisfy many objectives of Clarington's Strategic Plan. The lands are owned by East Bowmanville Industrial. A portion of the property (approximately 12 hectares) is under contract by Toyota Canada for the purposes of relocating their warehouse and distribution centre facility to Clarington. The amendments would create a suitable development parcel for the large floorplate required. Provided that there are no significant concerns raised, it is recommended that the amendments be approved. 1. Application Details 1.1. Owner: East Bowmanville Industrial 1.2. Proposal: 1.3. Area: 1.4. Location: 1.5. Roll Number: 1.6. Within Built Boundary: 2. Background Municipally Initiated Proposed Amendments to the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law which would have the effect of: • Changing the land use designation and zoning for 2.7 ha from Prestige Employment to Light Industrial; • Changing the zoning for 2.7 ha from Technology Park Prestige (MP2) to Technology Park Light Industrial (MP3); • Realigning the limits of the Environmental Protection Area; and • Deleting a segment of the future local road network. 12 hectares (30 acres) 1200 Lambs Road, Bowmanville (North side of Baseline Road between Haines Street and Lambs Road) (Figure 1) 1817 010 010 09400 No 2.1. Since early 2016, the Clarington Board of Trade and municipal staff have been in discussion with Toyota Canada regarding a location for a distribution centre in Durham Region. The proposed distribution centre would be one of two in Canada and distribute automotive parts to Eastern Canada. A• Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 Page 3 2.2 A very preliminary concept plan has been provided and indicates a Phase 1 building with an area of approximately 300,000 square feet, with a Phase 2 expansion area for an additional 180,000 square feet. Phase 1 would have 150 employees. 226? bu Dje-clARroperty FutWeMunicipal Traiil- Municipality • - of Clarington # Halloway_Holdings.l_ d r • Offices t 1i Futu le Proposed • ' Expansion Warehouse/ • DisIt'ribution { jGniumeantal ' F "clllf • y • r . `-- • Storm water Management Pond • r Baseline Road.East 28A 2017.0023 COPA 2017-0012 - e qq�„ ' • .LD Figure 1: Key Map Im Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 Page 4 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The 12 ha parcel is part of a larger 24.6 ha parcel that is currently being farmed. A tributary of the Bennett Creek runs in a south westerly direction, across the southeast corner of the site (see Figure 2 and 3). The lands are along Lambs Road and Baseline Road and are partially serviced with water only. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North Vacant light industrial zoned lands owned by East Bowmanville Industrial, including a dwelling identified as a secondary heritage resource, currently being farmed; existing employment and residential uses along Highway No. 2; South Vacant prestige industrial zoned lands currently being farmed; residential dwellings on existing lots of record; East Vacant light and prestige industrial zoned lands, currently being farmed; West Existing industrial facilities along the west side of Haines Street; vacant Industrial land owned by the Municipality of Clarington (future cemetery expansion). Figure 2: View of subject lands from Lambs Road towards South West Figure 3: View of subject lands from Baseline Road/Haines Street towards North East. Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 4. Provincial Policy 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement Page 5 Settlement areas are the focus of growth and development. Appropriate land uses are based on efficient use of land, resources and infrastructure. Economic development and competitiveness is supported by an appropriate mix and range of employment uses. Municipalities are to provide opportunities for a diversified economic base, including maintaining a range and choice of suitable sites for employment uses. The necessary infrastructure to support current and projected needs shall be provided. Employment areas in proximity to major goods movement facilities and corridors for employment uses that required those locations shall be protected. Natural features shall be protected and appropriate stormwater management facilities must be provided. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan Forecasted growth is directed to settlement areas on full municipal services. Complete communities offer and support opportunities for all people to access an appropriate mix of jobs, local store and services, housing, transportation and public service facilities. Economic development and competitiveness in the Greater Golden Horseshoe is supported by making more efficient use of vacant and underutilized employment lands and increasing employment densities. Transit connections should be planned to major employment areas. Municipalities may identify and protect prime employment areas along major goods movement facilities and corridors, including major highway interchanges. Transportation policies of the Growth Plan support planning for multimodal access to all land uses including employment areas. Municipalities will provide for priority routes for goods movement to facilitate the movement of goods into and out of employment areas, and provide alternate routes connecting to the provincial network. Detailed storm water management plans must be completed, and must be informed by a subwatershed plan or equivalent, incorporate integrated treatment including low impact development techniques and green infrastructure and establishing planning, design and construction practices to minimize environmental impacts. The proposed amendments conform to the direction of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and will contribute to employment generation in the designated Greenfield area. E Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 5. Official Plans 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan Page 6 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the lands as "Employment Area". Employment Areas are intended accommodate uses that may require access to the highway, rail and/or shipping facilities, separation from sensitive uses, or may benefit from locating close to similar uses. Uses permitted in this area may include manufacturing, assembly, and processing of goods, service industries, research and development industries, and warehousing. The lands are within an identified area of High Aquifer Vulnerability and the south east corner of the property is identified as a Key Natural Heritage Feature. Prior to development, the Region's policies with respect to protection of features and groundwater must be satisfied. Lambs Road and Baseline Road are both identified as arterial roads. The Regional Official Plan provides direction for access spacing and minimum road widths. Future road widenings may be required. The subject amendments conform to the Regional Official Plan. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands Business Park and Environmental Protection Area. Business Parks have prime exposure along Highway 401 and major arterial roads. Development within Business Parks is intended for employment uses exhibiting the highest standard of building design and landscaping in order to provide an attractive appearance that reflects or takes advantage of such high visibility. Goals, objectives and policies applicable to Business Parks shall be set out in Secondary Plans. A minimum density target of 30 jobs per gross hectare is required adjacent to the Highway 401 Corridor. Environmental Protection Areas are to be preserved and protected. No development is permitted in Environmental Protection Areas except for low -intensity recreation and uses related to forest, fish and wildlife management or erosion control and stormwater management. An Environmental Impact Study is required as part of development applications to determine limits of features, buffers and mitigation techniques. Lambs Road and Baseline Road are both identified as arterial roads, consistent with the Region's Official Plan. Haines Street is a collector road. Similarly, Clarington's Official Plan provides direction for access spacing and minimum road widths. Future road widenings may be required. An Urban Trail is identified through the subject lands with the precise alignment to be determined. 10 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 Page 7 The proposed amendments will continue to identify the Business Park lands to permit the warehouse and distribution use, with adjustments to the Environmental Protection area location and the realigned Bennett Creek, and implement the Urban Trail. 5.3 Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan The overall goal of the Secondary Plan is to promote innovation in the technology sector in particular but not limited to the Life Sciences and Information and Communication Technology industries. The Business Park will also demonstrate environmental sustainability and excellence in design in its development. The Secondary Plan provided for four types of development areas: • Prestige Employment 1- along the Highway 401 Corridor • Prestige Employment 2- along Baseline, Bennett and portions of Lambs Road. • Light Industrial- generally east of Lambs Road, a transition to existing industrial uses. • Mixed use corridor- along Highway 2 Single use warehouses and distribution facilities, are not be permitted in any of the land use designations. The subject lands are currently designated a mix of Light Industrial and Prestige Employment 2, with an Environmental Protection Area running through the site. Light Industrial areas are designated in less visible areas of the plan area. These areas generally cater for higher employment density and more truck traffic. Prestige Employment 2 areas are intended for employment uses exhibiting a high standard of building and landscape design, yet to a lesser degree than those found in Prestige Employment 1 areas. Prestige Employment 2 will accommodate smaller lots and a smaller percentage of landscaping than the Prestige Employment 1 area. The Environmental Protection Area reflects the re-establishment and realignment of an open space feature accommodating the Bennett Creek, being 30 metres in width. Portions of this tributary were recently incorporated into tile drains by farm operations. Recognizing the disturbance to the original natural heritage system, the Secondary Plan provided for it to be relocated in the future grading of the site northerly to be accommodated industrial lots fronting onto Baseline Road. This feature would link other open spaces in the business park, contribute towards downstream fish habitat, and accommodate a trail system. The subject lands are within the catchment area of a centralized Stormwater Management Facility proposed in the southwest corner of the Business Park. Detailed road design policies are contained in the Secondary Plan. 11 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 Page 8 The Secondary Plan contains building and urban design policies to be implemented through the detailed design and site plan process. Several heritage properties are identified in the Business Park and development of and around these properties must meet the objectives of the Clarington Official Plan regarding heritage conservation and shall require the preparation of a Heritage Impact Assessment. The proposed amendments will continue to contribute to the original objectives of the Secondary Plan. The proposed major warehouse and distribution facility has the potential to serve as a catalyst for further employment growth in the Business Park. 6. Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands a mix of Technology Park Light Industrial 3 (MP3) Zone, Technology Park Prestige 2 (MP2) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone. The Holding Symbol is also applied to the zones on the subject lands, and would be lifted upon finalizing a site plan for the subject lands and meeting other criteria of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment would implement the proposed amendment to the Clarington Official Plan and the Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan by adjusting the alignment of Bennett Creek and creating a suitable development parcel for the proposed warehouse and distribution centre on the subject lands. 7. Summary of Background Studies 7.1 Proposed Channel Block Relocation, Aqualogic, August 2017 A preliminary assessment of the proposed relocation of the Bennett Creek alignment was completed. It is noted that the area is highly altered by manmade adjustments to the corridor (see Figures 4 and 5 for photographs of existing feature on the subject lands). The assessment finds that the reconfigured Bennett Creek can be designed in a manner to mitigate the additional bends in the alignment — changing from one ninety degree bend to three ninety degree bends in the corridor on the subject lands. The report finds that the drainage area is relatively small, the resultant flows are not extreme and adverse gradient changes will not occur as the area is relatively flat. 12 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 4 s. Figure 4: Photo of existing Bennett Creek feature Page 9 Figure 5: Illustrates existing vegetation associated with Bennett Creek feature The design of the watercourse can ensure the bends are moderated to the extent possible, using naturalized channel design including wetland corridor elements. Introducing pools at the 90 degree bends can assist in dissipating flows and reduce the need for a large radius bend (see Figure 6). 13 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 Figure 6: Conceptual water course realignment 8. Public Notice and Submissions Page 10 8.1 A notice of the Public Meeting was mailed on July 19, 2017. The Notice was included in the local newspaper and posted on the municipal website. 8.2 At the time of writing this report, one resident in the area contacted staff and attended the Planning Services Department to obtain further information relating to the files. The resident advised she was unable to attend the public meeting and followed up with an email to staff, the Heritage Committee, the Museum and the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario — Clarington Branch, to raise concerns about the protection of Prospect Cottage at 1200 Lambs Road (Figure 7). 14 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 Page 11 Figure 7: Dwelling at 1200 Lambs Road The resident's other comments relate to the overall planning of the secondary plan area, including the protection of open space, impact to groundwater, availability of servicing, stormwater management, and the extension of Baseline Road. A copy of the staff report and proposed amendments were provided to the resident in advance of the public meeting. No further comments have been received. 9. Agency Comments 9.1 Regional Municipality of Durham Regional Planning has no objection to the amendments. The subject lands are within the Employment Area designation of the Durham Regional Official Plan which permits warehousing. During the site plan review process, the site must be cleared from site contamination and archaeological concerns. A suitable site screening questionnaire and archaeological assessment will be required. The site is within a zone of high aquifer vulnerability and natural heritage features are present. These will be studied further during the site plan review process to ensure no negative impacts to these features. Transportation including right-of-way widths, and pedestrian connectivity will be part of the detailed review. The development can connect to existing water and sanitary services along Baseline Road. The developer will be required to pay the appropriate frontage fees for water and sanitary services. The Region notes that the local sewer along Baseline Road will eventually be replaced with a trunk sewer. At this time, the developer is not required to extend sanitary services across the frontage, but can connect to the existing sanitary sewer which ends at Haines Street. 15 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 The Clarington Official Plan Amendment is exempt from Regional approval. 9.2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Page 12 CLOCA staff have reviewed the proposed amendments and the memo for the Proposed Channel Block Relocation, and have no objections. CLOCA is satisfied with Aqualogic's conclusion regarding the reconfigured alignment of Bennett Creek will function in a stable manner and have reasonable habitat features. During the site plan stage, landscape plans must mitigate impacts to features and the watercourse given Bennett Creek's location adjacent to Lamb's Road and Baseline Road. 10. Departmental Comments 10.1 Engineering Services Department, Operations Department, Fire and Emergency Services and the Building Division have no objections to the principle of the development, and the amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. Internal departments will be involved through the detailed design and site plan process. 11. Discussion 11.1 The Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan was based on the creation of a Business Park with a focus on life science, information and technology industries. The Secondary Plan was approved in 2010, and development began with the Holburn Medical Facility at 1100 Bennett Road. Since that time, the Holburn facility is occupied by health and life science businesses and a future expansion is under investigation. 11.2 The lack of sanitary sewer service to the Park has inhibited development in the balance of the Business Park. The subject lands are the only parcel that can immediately connect to the existing sanitary sewer at the intersection of Baseline Road and Haines Street. 11.3 Distribution Centre Use The Secondary Plan policies specifically prohibit warehouse and distribution uses. These were not viewed as complementary uses to the life science, information and technology industries. However, the subject lands comprise in part lands that were designated as Light Industrial. This was seen as a transitional area between existing industrial uses along Baseline Road and the new Business Park. Allowing a warehouse and distribution facility at this location would be a good transitional use and will not compromise the balance of the park development as was originally envisioned. 16 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 11.4 Road Network Adjustments to permit Large Floorplate Use Page 13 The Amendment to the Secondary Plan would delete a section of the local road network. The north -south street that bisects the property in the secondary plan would not permit the large footprint building. Staff have reviewed the need for the local street and while the Secondary Plan policies provide for a ring road connecting all the lands within the Business Park, deleting this section of road will not negatively impact transportation circulation. A local road network is not needed with such a large use. 11.5 Realigning the Bennett Creek Restoration Area The existing Environmental Protection designation and zone alignment through the subject lands does not currently contain any natural features nor does it reflect the current alignment of the Bennett Creek feature. Through the Secondary Plan process, an alignment for the future daylighting of Bennett Creek was identified, in an effort to re- establish the water course and create a connected open space system throughout the Business Park. The proposed realignment of the creek system, reflected in both the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments is feasible, subject to proper channel design as recommended by Aqualogic and approved by CLOCA. This will include a meander belt, natural erosion control measures and vegetation. The revised alignment will have the effect of maintaining the existing channel and valley system that crosses the southeast corner of the site (Figure 4). Staff will also request that the applicant assess whether existing vegetation can be protected. Although this requires a separate dedication of lands for a trail connection to Soper Creek, this realigned channel continues to provide an open space connection through the Business Park consistent with the original objective the Secondary Plan. 11.6 Heritage Building not Affected Staff have reviewed the area resident's concerns about the protection of the farm dwelling 1200 Lambs Road as a heritage resource. The proposed development is located approximately 250 metres away from the dwelling. The heritage buildings will remain intact as part of the retained farm parcel and it is not directly impacted. A detailed Heritage Impact Assessment is not required at this time, but will be a requirement at such time the balance of the lands come forward with a development proposal. 11.7 Site Plan Process to Examine Detailed Development Issues No objections or concerns have been received from circulated staff and agencies. Should the amendments be approved, a detailed site plan review process would follow and the site plan would be accompanied by several technical reports to address servicing, stormwater management, design of Bennett Creek realignment, and urban design. The site plan submission would also include the submission of detailed lighting and landscaping plans in accordance with municipal guidelines. 17 Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 11.8 Municipal Infrastructure Improvements Page 14 Related major works that are ongoing and will require to be finalized alongside the future site plan application are as follows: Extension of Baseline Road to Bennett Road. The Environmental Assessment for the extension of Baseline Road to Bennett Road is underway and will be completed this Fall. The Municipality's capital works program will be adjusted so that construction can be completed in time for the opening of the distribution centre. Improvements to Lambs Road. Lambs Road will need to be upgraded from Baseline Road to the entrance to the site to accommodate truck traffic. This work will be scheduled together with the Baseline Road construction. Dedication of future trail connection immediately north of the site between Lambs Road and Haines Road will link to the Soper Creek trail system. A 10 m wide strip of land from Haines Street to Baseline Road will be dedicated to the Municipality of Clarington to facilitate a multi -use trail. This will be a condition of site plan approval, and will facilitate the division of the subject lands from the balance of the property. The future trail connection will serve as a trail and open space connection between the existing Soper Creek Trail and the future trail along the realigned Bennett Creek corridor. On-site and off-site Stormwater Management Facilities. Although a centralized stormwater management facility was identified in the Bennett Creek Master Drainage Plan (MDP) to service the area the MDP also stated that initial development in the area could occur with individual on-site facilities. In the future the centralized stormwater management facility will be located north of Highway 401, and west of Lambs Road, southwest of the subject lands. Preliminary discussion with Conservation Authority indicate onsite stormwater management controls are sufficient although an update of the MDP is to be undertaken to determine how much additional development will trigger the need for the centralized pond to address downstream capacity concerns. Completion of the update to the Bennett Creek MDP will be required by the Conservation Authority but will not be a requirement of the site plan process. 12. Concurrence Not Applicable. W Municipality of Clarington Report PSD -056-17 13. Conclusion Page 15 Staff recommend the approval of Amendment 112, amending both the Clarington Official Plan and the Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan, and the adoption of the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment to provide for a large floorplate distribution centre. The recommendations also provide for the lifting of the Holding Symbol once all site plan matters are addressed. 14. Strategic Plan Application The recommendations contained in this report conform to the Strategic Plan. �— Submitted by: Reviewed by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Andrew C. Allison, B. Comm, LL.B Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer Staff Contact: Carlo Pellarin, Manager, Development Review Branch, 905-623-3379 ext. 2408 or cpellari n(a-_)clarington. net Attachments: Attachment 1 – Proposed Clarington Official Plan Amendment 112 Attachment 2 – Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision is on file in the Planning Services Department. ATS/CP/tg/av IAADepartment\LDO NEW FILING SYSTEWApplication Files\ZBA-Zoning\2017\ZBA2017-0023 Lambs & Baseline\Staff Report\PSD-056-17 Staff Report.docx 19 Clar;wgton Attachment 1 to Report PSD-056-17 Amendment Number 112 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan Purpose: To amend the Clarington Official Plan and Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan to: • realign the limits of Environmental Protection Area; • delete a section of the local road network; • redesignate lands from Prestige Employment 2 to Light Industrial Area; and, • to permit a large floorplate warehouse, distribution centre and office use on the subject lands. Basis: This amendment is based on the realignment of environmental protection area to establish suitable area of light industrial lands for a large floorplate warehouse, distribution centre and office use. Actual Amendment: The Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan is hereby amended as follows: a) adding a new Section 3.5.3: "3.5.3 Notwithstanding the policies of Section 3.2.2 and 3.5.1, the 12 hectare property bounded by Baseline Road to the south, Lambs Road to the east and Haines Street to the west, and designated Light Industrial Area may be used for a large floorplate warehouse, distribution centre and office use." b) adding a new Section 4.2.11: "4.2.11 Where a trail connection is shown on Map A, an additional right-of-way width may be required." c) Map A of the Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan is amended as shown on Exhibit "A" to this Amendment. The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: a) Map A3 of the Clarington Official Plan is amended as shown on Exhibit "B" to this Amendment. b) Map D1 of the Clarington Official Plan is amended as shown on Exhibit "C" to this Amendment. 20 Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 21 Exhibit "A", Amendment No.11 2 to the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map A, Land Use And Primary Roads, Clarington Technology Business Park Secondary Plan Delete Road J I Add Trail Connection BASELINE ROAD Delete Road Name "Discovery Drive" DRIVE Change From "Environmental Protection" Area To "Light Industrial" Area Change From "Prestige Employment 2" To "Light industrial" Area INNOVATION N Clarington Technology Mixed Use Corridor Special Study Area MAP A Business Park Light Industrial Area u Environmental Protection Area LAND USE Prestige Employment 1 Proposed Location of Storm Water Management Pond AND PRIMARY ROADS � CLARINGTON TECHNOLOGY LJ Prestige Employment 2 ■ Heritage Resource BUSINESS PARK "'L SECONDARY PLAN `. . .. Built Boundary FE d fiIJAHY, 201 d fifififi Trail Connection 1119LON50LIOATUNIF, PROM Dp-DFQRCONVENIENCEOYLY 22 Exhibit "B", Amendment No.112 to the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map A3, Land Use, Bowmanville Urban Map LU Lu U) Change From Environmental Protection w To Business Park Land Use Z Change From Business Park To Environmental Protection Land Use BASELINT ROAD EAST ORFGIONALCORRIDOR AGGREGATE EXTRACTION AREA URBAN RESIDENTIAL UTILITY N ENVIRONMENTAL _URBAN CENTRE PROTECTION AREAO NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE PRESTIGE _EMPLOYMENT AREA _ GREEN SPACE WATERFRONTTRANSPORTATION GQ HUB MAP A3 LIGHT DINDUSTRIAL GREENWAY cr COMUNITYPARK LAND USE GENERAL ® MUNICIPAL WIDE PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA INDUSTRIAL AREA BUSINESS PARK r ' WATERFRONT PLACE r URBAN BOUNDARY ■■■■■ OFFICIAL PLAN SPECIAL POLICY AREA MUNICIPALITY OFCLARINGTON OGATEWAYCOMMERCIAL TOURISM NODE •000009SPECIALSTUDY AREA JULY, 2017 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION 23 Eshih it "C", Amendment No. 112 to the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. Map D1, Natural Environment. Natural Heritage System, Southwest Clarington fx-, I MAP❑2 /y i T �� 0 MAP D3 1010� I:LU im In !z :. LU l r W i t W DURHAA HIGHWAY24r' Z LU Remove Natural Heritage System 1 + I --- SETTLEMENT AREA BOUNDARY � � LAKE IRDOUDIS BEACH BASELIN ROAD EAST p Add Natural Heritage System ❑ NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM Q 4 PROVINGIALLY ® SIGMFICANT WFfLAND ,,• � _ _ _ AREA OF NATURAL OR ❑ SGIENTIFIGINTEREST[ANSI) 1� n• --`- -AYQo7 WATE10CURSE ❑ Y 2 i �I � 1\ 0 z MAP D1 ~'I` `- NATURAL ENVIRONMENT - - - -I OWE NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM _ SOUTHWEST CLARINGTON Lake Ontario OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITYOF CLARINGTON JAREPORTS TO CLERKS\Electronic Reports\1 - Reports Awaiting CAD's Signature\PSD-056-17\Attachment 1 - PSD-056-17.docx 24 Attachment 2 to Report PSD -056-17 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law Number 2017 - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA2017-0023; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1 Section 23G is amended by adding the following new section and sub -section: "23G.5 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS — Technology Park Light Industrial (MP3) ZONE 23G.5.1 Technology Park Light Industrial Exception (MP3 -1) Zone Notwithstanding the provisions of 23G.1 g. those lands zoned "MP3 -1" on the Schedules to this By-law in addition to the other uses may be used for a warehouse distribution facility as a principle use." 2. Schedule `3' to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Holding — Technology Park Light Industrial 3 ((H)MP3) Zone" to "Holding — Technology Park Light 3 Exception ((H)MP3-1) Zone"; "Holding — Technology Park Prestige 2 ((H)MP2) Zone" to "Holding — Technology Park Light 3 Exception ((H)MP3-1) Zone"; "Holding — Technology Park Prestige 2 ((H)MP2) Zone" to "Environmental Protection (EP) Zone"; and 25 "Environmental Protection (EP) Zone" to "Holding — Technology Park Light 3 Exception ((H)MP3-1) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule 'A' hereto. 3. Schedule 'A' attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. By -Law passed in open session this day of , 2017 Adrian Foster, Mayor C. Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk 26 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2017- , passed this day of 2017 A.O. P_ LU Adrian Foster, Mayor 27